An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary

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by Bosworth and Toller

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A. It is not necessary to speak of the form of what are often called Anglo-Saxon letters, as all Teutonic, Celtic, and Latin manuscripts of the same age are written in letters of the same form. There is one exception: the Anglo-Saxons had, with great propriety, two different letters for the two distinct sounds of our th: the hard þ in thin and sooth, UNCERTAIN and the soft ð in thine and soothe, vide Þ, þ. 2. The indigenous Pagan alphabet of our Anglo-Saxon forefathers, called Runes, it must be particularly observed, not only represents our letters, but the names of the letters are significant. The Runes are chiefly formed by straight lines to be easily carved on wood or stone. For instance, the Rune RUNE ác is not only found in inscriptions on wood and stone, but in Anglo-Saxon MSS. and printed books. In manuscripts and in books, it sometimes denotes the letter a; and, at other times, the oak, from its Anglo-Saxon name, ác the oak. v. AC, and RÚN.

B. The short or unaccented Anglo-Saxon a is contained in the following words, which are represented by modern English terms of the same import, having the sound of a in man; as Can, man, span, hand, land, sand, camp, dranc, etc. 2. The short a is often found in the final syllables of inflections, -a, -an, -as, -aþ, etc. It generally appears in the radix before a doubled consonant, as swamm a fungus, wann wan; or two different consonants, as mp, mb, nt, nc, ng, etc. -- Camp, lamb, plante, dranc, lang, etc. 3. The radical short a can only stand before a single consonant and st, sc, when this single consonant and these double letters are again followed, in the inflections or formative syllables, by a, o, u in nouns; and by a, o, u, e in adjectives; and a, o, u, and ia in verbs; as Dagas, daga from dæg, hwalas from hwæl, fatu from fæt, gastas from gæst, ascas from æsc; adj. Smales, smale, smalost, smalu, from smæl small; Lates, latu, latost, from læt late: Stapan, faran, starian, wafian. Grimm's Deut. Gram. vol. i. p. 223, 2nd edit. 1822. In other cases, the short or unaccented æ is used instead of a. See Æ in its alphabetical order. 4. The remarks in 3. are of great importance in declining words, for monosyllables, ending in a single consonant, in st or sc, change the æ into a, whenever the consonant or consonants are followed by a, o, u in nouns, and a, o, u, e in adjectives, vide Æ. 5. It must be remembered then, that a short a cannot stand in a word (1) when it ends in a single consonant, that is, when no inflections of a, o, u in nouns follow; as in Stæf, fræt: (2) when in nouns a single consonant is followed by e; as Stæfes, stæfe, wæter: (3) when the word has any other double consonants besides st, sc, though followed by a, o, u; as Cræft, cræfta, ægru n. pl. of æg: (4) in contracted words, when æ is not in the last syllable; as Æcer, pl. æceras, æcerum, contracted æcras, æcrum; wæpen, pl. wæpenu; mægen, pl. mægenu, contracted wæpnu, and mægnu. 6. Though I have given in C. 3. the reasons, which Grimm assigns for making the prefixed a- UNCERTAIN long, I believe it is generally short in A. Sax. as in Eng. a-bide = A. Sax. a-bídan = bídan, so a-cende = cende:-- Ic todæg cende [cende Surt; acende Spl. T; Th.] ðé ego hodie genui te, Ps. Spl. 2, 7. A-beran=beran to bear :-- Hefige byrðyna man aberan ne mæg a man is not able to bear heavy burdens, Mt. Bos. 23, 4. Ne here ge sacc nolite fortare sacculum, Lk. Bos. 10, 4. A-biddan = biddan to ask, pray :-- Abiddaþ [biddaþ Cott.] hine pray to him. Bt. 42; Fox 258, 21. Ic bidde ðé, Drihten I pray to thee, Lord, Gen. 19, 18. It is evident by these examples that words have the same meaning with and without the prefixed a-: this a- was not prominent or long, and therefore this prefix is left unaccented in this Dictionary. 7. a- prefixed, sometimes denotes Negation, deterioration, or opposition, as From, out, away; thus awendan to turn from, subvert, from wendan to turn; amód out of or without mind, mad; adón to do away, banish, composed of a from, dón to do, vide Æ. The prefixed a- does not always appear to alter the signification : in this case it is generally omitted in modern English words derived immediately from Saxon, -- thus, Aberan to bear; abrecan to break; abítan to bite. The prefixed a-, in such cases, seems to add some little force or intensity to the original signification of the word to which it is joined, -- thus, fǽran to make afraid; terrere: a-fǽran to terrify, dismay, astound; exterrere, perterrere, consternare, stupefacere.

C. The long Anglo-Saxon á is accented, and words containing this long or accented á are now represented by English terms, with the vowel sounded like o in no and bone. The following words have either the same or an analogous meaning, both in English and Anglo-Saxon: Hám home, án one, bán bone, hán hone, stán stone, sár sore, rap UNCERTAIN rope, lár lore, gást ghost, wrát wrote. Sometimes the accented or long á is represented in English by oa; as Ác an oak, gád a goad, lád load, rád road, brád broad, fám foam, lám loam, sápe soap, ár oar, bár boar, hár hoar, bat boat, gát goat, áta oat, áþ oath, láþ loath. Occasionally á becomes oe in English; as Dá a doe, fa UNCERTAIN a foe, tá toe, wá woe; but the oe, in these words, has the sound of o in no. The same may be said of oa in oak, goad. Hence it appears that the Anglo-Saxon á is represented by the modern English o, oa, and oe, which have the sound of o in no and bone; as Rád rode (p. of ride), rád a road, and dá, a doe. Deut. Gram, von Jacob Grimm, vol. i. pp. 358, 397, 398, 3rd edit. 1840. 2. The long á is often changed into ǽ as Lár lore, lǽran to teach, an one, ǽnig any. 3. The following is a precise summary from Grimm of the prefixed a-, long or accented. The prefixed á is long because it is a contraction and represents the preposition æf of, off, from, away, out of, or the preposition on on, in, upon, into, or as the Lat. in and Eng. un; as á-dúne for æf-dúne, á-wendian for æf-wendian, á-drædan for on-drædan, á-gean for on-gean, á-týnan to unshut, open, Ps. Spl. 38, 13, for on-týnan, un-týnan to open. Á, as an inseparable particle, is long because it represents the inseparable prefixed particles ar, ur, ir, in O. H. Ger. and O. Sax. commonly expressing the meaning of the Latin prepositions ab, ex, ad, etc: A. Sax. á-hebban, O. H. Ger. ur-hefan elevare; A. Sax. á-fyllan, O. H. Ger. ar-fullan implere; A. Sax. a-beran, O. H. Ger. ar-peran ferre, efferre; A. Sax. á-scínan, O. H. Ger. ir-scínan clarescere. The peculiar force which this particle imparts to different verbs may correspond (1) to the Latin ex out, as á-gangan to go out; exire: (2) to the English up, as á-hleápan to leap up; exsilire: á-fyllan to fill up; implere: (3) it expresses the idea of an origin , becoming, growing, á-blacian to blacken, to become black; á-heardian to grow hard: (4) it corresponds to the Latin re, as á-geban reddere, á-lósian redimere, á-sécan requirere: (5) it is often used merely to render a verb transitive, or to impart a greater force to the transitive meaning of the simple verb, -- á-beódan offerre, a-ceapian emere, á-lecgan ponere, á-sleán occidere: (6) it is used with intransitive verbs, where it has hardly any meaning, unless it suggests the commencement or beginning of the action, as á-hleahan ridere, á-sweltan mori: (7) it expresses the end, aim, or purpose of an action, as á-dómian condemnare, á-biddan deprecari, á-wirþan perire. But, after all, it must be borne in mind, that the various shades of its meaning are innumerable, and that, even in one and the same compound, it often assumes different meanings. For further illustration we must therefore refer to the compounds in which it occurs, Grm. ii. 818-832. I have, in justice to Grimm, given his motives for marking the prefixed á- long: I believe, however, it is short. See B. 6.

-a, affixed to words, denotes A person, an agent, or actor, hence, All nouns ending in a are masculine, and make the gen. in an; as from Cum come [thou], cuma a person who comes, or a guest: Swíc deceive [thou], swica a traitor: Worht wrought, wyrhta a workman, wright: Fóregeng foregoing, fóregenga a foregoer: Beád or gebéd a supplication, praying, beáda a person who supplicates or prays: Bytl a beetle or hammer, bytla a hammerer, builder. Some abstract nouns, and words denoting inanimate things, end in -a; and these words, having the same declension as those which signify Persons or actors, are masculine; as Hlísa, an; m. fame: Tíma, an; m. fame: Líchama, an; m. a body: Steorra, an; m. a star: Gewuna, an; m. a custom, habit.

a; prep. acc. To, for; in :-- A worlda world to or in an age of ages; in seculorum seculum, Ps. Th. 18, 8, =on worlda world, Ps. Lamb. 20, 5, = on worulda world, Ps. Th. 103, 6.

Á, aa, aaa; adv. Always, ever, for ever; hence the O. Eng. AYE, ever; semper, unquam, usque :-- Ac á sceal ðæt wiðerwearde gemetgian but ever must the contrary moderate. Bt. 21; Fox 74, 19. Án God á on ecnysse one God to all eternity [lit. one God ever, in eternity], Homl. Th. ii. 22, 32. Á on écnisse usque in æternum, Jos. 4, 7. Ic á ne geseah 'I not ever saw' = I never saw, Cd. 19; Th. 24, 10; Gen. 375. Á = ǽfre: Nú, sceal beón á on Ii abbod now, there shall always [ever] be an abbot in Iona, Chr. 565; Th. 33, 2, col. 2. Nu, sceal beón ǽfre on Ií abbod now, there shall ever [alway s] be an abbot in lona, Chr. 565; Th. 32, 11; 33, 4, col. 1. He biþ aa [áá MS.] ymbe ðæt an he is for ever about that one [thing], L. Th. ii. 310, 25. Aa on worulda woruld semper in seculorum seculum, Ps. Th. 105, 37. Nú and aaa [ááá MS.], to worulde búton ǽghwilcum ende now and ever, to a world without any end, Bt. 42; Fox 260, 15. Á world for ever, Ex. 21, 6. Á forþ ever forth, from thence, Bt. Tupr. 303, 31. [The original signification seems to be a flowing, referring to time, which every moment flows on, hence ever, always, also to ǽ, eá flowing water, a river. In Johnston's Index Geog. there are nineteen rivers in Europe with the name of Aa -- Á.]

á, indecl; f. A law; lex :-- Dryhtnes á the Lord's law, Andr. Recd. 2387; An. 1196. vide Ǽ.

aac, e; f. An oak: -- Aac-tún Acton Beauchamp, Worcestershire, Cod. Dipl. 75; A. D. 727; Kmbl. i. 90, 19. v. Ác-tún.

aad a pile :-- He mycelne aad gesomnode he gathered a great pile, Bd. 3, 16; S. 542, 22. v. ád.

áǽðan to lay waste; vastare. Gen. 1280: á ǽðan, Cd. 64; Th. 77, 24. v. ǽðan.

aam, es; m. A reed of a weaver's loom. Exon. 109 a; Th. 417, 22; Rä. 36, 8; Cod. Lugd. Grn. v. ám.

aar honour :-- In aar naman in honore nominis, Bd. 2, 6; S. 508, note 43: 5, 11; S. 626, note 36. v. ÁR; f.

aaþ an oath :-- He ðone aaþ gesæh he saw the oath. Th. Dipl. A. D. 825; p. 71, 12. v. Áþ.

a-bacan, ic -bace, ðú -bæcest, -bæcst, he -bæceþ, -bæcþ, pl. -bacaþ; p. -bóc, pl. -bócon; pp. -bacen To bake; pinsere, coquere :-- Se hláf þurh fýres hǽtan abacen the bread baked by the heat of fire. Homl. Pasc. Daye, A. D, 1567, p. 30, 8; Lisl. 410, 1623, p. 4, 16; Homl. Th. ii. p. 268, 9.

a-bád expected, waited :-- And abád swá ðeáh seofon dagas expectavitque nihilominus septem alios dies, Gen. 8, 12. v. abídan.

a-bæd, abǽdon asked; p. of abiddan.

a-bǽdan; p. -bǽdde; pp. -bǽded To restrain, repel, compel; avertere, repellere, cogere, exigere :-- Is fira ǽnig, ðe deáþ abǽde is there any man, who can restrain death ? Salm. Kmbl. 957; Sal. 478. Ðæt oft wǽpen abǽd his mondryhtne which often repels the weapon for its lord, Exon. 114a; Th. 437, 24; Rä. 56, 12. v. bǽdan.

a-bæligan; p. ode; pp. od To offend, to make angry; irritare, offendere :-- Sceal gehycgan hæleða ǽghwylc ðæt he ne abælige bearn waldendes every man must be mindful that he offend not the son of the powerful, Cd. 217; Th. 276, 27; Sat. 195. v. a-belgan, a-bylgan.

a-bær bore or took away; sustulit, Ps. Spl. 77, 76; p. of a-beran.

ABAL, afol, es; n. Power of body, strength; vigor, vires, robur corporis :-- Ðín abal and cræft thy strength and power, Cd. 25; Th. 32, 9; Gen. 500. [Orm. afell: O. H. Ger. aval, n: O. Nrs. afl, n. robur, vis: Goth. abrs strong: Grk. GREEK.]

a-bannan; p. -beónn, pl. -beónnon; pp. -bannen. I. to command, order, summon; mandare, jubere :-- Abannan to beadwe to summon to battle, Elen. Grm. 34. II. to publish, proclaim; with út to order out, call forth, call together, congregate, assemble; edicere, avocare, citare :-- Aban ðú ða beornas út of ofne command thou the men out of the oven, Cd. 193; Th. 242, 32; Dan. 428. Ðá hét se cyng abannan út ealne þeódscipe then the king commanded to order out [to assemble] all the population, Chr. 1006; Erl. 140, 8. v. bannan.

a-barian; . p. ede; pp. ed [a, barian to make bare; bær, se bara; adj. bare] To make bare, to manifest, discover, disclose; denudare, prodere, in medium proferre :-- Gif ðú abarast úre sprǽce si sermonem nostrum profers in medium, Jos. 2, 20: R. Ben. Interl. 46: Cot. 80.

a-bát bit, ate :-- He abát he ate, MS. Cott. Jul. E. vii. 237; Salm. Kmbl. 121, 15; p. of a-bítan.

abbad, abbod, abbud, abbot, es; m: abboda, an; m. I. an abbot; abbās, -- the title of the male superior of certain religious establishments, thence called abbeys. The word abbot appears to have been, at first, applied to any member of the clerical order, just as the French Père and English Father. In the earliest age of monastic institutions the monks were not even priests: they were merely religious persons, who retired from the world to live in common, and the abbot was one of their number, whom they elected to preside over the association. In regard to general ecclesiastical discipline, all these communities were at this early time subject to the bishop of the diocese, and even to the pastor of the parochial district within the bounds of which they were established. At length it began to be usual for the abbot to be in orders; and since the sixth century monks generally have been priests. In point of dignity an abbot is generally next to a bishop. A minute account of the different descriptions of abbots may be found in Du Cange's Glossary, and in Carpentier's supplement to that work :-- Se árwurða abbad Albínus the reverend abbot Albinus, Bd. pref. Riht is ðæt abbodas fæste on mynstrum wunian it is right that abbots dwell closely in their minsters, L. I. P. 13; Th. ii. 320, 30. Her Forþréd abbud forþférde in this year abbot Forthred died, Chr. 803; Erl. 60, 13. Se abbot Saxulf the abbot Saxulf, Chr. 675; Ing. 50, 15. Swá gebireþ abbodan as becometh abbots, L. Const. W. p. 150, 27; L. I. P. 13; Th. ii. 320, 35. II. bishops were sometimes subject to an abbot, as they were to the abbots of Iona :-- Nú, sceal beón ǽfre on Ií abbod, and ná biscop; and ðan sculon beón underþeódde ealle Scotta biscopas, forðan ðe Columba [MS. Columban] was abbod, ná biscop now, in Ií [Iona] , there must ever be an abbot, not a bishop; and to him must all bishops of the Scots be subject, because Columba was an abbot, not a bishop, Chr. 565; Th. 32, 10-16, col. l. [Laym. abbed: O. Frs. abbete: N. Ger. abt: O. H. Ger. abbat: Lat. abbas; gen. abbātis an abbot: Goth. abba : Syr. HEBREW abba father, from Heb. HEBREW ab father, pl. HEBREW abot fathers.] DER. abbad-dóm, -hád, -isse, -ríce: abboda.

abbad-dóm an abbacy, v. abbud-dóm.

abbad-hád the state or dignity of an abbot, v. abbud-hád.

abbadisse, abbodisse, abbatisse, abbudisse, abedisse, an; f. [abbad an abbot, isse a female termination, q. v.] An abbess; abbatissa :-- Riht is ðæt abbadissan fæste on mynstrum wunian it is right that abbesses dwell closely in their nunneries, L. I. P. 13; Th. ii. 320, 30: L. Const. W. 150, 21: Bd. 3, 8; S. 531, 14: Guthl. 2; Gdwin. 16, 22 : Bd. 3, 11; S. 536, 38.

abbad-ríce an abbacy, v. abbod-ríce.

Abban dún, e; f. Abingdon, in Berkshire, Chr. 985; Ing. 167, 5. v. Æbban dún.

abbod an abbot, L. I. P. 13; Th. ii. 320, 30. v. abbad.

abboda, an; m. An abbot; abbas :-- Swá gebireþ abbodan as becometh abbots, L. I. P. 13; Th. ii. 320, 35. v. abbad.

abbod-ríce, abbot-ríce, es; n. The rule of an abbot, an abbacy; abbatia :-- On his tíme wæx ðæt abbodríce swíðe ríce in his time the abbacy waxed very rich, Chr. 656; Ing. 41, l. On ðis abbotríce in this abbacy, Chr. 675; Ing. 51, 12.

abbodyase an abbess, Guthl. 2; Gdwin. 16, 22. v. abbadisse.

abbot an abbot. Chr. 675; Ing. 50, 15. v. abbad.

abbud an abbot. Chr. 803; Erl. 60, 13: Bd. 5, 23; S. 645, 14. v. abbad.

abbud-dóm, es; m, [= abbod-ríce, q. v.] An abbacy, the rule or authority of an abbot; abbātia, abbātis jus vel auctoritas :-- Abbuddómes, gen. Bd. 5, 1; S. 613, 18. Abbuddðme, dat. 5, 21; S. 642, 37.

abbud-hád, es; m. The state or dignity of an abbot; abbatis dignitas :-- Munuchád and abbudhád ne syndon getealde to ðysum getele monkhood and abbothood are not reckoned in this number, L. Ælf. C. 18; Th. ii. 348, 31.

abbudisse, an; m. An abbess :-- Ða sealde seó abbudisse him sumne dǽl ðære moldan tunc dedit ei abbatissa portiunculam de pulvere illo, Bd. 3, 11; S. 536, 38. v. abbadisse.

a-beág bowed down, Beo. Th. 1555; B. 775; p. of a-búgan.

a-bealh angered, Cd. 222; Th. 290, 4; Sat. 410. v. a-belgan.

a-beátan; p. -beót; pp. -beáten To beat, strike; tundere, percellere :-- Stormum abeátne beaten by storms, Exon. 21b; Th. 58, 26; Cri. 941. v. beátan.

a-beden asked, Nicod. 12; Thw. 6, 15: Bd. 4, 10; S. 578, 31; pp. of a-biddan.

abedisse, an; f. An abbess; abbatissa :-- Ðære abedissan betæhton committed to the abbess, Chr. 1048; Erl. 181, 28. v. abbadisse.

a-began; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans. To bend, bend down, bow, reduce, subdue; incurvare, redigere, subigere :-- Weorþe heora bæc swylce abéged eác dorsum illorum semper incurva, Ps. Th. 68, 24: Chr. 1073; Erl. 212, 1: 1087; Th. 356, 10. v. bégan.

a-bégendlíc; adj. Bending; flexibilis, Som. v. a-bégan.

a-behófian; p. ode To behove, concern; decere :-- Mid máran unrǽde ðone him abehófode with more animosity than it behoved him, Chr. 1093; Th. 360, 4. v. be-hófian.

a-belgan, ic -beige, ðú -bilgst, -bilhst, he -bylgþ, -bilhþ, pl. -belgaþ; p. -bealg, -bealh, pl. -bulgon; pp. -bolgen, v. trans. [a, belgan to irritate] To cause any one to swell with anger, to anger, irritate, vex, incense; ira aliquem tumefacere, irritare, exasperare, incendere :-- Ne sceal ic ðé abelgan I would not anger thee, Salm. Kmbl. 657; Sal. 328. Oft ic wífe abelge oft I irritate a woman. Exon. 105b; Th. 402, 20; Rä. 21, 32. He abilhþ Gode he will incense God, Th. Dipl. 856; 117, 20. Ic ðe abealh I angered thee, Cd. 222; Th. 290, 4; Sae. 410: Beo. Th. 4550; B. 2280. God abulgan Deum exacerbaverunt, Ps. Th. 77, 41: Ex. 32, 29. Nú hig me abolgen habbaþ irascatur furor meus contra eos. Ex. 32, 10. He him abolgen wurþeþ he will be incensed against them, Cd. 22; Th. 28, 4; Gen. 430. Wæs swýðe abolgen erat graviter offensus, Bd. 3, 7; S. 530, 8.

a-beódan; p. -beád; pp. -boden; v. a. [a, beódan to order] To announce, relate, declare, offer, command; referre, nuntiare, annuntiare, edicere, oflerre, jubere :-- Ðæt he wolde ðæt ǽrende abeódan that he would declare the errand, Ors. 4, 6; Bos. 86, 20: Cd. 91; Th. 115,14; Gen. 1919: 200; Th. 248, 9; Dan. 510.

a-beoflan To be moved or shaken, to tremble; moveri, contremere :-- Ealle abeofedan eorþan staðelas movebuntur omnia fundamenta terrae, Ps. Th. 81, 5. v. beofian.

a-beornan; p. -bearn, -barn, pl. -burnon; pp. -bornen, v. intrans. To burn; exardere :-- Fyr abarn exarsit ignis, Ps. Th. 105,16. v. beornan.

a-beran; p. -bær; pp. -boren. I. to bear, carry, suffer; portare, ferre :-- Ðe man aberan ne mæg which they are not able to bear, Mt. Bos. 23, 4. Hí ne mágon nán earfoða aberan they cannot bear any troubles, Bt. 39, 10; Fox 228, 3: Andr. Kmbl. 1912; An. 958: Ps. Th. 54, 11. II. to take or carry away; tollere, auferre :-- Abær hine of eowdum sceápa sustulit eam de gregibus ovium, Ps. Spl. 77, 76: Ps. Grn. 50,12. v. beran.

a-berd, -bered; adj. Sagacious, crafty, cunning; callidus. Wrt. Voc. 47, 36: Lchdm, iii. 192, 10; 188, 26: 186,17.

a-berend-líc j adj. [berende bearing] Bearable, tolerable, that may be borne; tolerabilis :-- Aberendlíc broc bearable affliction, Bt. 39, 10; Fox 228, 4, note 5.

a-berstan; p. -bearst, pl. -burston; pp. -borsten [a, berstan] To burst, break, to be broken; perfringi. v. for-berstan.

a-bet; adv. Better; melius :-- Hwæðer ðé se ende abet lícian wille whether the end will better please thee. Bt. 35, 5; Fox 166, 23. v. bet.

a-beþecian; subj. ðú abeþecige; p. ode; pp. od [be, þeccan to cover] To uncover, detect, find hidden, to discover, disclose; detegere :-- Búton ðú hit forstele oððe abeþecige unless thou steal it, or find (it) hid,Bt. 32, l; Fox 114, 9.

a-bicgan; p. -bohte; pp. boht; v. a. [a, bycgan to buy] To buy, pay for, recompense; emere, redimere :-- Gif fríman wið fríes mannes wlf geligeþ, his wérgelde abicge if a freeman lie with a freeman's wife, let him buy her with his wergeld, i.e. price, L. Ethb. 31; Th. i. 10, 7. v. a-bycgan.

a-bídan, ic -bíde, ðú -bídest, -bítst, -bíst, he -bídeþ, -bít, pl. -bídaþ; p. -bád, pl. -bidon; pp. -biden; v. intrans. To ABIDE, remain, wait, wait for, await; manere, sustinere, expectare :-- Hý abídan sceolon in sin-nihte they must abide in everlasting night, Exon. 31b; Th. 99, 28; Cri. 1631. Hér sculon abídan bán here the bones shall remain, 99a; Th. 370, 18; Seel. 61. Abád swá ðeáh seofon dagas expectavit nihilominus septem alios dies, Gen. 8, 12. We óðres sceolon abídan alium expecta-mus? Mt. Bos. 11, 3. Ic abád [anbídode Spl.] hǽlu ðíne expectabam salutare tuum, Ps. Surt. 118, 166. Sáwla úre abídyþ Driht anima nostra sustinet Dominum, Ps. Spl. C. 32, 20. Windes abidon ventum expecta-bant. Bd. 5, 9; S. 623, 19. Ðǽr abídan sceal maga miclan dómes there the being [Grendel] shall await the great doom, Beo. Th. 1959; B. 977: Exon. 115 b; Th. 444, 27; Kl. 53. [Laym. abiden; p. abad, abed, abeod, abod, abaod, abide, pl. abiden.] v. bídan.

a-biddan, ic -bidde, ðú -bidest, -bitst, he -bit, -byt, -bitt, pl. -biddaþ; p. -bæd, pl. -bǽdon; pp. -beden To ask, pray, pray to, pray for, obtain by asking or praying; petere, precari, postulare, exorare, impetrare :-- Wilt tú wit unc abiddan drincan vis petamus bibere t Bd. 5, 3; S. 616, 30. Abiddaþ [Cott. biddaþ] hine eáþmódlíce pray to him humbly, Bt. 42; Fox 258, 21. Se ðe hwæt to lǽne abit qui quidquam mutuo postulaverit, Ex. 22, 14. Ne mihte ic lýfnesse abiddan nequaquam impetrare potui, Bd. 5, 6; S. 619, 8. Ðá sendon hý tuá heora ǽrendracan to Rómánum æfter friðe; and hit abiddan ne mihtan then they sent their ambassadors twice to Rome for peace; and could not obtain it, Ors. 4, 7; Bos. 87, 39. He abiddan mæg ðæt ic ðé lǽte duguða brúcan he may obtain by prayer that I will let thee enjoy prosperity, Cd. 126; Th. 164, 5; Gen. 2660. v. biddan.

a-biflan, -bifigan; p. ode, ede; pp. od, ed To be moved or shaken, to tremble; moveri, contremere :-- For ansýne écan Dryhtnes ðeós eorþe sceal eall abifigan a facie Domini mota est terra. Ps. Th. 113, 7. v. bifian.

a-bilgþ, a-bilhþ anger, an offence, v. a-bylgþ.

a-biran to bear, carry; portare, Bd. 1, 27; S. 491, 31. v. a-beran.

a-bísegien should prepossess, Bt. 35,1; Fox 154, 32. v. abýsgian.

a-bit prays, Ex. 22,14; pres. of a-biddan.

a-bítan, ic -bíte, ðú -bítest, -bítst, he -bíteþ, -bit, pl. -bítaþ; p. -bát, pl. -biton; pp. -biten; v. a. To bite, eat, consume, devour; mordere, arrodere, mordendo necare, comedere, devorare :-- Gif hit wíldeór abítaþ, bere forþ ðæt abitene and ne agife si comestum a bestia, deferat ad eum quod occisum est, et non restituet, Ex. 22,13. He abát his suna he ate his children. Salm. Kmbl. p. 121,15. Ðæt se wód-freca were-wulf tó fela ne abíte of godcundre heorde that the ferocious man-wolf devour not too many of the spiritual flock, L. I. P. 6; Th. ii. 310, 31. Míne scép sind abitene my sheep are devoured. Homl. Th. i. 242, IO. Ðú his ne abítst non comedas ex eo. Deut. 28, 31. v. bítan.

a-biterian, -bitrian; p. ode; pp. od To make sour or bitter; exacer-bare. v. biterian, biter bitter.

a-bi-tweónum; prep. dat. Between; inter :-- Ic wiht geseah horna abitweónum [homum bitweónum, Grn; Th.] húðe lǽjdan I saw a creature bringing spoil between its horns, Exon. 107b; Th. 411, 19; Rä. 30, 2. [Sansk, abhi; Zend aibi.] v. bi-tweónum.

a-blácian, -blácigan; p. ode; pp. od To be or look pale, grow pale; pallere, obrigescere :-- Ablácodon obriguerunt, Ex. 22, 16? Lye. Ic blácige palleo, Ælfc. Gr. 26, 2; Som. 28,42. Blácian from blícan, p. blác to shine: blǽcan to bleach, whiten, fade. Observe the difference between blác, blǽc pallid, bleak, pale, and blæc, blaces, se blaca black, swarthy. DER. blácian pallere.

a-blǽcan; p. -blǽhte; pp. -blǽht [a, blǽcan to bleach] To bleach, whiten; dealbare, Ps. Vos. 50, 8: 67,15.

a-blǽcnes, -ness, e; f. A paleness, gloom; pallor, Herb. 164; Lchdm. i. 294, 3, note 6. v. æ-blǽcnys.

a-blændan to blind, deaden, benumb, v. ablendan.

a-blann rested; p. of. a-blinnan to leave off.

a-bláwan; p. -bleów; pp. -bláwen To blow, breathe; flare, efflare :-- On ableów inspiravit. Gen. 2, 7. Út ablawan to breathe forth. Hexam. 4; Norm. 8, 20. Nǽfre mon ðæs hlúde býman abláweþ never does a man blow the trumpet so loudly,Exon. 117b; Th. 451, 27; Dóm. 110. God ðá geworhte mannan and ableów on his ansýne líflícne blǽd God then made man and blew into his face the breath of life, Hexam. 11; Norm. 18, 25.

a-blawung, e; f. A blowing, v. bláwung.

a-blend, se a-blenda; adj. Blinded; cæcatus :-- Wénaþ ða ablendan mód the blinded minds think. Bt. 38, 5; Fox 206, 6. v. pp. of a-blendan.

a-blendan; p. -blende, pl. -blendon; pp. -blended, -blend; v. a. To blind, make blind, darken, stupify; cæcare :-- Ða gyldenan stánas ablendaþ ðæs módes eágan the golden stones blind the mind's eyes, Bt. 34, 8; Fox 144, 34. Swá bióþ ablend so are blinded, 38, 5; Fox 206, I. Ic sýne ablende bealo-þoncum I blinded their sight by baleful thoughts, Exon.72b; Th. 270, 22; Jul, 469. He ablende hyra eágan excæcavit oculos eorum. Jn. Bos. 12, 40. Ablended in burgum blinded as l am in these dwellings, Andr. Kmbl. 155; An. 78. Wæs ablend was blinded, Mk. Bos. 6, 52 : Num. 14, 44. v. blendan.

a-bleoton sacrificed; p. pl. of a-blótan.

a-bleów blew; p. of a-bláwan.

a-blican; p. -blác, pl. -blicon; pp. -blicen; v. n. To shine, shine forth, to appear, glitter, to be white, to astonish, amaze; dealbari, micare :-- Sóþ-líce on rihtwísnysse ic ablíce ego autem in justitia apparebo [micabo], Ps. Spl. T. 16, 17. Ofer snáw ic beó ablicen super nivem dealbabor, Ps. Spl. 50, 8.

a-blicgan; p. ede; pp. ed To shine, to be white, to astonish; con-sternare :-- Ic eom ablícged consternor, Ælfc. Gr. 37; Som. 39, 42.

a-blignys, -nyss, e; f. An offence, v. a-bylgnes.

a-blindan to blind, Abus. I, Lye. v. a-blendan.

a-blinnan; p. -blann, pl. -blunnon; pp. -blunnen To cease, desist; cessare, desistere, Ps. Spl. 36, 8: Bd. 4,1; S. 563,16.

a-blísian; p. ode; pp. od To blush; erubescere :-- óþ eówre lyþre mód ablísige donec erubescat incircumcisa mens eorum. Lev. 26,41.

a-blótan; p. -bleót, pl. -bleóton; pp. -blóten To sacrifice; immolare. v. blótan.

a-blýsgung, -blýsung, e; f. The redness of confusion, shame; pudor, R. Ben. 73.

a-boden told; pp. of a-beódan to bid, tell.

a-bogen bowed; pp. of a-búgan, -beógan to bow, bend.

a-boht bought; pp. of a-bicgan to buy.

a-bolgen angered, Ex. 32,10; pp. of a-belgan to offend, anger.

a-boren carried; pp. of a-beran to bear.

a-borgian; p. ode; pp. od To be surety, to undertake for, to assign, appoint; fidejubere :-- Gif he nite hwá hine aborgie; hæfton hine if he know not who will be his borh, let them imprison [lit. have, detain] him, L. Ath. i. 20; Th. i 210, 8.

a-bracian; p, ode; pp. od To engrave, emboss; cælare :-- Abracod cœlatum, Cot. 33.

a-bradwian To overthrow, slay, kill; prosternare, occidere, Beo. Th. 5232; B. 2619. v. a-bredwian.

a-bræc broke; p. of a-brecan to break.

a-bræd, -brægd drew, Mt. Bos. 26, 51; p. of a-bredan, a-bregdan to move, drag, draw.

a-breátan; p. -breót, pl. -breóton To break, kill; frangere, concidere, necare :-- Abreót brim-wísan, brýd aheorde slew the sea-leader, set free his bride, Beo. Th. 5852; B. 2930. v. a-breótan.

a-brecan, ic -brece, ðu -bricst, he -bricþ; p. -bræc, pl. -brǽcon; pp. -brocen To break, vanquish, to take by storm, to assault, destroy; frangere, effringere, expugnare :-- Abrecan ne meahton reced they might not break the house, Cd. 115; Th.-150, 14; Gen. 2491, He Babilone abrecan wolde he would destroy Babylon, Cd. 209; Th. 259, 10; Dan. 685. Hú ǽnig man mihte swylce burh abrecan how any man could take such a town, Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 44,16. DER. brecan.

a-bredan, he -brit =-brideþ, -bret=-bredeþ; p. -bræd, pl. -brudon; pp. -broden; v. a. To move quickly, remove, draw, withdraw; vibrare, destringere, eximere, retrahere :-- Abræd hys swurd, exemit gladium suum, Mt. Bos. 26, 51. Gif God abrit if God remove, Bt. 39, 3; Fox 216, 5. Of móde abrit ðæt micle dysig he removes from his mind that great ignorance. Bt. Met. Fox 28, 155; Met. 28, 78. Hond up abræd he raised his hand, Beo. Th. 5144; B. 2575. Lár Godes is abroden of breóstum the knowledge of God is withdrawn from your breasts, Cd. 156; Th. 194, 31; Exod. 269. v. bredan.

a-bredwian; p. ade; pp. ad To overthrow, slay? kill? prosternare? occidere? -- Ðeáh ðe he his bróðor bearn abredwade [abradwade Th.] although he had overthrown [exiled? killed?] his brother's child, B. 2619.

a-brégan; p. de; pp. ed To alarm, frighten; terrere :-- Mec mæg gríma abrégan a phantom may frighten me, Exon, 110b; Th. 423, 7; Rä. 41, 17. Abregde, p. Bd. 3, 16; S. 543,12 : Ps. Spl. T. 79,14.

a-bregdan; p. -brægd, pl. -brugdon; pp. -brogden To move quickly, vibrate, remove, draw from, withdraw; vibrare, destringere, eximere, retra-here :-- Ðe abregdan sceal deáþ sáwle ðíne death shall draw from thee thy soul, Cd. 125; Th. 159, 22; Gen. 2638. Hwonne of heortan hunger oððe wulf sáwle and sorge abregde when from my heart hunger or wolf shall have torn both soul and sorrow, 104; Th. 137, 22; Gen. 2277. Hine of gromra clommum abrugdon they drew him from the clutches of the furious, 114; Th. 150, 4; Gen. 2486. v. bregdan.

á-brémende ever-celebrating, Exon. 13a; Th. 24, 20; Cri. 387. v. bréman.

a-breótan; p. -breát, pl. -bruton; pp. -broten To bruise, break, destroy, kill; frangere, confringere, concidere, necare :-- Billum abreótan to destroy with bills, Cd. 153; Th. 190, 14; Exod. 199. Yldo beám abreóteþ age breaks the tree. Salm. Kmbl. 591; Sal. 295. Hine seó brimwylf abroten hæfde the sea-wolf had destroyed him, Beo. Th. 3203; B. 1599. Stánum abreótan lapidare, Elen. Kmbl. 1017; El. 510.

a-breóðan; p. -breáþ, pl. -bruðon; pp. -broðen To unsettle, ruin, frustrate, degenerate, deteriorate; perdere, degenerare :-- Hæleþ oft hyre hleór abreóðeþ a man often unsettles her cheek, Exon. 90a; Th. 337, note 18; Gn. Ex. 66. Abreóðe his angin he frustrated his enterprise, Byrht. Th. 138, 59; By. 242. Hí abruðon ða ðe he toþohte they frustrated that which he had thought of, Chr. 1004; Ing. 178, 1. Eálá ðú abroðene folc degener O populus, Ælfc. Gr. 8; Som. 8,10. Hic et hæc et hoc nugas ðæt is abroðen on Englisc,Ælfc. Gr. 9, 25; Som. ii, 2.

abret, abrit takes away, Bt. 39, 3; Fox 216, 5. v. abredan.

a-brocen broken, v. a-brecan.

a-broden, a-brogden opened, freed, taken away. v. abredan, abregdan.

abrotanum = abrotonon southernwood, Herb. 135; Lchdm, i. 250,16. v. súðerne-wudu.

a-broten ? crafty, silly, sluggish; vafer, fatuus, socors :-- Abroten vel dwǽs vafer, Ælfc. Gl. 9; Som. 56,114. Abroten ? for abroðen.

a-broðen degeneratus; pp. of a-breóían.

a-broðennes, -ness, e;f. Dulness, cowardice, a defect, backsliding; ignavia, pusillanimitas. DER. a-broðen.

a-brugdon withdrew, Cd. 114; Th. 150,4; Gen. 2486; of a-bregdan.

a-bruðon frustrated, Chr. 1004; Ing. 178, l; of a-breóðan.

a-bryrdan; p. -bryrde; pp. -bryrded, -bryrd, v. trans. To prick, sting, to prick in the heart, grieve; pungere, compungere :-- Ná ic ne beo abryrd, God min non compungar, Deus metis. Ps. Spl. 29,14. v. bryrdan.

a-bryrdnes, -ness, e; f. Compunction, contrition; compunctio, con-tritio. v. bryrdnys, a-bryrdan.

a-brytan; p. -brytte; pp. -brytt To destroy; exterminare, Ps. Spl. C. 36, 9. v. brytan.

a-búfan; adv. [a + be + ufan] ABOVE; supra :-- Swá wæ ǽr abúfan sǽdan as we have before above said, Chr. 1090; Th. 358, 15. DER. búfan.

a-búgan; p. -beág, -beáh, pl. -bugon; pp. -bogen To bow, bend, incline, withdraw, retire; se vertere, declinare, inclinare, averti :-- Abflgaþ eádmðdlíce inclinate suppliciter. Coll. Monast. Th. 36, 3. Ac ðé firina gehwylc feor abúgeþ but from thee each sin shall far retire, Exon. 8b; Th. 4, 22; Cri. 56. Ðǽr fram sylle abeág medu-benc mon'g there many a mead-bench inclined from its sill, Beo. Th. 1555; 8.775. v. búgan.

a-bulgan = abulgon angered. Ps. Th. 77, 41; p. of a-belgan.

a-búnden ready; expeditus, Cot. 72; pp. of a-bindan. v. bindan.

a-bútan, -búton; prep. acc. [a + be + útan] ABOUT, around, round about; circa :-- Ðú tæcst Israhela folce abútan ðone rnúnt thou shall take the people of Israel around the mountain. Ex. 19, 12. Abuton hi circa eos, Mk. Bos. 9, 14. Abúton stán about a stone, L. N. P. L. 54; Th. ii. 298, 16.

a-bútan, -búton; adv. ABOUT; circa :-- Besæt ðone castel abútan beset the castle about, Chr. 1088; Th. i. 357, 29. Besǽton íone castel abúton they beset the castle about, Chr. 1090; Th. i. 358, 25.

a-bycgan, -bicgan; p. -bohte, pl. -bohton; pp. -boht [a, bycgan to buy, procure]. I. to buy, pay for; ernere, redirnere, L. Ethb. 31; Th. i. 10, 7. II- to perform, execute; præstare :-- Áþ abycgan jusjuran-dumpræstare, L.Wih. 19; Th. i. 40,18.

a-byffan; p. ode; pp. od To mutter; mutire. Cot. 134. v. byffan.

a-bygan, v. trans. To bow, bend; incurvare, Grm, ii. 826. v. a-began.

a-býgendlíc; adj. Bending, flexible; flexibilis. DER. un-abýgendlíc.

a-bylgan, -byligan, -bylgean; p. de; pp. ed To offend, anger, vex; offendere, irritate, exacerbare :-- HI hine oft abylgdon [MS. -dan] ipsi sæepe exacerbaverunt eum. Ps. Th. 105, 32. Da mod abylgean flra ðara nýhstena animos proximorum offendere, Bd. 3, 19; S. 548, 17: Hy. 6, 22. v. a-belgan.

a-bylg-nes, æ-bylig-nes, æ-bylig-nys, -ness, e; f. [abylgan to offend] An offence, scandal, anger, wrath, indignation; offensa, ira, indignatio :-- He him abylgnesse oft gefremede he had oft perpetrated offence against him, Exon. 843; Th. 317, 35; Mðd. 71.

a-bylgp, -bilgþ, -bilhþ, e;f. An offence, wrong, anger; offensa, injuria, ira :-- He sceal Cristes abilgþe wrecan he ought to avenge offence to Christ, L. Eth. 9, 2; Th. i. 340, 13: L. Pen. 16; Th. ii. 284, 6. v. æ-bylgþ.

a-byligd, e; f. Anger; indignatio, Ps. Th. 77, 49. v. a-bylgþ.

a-byrgan, -byrgean, -byrian To taste; gustare :-- We cýðaþ eów tet God ælmihtig cwæþ his ágenum múðe, ðæt nán man he mðt abyrgean nánes cynes blðdes. Ǽlc ðæra ðe abyrgþ blðdes ofer Godes bebod sceal forwurþan on éccnysse we tell you that God Almighty said by his own mouth, that no man may taste any kind of blood. Every one who tastes blood against God's command shall perish for ever, Homl, intitul. Her is hálwendlíc lár, Bibl. Bodl. MSS. Junii 99, fol. 68. Se wulf for Gode ne dorste ðæs hæfdes abyrian the wolf durst not, fat God, taste the head, Homl. Brit. Mus. MSS. Cot. Julius, E. 7, fol. 203, Bibl. Bodl. MSS. Bodley 343- v. byrgan.

a-býsgian, -býsgan, -býsean, -bisegian; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad [a, býsgian to ÍKsy] To occupy, preoccupy, prepossess; occupare :-- Ðeáh unþeáwas oft abísegien ðæt mðd though imperfections oft prepossess the mind, Bt. 35, i; Fox 154, 32. Biþ hyra seó swíþre symble abýsgod ðæt hi unrihtes tiligeaþ 'dexlera eorum dextera iniquitatis. Ps. Th. 143, 9. Biþ hyra seó swíþre symble abýsgad dextera iniquitatis, 143,13.

a-bysgung, -btsgung, e; f. Necessary business, employment; occupatio. Past. 18, i; Hat. MS. 25a, 27, 29, 30.

a-bywan; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans. To adorn, purify, clarify; exomare, purgare :-- Beóþ monna gǽstas beorhte abýwde þurh bryne fýres the souls of men are brightly adorned [clarified] through the fire's heat, Exon. 63 b; Th. 234, 24; Ph. 545. v. býwan.

AC, ach, ah, oc; conj. X. but; sed :-- Ne com ic tii towurpan, ac gefyllan non veni solvere, sed adimplere, Mt. Bos. 5, 17. Brytwalas fultumes bǽdon wið Peohtas, ac hi næfdon nǽnne the Brito-Welsh begged assistance against the Picts, but they had none, Chr. 443; Erl. ii, .34. II. for, because; nam, enim, quia :-- Ne se aglǽca yldan þðhte, ac he geféng hraðe slǽpendne rinc nor did the wretch mean to delay, f or he quickly seized a sleeping warrior, Beo. Th. 1484; B. 740. Ðú ne þearft onsittan wige, ac ne-fuglas [wig, eácne MS.] blðdig sittaþ þicce gefylled thou needest not oppress with war, because carrion birds sit bloody quite satiated (lit. thickly filled). Cd. 98; Th. 130, 12; Gen. 2158. III. but also, but yet; sed etiam, sed et, sed tamen :-- Ná læs weoruld men, ac eac swylce ðæt Drihtnes eowde not only men of the world, but also [sed etiam Bd.] the Lord's flock. Bd. 1,14; S. 482, 25. Da cwican nð genihtsumedon ðæt ht da deádan bebyrigdon, ac hwæðere ða ðe Kfigende wǽron nðht dðn woldon the living were not sufficient to bury the dead, but yet those who were living would do nothing, Bd. l, 14; S. 482, 32: 2, 7; S. 509, 13. Ac swylce tunge mín (Élce dæge smeáþ rightwísnysse ðíne sed et lingua mea tota die meditabitur justitiam tuam, Ps. Spl. 70, 26. [R. Glouc. Orm. ac: Laym. ac, æc, ah: Scot. ac: O. Sax. ak: O. H. Ger. oh; Goth, ak.]

ac; adv. interrogative. Why, whether; nonne, numquid :-- Da du geho-godest sæcce sécean, ac ðú gebettest mǽrum þeódne when thow re" solvedst to seek warfare, hadst thou compensated the great prince ? Beo. Kmbl. 3976; B. 1990. Ac [ah MS.] ætfileþ ðé seld unrihtwísnesse numquid adnaret tibi sedes iniquitatis 1 Ps. Surt. 93, 20. Ac hwá démeþ who shall judge? Salm. Kmbl. 669; Sal. 334. Ac forhwon fealleþ se snaw why falleth the snow? 603; Sal. 301.

ac-, v. ag-, ag-lǽca, ah-, ah-lǽca.

ÁC, ǽc; g. e; f. I. an OAK; quercus, robur :-- Ðeós ác nece quercus, Ælfc. Gr. 8; Som. 7, 46. Sume ác astáh got up into an oak, Homl. Th. ii. 150, 31. acc. Ac an oaken ship. Runic pm. 25; Kmbl. 344, 21. Geongre ace of a young oak, L. M. l, 38; Lchdm, ii. 98, 9. Of ðære ác [for áce], Kmbl. Cod. Dipl. iii. 121, 22. II. ác; g. Sees; m. The Anglo-Saxon Rune J-. = a, the name of which letter, in Anglo-Saxon, is ic an oak, hence, this Rune not only stands for the letter a, but for ác an oak, as J... byþ on eorþan elda bearnum flǽsces fódor the oak is on earth food ofthefiesh to the sons of men, Hick. Thes. vol. i. p. 135; Runic pm. 25; Kmbl. 344, 15. Ácas twegen two A's, Exon. 112a; Th. 429, 26; Ru. 43,10. [R. Glouc. ók: Chauc. ók, áke, oak: O. Frs. ék: Dut. eek, eik: JVorth Frs. ik: L. Ger. eke: N. Ger. eiche: M. Ger. eich: O. Ger. cin: Dan. eg: Swed, ek: 0. Nrs. eik. Grn. starting from Goth, ayuk in aiw-dup, i.e. aiw-k-dup nis rev atom, supposes a form ayuks, contracted to áiks, the equivalent of which would be ac, which would, therefore, indicate a tree of long durability.]

a-cægan to name. v. a-cigan.

a-cænned = a-cenned brought forth; pp. of acennan.

a-cænnednys, -cænnys nativity, v. a-cennednes.

a-cærran to avert; acærred averted, v. a-cerran.

a-calan; p. -cól, pl. -cólon To become cold; algere, frigescere :-- Nó acól for ðý egesan he never became cold for the terror, Andr. Grm. 1267. v. calan.

ACAN; ic ace, ðú æcest, æcst, he æceþ, æcþ, pl. acaþ; p. óc, pl. ócon; subj. ic, ðú, he ace; pp. acen; v. n. To AKE, pain; dolere :-- Gif mannes midrif [MS. midrife] ace if a man's midriff ake, Herb. 3,6; Lchdm. i. 88, 11: Herb. Cont. 3, 6; Lchdm, i. 6; 3, 6. Acaþ míne eágan my eyes ake, Ælfc. Gr. 36, MS. D; [mistiaþ=acaþ, Som. 38, 48]; dolent mei oculi, Mann. [Laym. p. oc: R. Glouc. p. ok: Chauc, ake: N. L. Ger. aken, æken.]

Ácan-tún, es; m. [ácan == ácum. pl. d. of ác an oak, tun a town] Acton, Suffolk :-- Ðæt hit cymþ to Ácantúne; fram Ácantúne [MS. Ácyn-túne] ðæt hit cymþ to Rigindúne till it comes to Acton; from Acton till it comes to Rigdon, Th. Diplm. A. D. 97 2; 525, 22-24. v. Ác-tún, and ðæt adv.

acas, e; f: acase, axe, an; f. An axe; securis :-- Acas, Mt. Lind. Stv. 3, 10. Acase, Lk. Rush. War. 3, 9 [id. Lind. Acasa, a Northumbrian form]. Axe, Mt. Rush. Stv. 3,10. v. æx.

ác-beám, es; m. An oak-tree; quercus, Ettm. p. 51.

ác-cærn, ác-corn an acorn, v. ǽcern.

accutian? to prove; probare :-- Accuta me proba me, Ps. Spl. M. 138, 22.

ác-cyn, -cynn, es; n. [ác oak, cyn kind] A species of oak; ilex, Mann.

ác-drenc, -drinc, es; m. Oak-drink, a kind of drink made of acorns; potus ex quercus glandibus factus. v. ác, drenc.

ace ake, pain. DER. acan to ake. v. ece.

a-cealdian; p. ode; v. intrans. To be or become cold; algere, frigescere, Past. 58, 9. v. a-cólian, calan.

a-ceápian; p. ode; pp. od To buy. v. ceápian.

a-cearfan to cut of :-- Acearf abscindet, Ps. Spl. C. 76,8. v. a-ceorfan.

a-célan; p. de; v. intrans. To be or become cold; algere, frigescere :-- Ðæs þearfan ne biþ þurst acéled the thirst of this desire is not become cold, Bt. Met. Fox 7, 34; Met. 7,17. v. célan, calan.

Acemannes burh, burg; g. burge; d. byrig, beri; f: ceaster, cester; g. ceastre; f. [æce ake, mannes man's, ceaster or burh city or fortress] Bath, Somersetshire :-- Hér Eádgár to ríce féng at Acemannes byrig, ðæt is at Baðan here, A. D. 972, Edgar took the kingdom at Akeman's burgh, that is at Bath, Chr. 972; Th. 225,18, col. 3. On ðære ealdan byrig, Acemannes ceastre; ac beornas Baðan nemnaþ in the old burgh, Akeman's Chester; but men call it Bath, Chr. 973; Ing. 158, 26. At Acemannes beri at Akeman's bury, Ing. 158, note g. v. Baðan.

acen pained, v. acan.

ácen oaken, v. ǽcen.

a-cennan, ðú -censt, he -cenþ; p. -cende; pp. -cenned; v. a. To bring forth, produce, beget, renew; parere, gignere, renovare, renasci :-- Swá wíf acenþ bearn as a woman brings forth a child, Bt. 31,1; Fox 112, 2. On sárnysse ðú acenst cild in dolore paries filios. Gen. 3, 16. Ða se Hǽlend acenned wæs cum natus esset Jesus, Mt. Bos. 2, l. Crist wæs acenned [MS. acennyd] on midne winter Christ was born in mid-winter, Menol. Fox l; Men. 1. Gregorius wæs of æðelborenre mægþe acenned Gregory was born of a noble family, Homl. Th. ii. 118, 7. Eal edniwe, eft acenned, synnum asundrad all renewed, born again, sundered from sins, Exon. 59b; Th. 214, 19; Ph. 241. Ðonne se móna biþ acenned [geniwod, v. geniwian] when the moon is changed [born anew], Lchdm, iii. 180,19, 22, 28. v. cennan.

a-cenned-líc; adj. Native; nativus. Cot. 138.

a-cennednes, -cennes, -cennys, -cænnednys, -cænnys, -ness, e; f. Nativity, birth, generation; nativitas, ortus :-- Manega on his acennednysse gefag-niaþ multi in nativitate ejus gaudebunt, Lk. Bos. 1,14: Ps. Spl. 106, 37.

a-ceócian? p. ode; pp. od To choke; suffocare. v. a-þrysman.

a-ceócung, e; f. A consideration; ruminatio. Wrt. Voc. 54, 62. v. a-ceósung.

a-ceorfan; p. -cearf, pl. -cufon; pp. -corfen To cut off; abscidere, succidere, concidere :-- Of his ansýne ealle ic aceorfe, ða ðe him feóndas syndon concidam inimicos ejus a facie ipsius. Ps. Th. 88, 20.

a-ceósan; p. -ceás, pl. -curon; pp. -coren To choose, select; eligere. DER. ceósan.

a-ceósung [MS. aceócung], e; f. A consideration; ruminatio, Wrt. Voc. 54, 62.

acer a field. Rtl. 145,18. v. æcer.

a-cerran; p. -cerde; pp. -cerred To turn, return; vertere, reverti :-- Úton acerran ðider ðǽr he sylfa sit, sigora waldend let us turn thither where he himself sitteth, the triumphant ruler, Cd. 218; Th. 278, 6; Sat. 217.

a-cerrednes, -ness, e; f. An aversion, v. a-cerran.

ach but; sed :-- Ach ðæs weorodes eác but of the host also. Andr. Reed. 3182; An. 1594. v. ac; conj.

ác-hal; adj. Oak-whole or sound, entire; roboreus, integer. Andr. Grm. 1700.

á-cígan; p. de; pp. ed To call; vocare, evocare :-- Acígde of corþre cyninges þegnas he called the thanes of the king from the band., Beo. Th. 6233; B. 3121. Sundor acígde called him alone, in private, Elen. Kmbl. 1203; El. 603. Hine aclgde fit evocavit eum, Bd. 2,12; S. 513,19.

ac-lǽc-cræft, es; m. [ac-lǽc = ag-lǽc miseria, cræft ars] An evil art; ars mala vel perniciosa :-- Ðú ðé, Andreas, aclǽccræftum lange feredes thou, Andrew, hast long betaken thyself to evil arts, Andr. Kmbl. 2724; An. 1364.

a-clǽnsian; p. ode; pp. od To cleanse, purify; mundare :-- Hyra nán næs aclǽnsod, búton Naaman se Sirisca nemo eorum mundatus est, nisi Naaman Syrus, Lk. Bos. 4, 27.

Ác-leá = Ác-leáh; g. -leáge;f. [ác an oak, leáh a lea, ley, meadow; acc. leá = leáh, q. v.] The name of a place, as Oakley :-- Sinoþ wæs ge-gaderod æt Ácleá a synod was assembled at Acley or Oakley, Chr. 789; Ing. 79,14. Ácleá, Chr. 782; Erl. 57, 6: 851; Erl. 67, 26; 68, 3.

ác-leáf, es; n. An oak-leaf; quercus folium :-- Ácleáf, Lchdm, iii. 311: L. M. 3, 8; Lchdm, ii. 312, 19.

a-cleopian; p. ode; pp. od To call, call out; clamare, exclamare. DER. cleopian, clypian.

aclian; p. ode; pp. od [acol, acl excited by fear] To frighten, excite; terrere, terrore percellere. PER. ge-aclian.

ác-melu, g. -meluwes; n. Acorn-meal; querna farina, L. M. 1, 54; Lchdm, ii. 126, 7.

ác-mistel, e; f. Oak mistletoe; quercus viscum :-- Gením ácmistel take mistletoe of the oak, L. M. l, 36; Lchdm, ii. 88, 4.

a-cnyssan; p. ede; pp. ed To expel, drive cive; expellere. v. cnyssan.

a-cofrian; p. ode; pp. od To recover; e morbo consurgere, con-valescere :-- Acofraþ will recover, Lchdm, iii. 184,15.

acol, acul, acl; adj. Excited, excited by fear, frightened, terrified, trembling; agitatus, perterritus, pavidus :-- Wearþ he on ðam egesan acol worden he had through that horror become chilled, trembling, Cd. 178; Th. 223, 24; Dan. 124. Forht on móde, acul for ðam egesan fearful in mood, trembling with dread, 210; Th. 261, 14; Dan. 726. Acol for ðam egsan trembling with terror. Exon. 42 b; Th. 143, 20; Gú. 664. Forht and acol afraid and trembling. Cd. 92; Th. 117, 18; Gen. 1955. Wurdon hie ðá acle they then became terrified, Andr. Kmbl. 2678; An. 1341. Fyrd-leóþ galan aclum stefnum they sung a martial song with loud excited voices, Cd. 171; Th. 215, 4; Exod. 578.

a-cólian; p. ade, ode; pp. ad, od To become cool, cold, chilled; frigescere :-- Ræst wæs acólad his resting-place was chilled. Exon. 119 b; Th. 459, 28; Hö. 6. Ðonne biþ ðæt werge líc acólad then shall be the accursed carcase cooled, Exon, 100a; Th. 374, 12; Seel. 125. v. cólian.

acolitus = GREEK A light-bearer; lucifer :-- Acolitus is se ðe leóht berþ æt Godes þénungum acolite is he who bears the light at God's services, L.Ælf.P.34; Th.ii.378,7: L.Ælf.C.14; Th.ii.348,4. v.hádll. state, condition; ordo, gradus, etc.

acol-mód; adj. Of a fearful mind, timid; pavidus animo :-- Eorl acolmód a chief in trembling mood, fearful.mind, Exon. 55 b; Th. 195, 36; Az. 166. pegnas wurdon acolmóde the thanes were chilled with terror, Andr. Kmbl. 753; An. 377.

acordan; p. ede; pp. ed To ACCORD, agree, reconcile; reconciliare, Chr. 1119; Ing. 339, 30.

a-coren chosen; pp. of a-ceósan. v. ceósan, gecoren.

a-corenlíc; adj. Likely to be chosen; eligibilis :-- Biþ swíðe acorenlíc is very estimable, Past. 52, 8; Swt. 409, 36.

a-corfen carved; pp. of a-ceorfan.

a-costnod tried; pp. of a-costnian. v. costnian.

a-cræftan; p. de; pp. ed To devise, plan, contrive as a craftsman; excogitare :-- Úton ðeáh hwæðere acræftan hú we heora, an ðyssa nihta, mágan mǽst beswícan let us however plan how we can, in this night, most weaken them, Ors. 2, 5; Bos. 47,19.

a-crammian; p. ode; pp. od To cram,fill; farcire. v. crammian.

a-creópian; p. ede; pp. ed To creep; serpere, scatere :-- Ðá lǽfdon híg hit [Manhu] sume, óþ hit morgen wæs, and hit wearþ wyrmum acreóped dimiserunt quidam ex eis usque mane, et scatere cæpit vermibus, Ex. 16, 20.

a-crimman; p. -cramm, pl. -crummon; pp. -crummen To crumble; friare :-- Acrummen in micas fractus, Cot. 88: 179: 193.

ác-rind, e; f. Oak-rind or bark; querna cortex :-- Ním ácrinde take oak-bark, Lchdm, iii, 14, l.

acs an axe. v. æx, acas.

Acsa, Axa, an; m? The river Axe. v. Acsan mynster.

Acsan mynster, Ascan mynster, Axan minster, es; n. [Acsa, an; m? the river Axe; mynster a monastery: Flor. Axanminster: Hunt. Acseminster] AXMINSTER in Devonshire; hodie Axminster, in agro Devoniensi; ita dictum quod situm est ad ripam fluminis Axi :-- Se Cynewulf rícsode xxxi wintra, and his líc líþ æt Wintan ceastre, and ðæs æðelinges æt Ascan [Acsan, Gib. 59, 3; Ing. 71, 28] mynster Cynewulf reigned thirty-one years, and his body lies at Winchester, and the prince's at Axminster, Chr. 755; Erl. 50, 32: Th. 86, 13, col. 1.

acse ashes, Cot. 40. v. asce.

acsian, acsigan; p. ode; pp. od To ask, ask for, demand; rogare, expostulate, exigere :-- Mót ic acsian, Bd. 4, 3; S. 568, 26. Cómon corþrum miclum cuman acsian they came in great multitudes to demand the strangers, Cd. 112; Th. 148, 8; Gen. 2453: Lk. Bos. 20, 40. Híg hine acsodon ðæt bigspell they asked him the parable, Mk. Th. 4, 10. Hú mæg ǽnig man acsigan how can any man inquire? Bt. 35. l; Fox 156, 6. v. ascian.

acsung, e; f. An asking, a question, an inquiry, inquisition, interrogation, that which is inquired about, information; interrogatio :-- Uneáþe ic mæg forstandan ðíne acsunga I can scarcely understand thy questions, Bt. 5, 3; Fox 12, 16. v. ascung.

ác-treó, -treów, es; u. An oak-tree; quercus :-- Under áctreó under the oak-tree. Exon. 115a; Th. 443, 10; Kl. 28.

Ác-tún, es; m. [ác oak, tún a town] ACTON, Staffordshire ? -- Æt Áctúne at Acton, Th. Diplm. A. D. 1002; 546, 27. v. aac.

a-cucian to revive [cuc=cwic, Cd. 65; Th. 78, 23 = Ors. 2, 1; Bos. 38, 8]. v. a-cwician.

acul frightened, Cd. 210; Th. 261,14; Dan. 726. v. acol.

á-cuma OAKUM; putamen :-- Ácuman putamina, Mone p. 398; B. 3231. v. ácumba.

a-cuman; p. -cam, -com, pl. -cámon, -cómon; pp. -cumen, -cymen To come, bear; venire, ferre, sustinere :-- Wæs of fere acumen he had come from the vessel, Cd. 75; Th. 93, 12; Gen. 1544. Ðæt land híg ne mihte acuman non sustinebat eos terra, Gen. 36, 7. Ge hyt ne mágon nú acuman non potestis portare modo, Jn. Bos. 16, 12.

á-cumba, an; m: ǽ-cumbe, an; n ? [cemban to comb]. I. oakum, that which is combed, the coarse part of hemp, -- Hards, flax, tow; stuppa = GREEK [v. heordas stuppæ, R. 68] :-- Afyl ða wúnde, and mid ácum-ban besweð fill the wound, and swathe up with tow. L.M. 1, 1; Lchdm, ii. 22, 21. Ǽcumbe stuppa, Ælfc. Gl. 64; Som. 69, 2; Wrt. Voc. 40, 36. II. the thing pruned or trimmed, properly of trees, and figuratively of other things, hence, -- Prunings, clippings, trimmings; putamen, hinc, -- putamina non solum arborum sunt, verum omnium rerum purgamenta. Nam quicquid ex quacumque re projicitur, putamen appellate :-- Ácumba puta-men, Mone 8.3702. Ácumban putamina, 3703, p. 407. III. reduced to ashes, it was used as a substitute for GREEK == GREEK Wood ashes; spodium Græcorum nihil aliud est, quam radix Alcannæ combusta, officinæ ustum ebur ejus loco substituunt :-- To sealfe, ním.ácumban, cneówholen for a salve, take the ashes of oakum, butcher's broom, L.M. 1. 33; Lchdm, ii. 80, 11. Ácumba ashes of oakum, l, 47; Lchdm, ii. 120, 14.

a-cumend-líc; adj. Tolerable, bearable; tolerabilis. -- Acumendlícre byþ Sodoma lande and Gomorra on dómes dæg, ðonne ðære ceastre tolerabilius erit terræ Sodomorum et Gomorrhæorúm in die judicii quam illi civitati, Mt. Bos. lo, 15.

a-cumendlícness, e; f. The possibility to bring anything to pass; possibilitas. v. cumende; part. of cuman.

a-cunnian; p. ode; pp. od To prove; probare :-- Ðú acunnodest [MS. acunnudyst] us God probasti nos Deus, Ps. Spl. C. 65, 9. v. cunnian.

a-curon chose; p. pl. of a-ceósan.

a-cwǽdon said, Ps. Th. 72, 6; p. of a-cweðan.

a-cwǽlon died, Chr. 918; Erl. 104,13; p. pl. of a-cwelan.

a-cwæþ spoke, Cd. 30; Th. 40, 14; Gen. 639; p. of a-cweðan.

a-cwalde killed, Ps.Vos. 104, 27: 134, 11, = a-cwealde; p. of a-cwellan.

a-cwán melted, decayed, Bd. 2,7; S. 509, 29; p. of a-cwínan.

a-cwanc quenched, Chr. 1110; Ing. 331, 30; p. of a-cwincan.

a-cwealde killed, Cd. 69; Th. 84, 25; Gen. 1403; p. of a-cwellan.

a-cweccan; p. -cwehte; pp. -cweht To move quickly, to shake, vibrate; movere, quatere, vibrare :-- Æsc acwehte he shook the ash, i. e. the lance, Byrht. Th. 140, 59; By. 310.

a-cwelan, he -cwilþ, pl. -cwelaþ; p. -cwæl, pl. -cwǽlon; pp. -cwolen, -cwelen, v. n. To die, perish; mori :-- Ða fixas acwelaþ pisces morientur, Ex. 7, 18. Ofercumen biþ he ǽr he acwele he will be overcome ere he dies, Exon, 90b; Th. 340, 10; Gn. Ex. 114. Monige men hungre acwǽlon many men died of hunger, Chr. 918; Erl. 104,13.

a-cwellan; p. -cwealde; pp. -cweald To kill, destroy; interficere, ne-care :-- Freá wolde on ðære to-weardan tíde acwellan the Lord would destroy them in the coming time, Gd. 64; Th. 77, 31; Gen. 1283. Ic wille mid flóde folc acwellan I will destroy the folk with a flood, 64; Th. 78, 21; Gen. 1296. Acwelleþ ða wyrmas killeth the worms, Herb. 137; Lchdm. i. 254, 22. Ðá ðe égor-here eorþan tuddor eall acwealde when the water-host destroyed all the progeny of earth. Cd. 69; Th. 84, 25; Gen. 1403. Wíges heard wyrm acwealde the bold one in battle slew the worm, the dragon, Beo. Th. 1777; B. 886. Steóp-cilda feala stundum acwealdon pupillos occiderunt. Ps. Th. 93, 6.

a-cwelledness, e; f. A quelling, killing; occisio. DER. cwellan.

a-cwencan; p. de, te, pl. don, ton; pp. ed, d, t To quench, extinguish, put out; extinguere :-- Bæd ðæt hí ðæt leóht acwencton prayed that they would put out the light, Bd. 4, 8; S. 575, 40, note, MS. B. Úre leohtftu synt acwencte lampades nostræ extinguuntur, Mt. Bos. 25, 8. Fyr ne byþ acwenced ignis non extinguitur Mk. Bos. 9, 44.

a-cweorran; p. -cwear, pl. -cwurron; pp. -cworren To eat or drink immoderately, to glut, guzzle; ingurgitare :-- Swá swá mihti acworren fram wíne tanquam potens crapulatus a vino, Ps. Spl. T. 77, 71.

ác-wern, es; n. The name of an animal, a squirrel; scirra, sciurus, Ælfc. Gl. 19; Som. 59, 9.

a-cwerren, -cworren drunk; pp. of a-cweorran.

a-cweðan, he -cwyþ; p. -cwæþ, pl. -cwǽdon; pp. -cweden To say, tell, answer; dicere, eloqui, respondere :-- Ðæt word acwyþ that word says, Beo. Th. 4099; B. 2046. Word acwæþ, wuldres aldor he spake the word, the chief of glory, Cd. 30; Th. 40, 14; Gen. 639. Ðæt me acweden syndon quæ dicta sunt mihi, Ps. Th. 121,1. v. cweðan.

a-cwician; p. ode; pp. od To quicken, revive, to come to life; vivificare, reviviscere :-- On ðínre mild-heortnesse me scealt acwician in misericordia tua vivifica me, Ps. Th. 118, 159. Ðá acwicode ic hwon then 1 revived a little, Bd. 5, 6; S. 619, 29.

a-cwilþ perishes :-- Nea-cwilþ perishes not, Bt. 13; Fox 38, 29. v. a-cwelan.

a-cwínan; p. -cwán, pl. -cwinon; pp. -cwinen To waste or dwindle away, decline, become extinct; tabescere :-- Ðæt fýr acwán and adwæsced wæs the fire declined and was extinguished, Bd. 2, 7; S. 509, 29.

a-cwincan; p. -cwanc, pl. -cwuncon; pp. -cwuncen To vanish, become extinguished, quenched; extingui, evanescere :-- Se móna acwanc the moon was extinguished, i.e. eclipsed. Chr. 1110; Ing. 331, 30.

a-cwinen quenched, v. a-cwínan.

a-cwolen died, Chr. 918; Gib. 105, 37, note a. v. a-cwelan.

a-cworren drunk, Ps. Spl. T. 77, 71; pp. of a-cweorran.

a-cwucian to quicken, v. a-cwician.

a-cwylan to die, L. H. E. 6; Th. i. 30, 3. v. a-cwelan.

acxan ashes, Ors, 1, 3; Bos. 27, 32. v. axe, asce.

a-cýd said, confirmed, R. Ben. 27. v. a-cýðan.

a-cyrran; p. -cyrde; pp. -cyrred, -cyrd To avert; avertere :-- Ne ðú nǽfre gedést, ðæt ðú mec acyrre from Cristes lofe thou shalt never do so, that thou avert me from the love of Christ, Exon. 67 b; Th. 251, 2; Jul. 139. Acyrred from Cristes ǽ turned from Christ's law, 71 b; Th. 267, 6; Jul. 411.

a-cyrrednes, -cerrednes, -ness, t; f. A turning, aversion, a turning from, apostacy, revolting; aversio. DER. a-cyrred. v. a-cyrran.

a-cýðan; p. -cýðde; pp. -cýðed, -cýd To show, announce, confirm; manifestare, annuntiare, confirmare :-- Yrre acyðan iram manifestare, irasci, Ps. Th. 88, 39. Ǽr he hine acýðan móte ere he can show himself, Exon. 89 b; Th. 336,15; Gn. Ex. 49. Tom acýðan to make known or show one's affliction. Exon. 78a; Th. 293, 8; Wand. 113. Ðǽr me wæs yrre ðín on acýðed in me confirmata est ira tua, Ps. Th. 87, 7.

ÁD, aad, es; m. A funeral pile, pile, heap; rogus, congeries :-- Ðá on-bærnde he ðone ád then kindled he the pile, Bd. 3, 16; S. 542, 25. Ád stód onæled the pile was [stood] kindled, Cd. 141; Th. 176, 35; Gen. 2922. Hét ád onælan he commanded to kindle the funeral pile, Exon. 74a; Th. 277, 13; Jul. 580. Mycelne aad [ád MS. B.T.] gesomnode on beámum advexit plurimam congeriem trabium, Bd. 3, 16; S. 542, 22. [Kath. ad: O. Ger. eit ignis, rogus. v. Lat. æs-tus: Grk. GREEK: Sansk. edh-as wood for fuel, from the Sansk. root indh to light, kindle.] DER. ád-fær, -fýr, -lég, -loma.

a-dǽlan; p. ede; pp. ed, To part, divide, separate; partiri, dividere, separare :-- He sceal wesan of eorþan feor adǽled he shall be far parted from the earth, Cd. 106; Th. 140, 4; Gen. 2322. Ða wǽron adǽlede ealle of ánum these were parted all from one, 12; Th. 14, 13; Gen. 218; Ps. Th. 54, 20. v. dǽlan.

a-deádan, -deádian; p. ode; pp. od To fail, decay, die, mortify, lay waste, destroy; fatiscere, Herb. 35, Lye: Cot. 90.

a-deáf; adj. Deaf; surdus, Ben. v. deaf.

a-deaflan; p. ode, ede; pp. od, ed To become or wax deaf; surdescere, obsurdescere :-- Adeáfede obsurduit, Ælfc. Gl. 100; Som. 77, 13; Wrt. Voc. 55, 17.

a-deáfung eárena A deafening of the ears; surditas. v. a-deáf.

ádel a disease, Exon. 48 b; Th. 167, 23; Gú. 1064. v. ádl.

adela, an; m. Filth; cænum :-- Ðæt hér yfle adelan stinceþ that here ill smells filth, Exon, 110b; Th. 424, l; Rä. 41, 32. [addle-pool a pool near a dunghill: Scot, adill, addle, foul and putrid water: N. Ger. adel, m. cænum: Holst, addeln lotium pecudum.] DER. adeliht, adel-seáþ.

a-delfan; p. -dealf, -dylf, pl. -dulfon; pp. -dolfen To dig, delve: fodere, effodere: -- Cleopatra hét adelfan hyre byrigenne Cleopatra ordered her burying place to be dug, Ors. 5, 13; Bos. 113, 22. Seáþ adealf lacum effodit. Ps. Spl. 7, 16: Bd. 3, 2; S. 524, 16. óþ ðæt biþ seáþ adolfen donec fodiatur fovea, Ps. Th. 93,12 : Bd. 3, 9; S. 533, 23.

adeliht; adj. Dirty,filthy; cænosus, Cot. 48.

adel-seaþ, es; m. A sewer, gutter, sink; cloaca, v. adul-seáþ.

adelyng a prince, Joh. Brompt. ad ann. 907. v. æðeling.

a-déman; p. de; pp. ed To judge, adjudge, doom, deem, try, abjudicate, deprive; examinare, abjudicare, judicio facto relegare: -- Lícode Gode hire ða hálgan sáule eác swylce mid longre hire líchoman untrymnesse adémde and asodene beón it pleased God that her holy soul should also be tried and seethed with long sickness of her body, Bd. 4, 23; S. 595, 15. Ðú adémest me fram duguðe thou deprivest me of good, Cd. 49; Th. 63, 14; Gen. 1032. v. déman.

a-deorcian; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad To obscure, dim, darken, hide; obscurare :-- Adeorcad obscuratus, Som. v. deorcian.

adesa, eadesa, an; m. An addice or adze, a cooper's instrument; ascia, Bd. 4, 3; S. 567, 26: Wrt. Voc. p. 84, 62.

ád-fær, nom. acc; g. -færes; pl. nom. -faru; n. The pile-way, the way to the funeral pile; iter rogi :-- Ðæt we hine gebringen on ádfære that we may bring him on the way to the pile, Beo. Th. 6012; B. 3010.

ád-fýr, es; n. A pile-fire; ignis rogi :-- Abraham ádfýr onbran Abraham kindled a pile-fire, Cd. 162; Th. 203, 4; Exod. 398.

a-dihtan; p. -dihte, -dihtode; pp. -dihtod, -diht To compose, edit, write; facere, componere. v. dihtan.

a-dilegian, -dilgian, -dylegian; p. ode; pp. od; v. a. [a, dilgian to destroy] To abolish, blot out, destroy, do away; abolere, delere :-- His sáwul biþ adilegod of his folce delebitur anima illa de populo suo, Gen. 17, 14. Ic adilgige hí delebo eos, Ps. Lamb. 17, 43. Adilga me of ðínre béc dele me de libro tuo, Ex. 32, 32: Ps. Th. 68, 29: 108, 13, 14. Adilgode, Ps. Th. 17, 40.

a-dimmian; p. ode; pp. od, ad To dim, darken, obscure, make dull; obscurare :-- Ðeáh heora mód sie adimmad though their mind be obscured, Bt. 24, 4; Fox 84, 28: Ps. Th. 68, 24.

ÁDL, ádel; g. ádle, f: ádle, an; f. A disease, pain, a languishing sickness, consumption; morbus, languor :-- Wæs seó ádl þearl, hát and heorogrim the disease was sharp, hot and very fierce, Exon. 47a; Th. 160, 30; Gú. 951. Seó mycle ádl the great disease, leprosy; elephantiasis, Som. Ne hine dréfeþ ádl disease does not afflict him, Beo. Th. 3476; B. 1736. Ðé to heortan hearde grípeþ ádl unlíðe fell disease gripes thee hard at heart, Cd. 43; Th. 57, 32; Gen. 937. Ðé untrymnes ádle gongum býsgade infirmity has afflicted thee through attacks of disease, Exon. 47b; Th. 163, 8; Gú. 990. He ðíne ádle ealle gehǽlde sanavit omnes languores tuos, Ps. Th. 102, 3. Ðæt ádla hí gehǽldon ut languores curarent, Lk. Bos. 9, 1. Hú manega ádla how many diseases? Bt. 31, 1; Fox 110, 29: Bd. 3, 12; S. 537, 6. Laman legeres ádl the palsy, v. leger. [Orm. adl disease. Probably akin to the Sansk. root indh to burn.] DER. feorh-ádl, fót-, horn-, in-, lungen-, mónaþ-: ádl-ian, -íc, -ig, -þracu, -wérig.

ádle, an; f. A disease; morbus :-- Ne yldo ne ádle neither age nor disease, Exon. 112a; Th. 430, 7; Rä. 44, 4. v. ádl.

ád-lég, es; m. The flame of the funeral pile; flamma rogi :-- Ádlég æleþ flǽsc and bán the flame of the pile burns flesh and bones, Exon. 59a; Th. 213, 9; Ph. 222.

ádlian, -igan; p. ode; pp. od To ail, to be sick, to languish; ægrotare, languere :-- Ðæt se ylca biscop án ádliende mæden gebiddende gehǽlde ut idem episcopus puellam languentem orando sanaverit, Bd. 5, 3; S. 615, 35. Ic ádlige langueo, Ælfc. Gr. 26, 2; Som. 28, 46.

ádlíc, ádlig; adj. [ádl disease, líc like] Sick, ill, diseased, corrupted, putrid; morbidus, ægrotus, tabidus, vitiatus, putidus. Hence ADDLE egg; putidum ovum :-- Ádlige men languentes homines, Bd. 3, 2; S. 524, 32. Ádlig æger vel ægrotus, Wrt. Voc. 45, 59.

ád-loma, -lama? an; m. One crippled by the flame? cui flamma claudicationem attulit? -- Earme ádloman poor wretches, i.e. diaboli, Exon. 46a; Th. 156, 33; Gú. 884.

ádl-þracu; g. -þræce; f. The force or virulence of disease; morbi impetus :-- Seó ádlþracu the force of disease, Exon. 46b; Th. 159, 31; Gú. 935. v. þræc.

ádl-wérig; adj. Weary with sickness; morbo fatigatus :-- Fonde his mon-dryhten ádlwérigne he found his master weary with sickness, Exon. 47b; Th. 162, 25; Gú. 981.

a-dolfen dug, Ps. Th. 93, 12; pp. of a-delfan.

a-dón; p. -dyde; impert. -dó; v. a. To take away, remove, banish; tollere, ejicere :-- Ne mágon ðé nú heonan adón hyrste ða reádan the red ornaments may not now take thee hence, Exon. 99a; Th. 370, 14; Seel. 57. Ðæt hý God ðanon adó to heora ágnum lande that God will bring them thence to their own land, Ors. 3, 5; Bos. 56, 37. Adó ða buteran remove the butter, L. M. 1, 36; Lchdm. ii. 86, 22. Adó of ða buteran take off the butter, 86, 19. Flód adyde mancinn a flood destroyed mankind, Ælfc. T. 5, 25: Gen. 7, 23: 9, 11, Adó ðas wylne ejice ancillam hanc, Gen. 21, 10: Bt. 16, 1; Fox 50, 10: Ps. Th. 68, 14.

a-drǽdan; p. -dréd; pp. -drǽden To fear; timere :-- He adréd ðæt folc timuit populum, Mt. Bos. 14, 5.

a-drǽfan, -dréfan; p. de; pp. ed To drive away; expellere :-- Ðá wearþ adrǽfed deórmód hæleþ then was driven away the beloved hero, Chr. 975; Th. i. 228, 22; Edg. 44. He adrǽfed wæs ejectus est, Gen. 3, 24. Osrǽd wæs of ríce adréfed Osred was banished from his kingdom, Chr. 790; Th. 99, 20, col. 2.

a-dreág, -dreáh bore, Exon. 25b; Th. 74, 6; Cri. 1202; p. of a-dreógan.

a-dréd feared, Mt. Bos. 14, 5; p. of a-drǽdan.

a-dréfed driven, Chr. 790; Th. 99, 20, col. 2, = a-drǽfed; pp. of a-drǽfan.

adreminte, an; f. The herb feverfew: parthenium = GREEK, Prior 78.

a-drencan; p. -drencte; pp. -drenced; v. a. To plunge under, to immerse, drown; immergere :-- Wolde hine adrencan on ðære eá would drown him in the river, Bt. 16, 2; Fox 52, 36. Caines ofspring eall wearþ adrenced on ðam deópan flód, ðe adyde mancinn Cain's offspring were all drowned in the deep flood, which destroyed mankind, Ælfc. T. 5, 24. Heora feóndas flód adrencte, Ps. Th. 105, 10: Ex. 14, 28.

a-dreógan, -driógan; ic -dreóge, ðú -dreógest, -drýhst, he -dreógeþ, -drýhþ; p. -dreág, -dreáh, pl. -drugon; pp. -drogen. I. to act, perform, practise; agere, perficere :-- He adreág unrihte þing gessit iniqua, Hymn. Bibl. Cott. Jul. A. 6. Ðe his lufan adreógeþ who practises his love, Exon. 33b; Th. 107, 24; Gú. 63. Líf adreógan agere vitam, Hexam. 3; Norm. 4, 29. II. to bear, suffer, endure; pati, sustinere :-- Hí adreógan mágan they may bear, Bt. 40, 3; Fox 238, 27. Ic ne mæg adreógan ðíne seófunga I cannot tolerate thy lamentations, Bt. 11, 1; Fox 30, 20. Ðæt hie ðe eáþ mihton drohtaþ adreógan that they might the easier endure their way of life, Andr. Kmbl. 737; An. 369. Earfeðu ðe he adreág the pains that he endured, Exon. 25b; Th. 74, 6; Cri. 1202. Earfeðo ðe he adreáh the pains that he endured, Andr. Kmbl. 2971; An. 1488. v. dreógan.

a-dreógendlíc; adj. Bearable; tolerabilis; part. of a-dreógan, -líc.

a-dreópan; ic -dreópe, ðú -drýpst, he -drýpþ; p. -dreáp, pl. -drupon; pp. -dropen To shed drop by drop; guttatim effundere :-- Nú is mín swát adropen now is my blood sprinkled, An. 1427, note. v. a-þráwan.

a-dreósan; ic -dreóse, ðú -drýst, he -dreóseþ, -drýst; p. -dreás, pl. -druron; pp. -droren To fall, decline; labi, deficere :-- Ne biþ se hlísa adroren fame will not decline, non erit fama tædio affecta, Exon. 95a; Th. 355, 19; Reim. 79.

a-drífan, æ-drífan; ic -drífe, ðú -drífest, -drífst, he -drífeþ, -drífþ, -dríft, pl. -drífaþ; p. -dráf, pl. -drifon; pp. -drifen To drive, stake, expel, pursue, follow up; agere, pellere, expellere, repellere, sequi, prosequi :-- Ða Walas adrifon sumre eá ford ealne mid scearpum pílum greátum innan ðam wætere the Welsh staked all the ford of a certain river with great sharp piles within the water, Chr. Introd; Th. 5, 35. Rihtwísnyssa his ic ne adráf fram me justitias ejus non repuli a me, Ps. Spl. 17, 24. Adrífe ðæt spor út of his scíre let him pursue the track out of his shire, L. Ath. v. § 8, 4; Th. i. 236, 23. Adrifene fatu graven or embossed vessels, Ælfc. Gl. 67; Som. 69, 99. v. drífan.

a-drigan, -drygan, -drygean, -drugian, -druwian; p. de, ode; pp. ed, od To dry, dry up, rub dry, wither; abstergere, siccare, exsiccare :-- Hlúde streámas on Æthane ealle ðú adrigdest tu exsiccasti fluvios Ethan, Ps. Th. 73, 15.

a-drincan; p. -dranc, pl. -druncon; pp. -druncen To be immersed, extinguished, quenched by water, to be drowned; immergi, exstingui, aquis suffocari :-- Lígfýr adranc the fire-flame was quenched, Cd. 146; Th. 182, 18; Exod. 77. Mycele má moncynnes adranc on ðam wætere many more of mankind were drowned in the water, Bd. 3, 24; S. 556, 36.

a-driógan, -drióhan to bear, Bt. 40, 3; Fox 238, 22; MS. Cott. The Bodl. MS. has a-drióhan. v. a-dreógan.

a-drogen done, finished; transactus, peractus; pp. of a-dreógan.

a-dronc, -droncen. for a-dranc, -druncen; p. and pp. of a-drincan.

a-drugian; p. ode; pp. od To dry; siccari :-- Ðá sóna adrugode se streám alveus siccatus est, Bd. 1. 7; S. 478, 13. v. a-drigan.

a-druncen drowned; pp. of a-drincan.

a-druwian; p. ode; pp. od To dry up; siccari :-- Ðæt ða wætera wǽron adruwode ofer eorþan quod aquæ: cessassent super terram, Gen. 8, 11. Eorþan brádnis wæs adruwod exsiccata erat superficies terræ, 8, 13. v. a-drigan.

a-drygan, -dryggean to dry, Past. 13, 1; Hat. MS. 16b, 6. v. adrigan.

adul-seáþ a sewer, sink; cloaca, Wrt. Voc. 36, 42. v. adelseáþ.

a-dumbian; p. ode, ede; pp. od, ed; v. n. To hold one's peace, to keep silence, to become mute or dumb; obmutescere :-- Adumba and gá of ðisum men obmutesce et exi de homine, Mk. Bos. 1, 25. Adumbiaþ ða fácnfullan weoloras muta efficiantur labia dolosa, Ps. Th. 30, 20. Ic adumbede obmutui, Ps. Spl. 38, 3. Ic adumbode, Ps. Lamb. 38, 10.

a-dún, -dúne; adv. Down, adown, downward; deorsum :-- Adún of ðam wealle down from the wall, Bd. 1, 12; S. 481, 21. Ða óðre ða dura brǽcon adúne the others broke the doors down, Chr. 1083; Th. 352, 19. Adúne asetton (they) put down, deposed, Bd. 4, 6; S. 573, 35. He adúne astáh descendit, Ps. Spl. 71, 6: 87, 4.

a-dún-weard; adv. Downward; deorsum :-- Scotedon adúnweard mid arewan they shot their arrows downward, Chr. 1083; Th. i. 352, 14.

a-dwæscan; p. ede, te; pp. ed, t; v. a. [a, dwæscan to quench] To quench, put out, staunch, appease; extinguere :-- Smeócende flex he ne adwæscþ linum fumigans non extinguet, Mt. Bos. 12, 20. Ðæt fýr adwæsced wæs flammæ extinctæ sunt, Bd. 2, 7; S. 509, 29. Adwæscton extinguerent, 4, 8; S. 575, 41. Adwæsctum ðínum feóndum extinctis tuis hostibus, 2, 12; S. 514, 7. Efne swá he mid wætre ðone weallendan lég adwæsce even as he with water the raging flame quenches, Exon. 122a; Th. 467, 23; Alm. 6. Eall mín unriht adwæsc omnes ILLEGIBLE meas dele, Ps. Ben. 50, 10.

a-dwelian; p. -dwelede, -dwealde; pp. -dweled, -dweald [a, dwelian. to err] To seduce, lead into error; seducere :-- Woldon adwelian mancyn fram heora Drihtene they would seduce mankind from their Lord, L. Ælf. P. 29; Th. ii. 374, 31.

a-dwínan; ic -dwíne, -dwínest, -dwínst, he -dwíneþ, -dwínþ, pl. -dwínaþ; p. -dwán, pl. -dwinon; pp. -dwinen To dwindle or vanish away; vanescere. v. dwínan.

a-dýdan, -dýddan; p. -dýdde; pp. -dýded, -dýd; v. a. [a, dýdan to die] To put to death, to destroy, kill, mortify; perdere, occidere :-- Wolde híg adýddan would destroy them, Ælfc. T. 22, 19. Ðæt ic náteshwon nelle heonon forþ eall flǽsc adýdan mid flódes wæterum that I will not, by any means, henceforth destroy all flesh with the waters of a flood, Gen. 9, 11. Ǽlc þing ðe líf hæfde wearþ adýd everything which had life was destroyed, Gen. 7, 23.

a-dydest, hast banished; expulisti, Ps. Lamb. 59, 12; p. of a-dón.

a-dylegian; pres. ic -dylegige; p. ode; pp. od To destroy; delere :-- Ic adylegige deleo; ic adylegode [adeligode Som.] delevi; adylegod deletum, of ðam is gecweden letum [= lethum death; Grk. GREEK oblivio] deáþ, ðe adylegaþ líf I destroy; I destroyed; destroyed, deletum, from which is derived [called] letum death, which destroyeth life, Ælfc. Gr. 26; Som. 28, 32, 33. v. a-dilegian, dilgian.

a-dylf effodit, Ps. Th. 7, 15, = a-dealf; p. of a-delfan, q. v.

Æ. The short or unaccented Anglo-Saxon æ has a sound like ai in main and fairy, as appears from these cognate words :-- Wæl wail, brædan to braid, nægel a nail, dæg, spær, læt, snæce, mæst, æsp, bær, etc. 2. The short or unaccented æ stands only (1) before a single consonant; as Stæf, hwæl, dæg: (2) a single consonant followed by e in nouns; Stæfes, stæfe, hwæles, dæges, wæter, fæder, æcer: (3) or before st, sc, fn, ft; Gæst, æsc, hræfn, cræft: (4) before pp, bb, tt, cc, ss; Æppel, cræbba, hæbben, fætte, fættes, wræcca, næsse: (5) before double consonants, arising from the inflection of monosyllabic adjectives :-- Lætne, lætre, lætra, from læt late; hwætne, hwætre, hwætra from hwæt quick. 3. In the declension of monosyllabic nouns and adjectives, e is rejected from the short or unaccented æ, and becomes a, when a single consonant, or st, sc, is followed by a, o, u in nouns, and by a, o, u, e in adjectives; as Stæf, pl. stafas, g. stafa, d. stafum; hwæl, pl. hwalas; dæg, pl. dagas. adj. Læt late; g. m. n. lates; d. latum; se lata the late; latost, latemest, latest: Smæl small; g. m. n. smales; d. smalum; se smala the small, etc. See short a in B. 3, p. 1, col. 1. 4. æ-, prefixed to words, like a-, often denotes A negative, deteriorating or opposite signification, as From, away, out, without, etc. Like a, ge, etc. æ is sometimes prefixed to perfect tenses and perfect participles and other words without any perceptible alteration in the sense; as Céled, æ-céled cooled. 5. The Anglo-Saxon Rune for æ is RUNE, which is also put for æsc an ash-tree, the name of the letter. v. æsc. B. The long or accented ǽ has the sound of ea in meat, sea. The ǽ is found in the following words, which are represented by English terms of the same signification, having ea sounded as in deal, fear; Dǽl, fǽr, drǽd, lǽdan, brǽdo, hǽto, hwǽte, hǽþ, hǽðen, clǽne, lǽne, sǽ, ǽr, hǽlan, lǽran, tǽcan, tǽsan, tǽsel, wǽpen, etc. 2. The ǽ is known to be long, and therefore accented, when in monosyllables, assuming another syllable in declining, ǽ is found before a single consonant or st, sc, and followed in nouns by a, o, u, and in adjectives by a, o, u, or e; as Blǽda fruits; blǽdum: Dwǽs dull; g. m. dwǽses. The ǽ is often changed into á; as Stǽnen stony, stán a stone; lǽr, lár lore.

Ǽ; indecl. f. Law, statute, custom, rite, marriage; lex, statutum, ceremoniæ, ritus, matrimonium :-- God him sette ǽ ðæt ys open lagu God gave them a statute that is a plain law, Ælfc. T. 10, 20. Ǽ Drihtnes the law of the Lord, Ps. Spl. 18, 8: Mt. Bos. 26, 28. God is wísdóm and ǽ woruldbúendra God is the wisdom and law of the inhabitants of the world, Bt. Met. Fox 29, 165; Met. 29, 83. Cristes ǽ the Gospel. Bútan ǽ oððe útlaga an outlaw, Ælfc. Gr. 47; Som. 48, 44. Seó æftere ǽ Deuteronomy, Bd. 1, 27. Húslfatu hálegu ða ǽr Israela in ǽ hæfdon the holy vessels which the Israelites formerly used in their rites, Cd. 212; Th. 262, 29; Dan. 751. Wircaþ his bebodu and his ǽ and his dómas observa præcepta ejus et ceremonias atque judicia, Deut. 11, 1. Stýrde unryhtre ǽ he reproved the unlawful marriage, Exon. 70a; Th. 260, 14; Jul. 297. [O. Sax. éo, m: O. Frs. á, é, éwe, éwa, f: Ger. ehe, f. matrimonium: M. H. Ger. éwe, é, f; O. H. Ger. éwa, éha, éa, f: Sansk. eva, m. course, manner.]

ǽ; indecl. f. Life; vita :-- Ðæt hí ne meahtan acwellan cnyhta ǽ that they might not destroy the young men's lives, Exon. 55a; Th. 195, 32; Az. 164.

ǽ; indecl. f. A river, stream; rivus, torrens :-- On ðære ǽ ðú hý drencst thou shalt give them to drink of the stream; torrente potabis eos, Ps. Th. 35, 8. v. eá.

ǽ alas! Ǽ, Hy. 1, 1. = eá, Lamb, MS. fol. 183b, line 11. v. ǽlá, æálá, eálá.

æálá; interj. O! alas! O, eheu :-- Æálá ðú Scippend O! thou Creator, Bt. Met. Fox 4, 1; Met. 4, 1. v. eálá, ǽlá.

a-eargian; p. ode, ade; pp. od [a, eargian torpescere] To become slothful; segnis fieri :-- Hý ondrédan, gif hí hwílum ne ILLEGIBLE, ðæt hý tó raðe a-eargadon they dreaded, if they did not sometimes wage war, that they should too soon become slothful, Ors. 4, 13; Bos. 100, 20.

ǽ-bær notorious, L. Eth. vi. 36; Th. i. 324, 11. v. ǽ-ber.

Æbban dún, Abban dún, e; f. [Æbba, an; m: or Æbbe, an; f: dún a down or hill; Æbba's or Æbbe's down or hill] ABINGDON; Abindoniæ oppidum in agro Berceriensi :-- His líc líþ on ðam mynstre æt Abban dúne his body lies in the monastery at Abingdon, Chr. 981; Th. 234, 34, col. 1.

a-ebbian; p. a-ebbode; pp. a-ebbad, ge-ebbod; v. intrans. To ebb away, recede; recedere :-- Ðæt wæter wæs a-ebbad [a-ebbod MS. C. T; ge-ebbod Cant.] feala furlanga from ðám scipum the water had ebbed many furlongs from the ships, Chr. 897; Ing. 123, 19. v. ebbian.

æbbung, e; f. An EBBING; recessus aquarum :-- Sǽ-æbbung a bay; sinus, Wrt. Voc. 41, 63. v. ebba.

ǽ-bebod, es; n. Law, injunction of the law, command; lex, legis mandatum :-- Ðú me ǽbebod ǽrest settest tu legem posuisti mihi, Ps. Th. 118, 102.

ǽ-béc law books, books of the law; juris codices, Cot. 126.

ǽ-ber, ǽ-bær; adj. Clear and evident by proof, manifest, apparent, notorious; apricus, manifestus :-- Se ǽbera þeóf the notorious thief, L. Edg. ii. 7; Th. i. 268, 22. Ǽbære manslagan notorious homicides, L. Eth. vi. 36; Th. i. 324, 11.

æbesen, æbesn pasturage; pasnagium, L. In. 49; Th. i. 132, 18, note 46. v. æfesen.

æ-bilgan, æ-bilian to make angry; exasperare, Ps. Spl. 67, 7. v. a-belgan.

æ-bilignes, -ness, e; f. Indignation, anger; indignatio, Apol. Th. v. æ-bylignes.

æ-blǽcnys, -nes, -ness, e; f. A paleness; pallor :-- Wið æblǽcnysse ðæs líchaman for paleness of the body, Herb. 164, 2; Lchdm. ii. 294, 3.

æ-bléc; adj. Pale, wan, whitish, bleak; pallidus. v. blǽc, blác.

æ-blécing, æ-blécnys paleness. v. æ-blǽcnys, blácung.

ǽ-bod, es; m. A business; negotium :-- Ǽbodas pragmatica negotia, Ælfc. Gl. 12; Som. 57, 94.

ǽ-boda, an; m. A messenger of the law; legis nuntius :-- Ðá wæs frófre gǽst onsended eádgum ǽbodan then the spirit of comfort was sent to the blessed messenger of the law, i. e. the preacher of the gospel, Exon. 46b; Th. 158, 15; Gú. 909.

ǽ-brec [eá water, bræc] A catarrh, rheum; rheuma. v. brecan.

æbs, e; f? A fir-tree; abies, Ælfc. Gr. 5; Som. 4, 45: 9, 26; Som. 11, 18.

æ-bylg, es; n. Anger; ira, indignatio, Exon. 50b; Th. 176, 17; Gú. 1211. v. æ-bylgþ.

æ-bylgan, -byligan To make angry; exasperare, Ps. Spl. 65, 6. v. a-belgan.

æ-bylgþ, -bylþ, -bylygþ, e; f: es; n? [bylgþ, v. belgan] An offence, a fault, scandal, wrong, anger, wrath, indignation; offensa, injuria, ira, indignatio :-- To æbylgþe for offence, Ors. 4, 1; Bos. 76, 27. He sende on hí graman æbylygþe hys misit in eos iram indignationis suæ, Ps. Spl. 77, 54. Cristenum cyningce gebyraþ swýðe rihte ðæt he Godes æbylþe wrece Christiano regi jure pertinet ut injurias Deo factas vindicet, L. C. S. 40; Th. i. 400, 10. v. a-bylgþ, a-byligd.

æ-bylignes, -ness; -nys, -nyss, e; f. Indignation, wrath; indignatio :-- Æbylignes yrres ðínes indignatio iræ tuæ, Ps. Th. 68, 25. He sende on hí graman æbylignysse hys misit in eos iram indignationis suæ, Ps. Spl. 77, 54. v. a-bylgnes.

ǽc also, Th. Dipl. A. D. 804-829; 460, 9: 461, 18, 33. v. eác.

ǽc, e; f. An oak; quercus :-- Of ðære ǽce [MS. ǽc] andlang heges to ðæm wege from the oak and along the hedge to the road, Kmbl. Cod. Dipl. iii. p. 78, 7. v. ác.

ǽcan to eke, Solil. 11. v. écan.

æcced, es; n. Vinegar; acetum, Jn. Lind. War. 19, 30. v. eced.

æce, ace, es; m. An ake, pain; dolor :-- Eal ðæt sár and se æce onwæg alǽded wæs all the sore and ake were (led) taken away, Bd. 5, 3; S. 616, 35: 5, 4; S. 617, 22. DER. acan to ake. v. ece.

ǽce; adj. Eternal; æternus :-- Ðæt we ge-earnian ǽce dreámas that we may obtain eternal delights, Ps. C. 156. v. éce.

æced, es; n. Vinegar :-- Onféng ðe Hǽlend ðæt æced the Saviour received the vinegar, Jn. Rush. War. 19, 30. v. eced.

æced-fæt, es; n. An acid-vat, a vinegar-vessel; acetabulum, Wrt. Voc. 25, 21. v. eced-fæt.

æced-wín, es; n. ACID-WINE; murratum vinum, Mk. Lind. War. 15, 23.

æ-céled cooled; pp. of æ-célan = a-célan. DER. célan.

æcelma, an; m. A chilblain; mula, L. M. 1, 30; Lchdm. ii. 70, 16.

ǽcen = ácen; adj. Oaken, made of oak; quernus, Cot. 165.

ǽcen, eácen; pp. of eácan to increase. v. eácan.

ÆCER, æcyr, es; m. I. a field, land, what is sown, sown land; ager, seges :-- For ðam is se æcer geháten Acheldemah propter hoc vocatus est ager ille Haceldama, Mt. Bos. 27, 8. Hér ys seó bót, hú ðú meaht ðíne æceras betan here is the remedy, how thou mayest improve thy fields, Lchdm. i. 398, 1. Of ðæm æcere from the field, Bt. Met. Fox 12, 3; Met. 12, 2. Æcera þúsend a thousand fields, 14, 10; Met. 14, 5. II. a definite quantity of land which, in A. Sax. times, a yoke of oxen could plough in a day, an ACRE, that is 4840 square yards; jugeri spatium, jugerum, a jugo quod tantum fere spatii uno jugo boum arari posset: also ager - Ger. acker an acre :-- Ǽlce dæg ic sceal erian fulne æcer oððe máre omni die debeo arare integrum jugerum [MS. agrum] aut plus, Coll. Monast. Th. 19, 21. Ðæt is se teóða æcer, eal swá seó sulh hit gegá that is the tenth acre, all as the plough goes over it, L. C. E. 8; Th. i. 366, 6. Æceras jugera, Cot. 109. [O. Sax. akkar: O. Frs. ekker: O. Ger. ahhar: N. Ger. acker a field, an acre: Goth. akrs: O. Nrs. akr: Lat. ager: Grk. GREEK Sansk. ajra a plain.]

æcer-ceorl, es; m. A field-churl, a farmer, ploughman; agricola. DER. æcer a field, ceorl a free husbandman.

æcer-man, æcer-mon; g. æcer-mannes; m. A field-man, farmer; agricola, Ælfc. Gl. 5.

ǽcern, ǽcirn, es; n. [ǽc = ác oak, corn corn] The corn or fruit of an oak, an ACORN, a nut; glans :-- Ǽcern glans, Ælfc. Gl. 46; Som. 65, 7. Ǽcirnu, pl. nom. Gen. 43, 11. [Spenser, Grafton, acornes, pl: N. Dut. aker in aker-boom: N. L. Ger. ecker, m. n: N. Ger. ecker, pl. eckern, m. n. glans quernea or fagea: Goth. akran, n. fructus: Dan. agern, n: Norw. aakorn: O. Nrs. akarn, n. glans silvestris.]

æcer-spranca, æcer-spranga, an; m. [æcer, spranca, an; m. a shoot, sprout] Young shoots springing up from acorns, saplings, the holm oak, scarlet oak; ilex :-- Æcer-spranca ilex, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 61; Som. 13, 48.

æcest = æcst akest, 2nd pers. sing. pres. of acan.

æceþ = æcþ aketh, 3rd pers. sing. pres. of acan.

æchir an ear of corn, Mt. Rush. Stv. 12, 1. v. ear.

æ-ciorfan to cut to pieces, Ps. Spl. 128, 4. v. a-ceorfan.

ǽcirnu nuts, Gen. 43, 11. v. æcern.

æc-lǽca, an; m. [æc = ag, q. v.] A wretch, miscreant, monster; miser, perditus, monstrum, Elen. Grm. 901; El. 902. v. ag-lǽca.

ǽ-cræft, es; m. Law-craft and its result; legis peritia et vires inde oriundæ :-- Ǽcræft eorla law-craft of men, Elen. Kmbl. 869; El. 435: Cd. 173; Th. 217, 7; Dan. 19.

ǽ-cræftig; adj. Law-crafty, one skilled in law, a lawyer, scribe; legis peritus :-- Him ǽcræftig andswarode to them the skilled in law answered, Cd. 212; Th. 262, 10; Dan. 742.

æcse an axe, Bd. 4, 3; S. 567, 26. v. æx.

æcst akest, 2nd pers. sing. pres. of acan.

æcþ aketh, 3rd pers. sing. pres. of acan.

ǽcumbe oakum; stuppa, Wrt. Voc. 40, 36. v. ácumba.

æcyr a field :-- Blódes æcyr sanguinis ager, Mt. Foxe 27, 8. v. æcer.

æcyrf, e; f. That which is cut off, a fragment, piece; recisura, fragmentum :-- Ðara treówa æcyrf and láfe forbærnde wǽron the offcuttings and leavings of the wood were burnt, Bd. 3, 22; S. 552, 13. v. cyrf, ceorfan.

æd-, prefixed to words, denotes Anew, again, as the Latin re- :-- Æd-sceaft re-generation. v. ed-.

ǽddran kidneys; renes, Ps. Spl. C. 7, 10. v. ǽdre.

ǽder-seax, ǽdre-seax, es; n. A vein-knife, a lancet; lancetta, Cot. 92.

æd-fæst [eád substance, fæst fast, fixed] Goods, property; bona :-- Ædfæst tǽht to healdenne property taken to hold, a pledge, Ælfc. Gl. 14; Som. 58, 8.

æd-leán a reward, Th. Diplm. A. D. 804-829; 459, 11. v. ed-leán.

ǽdr vein, artery, Ps. Th. 72, 17. v. ǽdre, édre.

ædre; adv. Quickly, promptly, at once, forthwith; illico, confestim, statim, protinus :-- Him ðá ædre God andswarede God answered him forthwith, Cd. 42; Th. 54, 4; Gen. 872. Wille ðé ða andsware ædre gecýðan I will quickly let you know the answer, Beo. Th. 714; B. 354. Nú ðú ædre const síþ-fæt mínne now thou comprehendest at once my journey, Exon. 52b; Th. 184, 29: Gú. 1351. [O. H. Ger. atar: O. Sax. adro: O. Frs. edre velociter.] v. edre.

ǽdre, ǽddre, édre, an; f; ǽdr, e; f. I. a channel for liquids, An artery, a vein, fountain, river; arteria, vena, fons, rivus; v. wæter-ǽdre :-- Feorh aléton þurh ǽdra wylm they let life forth through the fountain of their veins, Exon. 72b; Th. 271, 6; Jul. 478. Blédaþ ǽdran the veins shall bleed, Salm. Kmbl. 290; Sal. 144. Swát ǽdrum sprong blood sprang from the veins, Beo. Th. 5925; B. 2966. II. a nerve, sinew, kidney; nervus, ren :-- Wǽron míne ǽdra ealle tolýsde renes mei resoluti sunt, Ps. Th. 72, 17. Ðú canst míne ǽdre ealle tu possedisti omnes renes meos, 138, 11. Ðá for ðam cýle him gescuncan ealle ǽdra then all his sinews shrank because of the cold, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 64, 39. [Plat. ader: O. Frs. eddere, eddre: O. Dut. adere: Ger. ader: M. H. Ger. áder: O. H. Ger. ádara: Dan. aare: Swed. åder: Norw. aader: O. Nrs. æd, f.] DER. wæter-ǽdre.

ǽdre-seax a vein-knife, lancet. v. ǽder-seax.

ǽdre-weg, es; m. A drain way, a vein, an artery; arteria, vena. v. ǽdre, weg a way.

æ-drífan to expel, Ps. Spl. T. 42, 2: 43, 26. v. a-drífan.

æd-sceaft, e; f. A regeneration, new creation; regeneratio :-- Hí ǽlce geáre weorþaþ to ædsceafte they become every year a new creation, Bt. 34, 10; Fox 150, 16. v. edsceaft.

Ædwines clif, EDWIN'S CLIFF, Chr. 761; Ing. 73, 15.

æd-wist substance; substantia, essentia. v. æt-wist.

æd-wít, es; n. A reproach; opprobrium :-- Æd-wít manna opprobrium hominum, Ps. Spl. C. T. 21, 5. v. ed-wít.

æd-wítan To reproach; exprobare :-- Æd-wioton him improperabant ei, Mt. Lind. Stv. 27, 44. v. ed-wítan.

æf, af, of: prep. Of, from: ab, de. v. compound æf-lást and in of-.

æf-ǽst, es; n. Envy; invidia :-- Bútan æfǽste sine invidia, Bd. 5, 22; S. 644, 13. v. æf-ést.

ǽ-fæst, -fest; adj. [ǽ law, fæst fast, fixed] Firm in observing the law, religious, pious; tenax observandi legem, religiosus, pius, justus :-- Ǽfæst hæleþ a pious man, Cd. 59; Th. 72, 6; Gen. 1182. Ǽfæste men pious men, 86; Th. 108, 7; Gen. 1802. We ǽfæstra dǽde déman we consider the deeds of the pious, Exon. 40a; Th. 133, 30; Gú. 497. Wæs he ǽfæst and árfæst was he devout and good? Bd. 3, 14; S. 539, 33. v. ǽw-fæst.

ǽ-fæsten, es; n. A legal fast; legitimum jejunium :-- III ǽfæstenu fæste he tribus legitimis jejuniis jejunet, L. Ecg. C. 4; Th. ii. 138, 1.

ǽ-fæstnes, -festnes, -nys, -ness, e; f. Firmness in the law, religion; religio :-- He wæs mycelre ǽfæstnesse wer he was a man of much religion, Bd. 4, 31; S. 610, 7: 2, 9; S. 510, 30, 32.

æf-dæl; g. -dæles; pl. nom. -dalu; n. [æf, dæl a vale] A descent; descensus :-- To æfdæle ad descensum, Lk. Lind. War. 19, 37. v. of-dæl.

æfdon performed, executed, Exon. 27b; Th. 83, 16; Cri. 1357, = æfndon, p. pl. of æfnan.

æ-felle, a-felle; adj. [æ, fell a skin] Barked, peeled, skinned; decorticatum, Ælfc. Gl. 115; Som. 80, 34; Wrt. Voc. 61, 14.

æfen even; æqualis, æquus. v. efen.

ǼFEN, ǽfyn, éfen, es; m. The EVEN, evening, eventide; vesper, vespera :-- Syððan ǽfen cwom after evening came, Beo. Th. 2475; B. 1235. Ǽfen ǽrest vesperum primum, Cd. 8; Th. 9, 7; Gen. 138. Ǽfena gehwám in each of evenings, 148; Th. 184, 16; Exod. 108. Æt ǽfenne, on ǽfenne, or to ǽfenne, at even, in the evening, Ps. Spl. 29, 6. [Laym. aefen: Orm. efen: Gow. Chauc. even: N. Dut. avond: M. Dut. avont, m: Plat, abend, m: O. Sax. áband, m: O. Frs. ávend, m: Ger. abend, m; M. H. Ger. ábent, m: O. H. Ger. ápand, ábant, ábunt, m: Dan. aften, m: Swed. afton, m: Icel. aptan, aftan, m: confr. Grk. GREEK.]

ǽfen-dreám, es; m. Even-song; vespertinus cantus. v. ǽfen.

æfen-fela as many; totidem, Deut. 9, 11. v. efen-feola.

ǽfen-gebéd, es; n. An evening prayer, evening service :-- Ǽfen-gebéd vespertinum officium, Ælfc. Gl. 34; Som. 62, 50.

ǽfen-gereord, e; f. An evening meal, a supper; cœna, Ælfc. Gl. 58; Som. 67, 87; Wrt. Voc. 38, 13.

ǽfen-gereordian; p. ode; pp. od To sup or take supper; cœnare. v. gereordian to take food.

ǽfen-gifl, -giefl, es; n. Evening food, supper; cœna :-- Hí sécaþ ðæt hie fyrmest hlynigen æt ǽfengieflum [-giflum MS. C.] quærunt primos in cœnis recubitus, Past. 1, 2; MS. Hat. 6b, 20: 44, 3; MS. Hat. 61b, 22.

ǽfen-glóm, es; m. The evening gloom or twilight; crepusculum :-- From ǽfenglóme óþ ðæt eástan cwom dægrédwóma from evening twilight there came the rush of dawn from the east, Exon. 51b; Th. 179, 21; Gú. 1265.

ǽfen-grom; adj. Fierce in the evening; vespere ferox :-- Grendel cwom eatol, ǽfengrom Grendel came terrible, fierce at eve, Beo. Th. 4154; B. 2074.

æfen-hlytta, an; m. A fellow, consort, companion or mate; consors, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 44; Som. 13, 6.

ǽfen-hrepsung, e; f. The evening close; vesper, v. hrepsung closing.

ǽfen-lác, es; n. An evening sacrifice; vespertinum sacrificium :-- Swylce ahafenes handa mínra, ðonne ic ǽfenlác secge elevatio manuum mearum sacrificium vespertinum, Ps. Th. 140, 3.

æfen-lǽcan to match; imitari. v. efen-lǽcan.

ǽfen-lǽcan; p. -lǽhte; pp. -lǽht To grow towards evening; advesperascere :-- Hit ǽfenlǽcþ advesperascit, Lk. Bos. 24, 29.

æfen-lǽcend an imitator, v. efen-lǽcend.

ǽfen-leóht, es; n. Evening light; vespertina lux :-- Siððan ǽfen-leóht under heofenes hádor beholen weorþeþ after the evening light is concealed under heaven's serenity, Beo. Th. 831; B. 413.

ǽfen-leóþ es; n. An evening song; vespertinus cantus :-- Atol ǽfenleóþ a dreadful evening song, Cd. 153; Th. 190, 18; Exod. 201.

ǽfen-líc; adj. Vespertine, of the evening; vespertinus, Ps. Spl. 140, 2.

ǽfen-mete, es; m. Evening meat, supper; cœna, Cot. 42.

ǽfen-rest, e; f. Evening rest; vespertina requies :-- Sum sáre ongeald ǽfenreste one paid dearly for his evening rest, Beo. Th. 2508; B. 1252.

ǽfen-rima, an; m. [ǽfen vesper, rima margo, labrum] Twilight; crepusculum. v. rima a rim, margin.

ǽfen-sang, es; m. EVEN-SONG, vespers; vespertinus cantus, L. Ælf. C. 19; Th. ii. 350, 7.

ǽfen-sceóp, -scóp, es; m. An evening bard; vespertinus cantor :-- Eald ǽfensceóp ic bringe I bring an old evening bard, Exon. 103a; Th. 390, 21; Rä. 9, 5.

ǽfen-scíma, an; m. Evening splendour; vespertinus splendor, Cd. 112; Th. 147, 31; Gen. 2448.

ǽfen-spræc, e; f. Evening speech; vespertina loquela :-- Gemunde ǽfenspræce he remembered his evening speech, Beo. Th. 1522; B. 759.

ǽfen-steorra, an; m. The evening star; Hesperus; the Grk. GREEK [Lat. vesper], the evening star, is called by Hesiod a son of ILLEGIBLE

ǽfen-þénung, e; f. An evening service or duty, evening repast, supper; cœána, R. Concord 8. v. þegnung.

ǽfen-þeówdóm, es; m. An evening service or office; vespertinum officium, Ælfc. Gl. 34; Som. 62, 50.

ǽfen-tíd, e; f. The eventide, evening; vespertina hora :-- Seó ǽfen-tíd ðæs dæges the eventide of the day, Dial. 1, 10. On ǽfen-tíd at eventide, Cd. 111; Th. 146, 19; Gen. 2424.

ǽfen-tíma, an; m. Evening time, eventide; vespertinum tempus :-- Ðá ǽfentíma wæs, he férde to Bethaníam cum jam vespera esset hora, exiit in Bethaniam, Mk. Bos. 11, 11.

ǽfen-tungel, es; m. n. The evening star; hesperus. v. tungel.

ǼFER; adv. EVER, always; unquam, semper :-- Ǽfer ge fliton ongén God semper contentiose egistis contra Deum, Deut. 31, 27. v. ǽfre.

æfesen, æfesn, æbesen, æbesn, e; f. Pasturage, the charge for pigs going into the wood to fatten on acorns; pasnagium, pretium propter porcos in quercetum admissos :-- Gif mon níme æfesne on swínum if [a man] any one take pasturage on swine, L. In. 49; Th. i. 132, 18.

Æf-ést, æf-ǽst, æfst, es; n. [æf, of = ab, ést gratia] Without favour or good-will, hence, Envy, spite, enmity, zeal, rivalry, emulation; livor, invidia, odium, zelus, æmulatio :-- Æfst and oferhygd envy and pride, Cd. 1; Th. 3, 1; Gen. 29. Eald-feóndes æfést the old fiend's envy, Exon. 61 b; Th. 226, 5; Ph. 401. Æféstes livoris, Mone B. 2699, p. 386. Heora æfstu ealle sceamien they all shall be ashamed of their enmities, Ps. Th. 69, 4. Fore æfstum from envy, Exon. 43 a; Th. 144, 27; Gú. 684. Æfǽstum onæled inflamed with envy, Exon. 84 a; Th. 316, 3; Mód. 43. [O. Sax. ab-unst, f. invidia : O. Frs. ev-est invidia : Ger. ab-gunst, f. invidia : O. H. Ger. ap-anst, ap-unst, m. invidia, livor, zelus, rancor.]

ǽ-fest; adj. [ǽ law, fæst fast, fixed] Fast or firm in the law, religious, devout; religiosus :-- Wæs se mon swýðe ǽfest erat vir multum religiosus, Bd. 4, 24; S. 598, 20. Ongunnon ǽfeste leóþ wyrcean religiosa poemata facere tentabant, id; S. 596, 38. v. ǽ-fæst, ǽw-fæst.

æf-ést-ful; adj. Full of envy; invidia plenus, invidiosus :-- He is swíðe æféstful for ðínum góde he is very full of envy at thy prosperity, Th. Apol. 14, 24, v. æf-ést.

æf-éstian, -éstigan; p. ode; pp. od To envy, be envious of or at; invidere :-- Ðes iunga man ne æféstigaþ on nánum þingum, ðe he hér gesihþ this young man is envious at nothing, which he here seeth, Th. Apol. 14, 25: Cot. 119. v. æf-ést.

æf-éstig, æfstig; adj. Envious, emulous, jealous; invidus, æmulus :-- Sum eald and sum æféstig ealdorman an old and an envious nobleman, Th. Apol. 14, 19. v. æf-ést.

ǽ-festlíce; adv. Religiously; religiose. v. fæstlíce.

æf-éstnes, -ness; -nys, -nyss, e; f. Envy, spite; invidia, malignitas. DER. æf-ést.

ǽ-festnes, -ness, e; f. Religion, devotion; religio :-- Ða ðe to ǽfestnesse belumpon quæ ad religionem pertinebant, Bd. 4, 24; S. 597. 1. v. ǽ-fæstnes.

Æffric; def. m. Æffrica; adj. African; Afer :-- Severus Cásere se wæs Æffrica cynnes Severus Cæsar genere Afer, Bd. 1, 5; S. 476, 5. v. Affric.

æf-íst envy; invidia, Mt. Lind. Stv. 27, 18. v. æf-ést.

æf-lást, es; m. [æf = af from, lást a course] A wandering away? aberratio, Cd. 166; Th. 207, 27; Exod. 473.

æfnan; p. de; pp. ed To perform, execute, labour, show; patrare, facere, laborare, præstare :-- His dómas æfnaþ they fulfil his judgments, Exon. 32 b; Th. 102, 29; Cri. 1680. Gif hý woldun his bebodu æfnan if they would execute his judgments, 54 a; Th. 152, 29; Gú. 816. Wile coriscipe æfnan he wishes to show his dignity, 87 a; Th. 327, 3; Wíd. 141. Æfdon unsofte for æfudon? 27 b; Th. 83, 16; Cri. 1357. DER. ge-æfnan. v. efnan.

æfne; interj. Behold; ecce :-- Æfne sóþlíce sóþfæstnysse ðú lufudest ecce enim veritatem dilexisti, Ps. Spl. 50, 7. v. efne; interj.

ǽfnian; p. ode; pp. od To grow towards evening; vesperascere, Dial. 1, 10.

ǽfnung, e; f. Evening; vespera :-- Heó com ðá on ǽfnunge eft to Nóe iila venit ad eum [Noe] ad vesperam, Gen. 8. 11 : Homl. Th. ii. 266. 5. 6.

ǽfre, ǽfer; adv. Ever, always; unquam, semper :-- Nolde ǽfre nolebat unquam, Cd. 72; Th. 89, 14; Gen. 1480. Ne sceal ǽfre gehéran nor shall I ever hear, 216; Th. 275, 14; Sat. 171. Nú ic eóm orwéna ðæt unc seó éðyl-stæf ǽfre weorþe gifede ætgædere now I am hopeless that the staff of our family will ever be given to us two together, 101; Th. 134, 12; Gen. 2223. Ðú ǽfre wǽre tu semper fuisti, Exon. 9 b; Th. 8, 2; Cri. 111. Ǽfre forþ sempiternum, Cd. 220; Th. 282, 35; Sat. 297. Ǽfre to aldre in æternum, 38; Th. 51, 1; Gen. 820. ǽfre = á, q. v.

ǽ-fremmende; part. Fulfilling the law, religious; legis præcepta conficiens, religiosus :-- Ic lǽran wille ǽfremmende ðæt ge eówer hús gefæstnige I will teach that you, the laws fulfilling, should make firm your house, Exon. 75 a; Th. 281, 18; Jul. 648.

æfst envy, Past. 13, 2; Hat. MS. 17 a, 12 : Cd. 1; Th. 3, 1; Gen. 29. v. æf-ést.

ǽfstian; p. ode; pp. od To hasten; festinare, accelerare. v. éfstan.

æfstig; adj. Envious, emulous; æmulus :-- Æfstig wið óðra manna yflu æmulus contra aliena vitia, Past. 13, 2; MS. Hat. 17 a, 11. v. æf-éstig.

æft; adv. AFT, behind, as go aft = go astern, Afterwards, again; postea, iterum :-- Moises cwæþ æft to Israela folce Moses said afterwards to the people of Israel, Deut. 28, 15. Æft uferan dógum afterwards in later days, Beo. Th. 4406 note; B. 2200. Ðæt hí æft to him cómen that they would come to him again, Bt. Met. Fox 1,130; Met. 1, 65. v. eft.

æftan; adv. Behind; post, pone :-- Earn æftan hwit the eagle white behind, Chr. 937; Th. i. 206, 29; Æðelst. 63, col. 1. DER. be-æftan.

æftan-weard; adj. Coming after, following; posterior :-- Rinc biþ on ófeste, se mec onþýþ æftanweardne the man is in haste, who urges me following, Exon. 125 a; Th. 480, 3; Rä. 63, 5. v. weard II; adj.

æft-beteht re-assigned, R. Ben. 4. v. eft-betæht.

æftemest, -myst, -most; adj. superlative of æfter,- After-most, last; postremus, novissimus :-- Ðeós bóc is æftemyst on ðære biblioþécan this is the last book of the Bible, Ælfc. T. 31, 22; Grn. Ælfc. T. 16, 3. Ðonne he sylf mid ðam fyrmestan dǽle wið ðæs æftemestan flúge when he himself with the first part should flee towards the hindermost, Ors. 4, 6; Bos. 85, 20: Mk. Bos. 12, 22: Jn. Bos. 7. 37.

æften-tíd, e; f. [æftan after] Evening, eventide; vespertinum tempus, vesper :-- Ǽr morgenes gancg wið æftentíd ealle ða déman Drihten healdeþ exitus matutini et vespere delectaberis, Ps. Th. 64. 9.

æfter; prep. [æft, q. v; er, q.v.] dat; rarely acc. 1. local and temporal dat. - AFTER; post :-- Ne far ðú æfter fremdum godum go not thou after strange gods, Deut. 6, 14. Æfter þrím monþum after three months, Gen. 38, 24. Æfter dagum after those days, Lk. Bos. 1, 24. Cumaþ æfter me venite post me, Mt. Bos. 4, 19. Æfter þrým dagum [MS. dagon] ic aríse post tres dies resurgam, Mt. Bos. 27, 63. Ðá eóde ðæt wíf æfter him then the wife went after him, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 170, 13. Hám staðeledon, án æfter ódrum they established a home, one after another, Cd. 213; Th. 266, 22; Sat. 26. Æfter ðám wordum werod eall arás after those words all the host rose, Cd. 158; Th. 196, 29; Exod. 299: Exon. 28 b; Th. 86, 24; Cri. 1413. Wunder æfter wundre wonder afer wonder, Beo. Th. 1866; B. 931: Cd. 8; Th. 9, 19; Gen. 144 Cd. 46; Th. 59, 15; Gen. 964: Cd. 143; Th. 178, 1; Exod. 5 : Cd. 148; Th.184,18; Exod. 109: Cd. 227; Th. 304, 14; Sat. 630: Exon. 16 a; Th. 36, 8; Cri. 573: Exon. 18 a; Th. 44. 31; Cri, 711: Exon. 117 a; Th. 449, 32; Dóm. 80: Exon. 117 a; Th. 450, 3; Dóm. 82: Exon. 124 a; Th. 476, 20; Ruin. 10: Beo. Th. 170; B. 85: Beo. Th. 238; B. 119: Apstls. Kmbl. 163; Ap.82: Andr. Kmbl. 175; An. 88: Andr. Kmbl. 265; An. 133: Exon. 39 b; Th. 130, 22; Gú. 442: Exon. 40 b; Th. 134, 5; Gú. 503: Elen. Kmbl. 859; El. 430: Elen. Kmbl. 977; El 490: Exon. 118 a; Th. 454, 10; Hy. 4, 30. 2. extension over space or time, - Along, through, during; κατά, per :-- Sǽton æfter beorgum they sat along the hills, Cd.154; Th. 191, 9; Exod. 212. His wundra geweorc, wíde and síde, bréme æfter burgum his works of wonder, far and wide, famed through towns, Exon.45 b; Th. 155, 4; Gú. 855. Ðeáh ic fela for him æfter woruldstundum wundra gefremede though I performed many miracles for them during my time in this world, Elen. Kmbl. 725; El. 363: Exon. 55 b; Th. 196, 18; Az. 176: Judth. 10; Thw. 21, 17; Jud. 18: Salm. Kmbl. 233; Sal. 116: Exon. 108 a; Th. 412, 25; Rä . 31, 5. 3. mode or manner, - According to, by means of; secundum, propter :-- Æfter dóme ðínum gelíffæsta me secundum judicium tuum vivifica me, Ps. Lamb. 118, 149. He hæfþ mon geworhtne æfter his onlícnesse he has created man after [secundum] his own image, Cd. 21; Th. 25, 19; Gen. 396. Ðæt sweord ongan æfter heaðoswáte wanian the sword began to fade away by the warsweat [in consequence of the hot blood], Beo. Th. 3216; B. 16006: Exon. 19 b; Th. 50, 20; Cri. 803: Andr. Kmbl. 156; An. 78: Exon. 45 b; Th. 154, 27; Gú. 849: Bt. Met. Fox 20, 93; Met. 20, 47: Exon. 110 a; Th. 421, 8; Rä. 40, 15: Beo. Th. 5499; B. 2753: Cd. 28; Th. 37, 19; Gen. 592. 4. object, - After, about; propter, ob, de :-- Hæleþ frægn æfter æðelum a chief asked after the heroes, Beo. Th. 670; B. 332. Him æfter deórum men dyrne langaþ he longs secretly after the dear man, Beo. Th. 3762; B. 1879. Gróf æfter golde he dug after gold, Bt. Met. Fox 8, 113; Met. 8. 57: Elen. Kmbl. 1346; El. 675: Beo. Th. 2648; B. 1322; Beo. Th. 2688; B. 1342: Cd. 15: Th. 18, 33; Gen. 282: Cd. 15; Th. 19, 14; Gen. 291: Cd. 92; Th. 117, 20; Gen. 1956: Cd. 98; Th. 130, 3; Gen. 2154: Cd. 203; Th. 251, 30; Dan. 571: Elen. Kmbl.1653; El. 828: Andr. Kmbl. 74; An. 37: Beo. Th. 4913; B.2461: Beo. Th. 4917; B. 2463: Beo. Th. 4528; B. 2268. II. acc; cum accusativo, After, above, according to; post, super, secundum :-- Æfter ðás dagas post hos dies, Lk. Lind. War. 1, 25. He eorþan æfter wæter ǽrest sette qui fundavit terram super aquas, Ps. Th. 135, 6. Stefne míne gehér æfter mildheortnesse ðíne, Drihten vocem meam audi secundum misericordiam tuam, Domine, Ps. Lamb. 118, 149. [O. Sax. aftar, after : O. Frs. efter, after : O. Dut. N. Dut. achter : Ger. after, only in compnd: M. H. Ger. after : O. H Ger. aftar : Goth. aftra backward, again: Dan. efter : Swed. efter : O. Nrs. eptir, eftir, prep; aptr, aftr, adv. back, again : Sansk. apara.] Th. 18, 33; Gen. 282: Cd. 15; Th. 19, 14; Gen. 291: Cd. 92; Th. 117, 20; Gen. 1956: Cd. 98; Th. 130, 3; Gen. 2154: Cd. 203; Th. 251, 30; Dan. 571: Elen. Kmbl. 1653; El. 828: Andr. Kmbl. 74; An. 37: Beo. Th. 4913; B. 2461: Beo. Th. 4917; B. 2463: Beo. Th. 4528; B. 2268. II. acc; cum accusativo. After, above, according to; post, super, secundum :-- Æfter ðás dagas post hos dies, Lk. Lind. War. 1, 25. He eorþan æfter wæter ǽrest sette qui fundavit terram super aquas, Ps. Th. 135, 6. Stefne míne gehér æfter mildheortnesse ðíne, Drihten vocem mean audi secundum misericordiam tuam, Domine, Ps. Lamb, 118, 149. [O. Sax. aftar, after: O. Frs. efter, after: O. Dut. N. Dut. achter: Ger. after, only in compnd: M. H. Ger. after: O. H. Ger. aftar: Goth, aftra backward, again: Dan. efter: Swed, efter: O.Nrs. eptir, eftir, prep; aptr, aftr, adv. back, again: Sansk, apara.]

æfter; adv. After, then, afterwards; post, postea, exinde :-- Æfter siððan ever afterwards, from thenceforth, Cd. 26; Th. 35, 6; Gen. 550. Æfter to aldre for ever after, Cd. 22; Th. 28, 15; Gen. 436. Ðæm eafera wæs æfter cenned a son was afterwards born to him, Beo. Th. 24; B. 12. Word æfter cwæþ then he spake these words. Beo. Th. 636; B. 315. Ǽr oððe æfter sooner or later, Exon. 32b; Th. 103, 22; Cri. 1692. Ic wát æfter nú hwá mec ferede ofer flódas now afterwards I know who conveyed me over the floods, Andr. Kmbl. 1808; An. 906. Ðǽr sceal ylda cwealm æfter wyrþan then must slaughter of men take place afterwards, 364; An. 182. Swá ðas foldan fæðme bewíndeþ ðes eástrodor and æfter west quantum ortus distat ab occasu. Ps. Th. 102, 12.

æftera, æftra; adj. compar. of æfter, -- Hinder, next, second; posterior, sequens, alter, secundus :-- Ðý æfteran dæge sequenti die, Lk. Bos. 13, 33. Ðæs æfteran monþes mensis secundi, Ex. 16, l. On ðam forman dæge ðæs æftran monþes primo die mensis secundi, Num. 1, 18. Seó æftre, i.e. eá, Ethiopia land belígeþ úton the next river encompasses the country of Ethiopia, Cd. 12; Th. 15, 4; Gen. 228. Siððan ic ongon on ðone æfteran ánseld búgan after Ihad begun to live in this second hermitage, Exon, 50b; Th. 176, 22; Gú. 1214.

æfter-boren [=æftergenga, q.v.] part. Born after the father's death; posthumus, Ælfc. Gr. 47; Som. 48, 32.

æfter-cweðan; p. -cwæþ; pp. -cweden To speak after, repeat, to answer, revoke, renounce, abjure; repetere, revocare :-- Bebeád he ðæt him mon lengran cwidas beforan cwæde, and he symle gedéfelíce æftercwæþ he ordered longer sayings to be spoken before him, and he always repeated them properly, Bd. 5, 2; S. 615, 15. His bróðer griþ eall æftercwæþ his brother renounced all peace, Chr. 1094; Th. 360, 23. Æftercweðendra lof the praise of the after-speaking [post mortem laudantium], Exon. 82 b; Th. 310, 10; Saef: 72.

æfter-eala, an; m. After-ale, small beer :-- Æfter-eala sapa, Ælfc. Gl. 33; Som. 62, 22; Wrt. Voc. 28, 5.

æfter-fæce; adv. [æfter after, and the dat. of fæc a space] Afterwards, after that; postmodum. v. fæc.

æfter-folgere, es; m. A follower; successor, Ors. 3, 11; Bos. 74, 36.

æfter-folgian; p. ode; pp. od To follow after, pursue; subsequi, persequi :-- Him æfterfolgiende wǽron they were pursuing him, Ors. 1, 10; Bos. 32, 25.

æfter-fylging, e; f. A following after, a sequence; sectatio, suc-cessio. v. fylging.

æfter-fylian, -filian; p. de; pp. ed To follow or come after, to succeed; sequi, prosequi, subsequi :-- Ðæs sǽs smyltnys æfterfyligeþ serenitas mares prosequetur, Bd. 3,15; S. 541, 35. Ðæs æfterfiliendan tácnes sigui sequentis, Ex. 4, 8.

æfter-fyligend, -fylgend, es; m. One who follows or succeeds, a follower; successor :-- Ac Oswald his æfterfyligend hí ge-endade swá we ǽr beforan sǽdon sed successor ejus Oswaldus perfecit at supra docuimus, Bd. 2, 20; S. 521, 36: Bd. 5, 23; S. 646, 2.

æfter-fylignes, -ness, e; f. A following after, a succession, succeeding; successio. v. fylignes.

æfter-gán [gán to go] To follow after; subsequi, Past. 15, 2 ?

æfter-gencnys, -nyss, e; f. [gengnys a going] Extremity; extremitas, R. Ben. Interl. 7.

æfter-genga, an; m. [genga goer] One who goes or follows after, a follower; successor, posthumus :-- Æftergenga posthumus, æfter boren, se ðe biþ geboren æfter bebyrgedum fæder one who is born after the father has been buried, Ælfc. Gr. 47; Som. 48, 32. Ðú me ne derige, ne mínum æftergengum ne noceas mihi et posteris meis, Gen. 21, 23.

æfter-gengnys, -nyss, e; f. Succession; posteritas. v. æfter-gencnys.

æfter-gild, -gyld, es; a. An after-payment, a paying again or in addition; secunda vel iterata compensatio, L. C. S. 24; Th. i. 390, 7.

æfter-hætu, e; f. [æfter after, hǽtu heat] After-heat; insequens calor :-- Mid ungemetlícum hærfest-wætan and æfterhǽte from heavy harvest-rains and after-heat. Ors. 3, 3; Bos. 55, 23.

æfter-hýrigean; p. de; pp. ed To follow another's example, to imitate, resemble; imitari :-- He wilnode æfterhýrigean he wished to imitate, Bd. 3, 18; S. 545, 44.

æfter-leán, es; n. An after-loan, reward, recompense, retribution; præ-miuin,nierces :-- þearl æfterleán hard retribution, Cd. 4; Th. 5, 24; Gen. 76.

æfter-líc; adj. After, second; secundus, Cot. 191.

æfterra second; secundus :-- Se æfterra deáþ the second death, Bt. 19; Fox 70, 18. Sende he eft æfterran síðe ǽrenddracan he sent messengers again a second time, Bd. 2, 12; S. 513, 10. v. æftera.

æfter-ráp, es; m. An AFTER-ROPE, a crupper; postilena, Ælfc. Gl. 20; Som. 59, 54.

æfter-rídan; p. -rád, pl. -ridon; pp. -riden To ride after; equo in-sequi :-- Híg ða sóna æfterridon ídelum færelde secuti sunt eos per viam, Jos. 2, 7.

æfter-ryne, es; m. An encountering, meeting, running against one; occursus :-- Æfterryne his óþ to heáhnesse his occursws ejus usque ad summum ejus, Ps. Spl. 18, 7.

æfter-sang, es; m. The after-song; posterior cantus :-- Mid ðam æfter-sange with the after-song, L. Ælf. P. 31; Th. ii. 376, 6.

æfter-singend, es; m. An after-singer; succentor, Wrt. Voc. 28, 21.

æfter-spræc, e; f. After-speech or claim; repostulatio, L. O. 7; Th. i. 180, 23.

æfter-sprecan; p. -spræc, pl. -sprǽcon; pp. -sprecen [sprecan to speak] To claim; petere, repetere :-- Ágnung biþ nér ðam ðe hæfþ, ðonne ðam ðe æftersprecþ possession is always nearer to him who has, than to him who claims, L. Eth. ii. 9; Th. i. 290, 21.

æfter-spyrian, -spyrgean; p. ede; pp. ed To inquire after, examine; examinare :-- Gif ge hit willaþ æfterspyrian if ye will examine it, Bt. 16, 2; Fox 52, 8. v. spyrian.

æfter-weard After, AFTERWARD, following; posterior, secundus: -- Gif he me æfterweard weorþeþ if he shall be after [afterward] me, Exon. 104 b; Th. 397, 3; Rä. 16, 14. v. æfte-weard, weard; adj.

æfter-weardnes, -ness, e;f. Posterity; posteritas, Cot. 149.

æfter-wearþ beón To be away, absent, Bd. 3, 15; S. 542, note 6. v. æfweard.

æfter-yldo, -yld, e; f. I. after-age, old age; ætas provecta :-- Ne mágon ða æfteryld in ðam ǽrestan blǽde geberan they may not produce [show] old age in their first strength [youth], Exon. 39b; Th. 132, 3; Gú. 467. II. an after-age, after-time; posterius ævum :-- Swá nǽnig æfteryldo syððan gemunan mæg so as no after-age since can remember, Bd. 1, 14; S. 482, 22.

æfte-weard; adj. [= æfter] After, back, late, latter, full; posterior :-- Æfteweard lencten full spring. Wrt. Voc. 53, 27. Æfteweard heáfod the back of the head, 42, 43. Drihten ðé gesett ná on æfteweard the Lord will not set thee in the after-part, Deut. 28,13.

æfte-wearde; adv. [æfter, wearde, weardes] Afterward, after, behind; post, pone :-- Ðú gesihst me æftewearde thou shalt see me behind, Ex. 33, 23.

æf-þanc, es; m: æf-þanea, -þonca, -þunca, an; m. Offence, insult, grudge, displeasure, envy, zeal; simultas, offensa, odium, zelus :-- Swindan me dyde æfþanca mín tabescere me fecit zelus meus, Ps. Spl. M. 118,139. Æfþonca gefylled full of grudges, Exon. 83 b; Th. 315, 4; Mod. 26. Eald æfþoncan edniwedan they have renewed old grudges, 72 b; Th. 271, 20; Jul. 485. Æfþancum herian to vex with insults, Cd. 102; Th. 135, 3; Gen. 2237.

æftyr after, according to; secundum, Mt. Bos. 9, 29. v. æfter I. 3.

æf-weard, æf-ward; adj. Absent, distant; absens :-- Lícumlíce æfward corporaliter absens, Bd. 3,15; S. 542, 6.

æf-weardnes, -ness, e; f. Absence, removal, posterity; absentia :-- For ðínre æfweardnesse because of thy absence, Bt. 10; Fox 28, 28.

æf-werdelsa, an; m. Damage, detriment, loss; detrimentum, damnum, L. Alf. 27; Th. i. 50, 28. v. æf-werdla.

æf-werdla, æf-wyrdla, æ-wyrdla, a-wyrdla, an; m. [æf of, wyrdan to corrupt] Damage, injury, loss, the amercement for it; detrimentum, jactura, damnum :-- þolie ðone æfwerdlan [æfwyrdlan MS. H.] let him bear the damage, L. In. 40; Th. i. 126, 16: R. Ben. 2 : Cot. 104.

ǽ-fyllende; adj. [ǽ = law, fyllende part, of fyllan to fill, fulfil] Following the law, faithful; legem exsequens :-- Seó circe ǽfyllendra the church of the faithful, Exon. 18 a; Th. 44, 17; Cri. 704.

ǽfyn, es; m. The evening :-- On ǽfyn at evening, Cd. 17; Th. 20, 22; Gen. 313. v. ǽfen.

æ-fyrmþa; pl. f. [æ, fyrmþ, e; f. washing] Ablutions, the sweepings of a house, the refuse of things or things of no value; ablutiones, quisquiliæ :-- Æfyrmþa [MS. æfyrmþe] quisquiliæ, Ælfc. Gr. 13; Som. 16, 22.

ÆG, æig; g. asges; pl. nom. acc. ægru; g. ægra; d. ægrum, ægerum; n. An EGG; ovum :-- Gifhit [cild] æges bitt if he ask for an egg, Homl. Th. i. 250, 9. Ðæt æg [æig MS.] getácnaþ ðone hálgan hiht the egg betokens the holy hope, i. 250, 11. Gif he bit æg si petierit ovum, Lk. Bos. 11, 12. Gením hænne æges geolocan take the yolk of a hen's egg, L. M. 1, 2; Lchdm, ii. 38, 6. Sceáwa nú on ánum æge, hú ðæt hwíte ne biþ gemenged to ðam geolcan, and biþ hwæðere án æg look now on an egg, how the white is not mingled with the yolk, and yet it is one egg, Homl. Th. i. 40, 27, 28. On æge biþ gioleca on middan in on egg the yolk is in the middle, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 338; Met. 20, 169. Of ægerum from eggs, Exon. 59a; Th. 214, 2; Ph. 233. Ægru lecgan to lay eggs, Som. 121. Æges hwíte white of an egg. Æmettan ægru gením take emmet's eggs, L. M. I, 87; Lchdm, ii. 156, 6. [Ger. ei, n. M. H. Ger. ei, g. eies, eiges, pl. eiger, n: O. H. Ger. ei, g. eies, eiges, pl. eigir, a: Dan. äg, n : Swed, ägg, n: O. Nrs. egg, n.]

ǽg, e; f. water, water land, an island, v. ǽge, ígg.

ǽg- used in composition, -- water, sea; aqua, mare. DER. ǽg-flota, ǽg-weard. v. íg.

ǽg- Ever, always; semper: either a contraction of the prefixes á, ǽ, with a g added, as ǽg, or derived from aa = á, áwa, ǽw. It is used in compound pronouns and adverbs, as, -- ǽg-hwá, ǽg-hwǽr, ǽg-hwilc, etc; but, in its place, we also find the prefix á as, -- á-hwǽr, á-hwilc, etc. Both ǽg- and á- impart to their compounds a sense of universality.

ǽgan to own, Ps. Spl. T. 78, 12: 138, 12. v. ágan.

æge fear; timor, terror, Chr. 1006, Th. 257, 41. v. ege.

ǽge the island; insulam :-- Æt eðelinga ǽge at the island of nobles; apud nobilium insulam, Sim. Dunelm. an. 888. v. Æðelinga ígg.

Ægelesbirg Aylesbury, Chr. 571; Th. 32, 29. v. Ægles burg.

Ægelesford, Egeles ford, es; m. Ailsford, Chr. 1016; Th. 279, 16, col. 2: 1016; Th. 282, 10, col. 2.

Ægeles þrep, Aylesthorpe, Chr. 455; Th. 21, 32. v. Ægles þrep.

ǽgen; adj. Own; proprius, Bt. 14, 2; Fox 44, 23. v. ágen.

æger-felma, an; f. Film of an egg; membrana vitellum complectens: -- Gením ðonne ægerfelman then take film of egg, L. M. l, 11; Lchdm, ii. 54, 21.

ægerum from eggs. Exon. 59 a; Th. 214, 2; Ph. 233. v. æg.

ǽ-gewrítere, es; m. [ǽ law, gewritere a writer] A writer or composer of laws; legum conditor, Prov. 8.

ǽg-flota, an; m. A floater on the sea, sailor, ship; nauta, navis, Andr. Kmbl. 515; An. 258. v. flota.

ǽg-hwá; m. f: neut. ǽg-hwæt; gen. ǽg-hwæs [á + ge + hwá] Every one, everything; quisque, quicunque: -- Ǽghwá secge let every one say, Exon. 88 b; Th. 333, 5; Vy. 97: 125a; Th. 482, 4; Rä. 66, 2. Ǽghwæt heó gefón mæg whatever she may seize, Bt. 25; Fox 88, 14. God ǽghwæs wealt God governs everything, Bt. 35, 4; Fox 160, 14. þearfum ǽghwæs oftugon ye denied the poor everything, Exon. 30 a; Th. 92, 8; Cri. 1505. Se fugol is on hiwe ǽghwæs ǽnlíc the bird is in aspect every way unique, 60a; Th. 219, 24; Ph. 312. Ǽghwæs orwígne wholly defenceless, 72 a; Th. 268, 18; Jul. 434.

ǽg-hwǽr, á-hwiér; adv. [á + ge + hwæ ǽr]. I. everywhere; ubique :-- God ǽghwǽr is eall, and náhwár todǽled God is everywhere all, and nowhere divided, Homl. Th. i. 286, 27. Hí ðá farende ǽghwǽr bodedon illi profecti prædicaverunt ubique, Mk. Bos. 16, 20. Ǽghwǽr sindon hiora gelícan they are everywhere like them. Bt. Met. Fox 10, 116; Met. 10, 58. II. in every respect, in every way; omnino :-- Eofore eom áéghwǽr cénra I am in every respect bolder than a wild boar. Exon. 110b; Th. 423, 9; Rä. 41,18: Ps. Th. 102,14.

ǽg-hwæt whatever; quodcunque. v. ǽg-hw.

ǽg-hwæðer; pron. [á + ge + hwæðer]. I. of two, either, each, both; uterque :-- Ǽghwæðer óðerne earme beþehte they embraced each other, Andr. Kmbl. 2029; An. 1017. Beámas twegen ðara ǽghwæðer efngedǽlde heahþegnunga háliges gástes two pillars, each of which shared alike the high services of the holy spirit, Cd. 146; Th. 183, 21; Exod. 94. II. of many, every one, each; unusquisque :-- Heora ǽghwæðrum to each, to every one of them, Beo. Th. 3277; B. 1636. Ǽghwæðer ge lengre fæc ðysses lífes ðé forgifan ge ðé eác ðæs écan lífes inganges wyrþne gedón et hujus vitæ longiora spatia concedere et ingressu te vitæ perennis dignum reddere, Bd. 3,13; S. 539, 2. Ǽghwæðer ge -- ge et -- et, 2, 16; S. 519, 34.

æg-hwanan, -hwanoii, -hwonon, -hwanone, -hwonene; adv. Everywhere, every way, on all sides; undique :-- Ǽghwanan mid wæterum ymbseald undique aquis circumdata. Bd. 4,19; S. 588, 28. Hí ǽghwanon to him cómon conveniebant ad eum undique, Mk. Bos. 1, 45. Ǽghwo-nan ymb-boren mid brondum on every side surrounded with brands, Exon. 74a; Th. 277, 14; Jul. 580. Ǽghwanon, Ælfc. Gr.45; Som. 46, 57. Hine ǽghwonan ælmihtig God [MS. Good] gehealdeþ Almighty God keeps him everywhere, Bt. Met. Fox 7, 89; Met. 7,45. Ǽghwonon everywhere, Bd. 4, 13; S. 582, 44. Ǽghwanone, 3, 6; S. 528, 18. Ǽghwonene, 3,15; S. 541, 42.

ǽg-hwár, ǽg-hwér everywhere, Ors. 4,1; Bos. 76, 38. v. ǽg-hwǽr.

ǽg-hwider, -hwyder; adv. On every side, every way; quaquaver-f um :-- Ǽghwider ymb swá swá Edwines ríce wǽre quaquaversum imperium regis Æduini pervenerat, Bd. 2,16; S. 519,38. Ǽghwider wolde wide toscríðan it would everywhere widely wander. Bt. Met. Fox 20, 184; Met. 20, 92.

ǽg-hwilc, -hwelc, -hwylc; adj. [á + ge + hwý + líc] Every, all, whosoever, whatsoever, every one; quicunque, unusquisque, omnis :-- Ǽghwylc dæg every day, Mt. Bos. 6, 34. Ǽghwylce geáre every year, Bd. 2, 16; S. 519, 23. Hér is ǽghwylc eorl óðrum getrýwe here is every man true to the other, Beo. Th. 2460; B. 1228. Ǽghwylcum máððum gesealde he gave a present to every one. Beo. Th. 2104; B. 1050. Ǽghwylcne ellþeódigra unumquemque alienorum, Andr. Kmbl. 51; An. 26. Wreðiaþ fæste ǽghwilc óðer each supports the other firmly, Bt. Met. Fox 11, 69; Met. 11, 35. Ǽghwelce dæg on every day, Bt. Met. Fox 14, 9; Met. 14,5. Ǽghwylc wille lífes tiligan every one wishes to cultivate life, Exon. 27a; Th. 81, 4; Cri. 1318. Ðú ǽghwylces canst thou art knowing in every matter, Andr. Kmbl. 1016; An. 508.

ǽg-hwonene; adv. On every side; ubique :-- Ða ýða ǽghwonene ðæt scyp fyldon the waves filled the ship on every side, Bd. 3, 15; S. 541, 42. v. ǽg-hwanan.

ǽg-hwyder every way. v. ǽghwider.

ǽ-gift, e; f. A legal gift, restitution; legalis dos, restitutio, Cart. Eadgif R.

æ-gilde, æ-gylde, a-gilde, a-gylde; adv. [æ without, gild payment] Without compensation; sine compensatione :-- Gif he gewyrce ðæt hine man afylle, lícge ægilde if he so do that any man fell him down, let him be without compensation, L. Eth. vi. 38; Th. i. 324, 24: L. E. G. 6; Th. i. 170,13: L. C. S. 49; Th. i. 404, 14: L. Eth. v. 31; Th. 1. 312, 12.

Ægiptisc Egyptian, r. Ægypte, Egiptisc.

æg-lǽc, es; n. Misery, trouble, torment; miseria, tribulatio, cruciatus, Elen. Grm. 1188. v. ag-lác.

æg-lǽca, an; m. A miserable being, wretch, monster; miser, perditus, monstrum :-- Atol æglǽca the fell wretch, Beo. Th. 1188; B. 592 : Cd. 216; Th. 274, 28; Sat. 161: Andr. Kmbl. 2717; An. 1361. v. ag-lǽca.

ǽ-gleáw; adj. Skilled in the law, learned, wise; legis peritus, saga-cissimus, sapientissimus: -- Ðá andswarode him sum ǽgleáw respondit quidam ex legis peritis, Lk. Bos. 11, 45. Ealde ǽgleáwe elders skilled in laws, Menol. Fox 37; Men, 19. Ðæt scell ǽgleáwra fíndan that a more learned man must find out. Andr. Kmbl. 2965; An. 1485.

æg-léca, an; m. A wretch, miscreant, Cd. 214; Th. 269,14; Sat. 73. v. ag-lǽca.

Ægles burg, Ægeles burg, [burh]; g. burge; f; Ægles byrig, e; f. AYLESBURY, in Buckinghamshire :-- Cúþwulf genom Ægeles burg Cuth-wulf took Aylesbury, Chr. 571; Erl. 18, 13. Genam Ægles burh id. Th. 32, 29, col. 2. Genam Ægles byrig id. Th. 33, 27, col. l. Betweóx Byrnewuda and Ægles byrig betwixt Bernwood and Aylesbury, 921; Th. 194,19.

Ægles ford, es; m. AYLESFORD on the Medway near Maidstone, Kent, Chr. 455; Ing. 15,15. v. Ægeles ford.

Ægles þrep, es; n. [þorp a village] AYLESTHORPE, a village near Aylesford, Kent, Chr. 455; Ing. p. 15, note h; Th. 20, 39.

Ægles wurþ, es; m. The village of EYLESWORTH, Northamptonshire, Chr. 963; Ing. 155, 9.

æg-lím, es; m. [æg an egg, lím lime, glue] EGG-LIME, the sticky part or white of an egg; ovi viscum :-- Æglíra glara, Ælfc. Gl. 81; Som. 72,119.

ǽg-moran; pl. f. Eye-roots; nervi quibus oculus cum cerebro connectitur :-- Ðe beóþ on ðan ǽgmoran sára which are sores in the eye-roots, Lchdm, iii. 98, 5. v. more.

ǽgnes ponces of his own accord; sponte, ultro. v. ágen.

ægnian; p. ede; pp. ed? To frighten, vex; terrere, tribulare: -- Ægnian mid yrmþum to frighten with misery, Cd. 156; Th. 194, 23; Exod. 265.

ægru eggs, L. M. 1, 87; Lchdm, ii. 156, 6. v. æg.

ægsa, an; m. Fear; timor, Mt. Rush. Stv. 14, 26. v. egsa.

ǽg-ðer [= ǽg-hwæðer]; pron. Either, each, both; uterque, ambo :-- Ǽgðer byþ gehealden ambo conservantur, Mt. Bos. 9, 17. Ǽgder ðara eorla each of the men. Andr. Kmbl. 2103; An. 1053. Heora ǽgðer either or both of them, each. Gen. 21, 31. On ǽgðre hand, on ǽgðere healic on either hand or half, on both sides, Ors. 1, 11; Bos. 34, 40: l, 14; Bos. 37,33. On ǽgðre healfe weard towards both sides, Ælfc. Gr. Ǽgðer ge -- ge, both -- and, as well -- as: -- Ǽgðer ge hádes, ge éðeles þolige let him forfeit both degree and country, L. C.S. 41; Th. i. 400, 14. Ǽgðer ge heonan ge ðanan both here and there. Hí hatedon ǽgðer ge me ge mínne fæder they hated both me and my father, Jn. Bos. 15, 24.

ǽg-weard, e; f. Sea-ward, sea-guard or guardianship; maris [litoris] custodia. -- Ic ǽgwearde heóld I hold guard, Beo. Th. 488, note; B. 241. v. weard.

æg-wyrt, e; f. Egg-wort, dandelion; leontodon taraxacum, Lacn. 40; Lchdm, iii. 28, 26.

æ-gylde; adv. Without compensation, L.E.G. 6; Th. i. 170, 13. v. æ-gilde.

ǽ-gylt, -gilt, es; m. [ǽ, gylt guilt, fault] A breach or violation of the law, a trespass, fault; delictum :-- Ǽgiltas iúguþ-hádes mínes ne gemun ðú delicta juventutis meæ ne memineris. Ps. Spl. T. 24, 7.

æ-gype, -gipe; adj. Trifling, worthless; nugalis :-- Forðon hí dydan Drihtnes sprǽce ǽghwæs ægype quia exacerbaverunt eloquium Domini, Ps. Th. 106, 10.

Ægypte Egypt, Bd. 4, 24; S. 598, ii. v. Egypte.

æ-hiwnes, -ness, e; f. Paleness, gloom; pallor, deficientia coloris :-- Wið æblǽcnysse and æhiwnesse ðæs líchoman for paleness and discoloration of the body, Herb. 164; Lchdm, i. 294, 3.

ǽ-hlýp, -hlíp, es; m. [ǽ law, hlyp a leap] A transgression, breach of the law, an assault; legis transgressio, aggressus :-- Se ðe ǽ-hlíp gewyrce whoever commits an assault, L. Ath. v. § l, 5; Th. i. 230, 10. þurh &aelig-acute;-hlýp by a violation of the law, L. Eth. v. 31; Th. i. 312, 11. v. æt-hlýp.

æht, e; f. Valuation, estimation, deliberation, council; æstimatio, deliberatio, consilium :-- Fira bearn æht besittaþ the sons of men sit in council, Andr. Kmbl. 820; An. 410. Biscopas and bóceras and ealdormen æht besǽton bishops and scribes and princes sat in council, Andr; Kmbl. 1216; An. 608. v. eaht deliberation, council.

ǽht, e; f. [éntan to persecute] Persecution, hostility; persecutio, hostilitas :-- Ðá wæs ǽht boden Sweóna leódum then was persecution announced to the people of the Swedes, Beo. Th. 5907; B. 2957. [Ger. acht, f. proscriptio: M. H. Ger. áhte, æhte: O. H. Ger. ahta, f. persecutio.]

ǽht, e; f. [ǽhte = áhte had; p. of ágan to own, possess] I. possessions, property, lands, goods, riches, cattle; opes, substantia, possessio, greges :-- He hæfde mycele ǽhta erat habens multas possessions, Mk. Bos. 10, 22. Esau nam ealle his ǽhta, and eall ðæt he ǽhte Esau took all his goods, and all that he possessed, Gen. 36, 6. Grúndleás gítsung gilpes and ǽhta bottomless avarice of glory and possessions, Bt. Met. Fox 7, 30; Met. 7, 15. Israéla ǽhta the Israelites' possessions, Cd. 174; Th. 218, 23; Dan. 43. Genam on eallum dǽl ǽhtum sínum he took a part of all his possessions, 74; Th. 90, 23; Gen. 1499. Ealle his ǽhta omnem substantiam ejus, Ps. Th. 108, 11. II. possession, power; possessio, potestas :-- His miht and his ǽht ofer middangeard gebledsod his might and power is blessed throughout the earth. Andr. Kmbl. 3432; An. 1720. Ágan us ðis wuldres leóht eall to ǽhte let us get all this light of glory into our possession, Cd. 219; Th. 280, 11; Sat. 254. On ágene ǽht syllan in possessionem dare, Ps. Th. 104, 10, 39: 110, 4. [Scot. audit: O. H. Ger. éht, f: Goth, aíhts, f: O. Nrs. ǽtt, átt family] DER. gold-, máðum-, staðol-, wan-, won-.

æhta eight, Chr. 1070; Th. 345, 32. v. eahta.

ǽhte had, owned, possessed, v. áhte; p. of ágan.

ǽhte land, es; n. [ǽht property] Landed property; terra possessionis :-- Forðon ðe Peohtas heora ǽhte land ðætte Angle ǽr hæfdon eft onféngon nam Picti tenam possessions suæ quam tenuerunt Angli receperunt, Bd. 4, 26; S. 602, 29.

æhte man, mann, es; pl. men; m. A husbandman, a farmer, ploughman; colonus :-- Laboratores sind yrþlingas and ǽhte men labourers are ploughmen and husbandmen, Ælfc. T. 40, 20.

æhtere, es; m. An estimator, a valuer; æstimator, Ælfc. Gl. 114; Som. 80, 25.

æhte swán, es; m. [ǽht property, swán swain or herdsman: O. H. Ger. sweinn a herdsman] A cowherd, swineherd, who belongs to the property of his lord; bubulcus, porcarius qui in peculio domini est, L. R. S. 7; Th. i. 436, 22.

ǽht-gesteald, es; n. Possession; possessio :-- He ða brýdlufan sceal to oðerre ǽhtgestealdum idese sécan he must seek conjugal love in the possession of another woman, Exon. 67 b; Th. 249, 22; Jul. 115.

ǽht-gestreón, es; n. Possessions, riches; possessio, divitiæ :-- Ðonne líg eal þigeþ eorþan ǽhtgestreón when the flame devours all the possessions of the earth, Exon. 63 a; Th. 232,13; Ph. 506.

ǽht-geweald, es; m. n. Possession, power, the power of the possessor; potestas possessoria :-- Cwæþ he his sylfes sunu syllan wolde on ǽhtgeweald he said that he would give his own son into their power, Andr. Kmbl. 2221; An. 1112. Ðú usic bewrǽce in ǽhtgewealda tu nos tradidisti in potestatem, Exon. 53 a; Th. 186, 28; Az. 26.

ǽhtian [ǽht persecution] to persecute; persequi. v. éhtan.

ǽht-spédig; adj. Wealthy, rich; locuples, opulentus :-- Se is betra ðonne ðú, ǽhtspédigra feoh-gestreóna he is better than thou, richer in money-treasures Exon. 67a; Th. 248, 26; Jul. 101.

æhtung, e; f. Estimation, valuing; æstimatio, Ælfc. Gl. 114; Som. 80, 26. v. eahtung.

ǽht-wela, an; m. Wealth, riches; opes, divitiæ :-- Gelufian eorþan ǽhtwelan to love earth's riches, Exon. 38a; Th. 125, 24; Gú. 359: Apstls. Kmbl. 167; Ap. 84.

ǽht-welig; adj. Rich, wealthy; locuples :-- Sum wæs ǽhtwelig geréfa there was a wealthy count, Exon. 66a; Th. 243, 29; Jul. 18.

ǽ-hwǽr; adv. Everywhere; ubique. Ps. Th. 88, 31. v. á-hwǽr.

æ-hwyrfan To turn from, avert; avertere, Ps. Spl. T. 53, 5. v. a-hwerfan, hwyrfan, hweorfan.

æig, es; n. An egg; ovum :-- Ðæt æig getácnaþ hiht: ǽrest hit biþ æig, and seó módor siððan mid hihte bret ðæt æig to bridde the egg betokens hope: first it is an egg, and the mother then with hope cherishes the egg to a young bird, Homl. Th. i. 250, 22-24. v. æg.

æl-; prefix. I. = eal all; totus, omnis, as æl-beorht, æl-ceald, etc. II. æl- = el-, ee-, foreign; peregrinus, as æl-fylce, æl-wihta, etc.

æl, e;f. An awl; subula :-- Hwanon sceó-wyrhtan æl unde sutori subula, Coll. Monast. Th. 30, 33: L. Alf. 11; Th. i. 46, 10. Æl subula, Ælfc. Gl. 1; Som. 55, 27; Wrt. Voc. 16, 2. v. al.

æl, es; m. Oil; oleum :-- Ða sceolon beón æle bracene they must be beaten up with oil, Lev. 6, 21. v. ele.

ǼL, es; m. An EEL; anguilla :-- Hwilce fixas gefehst ðú? ǽlas and hacodas what fishes catchest thou ? eels and haddocks. Coll. Monast. Th. 23, 33. Ac seó þeód ðone cræft ne cúðo ðæs fiscnóðes nymþe to ǽlum ánum sed piscandi peritia genti nutta nisi ad anguillas tantum inerati. Bd. 4, 13; S. 582, 43. Smæl ǽl a small eel, Cot. 161. [Plat. Dut. Ger. aal, m: M.H. Ger. O.H. Ger. ál, m: Swed, äl, m: Dan. aal, m: O. Nrs. áll, m.] DER. ǽl-net, ǽle-puta.

ǽ-lá O! -- Ælá Drihten O Lord, Hy. 1, 1. v. eála, æála.

ǽ-lǽdend, es; m. [ǽ lex, lǽdend lator, from lǽdan ferre, to move or propose a law] A lawgiver; legislator, Ps. Spl. 9, 21.

ǽ-lǽrende; part. Teaching the law; legem docens :-- Siððan him nǽnig wæs ǽlǽrendra óðer betera since there was none other of those teaching the law better than he. Elen. Kmbl. 1009; El. 506.

æ-lǽten divorced, L. C.E. 7; Th. i. 364,23, = a-lǽten; pp. of a-lǽtan.

ælan; p. de; pp. ed; v. a. To kindle, set on fire, burn, bake; accendere, urere, comburere, coquere :-- Ne ælaþ hyra leóhtfæt neque accendunt lucernam, Mt. Bos. 5, 15. Úton wircean us tigelan and ælan híg on fýre faciamus lateres et coquamus eos igni, Gen. 11, 3. Fýr æleþ uncyste the fire burns the vices, Exon. 63 b; Th. 233, 17; Ph. 526. Flǽsc and bán ádlég æleþ the fire of the pile burns flesh and bones, Exon. 59 a; Th. 213, 9; Ph. 222. Brond biþ ontyhte, æleþ ealdgestreón let the brand be kindled, consume the old treasure, 19 b; Th. 51, 8. DER. in-ælan, on-.

æl-beorht All-bright, all-shining :-- Engel ælbeorht an all-bright angel, Cd. 190; Th. 237, 13; Dan. 337: Exon. 15a; Th. 32, 1; Cri. 506: 21 b; Th. 58, 2; Cri. 929: 53 b; Th. 188, 27; Az. 52. Hwílum cerreþ eft on up ródor ælbeorhta lég the all-bright flame returns sometimes again up to the sky, Bt. Met. Fox 29,104; Met. 29, 51. v. eall-beorht.

ǽlc; adj. [á + ge + líc] Each, any, every, all; quisque, quivis, unusquisque, omnis :-- Ǽlc gód treów byrþ góde wæstmas omnis arbor bona fructus bonos facit, Mt. Bos. 7, 17. Ǽlc wæs on twegra sestra gemete capientes singulæ metretas binas, Jn. Bos. 2, 6. Ǽlc hine selfa begrindeþ gástes dugeðum each deprives himself of his soul's happiness, Cd. 75; Th. 91, 32; Gen. 1521. Ǽle flǽsc omnis caro, Ps. Th. 64, 2. Ǽlces monnes of every man, Bt. Met. Fox 26, 236; Met. 26, 118. Ǽlcum cuique, Andr. Kmbl. 3067; An. 1536. On ǽlcere tíde omni tempore, Lk. Bos. 2l, 36. In ǽlce tíd in æternum, Exon. 13b; Th. 25, 26; Cri. 406. Ǽlce dæg each day, Bt. Met. Fox 27,15; Met. 27, 8. [Plat. Dut. elk each, every one.]

æl-ceald; adj. [æl=eal] All cold, most cold; usquequaque frigidus :-- Meahtest weorþan æt ðæm ælcealdan steorran ðone Saturnus hátaþ you might be at that all-cold star which they call Saturn, Bt. Met. Fox 24, 37; Met. 24,19.

ælcor; adv. Elsewhere, besides, otherwise; alias, præter, nisi, aliter :-- Forðon ðam bisceope ne wæs alýfed ælcor bútan on myran rídan non enim licuerat pontificem sacrorum præter in equa equitare, Bd. 2, 13; S. 517, 7. Ælcor alias, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 41, 67. v. elcor.

ælcra; adv. Otherwise; aliter, R. Ben. 62. v. ælcor.

æl-cræftig; adj. All-powerful, all-mighty; omnipotens :-- Nán þing nis ðín gelíca, ne húru ǽnig ælcræftigre nothing is like unto thee, nor is any one more all-powerful, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 76; Met. 20, 38.

æld fire, Exon. 22 a; Th. 59, 30; Cri. 960. v. æled.

æld age. Exon. 45 a; Th. 152. 11; Gú. 807. v. ældu.

ældan To delay, forbear, postpone, conceal :-- Ældyst, Ps. Spl. C. 88,37. Ælde, Ps. Surt. 77, 21: Mt. Rush. Stv. 25, 5: Bd. 1, 27; S. 491, 31; MS.B. v. yldan.

ælde men :-- Ælda bearnum for the sons of men, Exon. 21 b; Th. 58, 18; Cri. 937. Ænig ælda cynnes any one of the race of men, 19a; Th. 49, 4; Cri. 780: 44b; Th. 151, 16; Gú. 796. Mid ældum with men, 13b; Th. 25, 25; Cri. 406. v. ylde.

ælding delay, Mt. Rush. Stv. 24, 48. v. ylding.

ældo, aldu the elders; seniores, Mt. Lind. Stv. 21, 23. v. ældu.

ældran; pl. Parents; parentes :-- Míne ældran, Ps. C. 65; Ps. Grn. ii. 278, 65. v. yldra.

ældru, ældro, aldro parents, Mk. Rush. War. 13, 12: Lk. Rush. War. 2, 27, 41, 43. v. ældran.

ældu, æld, e; f. I. age, old age; sæculum, senectus :-- In ðá ǽrestan ældu in his first age, Exon. 34a; Th. 108, 30; Gú. 80. On ælde in senectute, Ps. C. 142: Ps. Surt. 91, 15 : 70, 18. II. an age, century; ævum, centuria :-- þurh ælda tíd per sæcula sæculorum, Exon. 45 a; Th. 152, 11; Gú. 807. Wið ælda against the age, 81 a; Th. 305, 16; Fä. 89. v. yldu.

ælecung, e; f. An allurement, a blandishment; blandimentum, C.R. Ben. 2.

æled, g. ældes; m. [pp. of ælan] Fire, conflagration; ignis, incendium :-- Æled wæs micel the fire was great, Cd. 186; Th. 231, 6; Dan. 243. Hát biþ monegum egeslíc æled the dreadful fire shall be hot to many, Exon. 63 a; Th. 233, 9; Ph. 522. Æled weccan to light afire, Cd. 140; Th. 175, 26; Gen. 2901. Ældes fulle full of fire. Exon. 22a; Th. 59, 30; Cri. 960. [O. Sax. eld, m. ignis: O. Nrs. eldr, m. ignis.]

æled-fýr, es; n. Flame of fire; incendii fiamrna, Exon. 61a; Th. 223, 27; Ph. 366.

æled-leóma, an; m, A gleaming fire, fire-brand; ignis micans. Beo. Th. 6241; B. 3125.

ælednys, -nyss, e; f. A burning; incendium. v. æled afire.

æ-leng; adj. Long, protracted, lengthy, troublesome; longus, molestus :-- Me þincþ ðæt ðé þincen tó ǽlenge ðás langan spell methinks that these long discourses appear to thee too lengthy. Bt. 39,4; Fox 218, 6.

ǽle-puta, an; m. An EEL-POUT; capito :-- Hwilce fixas geféhst ðú? mynas and ǽleputan what fishes catchest thou? minnows and eel-pouts, Coll. Monast. Th. 23, 33. [Plat. aalput or putte: Dut. aalpuit or puit aal, m. a young eel, eel-pout] v. myne.

æ-léten, æ-lǽten, a-lǽten; part, [from a-lǽtan to let go] One let go, divorced; repudiata uxor :-- Ne on ælǽten ǽnig cristen mann ǽfre ne gewífige nor with one divorced let any Christian man ever marry, L.C.E. 7; Th. i. 364, 23.

ÆLF, es; m. An ELF; genius, incubus :-- Wið ælfe gníd myrran on win against an elf rub myrrh in wine, L. M. 2, 65; Lchdm, ii. 296, 9. Ylfe, pl. nom. m. Beo. Th. 224; B.I 12. v. ylfe. [Plat. elf: O. Dut. alf: Ger. elf, m; elbe, f; alp, m. nightmare, Grm. Wörterbch. iii. 400; i. 200, 245; Grm. Mythol. 249: M. H. Ger. alp, alf, m. pl; elbe, f: O. H. Ger. alp, m: Dan. elv: Swed, elf: O. Nrs. álfr, m.] DER. ælf-ádl, -cyn, -nóþ, -réd=-rǽd, -sciéne, -scínu, -scýne, -siden, -sogoða, -þone: ylfe: ælfen, elfen, dún-, feld-, múnt-, sǽ-, wudu-, wylde-.

ælf-ádl, e; f. Elf-disease; ephialtæ morbus :-- Wið ælfádle against elf-disease, L. M. 3, 62; Lchdm, ii. 344, 20.

æl-fæle All-fell, very baleful; omnino perniciosus :-- Áttor ælfæle very baleful poison, Andr. Kmbl. 1539; An. 771. v. eal-felo.

ælf-cynn, es; n. The elf-kind, the race of elves, elfin race; ephialtum genus, Som. Lye :-- Wyrc sealfe wið ælfcynne work a salve against the elfin race, L. M. 3, 61; Lchdm, ii. 344, 7.

-ælfen, -elfen, e; f. A fairy, nymph; nympha. It is found only in compound words, as Múnt-ælfen a mountain nymph; oreas=??????, ???? :-- Wudu-elfen a wood nymph; dryas, etc, Wrt. Voc. 60, 14-19. v. -en.

æl-fer, es; n. [=-fær, u.] The whole army; totus exercitus :-- Ymbwí-cigean mid æl-fere Æthanes byrig to surround with the whole army the town of Etham, Cd. 146; Th. 181, 24; Exod. 66.

Ælf-nóþ, es; m. [ælf, nóþ boldness, courage] Ælfnoth, elf courage; nomen viri præclari in audacia, Byrht. Th. 137, 8; By. 183.

Ælfred, Alfriþ, Aldfriþ, Ealdfriþ, es; m. [æl all; aid, eald old: fred = friþ peace; v. Ælfréd] Alfred the wise, king of Northumbria for twenty years, A.D. 685-705. He was educated in Ireland for the Church, and was the first literary king of the Anglo-Saxons; Lat. Ælfrédus, Alfrid, Alfrídus, Bd. 4, 26; S. 175, 4: Aldfrídus, Bd. 5, 2; S. 183, 6: Aldfrithus, Chr. 685; Gib. 45, 24 :-- Féng Ælfred [MS. Ealdfriþ] æfter Ecgfriþe to ríce, se mon wæs se gelǽredesta on gewrítum, se wæs sæd ðæt his bróðor wǽre Oswies sunu ðæs cyninges Ecgfrith was succeeded in the kingdom by Alfred, who was said to be his brother, and a son of king Oswy, and was a man most learned in scripture; successit Ecgfrido in regnum Alfrid, vir in scripturis doctissimus, qui frater ejus et filius Osuiu regis esse dicebatur, Bd. 4, 26; S. 603, 6-8. A. D. 685, Hér man ofslóh Ecgferþ, and Ælfred [MS. Aldfriþ Aldfrithus] his bróðor féng æfter him to ríce here, A.D. 685, they slew Ecgferth, and Alfred his brother succeeded [took] to the kingdom after him, Chr. 685; Erl. 41, 29. On Ælfredes [MS. Aldfriþes Aldfrithi] tídum ðæs cyninges in temporibus Aldfridi regis, Bd. 5, 1; S. 614, 20. Hér Ælfred [MS. Aldfriþ] Norþanhymbra cining forþférde here, A.D. 705, Alfred, king of the Northumbrians, died, Chr. 705; Erl. 43, 32.

Ælfréd, es; m. [ælf an elf; réd = rǽd counsel, wise in counsel: v. Ælfred] Alfred; Alfrédus. I. Alfred the Great, born A.D. 849, grandson of Egbert, and fourth son of king Ethelwulf, reigned thirty years, A.D. 871-901: -- Ða, A.D. 871, féng Ælfréd, Æðelwulfing, to West Seaxna ríce ... And ðes geáres wurdon ix folcgefeoht gefohten wið ðone here on ðam cineríce be súþan Temese; bútan ðam ðe hí Ælfréd, ... and ealdormen, and ciningas þægnas, oft ráda on riden, ðe man náne rímde then, A.D. 871, Alfred, son of Ethelwulf, succeeded to the kingdom of the West Saxons...And this year nine great battles were fought against the army in the kingdom south of the Thames; besides which, Alfred... and aldormen, and king's thanes, often rode raids on them, which were not reckoned, Chr. 871; Erl. 77, 3-10. A. D. 897, Ðá hét Ælfréd cyning timbrian lange scipu ongeán ðas æscas [MS. æsceas] ða wǽron fulneáh twá swá lange swá ða óðre; . . . ða wǽron ǽgðer ge swiftran ge untealran, ge eác heárran [MS. heárra] ðonne ða óðru; nǽron hí ráwðær ne on Frysisc gesceapen ne on Denisc; bútan swá him sylfum þúhte ðæt hí nytwyrðe beón meahton then, A.D. 897, king Alfred commanded long ships to be built against the Danish ships [æscas] which were full nigh twice as long as the others; . .. they were both swifter and steadier, and also higher than the others; they were shapen neither as the Frisian nor as the Danish, but as it seemed to himself that they might be most useful, 897; Th. 175, 37, col. 2 -- 177,5, col. 2. Ðæs ilcan geares, hét se cyning [Ælfréd] faran to Wiht... Ðá geféngon hy ðara scipa twa, and ða men [MS. mæn] ofslógon... Ða ylcan sumere, forwearþ ná læs ðonne xx scipa mid mannum mid ealle be ðam súþ. riman in the same year [A.D. 897], the king [Alfred] commanded his men to go to Wight... They then took two of the ships, and slew the men ... In the same summer, no less than twenty ships, with men and everything [of the Danes], perished on the south coast, Chr. 897; Th. 177, 5, col. 2 -- 179, 3, col. 2. A.D. 901, Hér gefór Ælfréd cyning vii Kl Nouembris... and ðá feng Eádweard, his sunu to ríce here died king Alfred, on the twenty-sixth of October... and then Edward [the Elder], his son, suc- ceeded to the kingdom, Chr. 901; Th. 179, 14-18, col. 2. II. Though the talents and energy of Alfred were chiefly occupied in subduing the Danes, and in confirming his kingdom, he availed himself of the short intervals of peace to read and write much. He selected the books best adapted for his people, and translated them from Latin into Anglo-Saxon. In translating he often added so much of his own, that the Latin text frequently afforded only the subject, on which he wrote most interesting essays, as may be seen in his first work, Boethius de Consolatione Philosophiæ. 1. Boethius was probably finished about A.D. 888. In his preface, he thus speaks of his book and of his other occupations :-- Ælfréd, Cyning [MS. Kuning] wæs wealhstód ðisse béc, and hie of béc Lédene on Englisc wende ... swá swá he hit ða sweotolost and andgitfullícost gereccan mihte, for ðæm mistlícum and manigfealdum weoruld bísgum, ðe hine oft ǽgðer ge on móde ge on líchoman bísgodan. Ða bísgu us sint swíðe earfoþ ríme, ðe on his dagum on ða rícu becómon, ðe he underfangen hæfde; and ðeáh, ðá he ðas bóc hæfde geleornode, and of Lædene to Engliscum spelle gewende, and geworhte hí eft to leóðe, swá swá heó nú gedón is king Alfred was translator of this book, and turned it from book Latin into English he the most plainly and most clearly could explain it, for the various and manifold worldly occupations, which often busied him both in mind and in body. The occupations are to us very difficult to be numbered, which in his days came upon the kingdoms which he had undertaken; and yet, when he had learned this book, and turned it from Latin into the English language, he afterwards put it into verse, as it is now done, Bt. prooem; Fox viii. 1-10. 2. Alfred, having supplied his people with a work on morality in Boethius, next translates for them the Historia Anglorum of his learned countryman Bede, about A.D. 890. This was the king's work, for the Church says in Ælfric's Homilies, about A. D. 990, -- 'Historia Anglorum' ða ðe Ælfréd cyning of Lédene on Englisc awende Historia Anglorum, which king Alfred turned from Latin into English, Homl. Th. ii. 116, 30-118, l. 3. The third book which Alfred translated, about A. D. 893, was the Compendious History of the World, written in Latin by the Spanish monk Orosius in A. D. 416. There is the best evidence, that the voyages of Ohthere and Wulfstan were written by the king, for we read that, -- Ohthere sæde Alfréde cyninge, ðæt he ealra Norþmanna norþmest búde Ohthere told king Alfred that he dwelt northmost of all Northmen, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 19, 25. Wulfstan also uses the language of personal narrative, -- Burgenda land wæs on us bæcbord we had [lit. there was to us; erat nobis] the land of the Burgundians on our left, Ors. i, i; Bos. 21, 44. This is the longest and most important specimen of Alfred's own composition. 4. We have undoubted evidence of the date of Alfred's Anglo-Saxon translation of Gregory's Pastoral Care, for the king thus speaks of archbishop Plegmund, -- Ic hie geliornode æt Plegmunde mínum ærcebiscepe I learnt it from Plegmund my archbishop, Introduction to Gregory's Pastoral, Oxford MS. Hatton 20, fol. 2. Plegmund was raised to the archbishopric in 890: Alfred was engaged with the invasion of Hastings till he was conquered in 897; Alfred, therefore, had only leisure to translate the Pastoral between the expulsion of Hastings in 897, and his own death in 901. It was certainly translated by Alfred, for he distinctly states, -- Ða ongan ic, ongemang óðrum mislícum and manigfealdum bísgum ðisses kyneríces, ða bóc wendon on Englisc, ðe is genemned on Lǽden Pastoralis, and on Englisc Hierde bóc, hwílum word be worde, hwílum andgit of andgite then began I, among other different and manifold affairs of this kingdom, to turn into English the book, which is called in Latin Pastoralis, and in English Herdman's book, sometimes word for word, and sometimes meaning for meaning, Oxford MS. Hatton 20, fol. 2.

æl-fremd, æl-fremed; adj. Strange, foreign; alienus, alienigena :-- Bearn ælfremde, Ps. Spl. 17, 47: 18, 13: 107, 10: 82, 6: Lk. Bos. 17, 18.

Ælfríc, es; m. [ælf, ríc] Ælfric; Ælfricus. 1. Ælfric of Canterbury, the grammarian, was of noble birth, supposed to be the son of the earl of Kent. He was a scholar of Athelwold, at Abingdon, about 960. When Athelwold was made bishop of Winchester, he took Ælfric with him and made him a priest of his cathedral. Ælfric left Winchester about 988 for Cerne in Dorsetshire, where an abbey was established by Æthelmær. Ic Ælfríc, munuc and mæssepreóst... wearþ asend, on Æðelrédes dæge cyninges, fram Ælfeáge biscope, Aðelwoldes æftergengan, to sumum mynstre, ðe is Cernel gehaten, þurh Æðelmæres bene ðæs þegenes I Ælfric, monk and mass-priest... was sent, in king Æthelred's day, from bishop Ælfeah, Æthelwold's successor, to a minster, which is called Cerne, at the prayer of Æthelmær the thane, Homl, Th. i. 2, 1-5. He is said to have been bishop of Wilton, and he was elected archbishop of Canterbury. A. D. 995, Hér Siric arcebisceop forþférde, and Ælfríc, Wiltunscíre bisceop wearþ gecoren on Easterdæi on Ambresbyri, fram Æðelréde cinge, and fram eallan his witan in this year, A. D. 995, archbishop Sigeric died, and Ælfric, bishop of Wiltshire, was chosen on Easter-day at Amesbury, by king Æthelred, and all his witan, Chr. 995; Th. 243, 36, col. 2 -- 245, 3, col. 2. This Ælfric was a very wise man, to that there was no more sagacious man in England. Then went Ælfric to his archiepiscopal see, and when he came thither, he was received by those men in orders, who of all were most distasteful to him, that was, by clerks, Chr. 995; Th. ii. 106, 20-24. Ælfric speaks strongly against the transubstantiation in the Eucharist, which gave his Homilies so great an importance in the eyes of the English reformers: v. húsel. He died A. D. 1006, Hér forþférde Ælfríc arcebisceop in this year, archbishop Ælfric died. Chr. 1006; Th. 255, 35, col. 2. The preceding is the most probable biography of Ælfric, archbishop of Canterbury. Others have been written in Pref, to Homl. Th. i. pp. v-x: Lchdm, iii. pref. pp. xiv-xxix, etc. A list of his numerous books is given in Wright's Biographia Britannia Literaria, A. Sax. Period, pp. 485-494, and in Homl. Th. i. pp. vii-ix. 2. Ælfric Bata was the pupil of the preceding Ælfric, the grammarian. In the title of the MS. in St. John's College, Oxford, we read, -- 'Hanb sententiam Latini sermonis olim Ælfricus abbas composuit, qui meus fuit magister, sed tamen ego Ælfric Bata multas postea huic addidi appendices,' Wanl. Catal. p. 105, 4-7. It appears that in the time of Lanfranc, when the newest Romish doctrines relating to transubstantiation etc. were imposed upon the English Church by the Norman prelates, Ælfric Bata was regarded as an opponent of that doctrine, Wrt. Biog. Brit. A. Sax. p. 497.

ælf-sciéne, -sciéno; adj. Beautiful, like an elf or nymph, of elfin beauty; formosus ut genius vel nympha :-- Mæg ælfsciéno = ides ælfsciéno O woman of elfin beauty! Cd. 86; Th. 109, 23; Gen. 1827: Cd. 130; Th. 165, ii; Gen. 2730.

ælf-scínu; aaj. Shining like an elf or fairy, elfin-bright, of elfin beauty; splendidus ut genius vel nympha :-- Iudiþ ides ælf-scínu Judith, the woman of elfin beauty, Judth. 9; Thw. 21, 11; Jud. 14.

ælf-siden, -sidenn, e; f. The influence of elves or of evil spirits, the nightmare; impetus castalidum, diaboli incubus :-- Ðis is se hálga drænc wið ælfsidene and wið eallum feóndes costungum this is the holy drink against elfin influence and all temptations of a fiend, Lacn. 11; Lchdm, iii. 10, 23. Wið ælfsidenne, L. M. 1, 64; Lchdm, ii. 138, 23.

ælf-sogoða, an; m. [sogeða juice] A disease ascribed to fairy influence, chiefly by the influence of the castalides, dúnelfen, which were considered to possess those who were suffering under the disease, a case identical with being possessed by the devil, as will appear from the forms of prayers appointed for the cure of the disease, -- Deus omnipotens expelle a famulo tuo omnem impetum castalidum; and further on, -- Expelle diabolum a famulo tuo, L. M. 3, 62; Lchdm, ii. 348, 11. v. ælf, sogeða, sogoða.

ælf-þone, an; f? Enchanter's nightshade; circæa lutetiana :-- Wið ælfádle ním ælfþonan nioðowearde against elf disease take the lower part of enchanter's nightshade, L. M. 3, 62; Lchdm, ii. 344, 21.

æl-fylc, es; n. [æl, folc]. I. a foreign land; aliena provincia :-- Ðæt hie on ælfylce on Danubie stæðe wícedon till they encamped in the foreign land on the banks of the Danube, Elen. Kmbl. 72; El. 36. II. foreigners, a foreign army, an enemy; peregrinus exercitus, hostes :-- Ðæt he wið ælfylcum éðelstólas healdan cúðe that he could keep his paternal seats against foreigners, Beo. Th. 4731; B. 2371. [Icel. fylki, n.]

æl-gréne all-green, Cd. 10; Th. 13, 3; Gen. 197: Cd. 74; Th. 91, 24; Gen. 1517: Bt. Met. Fox 20, 155; Met. 20, 78. v. eal-gréne.

æl-gylden all-golden, v. eal-gylden.

ǽ-líc; adj. Belonging to law, lawful; legalis, legitimus, Bd. l, 27, resp. 8; S. 495, 29. Tyn ǽlícan word the ten commandments, Som.

æling, e; f. Burning, burning of the mind, ardour; ardor, flagrantia animi :-- Ðý læs ælinge útadrífe selflícne secg lest burning desires should excite the self-complacent man. Bt. Met. Fox Introd. 11; Met. Einl. 6.

æling weariness; tædium, Bt. pref. Cot; Rawl. viii. notes, line 10.

æll-beorht all-bright, Exon. 26 b; Th. 78, 20; Cri. 1277. v. eall-beorht.

æll-mihtig all-mighty, Cd. 17; Th. 20, 19; Gen. 311. v. eall-meahtig.

æll-reord foreign speaking, barbarous, Bd. 1, 13; S. 481, 44. v. el-reord.

æll-þeódignes, -nys, -ness, e; f. A going or living abroad, a pilgrimage, Bd. 1, 23; S. 485, 38. v. æl-þeódignes.

ællyfta the eleventh; undecimus. Bd. 1, 34; S. 499, 35. v. endlefta.

æl-mǽst adv. Almost; fere, Chr. 1091; Th. 359,12. v. ealmǽst.

Æl-meahtig Almighty :-- Habbaþ we Fæder æl-meahtigne we have the Almighty Father, Exon. 19 a; Th. 47, 22; Cri. 759: Ps. C. 50, 85; Ps. Grn. ii. 278, 85 : 50, 97; Ps. Grn. ii. 279, 97. v. eall-mihtig.

Æl-mehtig Almighty, Hy. 8,14. v. eall-mihtig.

ælmes-feoh, g. -feós; a. Alms, alms' money; pecunia eleemosynæ, L.R.S. 2; Th. i. 432,13.

ælmes-georn; adj. Diligent in giving alms, benevolent; beneficus, liberalis :-- Sum biþ ár-fæst and ælmesgeorn one is honest and diligent in giving alms, Exon. 79a; Th. 297, 13; Crä. 67. Sum man Tobias geháten, swíðe ælmesgeorn a man, whose name was Tobias, very diligent in giving alms, Ælfc. T. 21, 24.

ælmes-lond land given in frankalmoigne. v. almes-lond.

ÆLMESSE, ælmysse an ALMS, almsgiving; eleemosyna :-- Ðæt ofer sí and to láfe sellaþ ælmessan quod superest date eleemosynam, Bd. 1, 27; S. 489, 30. Hwæt is us to sprecanne hú hí heora ælmessan dǽle de faciendis portionibus et adimplenda misericordia nobis quid erit loquendum, 1, 27; S. 489, 25. Ðæt dín ælmesse sý on díglum ut sit eleemosyna tua in abscondito, Mt. Bos. 6, 4. Sóþlíce ælmessan dó sic facias eleemosynam, 6, 3. Ðonne he ælmessan dǽleþ when he deals alms, Exon. 62 a; Th. 229, 10; Ph. 453. Syle ælmyssan give alms, Cd. 203; Th. 252, 31; Dan. 587. Ælmessan dǽlan or syllan or dón to give or distribute alms; eleemosynam dare, facere. Mt. Bos. 6, 2, 3. [Scot, almous: O.Sax. alamósna, f: O. Frs. ielmisse: Ger. almosen, n: M. H. Ger. almuosen, n : O. H. Ger. alamuosan, n: Dan. almisse: Swed, almosa; O. Nrs. almusa, ölmusa, f: from the Grk. GREEK.]

Ælm-hám, es; m. Elmham, Norfolk, Kmbl. Cod. Dipl. 759; 59, 17.

Æl-miht; adj. Almighty; omnipotens :-- Wiston Drihten ælmihtne they knew the Almighty Lord, Cd. 182; Th. 228, 1, note a: Dan. 195.

Æl-mihteg Almighty; omnipotens :-- Ic hæbbe me geleáfan to ðam ælmihtegan Gode I have confidence in the Almighty God, Cd. 26; Th. 34, 27; Gen. 544.

Æl-mihtig, -mihti Almighty :-- Se Ælmihtiga the Almighty, Beo. Th. 184; B. 92: Andr. Kmbl. 497; An. 249: Elen. Grm. 1146: Exon. 9 b; Th. 8, 22; Crl. 121: Cd. 191; Th. 239, 10; Dan. 368: Hy. 10, l: Bt. Met. Fox 9, 97; Met. 9, 49: Menol. Fox 187; Men. 95 : Salm. Kmbl. 68; Sal. 34: Ps. Th. 69, 6: Bd. 3, 15; S. 541, 19: Gen. 17, 1: 35, 11: 48, 3; Ex. 6, 3: Job Thw. 167, 27. Ælmihti, Bt. Met. Fox 13, 144; Met. 13, 72 : Th. Dipl. 125, 20. Se ælmihtiga God is unasecgendlíc and unbefangenlíc, se ðe ǽghwær is eall, and náhwar todǽled the Almighty God is unspeakable and incomprehensible, who is everywhere all, and nowhere divided, Homl. Th. i. 286, 26. v. eall-mihtig.

æl-myrca, an; m. All sallow, a black man, an Ethiopian; omnino fuscus, Æthiops :-- On ælmyrcan éðel-ríce in the realm of the Ethiopian, Andr. Kmbl. 863; An. 432.

ælmysse, an; f. Alms, Cd. 203; Th. 252, 31; Dan. 587. v. ælmesse.

ǽl-net, es; n. An eel net; rete anguillare :-- Gesomnedon ða ǽlnet ǽghwonon ðe hí mihton retibus anguillaribus undique collectis, Bd. 4,13; S. 582, 44.

ǽlpig adj. [=án-lípig, án-lépig, from án one, hleáp a leap] Each, single; unicus :-- Ðæt næs án ǽlpig hide, ne án gyrde landes that there was not one single hide, nor one yard of land, Chr. 1085; Th. i. 353, 12. [Laym, alpi, ælpi single, only: Relq. Ant. W. on alpi word one single word, ii. 275, 3.]

ælr an alder-tree; alnus. v. air, alor.

æl-reord, æl-reordig of foreign speech, barbarous; exterus, barbarus, v. el-reord, el-reordig.

æl-tæw, -teaw, -teow; comp. re; sup. est; adj. All good, excellent, entire, sound, healthful, perfect, honest; omnino bonus, sanus :-- Fíndest ðu æltæwe hǽlo thou shall find perfect healing. Herb. 1, 29; Lchdm, i. 80, 7; MS. B. Næfþ nó æltæwne ende has no good end, Bt. 5, 2; Fox 10, 29. Full æltæwe geboren born quite [full] sound or healthy, 38, 5; Fox 206, 22. Oððe ǽnig þing ǽr wǽre oðíe æltæwre if anything were before or more excellent, Bt. 34, 2; Fox 136, 8. Ealle ða æltæwestan of-slógen they slew all the best men, Ors. 4, 4; Bos. 81, 16. v. eal-teaw.

æl-tæwlíce; adv. Well, perfectly; bene. v. æl-tæw, -líce.

æl-teaw, -teow All good, sound,perfect; omnino bonus, sanus :-- Fíndest ðú ælteowe [æltæwe MS. B.] hǽlo thou shall find perfect healing, Herb. 1, 29; Lchdm, i. 80, 7: Hy. 2, 13. v. æl-tæw.

æl-þeód, -þiód, e; f. A foreign nation, foreign people, foreigners :-- Donne ða rícan beóþ oððe on ælþeóde oððe on hiora ágenre gecýððe when the rich are among foreigners or in their own country, Bt. 27, 3; Fox 98, 34. v. el-þeód.

æl-þeódelíce; adv. Among foreigners, abroad; peregre :-- Swá se man ðe ælþeódelíce férde sicut homo qui peregre profectus, Mk. Jun. 13, 34.

æl-þeódig, æl-þiódig; adj. Strange, foreign; exterus, peregrinus, barbarus :-- On ælþeódige folc to a foreign people, Bt. 27, 3; Fox 98, 22. Ælþeódigra manna gisthús foreign men's guest house, an inn, Wrt. Voc. 58, 51. Ælþeódige men acwealdon advenam interfecerunt, Ps. Th. 93, 6. Ne geunret ðú ælþeódige, ge wǽron ælþeódie on Egipta lande advenam non contristabis, advenæ enim et ipsi in terra Ægypti, Ex, 22, 21. Ðám ælþeódegan to the foreigners, Bt. 27, 3; Fox 100, 2. v. el-þeódig.

æl-þeódiglíce; adv. In foreign parts, among foreigners; peregre, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 41, 26-28.

æl-þeódignes, -ness, -nyss, e; f. A being or living abroad, a pilgrimage :-- On stówe ælþeódignysse mínra in loco peregrinationis meæ, Ps. Spl. 118, 54: Gen. 12,10: Bd. 4, 23; S. 593, 11.

æl-þeódine foreign, a proselyte, Mt. Bos. 23, 15; for æl-þeódigne, acc. s. of æl-þeódig.

æl-þeódung, e; f. A being or living abroad; peregrinatio, Bd. 4, 23; S. 593, 15.

æl-þiódig foreign, Bt. 39, 2; Fox 212, 17. v. æl-þeódig.

æl-walda the all-powerful. Cd. Jun. 6, 10. v. eal-wealda.

æl-wihta; pl. I. strange creatures, monsters; alieni generis entia, monstra :-- Ðæt ðǽr gumena sum ælwihta eard ufan cunnode that a man from above explored there the dwelling of strange creatures, Beo. Th. 3004; B. 1500. II. all created things; omnia creata :-- Helm ælwihta, engla scippend the protector of all created things, the creator of angels, Andr. Kmbl. 236; An. 118. v. eall-wihta.

æ-melle; adj. Unsavoury, without taste; insipidus, Cot. 116.

æmelnys, æmylnys, -nyss, e; f. Loathsomeness, weariness, disdain, false-hood, unfaithfulness, false dealing, treason; fastidium, tædium :-- Hneppade sáwle mín for þrece oððe for æmelnysse dormitavit anima mea præ tædio, Ps. Lamb. 118, 28.

æ-men; adj. [æ without, man man] Unmanned, depopulated, desolate; hominibus nudus, non habitatus :-- Stód seó dýgle stów ídel and æmen the secret spot stood void and desolate, Exon. 35 a; Th. 115, 9; Gú. 187.

æmete, æmette, æmytte, an; f. An EMMET, ant; formica :-- Æmete formica. Wrt. Voc. 23, 78. Æmettan ægru gením take emmet's eggs, L. M. 1, 87; Lchdm, ii. 156, 6. Æmytte formica, Somn. 108. Níme æmettan take emmets, L. M. 3, 34; Lchdm, ii. 328, 7. [æ = a from, off, away; mete meat, food: Grm. (Gr. ii. 88) thinks it is connected with O. H. Ger. emizíc assiduus; ameiza formica: O. Nrs. ami labour: A.Sax. æmettig otiosus; æmtegian vacare.]

æmet-hwíl, e; f. [æmetta leisure, hwil while, time] Leisure, spare-time, respite; otium, Ælfc. Gr. 8; Som. 8, 1.

æmet-hyll, æmett-hyll, es; m. An EMMET-HILL, ant-hill; formicetum, Past. 28, 3; Hat. MS. 37 a, 3.

æmetig; adj. Vacant, empty, barren; vacuus :-- Hit æmetig læg it lay barren, Ors. 1, 10; Bos. 34, 16. v. æmtig.

æmetta rest, Bt. procem; Fox viii. 13. v. æmta.

æmettig idle, Solil. 13. v. æmtig.

æmnitta, an; m. A balance; statera. v. emnettan, emnian to make equal.

æ-mód; adj. [æ without, mód mind] Out of mind, mad, dismayed, discouraged; amens :-- Forðam Rómáne wǽron swá asmóde, ðæt hý ne wéndon ðæt hí ða burh bewérian mihton because the Romans were so out of heart, they thought that they could not guard the city, Ors. 3, 4; Bos. 56, 12.

æmta, emta, æmetta, an; m. Quiet, leisure, rest; quies :-- Ic ne æmtan nabbe I have no leisure, Bt. 39, 4; Fox 218, 9. Be his æmettan by his leisure, Bt. procem; Fox viii. 13.

æmtegian to be at leisure, Past. 18, 4; Hat. MS. 26 b, 16. v. æmtian.

æmtian, æmtegian, æmtigean; p. ode; pp. od To be at leisure, to be vacant; otiosum esse :-- Æmtigaþ and geseóþ forðan ðe ic eom God vacate et videte quoniam ego sum Deus, Ps. Spl. C. 45, 10: Ælfc. Gr. 33; Som. 37, 14.

æmtig, æmteg, emtig, æmetig, emetig, æmettig; adj. Vacant, EMPTY, free, idle; vacuus, inanis :-- Seó eorþe wæs æmtig terra erat vacua, Gen. 1, 2. Gefylde sáwle æmtige satiavit animam inanem, Ps. Spl. 106, 9: Mt. Bos. 12, 44: Bd. 4, 3; S. 567, 5. Híg synd emtige they are idle, Ex. 5, 8. Æmtege wífemen unmarried women, Past. 21, 8, Lye. cf. æmete.

æmtigean to be at leisure, Ælfc. Gf. 33; Som. 37, 14. v. æmtian.

æ-múðawithout, múða a mouth] cæcum intestinam, Wrt. Voc. 44, 64.

æmyce, æmyrce; adj. Excellent, singular; egregius, Cot. 74.

æmylnys, -nyss, e; f. Weariness; tædium, Pref. R. Conc. v. æmelnys.

æmytte an emmet; formica, Somn. 108. v. æmete.

ǽn one; unus :-- Wyrc ðé nú ǽnne aro now make thee an ark. Gen. 6, 14: Mt. Bos. 5, 36. v. án.

ænde and, L. Wih. 8; Th. i. 38, 16. v. and.

ændemes, ændemest likewise, equally; pariter. Bt. 41, 1; Fox 244, 12. v. endemes.

ændian; p. ode; pp. od To end; finire, Solil. 12. v. endian.

ændlefen eleven; undecim :-- He ætýwde ændlefene he appeared to the eleven, Mk. Bos. 16, 14. v. endleofan.

ændlyfta eleventh, Bd. 2, 14; S. 517, 23. v. endlyfta.

ǽne; adv. Once, alone; semel, solum :-- Nú ic ǽne begann to sprecanne to mínum Drihtne quia semel cæpi, loquar ad Dominum meam, Gen. 18, 31. Oft, nalles ǽne often, not once. Beo. Th. 6030; B. 3019. Ǽne on dæge once in the day, Bt. Met. Fox 8, 35; Met. 8, 18. Ic ðé ǽne abealh, éce Drihten I alone angered thee, eternal Lord, Cd. 222; Th. 290, 4; Sat. 410. v. áne once.

ǽneg, ǽnegu any: -- Ǽnegu gesceaft any creature, Bt. 35, 4; Fox 160, 26: Cd. 26; Th. 34, 17; Gen. 539. v. ǽnig.

ǽn-ette solitude; solitudo, Dial. 2, 3. v. án-ád, án-ǽd.

ǽnforléten; part. Clothed? amictus? Ps. Spl. T. 103, 2; amissus? and not amictus. v. ánforlǽten; pp. of án-forlǽtan.

ænga Single, sole; unicus :-- Fram ðam ǽngan hláforde from the sole lord, Salm. Kmbl. 766; Sal. 382. v. ánga.

ænge; def. se ænga; adj. Narrow, troubled, anxious; angustus, anxius :-- Ðes ænga stede this narrow place, Cd. 18; Th. 23, 9; Gen. 356. Is me ænge [MS. ænige] gást innan hreðres anxiatus est in me spiritus meus, Ps. Th. 142, 4. v. ange, enge.

ænge; adv. Narrowly, sadly; anguste, anxie, triste. Ps. Th. 136, 8.

ængel an angel, Ps. Spl. 8, 6: 34, 7. v. engel.

Ænglisc English; Anglicus :-- Hér synd on ðam íglande fíf geþeódu, Ænglisc, Brytwylsc, Scottysc, Pihttisc, and Bóclǽden here are in the island five languages, English, Brito-Welsh, Scottish, Pictish, and Book-Latin, Chr. Th. 3, 5, col. 1. v. Englisc.

ængum, Beo. Th. 952; B. 474, = ǽnigum to any; dat. of ǽnig.

ǽnig, ǽneg, áni; adj. [ǽn = án one, -ig adj. termination; ánig, g = y, Eng. any] ANY, any one; ullus, quisquam, aliquis :-- Ðæt ǽnig man ǽnig fæt þurh ðæt templ bǽre that any man should bear any vessel through the temple, Mk. Bos. 11, 16. Mæg ǽnig þing gódes beón of Nazareth a Nazareth potest aliquid boni esse? Jn. Bos. I, 46. Ǽniges sceates of any treasure, Cd. 25; Th. 32, 15; Gen. 503. Monnes ǽnges of any man. Exon. 10 b; Th. 13, 9; Cri. 200. Næs ðǽr ǽnigum gewin there was no toil for any one, Andr. Kmbl. 1776; An. 890. Ǽngum ne mæg se cræft losian the skill may not desert any one, Bt. Met. Fox IO, 71; Met. 10, 36. DER. nǽnig none.

ǽn-íge, ǽn-ígge one-eyed :-- Gif he hí gedó ǽnígge if he make them one-eyed, L. Alf. 20; Wilk. 30, ll: Cot. 179. v. án-eáge.

ǽniht [ǽn = án one, -iht adj. termination] Anything; quicquam :-- Ǽniht quicquam, Jn. Lind, War. 11, 49. In mec ne hæfeþ ǽniht in me non habet quicquam, Jn. Rush. War. 14, 30. v. stániht, -ig, -ihtig.

ǽninga; adv. Of necessity, by all means. Bd. 4, 16; S. 584, 32: 5, 19; S. 640, 16: Andr. Kmbl. 439; An. 220. v. áninga.

ǽn-lépnes, ness, e; f. Solitude, privacy; solitudo. v. án-lépnes.

ǽn-líc; adj. [án one, líc like] ONLY, singular, incomparable, excellent, beautiful, elegant; unicus, egregius, elegans, pulcher :-- He hæfde án swíðe ǽnlíc wíf he had a very excellent wife, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 166, 30. Ǽnlíces hiwes of an excellent shape, Ælfc. T. 33, 15. Ðeáh hió ǽnlícu sý though she be beautiful, Beo. Th. 3887; B. 1941. Eal wæs ǽnlícra ðon mæge stefn areccan all was more excellent than voice can tell, Exon. 52 a; Th. 181, 17; Gú. 1294. Cynn Fabiane forðan hit ealra Rómána ǽnlícost wæs because the Fabian family was the highest in rank of all the Romans, Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 43, 28. v. án-líc.

ǽn-líce; adv. ONLY, singularly, elegantly; eleganter, Coll. Monast. Th. 35, 37.

ǽn-lípie = ǽn-lípige singulos. Ps. Lamb. 7, 12. v. ǽn-lípig.

ǽn-lípig, -lýpig, -lépig; adj. [án one, hlíp, hlýp] Each, every, singular, solitary, private; singuli, solus :-- þurh ǽnlípige dagas per singulos dies, Ps. Spl. 41, 15. Be ǽnlípigum mannum per singulos viros, Jos. Grn. 7, 14: C. R. Ben. 22. v. án-lípig.

ǽnne one; unum :-- Ðú ne miht ǽnne locc gedón hwítne non potes unum capillum album facere. Mt. Bos. 5, 36; acc. of. ǽn- = án, q.v.

æ-not; adj. [æ without, not use] Useless, of no use, unprofitable; inutilis :-- Ðæt hit ænote weorþe that it be useless, L. Eth. vi. 34; Th. i. 324, 7.

a-eóde happened; evenit :-- Swá hit sóþlíce aeóde so it truly happened, H. de visione Isaiæ; p. of a-gán.

æpel-sceal, -scel, e; f. An apple-shale or film about the kernels or pips; pomi scheda, Cot. 43.

æpel-tre an apple-tree; malus, Wrt. Voc. 79, 79. v. æppel-treów.

æplian; p. ede; pp. ed To make into the form of apples, Elen. Kmbl. 2517; El. 1260. v. æpplian.

ÆPPEL, æpl, appel, apl, eapl, es; m; nom. acc. pl. m. æpplas; nom. acc. pl. n. æppla. I. an APPLE, fruit generally, Ors. Eng. 1. 3; Bos. 63, note I; malum, pomum :-- Æples gelícnes likeness of an apple, Exon. 59 a; Th. 213, 26; Ph. 230. Æppel unsǽlga, deáþ-beámes ofet the unblest apple, fruit of the tree of death, Cd. 30; Th. 40, 10; Gen. 637. Da reádan appla the red apples; mala Punica, Past. 15, 5; MS. Hat. 19b, 28. Nǽnig móste heora hrórra hrím æpla gedígean none of their hardy fruits could withstand the frost; occidit moros in pruina. Ps. Th. 77, 47. Gením brembel-æppel take a bramble-fruit, i. e. a blackberry, L.M. 1, 64; Lchdm, ii. 138, 27. II. what is round as an apple, the apple of the eye, a ball, bolus, pill; quidvis globosum, pupilla, globus, bolus, pilula :-- On ðæs siwenígean eágum beóþ ða æpplas hále, ac ða brǽwas greátigaþ in lippi oculis pupillæ sanæ sunt, sed palpebræ grossescunt, Past. 11, 4; MS. Hat. 15a, 18. Hí scilde swá geornlíce swá swá man déþ ðone æpl on his eágan he protected them as carefully as a man does the apple of his eye, Bt. 39, 10; Fox 228, 13. Írenum aplum with iron balls, Salm. Kmbl. 56; Sal. 28. [Orm. appell: R. Gloac. appel: Gow. apple: O. Frs. appel, m. malum, pomum: N. Out. L. Ger. appel, m: Ger. M. H. Ger. apfel, m: O. H. Ger. aphul, aphol; m: Dan. æble, n: Swed, æple, n: O. Nrs. epli, n: Wel. aval: Ir. abhall, ubhall: Gael, abhal, ubhal: Manx ooyl: Corn. Arm. aval: Lith. obolys: O. Slav. jabluko.] DER. æppel-bǽre, -bearo, -cyrnel, -fealu, -hús, -leáf, -sceal, -screáda, -þorn, -treów, -tún, -wín: brembel-æppel, eág-, eorþ-, fíc-, finger-, palm-, wudu-.

æppel-bǽre; adj. Apple-bearing, fruit-bearing; pomifer :-- Æppel-bǽre treów lignum pomiferum, Gen. 1, 11: Hexam, 6; Norm. 12, 5.

æppel-bearo, -bearu; g. -bearwes; d. -bearwe; acc. -bearo; pl. nom. acc. -was; g. -wa; d. -wum; m. An orchard; pomarium, Ps. Th. 78, 2.

æppel-cyrnel, es; n. A pomegranate; malogranatum, malum Punicum, Cot. 128.

æppelder, æppeldor an apple-tree. v. apulder.

æppel-fealu; g. m. n. -fealuwes; adj. Apple-fallow, apple or reddish yellow; flavus ut pomum :-- Mearas æppelfealuwe bay steeds, lit. apple-coloured steeds, Beo. Th. 4336; B. 2165. DER. fealo, fealu, wes; n.

æppel-hús, es; n. An apple-house, a place for fruit generally; pomarium, Wrt. Voc. 58, 55.

æppel-leáf, es; n. An apple-leaf. v. appel-leáf.

æppel-sceal, e; f. A film about the kernels of an apple. v. æpel-sceal.

æppel-screáda Apple-shreds, apple-parings; pomi præsegmina, quisquiliæ, Wrt. Voc. 22, 13; nom. pl. of æppel-screád. v. screád.

æppel-þorn an apple-thorn, a crab-tree. v. appel-þorn.

æppel-treów, es; n. An apple-tree; malus. v. æpel-tre.

æppel-tún, es; m. An apple-garden, orchard; pomarium, Ælfc. Gl. 24? Somn. 299.

æppel-wín, es; n. Apple-wine, cider; pomaceum, Cot. 117.

æppled, æpled; part. APPLED, made into the form of apples, made into balls or bosses; in pomorum formam redactus :-- Æpplede gold appled gold, Exon. 63a; Th. 232, 14; Ph. 506: 75b; Th. 283, 30; Jul. 688. Æplede gold, Elen. Kmbl. 2517; El. 1260. v. pp. of æpplian.

æpplian, æplian; p. ede; pp. ed [æppel an apple] To make into the form of apples, to make into balls or bosses; in pomorum formam redigere, globosum facere, Exon. 63a; Th. 232, 14; Ph. 506: 75b; Th. 283, 30; Jul. 688: Elen. Kmbl. 2517; El. 1260.

æppuldre, æpuldre, an; f. An apple-tree; malus. v. apuldre.

æppuldre-tún, es; m. An apple-tree inclosure, apple-orchard; pomarium. v. apulder-tún.

æppyl an apple, Ælfc. Gr. 6; Som. 5, 57; MS. C. v. æppel.

æps, æsp, e; f: æpse, æspe, an; f. An asp or aspen-tree, a species of poplar; populus tremula :-- Æps sicomorus, vel celsa, Wrt. Voc. 33, 27: Cot. 165. Ním æps-rinde take asp-rind, L. M. 3, 39; Lchdm. ii. 332, 7. Gením æpsan take asp-tree, 1, 36; Lchdm. ii. 86, 6. [Chauc. aspe: Prompt. parv. aspe, espe: O. Frs. espe, f: Ger. espe, f. populus tremula: M. H. Ger. aspe, f: O. H. Ger. aspa, f: O. Nrs. espi, n.]

æpsenys, -nyss, e; f. Disgrace, dishonour, shame; dedecus, Scint. 56.

æps-rind, e; f. Asp-rind; populi tremulæ cortex, L. M. 3, 39; Lchdm. ii. 332, 7. DER. æps.

ær, es; m. [ær = ear, q. v.] Ocean; pl. The waves of the ocean :-- Ofer æra gebland over the mingling of the waves, Chr. 937; Th. i. 202, 38, col. 1. v. ear, ear-gebland.

ǽr, es; n. Brass; æs :-- Siððan folca bearn ǽres [MS. ǽrest] cúðon and ísernes since then the sons of men have known brass and iron, Cd. 52; Th. 66, 22; Gen. 1088: Wrt. Voc. 8, 27. v. ár.

ǽr; comp. m. ǽra, ǽrra; f. n. ǽre, ǽrre; sup. ǽrest; adj. Early, former, preceding, ancient; prior, præcedens, antiquus :-- On ǽrne mergen in early morning; primo mane, Mt. Bos. 20, 1: Mk. Bos. 16, 9: Jn. Bos. 21, 4: Ps. Spl. 5, 3, 4. Fram ǽrne mergen óþ ǽfen from early morning till evening, Bd. 2, 14; S. 518, 8. Swá he wæs gyrstan dæg and ǽran dæg sicut erat heri et nudius tertius, Gen. 31, 5. Ðæs ǽran tácnes prioris signi, Ex. 4, 8. Forlýst he his ǽrran gód he loses his former good, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 170, 22. Of deáþe woruld awehte in ðæt ǽrre líf awoke the world from death into the former life, Elen. Kmbl. 609; El. 305: Exon. 113b; Th. 436, 11; Rä. 54, 12. On ðysse ǽrran béc præcedente libro, Bd. 4, 1; S. 563, 18. Ǽrran dagas dies antiqui, Ps. Th. 142, 5: Beo. Th. 1819; B. 907. Weorpe ǽrest stán primus lapidem mittat, Jn. Bos. 8, 7. Se hér-búendra hearpan ǽrest hlyn awehte who first of dwellers here awoke the sound of the harp, Cd. 52; Th. 66, 5; Gen. 1079. Se ǽresta wæs Enos háten the first was called Enos, 50; Th. 64, 24; Gen. 1055. Wæs seó ǽreste costung ofercumen the first temptation was overcome, Exon. 39a; Th. 128, 32; Gú. 408. In ða ǽrestan ældu in the first age, 34a; Th. 108, 29; Gú. 80. Ða ǽrestan ælda cynnes the first of the race of men, 47a; Th. 160, 23; Gú. 948. Ðú eall oncneówe, ða ǽrestan eác ða néhstan tu cognovisti omnia, antiqua et novissima, Ps. Th. 138, 3. Æt ǽrestan at the first; primo, L. Alf. pol. 1; Th. i. 60, 2: Exon. 19a; Th. 49, 15; Cri. 786. DER. ǽr-ádl, -cwide, -dǽd, -dæg, -deáþ, -fæder, -gestreón, -geweorc, -gewinn, -gewyrht, -ing, -morgen, -mergen, -sceaft, -wéla, -woruld.

ǽr, eár, ér; sup. ǽrost, ǽrest, ǽrst; adv. ERE, before, sooner, earlier, formerly, already, some time ago, lately, just now, till, until; antea, prius, mane, mature, dudum :-- Gang ǽr vade prius, Mt. Bos. 5, 24. He wæs ǽr ðonne ic ille erat prius quam ego, Jn. Bos. 1, 15, 30. Ǽr on morgen early in the morning, Cd. 224; Th. 297, 10; Sat. 515: Ps. Th. 18, 5: Ex. 12, 22. Nóht micle ǽr non multo ante, Bd. 4, 23; S. 593, 21. Hwéne ǽr scarcely before, just before, Bt. 23; Fox 78, 25. Swýðe ǽr very early; valde mane, Mk. Bos. 16, 2: 1, 35. Tó ǽr too soon, Exon. 45a; Th. 152, 30; Gú. 816. Hwonne ǽr how soon? when? quando? Ps. Th. 40, 5. Ǽrost first, Gen. 19, 33. Swá hit engel gecwæþ ǽrest on Eþresc as the angel said it first in Hebrew, Exon. 9b; Th. 9, 11; Cri. 133: 88b; Th. 333, 15; Gn. Ex. 4. Him cenned wearþ Cainan ǽrest to him was born Cainan first, Cd. 57; Th. 70, 7; Gen. 1149. Mon wæs to Godes anlícnesse ǽrest gesceapen man was at first shapen to God's image, 75; Th. 92, 16; Gen. 1529. Ðá ic hér ǽrest com when I first came here, 129; Th. 164, 8; Gen. 2711: Beo. Th. 1236; B. 616. [Laym, ær, ære, ear: Orm. ær: R. Glouc. er: Wyc. Chauc. Piers er: T. More ere: O. Sax. ér prius, antea: O. Frs. ér: Ger. eher prius, antea: O. H. Ger. ér, ǽr antea, dudum, prius, quondam: Goth. air diluculo, mane: O. Nrs. ár olim, mane.]. DER. ǽr-boren, -gedón, -genemned, -gód, -gystran-dæg, -líce, -wacol.

ǽr; conj. ERE, before that; antequam, priusquam :-- Ǽr heó wordum cwæþ ere she said in words, Cd. 222; Th. 290, 3; Sat. 409. Ǽr hie to setle gong ere she went to her seat, Beo. Th. 4043; B. 2019. Ǽr ge furður féran ere that ye further proceed, 510; B. 252. Ǽr hie on tú hweorfon before they departed from one another, Andr. Kmbl. 2102; An. 1052. [O. Sax. ér priusquam: M. H. Ger. O. H. Ger. ér priusquam.]

ǽr; prep, d. Before; ante :-- Ǽr his swylt-dæge before his death-day, Cd. 62; Th. 74, 12; Gen. 1221. Ǽr dægréde before dawn, 223; Th. 294, 4; Sat. 466. Ǽr sunnan his nama sóþfæst standeþ, byþ his setl ǽr swylce ðonne móna ante solem permanebit nomen ejus, et ante lunam sedes ejus, Ps. Th. 71, 17. Ǽr ðam flóde ante diluvium, Mt. Bos. 24, 38. Ǽr ðé before thee, Bt. 41, 3; Fox 246, 26. Ǽr ðam before that, before; antequam, Mt. Bos. 6, 8: Exon. 61a; Th. 224. 22; Ph. 379. Ǽr ðam ðe before that which, till; priusquam, Ps. Spl. 38, 18: Mt. Bos. 12, 20. [O. Sax. ér ante: M. H. Ger. O. H. Ger. ér ante.]

ǽra; adj. Earlier, former; prior, præcedens :-- Ðæs ǽran tácnes prioris signi, Ex. 4, 8: Gen. 31, 5. v. ǽr; adj.

ǽr-ádl, e; f. Early-disease; præmaturus morbus :-- Ðá ǽrádl nímeþ when early disease takes them, Exon. 89a; Th. 335, 10; Gn. Ex. 31.

æra gebland [ær = ear sea] The agitation of the sea, Chr. 937; Th. 202, 38, col. 1; ear in col. 2, and p. 203, 38, col. 1; eár in col. 2. v. ear-gebland.

ǽr-boren p. part. First-born; primogenitus, Cd. 47; Th. 59, 33; Gen. 973.

ærce-biscop, ærce-bisceop, es; m. An archbishop, Bd. 2, 3; S. 504, 35. v. arce-bisceop.

ærce-diácon, es; m. An archdeacon. v. arce-diácon.

ǽr-cwide, es; m. Prophecy; prophetia? nuntii vel doctoris loquela ?-- He ǽrcwide onwreáh [MS. onwearh] he revealed the prophecy, Exon. 83a; Th. 313, 23; Mód. 4.

ǽr-dǽd, e; f. Former conduct, a past deed; ante-actum :-- Wyt witodlíce be uncer ǽr-dǽdum onfóþ nos duo quidem juste, nam digna factis recipimus, Lk. Bos. 23, 41: Bd. 1, 6; S. 476, 24, note.

ǽr-dæg, es; m. I. early day, early morn; matutinum, mane, prima lux :-- Mid ǽrdæge at early day, Andr. Kmbl. 440; An. 220: 3048; An. 1527: Cd. 121; Th. 155, 19; Gen. 2575. On uhtan mid ǽrdæge in the morning at early day, Beo. Th. 253; B. 126. To ðam ǽrdæge on that morn, Cd. 153; Th. 190, 12; Exod. 198. II. in pl. Early days, former days; dies prisci :-- On ǽrdagum in former days, Cd. 119; Th. 153, 23; Gen. 2543: Exon. 9a; Th. 6, 4; Cri. 79. [O. Sax. an érdagun priscis diebus: O. Nrs. í árdaga primis temporibus, olim.]

ǽr-deáþ, es; m. Early death; mors immatura :-- Regnþeófas dǽlaþ yldo, oððe ǽr-deáþ the great thieves find age, or early death, Cd. 169; Th. 212, 14; Exod. 539.

ærdian, ærdyan to inhabit [ærd = eard earth, dwelling] :-- Ærdydon habitabant, Bd. 2, 9; S. 510, 15. v. eardian.

ærdon = ærndon? from ærnan; p. de To run, run away; currere :-- He gehleóp and his bróðru mid him begen ærdon he fled and both his brothers ran away with him, Byrht. Th. 137, 25; By. 191.

ærdung, e; f. [eard a dwelling] A tabernacle, Ps. Spl. T. 18, 5. v. eardung.

æ-réfnan to bear, Ps. Spl. T. 24, 5. v. a-rǽfnan.

ǽren, ǽryn, ǽrn; adj. Made of brass, brazen; æneus :-- Wirc áne ǽrenan næddran fac serpentum æneum, Num. 21, 8. Ǽrnum bémum with brazen trumps, Cd. 154; Th. 191, 18; Exod. 216: Ors. 2, 8; Bos. 52, 16: Ælfc. Gr. 5; Som. 4, 60.

ǽren-byt, -bytt, e; f. [byt a butt, vessel] A brass pan or vessel; lenticula, Wrt. Voc. 25, 17.

ǽrend, ǽrende, ǽrynd, es; n: pl. nom. acc. ǽrendu, ǽrendo An ERRAND, a message, an embassy, news, tidings, an answer, business, care; nuntium, mandatum, negotium, cura :-- Ne mæg ðæs ǽrendes ylding wyrþan there may not be a delay of this errand, Andr. Kmbl. 429; An. 215. He his hláfordes ǽrende secgan sceolde he should tell his lord's message, Bd. 2, 9; S. 511, 19. Hí hæfdon nyt ǽrend they had a profitable errand, 5, 10; S. 624, 21: 3, 6; S. 528, 17: L. C. S. 76; Th. i. 418, 5. He sent on his ǽrenda he sends on his errands, Bt. 39, 13; Fox 234, 25. Híg lægdon ǽrende they imposed an errand, Chr. 1065; Th. 332, 25, col. 2. He aboden hæfde Godes ǽrendu he had announced God's messages, Exon. 43a; Th. 145, 17; Gú. 696: 51b; Th. 179, 31; Gú. 1270. Hí lufedon Godes ǽrendo they loved God's errands, 34b; Th. 111, 27; Gú. 133. [Laym, arend, erend, as in arend-rake, erend-mon : Orm. ernde: R. Glouc, ernde, erinde: O. Sax. árundi, n. message: M. H. Ger. árant, érende, m. message: O. H. Ger. áranti. áronti, árunti, m. nuntius; f. verbum, mandatum: Dan. ærinde, ærend: Swed, ærende: O. Nrs. örundi, erendi, n. negotium: Sansk. ír ire, to go.] v. ár a messenger.

ǽren-dæg, es; m. [contracted for on ærran dæg on a former day] The day before, yesterday; pridie, Ælfc. Gl. 96; Wrt. Voc. 53, 31. v. dæg.

ǽrend-bóc, e; f. A letter, message; epistola, litteræ :-- Hí ne mihton arǽdan engles ǽrendbéc they might not interpret the angels' messages, Cd. 212; Th. 261, 32; Dan. 735. v. ǽrend-gewrit.

ǽrend-gást, es; m. A spiritual messenger, an angel; nuntius spiritus, angelus :-- Godes ǽrendgást God's spiritual messenger, Cd. 104; Th. 138, 23; Gen. 2296.

ǽrend-gewrit, ǽrend-writ, es; n. A message or report in writing, a letter, an epistle, letters mandatory, a brief writing, short notes, a summary; epistola :-- Hí sendon ǽrendgewrit mittunt epistolam, Bd. 1, 13; S. 481, 41. On. forþgeonge ðæs ǽrendgewrites in processu epistolæ, 1, 13; S. 481, 43: Bt. Met. Fox 1, 125; Met. 1, 63. Ǽrend-gewrit epistola vel pictacium. Wrt. Voc. 46, 64: 61, 21. þurh his ǽrend-gewritu by his letters, Bd. pref; S. 472, 22.

ǽrendian; p. ede; pp. ed To go on an errand, to carry news, tidings, or a message, to intercede, to treat for anything, to plead the cause; nuntium ferre, mandatum deferre, intercedere, annuntiare :-- He mæg unc ǽrendian he may bear our messages, Cd. 32; Th. 41, 31; Gen. 665. Ða ǽrendracan, ðe his cwale ǽrndedon [Whel. ǽrenddedon] the messengers, who had treated for his death, Bd. 2, 12; S. 515, 4.

ǽrend-raca, ǽrend-wreca, an; m. [ǽrend an errand; raca, wreca from reccan to tell, wrecan to utter] A messenger, ambassador, aa apostle, angel; nuntius, apostolus, angelus :-- Se ǽrendraca nys mǽrra ðonne se ðe hine sende non est apostolus major eo qui misit eum, Jn. Bos. 13,16. Sende he ǽrendracan misit legatarios, Bd. 5, 21; S. 64a, 34. Gabriél Godes ǽrendraca Gabriel God's angel. Hy. 10, 12. Ǽrendraca, Bd. 2, 9; S. 510, 27: 2, 12; S. 513, 8; 515, 3: 1, 12; S. 480, 25. Ǽrendraca an apostle. Wrt. Voc. 42, 1. Ǽrendraca unnytnesse a tale-bearer, Cot. 139. Gesibbe ǽrendracan messengers of peace; caduceatores vel pacifici, Wrt. Voc. 36, 6.

ærendran messengers; nuntii :-- Æðele ǽrendran andswarodon [Grn. aerendracan] the noble messengers answered, Cd. 111; Th. 147, 4; Gen. 2434.

ǽrend-secg, es; m. An errand-deliverer, a messenger; legatus, nuntius :-- Ic, on his gearwan, geseó dæt he is ǽrend-secg uncres Hearran I, by his habit, see that he is the messenger of our Lord, Cd. 30; Th. 41, 17; Gen. 658.

ǽrend-secgan to deliver a message; nuntiurn deferre. v. secgan.

ǽrend-spræc, e; f. A verbal message; nuntiatio :-- Ǽrendspræce abeódan to announce a verbal message, Exon. 123a; Th. 472, 13; Rä. 61, 15.

ǽrendung, e; f. A command; mandatum, C. R. Ben. 38.

ǽrend-wreca, an; m. A messenger, ambassador; imntius, legatus :-- Hí onsendon ǽrendwrecan miserunt nuntios, Bd. 1, 12; S. 480, 25. He sende ǽrendwrecan in Gallia ríce he sent ambassadors; into the kingdom of the Gauls, 2, 6; S. 508, 33. v. ǽrendraca.

ǽrend-writ, es; n. A letter; epistola, Bd. 5, 21; S. 642, 34, note, v. ǽrend-gewrit.

æren-geát, for earn-gǽt a goat-eagle; harpe = GREEK, Ælfc. Gl. 17; Wrt. Voc. 21, 6u. v. eara-geát.

ǽrer; adv. Before :-- Ǽrer hit gewyrþe before it comes to pass. Bt. 41, 2; Fox 244, note 8. v. ǽror.

æ-rest, es; m: e; f. The resurrection :-- On lífes æreste in resurrecti-onem vitæ, Jn. Bos. 5, 29: Andr. Grm. 780: Exon. 37b; Th. 122, 29; Gú. 313. v. æ-rist.

ǽrest; adj. first, ERST; primus :-- Weorpe ǽrest stán primus lapidem mittat, Jn. Bos. 8, 7: Cd. 52; Th. 66, 5; Gen. 1079. v. ǽr; adj.

ǽrest; ad;. First, at first; primum, primo :-- Him cenned wearþ Cainan ǽrest to him was born Cainan first. Cd. 57; Th. 70, 7; Gen. 1149: 75; Th. 92, 16; Gen. 1529. v. ǽr.

ǽr-fæder; indecl. in sing, but sometimes gen. -fæderes and dat. -fædere are found; pl. nom. acc. -fæderas; gen. a; dat. um; m. A forefather, father; propator, pater, Beo. Th. 5258; B. 2622.

ǽr-fæst; adj. Honourable, good, gracious, merciful, Judth. 11; Thw. 24, 15; Jud. 190. v. ár-fæst.

ǽr-fæstnys, -nyss, e ;f. Honesty, goodness, piety; pietas :-- Aidanus wæs mycelre ǽrfæstnysse and gemetfæstnysse mon Aidan was a man of much piety and moderation, Bd. 3, 3; S. 525, 31. v. ár-fæstnes.

ærfe an inheritance, Heming, pp. 104, 105. v. yrfe.

ǽr-geára; adv. Heretofore, of old; olim, Salm. Kmbl. 860; Sal. 429: Bt. Met. Fox 20, 104; Met. 20, 52. v. geára.

ǽr-geblond the sea agitation, v. ǽra gebland, ear-gebland.

ǽr-gedón; adj. Done before; anteactus, prior :-- Wæs seó éhtnysse unmetre and singalre eallum ðám ǽrgedónum quæ persecutio omnibus fere anteactis diuturnior atque immanior fuit, Bd. 1, 6; S. 476, 24: 1, 12; S. 481, 25.

ǽr-genemned; pp. Before-named; prænominatus. v. ge-nemnan.

ǽr-gescod; pp. Brass-shod, shod with brass; ære calceatus :-- Bill ǽrgescod a brass-shod bill, Beo. Th. 5548; B. 2777.

ǽr-gestreón, es; n. Ancient treasure; thesaurus antiquitus repo-situs :-- Ðǽr wæs fela in ðam eorþ [-scræfe] ǽrgestreóna there were many ancient treasures in that earth-cave, Beo. Th. 4457; B. 2232: 3518; B. 1757: Exon. 22 b; Th. 62, 5; Cri. 997: Cd. 98; Th. 129, 22; Gen. 2147.

ær-geweorc, es; n. An ancient work; antiquum opus :-- Enta ǽrgeweorc the ancient wort of giants, Beo. Th. 3362; B. 1679: Andr. Kmbl. 2471; An. 1237.

ǽr-gewinn, es; n. An ancient struggle, former agony; antiquum certamen, pristina agonia :-- Earmra ǽrgewinn the former agony of the wretched ones, Rood Kmbl. 37; Kr. 19.

ǽr-gewyrht, es; n. A former work, a deed of old; opus pristinum, facinus olim commissum :-- Ða byre siððan grimme onguldon gaful-rǽdenne þurh ǽrgewyrht the children since have bitterly paid the tax through the deed of old, Exon. 47 a; Th. 161, 17; Gú. 960: Elen. Kmbl. 2599; El. 1301. Nom. pl. ærgewyrhtu, Exon. 263; Th. 76, 18; Cri. 1241.

ær-glæd; adj. Brass-bright, gleaming with brazen arms; armis æneis coruscans. Cd. 158; Th. 196, 17; Exod. 293.

ǽr-gód; adj. Good before others, of prime goodness; præ ceteris bonus :-- Æðeling ǽrgód a prince good before others. Beo. Th. 260; B. 130: 2662; B. 1329. Íren ǽrgód iron of prime goodness, 1982; B. 989.

ǽr-gystran-dæg ere-yesterday, the day before yesterday; nudius tertius. v. gysternlíc dæg, gyrstan-dæg.

ærian to plough :-- Hwilc man aþohte ǽrust myd sul to ærienne [MS. æriende] what man thought first of ploughing with a plough? Anlct. 113, 27. v. erian.

ǽ-riht, es; n. [ǽ law, riht right] Law-right, law; jus legurn, jus :-- Ða ðe fyrngewritu sélest cunnen, ǽriht eówer who the old writings best know, your own law, Elen. Kmbl. 749; El. 375: 1176; El. 590.

ǽring, e; f. The early dawn, day-break; diluculum :-- In ǽringe, æfter leóhtes cyme at early dawn, after light's coming, Exon. 68a; Th. 252, 9; Jul. 160: Mk. Lind. War. 1, 35. v. ǽr; adv.

æ-risc, e; f. [eá running water, risc a rush] A water-rush, bulrush; scirpus, Ælfc. Gl. 42; Wrt. Voc. 31, 31. v. eá-risc.

æ-rist, æ-ryst, æ-rest, es; m; e; f. A rising up, the resurrection; resurrectio: -- Drihtnes ærist the resurrection of the Lord, Menol, Fox 116; Men. 58. Æfter æriste after resurrection, Exon. 64a; Th. 235, 18; Ph. 559. Ðú mín setl swylce oncneówe and mínne ærist æfter gecýþdest tu cognovisti sessionem meam et resurrectionem meam, Ps. Th. 138, 1: Hy. 10, 55. Ærist gefremede accomplished his resurrection, Exon. 48b; Th. 168, 6; Gú. 1073. Ðonne æriste ealle gefremmaþ when all shall accomplish their resurrection, 63a; Th. 231, 26; Ph. 495. [Goth. urrists. f.]

ǽrist = ǽrest; adv. First :-- Mec se wong ærist cende the field first brought me forth, Exon. 109a; Th. 417, 10; Rä. 36, 2: sup. of ǽr; adv.

ǽr-lést, e; f. Dishonour, impiety, cruelty, a disgraceful deed :-- Hwelce ǽrléste Neron worhte what disgraceful deeds Nero wrought, Bt. Met. Fox 9, 2; Met. 9, 1. v. ár-leást.

ǽr-líce, ár-líce; adv. [ǽr ere, before, líce] EARLY in the morning; diluculo, mane, Jn. Lind. War. 8, 2.

ærm; adj. Poor; pauper :-- On ðære ærman byrig in that poor city, Chr. 1011; Th. i. 269, 1, col. 1: 1014; Th. i. 272, note 1, 3. v. earm.

ǽr-margen, es; m. The early morning, the day-break, Ps. Surt. 56, 9: 107, 3: 118, 148. v. ǽr-morgen.

ǽr-morgen, -mergen, es; m. The early morning, day-break; primum mane, matutinum, diluculum :-- On ǽrmorgen in the early morning, Bt. Met. Fox 28, 72; Met. 28, 36. Ǽrmorgenes gancg wið æftentíd exitus matutini et vespere, Ps. Th. 64, 9. On ǽrmergen diluculo, 107, 2 : 56, 10: Bd. 1, 34; S. 499, 27. Ǽrmyrgen mane, Ælfc. Gl. 94; Wrt. Voc. 53, 2. [O. Nrs. ár-morgin.]

ærn, ern, es; n. A place, secret place, closet, an habitation, a house, cottage; locus, locus secretior, domus, casa :-- Bireþ into his ærne beareth into his habitation, L. In. 57; Th. i. 138, 16. [O. Nrs. rann, n.] DER. bere-ærn [-ern] a barley place, barn, blác-, blæc-, blǽc-, breáw-, carc-, cweart-, cwert-, dóm-, eást-, eorþ-, fold-, gæst-, gest-, gyst-, heal-, hédd-, holm-, hord-, mæðel-, medo-, meðel-, mold-, norþ-, slǽp-, súþ-, þryþ-, west-, wín-.

-ærn, -ern, es; u. [ærn a place] is generally used as a termination, and denotes a place; thus, Eorþ-ærn, es; a An earth-place or house, the grave :-- Open wæs ðæt eorþ-ærn the grave was open, Exon. 120 a; Th. 460, 18; Hö. 19: 119b; Th. 459, 22; Hö. 3; Th. 460, 4; Hö. 12. Dóm-ern a judgment-place, judgment-hall, court of justice, Mt. Bos. 27, 27. Hédd-ern a heeded-place, store-house, cellar, Lk. Bos. 12, 24.

-ærn; adj. termination def. se -ærna, m; -ærne, f. n. v. -eran.

ǽrn brazen :-- Ǽrnum bémum with brazen trumpets, Cd. 154; Th. 191, 18; Exod. 216. v. ǽren.

ærnan; p. de; pp. ed; v. intrans. To run; currere :-- Ærnan to run, Bd. 5, 6; S. 618, 42: S. 619, 12. Ærnaþ hý they run, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 22, 36. DER. ge-ærnan. v. yrnan.

ǽrnddedon = ǽrendedon; p. of ǽrendian To go on an errand; nuntium ferre, Bd. 2, 12; S. 515, 4.

ǽrne Early :-- On ǽrne mergen primo mane, Mt. Bos. 20, 1; acc. sing, m. of ǽt, adj.

ærne-weg, es; m. [ærnan to run, weg a way] A running-way, a way fit for running on, a broad road; via cursui apta, platea :-- Æt sumes ærneweges ende at the end of some course, Bt. 37, 2; Fox 188, 9. Gescroepe ærneweg via apta cursui equorum, Bd. 5, 6; S. 618, 41.

ærnian to earn. v. ge-ærnian.

ærning, e; f. A running, riding; cursus, equitatio :-- Ða ðe hiora ærninge tréwaþ those who trust in their running, Bt. 37, 2; Fox 188, 10: Bd. 5. 6; S. 619, 15.

ærnung, e; f. An EARNING, stipend, hire, wages; merces. v. earnung.

ǽron; adv. Before; antea :-- Ic hyt ǽron nyste I knew it not before, Nicod. 12; Thw. 6, 22. v. ǽr; adv.

ǽror, ǽrror; prep. dat. Before; ante, priusquam : -- Næs ǽror ðé [MS. aworþe] ǽnegu gesceaft there was not before thee any creature, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 81; Met. 20, 41.

ǽror, ǽrror, ǽrur, ǽrer; adv. Before, formerly; antea, prius :-- Weras on wonge wibed setton, neáh ðam ðe Abraham ǽror rǽrde the men placed an altar in the plain, near that which Abraham had reared before, Cd. 90; Th. 113, 7; Gen. 1883. Se ðe fela ǽror fyrena gefremede he who before had committed many crimes, Beo. Th. 1623; B. 809. Nemne we ǽror mǽgen fáne gefyllan unless we before may fell the foe, 5302; B. 2654. Ðæt hió eft cume, ðǽr hió ǽror wæs that it again comes where it was before, Bt. Met. Fox 13, 152; Met. 13, 76. Ǽror, on his lifdagum before, in the days of his life, 26, 174; Met. 26, 87: Exon. 35 b; Th. 114, 32; Gú. 181: Ps. Th. 77, 3: 91, 8: 134, 11: 135, 21: 145, 4: Menol. Fox 330; Men. 166. v. ǽr; adv.

ǽrost; adv. First, Byrht. Th. 135, 27; By. 124: Gen. 19, 33. v. ǽr.

ǽrra, ǽrre; adj. Former, earlier, Exon, 113b; Th. 436, 11; Rä. 54, 12: Menol. Fox 213; Men. 108: Elen. Kmbl. 609; El. 305. v. -ǽra.

ǽrra geóla the ere or former Yule month, December, Menol. Fox 439; Men. 221. v. geóla.

ǽrra líða the ere or former Litha, June, Menol. Fox 213; Men. 108. v.líða.

ǽrror; adv. Before, formerly :-- We iú in heofonum hæfdon ǽrror wlite and weorþmynt we once in heaven had formerly beauty and dignity, Cd. 216; Th. 274, 9; Sat. 151: 220; Th. 283, 4; Sat. 299. v.ǽror; adv.

ǽrror; prep. dot. Before; ante :-- Cymeþ eástan up ǽrror [MS. æst ror] sunnan, and eft æfter sunnan on setl glídeþ comes up from the east before the sun, and again after the sun glides to his seat, Bt. Met. Fox 29, 52; Met. 29, 26. v. ǽror.

ærs The buttocks, the hind part; anus, podex :-- Open-ærs a medlar, Wrt. Voc. 32, 50; Som. 64, 116. v. ears.

ǽr-sceaft, e;f. An old creation, an ancient work; pristina creatio, priscum opus, Exon. 124a; Th. 477, 1; Ruin. 16.

aersc-hen a quail, Ælfc. Gl. 38; Wrt. Voc. 29, 42. v. ersc-hen.

ǽrst first; primo, Homl, in nat. Innoc. p. 36, = ǽrost. v. ǽr; adv.

ǽr-ðam, ǽr-ðon before that, Mt. Bos. 6, 8: Exon. 61 a; Th. 224, 22; Ph. 379. v. ǽr; prep.

ǽr-ðám-ðe before that which, till, Mt. Bos. 12, 20. v. ǽr; prep.

ǽrur; adv. Before; antea :-- Swá he him ǽrur, hér on ðyssum lífe, ge-earnaþ as he for himself before, here in this life, earneth. Rood Kmbl. 214; Kr. 108: Ps. Th. 115, 3. v. ǽror.

ǽr--wacol; adj. Early awake; diluculo vigil :-- For hwí eart ðú ðus ǽrwacol why art thou thus early awake? Apol. Th. 19, 5.

ǽr-wéla, an; m. [ǽr ere, before, wéla wealth] Ancient wealth; divitiæ antiquitus accumulatæ, Beo. Th. 5488; B. 2747.

ǽr-woruld, e; f. The former world; pristinus mundus :-- Ðonne weorþeþ sunne sweart gewended, on blódes hiw, seó ðe beorhte scán ofer ǽrworuld then the sun shall be turned swart, to hue of blood, which shone brightly over the former world, Exon. 21b; Th. 58, 17; Cri. 937.

ǽryn brazen; æreus :-- Ðú gesettest swá swá bogan bræsenne ǽrynne, Spl, C.] earmas míne posuisti ut arcum æreum brachia mea, Ps. Lamb. 17, 35: Ps. Spl. C. 106, 16. v. ǽren.

ǽrynde, es; m. An interpreter; interpres :-- Ðæra byrla ealdor forgeat Iosepes ǽrynde prepositus pincernarum oblitus est Josephi interpretis sui, Gen. 40, 23.

ǽrynd-writ a letter. Lye. v. ǽrend-gewrit.

ǽryr; adv. Before; prius, C. Jn. 1, 30, Lye. v. ǽror.

æ-ryst, es; m: e; f. The resurrection :-- Ða secgeaþ ðæt nán æryst ne sý qui dicunt non esse resurrectionem, Mt. Bos. 22, 23: 27, 53. v. æ-rist.

ǽryst, adv. First; primum, primo, Ps. Th. 104, 15. v. ǽrest.

ǼS, es; n. Food, meat, carrion, a dead carcase; esca, cibus, pabulum, cadaver :-- Earn ǽses georn the eagle eager for food, Byrht. Th. 134, 60; By. 107. Lǽton him behíndan ðone earn ǽses brúcan they left behind them the eagle to eat of the carrion, Chr. 938; Th. i. 207, 30, col. 2; Æðelst. 63. Ǽse wlanc exulting in carrion, Beo. Th. 2668; B. 1332 : Ps. Th. 146, 10. [Dut. aas, n. esca, cadaver; Ger. aas, n. esca, cadaver: M. H. Ger. ás, n: O.H. Ger. ás, n. esca: Dan. aas, n: Swed. as, n.]

ÆSC; g. æsces; pl. nom. acc. æscas, ascas; g. æsca, asca; d. æscum, ascum; m; I. an ash-tree; fraxinus excelsior :-- On ðone æsc to the ash-tree. Cod. Dipl. Apndx. 461; A. D. 956; Kmbl. iii. 450, 3. Æsc fraxinus, Ælfc. Gl. 45; Som. 64, 98. II. the Anglo-Saxon Rune RUNE = æ, the name of which letter in Anglo-Saxon is æsc an ash-tree, hence this Rune not only stands for the letter æ, but for æsc an ash-tree, as, -- RUNE byþ oferheáh, eldum dýre, stíþ staðule the ash-tree is over-high, dear to men, firm in its place, Hick. Thes. vol. i. p. 135; Runic pm. 26; Kmbl. 344, 23. Se torhta æsc the remarkable Rune æsc, Exon. 112a; Th. 429, 24; Rä. 43, 9. III. an ash-spear, a spear, lance; hasta fraxinea, hasta :-- Byrhtnóþ wánd wácne æsc Byrhtnoth brandished his slender ashen spear, Byrht. Th. 132, 68; By. 43: 140, 59; By. 310. Ðe ðé æsca tír æt gúðe forgeaf who to thee gave glory of spears in battle. Cd. 97; Th. 127, 10; Gen. 2108. Asca, g. pl. Exon. 78a; Th. 292, 15; Wand. 99. Æscum with spears. Beo. Th. 3548; B. 1772: Andr. Kmbl. 2195; An. 1099. IV. because boats were made of ash, -- a small ship, a skiff, a light vessel to sail or row in; navis, navigium, dromo :-- Hét Ælfréd cyng timbrian langscipu ongén ða æscas king Alfred commanded to build long ships against those ships, Chr. 897; Th. i. 174, 41. Æsc dromo, Wrt. Voc. 63, 34: 56, 24. [O. H. Ger. asc, m: O. Nrs. askr, m. arbor, fraxinus, vas ligneum, navis, gladius, Egils.] DER. daroþ-æsc, ceaster-: æsc-rind.

æ-scære; adj. [æ = a, scær, p. of sceran to shear, cut] Without tonsure, uncut, untrimmed, neglected; intonsus, incultus, neglectus :-- Deóplíc dǽd-bót biþ, ðæt lǽwede man swá æscære beó, ðæt íren ne cume on hǽre, ne on nægle it is a deep penitence, that a layman be so untrimmed that scissors [iron] come not on hair, nor on nail, L. Pen. 10; Th. ii. 280, 20. v. a-scære.

æsc-berend, es; m. [æsc a spear, berende bearing, part, from beran to bear] A spear or lance-bearer, a soldier; hastifer :-- Eorre æscberend the fierce spear-bearer, Andr. Kmbl. 93; An. 47: 2153; An. 1078. Ealde æscberend the old spear-bearer, 3072; Au. 1539.

æsc-berende; part. Spear-bearing; hastam gerens :-- Wígena æscbe-rendra of warriors bearing spears, Cd. 94; Th. 123, 7; Gen. 2041.

æsce; g. æscean; f. Ashes; -- Forðon ic anlíc ætt æscean hláfe quia cinerem sicut panem manducabam, Ps. Th. 101, 7: 147, 5. v. asce.

ǽsce, an; f. Search, inquisition, examination, inquiry, trial of or asking after any matter or thing; interrogatio, investigatio, disquisitio :-- Hæfdon ealle ða æscean all should have the search, L. Ath. 5; Th. i. 230, 18.

æsceda, an; m. A farrago, mixture, perfume; migma. Wrt. Voc. 38, 53.

æscen A vessel made of ash-wood, such as a bottle, bucket, pail, etc; lagena :-- Æscen ðe is óðre namon hrygilebuc gecleopad an ascen, its other name is called Rigelbuc, q. back-bucket, Heming, p. 393.

æscen; adj. Ashen, ash, made of ash; fraxineus. v. æsc, -en.

Æsces dún, e; f. [æsc ash-tree, dún a hill] ASHDOWN, the hill of the ash-tree, on the Ridgeway in Berkshire, where Alfred and his elder brother, king Ethelred, first routed the Danes; 'dicitur Latine mons fraxini,' Asser :-- Hér gefeaht Æðeréd cyning and Ælfréd, his bróðor, wið ealne ðone here, on Æsces dúne A.D. 871, here fought king Æthelred and Alfred, his brother, with all the army [of the Danes], on Ashdown, Chr. 871; Th. 139, 5, col. 1.

æsc-here, es; m. A spear-band, company armed with spears, a ship or naval-band; exercitus hastifer, exercitus navalis, Byrht. Th. 133, 53; By. 69.

æsc-holt, es; nom. pl. holt; n. Ash-wood, an ash-wood spear; lignum fraxineum, hasta fraxinea :-- Æscholt asceóc shook his ashen spear, Byrht. 138, 35; By. 230: Beo. Th. 665; B. 330.

æscian to ask; interrogare, Jud. Civ. Land. v. acsian.

æsc-man, -mann, es; m. A ship-man, sailor, and hence a pirate; nauta, pirata :-- Ǽgþer ge æscmanna ge óðerra both of the ship-men and of the others, Chr. 921; Th. 195, 15: Cot. 155.

æsc-plega, an; m. [plega play] The play of spears, war; hastarum ludus, prælium :-- Æt ðam æscplegan, Judth. 11; Thw. 24, 31; Jud. 217.

æsc-rind, e; f. Ash-bark; fraxini cortex :-- Ním æscrinde take ash-bark, Lchdm, iii. 14, 1. Wel æscrinde boil ash-bark, ii. 78, 5.

æsc-róf; adj. Spear-famed, distinguished in battle, illustrious, noble; hasta clarus, in prœlio strennus, illustris, nobilis :-- Eorlas æscrófe illustrious nobles, Judth. 12; Thw. 26, 20; Jud. 337: Elen. Grm. 276: 202.

æsc-stéde, es; m. The ash-spear place, place of battle; hastæ locus, pugnæ locus :-- Hí witan fundian æscstéde they strive to know the battle place, Exon. 83b; Th. 314, 20; Mód. 17.

æsc-þræc; g. -þræce; pl. nom. g. acc. -þraca; f. Spear-strength, brunt of spears, a battle; hastæ vis, hastarum impetus, prælium :-- Æt æscþræce, Cd. 98; Th. 130, 2; Gen. 2153.

æsc-þrote, an; f: -þrotu, e; f. [æsc ash, þrote a throat] ASH-THROAT, vervain; verbenaca, verbena officinalis, Prior, p. 242: vocabularies give the Lat. feiula the fennel-giant, but verbenaca vervain seems more probable from the following quotations, -- Herba uermenaca [= verbenaca. Herb. 4, = verbenaca: Lat. = berbena, 67, -verbena, Lat.] ðæt is æscþrotu the herb verbena, that is ash-throat [= vervain], Herb. cont. 4, 1; Lchdm. i. 8, . Niðeweardre æscþrotan of the netherward [part of] vervain, L. M. 3, 72; Lchdm, ii. 358, 16. NIm æscþrotan take vervain, 1, 88; Lchdm. ii. 156, 22. Æscþrotan, 1, 43; Lchdm, ii. 108, 6. Æscþrote, nom. Herb. 4, 1; Lchdm, i. 90, 1. Æscþrotu, L. M. l, 47; Lchdm, ii. 120, 9: 2, 53; Lchdm, ii. 274, 9. Man æscþrote nemneþ one nameth it vervain. Herb. 4, 1; Lchdm, i. 90, 3. Gením æscþrote take vervain, 101, 3; Lchdm. i. 216, 11: L. M. 3, 61; Lchdm, ii. 344, 9; Lchdm, iii. 28, 14.

æsc-tír, es; m. Spear-glory, glory in war; hastæ gloria, belli gloria, Cd. 95; Th. 124, 27; Gen. 2069.

æsc-wert, e; f. Ash-wort, vervain; verbena, Mone C. 3; p. 442, 24.

æsc-wíga, an; m. A spear-warrior; bellator hastifer :-- Eald æscwíga an old spear-warrior, Beo. Th. 4090; B. 2042. Æscwígan, nom. pl. Elen. Grm. 260.

æsc-wlanc; adj. Spear-proud; hasta superbus, Leo 104.

ÆSP, e; f: æspe, an; f. An ASP or aspen-tree; populus tremula :-- Æspan rind the rind of the asp-tree, L. M. 1, 47; Lchdm, ii. 116, 1. v. æps.

æspen; adj. ASPEN, belonging to the asp-tree; populeus. DER. æsp.

ǽ-spring, ǽ-springe, ǽ-sprynge, es; n. [ǽ water, spring a spring] A water-spring, fountain; aquæ fons, fons :-- Se æðela fugel æt ðam ǽspringe wunaþ the noble fowl remains at the fountain, Exon. 57a; Th. 204, 28; Ph. 104. Ǽspringe útawealleþ of clife a fountain springs out of a cliff, Bt. Met. Fox 5, 23; Met. 5, 12. Ealle ǽspiynge all springs, Exon. 55a; Th. 194, 5; Az. 134, 93b; Th. 351, 8; Sch. 77. v. eá-spring.

æ-springnes, -ness, e; f. [aspringan to fail] A failing, fainting; defectio, Ps. Spl. T. 118, 53. v. a-sprungennes.

æstel, es; m. A tablet, a table for notes, a waxed tablet; indicatorium, astula, pugillaris. Du Cange says astula = tabula sectilis, referring to pugillares, under which he gives the following quotation from Cassander in Liturgicis, p. 53, -- 'Inter instrumenta sacra numerantur pugillares aure sive argentei.... Proprié pugillares sunt tabulæ, in quibus scribi consuevit, quæ Græcé GREEK dicuntur." In St. Luke i. 63, GREEK GREEK, postulans pugillarem, is in the A. Sax. Gospels, gebedenum wex-brede a waxed tablet being asked for. William of Malmsbury may have alluded to one of these waxed tablets in Gesta Reg. ii. § 123, -- 'Cum pugillari aureo in quo est manca auri.' It is most probable then that Alfred's &aelig-acute;stel consisted of two waxed tablets, joined together by a hinge, and framed or covered with gold to the value of fifty mancuses. When these waxed tablets were closed, being framed or covered with gold, they would have a splendid and costly appearance, worthy the gift of a king :-- &AElig-acute;stel indicatorium, Ælfc. Gr. 8; Som. 7, 63: Cot. 214: Ælfc. Gl. 19? Lye. Ðá ongan ic [Ælfréd cyning] ða bóc wendan on Englisc, ðe is genemned on L&aelig-acute;den Pastoralis, and on Englisc Hierde-bóc, hwílum word be worde, hwílum andgit of andgite, swá swá ic hie geliornode æt Plegmunde mínum Ærcebiscepe, and æt Assere mínum Biscepe, and æt Grimbolde mínum Mæsse-Prióste, and æt Iohanne mínum Mæsse-Preóste. Siððan ic hie ða geliornod hæfde, swá swá ic hie forstód, and swá ic hie andgitfullícost areccean meahte, ic hie on Englisc awende, and to &aelig-acute;lcum Biscep-stðle on mínum Rtce wille áne onsendan, and on &aelig-acute;lcre biþ án Æstel, se biþ on fíftegum Mancessan. Ond ic bebióde, on Godes naman, ðæt nán mon ðone &AElig-acute;stel from ðære béc ne dó, ne ða bóc from ðæm Mynstre then I [Alfred king] began to translate into English the book, which is called in Latin Pastoralis, and in English Herdsman's book, sometimes word by word, sometimes meaning for meaning, as I learned it from Plegmund my archbishop, and from Asser my bishop, and from Grimbold my presbyter, and from John my presbyter. After I had then learned it, so that I understood it as well as my understanding would allow me, I translated it into English, and I will send one copy to each bishop's see in my kingdom; and on each one there shall be one tablet, which shall be worth fifty mancuses. And in God's name, I command that no man take the tablet from the book, nor the book from the minster, Past. Hat. MS. Pref.

æsul, es; m. An ass; asinus, Mt. Rush. Kmbl. 21, 2. v. esol.

æ-swáp, es; n. pl. æswápa Sweepings, dust; peripsema, purgamentum. v. a-swáp.

ǽ-swíc, áé-swýc, é-swíc, es; m. [ǽ law, swíc an offence] An offence, a scandal, stumbling-block, sedition, deceit; scandalum; -- Ne biþ him ǽswíc non est illis scandalum, Ps. Th. 118, 165: Ps. Spl. 118, 165: 48, 13: 49, 21, C. To ǽswýce in scandalum. Ps. Th. 105, 26.

æ-swíca, an; m: a-swícend, es; m. An offender of the law, a deceiver, hypocrite, apostate; hypocrita, apostata. v. swíca.

ǽ-swícian; p. ode; pp. od To offend, to depart from the law, to dissemble; scandalizare, deficere ab aliquo :-- Gyf ðín swýðre eáge ðé ǽswyície si oculus tuus dexter scandalizat te, Mt. Bos. 5, 29. v. a-swícian?

ǽ-swícung, e; f. An offence; scandalum :-- Ðú settest ǽswícunge ponebas scandalum, Ps. Spl. 49, 21. v. ǽ-swíc.

æ-swind; adj. Idle; iners, Cot. 108. v. a-swind.

ǽ-swutol, es; m. [ǽ law, sweotol manifest, clear, open] One who makes the law clear, a lawyer; legisperitus. v. sweotol.

ǽ-swýc, es; m. An offence; scandalum, Ps. Th. 105, 26. v. ǽ-swíc.

ǽ-syllend, es; m. [ǽ law, syllende giving] A lawgiver; legislator, Ps. Spl. 83, 7.

ÆT; prep. I. with the dative; cum dativo AT, to, before, next, with, in, for, against; apud, juxta, props, ante, ad, in, contra :-- Sittende æt tollsceamule sitting at tie seat of custom, Mt. Bos. 9, 9. Æt fruman worulde at the beginning of the world, Exon. 47a; Th. 161, 7; Gú. 955. Wæs seó treów lufu hát æt heortan the true love was hot at heart, 15 b; Th. 34, 8; Cri. 539. Ge ne cómon æt me ye came not to me, Mt. Bos. 25, 43. Æt selde before the throne, Cd. 228; Th. 306, 12; Sat. 663. Ic áre æt him fínde I may find honour with them, Exon. 67a; Th. 247, 19; Jul. 81. Ic nú æt feáwum wordum secge I now say in few words, Bd. 3, 17; S. 545, 14. Is seó bót gelong eal æt ðé ánum the expiation is all ready with thee alone, Exon. 10a; Th. 10, 16; Cri. 153. Ne mihton hí áwiht æt me ǽftr gewyrcean they might not ever do anything against me, Ps. Th. 128, l. Ðe him æt blisse beornas habbaþ which men have for their merriment, Exon. 108 b; Th. 414, 4; Rä. 32, 15. 2. because you approach a person or thing when you wish to take something away, as they say in Lancashire, Nottinghamshire, etc. Take this at me, i.e. from me, hence, -- Of, from; a, ab, de :-- Anýmaþ ðæt púnd æt hym tollite ab eo talentum, Mt. Bos. 25, 28. Leorniaþ æt me learn by coming near me, learn at, of, or from me; discite a me. Mt. Bos. 11, 29. Æt his sylfes múþe at or from his own mouth. Bd. 3, 27; S. 558, 40. Æt ðam wífe from the woman, Cd. 33; Th. 44, 31; Gen. 717. Ic gebád grynna æt Grendle I endured snares from Grendel, Beo. Th. 1864; B. 930: Ps. Th. 21, 18. 3. the names of places are often put in the dat. pl. governed by æt, the preposition is then, as in Icelandic, not translated, and the noun is read as singular :-- Ðe mon hǽt æt Hǽðum which they call Haddeby; quem vocant Hæthe, Ors. i. 1,§ 19; Bos. Eng. 47, note 57. In monasterio, quod situm est in civitate æt Baðum [MS. Bathun], Kmbl. Cod. Dipl, cxciii; vol. i. 237, 1. II. very rarely used with the accusative; cum accusative To, unto, as far as; ad, usque ad :-- Æt sǽ-streámas ad mare, Ps. Th. 79, 11. Æt Ác-leá at Oakley, Chr. 789; Ing. 79, 14. v. Ác-leá. III. sometimes æt is separated from its case :-- Ðonne wile Dryhten sylf dǽda gehýran æt ealra monna gehwám then will the Lord himself hear of the deeds from all sorts of men [ab omnium homínum quocunque], Exon. 99 b; Th. 372, 15; Seel. 93. [O. Sax. at: p. O. Frs. et, it: O. H. Ger. az: Goth. at: O. Nrs. at.]

æt ate; comedit :-- He æt he ate, Gen. 3, 6; p. of etan to eat.

æt-, prefixed to words, like the prep, æt, denotes at, to, and from; ad-, ab-. v. æt; prep. I. 2.

ǽt, es; m: ǽt, e; f. [æt p. of etan to eat]. I. food; cibus, esca :-- Ǽtes on wenan in hope of food, Cd. 151; Th. 188, 9; Exod. 165. He us ǽt giefcþ he gives us food, Exon. 16 b; Th. 38, 9; Cri. 604. Oft he him ǽte heóld he often gave them food, Exon. 43 a; Th. 146, 12; Gu. 708 : Cd. 200; Th. 247, 32; Dan. 506. II. eating; esus, mandu-catio :-- Æfter ǽte after eating, Exon. 61 b; Th. 226, 13; Ph. 405. Hí to ǽte útgewítaþ ipsi dispergentur ad manducandum, Ps. Th. 58, 15: Andr. Kmbl. 2148; An. 1075. [Orm. ðet: O. Sax. át, n: O. Frs. ét, n: O. H. Ger. áz, n; O. Nrs. át, n. esus.] v. etan.

ǽta, an; m. An eater; edax. DER. self-ǽta, q.v.

æt-ara ran away, Gen. 39,12; p. of æt-irnan.

æt-bær bore,produced, Cd. 202; Th. 249,31; Dan. 538; p. ofæt-beran.

æt-befón, ic -befó; subj. ic, he -befó [æt, be, fón] To take to, attach; deprehendere, capere, invenire :-- Gif hwá befó ðæt him losod wæs, cenne se ðe he hit ætbefó hwanon hit him cóme if any one attach that which he had lost, let him with whom he attaches it declare whence it came to him, L. Eth. ii. 8; Th. i. 288, 15: L. C. S. 23; Th. i. 388, 22. v. be-fón, æt-fón.

æt-beón To be at or present; adesse :-- Ætbeón dé we biddaþ adesse te deposcimus, Hymn Surt. 14, 26.

æt-beran; p. -bær, pl. -bǽron To bear or carry to, bring forward, produce, bear away or forth; afferre, proferre, efferre :-- Hió Beówulfe medo-ful ætbær she to Beowulf the mead-cup bore, Beo. Th. 1253; B. 624. He wundor manig fór men ætbær he many a wonder produced before men, Cd. 202; Th. 249, 31; Dan. 538. Hí hyne ætbǽron to brimes faroðe they bore him away to the sea-shore, Beo. Th. 55; B. 28: 426l; B. 2127: 5222; B. 2614. Ðæt [wǽpen] to beadu-láce ætberan meahte might bear forth that [weapon] to the game of war, 3127; B. 1561.

æt-berstan, ic -berste, he -birsteþ, -byrst; p. -bærst, pl. -burston; pp. -borsten To break out or loose, to escape, get away; erumpere, evadere :-- Ða ælbærst him sum man evosit homo quidam, Gen. 14, 13. Ða fíf cyningas ætburstop fugerunt enim quinque reges, Jos. 10, 16. Ðæt he ðanon ætberste that he escape thence, L. C. E. 2; Th. i. 358, 25.

æt-bredan, he ætbryt; p. -bræd, pl. -brudon; pp. -broden, -breden; v. a. To take away, withdraw, set at liberty, to enlarge, release, rescue; tollere, eri-pere. -- Se deófol ætbryt ðæt word diabolus tollit verbum, Lk. Bos. 8, 12. Ge ætbrudon ðæs ingehýdes cǽge tulistis clavem scientiæ, 11, 52. Ðæt ðe he hæfþ him biþ ætbroden quod habet auferetur ab eo, Mt. Bos. 13, 12: 21, 43: Ex. 22, 10. Ðe hys wealas him ætbrudon quem abstulerant servi ejus, Gen. 21, 25. DER. bredan.

æt-bredendlíc; adj. [æt-bredende, part. of ætbredan to take away] Taking away; ablativus :-- Ætbredendlíc is ablativus: mid ðam casu biþ geswutelod swá hwæt swá we ætbredaþ oðrum, oððe swá hwæt swá we underfóþ æt óðrum, oððe hwanon we faraþ, -- Fram ðisum menn ic underféng feóh ab hoc homine pecuniam accepi, Fram ðisum láreówe ic gehýrde wisdóm ab hoc magistro audivi sapientiam. Fram ðære byrig ic rád ab illa civitate equitavi. Fram cyninge [MS: kynincge] ic com o rege veni, --ablative is ablativus: with this case is shewn whatsoever we take away from others, or whatsoever we receive from others, or whence we proceed :-- From this man I received money. From this teacher I heard wisdom. I rode from that city. I came from the king, Ælfc. Gr. 7; Som. 6, 27-32.

æt-broden Taken away; ablatus :-- Him biþ ætbroden shall be taken away from him, Mt. Bos. 13, 12: 21, 43; pp. of æt-bredan.

æt-bryidan; p. ede; pp.ed To take away; auferre :-- Ðæs óðres áþ ðe mon his orf æt-bryideþ the oath of the other from whom the cattle is taken away, L.O. 3; Th. i. 178,16, = æt-bredan. DER. bryidan.

æt-byrst he will escape; evadet, Basil. 7; Norm. 5, 12; fut. of æt-berstan.

æt-cliflan; p. ode; pp. od; v. intrans. To cleave to, adhere; adhærere, Ps. Vos. 101, 6.

æt-don, ic æt-dó; p. -dide; subj. ic, ðú, he -do; pp. -dón, -dén To take away, deprive; eripere :-- Ðæt nán preósta óðrum ne ǽtdé ǽnig ðara þinga that no priest deprive another of any of those things, L. Edg.C. 9; Th. ii. 246,10.

ǽte, an; f. pl. ǽtan; g. ǽtena Oats; avena sativa, L.M.I, 35; Lchdm, ii. 84, 5. v. ate.

æt-écan, -ycan; p. -écte; v. trans, [æt to, at, eacan to eke] To add to, increase; addere, adjicere :-- He ætécte addidit, Bd. 3, 27; S. 559, 33: Mt. Rush. Stv. 6, 27.

æt-eglan; p. ede; pp. ed; v. intrans. To inflict pain, torment, trouble, grieve; molestum quid injicere :-- Ne mæg him ǽnig fácen feónd æteglan any deceitful fiend may not inflict grief upon him, Ps. Th. 88, 19.

æt-eom, -eart, -is, -ys [æt at, eom am] I am present; adsurn :-- Ðæt ríp æt-is [æt-ys, Jun.] adest messis, Mk. Bos. 4, 29. v. wesan to be.

æ-teorian; p. ode; pp. od To fail, be wanting; deficere :-- Æteorode se heofonlíca mete the heavenly food [manna] failed, Jos. 5, 12.

æt-eówedniss, e; f. A revelation; revelatio :-- To æteówednisse cynna ad revelationem gentium, Lk. Rush. War. 2, 32.

æt-eówian -eówigan; p. de, ede; impert. -eow; pp. ed. I. v. trans. To shew, display, manifest, declare; ostendere, manifestare :-- Æteów ðínne andwlitan ostende faciem tuam. Ps. Th. 79, 4, 7, 84, 6. God æteówde me Deus ostendit mihi, Ps. Spl. 58, ii: Mt. Bos. 13, 26. He geseah dríge stówe æteówde he saw the dry places displayed, Cd. 8; Th. 10, 31; Gen. 165. II. v, intrans. To appear; apparere, manifestari :-- Æteówige drígnis appareat arida, Gen. l, 9. Æteów fór Effraim appare coram Effrem, Ps. Th. 79, 2. v. eáwan.

æt-eówigendlíce; adv. Evidently, demonstratively; demonstrative, -- æt-eówigende; port, of æt-eówian, -eówigan.

ǽtern Venomous, poisonous; venenosus :-- Wið ǽlcum ǽternum swile for every venomous swelling, L. M. l, 45; Lchdm, ii. 112, 24. v. ǽtren.

ǽternes, -ness, e; f. Venomousness, full of poison; venenositas. v. ǽtern.

æt-éwung, e; f. A shewing, manifesting, epiphany; manifestatio, Wrt. Voc. 16, 49.

æt-fæstan; p. -fæste; pp. -fæsted; f. trans, [æt, fæstan to fasten] To fix, fasten, drive into, afflict with, inflict on; impingere, infigere :-- Hí míne sáwle synne ætfæsten they inflict sin on my soul, Ps. Th. 142, ll. He him ætfæste éce edwít opprobrium sempiternum dedit illis, 77, 66. Bitere ætfæsted bitterly afflicted, 136, 8. Ne mágon we him láþ ætfæstan we cannot afflht him with pain, Andr. Kmbl. 2694; An. 1349.

æt-fealh adhæsit, Ps. Th. 118, 25; p. of æt-felgan.

æt-feallan; p. -feól, pl. -feóllon; pp. -feallen To fall away; cadere :-- Healf wér ðǽr æt-fealþ one half of the wer there falls away, L. O. D. 5; Th. i. 354, 21.

æt-fecgan; p. -feah; v. trans. To seize; apprehendere :-- Me ætfeah fyrhtu helle fear of hell seized me. Ps. Th. 114, 3.

æt-fele Adhesion; adhæsio ? -- Mín is ætfele mihitigum Drihtne mihi autem adhærere Deo, Ps. Th. 72, 23. v. æt-feolan.

æt-felgan; p. -fealh, pl. -fulgon; pp. -folgen; v. intrans. To cleave on, adhere, stick to; adhærere. -- Mín sáwul flóre ætfealh adhæsit pavimento anima mea, Ps. Th. 118, 25: 118, 31: Beo. Th. 1941; B. 968 : Ps. Spl. C. 62, 8.

aet-feng, es; m. Attaching; comprehension -- Be yrfes ætfenge of attaching tattle, L. Ath. i. 9; Th. i. 204, 9. DER. æt-fón

æt-feohtan; p. -feaht, pl. ???-fa/uhton. I. to fight against, contend; oppugnare :-- Ætfeohtan mid frumgarum to fight against the patriarchs, Cd. 97; Th. 127, 25; Gen. 2116. II. to feel earnestly, grope; contendere, tentare circum :-- Folmum ætfeohtan with his hands to contend or grope. Exon. 87 b; Th. 328, 15; Vy. 18.

æt-feolan, -fiolan; p. -fæl, pl, -fǽlon, -félon; pp. -folen, -feolen To adhere, cleave or hang on, insist upon, stick to, continue; insistere, adhærere :-- Ætfeole mín tunge fæste gómum adthæreat lingua mea faucibus meis, Ps. Th. 136, 5. Is ætfeolen eác mín bán flǽsce mínum adhæserunt ossa mea carni mea, Ps. Th. 101, 4. Ætfelon [MS. ætfelun] vel ætclofodon [MS. -fodun] adhteserunt, Ps. Surt. 101, 6. Me sóblíce ætfeolan Gode gód is mihi autem adhærere Deo bonum est, 72a, 28. Ætfeolan wæccum and gebédum to continue in watchings and prayers, Bd. 4, 25; S. 601, 2. DER. felan, feolan.

æt-ferian; p. ede; pp. ed; v. trans. To carry out, take'away, bear away; auferre :-- Ic ðæt hilt feóndum ætferede I bore the hilt away from the foes, Beo. Th. 3342; B. 1669.

æt-fiolan to stick to, continue; adhærere. v. æt-feolan.

æt-fleón; p. -fleáh, pl. -flugon; pp. -flogen [æt, fleon to flee] To flee away, escape by flight, eschew; aufugere :--, Ic ána ætfleáh I alone escaped, Job Thw. 165, 30. Nán þing ætfleón ne mihte nothing might remain, Jos. 10, 35 : L. C. S. 78; Th. i. 420, 7.

æt-flówan; p. -fleów, pl. -fleowon; pp. -flówen; v. intrans. To flow to or together, to increase; affluere:-- Gyf wélan ætflówon si divitia affluant, Ps. Spl. 61, 10.

æt-fón [æt to, fón to seize] To claim, lay claim, attach; deprehendere, capere :-- Gif se ágend hit eft ætfó if the owner afterwards lay claim to it, L. H. E. 7; Th. i. 30, 8: 16; Th. i. 34, 6: L. Ed. l; Th. i. 160, 8.

æt-foran; prep. dat. [æt at, foran fore] Close be/ore, close by, before, at; ante, pro, coram :-- Ætforan eágan ðíne ante ocalos tuns. Ps. Spl. 5,5; 13, 7: Byrht. Th. 132, 14; By. 16. Sæt ætforan ðam dðmsetle sedit pro tribunali, Jn. Bos. 19,13.

æt-foran-weall, es; m. The outer wall, outworks, a bulwark before a castle; antemurale. v. weall; m.

æt-fyligan; p. de; pp. ed To adhere to, stick to; adhærere :-- Ne ætfyligeþ de áhwǽr fácn ne unriht numquid adnaret tibi sedes iniyuitalis, Ps. Th. 93,19.

æt-gædere; adv. [æt, gædrian = gadrian to gather] Together; una, simul :-- Twá beóþ ætgædere grmdende. Lk. Bos. 17, 35; tweye [wym-men] schulen be gryndinge to gidere,Wyc. His mǽgþe biþ ætgædere his kindred is together. Bt. Met. Fox 20, 320; Met. 20, 160. Gáras stódon samod ætgædere the javelins stood altogether. Beo. Th. 664; Bi 329. Blod and wæter bu tú ætgædre blood and water both together, Exon. 70a; Th. 260,5; Ju'- 292- Bismærede ungket [= uncit] men, bá ætgædre they [men] reviled us two, both together. Runic Inscrip. Kmbl, 354, 30. DER. gædere.

æt-gár, es; m. [æt, gar a spear] A short spear or javelin, a. kind of dart or other weapon to cast at the enemy; framea, Cot. 188: 86. [O. Frs. etgér: M. H. Ger. azigér: 0. H. Ger. az-kgr: 0. .IVrs. atgeirr.]

æt-gebicgan; p. -bohte; pp. -boht [æt, gebycgan to buy] To buy for himself; emere :-- He hi æft æt ðam ágende sínne willan æt-gebicge let him afterwards buy her at her owner's will, L.Ethb. 82; Th. i. 24, 4.

æt-gebrengan; p. -gebrohte; pp. -gebroht; v, trans. To bring or lead to; adducere :-- He ætgebrenge, Se him sealde -let him bring the person who sold it him, L. H. E. 7; Th. i. 30, 8.

æt-gemman; p. -genam, pl. -genámon; pp. -genufnen To take away by force, to pluck out, withdraw, deliver, rescue; eripere, Cot. 77.,

ǽt-giefa, -geofa, an; m. [St food, gifa a giver] A food-giver, feeder; cibi dator :-- Óþ ðæt se fugel his ǽtgiefan eáþmod weorþeþ till that the bird becomes obedient to his feeder, Exon. 88b; Th. 332, 26; Vy. 91: gob; Th. 339, 22; Gn. Ex. 98.

æt-gifan; p. -geaf, -gaf, pl. -geáfon, géfon; pp. -gifen [æt to, gifan] To give to, render, afford; tribuere, aflferre :-- Ic him Mf-wtaðe lytle meahte ætgifan æt gúðe / could render to him little life-protection in the conflict, Beo. Th. 5748; B. 2878.

æt-gongan [æt at, gangan to go] To go to, approach; accedere :-- HSt hie of ðam líge near ætgongan he bade them from the flame to approach nearer, Exon. 55b; Th. 197, l; Az. 183.

æt-grǽpe; adj. Grasping at, seizing; prehendens :-- Ðǽr him aglǽca ætgrǽpe wearþ where the miserable being seized him. Beo. Th. 2542; B. 1269.

æt-habban; p. -hæfde; pp. -hæfed To retain, detain, withhold; retinere, detinere, Scint. 10. DER. habban.

ǽðan To overflow, deluge, lay waste :-- Cwæþ ðæt he wolde eall á ǽðan ðæt on eorþan wæs said that he would for ever lay waste all that was on the earth. Cd. 64; Th. 77, 24; Gen. 1280. v. éðan.

æðel- noble; nobilis :-- v. the compounds æðel-boren, -borennes, -cund, etc. from æðele noble.

æðel, es; m. A native country, country, land; patria, terra :-- In ðeos-sum ǽðele in this country. Cd. 215; Th. 217, 21; Sae. 108. On ǽðelum, d. pl. Menol. Fox 236; Men, 119, v. éðel

Æðelbald, es; m. [æðele, bald bold, brave] Æthelbald; Æthelbaldus; the eldest son of Ælhelwulf. Æthelbald, the eldest brother of Alfred, was king of Wessex for five years, from A. D. 855-860 :-- A. D. 855, ðá féngon Æðelwulfes ii suna to rice; Æðelbald to Westseaxna ríce, and Æðelbryht to Cantwara ríce then, A. D. 855, Æthelwulf's two sons succeeded to the kingdom; Æthelbald to the kingdom of the West Saxons, and Ethelbert to the kingdom of Kent, Chr. 855; Th, 129, 16-19, col. 1. A.D. 860, hér, Æðelbald cyning forþférde here, A. D. 860, king Æthelbald died, Chr. 860; Erl. 71, 3.

æðel-boren; part. Noble-born, free-born, noble; natu nobitis, nobili genere natus, nobilis :-- Sum æðelboren man homo quidam nobilis. Lk. Bos. 19, 12, Æðelborene cild vel freóbearn liberi, Ælfc. Gl. 91; Wrt. Voc. 1, 67: Apol. Th. 19, 21. v. beran.

æðel-borennes, -ness, e; f. Nobleness of birth; nobilitas :-- Ic ðíne æðelborennesse geseó I see the nobleness of thy birth, Apol. Th. 15, 18.

Æðelbryht, -berht, -briht, es; m. [æðele, bryht bright, excellent. v. beorht]. 1. Ethelbert king of Kent, for fifty-six years, from A.D. 560-616. Ethelbert was converted to Christianity by the preaching of St. Augustine: v. Augustinus :-- A. D. 560 [MS. 565], hér, féng Æðel-bryht [MS. Æðelbriht] to Cantwara ríce here, A. D. 560, Ethelbert succeeded to the kingdom of Kent, Chr. 565; Erl. 17, 18. Ðá wæs ymb syx hund wintra and iyxtyne winter fram Drihtnes mennyscnesse, ðæt wæs ymb án and twentig wintra ðæs ðe Agustinus, mid his geferum, to lǽranne on Angel þeóde sended wæs, ðæt Æðelbryht Cantwara cyning æfter ðam hwílendlícan ríce ðæt he six and fíftig wintra wundorlíce hæfde, and ðá to ðam heofonlícan ríce mid gefeán astáh anno ab incarnatione Dominica sexcentesimo decimo sexto, qui est annus vicesimus primus, ex quo Augustinus cum sociis ad prædicandum genti Anglorum missus est, Æthelbryhtus [Æthelberht] rex Cantuariorum, post regnum temporale, quod quinquaginta et sex annis gloriosissime tenuerat, æterna cœlestis regni gaudia subiit. Bd. 2, 5; S. 506, 5-9. Hér forþférde Æðelbryht [MS. Æðelberht] Cantware cining, se ríxade lvi wintra here, A. D. 616, Ethelbert king of the Kentish people died, who reigned fifty-six years, Chr. 616; Erl. 21, 37. 2. Æðelbryht, es; m. Ethelbert the second; Æthelbryhtus, the second son of Æthelwulf. This Ethelbert, after the lapse of 239 years from the death of Ethelbert the first in 616, became king of Kent, Essex, Surrey, and Sussex, for five years, from 855 to 860; he succeeded to Wessex on his brother's death, in 860, and reigned five years more over these five counties, from 860 to 865; he was therefore king for ten years, from A. D. 855-865 :-- A. D. 855, ðá féngon Æðelwulfes ii suna to ríce; Æðelbald to Westseaxna ríce; and Æðelbryht to Cantwara ríce, and to Eástseaxena rice, and to Súþrigean, and to Súþseaxena ríce then, A.D. 855, Æthelwulf's two sons succeeded to the kingdom; Æthelbald to the kingdom of the West Saxons, and Ethelbert to the kingdom of Kent, and to the kingdom of the East Saxons, and to Surrey, and to the kingdom of the South Saxons, Chr. 855; Th. 129, 16-22, col. i. A. D. 860, hér, Æðelbald cyning forþférde, and féng Æðelbryht to eallum ðam ríce his bróðor, and se Æðelbryht [MS. Æðelbriht] rícsode v gear here, A. D. 860, king Æthelbald died, and Ethelbert succeeded to all the kingdom [Wessex] of his brother, and Ethelbert reigned five years. Chr. 860; Erl. 71, 3-10.

æðel-cund; adj. Of noble kind or origin, noble; nobilis originis :-- Æðelcunde mægþ the noblewoman. Exon. 119 b; Th. 459, 18; Hö. 1.

æðel-cundnes, -ness, e; f. Nobleness, nobility; nobilitas :-- Mid micelre æðelcundnesse with great nobleness, Bt. 19; Fox 68, 31.

æðel-cyning, es; m. The noble king, used for Christ; rex nobilis, Christus :-- Crisles onsýn, æðelcyninges wlite Christ's countenance, the noble king's aspect, Exon. 21 a; Th. 56, 27; Cri. 907. Æðelcyninges ród the cross of the noble king, Elen. Kmbl. 437; El. 219: Andr. Kmbl. 3354; An. 1681.

æðel-duguþ, e; f. A noble attendance; comitatus nobilis :-- Hine ymbútan æðelduguþ, eádig engla gedryht around him a noble attendance, a blessed train of angels, Exon. 22 b; Th. 62, 36; Cri. 1012.

æðele, eðele; comp. -ra; swp. -ast, -est, -use; adj. I. noble, eminent, not only in blood or by descent, but in mind, excellent, famous, singular; nobilis, generosus. præstabilis, egregius, excellens :-- Se eorl wæs æðele the earl was noble, Cd. 59; Th. 72, 5; Gen. 1182. He sægde Habraharne, æðeles geþingu he told to Abraham the promises of the noble, Andr. Kmbl. 1512; An. 757. Æðelan cynnes of noble race, Cd. 154; Th. 192, 6; Exod. 227. Æðelre gebyrde of noble birth, Bd. 2,15; S. 518, 37. Æðelum cempan to the noble champion, Andr. Kmbl. 460; An. 230. Ðære æðelan [cwéne] to the noble lady, Elen. Kmbl. 1085; El. 545. Wuldriaþ æðelne ordfruman they glorify the noble origin, Exon. 13b; Th. 25, 17; Cri. 402. Æðelum stencum with sweet odours, 64a; Th. 237, 7; Ph. 586: Cd. 75; Th. 92, 24; Gen. 1533. Ðone æðelan Albanum Albanum egregium. Bd. 1, 7; S. 476, 34. He wæs on his móde æðelra ðonne on woruld gebyrdum he was in his mind more noble than in worldly birth. Bd. 3, 19; S. 547, 26. Of ðam æðelestan cynne of the most noble race, 3, 19; S. 547, 25. Æðelast tungla the noblest of stars, Exon. 57 a; Th. 204, 6; Ph. 93: Ps. Th. 84, 10. Æðelust bearna. the noblest of heroes. Elen. Kmbl. 950; El. 476. II. noble, vigorous, young; nobilis, novellus :-- Ðine beam swá elebeámas æðele weaxen thy children grow like young olive-trees; sicut novellæ olivarum, Ps. Th. 127, 4: 143, 14. Swá swá æðele plantunga sicut nauellæ plantations, Ps. Spl. 143, 14. [O. Sax. eðili: O.Frs. ethel, edel: Out. Ger. edel: M.H.Ger. edele: O.H.Ger. edili: Dan. Swed. ädel: O.Nrs. aðal, n. natura, ingenium.] DER. ???einn-æðele, ge-, on-, un-.

Æðelflǽd, e; f. [æðele, flǽd] Æthelfled; Æthelfleda, The eldest and most intellectual daughter of king Alfred the Great, and sister of king Edward, the Elder. She married Æthelred, a Mercian nobleman, who was made viceroy of Mercia by king Alfred. He died in A. D. 912, Chr. Erl. 100, 30, and his widow Æthelfled governed Mercia most efficiently for about ten years :-- Hér com Æðelflǽd, Myrcna hlǽfdige, on ðone hálgan ǽfen Inuentione Sanctæ Crucis, to Scergeate, and ðǽr ðá burh getimbrede; and, ðæs ilcan geáres, ða æt Bricge here, A. D. 912, Æthelfled, the lady of the Mercians, came to Scergeat [Sarrat?] on the holy eve of the Inventio Sanctæ Crucis [May third], and there built the burgh; and in the same year, that at Bridgenorth, Chr. 912; Th. 187; 6-10, col. 1: Chr. 913; Th. 186, 11-37, col. 2: Chr. 917; Th. 190, 37m col. 2: 192, 1, col. 2: Chr. 918; Th. 192, 7, col. 2: Th. Diplm. A. D. 886-899, 138, 5-11: 138, 29-32. Æthelfled died at Tamworth in A. D. 922. Ðá on ðæm setle Eádweard cyng ðǽr sæt [æt Steanforde], ðá gefór Æðelflǽd his swystar æt Tameworþige, xii nihtum ǽr middum sumera. Ðá gerád he ða burg æt Tameworþige; and him cierde to eall se þeódscype on Myrcna lande, ðe Æðelflǽde ǽr underþeóded wæs then, while king Edward was tarrying there [at Stamford], Æthelfled his sister died at Tamworth, twelve nights before midsummer. Then rode he to the borough of Tamworth; and all the population in Mercia turned to him, which before was subject to Æthelfled, Chr. 922; Erl. 108, 22-26.

æðelian; p. ode; pp. od; trans. To ennoble, improve; nobilitare. DER. ge-æðelian, un-.

æðel-íc; adj. [æðele noble. líc like] Noble, excellent; egregius :-- Æðelíc onginn a noble beginning, Andr. Kmbl. 1775; An. 890; Stenc æðelícra eallum eorþan frætwum [MS. frætwa] a nobler odour than all earth's ornaments, Exon. 96a; Th. 358, 19; Pa. 48.

ǽðe-líc j adj. [ǽðe = eáðe easy; adj. líc like] Easy; facilis :-- Gif ðú ne wilt us geþafian in swá ǽðelícum þinge si non vis assentire nobis in tam facili causa, Bd. 2, 5; S. 507, 26. v. eáðelíc.

æðel-íce; adv. Nobly, elegantly; nobiliter, insigniter. Cot. 77. v. æðel-líce.

æðeling, es; m. [æðele, -ing son of, originating from]. I. the son of a king, one of royal blood, a nobleman, used also in poetry for the king, God, and Christ; regia suboles, vir nobilis :-- Se iunga æðeling regius juvenis, Bd. 2, 12; S. 514, 27: 3, 21; S. 550, 40: 2, 14; S. 517, 22. Æðelinges beam the prince's child, Beo. Th. 1780; B. 888. Be sumum Rómániscum æðelinge by a certain Roman nobleman, Bt. 16, 2; Fox 52, 19. Crist Nergende! wuldres Æðeling! Saviour Christ! Prince of Glory! Exon. 10a; Th. 10, 26; Cri. 158. Ðá se Æðeling cwom in Betlem when the Prince came in Bethlehem, 14a; Th. 28, 18; Cri. 448. Æðelstán cyning and his bróðor eác, Eádmund æðeling king Æthelstan and his brother also, Edmund the noble. Chr. 938; Th. 200, 33; Æðelst. 3. Éce is se æðeling the creator [atheling] is eternal, Exon. 60b; Th. 220, 12; Ph. 319: 119b; Th. 459, 21; Hö. 3. Stód æfter man-???drihtne eard and éðel, æfter ðam æðelinge [his] land and dwelling-place stood after [waiting for] the man-lord, the chieftain, 207; Th. 256, 10; Dan. 638. II. man generally, in pl. men, people, used in a good and noble sense, as a derivative of æðele noble; homo, homines :-- Ðæs æðelinges ellen dohte the man's courage was good, Cd. 64; Th. 78, 4; Gen. 1288. Ða nú æðelingas, ealle eorþ-búend, Ebréi hátaþ which people now, all dwellers upon earth, call Hebrews, 79; Th. 99, 17; Gen. 1647. Héht him ceósan æðelingas he commanded him to choose men, go; Th. 112, 9; Gen. 1868: 58; Th. 70, 31; Gen. 1161. DER. sib-.

Æðelinga ígg, eig, e; f. The island of nobles, Athelney; nobilium insula :-- Æt Æðelinga ígge apud nobilium insulam. Chr. 878; Th. 146, 42, col. 2. Wið..., Th. 148, 31, col. 2 : Chr. 879; Th. 148, 30, col. 3.

æðel-líc; adj.Noble; nobilis, Andr. Kmbl. 1775; An. 890. v. æðel-íc, æðele.

æðel-líce, æðel-íce; adv. Nobly; nobiliter :-- Wæs se wer on hálgum gewritum æðellíce gelǽred vir erat sacris litteris nobiliter instructus, Bd. 5, 23; S. 646, 17: 4, 26; S. 603, 9: 2, 1; S. 501, 8.

æðel-nes, -nys, -nyss, e; f. Nobility; nobilitas, Bd. 2, 20; S. 522, 7: Ps. Th. 118, 142, [MS. æðeles.]

æðelo; indecl. in sing; pl. nom. acc. æðelu, æðelo; gen. æðela; dat. æðelum; n. Nobility, pre-eminence, origin, family, race, nature, talents, genius; nobilitas, principatus, origo, natales, prosapia, natura, indoles, ingenium :-- Ic lǽre ðæt ðú fægenige óðerra manna gódes and heora æðelo I advise that thou rejoice in other men's good and their nobility, Bt. 30, 1; Fox 108, 31. His æðelo bióþ on ðam mode his nobility is in the mind, 30, 1; Fox 110, 1. Ryht æðelo biþ on ðam móde, næs on ðam flǽsce true nobility is in the mind, not in the flesh, Bt. 30, 2; Fox 110, 19. Him frumbearnes riht freóbróðor óþþah, eád and æðelo his own brother had withdrawn from him his wealth and pre-eminence, Cd. 160; Th. 199, 15; Exod. 339. Ealdaþ eorþan blǽd æðela gehwylcre earth's produce of every nature grows old, Exon. 33 a; Th. 104, 28; Gú. 14, Hwæt his æðelu síen which his origin is, 69b; Th. 259, 23; Jul. 286. Sindon him æðelum óðere twegen beornas geborene bróðorsibbum to him in his family are two other men born in brotherly relationship, Andr. Kmbl. 1377; An. 689. þurh ðíne wordlæðe æðelum écne through thy discourse great with talents, 1271; An. 636. He eówer æðelu can he knows your nobility. Beo. Th. 790; B. 392: 3745; B. 1870. DER. fæder-æðelo, riht-.

Æthelrǽd. Æðelréd, Æðeréd, es; m. [æðele noble, rǽd counsel] Ælhelred, a Mercian nobleman, the viceroy or governor of the Mercians; Æthelréd, Æthelrédus. He married Æthelfled, the eldest and most intellectual daughter of king Alfred the Great. He styles himself sub-regulus in subscribing his name to a charter of king Alfred A. D. 889, -- Ego Æthelréd, subregulus et patricius Merciorum, hanc donationem signo crucis subscripsi, Th. Diplm. 136, 21. His wife simply writes, -- Ego Æthelflæd consensi, Th. Diplm. 136, 23. Ríxiendum ussum Dryhtene ðæm Hǽlendan Crist. Æfter ðon ðe agán wæs ehta hund wintra and syx and hund nigontig efter his acennednesse, and ðý feówerteóðan gebonngére [v. geban II], ðá ðý gére gebeón [p. of gebannan] Æðelréd ealderman alle Mercna weotan tosomne to Gleaweceastre, biscopas, and aldermen, and alle his duguþe; and ðæt dyde be Ælfrédes cyninges gewitnesse and leáfe under the rule of our Lord Jesus Christ. When 896 winters were passed after his birth, and in the fourth indiction year, then in that year Æthelred alderman assembled all the witan of the Mercians together at Gloucester, bishops, and aldermen, and all his nobility; and did that with the knowledge and leave of king Alfred, Th. Diplm. A. D. 896; 139, 4-16. Æthelred died in A.D. 912. Her gefór Æðelréd, ealdorman on Myrcum here, A. D. 912, died Æthelred, alderman of the Mercians, Chr. 912; Erl. 101, 46. His widow, Æthelfled, governed Mercia about ten years, with great vigour and success, under her brother, king Edward the Elder, Chr. 922; Erl. 108, 22-26. v. Æðelflǽd.

Æðelréd, Æðeréd, es; m. [æðele, réd = rǽd counsel]. 1. Æthelred, third son of Æthelwulf, and brother of Alfred the Great. Æthelred was king of Wessex for five years, A.D. 866-871; Æthelred, Æthelrédus :-- Hér féng Æðelréd to West Seaxna ríce here, A. D. 866, Æthelred succeeded to the kingdom of the West Saxons, Chr. 866; Erl. 73, 1. Æfter Eástron gefór Æðelréd [MS. Æðeréd] cining; and he rícsode [MS. ríxade] v gear after Easter [A. D. 871] king Æthelred died; and he reigned five years, 871; Erl. 77, 1. 2. Æðelréd Æthelred Atheling, the second son of Edgar. Æthelred was king of Wessex, Mercia, and Northumbria, for thirty-eight years, A.D. 978-1016 :-- Hér, Æðelréd æðeling féng to ðam ríce here [A. D. 978] Æthelred Atheling succeeded to the kingdom, Chr. 978; Th. 232, 3, col. 1. A.D. 1016, Ðá gelamp hit ðæt se cyning Æðelréd forþférde then, A. D. 1016, it happened that king Æthelred died, 1016; Erl. 155, 15. 3. Æðelréd, Æðeréd Æthelred, a Mercian nobleman. Th. Diplm. A.D. 896; 139, 11: Chr. 912; Erl. 101, 46. v. Æðelrǽd.

Æðelstán, es; m. [æðele, stán stone] Athelstan, the eldest son of Edward the Elder. Athelstan, who gained a complete victory over the Anglo-Danes in the battle of Brunanburh, in A. D. 937, was king of Wessex fourteen years and ten weeks, from A.D. 925-940 :-- A.D. 925, her, Eádweard cyning [MS. cing] forþférde and Æðelstán his sunu féng to ríce here, A. D. 925, king Edward died, and Athelstan his son succeeded to the kingdom. Chr. 925; Erl. 110, 19. A. D. 940, hér, Æðelstán cyning forþférde, and Eádmund Æðeling féng to ríce, and Æðelstán cyning rícsode xiv geár, and teon wucan here, A. D. 940, king Athelstan died, and Edmund Atheling the kingdom, and king Athelstan reigned fourteen years and ten weeks, Chr. 940; Th. 209, 13-23, col. 1.

æðel-stenc, es; m. A noble odour; odor nobilis, Exon. 58 b; Th. 211, 10; Ph. 195.

æðel-tungol, es; m. A noble star; sidus nobile, Exon. 60 a; Th. 218, 5; Ph. 290: 52a; Th. 181,4; Gú. 1288.

Æðel-wulf, es; m. [æðele noble, wulf a wolf] Æthelwulf; Æthelwulfus; eldest son of Egbert and father of Alfred the Great. Æthelwulf was king of Wessex, from A. D. 837 (v. Ecgbryht) -855 :-- A.D. 837 [MS. 836], hér, Ecgbryht cyning forþférde, and féng Æðelwulf his sunu to Westseaxna ríce here, A. D. 837, king Ecgbryht died, and Æthelwulf his son succeeded to the kingdom of the West Saxons, Chr. 836; Th. 117, 34, col. 1. A. D. 855, her, Æðelwulf cyning gefór here, A. D. 855, king Æthelwulf died. Chr. 855; Erl. 68, 24.

Æðeréd, es; m. The name of a king and a Mercian nobleman. Chr. 867; Th. 130, 22, cols, 1, 2, 3; Th. 131, 22, cols. 1, 3: Chr. 912; Erl. 100, 30. v. Æðelréd 1, Æðelrǽd.

æt-híde, æt-hýde Put out of the hide, skinned, bowelled; excoriatus, ???Got. 42.

æt-hindan; adv. At the back, behind, after; a tergo, pone, post :-- Se cyning férde him æthindan the king went after them, Chr. 1016; Th. i. 282, 17.

æt-hleápan; p. -hleop, pl. -hleopon; pp. -hleápen; v. intrans. To leap out, to flee, escape, get away; aufugere, evadere :-- Ðéh þráéla hwylc hláforde æthleápe a domino suo servus si quis aufugerit, Lupi Serm. 1, 13; Hick. Thes. ii. 103, 4.

æt-hlýp, es; m. [æt to, hlýp a leap] An assault; aggressus, assultus :-- For ðan æthlýpe for the assault, L. Ath. i. 6; Th. i. 202, 22. v. ǽ-hlýp.

ÆÐM, éðm, es; m. A vapour, breath, a hole to breathe through, a smell; halitus, spiritus, vapor :-- Hreðer ǽðme weóil his breast heaved with breathing, Beo. Th. 5180; B. 2593. Hú síd se swarta éðm seó how vast the black vapour may be, Cd. 228; Th. 309, 4; Sat. 704, [Plat, ádem, ám, m: O. Sax. áðom, m: O. Frs. ethma. ádema, óm, m: Dut. adem, m; Ger. athem, odem, m: M. H. Ger. átem, m: O. H. Ger. átam, átum, m. spiritus,GREEK OJ/JT vapor: Sansk. ātman breath, soul.] v. brǽþ.

æðmian; p. ode; pp. od [ǽðm vapour] To raise vapour, boil, to be heated, to be greatly moved; exæstuare, Scint. 30.

æt-hredan to deliver; eripere :-- Ic æthrede oððe ahredde eripio, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 3; Som. 30, 63.

æt-hreppian, Ettm. æt-hræppian, Som; p. ode; pp. od To rap at, to knock, dash about; impingere. v. hrepian.

æt-hrínan; p. -hrán, pl. -hrinon; pp. -hrinen To touch, take, move; tangere, apprehendere, movere :-- Ðæt ic set-hrine ðín ut tangam te, Gen. 27, 21. He æt-hrán hyre hand tetigit manum ejus. Mt. Bos. 8, 15. Se unclǽna gást hine æt-hrínþ spiritus apprehendit eum, Lk. Bos. 9, 39. Nellaþ híg ðá mid heora fingre æt-hrínan digito autem suo nolunt ea movere, Mt. Bos. 23, 4.

æ-þrýt; adj. Troublesome, tedious; molestus, Equin. vern. 38.

æ-þrýtnes, -ness, e; f. Trouble; molestia, Lye. v. a-þrotennes.

æt-hwá; pron. Each; quisque :-- Se is æt-hwám freónd which is to each a-friend, Exon. 95b; Th. 356, 22; Pa. 15.

æt-hwæga, æt-hwega, æt-hwegu Somewhat, about, in some measure, a little; aliquantum, aliquantulum, aliquatenus, R. Ben. interl. 73. Scíres wínes drince æt-hwæga let him drink somewhat of pure wine, L. M. 2, 59; Lchdm, ii. 284,5. Æt-hwega yfel wǽte biþ gegoten on ðæt lim whatever evil humour is secreted on the limb, L. M. 2, 59; Lchdm, ii. 284, 28. v. hwæt-hwæga in hwset, hwega.

æt-hweorfan; p. -hwearf, pl. -hwurfon; pp. -hworfen [æt, hweorfan to turn] To turn, return; accedere, reverti :-- Hwilum on beorh æt-hwearf sometimes he turned to the mount, Beo. Th. 4587; B. 2299.

æt-hwón; adv. Almost; paene, fere. v. hwón.

æt-hýde Put out of the hide, skinned; excoriatus. v. æt-híde.

æt-irnan; p. -arn, pl. -urnon; pp. -urnen; v. intrans. To run away; egredi :-- Ðá ætarn he út et egressus est foras, Gen. 39, 12. v. yrnan.

æt-is is present; adest, Mk. Bos. 4, 29; 3rd pres. of æt-eom,

æt-íwedness, e; f. A shewing, manifestation; ostensio :-- Wæs on wéstenum óþ ðone dæg hys ætíwednessum on Israhel erat in desertis usque in diem ostensionis suæ ad Israel, Lk. Bos. 1, 80. v. æt-ýwnys.

æt-lædan; p. de; pp. ed To lead out, drive away; abigere :-- Ðæt ðú ætlǽddest me míne dóhtra ut clam me abigeres filias meas. Gen. 31, 26.

æt-lætness, e; f. Desolation, destruction; desolatio, Somn. 323.

æt-licgan; p. -læg, pl. -lǽgon; pp. -legen To lie still or idle; inutilem jacere :-- Ðæt Godes feoh ne ætlicge ne Dei pecunia jaceat, Ælfc, Gr. pref; Som. 1, 27.

æt-lútian [lútan to lurk] To lie hid; latere, Jud. 4,18.

Ætne, es; m. Etna, Bt. 15; Fox 48, 20: 16, 1; Fox 50, 5. v. Etna.

æt-níman; p. -nam, pl. -námon; pp. -numen To take from, to take away; demere, adimere :-- Ne wolde him beorht fæder bearn ætníman the glorious father would not take the child away from him. Cd. 162; Th. 204, 5; Exod. 414.

æt-nýhstan; adv. At last; tandem, Bd. 2, 2; S. 502, 26. v. nyhst.

ætol, ætol-man, ætul-man A glutton; edax. v. etol.

ǽton ate, Mt. Bos. 13, 4; p. of etan.

ǽtor Poison; venenum. v. ǽtor-cyn, átor.

ǽtor-cyn, -cynn, es; n. The poison-kind; veneni genus :-- Ǽtorcyn gewurdon onwæcned the poison-kinds arose, Salm. Kmbl. 437; Sal. 219. v. átor, etc.

ætren, ǽttren, ǽtem, ǽttern; adj. Poisonous; venenosus :-- Ǽttren wæs ellorgæst the strange guest was poisonous. Beo. Th. 3238; B. 1617. Me of bósme fareþ ǽtren onga from my bosom comes a poisonous sting, Exon. 106 b; Th. 405,18; Rä. 24, 4: Ps. Th. 139, 3. Him æt heortan stód ǽtterne ord [sc. gáres] the poisonous point [the spear] stood in his heart. Byrht. Th. 136, 4; By. 146: Frag. Kmbl. 37; Leás. 20: L. M. 1, 45; Lchdm. ii. 112, 24.

ǽtren-mód; adj. Venom-minded; malitiosus :-- Ǽtrenmód mon a venom-minded man, Exon, 91b; Th. 343, 26; Gn. Ex. 163.

ǽtrian, ǽttrian; p. ede; pp. ed; v. trans, [ǽtor = átor poison] To poison, envenom; venenare :-- For ǽtredum gescotum from poisoned arrows, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 68, 38; MS. C.

æt-rihte; adv. [æt at, rihte rightly, justly, well] Rightly or justly at, near, at hand, almost; pæne, haud multum abest quin :-- Ætrihte wæs gúþ getwǽfed, nymþe mec God scylde, the contest had almost been finished, had not God shielded me, Beo. Th. 3319; B. 1657. Wæs him endedógor ætryhte his final day was near, Exon. 49 b; Th. 171, 12; Gú. 1125: 47a; Th. 162, 4; Gú. 970.

æt-rihtost; adv. By and by, presently; mox. v. æt-rihte; adv.

æt-ryhte Nearly, almost; pæne. Exon. 47a; Th. 162, 4; Gú. 970: Exon. 49b; Th. 171, 12; Gu. 1125. v. æt-rihte.

æt-sacan; p. -sóc, pl. -sócon; pp. -sacen; v. a. n. [æt, sacan to charge, accuse] To deny, disown, abjure: negare, detestari, abjurare. -- Ðá ætsacaþ ðæs ærýstes qui negant esse resurrectionem, Lk. Bos. 20, 27: L. Ath. i. 4; Th. i. 202, 2: i. 6; Th. i. 202, 12, 13. Ðá ætsóc he at ille negavit, Mk. Bos. 14, 68: Lk. Bos. 22, 57. Ðá ætsóc he and swerede tuve cœpit detestari et jurare. Mt. Bos. 26, 74. Ðá ongan. he ætsacan and swerian Ille autem cœpit anathematizare et jurare, Mk. Bos. 14, 71. v. sacan.

æt-sæcst shalt deny; fat. of æt-sacan :--þríwa ðú me ætsæcst ter me negabis, Mk. Bos. 14, 72 : KK. Bos. 22, 34, 61. v. sacan.

æt-samne; adv. In a sum, together :-- Begen æt-samne both together, Chr. 937; Th. 206, 18, col. l; Æðelst. 58. Ealle ætsamne all together, Ps. Th. 148, 18. v. æt-somne.

æt-sceófan To shove away; removere, Leo. 239. v. scúfan.

æt-sittan; p. -sæt .pl. -sǽton; pp. -seten; v.intrans. To sit by, to remain, stay, wait; adsidere :-- Ðá ætsǽton ða Centiscan ðǽr beæftan then the Kentish men remained there behind, Chr. 905; Th. 180, 31, col. 1.

æt-slídan; ,p. -slád, pl. -slidon; pp. -sliden [æt from, away; v. æt 1.2: slidan labi] To slip or slide away; labi, elabi :-- Ic ætslíde labor, Ælfc. Gr. 29; Som. 33, 43: 35; Som. 38, 10. Ðæt hira fót ætslíde ut labatur pes eorum, Deut. 32, 35.

æt-somne, æt-samne; adv. In a sum, at once, together; una, simul, pariter :-- Éardiaþ ætsomne habitant simul, Deut. 25, 5. Ic gongan gefregn gingran ætsomne I have understood that the disciples went together, Cd. 224; Th. 298, 2; Sat. 526. Wǽr is ætsomne Godes and monna a covenant is together of God and men, Exon. 16 a; Th. 36, 29; Cri. 583. Blód and wæter bú tú ætsomne út bicwóman blood and water both together came out, 2411; Th. 68, 34; Cri. 1113. Tyne ætsomne ten together. Beo. Th. 5687; B. 2847. Ealle ætsomne omnes pariter, Bd. 2, 13; S. 515, 38: Ps. Th. 87, 17. v. somne.

æt-speornan, -spornan ðú -spyrnst, he -spyrnþ; p. -spearn,p. -spurnon; pp. -spornen; v. trans. To stumble, spurn at, dash or trip against, mistake; cæspitare, offendere ad aliquid, impingere :-- He .etspyrnþ he stumbleth; offendit, Jn. Bos. 11, 9, 10. Ðe-læs ðe ðín fót æt stáne ætsporne ne forte offendas ad lapidem pedem tuum, Mt. Bos. 4, 6, Ðe-læs ðú ætspurne [Lamb, ætsporne] æt stáne fót ðínne ne forte offendas ad lapidem pedem tuum, Ps. Spl. 90, 12. Ætspornen [MS. ætspurnan] ic wæs offensus fui, Ps. Lamb. 95, 10.

æt-springan, -sprincan; p.-sprang, -spranc, pl. -sprungon; pp. -sprungen; v. intrans. To spring out; prosilire :-- Blód ætspranc the blood sprang out, Beo. Th. 2247; B. 1121.

æt-springnes, -ness, e; f. A springing out, falling off, despondency; defectio, defectio animi, Ps. Spl. T. 118, 53.

æt-spurne offendas. Ps. Spl. 90, 12; subj. p. of æt-speornan, q. v.

æt-spyrning An offence, a stumbling, stumbling-block; offensio, scan-dalum. DER. speornan.

ætst shalt eat; comedes :-- Ðú ætst thou shall eat. Gen. 3, 17; for ytst, Gen. 3, 18. DER. etan to eat.

æt-standan; ic -swnde, ðú -standest, -stentst, he -standeþ, -stent, -stynt, pl. -standaþ; p. -stód, pl. -stódon; pp. -standen. I. v. intrans. To stand, stand still, stop, stand near, rest, stay, stand up; stare, adstare, restare, requiescere :-- Íran on wealle ætstód the iron stoord in the wall, Beo. Th. 1787; B. 891. Ðá ætstód se Hǽlend then Jesus stood still, Mk. Bos. 10, 49. Ætstód ðæs blódes ryne stetit fluxus sanguinis, Lk. Bos. 8, 44. Ðá ætstód se arc requievit arca, Gen. 8, 4: Ps. Th. 106, 24: Lk. Bos. 7, 14. Ætstódon cyningas [Ps. Th. 2, 2, arísaþ] kings stood up; adstiterunt reges, Ps. Spl. 2, 2: 5, 4. Ic ætstande resto, Ælfc. Gr. 24; Som. 25, 62; Ælfc. T. 37, 6: L. Eth. ii. 9; Th. i. 290, 3. II. v. trans. To stop; obturere, claudere :-- Gif se mícða ætstanden sý if the water be stopped, Herb. 7, 3; Lchdm, i. 98, 5. Hí habbaþ ætstandene ǽdran they have stopped veins, 4, 4; Lchdm, i. 90, 11.

æt-stapan, p. -stóp,;p/. -stópon; pp. -stapen To step forth, approach; accedere :-- He forþ ætstóp he stepped forth, Beo. Th. 1495; B. 745.

æt-steal, -steall, -stæl, -es; m. pl. nom. acc. -stalas [at a place, a fixed place] Station, camp station; -sedes, statio :-- Æt ðam ætstealle at the camp station, Wald. 37; Vald. 1, 21. Æt-stælle at the place. Exon. 35 a; Th. 112. 26; GG. 150. v. stæl.

æt-stent shall, stand; consistet :-- Seó eá ætstent on hire ryne the river shall stand in its course. Jos. 3, 13; fut. of æt-standan, q. v.

æt-stillan; p. ede; pp. ed To still; componere :-- Sió cwacung sóna biþ ætstilled the quaking will soon be stilled, L. M. 1, 26; Lchdm, ii. 68, 11.

æt-swerian; p. -swór;.pp. -sworen To forswear, deny with an oath; abjurare, L. In. 35; Th. i. 124, ii, note.

æt-swymman; p. -swamm, pl. -swummon; pp. -swummen To swim out, swim; enatare. Chr. 918; Ing. 132,17, note m. v. æt; prep. 2.

ætten should eat, I. In. 42; Lambd. 8, 5; Wilk. 21, 24;.for æten, v. etan to eat.

ǽtter, ǽttor, es; n. Poison; venenum. v. átor.

ǽtter-berende; part. Poison-bearing, poisonous, venomous. v.átter-berende.

ǽtter-loppe, an; f. [átor poison, loppe a silk worm, spinner of a web] A spider; atanea :-- And a-ýdlian oððe aswarcan oððe acwínan oððe aswindan ðú dydest swá swá ǽtterloppan oððe ryngan sáwle his et tabescere fecisti sicut araneam animam ejus, Ps. Lamb. 38, 12; and thou madist his lijf to faile as an yreyne [Lot. aranea a spider], Wyc. v. átor-loppe.

æt-þringar To take away, deprive of; eripere :-- Ða ðé feorh ætþringan who may deprive thee of life, Andr. Kmbl, 2742; An. 1373.

ǽttren, ǽttern; adj. Poisonous; venenosus. Beo. Th. 3238; B. 1617: Byrht. Th. 136, 4; By. 146: Frag. Kmbl. 37; Leás. 20. v. ǽtren.

ǽttrian; p. ede; pp. ed; v. trans. To poison, envenom; venenare. Pref. R. Conc. v. ǽtrian.

ættryn; adj. Poisonous; venenosus :-- Ǽttrynne ord the poisonous point, Byrht. Th. 133, 8; By. 47. v. ǽtren.

æt-wæg took away, Beo. Th. 2401; B. 1198; p. of æt-wegan.

æt-wæsend, -wesend, -weosend [æt at, wesende being; part of wesan to be] At hand, approaching, hard by; imminens, Cot. 107.

æt-wegan; p, -wæg, pl. -wǽgon; pp. -wegen To take away; auferre :-- Hama ætwæg sigle Hama took away the jewel, Beo. Th. 2401; B. 1198. v. wegan.

ǽt-wéla, an; m.Abundance of food, a feast; copia cibi, Exon. 100a; Th. 574, 8; Seel. 123.

æt-wenian j p. ede; pp. ed [æt fram, wenian to wean] To deliver from, wean; dissuescere, seducere, ablactare :-- Ðe híg deóflum ætweneþ who weaneth them from devils, L. C. S. 85; Th. i. 424, 13.

æt-wesan; p. ic, he -wæs, pl. -wǽron [æt at, wesan to be] To be present; adesse :-- Wilferþ ætwæs, eác swylce ætwǽron úre brúðru Wilfrid adfuit, adfuerunt et fratres nostri, Bd. 4, 5; S. 572, 12. [Goth. at-wisan.]

æt-wíndan; p. -wánd, pl. -wúndon; pp. -wúnden To wind off, turn away, escape, flee away; aufugere :-- Ic ána ætwánd effugi ego solus, Job Thw. 165, 27; Grn. Iob 1, 16: Beo. Th. 289; B. 143. Ic 'ǽte híg ætwíndan to wuda dimitto eos avolare ad silvam, Coll. Monast. Th. 26, 3.

æt-wist, æd-wist, ed-wist, e; f. [æt, wist substantia, cibus] Substance, existence, being, presence; substantia, præsentia :-- God heora ǽhta and ætwist on-genímeþ God takes their wealth and substance away. Cd. 60; Th. 73, 21; Gen. 1208. Se gǽst lufaþ onsýn and ætwist yldran hádes the spirit loves the aspect and substance of elder state, Exon. 40a; Th. 132, 11; Gú. 471. Him ðæt Crist forgeaf ðæt hý mótan his ætwiste brúcan Christ gave that to them, that they might enjoy his presence, 13 b; Th. 24, 29; Cri. 392: Gen. 7, 4.

æt-wítan; p. -wát, pl. -witon; pp. -witen To reproach, blame, upbraid; imputare, improperare, exprobrare :-- Ne sceolon me on ðære þeóde þegenas ætwítan the thanes of this people shall not reproach me. Byrht. Th. 138, 15; By. 220. Siððan Gúþláf and ósláf ætwiton weána dǽl since Guthlaf and Oslaf reproached him for a part of their woes. Beo. Th. 2304; B. 1150: Ps. Th. 88, 44: 73, 17: Ps. Spl. 31, 2. v. edwitan.

æt-ýcan; f. -ýcte; pp. -ýced, -ýct [æt, ýcan, écan to eke] To add to, augment, increase; adjicere :-- Se gesíþ ætýcte eác swylce his bénum, ðæt he his teáras geát the earl also added to his intreaties, that he shed tears, Bd. 5, 5; S. 617, 40: 4, 5; S. 573, 13.

æt-ýconys, -ýcnys, -nyss, e; f.An increase, addition; augmentum :-- Mid ætýccnysse cum augmento. Bd. 1, 27; S. 490, 24: 3, 22; S. 553, 14.

æ-týnan; p. de; pp. ed; v.a. [æ = a=on, un un; týnan to shut] To open; aperire :-- Dura heofones he ætýnde januas cœli aperuit, Ps. Spl. 77, 27. v. a-týnan.

æt-ys is present; adest, Mk. Jun. 4, 29. v. æt-eorn.

æt-ýwan; p. de; pp. ed. I. v. trans. To shew, reveal, manifest; ostendere, rnanifestare :-- Ðú me ætýwdest earfoðes feala ostendisti mihi tribulationes multas, Ps. Th. 70, 19: Exon. 121 b; Th. 465, 34; Ho. 114: Judth. 11; Thw. 24, 6; Jud. 174. Ðá him wearþ on slǽpe swefen ætýwed then was a dream revealed to him in sleep, Cd. 199; Th. 247, 13; Dan. 496: Exon. 31 a; Th. 96, 19; Cri. 1576. II. v. intrans. To appear; apparere, manifestari :-- Ealle ætýwaþ omnes apparuerint, Ps. Th. 91, 6. Deóful ætywde the devil appeared, Andr. Kmbl. 2338; An. 1170. Nolde ǽfre siððan ætýwan would not ever afterwards appear, Cd. 73; Th. 89, 16; Gen. 1481. v. æteówian.

æt-ýwnys, -nyss, æt-ýwedness, æt-eówedniss, set-íwedness, e; f. A shewing, manifestation, laying open, a declaration; ostensio :-- Seó ætýwnys heofonlíces wundres miraculi cœlestis ostensio. Bd. 3, 11; S. 535, 23. Mid monigra heofonlícra wundra ætýwnysse miraculorum multorum ostensione, Bd. 1, 26; S. 488, 10. Óþ ætýwednessum, Lk. Foxe 1, 80.

ǽw, ǽwe, es; n.ǽ law], I, law, what is established by law, hence wedlock, marriage, a marriage vow; lex, matrimonium :-- Ðætte ryht ǽw gefæstnod wǽre that just law might be settled, L. In pref; Th. i. 102, 9: 1; Th. i. 102, 16. Rihtum ǽwe legitimo matrimonio, Bd. 4, 6; S. 573, 7, note. Se man ðæt ǽwe brycþ homo qui adulterium committit, L. M. I. P. 15; Th. ii. 268, 28. II. a female bound by the law of marriage, a wife; conjux legitima, uxor justa :-- Se ðe hæfþ ǽwe he who has a wife; qui legitimam uxorem habet, L. M. I. P. 17; Th. ii. 270, 6. Gif ceorl wið óðres riht ǽwe hǽmþ si maritus cum alterius legitima uxore adulteraverit, 18; Th. ii. 270, 10. Se man, ðe his riht ǽwe forlǽt, and óðer wít nímþ, he biþ ǽwbreca the man who forsakes his lawful wife [suam legitimam uxorem], and takes another woman [aliam mulierem], he is an adulterer, L. Ecg. P. ii. 8; Th. ii. 184, 21. Gif hwylc man wið óðres riht ǽwe hǽmþ, oððe wíf wið óðres gemæccan, fatte vii geár if any man commit adultery with the lawful wife [cum legitima uxore] of another, or a woman [mulier] with the husband of another, let the fast be seven years, ii. 10; Th. ii. 186, 6. vide ǽ.

ǽw; adj. Lawful, legitimate, related by the law of marriage, married; legitimus, nuptus, germanus :-- Mid his ǽwum wífe with his lawful wife, L. Alf. pol. 42; Th. i. 90, 26, 29. Ǽwe gebróðru brothers of the same marriage, own brothers; germani fratres, Bd. 1, 27; S. 490, 28.

ǽwan, ðú ǽwest To despise, contemn, scorn; spernere, aversari :-- Ða ðú ǽfre ne ǽwest ea tu nunquam spernis, Ps. C. 129.

ǽw-breca, -brica, ǽw-bryca, -an; m. [ǽw marriage, breca a breaker] A breaker of the marriage vow, an adulterer; adulter :-- Se ðe his ǽwe forlǽt, and nímþ óðer wíf, he biþ ǽwbryca [Wilk. ǽwbrica] he who leaves his wife, and taketh another woman, he is an adulterer, L. M. I. P. 16; Th. ii. 268, 30.

ǽw-bryce, es; m. A breaking of the marriage vow, adultery; adulterium :-- Wið ǽghwylcne ǽwbryce against all kind of adultery, L. C. E. 34; Th. i. 374, 10: L. C. S. 51; Th. i. 404, 20: L. Edna. S; Th. i. 246, 8.

ǽwda, an; m. A witness, one who affirms the truth by oath; fidejussor, consacramentalis :-- Hæbbe him in áþe óðerne ǽwdan gódne let him have with him in the oath another good witness, L. Wih. 23; Th. i. 42,8. Mid gódura ǽwdum by good witnesses, L. H. E. 2; Th. i. 28, 2.

ǽwda-man, -mann, es; m. A witness; fidejussor, consacramentalis :-- Rim ǽwdamanna a number of witnesses, L. H. E. 5; Th. i. 28, 12. v. ǽwda.

ǽwe, es; n. Law; lex, L.M.I.P. 15; Th.ii. 268, 28. v. ǽw.

ǽ-welm, -wellm, -wylm, -wylme, -wielme, es; m. [eá water, wælm a welling or boiling up] A welling up of water, spring, fountain, source, head of a river, beginning; aquæ fons :-- Swá sum mical ǽwelm and dióp as some great and deep spring, Bt. 34, l; Fox 134, 10. Seó eá cymþ eft to ðam ǽwelme the river comes again to the source, Fox 134, 17. Ðe mæg geseón ðone hluttran ǽwellm who can behold the clear fountain, 35,6; Fox 166, 25. Gif he gesión mǽge æðelne ǽwelm ǽlces gódet [MS. goodes] if he may see the noble fountain of all good, 23, 7; Met. 23, 4: 20, 517; Met. 20, 259. Andlang Lígan óþ hire ǽwylm along the Lea unto its source, L. A. G. 1; Th. i. 152, 9. Ðære ǽwylme [MS. L. ǽwielme] is neáh ðære eá Rínes whose spring is near the river Rhine, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 18, 25. God is ǽwelm and fruma eallra gesceafta God is the beginning and origin of all creatures, Bt. Met. Fox 29, 161; Met. 10, St. v. eá-wylm.

æ-wén adj. [æ without, wen hope] Doubtful, uncertain; dubius :-- And eów biþ eówre lífæwéne and your life will be doubtful to you. Deut. 28, 66.

ǽwen-bróðor a brother of the same marriage, an own brother; germanus, Cot. 97. v. ǽw; adj.

ǽ-werd adj. [ǽ law, werd from werdan to corrupt] Perverse, froward, averse; perversus. v. wyrdan to corrupt.

æ-werdla, an; m. Damage, injury, L. In. 42; Th. i. 128, 10. v. æ-wyrdla.

ǽw-fæst; adj. firm in observing the law, religious, bound by the law, married; religiosus, vinculo nuptiarum constrictus :-- Ǽwfæst religiosus, Scint. 28. Ǽwfæst man a married man, L. C. S. 51; Th. i. 404, 21. v. á-fæst.

ǽw-fæsten, es; n. [ǽw law, fæsten a fast] A fated or legal fast; legitimum jejunium :-- To ǽwfæstene for the legal fast. Rubc. Lk. Bos. 3, 1a, notes, p. 578.

ǽw-fæst-man a man bound by law, a married man; vinculo nuptiarum constrictus, L.C. S. 51; Th. i. 404, 21.

ǽw-festnys, -nyss, e; f. Religion, piety; religio, pietas. v. ǽfestnes.

ǽ-wintre; adj. [ǽ = ǽn = án one] Of one winter or year, continuing for a year. v. án-wintre.

ǽ-wintre-cyning, es; m. A king or ruler for one winter or year, a consul; consul, v. winter; g. wintres.

ǽwisc, e; f. A dishonour, disgrace, offence; dedecus, scandalum :-- Cwæþ ðæt him to micel ǽwisce wǽre said that it would be much disgrace to them, Ors. 4, 6; Bos. 86, 26. On ǽwisce in scandalum, Ps. Th. 68, 23. [Goth. aiwisks, n. dedecus.]

ǽwisc; adj. Disgraced, ashamed, abashed; dedecoratus. v.ǽwisc-mód.

ǽwisc-berende; part. Bearing disgrace, unchaste, lewd, unclean, shameless, impudent; impudicus. v. ǽwisc, berende bearing.

ǽwisc-mód; adj. Disgraced in mind, ashamed, abashed; dedecoratus animo, pudore suffusus :-- Ides, ǽwiscmód, andswarode the woman, disgraced in mind, answered, Cd. 42; Th. 55, 18; Gen. 896. Ðæt he aswiscmód eft síðade, heán, hyhta leás that he abashed returned, depressed, void of hopes. Exon. 46a; Th. 157, 23; Gú. 896: 80b; Th. 302, 16; Fä 37. Gewiton hym ða Norþmen Dyflin sécan ǽwiscmóde then the Northmen departed, abashed in mind, to seek Dublin, Chr. 938; Th. 207, 16, col. 1; Æðelst. 56.

ǽwisc-nys, -ness, e; f. Disgrace, obscenity, filthiness, a blushing for shame, reverence; dedecus, obscenitas, pudore suffusio, reverentia -- Ǽwiscnys reverentia, Ps. Spl. C. 34, 30. On ǽwiscnesse openly, as not being ashamed to be seen; in propatulo. Cot. 110, 202.

ǽ-wita, an; m. [æ lex, wita gnarus homo, sapiens] One skilled in the law, a counsellor; legis peritus, consiliarius: -- Ealdum ǽwitan ageaf andsware gave answer to the old counsellor, Elen. Kmbl. 907; El. 455.

ǽw-líc; adj. Lawful; legitimus, Procem. R. Conc. v. ǽ-líc.

ǽwnian; p. ode; pp. od [ǽw marriage] To marry, wed; connubio jungere, Leo 104. DER. be-ǽwnian.

ǽ-wrítere, es; m. A writer, composer or framer of laws; legurn conditor, Prov. 8.

æwul A wicker-basket with a narrow neck for catching fish, a WEEL; nassa, Ælfc. Gl. 102; Som. 77, 85; Wrt. Voc. 56, 9.

ǽwum-boren; part. Lawfully born, born in wedlock; legitimo matrimonio natus :-- Ǽt his déhter ǽwuin-borenre with his lawfully-born daughter, L. Alf. pol. 42; Th. i. 90, 28. v. ǽw.

ǽwunge; adv. Openly, publicly; manifeste :-- On ǽwunge openly, abroad, in the sight of all; in propatulo. v. eáwunga, eáwunge.

ǽ-wylm, es; m. A spring, fountain, source :-- Andlang Lígan óþ hire ǽwylm along the Lea unto its source, L.A.G. 1; Th. i. 152, 9. v. ǽ-welm.

æ-wyrdla, -werdla, an; m. Damage, detriment, injury; detrimentum :-- He sóna mycle wonunge and æwyrdlan wæs wyrcende ðære mærwan cyrican weaxnesse magno tenellis ibi adhuc ecclesiæ crementis detrimento fuit, Bd. 2, 5; S. 506, 37: 1, 3; S. 475, 21; Herb. 141; Lchdm, i. 262, 11. v. æf-wyrdla.

æ-wyrp, es; m. [æ=a from, wyrp a cast, from wyrpan or weorpan to cast] A cast-away, throwing away; abjectus, abjectio :-- Æwyrp folces abjectio populi, R. Ben. 7.

ÆX = ÆCS, æsc, acas, e; f: acase, axe, an; f. what is brought to an edge, An AXE, a hatchet, pickaxe; securis, ascia :-- Eallunga ys seó æx to ðæra treówa wurtrumum asett jam enim securis ad radicem arborum posita est, Mt. Bos. 3, 10. Mid æxum with axes, Ps. Th. 73, 6. On æxe in securi. Ps. Spl. 73, 7. Forðon seó æx [MS. H. sió æsc; seó eax B.] biþ melda, nalles þeóf because the axe is an informer, not a thief; quia securis acclamatrix potius est, non fur, L. In. 43; Th. i. 128, 23.[O.Sax. acus, f: N. Dut. akse, f: Ger. axt, f: M.H. Ger. ackes, f: O. H. Ger. achus. f; Goth.. aqizi,f; Dan. ökse: Swed, yxa: O. Nrs. öx, f; Lat. ascia, f; Grk.GREEK af-wj.]

æx, e;f. An axis; axis, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 28; Som. 11, 45. v. eax.

æxe, an; f. Ashes, Ps. Spl. T. 101, 10. v. axe, asce.

æxian; p. ode To ask; rogare :-- Æxodon asked; interrogaverunt, Ps. Spl. T. 136, 3. v. acsian.

af- = æf- = of- of, from, away from; de, ex, ab. v. æf-, of-: af-ged an idol.

a-fǽded; part. [for a-féded; pp. of a-fédan to feed, nourish] Fed, nourished, brought up, educated; nutritus, Bd. 1, 27; S. 489, 37.

a-fæged, -fægd; part. Depicted, drawn; depictus :-- Bǽron anlícnysse Drihtnes Hǽlendes on brede afægde and awritene ferebant imaginem Domini Salvatoris in tabula depictam, Bd. 1, 25; S. 487, 4. T. a-fægrian.

a-fægniende rejoicing, = fægniende; part, of fægnian.

a-fægrian; p. ode; pp. od To make fair or beautiful, to adorn, embroider; depingere, ornare :-- Mid missendlícum blóstmum wyrta afægrod variis herbarum floribus depictus. Bd. 1, 7; S. 478, 22.

a-fælan, -fællan; p. de; pp. ed To overturn, overthrow, cast out, drive out, cause to stumble, offend; evertere, prosternere, ejicere, scandalizare, Mt. Rush. Stv. 21, 12: Mk. Rush. War. 3, 23: Mt. Rush. Stv. 18, 6. v. ge-fselan.

a-fǽman; p. de; pp. ed To foam out, breathe out; exspumare, ex-halare :-- Múþ ic ontýnde mínne wide, ðæt me mín oreþ fit afǽmde os meum aperui, et exhalavi spiritum. Ps. Th. 118, 131.

a-fǽran; p. de; pp. ed [a, fǽran to terrify] To make greatly afraid, to affright, terrify, dismay, astound; exterrere, perterrere, consternare, stupefacere :-- Ðæt heó afǽre fleógan on nette that she may terrify flies into her net. Ps. Th. 89, lo. Folc wæs afǽred the folk was affrighted, Cd. 166; Th. 206, 3; Exod. 446: Exon. 63b; Th. 23, 15; Ph. 525: Mk. Bos. 9, 6, 15: Lk. Bos. 24, 4. Hig wurdon ealle afǽrede erant omnes exterriti. Gen. 42, 35: Ex. 20, 18.

a-færþ he shall lead out, Ps. Spl. 51, 5. v. afaran II.

a-fæstan; p. -fæste; pp. -fested To fast; jejunare :-- He afæste to ǽfenes he fasted till evening, Bd. 3, 23; S. 554, 32 : 3, 27; S. 559, 13.

afæstla; interj. O certainly! O assuredly! O certe :-- Afæstla, and hi lá hi, and wella well, and þyllíce óðre syndon Englisc interjectiones O certainly, and alas, and well well, and such other are English interjections, Ælfc. Gr. 48; Som. 49, 28.

a-fæstnian; p. ode; pp. od To fix, fasten or make firm, to strengthen, fortify, confirm, betroth, espouse, inscribe; munire, firmare, consignare libris, infigere :-- Ðæt we hí móton afæstnian on dé that we may fix them [our eyes] on thee, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 132,31: Bt. Met. Fox zo, 525; Met. 20, 263. Hu afæstaod wæs feld-húsa mǽst how that greatest of field-houses was fastened. Cd. 146; Th. 183, 2; Exod. 85: 173; Th. 218, 17; Dan. 40. Ðe he on fíf bócum afæstnode which he inscribed in five books, Hexam. 1; Norm. 2, 18: Deut. 32, 23. Afæstnod ic eom injixus sum, Ps. Spl. 68, 2.

a-fandelíc probable, v. a-fandigendlíc.

a-fandian, -fandigean; p. ode, ude, ade; pp. od, ud, ad; v. a. To prove, try, to make a trial, to discover by trying, to experience; probare, tentare, experiri :-- Ðú afandodest heorte míne probasti cor meum, Ps. Spl. 16, 4. Lá líceteras, cunne ge afandian heofones ansyne and eorþan, húmeta ná afandige ge ðas tíde? hypocrite, faciem cœli et terras nostis probare, hoc autem tempus quomodo non probatis? Lk. Bos. 12, 56. Ðú hit hæfst afandad be ðé selfum thou hast experienced ii of thyself, Bt. 31, 1; Fox 112, 19. Seolfor afandod eorþan argentum probatum terras. Ps. Spl. 11, 7: 80, 7. Afandud, Gen. 43, 23. Afanda hwæðer Freá wille make a trial whether the Lord will, Cd. 101; Th. 134, 23; Gen. 2229.

a-fandigendlíc, -fandelíc, -fandodlíc; adj. What may be tried, proved, probable; probabilis, Scint. de prædest.

a-fandung, e; f. A trying; probatio, experientia, Scint. v. fandung.

a-fangen taken, received; assumptus, Mk. Bos. 16, 19. v. a-fón.

afara a son, Chr. 937; Th. 200, 41, col. 1; Æðelst. 7. v. eafora.

a-faran, he -færþ; p. -fó afóron; pp. -fáren. I. v.n. To depart, march, to go out of or from a place; exire, egredi :-- Hie of Egyptum fit afóron they marched out from Egypt, Cd. 173; Th. 217, 14; Dan. 6. II. v. act. To remove, lead out; emigrare :-- Afærþ ðé emigrabit te, Ps. Spl. 51, 5.

a-feallan; p.??? -feól, -feóll, pl. -feóllon; pp. -feallen To fall down; cadere :-- Ðæt hús afeóll domas cecidit. Lk. Bos. 6, 49: Cd. 202; Th. 251, 1; Dan. 557: Jud. 16, 30. Wearþ afeallen Æðelrǽdes eorl Ethelred's earl fell [in the battle], Byrht. Th. 137, 46; By. 202.

a-feccan To receive; accipere :-- He afecþ [MSS. C.T. onféhþ] me acceperit me. Ps. Spl. 48,16.

a-fedan; p. -fédde; pp. -féded, -féd To feed, nourish, rear, bring up; nutrire. cibare, alere, pascere :-- Heó bearn afédeþ she nourishes her child, Salm. Kmbl. 746; Sal. 372 : Ps. Th. 135, 26 : 83, 3. Ðæt ðú hí afédde mid ðý Godes worde that thou didst feed them with the word of God, Bd. 3, 5; S. 527, 34: Ors. 1, 6; Bos. 29, 10: Ps. Th. 94, 7 : 99, 3: Andr. Kmbl, 1177; An. 589. He wæs aféded he was brought up, 1367; An. 684. He wæs aféded and gelǽred he was reared and taught; nutritus atque eruditus est. Bd. 5, 20; S. 642, 16. Wearþ Iafeðe geóguþ aféded to Japhet was youth brought up, Cd. 78; Th. 96, 34; Gen. 1604: 82; Th. 102, 29; Gen. 1707. Ic eom aféd pascor, Ælfc. Gr. 33; Som. 36, 44. Ðá híg afédde wǽron quibus adultis, Gen. 25, 27.

a-féhþ receives; suscipit, Ps. Spl. 47, 3. DER. a-féhan. v. féhan, fón.

a-fellan; p. de; pp. ed To fell; cædere, prosternere, L. In. 43; Th. i. 128, 23. v. a-fyllan.

a-felle barked; decorticatum, R. 115. v. æ-felle.

Afen, Afn, e; f: Afene, an; f. I. AVON, the name of a river in Somersetshire :-- East óþ Afene múþan east at the Avon's mouth. Chr. 918; Th. 190, 4. II. also of other rivers in different parts of England :-- Into Afenan múþan into Avon's mouth, Chr. 1067; Th. 342, 5.

aféng, aféngon took. Ps. Spl. 47, 8: 118, 16: p. of a-fón.

a-feohtan; p. -feaht, pl. -fuhton; pp. -fohten. I. to fight against, attack, assail; impugnare, expugnare :-- Bryttas Ongel þeóde afuhton the Britons fought against the English nation, Bd. 5, 23; S. 647, 1: 4, 26; S. 602, 25. Hí afuhton me expugnaverunt me, Ps. Th. 108, 2: Ps. Grn. 34, 1. II. to tear or pluck out; evellere :-- Ǽr hit afohten foldan losige priusquam evellatur, Ps. Th. 128, 4. v. feohtan.

a-feoll fell; cecidit, Lk. Bos. 6, 49; p. of afeallan.

a-feormian, -igan; p. ode; pp. od; v. trans. [a intensive, feormian to cleanse] To cleanse, clean thoroughly, purge, wash away; mundare, emundare, permundare, diluere :-- Mid besmum afeormod scopis mundatus, Lk. Bos. 11, 25. He afeormaþ his þyrscelflóre permundabit aream suam. Mt. Bos 3, 12. Hyt ðone magan ealne afeormaþ it purges the whole stomach, Herb. 60, 3; Lchdm. i. 162, 19. Ic afeormige diluo, Ǽlfc. Gr. 28, 3; Som. 30, 49. Hit afeormaþ of ealle ða nebcorn it will cleanse away all the face pimples. Herb. 22, 3; Lchdm, i. 118, 24.

a-feormung, e; f. A cleansing, purging; purgatio, Scint. 3.

a-feorran, -ferran, -firran, -fyrran; p. de, ode; pp. ed, od To remove, take away, expel; removere, elongare, amovere, auferre :-- Ðæs lícho-man fæger and his streón mágon beón afeorred the fairness of the body and its strength may be taken away. Bt. 32, 2; Fox 116, 31. Ðú afeorrodyst fram me freónd and nýhstan elongasti a me amicum et proximum, Ps. Spl. C. 87, 19: Cd. 219; Th. 282, 9; Sat. 284.

a-feorsian, -fersian, -firsian, -fyrsian; p. ode; pp. od. I. v. trans. To remove, take away, expel; removere, elongare, expellere :-- Ðe afeorsiaþ nine fram ðé qui elongant se a te, Ps. Spl. 72, 26: L. C. E. 4; Th. i. 360, 29, 11. v. intrans. To go away, depart; emigrare: -- Ic ná afeorsie non emigrabo. Ps. Spl. 6l, 6.

afera a son, Cd. 95; Th. 123, 31; Gen. 2054. v. eafora.

a-féran; p. de; pp. ed To affright, terrify; perterrere, Chr. 1083; Th. 352, 9. v. a-fǽran,

a-ferian, -igan; p. ede; pp. ed To take away, remove, withdraw; auferre, amovere, subducere, cum averiis vel curru vehere, averiare :-- Ðæt ðú ðe aferige of ðisse folcsceare that thou withdraw thyself from this people, Cd. 114; Th. 149, 19; Gen. 2477. He aferede he bore away, Andr. Kmbl. 2355; An. 1179: Ps. Th. 135, 25: Menol. Fox 47; Men. 23. Gif he aferaþ if he remove; si averiat, L. R. S. 4; Th. i. 434, 8. He sceal aferian [MS. auerian = averian = aferian] he shall remove; debet averiare, 432, 10. v. a-feorran.

a-ferran; p. de; pp. ed To remove, take away; elongare, removere :-- Gást háligne fram me aferredne the holy spirit taken from me [acc. absol.], Ps. C. 97: Bt. 39, 11; Fox 230, 19. v. a-feorran.

a-ferscean [a, fersc fresh] To freshen, to become fresh; salsuginem deponere :-- Swá swá of ðære sǽ cymþ ðæt wæter innon ða eorþan and ðár afersceaþ thus from the sea the water enters into the earth and then becomes fresh, Bt. 34, 6; Fox 140, 18.

a-fersian to take away; removere. v. a-feorsian.

a-festnian to fix, fasten; munire, firmare. v. a-fæstnian.

a-fétigan to beat with the feet, to praise, applaud; plaudere: -- Ic afétige plaudo, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 4; Som. 31, 28.

Affric; def. m. Affrica; adj. AFRICAN; Afer, Africanus :-- Severus se Cásere Affrica Severus Cæsar Afer, Bd. 1, 5; S. 476, 5, note. Fóron Rómane on Affrice, acc. pl. the Romans went against [upon] the African people, Ors. 4, 6; Bos. 84, 24: 5, 4; Bos. 105, 2: 5, 7; Bos. 106, 22. On Africum among the African people, 6, 1; Bos. 115, 31.

Affrica; indecl: but Lat. Affrica, gen. æ; acc. am; f. Africa :-- Asia and Affrica togædere licgaþ Asia and Africa lie together, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 15, 14. Ðære Affrica norþ-west gemǽre the north-west boundary of Africa, id; Bos. 16, 4. Nú wille we ymbe Affrica now will we [speak] about Africa, id; Bos. 24, 26. Hý ða þrý dǽlas on þreó tonemdon -- Asiam, and Európam, and Affricam they named the three parts by three names -- Asia, and Europe, and Africa, id; Bos. 15, 5 : 5, 11; Bos. 109, 23: 6, 30; Bos. 126, 32.

Affrican, es; m. An African; Africanus :-- Regulus feaht wið Affricanas Regulus fought against Africans, Bt. 16, 2;. Rawl. 33, 19. v. African.

af-god, es; n. [af=of=æf a, ab; god, n. a heathen god] An idol, an image; idolum. [Plait. Dut. afgod, m: O.H.Ger. apcot, n: M. H. Ger. abgot, n. m: Ger. abgott, m: Goth, afguþs impius: Dan. Swed. afgud, m : O. Nrs. afguð, m.] v. god; n.

af-godnes, -ness, e; f. Idolatry, the worshipping of images; idololatria. v. af, god, es; n. a heathen god; -nes, -ness.

a-fíndan; p. -fánd, pl. -fúndon; pp. -fúnden To find, detect, feel, experience; invenire, deprehendere, experiri, sentire :-- De he Godes eorre afúnde though he felt God's anger, Ps. C. 25. Ic afínde experior, Ælfc. Gr. 31; Som. 35, 55. Ðis wíf wæs afúnden on unrihton hǽmede hæc mulier deprehensa est in adulterio, Jn. Bos. 8, 4: Bt. 35, 5; Fox 162, 31.

a-firhtan to affright; exterrere :-- Hí flugon afirhte to muntum they fled affrighted to the mountains, Gen. 14, 10. v. a-fyrhtan.

a-firran; p. de; pp. ed To remove, take away, put away, expel; elongare, amovere, auferre :-- Ðæt he him afirre frécne geþohtas that he put away from him wicked thoughts. Cd. 219; Th, 282, 9; Sat. 284. Crist heó afirde Christ expelled them, 214; Th. 269, 3; Sat. 67: Ps. Spl. T. 87, 19. v. a-feorran.

a-firsian; p. ode; pp. od To take away, remove; longefacere, removere :-- He afirsode fram us unrihtwísnysse longefecit a nobis iniquitates, Ps. Spl. M. 102, 12. v. a-feorsian.

a-fleón, he -flíhþ; p. -fleáh, pl. -flugon; pp. -flogen. I. v. intrans. To flee away; effugere :-- Gǽst aflíhþ the spirit fleeth away. Exon. 40 a; Th. 132, 20; Gú. 475: 58a; Th. 208,13; Ph. 155. II. v. trans. To drive away, put to flight; fugare :-- Hí aflogene wǽron they were put to flight, Jud. 6, 14. DER. fleón.

a-fleótan To float off, scum, clarify, purify liquor by scumming; despumare. DER. fleótan.

a-fleów overflowed. Ors. 5, 4; Bos. 105, 9; p. of aflówan.

a-flian to put to flight; fugare, Herb. 96, 2; Lchdm, i. 208, 20. v. a-fligan.

a-fliéman; p. de; pp. ed To cause to flee, to banish :-- Síe he afliémed let him be [as one] banished, L. Alf. pol. 2; Th. i. 60, 17. v. a-flyman, ge-fleman.

a-fligan; p. de; pp. ed [a, fligan] To drive away, put to flight; fugare, arcere :-- Sóna hit ðone fefer afligeþ it will soon put the fever to flight, Herb. 37, 2; Lchdm i. 138, 5. Aflian [MS. B. afligan] to put to flight, 96, 2; Lchdm, i. 208, 20. Ic aflige míne fýnd arcesso inimicos meos, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 2; Som. 30, 43. Afliged beón to be driven away, R. Ben. cap. 48. Afliged mon an apostate, Prov. 6.

a-fliung, e; f. A fleeing; rejectio :-- Mete-afliung a rejecting of meat; atrophia, Ælfc. Gl. 10; Som. 57, 41; Wrt. Voc. 19, 44.

a-flogen driven away, Jud. 6, 14; pp. of a-fleón.

a-flówan; p, -fleów, pl. -fleówan; pp. -flówen To flow from, flow over; effluere :-- Etna fýr afleów up the fire of Etna flowed over, Ors. 5,4; Bos. 105, 9.

a-flyge, es; m. [a, flyge a flight] A flying, flight; volatus. [Ger. flug, Grm. Wörterbuch; fuga?]

a-flýman; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans, [a, flýman] To cause to flee, put to flight, drive away, banish, scatter, disperse; fugare, in fugam vertere, ejicere, pellere, dispergere :-- He swá manigne man aflýmde he caused so many men to flee. Byrht. Th. 138, 61; By. 243. Ðú me aflýmst tu me ejicis, Gen. 4, 14. Wurdon twegen æðelingas aflýmde of Sciððian two noblemen were driven from Scythia, Ors. 1, 10; Bos. 32, 34. Sý he aflýmed let him be [as one] banished, L. Alf. pol. 2; Th. i. 60, 17, note. And eall his weored oððe ofslægen wæs oððe aflýmed ejusque totus vel interemptus vel dispersus est exercitus, Bd. 2, 20; S. 521, 13.

afol, es; n. Power; vires, robur :-- Eallum his afole with all his power, L.I.P. 2; Th. ii. 304, 22. v. abal.

a-fón; p. -féng, pl. -féngon; pp. -fangen, -fongen To receive, take, take up, hold up, support, seize, lay hold of; suscipere, assumere, corripere, occupare, tradere :-- We aféngon mildheortnysse ðíne on midle temple suscepimus misericordiam tuam in media templi, Ps. Spl. 47, 8: 118,116. Afonde suscipiens, 146, 6. He wæs on heofonum afangen assumptus est in cœlum, Mk. Bos. 16, 19. Hyre se aglǽca ageaf andsware, forht afongen to her the wretch gave answer, seized with fear, Exon. 70 a; Th. 261, 24; Jul. 320: 25 a; Th. 73, 3; Cri. 1184. Ðæt Johannes wæs afongen quod Johannes traditus esset. Mt. Rush. Stv. 4, 12.

a-fónde taking up, raising up; suscipiens. Ps. Spl. 146, 6; part. of a-fón.

afor adj. Vehement, dire, hateful, rough, austere; vehemens, atrox, odiosus, asper, austerus, acerbus :-- Iudiþ, egesfull and afor Judith, dreadful and vehement, Judth. 12; Thw. 25, 13; Jud. 257. Afrum onfengum with their dire attempts, Exon. 403; Th. 133, 15; Gú. 490. Ðæt [sǽd] byþ þreóhyrne, and hyt byþ afor and sweart the scent is three-cornered, and it is rough and swarthy, Herb. 181, 1; Lchdm, i. 316, 11. [Goth.,-brs strong: O. Nrs. æfr sævus, vehemens, ferox.] v. nefre.

a-fór, -fóron departed. Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 45, 14: Cd. 173; Th. 216, 14; Dan. 6; p. of a-faran.

afora a son, Chr. 937; Th. 200, 41, col. 3; Æðelst. 7. v. eafora.

afor-feorsian; p. ode; pp. od To defer, delay, prolong; prolongare :-- Eardbiggengnes [MS. eardbiggendes] mín aforfeorsode is incolatus meus prolongatus est. Ps. Spl. 119, 5; Lambeth has, Eardbegengnes oððe elþeódignys mín afeorrad oððe gelængd is, Ps. 119, 5; my pilgrimaging is drawen along, Wyc. v. feorsian.

a-forhtian; p. ode; pp. od [a intensive, forhtian to fear] To be very much afraid, to tremble with fear, to be affrighted, amazed; expa-vescere :-- Ða aforhtode Isaac micelre forhtnisse expavit Isaac stupore vehementi, Gen. 27, 33.

á-forp; adv. [á always, forþ forth] Always, continually, daily, still; indies, Cot. 115.

aforud exalted; exaltatus. v. ofer-ge-aforud.

a-fréfran; p. ede; pp. ed To comfort, console; consolari :-- God eáðe mæg afréfran feásceaftne God can easily comfort the distressed, Exon, 10b; Th. 11, 23; Cri. 175: 133; Th. 23, 13; Cri. 368. He mec þurh engel oft afréfreþ he through his angel oft comforteth me, 37 a; Th. 121, 10; Gú. 286. We weorþaþ afréfrede facti sumus sicut consolati, Ps. Th. 125, 1: 118, 52; Andr. Kmbl. 1275; An. 638.

a-fréfrian; p. ode; pp. od To comfort, console; consolari :-- Forwyrnde beón afréfrod sáwle mín renuit consolari anima mea, Ps. Spl. 76, 3.

a-freoðan; p. ede; pp. ed To froth; spumare :-- Lǽt afreoðan let it froth, L. M. 1, 47; Lchdm, ii. 118, 27. [O.Nrs. froða, frauð froth; spuma.]

Africa = Affrica Africa; Africa :-- Affrica onginþ Africa begins. Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 24, 35. v. Affrica.

African, Affrican, es; m. An African; Africanus :-- Ðá he feaht wið Africanas, he hæfde sige ofer ða Africanas when he fought against Africans, He gained a victory over the Africans, Bt. 16, 2; Fox 52, 39: 54, 1.

Africanisc, Afrisc; adj. Belonging to Africa, African; Africanus :-- Africanisc æppel [MS. -isca,-ple] a pomegranate; malum Punicum, Cot. 133.

Afrisc; adj. African; Africanus :-- Afrisc meówle an African maid, Cd. 171; Th. 215, 7; Exod. 579.

a-froefred comforted; consolatus, Mt. Rush. Stv. 5, 4,=a-fréfred; pp. of a-fréfran.

a-fúl, es; n. A fault; culpa. v. fúl.

a-fúlian; p. ode; pp. od; v. n. To become foul, to putrefy, be defiled; putrescere, putrefieri, inquinari, Scint. 66: 17. v. fúlian.

a-fúnden found, discovered, Jn. Bos. 8, 4: Bt. 35, 5; Fox 162, 31; pp. of a-findan.

a-fúndennis, -niss, e; f. An experiment, an invention, a discovery; experimentum, R. Ben. interl. 59.

a-fylan; p. ede; pp. ed; v. a. [a, fúl foul, unclean] To foul, defile, pollute, to make filthy, to corrupt; inquinare, contaminare, fœdare :-- Yfel biþ ðæt man mid flǽsc-mete hine sylfne afýle it is sinful that any one defile himself with flesh-meat, L.C.S. 47; Th. i. 402, 24: Past. 54, 1. Afýled fœdatus, Prœm. Greg. Dial. v. ge-fýlan, a-fúlian.

a-fyllan; p. de; pp. ed [a, fyllan to fill] To fill up or full, replenish, satisfy; replere, implere :-- Afyllaþ ða eorþan replete terram. Gen. 9, 1. He ne mæg ða gítsunga afyllan he cannot satisfy the desires, Bt. 16, 3; Fox 56, 16. Fýres afylled with fire filled, Exon. 30 b; Th. 95, 26; Cri. 1563: Cd. 215; Th. 271, 4; Sat. 100: Beo. Th. 2040; B. 1018: Ps. Th. 128, 5.

a-fyllan = a-fellan; p. de; pp. ed; v. a. [a, fyllan, fellan to fell] To fell, to strike or beat down, to overturn, subvert, lay low, abolish, slay; cædere, occidere, prosternere, dejicere, demoliri, comprimere, abrogare :-- Gif mon afelle [MS. B. afylle] on wuda wel monega treówa if any one fell in a wood a good many trees, L. In. 43; Th. i. 128, 19. Drihten afylþ ðíne fýnd the Lord will strike down thine enemies, Deut. 28, 7. Hí to eorþan afyllaþ ðé ad terram prosternent te, Lk. Bos. 19, 44: Salm. Kmbl. 595; Sal. 297. Afylde hine he felled him, Salm. Kmbl. 917; Sal. 458. Wæs Waldendes lof afylled the supreme ruler's praise was suppressed, Chr. 975; Th. 228, 10; Edg. 38. Hú man mæg unlage afyllan how one may abolish unjust laws, L.C.S. 11; Th. i. 382, 8. Gif hwá óðres ryht afylle if any one suppress another's right, L. Ath. i. 17; Th. i. 208, 16: L. Eth. vi. 8; Th. i. 316, 26. Ðæt hine man afylle that any one slay him, 38; Th. i. 324, 23 : v. 31; Th. i. 312, 12. v. be-fyllan, ge-.

a-fyran; p. ede; pp. ed To remove, take away, expel; amovere, elongare. Exon. 43 b; Th. 147, 1; Gú. 720. v. a-fyrran.

a-fyran; p. de; pp. ed, yd [a, fýran castrare] To castrate; castrare :-- Afýred olfend a dromedary, a kind of swift camel; dromeda MS. Twegen afýryde men duo eunuchi. Gen. 40, 1.

a-fýrd, es; m. A eunuch; spado, Cot. 189. v. a-fýrida.

a-fyrhtan; p. -fyrhte; pp. -fyrhted, -fyrht To affright, terrify; terrere, exterrere, perterrere, timore afficere :-- He afyrhted wearþ he was affrighted, Exon. 52 a; Th. 181, 29; Gú. 1300: Andr. Kmbl. 3057; An. 1531. Wǽran mid egsan ealle afyrhte with dread were all affrighted, Cd. 222; Th. 288, 22; Sat. 385. Ða weardan wǽron afyrhte custodes exterriti sunt, Mt. Bos. 28, 4: Bd. 3, 16; S. 543, 12, MS. T. Afirhte, Gen. 14, 10. v. a-forhtian.

afýrida, afýryda, an; m. [a-fýred; pp. of a-fýran] A eunuch, a castrated animal, servant, courtier; eunuchus, servus :-- Se afýrida the servant, courtier [eunuch], Gen. 39, I. Hí sealdon Iosep Putifare ðam afýrydan Faraones vendiderunt Joseph Putiphari eunucho Pharaonis, 37, 36.

a-fyrran, -fyran; p. ede, de; pp. ed [a from, fyrr far] To remove, take away, expel, deliver; amovere, avertere, elongare, auferre, eripere :-- Næddran hí afyrraþ serpentes tollent, Mk. Bos. 16, 18. Beóþ afyrrede are taken away. Ps. Spl. 57, 8. Ðú afyrdest of Jacobe ða graman hæftnéd avertisti captivitatem Jacob, Ps. Th. 84, 1. Ðú me afyrdest frýnd ða nýhstan elongasti a me amicum et proximum, 87, 18; 88, 36: Bd. 2, 20; S. 522, 23: 4, 11; S. 579, 34. Afyrrinde gefeoht oððe óþ ende eorþan auferens bella usque ad finem terræ. Ps. Spl. C. T. 45, 9. Afyrr me feóndum mínum enpe me de inimicis meis, Ps. Th. 142, 10. Afyr, 118, 22: 53, 5. Ic ðé wolde cwealm afyrran I would remove death from thee, Exon. 28b; Th. 87, 17; Cri. 1426. Dream wæs afyrred joy was removed,, 42 a; Th. 142, 9; Gú. 641. He hæfde feóndas afyrde he had the fiends expelled, 43 b; Th. 147, 1; Gú. 720. v. a-feorran.

a-fyrsian; p. ode; pp. od; v.a. [a, fyrsian to remove] To remove farthest away, drive away, dispel; pellere, propellere, auferre :-- He afyrseþ gást ealdormanna aufert spiritum principum, Ps. Spl. 75, 12: 45, 9. Ðe deófla afyrseþ which drives devils away, L. C. E. 4; Th. i. 360, 29. v. a-feorsian, a-fyrran.

a-fýryda a eunuch; eunuchus :-- Ðam afýrydan Faraones eunucho Pharaonis, Gen. 37, 36. v. afyrida.

a-fýsan; p. de; pp. ed. I. to hasten; festinare, tendere :-- Feor afýsan and forþ gangan to hasten away and to go forward, Byrht. Th. 131, 4; By. 3. II. to hasten away, impel, accelerate, incite, excite, make ready; incitare, accelerare, paraturn vel prornptum reddere :-- Ðonne he afýsed biþ when he hastened away, Exon. 653; Th. 241, 11; Ph. 654. To heofonum biþ mðd afýsed to heaven is the spirit impelled, 65 b; Th. 241, 17; Ph. 657: 59 b; Th. 217, 3; Ph. 274: Rood Kmbl. 247; Kr. 125: Exon, 119a; Th. 457, 22; Hy. 4. 87. Swá ǽr wæter fleówan, flódas afýsde as the waters flowed before, the excited floods, 22 b; Th. 61, 17; Cri. 986.

ag, es; n ? Wickedness; nequitia :-- Hí þohton and hí sprǽcon ag cogitaverunt et locuti sunt nequitiam. Ps. Spl. T. 72, 8. [Goth. aglo,f. trouble: O. Nrs. agi, m. terror: Grm. ii. 503, 20.] DER. ag-lác, ag-lǽc, -lǽca,-lác-hád, -lǽc-cræft, -lǽc-wíf.

ága, an; m. A possessor, an owner; possessor, v. un-ága.

a-gæf returned; reddidit, Cd. 196; Th. 244, 24; Dan. 453; p. of a-gifan.

a-gǽlan; p. de; pp. ed. I. v. trans. To hinder, occupy, detain, delay, neglect; impedire, retardare, morari, negligere :-- Ðæt he ne agǽle gǽstes þearfe that he delay not his spirit's welfare, Exon. 19b; Th. 51, 16; Cri. 817. Me ðiós siccetung hafaþ agǽled this sighing has hindered me. Bt. Met. Fox 2, 9; Met: 2, 5. Ic míne tíd-sangas oft agǽlde I have often neglected my canonical hours, L. De Cf. 9; Th. ii. 264, n. Astrecceaþ agǽledan honda remissas manus erigite, Past, 11, 1; Cot. MS. And swá eall ðæt folc wearþ mid him ánum agǽled and all the people were so occupied with him alone. Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 68, 24. II. v. intrans. To hesitate, be careless; cunctari, indili-gens esse :-- He wihte ne agǽlde ðæs ðe þearf wæs þeódcyninges he was not careless about anything that was needful for the king, Chr. 1066; Th. 335. 15. col. 1; Edv. 33.

a-gælende; part. enchanting; incantans. Ps. Vos. 57, 5. v. a-galan.

a-gælwed astonished; consternatus, Bt. 34, 5; Fox 140, 9; MS. Cot. v. a-gelwan.

a-gǽn gone, past; præteritus, Cart. Uuerfriþ in app. ad Bædam, S. 772, 1, 4. v. a-gán.

a-gǽþ; happens :-- Hit agǽþ eall swá it happens so as [also], Deut. 13, 2. v. agán, gán, hit gǽþ.

a-galan; he -gælþ; p. -gól, pl. -gólon; pp. -galen [a, galan to sing] To sing, chant; canere, cantare :-- He fúsleóþ agól he sang the death-song, Exon. 52b; Th. 183, 1; Gú, 1320. Fyrdleóþ agól wulf on walde a war-song sung the wolf in the wood, Elen. Kmbl. 54; El. 27: Beo. Th. 3047; B. 1521.

a-gálan To loose, dissolve; remittere, Past. 11, 1; Hat. MS. 14b, 24, v. agǽlan.

a-gan began; cœpit. Mk. Bos. 6, 7; p. of a-ginnan,

a-gán; p. -eóde; pp. -gán [a from, away, gán to go]. I. to come to pass, happen; præterire, transire :-- Ǽr his tíd agá [tíde ge MS.] before his time come to pass, Exon. 82 a; Th. 310, 3; Seef. 69; [Grn. Gloss.] Ðá sæternes dæg wæs agán cum transivisset sabbatum, Mk. Bos. 16, 1. Æfen-fela nihta agáne wǽron totidem noctes transierunt, Deut. 9, 11: Andr. Kmbl. 293; An. 147: Elen. Kmbl. 2452; El. 1227. Swá hit sóþlíce a-eóde so it truly happened, K. de visione Isaiæ. II. to come forth; provenire :-- Him upp agá horn on heafde a horn comes forth on his head, Ps. Th. 68, 32. III. to approach to any one to solicit him; procedere ad aliquem sollicitandi causa :-- Ne meahton heora bregoweardas agán might not approach their lords, Cd. 131; Th. 166, 14; Gen. 2747.

AGAN, to áganne; pres. part, ágende; pres. indic, ic, he áh, ðú áhst, pl. ágon, ágan, águn; p. ic, he áhte, ðú ahtest, pl. áhton; subj. ic, ðú, he áge, pl. ágen; p. ic áhte, pl. áhten; pp. ágen. I. to OWN, possess, have, obtain; possidere, habere, percipere :-- Ðe micel ágan willaþ who desire [will] to possess much, Bt. 14, 2; Fox 44, 13. Nú ic áh mǽste þearfe Now I have the utmost need, Byrht. Th. 136, 60; By. 175. Gesyle eall ðæt ðú age vende quæcumque habes, Mk. Bos. 10, 21. Ðú ðe áhst dóma geweald thou that hast power of dignities, Elen. Kmbl. 1448; El. 726. Áh him lífes geweald he hath power over life, Andr. Kmbl. 1036; An. 518 : Cd. 103; Th. 137, 8; Gen. 2270. Wuna ðǽm ðé ágon dwell with those who own thee, Cd. 104; Th. 138, 18; Gen. 2293 : 221; Th. 287, 3; Sat. 361. Ðæt hie heofonríce ágan that they shall possess heaven's kingdom, 22; Th. 27, 33; Gen. 427. Hí águn they possess, Exon. 33 b; Th. 106, 33; Gú. 50. Ðæt ic éce líf áge ut vitam æternam percipiam, Mk. Bos. 10, 17. He sealde eall ðæt he áhte vendidit omnia quæ habuit, Mt. Bos. 13, 46: Ps, Th. 147, 3: Beo. Th. 5210; B. 2608. Hi gewyrhto áhton They possessed merits, Cd. 196; Th. 244, 7; Dan. 444. Áhton, Ps. Th. 118, 79. Ðæt hí sige áhten that they had the victory, Bd. 3, 2; S. 524, 28. Dóm ágende possessing power. Andr. Kmbl. 1139; An. 570: Exon. 68 a; Th. 253, 26; Jul. 186. Ðeáh he feoh-gestreón áhte although he possessed riches, Exon. 66b; Th. 245, 13; Jul. 44. II. to make another to own or possess, hence, -- to give, deliver, restore; dare in possessionem, reddere, rependere :-- Éðelstówe ðé ic ágan sceal I shall give thee a dwelling-place, Cd. 130; Th. 164, 34; Gen. 2724. On hand ágan to deliver in hand, Ors. 3, 11? Ágan út to have or find out. Lett ágan ut, hú fela permit to find out, how many, Chr. 1085; Th. 353, 5. Ágan ERROR is the first of the following twelve Anglo-Saxon verbs, -- ágan, cunnan, dugan, durran, magan, mótan, munan, nugan, sculan, þurfan, unnan, witan, which are called præterito-præsentia, because they take their new infinitives and their present tenses from the perfects of strong verbs with their inflections. These new infinitives form their p. tenses regularly in accordance with the weak conjugations. Thus, the new infinitive. ágan has pres. ic, he áh = ág, pl. ágon; p. áhte = ágde, pl. áhton = ágdon. The inf. ágan and the pres. áh, pl. ágon [for igon], retaining preterite inflections, are taken from the p. of a strong verb, ascertained from áh [Goth, áih], which shews the á of the p. singular in the eighth class of Grimm's division of strong verbs [Grm. i. p. 837; Koch i. p. 253], and requires by analogy, with other verbs of the same class, the inf. ígan, the p. pl. igon, and the pp. igen. Thus we find the original verb ígan; p. áh, pl. igon; pp. igen. But in ágan the á of the singular indef. is kept in the pl. inf. and pp. The weak p. áhte = ágde, pl. áhton=ágdon are formed regularly from the weak infin. ágan. The same præterito-præsens may be generally observed in the following cognate words :-- inf. pres. pl. p. Engl. owe, possidere, ought. Laym agen,ah,agen,ahte. O. Sax. égan,[éh],égunéhta O. Frs. ága, hága,ách,ágonáchte. O. H. Ger. eigan,eigumés. Goth. áigan,áih,áigum,áihta. O. Nrs. eiga,á,eigum,átta. DER. ágen, -frigea, -nama, -nyss, -slaga: ágend, -freá, -líce: áhni-an, ágni-an, -end, -endlíc: ge-ágnian, ge-ágnigendlíc: ágenung: ǽht, e; f. ǽhte­land, -man, -swán: ǽhtige.

ágan, Cd. 216; Th. 274, 1; Sat. 147; g. d. acc. etc. of áge, an; f. property.

a-gangan; pp. -gangen; -gongen To go or pass by or over, to happen, befal; præterire, evenire :-- Ðá wæs agangen, geára hwyrftum, tú hund and þreó there were passed, in the circuits of years, two hundred and three, Elen. Kmbl. 1; El. 1: Chr. 974; Th. 224, 33; Edg. 10. Swá hit agangen wearþ how it had befallen, Beo. Th. 2473; B. 1234. Wæs ðæs mǽles mearc agongen the limit of the time was passed. Cd. 83; Th. 103, 17; Gen. 1719: Exon. 39b; Th. 130, 20; Gú. 441.

áge, an; f. Property; possessio, proprium :-- Ðe he to ágan nyle which he will not have for his property, Cd. 216; Th. 274, I; Sat. 147. Ðe ðé gedafenode ágan to habbanne quem te conveniebat proprium habere, Bd. 3, 14; S. 540, 26.

áge, Mk. Bos. 10, 17; subj. s. of ágan to own.

a-geaf gave up, Jn. Bos. 19, 30; p. of agifan.

a-geald rewarded, Beo. Th, 3335; B. 1665; p. of agildan.

a-geán; prep. Towards; adversus, Chr. 1052; Th. 314, 23. v. on-geán.

ageán-féran; p. de; pp. ed To go again, return; reverti, Chr. 1070; Th. 344, 31. v. ongeán-faran.

agean-hwyrfan To turn again, to return; redire, Mk. Jun. 6, 31. v. agén-hwyrfan.

a-geara, -gearwa prepared; paratus. v. gearwa in gearo; adj.

a-gearwian To prepare; parare. v. gearwian.

a-geat understood. Ps. Spl. 118, 95; p. of a-gitan.

a-geát poured out, Cd. 47; Th. 60, 20; Gen. 984. v. a-geótan.

a-géfan; 3rd pl. perf. of a-gifan, for a-gefon, Menol. Fox 160.

a-geldan; p. -geald, pl. -guldon; pp, -golden To pay, render; reddere :-- Scilling agelde let him pay a shilling, L.H.E. 11, 12; Th. i. 32, 5, 9. v. a-gildan.

a-geldan; pp. -geald [Grn.] To punish; punire :-- Wurdon teónlíce tóðas idge [MS. to þas idge] ageald the greedy teeth were harmfully punished. Exon. 61 b; Th. 226, 19; Ph. 408.

a-gelwan; p. ede; pp. ed To stupefy, astonish; stupefacere, conster-nare :-- Ðá wearþ ic agelwed then I was astonished, Bt. 34, 5; Fox 140, 9.

a-gén; prep. acc. Against; adversum, contra :-- Se ðe nis agén eów, se is for eów qui non est adversum vos, pro vobis est, Mk. Bos. 9, 40. Ðín bróðor hæfþ ǽnig þing agén ðé frater tuus habet aliquid adversum te, Mt. Bos. 5, 23. v. on-geán; prep.

a-gén; adv. AGAIN, anew, also; itenim, denuo, et :-- Ðe ðé slihþ on ðín gewenge, wend óðer agén qui te percutit in maxillam, præbe et alteram, Lk. Bos. 6, 29. Ðá wende he on scype agén then he went into the ship again, 8, 37, 40, Wæs forworht agén was punished anew, Cd. 214; Th. 269, 21; Sat. 76. v. on-geán; adv.

ágen; adj. [originally the pp. of ágan to own, possess], I. OWN, proper, peculiar; proprius :-- Sécþ his ágen wuldor gloriam propriam quærit. Jn. Bos. 7, 18. Godes ágen bearn God's own child. Cd. 213; Th. 265, 20; Sat. 10: 109; Th. 144, 27; Gen. 2396: Bd. 3, 14; S. 539, 19. Hire ágenes húses of her own house, Bt. Met. Fox 13, 60; Met. 13, 30, Binnan heora ágenre hýde within their own skin, Bt. 14, 2; Fox 44, 23. On eówerne ágenne dóm. in your own decision, Andr. Kmbl. 677; An. 339. On his ágenum dagum in diebus ejus, Ps. Th. 71, 7. His ágnum willan on his own accord, Ors. 4, 11; Bos. 98, 6. Ágna gesceafta thy own creatures, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 28; Met. 20, 14: Bt. 14, 2; Fox 44, 36. Ðínes ágenes þonces of thine own choice, Bt. 8; Fox 26, 12. II. used substantively, The property owned, or one's own property; proprium :-- Agife man ðam ágen-frigean his ágen let his own be rendered to the proprietor, L. C. S. 24; Th. i. 390, 7; L. Eth. ii. 10; Wilk. 106, 38. [Chauc, owen: Laym, agen: Plat, egen: O. Sax. égan: O. Frs. ein, ain, eigen, egen: Ger. M. H. Ger. eigen: O. H. Ger. eikan, cigan: Goth, aigin, n. and áihts. f. GREEK: O. Nrs. eigin.] v. ágan.

agén-arn met; occurrit. Mk. Bos. 5, 2; p. of agén-yrnan.

agén-bewendan; p. de; pp. ed To turn again, return; reverti :-- And ðá he hine eft agén-bewende and then he turned himself again, Mk. Bos. 14, 40.

agen-cuman; p. -com, pl. -cómon; pp. -cumen To come again; redire :-- Ðá se Hǽlend agén-com cum rediisset Iesus. Lk. Bos. 8, 40.

ágend, es; m. [part. of ágan to own] An owner, a possessor, the Lord; possessor, proprietarius, Dominus :-- þreóm hundum scillinga gylde se ágend with three hundred shillings let the owner pay, L. H. E. 1; Th. i. 26, 9: 3; Th. i. 28, 5. Ágendes ést the owner's favour, Beo. Th. 6142; B. 3075. Wuldres Ágend the Lord of glory. Exon. 25 b; Th. 73, 32; Cri. 1198: 14b; Th. 29, 32; Cri. 471. Se Ágend the Lord; Dominus, Cd. 158; Th. 196, 21; Exod. 295.

ágend-freá, an; m. The owning lord, possessor; dominus, possessor: -- He heofona is and ðisse eorþan ágend-freá he is the owning Lord of heaven and of this earth, Cd. 98; Th. 129, 10; Gen. 2141: Beo. Th. 3770; B. 1883.

agend-freán; acc. f. A mistress; dominam :-- Heó [Agar] ongan æfþancum ágend-freán herian she [Hagar] began to vex her mistress with insults, Cd. 102; Th. 135, 4; Gen. 2237. v. freá.

ágend-frió, -freo; indecl. m. An owner, possessor; possessor :-- He agife ðam ágendfrió [ágend-freó MS. B.] ðone monnan let him give up the man to the owner, L. In. 53; Th. i. 136, 4. v. ágend-freá.

ágend-líce; adv. Properly, as his own; proprie, Bd. 1, 1; S. 474, 42.

ágen-frigea, -friga, -friá, an; -frige, es; m. An owner, possessor; possessor :-- Se ágen-frigea the owner, L. In. 42; Th. i. 128, 14. Agife man ðam ágen-frigean [-frigan MS. C.] his ágen let his own be rendered to the proprietor, L. C. S. 24; Th. i. 390, 7. Ðam ágen-frige to the posessor, L. In. 53; Th. i. 136, 4, MS. H. We also find, -- Se ágena frigea the possessor; ðam ágenan frián to the possessor, L. Eth. iii. 4; Th. i. 294, 18, 17.

agén-gecyrran To turn again, recur; recurrere, Fulg. 9.

agén-gehweorfan; p. -gehwearf, pl. -gehwurfon; pp. -gehworfen To change again, to return; redire :-- Ðá híg agén-gehwurfon cum redirent. Lk. Bos. 2, 43.

agen-hwyrfan; p. de; pp. ed To turn again, return; redire :-- Manega ágen-hwyrfdon [Jun. agean-hwyrfdon] multi redibant, Mk. Bos. 6, 31.

agén-lǽdan; p. de; pp. ed To lead bock; reducere, Anlct. Gloss.

ágen-nama, an; m. One's own or proper name; purum nomen, Fulg. 3: proprium nomen, Ælfc. Gr. 7; Som. 6, 59.

ágen-nys, -nyss, e; f. An owning, a possession, property; possessio, S. de Fide Cathol.

agén-sendan; p. -sende To send again, send back; remittere :-- He hine agén-sende to Herode remisit eum ad Herodem, Lk. Bos. 23, 7: 23, 11.

ágen-slaga, an; m. A self-slayer, self-murderer; qui sibimet ipsi manum infert, Octo Vit. capit.

ágen-spræc, e; f. [ágen own, spræc speech] One's own tongue, an idiom, the peculiarity of a language; idioma, Ælfc. Gl. 101; Som. 77, 41. v. gecynde-spræc.

agén-standan; p. -stód, pl. -stódon; pp. -standen To STAND AGAINST, urge, insist apon; obsistere, insistere :-- Ða Farisei ongunnan hefilíce him agén-standan Pharisæi cœperunt graviter insistere, Lk. Bos. 11, 53.

ágenung, ágnung, ahnung, e; f. An OWNING, a possessing, possession, ownership, claiming as one's own, power or dominion over anything; possessio, dominium :-- Gif getrýwe gewitnes him to ágenunge rýmþ; forðam ágnung biþ nér ðam ðe hæfþ, ðonne ðam ðe æfter-sprecþ if a true witness make way for him to possession; because possession is nearer to him who has, than to him who claims, L. Eth. ii. 9; Th. i. 290, 20. Be ðære ahnnnge respecting ownership, L. Ed. 1; Lambd. 38, 25.

agén-yrnan; p .-am,pl. -urnon; pp.-urrien To run against meet with, meet; occurrere :-- Him agénarn án man oscurrit homo, ME/Bos. 5, 2. Inc agényrnþ sum man oecurret vobis homo. Mk. Bos. 14, 13.

a-geofan to restore, give back, repay, ---a-gifan, Heming, p. 104.

a-geolwian [a, geolo yellow] To become yellow, to make to glitter as gold; flavescere, Herb. 42, ? Lye. v. geolwian.

a-geómrod lamented; lamentatus. v. geómerian.

a-geótan, -gítan; p. -geát, -gét, pl. -guton; pp. -goten. I. v. trans. To pour out, shed, strew, spill, deprive of; effundere, privare : -- He his swát ageát he shed his blood. Exon. 40a; Th. 133, 22; Gú. 493 : Cd. 47; Th. 60, 20; Gen. 984. He his blód agét he had spilled his blood Andr. Reed. 2897; [ageát. Grm. 1449; Kmbl. 2897.] Hi aguton blód effuderunt sanguinem. Ps. Spl. 78, 3: Bd. 1, 7; S. 476, 30: Gen. 9, 6. Ageót cocor effunde frameam, Ps. Spl. 34, 3. Agoten effusus, Ps. Th. 78, 11. Hie wǽron agotene góda gehwylces they were deprived of all goods, Judth. 10; Thw. 21, 23; Jud. 32. II. v. intrans. To pour forth; profluere :-- Swá ðín swát ageát thus thy blood poured forth, Andr. Kmbl. 2881; An. 1443.

a-getan; p. de, te; pp. ed To seize, take away, destroy; corripere, eripere, delere :-- Sumne sceal gár agetan the spear shall take one away, Exon. 87a; Th. 328, 11; Vy. 16: Andr. Grm. 1144: Exon. 127b; Th. 491, 3; Rä. 80, 8. Ðǽr læg secg mænig gárum ageted there lay many a warrior destroyed by javelins, Chr. 937; Th. 202, 21, col. 1; Æðelst, 18. DER. getan.

a-géton [they] destroyed; 3rd per. pl. p. of a-gitan.

ág-hwǽr everywhere; ubique, Lye. v. ǽg-hwǽr.

a-giefan; p. -geaf; pp. -giefen To restore, render, pay, give; reddere, solvere, dare, Exon. 73 b; Th. 274, 6; Jul. 529: 26 a; Th. 77, 22; Cri. 1260. v. a-gifan.

a-gieldan To pay, repay :-- Ðú scyle ryht agieldan thou shalt pay just retribution, Exon. 99b; Th. 372, 25; Seel. 98. v. a-gildan.

a-giémeleásian; p. ode; pp. od To neglect, despise :-- Ne agiémeleása ðfl Godes swingan noli negligere disciplinam Domini, Past. 36, 4; Hat. MS. 47 b, 3. v. a-gímeleásian.

a-giéta, a-gíta, an; m. A spendthrift, prodigal; prodigus, profligator, Past. 20, 1; Hat. MS. 29 a, 26.

a-gifan, -gyfan, -giefan, -geofan; p. -gæf, -geaf, -gef, pl. -géfon, -geáfon; pp. -gifen, -giefen, -gyfen To restore, give back, give up, leave, return, repay, render, pay, give; reddere, restituere, tradere, relinquere, exsolvere, dare:-- He wolde hine his fæder agifan volebat eum reddere patri suo, Gen. 37, 22. Úton agifan ðæm ésne his wíf let us restore to the man his wife, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 170, 6. Eorþe ageaf ða the earth gave up those, Exon. 24b; Th. 71, 15; Cri. 1156. Ðone hie ðære cwéne agéfon they gave him up to the queen. Elen. Kmbl. 1171; El. 587. He agæf him his leóda láfe he restored to him the remnant of his people. Cd. 196; Th. 244, 24; Dan. 453. Ne agife non restituet, Ex. 22, 13. Hy fæder ageaf on feónda geweald her father delivered her up into her foes' power. Exon. 68a; Th. 252, 6; Jul, 159. Andreas his gást ageaf Andrew gave up his soul. Menol. Fox 431; Men, 217, Ageaf his gást tradidit spiritum, Jn. Bos. 19, 30. Andreas carcerne ageaf Andrew left his prison. Andr. Kmbl. 3155; An. 1580. Him se wer ageaf andsware to him the man returned answer, Exon. 49b; Th. 171, 34; Gú. 1136. Andreas agef andsware Andrew returned answer, Andr. Kmbl, 378; An. 189. Ic forþ agef ða, ðe ic ne reáfude ǽr quæ non rapui, tunc exsolvebam, Ps. Th. 68, 5: L. In. 60; Th. i. 140, 10. Siððan ge eówre gafulrǽdenne agifen habbaþ after ye have paid your fare, Andr. Kmbl. 592; An. 296. He him leán ageaf he gave him a gift, Cd. 86; Th. 108, 19; Gen. 1808: 97; Th. 128, 3; Gen. 2121: Th. Diplm. A.D. 830; 465, 31. Hi ageáfon dono dederunt. Judth, 12; Thw. 26, 23; Jud. 342, DER. gifan.

a-gift, e; f? A giving back, restoration; restitutio. v. gift, e; f.

a-gildan, -geldan, -gieldan, -gyldan; p. --geald, pl. -guldon; pp. -golden To pay, render, repay, restore, reward, requite, permit, allow; reddere, solvere, rependere, retribuere, concedere :-- Ðú scyle ryht agieldan [agildan MS. Verc.] thou shalt pay just retribution, Exon. 99 b; Th. 372, 25; Seel. 98. Gyf ic ageald gyldendum me yfelu si reddidi retribuentibus mihi mala, Ps. Spl. 7, 4. Ðá me sǽl ageald as opportunity permitted to me, Beo. Th. 3335; B. 1665: 5374; B. 2690: Cd. 93; Th. 121, 11; Gen. 2008. Aguldon me yfelu for gódum retribuebant mihi mala pro bonis, Ps. Spl. 34, 14. Ða onsægdnysse ða ðe fram eów deóflum wǽron agoldene sacrificia hæc quæ a vobis redduntur dæmonibus, Bd. 1,7; S. 477. 37 DER. gildan.

a-gilde, a-gylde; adv. Without compensation, L. C. S. 49; Th. i. 404, 14 [MS. A] : L. Eth. v. 31; Th. i. 312, 12. v. æ-gilde.

a-gilpan; p. -gealp, pl. -gulpon; pp. -golpen To glory, boast, exult; gloriari, lætari :-- Wyt mágon ðǽr dǽdum agilpan we may there exult in our deeds, Cd. 100 a; Th. 377, 2; Seel, 165.

a-giltan; p. -gilte; pp. -gilt To sin, fail, do wrong; delinquere, pec-care :-- Ic agilte wið eówerne Drihten peccavi in Dominum vestrum, Ex. 10, 16: Hy. 7, 103; Hy. Grn. ii. 289, 103. v. a-gyltan.

a-giltst thou repayest, Mt. Bos. 5, 33. v. gilese in gildan.

a-gímeleásian, -giémeleásian; p. ode; pp. od To neglect, despise; negligere :-- Ne agiémeleása [MS. C. agímeleása] ðú Godes swingan noli negligere disciplinam Domini, Past. 36,4; Hat. MS. 47 b, 3. v. gymeleásian.

a-gimmed, -gymmed; part. Gemmed, set with gems; gemmatus :-- Agimmed and gesmiðed bend a gemmed and worked crown, a diadem; diadema, Ælfc. Gl. 64; Som. 69, 12; Wrt. Voc. 40, 46. Agimmed gerdel, vel gyrdel, vel angseta, vel hringc a gemmed girdle or ring; strophium, 64; Som. 69, 20; Wrt. Voc. 40, 51; pp. of a-gimmian. v. gimmian.

a-ginnan; ic aginne, ðú aginnest, aginst, he aginneþ, agineþ, aginþ, agynþ; p. agan, pl. agunnon; pp. agunnen; v. a. To begin, to set upon, undertake, take in hand; incipere :-- And agynþ beátan hys efenþeówas cœperit percutere conservos suos, Mt. Bos. 24, 49. Hi agynnon hine tǽlan incipiant illudere ei, Lk. Bos. 14, 29: 23, 5. He agan hí sendan twám and twám cœpit eos mittere binos, Mk. Bos. 6, 7.

a-gíta, an; m. A spendthrift; prodigus. Past. 20, 2; Hat. MS. 29 b, 10.

a-gitan; p. -geat, pl. -geáton, -géton; pp. -giten [a away, gitan to get] To destroy, abolish, subvert; destruere, exstinguere, subvertere :-- He ageat gylp wera he destroyed the vaunt of men, Cd. 169; Th. 210, 12; Exod. 514. HI heafodgirnrne agéton they destroyed the gem of the head, Andr. Reed. 63; [aguton, Grm. 32; Kmbl. 63.]

a-gitan To discover,find; deprehendere, L.N.P. 48; Th. ii. 296, 27. v. a-gytan.

agítan; p. -geát, -gét, pl. -guton; pp. -goten To pour out, shed; effundere :-- Swá hwá swá agít mannes blód, his blód biþ agoten quicumque effuderit humanum sanguinem fundetur sanguis illius, Gen. 9, 6.

ag-lác, æg-lǽc, es; n. [ag nequitia; lác ludus, donum] Misery, grief, trouble, vexation, sorrow, torment; miseria, dolor, tribulatio, molestia, tristitia, cruciatus :-- Of ðam agláce from that misery. Exon. 101 b; Th. 383, 7; Rä. 4, 7. Aglác dreóge I suffer misery, 127b; Th. 490, 5; Rä. 79, 6. Ðǽr hie ðæt aglác drugon where they suffered that torment, Cd. 185; Th. 230, 25; Dan. 238. v. ag.

ag-lác-hád, es; m. [ag nequitia; lác ludus, donum; hád conditio, status] Misery-hood, a state of misery; afflictionis conditio. Exon. 113 b; Th. 435, 24; Rä. 54, 5.

ag-lǽca, -lǽcea, -léca, an; m. [ah-lǽca, æg-, æc-; ag-lác, -lǽc misery; a the m. of personal noun] A miserable being, wretch, miscreant, monster, fierce combatant; miser, perditus, monstrum, bellator immanis :-- Ne ðæt se aglǽca yldan þohte nor did the wretch [Grendel] mean to delay that, Beo. Th. 1482; B. 739. Earme aglǽcan miserable wretches, Exon. 41 a; Th. 136, 26; Gú. 547. Satanus, earm aglǽ ca Satan, miserable wretch, Cd. 223; Th. 293, 1; Sat. 448: Exon. 69 b; Th. 258, 21; Jul. 268: 70a; Th. 261, 22; Jul. 319: Beo. Th. 1116; 8. 556: 5177; B. 2592.

ag-lǽc-cræft, es; n. An evil art. Andr. Kmbl. 2724; An. 1364. v. ac-lǽ c-cræft.

ag-lǽ cea, an; m. A wretch, miscreant, monster; miser, perditus, monstrum :-- Wið ðam aglǽ cean against the wretch, Beo. Th. 5033; B. 2520: 5107; B. 2557: 5177; B. 2592. v. ag-lǽ ca.

ag-lǽc-wíf, es; n. A wretch of a woman, vile crone; monstrum mu-lieris, mulier perniciosa :-- Grendles módor, ides, aglǽ c-wíf Grendel's mother, the woman, vile crone. Beo. Th. 2522; B. 1259.

ag-léca, an; m. A wretch, miscreant, v. æg-léca, ag-lǽ cea.

a-glídan; p. -glád, pl, -glidon; pp. -gliden To glide or slip; labascere, Cot. 123. DER. glídan.

ágnian = áhnian; part. ágnigende; p. ade, ode; pp. ad, od; v. a. To own, possess, to appropriate to himself, to prove or claim as one's own; possidere, vindicare sibi :-- Hú miht ðú, ðonne, ðé ágnian heora gód how canst thou, then, appropriate to thyself their good? Bt. 14, 1; Fox 42, 26. Ðone gleówstól [MS. gleáwstól] bróðor mín ágnade my brother possessed the seat of joy, Exon. 130a; Th. 499, 3; Rä. 88, 10. He ágnige hit let him prove it as his own [keep possession of it, Th.], L. C. S. 24; Th. i. 390, 10, 11: L. 0. 13; Th. i. 184, 5. Swá he hit ágnode [MS. B. áhnode], swá he hit týmde as he claimed it as his own, so he advocated it, L. Ed. 1; Th. i. 160, 8. Áhnodon, Ps. Spl. 43, 4. DER. ágan.

ágniend, áhniend, es; m. An owner, a possessor; possessor :-- Se ðe ys áhniend eorþan and heofenan qui est possessor cœli et terræ, Gen. 14, 22.

ágniend-líc; adj. Possessive, pertaining to possession or owning; possessivus. DER. ágniende = ágnigende; part, of ágnian, -líc.

ágnung, e; f. An owning; possessio, L. Eth. ii. 9; Th. i. 290, 20. v. ágenung.

ag-nys, -nyss, e; f. Sorrow, affliction; ærumna :-- On agnysse [MS. T. angnisse] min in ærumna mea, Ps. Spl. 31, 4. v. ag.

agof = agob A word formed in the Riddles by inverting the order of the letters in the word boga a bow. Agob [MS, agof] is mín noma eft onhwyrfed agob is my name transposed, Exon. 106 b; Th. 405, 12; Rä. 24, 1.

a-gól sang; cantavit, Beo. Th. 3047; B. 1521; p. of a-galan,

a-golden repaid, Bd. 1, 7; S. 477, 37, v. a-gildan.

agon they own, Cd. 104; Th. 138, 18; Gen. 2293; pres. pl. of ágan.

a-gongen passed, Cd. 83; Th. 103, 17; Gen. 1719; pp. of agangan.

a-goten poured out, Ps. Th. 78, ii, v. a-geotan.

a-gotenes, a-gotennys, -nyss, e; f. An effusion, a pouring or shedding forth, out or abroad; effusio :-- Agotennys teára a shedding of tears, Med. pec. 16.

a-græfen engraved, carved; cælatum. Cot, 33. v. a-grafan,

a-grafan; p. -gróf, pl. -grófon; pp, -grafen To engrave, inscribe; sculpere, cælare, sculptare, inscribere :-- He sealde Moise twá stǽ nene wexbreda mid Godes handa agrafene dedit Moisi duas tabulas scriptas digito Dei, Ex. 31, 18. Beó se mann awirged, ðe wirce agrafene godas oððe gegotene maledictus homo, qui facit sculptile el conflatile, Deut, 27, 15: Lev. 26, 1, On agrafenum anlícnyssum in sculptilibus. Ps, Spl. 77, 64. Se ðisne beám agróf he inscribed this beam, Exon. 123a; Th. 473, 10; Bo. 13.

a-grafen-líce, an; n. [a-grafen carved, -lice a body] That which is carved, a carved image; sculptile :-- He gebǽdon ðæt agrafenlíce adora verunt sculptile, Ps. Spl. 105, 19.

agrimonia, an; f. Agrimony; agrimonia eupatoria :-- Gením agrimonian take agrimony, L. M. 1, 2; Lchdm, ii. 36, 21: 1, 31; Lchdm, ii. 74, 15. The native name was garclife, q. v.

a-grísan To dread, fear greatly, shudder; horrere :-- Ðæt he for helle agrise that he shudder for hell, L. C. E. 25; Th. i. 374, 13.

a-grisen-líc horrible; terribilis, v. angríslíc, gríslíc.

a-gróf inscribed, Exon. 1233; Th, 473, 10; Bo. 12; p. of a-grafan.

a-grówan [a, gróðwan to grow] To grow under, to cover; succrescere :-- Seó eorþe stód mid holtum agrówen the earth was [stood] covered [overgrown] with groves [holts]. Hexam. 6; Norm. 12, 4.

a-grýndan; p. -grand, pl. -grúndon; pp. -grúnden To ground, to descend to the earth; ad solum descendere :-- Gim astíhþ on heofonas up hýhst on geáre and of tille agrýnt the gem [i. e. the sun] rises in trie heavens highest in the year and descends from its station. Menol. Fox 220; Men. 111.

agu A pie, magpie; pica, Ælfc. Gl, 38; Som. 63, 22; Wrt. Voc. 29, 43.

águn possess, Exon. 33 b; Th. 106, 33; Gú. 50; 3rd pl. pres. of ágan. V. agon.

Agustin. es; m: Agustīnus, Augustīnus, i; m: lat. St. Augustine, the missionary sent by Pope Gregory to England, A. D. 597; Augustinus :-- A. D. 597, Hér com Augustínus and his geferan to Engla lande now, A. D. 597. Augustine and his companions came to England, Chr. 597; Th. 35, 41, col. 2. Gregorius sende Agustíne pallium Gregorius misit Augustino pallium, Bd. 1, 29; S. 498, 12. Æfter Agustíne after Augustine, 2, 4; S. 505, 9. Ðæt he sende Godes þeów Agustínum bodian Godes word Ángel-þeóde ut mitteret servum Dei Augustīnum prædicare verbum Dei genii Anglorum, Bd. 1, 23; S. 485, 27. Agustínus com on Breotone Augustīnus pervenit Brittaniam, 1, 25; S. 486, 13. Ðæt Gregorius sende Agustíno pallium ut Gregorius Augustīno pallium miserit, 1, 29, titl.; S. 498, 2. Æfter ðyssum forþferde ðá Gode se leófa fæder Agustínus, and his líchoma wæs úte bebyriged néh cyricean ðara eádigra Apla' Petrus and Paulus, for ðon heó ðá gyta ne wæs fullíce geworht ne gehálgod. Sóna ðæs ðe heó gehálgod wæs ðá dyde mon his líchoman in, and on ðære cyricean norþ portice gedefelíce wæs bebyriged. . . . Is awriten in Sce' Agustínus byrigenne ðysses gemetes gewrit :-- Hér resteþ Domne Agustínus se ǽresta ærceb' Cantwarena burge, se geára hider fram ðam eádigan Gregorie ðære Rómániscan burge B' sended wæs, and fram Gode mid wundra wyrcnesse awreðed wæs, Æðelbyrht cyning and his þeóde fram deófulgylda bigonge he to Cristes geleáfan gelǽ dde, and on sibbe gefyldum dagum his þénunge forþféred wæs ða ðý dæge septima Kl Junias on ðæs ylcan cyninges ríce' defunctus est autem Deo dilectus pater Augustīnus, et positum corpus ejus foras, juxta ecclesiam beatorum apostolorum Petri et Pauli, quia ea necdum fuerat perfecta, nec dedicata. Mox vero ut dedicata esf, intro inlatum, et in porticu illius aquilonali decenter sepultum est [Sep. 13, 613]. . . . Scriptum vero est in tumba ejusdem Augustīni epitaphium hujusmodi :-- Hic requiescit domnus Augustīnus Doruvernensis [Canterbury] archiepiscopus primus, qui olim huc a beato Gregorio Romanæ urbis pontifice directus, et a Deo operatione miraculorum suffultus, Ædilberctum [Ethelbert] regem, ac gentem illius ab idolorum cultu ad Christi fidem perduxit, et completis in pace diebus officii sui, defunctus est septima kalendas Junias [May 26, A. D. 604] eodem rege regnante, ' Bd. 2, 3; S. 504, 30-505, 4; Mobr. 95, 10-15, 96, 1-8. v. Augustīnus.

Agustus; nom. acc. gen. Agustuses; dat.-Agustuse; m. [generally spelled incorrectly in Anglo-Saxon MSS: Agustus, as well as Agustinus, for Augustus and Augustīnus, from augustus majestic, august, from augeo to increase, exalt, honour, praise], I. Augustus, the first Roman emperor, reigned from A. C. 30 to A. D. 14 :-- Wearþ Agustus sárig Augustus was grieved, Ors. 5, 15; Bos. 114, 38. Agustuses látteówas the generals of Augustus, 5, 15; Bos. 114, 34. Bfiton Agustuse sylfum without Augustus himself, 5, 15; Bos. 114, 35. II. the month of August; mensis Augustus, Menol. Fox 275; Men. 139. v. Augustus.

agute poured out, Gen. 4, 11; subj. p. of a-geótan.

a-gyfan; p. -geaf, pl. -geáfon, -gefón; pp. -gyfen To restore, give up, repay, pay, give; reddere, tradere, solvere, dare. Mt. Bos. 27, 58: Cd. 79; Th. 98, 7; Gen. 1626: Mt. Bos. 18, 28: 21, 41: 20, 8: Exon. 127a; Th. 489, 19; Rä. 78, 10. A-gyfen, 44a; Th. 148, 30; Gú. 752. v. a-gifan.

a-gyldan; ðú -gyltst, he -gylt; p. -geald, pl. -guldon; pp. -golden To pay, render, repay, requite :-- Ic agylde reddo, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 8; Som. 33, 5. Ðæt ic mín gehát agylde ut reddam vota mea, Ps. Th. 60, 6. Ðú agyldest ánra gehwylcum wyð weorc heora tu reddes unicuique juxta opera sua, Ps. Spl. 61, 11. Drihtne ðú agyltst ðíne áþas reddes Domino juramenta tua, Mt. Bos. 5, 33. Ná agylt non solvet, Ps. Spl. 36, 32. XII scillingas agylde ðam cyninge let him pay twelve shillings to the. king, L. H. E. 9; Th. i. 30, 15. v. a-gildan, gildan.

a-gylde; adv. Without compensation, L. Eth. v. 31; Th. i. 312, 12. v. æ-gilde.

a-gyltan, -giltan; p. -gylte, -gilte; pp. -gylt, -gilt [a, gyltan to be guilty] To fail in duty, to commit, become guilty, offend, sin against; delinquere, committere, admittere, peccare :-- Ic agyite ego deliqui, Ps. Th. 118, 67. Agyltan, 74, 4: Ex. 10, 16: Hy. 7, 114: Ælfc. Gr. 28, 4; Som. 31, 39, 41. Ðæt he agylte on him sylfum ut delinquat in semet ipso, Ps. Spl. 35, 1. Agyltan wið to offend or sin against. Twegen afýryde men agylton wið heora hlaford peccaverunt duo eunuchi domino suo. Gen. 40, 1.

a-gýmeleásian; p. ode; pp. od To neglect, despise; negligere. v, a-gímeleásian, gýmeleásian,

a-gymmed set with gems :-- Agymmed hringc ungulus, Ælfc. Gl. 65; Som. 69, 30; Wrt. Voc. 40, 59. v. a-gimmed.

a-gynþ beginneth, Mt. Bos. 24, 49. v. a-ginnan.

a-gytan, -gitan; p. -geat, pl. -geáton; pp. -gyten, -giten [a from, gitan to get] To discover, know, understand, consider; cognoscere, intelligere, deprehendere :-- Ðæt hit man geornor agytan mǽ ge that it may be better understood, Ors. 2, 1; Bos. 38, 30. Gecýðnyssa ðíne ic ageat testimonia tua intellexi, Ps. Spl. 118, 95, 99: 48, 12. Gif ðonne ǽni-man agiten wurþe if then any one be found, L. N. P. 48; Th. ii. 296, 27.

ah But, but also, whether; sed, sed et, numquid :-- Ne miþ ðú, ah ðínne modsefan staðola shrink not thou, but strengthen thy mind, Andr. Kmbl. 2420; An. 1211: 3337; An. 1672: 3403; An. 1705: 463; An. 232: Cd. 219; Th. 281, 7; Sat. 268: 228; Th. 308. 21; Sat. 696. Ah and tunge mín biþ smégende rehtwísnisse ðíne sed et lingua mea meditabitur justitiam tuam, Ps. Surt. 70, 24. Ah ætfileþ ðé seld unrihtwísnesse numquid adhæret tibi sedes inquitatus? Ps. Surt. 93, 20. Ah ne honne? Mk. Lind. Rush. War. 6, 3. v. ac; conj.

ah- [= ag-, q. v.] DER. ah-lǽ ca, an; m. a wretch, etc.

áh has, owns; habet, Byrht. Th. 136, 60; By. 175; 3rd pres. of ágan.

a-habban; p. -hæfde; subj. pres. s. -hæbbe [a from, habban to have] To abstain, restrain; abstinere :-- Ðú ne woldest ðé ahabban fram ðam húse ðæs forlorenan mannes noluisti te continere a domo ferditi, Bd. 3, 22; S. 553, 36. Ðæt Herebald eallinga hine fram ðam geflíte ahæbbe ut Herebald ab ilia se certamine funditus abstineat, 5, 6; S. 619, 4.

a-hæbban; p. -hóf, pl. -hófon; pp. -hæfen To heave up, raise, exalt :-- Hió biþ up ahæfen ofer hí selfe she is exalted above herself, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 437; Met. 20, 219: 25, 37; Met. 25, 19: Elen. Kmbl. 19; El. 10. V. a-hebban.

a-hafen lifted up, raised, exalted, Cd. 69; Th. 84, 21; Gen. 1401: Ps. Spl. 106, 25; pp. of a-hebban.

a-hafennes, -hafenes, -hafennys, -ness, -nyss, e; f. A lifting up, an elevation, elation, pride; elevatio, elatio :-- Ahafenes handa mínra elevatio manuum mearum, Ps. Th. 140, 3. Ahafennys elevatio, Ps. Spl. 140, 2. Wundorlice ahafennyssa sǽ mirabiles elationes marls, 92, 6.

a-hangen hung, Mt. Bos. 16, 2; pp. of a-hón.

a-heardian; p. ode; pp. od; v. intrans. To harden, grow hard, become inured to anything, to last, hold out, endure; durare, perdurare, indurescere :-- On swá mycelre geþræstnesse and forhæfednesse módes and líchoman aheardode and awunode he hardened and continued in so great contrition and restraint of mind and body; in tanta mentis et corporis contritione duravit, Bd. 5, 12; S. 627, 28. Aheardaþ his gebod perdurat ejus imperium, R. Ben, 68. v. a-hyrdian; v. trans.

a-heardung, e; f. A hardening; induratio. v, heard. heardian, heardnes.

a-heáwan; p. -heów; pp. -heáwen To hew or cut out or off, hew down, prepare by cutting, mate smooth, plane; excidere, resecare, succidere, levigare :-- On hys niwan byrgene, ða he aheów on stáne in monumento suo novo, quod exciderat in petra. Mt. Bos. 27, 60. On aheáwene byrgene in monumento exclso, Lk. Bos. 23, 53: Bd. 3, 6; S. 528, 26. Ic wæs aheáwen holtes on ende, astyred of stefne mínum I was hewn down at the end of a wood, removed from my trunk, Rood Recd. 57; Kr. 29. Aheáwen treów cut wood, timber; lignum, Ælfc. Gr. 8; Som. 8, 1. Of aheáwenum bordum of hewn or planed boards; de lignis levigatis, Gen. 6, 14.

a-hebban, -hæbban; ðú -hefst, he -hefeþ, pl. -hebbaþ; p. -hóf, pl. -hófon; imp. -hefe; pp. -hafen To heave up, lift up, raise, elevate, exalt, ferment; levare, tollere, elevare, erigere, exaltare, extollere, fer-mentare :-- Nolde his eágan ahebban up to ðam heofone nolebat oculos ad cælum levare, Lk. Bos. 18, 13. To ahebbanne levare, Gen. 48, 17. Ðú ahófe me on écne dreám thou raisedst me to everlasting joy, Exon. 100 a; Th. 376, 12; Seel. 153. Se ðe ródor ahóf who hove up the firmament, Andr. Kmbl. 1042; Au. 521. Nymþe heó wæs ahafen on ða heán lyft unless it was raised in the high air, Cd. 69; Th. 84, 21; Gen. 1401. Ic ahebbé ðé, Drihten exaltabo te, Domine, Ps. Spl. 29, 1: 117, 27. Ðú ðe ahefst me qui exaltas me, 9, 14: Ps. Th. 63, 6: 91, 9: 148, 13. Ne ahebbaþ ge to heá eówre hygeþancas nolite extollere in altum cornu vestrum, 74, 5. Óþ he wæs eall ahafen donec fermentatum est totum, Mt. Bos. 13, 33.

a-hefan; p. -hefde; pp, -hefed To heave up, lift up, raise; levare, elevare, extender :-- Ahefdon upp ðone arc elevaverunt arcam, Gen. 7, 17. He ahefde upp his hand extendit manum, Ex. 17. He ahefde up he lifted up, 14, 27, v. a-hebban.

a-hefednes, -ness, e; f. An elevation, elation, pride, = a-hafennes. Lye. v. up-a-hefednes.

a-hefen = a-hafen raised up, exalted, Lk. Lind. War. 13, 13: Bd. 3, 16; S. 543, 3. col. 2; pp. of a-hebban.

a-hefeþ raises up, exalts, Cd. 220; Th. 283, 27; Sat. 311: Ps. Th. 74, 7: 144, 15. v. a-hebban.

a-hefigian, -hefgian; p. ode; pp. od, ad To make heavy or sad, to weigh down, burden; gravare, contristare, deprimere :-- Swá biþ ðam móde, ðonne hit biþ ahefigad mid ðǽm ymbhogum ðisse worulde so is it with the mind, when it is weighed down by the anxieties of this world, Bt. 24, 4; Fox 84, 32. Ahefgade gravati, Mt. Lind. Stv. 26, 43. v. hefigian.

a-hefst raisest up, exaltest, Ps. Spl. 9, 14. v. a-hebban.

a-héhst, -héhþ shalt or shall hang up, crucify; appendet, suspendet, Deut. 21, 22. v. a-hón.

a-helpan; p. -healp, pl. -hulpon; pp. -holpen To help, assist; auxiliari, adjuvate, subvenire :-- Ahelpe mín se hálga Dryhten may the holy Lord help me, Exon. 117b; Th. 452, 13; Hy. 4, l. v. helpan; gen. dat.

a-hénan; p. de; pp. ed To humble, abase, tread down or under foot; humiliare, calcare :-- Biþ ahéned calcabitur, Lk. Lind. War. 21, 24. v. hénan, hýnan.

a-héncg hung, Ælfc. Gr. 26, 6; Som. 29, 13; p. of a-hón.

a-héng hung. Exon. 70 a; Th. 260, 29; Jul. 305; p. of a-hón.

a-heólorian; p. ede, ode; pp. ed, od To weigh, balance; librare, trutinare. v. heólorian.

a-heordan ? p. de; pp. ed [heorde = hyrde a guardian, keeper] To set free from a guardian; e custodia liberare :-- Abreót brimwísan, brýd aheorde slew the sea-leader, set free his bride, Beo. Th. 5853; B. 2930.

a-herian; p. ode; pp. od To hire; conducere, Cot. 43, 204. v. a-hýrian.

a-hérian; p. ede; pp. ed To praise fully, celebrate enough; plene laudare, satis celebrare :-- Ne mæg ðé ahérian hæleða ǽnig not any men can fully praise thee, Hy. 3, 10; Hy. Grn. ii. 281, 10; prec. 3 ad calcem Cœdm. l. 5.

a-hicgan; p. -hogde, -hogode; pp. -hugod To devise, search, invent, Cd. 94; Th. 122, 24; Gen. 2031. v. a-hycgan.

a-hiéðan to destroy, lay waste, despoil, Salm. Kmbl. 147, MS. A; Sal. 73. v. a-hýðan.

a-hildan; p. -hilde; pp. -hilded, -hild To incline, decline; inclinare, declinare :-- Ne ahilde ge náðer ne on ða wynstran healfe ne on ða swíðran non declinabitis neque ad dexteram neque ad sinistram, Deut. 5, 32. v. a-hyldan.

a-hiscean to hiss at, to mock; irridere. v. hiscan.

a-híðan to rob, destroy; vastare, subvertere, Exon. 873; Th. 328, 9; Vy. 15. v. a-hýðan.

a-híðend, es; m. A robber, an extortioner; grassator, Cot. 95.

a-hládan; p. -hlód, pl. -hlódon; pp. -hláden [a from, hládan to lade] To draw out, draw forth; exhaurire, educere :-- Ic hláde haurio: ic of ahláde [MS. C. ofhláde] exhaurio, Ælfc. Gr. 30, 2; Som. 34, 41. He of hæfte ahlód folces unrím he drew forth from captivity numberless people, Exon. 16a; Th. 35, 34; Cri. 568.

ah-lǽca, an; m. [ah- = ag- = æg- = æc- nequitia; lǽc ludus, donum; -a the personal termination, q. v.] A miserable being, miscreant, monster; miser, perditus, monstrum :-- He wiste ðæm ahlǽcan hilde geþinged he knew conflict was destined for the miscreant, Beo. Th. 1297; B. 646: 1983; B. 989. v. ag-lǽca.

a-hlǽnan; p. de; pp. ed [a, hlǽnan to lean] To set himself up; exsurgere :-- Se ðe hine selfne þurh oferhygda up ahlǽneþ he who through presumption sets himself up, Exon. 84a; Th. 316, 24; Mód. 53. [M. H. Ger. sich úf leinan: Ger. sich auflehnen.]

a-hlǽnsian; p. ude; pp. ud [lǽnian to be or make lean, hlǽne lean] To soak, steep, make lean; macerare, Scint. 10.

a-hleápan; p. -hleóp, pl. -hleópon; pp. -hleápen [a from, hleápan to leap] To leap, leap up; exsilire, insilire, prosilire, desilire :-- Alexander ahleóp and ofslóh hine Alexander leaped up and slew him, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 67, 7. Ahleópon ðá ealle then all jumped up, 5, 12; Bos. 112, 24. Ahleóp ðá fór hæleðum hilde-calla the herald of war leaped then before the warriors, Cd. 156; Th. 193, 25; Exod. 252 : Andr. Kmbl. 1472; An. 737: 2405; An. 1204: Beo. Th. 2798; B. 1397.

a-hlehhan, -hlyhhan; p. -hlóh, -hlóg, pl. -hlógon; pp. -hlahhen. I. to laugh at; ridere, deridere :-- Ðá ðæt wíf ahlóh wereda Drihtnes the woman then laughed at the Lord of hosts, Cd. 109; Th. 143, 16; Gen. 2380. II. to exult, laugh; exultare, lætari :-- Heorte mín ahlyhheþ lætetur cor meum, Ps. Th. 85, 11. His mód ahlóg his mind laughed, Beo. Th. 1465; B. 730: Salm. Kmbl. 358; Sal. 178. v. hlehhan.

a-hlinian; p. ode; pp. od To loose; solvere. v. hlinian.

a-hlog, -hlóh laughed at, laughed, Cd. 109; Th. 143, 16; Gen. 2380; p. of a-hlehhan.

a-hlówan To low or bellow again; reboare. v. hlówan to low.

a-hlutred purified; purificatus, Cot. 68; pp. of a-hluttrian.

a-hluttrian; p. ede; pp. ed To purify, scum, refine, cleanse; purifi-care :-- Ðú me ahluttra purify me, Ps. C. 50, 73; Ps. Grn. ii. 278, 73. Ahlutred wín vinum defæcatum. Cot. 68. v. hluttran.

a-hlyhheþ laughs at, Ps. Th. 85, ii. v. a-hlehhan, -hlyhhan.

a-hneápan; p. -hneóp, pl. -hneópon; pp. -hneápen To pluck off; decarpere :-- Heó of beáme a-hneóp wæstm biweredne she plucked from the tree the prohibited fruit, Exon. 45 a; Th. 153, 2; Gú. 819. [Goth. dishniupan, dishnaupnan discerpere: O. Nrs. hnupla sarripere.] v. hneápan.

a-hnescian; p. ode; pp. od To become weak; emollire :-- Ahnesco-don became weak. Ors. 5, 3; Bos. 103, 42. v. hnescian.

áhniend, es; m. An owner, Gen. 14, 22. v. ágniend.

áhnodon owned; possederunt. Ps. Spl. 43, 4. v. ágnian.

áhnung an owning, L. Ed. 1; Lambd. 38, 25. v. ágenung.

a-hnyscan; p. -hnyscte; pp. -hnysct To mock; subsannare :-- Fýnd úre ahnyscton us inimici nostri subsannaverunt nos, Ps. Spl. 79, 7. v. a-hiscean.

a-hó hang; suspendo, Ælfc. Gr. 26, 6; Som. 29, 12; pres. of a-hón.

a-hóf raised, Andr. Kmbl. 1042; An. 521; p. of a-hebban.

a-hofyn = a-hafen elated, Ps. Spl. C. 130, 1; pp. of ahebban.

a-hóh crucify :-- Ahóh hine crucifige eum, Mk. Bos. 15, 14; impert. of a-hón.

a-holan; p. ede To dig; fodere. Mt. Kmbl. Rl. 5, 29. v. a-holede.

a-hold faithful; fidelis, fidus. v. hold.

a-holede, an; n. An engraved or embossed work; opus lacunatum. Cot. 7; pp. of a-holan to dig.

a-holian; p. ode; pp. od [a, holian to hollow] To dig; eruere, fodere :-- Gyf ðín eáge ðé swícaþ, ahola hyt út si oculus tuus scandalizat te, erue eum, Mt. Bos. 18, 9: 5, 29.

a-hón, to a-hónn; ic -hó, ðú -héhst, he -héhþ; impert. -hóh; p. -héng. -héncg, pl. -héngon; pp. -hongen, -hangen To hang, crucify; suspendere, crucifigere :-- He Andreas hát ahón on heáhne beám he commanded to hang Andrew on a high tree, Exon. 70a; Th. 261, 3; Jul. 309: Gen. 40, 19. Ic ahó suspendo; ic ahéncg suspendi, Ælfc. Gr. 26, 6; Som. 29, 12. Sealde heom to ahónne tradidit eis ut crucifigeretur, Mt. Bos. 27, 26. Ahóh hine crucifige eum, Mk. Bos. 15, 14. On gealgan ahéhþ he shall hang on a gallows, Deut. 21, 22. Ðæt hí hine ahéngon ut crucifigerent eum, Mk. Bos. 15, 20: Mt. Bos. 27, 35: Mk. Bos. 15, 25. Ðæt he ahangen wǽ re that he should be crucified, 15, 15 : Mt. Bos. 27, 38, 44. Sý he ahangen crucifigatur, 27, 23. Pilatus on róde ahéng ródera Waldend Pilate had crucified on the cross the Ruler of the skies, Exon. 70a; Th. 260, 29; Jul. 305: Elen. Kmbl. 419; El. 210. He ahangen wæs he was hanged, Elen. Kmbl. 887; El. 445 : 903; El. 453.

a-hongen hung. Exon. 24a; Th. 67, 26; Cri. 1094; pp. of ahón.

a-hreddan; p. -hredde; pp. -hreded, -hred [a from, hreddan to rid] To rid, liberate, set free, deliver, rescue; liberare, eripere, eruere :-- Ðæt he sceolde his folc ahreddan that he should deliver his people, Jud. 6, 14. Ðæt ðú us ahredde that thou deliver us, Exon. 13 a; Th. 23, 25; Cri. 374. Ðe ðú ahreddest whom thou hast rescued, Cd. 97; Th. 128, 15; Gen. 2127. He hí æt hungre ahredde he rid them of the famine, Ors. 1, 5; Bos. 28, 40. Loth wæs ahreded Lot was rescued, Cd. 96; Th. 125, 27; Gen. 2085. Ahred. 94; Th. 122, 26: Gen. 2032. Ahrede me hefiges nídes feónda mínra eripe me de inimicis meis, Ps. Th. 58, 1. Ahrede me hearmcwidum heánra manna redime me a calumniis hominum, 118, 134. Ic ahredde eruo, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 3; Som. 30, 55, 63.

a-hreded commotus, Ps. Th. 59, 2; Ps. Grn. ii. 158, 59, 2. v. a-hréran.

a-hreófod; adj. Leprous; leprosus, Martyr. 21, Sep.

a-hreósan; p. -hreás, pl. -hruron; pp. -hroren [a, hreósan to rush] To rush, fall, fall down; irruere, mere, corruere, decidere :-- Bleówun windas and ahruron on ðæt hús flaverunt venti et irruerunt in domum illam, Mt. Bos. 7, 25. On Godes naman ahreóse ðís tempel in God's name let this temple fall down. Homl. Th. i. 72, 2, 5. He ahreás he fell, Homl. Th. i. 192, 20.

a-hrepian; p. ode; pp. od To touch; tangere. v. hrepian.

a-hréran; p. de; pp. ed [a, hréran to move, agitate] To shake, make to tremble; commovere :-- Heó ahréred [MS. ahreded] is commota est, Ps. Th. 59, 2.

a-hrínan, -hrýnan; p. -hrán, pl. -hrinon; pp. -hrinen To touch; tangere :-- Ge ne ahrínaþ ða seámas. mid eówrum ánum fingre uno digito vestro non tangitis sarcinas, Lk. Bos. 11, 46. Ahrýn múntas tange montes, Ps. Spl. 143, 6.

a-hruron rushed, Mt. Bos. 7, 25; p. pl. of a-hreosan.

a-hrydred robbed; expilatus, Cot. 73. v. aþryd.

a-hrýnan To touch; tangere, Ps. Spl. 143, 6. v. a-hrínan.

a-hrysian; p. ode; pp. od To shake violently; excutere :-- Drihten ahrysode da wéstan eorþan the lord shook violently the desert earth, Ps. Th. 28, 6. Ahrysod ic eom excussus sum, Ps. Spl. 108, 22. Ahryse ða moldan of shake the mould off, Herb. 1, 1; Lchdm, i. 70, 8. v. hrysian.

ahse, an; f. Ashes :-- Forðon ahsan swá swá hláf ic æt quia cinerem tanquam panem manducabam, Ps. Spl. 101, 10: 147, 5. v. asce.

ahsian; p. ode; pp. od. I. to ask, demand, call, summon before one; interrogare, postulare, exigere :-- He ongan hine ahsian he began to call him, Cd. 40; Th. 53, 18; Gen. 863: Deut. 4, 32: Ps. Th. 14, 2. II. to obtain, experience; nancisci, experiri :-- He weán ahsode he obtained woe, Beo. Th. 2417; B. 1206: 851; B. 423. v. acsian.

áhst hast, ownest. Elen. Kmbl. 1448; El. 726; 2nd pers. sing. pres. indic. of ágan.

áht, es; n. AUGHT, anything, something; aliquid, quidquam :-- Nó he ð ǽr áht cwices lǽfan wolde he would leave not anything living there, Beo. Th. 4618; B. 2314: Ps. Th. 143, 4. Ðe áhtes wǽron who were of aught, of any account or value, Chr. 992; Th. 238, 35. Ðæt án man, ðe himsylf áht wǽre, mihte faran that a man, who himself was aught, might go, 1087; Th. 355, 17. v. á-wiht.

ahta eight. Menol. Fox 188; Men. 95. v. eahta.

áhte, áhtest had, owned :-- He sealde eall ðæt he áhte he sold all that he had; vendidit ornnia quæ habuit, Mt. Bos. 13, 46; p. of ágan.

áht-líce; adv. Courageously, manfully, triumphantly; viriliter, Chr. 1071; Gib. p. 181, 16; Th. 347, 18; Ing. 277, 10; Erl. 203, 2: 210, 22.

áhton had, owned, possessed :-- Ðe Caldeas cyningdóm áhton the Chaldeans possessed the kingdom, Cd. 209; Th. 258, 24; Dan. 680; p. pl. of ágan.

a-húðan; p. -heáþ, pl. -hudon; pp. -hoden [a from, húð prey] To spoil, rob, plunder, diripere, expilare, spoliare :-- Fýnd ahúðan [MS. ahudan] mid herge hordburh wera the foes plundered with their band the treasure-city of the men, Cd. 93; Th. 121, 8; Gen. 2007.

á-hwá; g. -hwæs; d. -hwám; acc. -hwone; pron. [á, hwá who] Any, one; aliquis :-- Gif he áhwám geweólde if he have done violence to any one, L. Pen. 16; Th; ii. 284, 6.

a-hwǽnan; p. ede: pp. ed To vex, trouble; contristare, vexare, molestare :-- Gyf hwylc cyld ahwǽned sý if any child be vexed, Herb. 20, 7; Lchdm, i. 116, 8.

á-hwænne; adv. When, sometime; quando :-- Drihten áhwænne be-healtst ðu Domine quando respicies, Ps. Spl. 34, 20: 7, 2. v. hwænne.

a-hwǽ r, -hwár, -hwér, -wér; adv. [á always, ever, every; hwǽr where]. I. everywhere, somewhere, anywhere; uspiam, alicubi, usquequaque :-- Ne mæg ic hine áhwǽr [uspiam] befleón, Ps. Th. 61, 6. Ne forlǽt ðú me áhwǽr eorþan, oððe ǽghwanan non me derelinquas usquequaque, Ps. Lamb. 118, 8: Ps. Th. 54, 24: 68, 7: 108, 12: 62, 9: 71, 12: 113, 10: 118, 39: Ps. Spl. 118, 8. II. in any wise; quoquo modo :-- Habbe ic ǽ áwer benumen ðínra gifena have I in any wise deprived thee of thy gifts? Bt. 7, 3; Fox 20, 14.

á-hwǽrgen everywhere; uspiam, Bt. Met. Fox 30, 19; Met. 30, 10.

a-hwæt = -hwet = -hwetted whetted; Ors. 6, 30; Bos. 126, 17; pp. of a-hwettan.

á-hwæðer; aaj, pron. Some one, any one, anything; quis, aliquis, aliquid :-- Nis me ege mannes for áhwæðer nontimebo quid faciat mihi homo [non est mihi hominis timor pro aliquo], Ps. Th. 55, 4: 117, 6. v. áwðer, ná-hwæðer.

á-hwár; adv. I. somewhere, anywhere; alicubi :-- De he áhwár gefremode that he anywhere occasioned, L. Pen. 16; Th. ii. 284, 6. Ahwár on lande anywhere within the land, L. E. G. 11; Th. i. 172, 21. II. in any wise; quoquo modo :-- And se man, ðe wiðcwiþ ðínum bebodum [Grn. wordum] áhwár, beo he deáþes scildig and the man, who shall in any wise contradict [speak against] thy commands [Grn. words], he shall be guilty of death, Jos. l, 18. v. á-hwǽr.

a-hwelfan [a, hwelfan] to cast down, cover over, Ps. Lamb. 58, 12. v. a-hwylfan.

a-hweorfan; p. -hwearf, pl. -hwurforn; pp. -hworfen. I. v. trans. To turn away, convert; avertere, convertere :-- Ne lǽt ðé ahweorfan hǽðenra þrym let not the power of the heathen turn thee away, Andr. Kmbl. 1913; An. 959. Ðæt he of Sione ahweorfe hæft-néd that he would turn away captivity from Sion, Ps. Th. 125, 1. Ðú eart of ðínre stilnesse ahworfen thou art moved from thy tranquillity, Bt. 7, 1. Fox 16, 24. II. v. intrans. To turn away, turn, move; averti, convert! :-- Sigor eft ahwearf of norþ-monna níþ-geteóne victory turned away again from the northmen's hostile malice, Cd. 95; Th. 124, 24; Gen. 2067. Hie of sib-lufan Godes ahwurfon they turned away from the love of God, Cd. 1; Th. 2, 26; Gen. 25. Ðá his gást ahwearf in Godes gemynd then his spirit turned to thought of God, Cd. 206; Th. 255, 26; Dan. 630.

á-hwér; adv. Everywhere; alicubi, Ors. 3, 7; Bos. 60, 7. v. á-hwǽr.

a-hwerfan; p. de; pp. ed To turn away; avertere :-- Ahwerf fram synnum ðíne ansióne averte faciem tuam a peccatis, Ps. C. 50, 83; Ps. Grn. ii. p. 278, 83. Ahwerfed, Bt. 37, 4; Fox 192, 12. v. a-hwyrfan.

a-hwettan; p. -hwette; pp. -hwetted. I. to whet, excite; excitare, accendere :-- Ðæt ic ðé mǽge lust ahwettan that I may excite thy desire, Andr. Kmbl. 606; An. 303. II. to provide; adhibere, subministrare :-- Ic eów góda gehwæs ést ahwette I will provide you the favour [liberal supply] of every good, Andr. Kmbl. 678; An. 339. III. to cast away, drive away; abigere, repudiare :-- God ahwet hie from his hyldo God will cast them away from his favour, Cd. 21; Th. 26, 13.

á-hwider on every side; quoquoversum. v. ǽg-hwider.

ah-wilc ? [ah = ag nequitia, hwilc] adj. Terrible; terribilis, Ælfc. Gl. 116; Som. 80, 65; Wrt. Voc. 61, 43.

a-hwonan, -hwonon; adv. [a from, hwonan whence] From what place, whence, somewhere, anywhere; alicubi. Bd. 5, 12; 8S. 629, 16. Ahwonan útane from without, outwardly, extrinsically, Bt. 34, 3; Fox 136, 23.

a-hworfen moved, Bt. 7, 1; Fox 16, 24; pp. of a-hweorfan.

á-hwylc whatsoever; qualiscunque, C. R. Ben. 46. v. ǽg-hwilc.

a-hwylfan, -hwelfan; p. de; pp. ed [a, hwylfan to cover or vault] To cover over, overwhelm; operire, obruere, deponere :-- Seó sǽ ahwylfde Pharaones cratu aqutæ operuerunt currus Pharaonis, Ex. 14, 27. Alege oððe ahwelf híg cast down [or cover over] them, Ps. Lamb. 58, 12.

a-hwyrfan, -hwerfan; p. de; pp. ed To turn away; avertere :-- Ðæt ic ðé meahte ahwyrfan from hálor that I might turn thee from salvation, Exon. 71a; Th. 264, 6; Jul. 360. Ne ahwyrf ne avertas, Ps. Th. 89, 3. Ahwyrfde, subj. perf. would cast, Exon. 39a; Th. 129, 33; Gú. 430.

a-hycgan, -hicgan; p. -hogde, -hogode; pp. [ge]-hugod To devise, search, invent; excogitare, perscrutari, invenire :-- Leóhtor ðonne hit men mǽgen módum ahycgan more clearly than men may in mind devise it, Exon. 21 a; Th. 56, 20; Cri. 903. Bæd him ðæs rǽd ahicgan besought them to devise counsel for this, Cd. 94; Th. 122, 24; Gen. 2031: 178; Th. 224, 3; Dan. 130. Hie ahogodan heoro they invented the sword, Exon. 92 a; Th. 346, 9; Gn. Ex. 202. v. hycgan.

a-hýdan; p. de; pp. ed To hide; abscondere, occuhare :-- Tungol beóþ ahýded the star is hidden, Exon. 57 a; Th. 204, 12; Ph. 96: Cd. 148; Th. 184, 30; Exod. 115. Rómáne gesomnodon al ða goldhord and sume on eorþan ahýddon the Romans collected all the treasures and hid some in the earth, Chr. 418; Th. 18, 6, col. I. v. hý-dan.

a-hyldan, -hildan; p. -hylde; pp. -hylded, -hyld. I. to incline, recline: inclinare, reclinare :-- Ahylde ic míne heortan inclinavi cor meum, Ps. Th. 118, 112. Ahyld me ðín eáre inclina aurem tuam ad me, 85, 1. Ahylded, 103, 6. Hwár he his heáfod ahylde ubi caput reclinet, Lk. Bos. 9. 58. II. to decline, turn away, avert from; declinare, inclinare :-- Ahyld fram yfele declina a mala, Ps. Spl. 36, 28. Beóþ ðé ahylded fram wíta unrím from thee shall be averted the numberless torments, Exon. 68a; Th. 252, 31; Jul. 171. Se dæg wæs ahyld dies inclinata est, Lk. Bos. 24, 29: Ps. Th. 108, 23. Ne ahilde ge non declinabitis, Deut. 5, 32.

a-hyldendlíce incliningly; enclitice, inclinative; part. of a-hyldan, -líce.

a-hyltan [a from, away; hylt holds, 3rd pres. of healdan] should take support away, supplant; supplantaret :-- Ða þohton ðæt hí ahyltan [= ahylten] me who thought that they should supplant me, Ps. Th. 139, 5. v. healdan IV.

a-hyrdan; p. -hyrde, -hyrte; pp. -hyrded, -hyrd; v. trans. To harden, make hard; durare, indurare :-- Ic ahyrde Pharaones heortan ego indurabo cor Pharaonis, Ex. 4, 21. Ahyrde hyra heortan induravit cor eorum, Jn. Bos. 12, 40; Ex. 8, 15. Ahyrdon heoro slíðendne they hardened the wounding sword. Exon. 92 a; Th. 346, 9; Gn. Ex. 202. Ecg wæs íren ahyrded heaðo-swáte its edge was iron hardened with battle-blood, Beo. Th. 2924; B. 1460: Ex. 8, 19: Mt. Bos. 13, 15: Ps. Th. 119, 4.

a-hyrdincg, e; f. A hardening; induratio, App. Scint. v. a-heardung.

a-hýrian; p. ode; pp. od To hire; conducere :-- He úteóde ahyrian wyrhtan exiit conducere operarios, Mt. Bos. 20, 1: Jn. Bos. 10, 13.

a-hyrstan; p. -hyrste; pp. -hyrst To roast, fry; frigere. v. hyrstan.

a-hyrte hardened, Ex. 8, 15, = a-hyrde; p. of a-hyrdan.

a-hýðan, -híðan, -hiéðan To destroy, lay waste, despoil; vastare, abo-lere, subvertere :-- Hí woldon Rómwara ríce geþringan, hergum ahýðan they would conquer the empire of the Romans, lay it waste with their armies, Elen. Kmbl. 81; El. 41. Hungor he ahýðeþ [MS. A. ahiéðeþ] hunger despoileth it, Salm. Kmbl. 147; Sal. 73. Ahíðan, Exon. 87a; Th. 328, 9; Vy. 15. DER. hýðan prædari.

a-ídlan; p. ede; pp. ed. I. v. intrans. To become idle, free from; vacare :-- Ðá gegyrelan from hǽlo gife ne a-ídledon indumenta a gratia curandi non vacarunt, Bd. 4, 31; S. 611, 6. II. v. trans. To profane; profanare :-- Monige ðone geleáfan mid unrihte weorce a-ídledon multi fidem iniquis profanabant operibus, Bd. 4, 27; S. 604, 5.

a-ídlian, -igan; p. ode, ude; pp. od, ad, ud To make useless, vain, to empty, annul, profane; irritum facere, frustrari, exinanire, cassare, profanare :-- Ic a-ídlige frustror, Ælfc. Gr. 25; Som. 26, 63. A-ídlian cassare, Cot. 43: 204: 179. He a-ídlode mín wedd pactum meum irritum fecit, Gen. 17, 14. þræst his nys a-ídlude fæx ejus non est exinanita, Ps. Spl. 74, 8. Seó untrumnys byþ a-ídlud the infirmity will be annulled, Herb. 121, 2; Lchdm, i. 234, 8. Ðæt Cristes geleáfan a-ídlad wǽre fidem profanatam esse, Bd. 3, 30; S. 562, 7.

ain, aina one, Gen. 43, 6. v. ÁN II.

al, æl, eal, awul, awel, e; f. An AWL, a fork, flesh-hook; subula, fuscinula, harpago :-- þirlige his eáre mid ale bore his ear through with an awl, Lev. 25, 10: L. Alf. 11; Th. i. 46, 10, MS. G. [Chauc, oule: Wyc. al: O. H. Ger. ala, f: M. H. Ger. al, f: Ger. ahle. f; O. Nrs. alr, m.]

al all, Cd. 213; Th. 265, 16; Sat. 8: 214; Th. 268, 24; Sat. 60. v. eal.

a-ládian [a from, ládian to clear] To excuse, to make excuse for; excusare :-- Hú mágon hí hí a-ládigen [MS. Cot. aládian] how can they excuse themselves? Bt. 41, 3; Fox 248, 21.

a-lǽdan; p. de; pp. ed [a from, lǽdan to lead] I. to lead, lead out, withdraw, take away; ducere, producere, educere :-- Ic alǽdde ðé of lande eduxi te de terra, Ps. Spl. 80, 9: Ps. Th. 80, 10: 142, 12: 103, 14: Cd. 73; Th. 90, 15; Gen. 1495. Ic eom alǽded fram leóhte I am led out from the light, Cd. 217; Th. 275, 27; Sat. 178: Ps. Spl. 108, 22. II. to be produced, brought forth, to grow; produci :-- Ðú of foldan fódder neátum lǽtest alǽdan thou permittest fodder to be produced from the earth for cattle, Ps. Th. 103, 13. Swylce he of ægerum út alǽde as it from an egg had been brought forth, Exon. 593; Th. 214, 3; Ph. 233: 59b; Th. 215, 11; Ph. 251.

a-lǽnan; p. ede; pp. ed To lend; accommodare :-- Alǽned feoh pignus, Ælfc. Gl. 14; Som. 58, 10.

a-lǽran; p. ede; pp. ed To teach; docere, edocere :-- Me ðíne dómas alǽr judicia tua doce me, Ps. Th. 118, 108.

a-lǽtan, a-létan; p. -lét, pl. -léton; pp. -lǽten; v. a. [a from, lǽ tan to let] To let go, lay down, leave, give up, lose, renounce, resign, remit, pardon, deliver; sinere, abjicere, deponere, relinquere, remittere, condonare, relaxare, liberare :-- Ðæt ðú ne alǽte dóm gedreósan that thou wouldest not let thy greatness sink, Beo. Th. 5323; B. 2665: Cd. 205; Th. 253, 3; Dan. 590. Ic hæbbe ánweald míne sáwle to alǽtanne I have power to lay down my life [soul], Jn. Bos. 10, 18. Ic ðæt alétan ne sceal I will not let that go, Solil. 8. Ðú hine alǽtst thou lettest it go, Bt. 25; Fox 88, 34. Swá sceal ǽghwylc mon lǽn-dagas alǽtan so must every man leave these loan- [lent or transitory] days, Beo. Th. 5175; B. 2591. Ðæt ic mǽge mín líf alǽtan that I may resign my life, 5494; B. 2750: Exon, 72b; Th. 271, 16; Jul. 483. Úre leáhtras alǽt pardon our crimes, Hy. 6, 20; Hy. Grn. ii. 286, 20: Cd. 29; Th. 39, 9; Gen. 622. Hí wurdon alǽten líges ganga [MS. gange] they were delivered from the flame's course, 187; Th. 232, 20; Dan. 263. Hý heora líf aléton they lost their lives, Ors. 3, 8: Bos. 63, 10. Ðá ðæt fýr hie alét when the ire left them, 4, 7; Bos. 87, 19.

a-lǽtnes, ness, e; f. A loss, losing; amissio, Somn. 326.

a-lamp happened, occurred, Beo. Th. 1249; B. 622; p. of a-limpan.

alan; ic ale, ðú alest, alst, he aleþ, alþ, pl. alaþ; p. ól, pl. ólon; pp. alen. I. to nourish, grow, produce; alere, procreare :-- Swylce eorþe ól as the earth nourished, Exon. 94a; Th. 353, 35; Reim. 23. II. to appear; apparere :-- Da ne alaþ which appear not; quæ non apparent, Lk. Lind. War. 11, 44. [Goth, alan; pp. alans crescere: O. Nrs. ala gignere, parere, procreare: Lat. alere.]

a-langian; p. ode; pp. od; v. impers. [a, langian] To last too long, to long for; diutius durare, exoptare :-- Me alangaþ [MS. a langaþ] it lasts me too long, Exon. 100 a; Th. 376, 13; Seel. 154.

alaþ ale, Th. Diplrn. A. D. 883; 130, 3. v. ealaþ.

ald, se alda old :-- Alde méce with an ancient sword, Cd. 167; Th. 209, 5; Exod. 494: Elen. Grm. 252: Bd. 3, 7; S. 530, 11. Se alda út of helle the old one out of hell, Cd. 213; Th. 267, 6; Sat. 34. DER. ald-er, -erdðm, -friþ, -hád, -helm, -or, -Seaxe. v. eald.

alder an elder, author, Bd. 2, 5; S. 507, 40. v. aldor.

alder-dóm, es; m. Authority, Bd. 1, 27; S. 492, 12, MS. B. v. ealdor-dóm.

Aldfriþ, es; m. [aid = eald old; friþ peace] Alfred the wise, king of Northumbria :-- A. D. 685, Hér Aldfriþ féng to ríce here, A. D. 685, Alfred succeeded [took] to the kingdom, Chr. 685; Erl. 41, 29. On Aldfriþes tídum in temporibus Aldfridi, Bd. 5, 1; S. 614, 20. A. D. 705, Hér Aldfriþ Norþanhymbra cining forþférde here, A. D. 705, Alfred, king of the Northumbrians, died, Chr. 705; Erl. 43, 32. v. Ælfred king of Northumbria.

ald-had, es; m. [ald = eald old; hád hood] Old age; senectus, = eald-hád.

Aldhelm, Ealdhelm, es; m. [aid=eald old; helm an helmet i] ALDHELM bishop of Sherborne; Aldhelmus apud Scireburnam episcopus:-- Hér Aldhelm be westan Selewuda bisceop forþférde here [A. D. 709] Aldhelm bishop west of Selwood [Sherborne] died, Chr. 709; Th. 68, 17, col. 2. Ealdhelm, Chr. 731; Th. 74, 31, col. 2.

aldor, es; m. [aldor=ealdor an elder]. I. an elder, parent, author; parens, auctor. Cd. 76; Th. 95, 14; Gen. 1578: L. H. E. pref; Th. i. 26, 6. II. a chief, prince; præpositus, princeps, Cd. 30; Th. 40, 15; Gen. 639: 82; Th. 103, 1; Gen. 1711: 89; Th. 111, 30; Gen. 1863: 209; Th. 259, 7; Dan. 688: Beo. Th. 744; B. 369: 1340; B. 668: Andr. Kmbl, 110; An. 55: Elen. Grm. 157: Bt. Met. Fox 26, 14; Met. 26, 7. DER. aldor-apostol, -burh, -déma, -dóm, -duguþ, -freá, -leás, -líe, -líce, -man, -mon, -nes, -ness, -þægn, -wísa. v. ealdor.

aldor, es; n. [aldor = ealdor life]. I. life, the vital parts of the body; vita :-- Ðonne ðú of líce aldor asendest when thou sendest life from thy body, Cd. 134; Th. 168, 29; Gen. 2790: 126; Th. 160, 27; Gen. 2656: Elen. Grm. 132: Andr. Kmbl. 2702; An. 1353: Beo. Th. 1364; B. 680. Wit on gársecg út aldrum néþdon we two ventured out on the sea with [peril to] our lives. Beo. Th. 1080; B. 538: 1024; B. 510. Ðæt se wǽre his aldre scyldig that he with his life should pay [be liable], Cd. 196; Th. 244, 19; Dan. 450. Ðæt him on aldre stód here-strǽl hearda so that the hard war-shaft stood in his vital parts, Beo. Th. 2873; B. 1434. II. age, in the expressions -- On aldre ever, to aldre always. On aldre, Elen. Grm. 570: Beo. Th. 3563; B. 1779: Cd. 21; Th. 26, 6; Gen. 402. To aldre, Beo. Th. 4014; B. 2005: 4990; B. 2498: Cd. 22; Th. 27, 33; Gen. 427: 22; Th. 28, 15; Gen. 436: Elen. Grm. 350: 1218. DER. aldor-bana, -bealu, -cearu, -dæg, -gedál, -leás, -leg, -ner. v. ealdor.

aldor-apostol, es; m. The chief of the apostles; apostolorum princeps, Bd. 3, 17; S. 543, 41, col. 2. v. ealdor-apostol.

aldor-bana, an; m. [aldor = ealdor life; bana a destroyer] A life destroyer; vitæ destructor, Cd. 49; Th. 63, 17; Gen. 1033.

aldor-bealu vital evil, Beo. Th. 3356; B. 1676. v. ealdor-bealu.

aldor-burh metropolis, Bd. 1, 26; S. 488, 20. v. ealdor-burh.

aldor-cearu, e; f. Life-care, care for life, life-long care; cura propter vitam, ærumna longinqua :-- He wearþ eallum æðelingum to aldorceare he became a life-care to all nobles, Beo. Th. 1817; B. 906.

aldor-dæg; g. -dæges; pl. nom. acc. -dagas; m. Life-day, day of life; dies vitæ, Beo. Th. 1440; B. 718. v. ealdor-dæg.

aldor-déma, an; m. A supreme judge, a prince; supremus judex, princeps, Cd. 57; Th. 70, 21; Gen. 1156: 114; Th. 149, 28; Gen. 2481.

aldor-dóm a principality, Cd. 208; Th. 256, 16; Dan. 641: 209; Th. 258, 27; Dan. 682: Elen. Grm. 767: Lk. Lind. Rush. War. 20, 20. v. ealdor-dóm.

aldor-duguþ a chief nobility, Cd. 95; Th. 125, 19; Gen. 2081. v. ealdor-duguþ.

aldor-freá, an; m. A chief lord; princeps dominus, Cd. 174; Th. 218, 29; Dan. 46.

aldor-gedál, es; u. A divorce or separation from life, Cd. 52; Th. 65, 25; Gen. 1071: Beo. Th. 1615; B. 805. v. ealdor-gedál.

aldor-leás lifeless, Beo. Th. 3178; B. 1587. v. ealdor-leás.

aldor-leás deprived of parents; orphanus. Jn. Lind. War. 14, 18. Aldorleás [MS. aldoras], Beo. Th. 30; B. 15.

aldor-leg = -læg, es; n. Life-law, fate :-- Ðæt ge cúðon míne aldorlege that ye know my life's destiny. Cd. 179; Th. 224, 20; Dan. 139. v. ealdor-leg = -læg.

aldor-líc principal; principalis. v. ealdor-líc.

aldor-líce; adv. [aldor = ealdor, -líce] Principally, excellently; princi-paliter, magnificenter, Ps. C. 50, 103; Ps. Grn. ii. 279, 103.

aldor-mon, -monn, es; m. [aldor = ealdor an elder; mon] An elder-man, alderman, nobleman, chief; major natu, princeps. Th. Diplm. A. D. 804-829; 459, 3: Chr. 851; Th. 120, 19, col. 1: Lk. Jun. 19, 2. v. ealdor-man.

aldor-ner, es; n. A life's safety, refuge; vitæ servatio, asylum :-- Ne mæg ic aldor-nere míne gesécan I cannot seek my life's safety, Cd. 117; Th. 151, 22; Gen. 2512. Ðæt we aldor-nere sécan móten that we may seek an asylum, Cd. 117; Th. 152, 13; Gen. 2519. v. ealdor-ner.

aldornes, ness, e ; f. Authority; auctoritas :-- Se bisceop mid biscoplícre aldornesse [ealdorlicnysse, S. 553, 35] wæs cýðende episcopus pontificali auctoritate protestatus, Bd. 3, 22; Whel. 224, 22.

aldor-þægn, aldor-þegn, es; m. A principal thane, chief, Cd. 214; Th. 268, 36; Sat. 66: Beo. Th. 2620; B. 1308. v. ealdor-þegn.

aldor-wísa, an; m. A chief ruler, chief; principalis dux, princeps :-- Æðelinga aldor-wísa the chief ruler of men, Cd. 63; Th. 75, 9; Gen. 1237. v. eald-wíta.

Ald-Seaxe the Old-Saxons, Chr. 780; Th. 92, 29, col. 1: 885; Th. 154, 20, col. 1. v. Eald-Seaxe.

a-leáh, -leág falsified, Ors. 3, 6; Bos. 58, 7; p. of a-leógan.

a-leát bent down :-- Aleát wið ðæs engles bent down before the angel, Num. 22, 31; p. of a-lútan.

a-lecgan, -lecgean; he -legeþ, -legþ, -lehþ, pl. -lecgaþ; p. -legde, -léde , pl. -legdon, -lédon; pp. -legd, -léd; v. trans. [a from, lecgan to lay]. I. to place, lay down, throw down, suppress, lay aside, cease from; ponere, collocare, prosternere, deponere, abjicere, relinquere, omittere :-- Alecgan hine to lay him down, Lk. Bos. 5, 19: Ors. 6, 30; Bos. 126, 25. He mec on þeóstre alegde he laid me in darkness, Exon. 28b; Th. 87, 11; Cri. 1423: Beo. Th. 4395; B. 2194: 67; B. 34: 6273; B. 3141. He hond alegde he laid down the hand, 1673; B. 834. Hie alédon hine they laid him down, Rood Kmbl. 125; Kr. 63: Ors. 5, 13; Bos. 113, 31. Híg gemetton ðæt cild on binne aléd invenerunt infantem positum in præsepio. Lk. Bos. 2, 16: 19, 20. Hý hleahtor alegdon they laid laughter aside, Exon. 35a; Th. 116, 1; Gú. 200: Beo. Th. 6033; B. 3020: 1707; B. 851. Híg alédon ða to hys fótum projecerunt eos adpedes ejus, Mt. Bos. 15, 30. Híg alédon heora fýnd they threw down their enemies, Jos. 10, 13. Unriht alecgan to suppress injustice, L. C. S. 7; Th. i. 380, 8. Alecgende word ðæt is deponens verbum, for ðan ðe he legþ him fram ða áne getácnunge, and hylt ða óðre. Ða alecgendlícan word getácniaþ dǽde deponentia verba significant actum, swá swá activa; ac hí ge-endiaþ on or, swá swá passiva, -- ic wraxlige luctor, ic sprece loquor, hér is dǽd a deponent verb is so called in Latin, because while it keeps its passive inflections it has deposed or laid aside its passive signification, and has only an active meaning; as the Latin luctor = ic wraxlige I wrestle; loquor=ic sprece I speak, here is action, Ælfc. Gr. 19; Som. 22, 54-57. II. to impose, inflict upon; imponere, immittere :-- Ðú woldest on me wrohte alecgean thou wouldest inflict calamity upon me, Cd. 127; Th. 162, 21; Gen. 2684. III. to diminish, take away, refuse; imminuere, deprimere, reprimere :-- Godes lof alecgan to diminish God's glory, Ælfc. T. 22, 20. He nǽfre ða leán alegeþ he never refuseth the reward, Exon. 33b; Th. 107, 23; Gú. 63.

alecgende word, alecgendlíc word a deponent verb; deponens verbum; part. of a-lecgan I, q. v.

a-léd put, laid, Lk. Bos. 2, 16; pp. of a-lecgan.

a-lédon laid, posnerunt, Rood Kmbl. 125; Kr. 63; p. of a-lecgan.

a-lefan; pp. ed [a, lef weak, feeble] To become weak, feeble; langues-cere :-- Ðæt we fæston mid geráde, swá ðæt úre líchama alefed ne wurþe ut cum ratione jejunemus, ita ut corpus nostrum languidius nefiat, Bd. 3, 23; Whel. 228, 45.

a-léfan; p. de; pp. ed To permit, grant; permittere, concedere :-- Ðæt he us ǽfre wille eard aléfan that he will ever grant us a dwelling, Cd. 115; Th. 272, 8; Sat. 116: 219; Th. 281, 27; Sat. 278. Aléfed permitted. Bt. 38, 5; Fox 206, 7. v. a-lýfan.

a-legde should lay, Ors. 5, 13; Bos. 113, 31; p. of a-lecgan.

a-lege lay down; depone :-- Alege oððe ahwelf híg, eálá ðú Drihten cast down [or cover over] them, O Lord! depone eos, Domine! Ps. Lamb. 58, 12; impert. of a-lecgan.

a-legen confined, Bt. 18, 3; Fox 64, 31; pp. of a-licgan.

a-léh belied, Beo. Th. 160; B. 80; p. of a-leógan.

a-lénian [a, lǽnian to be lean] To make lean, to soak; macerare, Ælf. pref. Hom. p. 4.

a-leódan; p. -leád, pl. -ludon; pp. -loden [a, leódan to spring] To grow; germinare, crescere :-- Ðe under lyfte a-loden wurde what was grown up under heaven, Exon. 128a; Th. 493, 5; Rä. 81, 25: Ps. Th. 106, 36.

a-leógan; p. -leág, -leáh, -léh, pl. -lugon; pp. -logen [a, leógan to lie, lig] To lie, tell lies, belie, deceive; mentiri, confutare, non præstare :-- He aleág he belied, Bt. Met. Fox 1, 78; Met. 1, 39. Heó hyre gehát aleáh she belied her vow, Ors. 3, 6; Bos. 58, 7. He beót ne aléh he belied not his promise, Beo. Th. 160; B. 80. Hí aleógaþ him they tell lies to him, Bt. 26, 1; Fox 90, 18: L. In. 13; Th. i. 110, 12.

a-leoðian; p. ode; pp. od [lið a limb, to-liðian to dissolve, Grn.] To dismember; avellere, abstrahere, sejungere. -- He ðæt andweorc of Adames líce aleoðode he dismembered the substance from Adam's body, Cd. 9; Th. 11, 18; Gen. 177.

aler, es; m. The alder; alnus :-- Aleres rinde seóþ boil bark of alder, L. M. 2, 39; Lchdm, ii. 248, 17. v. alor.

aler-holt, es; m. [aler the alder; holt a grove, wood] An alder wood; alnetum. v. alor.

a-lesan; p. -læs, pl. -lǽson; pp. -lesen [a, lesan to choose] To choose; eligere, seligere :-- þeóden holde hæfde him alesen the prince had faithful ones chosen to him, Cd. 151; Th. 189, 11; Exod. 183: 154; Th. 192, 7; Exod. 228: Elen. Kmbl. 571; El. 286: 759; El. 380.

a-lésan; p. de; pp. ed To redeem; solvere, liberare, Hy. 8, 33; Hy. Grn. ii. p. 290, 33. v. a-lýsan.

a-lésend, es; m. A redeemer; redemptor, Bt. 42; Fox 260, 14. a-lýsend.

a-lésenis redemption, Mt. Lind. Stv. 20, 28. v. a-lýsnes.

alet, es; m. [alet=æled, pp. of ælan to kindle] Fire; ignis, Cd. 186; Th. 232, 3; Dan. 254.

a-lét, -léton left, gave up, Ors. 3, 8; Bos. 63, 10; p. of a-lǽtan.

a-létan to leave, let go; dimittere :-- Ic ðæt alétan ne sceal I will not let that go, Solil. 8: Ors. 4, 7; Bos. 87, 19. v. a-lǽtan.

a-leðran; p. ede; pp. ed To lather; saponem illinere :-- Smire mid on niht and on morgen aleðre smear therewith at night and in the morning lather it, L. M. 1, 54; Lchdm, ii. 126, 11.

alét-líc; adj. Pardonable; remissibilis. v. algé gave up; líc like.

alewe, aluwe, alwe, an; f. The aloe, bitter spice, in the plural aloes; aloe :-- He brohte wyrt-gemang and alewan tulit herbarum commixtionem et aloes, Jn. Bos. 19, 39. Murre and alwe myrrh, and aloe, L. M. 2, 65; Lchdm, ii. 296, 20. Alwan wid untrymnessum aloes for infirmities, L. M. cont. 2, 64; Lchdm, ii. 174, 6. Gedó alwan gódne dǽl ðǽron put a good deal of aloes therein, L. M. 12, 14; Lchdm, ii. 192, 5: 194, 25. Aluwan gegníd rub up aloes, Lchdm, iii. 2, 15. Nim alewan [MS. alewen] take aloes, 104, 26: 134, 9. [HEBREW ahalim. pl. m; HEBREW ahaloth. pl. f. the aloe-trees, the perfumes: Grk. GREEK; f. the aloe: Lat. aloé, és; f. the aloe, a small tree in the east, which has juicy leaves, from which the bitter gum called aloes is extracted]

Alfriþ, es; m. [al = all = eal, eall all; friþ peace] Alfred the wise, king of Northumbria :-- A. D. 705, Hér Alfriþ, Norþhymbra cing, forþférde here, A. D. 705, Alfred, king of the Northumbrians, died, Chr. 705; Th. 69, 7, col. 3. v. Ælfred king of Northumbria.

al-geweorc, es; n. Tinder, touchwood, a fire-steel; igniarium, Recd. 40, 34; Wrt. Voc. 66, 42: Cot. 107: 164.

algian; p. ode; pp. od To defend; defendere. DER. ge-algian. v. ealgian.

alh, alhn, es; m. A sheltering-place, temple, fane; asylum, templum :-- Tempel Gode, alhn háligne a temple for God, a holy fane. Cd. 162; Th. 202, 22; Exod. 392. [O. Sax. O. H. Ger. alah: Goth. alhs.] v. healh, hearh.

alh-stede, es; m. A sheltering-place, city; arx, urbs, Cd. 209; Th. 259, 11; Dan. 690. v. ealh-stede.

a-libban, -lybban; p. -lifde, -lyfde; pp. -lifd, -lyfd To live, live after, survive; vivere, superesse :-- Ðæt heó wolde hyre líf on fæmnanháde alibban that she would live out her life in maidenhood, Ors. 3, 6; Bos. 58, 5. Hwá unclǽnnisse líf alifde who lived a life of uncleanness, Exon, 116 b; Th. 448, 32; Dóm. 63: Hý. 4, 115. Hy on bilwitnesse hyra líf alyfdon they lived a harmless life, Ors. 1, 2; Bos. 27, 5: Ex. 21, 22.

alibbend, es; m. A survivor, one who lives after; superstes; part. of a-libban.

a-licgan, -licgean; p. -læg, pl. -lǽgon; pp. -legen To lie, fail, confine, perish; jacere, conquiescere, deficere, aboleri :-- Nú sceal eall éðelwyn alicgean now all joy of country shall fail, Beo. Th. 5764; B. 2886. His dóm alæg its power failed, Beo. Th. 3061; B. 1528.

a-liéfan, a-lífan to permit; permittere :-- Alífe me permitte mihi, Deut. 3, 25. Aliéfþ, Past. 50, 4. v. a-lyfan.

aliésan to redeem; part, aliésend. v. a-lýsan.

a-lifian; p. ode; pp. od To live; vivere :-- He geþohte ðæt he wolde on fellenum gegyrelan ealle his dagas his lífes alifian he resolved that he would live all the days of his life in clothing of skins, Guthl. 4; Gdwin. 26, 13. v. a-libban.

alíhtan; p. -líhte, pl. -líhton; pp. -líhted; v. a. [a, líhtan to light] To enlighten; illuminare :-- Híg alíhton ða eorþan illuminent terram, Gen. 1, 15. v. lýhtan.

a-líhtan; p. -líhte To ALIGHT; desilire :-- Ic of alíhte desilio, Ælfc. Gr. 30, 3; Som. 34, 44. v. líhtan.

a-líhting, e; f. Enlightening; illuminatio :-- On alihtinge [MS. alíh- tincge] andwlitan ðínes in illuminationem vultus tui, Ps. Th. 89, 8. v. líhting.

a-limpan; p. -lamp, pl. -lumpon; pp. -lumpen To happen, befall; evenire, accidere, contingere :-- Óþ-ðæt sǽl alamp until occasion offered, Beo. Th. 1249; B. 622. Ðá him alumpen wæs wén then hope had occurred to him, Beo. Th. 1471; B. 733.

a-linnan to cease, stop; cessare. v. a-lynnan.

a-lís loose: -- Alís me libera me, Ps. Spl. 7, 1; imperl. of a-lýsan.

a-lísendnes redemption, v. a-lýsednys.

alisian = ahsian; p. ode; pp. od To ask; interrogate :-- Driht ahsiaþ [Spl. alisiaþ] rihtwísne Deus interrogat justum, Ps. Spl. 10, 6, 5; ahsaþ, Ps. Th. 10. 5, 6.

all all, Th. Diplm. A. D. 804-829; 460, 36: Jn. Lind. War. 11, 50: Elen. Grm. 815. v. eal, eall.

al-líc; aaj. [eall all, líc like] Universal, general, catholic; universus :-- we ealle ða ðe asettan ðone allícan geleáfan nos omnes qui fidem catholicam exposuimus, Bd. 4, 17; S. 586, 16.

all-swá likewise, also, Mt. Kmbl. Hat. 21, 30. v. al-swá.

allunga altogether; omnino :-- Ðe allunga underþeóded biþ unþeáwum mho is altogether subject to vices, Bt. 30, 2; Fox 110, 20. v. eall-unga.

All-walda, an; m. [eal, eall all, -wealda ruler] All-ruler, the Almighty, Cd. 15; Th. 19, 15; Gen. 292. v. eal-wealda.

all-wihta all beings :-- Helm allwihta Protector of all creatures. Cd. 64; Th. 78, 9; Gen. 1290. Meotud allwihta Lord of all creatures, Exon. 53a; Th. 185, 9; Az. 5. v. eall-wihta, wiht I, for nom. pl. wihta.

al-mægen, es; n. [eal all, mægen] All power, strength, might; omnis vis :-- Gém, al-mægene, heofones tunglu observe, with all thy power, the stars of heaven, Bt. Met. Fox 29, 6; Met. 29, 3. v. eal-mægen.

almes-lond, es; m. Land given or granted in frankalmoigne; fundus in eleemosynam datus. v. ælmes-lond.

almes-man, -mann, es; m. An almsman; eleemosynarius :-- Donne nime man uncúþ sǽd æt almesmannum then let one take strange seed of almsmen, Lchdm, i. 400, 17.

a-loccian; p. ode; pp. od To entice; allicere :-- Ðæt hí aloccodan út ða, ðe ðǽr binnan wǽran that they might entice those out, who were there within, Ors. 4, 11; Bos. 97, 39.

a-locen withdrawn, Lk. Bos. 22, 41; pp. of a-lúcan.

a-logen false, feigned; mentitus, falsus; pp. of a-leógan.

alo-malt, es; n. Malt used in making ale; brasium ad cerevisiam conficiendam :-- Genim alomalt take malt for ale, Lchdm, iii. 28, 8.

alor, aler, air, es; m. An ALDER- tree, called ELLER and ALLER; alnus; alnus glutihosa, Lin. The alder, or rather aler, is an inhabitant of swamps and meadows in all Europe, the north of Africa and Asia, and North America. Its favourite station is by the side of rivulets, or in the elevated parts of marshy land where the soil is drained. Its juice contains a great abundance of tannin, which renders the bark valuable for tanning, and the young shoots for dyeing. Its foliage being large, and of a deep handsome green, the alder is rather an ornamental tree. The alder alnus glutinosa must not be confused with the elder sambucus nigra the elder-tree, v. ellen :-- Bútan alore except alder, L. M. 1, 36; Lchdm, ii. 86, 9. On ðone [MS. ðane] alr to the alder, Cod. Dipl. Apndx. 376; A. D. 939; Kmbl. iii. 413, 5. Aleres rinde seóþ on wætre seethe in water rind of alder, L. M. 2, 39; Lchdm, ii. 248, 17. Air alnus, Ælfc. Gl. 46; Som. 65, 5; Wrt. Voc. 33, 4. [Plat. eller. f: Dut. else, f: O. H. Ger. elira, erila, f: Ger. eller, erle, f: O. Nrs. elrir, ölr, m; elri, n.] DER. alor-drenc, -holt, -rind.

alor-drenc, es; m. An alder-drink; potus alni, L. M. 1, 40; Lchdm. ii. 106, 5.

alor-holt, es; m. An alder-holt, v. aler-holt.

alor-rind, es; m. Alder-rind; cortex alni, L. M. 1, 2; Lchdm, ii. 32, 26.

a-loten prone, submissive, bent down; supplex, Ælfc. Gr. 10; Som. 14, 42. v. a-lútan.

aloþ ale; -- Wulfréd scolde gifan twá tunnan fulle hlutres aloþ, and ten mittan Wælsces aloþ Wulfred should give two tuns full of clear ale, and ten mittan or measures of Welsh ale, Chr. 852; Ing. 93, 16: Th. Diplm. A. D. 791-796; 40, 4, 5, 6: A. D. 804-829; p. 460, 25. v. ealaþ.

alr, es; m. An alder-tree; alnus, Ælfc. Gl. 46; Som. 65, 5; Wrt. Voc. 33, 4. v. alor.

Alríca, Eallríca, Ealleríca, an; m: Alarícus, i; m. Lot. [al=eall all, ríca a ruler; v. ríc] Alaric; Alarícus, king of the Visigoths, = the west Goths, elected A.D. 382, took Rome 410, and died the same year :-- Alríca wearþ Cristen Alaric became a Christian [about A. D. 396], Ors. 6, 37; Bos. 132, 32. Alrica, se Cristenesta cyning, and se mildesta, mid swá lytlum níþe abræc Róme burh, ðæt he bebeád ðæt man nánne man ne slóge, -- and eác ðæt man nánuht ne wanode, ne ne yfelode ðæs ðe on ðám cyricum wǽre. And sóna ðæs, on ðam þriddan dæge, hí gefóran út of ðære byrig ágenum willan; swá ðǽr ne wearþ nán hús heora wyllan forbærned Alaric, the most Christian and the mildest king, sacked Rome with so little violence, that he ordered no one should be slain, -- and that nothing should be taken away, or injured, that was in the churches. Soon after that, on the third day, they went out of the city of their own accord; so there was not a single house burnt by their order. Ors. 6, 38; Bos. 133, 7. Hettulf, Alrícan mæg, Honoriuses sweóstor him to wífe genam Ataulf, Alaric's kinsman, took the sister of Honorius for his wife, Ors. 6, 38; Bos. 133, 14. Seó hergung wæs, þurh Alarícum [acc. Lat.] Gotena cyning, geworden hæc inruptio, per Alarícum regem Gothorum, facta est, Bd. 1, 11; S. 480, 11. Ðæt Eallríca, Gotona cyning, hyre an-waldes hí beniman woldan that Alaric, king of the Goths, would deprive her of her power, Ors. 2, 1; Bos. 39, 37. Ealleríca, Bt. 1; Fox 22.

al-swá also, L. Ethb. 70; Wilk. 6, 41. v. eal-swá.

altar, es; m. An altar; altare:-- Befóran ðam altare ante allare, Mt. Bos. 5, 24.

alþes of ale; cervisiæ [MS. cervise], gen. s. Rtl. 116, 42. v. alaþ, ealaþ.

a-lúcan; p. -leác, pl. -lucon; pp. -locen [a, lúcan to lock] To separate, take or pluck away, withdraw; avellere :-- He wæs fram liim alocen avulsus est ab eis, Lk. Bos. 22, 41. Alúc ðú hine fram mínum weofode pluck thou him away from mine altar, L. Alf. 13; Th. i. 48, 1.

a-lútan, anlútan; p. -leát, pl. -luton; pp. -loten [a, lútan to bend] To bend, incline, bend or bow down; procumbere :-- Alútende he geseah procumbens vidit, Lk. Bos. 24, 12. He aleát to eorþan he bowed to the earth, Ælfc. T. 37, 8.

aluwe, an; f. Aloe, Lchdm, iii. 2, 15. v. alewe.

al-waldend; adj. [eal all, waldende ruling] All-ruling, almighty; omnipotens :-- Alwaldend God Almighty God, Exon. 123b; Th. 474, 18; Bo. 31.

alwe aloe, L. M. 2, 14; Lchdm, ii. 192, 5: 2, 16; Lchdm, ii. 194, 25. v. alewe.

Al-wealda, -walda, an; m. All-ruler, God, the Almighty; omnium rector, Deus, omnipotens :-- Noldon alwealdan word weorþian they would not revere the all-ruler's [the Almighty's] word, Cd. 18; Th. 21, 23; Gen. 328: Beo. Th. 1861; B. 928. Gif ðé alwalda scirian wille if the Almighty will give [grant] thee, Cd. 136; Th. 171, 10; Gen. 2826. v. eal-wealda.

al-wealda, -walda; def. adj. All-powerful, almighty; omnipotens :-- Alwalda God all-powerful God, Exon. 25a; Th. 73, 17; Cri. 1191: 27b; Th. 83, 33; Cri. 1365. v. eal-wealda.

al-wihta all-beings, Cd. 227; Th. 303, 20; Sat. 616: Exon. 18; Th. 43, 11; Cri. 687: Ps. C. 50, 100; Ps. Grn. ii. 279, 100. v. eall-wihta.

a-lybban; p. -lyfde, pl. -lyfdon; pp. -lyfed [a, lybban to live] To live, live after, survive; vivere, superesse :-- Ðæt ic alybban ne mæg that I may not survive, Nicod. 26; Thw. 13, 37. Heó alyfaþ she shall live, Ex. 21, 22. Alyfdon, Ors. 1, 2; Bos. 27, 5. v. a-libban.

alýfan, hit -lýfþ; p. -lýfde, pl. -lýfdon; impert. -lýf, pp. -lýfed; v. a. To give leave, permit, grant; permittere, concedere, tradere :-- Se eorl ongan alýfan landes the earl began to grant the land, Byrht. Th. 134, 26; By. 90. Alýfe me to farenne permitte me ire, Mt. Bos. 8, 21. Alýf me permitte mihi, Lk. Bos. 9, 59: Hy. 7, 28; Hy. Grn. ii. p. 287, 28: Ps. Th. 139, 8. Hit him Rómáne alýfdon the Romans granted it to him, Ors. 4, 11; Bos. 96, 30: Beo. Th. 1315; B. 655. Wearþ Cartainum friþ alýfed peace was granted to the Carthaginians, Ors, 4, 10; Bos. 96, 12: Exon. 31a; Th. 96, 12; Cri. 1573. Hyt ys alýfed it is permitted, Mt. Bos. 12, 12. Alýfþ licet? Mk. Bos. 3, 4: 10, 2.

a-lyfaþ shall live, Ex. 21, 22; fut. of a-lybban.

alýfed-líc; adj. [a-lýfed allowed, pp. of a-lýfan; líc like] Allowable; expeditus :-- Alýfedllc þing an allowable thing; fas, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 25; Som. 10, 67.

alýfed-líce; adv. Lawfully, allowably; licite:=a-lýfed allowed, líce; adv.

alýfednes, -ness, e; f. Permission, leave, grant; permissio:=a-lýfed, -nes.

a-lýfþ is it allowable? licet? Mk. Bos. 3, 4. v. a-lýfan.

a-lýhtan to enlighten; illuminare. v. a-líhtan.

alýhtnys, -nyss, e; f. An enlightening, illumination, a lightness; illuminatio :-- Ðú settest unrihtwísnysse úre on alýhtnysse andwlitan ðínne posuisti iniquitates nostras in illuminationem vultus tui, Ps. Spl. 89, 8. v. a-líhting.

a-lynian; p. ode; pp. od To liberate, deliver, free from; liberare :-- Alynian of róde Cristes líchaman to deliver Christ's body from the cross, De offic. diurn. et noct. v. a-lynnan.

a-lynnan, -linnan; p. -lann, pl. -lunnon; pp. -lunnen To deliver, free from, release; liberare, evellere :-- He wolde hine alynnan of láþscipe he would release him from calamity, Cd. 95; Th. 123, 19; Gen. 2048.

a-lýsan, to alýsanne; p. de; impert. -lýs, -lís; pp. ed; v. a; To let loose, free, deliver, liberate, to pay for loosing, to pay, redeem, ransom; liberare, redimere :-- Helias wylle hine alýsan Elias vult liberare eum, Mt. Bos. 27, 49. Fæsten alýsan jejunium solvere, Bd. 5, 4; S. 617, 13. Ðú to alýsanne mannan tu ad liberandum hominem, Te Dm. Lamb. 195b, 16. God alýseþ sáwle míne of handa helle Deus redimet animam meam de manu inferi, Ps. Spl. 48, 16. Alýs us of yfele deliver us from evil, Hy. 7, 113; Hy. Grn. ii. p. 289, 113. Alís me libera me, Ps. Spl. 7, 1: Ps. Th. 53, 1: 58, 11. Alýsaþ þearfan liberate egenum, 81, 4. He alýsde leóda bearn of locan deófla he released the sons of men from the prison of devils, Elen. Kmbl. 361; El. 181. Da ðe ic na reáfode ðá ic alýsde quæ non rapui tunc exsolvebam, Ps. Spl. C. 68, 6: 48, 7. Ðú beó fram him alýsed liberatus sis ab illo. Lk. Bos. 12, 58. Ðá wæs of ðæm hróran helm and byrne alýsed then was helm and byrnie loosed from the active chief, Beo. Th. 3264; B. 1630. We synt alýsde liberati sumus, Ps. Th. 123, 7: 107, 5. Ðæt hí wǽron alýsede ut liberentur, 59, 4.

a-lýsednys, -nyss, e; f. Redemption, a ransom; redemptio :-- Weorþ alýsednysse sáwle his pretium redemptionis animæ suæ. Ps. Spl. 48, 8. Úre alýsednyss nostra redemptio, Hymn. Surt. 83, 31.

a-lýsend, alésend, es; m. [alýsende, part. of alýsan to deliver] A liberator, deliverer, redeemer; liberator, redemptor :-- Ic lufige ðé, Driht, alýsend mín diligam te, Domine, liberator meus, Ps. Spl. 17, 1, 49: 18, 16. Ic wát ðæt mín Alýsend leofaþ I know that my Redeemer liveth, Job Thw. 167, 40: Ps. Th. 69, 7: 77, 34: 143, 2.

a-lýsendlíc; adj. Loosing; solutorius :-- He nine acsade, hwæðer he ða alýsendlícan rúne cúðe he asked him, whether he knew the loosing runes [literas solutorias], Bd. 4, 22; S. 591, 25.

a-lýsing, e; f. Redemption; redemptio. Ps. Th. 110, 6.

a-lysnes, -ness, e; f. Redemption; redemptio, Exon. 29 b; Th. 90, 14; Cri. 1474.

a-lystan; p. -lyste; pp. -lysted, -lyst [a, lystan to aoish] To list, wish, desire; desiderare :-- Hwí eów alyste [á lyste, Grn.] why do ye desire? Bt. Met. Fox 10, 36; Met. 10, 18.

am am; sum :-- Ic am ego sum. Mt. Lind. Stv. 26, 22: 11, 29: Jn. Lind. War. 7, 34. Ic am witnesse I am witness. Chr. 1121; Erl. 39, 23. [vide p. 28, note 3, for the date, A. D. 1121.] v. eom.

am-, as a prefix denotes even, equal, v. em-, am-byr.

ám, aam, es; m. The reed or slay of a weaver's loom; pecten texto-rius :-- Ne mec óhwonan sceal ámas [Th. uma, Dietr. áma] cnyssan nor shall the weaver's reeds beat me anywhere, Exon. 109a; Th. 417, 22; Rä. 36, 8.

a-mællad; part. Emptied out, brought to naught; exinanitus, Ps. Surt. 74, 9. v. a-meallud.

a-mǽ n-sumian; p. ode; pp. od [a ex, mǽn = gemǽne communis; sumian = samnian congregare] To excommunicate; excommunicare:-- Síe amǽnsumod let him be excommunicated, L. Alf. pol. 1; Th. i. 60, 18. v. a-mán-sumian.

a-mæst fat, fattened; altilis :-- Amæste fuglas altilia, Cot. 16.

a-mæstan; p. -mæstede; pp. -mæsted, -mæstd, -mæst [a, mæstan to fatten] To fatten; saginare, impinguare :-- Mára ic eom and fættra ðonne amæsted swín, bearg bellende on bóc-wuda I am larger and fatter than a fattened swine, a barrow-pig grunting in the beech-woods, Exon. 111b; Th. 428, 9; Rä. 41, 105. Sáwl ðe wel spricþ, hió biþ amæst a soul that speakelh well, she shall be fattened. Past. 49, 2.

a-mæt measured, a-mǽte measuredst, Elen. Kmbl. 2493; El. 1248: 1456; El. 730. v. a-metan.

a-mang; prep. c. dat. [a-, ge-mang; prep. inter] AMONG, while; inter :-- Amang ðám ðe hí ridon while they were riding, inter equitandum, Chr. 1046; Th. 307, 29. v. on-mang, ge-mang, on-gemang.

a-manian, -manigan; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad [a from, manian to admonish, challenge, lay claim to] To demand, exact; exigere :-- Gif hit se geréfa ne amanige mid rihte if the reeve do not lawfully exact it, L. Ed. 5; Th. i. 162, 12, Se biscop amanige ða oferhýrnesse æt ðam geréfan let the bishop exact the penalty for contempt from the reeve, L. Ath. i. 26; Th. i. 214, 2. Amanige ðære scíre bisceop ða bóte to ðæs cynges handa let the bishop of the shire exact the compensation into the hands of the king, L. Edg. ii. 3; Th. i. 266, 19.

a-mánsod; part. Excommunicated :-- Gif hwá amánsodne [MS. B. amánsumodne] oððe útlahne hæbbe and healde if any one have and hold an excommunicated person, or an outlaw, L. C. S. 67; Th. i. 410, 17.

a-mán-somod excommunicated=a-mán-sumod, L. Edm. E. 2; Th. i. 244, 18, MS. B. v. a-mán-sumian.

a-manst art mindful of; memor es, Ps. Th. 8, 5. v. a-munan.

a-mán-sumian; p. ode, ede, ade; pp. od, ed, ad [a ex, mán = mǽn -- gemǽne communis, sumian = samnian congregare] To excommunicate, anathematize; excommunicare, anathematizare :-- Amánsumede he hine excommunicavit eum, Bd. 3, 22; S. 553, 26. We amánsumiaþ mid heortan and mid múþe ða ðe hí amánsumedan anathematizamus corde et ore quos anathematizarunt, 4, 17; S. 586, 10, 11. Hý amánsumodon done mæsse-preost Arríum they excommunicated the mass-priest Arius, L. Ælf. C. 3; Th. ii. 344, 2. Amánsumed excommunicated, Chr. 675; Th. 59, 12: 963; Th. 221, 23: 1070; Th. 347, 4: L. Eth. v. 29; Th. i. 312, 1.

a-mán-sumung, -sumnung, e; f. [a ex, man = mǽn = gemǽne communis, sumnung = samnung a congregation] Excommunication, a curse; excommunicatio, anathema :-- Besmiten mid ðære amánsumunge pollutus anathemate, Jos. 7, 12: R. Ben. 51: Proœm. R. Conc. v. mán-sumung.

a-máwan; p. -meów; pp. -máwen [a, máwan to mow] To mow, cut off; demetere, desecare, Ps. Th. 101, 4.

ambeht, es; m. A servant, attendant, messenger, officer; minister, servus, nuntius, legatus. [O. Sax. ambahteo, m: O. H. Ger. ampaht, m : Goth. andbahts, m: O. Nrs. ambátt. f. ancilla: Lat. ambactus, m. a vassal, a dependant upon a lord.] v. ombeht, ombiht, omeht.

ambeht, ambiht, ambieht, ambyht [an-, em-, on-], gen. es; nom. acc. pl. o; n. An office, ministry, service, command, message; officium, ministerium, jussum, mandatum :-- Ðæm óleccaþ ealle gesceafte, ðe ðæs ambehtes áwuht cunnon all creatures obey him, that know aught of this service, Bt. Met. Fox 11, 17; Met. 11, 9. Lǽste ðú georne his ambyhto perform thou zealously his commands, Cd. 25; Th. 33, 10; Gen. 518. [O. Sax. ambaht, n. servitium, ministerium: O. Frs. ambucht, ombecht, n: Ger. amt, n: M. H. Ger. ambahte, ambehte: O. H. Ger. ampahti, ampaht, ambaht, n: Goth, andbahti, n: Dan. embede, n: Swed. ämbete, n: Icel. embætti, n: Lat. ambítus, m. pp. of ambio.]

ambeht-héra, an; m. An obedient minister, v. ombieht-héra.

ambeht-hús, es; n. A workshop; officina. v. ambiht-hús.

ambeht-mæcg, es; m. A servant-man, v. ambyht-mæcg, ombiht-mæcg.

ambeht-man, -mann, es; m. A servant-man, v. ambiht-man.

ambeht-scealc, es; m. An official-servant; minister, v. anbyht-scealc, ombiht-scealc, onbyht-scealc.

ambeht-secg, es; m. An official man, a messenger, v. ambyht-secg.

ambeht-smiþ, es; m. An official smith or carpenter, v. ambiht-smiþ.

ambeht-þegen, es; m. An attendant-thane, an attendant, servant, v. ombeht-þegen, ombiht-þegen.

ám-ber, óm-ber, óm-bor, es; m. n? I. a dry measure of four bushels; mensura continens quatuor modios sive bussellos. v. Registri Honoris de Richm. App. p. 44, where, in an extent of the manors of Crowhurst and Fylesham, in Sussex, 8 Edw. I, we read, 'xxiii ambræ salis, quæ faciunt xii quarteria, secundum mensuram Londoniæ.' Id. p: 258, it is added: 'quarterium Londinense octo modios sive bussellos continet, AMBRA igitiur quatuor modios.' v. Introduc. to Domesday I. p. 133 :-- Tyn ámbra feðra ten ambers of feathers, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 20, 37. Agyfe mon hine élce mónaþ áne ámbra meles let there be given him every month one amber of meal, L. Ath. i. proœm; Th. i. 198, 6. þritig ómbra rues cornes, feówer ámbru meolwes thirty ambers of rye-corn, four ambers of meal, Th. Diplm. A. D. 791-796; 40, 9, 10. Ðæt he agefe l ámbra maltes and vi ámbra grúta that he give fifty ambers of malt and six ambers of groats, 835; 471, 12, 13: 832-870; 474, 23. II. a liquid measure; batus, cadus :-- Ámber batus, Ælfc. Gl. 25; Wrt. Voc. 24, 58. Ámbras cadi, lagenæ, Cot. 31, 125: Lk. Lind. War. 16, 6. XII ámbra Wilisces ealaþ, ámber fulne buteran twelve ambers of Welsh ale, an amber full of butter, L. In. 70; Th. i. 146, 17, 19. XXX ómbra gódes Uuelesces aloþ, ðæt limpaþ to xv mittum thirty ambers of good Welsh ale, which are equal to fifteen mittas, Th. Diplm. A. D. 804-829; 460, 24. III. a vessel with one handle, a tankard, pitcher, pail; lagena, urceus, amphora, situla, hydria :-- Ómbor lagena, Mk. Lind. Rush. War, 14, 13. Ombora urceorum, 7, 8. Ómbor amphora. Lk. Lind. War. 22, 10. [án one, beran to bear, carry: O. Sax. émbar, émber, m. amphora : Ger. eimer, m: O. H. Ger. einpar, eimberi, m. situla, hydria.]

ambiht, ambieht an office, ministry, service; officium. v. ambeht.

ambiht-hús, es; n. [ambeht an office, hús house] A workshop; officina, R. Concord, 11.

ambiht-man, embeht-man, embiht-man, -mann, -monn, es; m. [ambeht an office, man a man] A servant-man, servant-woman, attendant, servant, minister; servus, pedisequus, pedisequa, minister, ministra :-- Híg habbaþ. óðre ambihtmen they have other attendants, L. E. I. 12; Th. ii. 410, 11: Mk. Lind. War. 9, 35.

ambiht-smiþ, es; m. [ambeht an office, smiþ a smith] An official smith or carpenter; præfectus fabrorum :-- Cyninges ambihtsmiþ the king's official carpenter, L. Ethb. 7; Th. i. 4, 8.

ambyht, es; n. An office, service; mandatum, nuntium. Cd. 25; Th. 33, 10; Gen. 518. v. ambeht; n.

ambyht-mæcg, es; m. [ambeht an office, service; mæcg a man] A servant-man, servant, minister; servus :-- Ðíne scealcas, ambyhtmæcgas servi tui, Ps. Th. 101, 12. v. ombiht-mæcg.

ambyht-secg, es; m. [ambeht an office, command, message; secg a man, messenger] An official man, a messenger, ambassador; minister, nuncius, legatus :-- Ðæt ic seó gramum ambyhtsecg, nales Godes engel that I am a minister to the malignant one, not God's angel, Cd. 27; Th. 36, 35; Gen. 582.

am-byr: gen. m. n. -byres; f. -byrre, -byre: dat. m. n. -byrum; f. -byrre, -byre: acc. m. -byrne; f. -byre; n. -byr; adj. [am even, equal, byr let it happen, from byrian to happen, pertain]. What is happening even or equal, -- Favourable, fair; æquus, secundus :-- Gyf man hæfde ambyrne wind if a man had a favourable wind, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 21, 20.

a-meallud, -mællad; part. Emptied out, brought to naught; exinanitus, Ps. Spl. 74, 8, MSS. C, M.

a-mearcian; p. ode; pp. od [a, mearcian to mark] To mark out, delineate, describe, determine; annotare, denotare, designare, describere, definire :-- Hér amearcod is háligra hiw, þurh handmægen awriten on wealle here is described the form of the holy ones, through might of hand carved on the wall, Andr. Kmbl. 1448; An. 724. Ðone, ðe grúnd and sund, heofon and eorþan, amearcode mundum sínum him, who land and sea, heaven and earth, marked out with his own hands, 1499; An. 751: R. Concord. 2.

amel, es; m. A vessel for holy water; amula, vas lustrale, Cot. 2.

a-meldian; p. ode; pp. od To betray, make known; prodere, indi-care :-- Ic ameldige prodo, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 8; Som. 33, 4. He hine ameldode prodidit eum, Bd. 3, 14; S. 539, 46. Ðá wǽron hi ðǽr ameldode proditi sunt, 4, 16; S. 584, 26: Jos. 9, 17. v. meldian.

ameos = GREEK of ammi or bishop-wort; gen. of ammi.

a-merian, -myrian; p. ode, ede; pp. od, ed To examine, purify [generally said of melted metal]; examinare, purgare, merum reddere :-- Óðer dǽl sceal beón amered on ðam fýre, swá hér biþ sylfor the other part shall be proved in the fire, as silver here is, Bt. 38, 4; Fox 204, 1. Ðæt seolfor ðe biþ seofon síðum amered argentum examinatum septuplum, Ps. Th. 11, 7: Exon. 63a; Th. 234, 22; Ph. 544: 653; Th. 240, 3; Ph. 633: Elen. Kmbl. 2621; El. 1312: Ps. Spl. 11, 7: 16, 4. Genim ánne cuculere fulne ameredes huniges take a spoon-full of purified honey, Herb. 106; Lchdm, i. 220, 12. Fýre ðú us amyrdest swá swá amyred biþ seolfor igne nos examinasti sicut examinatur argentum, Ps. Spl. 65, 9. Amerodest examinasti, Ps. Lamb. 65, 9.

a-merran to hinder, trouble, disturb, Bt. Met. Fox 8, 87; Met. 8, 44. v. a-myrran.

a-metan; p. -mæt, pl. -mǽton; pp. -meten; v. trans. [a, metan to measure]. I. to mete, measure, measure out; metiri, emetiri :-- His micelnesse ne mæg nán monn ametan his greatness no man can measure, Bt. 42; Fox 258, 13. Mid hondum amet measure with [thy] hands, Cd. 228; Th. 308, 30; Sat. 700. Ðæt súsl amǽte that he should measure his torment, 229; Th. 310, 13; Sat. 725. Ðæt ðú hús ameten hæbbe that thou hast measured the house, 228; Th. 309, 16; Sat. 710 : Bd. 4, 23; S. 596, 26. II. to measure out to any one, to allot, assign, bestow, aliquid alicui emetiri, ex mensura dare, largiri :-- Ametan wolde wrece be gewyrhtum wóhfremmendum would mete out punishment according to their deeds to the doers of wickedness, Bt. Met. Fox 9, 70; Met. 9, 35. Ǽr me gife unscynde mægen-cyning amæt before the powerful king measured out to me a blameless grace, Elen. Kmbl. 2493; El. 1248. III. to measure out, plan, form, make; emetiri, for-mare, confingere :-- Ðú amǽte mundum ðínum ealne ymbhwyrft and uprádor thou measuredst with thine hands the whole circumference and the firmament above, Elen. Kmbl. 1456; El. 730.

a-metan; p. -mette; pp. -mett; v. trans, [a, metan to paint] To paint, depict, adorn; pingere, depingere, ornare :-- Swelce he hit amete and atiefre on his heortan quasi in corde depingitur, Past. 21, 3; Hat. MS. 30b, 26. Firmamentum [fæstnes] mid manegum steorrum amett the firmament adorned with many stars. Bd. de nat. rm; Wrt. popl. scienc. 10, 12 Lchdm, iii. 254, 9.

amet-hwíl, e; f. Leisure; otium, Ælfc. Gr. 8; Som. 8, 1, MS. D. v. æmet-hwíl.

a-middan; adv. [a = on in, into; mid middle] In the middle, into the midst; in medium :-- Arís, and stand hér amiddan surge, et sta in medium, Lk. Bos. 6, 8.

ammi, ami; g. ameos; n. Ammi, an African umbelliferous plant, millet, bishopwort; ammi Copticum [GREEK g. GREEK] :-- Ðeós wyrt ðe man ami, and óðrum naman milium, nemneþ this wort which is named ammi, and by another name millet, Herb. 164, 1; Lchdm, i. 292, 20. Óðer swilc ameos as much more of ammi, L. M. 2, 14; Lchdm, ii. 192, 7.

a-molsnian; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad To corrupt, putrefy; putrefacere, Som. v. molsnian.

amore, an; f. A kind of bird; avis quædam, scorellus, Cot. 160.

Amorreas; pl: g. a The Amorites; Amorrhæi :-- Seon cyning Amorrea Sehon regem Amorrhæorum, Ps. Th. 135, 20.

ampella, ampolla, ampulla, an; m. A vial, bottle, flask, flagon; ampulla, lecythus, lenticula :-- Ampella vel ele-fæt an oil-flask, lecythus = GREEK [MS. legithum], Cot. 119. Ampella vel crog lenticula, 124. [Ger. ampel, f: O. H. Ger. ampulla, ampla, f: O. Nrs. ampli, hömpull, m.]

ampre, an; f. Sorrel or dock; rumex, Lchdm, iii. 12, 25. v. ompre.

á-munan; ic, he -man, ðú -manst, pl. -munon; p. -munde , pl. -mundon; pp. -munen To think of, mind, consider, be mindful of, have a care for; cogitare, reputare, memor esse, providere :-- Hwæt is se mann, ðe ðú swá miclum amanst? quid est homo, quod memor es ejus? Ps. Th. 8, 5. Cwǽdon hí, ðæt hie ðæs ne amundon ðe má ðe eówre geferan they said, that they no more minded it than did your companions, Chr. 755; Th. 84, 36, col. 3. v. munan.

a-mundian; p. ode; pp. od To protect, defend; tueri, tutari, Æthelfl. Test; Th. Diplm. A. D. 972; 522, 28. v. mundian.

a-mundon thought of, minded, Chr. 755; Th. 84, 36, col. 3; p. of a-munan.

a-myrdrian; p. ede; pp. ed To murder, kill; occidere, interficere, trucidare :-- Ðæt man sý amyrdred that a man be murdered, L. C. S. 57; Th. i. 406, 25. v. myrðrian.

a-myrgan; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans, [a, myrgan to be merry] To make merry, to gladden, cheer; exhilarare, lætificare :-- Béc syndon breme: hí amyrgaþ módsefan manna gehwylces of þreánýdlan ðisses lífes books are famous: they cheer the mind of every one from the necessary affliction of this life, Salm. Kmbl. 479; Sal. 240.

a-myrian; p. ede, ode; pp. ed, od To examine; examinare, Ps. Spl. 65, 9. v. a-merian.

a-myrran, -merran; p. de; pp. ed [a, myrran impedire] I. to hinder, impede, obstruct, check, disturb; impedire, turbare, obstruere :-- Ðæs wéla amerþ and lǽt ða men this wealth obstructs and hinders those men, Bt. 32, 1; Fox 114, 3. He ofslóh fætta heora, and gecorene Israhéla he amyrde occidit pingues eorum, et electos Israhel impedivit, Ps. Spl. C. 77, 35. Me habbaþ hringa gespong síðes amyrred the binding of these rings hath impeded me in my course, Cd. 19; Th. 24, 18; Gen. 378. He ðæs eorles earm amyrde he checked the earl's arm, Byrht. Th. 136, 43; By. 165. II. to dissipate, spend, distract, defile, mar, corrupt, spoil, destroy; dissipare, perdere, consummare, corrumpere, devorare, distrahere :-- Ðá he hæfde ealle amyrrede postquam omnia consummasset, Lk. Bos. 15, 14, 30. Ne amyrþ he hys méde non perdet mercedem suam, Mt. Bos. 10, 42. Ðeós gitsung hafaþ gumena gehwelces mód amerred this covetousness has corrupted the mind of every man, Bt. Met. Fox 8, 87; Met. 8, 44: 22, 8; Met. 22, 4. Eorþe wæs amyrred corrupta est terra, Ex. 8, 24: Ors. 3, 10; Bos. 69, 39. Ic amyrre distraho, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 5; Som. 32, 10.

an; prep. In, among, into, to; in, ad; followed by dat. or acc :-- An ferþe in the spirit, Ps. C. 50, 110; Ps. Grn. ii. 279, 110: 50, 157; Ps. Grn. ii. 280, 157. Hió biþ eallunga an hire selfre she is altogether in herself, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 440; Met. 20, 220. An folcum among the people, Ps. C. 50, 5; Ps. Grn. ii. 276, 5. Dó gléda an glédfæt put embers into a chafing dish, L. M. 3, 62; Lchdm. ii. 346, 3. Ðæt ic an forþ-gesceaft féran móte that I may come to a future state, Ps. C. 50, 52; Ps. Grn. ii. 278, 52. v. on.

an I give, Alfd. Will 14, 4; he gives, Cd. 141; Th. 176, 22; Gen. 2915. v. unnan.

an- is used in composition, I. for A. Sax. and against, in return; contra, re-; as an-sacan to strive against, to contradict; repugnare, contradicere: an-swarian to answer; respondere. II. for un-, denoting privation; as an-bindan to unbind; absolvere. III. for on, in in, to; as an-wadan to invade; invadere : an-fón to take to one's self; accir pere. Sometimes an- appears scarcely to alter the meaning of the word before which it is placed.

-an, -anne, v. -anne, in alphabetical order, and TO; prep. IV. The termination of most Anglo-Saxon verbs is in -an; but -án is found, which seems to be contracted from aa, agan, ahan, as, -- gán to go, from gaan: smeán to consider, from smeagan: sleán to slay, from sleahan, etc. The termination of verbs in -ón, appears to be a contraction from ahan, ohan, as, -- fón to take, from fahan: gefeón to rejoice, from gefeohan: teón to draw, from teohan, etc. Mrch. § 247*.

AN, I. m. f. n. ONE; unus, una, unum: gen. m. n. ánes; f. ánre of one; unius: dat. m. n. ánum; f. ánre to one; uni: acc. m. ánne, ǽnne; f. áne, n. án one; unum, unam, unum: instr. m. n. áne; f. ánre with one; uno, unó, uno: pl. nom. acc. m. f. n. óne each, every one, all; unus-quisque, una-quæque, unum-quodque; singuli, æ, a: gen. m. f. n. ánra of every one, all; singulorum, arum, orum: dat. m. f. n. ánum to every one, all; singulis: instr. ánum with all: def. se ána; seó, ðæt áne the one; gen. ðæs, ðære, ðæs ánan of the one: dat. ðam, ðære, ðam ánan to the one: acc. ðone, ða ánan, ðæt án the one: instr. m. n. ðý ánan; f. ðære, ánan with the one; adj. :-- Án of ðám unus ex illis, Mt. Bos. 10, 29. Án wæs on Ispania one was in Spain, Ors. 4, 9; Bos. 92, 19. God geworhte ǽnne mannan, Adam, of láme God created one man, Adam, of earth, Homl. Th. i. 12, 28. He is án God Deus unus est, Mk. Bos. 12, 29. Ðis is án ðara gerǽdnessa this is one of the ordinances, L. Eth. ix. 1; Th. i. 340, 2. II. alone, only, sole, another; solus, alius: with these meanings it is used definitely, and generally written ána, m. and sometimes aina, ánna, ánga, q. v :-- Án God ys gðd God alone is good; solus [unus] est bonus, Deus, Mt. Bos. 19, 17. Ðæt ge forlǽton me ánne, and ie ne eom ána ut me solum relinquatis, et non sum solus, Jn. Bos. 16, 32. God ána wát hú his gecynde biþ, wífhádes ðe weres God alone, knows how its sex is, [the sex of] female or male, Exon. 61 a; Th. 223, 6; Ph. 355. Ðæt ge aina [ge á má, Grn.] gebróðra hæfdon quod alium haberetis vos fratrem, Gen. 43, 6. 2. sole, alone of its kind, singular, unique, without an equal; unicus, eximius :-- Án sunu, mǽre meotudes bearn the only Son, illustrious child of the Creator, Exon. 128 a; Th. 492, 7; Rä. 81, 10: Hy. 8, 14; Hy. Grn. ii. 290, 14: Bt. Met. Fox 21, 19, 25, 32; Met. 21, 10, 13, 16. Ðæt wæs án foran eald-gestreóna that was before a singular old treasure, Beo. Th. 2920; B. 1458. Ðæt wæs án cyning, ǽghwæs orleáhtre that was a singular king, faultless in everything, 3775; B. 1885. III. a certain one, some one; quidam; v. sum :-- Án man hæfde twegen suna homo quidam habebat duos filios, Mt. Bos. 21, 28. In this sense it is used as sum in the parallel passage. -- Sum man hæfde twegen suna homo quidam habuit duosfilios, Lk. Bos. 15, 11. 2. sometimes, though rarely, án may be used as the English article a, an. It does not, however, appear to be generally used as an indefinite article, but more like the Moes. ain, or the Lat. unus -- When a noun was used indefinitely by the Saxons, it was without an article prefixed; as, -- þeódríc wæs Cristen Theoderic was a Christian, Bt. 1; Fox 2, 7. 3. in the following examples it seems to be used for the indefinite article a, an :-- Án engel bodade ðám hyrdum ðæs heofonlícan cynínges acennednysse an angel announced to the shepherds the birth of the heavenly king, Homl. Th. i. 38, 3. Ðár beó án mann stande there shall be a man standing, Chr. 1031; Ing. 206, 5; Erl. 162, 7. Ðá stód ðár án Iudeisc wer, ðæs nama wæs Nichodémus then stood there a Jewish man, whose name was Nicodemus, Nicod. 11; Thw. 5, 38. On ánum reste-dæge on a rest-day or sabbath, Lk. Bos. 24, 1: Jn. Bos. 20, 1. Sceollon ǽnne tíman gebídan must wait [abide] a time, L. C. E. 18; Th. i. 370, 18: Ors. 3, 7; Bos. 61, 36. Wirc ðé nú ǽnne arc now make for thee an ark, Gen. 6, 14. Áne lytle hwíle a little while, Bt. 7, 1; Fox 16, 4. Cynric ofslógon ǽnne Bryttiscne cyning Cynric slew a British king, Chr. 508; Ing. 21, 6. IV. each, every one, all; unus-quisque, una-quæque, unum-quodque; singuli, -æ, -a. It is in this sense that it admits of a plural form: nom. acc. pl. m. f. n. áne; gen. m. f. n. ánra; dot. m. f. n. ánum :-- Ánra gehwá, ánra gehwylc every one, or, literally, every one of all. Swelte ánra gehwilc for his ágenum gilte unusquisque pro peccato suo morietur, Deut. 24, 16. Ánes hwæt, Bt. 18, 3; Fox 64, 30, denotes anything, literally 'anything of all,' and is used adverbially for at all, in any degree. One, other, -- Án æfter ánum one after another, Jn. Bos. 8, 9: Salm. Kmbl. 771; Sal. 385. To ánum to ánum from one to the other, only; duntaxat. Ðæt án, or for án this one thing, for one thing, only; tantum-modo, Mk. Bos. 5, 36. Hý forbærndon ánne finger, and ánne they burnt off one finger, and then another, Ors. 2, 3; Bos. 42, 15. Ete ǽnne and ǽnné let him eat one and another, one after another, Herb. 1, 20; Lchdm. i. 76, 24. On án in one, continually, ever, Gen. 7, 12: Cd. 140; Th. 175, 9; Gen. 2892. DER. nán [=ne + án n + one] none, no one; nullus [ne-ullus].

án; adv. Only; tantum :-- Cweþ ðín án word speak thy word only; tantum dic verbo, Mt. Bos. 8, 8. v. ÁN II.

ána; m. One, sole, single, solitary; unus, unicus, solus, solitarius: nom. f. n. áne one, etc; una, unum: gen. m. f. n. ánan of one; unius = unici, unica, unicæ: dat. ánan to one; uni = unico, unicæ, unico: acc. m. f. ánan one; unum, unam; def. numeral adj. Ðæt [treów, a.] se ána is ealra beáma beorhtast geblówen that is the oae of all the trees most brightly flourishing, Exon. 58b; Th. 209, 27; Ph. 177. God ána on écnysse ríxaþ one God ruleth to eternity, Homl. Th. i. 28, 23. v. ÁN II.

án-ád, án-ǽd, es; n. [án unus, ád = eád, eáþ desertus, vastus, Ett: Goth, áuþs GREEK desertus: v. DER. eáðe; adj.] Solitude, a desert; solitudo, desertum :-- On ðam ánáde in the desert, Exon. 37a; Th. 122, 12; Gú. 304: 37b; Th. 123, 34; Gú. 327. On ánǽde in a desert, 122b; Th. 471, 22; Rä. 61, 5. [O. Sax. énódi, einódi, f. n. solitudo: Ger. einöde, f. desertum, solitudo: M. H. Ger. einoede, f; einoete, einóte, n: O. H. Ger. einódi, f; einoti, n. solitudo, desertum.]

an-ælan; p. -ælde; pp. -æled, -æld [an, ælan to light] To kindle, inflame, enlighten; accendere, incendere, inflammare, illuminare :-- Mid andan ðære rihtwísnesse anæld kindled with a zeal of righteousness, Chr. 694; Th. 66, note 2: R. Concord. 5. v. on-ælan, in-ælan.

an-æðelian; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad; v. trans. [an = un not, æðelian to ennoble] To dishonour, degrade; ignobilem reddere :-- And ðonan wyrþ anæðelad óþ-ðæt he wyrþ unæðele and thence becomes degraded till he is unnoble, Bt. 30, 2; Fox 110, 22: Bt. Met. Fox 17, 53; Met. 17, 27. v. un-æðelian.

ánan, ánum by this alone, only; dat. of án one.

anan-beám, es; m. The spindle-tree, prick-wood, prick-timber; euonymus Europæus, L. M. 1, 32; Lchdm, ii. 78, 13.

ana-wyrm, es; m. [ana = an, in in, as in Goth. anahneiwan inclinare; wyrm a worm] An intestinal worm; lumbricus :-- Gif anawyrm on men weaxe if an intestinal worm grow in a man, L. M. 1, 46; Lchdm, ii. 114, 13, 18, 23.

an-bærnys, on-bærnys, -nyss, e; f. [v. on-bærning, in-bærnis] Incense, frankincense; incensum, thus :-- Sý gereht gebéd mín swá swá anbærnys dirigatur oratio mea sicut incensum, Ps. Spl. 140, 2.

an-be-lǽdan; p. -lǽdde; pp. -lǽded, -lǽd To lead or bring in; inducere. DER. belǽdan, lǽdan.

an-bestingan; p. -bestang, pl. -bestungon; pp. -bestungen To thrust in; immittere, intromittere :-- Ða anbestungne [Cot. MS. anbestungnan] saglas intromissi [scil. circulis] vectes, Past. 22, 1; Hat. MS. 33a, 22.

an-bíd, es; n. Awaiting, expectation; expectatio, mora :-- Ðǽr wæron ǽrendracan on anbíde there ambassadors were in waiting, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 68, 44. Næs ic on náuht [ne, áht, áuht] ídlum anbíde, ðeáh hit me lang anbíd þúhte, ðá ðá ic anbídode Godes fultumes expectans, expectavi Dominum, Ps. Th. 39, 1. Earmra anbíd the expectation of the miserable, Cd. 169; Th. 212, 2; Exod. 533: Elen. Kmbl. 1767; El. 885. v. on-bíd.

an-bídian; p. ode, ude; pp. od To abide, wait, wait for, expect; morari, commorari, expectare :-- Wolde ðǽr on ælþeódignisse anbídian ut pertgrinaritur ibi, Gen. 12, 10. Me anbídiaþ rihtwíse óþ-ðæt ðú afyldest me me expectant justi donec retribuas mihi, Ps. Spl. 141, 10. Ic anbídude hine expectabam eum, 54, 8.

an-bídung, es; m. An abiding, tarrying, awaiting, expectation; commoratio, expectatio:-- Wícode þreó niht on anbídunge moratus est tres dies, Jos. 3, 1. Hwylc is anbídung mín quæ est expectatio mea? Ps. Spl. 38, 11.

an-bindan; ic -binde, ðú -bindst, he -bint, pl. -bindaþ; p. -band, ðú -bunde, pl. -bundon; pp. -bunden; v. a. [an=un un-, bindan to bind] To UNBIND, untie; solvere, absolvere, religare :-- Seó wiðerwearde wyrd anbint and gefreóþ ǽlc ðara ðe hió togeþiéþ adverse fortune unbinds and frees every one of those whom she adheres to, Bt. 20; Fox 72, 2. v. on-bindan, in-bindan.

an-biscopod; part. Unbishoped, unconfirmed; non confirmatus ab episcopo, L. Edg. C. 15; Wilk. 83, 40. v. un-biscopod.

án-boren; part. Only-born, only-begotten; unigenitus :-- Ðæt in Bethléme cyning ánboren cenned wǽre that in Bethlehem the only-begotten king was born, Elen. Kmbl. 783; El. 392: Exon. 16 b; Th. 39, 6.

an-bróce, an; f. Material, wood, timber; materies, tignum :-- Æðele anbróce noble material, Elen. Grm. 1029, note, p. 161.

an-bryrdan; p. -bryrde; pp. -bryrded, -bryrd; v. a. To prick, goad, vex; compungere, stimulare :-- He héhtende wæs menn wanspendinne, and anbryrdne heortan persecutus est hominem inopem, et compunctum corde, Ps. Spl. 108, 15. v. on-bryrdan, in-bryrdan.

an-bryrdnes, -ness, e; f. Compunction, remorse; compunctio, C. R. Ben. 70. v. on-bryrdnes.

án-búende; part. Dwelling alone; anachoreticam vitam agens :-- Eáhteþ ánbúendra persecutes those dwelling alone, Exon. 33b; Th. 107, 15; Gú. 59.

an-búgan; p. -beáh, -beág, pl. -bugon; pp. -bogen; v. intrans. To bend or bow one's self in, submit to any one; se inflectere, se submittere alicui :-- To ðon ðæt hí him anbugon that they might submit to him, Ors. 1, 12; Bos. 36, 25. v. on-búgan.

anbyht-scealc, ombiht-scealc, onbyht-scealc, es; m. [ambeht an office, scealc a servant] An official servant, a servant; minister, servus :-- Hraðe fremedon anbyhtscealcas swá him heora ealdor beheád the official servants quickly did as their lord bade them, Judth. 10; Thw. 21, 27; Jud. 38. v. ombiht-scealc, onbyht-scealc.

an-byrdnys, nyss, e; f. [an contra, byrdnys status] Resistance; repugnantia :-- Gif ǽnig man anbyrdnysse beginþ if any man begin resistance, L. Edg. S. 14; Th. i. 276, 31. v. geán-byrdan.

an-byrignys, -nyss, e; f. A tasting, taste; gustus, Ælfc. Gl. 70; Som. 70, 51; Wrt. Voc. 42, 59. v. byrignes.

án-cænned; def. se án-cænneda; part. Only-begotten; unigenitus :-- To árwurþianne [MS. tarwurþienne, v. weorþianne=wurþianne in weorþian I] ðínne, ðone sóðan and ðone áncænnedan, Sunu to honour thy, the true and only-begotten, Son, Te Dm. Thomson 35, 12. v. án-cenned.

án-cenda = án-cenneda only-begotten, Exon. 99a; Th. 370, 2; Seel. 51. v. án-cenned.

án-cenned; def. se án-cenneda; part. [án unus, cennan gignere] Only-begotten; uni-genitus :-- Áncenned Sunu only-begotten Son, Exon. 14b; Th. 29, 18; Cri. 464. Se áncenneda Sunu the only-begotten Son, Jn. Bos. 1, 18: 3, 16.

ancer; g. aneres; m. An anchor; ancora, Wrt. Voc. 73, 84. v. ancor.

áncer, es; m. An anchoret, hermit; anachoreta :-- Mid ðý he leornode be ðám áncerum when he learnt concerning the anchorets, Guthl. 2; Gdwin. 18, 22. v. áncor.

áncer-líc; adj. Anchoretic, like a hermit; anachoreticus, Som. v. áncor-líc.

áncer-líf, es; n. An anchoret's or hermit's life; anachoretica vita, Bd. 4, 28; S. 605, 6. v. áncor-líf.

ancer-man, -mann, es; m. An anchor-man, the man in charge of the anchor; proreta, Ælfc. Gl. 104; Som. 77, 126. v. ancor-man.

áncer-setl, -settl, es; n. An anchoret's cell, hermitage; anachoretæ sedes :-- Twegen hálige menn, on áncersettle wuniende, wǽron forbearnde two holy men, dwelling in a hermitage, were burned, Chr. 1087; Th. 354, 23: Guthl. 4; Gdwin. 26, 10.

ancer-streng, es; m. An anchor-string, a cable; ancorarius funis, Solil. 4.

ancleow, es; m. The ANCLE; talus :-- Ancleow talus, Ælfc. Gl. 75; Wrt. Voc. 44, 74. Lytel ancleow taxillus, 75; Wrt. Voc. 45, 1. [Dat. anklauuw, enklauuw, enkel: Ger. M. H. Ger. enkel, m: O. H. Ger. anchal, m; anchala. f: Dan. Swed, ankel: O. Nrs. ökul, ökli, m.]

an-cnáwan To recognise; agnoscere, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 1; Som. 30, 31. v. on-cnáwan.

ancor, ancer, oncer; g. ancres; m. [ancóra = -GREEK uncus = GREEK a hook, v. DER.] An anchor; ancora :-- Ðín ancor is git on eorþan fæst thine anchor is yet fast in the earth, Bt. 10; Fox 30, 5. On ancre fæst fast at anchor, Beo. Th. 611; B. 303. On ancre rád rode at anchor, 3771; B. 1883. Ða ancras the anchors, Bt. 10; Fox 30, 10, 13: Bd. 3, 15; S. 541, 40. Ýþmearas ancrum fæste ships [wave-horses] fast with anchors, Exon. 20b; Th. 54, 6; Cri. 864. [Chauc. ancre: Plat. Dut. Ger. M. H. Ger. anker, m: O. H. Ger. anchar, m: Dan. anker, m: Swed. ankare, m: O. Nrs. akkéri, m: Lat. ancora: Grk. GREEK: Lith. inkoras; from the Sansk. anka a hook.]

áncor, áncer; g. áncres; m. An anchoret, hermit; anachoreta :-- Sléfleás áncra scrúd hermits' sleeveless garment, Ælfc. Gl. 63; Som. 68, 111. [O. Sax. énkoro, m: O. H. Ger. einchoranar, m: Grk. GREEK.]

ancor-bend, es; m. An anchor-band or cord or rope. v. oncer-bend.

áncor-líc; adj. Anchoretic, like a hermit; anachoreticus. DER. v. áncor a hermit, líc like.

áncor-líf, áncer-líf, es; n. An anchoret's or hermit's life, a solitary life; anachoretica vita, Bd. 4, 28; S. 605, 11.

ancor-man, ancer-man, -mann, es; m. An anchor-man, the man in charge of the anchor; ancorarius, proreta, Ælfc. Gl. 83; Som. 73, 66: 104; Som. 77, 126.

ancor-ráp, es; m. An anchor-rope, a cable, v. oncyr-ráp.

ancor-setl, es; n. An anchor-seat, the fore-castle of a ship, the prow; prora, Ælfc. Gl. 104; Som. 78, 11.

áncor-stów, e; f. An anchoret's or hermit's cell, a solitary place; anachoretæ mansio, solus locus, Bd. 5, 12; S. 627, 26.

ancra, an; m. An anchor, ballast; ancora vel saburra, Ælfc. Gl. 83; Wrt. Voc. 48, 21. v. ancor.

áncra, an; m. An anchoret, hermit; anachoreta, solitarius, Ælfc. Gl. 69; Som. 70, 20.

ancre, an; f. [antre?] Radish; raphănus = GREEK :-- Ancre, ðæt is rædic raphanus, Mone A. 493. v. ontre.

anc-sum, anc-sum-líc troublesome. v. ang-sum, ang-sum-líc.

an-cuman; p. -com, pl. -cómon; pp. -cumen, -cymen To come, arrive; advenire :-- Ðá he west ancom [westan com, MS.] when he came to the west, Cd. 90; Th. 113, 9; Gen. 1884. DER. cuman.

án-cummum; adv. [án one, cummum the dat. of cuma a comer] One by one, singly; singulatim, Jn. Lind. War. 21, 25.

án-cyn; g. m. n. -cynnes; f. -cynre; adj. [án one, only; cyn proprius] Only; unicus :-- Ðé seó [MS. se] hálige andett gelaðung, -- ðínne sóðan and áncynne sunu te sancta confitetur ecclesia, -- tuum verum et unicum [= proprium] filium, Te Dm. Lye. v. án-líc.

and; prep. dat. acc. I. with the dative; cum dativo With; cum :-- Emb eahta niht and feówerum after eight nights with four [twelve nights], Menol. Fox 419; Men. 211. Ymb twentig and fíf nihtum after twenty with five nights, i. e. after twenty-five nights, 373; Men. 188. II. with the accusative; cum accusativo Against, before, on, into; contra, apud, in; GREEK :-- Hæfdon dreám and heora ordfruman had joy before their creator [apud creatorem], Cd. 1; Th. 2, 2; Gen. 13. Ðæt is cræft eágorstreámes, wætres and eorþan, and on wolcnum eác that is the power of the sea, of water on earth, and also in the clouds, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 245; Met. 20, 123. Ýþ up færeþ, ófstum wyrceþ wæter and weal­fæsten the wave goes up [and] rapidly makes [worketh] the water into a wall [wall-fastness], Cd. 157; Th. 195, 27; Exod. 283. [O. Sax. ant usque ad: O. Frs. anda, and in, on: Goth. and against: O. H. Ger. ant: O. Nrs. and contra: Lat. ante: Grk. GREEK: Lith. ant on, upon: Sansk. anti opposite, against, before. Thus and seems to be connected with Goth. andi end, A. Sax. ende frontier, boundary, and Sansk. anta end, boundary, limit, border, which is probably derived from the Sansk. root ant, and to bind; hence near or with, and that which is with or near, may be against.]

and; conj. AND; et, atque, ac :-- Gesceóp God heofenan and eorþan creavit Deus cœlum et terram, Gen. 1, 1. Cum and geseóh veni et vide, Jn. Bos. 1, 46. And swá forþ and so forth; et cætera, Ælfc. Gr. 25; Som. 26, 59.

and- [Goth, anda-: Icel. and-, önd-: Grk. GREEK] in composition denotes opposition, -- Against, without; contra :-- And-bita, and-beorma without barm, what was unleavened; azymos = GREEK, Cot. 17. And-saca an adversary, apostate, Cd. 23; Th. 28, 27; Gen. 442. And-swaru an answer, Beo. Th. 5713; B. 2860.

anda, onda, an; m. emotion of mind, -- Malice, envy, hatred, anger, zeal, annoyance, vexation; animi emotio, -- rancor, invidia, indignatio, ira, zelus, molestia :-- Anda rancor, Ælfc. Gl. 89; Som. 74, 93. Næfst ðú nánne andan to nánum þinge thou hast not any envy to anything, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 128, 18. Hyne for andan sealdon per invidiam tradidissent eum, Mt. Bos. 27, 18. Nyste nǽnne andan know not any hatred, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 168, 10. For hwilcum líþrum andan ex prava aliqua invidia, L. M. I. P. 12; Th. ii. 268, 11: Bt. Met. Fox 20, 72; Met. 20, 36. Habbaþ andan betweóh him have enmity between them, 28, 104; Met. 28, 52. On andan in hatred, Beo. Th. 1421; B. 708: Cd. 191; Th. 237, 28; Dan. 344. Manigum on andan for vexation to many, Elen. Grm. 969. For ðæm andan his rihtwísnes [-nesse MS. Cot.] per zelum justitiæ, Past. 17, 1; Hat. MS. 21b, 28. [O. Sax. ando, m. indignatio, ira, zelus: O. H. Ger. anado, anto, m. zelus: O. Nrs. andi, m. halitus oris, spiritus, animus.] DER. andian: andig.

án-dæge; adj. [án one, dæg a day] For one day, lasting a day: diurnus, unius diei :-- Næs ðæt ándæge níþ that was no one-day evil, Exon. 92a; Th. 345, 25; Gn. Ex. 195. Sǽ-weall astáh, uplang gestód án-dægne fyrst the sea-wall arose, [and] stood erect one day's space, Cd. 158; Th. 197, 9; Exod. 304. Ðe hire ándæges eágum starede who daily gazed on her with his eyes, Beo. Th. 3874; B. 1935.

andættan to confess, Th. Anlct. v. andettan.

án-daga, an; m. [dæg a day = daga, q. v.] A fixed day, a time appointed, a day or term appointed for hearing a cause; dies dictus, dies constitutus :-- Gesette me ánne ándagan constitue mihi tempus, Ex. 8, 9: 9, 5: Gen. 18, 14. Ðæt gehwilc spræc hæbbe ándagan hwænne heó gelǽst sý that every suit have a term when it shall be brought forward, L. Ed. proœm; Th. i. 158, 6: 11; Th. i. 164, 21: L. Edg. H. 7; Th. i. 260, 13: L. C. S. 19; Th. i. 386, 14. [O. Sax. én-dago, m. dies statutus, fatalis, -- terminus vitæ: O. Nrs. ein-dagi dies oculatus, tempus præscriptum, a verbo eindaga certum tempus definire.]

án-dagian; p. ode; pp. od; v. a. To appoint a day or term, to cite; diem dicere, L. Edg. H. 7; Th. i. 260, 12. DER. ge-án-dagian. v. án-daga.

and-beorma, an; m. That which is without barm, unleavened, unleavened bread, the feast of unleavened bread; azyma :-- Andbita vel [and-]beorma azyma, Cot. 17. v. beorma, and-bita.

and-bídian; p. ode; pp. od To expect; expectare :-- Ðe andbídiaþ ðé qui expectant te, Ps. Spl. 68, 8. Andbídiaþ wíldeór on þurste heora expectabunt onagri in siti sua, 103, 12. v. an-bídian.

and-bídung, es; m. Expectation; expectatio :-- Ná ðú gescend me fram andbídunge míne non confundas me ab expectatione mea, Ps. Spl. 118, 116. v. an-bídung.

and-bita, an; m. That which is unleavened, unleavened bread, the feast of unleavened bread; azyma :-- Andbita vel and-beorma azyma, Cot. 17. [Goth. unbeistei. f. GREEK]

and-cwis, -cwiss, e; f. An answer; responsum :-- Andcwis ageaf gave answer, Exon. 47b; Th. 163, 26; Gú. 999.

anddetan To confess; confiteri :-- Hyra synna anddetende confitentes peccata sua, Mk. Bos. 1, 5. v. andetan.

and-eáw; adj. [and against, eáw = ǽw lawful, legitimate] Arrogant, presumptuous, proud; arrogans, Scint. 46.

Andefera, an; m. ANDOVER, a market town in the north west of Hampshire built on the east bank of the river Ande or Anton; oppidum in agro Hamtunensi :-- Hí ðá lǽddon Ánláf to Andeferan they then led Anlaf to Andover, Chr. 994; Th. 242, 27, col. 1; Th. 243, 26, col. 1, 12, col. 2. To Andefron, Th. 242, 26, col. 2. [Dun. Andeafara: Kni. Andever.] About the year 1164 Simeon Durham writes it Andeafara = Ande-eá-fara a farer over the river Ande, on the bank of which Andover is built, v. fara a traveller, faran to go, travel, sail. From the A. Sax. of the MS. Cott. Tiber. B. IV. to Andefron, of Knighton Andever, about 1395, and from the present name Andover = Ande + ófer, another derivation maybe supposed, -- Ande the river Ande, and ófer; g. ófres; d. ófre; m. a margin, bank, that is a town on the bank of the river Ande.

and-efn, es; n. [and, efen even] An equality, a proportion, measure, an amount; proportio :-- Be hire andefne by its proportion, Bt. 32, 2; Fox 116, 14.

andet, andett, e; f. Confession, praise, honour, glory; confessio. v. comp. wlite-andet, andetnes.

andetan To confess, acknowledge, give thanks or praise; confiteri :-- Ic ðé on folcum andete confitebor tibi in populis, Ps. Th. 56, 11: 98, 3: 104, 1: 135, 27. v. andettan.

andetla, an; m. A confession; confessio, L. Alf. pol. 22; Th. i. 76, 4.

andetnes, -ness; andetnys, -nyss, e; f. A confession, acknowledgment, profession, giving of thanks or praise, praise, honour, glory; confessio :-- In andetnesse in confessione, Bd. 4, 25; S. 599, 42. Seó andetnes ðe we Gode andettaþ the confession that we confess to God, L. E. I. 30; Th. ii. 426, 33. Ðe his naman neóde sealdon him andetnes ǽghwǽr habban ad confitendum nomini tuo, Ps. Th. 121, 4. Is upp-ahafen his andetness, heáh ofer myclum heofone and eorþan confessio ejus super cælum et terram, 148, 13: 95, 6. Andetnysse and wlite ðú scrýddest confessionem et decorem induisti, Ps. Spl. 103, 2.

andetta, an; m. One who confesses, a confessor, an acknowledger; confessor :-- Se ðæs sleges andetta síe who is a confessor of the slaying, L. Alf. pol. 29; Th. i. 80, 7.

andettan, andetan, ondettan, ondetan; p. and-ette [and = Lat. re, contra; Grk. GREEK; hátan to command, promise] To confess, acknowledge, give thanks or praise; fateri, confiteri :-- Gif he wille and cunne his dǽda andettan if he will and can confess his deeds, L. De. Cf. 2; Th. ii. 260, 18, 16. Ic andette Ælmihtigum Gode I confess to Almighty God, 6; Th. ii. 262, 20. Seó andetnes ðe we Gode ánum andettaþ, déþ hió us ðæt to góde the confession that we confess to God alone, it doth this for our good, L. E. I. 30; Th. ii. 426, 33. Drihtne andette confitebatur Domino, Lk. Bos. 2, 38. Folc ðé andetten confiteantur, tibi populi, Ps. Th. 66, 5. Ealra godena Gode andettaþ confitemini Domino omnium dominorum, 135, 28. [O. Sax. and-hétan, ant-hétan præcipere, vovere: O. H. Ger. ant-heizan proponere, spondere, polliceri, vovere.] DER. anddetan: ge-andettan, -ondettan: andet, -an, -la, -nes, -ta, -tere, -ting.

andettean to confess; confiteri, Bd. 1, 1; S. 474, 3. v. andettan.

andettere, es; m. A confessor; confessor :-- Ðæt Albanus hæfde ðone Cristes andettere mid him confessorem Christi penes Albanum latere, Bd. 1, 7; S. 477, 7.

andetting, es; m. A confession, profession; confessio, professio. v. andettan.

and-feng, an-, on-, es; m. A taking to one's self, taking up, a receiving, defence, defender; assumptio, susceptio, susceptor, Lk. Bos. 9, 51: Ps. Spl. 90, 2: Cd. 218; Th. 279, 28; Sat. 245: Ps. Spl. 88, 18. v. an-feng, on-feng.

and-fenga, -fengea, -fencgea, [ond-], an; m. A receiver, undertaker, defender; susceptor :-- Is andfenga Drihten sáwle mínre Dominus susceptor est aninæ meæ, Ps. Th. 53, 4: 118, 114. Ðú me, God, eart and-fengea tu, Deus, susceptor meus es, 58, 18: 143, 2. Andfencgea, 58, 9.

and-fenge, -fencge; adj. That which can be received, acceptable, approved, fit; acceptabilis, acceptus, aptus :-- Asette his hand ofer ðære offrunge heáfod, ðonne biþ heó andfeage ponet manum super caput hostiæ, et acceptabilis erit, Lev. 1, 4. Bodian Drihtnes andfenge gér prædicare annum Domini acceptum, Lk. Bos. 4, 19: 4, 24. Nys andfenge Godes ríce nan est aptus regno Dei, 9, 62. Andfencge acceptus: andfengra acceptior, Ælfc. Gr. 43; Som. 44, 47.

and-fengend, es; m. A receiver, undertaker, defender; susceptor :-- Úre andfengend is Iacobes God susceptor noster Deus Jacob, Ps. Th. 45, 6.

and-fengnes, -ness, on-, e; f. A receiving, reception, a place for receiving, a receptacle; receptaculum, Bd. 2, 9; S. 510, 12: Cot. 190. v. on-fangennes.

and-findende; part. Finding, getting; nanciscens, Cot. 138.

and-gelóman, and-lóman; pl. m. Implements, tools, utensils; instrumenta, Cot. 104. v. ge-lóma.

and-get, es; n. The understanding, intellect; intellectus, Bt. 39, 4; Fox 216, 28. v. and-git.

andgete; adj. Manifest; manifestus, Exon. 26a; Th. 76, 22; Cri. 1243; [perhaps we should read or-gete: v. l. 1238.]

andget-full, andgit-full; adj. Sensible, discerning, knowing; intelligentiæ plenus, intelligens, intelligibilis :-- Ðæt ǽnig mon síe swá andgetfull [andgitfull, MS. Cot.] that any man is so discerning, Bt. 39, 9; Fox 226, 1: R. Ben. 7: 63.

and-giet, es; n. understanding, intellect, knowledge; intellectus :-- Ic ðec, mon, ǽrest geworhte, and ðé andgiet sealde I first wrought thee, O man, and gave thee understanding, Exon. 28a; Th. 84, 30; Cri. 1381: 117a; Th. 449, 16; Dóm. 72. v. and-git.

andgiet-tácen, es; n. A sensible token; intelligibile signum :-- Ge on wolcnum ðæs andgiettácen mágon sceáwigan ye may behold a sensible token of this in the clouds, Cd. 75; Th. 93, 3; Gen. 1539.

and-git, -giet, -gyt, -get, [ond-, on-], es; n. [and, git = get, p. of gitan to get]. I. the understanding, the intellect; intellectus :-- Þurh ðæt andgit, man understent ealle ða þing, ðe he gehýrþ oððe gesihþ by the understanding, man comprehends [understands] all the things, which he hears or sees, Homl. Th. i. 288, 21. Þurh ðæt andgit, seó sáwul understent through the understanding, the soul comprehends [understands], 288, 28. Ðǽr ðæt gemynd biþ, ðǽr biþ ðæt andgit and se willa where the memory is, there is the understanding and the will, 288, 26. Ðæs andgites mǽþ the measure of the understanding, Bt. 41, 4; Fox 250, 23. Andgit intellectus, Ælfc. Gl. 69; Som. 70, 28: Exon. 28a; Th. 84, 30; Cri. 1381: Ps. Th. 31, 10. II. understanding, knowledge, cognizance; intellectus, cognitio, agnitio :-- Ic ðé sylle andgit intellectum dabo tibi, Ps. Th. 31, 9: 91, 5. Forðan biþ andgit ǽghwǽr sélest therefore is understanding everywhere best, Beo. Th. 2122; B. 1059. Nolde ic hiora andgit ǽnig habban non agnoscebam eos, Ps. Th. 100, 4. III. sense, meaning, one of the senses; sensus :-- Hwílum [he sette] andgit of andgite sometimes [he put] meaning for meaning, Bt. proœm; Fox viii. 3. Ða fíf andgitu úre líchaman, ðæt is, gesihþ and hlyst, swæcc and stenc and hrepung the five senses of our body, that is, sight and hearing, taste and smell and touch, Homl. Th. ii. 550, 10.

andgitan; p. -geat; pp. -giten To perceive, understand; animadvertere, Cot. 3. v. on-gitan.

and-gite, -giete, an; f. The intellect, understanding, knowledge; intellectus, cognitio. v. ond-giete.

andgit-fullíc; adj. Fully or clearly understood, intelligible; omnino intellectus, intelligibilis :-- Ǽlc stemn is oððe andgitfullíc oððe gemenged. Andgitfullíc stemn is ðe mid andgite biþ geclypod, swá swá is, Ic hérige ða wǽpnu, and ðone wer arma virumque cano, -- every voice is either intelligible or confused. Intelligible voice is what is spoken with understanding, as, Arms and the man I sing, Ælfc. Gr. 1; Som. 2, 32-34.

andgit-fullíce; comp. or; sup. ost; adv. Sensibly, clearly, plainly, distinctly, intelligibly, intelligenter :-- Swá swá he hit andgitfullícost gereccan mihte as he most clearly might explain it, Bt. proœm; Fox viii. 4.

andgit-leás; adj. Foolish, senseless, doltish; stolidus, insipiens :-- Geonge men and andgitleáse man sceal swingan young men and foolish must be beaten [one shall beat], L. M. I. P. 14; Th. ii. 268, 26.

andgit-líc; adj. Sensible, intelligible; intelligibilis, Solil. 11.

andgit-líce; adv. Clearly; liquido, Cot. 123. v. andgit-fullíce.

andgitol; adj. understanding; intelligibilis. v. andgyttol.

andgit-tácen, es; n. a sensible token. v. andgiet-tácen.

and-gyt, es; n. the intellect, understanding, knowledge; intellectus, cognitio :-- Ðám nis andgyt quibus non est intellectus, Ps. Spl. 31, 11: 118, 73. Ne mágon andgyt habban? nonne cognoscent? Ps. Th. 52, 5: 66, 2. v. and-git.

andgyttol, andgytol; adj. understanding, intelligent, sensible; intelligens, intelligibilis, R. Ben. 7: 63. v. andget-full.

and-hétan; p. -hétte to confess; confiteri :-- He his gyltas Gode andhétte he confessed his offences to God, Ps. C. 50, 29; Ps. Grn. ii. 277, 29. v. andettan.

andian, -igan; part. -igende; ic andie, andige, ðú andast, he andaþ, andgaþ, pl. andiaþ; p. ode; pp. od [anda envy] To envy; invidere :-- Ic andige on ðé invideo tibi, Ælfc. Gr. 41; Som. 43, 58: 26; Som. 29, 3. Andgaþ invidet, Prov. 28.

andig; adj. Envious; invidus, Scint. 15.

andigende; part. envying, R. Ben. interl. 55. v. andian.

and-lang, -long, [ond-]; adj. All-along, throughout, continuous, extended; per totum, continuus, in longum porrectus :-- Wæs andlangne dæg swungen was beaten all day long, Andr. Kmbl. 2550; An. 1276: Chr. 937; Th. 202, 27, col. 2; Æðelst. 21: Beo. Th. 4237; B. 2115.

and-lang, ond-long, on-long; prep, only gen. On length, ALONG, by the side of; in longum, per :-- Lǽte yrnan ðæt blód nyðer andlang ðæs weofudes decurrere faciet sanguinem super crepidinem altaris; he will let the blood run down along the altar, Lev. 1, 15. Andlang ðæs [MS. ðas] wéstenes along the desert, Jos. 8, 16. Andlang ðara nægla along the nails, Bd. 3, 17; S. 544, 30. Ðæt wæter wyrþ to eá, ðonne andlang eá to sǽ the water runs to the river, then along the river to the sea, Bt. 34, 6; Fox 140, 20. Andlang Mæse along the Mase, Chr. 882; Th. 150, 22, col. 2, 3. Andlang díces along the dike, Cod. Dipl. Apndx. 442; A. D. 956; Kmbl. iii. 438, 18.

and-leán, ond-leán, es; n. Retribution, retaliation; retributio, talio :-- Hí sculon onfón wráþlíc andleán they shall receive dire retribution, Exon. 20a; Th. 52, 12; Cri. 832. DER. leán.

and-leofen, -lifen, -lyfen, es; n. I. living, food, sustenance, nourishment, pottage; victus, alimenta, pulmentum :-- Mon to andleofne eorþan wæstmas hám gelǽdeþ man for sustenance brings home earth's fruits, Exon. 59a; Th. 214, 22; Ph. 243. Ðú winnan scealt and ðíne andlifne selfa gerǽcan thou shalt labour and thyself get thy sustenance, Cd. 43; Th. 57, 25; Gen. 933. Sealde him andlyfene dedit eis alimenta, Gen. 47, 17: Bd. 1, 27, resp. 8; S. 494, 16. Sealde ealle hyre andlyfene misit totum victum suum, Mk. Bos. 12, 44. II. that by which food is procured, money, wages, alms; stipendium, stips :-- Ðæt he mihte dæghwámlíce. andleofene onfón ut quotidianam ab eis stipem acciperet, Bd. 5, 2; S. 615, 3. Beóþ éþhylde on eówrum andlyfenum estote contenti stipendiis vestris, Lk. Bos. 3, 14.

and-lícnis, -niss, e; f. A likeness, similitude; imago :-- God gesceóp man to his andlícnisse creavit Deus hominem ad imaginem suam, Gen. 1, 27. v. an-lícnes.

and-lóman, and-lúman; pl. m. Utensils, vessels; utensilia, vasa, Ælfc. Gl. 22: R. Ben. interl. 31. v. and-gelóman.

and-long; adj. All-along, throughout; per totum :-- Andlonge niht all night long, Exon. 51b; Th. 179, 14; Gú. 1261: Beo. Th. 5383; B. 2695. v. and-lang.

and-mitta, an; m. [and, mitta a measure] A weight, a standard weight; exagium. v. an-mitta.

an-drǽdan; part, an-drǽdende To fear, Cd. 156; Th. 194, 25; Exod. 266. v. on-drǽdan.

Andreas; m. indecl. but Andreæ and Andrea are found in dat. as in Lat. and Grk. Andrew; Andreas. [Lat. Andreas; g. dat. Andreæ; m. = GREEK; g. ov; dat. a; m. from GREEK; g. as manliness, manly strength or courage, from GREEK; g. GREEK a man] :-- Andreas, Simónes bróðer Petres Andreas, frater Simonis Petri, GREEK, Jn. Bos. 1, 40. Hí cómon on Andreas hús venerunt in domum Andreæ, GREEK, Mk. Bos. 1, 29. Fram Bethsaida, Andreas ceastre and Petres a Bethsaida, civitate Andreæ et Petri, Jn. Bos. 1, 44. Philippus sǽde hit Andreæ Philippus elicit Andreæ, GREEK, 12, 22. Ðá ðæt Andrea earmlíce þúhte then that seemed pitiful to Andrew, Andr. Kmbl. 2271; An. 1137. Ðǽr Andrea ongete wearþ wígendra þrym there the glory of the warriors became known to Andrew, 3136; An. 1571. Ðis Gódspel sceal on Andreas mæsse-dæg this Gospel must be on St. Andrew's day, Rubc. Mt. Bos. 4, 18-22, Notes, p. 574.

and-reccan; p. -reahte; pp. -reaht To relate; referre :-- Ic mæg and-reccan spræce I can relate a tale, Bt. Met. Fox 26, 3; Met. 26, 2. v. reccan.

an-drece-fæt, es; n. [drecan vexare, fæt vas] A pressing-vat, a wine or oil vat; emistis? vel trapetum, scil. torcular ad uvas vel olivas premendas, Mann; Ælfc. Gl. 26; Wrt. Voc. 25, 22.

Andred, es; m. The name of a large wood in Kent, also the city of ANDRED or Andrida: Andredes ceaster, e; f. the Roman station or city of Andred, Pevensey or Pemsey Castle, Sussex: Andredes leág, e; f. ANDREDSLEY: Andredes weald, es; m. ANDRED'S WEALD, a large wood in Kent, extending into Sussex [v. Sandys Gavel. Ind. p. 340] :--Hine ðá Cynewulf on Andred adrǽfde then Cynewulf drove him into Andred, Chr. 755; Th. 82, 9, col. 2. Hér Ælle and Cissa ymbsǽton Andredes ceaster in this year Ælle and Cissa besieged Andredescester, 491; Th. 24, 19, col. 2. On ðone wudu ðe is genemned Andredes leáge into the wood which is called Andredsley, 477; Th. 22, 40, col. l. Se múþa [Limene] is on eásteweardre Cent, on ðæs ilcan wuda east ende ðe we Andred hátaþ. Se wudu is westlang and eástlang cxx míla lang oððe lengra, and xxx míla brád. Seó eá, ðe we ǽr embe sprǽcon, líð út of ðam wealde the mouth [of the Limen] is in the east of Kent, at the east end of the same wood which we call Andred. The wood is, along the east and along the west, 120 miles long, or longer, and thirty miles broad. The river, of which we before spoke, flaws out from the weald, Chr. 893; Th. 162, 29, col. 3.

Andredes ceaster, leág, weald. v. Andred, es; m.

an-drysen-líc, -drysn-líc, [on-]; adj. Terrible; terribilis:--Swýðe heáh God and swýðe andrysnlíc ofer ealle godas Dominus summus, terribilis super omnes deos. Ps. Th. 46, 2: Past. 15, 2; Hat. MS. 19 a. 26. v. dryslíc.

an-drysne, on-drysne; adj. I. terrible, f'earful, dreadful; terribilis, horrendus:--Wearþ ðæt andwyrde swíðe andrysne that answer was very fearful, Ors. 5, 3; Bos. 104, 3. II. as causing fear , venerable, venerated, respectable; verendus, reverendus:--Ne biþ he náuðer ne weorþ, ne andrysne he is neither honourable, nor respectable, Bt. 27, 1; Fox 94, 22: Ors. 5, 12; Bos. 112, 13.

an-drysno; dat. pl. an-drysnum; f. Fear, awe, reverence; timor, metus, reverentia:--For andrysnum from reverence, Beo. Th. 3596; B. 1796. v. on-drysno.

and-saca, ond-, an; m. A denier, renouncer, an apostate, opposer, enemy; negator, renunciator, adversarius:--Ofer eorþan andsaca ne wæs íherí was not an opposer on the earth. Cd. 208; Th. 258, 2; Dan. 669. Godes andsaca an opposer or a forsaker of God, 23; Th. 28, 27; Gen. 442. : Beo. Th. 3369; B. 1682. Godes andsacan God's enemies, Cd. 219; Th. 281, 10; Sat. 269: Exon. 31 a; Th. 97, 22; Cri. 1594. Mid þám andsacum with the apostates, Cd. 17; Th. 21, 6; Gen. 320. v. saca.

and-sacian, -sacigan, -sacigian; p. ode; pp. od To strive against, to deny, refuse, gainsay, forsake, abjure; impugnare, negare, recusare, abjurare:--Ne mæg ic andsacigan I cannot deny, Bt. 10; Fox 26, 24. v. sacian.

and-sæc, es; m ? [and-; sacu, sæc strife, contention] Contention, resistance, denial, refusal; contentio, repugnantia, contradictio, negatio:--Borges andsæc inficiatio vel abjuratio, Ælfc. Gl. 14; Som. 58, 16. Be borges andsæce concerning a refusing of a pledge, L. In. 41; Th. i. 128, 1, note 1. Ðe ðæs upstíges andsæc fremedon who made denial of the Ascension, Exon. 17 b; Th. 41, 14; Cri. 655: Elen. Grm. 472.

and-sǽte; adj. [and against, sǽtan to lie in wait] Odious, hateful, abominable; exosus, perosus, Ælfc. Gr. 33; Som. 36, 60: Ælfc. Gl. 84; Som. 73, 101; Wrt. Voc. 49, 9.

and-speornan to stumble, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 4, 6. v. on-speornan.

and-spyrnes, -ness, e; f. An offence; scandalum. Mt. Rush. Stv. 16, 23,

and-standan [and, standan to stand] To sustain, abide, stand by, bear; sustinere:--Andstandende ongeán contending against, R. Ben. 1.

and-swarian, an-, ond-, on-; p. ede, ode, ude; pp. ed. od; v. a. n. To give an answer, to ANSWER, respond; respondere:--Ðá ne mihton híg him nán word andswarian non poterant ei respondere verbum, Mt. Bos. 22, 46. Andswarode ic I answered. Bt. 26, 2; Fox 92, 18. Him se yldesta andswarode the chiefest answered him, Beo. Th. 522; B. 258: Andr. Kmbl. 519; An. 260: Cd. 38; Th. 51, 16; Gen. 827. Him englas andswaredon the angels answered him, 117; Th. 152, 25; Gen. 2525. Andswarodon, 111; Th. 147, 5; Gen. 2434. DER. swarian, ond-, geand-: swerian.

and-swaru, ond-, e; f. [and, swaru a speaking] An ANSWER; responsum:--Andswaru líðe a soft answer, Scint. 77. Grim andswaru a fierce answer, Beo. Th. 5713; B. 2860. Hí aféngon andsware illi acceperunt responswm, Mt. Bos. 2, 12. Andsware bídan wolde would await an answer, Beo. Th. 2991; B. 1493: Exon. 10 b; Th. 12, 11; Cri. 184: Bt. Met. Fox 22, 86; Met. 22, 43. Nú sceal he sylf faran to incre andsware now he must come himself for your answer. Cd. 27; Th. 35, 19; Gen. 557.

and-swerian; p. ade, ede, ode; pp. ed. od to answer:--Ðá him andsweradan gástas then the ghosts answered him. Cd. 214; Th. 268, 6; Sat. 51. Andsweredon, Elen. Grm. 397. v. and-swarian.

and-sýn, e; f. A face; facies:--Woldon hí ðæt hí mihton geholene beón fram andsýne ðæs cyninges they wished that they might be hidden from the face of the king, Bd. 4, 16; S. 584, 25. v. an-sýn.

and-þwǽre; adj. Perverse, froward, athwart, cross; perversus. v. and against, þwǽre quiet.

and-timber, an-, on-, es; n. Matter, materials, substance, a theme; materies, materia, thema:--Lengran feóndscipes andtimber longioris ittimicitiæ materies, Bd. 4, 21; S. 590, 19. Antymber [MSS. C. and D. antimber] materies, materia, Ælfc. Gr. 12; Som. 15, 54. Antimber thema, 9, 1; Som. 8, 21. v. timber.

and-warde; adj. Present; præsens:--Ðis andwarde líf manna on eorþan vita hominum præsens in terris, Bd. 2, 13; S. 516, 14. v. and-weard.

and-wardnys, -nyss, e; f. Presence; præsentia:--Bútan óðra bisceopa andwardnysse sine aliorum episcoporum præsentia, Bd. 1, 27; S. 491, 40. v. and-weardnes.

and-wealcan to roll; volvere, Th. Anlct. v. on-wealcan.

and-weald, es; m. Power, right or title to anything:-- Ðæ he wolde habban andweald ongeán God that he would have power against God, Homl. Th. i. 10, 25: Ps. Spl. 19, 7: 113, 2: Ælfc. Gl. 13; Som. 57, 121. v. án-weald, onweald.

and-weard, -werd, -warde; adj. Present; præsens:--Ðǽr is Dryhten andweard where the Lord is present, Exon. 48 b; Th. 167, 7; Gú. 1056. Andweard Gode present with God, 30 b; Th. 95, 29; Cri. 1564. Fór ðé andweardne before thee present, Cd. 40; Th. 54, 2; Gen. 871: Andr. Kmbl. 2449; An. 1226. Óþ ðisne andweardan dæg usque in hunc præsentem diem, Mt. Bos. 28, 15. On ðis andweardan lífe in this present life, Bt. 10; Fox 26, 30. Da scearpþanclan witan ðone twydǽledan wísdóm hlutorlíce tocnáwaþ, ðæt is, andweardra þinga and gástlícra wísdóm the sharp-minded wise men knew clearly the twofold wisdom, that is, the wisdom of things temporal [present] and spiritual, MS. Cot. Faust, A. x. 150 b; Lchdm. iii. 440, 30. [O. Sax. and-ward præsens: O. H. Ger. ant-wart: Goth. ánd-wairþs.] DER. and-warde, and-wardnys, and-weardlíce, and-weardnes.

and-weard-líce; adv. Presentially, in the presence of, present; præsentialiter:--Ðe hine andweardlíce gesáwon who saw him present, Bd. 4, 17; S. 585, 30: Elen. Grm. 1141.

and-weardnes, -ness, and-weardnys, and-wardnys, -nyss, e; f. Presentness, presence, present time; præsentia, præsens tempus, præsens:--Wæs ic swýðe for his andweardnesse afyrhted ejus præsentia eram exterritus, Bd. 4, 25; S. 600, 42. On andweardnysse in prcesenti, I. I; S. 474, 1.

and-wendan; p. -wende; pp. -wended to change; mutare. DER. wendan. v. on-wendan.

and-wendednys, a-wændednys, -nyss, e; f. [and, wended , pp. of wendan to turn, nes] A changing, change; mutatio, Ps. Spl. 76, 10, v. on-wendednes.

and-weorc, ond-weorc, an-weorc, es; n. Matter, substance, material, metal, a cause of anything; materia, cæmentum, metallum, causa:--He ðæt andweorc of Adames lice aleoðode he dismembered the substance from Adam's body, Cd. 9; Th. 11. 16; Gen. 176. Ðæt leád is hefigre ðonne ǽnig óðer andweorc plumbum cæíeris metallis est gravius, Past. 37, 3; Hat. MS. 50 a. 16. Búton andweorce without cause, Bt. 10; Fox 30, 2: Bt. Met. Fox 17, 32; Met. 17, 16.

and-werd,; adj. Present; præsens:--On ðisum andwerdan dæge on this present day, Homl. Th. ii. 284, 5. v. and-weard.

and-werdan, and-wirdan, and-wyrdan, ond-wyrdan; p. de; pp. od [and, word a word: Goth. and-waúrdyan to answer, waúrd a word: Ger. antwort an answer] To answer; respondere:--Abram hire andwerde Abram ei respondit. Gen. 16, 6.

and-wirdan; p. de; pp. od to answer; respondere:--Ðæt wíf andwirde the woman answered. Gen. 3, 2. v. and-werdan.

and-wís; adj. Expert, skilful; gnarus, expertus:--Yfeles andwís expert in evil, Exon. 69 a; Th. 257, 8; Jul. 244. DER. wís.

and-wísnes, -ness, e; f. Experience, skilfulness; experientia. DER. and, wisnes. v. wís wise.

and-wlata, an; m. The face, forehead, Herb. 75, 6; Lchdm. i. 178, 16: 101, 2; Lchdm. i. 216, 9. v. and-wlita.

and-wlita, an-wlita, an; m: and-wlite, es; n. The face, countenance, personal appearance, forehead, form, surface; facies, vultus, aspectus, frons, forma, superficies:--Hleór bolster onféng, eorles andwlitan the bolster received his cheek, the hero's face, Beo. Th. 1382; B. 689: Exon. 24 a; Th. 69, 20; Cri. 1123: Bt. Met. Fox 31, 33; Met. 31, 17. Leóht andwlitan ðínes lamen vultas tui, Ps. Spl. 4, 7: Ps. Th. 89, 8. Ealle gesceafta onfóþ æt Gode andwlitan all creatures receive form from God, Bt. 39, 5; Fox 218, 15. On andwlitan wídre eorþan on the face of the wide earth. Cd. 67; Th. 81, 21; Gen. 1348. He hæfde blácne andwlitan he had a pale countenance, Bd. 2, 16; S. 519, 34. [Plat, antlaat, n: N. H. Ger. antlitz, n: M. H. Ger. antlütze, antlitze: O. H. Ger. antluzi: O. Nrs. andlit, n.]

and-wlítan; p. -wlát, pl. -wliton; pp. -wliten To look upon; intueri:--Nó ðæt hí mósten in ðone Écan andwlítan that they might not look on the Eternal, Cd. 221; Th. 288, 10; Sat. 378. DER. wlítan.

and-wlite, es; n. The countenance, face; vultus, facies:--Efennysse geseah andwlite his æquitatem vidit vultus ejus, Ps. Spl. T. 10, 8. v. and-wlita.

and-wráþ adj. Hostile; infensus:--Ðam dracan he andwráþ leofaþ he lives hostile to the serpent, Exon. 95 b; Th. 356, 26; Pa. 17. DER. wráþ.

and-wyrdan, ond-wyrdan to answer, Ps. Th. 101, 21: 118, 42: Ors. 1, 10; Bos. 32, 20. v. and-werdan.

and-wyrde, es; n. An answer; responsum :-- Hétan him ðæt andwyrde secgan they commanded them to deliver this answer, Ors. l, 10; Bos. 32, 23: Cd. 27; Th. 36, 17; Gen. 573: Elen. Grm. 544: 618. v. and-swarn.

and-wyrding, e; f. A consent, an agreement, a conspiring, conspiracy; conspiratio, Cot. 46.

and-yttan To confess, praise, thank; confiteri :-- Ic andytte ðé ego confiteor tibi, Mt. Bos. 11, 25. v. andettan.

áne, ǽne; adv. [án one, with the adverbial -e] Once, once for all, only, alone; semel, solum, tantum :-- Is ðysáne má this is once more, Andr. Kmbl. 984; An. 492. Ic bydde ðé, ðæt ðú lǽ te me sprecan áne feáwa worda I pray thee, that thou let me speak only [once for all] few words, Nicod. 11; Thw. 5, 40. Ic ðé ǽ ne abealh, éce Drihten I alone angered thee, eternal Lord, Cd. 222; Th. 290, 4; Sat. 410.

án-eáge, án-ége, án-íge, án-ígge; adj. [án one, eage an eye] One-eyed, blind of one eye; monoculus, luscus :-- Gif he hí gedó áneáge if he make them one-eyed, L. Alf. 20; Th. i. 48, 25, note. Gif híg ánége gedó si luscos eos fecerit, Ex. 21, 26.

án-ecge; adj. One-edged, having one edge; unam habeas aciem :-- Án-ecge sweord a one-edged sword; machæra, Ælfc. Gl. 52; Som. 66, 48; Wrt. Voc. 35, 36.

án-ége; adj. One-eyed :-- Gif híg ánége gedó si lascos eos fecerit, Ex. 21, 26. v. án-eáge.

án-éged; part. One-eyed, blinded of one eye; monoculus, monophthalmus, luscus :-- Gif he hí gedó ánégede if he make them one-eyed, L. Alf. 20; Th. 1: 48, 25, note: Ælfc. Gl. 71; Som. 70, 76; Wrt. Voc. 43, 9.

a-neglod; part. Nailed, fastened with nails, crucified; clavis fixus, crucifixus, Som. v. næg-lian.

a-néhst at last, in the last place; ad ultimum, ultimo, v. a-níhst.

a-nemnan; p. de; pp. ed To declare; pronuntiare :-- Godes spel-bodan eal anemdon God's messengers declared all, Exon. 33 a; Th. 104, 25; Gú. 13. v. nemnan.

ánes, áness, e; f. A oneness, an agreement; unitas :-- Gewearþ him and ðam folce on Lindesige ánes there was an agreement between him and the people in Lindsey, Chr. 1014; Th. 274, 13. v. cán-nes.

ánes of one, g. m. n. of án :-- Ánes bleós of one colour; unicolor. Ánes geáres of one year. Ánes hiwes of the same hue or shape. Ánes wana wanting of one, as ánes wana twentig twenty wanting one, nineteen.

a-nescian, -hnescian; p. ode; pp. od To make nesh, to weaken; emollire :-- He sceolde ða ánrédnesse anescian poterat constantiam ejus emollire, Bd. 1, 7; S. 477, 44. v. hnescian.

an-færeld a journey; iter, Nathan. 2. v. on-færeld.

án-fáh; adj. Of one colour; unicolor. v. fág.

an-fangen received; pp. of an-fón.

an-fangennes, -ness, e; f. A receiving, receptacle; acceptio, susceptio, receptaculum, R. Ben. 2. v. on-fangenes.

án-feald; adj. [án one, feald fold] ONE FOLD, simple, single, one alone, singular, peculiar, matchless; simplex :-- Swá mid þrýfealdre swá mid ánfealdre láde either with a threefold or with a simple exculpation, L. C. E. 5; Th. i. 364, 2: 5; Th. i. 362, 10. Ánfeald áþ a simple oath, L. C. S. 22; Th. i. 388, 11. Ánfeald getel the singular number, Ælfc. Gr. 13; Som. 16, 25. Án-feald gewin single combat, R. Ben. interl. l. Ða án-fealdan stræcan those who are uniformly strict, Past. 42, l; Hat. MS. 57b, 25.

ánfeald áþ a simple oath, L. C. S. 22; Th. i. 388, 11, note b. v. áþ, III.

ánfeald-líce; adv. Singly, simply, without intermission; simpliciter, R. Ben. 52.

ánfeald-nes, -ness, e; f. Oneness, unity, simplicity, singleness; simplicitas :-- Ymbe ða ánfealdnesse ðare godcundnesse concerning the oneness of the divine nature, Bt. 35, 5; Fox 164, 18: 39, 5; Fox 218, 19. Ðá hwíle ðe hí heora ánrǽdnesse geheóldan him betwénan and ánfealdnysse while they had agreement and simplicity amongst themselves, Ors. 5, 3; Bos. 104, 1.

an-feng, es; m. A taking to one's self, a receiving, defence, defender; assumptio, susceptio, susceptor :-- Drihtnes anfeng úre Domini assumptio nostra, Ps. Spl. 88, 18. He anfeng mín ipse susceptor metis, 61, 2: Runic pm. 3; Hick. Thes. i. 135; Kmbl. 340, 1. v. and-feng.

an-fenga, an; m. A receiver, an undertaker; susceptor. v. and-fenga.

an-fenge; adj. Acceptable, fit. v. and-fenge.

an-fénge shouldest have taken, Cd. 42; Th. 54, 10; p. subj. of an-fón.

an-fengednes, -ness, e; f. A receiving; acceptio. v. on-fangenes.

an-féte; adj. One-footed, with one foot; monopodius, Exon, 114b; Th. 439, 9; Rä. 59, 1.

an-féðe in walking, Bt. 36, 5; Fox 180, 20. v. féðe.

an-filt, on-filt An ANVIL; incus, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 6; Som. 32, 34: Ælfc. Gl. 50; Som. 65, 128; Wrt. Voc. 34, 56. [Plat, ambolt, ambult, m: Dut. aanbeeld, aenbeld, n: O. H. Ger. anafalz.]

an-flindan to discover, find; deprehendere. Cot. 61. v. on-findan.

an-floga, an; m. lonely flying; solitarie volans, solivagus, Exon. 82 a; Th. 309, 25; Seef. 62.

an-fón; p. -féng; pp. -fangen To take, take to one's self, receive, perceive, comprehend; accipere, suscipere, sumere, percipere, recipere :-- Ðú sceonde æt me anfénge thou shouldest have taken to thyself shame from me, Cd. 42; Th. 54, 10; Gen. 875 : Exon. 112 a; Th. 429, 12; Rä. 43, 3: Ps. C. 50, 135; Ps. Grn. ii. 280, 135. To anfónne to receive, Bd. 3, 6; S. 528, 4. v. on-fón.

an-forht; adj. Fearful, timid; timidus :-- Ne þearf ðonne ǽnig anforht [MS. unforht] wesan no one then need be fearful, Rood Kmbl. 232; Kr. 117. DER. forht.

án-for-lǽtan; ic -læte, ðú -lætest, -lǽtst, he -lǽteþ, -léteþ, pl. -lǽtaþ; p. -lét, -leórt, -leót, pl. -léton; pp. -lǽten To leave alone, lose, relinquish, forsake; amittere :-- Ðú nú án-forléte thou hast now lost, Bt. 7, 3; Fox 20, 12: Bd. 1, 27, resp. 3; S. 490, 25: 4, 10; S. 578, 34. v. án; adv. ana forlǽtan.

an-funden found, taken; pp. of an-findan.

ang-, a prefix, as in ang-breóst, ang-mód, ang-módnes, ang-sum, etc. from ange narrow, vexed.

ánga, ǽnga, énga, m; ánge , f. n; def. adj. I. one and no more, only, sole, single, singular; unicus, ullus, quisquam :-- Se ánga hyht the sole hope, Exon. 62a; Th. 227, 14; Ph. 423: 96b; Th. 360, 1; Pa. 73. Ðú eart dó;htor mín ánge for eorþan thou art my only daughter on earth, 67a; Th. 248, 13; Jul. 95. Abraham wolde gesyllan his swǽsne sunu, ángan ofer eorþan yrfeláfe Abraham would give his dear son, his sole hereditary remnant on earth, Cd. 162; Th. 203, 13; Exod. 403. Cain gewearþ to ecgbanan ángan breðer Cain was the murderer of his only brother, Beo. Th. 2529; B. 1262. II. any, every one, all; quisque. In this sense it admits of a plural :-- Secge me nú hwæðer ðú ǽfre gehýrdest, ðæt wisdom ángum ðara eallunga þurhwunode tell me now, whether thou hast ever heard, that wisdom always remained to any of them. Bt. 29, 1; Fox 102, 9. v. án, II, IV.

an-gan began, Cd. 23; Th. 28, 26; Gen. 442. v. an-ginnan.

ang-breóst, es; n. [ange narrow, contracted, troubled; breóst a breast] An asthma, a difficulty of breathing, breast-anguish; asthma :-- Wið angbreóste against breast-anguish, L. M. 1, 15; Lchdm, ii. 58, 15.

ange, ænge, enge, onge; adj. Narrow, straitened, vexed, troubled, sorrowful; angustus, anxius, vexatus, tristis :-- Ðes ænga stede this narrow place, Cd. 18; Th. 23, 9; Gen. 356. Ufan hit is enge it is narrow above, Exon. 116 a; Th. 446, 14; Dóm. 22. Ðá wæs ðam cynge swíðe ange on his mode then the king was greatly troubled in his mind, Ors. 2, 5; Bos. 48, 14. [N. Ger. M. H. Ger. enge angustus: O. H. Ger. angi: Goth. aggwus: O. Nrs. öngr: Lat. angustus: Grk. GREEK: Sansk. anhu narrow.]

angeán; prep. Against; contra :-- Hý him brohtan angeán ehta hund M féðena they brought against him eight hundred thousand foot, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 68, 9. v. on-geán; prep.

angel; g. angles; m. A hook, a fishing-hook; hamus :-- Wurp ðínne angel út mitte hamum, Mt. Bos. 17, 27. Swá swá mid angle fisc gefangen biþ as a fish is caught by a hook, Bt. 20; Fox 72, 11. [Plat. Dut. Ger. M. H. Ger. angel, m: O. H. Ger. angul, m: O. Nrs. öngull, m.]

Angel; gen. dat. acc. Angle; f. Anglen in Denmark, the country between Flensburg and the Schley from which the Angles came into Britain; Angulus, nomen terræ quam Angli ante transitum in Britanniam coluerunt :-- Of Angle cómon Eást-Engle from Anglen came the East-Angles, Chr. 449; Ing. 15, 1. Ðæt land, ðe man Angle hǽt the land, which is called Anglen, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 18, 37. Hí ðá sendon to Angle they then sent to Anglen, Chr. 449; Th. 20, 12. v. Engel.

angel an angel; angelus, Ps. Spl. 33, 7. v. engel.

Angel-, English; Anglicanus, -- as in the following compounds :-- Angel-cyning, -cynn, -þeód.

Angel-cyning, es; m. An Angle or English king, Bd. 3, 8; S. 531, 8: 3, 9; S. 533, 8. v. Engle.

Angel-cynn, es; n. The Angle or English race; Anglorum gens, Bd. pref; S. 471, 23: 4, 16; S. 584, 13. v. Engle.

án-geld, es; n. A single payment or compensation, L. In. 56; Th. i. 138, 9: L. Edg. ii. 7; Th. i. 268, 19, MS. G. v. án-gild.

an-gelic; adj. Like, similar; sirnilis :-- Donne ne finst ðú ðǽ r náuht angelíces then thou wilt not find there anything of like, Bt. 18, 3; Fox 66, ll. v. ge-lic.

Angel-þeód, e; f. The English people; Anglorum gens, Bd. 5, 24; S. 646, 34, 37. v. Engle.

angel-twicce. an; f. A red worm used for a bait in angling or fishing; lumbricus :-- Rén-wyrrn vel angel-twicce lumbricus, Ælfc. Gl. 24; Som. 60, 30; Wrt. Voc. 24, 31. [twachel the dew-worm, Halwl. Dict.]

án-genga, -gengea, an; m. [án unus, solus; gengan ire] A lone-goer, a solitary; solivagus, solitarius :-- Blódig wæl eteþ ángenga the lone-goer will eat my bloody corpse, Beo. Th. 902; B. 449. Fela fyrena atol ángengea oft gefremede many crimes the foul solitary oft perpetrated, 332; B. 165.

án-ge-trum, es; n. [án unicus, eximius; ge-tram cohors, caterva] A singular company; unica cohors, eximia caterva :-- Micel ángetrum a great [and] singular company, Cd. 160; Th. 199, 6; Exod. 334. án-geweald, es; m. Power, empire, dominion; potestas, imperium, dominatio :-- Hyne ðære helle sealde on ángeweald gave him into the power of hell, Nicod. 29; Thw. 17, l. v. án-weald, ge-weald.

angil a hook, Coll. Monast. Th. 23, ii. v. angel.

án-gild, -geld, -gyld, es; n. [án one, gild a payment, compensation]. I. a single payment or compensation, the single value of property claimed or in dispute, -- a rate fixed by law, at which certain injuries, either to person or property, were to be paid for; simplex compensatio :-- Forgylde ðæt ángylde let him pay for it with a single compensation, L. Alf. pol. 6; Th. i. 66, 3: 22; Th. i. 76, 7: L. In. 22; Th. i. 116, 12. Forgylde ðæt yrfe ángylde let him pay for the property with a single recompense, L. Ath. v. § 8, 4; Th. i. 236, 24: L. Edg. H. 6; Th. i. 260, 7: L. Edg. ii. 7; Th. i. 268, 19: L. Eth. iii. 4; Th. i. 294, 17: L. O. D. 4; Th. i. 354, 15: Th. Diplm. A. D. 883; 130, 18-131, 5. II. the fixed price or rate at which cattle and other goods were received as currency; æstimatio, pretium :-- Gif we ðæt ceáp-gild ar&aelig-acute;raþ be fullan ángylde if we raise the market-price [of cattle] to the full fixed price, L. Ath. v. § 6, 4; Th. i. 234, 17.

an-gildan; p. -geald, pl. -guldon; pp. -golden To pay for, repay, atone for; rependere, pœnas dare :-- Sum sáre angeald ǽfen-reste one sorely paid for his evening rest, Beo. Th. 2507; B. 1251: Ors. 6, 23; Bos. 124, 13. v. on-gildan.

an-gin, -ginn, -gyn, on-gin, es; n. A beginning, attempt, resolve, purpose, design, undertaking, opportunity; initium, principium, conatus, inceptum, cœptum, occasio :-- Ǽlc angin every beginning, Bt. 5, 3; Fox 12, 18. Ðis synd sára angin initium dolorum hæc, Mk. Bos. 13, 8. Se ána Scyppend næfþ nán anginn, ac he sylf is anginn ealra þinga the Creator alone hath not any beginning, but he is himself the beginning of all things, Hexam. 13; Norm. 22, 3. On anginne in principio, 1; Norm. 2, 26. Bútan anginne without beginning, Exon. 9b; Th. 8, 1; Cri. 111. Synt ðæra sára anginnu sunt dolorum initia, Mt. Bos. 24, 8. Gif ðú ðæt angin fremest if thou perfect that attempt, Cd. 27; Th. 36, 27; Gen. 578. Ðá geseah Iohannes sumne cniht swíðe glæd on móde and on anginne cáf there John saw a certain youth cheerful in mind and quick in design, Ælfc. T. 33, 17. Abreóðe his angin may his design perish, Byrht. Th. 138, 59; By. 242: Cd. 178; Th. 223, 26; Dan. 125: R. Ben. 69. [O. Sax. angin initium.]

an-ginnan; p. -gan, pl. -gunnon; pp. -gunnen To begin, undertake; incipere :-- Angan hine gyrwan began to prepare himself, Cd. 23; Th. 28, 26; Gen. 442: Bt. Met. Fox 1, 118; Met. 1, 59. v. on-ginnan.

an-gitan; p. -geat; pp. -giten To get, lay hold of, seize; assequi, corripere, invadere :-- Hine se bróga angeat terror seized him, Beo. Th. 2587; B. 1291. v. on-gitan.

Angle; g. a; dat. um; pl. m. The ANGLES, who came from Anglen [v. Angel = Engel Anglen] in Denmark, and occupied the greater part of England, from Suffolk to the Frith of Forth, including Mercia. Bede says, -- Ðæt mynster, Æbbercurníg, ðæt is geseted on Engla lande the minster, Abercorn, that is seated in the land of the Angles, of Engla land = England, Bd. 4, 26; S. 602, 35. Abercorn is on the south coast of the Frith of Forth, and at the mouth of the river Carron, where the Roman wall of Severus began, and extended to the Frith of Clyde. Bede wrote his history about A. D. 731, at which time Abercorn was within the bounds of Engla land =England :-- Ðæt land, ðætte Angle ǽr hæfdon the land, that the Angles formerly had, Bd. 4, 26; S. 602, 30. To Anglum to the Angles, Chr. 443; Th. 18, 33, col. 1; 19, 30, col. 1. Ðá cómon ða menn of þrým mægþum Germanie, -- of Eald-Seaxum, of Anglum, of Iotum then came the men from three tribes of Germany, -- from Old-Saxons, from Angles, from Jutes, Chr. 449; Th. 20, 18-21, col. 1.

Angle; g. d. acc. of Angel Anglen :-- Ðæt land, ðe man Angle hǽt the land, which they call Anglen, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 18, 37. v. Engel, Ongel.

Angles eg, e; f. [íg an island] ANGLESEY, so called after it was conquered by the English: it was anciently called Mona :-- Hugo eorl wearþ ofslagen innan Angles ége earl Hugo was slain in Anglesey, Chr. 1098; Ing. 317, 31.

ang-mód, ancg-mód; adj. [ange vexed, mód mind] Vexed in mind, anxious, sad, sorrowful; anxius, sollicitus, tristis, R. Ben. 64.

ang-módnes, -ness, e; f. Sadness, sorrowfulness; tristitia. v. ange vexed, módnes, módignes pride.

ang-nægl, es; m. An AGNAIL or ANGNAIL, a whitlow, a sore under the nail; paronychia = GREEK, dolor ad ungulam [Frs. ongneil: O. H. Ger. ungnagal.] v. ange vexed, nægel a nail.

angnes, -ness, angnis, -niss, angnys, -nyss, e; f. [ange angustus, anxius; -nes] Narrowness, anxiety, distress, sorrow, trouble, anguish; angustiæ, anxietas, tristitia, ærumna :-- Angnes módes anxietas animi, Somn. 354. On angnisse mín in ærumna mea, Ps. Spl. T. 31, 4. Geswinc and angnys gemétton me tribulatio et angustiæ invenerunt me, Ps. Spl. 118, 143. v. angsumnes.

an-golden repaid, requited; pp. of an-gildan. v. gildan.

Angol-þeód, e; f. The English nation; gens Anglorum, Bd. 5, 21; S. 642, 31. v. Angel-þeód.

angol-twæcce; -twæccean; f. An earth-worm: -- Genim angoltwæccean take an earth-worm, L. M. 1, 39; Lchdm, ii. 100, 8. v. angel-twicce.

an-gríslíc. -grýslíc, on-gríslíc; adj. Grisly, horrible, dreadful, horrid; horridus, terribilis, horrendus :-- Micel and angríslíc magnus et terribilis, Ps. Spl. 88, 8: Ps. Th. 104, 33. DER. gríslíc.

an-grysen-líce; adv. Terribly; terribiliter, Nicod. 26; Thw. 14, 22. v. an-gríslíc.

ang-set, es; m ? ang-seta, an; m ? A disease with eruptions, a carbuncle, pimple, pustule, an eruption, St. Anthony's fire; carbunculus :-- Angset vel spring carbunculus, Ælfc. Gl. 9; Som. 57, 9; Wrt. Voc. 19, 19. Angseta furunculus vel anthrax, Ælfc. Gl. 12; Som. 57, 69; Wrt. Voc. 20, 12: Ælfc. Gl. 64; Som. 69, 19; Wrt. Voc. 40, 51.

ang-sum, anc-sum; adj. Narrow, strait, troublesome, hard, difficult, angustus, difficilis :-- Eálá hú neara and hú angsum is ðæt geat, and se weg ðe to lífe gelǽdt; and swýðe feáwa synt ðe ðone weg findon quam angusta porla, et arcta via est, quae ducit ad vitam; et pauci sunt qui inveniunt eam, Mt. Bos. 7, 14.

ang-sumian; p. ode; pp. od To vex, afflict, to be solicitous; vexare, angere, sollicitus esse. DER. angsum.

ang-sum-líc troublesome, anxious; tristis, sollicitus. v. ang-sum.

ang-sum-líce; adv. sorrowfully; eriste. v. angsumlíc.

ang-sumnes, -ness, ang-sumnis, -niss, -nys, -nyss, e; f. Troublesome-ness, sorrow, anxiety, anguish; angustiæ, ærumna :-- Geswinc and angsumnes gemétton me tribulatio et angustiæ invenerunt me, Ps. Spl. M. 118, 143. We gesáwon hys angsumnisse nos vidimus angustiam animæ illius, Gen. 42, 21: Jos. 7, 7. v. angnes.

ángum to any, Bt. 29, 1; Fox 102, 9. v. ánga.

án-gyld, es; n. A single payment or compensation, L. Alf. pol. 6; Th. i. 66, 3: 22; Th. i. 76, 7: L. In. 22; Th. i. 116, 12. v. án-gild.

an-gyn a beginning. Mk. Bos. l, I. v. an-gin.

an-gytan [an, gytan to get] To find, discover, understand, know; invenire, intelligere, R. Ben. 2. v. on-gitan.

an-hafen lifted up, exalted, Bd. 3, 6; S. 528, 9. v. an-hebban.

án-haga, -hoga, an; m. One dwelling alone, a recluse; solitarius, solitarie habitans vel degens :-- Ðǽr se ánhaga eard bihealdeþ ibi solitarius natalem locum tenet, Exon. 57a; Th. 303, 20; Ph. 87. Íc eom ánhaga I am a recluse, 102b; Th. 388, 1; Rä. 6, 1: Beo. Th. 4725; B. 2368. To ðam ánhagan against the solitary, Andr. Kmbl. 2701; An. 1353.

an-hagian; p. ode; pp. od To be at leisure, R. Ben. 58. v. on-hagian.

an-healdan; p. -heóld, pl. -heóldon; pp. -healden To hold, keep; tenere, servare, præstare :-- Gesceaft fæste sibbe anhealdaþ creatures keep firm peace, Bt. Met. Fox 11, 84; Met. 11, 42.

an-hebban, -hæbban; p. -hóf, pl. -hófon; pp. -hafen To heave up, lift up, exalt, raise up, take away, remove; elevare, erigere, exaltare, sublimare, attollere, auferre :-- Ðæt ðúðé ne anhebbe on ofermetto that thou lift not up thyself with arrogance, Bt. 6; Fox 14, 34. Mid ða heánnesse ðæs eorþlícan ríces anhafen regni culmine sublimatus, Bd. 3, 6; S. 528, 9. v. on-hebban.

an-hefednes, -ness, e; f. Exaltation; exaltatio, C. R. Ben. 7.

án-hende; adj. One-handed, lame, imperfect, weak; unimanus, Ælfc. Gl. 77; Som. 72, 25; Wrt. Voc. 45, 58.

án-hoga, an; m. [án-wuniende] A lone dweller, recluse :-- Geworden ic eom swá swá spearwa ánhoga oððe ánwuniende on efese oððe on þecene factus sum sicut passer solitarius in tecto, Ps. Lamb. 101, 8. Se ánhoga the recluse, Exon. 60b; Th. 222, 10; Ph. 346: 47a; Th. 162, 3; Gú. 970. v. án-haga.

an-hón to hang; suspendere. v. on-hón.

án-horn, es; m; án-horna, an; m. A unicorn; unicornis, monoceros = GREEK :-- Ánhornes unicornis, Ps. Surt. 91, 11. Ðonne ánhorna sicut unicornis, Ps. Th. 91, 9: [MS. ónhornan], 77, 68.

án-hrædlíce unanimously, Ps. Spl. 82, 5. v. án-rǽdlíce.

an-hreósan to rush upon; irruere. v. on-hreósan.

án-hydig; adj. One or single minded, steadfast, firm, constant, stubborn, self-willed; firmus, constans, pervicax :-- Elnes ánhvdig steadfast in courage, Exon. 45b; Th. 156, 3; Gú. 869: Elen. Grm. 828. Ánhydig eorl the stubborn chieftain, Exon. 55b; Th. 196, 28; Az. 181: 100 a; Th. 377, 11; Deór. 2. Wearþ ðá ánhydig then he became, self-willed. Cd. 205; Th. 254, 1; Dan. 605.

an-hyldan to incline; inclinare, R. Ben. in proœm. v. on-hyldan.

an-hyrian To emulate; æmulari :-- Ne anhyre ðú noli æmulari, Ps. Spl. T. 36, 8. v. onhyrian.

án-hyrne; adj. One-horned, having one horn; unicornis :-- Ánhyrne deór unicornis, vel monoceros, vel rhinoceros,Ælfc. Gl. 18; Som. 58, 129; Wrt. Voc. 22, 43.

án-hyrned; p. part. One-horned, having one horn; unicornis :-- Biþ upahafen swá swá ánhyrnedes deóres mín horn exaltabitur sicut unicornis cornu meum, Ps. Lamb. 91, 10: 77, 69.

án-hyrnende; pres. part. Having one horn; unicornis :-- Fram hornum ánhyrnendra a cornibus unicornium, Ps. Spl. 21, 20: 77, 75: 91, 10: Ps. Lamb. 21, 22. a-nídan; p. -nídde; pp. -níded , pl. -nídde = nídede To force, Chr. 823; Th. 110, 33 col. 1. v. a-nydan.

án-íge, -ígge; adj. One-eyed :-- Áníge luscus. Cot. 122. Gif he hí gedó ánígge if he make them one-eyed, L. Alf. 20; Th. i. 48, 25. v. án-eáge.

a-níhst; adv. [a = on in, ad; níhst ultimus] At last, in the last place; ad ultimum, ultimo :-- Ne wǽron ðæt gesíða ða sǽmestan, ðeáh ðe ic hý aníhst nemnan sceolde they were not the worst of comrades, though I should name them last, Exon. 86b; Th. 326, 9; Wid. 126.

a-niman, -nyman; p. -nam, pl. -námon; pp. -numen [a from, niman to take] To take away, remove; tollere, capere :-- Animaþ ðæt púnd æt hym take the talent from him, Mt. Foxe 25, 28. Animan wolde would take, Fins. Th. 43; Fin. 21.

áninga, ǽ ninga, ánunga; adv. [án one, inga] One by one, singly, at once, clearly, plainly, entirely, altogether, necessarily, by all means, at all events; per singula, singulatim, plane, prorsus, omnino, necessario, ad omnem eventum :-- Woldon áninga ellenrófes mód gemiltan they would entirely subdue the bold man's mind, Andr. Kmbl. 2785; An. 1394. Gif ða cnihtas áninga ofslagene been sceoldan si necesse esset pueros interfici, Bd. 4, 16; S. 584, 32: Beo. Th. 1272; B. 634: Judth. 12; Thw. 25, 9; Jud. 250: Jn. Lind. War. 21, 25: Bt. Met. Fox 18, 11; Met. 18, 6.

a-niðerian; p. ode; pp. od [a intensive, niðerian to thrust down] To put down, condemn, damn; deorsum trudere :-- Ðá wurþe he aniðrod mid Iudas then let him be cast down with Judas, Chr. 675; Ing. 52, 12.

an-læc A respect, regard, consideration; respectus, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 5; Som. 31, 67.

an-lǽdan; p. de To lead on or to; adducere :-- Ðǽǽr eorp-werod an-laddon there led on the swarthy host. Cd. 151; Th. 190, 5; Exod. 194. v. on-lǽ dan.

án-lǽtan [án alone, líÉtan to let] To let alone, forbear, relinquish; relinquere, Cd. 30; Th. 40, 24; Gen. 644.

Án-láf, es; m. Olaf, king of Dublin, defeated at Brunanburh, Chr. 937; Th. 201, 29, col. 3: 202, 37; Æðelst. 26.

án-laga; adj. Alone, solitary, without company; solitarius, Cot. 198.

anlang cernpa an; m. A regular soldier; miles ordinarius, gregarius, Cot. 136.

án-lápe; adj. Going alone, one by one; singuli :-- Ánlápum oððe syndrigum hond gesette singulis manus imposuit, Lk. Lind. War. 4, 40. Ða síe awritten ánlápum quae scribantur per singula, Jn. Lind. War. 21, 25. v. án-lépe.

án-lápum; adv. One by one; per singula, singulatim, Jn. Lind. War. 21, 25. v. án-lápe, án-lépe.

an-lec a respect, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 5; Som. 31, 67, MS. D. v. anlæc.

án-leger; adj. [án one, leger jacens] lying with one person; unicubus :-- Ánlegere wifman a woman with one husband; unicuba, R. 8.

an-leofa, an; m. 1. food, nourishment; victus, cibus :-- Beón beraþ árlícne anleofan bees carry delicious food, Frag. Kmbl. 36; Leás. 20. II. a gift, alms, wages; slips, Ælfc. Gl. 4; Som. 55, 105.

án-lépe, -lépig, -lípig, -lýpig, [ǽn-]; adj. [án one; hleáp, hlýp a running, leap] Going alone, solitary, private, alone, singular, one, each one; solivagus, solitarius, privatus, solus, singularis, unus, singulus :-- Nis nán ðe eallunga wel dó, nó forðon ánlépe non est qui faciat bonum, non est usque ad unum, Ps. Th. 13, 2. Ánlépra ǽlc each one, Bt. Met. Fox 25, 111; Met. 25, 56. [Ger. einläufig, einläuftig solivagus, singularis.]

án-lépig; adj. Solitary, private, alone, v. án-lípig.

án-lépnes, -ness, e; f. Solitude, loneliness; solitudo :-- Ne tala ðú me, ðæt ic ne cunne ða ánlépnesse ðínes útsetles think not thou, that I know not the loneliness of thy outsitting, Bd. 2, 12; S. 513, 41.

an-líc, on-líc; adj. Like, similar, equal; similis, æqualis :-- Forðam ys heofena ríce anlíc ðam cyninge ideo assimilatum est regnum cælorum homini regi, Mt. Bos. 18, 23. Ðæt he bióþ swíðe anlíc that he is very like, Bt. 37, 1; Fox 186, 11. Nis under wolcnum Drihtne ǽnig anlíc? quis in nubibus æquabitur Domino ? Ps. Th. 88, 5: 57, 4: 72, 18: 112, 5. [Ger. æhnlich similis: M. H. Ger. anelích: O. H. Ger. anagalíh: Coth. analeiks: O. Nrs. álíkr.]

án-líc, ǽn-líc; adj. [án one, líc like] ONLY, singular, incomparable, excellent, elegant, beautiful; unicus, eximius, egregius, elegans, pulcher :-- He is mín ánlíca sunu unicus est mihi filius, Lk. Bos. 9, 38. Andett seó gelaðung ðínne sóðan and ánlícan sunu confitetur ecclesia tuum verum et unicum filium, Ps. Lamb. fol. 195 a, 12: Te Dm. Thomson 37, 12. Ic spearu-wan swá some gelíce gewearþ, ánlícum fugele factus sum sicut passer unicus, Ps. Th. 101, 5: Exon. 56a; Th. 198, 12; Ph. 9: Beo. Th. 507; B. 251. Gesete fram deóflum oððe fram leónum ánlícan oððe ánnysse míne restitue a leonibus unicam meam, Ps. Lamb. 34, 17; restore thou myn aon lijf aloone [darling] fro liouns, Wyc.

an-lícast most like. Ps. Th. 78, 2: 89, 4, 10: 91, 11; sup. of an-líc.

an-líce, on-líce; adv. In like manner, similarly; similiter :-- Anlíce swá swá sicut. Ps. Th. 123, 6. Ðærn anlícost, ðe ... in a manner most like to his, that ..., Bt. Met. Fox 20, 337; Met. 20, 169.

án-líce ONLY. v. ǽn-líce.

an-lícnes, on-lícnes, and-lícnis, -lícness, -lícnyss, e; f. I. a likeness, image, similitude, resemblance; imago, similitudo :-- Mon wæs to Godes anlícnesse ǽrest gesceapen man was to God's image first shapen, Cd. 75; Th. 92, 15; Gen. 1529. Hwæs anlícnys ys ðis? cujus est imago hæc? Mt. Bos. 22, 20. God gesceóp man to his andlícnisse creavit Deus hominem ad imaginem suam, Gen. 1, 27. On ðæs mannes sáwle is Godes anlícnyss in the soul of the man is God's image, Hexam. 11; Norm. 18, 21. Uton gewyrcan mannan to úre anlícnysse and to úre gelícnysse faciamus hominem ad imaginem nostram et similitudinem nostram, 11; Norm. 18, 14, 20, 21, 25. God worhte Adam to his anlícnysse. On hwilcum dǽle hæfþ se man Godes anlícnysse on him ? On ðære sáwle, ná on ðam líchaman. Ðæs mannes sáwl hæfþ on hire gecynde ðære Hálgan þrýnnysse anlicnysse; forðan ðe heó hæfþ on hire þreó þing, ðæt is gemynd, and andgit and willa God made Adam in his own likeness. In which part has man the likeness of God in him? In the soul, not in the body. The soul of man has in its nature a likeness to the Holy Trinity; for it has in it three things, these are memory, and understanding, and will, Homl. Th. i. 288, 14-19. II. a parable; parabola :-- Ic on anlícnessum ontýne mínes sylfes múþ aperiam in parabolis as meum, Ps. Th. 77, 2. v. big-spell, gelícnes, II. III. an image, statue, idol, stature, height; statua, simulacrum, statura :-- He wundoragræfene anlícnesse geseh he beheld a wondrously-carved image, Andr. Kmbl. 1425; An. 713. Tobrec hira anlícnyssa confringes statuas eorum, Ex. 23, 24: Cd. 119; Th. 154, 33; Gen. 2565. Anlícnes agalma, vel iconisma, vel idea, Ælfc. Gl. 81; Som. 72, 123. Hwylc mæg ícan áne elne to his anlícnesse? quis potest adjicere ad staturam suam cubitum unum? Lk. Bos. 12, 25.

án-lípig = án-lípige solitary, private, Bd. 1, 15; S. 483, 45. v. án-lípig.

án-lípig, -lýpig; adj. [án one; hlíp, hlýp] Going alone, solitary, private, singular, alone; solitarius, privatus, singularis, solus, tantus :-- Se ðá ánlýpig [MS. ánlýpi] awunode on syndrige stówe fram ðære cyricean qui tum in remotiore ab ecclesia loco solitarius manebat, Bd. 4, 30; S. 609, 1. Cynelíco getimbro and ánlípige [MS. ánlípie] publica ædificia et privata, I, 15; S. 483, 45. He nánwiht on hand nyman wolde bútan his ágene gyrde ánlipíge nonnisi virgam tantum habere in manu voluit, 3, 18; S. 546, 32. v. án-lépe.

an-lútan; p. -leát, pl. -luton; pp. -loten To bend down, to incline; se inclinare, R. Ben. 53. v. on-lútan.

án-lýpig, -lýpi; adj. Solitary, private, Bd. 4, 30; S. 609, I. v. án-lípig.

an-medla, on-medla, on-mædla, an; m. Pride, pomp, arrogance, pre-. sumption; superbia, fastidium, arrogantia, præsumptio :-- For ðam anmedlan ðe hie ǽr drugon for the arrogance which they before had practised, Cd. 214; Th. 269, 16; Sat. 74. Ðú for anmedlan in ǽht bǽre [MS. bére] húsl-fatu hálegu on hand werum thou, in thy presumption, barest for a possession the holy sacrificial vessels into the hands of men, Cd. 212; Th. 262, 22; Dan. 748.

an-mitta, an; m. A measure, bushel; mensura, modius :-- Habbaþ rihtne anmittan habete justam mensuram, Lev. 19, 35. Hæbbe ǽlc man rihtne anmittan, and rihte wǽgan, and rihte gemetu on ǽlcum þingum pondus habebis justum et verum, et modius æqualis et verus erit tibi, Deut. 25, 15. v. mitta.

an-mód, on-mód; adj. [Ger. anmüt gratus, Grimm] Steadfast, eager, bold, courageous, daring, fierce; constans, alacer, animosus :-- Folc wæs anmó;d, rófe rincas the folk were steadfast, renowned men, Cd. 80; Th. 99, 23; Gen. 1650: 80; Th. 100, 10; Gen. 1662. Feónd wæs anmód the foe was courageous, 153; Th. 190, 23; Exod. 203. Ðá wearþ yrre an-mód cyning then the daring king was wroth, 184; Th. 229, 29; Dan. 224. Úr byþ anmód a bull is fierce, Runic pm. 2; Hick. Thes. i. 135; Kmbl. 339, 7.

an-mód; adj. [án one; mód mood, mind] Of one mind, unanimous; unanimis :-- Ðú sóþlíce man ánmód tu vero homo unanimis, Ps. Spl. 54, 14: 67, 6. Ealle ánmóde all with one mind, Andr. Kmbl. 3128; An. 1567. Hie ðá ánmóde ealle cwǽdon then they all with one mind said, 3200; An. 1603: 3274; An. 1640: Elen. Grm. 397: 1118. [Ger. ein-mütig unanimis: M. H. Ger. einmuot: O. H. Ger. einmuoti unanimis, constans.]

án-módlíce; adv. Unanimously, with one accord; unanimiter :-- Hí ánmódlíce cómon they came with one accord, Jos. 11, 4: Exon. 12b; Th. 21, 25; Cri. 340. Gesamnodon hí ealle ánmódlíce [MS. ánmódlíc] congregati sunt pariter, Jos. 9, 2.

án-módnes, -módness, e; f. Unity, unanimity; unitas, unanimitas, Som.

ann he gives :-- Ðé he ann he gives thee, Ps. Th. 74, 7 = an; pres. of unnan.

-anne, -enne, -ende the termination of the declinable infinitive in the dat. governed by to, as, = Ondréd to faranne timuit ire, Mt. Jun. and Th. 2, 22, but the B. MS. of A. D. 995 has farende, also Foxe, Bos. and the Rl. MS. about A. D. 1145. The Lind., about A. D. 957, has farenne [MS. færenne]. Alýfe me to farenne permitte me ire, Mt. Bos. 8, 21, and B. MS. about A. D. 995. Sometimes -ende is found, because -enne = ende, as in the preceding example farende about A. D. 995. The most usual form is -anne, from the infin. -an; g. -annes; dat. -anne. v. TO; prep. IV. 2 : also -enne and -ende, and Grm. iv. III.

án-ne alone; solum :-- Ðæt ge forlǽton me ánne that ʒe leeue me aloone, Wyc; ut me solum relinquatis, Jn. Bos. 16, 32. v. án, II.

Án-nes, án-nys, áns, -ness, e; f. I. ONENESS, unity; unitas :-- Geleáfa sðþlíce se geleáffulla þes is; ðæt ánne God on prýnnesse and prýnnesse on Ánnesse we árwurþian fides aulem catholica haec est; ut unum Deum in Trinitate et Trinitatem in Unitate veneremur. Ps. Lamb. fol. 200 a. 13. On ða ánnysse ðære hálgan cyrican in unitate sanctæ ecclesiæ, Bd. 2, 4; S. 505, 7: 4, 5; S. 572, I. We andettaþ prýnnesse in Ánnesse efenspédiglíce, and Ánnesse on þære þrýnnesse confitemur Trinitatem in Unitate consubstantialem, et Unitatem in Trinitate, 4, 17; S. 585. 37: Exon. 76a; Th. 286, 5; Jul. 727: Hy. 8, 41; Hy. Grn. ii. 291, 41. Gesete fram deóflum oððe fram leónum ánlícan oððe ánnysse míne restitue a leonibus unicam meam, Ps. Lamb. 34, 17; restore thou myn oon lijf aloone [darling] fro liouns, Wyc. II. a covenant, an agreement; conventio :-- Gewearþ him and ðam folce on Lindesige ánes there was an agreement between him and the people in Lindsey, Chr. 1014; Th. 274, 13, col. l. III. loneliness, solitude; solitudo :-- Ánnys dæs wídgillan wéstenes the solitude of the wide desert, Guthl. 3; Gdwin. 20, 20.

an-nyss, e; f. Oneness, unity, agreement, solitude; unitas, conventio, solitudo. Bd. 2, 4; S. 505, 7. v. án-nes.

anoða? fear, amazement; formido. v. onoða.

án-pæþ, es; nom. pl. -paðas; m. A single path, a pass, lonely way; solitaria via :-- Enge ánpaðas, uncúþ gelád narrow passes, an unknown way, Beo. Th. 2824; B. 1410: Cd. 145; Th. 181, 8; Exod. 58.

ánra of every one; g. pl. of án one, q. v.

án-rǽd; adj. [án one, rǽd counsel] One-minded, unanimous, agreed, persevering, resolute, prompt, vehement; unanimus, firmus consilii, confidens, audax, vehemens :-- And ðonne beón híg ánrǽde and when they be unanimous, L. Ath. iv. 7; Th. i. 226, 19. Ðis swefen ys ánrǽde som-niurn unum est, Gen. 41, 25. Ealle ánrǽde to gemǽnra þearfe all unanimous for the common need, L. Edg. C. l; Th. ii. 244, 4. Wæs seó mǽg ánrǽd and unforht the maid was resolute and fearless, Exon. 74. b; Th. 278, 21; Jul. 601. Eft wæs ánrǽd mǽg Hygeláces Hygelac's kinsman was resolute again, Beo. Th. 3062; B. 1529: Byrht. Th. 133, 2; By. 44.

án-rǽdlíce, -rédlíce; adv. [an, rǽd opinion, advice, líce] Unanimously, resolutely, constantly; unanimiter, constanter :-- Hi þohton ánrǽdlíce [MS. ánhrǽdlíce] cogitavernnt unanirniter, Ps. Spl. 82, 5. Ðe ánrǽdlíce wile his sinna geswícan who resolutely desires to abstain from his sins, L. Pen. 17; Th. ii. 284, 17. Ánrǽdlíce wrégendé constanter accusantes, Lk. Bos. 23, 10.

án-rǽdnes, -rédnes, -nys, -ness, -nyss, e; f. [án oue, rǽdnes opinion] Unanimity, concord, agreement, constancy, steadfastness, diligence, earnestness; concordia, constantia :-- Hí heora ánrǽdnesse geheóldan him betwénan they had agreement among themselves, Ors. 5, 3; Bos. 103, 44. Bróðerlíc ánrǽdnys brotherly unanimity, Scint. II. Anrǽdnys gódes weorces constancy of good works, Oct. vit. cap. Scint. 7 : Job Thw. 167, 33. Opposed to twýrǽdnes, un-gerǽdnes dissention, q. v.

ánra-gehwá, ánra-gehwilc every one; unusquisque, Deut. 24, 16. v. án, IV.

án-reces; adv. Continually, forthwith, Chr. 1010; Th. 262, 34. v. án-streces.

án-rédlíce unanimously, Jud. Thw. 161, 27. v. Án-rǽdlíce.

án-rédnes unanimity, constancy, Bd. 1, 7. S. 477, 43- v. Án-rǽdnes.

an-rine, es; m. [an in, ryne a course] An inroad, incursion, assault; incursio :-- Fram anrine ab incursu, Ps. Spl. 90, 6.

an-sacan; p. -sóc, pl. -sócon; pp. -sacen To strive against, resist, deny; impugnare, repugnare, negare :-- Se ðe lýhþ, oððe ðæs sóðes ansaceþ he that lieth, or the truth resisteth, Salm. Kmbl. 365; Sal. 182 : L. In. 46; Th. i. 130, 14, 15. v. on-sacan.

an-sæc, es; m ? Contention, resistance; contentio, repugnantia :-- Bútan ansæce without resistance, Chr. 796; Ing. 83, 5. v. and-sæc.

an-sægdnes, an-segdnes, -ness, e; f. [ansægd affirmed; pp. of an-secgan] A thing which is vowed, or devoted, an oblation, a sacrifice; sacrificium. Bd. I. 7; S. 477, 39. v. onsægdnes.

an-sǽte odious, hateful; exosus, perosus, Ælfc. Gl. 84; Som. 73, 101; Wrt. Voc. 49, 9. v. and-sǽte.

an-sceát, -sceót, es; m? The bowels; exentera=GREEK, pl. n, Cot. 73.

an-scód unshod; discalceatus. v. un-sceód.

an-scúnian to shun; evitare, Bt. 18, l; Fox 60, 20. v. onscúnian.

an-scúniend-líc, an-scúnigend-líc abominable; abominabilis. v. onscúniend-líc.

an-secgan; p. -sægde, -sǽde; pp. -sægd, -sǽd To charge against, affirm, L. Edg. ii. 4; Wilk. 78, 12. v. on-secgan.

án-seld, es; m. [án only, seld dwelling] A solitary dwelling, an hermitage; habitatio solitaria :-- Ic ongon on ðone ánseld búgan 7 began to dwell in this hermitage, Exon. 50b; Th. 176, 23; Gú. 1214.

an-sendan; p. -sende To send forth, send; emittere, mittere :-- Ne mǽgen hí leóhtne leóman ansendan they cannot send forth a clear light. Bt. Met. Fox 5, 10; Met. 5, 5: Ps. C. 50, 16; Ps. Grn. ii. 277, 16. v. on-sendan.

an-settan to impose, Bt. 39, 10; Fox 228, 4. v. on-settan.

an-sién, e; f. aspect, figure :-- ídesa ansién the aspect of the females, Cd. 64; Th. 76, 22; Gen. 1261. Ansién ðyses middan-geardes the figure of this world. Past. 51, 2. v. an-sýn, II.

an-sín, e; f. a view, sight, figure :-- Ðín mód wæs abísgod mid ðære ansíne ðissa leásena gesǽlþa thy mind was occupied with the view of these false goods. Bt. 22, 2; Fox 78, 10: Bd. 5, 13; S. 633, 5. Gúþlác wæs on ansíne mycel Guthlac was tall in figure, Guthl. 2; Gdwin. 18, i. v. an-sýn, II.

an-sión. e; f. a sight :-- Ne aweorp ðú me fram ansióne ealra ðinra. miltsa cast me not away from the sight of all thy mercies. Ps. C. 50, 95; Ps. Grn. ii. 279, 95. v. an-sýn, III.

an-speca, on-spæca, an; m. [spæc a speech] A speaker against, an accuser, a persecutor; persecutor, v. an = and against, spæca a speaker.

an-spel, -spell, es; a. [an, spel a speech] A conjecture; conjectura, Cot. 56.

an-spilde; adj. [an = and against, spild destruction] Anti-destructive, salutary; salutaris :-- Ðæt biþ anspilde lyb wið eágena dimnesse that is a salutary medicine for dimness of eyes, L. M. I, 2; Lchdm. ii. 30, 14.

án-spræce; adj. One speaking, speaking as one, Ps. Th. 40, 7. v. -spræce.

an-standan; p. an-stód, pl. an-stódon; pp. an-standen. I. to stand against, resist, withstand, to be firm or steadfast; adversari. ll. to stand upon, inhabit, dwell; insistere, habitare. v. on-standan.

án-standende; part. One standing alone :-- Ánstandende, án-stonde, oððe munuc one standing alone, or a monk, Ælfc. Gl. 3 ?

an-stapa, an; m. A lone wanderer; solivagus, Exon. 95b; Th. 356, 21; Pa. 15.

án-steallet one-stalked :-- Nim béte, ðe biþ ánsteallet take beet, which is one-stalked, Lchdm. iii. 70, 2. v. án-steled.

án-steled, an-steallet One-stalked, having one handle or stalk; unicaulis, L. M. I, l; Lchdm. ii. 20, 15 : Lchdm. iii. 70, 2.

an-stellan; p. -stealde, -stalde; pp. -steald To cause, establish, appoint; instituere, constituere :-- Ic ðæs orleges ór anstelle I cause the beginning of that strife, Exon. 102a; Th. 386, 10; Rä. 4, 59. v. on-stellan.

án-stonde one standing alone, a monk. v. án-standende.

án-stræc; adj. [án one; strec stretch, from streccan to stretch?] Of one stretch, constant, resolute, determined; pertinax :-- Ða ánstræcan sint to monianne admonendi sunt pertinaces, Past. 42, 2; Hat. MS. 58a. 24.

án-streces; adv. [an one; streces, gen. of strec a stretch] At one stretch, with one effort, continually; sine intermissione :-- And fóron on ánstreces dæges and nihtes and went at one stretch day and night, Chr. 894; Th. 170, 25.

án-súnd, on-súnd; adj. [án sole, entire, wholly; súnd sound] Sound, entire, unhurt; sanus, integer, incolumis :-- Hróf ána genæs ealles ansúnd the roof alone was saved wholly sound, Beo. Th. 2004; B. 1000. Gehwá ánsúndan and ungewemmedne [geleáfan] healde quisque integram inviolatamque [fidem] servaverit, Ps. Lamb. fol. 200a. 7. Beóþ ðá gebrosnodan báan mid ðam flǽsce ealle ánsúnde eft geworden then the corrupted bones together with the flesh will all again be made sound, Hy. 7, 89; Hy. Grn. ii. 289, 89. Seó heofon is sinewealt and ánsfmd heaven is circular and entire, Bd. de nat. rm; Wrt. popl. scienc. l, 17. v. on-súnd.

án-súndnes, -ness, e; f. [án, súnd, nes] Wholeness, soundness, integrity; integritas :-- Ánsúndnesse lufigend a lover of integrity, Wanl. Catal. 292, 34.

an-swarian; p. ode; pp. od To answer; respondere :-- Ic answarige ego respondebo, Ps. Spl. 118, 42. v. and-swarian.

án-swége; adj. án one, swég a sound] Of the same sound, agreeing in sound, consonant; consonus :-- Ánswége sang symphonia, Ælfc. Gl. 34; Wrt. Voc. 28, 40.

an-sýn, -sin, -sién, -sión; on-, e; f. [an, sýn sight, vision]. I. a face, countenance; facies, vultus :-- His ansýn sceán swá swá sunne facies ejus resplenduit sicut sol, Mt. Bos. 17, 2. Befóran ðíne ansýne ante faciem tuam, Lk. Bos. 7, 27. Gúþlác wæs wlitig on ansýne Guthlac was handsome in countenance, Guthl. 2; Gdwin. 18, 3. God ableów on his ansýne líflícne blǽd God blew into his face the breath of life. Hexam. ii; Norm. 18, 25. Fleóþ his ansýne fugiant a facie ejus, Ps. Th. 67, l. Gedó ðæt hiora ansýn áwa sceamige imple facies eorum ignominia, 82, 12. Ansýn ðín vultus tuus, 88, 1. 4. Ic bidde ðínre ansýne deprecatus sum faciem tuam, 118, 58. Ansýn ýwde shewed his countenance, Beo. Th. 5660; B. 2834. II. a view, aspect, sight, form, figure; aspectus, conspectus, visus, visio, species, forma, figura:-- Fæger ansýne fair in aspect, Runic pm. II; Hick. Thes. i. 135; Kmbl. 341, 19. Ðín mód wæs abísgod mid ðære ansíne ðissa leásena gesǽlþa thy mind was occupied with the view of these false goods. Bt. 22, 2; Fox 78, ID. For ðínre ansýne in conspectu tuo, Ps. Th. 68, 20: 108, 14. Se Hálega Gást astáh líchamlícre ansýne, swá án culfre descendit Spiritus Sanctus corporali specie, sicut columba, Lk. Bos. 3, 22: Cot. 74. Ansién ðyses middan-geardes figura hujus mundi, Past. 51, 2. III. a thing to be looked upon, a sight; spectaculum:--Ðisse ansýne Alwealdan þanc gelimpe for this signy may thanks to the Almighty take place, Beo. Th. 1860; B. 928. Seó ansín wearþ mycel wundor Rómánum the signy was a great wonder to the Romans, Ors. 6, 7; Bos. 120, 3. IV. a view or signy producing desire or longing, and hence,--a desire of anything, want or lack of anything; desiderium, defectus:--Swá eorþan biþ ansýn wæteres sicut terra sine aquâ, Ps. Th. 142, 6. [O. Sax. ansiun, f. aspectus: Plat. anseen, n: O. H. Ger. anasiuni, n.]

an-tállíc, an-tálíc; adj. [an = un not, tállíc blamable] Unblamable, undefiled; irreprehensibilis, immaculatus:--Ǽ Drihtnes antálíc lex Domini immaculata, Ps. Spl. 18, 8.

Antecrist, es; m. Antichrist; Antichristus:-- Ðonne cymþ se Antecrist, se biþ mennisc mann and sóþ deófol then Antichrist shall come, who is human being [man] and true devil, Homl. Th. i. 4, 14. Ðes deófol, ðe is geháten Antecrist, ðæt is gereht þwyrlíc Crist, is ord ǽlcere leásunge and yfelnysse this devil, who is called Antichrist, which is interpreted opposed Christ, is the origin of all leasing and evil, Homl. Th. i. 4, 21. Togeánes Antecriste against Antichrist, Ælfc. T. 6, 22: Job Thw. 166, 8.

antefn = antefen, e; f? es; n? [GREEK opposite, GREEK a voice] An antiphon, anthem, a hymn sung in alternate parts; antiphona, cantus Ecclesiasticus alternus:--Is ðæt sǽd, ðæt hí ðysne letanían and antefn geleóþre stæfne sungan fertur, quia hanc litaniam consona voce modularentur, Bd. 1, 25; S. 487, 24.

ant-fenge; adj. Acceptable; acceptabilis, R. Ben. 5. v. and-fenge.

an-þracian to fear, to be afraid, to dread; revereri, horrere:--Ic onginne to anþracigenne I begin to dread; horresco, Ælfc. Gr. 35; Som. 38, 4: Ps. Spl. 69, 2. v. on-þracian.

an-þræclíc? adj. Horrible, terrible, fearful; horridus, horribilis, terribilis, Hymn ?

án-tíd, e; f. The first hour; hora prima:--Ymb án-tíd óðres dógores about the first hour of the second day, Beo. Th. 443; B. 219.

an-timber; g. -timbres; n. Matter, materials, substance, a theme; materies, materia:--Ungehiwod antimber rudis atque informis materia, Alb. resp. 15, 22. v. and-timber.

antre, an; f. Radish? raphanus, raphanis sativa:--Dó ðonne betonican and antran add then betony and ontre [radish?], L. M. 2, 51; Lchdm. ii. 266, 3. Ancre [antre?], ðæt is rædic raphanus, Mone A. 493. v. ontre.

an-trumnys infirmity; infirmitas. v. un-trumnes.

an-tymber matter, Ælfc. Gr. 12; Som. 15, 54. v. an-timber.

an-týnan; p. de; pp. ed [an = un un-, týnan to inclose] To unclose, open; recludere, aperire:--Ic antýne on bigspellum múþ mínne aperiam in parabolis os meum, Ps. Spl. 77, 2. v. un-týnan, on-týnan.

a-numen taken away; pp. of a-niman.

anunga zeal, an earnest desire, jealousy; zelus, Jn. Rush. War. 2, 17.

ánunga; adv. Entirely, necessarily, by all means; plane, prorsus, omnino, Beo. Th. 1272; B. 634. v. áninga.

an-wadan; p. -wód To invade, enter into; invadere:--Hie wlenco anwód pride invaded them, Cd. 173; Th. 217, 3; Dan. 17. v. on-wadan.

án-wald, es; m. Sole power, jurisdiction, rule :-- Ðæt se Cásere eft ánwald ofer hí ágan móste that the Cæsar might again obtain power over them, Bt. Met. Fox 1, 123; Met. 1, 62. Se ánwald Godes Ælmihtiges the power of Almighty God, 9, 95; Met. 9, 48: Exon. 63 a; Th. 232, 23; Ph. 511: Lk. Bos. 23, 7: Bd. 4, 32; S. 611, 15: Ors. 2, 1; Bos. 38, 11. v. án-weald.

án-walda, an; m. A sole ruler, the sole ruler of the universe :-- Him to Ánwaldan áre gelýfde in him as sole ruler reverently trusted, Beo. Th. 2548; B. 1272. Ealra Ánwalda, eorþan and heofones ruler of all, of earth and heaven, Exon. 110 a; Th. 422, 10; Rä. 41, 4: Cd. 227; Th. 305, 5; Sat. 642. v. án-wealda.

án-waldan to have sole power over, to exercise absolute rule; solam potestatem habere, dominari:--He ðone ánwaldeþ he rules it, Bt. Met. Fox 29, 154. v. wealdan.

án-waldeg? adj. Having sole power, powerful; solus potens:--Ðæt se síe ánwaldegost that he is most powerful, Bt. 36, 5; Fox 180, 16.

an-walg, -wealg; adj. Entire, whole, sound; integer, Past. 52, 2. v. on-walg.

an-wann fought against; p. of an-winnan.

án-weald, án-wald, es; m. Single, sole, monarchical, or royal power, empire, dominion, jurisdiction, rule, government, bidding; solius dominatus, unius imperium, monarchia, potestas, imperium, ditio, dominatio, jus, arbitrium, nutus:--Me is geseald ǽlc ánweald data est mihi omnis potestas, Mt. Bos. 28, 18. Ánweald Godes is potestas Dei est, Ps. Spl. 61, 11. Ðín ánweald dominatio tua, Ps. Th. 144, 13: 135, 20: 118, 91: Ors. 2, 1; Bos. 38, 15: Bd. 1, 3; S. 475, 12. Cyning biþ ánwealdes georn a king is desirous of power, Exon. 89 b; Th. 337, 4; Gn. Ex. 59. Mid ðínum ágenum ánwealde by thine own power, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 128, 13. Hí synd heora sylfes ánwealdes illi sunt sui juris, Bd. 5, 23; S. 647, 4. On his ánwealde ad ejus nutum, Gen. 42, 6. [O. Nrs. einwald, n. singularis potestas, monarchia.] DER. wealdan.

án-wealda, án-walda, an; m. [án one, sole; wealda, walda a ruler] The one or sole ruler of a province or of the universe, a sovereign, governor, magistrate, a power; qui solus dominatur, monarcha, dominus, gubernator, magistratus, potestas:--Se Ánwealda hæfþ ealle his gesceafta befangene and getogene the governor has caught hold of, and restrained all his creatures, Bt. 21; Fox 74. 5. Ánwealda Ælmihtig Almighty Ruler, Rood Kmbl. 303; Kr. 153. Ðonne híg lǽdaþ eów to ánwealdum cum inducent vos ad potestates, Lk. Bos. 12, 11. [O. Nrs. einwaldi, m. solus dominus.]

an-wealg whole. v. an-walg.

an-wealglíce; adv. Wholly, soundly; integre, Past. 33, 5; Hat. MS. 42 a, 33.

an-wealgnes, -ness, e; f. Wholeness, soundness, entireness; integritas. v. on-walhnes.

an-weg away; inde, exinde. v. on-weg.

an-weorc, es; n. Material, cause; materia, causa:--Búton anweorce without cause, Bt. 30, 2; Fox 110, 16. v. and-weorc.

án-wíg, es; n? m? [án one, wíg a contest] A single combat, a duel; certamen singulare:--Ðǽr gefeaht Mallius ánwíg wið ánne Galliscne mann there Mallius fought a single combat with a man of Gaul, Ors. 3, 4; Bos. 56, 15: 3, 6; Bos. 57, 42. Hí gefuhton ánwíg they fought a duel, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 67, 32.

án-wíg-gearo, -gearu; g. m. n. -wes, -owes; f. -re, -rwe; adj. [gearc prepared] Prepared for single combat; ad singulare certamen paratus:--Wæs þeáw hyra, ðæt hie oft wǽron ánwíggearwe it was their custom, that they oft were for single combat prepared, Beo. Th. 2499; B. 1247. v. gearo; adj.

án-wíglíce; adv. In single combat; singularis certaminis modo:--Án-wíglíce feohtende fighting in single combat, Cot. 186.

án-wille, def. se án-willa; adj. [án one, willa a will] Having one will, following one's own will, self-willed, obstinate, stubborn; pertinax, obstinatus, contumax:--Ánwilla obstinatus, pertinax, Ælfc. Gl. 90; Wrt. Voc. 51, 29. Sint to manianne ða ánwillan admonendi pertinaces, Past. 42. 1; Hat. MS. 57 b, 23.

án-willíce; adv. Obstinately, stubbornly, pertinaciously; pertinaciter:--Ic tó ánwillíce winne wið ða wyrd I too pertinaciously attack fortune, Bt. 20; Fox 70, 20: Past. 7, 2; Hat. MS. 12 a, 15.

án-wilnes, -ness, e; f. Obstinacy, self-will, contumacy; pertinacia, protervia, Past. 32, 1; Hat. MS. 40 a, 16, 25.

an-winnan; p. -wann To fight against, to attack; impugnare:--Him onwann [MS. L. anwann] fought against them, Ors. 3, 7; Bos. 61, 7.

án-wintre, ǽ-wintre; adj. [án one, winter a winter] Of one year, one year old, continuing for a year; hornus = horinus = GREEK from GREEK, hornotĭnus, anniculus:--Ðæt lamb sceal beón ánwintre erit agnus anniculus, Ex. 12, 5.

án-wíte, es; n. A simple or single fine, a mulct or amercement; simplex mulcta:--Ealle forgielden ánwíte let them all pay a single fine, L. Alf. pol. 31; Th. i. 80, 17.

an-wlǽta, -wláta, an; m. A livid bruise; sugillatio, livor:--Wið wund­springum and anwlátan ad livores et sugillationes, Med. ex quadr. 7; Lchdm. i. 356, 20. v. wlǽtan.

an-wlita, an; m. The countenance, face; vultus, facies, Ælfc. Gl. 70; Som. 70, 44. v. and-wlita.

an-wlite, es; m. [an = un un-, wlite decus] Disgrace; dedecus:--Sconde oððe anwlite dedecus, Cot. 66, Lye.

an-wlitegian; p. ode; pp. od [an = un un-, wlitigian to form] To unform, change the form of anything; deformare:--Ða he þwaraþ and gewlitegaþ; hwílum eft unwlitegaþ [MS. Cot. anwlitegaþ] these it tempers and forms; sometimes again it unforms, Bt. 39, 8; Fox 224. 9.

an-wló, an-wlóh; adj. [an = un without, wlóh a fringe, ornament] Untrimmed, neglected, without a good grace, deformed, ill-favoured; inornatus, deformis:--Ðín ríce restende biþ an-wlóh thy kingdom shall remain neglected, Cd. 203; Th: 252, 27; Dan. 585.

an-wód, invaded, Cd. 173; Th. 217, 3; Dan. 17; p. of an-wadan.

an-wreón; p. -wreáh, pl. -wrugon; pp. -wrogen [an = un un-, wreón to cover] To uncover, reveal; revelare, R. Ben. 3. v. un-wreón, on-wreón.

an-wrigenys, -nyss, e; f. [an = un, wrigen, nys] A revealing, disclosing, an opening, a sermon, homily; explicatio, expositio. v. wrigen; pp. of wríhan to cover.

án-wunian; part. -wuniende; p. ode; pp. od To dwell or be alone; esse solitarius, Ps. Lamb. 101, 8.

án-wuniende; part. Dwelling alone, being alone; solitarius:--Geworden ic eom swá swá spearwa ánhoga oððe ánwuniende on efese oððe on þecene factus sum sicut passer solitarius in tecto, Ps. Lamb. 101, 8.

an-wunigende; part. Dwelling in, inhabiting; inhabitans, Bt. Met. Fox 7, 93; Met. 7, 47; part. pres. of an-wunigan = on-wunian, q. v.

anxsumnes, -ness, e; f. Anxiety, Somn. 87: 133. v. angsumnes.

a-nýdan; p. -nýdde; pp. -nýded, pl. -nýdede = -nýdde [a from, nýdan to compel]. I. to repel, thrust or beat back, keep from, restrain, constrain, force; repellere, extorquere:--Hí fram his mágum ǽr mid unrihte anýdde wǽron they had formerly been unjustly forced from his kinsmen, Chr. 823; Th. 111, 34. II. with út to expel, to drive out; expellere, depellere, exigere:- Ic anýde híg út on fremde folc I will drive them out among a strange people, Deut. 32, 21.

a-nyman; impert. a-nymaþ ge To take away; tollere :-- Anymaþ ðæt púnd æt hym take away that pound from him, Mt. Bos. 25, 28: Hick. Thes. i. 192, 16, col. 2. v. a-niman.

an-ýwan; p. de; pp. ed To shew, demonstrate; ostendere, demonstrare, R. Ben. 7, 11. v. eáwan.

apa, an; m. An APE; simia :-- Wið apan bíte against bite of an ape, Med. ex quadr. 11, 7; Lchdm. i. 366, 24: Ælfc. Gl. 19; Som. 59, 18; Wrt. Voc. 22, 59.

a-pǽcan; p. -pǽhte; pp. -pǽht To seduce, mislead; seducere :-- Gif hwá óðres mannes folgere fram him apǽce si quis alius hominis pedisequam ab eo seducat, L. M. I. P. 23; Th. ii. 270, 31.

a-pǽran to pervert, turn from; evertere, pervertere. v. for-pǽran.

a-parian; p. ode; pp. od To apprehend, take; deprehendere :-- Seó wæs aparod on unriht-hǽmede deprehensa est in adulterio, Jn. Bos. 8, 3.

apelder-tún, es; m. An apple-tree garden. v. apulder, apulder-tún.

ap-flód, es; m. The low tide; ledo, æstus maris, Martyr. 20, Mar. v. nép-flód.

a-pinsian; p. ode; pp. od, ud To ponder, weigh, estimate; ponderare, pensare :-- Ðá ðá he ðæra Judea misdǽda ealle apinsode when he estimated all the misdeeds of the Jews; cum Judeæ singula delicta pensarentur, Past. 53. 3. DER. pinsian.

apl, es; m; nom. acc. pl. aplas, m; nom. acc. pl. apla, n. An apple, a ball :-- Ða reádan appla [MS. C. apla] mala Punica, Past. 15, 5; Hat. MS. 19 b, 28: Salm. Kmbl. 55; Sal. 28. v. appel.

a-plantian; p. ode; pp. od To plant, transplant; plantare, transplantare :-- God ðá aplantode wynsumnisse orcerd plantaverat autem Dominus Deus paradisum voluptatis, Gen. 2, 8. Ge sǽdon ðissum treówe, Sý ðú awyrtwalod, and aplantod on sǽ dicetis huic arbori, Eradicare, et transplantare in mare, Lk. Bos. 17, 6.

Apollinus; gen. Apollines; m. Apollo; Apollo, ĭnis; m. [= GREEK; m.] :-- Wæs se Apollinus æðeles cynnes, Ióbes eafora this Apollo was of noble race, the son of Jove, Bt. Met. Fox 26, 67; Met, 26, 34. Apollines dóhtor Apollo's daughter, 26, 64; Met. 26, 32: Bt. 38, 1; Fox 194, 12, 19.

apostata, an; m. An apostate; apostata :-- Hér syndon apostatan here are apostates, Lupi Serm. i. 19; Hick. Thes. ii. 105, 1.

apostol, es; m: also like the Lat. Apostolus; g. -i; m. One sent, an apostle; apostolus [= GREEK from, GREEK to send] :-- Se eádiga apostol Simon the blessed apostle Simon, Homl. Th. ii. 492, 7. He apostolas geceás, ðæt sind ǽrendracan he chose apostles, that are messengers, Ælfc. T. 26, 17. Ðá gesáwon ða apostolas Drihten then the apostles saw the Lord, Homl. Th. ii. 494, 28. Ða apostoli becómon to ðære byrig, the apostles came to the city, 494, 14: 482, 18, 25, 27. Æt ðæra apostola fótum at the apostles' feet, 488, 4. Ðá fleáh ðæt folc eal to dám apostolum the folk then all fled to the apostles, 492, 12. Se ealdorman ðá ða apostolas mid him to ðam cyninge Xerxes gelǽdde the general then led the apostles with him to the king Xerxes, 486, 3. Ðæra twelf apostola naman duodecim apostolorum nomina, Mt. Bos. 10, 2: Cd. 226; Th. 300, 27; Sat. 571: Menol. Fox 242; Men. 122. DER. ealdor-apostol.

apostol-hád, es; m. The apostolic office; apostolatus :-- Se apostolhád the apostolic office, Apstls. Kmbl. 28; Ap. 14. Gesette bisceop ðám leódum and gehálgode þurh apostolhád set a bishop over the people and hallowed him through the apostolic office, Andr. Kmbl. 3300; An. 1653.

apostolíc; def. m. -a, f. n. -e; adj. Apostolic; apostolicus :-- Ðá ongunnon hí ðæt apostolíce líf ðære frymþelícan cyricean onhýrigean cœperunt apostolicam primitivæ ecclesiæ vitam imitari, Bd. 1, 26; S. 487, 31. Se papa ðe on ðam tíman ðæt apostolíce setl gesæt the pope who at that time occupied the apostolic seat, Homl. Th. ii. 120, 10.

appel, es; m; nom. acc. pl. applas, m; nom. acc. pl. appla; n. An apple :-- Ða reádan appla the red apples; mala Punica, Past. 15, 5; Hat. MS. 19 b, 28. v. æppel.

appel-leáf, es; n. [lit. apple-leaf] A violet; viola, viola odorata, Harl. Gl. 978. v. æppel-leáf.

appel-screáda APPLE-SHREDS, apple-parings. v. æppel-screáda.

appel-þorn, es; m. An APPLE-THORN, a crab-tree; pirus malus, Cod. Dipl. Apndx. 460; A.D. 956; Kmbl. iii. 448, 20.

appel-treów an apple-tree. v. apple-treów.

appel-tún an apple-garden, orchard. v. apple-tún.

apple-treów, es; n. An apple-tree; pomus, malus, Ælfc. Gr. 5 ? v. æppel-treów.

apple-tún, es; m. An orchard; pomarium, Cot. 146. v. æppel-tún.

Aprélis; m. April; Aprīlis mensis :-- Aprélis mónaþ the month April, Menol. Fox 112; Men. 56.

aprotane, an; m. The herb southernwood, wormwood; abrotonum = GREEK [artemisia, Lin.] :-- Genim aprotanan take wormwood, L. M. 1, 16; Lchdm. ii. 60, 1.

apulder; apuldor; es, n ? An apple-tree; malus, Wrt. Voc. 32. 47: L. M. 1, 23; Lchdm. ii. 66, 1: 1, 36; Lchdm. ii. 86, 6. Súr-melsc [MS. -melst] apulder malus matiana [MS. matranus],--pyrus malus, Lin. a sour-sweet apple-tree, a souring apple-tree, Wrt. Voc. 32, 48. Swéte [MS. swíte] apulder a sweet apple-tree; malomellus, 32, 49.

Apulder, es; m. [in paludibus] APPLEDORE, a village in Kent, near Tenterden :-- Æt Apuldre at Appledore, Chr. 893; Th. 164, 10: 894; Th.166, 41, col. 1. Æt Apoldre at Appledore, Th. Diplm. A.D. 1032; 328, 23. [O. Dut. polder, m. palus marina pratum litorale; ager, qui est fluvio aut mari eductus, aggeribus obsepitur, Kil.]

Apulder-comb, es; m. [in paludibus vallis] APPLEDORE COMBE, Isle of Wight; nomen loci in insula Vecti, Mann.

apulder-tún, es; m. An apple-tree inclosure, an apple-orchard; malorum hortus, arborum pomiferarum hortus, Cot. 146.

apuldor-rind, apuldre-rind, e; f. Apple-tree rind; mali cortex :-- Nim apuldorrinde take apple-tree rind, L. M. 1, 38; Lchdm. ii. 98, 7: 3, 47; Lchdm. ii. 338, 12: Med. ex quadr. 8; Lchdm. i. 358, 14.

apuldre, an; f. An apple-tree; malus :-- Ðeós apuldre hæc malus, Ælfc. Gr. 6, 9; Som. 5, 57. v. apulder.

apuldur an apple-tree. v. apulder.

a-pullian; p. ode; pp. od To pull; vellere. v. pullian.

Aquilegia; indecl. [Aquileia = GREEK] Aquileia in Gallia Transpadana, north of the Adriatic :-- Maximus abád æt Aquilegia ðære byrig Maximus encamped at the town Aquileia, Ors. 6, 36; Bos. 131, 21.

ÁR, ǽr, es; n. ORE, brass, copper; æs; g. æris; n. v. bræs :-- Bræs oððe ár æs, Ælfc. Gr. 5; Som. 4, 59. Israhéla folc is geworden nú me to áre on mínum ofne versa est mihi domus Israel in æs in medio fornacis, Past. 37, 3; Hat. MS. 50 a, 6. Gréne ár green copper, brass; orichalcum, Cot. 14. [O. Sax. érin, adj. æneus: Ger. erz, n. metallum, æs: M. H. Ger. O. H. Ger. ér, n. æs: Goth. aiz, n. æs: Dan. erts: Swed. ör a copper coin: O. Nrs. eir, n. æs: Sansk. ayas ferrum.] DER. ár-fæt, -geótere, -gescód, -gesweorf, -geweorc, -glæd, -sápe, -smiþ: ǽren: óra.

ÁR, e; f. I. honour, glory, rank, dignity, magnificence, respect, reverence; honor, dignitas, gloria, magnificentia, honestas, reverentia :-- Sý him ár and onwald be to him honour and power, Exon. 65 b; Th. 241, 28; Ph. 663. Ne wolde he ǽnige áre wítan nor would he ascribe any honour, Bd. 2, 20; S. 521, 29. He sundor líf wæs fóreberende eallum ðám árum he was preferring a private life to all honours, Bd. 4, 11; S. 579, 8. Nyton náne áre on nánum men they know no respect for any man, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 168, 25. Be ðære cirican áre according to the rank of the church, L. Alf. pol. 42; Th. i. 90, 10. He on his ágenum fæder áre ne wolde gesceáwian he would not look with reverence on his own father, Cd. 76; Th.95, 18; Gen. 1580. II. kindness, favour, mercy, pity, benefit, use, help; gratia, favor, misericordia, beneficium, auxilium :-- He gemunde ðá ða áre ðe he him ǽr forgeaf, wíc-stede wéligne he remembered then the favour which he before had conferred upon him, the wealthy dwelling place, Beo. Th. 5205; B. 2606. Ne mihte earmsceapen áre findan nor might the poor wretch find pity, Andr. Kmbl. 2260; An. 1131. Him wæs ára þearf to him was need of favours, Cd. 97; Th. 128, 12; Gen. 2125. To gódre áre to good use, Herb. 2, 9; Lchdm. i. 82, 21: Bd. 3, 5; S. 527, 14. Eallum to áre ylda bearnum for the benefit of all the sons of men, Jul. A. 2. (Vid. Price's Walton, ci. note 34.) Leáf and gærs gróweþ eldum to áre leaves and grass grow for the benefit of men, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 199; Met. 20, 100. Ðǽr is ár gelang fira gehwylcum there is help ready to every man, Andr. Kmbl. 1958; An. 981. III. property, possessions, an estate, land, ecclesiastical living, benefice; bona, possessiones, fundus, beneficium :-- He plihte to him sylfum and ealre his áre he acts at peril of himself and all his property, L. Eth. ix. 42; Th. i. 350, 3: Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 20, 32. Hwílum be áre, hwílum be ǽhte sometimes in estate, sometimes in goods, L. Eth. vi. 51; Th. i. 328, 11: L. C. S. 50; Th. i. 404,18. Se ðe sitte on his áre on lífe he who lives on his property during life, L. Eth. iii. 14; Th. i. 298, 9: L. Eth. vi. 4; Th. i. 316, 1, 3. Ðæt hí him andlyfne and áre forgeáfen for heora gewinne that they should give them food and possessions for their labour, Bd. 1, 15; S. 483, 19. [Laym. ære, are: Orm. are: O. Sax. éra: O. Frs. ére: Dut. eer: Ger. ehre, f: M. H. Ger. ére: O. H. Ger. éra: Dan. äre: Swed. ära: O. Nrs. æra.]

ÁR, es; m. A messenger, legate, herald, apostle, angel, minister, servant, man, soldier; nuntius, legatus, præco, apostolus, angelus, minister, vir :-- Ðes ár sægeþ this messenger sayeth, Cd. 32; Th. 42, 34: Gen. 682: Beo. Th. 5559; B. 2783. Stíðlíce clypode Wicinga ár the herald of the Vicings firmly proclaimed, Byrht. Th. 132, 34; By. 26. Æðelcyninges ár the noble King's messenger [Christ's apostle], Andr. Kmbl. 3354; An. 1681. Hie héton lǽdan út hálige áras they commanded him to lead out the holy messengers [angels], Cd. 112; Th. 148, 14; Gen. 2456: Exon. 15 a; Th. 31, 29; Cri. 503. Fæder ælmeahtig his áras hider onsendeþ the almighty Father will send his angels hither, Exon. 19 a; Th. 47, 23; Cri. 759. Ðá afyrhted wearþ ár [Gúþláces] then [Guthlac's] servant was affrighted, 52 a; Th. 181, 30; Gú. 1301. Lǽt gebídan beornas ðíne, áras let thy warriors, thy men, await, Andr. Kmbl. 799; An. 400. [O. Sax. éru, m: Goth. áirus, m: O. Nrs. árr, m. from the Sansk. root īr to go.] v. ǽrend.

ÁR, e; f. An OAR; remus :-- Drugaþ his ár on borde his oar becomes dry on board, Exon. 92 a; Th. 345, 15; Gn. Ex. 188. Sume hæfdon lx ára some had sixty oars, Chr, 897; Th. 174, 43, col. 1. Sǽrófe árum bregdaþ ýþbord [MS. yþborde] neáh brave seamen draw the vessel near with oars, Exon. 79 a; Th. 296, 26; Crä. 57. [Havl. ár: Chauc. oore: Dan. aare: Swed. are: O. Nrs. ár, f.] DER. ár-blæd, -gebland, -wéla, -wiððe, -ýþ.

ár before :-- Ǽrist oððe ár primo, Mt. Kmbl, Lind. 20, 1. v. ǽr.

ára = geára ? adv. Formerly; quondam :-- Dú me ára, God, ǽrest lǽrdest of geóguþháde Deus, docuisti me a juventute mea, Ps. Th. 70, 16.

a-rád rode :-- He út arád he rode out, Ors. 3, 7; Bos. 62, 22; p. of a-rídan.

a-rǽcan; p. -rǽhte, -rǽcte; pp. -rǽht. I. to reach, get at; prehendere, attingere :-- Ðæt man arǽcan mihte that one could reach, Chr. 1014; Ing. 193, 19. II. to hold forth, reach out, hand; porrigere :-- Arǽce me ða bóc porrige mihi librum, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 5; Som. 31, 47. v. rǽcan.

a-rǽd, -réd, es; m. [a intensive, rǽd counsel] Counsel, welfare, safety; consilium, commodum, salus :-- Smeágende ymbe heora sáwla arǽd [aréd, MS. B; rǽd, MS. D] considering about their souls' welfare, L. Edm. E. pref; Th. i. 244, 6.

a-rǽd; def. se a-rǽda; adj. Counselling, consulting, wise, prudent; sagax, prudens :-- Hwǽr is nú se fóremǽra and se arǽda Rómwara heretoga where is now the illustrious and prudent consul of the Romans? Bt. 19; Fox 70, 6.

a-rǽd uttered, Bt. 23; Fox 78, 20, note 8, = a-rǽded, pp. of a-rǽdan.

a-rǽdan, -rédan; p. -rǽdde, -rédde, -réde; pp. -rǽded, -rǽd, -réd [rǽd counsel]. I. to take counsel, care for, appoint, determine; consilium capere, consulere alicui, decernere, definire :-- Sende gewrit, on ðám he gesette and arǽdde misit literas, in quibus decrevit, Bd. 2, 18; S. 520, 33. Gif hit eallinga ðus arǽded sí si omnimodis ita definitum est, 4, 9; S. 577. 29. Ða dómas ða ðe fram fæderum arǽdde and gesette wǽron quæque definierunt canones patrum, 4, 5; S. 572, 18. Hwæðere ðis betwyh heom arǽddon his tamen conditionibus interpositis, 4, 1; S. 564, 15. He symble þearfum aréde semper pauperibus consulebat, 3, 9; S. 533. 25. II. to conjecture, guess, prophesy, interpret, utter; conjectare, divinare, prophetizare, interpretari, eloqui :-- Ne mihton arǽdan men engles ǽrend-béc men might not interpret the angel's messages, Cd. 212; Th. 261, 30; Dan. 734. And him to cwǽdon, Arǽd et dixerunt ei, Prophetiza, Mk. Bos. 14, 65. Ðá se wísdóm ðis spell arǽd hæfde when wisdom had uttered this speech, Bt. 23; Fox 78, 20, note 8: Exon. 76 b; Th. 286, 24; Wand. 5. v. rǽdan, p. rǽdde.

a-rǽdnis a condition, Bd. 4. 4; S. 571, 11. v. a-rédnes.

a-rǽfnan, -réfnan; p. ede, de; pp. ed To endure, bear, suffer; sustinere, tolerare, perferre :-- Ðæt he ðæt sár mihte geþyldelíce mid smylte móde aberan and arǽfnan ut patienter dolorem ac placida mente sustineret, Bd. 4, 31; S. 610, 27. Ðonne hí ðæt mægen ðære unmǽtan hǽto arǽfnan ne mihton cum vim fervoris immensi tolerare non possent, 5, 12; S. 627, 41. Ic þrówade and arǽfnde pertuli, 2, 6; S. 508, 21: Andr. Kmbl. 1632; An. 817. Sáwl mín symble arǽfnde sustinuit anima mea, Ps. Th. 129, 5: 68, 21: 64, 7. v. rǽfnan.

a-rǽfnian; p. ade; pp. ad. I. to endure, bear, suffer, support; sustinere, pati, supportare :-- Ic arǽfnige sustineo, Ps. Th. 129, 4. Forðon ic edwít for ðé oft arǽfnade quoniam propter te supportavi improperium, 68, 8. II. to ponder in mind or heart; animo versare, ponderare :-- Maria sóþlíce heóld ealle ðás word, arǽfniende on hire heortan but Mary kept all these words, pondering them in her heart, Homl. Th. i. 30, 35. v. a-rǽfnan.

a-rǽfniende, -rǽfnigende; part. Bearing in mind, considering, pondering, Homl. Th. i. 42, 17, 30. v. a-rǽfnian.

a-rǽfniendlíc; adj. Possible, tolerable; possibilis, tolerabilis. DER. part. arǽfniende, líc.

a-rǽman; p. de; pp. ed. I. v. trans. To raise, lift up, elevate; excitare, erigere, elevare :-- Ða ge mihton rǽdan, and eów arǽman on ðám which ye may read, and elevate yourselves in them, Ælfc. T. 31, 15. II. v. intrans. To raise or lift up one's self, to arise; se erigere, se elevare, surgere :-- Dæges þriddan ord arǽmde the beginning of the third day arose, Cd. 139; Th. 174, 10; Gen. 2876: 162; Th. 203, 29; Exod. 411. [O. H. Ger. ráma sustentaculum, columen.] DER. up-arǽman, rǽman.

a-rǽran; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans. [a, rǽran to rear, raise] To rear up, raise up, lift up, exalt, set up, build up, create, establish; erigere, excitare, resuscitare, extollere, ædificare, creare :-- Ðone stán arǽrde to mearce lapidem erexit in titulum, Gen. 28, 18, 22. Arǽrende þearfan lifting up the poor; erigens pauperem, Ps. Spl. 112, 6. Gyld of golde arǽrde reared up an idol of gold, Cd. 180; Th. 226, 23; Dan. 175. Arǽrde Cristes róde reared up Christ's rood, Exon. 35 a; Th. 112, 27; Gú. 150. Ic arǽre ðis tempel binnan þrím dagum excitabo hoc templum in tribus diebus, Jn. Bos. 2, 19, 20. Ic hine arǽre on ðam ýtemestan dæge ego resuscitabo eum in novissimo die, 6, 44, 54. Weá wæs arǽred woe was raised up, Cd. 47; Th. 60, 26; Gen. 987. Se ðe fóre duguðe wile dóm arǽran who desires before his nobles to exalt his dignity, Exon. 87 a; Th. 327, 2; Wid. 140: Beo. Th. 3411; B. 1703. Ðá wæs ǽ Godes riht arǽred then was God's right law set up, Andr. Kmbl. 3288; An. 1647. Weofod arǽrde ædificavit altare, Gen. 22, 9. Eardas rúme Meotud arǽrde for mon-cynne the Creator established spacious lands for mankind, Exon. 89 a; Th. 334, 14; Gn. Ex. 16.

a-rǽrnes, -ness, e; f. A raising, an exaltation; exaltatio :-- Heora hrýre wearþ Athénum to arǽrnesse their fall was the raising of the Athenians, Ors. 3, 1; Bos. 53, 42.

a-rǽsan to rush; irruere, Anlct.

a-ráflan To unrove, unravel, unwind; dissolvere :-- Aráfaþ ðæt cliwen ðære twífaldan heortan unwinds the clew of the double heart; dissolvit corda duplicitatibus involuta, Past. 35, 5; Hat. MS. 46 b, 1.

a-rás arose; surrexit, Gen. 19, 1. v. a-rísan.

áras messengers, Exon. 15 a; Th. 31, 10; Cri. 493. v. ár.

a-rásade = résade suspicabatur, Bd. 4, 1; S. 564, 48, note.

a-rásian; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad; v. trans. [a, rásian to raise, uncover] To lay open, discover, explore, detect, reprove, correct, seize; detegere, invenire, explorare, corripere, reprehendere, intercipere :-- God hæfþ arásod úre unrihtwísnissa Deus invenit nostras iniquitates, Gen. 44, 16. Arásian explorare, Gr. Dial. 2, 14. Ðǽr hý arásade, reótaþ and beofiaþ, fóre freán forhte there they detected, shall wail and tremble, afraid before the Lord, Exon. 25 b; Th. 75, 3; Cri. 1230. Hæleþ wurdon acle arásad for ðý rǽse the men were seized with fear on account of its force, 74 a; Th. 277, 27; Jul. 587. Se ðe wilnaþ hiera unþeáwas arásian qui eorum culpas corripere studet, Past. 35, 3; Hat. MS. 45 b, 6: 35. 5; Hat. MS. 46 a, 20. Beón arásod reprehendi, Fulg. 5. Arásad wæs interceptus est, Cot. 109. Arásod beón on hefygtímum gyltum gravioris culpa noxæ teneri, R. Ben. 25: 34.

ár-blæd, es; n. The oar-blade; palmula remi, Ælfc. Gl. 103; Wrt. Voc. 56, 38.

arc, es; m: earc, erc, e; f: earce, an; f. A vessel to swim on water, the ARK, a coffer, small chest or box; arca, cista, cistella, cibotium = GREEK :-- Ðá ætstód se arc tunc requievit arca, Gen. 8, 4. Wire ðé nú ǽnne arc fac tibi arcam, 6, 14. Þreó hund fæðma bíþ se arc on lenge, and fíftig fæðma on brǽde, and þrittig on heáhnisse trecentorum cubitorum erit longitudo arcæ, quinquaginta cubitorum latitudo, et triginta cubitorum altitudo illius, 6, 15. Se arc wæs geférud ofer ða wæteru arca ferebatur super aquas, 7, 18. [Laym. archen, arche, dat: Dut. ark, f: Ger. M. H. Ger. arche, f: O. H. Ger. archa: Goth. arka: Dan. ark: O. Nrs. örk, f.] v. earc.

arce- chief = GREEK = GREEK, a prefix; v. arce-bisceop :-- Hér Ælfríc arce-bisceop férde to Róme æfter his arce[-pallium] this year archbishop Ælfric went to Rome after his arch-pallium, Chr. 997; Th. 247, 2, col. 2. = Wið ðan ðe he scolde gifan heom ðone arce [MS. erce] on condition that he should give them the arch-pallium, 996; Th. 244, 42, note. = Forðí ðæt he scolde heom ðone pallium gifan on condition that he should give them the pallium, 996; Th. 245, 11, note.

arce-bisceop, arce-bysceop, arce-biscop, ærce-bisceop, erce-biscop, es; m. The chief bishop, ARCHBISHOP; archiepiscopus [= GREEK from GREEK = GREEK a leader, chief; GREEK v. bisceop] :-- Honorius se arcebysceop gehálgode Thoman his diácon, to bisceope archbishop Honorius consecrated Thomas his deacon, as bishop, Bd. 3, 20; S. 550, 21: 4, 1; S. 563, 6, 8, 12, 29.

arce-bisceop-ríce, arce-biscop-ríce, es; n. An ARCHBISHOPRIC; archiepiscopatus :-- To ðam arcebisceopríce to the archbishopric, Chr. 994; Th. 242, 38. Ðæt arcebiscopríce on Cantwara byrig the archbishopric of Canterbury, 1114; Th. 370, 15.

arce-diácon, archi-diácon, ærce-diácon, es; m. An ARCHDEACON, a bishop's vicegerent; archidiāconus [= GREEK from GREEK a chief, and GREEK a deacon] :-- Becom Benedictus to freóndscipe ðæs hálgan weres and ðæs gelǽredestan, Bonefacii archidiácones Benedictus pervenit ad amicitiam viri doctissimi ac sanctissimi, Bonifacii videlicet archidiaconi, Bd. 5, 19; S. 638, 14. Arcediácon archidiaconus, Ælfc. Gl. 69; Wrt. Voc. 42, 27.

arce-stól, es; m. [arce chief, stól a stool] An archiepiscopal see or seat; sedes archiepiscopalis :-- Æt his arcestóle on Cantwara byrig at his archiepiscopal see in Canterbury, Chr. 1115; Th. 371, 5: 1119; Th. 372, 32.

ár-cræftig; adj. [ár respect, cræftig crafty] Skilful or quick in shewing respect, respectful, polite; morigerus, obsequens :-- Árcræftig ár a respectful messenger, a prophet, Cd. 202; Th. 250, 23; Dan. 551.

arctos; acc. arcton; f. [GREEK, m. f. a bear; GREEK, f. the constellation Ursa Major, called also GREEK, carles wǽn the churl's wain: the bright star in Boötes is denominated by ancient astronomers and poets GREEK, the bear-ward]. The constellation Ursa Major; arct-os, -us, i; f. = GREEK, f :-- Arcton hátte án tungol on norþ dǽle, se hæfþ seofon steorran, and is for ðí óðrum naman geháten, septemtrio, ðone hátaþ lǽwede menn carles wǽn. Se ne gǽþ nǽfre adúne under ðyssere eorþan, swá swá óðre tunglan dóþ, ac he went abútan, hwílon adúne and hwílon up, ofer dæg and ofer niht one constellation is called arctos in the north part, which has seven stars, and for that is called by another name, septemtrio, which untaught men call the churl's wain. It never goes down under this earth, as the other constellations do, but one while it turns down and another while up, over day and over night, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. scence 16, 3-7; Lchdm. iii. 270, 9-15.

árde; dat. [= arce MS?] A mark of honour, badge of office, the pallium, Chr. 997; Ing. 172, 7. v. árod.

ardlíce; adv. [arod quick, líce] Quickly, immediately; prompte, cito :-- Éfstaþ nú ardlíce persequimini cito, Jos. 2, 5: Gen. 14, 14: 22, 11.

are, es; m. A court yard; area, Alb. resp. 48.

áre, an; f. Honour, honesty, favour, benefit, pity, mercy; honor, ho­nestas, gratia, beneficium, misericordia :-- Áre [MS. aare] cyninges dóm &aelig-acute;ghw&aelig-acute;r lufade honor regis judicium diligit, Ps. Th. 98, 3. Mid áran with honours, Cd. 155; Th. 193, 12; Exod. 245. Árna ne gýmden they had no regard of honour, 113; Th. 148, 20; Gen. 2459. Us is ðínra árna þearf to us is need of thy mercies, Exon. 11 b; Th. 16, 19; Cri. 255. Árna gemyndig mindful of benefits, Cd. 98; Th. 130, 22; Gen. 2163: Beo. Th. 2379; B. 1187. We ðec árena biddaþ we pray thee for thy mercies, Exon. 53 a; Th. 186, 6; Az. 15. v. ár honour.

a-reáfian; p. ode; pp. od [a from, reáfian to tear] To tear from, tear asunder, separate; diripere :-- Brim [MS. bring] is areáfod the sea is separated, Cd. 158; Th. 196, 12; Exod. 290.

a-reaht, -reht put forth, spoken, explained, Exon. 24 a; Th. 69, 23; Cri. 1125: Bt. 36, 2; Fox 174, 3; pp. of a-reccan.

a-recan to recount :-- Hit nis nánum men aléfed, ðæt he mǽge arecan ðæt ðæt God geworht hæfþ it is not permitted to any man, that he may recount that which God has wrought, Bt. 39, 12; Fox 232, 10. v. a-reccan.

a-reccan, -recan, -reccean; ic -recce, ðú -reccest, -recest, he -receþ, -recþ; p. -reahte, -rehte; impert. -rece; pp. -reaht, -reht; v. trans. I. to put forth, stretch out, strain, raise up; extendere, expandere, erigere :-- Hondum slógun, folmum areahtum and fýstum eác they struck with their hands, with outstretched palms and fists also, Exon. 24 a; Th. 69, 23; Cri. 1125. Areahtum eágum attonitis oculis, Prov. 16, Lye. He mæg of woruf-torde ðone þearfendan areccan de stercore erigens pauperem, Ps. Th. 112, 6 : 144, 15. II. to put forth, relate, recount, speak out, express, explain, interpret, translate; proponere, exponere, enarrare, eloqui, exprimere, disserere, interpretari, reddere :-- Ðara sume we areccan wyllaþ some of which we will relate, Bd. 5, 12; S. 627, 7 : Menol. Fox 138; Men. 69. Ðá se Wísdóm ðá ðis spell areht [MS. Cot. areaht] hæfde when Wisdom then had spoken this speech; Bt. 36, 2; Fox 174, 3 : 39, 3; Fox 214, 14 : Bt. Met. Fox 8, 3; Met. 8, 2. Wordum gereccan [MS. Cot. areccan] to express in words, Bt. 20; Fox 70, 28. Arece us ðæt bigspell edissere nobis parabolam, Mt. Bos. 13, 36: 15, 15. Arece us ðæt gerýne explain to us the mystery, Exon. 9 a; Th. 5, 24; Cri. 74: 49 a; Th. 169, 16; Gú. 1095: Cd. 202; Th. 250, 5; Dan. 542. Án ǽrendgewrit of Lǽdene on Englisc areccean to translate an epistle from Latin into English, Past. pref. Hat. MS. III. to set in order, adorn, deck? expedire, expolire, comere? - Areaht síe expoliatur, Cot. 77, Lye: Exon. 94 a; Th. 353, 9; Reim. 10.

a-reccean; p. -reahte. -rehte; pp. -reaht, -reht; v. trans. To tell out, relate, recount, express, translate; enarrare, eloqui, exprimere, reddere :-- Hwá is ðæt ðe eall ða yfel, ðe hí dónde wǽron, mǽge areccean who is there that can relate all the evils which they did? Ors. 1, 8; Bos. 31, 24: Hy. 3, 17; Hy. Grn. ii. 281, 17. Án ǽrendgewrit of Lǽdene on Englisc areccean to translate an epistle from Latin into English, Past. pref. v. a-reccan.

a-reccende; part. Explaining; exponens, Bd. 1, 27, resp. 8; S. 494, 35. v. a-reccan.

a-receþ, -recþ raises up; erigit, Ps. Th. 144, 15: Ps. Spl. 145, 7. ­v. a-reccan.

a-réd counsel, L. Edm. E. pref; Th. i. 244, 6, MS. B. v. a-rǽd.

a-rédad discovered, R. Ben. 61; pp. of a-rédian.

a-reddan to liberate. v. a-hreddan.

a-réde cared for, Bd. 3, 9; S. 533, 25, = a-rédde = a-rǽdde; p. of a-rǽdan, q. v.

a-rédian; p. ode; pp. od, ad To make ready, provide, furnish, execute, find, to find the way to any place, reach; parare, præparare, exsequi, in­venire, pervenire aliquo :-- Us ís þearf ðæt we arédian ðæt úre hláford wille it behoves us that we provide that which our lord wants, L. Ath. v. § 8; 9; Th. i. 238, 25. Smeáge man hú man m&aelig-acute;ge r&aelig-acute;d arédian þeóde to þearfe let it be considered how advantage may be provided for the behoof of the nation, L. Eth. vi. 40; Th. i. 324, 28: L. C. S. 11, Th. i. 382, 6. Arédod furnished, Som. Woruld-gerihta mon arédian m&aelig-acute;ge Gode to gecwémnysse secular rights may be executed to the pleasure of God, L. Edg. S. 2; Th. i. 272, 24. Hí arédian ne mágon, ðæt hí aslépen they cannot find out that they may slip, Bt. Met. Fox 13, 16; Met. 13, 8. Arédad beón inveniri, R. Ben. 61. Ðæt ðú ne m&aelig-acute;ge ðíne wegas arédian ut non dirigas vias tuas, Deut. 28, 29. Ðú ne mihtest gyt fulrihtne weg arédian thou hast not yet been able to find the most direct way, Bt. 22, 2; Fox 78, 8 : 40, 5; Fox 240, 22 : Bt. Met. Fox 23,19; Met. 23, 10. Oferdruncen man ne mæg to his húse arédian a drunken man is not able to find the way to his house, Bt. 24, 4; Fox 84, 31. Ic ne mæg út arédian I cannot find the way out, 35, 5; Fox 164,14. Ðú eart cumen innon ða ceastre, ðe ðú &aelig-acute;r ne mihtest arédian thou art come into the city, which thou couldest not reach before, 35, 3; Fox 158, 11.

a-rédnes, -rǽdnis, -ness, e; f. A degree, condition, covenant; consul­tum, conditio :-- Ðá geþafedon hí ðære arédnesse ea conditione consense­runt, Bd. 1, 1; S. 474, 20. Ðæt wíf he onféng ðære arédnesse uxorem ea conditione acceperat, 1, 25; S. 486, 33.

a-rédod furnished, Som. v. a-rédian.

a-réfnan to endure :-- Ic aréfnde sustinui, Ps. Spl. C. 68, 25. v. a-rǽfnan.

a-reht spoken, Bt. 36, 2; Fox 174, 3; pp. of a-reccan.

árena of mercies, Exon. 53 a; Th. 186, 6; Az. 15, = árna; gen. pl. of áre, q. v.

a-reódian; p. ode; pp. od [a, reódian to redden] To become red, to redden, blush; erubescere :-- His andwlita eal areódode all his counte­nance became red, Apol. Th. 21, 26.

a-reósan; p. -reás, pl. -ruron; pp. -roren To fall down, perish; deci­dere, corruere :-- Ic areóse [MS. areófe] be gewyrhtum fram feóndum mínum on ídel decidam merito ab.inimicis meis inanis, Ps. Spl.7, 4. v. a-hreósan.

a-rétan; ic -réte, he -réteþ, -rét; p. -rétte; pp. -réted, -rét; v. trans. [a, rétan to comfort] To exhilarate, comfort, delight, restore, refresh, set right; exhilarare, lætificare, reficere :-- Ic monigra mód aréte I exhilarate the mind of many, Exon. 102 b; Th. 389, 12; Rä. 7, 6. Seó hwætnes ðæs líchoman geblissaþ ðone mon and arét the vigour of the body rejoices and delights the man, Bt. 24, 3; Fox 84, 8. Ðæt ge bróðor míne wel arétten that ye should well cherish my brethren, Exon. 30 a; Th. 91, 33; Cri. 1501. Ǽghwylcum wearþ mód aréted every one's mind was de­lighted, Judth. 11; Thw. 24, 2; Jud. 167. Hí hæfdon ðæt mód arét they had restored or refreshed the mind, Bt. titl. xxii; Fox xiv, 5. Ðú me hæfst arétne on ðam tweóne thou host set me right in the doubt, Bt. 41, 2; Fox 246, 12: 22, 1; Fox 76, 12, MS. Cot.

arewe, an; f. An arrow; sagitta :-- Sume scotedon adúnweard mid arewan some shot downward with arrows, Chr. 1083; Erl. 217, 19.

Arewe, Arwe, an; f. [arewe arrow] ARROW, the name of a river in several counties, called so either from its swiftness or straightness, also the Orwell; fluvii nomen :-- Se here gewende ðá fram Lundene, mid hyra scypum, into Arewan [MS. Laud. Arwan] the army [of the Danes] went then from London, with their ships, into the river Orwell [in Suffolk], Chr. 1016; Erl. 157, 14. Gibson says of Orwell, - Hunc suspicor anti­quitus fuisse pronunciatum Arwel, tum quod Saxonicum A sequentibus sæculis transiit in O, tum etiam quod oppidum est ad ejus ripam situm, Arwerton dictum; accedit quod Harewich ad oram hujus fluminis, olim Arwic, non ut conjectat Camd. Herewic, dici posset, Gib. Chr. Explicatio 13, col. 1.

áre-weorþ honourable, venerable; honore dignus, honorabilis, venera­bilis, Lye. v. ár-weorþ.

ár-fæst, ǽr-fæst; adj. [ár honour, fæst fast] Honourable, honest, up­right, virtuous, good, pious, dutiful, gracious, kind, merciful; honestus, probus, bonus, pius, propitius, clemens, misericors :-- Árfæste rincas honourable chieftains, Cd. 90; Th. 113, 29; Gen. 1894: 136; Th. 171, 9; Gen. 2825. Wæs he se mon ǽfæst and árfæst he was the religious and pious man; vir pietatis et religionis, Bd. 3, 14; S. 539, 33. Wes ðú ðínum yldrum árfæst simle be thou always dutiful to thy parents, Exon. 80 a; Th. 300, 25; Fä 11. Ongan ðá ródera wealdend árfæst wið Abraham sprecan then began the gracious Ruler of the skies to speak with Abraham, 109; Th. 145, 13; Gen. 2405. Drihten biþ árfæst his folces lande Dominus propitius erit terræ populi sui, Deut. 32, 43: Exon. 11 b; Th. 15, 32; Cri. 245. Ðæt Drihten him árfæst and milde wǽre that the Lord might be to him merciful and mild, Bd. 4, 31; S. 610, 31.

ár-fæstlíce; adv. Honestly, piously; honeste, pie. DER. árfæst, líce.

ár-fæstnes, ár-fæstnys, ǽr-fæstnys, -ness, e; f. Honourableness, honesty, goodness, piety, clemency, mercifulness; honestas, probitas, pietas, cle­mentia, misericordia :-- Ðæt he wæs mycelre árfæstnesse and ǽfæstnesse wer quod vir esset multæ pietatis ac religionis, Bd. 4, 31; S. 610, 7. Seó godcunde árfæstnys pietas divina, 2, 12; S. 512, 24: 3, 13; S.539. 1. Mid ða upplícan árfæstnesse apud supernam clementiam, 5, 23; S. 649, 8: Jos. 6, 17. For ðínre árfestnesse of thy clemency, Hy. 8, 24; Hy. Grn. ii. 290, 24.

ár-fæt, es; n. A brazen vessel; æramentum, labrum :-- Fyrmþa árfata baptismata æramentorum, Mk. Bos. 7, 4. Hálgode ðæt árfæt labrum sanctificavit, Lev. 8, 11.

ar-faran To go away, depart; abire :-- Ar-faraþ, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 25 : Met. 20, 13 suggests an-faraþ, taking an as an adv. away, without refer­ring to any authority.

ár-fest merciful, Ps. Spl. 102, 3. v. ár-fæst.

ár-ful, ár-full; adj. Venerable, respectful, favourable, merciful, mild; honorabilis, venerabilis, propitius, reverens :-- Ic Æðelbald wæs beden from ðæm árfullan bisceope Milrede I Æthelbald have been solicited by the venerable bishop Milred, Th. Diplm. A. D. 743-745; 28, 22. Se ðe árfull biþ eallum unrihtwísum ðínum qui propitiatur omnibus iniqui­tatibus tuis, Ps. Spl. M. 102, 3. Cristenra manna gehwilc beó árful fæder and méder Christianorum quivis reverenter habeat patrem et matrem, Wulfst. paræn. 7.

árful-líce; adv. Mildly, gently; clementer :-- Iosep híg oncneów ár­fullíce Joseph clementer resalutavit eos, Gen. 43, 27.

arg ; adj. Wicked, depraved, bad; malus, pravus. An impure word only found in the Lindisfarne Gospels or the Durham Book :-- Cneórisse yflo and arg an evil and wicked generation; generatio mala et adultera, i. e. prava, pigra, etc. Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 12, 39. Arg peccatrix, Mk. Skt. Lind. 8, 38. [Plat. Dut. Ger. Franc. Dan. Swed. arg : Grk. άργόs idle : Icel. argr effeminatus, pavidus, ignavus, malus, detestabilis.] v. earg.

ár-gebland, es; m. The mingling of the oars, the sea disturbed by the oars, the oar-disturbed sea; remorum commixtio, mare remis turbatum, Andr. Kmbl. 765; An. 383. v. ár.

ár-geótere, es; m. [ár brass, geótere a pourer] A caster or pourer of brass, melter of brass, brass-founder; ærarius :-- Ðá wæs sum árgeótere, se mihte dón anlícnessa there was a certain brass founder, who could make images, Ors. 1, 12; Bos. 36, 26.

ár-gesweorf, es; m. Brass filings; limatura æris, L. M. 1, 34; Lchdm. ii. 80, 22. v. gesweorf, sweorfan.

ár-geweorc, es; n. Brass-work; æramentum, Cot. 79.

ár-gifa, an; m. A benefit-giver; beneficiorum dator, Exon. 78 b; Th. 294, 6; Crä. 11.

ár-glæd bright with brass. v. ǽr-glæd.

arhlíce disgracefully, basely :-- Eádwine eorl wearþ ofslagen arhlíce fram his ágenum mannum earl Eadwine was basely slain by his own men, Chr. 1071; Erl. 210, 14; Th. 347, 12. v. earhlíce from earg, earh II. evil, vile.

ár-hwæst; g. m. n. -hwates; f. -hwætre; adj. [ár honour, hwæt eager, brisk] Eager or desirous of honour, bold, valiant; honoris cupidus, fortis :-- Wealas ofercómon eorlas árhwate the men eager for glory over ­came the Welsh, Chr. 937; Erl. 115, 22; Th. 208, 9, col. 2; Æðelst. 73.­

árian; to árianne; part. ende, gende; p. ede, ode; pp. ed, od; v. a. [ár honour]. I. to give honour, to honour, reverence, have in admiration; honorare, honorificare, venerari :-- Is to árianne is to be honoured, Bt. 32, 2; Fox 116, 14. Onsægednys lófes áreþ me sacri­ficium laudis honorificabit me, Ps. Spl. T. 49, 24. He áraþ ða gódan he honoureth the good, Bt, 41, 2; Fox 246, 19. Ic árode ðé ofer ealle gesceafta I honoured thee over all creatures, Exon. 28 a; Th. 84, 33; Cri. 1383. Se ríca Rómána wita and se ároda the rich and honoured senator of the Romans, Bt. Met. Fox 10, 89; Met. 10, 45. II. to regard, care for, spare, have mercy, pity, pardon, forgive; consulere, propitium esse, misereri, parcere :-- He þearfum árede he cared for the poor, Bd. 3, 9; S. 533. 25. Ac árodon heora lífe but they spared their lives, Jos. 9, 21: Beo. Th. 1201; B. 598. Búton him se cyning árian wille unless the king will pardon him, L. In. 36; Wilk. 20, 39; Th. i. 124, 19. Ára ambehtum [MS. onbehtum] pity thy servants, Exon. 13 a; Th. 23, 17; Cri. 370. DER. ge-árian.

Arianisc, Arrianisc; adj. ARIAN, belonging to Arius, an Alexandrian, who lived in the fourth century :-- Se Arrianisca gedweolda arás the Arian heresy arose, Bd. 1, 8; S.479, 27, 18, 33. On ðam Arianiscan gedwolan in the Arian heresy, Ors. 6, 31; Bos. 127, 43.

a-rídan; p. -rád, pl. -ridon; pp. -riden To ride; equitare :-- He út of ðam mann-werode arád he rode out from the crowd, Ors. 3, 7; Bos. 62, 22. v. rídan.

a-riddan, ðú -riddest [a-, riddan] To rid, deliver; liberare, repellere :-- ­For hwý me ðú ædrífe oððe ariddest quare me reppulisti ? Ps. Spl. T. 42, 2. v. a-hreddan.

áriende, árigende sparing; parcens. v. árian.

a-riht; adv. ARIGHT, right, well, correctly; probe, recte :-- Gif man hit ariht asmeáþ if one considereth it right, L. Edg. C. 13; Th. ii. 246, 21. v. riht.

a-ríman; p. de; pp. ed To number, count, enumerate; numerare, enumerare, dinumerare, recensere :-- He aríman mæg regnas scúran dro­pena gehwelcne he can count every drop of the rain-shower, Cd. 213; Th. 265, 21; Sat. 11 : Ps. Th. 89, 13: 146, 5. Hí arímdon ealle bán míne dinumeraverunt omnia ossa mea, Ps. Spl. C. 21, 16: Past. 16, 1; Hat. MS. 20 b, 4.

ár-ing, árung, e; f. Honour, respect; honoratio :-- Búton áringe without honour, Ors. 5, 10; Bos. 108, 41.

a-rinnan; p. -ran, pl. -runnon; pp. -runnen To run out, pass by, to disappear; effluere, præterire :-- Ðæt sý [MS. sie] cwide arunnen that the word be run out, Salm. Kmbl. 960; Sal. 479. v. rinnan, yrnan, a-yrnan.

a-rísan; part. arísende; p. arás, pl. arison; pp. arisen; v. n. To ARISE, rise, rise up, rise again, to come forth, originate; surgere, exsurgere, resurgere, provenire, oriri :-- Ic aríse surgo, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 5; Som. 31, 49. Micel aríseþ dryht-folc to dóme a great multitude shall arise to judg­ment, Exon. 23 a; Th. 64, 22; Cri. 1041. Ðý þryddan dæge arísen tertia die resurgere, Mt. Bos. 16, 21: Exon. 23 a; Th. 64, 2; Cri.1031. Ýdel is eów &aelig-acute;r leóhte arísan vanum est vobis ante lucem surgere, Ps. Spl. 126, 3. He arás sóna surrexit, Gen. 19, 1. Ðá arison ða þrí weras surrexerunt tres viri, Gen. 18, 16. Weorod eall arás the band all arose, Beo. Th. 6053; B. 3030. Storm upp arás the storm rose up, Andr. Kmbl. 2474; An. 1238. Sindon costinga monge arisene many tempta­tions are arisen, Exon. 33 a; Th. 104, 20; Gú. 10. Arisen wæs sunne exortus est sol, Mk. Lind. War. 4, 6.

a-ríseþ it behoveth; oportet :-- Ðætte aríseþ sunu monnes for it bi­houeth mannis sone, Wyc. Lk. Lind. Rush. War. 9, 22; quia oportet filium hominis, Vulg. v. gerísan.

Aríus [= 'Aρειοs], Arrius; g. ii; acc. um; m. A presbyter of Alex­andria, founder of the Arians, born in Cyrenaica, Africa, and died in A. D. 336 :-- Ðá cwæþ Arrius ðæt Crist, Godes Sunu, ne mihte ná beón his Fæder gelíc, ne swá mihtig swá he; and cwæþ, ðæt se Fæder w&aelig-acute;re &aelig-acute;r se Sunu, and nam býsne be mannum, hú &aelig-acute;lc sunu biþ gingra ðonne se fæder on ðisum lífe.... He wolde dón Crist læssan ðonne he is, and his Godcundnysse wurþmynt wanian then Arius said that Christ, the Son of God, could not be equal to his Father, nor so mighty as he; and said, that the Father was before the Son, and took example from men, how every son is younger than his father in this life.... He would make Christ less than he is, and diminish the dignity of his Godhead, Homl. Th. i. 290, 3-8, 22, 23. Hý amánsumodon ð&aelig-acute;r [on ðære ceastre Nicea A. D. 325] ðone mæsse-preóst Arrium, forðan ðe he nolde gelýfan ðæt ðæs lífigendan Godes Sunu w&aelig-acute;re ealswá mihtig swá se m&aelig-acute;ra Fæder is they there [in the city of Nice A. D. 325] excommunicated the mass-priest Arius, because he would not believe that, the Son of the living God was as mighty as the great Father is, L. Ælf. C. 3; Th. ii. 344, 2-4.

ariwe an arrow; sagitta. v. arewe.

ár-leás; def. se ár-leása; adj. [ár, leás]. I. void of honour, honourless, disgraceful, infamous, wicked, impious; inhonestus, impius, infamis :-- Him árleáse cyn andswarode the honourless race answered him, Cd. 114; Th. 149, 15; Gen. 2475 : 91; Th. 116, 10; Gen. 1934. Hleór geþolade árleásra spátl my face endured the spittle of the impious, Exon. 29 a; Th. 88, 7; Cri. 1436 : Elen. Kmbl. 1668; El. 836. Ða árleásan the impious men, Andr. Kmbl. 1117; An. 559. Wið ðam árle­ásestan eretice against the most wicked heretic, Bd. 4. 17; S. 585, 43. Forweorþaþ se árleása the wicked perisheth, Ps. Spl. 9, 5: Ps. Lamb. 1, 4, 5. Ðú scealt hweorfan árleás of earde ðínum thou shalt depart in­famous from thy dwelling, Cd. 48; Th. 62, 24; Gen. l019: Exon. 28 b; Th. 87, 25; Cri. 1430. II. pitiless, merciless, cruel; crudelis :­- Maximianus, árleás cyning, cwealde cristne men Maximian, the cruel king, slew Christian men, Exon. 65 b; Th. 243, 1; Jul. 4.

árleáslice; adv. [árleás, líce] Wickedly, impiously; impie :-- Ic ne dyde árleáslíce nec impie gessi, Ps. Th. 17, 21: Ps. Spl. 17, 23: Exon. 40 b; Th. 136, 7; Gú. 537.

árleás-nes, -ness, e; f. [árleás honourless, wicked, -nes, -ness] Wicked­ness, acts of wickedness, impiety; iniquitas :-- Æfter mænigo árleásnyssa heora secundum multitudinem impietatum eorum, Ps. Spl. 5, 12: 64, 3. ­Seó wíldeórlíce árleásnes Bretta cyninges feralis impietas regis Brittonum, Bd. 3, 9; S. 533, 7: 3, 19; S. 548, 18.

ár-leást, ǽr-lést, e; f. [ár honor, honestas, gratia, -leást] Dishonour, impiety, cruelty, a disgraceful deed; inhonestas, impietas, crudelitas, flagitium :-- Árleásta fela many disgraceful deeds, Bt. Met. Fox 9, 12; Met. 9, 6.

ar-líc; adj. [ár honour, líc like]. I. honest, honourable, noble, becoming, proper; honestus, decorus, honorabilis, nobilis :-- Árlíc bisceop­setl an honourable bishop-seat, Bd. 3, 7; S. 530, 1: Ors. 2, 8; Bos. 51, 11. Is nú árlíc ðæt we &aelig-acute;festra d&aelig-acute;de démen it is now becoming that we consider the deeds of the pious, Exon.40 a; Th.133, 29; Gú. 497. II. applied to food of a high quality, - Delicious; delicatus, suavis :-- Ða beón beraþ árlícne anleofan, - hafaþ hunig on múþe, wynsume wist the bees produce delicious food, - have honey in the mouth, a pleasant food, Frag. Kmbl. 36; Leás. 20 : Ps. Th. 95, 8. DER un-árlíc.

árlíce; adv. Honourably, honestly, properly, mercifully; honorifice, honeste, decenter, misericordi vel propitio animo :-- He hine árlíce beby­ride honorifice eum sepelivit, Bd. 4, 22; S. 591, 20: Bt. 16, 2; Fox 52, 31: Cd. 127; Th. 162, 23; Gen. 2685. Waldend usser gemunde Abraham árlíce our Lord remembered Abraham mercifully, 121; Th. 156, 9; Gen. 2586.

ár-líce; adv. [= ǽr early] Early; diluculo, mane, Mk. Lind. War. 16, 2 : Lk. Lind. War. 24, 1: Jn. Rush. War. 8, 2. v. ǽr-líce.

arm; adj. Miserable; miser :-- Arm leód miserable people, Chr. 1104; Th. 367, 15. v. earm.

armélu Field or wild rue, which is called Mōly [= μώλυ] in Cappa­docia and Galatia, and by some Harm&a-long;la; hence the botanical name = p&e-long;g&a-short;num harm&a-long;la, Lin. vol. ii. p. 327, = π&eta-tonos;γ&a-short;νον &alpha-tonos;γριον wild rue :-- ­Armélu wyl on buteran to sealfe boil wild rue in butter to a salve, L. M. 1, 64; Lchdm. ii. 140, 4.

ár-morgen early dawn, Jn. Lind. War. 18, 28. 20, 1. v. ǽr-morgen.

arn ran, Mk. Bos. 5, 6; p. of yrnan.

árna of honours, of mercies, Exon. 11 b; Th. 16, 19; Cri. 255; gen. pl. of áre, q. v.

arod, es; n ? A species of herb, probably arum = άρον; herbæ genus, arum :-- Nim lybcornes leáf, oððe arod take a leaf of saffron, or arod, L. M. 3, 42; Lchdm. ii. 336, 10. Gehwæde arodes wóses a little of the ooze of arum, Lchdm. iii, 2, 23.

arod; adj. Quick, swift, ready, prepared; celer, velox, promptus, paratus :-- Ðá wearþ sum to ðam arod, ðæt he in ðæt búrgeteld néþde then one became ready for this, that he ventured into the bower-tent, Judth. 12; Thw. 25, 24; Jud. 275. [O. Nrs. ördugr, örðigr arduus, difficilis, acer, vehemens.] v. earu.

árod honoured, Bt. Met. Fox 10, 89; Met. 10, 45; pp. of árian, q. v.

árod, es; m? [árian to honour] A mark of honour, badge of office, the pallium given by the pope to a bishop or archbishop; honoris vel muneris signum :-- Hér Ælfríc arcebisceop férde to Róme æfter his árde [? arce, MS. q. v.] this year archbishop Ælfric went to Rome after his pallium, Chr. 997; Ing. 172, 7. v. arce-.

arodlíce, arudlíce, ardlíce; adv. Quickly, immediately; cito, sine mora :-- Hí hebbaþ swíðe arodlíce ða earce up arcam sine mora elevant, Past. 22, 2; Hat. MS. 33 b, 9.

arodscipe, es; m. Quickness, swiftness, readiness, dexterity; velocitas, dexteritas, promptitudo :-- Oft mon biþ swíðe rempende and rǽsþ swíðe dollíce on ǽlc weorc and hrædlíce, and ðeáh wénaþ men ðæt hit síe for arodscipe and for hwætscipe sæpe præcipitata actio velocitatis efficacia putatur, Past. 20, 1; Hat. MS. 29 b, 5. DER. un-arodscipe.

aron estis, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 5, 11, = earon.

árra of favours, mercies, grace, Cd. 131; Th. 166, 20; Gen. 2750; gen. pl. of ár.

Arrian, es; m. Arius; Arrianus :-- Arrianes gedwola the heresy of Arius, Bt. Met. Fox 1, 80; Met. 1, 40. v. Aríus.

Arrianisc Arian, Bd. 1, 8; S. 479, 18, 27, 33. v. Arianisc.

Arrius, ii; m. Arius, L. Ælf. C. 3; Th. ii. 344, 3. v. Aríus.

ár-sápe, an; f. [ár ore, brass; sápe = sáp, p. of sípan stillare] Verdigris; ærugo :-- Nim ársápan take verdigris, Lchdm. iii. 14, 31.

ár-sceamu, e; f. Verecundia :-- Árscame, acc. Ps. Th. 68, 19.

Ár-scyldingas, a; pl. m. The honoured Skyldings, Danes, Beo. Th. 933; B. 464: 3425; B. 1710.

ars-gang, es; m. [ears anus, gang a passage] Ani foramen, anus. v. ears-gang.

ár-smiþ, es; m. [ár brass, smiþ a smith] A copper-smith, a brazier, a worker in brass; faber ærarius, Coll. Monast. Th. 30, 1.

ár-stæf, gen. -stæfes; pl. nom. acc. -stafas; m. Favour, kindness, benefit, help; gratia, beneficium, auxilii latio :-- Fæder alwalda mid árstafum eówic gehealde síða gesunde may the all-ruling Father hold you with kindness safe on your ways, Beo. Th. 639; B. 317. For árstafum ðú usic sóhtest thou hast sought us for help, 920; B. 458: Exon. 107 a; Th. 409, 5; Rä. 27, 24. v. ár, stæf.

art art :-- Art vel arþ es, Jn. Lind. War. 1, 19. v. eom.

arþ art, Mk. Lind. Rush. War. 14, 70: Jn. Lind. Rush. War. 1, 19. v. eom.

ár-þegn, ár-þeng, es; m. [ár honour, þegen a servant] A servant or minister by his place or employment; servus, minister honorabilis :-- Cumena árþegn the servant of guests, Bd. 4, 31; Whel. 361, 14.

arudlíce quickly. v. arodlíce, ardlíce.

árung, e; f. I. an honouring, a reverence; honoratio. II. a regarding, sparing, pardoning; remissio. v. ár honour, árian.

Arwan :-- Into Arwan into the river Orwell, Chr. 1016; Laud. MS; Erl. 157, 1. v. Arewe.

arwe an arrow. v. arewe.

ár-wéla, an; m. [ár an oar, wéla] The wealth of oars, the sea; divitiæ remorum, mare, Andr. Kmbl. 1705; An. 855.

ár-weorþ; adj. [ár honour, weorþ worth, worthy] Honour-worth, honourable, venerable; honorabilis, venerabilis, venerandus. v. ár-wurþ, ár-wyrþ.

ár-weorþe; adv. Honourably; honorifice, Bd. 2, 20; S. 522, 1, MS. B. v. ár-wurþlíce.

ár-weorþian, -wurþian, -wyrþian; p. -ode; pp. -od [ár honour, weorþian to hold worthy] To hold worthy of honour, to give honour to, to honour, reverence, worship; honorare, honorificare, honorem referre, venerari :-- He ongan árweorþian ða þrówunge háligra martyra incepit honorem referre cædi sanctorum, Bd. 1, 7; S. 479, 1. Ðæt mynster seó cwén swýðe lufode and árwyrþode regina monasterium multum diligebat et venerabatur, 3, 11; S. 535, 15: Jn. Bos. 5, 23: Deut. 5, 16.

ár-weorþig; adj. Venerable, reverend; reverendus. v. árwurþig.

ár-weorþlíc; adj. Venerable; venerabilis. v. ár-wurþlíc.

ár-weorþlíce; adv. Honourably, reverently, solemnly, kindly; honorifice, reverenter, solemniter, clementer, R. Ben. 58, Lye: Bd. 3, 19; S. 547, 8: 1, 27, resp. 8; S. 495, 17: Gen. 45, 4. v. ár-weorþe, -wurþlíce, -wyrþlíce.

ár-weorþnes, ár-wyrþnes, -ness, e; f. [ár honour, weorþnes worthiness] Honour-worthiness, honour, dignity; honor, dignitas, reverentia :-- Æfter árwyrþnesse swá micles biscopes juxta venerationem tanto pontifice dignam, Bd. 3, 17; S. 544, 3, col. 2. Gif ðú nú gemunan wilt eallra ðara árwyrþnessa if thou now wilt be mindful of all the honours, Bt. 8; Fox 24, 20. Mid árweorþnesse with honour, honourably, R. Ben. 6, 61.

ár-weorþrung, e; f. Honour, reverence; honor, reverentia :-- On ár-weorþunge in honore, Ps. Lamb. 48, 21. v. ár-wurþung.

ár-wiððe, an; f? [ár an oar, wiððe withe] An oar-withe, a willow band to tie oars with; struppus :-- Árwiððe vel strop struppus, Ælfc. Gl. 103; Som. 77, 117; Wrt. Voc. 56, 37.

arwunga, arwunge; adv. Gratuitously; gratis :-- Arwunga ge onféngun, arwunge ge sellaþ gratis accepistis, gratis date, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 10, 8. v. earwunga.

ár-wurþ, -wyrþ; def. se árwurþa; seó, ðæt árwurþe; adj. [ár honour, weorþ worth] Honour-worth, honourable, venerable, reverend; honorabilis, honorandus, venerabilis, venerandus :-- Se árwurþa wer vir venerabilis, Bd. 4, 18; S. 586, 22: 5, 1; S. 613, 11. Se góda biþ simle árwyrþe the good is always honourable, Bt. 39, 2; Fox 212, 23. Ár-wurþe wudewe [MS. wurdewe] or nunne nonna, Ælfc. Gl. 69; Som. 70, 21; Wrt. Voc. 42, 30. Se árwurþesta Godes andettere reverentissimus Dei confessor, Bd. 1, 7; S. 478, 20. Ða árwurþan bán honoranda ossa, 3, 11; S. 535, 16. Ðæt árwurþe bæþ lavacrum venerabile, 3, 11; S. 535, 34.

ár-wurþian, -wurþigean; p. ode; pp. od; v. a. To give honour to, to honour, reverence, worship; honorare, honorificare, venerari :-- Onsægednys lófes árwurþaþ me sacrificium laudis honorificabit me, Ps. Spl. 49, 24. Ðæt ealle árwurþion [árwurþigeon, Jun.] ðone Sunu, swá swá híg árwurþiaþ [árwurþigeaþ, Jun.] ðone Fæder; se ðe ne árwurþaþ ðone Sunu, ne árwurþaþ he ðone Fæder ut omnes honorificent Filium, sicut honorificant Patrem; qui non honorificat Filium, non honorificat Patrem, Jn. Bos. 5, 23: Bd. 5, 19; S. 637, 6. To árwurþianne [MS. tarwurþienne, v. weorþianne = wurþianne, in weorþian I] ðínne, ðone sóðan and ðone áncænnedan, Sunu to honour thy, the true and only begotten, Son, Te Dm. Thomson 35, 12. Geleáfa sóþlíce se geleáffulla ðes is; ðæt ánne God on Þrýnnesse and Þrýnnesse on Ánnesse we árwurþian fides autem catholica hæc est; ut unum Deum in Trinitate et Trinitatem in Unitate veneremur, Ps. Lamb. fol. 200 a, 15. Árwurþa ðínne fæder and ðíne módur honora patrem tuum et matrem, Deut. 5, 16. v. ár-weorþian.

ár-wurþig reverend. v. ár-weorþig, ár-weorþ.

ár-wurþigean to honour, reverence; honorificare, Jn. Jun. 5, 23. v. ár-wurþian.

ár-wurþlíc; adj. Venerable; venerabilis :-- Árwurþlíc on to seónne venerabilis aspectu, Bd. 2, 16; S. 519, 35. v. ár-weorþ, -wurþ.

ár--wurþlíce; adv. Honourably, reverently, kindly, solemnly, mildly; honorifice, solemniter, reverenter, clementer :-- Hí swíðe árwurþlíce onfangene wǽron they were very honourably received, Bd. 2, 20; S. 522, 1: 3, 19; S. 547, 8: 5, 19; S. 637, 33. Fram cyricean ingonge árwurþlíce ahabban ab ingressu ecclesiæ reverenter abstinere, Bd. 1, 27, resp. 8; S. 495, 17. Ða grétte híg árwurþlíce quos ille clementer allocutus est, Gen. 45, 4. v. ár-weorþe, -weorþlíce.

ár-wurþung, e; f. Honour, reverence; honor, reverentia :-- Bryngaþ Drihtne árwurþunge afferte Domino honorem, Ps. Spl. T. 28, 2: Ps. Spl. 48, 12. v. ár-weorþung.

ár-wyrþ; adj. Honourable, venerable; honorabilis, venerandus, Bt. 39, 2; Fox 212, 23: Elen. Kmbl. 2256; El. 1129. v. ár-weorþ.

ár-wyrþian; p. ode; pp. od To honour, reverence, Bd. 3, 11; S. 535, 15. v. ár-weorþian.

ár-wyrþlíce; adv. Honourably, reverently, solemnly, kindly, R. Ben. 58. v. ár-wurþlíce.

ár-wyrþnes, -ness, e; f. Dignity, Bd. 3, 17; S. 544, 3, col. 2. v. ár-weorþnes.

a-rýpan; p. de, te; pp. ed, d, t To tear off, to rip; evellere, abscindere :-- He me of hýd arýpeþ he tears off my hide from me, Exon. 127 a; Th. 488, 15; Rä. 76, 7. v. be-rýpan.

ár-ýþ, e; f. An oar-wave; unda remis pulsata :-- Hærn eft onwand, árýða geblond the tide turned back, the commotion of the oar-waves, Andr. Kmbl. 1063; An. 532.

a-sæcgan; p. -sægde, -sǽde; pp. -sægd, -sǽd To speak out, relate, tell, say, express, explain, announce, proclaim; edicere, effari, exprimere, referre, enarrare, annunciare :-- Ne mǽge we nǽfre asæcgan, hú ðú æðele eart, éce Drihten we may never express, how excellent thou art, everlasting Lord, Hy. 3, 13; Hy. Grn. ii. 281, 13. v. a-secgan.

a-sǽd said out, related, told, Bd. 4, 22; S. 590, 32; pp. of a-secgan, q. v.

a-sǽdon said out, related, told, Ors. 4, 6; Bos. 86, 33; p. of a-secgan.

a-sǽlan; p. -sǽlde; pp. -sǽled [a, sǽlan to bind] To bind fast, bind; astringere, ligare :-- Synnum asǽled bound fast by sins, Elen. Kmbl. 2485; El. 1244: Cd. 100; Th. 132, 18; Gen. 2195: 166; Th. 207, 21; Exod. 470.

a-sændan; p. -sænde; pp. -sænd To send forth, to send, Apol. Th. 6, 16: 13, 5. v. a-sendan.

a-sáh set, sank, Chr. 1012; Th. 268, 30, col. 1; 269, 28, col. 1; 26, col. 2; p. of a-sígan.

asal, asald an ass, Mt. Lind. Stv. 18, 6: 21, 2. v. esol.

a-sánian; p. ode; pp. od To languish, grow weak, diminish; langues­ cere, laxari :-- Nǽfre ic lufan sibbe forlǽte asánian never will I permit the love of my kin to languish, Exon. 50a; Th. 172, 23; Gú. 1148.

asaru Asarabacca, folefoot, hazelwort; asărurn Europæum = GREEK, L. M. 2, 14; Lchdm. ii. 192, 7.

a-sáwan; p. -seów, -siów, pl. -seówon; pp. -sáwen To sow; seminare, obserere, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 499; Met. 20, 250. v. sáwan.

asca dust; pulvis, Mk. Lind. Rush. War. 6, 11. v. asce.

asca, ascas, ascum :-- Asca of ash spears, Exon. 78a; Th. 292, 15; Wand. 99. v. æsc.

a-scacan to shake off, to shake, brandish; excutere, Ps. Th. 67, 10. v. asceacan.

a-scádan to separate, L. Wih. 3; Th. i. 36, 19. v. asceádan.

a-scæcan to shake, Exon. 58a; Th. 207, 20; Ph. 144: Ps. Spl. 7, 13. v. a-sceacan.

a-scære; adj. [a, scær; p. of sceran to cut, shear] Without tonsure, untrimmed; intonsus, incultus, Peccatorum Medicina 8. v. æ-scære.

a-scafan; p. -scóf, pl. -scófon; pp. -scafen, -scæfen To shave; abradere, obradere :-- Ascæfen obrasus, Cot. 148. v. scafan.

a-scamian; p. ode; pp. od To be ashamed, to make ashamed or abashed; erubescere, pudore confundere :-- Ná ascamien on me non erubescant in me, Ps. Spl. 68, 8. Hí ascamode swíciaþ on swíman they wander abashed in giddiness, Exon. 26b; Th. 79, 31; Cri. 1299. v. scamian.

Ascan mynster Axminster, Chr. 755; Th. 86, 13, col. 1. v. Acsan mynster, Axan mynster.

ASCE, æsce [g. æscean], acse, ahse, axe, axse, æxe, an; f. ASH, ashes; cinis :-- On ðære ascan in the ashes, Exon. 59a; Th. 213, 27; Ph. 231: 60a; Th. 217, 24; Ph. 285. Gebreadad weorþeþ eft of ascan it becomes formed again from [its] ashes, 61a; Th. 224, 9; Ph. 373. Ascan and ýslan ashes and embers, 64a; Th. 236, 18; Ph. 576: 65a; Th. 240, 33; Ph. 648. [O. H. Ger. asca, f. cinis: Goth. azgo, f: O. Nrs. aska, f.]

a-sceacan, -scacan, -scæcan; he -sceaceþ, -sceacþ, -scæceþ, -scaceþ; p. -sceóc, -scóc, pl. -sceócon, -scócon; pp. -sceacen, -scacen. I. to shake off, remove; excutere :-- Asceacaþ ðæt dust of eówrum fótum excutite pulverem de pedibus vestris, Mk. Bos. 6, 11. II. to be removed, forsake, desert, flee; excuti, fugere, aufugere, deserere :-- Asceacen [Lamb. ofascacen] ic eom excussus sum, Ps. Spl. C. 108, 22. Ðæt Iacob wæs asceacen quod fugeret Jacob, Gen. 31, 22. He asceacen wæs fram Æðelréde he had deserted from Æthelred, Chr. 1001; Ing. 174, 15. III. to shake, brandish, to be shaken; vibrare, quatere, concuti, labefieri, infirmari :-- His swurd he acwecþ oððe asceacþ gladium suum vibrabit, Ps. Lamb. 7, 13. He ascæceþ feðre it shakes its plumage, Exon. 58a; Th. 207, 20; Ph. 144: Ps. Spl. 7, 13. Offa æscholt asceóc Offa shook his ashen spear, Byrht. Th. 138, 35; By. 230. Wilsumne regn wolcen brincgeþ, and ðonne ascaceþ God sundoryrfe pluviam voluntariam segregabis, Deus, hereditati tuæ, etenim infirmata est, Ps. Th. 67, 10.

a-sceádan, -scádan; p. -scéd, pl. -scédon; pp. -sceáden, -scáden; v. a. [a from, sceádan to divide] To separate, disjoin, exclude, distinguish; separare, segregare :-- Ic mec ascéd ðara scylda I separated myself from the guilt, Elen. Kmbl. 937; El. 470: 2623; El. 1313. And he hine from nýtenum ascéd and he distinguished him from beasts, L. E. I. 23; Th. ii. 420, 8. Hí of ciricean gemánan ascádene síen they from the church communion shall be excluded, L. Wih. 3; Th. i. 36, 19. Ðæt eálond is feor asceáden fram Hibernia insula ab Hibernia procul secreta est, Bd. 4, 4; S. 570, 40.

a-sceáf expelled, Cd. 55; Th. 68, 11; Gen. 1115; p. of a-scúfan.

a-scealian; p. ode; pp. od [a from, scealu a scale] To pull off the scales or bark, to scale, bark; decorticare, Cot. 79.

a-sceamian to be ashamed. v. a-scamian.

a-scearpan to sharpen, Ps. Surt. 63, 4. v. a-scirpan.

a-scéd separated, Elen. Kmbl. 937; El. 470; p. of a-sceádan.

a-sceofen expelled, = a-scofen, Bd. 4, 12; S. 581, 17; pp. of a-scúfan.

a-sceónung, e; f. Detestation, abomination; abominatio, Mk. Bos. 13, 14. v. a-scúnung.

a-sceóp gave, Cd. 161; Th. 201, 32; Exod. 381. v. a-sceppan.

a-sceortian, -scortian; p. ode; pp. od To be short, to grow short, shorten, elapse, diminish, fail; breviare, effluere :-- Ðæt wæter asceortode the water failed, Gen. 21, 15. Ten þúsend geára ascortaþ ten thousand years will elapse, Bt. 18, 3; Fox 66, 12.

a-sceótan; he -scýt, -scýtt; p. -sceát, pl. -scuton; pp. -scoten [a, sceótan to shoot] To shoot forth, shoot, shoot out, fall; jaculari, cum impetu erumpere :-- Hie ne mehton from him nǽnne flán asceótan they could not shoot an arrow from them, Ors. 6, 36; Bos. 132, 8. Ne ascýtt Sennacherib flán into ðære byrig Hierusalem Sennacherib shall not shoot arrows into the city of Jerusalem, Homl. Th. i. 568, 31. Ða eágan of his heáfde ascuton, and on eorþan feóllan the eyes shot out of his head, and fell on the earth, Bd. 1, 7; S. 478, 38.

a-sceppan; p. -sceóp, -scóp, pl. -sceópon, -scópon; pp. -sceapen, -scapen To create, appoint, give; creare, designare :-- Him God naman niwan asceóp God gave him a new name, Cd. 161; Th. 201, 32; Exod. 381.

a-scerian to cut from, separate. v. a-scirian.

a-scerpan to sharpen. v. a-scirpan.

ASCIAN, acsian, ahsian, axian; p. ode; pp. od. I. to ASK, to ask for, to demand, inquire, to call, summon before one; interrogare, postulare, exigere :-- Ðe ðú me æfter ascast which thou askest about, Bt. 39, 4; Fox 216, 26, 29. Ne ascige ic nú ówiht bi ðam bitran deáþe mínum I demand now nothing for my bitter death, Exon. 29b; Th. 90, 16; Cri. 1475. He ongan hine ahsian he began to call him, Cd. 40; Th. 53, 18; Gen. 863. II. to obtain, experience; nancisci, experiri :-- He weán ahsode he obtained woe, Beo. Th. 2417; B. 1206: 851; B. 423. [Orm. asskenn: Laym. axien: O. Sax. éscón: O. Frs. askia, aschia: Dut. eischen: Ger. heischen: M. H. Ger. eischen: O. H. Ger. eiscón: Dan. äske: Swed, äska: O. Nrs. æskja optare: Sansk, ish to wish, desire.]

a-scilian; p. ede; pp. ed [a from, scel a shell] To take off the shell, to shell; enucleare, Cot. 171.

a-scínan; p. -scán, pl. -scinon; pp. -scinen To shine forth, to be clear, evident; clarescere, elucere :-- Hwylc wǽre his líf cúþlícor ascíneþ vita qualis fuerit certius clarescat, Bd. 5, 1; S. 613, 14. Ðá ðǽr ascán beáma beorhtast then there shone the brightest of beams, Exon. 52a; Th. 180, 20; Gú. 1282.

a-scirian, -scyrian; p. ede; pp. ed, ud; v. a. [a, scirian to share] To cut from, separate, divide, part, sever; separare, sejungere, excommunicare, destinare :-- He ascirede Adames bearn he separated Adam's sons, Deut. 32, 8. Ascyrud beón fram mannum moveri ab hominibus, Somn. 280. Ascyred and asceáden scylda gehwylcre sundered and set apart from every sin, Elen. Kmbl. 2623; El. 1313: Exon. 31b; Th. 98, 16; Cri. 1608. Ðæt he scyle from his Scippende ascyred weorþan to deáþe niðer that he shall be separated from his Creator by death beneath, Exon. 31b; Th. 99, 2; Cri. 1618.

a-scirigendlíc disjoining, disjunctive, v. a-scyrigendlíc.

a-scirpan, a-scyrpan, a-scerpan, a-scearpan; p. te, tun; pp. ed To sharpen; exacuere :-- Swíðor ablendaþ ðæs módes eágan ðonne hí hí ascirpan they rather blind the eyes of the mind than sharpen them, Bt. 34, 8; Fox 144, 34. v. scerpan.

ascirred = ascired separated from, saved, Bt. 20; Fox 72, 6; pp. of a-scirian.

a-scofen banished, R. Ben. 63. v. a-scúfan.

a-scóp gave, Ors. 1, 8; Bos. 31, 16. v. a-sceppan.

a-scortian to shorten, Bt. 18, 3; Fox 66, 12. v. a-sceortian.

a-scræp he scraped; radebat, Job 2, 8; Thw. 166, 33; p. of a-screopan.

a-screádian; p. ode; pp. od To prune, lop; præsecare, Anlct. Gl. DER. screádian.

a-screncan; p. -screncte; pp. -screnct [a, screncan to supplant] To supplant :-- Ne eft sió þræsþing ðæs líchoman ðæt mód ne ascrence mid upahæfenesse ne aut istos afflicta caro ex elatione supplantet, Past. 43, 9; Hat. MS. 60b, 3.

a-screopan; p. -scræp, pl. -scrǽpon; pp. -screpen To scrape off, scrape; radere :-- Ascræp ðone wyrms of his líce testa saniem radebat, Job 2, 8; Thw. 166, 33. v. screopan.

a-screpan, -scrypan; pp. en To bear, cast or vomit out; egerere, Cot. 71. v. a-screopan.

a-scrincan; p. -scranc, pl. -scruncon; pp. -scruncen To shrink; arescere. v. scrincan.

a-scrypan to cast out. v. a-screpan.

asc-þrotu fennel-giant. v. æsc-þrote, an; f.

a-scúfan, -sceófan; p. -sceáf. pl. -scufon; pp. -scofen, -sceofen [a from, scúfan to shove] To drive away, expel, banish, repel, shove away; expellere, pellere, abigere, extrudere, emittere :-- Forþ ascúfan to drive forward, Exon. 129b; Th. 498, 1; Rä. 87, 6. Me cearsorge of móde asceáf Þeóden usser our Lord has driven anxious sorrow from my mind, Cd. 55; Th. 68, 11; Gen. 1115. He wæs asceofen and adrifen of his biscop-setle pulsus est a sede sui episcopatus, Bd. 4, 12; S. 581, 17.

ascung, e; f. An asking, a question, an interrogation, inquiry, inquisition; interrogatio, inquisitio :-- Ðæs sǽdes corn biþ simle aweaht mid ascunga the grain of this seed is always excited by inquiry, Bt. Met. Fox 22, 81; Met. 22, 41: Bt. 5, 3; Fox 12, 16. v. acsung.

a-scúnian; p. ode; pp. od; v. a. [a away, scúnian to shun]. I. to avoid, shun, fly from; evitare, reprobare :-- He mót þyllíc ascúnian he must shun the like, L. C. S. 7; Th. i. 380, 9: L. Ed. 4; Th. i. 162, 6. II. to hate, detest; odisse, detestari :-- Esau ascúnode Iacob oderat Esau Jacob, Gen. 27, 41. Ðá ascúnodon híg hine oderant eum, Gen. 37, 4. III. to accuse, reprove, convict; arguere :-- Hwylc eówer ascúnaþ me for synne quis ex vobis arguet me de peccato? Jn. Bos. 8, 46.

a-scúniendlíc; adj. Detestable, abominable; detestabilis :-- Befóran Gode ys ascúniendlíc abominatio est ante Deum, Lk. Bos. 16, 15.

a-scúnung, a-sceónung, e; f. An execration, abomination, a detesta­

a-scuton shot out, Bd. 1, 7; S. 478, 38; p. pl. of a-sceótan.

a-scyled taken out of the shell, shelled; enucleatus, Cot. 75; pp. of a-scilian.

a-scyndan [a from, scyndan to hasten] To separate, remove, take away; tollere, elongare :-- Ðú ascyndest fram me freónd elongasti a me amicum, Ps. Spl. M. 87, 19.

a-scyrian to separate, Elen. Kmbl. 2623; El. 1313. v. a-scirian.

a-scyrigendlíc; adj. [ascirigende disjoining, from ascirian] Disjoin­ing, disjunctive; disjunctivus, Ælfc. Gr. 44; Som. 45, 43.

a-scyrigendlice; adv. Disjunctively, severally; disjunctive, Ælfc. Gr. 44 ? Lye.

a-scyrpan to sharpen, Ps. Th.126, 5 : Ps. Spl. C. 63, 3. v. a-scirpan.

a-sealcan; pp. asolcen To languish, to be or become weak, idle, sloth­ful, remiss; languescere, remittere, desidiosum fieri :-- Ne l&aelig-acute;t ðú ðe ðín mód asealcan w&aelig-acute;rfæst willan mínes let not thou thy mind languish [to be] observant of my will, Cd. 99; Th. 130, 30; Gen. 2167. Asolcen fram gódre drohtnunge slothful for good living, Homl. Th. i. 306, 11 : 340, 35. Asolcen accidiosus ? vel tediosus, Ælfc. Gl. 114; Som. 80, 18; Wrt. Voc. 60, 52. Asolcen dissolutus, desidiosus, R. Ben. 48. Asolcen deses, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 26; Som. 11, l0. Asolcen iners, Cot. 108. Asolcen remissus, ignavus, Scint. 16.

a-seárian; p. ode; pp. od To become dry, to sear, dry up; arescere, Lchdm. iii. 355, 24.

a-seáþ seethed; p. of a-seóðan.

a-sécan, -sécean; p. -sóhte; pp. -sóht [a, sécan to seek]. I. to search or seek out, to seek for, to require, demand; eligere, requirere, petere aliquid ab aliquo :-- Asécean ða sélestan to seek out the best, Elen. Kmbl. 2035; El. 1019 : 813; El. 407. Mid swá mycle fóreseónysse wæs ðæs lícho­man cl&aelig-acute;nnesse asóht tanta provisione est munditia corporis requisita, Bd. 1, 27, resp. 8; S. 496, 8. Wyllaþ me lífes asécean they will demand my life, Ps. Th. 118, 95. II. to seek, go to, explore; adire, explorare :-- ­Ðæt fýr georne aséceþ innan and útan eorþan sceátas the fire shall eagerly seek the tracts of earth within and without, Exon. 22 b; Th. 62, 20; Cri. 1004.

a-secgan, -sæcgan; p. -sægde, -sǽde; pp. -sægd, -sǽd [a out, secgan to say] To speak out, declare, express, tell, say, relate, explain, announce, proclaim; edicere, effari, exprimere, referre, enarrare, annunciare :-- Ic him mín ǽrende asecgan wille I will relate to him my errand, Beo. Th. 693; B. 344. Heofonas asecgaþ wuldor Godes cæli enarrant gloriam Dei, Ps. Spl. C. 18, 1. Wundor asecgan miraculum enarrare, Bd. 3, 2; S. 524, 39. Gif seó gemyndelíc wíse asǽd biþ if that memorable thing be told, 4, 22; S. 590, 32 : Bt. 34, 8; Fox 144, 22 : 35,1; Fox 154, 18. Hím engel Godes eall asægde God's angel told him all, Cd. 179; Th. 225, 19; Dan. 156. Ðá asǽdon his geféran then said his com­panions, Ors. 4, 6; Bos. 86, 33. Óþ ðæt ic asecge donec annunciem, Ps. Th. 70, 17.

a-secgendlíc; adj. That which may be spoken, expressible; effabilis, Som.

a-sellan; p. -sealde; pp. -scald To expel, banish, deliver; expellere, relegare, tradere, Cd. 215; Th. 270, 14; Sat. 90. v. sellan.

a-sendan, ic -sende, ðú -sendest, -sendst, -senst, he -sent, -sendeþ, pl. -sendaþ; p. -sende; pp. -sended, -send To send forth, send out, send; emittere, mittere :-- Asend gást ðínne and biþ gescapen emitte spiritum tuum et creabuntur, Ps. Spl. 103, 31. Ðonne ðú of líce aldor asendest when thou sendest forth life from thy body, Cd. 134; Th. 168, 29; Gen. 2790. Drihten asent hungor on eów and þurst and næcede the Lord shall send forth on you hunger and thirst and nakedness, Deut, 28, 48. Ðæt he wolde asendan his áncennedan Sunu that he would send his only-begotten Son, Homl. Th. ii. 22, 3 : Ps. Spl. 105, 15. Ic eom asend ego missus sum, Lk. Bos. 1, 19. DER. sendan.

a-séngan for a-sénian [a, sénian to see] To shew, discover, manifest; manifestare, perspicuum facere :-- Ðe is aséngan ne mæg which I may not discover, Exon. 70 a; Th. 261, 11; Jul. 313.

a-seón, ic -seó, ðú -síhest, -síhst, he -síheþ, -síhþ, pl. -seóþ; p. -sáh, pl. -sigon, -sihon; impert. -seóh; pp. -sigen, -sihen [a from, out; seón, síhan to strain] To strain out; percolare :-- Aseóh ðone drenc, and dó ðonne mele fulne buteran strain out the drink, and then add [do] a basin full of butter, L. M. 1, 36; Lchdm. ii. 86, 16.

a-seóðan; p. -seáþ, pl. -sudon; pp. -soden To boil, seethe, scorch, to purify by seething; coquere :-- Swá man seolfor aseóðeþ mid fýre as one seethes silver by fire, Ps. Th. 65, 9. Ðé ic geceás on ðam ofne ðe ðú on wǽre asoden, ðæt wæs on ðínum iermþum elegi te in camino paupertatis, Past. 26, 1; Hat. MS. 35 a, 6. Ðæt heó mid longre hire líchoman un­trumnesse asodene beón that she should be purified by the long suffering of her body, Bd. 4, 23; S. 595, 15. Ealle we lǽtaþ to viii healf-marcum asodenes goldes we estimate all at eight half-marks of pure gold, L. A. G. 2; Th. i. 154, 2.

a-seów, -siów sowed, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 132, 26; p. of a-sáwan.

a-setan to appoint, design; destinare, R. Conc. pref.

a-seted, -sett set, placed, stored, built, Beo. Th. 1338; B. 667: Mt. Bos. 3, 10; pp. of a-settan.

a-séðan; p. -séððe; pp. -séðed To affirm, confirm; affirmare, con­firmare :-- Sume [adverbia] syndon ad vel confirmativa, mid ðám we aséðaþ úre spræce some adverbs are affirmative or confirmative, with which we affirm our speech, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 40, 16.

a-séðan to boil. v. seóðan.

a-setnys, -nyss, e; f. What is set or fixed, a statute, law; constitutio, statum :-- Eádmundes cyninges asetnysse king Edmund's institutes, L. Edm. E. 1; Th. i. 244, 1.

a-settan; p. -sette; pp. -seted, -sett. I. to set, put, place, appoint, lay, set up, erect, build, to set or take, to plant; ponere, statuere, con­stituere, instituere, collocare, deponere, desumere, plantare :-- He asette his swíðran hand under Abrahames þeóh posuit manum sub femora Abra­ham, Gen. 24, 9. He hæfde Grendle togeánes seleweard aseted he had set a hall-ward against Grendel, Beo. Th. 1338; B. 667. Eallunga ys seó æx to ðære treówa wurtrumum asett jam enim securis ad radicem arborum posita est, Mt. Bos. 3, 10. Héht ðá asettan líc on eorþan he then commanded to place the body upon the earth, Elen. Kmbl. 1750; El. 877. Ac heó hire ð&aelig-acute;r wíc asette ibique sibi mansionem instituit, Bd. 4. 23; S. 593, 26 : Exon. l08 a; Th. 411, 27; Rä;. 30, 6. Hét &aelig-acute;nne weall asettan he ordered a wall to be built, Ors. 6, 15; Bos: 122, 34. Hét hí eft asettan he bade her again be taken, Exon. 69 a; Th. 256, 14; Jul. 231. Ic on neorxna wonge niwe asette treów mid telgum I planted in paradise a new tree with branches, Cd. 223; Th. 295, 5; Sat. 481. II. síþ asettan to make a journey; iter facere :-- He in helle ceafl síþ asette he made his journey into the jaws of hell, Andr. Kmbl. 3404; An. 1706 : Exon. 103 a; Th. 391, 26; Rä. 10, 11.

a-sette set, placed, built, Bd. 4, 23; S. 593, 26; p. of a-settan.

asicyd; part. [a from, súcan to suck] Taken from suck, weaned; ablactatus :-- Swá swá asicyd ofer módor sicut ablactatus super matre, Ps. Spl. M. C.130, 4.

a-siftan; p. -sifte; pp. -sift To sift; cribrare :-- Asift þurh cláp sift through a cloth, L. M. 1, 2, 21; Lchdm. ii. 36, 7. v. siftan.

a-sígan; p. -sáh, pl. -sigon; pp. -sigen To decline, go down, fall down; delabi, occidere :-- Ðæt, mid ðam dynte, he nyðer asáh that, with the blow, he fell down, Chr. 1012; Th. 268, 30, col. 1; 269, 28, col. 1; 269, 26, col. 2. Lǽt ðínne sefan healdan freán dómas, ða ðe hér men forlǽtaþ asígan let thy mind observe the Lord's decrees, which here men permit to decline, Exon. 81, a; Th. 304, 24; Fä. 75.

a-sigen fallen; pp. of a-sígan.

a-sindrian; p. ode; pp. od To sunder, separate. v. a-syndran.

a-singan; p. -sang, pl. -sungon; pp. -sungen [a, singan] To sing; canere :-- Ðæt man asinge that a man sing, Ps. Th. 91, 1 : Beo. Th. 2323; B. 1159 : Bd. 3. 27; S. 559, 12.

Asirige The Assyrians; Assyrii :-- Ðæt synd Asirige and Rómáne these are the Assyrians and the Romans, Ors. 2, 5; Bos. 49, 14. v. Assyrias.

a-sittan; p. -sæt, pl. -sǽton; pp. -seten To dwell together; consi­dere :-- Secgas, mid sigecwén, aseten hæfdon, on Créca land the men had a dwelling together with the victorious queen, in the land of the Greeks, Elen. Kmbl. 1993; El. 998. v. sittan II.

a-slacian, -slæcian; p. ode, ade, ude; pp. od, ad, ud To slacken, loosen, untie, remit, dissolve, enervate; laxare, remittere, solvere, dissolvere, dimittere, hebetare, enervare, Cot. 103 : 169 : Prov. I9 : l0. v. slacian.

a-slacigendlíc; adj. Remissive; remissivus :-- Sume [adverbia] syndon remissiva, ðæt synd aslacigendlíce [lytlum paulatim, softe suaviter, etc.] some [adverbs] are remissiva, that is remissives, etc. Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 40, 29.

a-slacigendlice; adv. Slackly, remissly; remisse, Ælfc. Gr. 38 ? Lye.

aslád slipped away. v. aslídan.

a-slæccan; p. -slæcte; pp. -slæced, -slæct To slacken, loosen, remit; laxare, remittere. v. slæccan, slacian.

a-slæcian; p. ude; pp. ud To dissolve; dimittere, Cot. 62. v. a-slacian.

a-slægen struck, Lye. v. a-sleán.

a-slápan; p. -slép, pl. -slépon; pp. -slápen [a, slápan = slǽpan to sleep] To be sleepy, begin to sleep, fall asleep; dormitare :-- Min sáwl aslép dormitavit anima mea, Ps. Th. 118, 28.

a-sláwian; p. ode; pp. od To be heavy, dull, sluggish; torpescere, Ors. 4, 13; Bos. 100, 20.

a-sleán; p. -slóh, pl. -slógon; pp. -slegen, -slagen, -slægen To strike, beat, hammer, to fix, erect; ferire, icere, cædere, figere, ponere :-- On býman aslegenum [Lamb. onaslagenum], Ps. Spl. 97, 6; in tubis ducti­libus, Vulg; in trumpis beten out, Wyc. Hí aslógan án geteld tetende­runt tentorium, Bd. 3, 17; S. 543, 33, col. 1 : 5, 6; S. 619, 26. Ðe of his líchoman aslegen wæs that was struck off his body, Bd. 3, 12; S. 537, 34. v. sleán. DER. on-asleán; pp. on-aslagen.

a-slépen = a-sleópen slip away, Bt. Met. Fox 13, 18; Met. 13, 9. v. a-slúpan.

a-slídan; ic -slide, ðú -slidest, -slíst, he -slídeþ, -slít, pl. -slídaþ; p. -slád, pl. -slidon; pp. -sliden To slide or slip away; labare :-- Ne aslít his fót non supplantabuntur gressus ejus, Ps. Th. 36, 31. Ðæt mín fór asliden wǽre motus est pes meus, 93, 17. Asliden beón labi, Scint.13, 24, 78.

a-slitan, -slýtan; p. -slát, pl. -sliton; pp. -slyten, -sliten; v. a. [a from, slítan to slit] To cleave, rive, destroy, cut off; discindere, diruere, abscindere :-- Aslát ða túnas ealle destroyed all the villages, Bd. 3, 16; S. 542, 20. Mildheortnysse his aslýteþ of cneórysse on cynrine misericordiam suam abscindet a generation in generationem, Ps. Spl. 76, 8.

a-slóh, -slógon struck, fixed, Bd. 3. 17; S. 543, 33, col. 1; p. of a-sleán.

a-slúpan; p. -sleáp, pl. -slupon; pp. -slopen To slip away; elabi :-- Lǽt ðé aslúpan sorge of breóstum let sorrow slip away from thy breast, Cd. 134; Th. 169, 7; Gen. 2796. Ðæt hi ǽfre him of aslépen [= asleópen] that they may ever slip from them, Bt. Met. Fox 13, 18; Met. 13. 9.

a-slýtan; p. -slát; pp. -slyten; v. trans. To cut .off :-- Aslýteþ abscindet, Ps. Spl. 76, 8. v. a-slítan.

a-smeágan, -smeán; p. -smeáde; pp. -smeád To look closely into, examine, trace out, elicit, meditate upon, consider, contemplate, ponder, judge, deem, be of opinion, think; perscrutari, investigare, indagare, elicere, contemplári, pensare, censere :-- Nú ne máge we asmeágan hú God of ðam láme flǽsc worhte and blód, bán and fell, fex and næglas now we cannot trace out how of the loam God made flesh and blood, bones, and skin, hair and nails, Homl. Th. i. 236, 15. Stíge mine ðú asmeádest semitam meam investigasti, Ps. Spl. 138, 2: R. Ben. 55. Asmeágende indagantes, Cot. 104. Asmeáde elicuit, Cot. 77. Gif man hit ariht asmeáþ if one rightly considers it, L. Edg. C. 13; Th. ii. 246, 21. Ic déme oððe ic asmeáge censeo, Ælfc. Gr. 26, 2; Som. 28, 51.

a-smeágung, e; f. Investigation, meditation; scrutinium, investigatio, meditatio :-- Þurh asmeágunge bóclícre snotornesse through investigation of book-like wisdom, Apol. Th. 3, 16.

a-smiðian; p. ode; pp. od; v. trans. To forge, make, work as a smith; fabricare :-- Asmiðod fabricatus, Cot. 82.

a-smorian; p. ede, ode; pp. ed, od; v. trans. To smother, choke, strangle, suffocate; suffocare :-- Asmoraþ ðæt word suffocat verbum, Mt. Rush. Stv. 13, 22. Hí hine on his bedde asmoredan and aþrysemodan they smothered and stifled him on his bed, Ors. 5, 4; Bos. 105, 5. Ðæt ge ne blód ne þicgen, ne asmored [MS. H. asmorod] that ye taste not blood, nor [what is] strangled, L. Alf. 49; Th. i. 56, 26.

a-snǽsan, -snásan; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans. I. to hit or strike against, to stake oneself upon anything; impingere :-- Gif befóran eágum asnáse [MS. H. asnǽse] if he stake himself before his eyes, L. Alf. pol. 36; Th. i. 84, 14. II. to wrest anything from another? extorquere, L. Noel, Lye. DER. on-snǽsan, ona-.

a-sniðan; p. -snáp, pl. -snidon; pp. -sniden; v. trans. To cut off; amputare. v. sníðan to cut.

a-soden sodden, boiled, tried by seething, Bd. 4. 23; S. 595.15; pp. of a-seóðan.

a-sogen sucked, Cot. 193; pp. of a-súgan.

a-sóht sought out, searched, Bd. 1, 27, resp. 8; S. 496, 8; pp. of a-sécan.

a-solcen, a-swolcen; part. Idle, lazy, dissolute, slow, slothful; remissus, desidiosus, Homl. Th. i. 306, 11. v. a-sealcan.

a-solcennys, -nyss, e; f. Idleness, sloth, slothfulness, sluggishness, laziness; ignavia, desidia, pigritia :-- Heora líðnys is asolcennys and nýtennys their mildness is sloth and ignorance, Homl. Th, ii. 46, 11 : 220, 21. Se sixta heáfodleáhter is asolcennyss the sixth chief sin is slothfulness, 218, 22. Þurh úre asolcennysse through our sluggishness, Th. Diplm. A. D. 970; 240, 12: Homl. Th. i. 602, 8.

a-spanan; p. -spón, -speón, pl. -spónon, -speónon; pp. -spanen, -sponen; v. trans. To allure from, entice, induce, urge, persuade, introduce secretly; allicere, illicere, impellere, persuadere, attrahere, subintroducere :-- Gif he ða cwéne gespannan [MS. B. aspanan] and gelǽran mihte, ðæt heó brúcan wolde his gesynscipes si reginæ posset persuadere ejus uti connubio, Bd. 4, 19; Whel. 304, 42, note. Hér aspón Æðelwald ðone here to unfriþe in this year Æthelwald allured the army to a violation of the peace, Chr. 905; Th. 180, 18, col. 1. Hine Hannibal aspón, ðæt he ðæt gewinn leng organ Hannibal induced him to carry on the war longer, Ors. 4, 11; Bos. 97, 15. He aspeón him fram ealle he enticed all from him, 1, 12; Bos. 35, 19: 2, 2; Bos. 41, 8 : 5, 2; Bos. 102, 21. Aspeón óðerne bisceop subintroduxit alium episcopum, Bd. 3. 7; S. 530, 4.

a-spáw vomited out; p. of a-spíwan.

a-spédan; p. -spédde; pp. -spéded, -spédd To speed, prosper; prosperare :-- Wítum aspédde made prosperous by their sufferings, Andr. Kmbl. 3261; An. 1633.

a-spelian; part. a-speliende; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad To supply another's room, to be deputy or proxy for another, represent another; vicario munere fungi, vicem vel locum alicujus supplere :-- He móste his hláford aspelian he might represent his lord, L. R. 3; Th. i. 192, 3 : R. Ben. 58. Aspelad beón to have one's place supplied by another; excusari, R. Ben. 35.

a-spendan; p. de; pp. ed [a, spendan to spend] To spend entirely, consume, squander, to spend, expend, lay out, bestow, distribute; consumere, dissipare, expendere, sumptum facere, erogare, impertiri :-- Ðonne hys gestreón beóþ ðus eall aspended when his property is thus all entirely spent, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 22, 43. Ic aspende yfele distraho, Ælfc. Gr. 47; Som. 48, 52. Ic aspende [asende MS.] oððe gife impertior, 37; Som. 39. 13. Aspendan þearfum to spend on the poor; erogare pauperibus, R. Ben. interl. 58 : Scint. 1.

a-speón enticed, secretly introduced, Ors. 1, 12; Bos. 35, 19: Bd. 3, 7; S. 530, 4. v. a-spanan.

a-sperian to track, trace, investigate; investigare, Prov. 20. v. aspyrian.

aspide, es; m. An asp, viper, serpent; aspis, ĭdis; f. = άσπίs, ίδοs f. a sort of serpent remarkable for rolling itself up in a spiral form: a negative, and σπίζω to extend, Scapulæ Lexicon :-- Aspidas aspides, Ps. Th. 139, 3. Anlíc nædran, ða aspide ylde nemnaþ like a serpent, which men call an asp, Ps. Th. 57. 4. Spl. Lamb. in Ps. 57. 4 have nædran instead of aspide. Ðú ofer aspide miht gangan thou mayest go over an asp [super aspidem], Ps. Th. 90, 13; Lamb. has ofer nædran, 90, 13.

a-spirian, -spirigan; p. ede; pp. ed To search, trace :-- Aspirige hit út let him trace it out, L. Ath. iv. 2; Th. i. 222, 14. v. a-spyrian.

a-spíwan; p. -spáw, pl. -spiwon; pp. -spiwen To spew out, vomit forth; evomere, vomere :-- Aspau = a spáw evomuit, Cot. 78: Peccat. Medic. 5.

a-spón allured, induced, Chr. 905; Th. 180, 18, col. 1 : Ors. 4, 11; Bos. 97, 15. v. a-spanan.

a-spreádan; p. de; pp. ed [= a-sprǽdan] To spread forth, extend; prætendere :-- Aspreád mildheortnysse ðíne prætende misericordiam tuam, Ps. Spl. T. 35, 11. v. sprǽdan.

a-sprecan; p. -spræc, pl. -sprǽcon; pp. -sprecen [a, sprecan] To speak out, speak; eloqui, loqui :-- Hwylc mæg ǽfre mihta Drihtnes asprecan and aspyrian quis loquetur potentias Domini ? Ps: Th. 105, 2. Ðú asprǽce locutus es, 59, 5 : 58, 12: 73, 21.

a-spreótan; p. -spreát, pl. -spruton; pp. -sproten; v. intrans. [a, spreótan] To sprout forth, break forth; progerminare, erumpi, eructare :-- Swá unefne is eorþe þicce, syndon ðas móras myclum asprotene sicut crassitudo terræ erupta est super terram, Ps. Th. 140, 9.

a-sprettan to sprout out; germinare, pullulare, Solil. 9. v. a-sprýtan.

a-sprian; v. a. To lay before, shew? prætendere, Bd. 4, 19.

a-sprincan; p. -spranc, pl. -spruncon; pp. -spruncen To spring up, arise; oriri, exoriri :-- Aspruncen is on þýstrum leóht exortum est in tenebris lumen, Ps. Spl. 111, 4: C. R. Ben. 7. v. a-springan.

a-sprindlad; part. [= a-springlad ? from springan to spread, or sprengan to burst open] Torn asunder, ripped up; diruptus, L. M. 2, 24; Lchdm. iii 216, 7.

á-spring a water-spring, fountain; seaturigo, Hom. de Comp. Cordis, Lye. v. ǽ-spring.

a-springan, -spryngan, -sprincan; p. -sprang, pl. -sprungon; pp. -sprungen; v. intrans. I. to spring up, arise, originate, break forth; surgere, assurgere, oriri, exoriri, rumpi, prorumpi :-- Aspryngþ rihtwísnys orietur justitia, Ps. Spl. 71, 7 : R. Ben. 69. Asprang ortum traxit, Lupi Serm. 3, 7. Ðá asprungon ealle wyllspringas ðære micelan niwelnisse rupti sunt omnes fontes abyssi magnæ, Gen. 7, 11. II. to spring out, lack, fail, cease, fall away; deficere, desinere :-- Asprang gást mín defecit spiritus meus, Ps. Spl. C. 76, 3. Asprong hálig defecit sanctus, 11, 1 : 72, 19. Ne ðám fore yrmþum ðe ðær inwuniaþ líf aspringeþ nor, through sorrows, shall life fail to them that dwell therein, Exon. 32 b; Th. 103, 8; Cri. 1685: 30 b; Th. 94, 11; Cri. 1538. Wróht wæs asprungen strife had ceased, Cd. 5; Th. 6, 4; Gen. 83 Ps. Th. 54, 10. Ðæt hi ne asprungan fram heora geleáfan ne a fide deficerent, Bd. 2, 9; S. 511, 6.

a-sprít shall sprout out, Gen. 3, 18. v. a-sprýtan.

a-spruncen arisen. v. a-sprincan.

a-sprungennes, -sprungennýs, -ness, e; f. [asprungen failed, ceased; pp. of a-springan] An eclipse, deficiency, failing, fainting, exhaustion; eclipsis, defectio :-- Wæs geworden sunnan asprungennys facta erat eclipsis solis, Bd. 3, 27; S. 558, 10. Asprungynnes nam me defectio tenuit me, Ps. Spl C. 118, 53.

a-spryngan to spring up, arise, Ps. Spl. 71, 7. v. a-springan.

a-sprýtan, -sprítan; p. -sprýtte, -sprítte; pp. -sprýted To sprout out, cause to sprout out; germinare :-- Þornas and bremelas heó asprit ðé spinas et tribulos germinabit tibi, Gen. 3,18. v. sprýtan, spryttan.

a-spýlian, -spýligan; p. ode; pp. od To cleanse, wash, purify; abluere :-- Swín nyllaþ aspýligan [aspýlian MS. Cot.] on hluttrum wæterum swine will not wash in pure waters, Bt. 37. 4; Fox 192, 27. [Plat, afspölen: Dut. afspoelen: Ger. abspülen.]

a-spyrgan to search, explore, investigate, Exon. 92 b; Th. 348, 16; Sch. 29. v. a-spyrian.

a-spyrgeng, e; f. An inventing, invention; adinventio, Cot. 186.

a-spyrian, -spyrigan, -spyrigean; p. ede; pp. ed To search, explore, trace, discover, explain; investigare, indagare, explorare, enucleare :-- Se ðe nele, be his andgites mǽðe, ða bóclícan gewritu aspyrian, hú hí to Criste belimpaþ he who will not, according to the measure of his understanding, search the book-writings, how they refer to Christ, Homl. Th. ii. 284, 30. Aspyrige hit út let him trace it out, L. Ath. iv. 2; Th. i. 222, 14, note 33. Ðæt mihte ðæra twegra tweón aspyrian that might discover the difference of the two, Salm. Kmbl. 870; Sal. 434: Elen. Kmbl. 932; El. 467. Ic aspyrige enucleo, Ælfc. Gr. 26, 6; Som. 29, 18: Ps. Th. 105, 2.

assa, an; m: asse, es; m. A male ass; asinus :-- Se assa geseah ðone engel asinus cernebat angelum, Num. 22, 23, 25. Beót ðone assan verberabat asinum, 22, 23, 25. Gif ðú geméte ðínes feóndes assan, lǽd hine to him si occurreris inimici tui asino erranti, reduc ad eum, Ex. 23, 4: 23, 5. Wilde assan wild asses; onagri, Ps. Spl. C. 103, 12. Ðá feóll se asse adúne tum concidit asinus, Num. 22, 27. He hæfde on olfendum and on assum micele ǽhta he had great possessions in camels and in asses, Gen. 12, 16: 22, 5. [O.Nrs. asni, m. asinus.] v. asse, esol.

Assan dún, e; f. [assan, dún a hill: 'Assendun S. Hovd. i. e. vertente Florent. mons asini,' Gib.] Assingdon or Ashingdon, in Essex :-- Se cyning offérde hi innon Eást-Seaxan, æt ðære dúne ðe man hǽt Assandún the king overtook them in Essex, at the hill which is called Assingdon, Chr. 1016; Th. 282, 19, col. 2: 1020; Th. 286, 16, 19, col. 1.

asse, an; f: assen, e; f. A she-ass; asina :-- Uppan assan folan sittende seders super pullum asinæ, Jn. Bos. 12, 15. Finde gyt áne assene ye [two] shall find a she-ass, Mt. Bos. 21, 2. Rit uppan tamre assene rides on a tame she-ass, 21, 5. Lǽddon ða assene to him adduxerunt asinam, 21, 7.

Asse-dun; adj. [asse asina; or asce ash, cinis; dun dun or grey, fuscus] ASS-DUN or ASH-DUN, of a dun or dark colour; dosinus, cinereus :-- Assedun dosinus vel cinereus, Ælfc. Gl. 79; Wrt. Voc. 46, 39. ' Glossæ Isidori : Dosius vel dosinus, equus asinini pili,' Du Cange.

ass-myre, an; f. A mare ass, she-ass; asina :-- And xx assmyrena and twenty of mare asses, Gen. 32, 15.

Assyria, æ; f. Assyria, Cd. 12; Th. 15, 13; Gen. 232.

Assyrias; gen. Assyria, Assiria; dat. Assyrium; pl. m. The Assyrians; Assyrii :-- Assyria ealdorduguþ the people of the Assyrians, Judth. 12; Thw. 26, 4; Jud. 310.

Assyrige; gen. a; dat. um; pl. m. The Assyrians; Assyrii :-- Ðæt synd Assyrige and Rómáne these are the Assyrians and the Romans, Ors. 2, 5; Bar. 77, 31. v. Assyrias.

ast a kiln; siccatorium :-- Cyln oððe ast siccatorium, Ælfc. Gl: 109; Som. 78, 132. v. cyln.

a-stælan [a, stælan to steal] To steal out, to seduce; obrepere :-- Ðæt me nǽfre deófol on astelan ne mǽge that the devil may never secretly creep on me [seduce me], L. De. Cf. 9; Wilk. 88, 49. v. stelan.

a-stǽnan; p. de; pp. ed To adorn with stones or gems; lapidibus vel gemmis ornare :-- Gimmum astǽned adorned with gems, Salm. Kmbl. 128; Sa1. 63. Mid deórwyrþum gimmum astǽned de lapide pretioso ornata, Ps. Th. 20, 3. Astǽned gyrdel a girdle set with stones, Cot. 201.

a-stáh ascended, Chr. 1012; Th. 268, 29, col. 2; p. of a-stígan.

a-standan; p. -stód, pl. -stódon; pp. -standen. I. to stand up, get up, rise up, rise; exsurgere, resurgere, surgere :-- Ðá astód he semninga exsurrexit repente, Bd. 2, 9; S. 511, 20. He up astandeþ of slǽpe he rises up from sleep, Exon. 96 a; Th. 358, 4; Pa, 40. Eft lífgende up astódon they stood up living again, 24 b; Th. 71, 18; Cri. 1157. II. to insist, persist, continue; persistere, instare :-- Ðæt hi on ðam geleáfan sóþfæstnysse symle fæstlice astódon and awunedon ut in fide veritatis persisterent semper ac proficerent, Bd. 2, 17; S. 520, 21, note: 4, 25; S. 599, 31. Hig astódon illi instabant, Lk. Bos. 23, 23.

a-steápan, -steópan, -stépan; p. -steápde, -steápte; pp. -steáped, -steápt To deprive, bereave, as children of their parents; orbare, orphanum reddere :-- Síen bearn his asteápte fiant filii ejus orphani, Ps. Surt. 108, 9. [O. H. Ger. stiufan orbare, arstiufan viduare : Swed. stufwa, stubba to cut off : O. Nrs. stýfa abrumpere, abscindere.]

a-stellan; p. -stealde, -stalde; pp. -steald; v. a. To set forth, to set, place, afford, supply, appoint, establish, ordain, undertake, undergo, begin; statuere, collocare, instituere, præbere, stabilire, fundare, suscipere, inire :-- Bisene astellan exemplum præbere, Past. 3, 1; Hat. MS. 8 b, 5. Asteald to býsne set for an example, Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 44. 33. Crist hit astealde and tǽhte Christ established and taught it, Homl. Th. ii. 582, 29. Heofonas, and móna, and steorran, ða ðú astealdest cælos, lunam et stellas, quœá to fundasti, Ps. Th. 8, 4. Astealde ðæt gewin undertook the war, Ors. 2, 5; Bos. 46, 26. Stephanus ðóne martyrdóm astealde Stephen suffered [underwent] martyrdom, Homl. Th. i. 50, 2. Ðone fleám ǽrest astealde Þurcytel Thurkytel first began the flight, Chr. 10l0; Th. 262, 43. DER. up-a-stellan. v. stellan.

a-stemnian; p. nede; pp. ned [a from, stemnian to build] To proceed from a foundation, to found, build, erect; condere :-- Ðe hí sylf astemnedon which they themselves built, Bd. Pref; S. 472, 17.

a-steópan to bereave. v. a-steápan.

a-steorfan; p. -stearf, pl. -sturfon; pp. -storfen To die; mori :-- Fǽrunge astorfen sideratus vel ictuatus, Ælfc. Gl. 114; Som. 80, 29; Wrt. Voc. 61, 9 : Wanl. Catal. 43, 17.

a-stépan; p. -stépte; pp. -stéped,-stépt to bereave, as children of their parents, Gr. Dial. 1, 2 : Ps. Vos. 108, 8. v. a-steápan.

a-stépnes, -ness, e; f. A privation; orbatio, Cot. 187.

a-stépte bereaved, orphans, Ps. Vos. 108, 8. v. a-stépan, a-steápan.

astered disturbed, stirred, moved; pp. of a-sterian.

a-sterfan; p. de; pp. ed To cause death, kill, destroy; necare, eradicare, Mt. Rush. Stv. 15, 13. v. a-styrfan.

a-sterian; p. ede; pp. ed To agitate, stir, move; commovere, movere :-- He astereþ ðone ródor and ða tungla it moves the sky and the stars, Bt. 39, 8; Fox 224, 6, note. v. a-styrian.

asterion, es; n. [= άστέριον] The herb pellitory, so called from its star-like form; astericum, Herb. 61; Lchdm. i. 164, 1, 10.

a-stífian; p. ede, ode; pp. ed To stiffen, grow or wax stiff; obrigere, Cot. 146. His sine astífode his sinew stiffened, Gen. 32, 32.

a-stífician, -stificigan; p. ode; pp. od; v. a. To eradicate, extirpate, destroy, exterminate; eradicare :-- Ðæt he astíficige unþeáwas that he exterminate vices, Bt. 27, 1; Fox 94, 23.

a-stígan, ic -stíge, ðú -stígest, -stíhst, he -stígeþ, -stíhþ, pl. -stígaþ; p. -stág, -stáh, pl. -stigon; impert. -stíh; pp. -stigen [a, stígan to go]. I. to go, come, step, proceed, climb; ire, venire, gradi, procedere, scandere :-- Hwider sceal ðæs monnes mód astígan thither shall the mind of man go, Exon. 32 b; Th. 103, 21; Cri. 1691. Egsa astigeþ dread shall come, 102 a; Th. 385, 24; Rä. 4, 49. Word-hleóðor astág the sound of words came, Andr. Kmbl. 1416; An. 708: Bd. 4, 3; S. 568, 2. Se Hálega Gást astáh lichamlícre ansýne the Holy Spirit came in bodily form, Lk. Bos. 3, 22. Se mót wuldres dreám astígan he may climb the delight of glory, Exon. 84 b; Th. 317, 30; Mód. 73: Ps. Th. 79, 10. Ic astíge scando, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 6; Som. 32, 30. II. to go in any direction : 1. generally indicated by a preposition or adverb, hence to rise, ascend, descend, etc; surgere, ascendere, descendere :-- Ðe þurh oferhyd up astígeþ who comes up through pride, Cd. 198; Th. 247, 11; Dan. 495. He from helle astág he came from hell, Exon. 48 b; Th. 168, 14; Gú. 1077. Ðæt he mid ðam dynte nyðær astáh that he came down with the blow, Chr. 1012; Th. 268, 29, col. 2. Astígaþ [Spl. C. upastígaþ] múntas, and niðer astígeþ feldas on stówe the mountains ascend, and the fields go down into their place; ascendunt montes et descendunt campi in locum, Ps. Lamb. 103; 8. Moises ána astíhþ to Drihtne Moses alone goes to the Lord; solus Moyses ascendit ad Dominum, Ex. 24, 2. Astíh on Fasgan múntes cnæpp go to the top of mount Pisgah; ascende cacumen Phasgæ montis, Deut. 3, 27. He astáh on scyp he went into a ship; ascendit in naviculam, Mt. Bos. 8, 23 : 9, 1. He nyðer astíhþ swá swá rén on flýs, and swá swá niðer astíhþ droppetung, droppende ofer eorþan he shall come down as rain on a fleece, and as falling [rain] comes down, dropping over the earth; descendet sicut pluvia in vellus, et sicut stillicidium stillantium [MS. stillicidia stillantia] super terram, Ps. Lamb. 71, 6. 2. but sometimes the direction is indicated in the sentence without a preposition :-- Hire mód astáh her mind rose, Cd. 101; Th. 134, 35; Gen. 2235: 205; Th. 253, 18; Dan. 597. He astígeþ swá se rén fealleþ on flýs he shall come as the rain falleth on a fleece; descendet sicut pluvia in vellus, Ps. Th. 71, 6.

a-stígend, es; m. A rider; ascensor :-- Hors and astígend [MS. astígende] aweorpeþ on síe equum et ascensorem dejecit in mare, Cant. Moys. Ex. 15, 1; Thw. 29, 6. v. stígan.

a-stígnes, -ness, e; f. An ascent, ascending; ascensus, Ps. Spl. T. 103, 4.

a-stíh go, ascend, Deut. 3, 27; impert. of a-stígan.

a-stíhst, a-stíhþ ascendest, ascends, Jn. Bos. 3, 13; 2nd and 3rd pres. of a-stígan.

a-stihtan; p. -stihte; pp. -stiht [a, stihtan to dispose] To determine on; decernere :-- Fleám wearþ astiht flight was determined on, Chr. 998; Th. 246, 22. v. stihtan.

a-stintan; p. -stant, pl. -stunton; pp. -stunten = -stinted, Som. Lye, = -stint = -stynt To make dull, to blunt, stint, assuage; hĕbĕtare, obtundere, Scint. 12: Cot. 101. v. a-stynt, stintan.

a-stirian to move, remove, agitate, stir up, raise, Lk. Bos. 6, 48. v. a-styrian.

astíðian; p. ode, ude; pp. od, ud [a intensive, stíðian to become hard] To become hard, dry, dry up, wither; indurare, arescere :-- Astíðude swá swá tigle miht mín my strength dried up as a tile, Ps. Spl. 21, 14. Hit astiðaþ and drugaþ induret et arescat, 89, 6.

a-stód stood up, insisted, Bd. 2, 9; S. 511, 20: Lk. Bos. 23, 23; p. of a-standan.

a-stondnes, -ness, e; f. An existence, a subsistence; subsistentia :-- Ána God on þrým astondnessum one God in three subsistences; unum Deum in tribus subsistentiis, Bd. 4, 17; S. 585, 38.

a-storfen; part. Starved, like a dead body; cadaverosus, Wanl Catal. 43, 17. v. a-steorfan.

a-streahte, -streaht stretched out; p. and pp. of a-streccan.

a-streccan; ic -strecce, ðú -strecest, he -strecþ; p. -streahte, -strehte; impert. -strece; pp. -streaht, -streht; v. a. To stretch out, to extend, prostrate, or lay low, to prostrate oneself, bow down; extendere, expandere, prosternere, se prosternere, adorare :-- Ðe leas he astrecce his hand ne forte mittat manum suam, Gen. 3, 22 : 22, 12. He neowol astreaht feól on ða flóre he fell stretched prostrate on the floor, Bt. Met. Fox 1, 159; Met. 1, 80. Ðá feóll Abram astreht to eorþan cecidit Abram pronus in faciem, Gen. 17, 3. Astrehte hine to eorþan adoravit in terram, Gen. 18, 2 : Mt. Bos. 18, 26, 29: Mk. Bos. 3, 11.

a-stregdan; p. -stregde; pp. -stregd [a, stregdan to sprinkle] To sprinkle, scatter, strew; aspergere :-- Ðú astregdest me mid hysopon asperges me hyssopo, Ps. Spl. T. 50, 8.

astreht, astrehte prostrated; pp. and p. of a-streccan.

astrengd Malleable; ductilis, Ælfc. Gl. 115; Som. 80, 46; Wrt. Voc. 61, 24.

a-strícan; p. -strác, pl. -stricon; pp. -stricen To strike; percutere. v. strícan.

a-striénan, -strýnan; p. -strýnde; v. a. To engender, procreate, beget; gignere :-- Hie ðá ongunnon bearn astriénan they began then to beget children, Cd. 46; Th. 59, 19; Gen. 966. He bearn astrýnde he begat children, 57; Th. 70, 5; Gen. 1148. v. streónan, strýnan.

astrihilthet [astre a house, hold a master, þeowet a fine? Mann.] A fine levied on a householder; compensatio facta a domino mansionis, L. Ed. C. 26; Th. i. 454, 2, MS. L.

a-stundian To ASTOUND, grieve, suffer grief, to bear; dolere, R. Ben. 36, Mann.

a-stýfecigan to exterminate, Bt. 27, 1; Fox 94, 23, note 9. v. a-stífician.

a-styltan to astonish; stupescere. v. styltan.

a-stynt made dull; hĕbĕtātus, Cot. 101. v. a-stintan.

a-styrfan; p. de; pp. ed To cause death, kill, slay; necare :-- Stánum astyrfed slain with stones, Exon. 10 b; Th. 12, 27; Cri.192. v. a-sterfan.

a-styrian, -stirian; p. ode, ede; pp. od, ed To remove, move, agitate, stir violently, stir up, raise; amovere, removere, movere, commovere : Astyre fram me wítu ðíne amove a me plagas tuas, Ps. Spl. 38, 13: 118, 29 : Rood Recd. 59; Kr. 30. Drihten astyrede ða wéstan stówe commovit Dominus desertum, Ps. Th. 28, 6: 17, 7. Simle ðonne ðǽr án tweó ofadón biþ, ðonne biþ ðǽr unrím astyred always when there is one doubt removed, then is there an innumerable multitude raised, Bt. 39, 4; Fox 216, 19.

a-styrred starred; stellatus, Scint. 58.

a-styrung, e; f. A motion; motus, Lye. v. stirung.

a-suand = a-swand weakened. v. a-swindan.

a-súcan, -súgan; p. -seác, -seág, pl. -sucon, -sugon; pp. -socen, -sogen To suck; sugere :-- Asogen wǽre sugeretur, Cot. 193. Sina beóþ asocene [Exon. asogene] the sinews shall be sucked, Soul Kmbl. 217; Exon. 99 b; Th. 373, 19; Seel. 111. v. súcan.

a-sudon seethed; p. pl. of a-seóðan.

a-súgan to suck, Exon. 99 b; Th. 373, 19; Seel. 111. v. a-súcan.

asundran, asundron; adv. ASUNDER, apart, alone, privately; seorsum :-- Eall he hys leorning-cnihtum asundron rehte seorsum discipulis suis disserebat omnia, Mk. Bos. 4, 34. v. sunder.

a-sundrian, -syndrian; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad [a from, sundrian to sunder] To put asunder, to sunder, separate, disjoin, sever; separare :-- Se deáþ asundraþ líc and sáwle death separates body and soul, Exon. 98 a; Th. 367, 7; Seel. 4 : 50 a; Th. 172, 27; Gú. 1150. Asundrod fram synnum separated from sins, Elen. Kmbl. 2615; El. 1309. Asundrad, Exon. 59 a; Th. 214, 20; Ph. 242.

a-sungen sung, Beo. Th. '2323; B. 1159; pp. of a-singan.

a-suond = a-swand languished, Cot. 101; p. of a-swindan.

a-súrian; p. ode; pp. od To be or become sour, tart, bitter; acescere, Cot. 10: 177. v. súrian.

a-swǽman to wander about; vagari, Exon. 52 b; Th. 183, 12; Gú. 1326. [vide H. Z. x. 315.]

a-swǽpþ sweeps away, Past. 36, 8; Hat. MS. 48 b, 16; pres. of a-swápan.

a-swǽrnung,-swárnung, e; f. Bashfulness, confusion; verecundia :-- Aswǽrnung [aswǽrnunga MS. aswárnung Ps. Lamb.] mín ongeán me is verecundia mea contra me est, Ps. Spl. 43, 17. v. sceamu.

a-swáf wandered away; exorbitavi, exorbitavit; p. of a-swífan.

a-swámian; p. ode; pp. od To languish, fail, cease; tabescere, deficere [H. Z. x. 315], Cd. 19; Th. 24, 12; Gen. 376.

a-swand languished away, Ps. Lamb. 106, 26; p. of a-swindan.

a-swáp, es; n; pl. a-swápa Sweepings, dust; peripsema, = περίψημα, purgamentum. v. a-swápan.

a-swápan; he -swápþ, -swæpþ; p. -sweóp, pl. -sweópon; pp. -swópen To sweep off, clean; verrere, mundare :-- Hit aswǽpþ aweg ðæt yfel abstergat mala, Past. 36, 8; Hat. MS. 48 b, 16 : Exon. 106 b; Th. 405, 21; Rä. 24, 5. Aswópen clǽne mundatus, Mt. Rush. Stv. 12, 44. v. swápan.

a-swarcan To languish, consume; tabescere :-- Á-ýdlian oððe aswarcan oððe acwínan oððe aswindan ðú dydest swá swá ǽtterloppan oððe ryngan sáwle his tabescere fecisti sicut araneam animam ejus, Ps. Lamb. 38, 12.

a-swarcian; p. ode; pp. od To confound, dismay, abash, fear; confundere, revereri :-- Ðon gescynde and aswarcode [MS. aswarcod] beóþ cum confusi et reveriti fuerint, Ps. Spl. 70, 26.

a-swárnian; p. ode; pp. od To be confounded; confundi :-- Ðæt hí aswárnian that they be confounded, Ps. Spl. 85, 16. v. a-swarcian.

a-swárnung, e; f. Bashfulness, Ps. Lamb. 43, 16. v. a-swǽrnung.

a-swearc languished, failed, Jos. 2, 11; p. of a-sweorcan.

a-sweartian; p. ode; pp. od To blacken, darken, to be made SWARTHY or black, obscured, darkened; denigrari :-- Ðæt gold biþ asweartod aurum obscuratur, Past. 18, 4; Hat. MS. 26 b, 8.

a-swebban; p. -swefede, pl. -swefedon; pp. -swefed; v. a. [a intensive, swebban to put to sleep] To sooth, appease, set at rest, put to death, destroy; sopire, sedare, necare, dolere :-- He ðone storm aswefede and gestilde tempestatem sopivit, Bd. 3, 15; S. 542, 5 : Exon. 58 b; Th. 210, 15; Ph. 186. Sweordum aswebban to put to death with swords, Andr. Kmbl. 143; An. 72. He his ealdordóm synnum aswefede his eldership he had destroyed by sins, Cd. 160; Th. 199, 9; Exod. 336.

a-swefecian; p. ade; pp. ad To eradicate; eradicare :-- Aswefecad eradicatus, Cot. 75: 199.

a-swefed, -swefede, -swefedon; pp. and p. of a-swebban.

a-swellan; p. -sweall, pl. -swullon; pp. -swollen To swell; tumere :-- Se earm wæs swíðe aswollen the arm was much swollen, Bd. 5, 3; S. 616, 7. v. swellan.

a-sweltan; p. -swealt, pl. -swulton; pp. -swolten To die; mori, Cot. 147: 62. v. sweltan.

a-swengan; p. -swengde; pp. -swenged To shake out or off, to cast forth; excutere :-- He aswengde Pharaon in ðæm reádan sǽ excussit Pharaonem in Mari Rubro, Ps. Surt. 135, 55.

a-sweorcan; p. -swearc, pl. -swurcon; pp. -sworcen [a, sweorcan to dim, darken] To languish, fail; caligare, elanguere :-- Aswearc úre mód elanguit cor nostrum, Jos. 2, 11.

a-sweorfan; p. -swearf, pl. -swurfon; pp. -sworfen To rub off, to file off, polish; expolire :-- To asworfenum óran, to gesworfenum óran sub expolita, Glos. Prudent. Recd. 142, 19. v. sweorfan.

a-sweotole; adv. Clearly; manifeste, Bt. 34, 4; Fox 138, 16. v. sweotol.

a-swerian; p. -swór, pl. -swóron; pp. -sworen; v.a. To swear; jurare :-- Ðæs deópne áþ Drihten aswór juravit Dominus veritatem, Ps. Th. 131, 11. Ðæt he hine for hóle ǽr ne aswóre non frustrabitur eam, 131, 11. DER. swerian.

a-swícan; p. -swác, pl. -swicon; pp. -swicen; v. a. [a from, swícan to go] To go away from any one, to desert any one, to deceive, betray, offend; desciscere, deficere ab aliquo, prodere, scandalizare :-- Ne aswíc sundorwíne do not desert a particular friend, Exon. 80 b; Th. 301. 34; Fä. 29. Eádríc aswác his cynehláforde Eadric betrayed his royal lord, Chr. 1016; Ed. 158, 5. Gif ðín swíðre hand ðé aswíce si dextra manus tua scandalizat te, Mt. Bos. 5, 30.

a-swician; p. ode; pp. od To offend; scandalizare :-- Gyf ðín swíðre eáge ðé aswície [aswikie, Hat. MS.] si oculus tuus dexter scandalizat te, Mt. Kmbl. Rl. 5, 29.

a-swífan; p. -swáf, pl. -swifon; pp. -swifen To wander out of the way, to wander about; exorbitare, Cot. 76 : 188. v. swífan.

a-swind, æ-swind; adj. Slothful, sluggish, idle; iners, Cot. 108.

a-swindan; p. -swand, pl. -swundon; pp. -swunden [a away, swindan to languish] To languish away, to enervate, pine, consume away, to decay, perish, dissolve; tabescere, torpescere, consumi :-- Hwý ge swá aswundene sión why are ye so enervated? Bt. 40, 4; Fox 238, 31. Ðýlæs ealle gesceafta aswindaþ lest all creatures perish, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 130, 34. Aswindan me dyde anda min tabescere me fecit zelus meus, Ps. Spl. C. 118, 139: 111, 9: 106, 26. Aswunden reses, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 26; Som. 11, 11. A-ýdlian oððe aswarcan oððe acwínan oððe aswindan ðú dydest swá swá ǽtterloppan oððe ryngan sáwle his tabescere fecisti sicut araneam animam ejus, Ps. Lamb. 38, 12.

a-swindung, e; f. Idleness, sloth; desidia. DER. aswind.

a-swógan; p. -swég, pl. -swégon; pp. -swógen [a, swógan to rush] To rush into, invade, overrun, choke; irruere, invadere, occupare, suffocare :-- We witon ðæt we lufiaþ ðone æcer ðe ǽr wæs mid þornum aswógen, and æfter ðæm ðe ða þornas beóþ aheáwene and se æcer biþ onered, bringþ gódne wæstm we know that we love the land which before was overrun with thorns, and after that the thorns are dug out and the land is ploughed up, brings good fruit, Past. 52, 9; Hat. MS. 81 b, 23.

a-swolcen idle; iners, Cot. 108. v. a-solcen.

a-swollen swollen, Bd. 5, 3; S. 616, 7. v. a-swellan.

a-swond = a-swand he weakened, enervated; enervavit, Cot. 71; p. of a-swindan.

a-swondennes, -ness, e; f. Slothfulness; inertia. v. a-swundennes.

a-swópen swept, cleaned :-- Aswópen clǽne mundatus, Mt. Rush. Stv. 12, 44. v. a-swápan.

a-sworetan; p. te; pp. ed To sigh, draw a deep breath; suspirare :-- He hefiglice asworette graviter suspiravit, Bd. 3, 11; S. 536, 33. v. sworetan.

a-sworfan polished, Glos. Prudent. Recd. 142, 19; pp. of a-sweorfan.

a-swunan; p. -swan, pl. -swónon; pp. -swunen To swoon; deficere animo. v. a-swámian.

a-swunden weakened, slothful, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 26; Som. 11, 11; pp. of a-swindan.

a-swunden-lice; adv. Slothfully; segniter. v. a-swunden.

a-swundennes, -ness, -nys, -nyss, e; f. Slothfulness, idleness; inertia :-- His líf toscǽgde fram ussa tíðe aswundennysse vita illius a nostri temporis segnitia distabat, Bd. 3, 5; S. 526, 35. v. a-swindan.

a-swýðerian, -swýðrian; p. ade; pp. ad To make heavy or grievous, aggravate, increase, make stronger; gravare, aggravare, ingravare, augere. v. swíðrian.

a-syndran, -syndrian; íc asyndrige; p. ede, ode; pp. ed, od [a from, syndrian to sunder, part] To put ASUNDER, to separate, disjoin, sever; separare :-- Ic com mann asyndrian ongén his fæder veni separare hominem adversus patrem suum, Mt. Bos. 10, 35: Ps. Spl. 67, 10. Se deáþ asyndreþ líc and sáwle death sunders body and soul, Soul Kmbl. 7; Seel. 4. v. a-sundrian.

a-syndrung, e; f. A division, separation, divorce; divortium, Cot. 68.

at- at; apud, ad; used in composition for æt-, as in at-ýwan, p. -ýwde; at-áwian, p. -áwode ostendere, Ps. Spl. T. 77,14. v. at-áwian.

a-tæfran, -tiefran, -tifran; p. ede; pp. ed To depict, paint; depingere :-- Ic hæbbe atæfred I have depicted, Past. 65; Hat. MS.

at-áwian; p. ode; pp. od To shew; ostendere :-- He atáwode him ostendit eis, Ps. Spl. T. 77, 14. v. æt-eówian, æt-ýwan.

at-berstan; p. -bærst, pl. -burston; pp. -borsten To break out, escape; erumpere, Chr. 607; Ing. 30, 9. v. æt-berstan.

ÁTE, ǽte; gen. átan; pl. átan; gen. átena; f. OATS, tares, darnel, cockle; avena fatua, Lin. lolium :-- Nim átena grátan take groats of oats, Lchdm. iii. 292, 24. Genim mela ǽtena take meal of oats, L. M. 1, 35; Lchdm.ii. 84, 5 : Chr. 1124; Th. 376, 6. Áte lolium, Cot. 126. Átan or lasor tares; zizania, Cot. 204. [Frs. áat: O. Nrs. át food.]

a-teáh drew out or away, went, came, Exon. 29 b; Th. 91, 19; Cri. 1494: Beo. Th. 1537; B. 766; p. of a-teón.

a-tefred painted, Solil. 4. v. a-tæfran.

ate-gár, es; m. A javelin; framea. v. æt-gár.

atel dire, terrible :-- Se atela gǽst the dire spirit, Exon. 34 a; Th. 109, 9; Gú. 87. v. atol, adj.

a-telan to reckon, Bt. 8; Fox 24, 21; for a-tellan.

atelic; adj. [= atol, líc] Dire, terrible, horrid, foul, loathsome; dirus, terribilis, horridus, deformis, fœádus :-- Norþ-Denum stód atelíc egesa over the North-Danes stood dire terror, Beo. Th. 1572; B. 784. Unwlitig swile and atelíc tumor deformis, Bd. 4, 32; S. 611, 17. v. atol.

a-tellan; p. -tealde, pl. -tealdon; pp. -teald; v. trans. [a, tellan] To tell out, enumerate, reckon, explain, interpret; dinumerare, numerare, interpretari :-- Hwylc wát ánweald yrres ðínes, and for ege ðínum graman ðínum atellan quis novit potestatem iræ tuæ, et pro timore tuo iram tuam dinumerare? Ps. Spl. C. 89, 13. Gif ðú nú atellan wilt ealle ða bliþnessa wið ðám unrótnessum if thou wilt now reckon all the enjoyments against the sorrows, Bt. 8; Fox 24, 21, note 6. Wit gesáwon swefen, ac wyt nyton hwá hyt unc atelle nos duo somnium vidimus, et non est qui interpretetur nobis duobus, Gen. 40, 8.

atelucost, R. Ben. 1; for atelícost; sup. of atelíc foul.

a-temian; p. ede; pp. ed [a intensive, temian to tame] To tame thoroughly, make very tame or gentle, to subdue, tame; edomare :-- Atemiaþ hira líchoman edomant carnem, Past. 46, 2; Hat. MS. 66 a, 10. Sum sceal wildne fugel atemian one shall tame the wild bird, Exon. 88 b; Th. 332, 15; Vy. 85: 89 b; Th. 336, 11; Gn. Ex. 46: Bt. Met. Fox 13, 38; Met. 13, 19: 13, 71; Met. 13, 36. DER. un-atemed.

a-tendan; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans. [a intensive, tendan to tind, set on fire] To set on fire, kindle, inflame; accendere, incendere, inflammare :-- Hí atendon hiora herebeácen they kindled their war-beacons, Chr. 1006; Th. 256, 24, col. 1. Hí mid fýre atendan woldan they wished to set it on fire, Chr. 994; Th. 241, 32, col. 2.

a-tendend, es; m. An incendiary, inflamer, inciter; incensor, inflammator, Scint. 78.

a-tendincg = atending, e; f. A fire-brand, an incentive, a provoking; incentivum, Scint. 81.

a-teón; ic -teó, ðú -týhst, he -týhþ, -tíhþ, -tíþ, pl. -teóþ; p. -teáh, pl. -tugon; pp. -togen [a from, out; teón to tow, draw]. I. v. trans. generally with a preposition : to draw out or away, pull out, lead out, pluck, draw; abstrahere, extrahere, ejicere, educere, trahere, ducere :-- For ðam ðe he wolde ateón ðé fram Drihtne quia voluit te abstrahere a Domino, Deut. 13, 10. Ðonne he atíþ hine, Ps. Surt. 9, 30. Ðonne he fram atíhþ [atýgþ MS. C.] hine dum abstrahet eum, Ps. Spl. second 9, 11. Seó mæg ateón ǽlces cynnes áttor út of men which can draw poison of every kind out of man, Ors. 5, 13; Bos. 113, 33. Mid atogenum swurde evaginato gladio, Num. 22, 22. He ateáh rib of sídan he extracted a rib from his side, Cd. 9; Th. 11, 19; Gen. 177. Lǽt, ðæt ic ateó ða egle of ðínum eágan sine ejiciam festucam de oculo tuo, Lk. Bos. 6, 42. Gif ðú up atýhst and awyrtwalast of gewitlocan leása gesǽlþa if thou pluckest up and rootest out of thy mind false felicities, Bt. Met. Fox 12, 49; Met. 12, 25. Ðá ic ðec from helle ateáh when I drew thee from hell, Exon. 29 b; Th. 91, 19; Cri. 1494 : 124 b; Th. 479, 4; Rä. 62, 2. Múþ mín ic ontýnde, and ic ateáh to [to geteáh MS. C.] gást os meum aperui, et attraxi spiritum, Ps. Spl. 118, 131. Hig ne mihton hit ateón non valebant illud trahere, Jn. Bos. 21, 6. II. to treat, use, dispose of, employ; tractare, uti, adhibere :-- Ðú ðín ágen móst mennen ateón swá ðín mód freóþ thou mayest treat thine own maidservant as thy mind inclines (liketh), Cd. 103; Th. 136, 14; Gen. 2258. Ðá his fýnd hine ne meahton ateón swá hý woldon when his enemies might not treat him as they would, Ps. Th. arg. 9. Ateóh hyne swylce bróðer tracta eum sicut fratrem, Scint. 60: Nicod. 14; Thw. 7, 7. Hú híg sceoldon ðæs Hǽlendes wurþ ateón how they should dispose of the Saviour's price, Mt. Bos. 27, 7. III. intrans. or with a cognate noun : to draw to any place, betake oneself anywhere, go, come, make a journey or expedition; se recipere, meare, proficisci, ire, venire, iter facere :-- Siððæt se hearmscaða to Heorute ateáh after the injurious scather came to Heorot, Beo. Th. 1537; B. 766. Wig-síþ ateáh went on a warlike expedition, Cd. 96; Th. 126, 13; Gen. 2094: 167; Th. 208, 28; Exod. 490: 208; Th. 256, 34; Dan. 650: Exon. 37 a; Th. 120, 15; Gú. 272.

a-teorian, -teorigan; p. ede, ode; pp. ed, od; v. intrans. To fail, become weary, cease, leave off; deficere, fatiscere, cessare, desistere : Geteorigende ateoraþ deficientes deficient, Ps. Spl. 36, 21. Ateorode hálig defecit sanctus, Ps. Spl. 11, 1. Ateorode on sáre líf mín. defecit in dolore vita mea, 30, 12. Hig ateoredon smeágende mid smeáunge defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio, Ps. Lamb. 63, 7. Ateorodun defecerunt, 9, 7 : Cot. 69: Greg. Dial. 1, 1 : R. Ben. interl. 53.

a-teorigendlíci; adj. [a-teorigende part. of a-teorigan to fail, líc] Failing, fleeting, perishable; caducus, fugax :-- Seó yld is geteald to ǽfnunge ðises ateorigendlican middaneardes that age is considered as the evening of this fleeting world, Homl. Th. ii. 266, 6.

a-teorung, e; f. A failing, fainting, weariness; defectio, fatigatio. v. ge-teorung.

at-eówad, -eówed; part. Shewn, made known; ostensus. v. æt-eówian.

áter poison; venenum. v. átor.

áter-drinca, an; m. A poisonous potion or drink, poison; potio venenata, venenum, Cot. 24. v. átor, etc.

a-terian; p. ede; pp. ed To fail, become weary; deficere, fatigare :-- Atered fatigatus, Ælfc. Gl. 87; Wrt.Voc. 50, 20: R. Ben. interl. 53. v. a-teorian.

áter-láðe, an; f. The plant cock's leg; panicum crus galli. Betonica ? Cot. 24. v. átter-láðe.

áter-líc; adj. Poison-like; veneno similis :-- Áterlíc vel biter gorgoneus, Cot. 98, = átor-líc.

áter-tán, es; m. A poisonous rod, twig; vimen venenosum :-- Ecg wæs íren, átertánum fáh the edge was iron, tainted with poisonous twigs, Beo. Th. 2923; B. 1459.

Áþ, es; m. I. an OATH, a swearing; juramentum :-- Ðú agyltst ðine áþes reddes juramenta tua, Mt. Bos. 5, 33. Ðá behét he mid áþe pollicitus est cum juramento, 14. 7. 9. He áþ swereþ þurh his selfes líf he sweareth an oath by his own life, Cd. 163; Th. 205, 5; Exod. 431 Ps. Th. 131, 11. Hí sealdon unwillum hálige áþas they gave unwillingly holy oaths, Bt. Met. Fox 1, 49; Met. 1, 25. Gif ðæt geswutelod wǽre, oððe him áþ burste, oððe ofercýðed wǽre if that were made evident, or an oath failed to them, or were out proven, L. Ed. 3; Th. i. 180, 20. Nú on worulde hér monnum ne deriaþ máne áþas now here in the world wicked [false] oaths do not inflict injury on men, Bt. Met. Fox 4, 96; Met. 4, 48. Mid unforedan áþe with an unbroken oath; pleno juramento, L. Wil. ii. 3; Th. i. 489, 25. Ðæt he ðonne áþ funde gif he mæhte ungecorenne that he bring forward the oath of persons unchosen if he could, L. Ed. 1; Th. i. 158, 18. II. every accusation must be verified by oath : the accused and his witness then replied also upon oath; thus, 1. Ðæs áþ ðe his ǽhte bryideþ, ðæt he ne dǽþ ne for hete ne for hóle :-- On ðone Drihten, ne teó ic N. ne for hete ne for hóle ne for unrihtre feohgynesse; ne ic nán sóþre nát; búte swá mín secga me sǽde, and ic sylf to sóþe talige, ðæt he mines orfes þeóf wǽre' The oath of him, who takes his [own] property, that he does it neither for hatred nor for envy :-- ' By the Lord, I accuse not N. neither for hatred nor for envy, nor for unlawful lust of gain; nor know I anything soother; but as my informant to me said, and I myself in sooth think, that he was the thief of my property.' 2. Ðæs óðres áþ ðe he is unscyldig :-- ' On ðone Driliten, ic eom unscyldig, ǽgþer ge dǽde ge dihtes æt ðære tíhtlan ðe N. me tíhþ ' The other's oath that he is guiltless :-- 'By the Lord, I am guiltless, both in deed and purpose, of the accusation of which N. accuses me.' 3. His geféran áþ ðe him mid standaþ :-- ' On ðone Drihten, se áþ is clǽne and unmǽne ðe N. swór' His companion's oath who stands with him :-- ' By the Lord, the oath is clean and unperjured which N. has sworn,' L. O. 4-6; Th. i. 180, 8-19. III. Ánfeald áþ [lád] a simple oath [exculpation]; simplex juramentum [purgatio] hoc est, accipiat duos, et sit ipse tertius, et sic jurando conquirat simplicem purgationem. Þrýfeald áþ a threefold oath; triplex juramentum, hoc est, accipiat quinque, et ipse sit sextus, L. C. S. 22; Th. i. 388, 11, 12, and note b. [Plat. éd : O. Sax. éð : O. Frs. eth, ed : Dut. eed : Ger. eid : M. H. Ger. eit; gen. eides : O. H. Ger. eid : Goth. aiþs : Dan. eed : Swed. ed : O. Nrs. eiðr, m.] v. ánfeald áþ.

áþ-brice, es; m. A breaking of an oath, perjury; perjurium, Wulf. 8.

á ðe, á ðý Ever the; unquam eo :-- Á ðe, á ðý deórwyrþran ever the more precious, Bt. 14, 2; Fox 44, 2. Á ðý má ever the more, Bt. 40, 2; Fox 236, 30. Á ðý betera ever the better, Bt. 13; Fox 38, 9. v. ðý.

a-þecgan; p. -þegde; pp. -þeged, -þegd To receive; recipere, excipere, Exon. 100 b; Th. 380, 3, 12; Rä. 1, 2, 7.

áþe-gehát an oath, Ælfc. Gl. 13; Som. 57,119; Wrt. Voc. 20, 56. v. áþ-gehát.

a-þegen; part. [a, þegen; pp. of þecgan sumere] Full, stuffed out; distentus; Cot. 63.

a-þencan, -þencean; p. -þohte; pp. -þoht. I. to think out, devise, invent; excogitare :-- Gif we hit mǽgen wihte aþencan if we may devise it in any way, Cd. 21; Th. 26, 2; Gen. 400 : 179; Th. 224, 35; Dan. 146 : Ors. 1, 10; Bos. 33, 28. II. to think, intend; cogi­tare, intendere, velle :-- He ðis ellenweorc ána aþohte to gefremmanne he thought this bold work to perform alone, Beo. Th. 5280; B. 2643.

a-þenian; p. ede, ode; pp. ed, od; v. a. [a out, þenian to stretch]. I. to stretch out, extend, distend, expand, stretch; tendere, extendere, expan­dere :-- Aþene ðíne hand, and he hí aþenede extende manum tuam, et extendit, Mt. Bos. 12, 13: Ps. Th. 59, 7 : 103, 3. Gif se maga aþened síe, if the stomach be distended, L. M. cont. 2, 2; Lchdm, ii. 158, 4. Bogan his he aþenede arcum suum tetendit, Ps. Spl. 7, 13. II. to prostrate; prosternere :-- Hi aþenedon hí they prostrated themselves, Mt. Bos. 2, 11. III. to stretch, apply; intendere :-- He ða geornlíce his mód aþenode on ða þing, ðe he gehýrde ille sollicitus in ea, quæ audiebat, animum intendit, Bd. 4, 3; S. 567, 45.

a-þenung, e; f. An extending, extension; extensio. v. a-þenian.

a-þeódan; p. -þeódde; pp. -þeóded [a from, þeódan to join] To disjoin, separate; disjungere :-- Aþeódde from Gode disjuncti a Deo, Gr. Dial. 2, 16.

a-þeóstrian; p. ode, ade, ede; pp. od To overcloud, to be eclipsed; obum­brare, obscurare :-- Aþeóstrade obscuravit, Ps. Surt. 104, 28 : Chr. 538; Th. 28, 6, col. 2, Cott. Tiber. A. vi; col. 3, Cott. Tiber. B. 1. v. a-þýstrian.

a-þeótan; he-þýteþ; p. -þeát, pl. -þuton; pp. -þoten To wind, sound, blow; inflare, canere :-- Nǽfre mon ðæs hlúde horn aþýtep, ne býman abláweþ never so loudly one sounds a horn, nor blows a trumpet, Exon. 117 b; Th. 451, 26; Dóm. 109. v. þeótan.

áðer either; alter, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 68, 11. v. áðor.

a-þéstrian; p. ode; pp. od To be eclipsed; obscurari :-- Seó sunne aþéstrode the sun was eclipsed, Chr. 538; Th. 29, 4, col.1; Bodl. Laud. 636. v. a-þýstrian.

áðexe, an; f. A lizard, newt; lacerta, Som. [O. Sax. egithassa : Dut. hagedisse : Ger. eidechse : M. H. Ger. egedehse : O. H. Ger. egidehsa.] v. efete.

áþ-fultum, es; m. [áþ an oath, fultum a help, support] The support to an oath, i. e. the supporters of an oath, those who support one's oath, who will swear for another as witnesses; sacramentales :-- Freónd-leás weofod-þén, ðe áþfultum næbbe a friendless servant of the altar, who has no support to his oath, L. C. E. 5; Th. i 362, 19 : L. Eth. ix. 22; Th. i. 344, 23.

áþ-gehát, áþe-gehát, es; n. [áþ an oath, gehát a promise] A promise on oath, sacred pledge, an oath; sacramentum :-- Áþ-wed vel áþe-gehát sacramentum, ÆIfc. Gl.13; Som. 57, 119; Wrt. Voc. 20, 56. v. áþ-wed.

a-þierran; p. de; pp. ed To wash off or away, rinse, make clean, purge, clear; diluere :-- Hit is þearf, ðæt sió hond sié ǽr geclǽnsad, ðe wille ðæt fenn of óðerre aþierran necesse est ut esse munda studeat manus, quæ diluere sordes curat, Past. 13, 1; Hat. MS. 16 b, 8.

a-þiéstrian; p. ode; pp. od To overcloud, to be eclipsed; obscu­rari :-- Seó sunne aþiéstrode the sun was eclipsed, Chr. 538; Th. 28, 6, 11, col. 1. v. a-þýstrian.

a-þindan; p. þand, pl. -þundon; pp. -þunden To puff up, swell, in­flate; intumescere :-- He ðá ðone aþundenan s&aelig-acute; gesmylte tumida æquora placavit, Bd. 5, 1; S. 614, 8. Gif he aþunden sý if he be swollen, Herb. 1, 21 : Lchdm. i. 76, 27. Aþindaþ occurs in Ps. Th. 106, 25 as a translation of tabescebat; the translator confounded tabescere with tumescere. v. þindan.

a-þindung, e; f. A swelling or puffing up; tumor, Som. v. a-þindan.

a-þístrian; p. ode; pp. od To overcloud, to be eclipsed; obscurari :-- ­Seó sunne aþístrode the sun was eclipsed, Chr. 540; Ing. 22, 22 : Bt. Met. Fox 6, 8; Met. 6, 4. v. a-þýstrian.

Athlans; m. ['Aτλαs, αντοs, m.] Mount Atlas, in West Africa; Atlas mons :-- Hyre west-ende is æt ðæm beorge, ðe man Athlans nemneþ its west end is at the mountain, which is called Atlas, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 16, 6.

áþ-loga, an; m. A perjurer; perjurus, Exon.31 b; Th. 98,10; Cri. 1605.

a-þoht, es; m. [a out, þoht a thought] A thinking out, an excogita­tion, a device, an invention; commentum, Cot. 35.

a-þohte, -þoht thought out, thought, Beo. Th. 5280; B. 2643; p. and pp. of a-þencan.

a-þolian; p. ode, ude; pp. od To sustain, endure, suffer; sustinere, perdurare, pati :-- Hwyle aþolaþ quis sustinebit? Ps. Spl. 129, 3: Exon. 27 a; Th. 81, 8; Cri. 1320 : Solil. 4. Ðæt him frécne on feorh aþolude that their soul in them suffered violently; anima eorum in ipsis defecit, Ps. Th. 106, 4.

aðol-ware; gen. -wara; dat. -warum; pl. m. Citizens; cives, Exon. 92 a; Th. 346, 6; Gn. Ex. 201.

áðor; pron. Either the one or the other, both; alter, alteruter, uter­que :-- And se ðe áðor fulbrece and he who violates either, L. C. E. 2; Th. i. 358, 20 : L. Ed. 2; Th. i. 160, 11 : Hy. 10, 42; Hy. Grn. ii. 293, 42. On áðrum on both, Cot. 214. On áðre hand on either hand, Ors. 1, 14; Bos. 37, 32. v. áwðer.

a-þracian; p. ode; pp. od To fear; conturbari, horrescere, Ps. Spl. 6, 10: 34, 4. v. þracian.

a-þrǽstan; p. -þrǽste; pp. -þrǽst To wrest out; extorquere, Cot. 73. ­v. þrǽstan.

a-þrǽt irksomeness; tædium. v. a-þreát.

a-þráwan; p. -þreów, pl. -þreówon; pp. -þráwen [a, þráwan to throw]. I. to throw forth, to spill; effundere :-- Is mín swát aþráwen [MS. aþrowen] my blood is spilt, Andr. Kmbl. 2850; An. 1427. II. to twist, wreath, twine; contorquere :-- Aþráwenan gold-þrǽddas twisted gold-threads. Aþráwenum þrǽdum with twisted threads, Cot. 50.

a-þreát, -þrǽt, es; m. Irksomeness, disgust; tædium :-- Eów wæs lungre aþreát you had soon disgust [at this], Elen. Kmbl. 736; El. 368. v. a-þreótan.

a-þreótan; indef. hit aþrýt; p. -þreát, pl. -þruton; pp. -þroten. I. impers. To weary, irk, displease, be loathsome, irksome to any one; tædere, pigere :-- Me aþrýt it wearies me, I am weary, Ælfc. Gr. 33; Som. 37, 19. Hwí ne lǽte ge eów ðonne aþreótan why then let ye [it] not to be loathsome to you? Bt. 32, 2; Fox 116, 8. Ne sceal ðæs aþreótan þegn módigne, ðæt he wíslíce woruld fulgonge it must not irk therefore an energetic man, that he wisely passes his life, Exon. 92 b; Th. 347, 31; Sch. 21. Hý tó ǽr aþreát, ðæt hý waldendes willan lǽsten it too soon displeased them, that they should execute their sovereign's will, 45 a; Th. 152, 30; Gú. 816: Bt. Met. Fox 29, 82; Met. 29, 40. II. pers. To loathe, dislike, be weary of anything; pertæsum esse :-- Se cyning wæs aþroten his ællreordre gespræce rex pertæsu erat barbaræ loquelæ, Bd. 3, 7; S. 530, 4.

a-þrescan; p. -þræsc, pl. -þruscon; pp. -þroscen, -þroxen [a, þerscan to thresh, beat] To rob, spoil; spoliare, expilare :-- Aþroxen spoliatus.

a-þriéttan; p. -þriétte; pp. -þriétted, -þriét To weary, loathe any one; tædio afficere aliquem :-- Ic ðé hæbbe aþriét mid ðis langan spelle I have wearied thee with this long discourse, Bt. 39, 12; Fox 232, 19.

a-þringan; p. -þrang, -þrong, pl. -þrungon; pp. -þrungen [a out, þringan to throng]. I. to throng or press out or forth, to urge out, to urge, to throng or press away or out of sight, to conceal; extru­dere, celare :-- Ne mihte ic of ðære heortan heardne aþringan stýlenne stán I could not press out from his heart the hard and steely stone, Salm. Kmbl. 1008; Sal. 505. Aþrungen, út-aþrungen celatum, Cot. 33. II. to rush forth, to rush; prorumpere :-- Ic of enge up aþringe I rush up from the narrow place, Exon. 101 b; Th. 383,18; Rä,. 4, 12.

a-þrintan; p. -þrant, pl. -þrunton; pp. -þrunten [a out, þrintan to swell] To swell up; tumere :-- Ic ða wiht geseah, womb wæs aþrunten I saw the creature, its belly was swollen up, Exon. 109 b; Th. 419, 7; Rä. 38, 2.

a-þroten loathed, Bd. 3, 7; S. 530, 4; pp. of a-þreótan.

a-þrotennes, -þrotenes, -ness, e; f. Tediousness, loathsomeness, weari­someness; tædium, Cot. 91.

a-þrotsum; adj. [a-þroten pp. of a-þreótan to trouble, -sum] Trouble­some, irksome, wearisome; tædiosus, pertæsus :-- Aþrotsum is pertæsum est, Cot. 188.

a-þrowen = a-þráwen thrown forth, spilt, Andr. Kmbl. 2850; An. 1427; pp. of a-þráwan.

a-þrówian; p. ode; pp. od To suffer; pati. v. þrówian.

a-þroxen spoiled, robbed; spoliatus; pp. of a-þrescan.

a-þrungen; part. Concealed; celatum, Cot. 33; pp. of a-þringan.

aþrunten swollen up, Exon. 109 b; Th. 419, 7; Rä. 38, 2; pp. of a-þrintan.

aþryd; part. Robbed, pilled; expressus, expilatus, Cot. 73; pp. of a-þryþian.

a-þrysman, -þrysemian; p. ede, ode; pp. ed, od To suffocate with smoke or vapour, to suffocate, stifle; fumo suffocare :-- Hi hine on his bedde asmoredan and aþrysemodon they smothered and stifled him in his bed, Ors. 5, 4; Bos. 105, 6. Sunne wearþ adwæsced, þreám aþrysmed the sun was darkened, stifled by sufferings, Exon. 24 b; Th. 70, 5; Cri.1134. v. þrysman.

a-þrýt wearies, Ælfc. Gr. 33; Som. 37, 19. v. a-þreótan.

a-þryþian; p. -þryþede; pp. -þryþed, -þryd [a away, þryþian from þryþ force] To force from, rob, pillage; exprimere, expilare :-- Aþryd expresses, expilatus, Cot. 73 : 74.

áþ-stæf, es; m. [áþ oath, stæf] An oath; juramentum, Ps. Spl. C. 104, 8.

áþ-swaring, -swerung, e; f. An oath-swearing; juramentum :-- Gemindig wæs áþswaringe his memor fuit juramenti sui, Ps. Spl. 104, 8. Mid áþswerunge with oath-swearing, Chr.1070; Th. 344, 27.

áþ-swaru, e; f. An oath-swearing, a solemn oath, an oath; juramentum :-- For heora áþsware because of their oath, Jos. 9, 18. Ðæt he lange gehét mid áþsware what he long had promised on oath, Cd. 170; Th. 213, 26; Exod. 558: Ps. Th. 88, 3. Áþsware pytt the well of the oath, Beersheba, Gen. 46, 1.

áþ-sweord, es; n. [áþ an oath, sweord sword] A sword-oath, a warrior's oath, an oath; jusjurandum :-- Ðonne bióþ brocene áþsweord eorla then will be broken the oaths of the warriors, Beo. Th. 4134; B. 2064.

áþ-swerung an oath, Chr. 1070; Th. 344, 27. v. áþ-swaring.

áþ-swyrd, es; n. An oath; juramentum :-- Gemyndig wæs áþswyrdes [MS. áþswyrde] his memor fuit juramenti sui, Ps. Surt. 104, 9. v. áþ-sweord.

ÁÐUM, es; m, A son-in-law, a daughter's husband, a brother-in-law, a sister's husband; gener; sororis, ut et patris, sororis maritus :-- Áðum gener, Ælfc. Gr. 8; Som. 7, 18. Hæfst ðú suna oððe dóhtra oððe áðum habes filios aut filias aut generum, Gen. 19, 12. Cwæþ to his twám áðumum locutus est ad generos suos, 19, 14 : Exon. 66 b; Th. 246, 22; Jul. 65. Fór to ðam cynge his áðume went to the king his sister's husband, Chr. 1091; Th. 359. 6. [Ger. eidam a daughter's husband : M. H. Ger. eidem, id: O. H. Ger. eidum, eidam, eidem, id.]

a-þunden swollen, Bd. 5, 1; S. 614, 8; pp. of a-þindan.

a-þundenes, -ness, e; f. A tumour, swelling, puffing up; tumor :-- Wið lifre swyle and aþundenesse for swelling and puffing up of the liver, L. M. cont. 2, 18; Lchdm. ii. 160, 18. Wið aþundenesse magan windigre for windy swelling of the stomach, 2, 11; Lchdm. ii. 158, 23. DER. aþindan, þindan; pp. þunden swollen.

a-þwægen washed, Bd. 4, 19; S. 588, 9; pp. of a-þweán.

a-þwǽnan; p. de; pp. ed [a away, þwǽnan to soften, diminish] To soften, diminish, lessen, abate, take away; diminuere, demere :-- Seó sealf wile ðone swile aþwǽnan the salve will diminish the swelling, L. M. 3, 39; Lchdm. ii. 332, 25.

a-þwát disappointed, Ps. Spl. 131, 11. v. a-þwítan.

a-þweán; ic -þweá, -þweah, ðú -þweahst, -þwyhst, -þwehst, he -þwyhþ, -þwehþ, pl. -þweáþ; p. -þwóh, pl. -þwógon; pp. -þwegen [a from, out; þweán = þweahan to wash] To wash out, to wash, cleanse, baptize, anoint; abluere, lucre, lavare, baptizare, unguere :-- Gif ðú aþweán wylt if thou wilt wash out, Guthl. 5; Gdwin. 32, 8. Aþweah me lava me, Ps. Spl. 50, 3. Ðú aþweahst me lavabis me, 50, 8. He þegnas mid ða hálgan wyllan fulluht-bæðes aþwóh milites sacrosancto fonte abluebat, Bd. 4, 13; S. 582, 13 : 3, 7; S. 529, 14 : 1, 7; S. 478, 41. Wætere aþwegen and bebaðod lotus aqua, 1, 27; S. 496, 17 : 4, 19; S. 588, 9. Ðæt híg aþwegene wǽren ut baptizarentur, Lk. Bos. 3, 12. Aþwóg unxit, Jn. Lind. War. 12, 3.

áþ-wed, -wedd, es; n. [áþ an oath, wed a pledge] A pledge on oath, a solemn pledge; sacramentum :-- Áþ-wed vel áþe-gehát sacramentum, Ælfc. Gl. 13; Som. 57, 119; Wrt. Voc. 20, 56. v. áþ-gehát.

a-þwegen washed, Bd. 1, 7; S. 478, 41; pp. of a-þweán.

a-þweran; p. -þwær, pl. -þwǽron; pp. -þworen To shake or stir together with a churn-staff [A. Sax. þwiril], to churn, bacillo agitare :-- Aþweran buteran butyrum agitare, Som. Aþwer buteran churn butter, L. M. 1, 45; Lchdm. ii.112, 25. v. þweran.

a-þwítan; p. -þwát, pl. -þwiton; pp. -þwiten [a, þwítan to cut of] To disappoint; frustrari :-- Ná aþwát [bewægde C.] him non frustrabitur eum, Ps. Spl. 131, 11.

a-þwóh, -þwógon washed, Bd. 4, 13; S. 582, 13; p. of a-þweán.

áþ-wyrþe; adj. Worthy of an oath, worthy of credit; dignus qui juret :-- Gif he áþwyrþe biþ if he be oath-worthy, L. In. 46; Th. i. 130, 14: L. Ed. 3; Th. i. 160, 21.

á ðý ever the; unquam eo, Bt. 13; Fox 38, 9. v. ðý.

a-þýan; p. de; pp. ed To press; premere :-- Wel on aþýdum sceapes smeruwe boil in pressed sheep's grease, L. M. 1, 8; Lchdm. ii. 54, 1. v. þýan.

aþýdum pressed, L. M. 1, 8; Lchdm. ii. 54, 1; dat. of aþýed = aþýd. v. aþýan.

a-þylgian; p. ode; pp. od To sustain, bear, be patient, wait patiently; sustinere :-- For ǽ ðínre ic aþylgode ðé propter legem tuam sustinui te, Ps. Spl. 129, 4. Aþylgode sáwle min on worde his sustinuit anima mea in verbum ejus, 129, 5. v. þyldigean.

a-þynnian, -þinnian; p. ade; pp. ad To thin; tenuare. DER. þynnian. þyn.

a-þýstrian, -þístrian, -þeóstrian, -þiéstrian, -þéstrian; p. ode, ade; pp. od To overcloud, to be obscured or eclipsed; obnubilare, obscurari : - Sýn aþýstrode eágan heora obscurentur oculi eorum, Ps. Spl. 68, 28. Seó sunne aþýstrode the sun was eclipsed, Ors. 6, 2; Bos. 117, 14. Aþýstrade obnubilavit, Bd. 5, 13; S. 633, 34. Ðonne aþeóstriaþ ealle steorran then all the stars are darkened, Bt. 9; Fox 26, 15. Byþ sunne aþeóstrod, Mk. Bos. 13, 24. Hér sunne aþýstrode here the sun was eclipsed, Chr. 538; Ing. 22, 18 : 540; Ing. 22, 22. DER. þýstrian.

a-þýtep sounds, Exon. 117 b; Th. 451, 26; Dóm. 109. v. a-þeótan.

a-þýwan; p. de; pp. ed [a from, þýwan to drive] To lead or drive from, to discard; ejicere :-- He hý raðe aweg aþýwde he soon drove them away, Ors. 6, 36; Bos. 131, 28.

a-tiarian to fail; deficere, Prov. 3. v. a-teorian.

a-tiefran, -tifran; p. ede; pp. ed To paint, describe by painting; depingere :-- Ealle ða hearga Israhéla folces wǽron atiefrede [MS. C. atifred : MS. Oth. atiefred] on ðæm wage universa idola domus Israel depicta erant in pariete, Past. 21, 3; Hat. MS. 30 a, 23. He atiefreþ [MS. C. atifreþ] ðæs þinges onlícnesse on his móde ðe he dðnne ymbsmeáþ in corde depingitur quidquid fictis imaginibus deliberando cogitatur, Past. 21, 3; Hat. MS. 30 b, 27: 30 b, 26.

a-tihtan; p. -tihte; pp. -tihted, -tiht To attract, incite, Bt. 32, 1; Fox 114, 3. v. a-tyhtan.

a-tíhþ, a-tíþ draws away, draws to; abstrahit, attrahit, Ps. Spl. second 9, 11 : Ps. Surt. 9, 30. v. a-teón.

a-tihting intention, an aim; intentio, Scint. 6, 7. v. a-tyhtan.

a-tillan; p. de; pp. ed To touch; tangere, R. Ben. interl. 7. v. tillan.

a-timbrian, -timbran; p. ode, ede; pp. od, ed To erect, build; ædificare :-- Hét ða burh atimbrian ordered to build the city, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 65,,21; 66, 40; 67, 39 : 6, 30; Bos. 127, 34. Búr atimbran to build a bower, Exon. 108 a; Th. 411, 26; Rä. 30, 5.

a-tión; p. -teáh, pl. -tugon; pp. -togen To draw out, pull out; abstrahere, extrahere :-- Atió of ðæm æcere fearn and þornas let him pull out from the field fern and thorns, Bt. Met. Fox 12, 3; Met. 12, 2 : 22, 53; Met. 22, 27.

at-iwan; p. ede; pp. ed To appear; apparere :-- Atíwede cométa a comet appeared, Chr.1066; Th. 330, 38. v. æt-ýwan.

a-togen drawn out, Num. 22, 22; pp. of a-teón.

atol, es; n. Terribleness, terror, horror, wretchedness; diritas, terror, horror, miseria :-- Sceal atol þrówian must suffer terror, Cd. 222; Th. 289, 10; Sat. 395. Is ðes windiga sele atole gefylled this windy hall is filled with horror, 216; Th. 273, 16; Sat. 137 : Exon. 26 a; Th. 77. 33; Cri. 1266.

ATOL, atul, atel, eatol; adj. Dire, terrific, terrible, horrid, foul, loathsome; dirus, atrox, terribilis, horridus, fœádus, teter :-- Atol æglǽca the dire miscreant, Beo. Th. 1188; B. 592: Andr. Kmbl. 2625; An. 1314. Atol is ðín onseóu horrid is thine aspect, Cd. 214; Th. 268, 26; Sat. 61. Atol mid égum terrific with his eyes, 229; Th. 310, 18; Sat. 728. Atol ýða gewealc the terrible rolling of the waves, 166; Th. 206, 21; Exod. 455 : Beo. Th. 1700; B. 848 : Exon. 81 b; Th. 306, 11; Seef. 6. Se atola the horrid one [the devil], Cd. 222; Th. 290, 10; Sat. 413. In ðeossum atolan ǽðele in this horrid country, 215; Th. 271, 20; Sat. 108. Atole gástas horrid ghosts, 214; Th. 268, 7; Sat. 51. Gúþrinc geféng atolan clommum the warrior seized in her horrid clutches, Beo. Th. 3008; B. 1502. [Orm. atell foul, corrupt: O. Nrs. atall, ötul fierce; atrox.] DER. atelic.

atolic; adj. [atol, líc] Dire, horrid, loathsome; dirus, horridus, deformis, Bd. 4, 32; S. 611, note 17. v. atelíc.

átor, áttor, áter, átter, ǽtor, ǽtter, ǽttor; gen. átres, áttres; n. Poison, venom; venenum :-- Átres drync the drink of poison, Andr. Kmbl. 105; An. 53. Áttre gelícost most like to poison, Cd. 216, Th. 274, 32; Sat. 162. Flór áttre weól the floor boiled with venom, 220; Th. 284, 8; Sat. 318. Áttru venena, Scint. 28. Wið áttrum against poisons, Ps. Th. 57, 4: Bd. 1, 1; S. 474, 39: Bd. 4, 23; S. 595, 1. Wið fleógendum átre for flying venom, L. M. 1, 45; Lchdm. ii. 112, 24. [Orm. atterr: Laym. atter: Piers attre: Plat. etter, eiter, m. n: O. Sax. étar, ettar, m: O.Dut. Dut. etter, m: Ger. eiter, n. m: M. H. Ger. eiter, n : O. H. Ger. eitar, n : Dan. edder, n : Swed. etter, n : Norw. O. Nrs. eitr, n. Cf. M. H. Ger. eiten to burn : Sansk. i-n-dh and the A. Sax. ád a funeral pile : O. H. Ger. eit ignis, áttor then would seem to mean a cause of burning, a pricking pain.]

átor-berende; part. Venom-bearing; venenifer, L. M. 2, 1; Lchdm. ii, 176, 5. v. átter-berende.

átor-coppe, an; f. A spider; aranea. v. áttor-coppe.

átor-cræft, es; m. Poison-craft, the art of poisoning, sorcery; veneficium, Lye.

átor-cyn, es; n. The poison-kind; veneni genus, Salm. Kmbl. 437; Sal. 219. v. ǽtor-cyn.

átor-drinc, es; m. Poisonous drink, poison; potio venenata, venenum. v. áttor-drinca.

átor-drinca poisonous drink, poison. v. áttor-drinca.

a-torflan; p. ode; pp. od To throw forth, to throw; jactare, Mt. Hat. 12, 24, Lye. v. torfian.

átor-láðe, an; f. The cock's spur grass; panicum crus galli, v. áttor-láðe, L. M. 45; Lchdm. ii. 110, 8; 114, 11.

átor-lic poison-like; veneno similis. v. áter-lic.

átor-loppe, an; f. [átor, loppe a silkworm, spinner of a web] A spider, spider's web; aranca. v. ǽtter-loppe.

átor-sceaða a venomous destroyer. v. áttor-sceaða.

átor-spere,es; n. A poisoned spear; telum venenatum. v. áttor-spere, Exon. 105 a; Th. 399, to; Rä. 18, 9.

átor-tán, es; m. A poisonous rod; ramus venenosus. v. áter-tán, Beo. Th. 2923; B. 5459.

a-tredan; p. -træd, pl. -trǽdon; pp. -treden To tread, twist from or out, extort; extorquere :-- Atred him ða giltas út extort his sins from him, L. De Cf. 3; Th. ii. 260, 21.

a-treddan; p. de; pp. ed To investigate, search, examine or explore carefully; scrutari, investigare :-- Ðæt ic ðín bebod beorht atredde scrutabor mandata tua, Ps. Th. 118, 69 : 138, 2. v. treddan.

a-trendlian; p. ode; pp. od To trundle, roll; volutare, provolvere, Bt. Met. Fox 5, 33; Met. 5,17.

átren-mód venom-minded; malitiosus. v. ǽtren-mód.

átrian to poison, envenom; venenare. v. ǽtrian.

átter; gen. áttres; n. Poison, venom; venenum :-- Ðæt átter wæs sóna ofernumen the poison was soon detected, Bd. 5, 1; S. 474, 39. v. átor.

átter-berende; part. Venom-bearing; venenifer :-- Wǽtan átter-berendum by venom-bearing humours, L. M. 2, 1; Lchdm. ii. 176, 5. v. átor, etc.

átter-coppe, an; f. [átor poison, copp a head] A spider; aranea :-- Swindan ðú dydest swá swá áttercoppan sáwle his tabescere fecisti sicut araneam animam ejus, Ps. Spl. T. 38, 15. v. áttor-coppe.

átter-láðe, an; f. The cock's spur grass; panicum crus galli :-- Átter-láðe venenifuga [venom-loather], Wrt. Voc. 30, 38. v. átor, etc.

áttor; gen. áttres; n. Poison, venom; venenum, Beo. Th. 5423; B. 2715: Ps. Spl.13, 5. v. átor.

áttor-coppe, an; f. A spider; aranea :-- Loppe, fleónde næddre, vel áttorcoppe a spider, Wrt. Voc. 24, 1. Áttorcoppe - wið áttorcoppan bíte a spider - for spider's bite, Herb. 4, 9; Lchdm. i. 92, 5, 6 : Med. ex Quadr. 4, 10; Lchdm. i. 344, 15. v. átor, etc.

áttor-drinca, an; m. A poisonous drink, poison; potio venenata, venenum, Martyrol. ad 11 Junii.

áttor-, átter-láðe, an; f. The cock's spur grass, atterlothe [venom-loather]; panicum crus galli :-- Wið áttre, betonican and ða smalan áttorláðan dó on hálig wæter against poison, put betony and the small atterlothe into holy water, L. M. 1, 45; Lchdm. ii. 110, 8; 114; 11 : Herb. 45, 1; Lchdm. i. 148, 4 : L. M. 1, 1; Lchdm. ii. 22, 55. Átterláðe venenifuga, Ælfc. Gl. 40; Som. 63, 88; Wrt. Voc. 30, 38. v. átor, etc.

áttor-sceaða, an; m. A poisonous destroyer, a venomous dragon, serpent; hostis venenosus, draco venenosus, serpens :-- Bútan ðam áttorsceaðan save to the venomous destroyer, Exon. 96 a; Th. 357, 24; Pa. 33: Beo. Th. 5670; B. 2839. v. átor, etc.

áttor-spere, es; n. A poisoned spear; telum venenatum :-- Eglum áttorsperum with dire poisoned spears, Exon. 105 a; Th. 399, 10; Rä. 18, 9. v. átor, etc.

a-tuge might draw away; abstraheret, Bd. 4, 24; S. 598, 19; p. subj. of a-teón.

atul; adj. Dire, terrible, horrid :-- In ðæt atule hús into that dire house, Exon. 40 b; Th. 136, 1; Gú. 534 : Andr. Kmbl. 106; An. 53 : Ps. Th. 118, 123. v. atol.

a-tydran; p. ede; pp. ed To procreate, create; procreare, gignere, Elen. Kmbl. 2555; El. 1279. v. tydran.

a-týhst drawest out, Bt. Met. Fox 12, 49; Met. 12, 25. v. a-teón.

a-tyhtan, -tihtan; p. -tyhte, -tihte; pp. -tyhted, -tyht, -tiht. I. to persuade, solicit, incite, attract, allure; persuadere, allicere, incitare :-- Ðá wæs ofer Múntgiop monig atyhted Gota, gylpes full then was allured over the Alps many a Goth, full of arrogance, Bt. Met. Fox 1, 16; Met. 1, 8. Ðe beóþ atihte to ðám sóðum gesǽlþum who are intent upon [attracted to] the true felicities, Bt. 32, 1; Fox. 114, 3. II. to produce, procreate; procreare, gignere :-- Wíga is of dumbum twám atyhted a warrior is produced from two dumb ones, Exon. 113 a; Th. 433, 27; Rä. 51, 3. v. tyhtan.

a-týhþ draws away; abstrahit, 3rd sing. pres. of a-teón.

a-tymbrian, -tymbran; p. ode, ede; pp. od, ed To erect, build; ædificare :-- Se Cénwalh hét atymbran [atymbrian MS. Laud.] ða ealdan cyrican on Wintanceastre Cenwalh ordered to build the old church at Winchester, Chr. 643; Ing. 38, 1 : 919; Ing. 133, 57. v. a-timbrian.

a-týnan; p. -týnde; pp. -týned, -týnd; v. a. I. [a away, out; týnan to inclose, shun] to shut out, exclude; excludere :-- Ne beóþ út fram ðe atýnde ut non excludantur, Ps. Th. 67, 27. II. [a = on, un un, týnan] to un-shut, open; aperire :-- Ná ic atýnde múþ mínne non aperui os meum, Ps. Spl. 38, 13. Atýn us aperi nobis, Lk. Bos. 13, 25. v. on-týnan, un-týnan.

a-tyrian to fail; deficere. v. a-teorian.

at-ýwan; p. de; pp. ed To shew; ostendere :-- He atýwde him ostendit eis, Ps. Spl. C. 77, 14. v. æt-ýwan, ýwan.

Augustínus, i; m; Lat. [Augustinus is correct in the quotations from the titles of the two following chapters of Bede, but in the A. Sax. text it is Agustínus] St. Augustine, the missionary sent by Pope Gregory to England, A. D. 597, and died May 26, 605; Augustínus :-- Ðæt se hálga Papa Gregorius Augustínum sende Angel-þeóde to bodiganne Godes word ut sanctus Papa Gregorius Augustinum ad prædicandum genti Anglorum verbum Dei miserit, Bd. 1, 23, titl; S. 485, 14. Augustínus cumende on Breotone Augustinus veniens Brittaniam, 1, 25, titl; S. 486, 10. Hér com Augustinus and his geféran to Engla lande here, A. D. 597, Augustine and his companions came to England, Chr. 597; Th. 35, 41, col. 2 : 596; Th. 34, 37, col. 1; 35, 36, cols.1, 2.

Augustus, i; m; Lat. I. the first Roman Emperor. v. Agustus. II. the month of August; mensis Augustus :-- On ðam monþe ðe man Augustum nemneþ in the month which is named August, Herb. 7, 1; Lchdm. i. 96, 23. v. Agustus.

á-uht, es; n. Aught, anything; aliquid :-- Eálá, ðæt on eorþan áuht fæstlíces weorces ne wunaþ ǽfre alas, that on earth aught of permanent work does not ever remain, Bt. Met. Fox 6, 32; Met. 6, 16. Ðe áuht oððe náuht áuðer worhte which could either make aught or naught, 20, 83; Met. 20, 42. Hwý biþ his ánwald áuhte ðý mára why will his power be by UNCERTAIN aught the greater? 16, 40; Met. 16, 20: Bt. 35, 5; Fox 164, 6, 10.

á-uht; adv. At all, by any means; omnino, ullo modo :-- Áuht ne gebétaþ hiora scearpnesse nor by any means improve their sharpness, Bt. Met. Fox 21, 46; Met. 21, 23: 6, 12; Met. 6, 6. v. á-wuht, á-wiht.

a-urnen run out, passed, Cd. 79; Th. 98, 6; Gen. 1626. v. a-yrnan.

áuðer either, each, Bt. Met. Fox 29, 19; Met. 29, 10. v. áwðer.

ÁWA, áwo; adv. Always, ever, for ever; semper, unquam, usque :-- Áwa always, Ps. Th.143, 13. Áwa usque, 70, 16: 138, 15: Elen. Kmbl. 1899; El. 951. Ne wile heó áwa ðæs síþes geswícan nor will it ever desist from its course, Salm. Kmbl. 646; Sal. 322. Áwa to feore in seculum, Ps. Th. 51, 8: 65, 6. On écnesse, áwa in æternum, 118, 89. Áwa to worlde in seculum seculi, 71, 19 : 144, 1. Áwa to worulde usque in seculum, 130, 5 : 532, 4. Áwa to ealdre for evermore, Exon. 93 a; Th. 348, 22; Sch. 32: Beo. Th. 1914; B. 955. [O. Sax. éo unquam, semper: O. H. Ger. éo, io unquam, semper: Goth. aiw semper: Lat. ævum an age: Grk. αίεί, αεί always; αίών an age.] vide á.

a-wacan; p. -wóc, pl. -wócon; pp. -wacen; v. intrans. I. to AWAKE; expergisci, expergefieri, evigilare :-- Awóc of ðam slǽpe awoke from sleep, Gen. 9, 24. Awóc Pharao expergefactus est Pharao, 41, 4, 7. II. to wake into being, to arise, be born; oriri, provenire, nasci :-- Twá þeóda awócon two nations arose, Cd. 124; Th. 158, 11; Gen. 2615. v. wacen.

a-wacian; p. ode; pp. od To awake; expergisci, expergefieri, evigilare :-- Of hefegum slǽpe awacode e gravi somno expergefactus est, Gen. 45, 26. v. wacian.

a-wácian, -wácigan; p. ode; pp. od; v. intrans. To grow weak or effeminate, to languish, decline, fail, fall away, relax, to be indolent; infirmari, deficere, recedere :-- Awácode mid langre ealdunge weakened with old age, Gr. Dial. 2, 15. Awáciaþ on ðære costnunge tíman in tempore tentationis recedunt, Lk. Bos. 8, 13. Ðæt ne awácodon wereda Drihtne that they might not fall away from the Lord of hosts, Cd. 183; Th. 229, 20; Dan. 220. Gif he ná ne awácaþ if he never relax, L. Pen. 12; Th. ii. 280, 29. v. ge-wácian, on-.

a-wacnian, -wæcnian; p. cnede, cenede; pp. cned, cened; v. intrans. I. to AWAKEN, come to life again, revive; evigilare, expergefieri, reviviscere :-- On dagunge he eft acwicode [awacenede MSS. Ca. O.] diluculo revixit, Bd. 5, 12; S. 627. 13. II. to arise, spring, have one's origin; suscitari, oriri, nasci :-- Of ðám frumgárum folc awæcniaþ from these patriarchs shall spring a people, Cd. 104; Th. 138, 54; Gen. 2291. Eall heora gewinn awacnedon ǽrest fram Alexandres epistole all their wars first arose from Alexander's letter, Ors. 3, 11; Bos. 72, 19. v. wæcnan, on-wæcnan, on-wæcnian.

a-wǽcan; p. -wǽcte, -wǽhte; pp. -wǽced, -wǽct, -wǽht To weaken, fatigue; debilitare, fatigare :-- Awǽht defessus, Hymn. Awǽht porrectus, Cot. 157.

a-wæccan To awake; suscitare, Mt. Rush. Stv. 3, 9. v. a-weccan.

a-wæcnan; p. ede; pp. ed; v. intrans. To awake, rise up, be born; evigilare, suscitari, nasci :-- Nú is ðæt bearn cymen, awæcned now is that child come, risen up, Exon. 8 b; Th. 5, 9; Cri. 67.

a-wæcnian; p. ode; pp. od To awaken, arise, spring; evigilare, oriri :-- Awæcniaþ, Cd. 104; Th. 138, 14; Gen. 2291. v. a-wacnian.

a-wǽgan; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans. To deceive, delude, frustrate, disappoint, cause to fail; eludere, frustrari, irritum facere :-- Ðæt is sóþ ðæt ðú ǽr awǽgdest that is true which thou before didst frustrate, Homl. Th. ii. 418, 58. Ǽr awǽged síe worda ǽnig ere any word be made to fail, Andr. Kmbl. 2876; An. 1441. Awǽged ne dó ðú wedd irritum ne facias fædus, Hymn, Lye. v. wǽgan, ge-wǽgan.

a-wæh weighed out, weighed to; appendit, Gen. 23, 16. v. a-wegan.

a-wǽht weakened, wearied; pp. of a-wǽcan.

a-wæhte aroused; suscitavit, Bd. 4, 23; S. 596, 14. v. a-weccan.

a-wǽlan; p. ede, de, te; pp. ed. I. v. trans. To roll away, roll back, roll to; revolvere, advolvere :-- Awǽlede ðone stán revolvit lapidem, Mt. Rush. Stv. 28, 2. Awǽlte ðone stán advolvit lapidem, Mk. Rush. War. 15, 46. II. to move violently, vex, afflict; vexare :-- Awǽled vexatus, Mk. Rush. War. 5, 18.

a-wændan; p. de; pp. ed To turn from or away, to translate; avertere, transferre :-- Ðonne awænt Driht hæftnunge folces his cum averterit Dominus captivitatem plebis suæ, Ps. Spl. 13, 11i. v. a-wendan, wændan.

a-wændednys, -nyss, e; f. A change; mutatio, Ps. Lamb. 76, 11. v. awendednys.

a-wænian; p. ede; pp. ed To wean from; ablactare :-- Swá swá awæned cild sicut ablactatus, Ps. Lamb. 130, 2.

a-wærged, -wærgd; pp; def. m. -wærgda Accursed; maledictus :-- Wit ðæs awærgdan wordum gelýfdon we two believed the words of the accursed one, Cd. 222; Th. 290, 16; Sat. 416. v. a-wyrged.

a-wæscen washed; lotus; pp. v. wascan. DER. un-a-wæscen.

a-wǽstan; p. -wǽste; pp. -wǽsted; v. trans. To waste, lay waste, eat up; vastare, carpere :-- Swá swá oxa gewunaþ to awǽstenne gærs quo modo solet bos herbas carpere, Num. 22, 4. v. a-wéstan.

a-wanian; p. ode; pp. od To diminish; diminuere. v. wanian.

a-wannian; p. ode; pp. od To wax wan or pale; pallescere :-- Awannod pallidus factus, Greg. Dial. 1, 2.

á-wár; adv. [= á-wǽr = á-hwǽr] Anywhere; alicubi :-- Swilce he áwár wǽre, ǽrðan ðe he geboren wǽre as if he were anywhere, before he was born, Homl. Th. ii. 244, 19.

a-wariged; part. Accursed; maledictus. v. a-werged; pp. of a-wergian : awyrged; pp. of a-wyrgian.

a-wárnian; p. ode; pp. od To be confounded; confundi, Ps. Spl. M. 85, 16. v. a-swárnian.

a-warpen; pp. cast out; ejectus, Ps. Spl. 108, 9. v. a-worpen; pp. of a-weorpan.

a-weaht, a-weahte awaked, excited, raised up, Ps. Th. 77, 65: Bd. 3, 5; S. 526, 34; pp. and p. of a-weccan.

a-weallan; ic -wealle, ðú -weallest. -wylst, he -wealleþ, -wealþ, -wylþ, pl. -weallaþ; p. -weól, -weóll, pl. -weóllon; pp. -weallen; v. intrans. To boil or bubble up, break forth, stream or gush forth, well out, flow forth, issue; ebullire, erumpere, emanare :-- Swá ǽspringe út awealleþ of clife hárum so a water-spring wells out of a hoary cliff, Bt. Met. Fox 5. 24; Met. 5, 12: Ps. Th. 103, 10: Ex. 8, 3: Andr. Kmbl. 3045; An. 1525. Ða fruman aweallaþ Deorwentan streámes Deruentionis fluvii primordia erumpunt, Bd. 4, 29; S. 607, 11. Is ðæt eác sǽd, ðæt wylle aweólle fertur autem, quia fops ebullierit, Bd. 5, 10; S. 625, 23: Exon. 17 a; Th. 39, 20; Cri. 625. DER. weallan.

a-weardian; p. ode, ede; pp. od, ed; v. trans. To ward off defend, protect; defendere, protegere :-- Hí hí sylf aweardedon they defended themselves, Ors. 5, 3; Bar. 182, 19. DER. weardian.

a-wearpan = a-weorpan to cast away; projicere :-- Dust ðæt awearpþ wind pulvis quem projicit ventus, Ps. Spl. 1, 5.

a-weaxan; p. -weóx, -wóx; pp. -weaxen; v. intrans. To wax, grow, arise, come forth; crescere, oriri, provenire :-- Him aweaxeþ wynsum gefeá to them shall grow winsome delight, Exon. 26 a; Th. 77, 7; Cri. 1253: Ps. Th. 128, 4: Exon. 103 a; Th. 391, 24; Rä. 10, 10 : 103 b; Th. 392, 6; Rä. 11, 3: Elen. Kmbl. 2450; El. 1226.

a-web, es; n. The cross threads in weaving, called the woof or weft; subtegmen, Cot. 161.

a-weccan, -weccean; ic -wecce, ðú -wecest, -wecst, he -wecceþ, -weceþ, -wecþ, pl. -weccaþ,-wecceaþ; p. -weahte,-wehte, pl. -weahton, -wehton; impert. -wec, -wece, pl. -wecceaþ; pp. -weaht, -weht; v. trans. I. to awake, arouse from sleep, awake from death; e somno excitare, suscitare, resuscitare :-- Hí awehton hine excitaverunt eum, Mk. Bos. 4, 38. Ðá wearþ aweaht Drihten swá he slǽpende excitatus est tamquam dormiens Dominus, Ps. Th. 77, 65. Ic hine awecce resuscitabo eum, Jn. Bos. 6, 40. Se Fæder awecþ ða deádan Pater suscitat mortuos, 5, 21. He manige men of deáþe awehte he awoke many men from death, Andr. Kmbl. 1167; An. 584. Awecceaþ deáde suscitaie mortuos, Mt. Bos. 10, 8. II. to excite, rouse, stir up, call forth, raise up, raise up children; excitare, concitare, suscitare, resuscitare :-- To ælmessan and to gódra dǽda fylignessum he hí aweahte ge mid wordum ge mid dǽdum ad eleemosynas operumque bonorum executionem et verbis excitabat et factis, Bd. 3, 5; S. 526, 34. Awehte wǽlníþ Babilónes brego deadly hatred excited the prince of Babylon, Cd. 174; Th. 218, 28; Dan. 46. Ðæs sǽdes corn biþ simle aweaht mid ascunga, eác siððan mid gódre láre, gif hit grówan sceal the grain of this seed is always excited by inquiry, and moreover by good instruction, if it shall grow, Bt. Met. Fox 22, 80; Met. 22, 40. Awehte ða windas of heofenum excitavit ventos de cælo, Ps. Th. 77, 26. Awece ðíne mihte excita potentiam tuam, 79. 3. Hí his yrre aweahtan in ira concitaverunt eum, 77, 58, 40 : Cd. 52; Th. 66, 7; Gen. 1080. Awecceþ wópdropan calls forth tears, Salm. Kmbl. 567; Sal. 283. He aweahte gewitnesse on Iacobe suscitavit testimonium in Jacob, Ps. Th. 77, 6. Ic awecce wið ðe óðerne cyning I will raise up against thee another king, Elen. Kmbl. 1851; El. 927. Aweccende fram eorþan wædlan suscitans a terra inopem, Ps. Spl. 112, 6. Awece me resuscita me, 40, 11. He mæg bearn aweccan [aweccean Mt. Bos. 3, 9] potens est suscitare filios, Lk. Bos. 3, 8. Hys bróðor sǽd awecce suscitet semen fratri suo, 20, 28.

a-wece arouse, raise up, Ps. Spl. C. T. 40, 11; impert. of a-weccan.

a-wecgan, -wegan; p. -wegde, -wegede; pp. -weged; v. trans. To move, remove, shake; movere, amovere, commovere, agitare :-- Ne mihton awecgan Iob of his módes ánrǽdnysse might not move Job from his constancy of mind, Job Thw. 167, 33 : Andr. Kmbl. 1005; An. 503. Hí ne mihton hine awecgan they could not move it, Homl. Th. ii. 164, 31. Mód biþ aweged of his stede the mind is removed from its place, Bt. 12; Fox 36, 18 : Bt. Met. Fox 7, 48; Met. 7, 24. Winde aweged [MS. awegyd] hreód arundinem vento agitatam, Mt. Bos. 11, 7. v. wecgan.

a-wecþ awakes, raises up, Jn. Bos. 5, 21; 3rd pers. pres. of a-weccan.

a-wédan; p. -wédde; pp. -wéd; v. n. To be mad, to rage, to be angry, to go or wax mad, revolt, apostatize; in furorem agi :-- Awéddon ða nýtena the cattle became mad, Ors. 5, 10; Bos. 108, 31. Se ðe for sleápe awéd phreneticus = φρενιτικόs, Ælfc. Gl. 78; Som. 72, 40; Wrt. Voc. 45, 72. v. wédan.

a-wefen; p. -wæf, pl. -wǽfon; pp. -wefen To weave; texere :-- Wyrmas ne awǽfon worms did not weave, Exon. 109 a; Th. 417, 23; Rä. 36, 9 : Jn. Bos. 19, 23.

a-weg; adv. AWAY, out; (this is its meaning both in and out of composition); auferendi vim habet :-- Ðá éode he aweg autem abiit, Mt. Bos. 19, 22. Ge drehnigeaþ ðone gnæt aweg ye strain the gnat out; excolantes [ex out, colare to filter, strain] culicem, Mt. Bos. 23, 24. He hí raðe aweg aþýwde he quickly drove them away, Ors. 6, 36; Bos. 131, 28 : Ps. Th. 77, 57. v. on-weg.

aweg-adrífan to drive or chase away; expellere, Ps. Spl. C. 35, 13. v. a-drífan.

aweg-aferian to carry away, to cart away; evehere, Cot. 205.

aweg-alúcan [aweg away, alúcan to lock out, separate] To. shut or lock out, to separate; discludere, Cot. 67.

a-wegan; p. -wæg, -wæh, pl. -wǽgon; pp. -wegen; v. trans. I. to lift up, take or carry away; levare, auferre :-- Hí á sibbe gelǽraþ, ða ǽr wonsǽlge awegen habbaþ they shall ever advise peace, which the unblest have before taken away, Exon. 89 a; Th. 334, 25; Gn. Ex. 21: Homl. Th. i. 308, 17. II. to weigh out, weigh to any one; appendere :-- Abraham ðá awæh feówer hund scillinga seolfres Abraham appendit quadringentos siclos argenti, Gen. 23, 16. Eálá gif míne synna and mín yrmþ wǽron awegene on ánre wǽgan utinam appenderentur peccata mea et calamitas in statera, Job 6, 2; Thw. 167, 18.

a-wegan; p. -wegede, -wegde; pp. -weged To move, shake :-- Aweged, Bt. 12; Fox 36, 18: Bt. Met. Fox 7, 48; Met. 7, 24: Mt. Bos. 11, 7. v. a-wecgan.

aweg-animan to take away; sufferre, Jn. Bos. 20, 1. v. a-niman.

aweg-awyltan to roll away; revolvere, Mk. Bos. 16, 4. v. a-wyltan.

aweg-beran to bear, carry or convey away; asportare, Ælfc. Gr. 47; Som. 48, 37. v. beran.

aweg-cuman to go away, to leave, escape; dimittere :-- Sume aweg-cómon some escaped, Ors. 3, 3; Bos. 55, 26. v. cuman.

a-weged moved, Bt. 12; Fox 36, 18; pp. of a-wegan to move.

a-wegen taken away, weighed as in a balance, Job 6, 2; Thw. 167, 18. v. a-wegan to weigh.

aweg-gán to go away; abire :-- Ongan aweg-gán began to go away, Bd. 4, 22; S. 591, 1. v. gán.

aweg-geniman to take away; auferre. v. geniman.

aweg-gewítan; p. -gewát, pl. -gewiton; pp. -gewiten To go away, depart; discedere :-- Ic eom aweg-gewiten I am gone away, Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 44. 36. v. ge-wítan.

aweg-gewitenes, -ness, e; f. A going away, departure; abscessio :-- Æfter þrím geárum Willfreþes aweg-gewitenesse post tres abscessionis Vilfridi annos, Bd. 4, 12; S. 581, 30. v. gewítan.

aweg-lǽtan to let [go] away, let escape; abire permittere, L. C. S. 29; Th. i. 392, 54. v. lǽtan.

aweg-onwendan to turn or move away; amovere, Ps. Spl. C. 65, 19. v. on-wendan.

aweg-weorpan to cast or throw-away; abjicere. v. aweg, weorpan.

a-wegyd shaken, Mt. Bos. 11, 7. v. a-wecgan.

a-weht awaked, aroused; pp. of a-weccan.

a-wehte awaked, excited, Andr. Kmbl. 1167; An. 584: Ps. Th. 77, 26; p. of a-weccan.

a-wehtnes, -ness, e; f. An awaking, a stirring up, excitation, quickening, encouraging; excitatio :-- To awehtnesse lifiendra monna of sáule deáþe ad excitationem viventium de morte animæ, Bd. 5, 12; S. 627. 5.

awel an awl; subula, fuscinula, harpago = άρπάγη, Cot. 84: 53. v- al.

a-wellan; p. de; pp. ed To cause to bubble, to well; facere ut aliquid ferveat vel ebulliat :-- Hreðor innan wæs wynnum awelled the breast within was welled with joy, Andr. Kmbl. 2037; An. 1021. v. a-weallan.

a-wend turned, translated; pp. of a-wendan :-- Seó bóc is on Englisc awend the book is turned [translated] into English, Homl. Th. ii. 358, 30.

a-wendan; ic -wende, ðú -wendest, -wenst, he -wendeþ, -went, pl. -wendaþ; p. -wende; pp. -wended, -wend, -went. I. v. trans. To turn away or off, avert, remove, to turn upside down, turn, change, translate, pervert; avertere, vertere, mutare, transferre, subvertere :-- Ansýne ðýn awendst ðú faciem tuam avertis, Ps. Spl. 43, 27: Ps. Th. 73, 11 : 103, 27 : 101, 2 : 77. 38. Heó awent hyre hús and sécþ geornlíce óþ heó hine fint sche turneth upsodoun the hous and sekith diligently til sche fynde it, Wyc; Lk. Bos. 15, 8. He wæter awende to wínlícum drence he turned water into winelike drink, Ælfc. T. 27, 7: Ps. Spl. 101, 28: Gen. 19, 26: Cd. 14; Th. 17, 13; Gen. 259: Jn. Bos. 10, 35. 'Historia Anglorum' ða ðe Ælfréd cyning of Lédene on Englisc awende [Bede's] Historia Anglorum, which king Alfred translated from Latin into English, Homl. Th. ií. 116, 30-118, 1. Ðeáh ðe seó bóc on Englisc awend sý though the book be translated into English, 118, 5. Ne nim ðú lác, ða awendaþ rihtwísra word nec accipies munera, quæ subvertunt verba justorum, Ex. 23, 8. II. v. intrans. To turn or direct oneself to turn from, go, depart; se vertere, ire :-- Ðæt hý, mid sume searawrence, from Xerse awenden [awende MS.] that they would by some stratagem turn from Xerxes, Ors. 2, 5; Bos. 47, 41. Hí awendon aweg they turned away, Ps. Th. 77, 57. v. wendan.

a-wended-líc, -wende-líc, -wendend-líc; adj. [awended changed, pp. of awendan, líc] Movable, changeable, alterable, mutable; mobilis, Alb. resp. 42.

a-wendednys, a-wændednys, -nyss, e; f. A change, alteration; commutatio :-- Ná sóþ is him awendednys non enim est illis commutatio, Ps. Spl. 54, 22 : 88, 50.

a-wendelíc-nes, -ness, e; f. Mutableness, mutability, changeableness, inconstancy; mutabilitas, Som. [a-wendedlíc changeable, -ness].

a-wendincg, e; f.An overthrowing, a change, ruin; subversio, Scint. 61.

a-wenian; p. ede; pp. ed To wean; ablactare :-- Ǽr ðone, ðæt acennede bearn, awened sí quoadusque, qui gignitur, ablactatur, Bd. 1, 27, resp. 8; S. 493, 33. v. wenian.

a-went, -wenþ, -wendeþ turns, Lk. Bos. 15, 8. v. a-wendan.

a-weódian, -weódigan; v. a. To weed, root or rake up, to destroy; sarculare :-- Ðæt man aweódige unriht that one should root up injustice, L. C. S. 1; Th. i. 376, 7.

a-weól flowed forth, Cot. 72. v. a-weallan.

a-weorpan, -wurpan, -wyrpan; ðú -wyrpst, he -wyrpþ; p. ic, he -wearp, ðú -wurpe, pl. -wurpon; impert. -weorp, -wurp, -wyrp ðú; pp. -worpen; v. a. [a from, weorpan to throw] To throw or cast from or down, to cast away or off, cast out, to degrade, reject, divorce; abjicere, dejicere, projicere, ejicere, propellere, repellere, reprobare, repudiare :-- Ðæt he ðec aweorpe of woruldríce that he shall cast thee from thy worldly kingdom, Cd. 203; Th. 253, 1; Dan. 589. Ðú awurpe hí, ðá hí wǽron upahafen dejecisti eos, dum allevarentur, Ps. Spl. 72, 18 : 79, 9: Ps. Th. 72, 14. Is wærgðu [wærgða MS.] aworpen the curse is cast off, Exon. 9 a; Th. 7, 8; Cri. 98 : Bt. Met. Fox 23, 12; Met. 23, 6 : Bd. 3, 24; S. 557, 44 : Mt. Bos. 12, 28. Ðá woldon senatus hine aweorpan then would the senate degrade him, Ors. 3, 10; Bos. 70, 36: Bt. 37, 4; Fox 192, 10. Ne aweorp ðú me ne projicias me, Ps. Spl. 70, 10. Mannes sunu gebyreþ beón aworpen oportet filium hominis reprobari, Mk. Bos. 8, 31. Aworpen wíf a divorced wife, L. Æ1f. C. 7; Th. ii. 346, 6. Aworpen man biþ á unnyt homo apostata, vir inutilis, Past. 47, 1; Hat. MS. 68 a, 23. Used also with the prepositions on into, as awurpan on to cast into, Mt. Foxe 13, 50. Fram from, Mt. Bos. 5, 29, 30. Út out, Mt. Bos. 13, 48. Under below, Bt. 37. 4; Fox 192, 10.

a-weorpnis, -niss, e; f. A casting of, putting away, divorce; repudium, Mt. Rush. Stv. 19, 7. v. a-worpenes. DER. weorpan.

a-weorþan, a-wurþan, ic -weorþe, -wurþe, ðú -wyrst, he -weorþeþ, -wyrþeþ, -wurþeþ, -wyrþ, pl. -weorþaþ, -wurþaþ; p. -wearþ, pl. -wurdon; pp. -worden; v. intrans. [a from, away, weorþan to become] To cease to be, become insipid or worthless; evanescere :-- Gyf ðæt sealt awyrþ if the salt become insipid, Mt. Bos. 5, 13: Lk. Bos. 14, 34. Ðú awordena raca, Mt. Bos. 5, 22.

a-weosung, e; f. The being, essence, or subsistence of a thing; subsistentia, essentia, Cot. 170. v. wesan.

a-weóx waxed, increased, Ors. 1, 3; Bos. 27, 25. v. a-weaxan.

á-wér anywhere, in any wise, Bt. Met. Fox 8, 28; Met. 8, 14: Bt. 7, 3; Fox 20, 14. v. á-hwǽr.

a-werd, es; m. A spoiled or worthless fellow; vappa, Ælfc. Gl. 9; Som. 56, 113; Wrt. Voc. 18, 61, = a-wered = a-werded; pp. of a-werdan.

a-werdan; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans. To injure, corrupt, violate, destroy; lædere, corrumpere, vitiare, violare. v. a-wyrdan.

a-wered protected, worn; pp. of a-werian I and III.

a-wergian, -wirgean, -wyrsian; p. de; pp. ed [a, wergian to curse] To accurse, curse, condemn, malign; maledicere, condemnare, malignari :-- Helle dióful, awerged in wítum hell's devil, accursed to torments, Andr. Kmbl. 2599; An. 1301: Gen. 8, 21: Ps. Spl. 73.4.

a-werian, -wergan, -wergean; p. ede; pp. ed; v. trans. I. to ward off, defend, restrain, protect, cover; defendere, prohibere, protegere :-- Ðæt he hine eáþ awerian mǽge that he may easily defend him, L. C. S. 20; Th. i. 388, 2. He hine awerede he defended himself, Ors, 3, 9; Bos. 68, 23, 29: 5. 3; Bos. 103, 25: Ps. Th. 105, 24. Ðú mín heáfod scealt on gefeohtdæge feóndum awergean obumbrasti caput meum in die belli, 139, 7. Ðú me oft aweredest wyrigra gemótes protexisti me a conventu malignantium, 63, 2: 55, 11. Ðeáh hit mon awerge wírum útan though it be covered with wires without, Exon. 111 a; Th. 424, 30; Rä. 41, 47. II. to ward off from oneself, spurn from oneself; aspernari :-- Aweredon ða óðre aspernabantur ceteros, Lk. Rush. War. 18, 9. III. to wear, wear out; terere, deterere :-- Awered tritus, R. Ben. 55. v. werian.

a-werpan to cast away; projicere :-- Awerp from ðé projice abs te, Mt. Rush. Stv. 5, 29. v. a-weorpan.

a-wersian to make worse; deterius facere, Cart. Edwardi R. v. wyrsian.

áwesc-nis, -niss, e; f. Disgrace, blushing for shame, reverence, Ps. Surt. 34, 26. v. ǽwisc-nys.

a-wést; part. Wasted, laid waste, waste, desert; vastatus, desertus :-- Awést wearþ was laid waste, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 66, 17, 19, 21: Ps. Spl. T. 68, 30. v. a-wéstan.

a-wéstan; p. -wéste; pp. -wésted [-wéstd], -wést [a intensive, wéstan to waste] To waste, lay waste, depopulate, ravage, destroy; vastare, devastare, desertum facere, desolare :-- Hí awéste eam vastavit, Jos. 10, 39. Hí ealle Ægypta awéston they laid waste all Egypt, Ors. 1, 10; Bos. 32, 26. Troia awésted wæs Troy was laid waste, 2, 2; Bos. 40, 28. Eall seó þeóð awést wearþ all the nation was laid waste, 3, 9; Bos. 66, 17, 19, 21. Sý wunung heora awést fiat habitatio eorum deserta, Ps. Spl. T. 68, 30. Wiðútan awést híg sweord swerd with outforth schal waaste [destroy] hem, Wyc; foris vastabit eos gladius, Cant. Moys. Isrl. Lamb. 193 a, 25. His stede oððe stówe híg awéston locum ejus desolaverunt, Ps. Lamb. 78, 7.

a-wéstendnes, -ness, e; f. A wasting, a laying waste; vastatio, Som. v. a-wéstan, a-wéstende, part; ness.

a-wéstnis, -niss, e; f. [a-wést wasted, ness] Desolation; desolatio, Lk. Rush. War. 21, 20.

áwian; p. ode; pp. od [= eówan, ýwan] To shew; ostendere. v. at-áwian, Ps. Spl. T. 77. 14.

a-wierdan to corrupt; corrumpere :-- He awiert ðæt mód corrumpit animum, Past. 53. 5. v. .a-wyrdan.

a-wierged; def. m. -wiergeda, -wiergda; pp. Accursed, wicked; maledictus, maligns, Past. 65, 4? v. a-wyrged.

á-wiht, á-wyht, á-wuht, á-uht, áht, es; n. [á semper, wiht creatura, animal, aliquid] AUGHT, anything; aliquid :-- Unc gemǽne ne sceal elles áwiht to us two shall not be aught else common, Cd. 91; Th. 114, 16; Gen. 1905: Ps. Th. 55, 9. Handa hí habbaþ, ne hió hwæðere mágon gegrápian gódes áwiht they have hands, and yet they may not touch anything of good, Ps. Th. 113, 15: 58, 3: 65, 16: Bt. Met. Fox 9, 124; Met. 9, 62. Nafast ðú for áwiht ealle þeóda pro nihil habebis omnes gentes, Ps. Th. 58, 8. Ðæt hí geseón ne mágon áwiht ne illi videant aliquid, 68, 24, v. ná-wiht, náht.

á-wiht, á-wyht, á-wuht, á-uht, áht; adv. At all, by any means; omnino, ullo modo :-- Ne lata ðú áwiht do not thou tarry at all, Ps. Th. 69, 7: 77, 10, 12: 134, 19. Me ðæt riht ne þinceþ, ðæt ic óleccan áwiht þurfe Gode æfter góde ǽnegum to me it seems not right, that I at all need cringe to God for any good, Cd. 15; Th. 19, 13; Gen. 290.

a-wildian; p. ode; pp. od; v. intrans. To become wild or fierce; silvescere, efferari, Off. Episcop. 7.

a-willan; p. de; pp. ed To cause to bubble, to boil; facere ut aliquid ferveat vel ebulliat, coquere, decoquere :-- Awilled meolc boiled milk, pottage; jeta [jura?], Cot. 168. Awilled wín vel cyren new wine, just pressed from the grape, or new wine boiled till half evaporated; dulcisapa, Cot. 62, 168. v. a-wyllan, cyren.

a-windan; ic -winde, ðú -wintst, -winst, he -wint, pl. -windaþ; p. -wand, pl. -wundon; pp. -wunden [a, windan to wind]. I. v. trans. To wind, bend; plectere, torquere :-- Hí him onsetton þyrnenne helm awundenne imponunt ei plectentes spineam coronam, Mk. Bos. 15, 17. II. v. trans. To strip off; detrahere :-- Gif him mon ðonne awint of ða cláþas if any man should strip off the clothes from him, Bt. 37, 1; Fox 186, 10: Bt. Met. Fox 25, 44; Met. 25, 22. III. v. intrans. To whirl or slip off; labi :-- Gif sió æcs ðonne awient [awint, Cot.] of ðæm hielfe if the axe then slip from the handle, Past. 21, 7; Hat. MS. 32 b, 6.

a-windwian, -wyndwian to winnow, blow away; ventilate, Ps. Spl. 43, 7. v. windwian.

a-winnan; p. -wan, pl. -wunnon; pp. -wunnen To labour, contend, gain, overcome; laborare, contendere, acquirere, nancisci, superare : Ǽlc wís mon scyle awinnan ǽgder ge wið ða réðan wyrde ge wið ða winsuman every wise man ought to contend both against the severe fortune and against the pleasant, Bt. 40, 3; Fox 238, 16. Ealles ðú ðæs wíte awunne for all this thou hast gained suffering, Exon. 39 b; Th. 130, 18; Gú. 440. Súsl wæs awunnen the pain was overcome, Cd. 208; Th. 257. 8; Dan. 654. DER. winnan.

a-wint strips of, slips off. v. a-windan.

a-wirdan to destroy, Leo 254. v. a-wyrdan.

a-wirgan; p. de; pp. ed To strangle; strangulare :-- Gelícost ðam ðe he hine sylfne hæfde unwitende awirged as if he had voluntarily strangled himself, Ors. 6, 36; Bos. 131, 38. v. a-wyrgan.

a-wirgean; p. de; pp. ed To accurse, curse; maledicere :-- Nelle ics awirgean ða eorþan nolo maledicere terræ, Gen. 8, 21. Awirgede woruldsorga ye execrable worldly cares, Bt. 3, 1; Fox 4, 25. v. a-wergian, a-wyrgian.

a-wirgnis, -niss, e; f. A curse, cursing; maledictio :-- Sette ge awirgnisse uppan Hebal dúne ponite maledictionem super montem Hebal, Deut. 11, 29. v. a-wyrgednes.

áwisc-ferinend, es; m. [áwisc = ǽwisc disgrace, ferinian = firenian to sin] One who sins disgracefully, a publican; qui turpiter péccat, publicanus, Cot. 204.

a-wisnian; p. ade; pp. ad To be dry, to become dry, wizen; arescere :-- Awisnade vel oferdrugade aruit, Lk. Lind. War. 8, 6. v. wisnian.

a-wlǽtan; p. -wlǽtte; pp. -wlǽted To defile; foedare, Hymn: Mod. Confit. 1.

a-wlancian; p. ode; pp. od To come in youthful strength, to exult, to be proud; exultare, Leo 262. v. wlancian.

áwo; adv. Always, ever; semper, unquam :-- Áwo ever, Exon. 26 b; Th. 78, 9; Cri. 1271: 32 a; Th. 101, 25; Cri. 1664. Siððan áwo ever after, 48 a; Th. 164, 24; Gú. 1016. Áwo to ealdre for evermore, 14 b; Th. 30, 13, note; Cri. 479, v. áwa.

a-wóc awoke, arose, Gen. 9, 24; p. of a-wacan.

a-wódian to root up. v. aweódian.

a-woffian; p. ode; pp. od To rave, be delirious, frantic; delirare :-- Awoffod phreneticus, Leo 266. v. woffian.

awóh; adv. [a, wóh crooked] AWRY, unjustly, wrongfully, badly; the same as mid wóge with injustice, or unjustly; tortè, obliquè, malè :-- Gif mon ðæt trod awóh drife if one wrongfully pursue the footstep [tread], L. O. D. 1; Th. i. 352, 10. Ðæt man ǽr awóh tosomne gedydon which they before unjustly joined together, L. Edm. B. 9; Th. i. 256, 11.

a-worden; pp. of a-weorþan; def. m. awordena become worthless :-- Ðú awortlena raca, Mt. Bos. 5, 22.

a-worpen cast off, away, Exon. 9 a; Th. 7, 8; Cri. 98; pp. of a-weorpan.

a-worpenes, -worpennys, -worpnes, -ness, -nyss, e; f. A rejection, casting away, reprobation, reproving; abjectio :-- Ic eom aworpennys folces ego sum abjectio plebis, Ps. Spl. 21, 5. v. a-weorpnis; for-wyrpnes.

a-worpen-líc; adj. Damnable; damnabilis, Past. 52, 8.

a-wóx waxed, grew, rose, Exon. 103 b; Th. 392, 6; Rä. 11, 3; p. of a-weaxan.

a-wræc, -wrǽcon related, Exon. 17 a; Th. 40, 3; Cri. 633; p. of a-wrecan.

a-wrǽstan, -wréstan; p. -wrǽste; pp. -wrǽst To wrest from, to extort; extorquere, Cot. 78. v. wrǽstan.

a-wrát wrote, Bd. 5, 23; S. 648, 27; p. of a-wrítan.

a-wráþ bound up, Bd. 4, 22; S. 590, 36; p. of a-wríðan.

a-wreáh discovered, Ps. Spl. 97, 3; p. of a-wreóhan. v. a-wreón.

a-wrecan; p. -wræc, pl. -wrǽcon; pp. -wrecen. I. to drive away; pellere, expellere :-- Ðara ðe he of lífe hét awrecan of those whom he bade to drive from life, Exon. 130 a; Th. 498, 11; Rä. 87, 11. II. to hit, strike; icere, percutere :-- Awrecen wælpílum hit with darts of death, Exon. 49 b; Th. 171, 15; Gú. 1127 : 51 b; Th. 179, 11; Gú. 1260. III. to relate, recite, sing; narrare, enarrare, canere :-- Bi ðon Iob giedd awræc of whom Job related his lay, Exon. 17 a; Th. 40, 3; Cri. 633: 84 a; Th. 316, 20; Mód. 51: Beo. Th. 3452; B. 1724 : 4223; B. 2108. IV. to avenge, revenge; ulcisci :-- Gif hine hwá awrecan wille if any one will avenge him, L. Ath. i. 20; Th. i. 210, 10, note 20. v. wrecan.

a-wreccan; p. -wrehte; pp. -wreht; v. a. To arouse, awake, revive; excitare, suscitare :-- Ic wylle gán and awreccan hyne of slǽpe vado ut a somno excitem eum, Jn. Bos. 11, 11. Ðe se Hǽlend awrehte quem suscitavit Jesus, 12, 1. v. wreccan.

a-wrecen banished, driven away; extorris, Cot. 212: 5; pp. of a-wrecan.

a-wregennes a discovery. v. a-wrigenes.

a-wrehte, a-wreht aroused, awoke; suscitavit, suscitatus, Jn. Bos. 12, 1; p. and pp. of a-wreccan.

a-wreón, -wreóhan, -wrióhan, -wrión; p. -wreáh, pl. -wrugon; pp. -wrogen; v. a. [a not, wreón to cover] To uncover, discover, disclose, open, reveal; revelare :-- Se Sunu hit awreón wyle the Son will reveal it, Lk. Bos. 10, 22. Ðú ðás þing lytlingum awruge revelasti ea parvulis, 10, 21. Drihten awreáh rihtwísnysse hys Dominus revelavit justitiam suam, Ps. Spl. 97, 3. Awreóh Drihtne weg ðínne revela Domino viam tuam, Ps. Lamb. 36, 5. DER. wreóhan, wreón.

a-wréstan to wrest from, extort; extorquere. v. a-wrǽstan.

a-wreðian; p. ede; pp. ed; v. a. [a, wreðian to support] To support, underprop, sustain; sustentare :-- Agustínus fram Gode awreðed wæs Augustin was sustained by God, Bd. 2, 3; S. 505, 1. He, mid his crycce hine awreðiende, hám becom he, with his crutch supporting himself, came home, Bd. 4, 31; S. 610, 18: Past. 17, 11; Hat. MS. 25 a, 20: Exon. 37 a; Th. 121, 27; Gú. 295.

a-wrigen revealed, Lk. Bos. 2, 35; pp. of a-wríhan.

a-wrigenes, -wregennes, -ness, e; f. A discovery, revelation; revelatio :-- To þeóda awrigenesse ad revelationem gentium, Lk. Bos. 2, 32.

a-wríhan; p. -wráh, pl. -wrigon; pp. -wrigen [a not, un-; wríhan to cover] To uncover, reveal; revelare :-- Stefn Drihtnes awríhþ þiccetu vox Domini revelabit condensa, Ps. Spl. 28, 8. Awrigene synd grúndweallas [grundfeallas MS.] ymbhwyrftes eorþan revelata sunt fundamenta orbis terrarum, 17, 17 : Lk. Bos. 2, 35.

a-wringan; p. -wrang, pl. -wrungon; pp. -wrungen To wring out, to squeeze out, express; exprimere, Cot. 196. v. wringan.

a-wrióhan, -wrión to uncover, reveal; revelare :-- Awrióh Drihtne weg ðínne revela Domino viam tuam, Ps. Spl. T. 36, 5. v. a-wreón, wreón.

a-wrítan; p. -wrát, pl. -writon; pp. -writen; v. a. [a, wrítan to engrave, write]. I. to write out or down, to transcribe, describe, compose; transcribere, describere, conscribere, contexere :-- Ðæs hálgan fæder and biscopes Sancti Cuþberhtes líf ǽrest eroico metro and æfter fæce gerǽde worde ic awrát I wrote out the life of the holy father and bishop, St. Cuthbert, first in heroic metre, and after a space in prose, Bd. 5, 23; S. 648, 27. Eall þurh endebyrdnesse ic awrát cuncta per ordinem transcribere curavi, 5, 23; S. 648, 11. Nú hæbbe we awriten ðære súþ now have we described the south, Ors.1,1; Bos. 17, 42. Leviticus ys genemned Ministerialis on Lýden, dæt ys þénungbóc, for ðam ðara sacerda þénunga sind ðár awritene Leviticus is called in Latin Ministerialis, that is servicebook, because the services of the priests are described therein, Lev. pref. Ðám ðæt hálige gewrit awriten is quibus scriptura sancta contexta est, Bd. 5, 23; S. 648, 43. Wéndest ðú ðæt awriten nǽre thoughtest thou that it was not written, Cd. 228; Th. 307, 8; Sat. 676: Ps. Th. 138, 14. Sum biþ list-hendig to awrítanne word-gerýnu one is cunning to write down word-mysteries, Exon. 79 b; Th. 299, 2; Crä. 96. Ðara abbuda stǽr and spell ðysses mynstres on twám bócum ic awrát I wrote a history and narrative of the abbots of this monastery in two books, Bd. 5, 23; S. 648, 30: 5, 23; S. 649, 11. II. to inscribe; inscribere, inscriptione ornare :-- Wæs se beám bócstafum awriten the beam was inscribed with letters, Elen. Kmbl. 182; El. 91. III. to carve, delineate, draw; sculpere, delineare :-- Sindon awritene [MS. awriten] on wealle wuldres þegnas upon the wall are carved the thanes of glory, Andr. Kmbl. 1451; An. 726. Hí bǽron anlícnysse Hǽlendes on brede afægde and awritene they bore the Saviour's likeness figured and drawn on a board; ferebant imaginem Domini Salvatoris in tabula depictam, Bd. 1, 25; S. 487, 4.

a-wríðan; p. -wráþ, pl. -wriðon; pp. -wriðen [a, wríðan to wreathe, bind]. I. to bind up, bind, wreathe; alligare, torquere :-- Hí me gyrene awriðon [MS. awriðan] posuerunt mihi laqueos, Ps. Th. 118, 110. Sylfa his wúnda awráþ he bound up his wounds; sua vulnera ipse alligavit, Bd. 4, 22; S. 590, 36. II. to unbind, loosen; solvere :-- Ðæt he awríðe bearn fordóndra ut solveret filios interemptorum, Ps. Spl. 101, 21.

a-wruge revealedst, Lk. Bos. 10, 21; p. of a-wreóhan. v. a-wreón.

a-wrungen wrung; pp. of a-wringan.

a-wrygen = a-wrigen discovered; pp. of a-wríhan.

a-wrygenes = a-wrigenes a discovery, revealing. v. a-wrigenes.

áwðer = á-hwæðer; adj. pron. Either, each, one or other; alter, alteruter :-- Ne uncer áwðer not either of us; neuter [ne-uter] nostrum, Exon. 129 b; Th.496, 29; Rä. 85, 22. Ða tungl áwðer [MS. auðer] óðres rene á ne gehríneþ, ǽr ðam ðæt óðer of gewíteþ the stars never touch each other's course, before the other goes away, Bt. Met. Fox 29, 19 : Met. 29, 10 : 20, 84; Met. 20, 42 : Bt. 6; Fox 16, 3.

á-wuht [= á-wiht] Aught, anything; at all, by any means; aliquid; omnino, ullo modo :-- Ne meahte on ðære eorþan áwuht libban nor might aught live on the earth, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 214; Met. 20, 107: 11, 18; Met. 11, 9: 18, 14; Met. 18, 7: Cd. 25; Th. 32, 1; Gen. 496. v. á-wiht, ná-wuht.

awul an awl; fuscinula vel tridens, Ælfc. Gl. 31; Som. 61, 78; Wrt. Voc. 27, 8. v. al.

a-wunden bent, Mk. Bos. 15, 17; pp. of a-windan.

a-wundrian; p. ade; pp. ad To make a wonder of; vertere quasi miraculi ad modum :-- Eów sceal ðæt leás awundrad weorþan the falsehood shall be made a wonder of for you, Invent. Crs. Recd. 1161.

a-wunian; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad [a, wunian to dwell] To abide, remain, continue, insist; manere, permanere, insistere : Ðeós sibb awunade on Cristes cyrican hæc pax mansit in ecclesia Christi, Bd. 1, 8; S. 479, 26. He lét hit on his bósme awunian he let it remain in his bosom, 3, 2; S. 525, 14. He on hálgum gebédum astód and awunode he insisted and continued in holy prayers, 4, 25; S. 600, 11. Hreówe awunian pænitentiæ insistere, 4, 25; S. 600, 11.

a-wunnen overcome, Cd. 208; Th. 257, 8; Dan. 654; pp. of a-winnan.

a-wurpan to cast away; projicere :-- Awurp hí fram ðé projice eam abs te, Mt. Bos. 5, 30. v. a-weorpan.

a-wurpon cast of, Bd. 3, 24; S. 557, 44; p. pl. of a-weorpan.

a-wurþan, ic -wurþe, he -wurþeþ, pl. -wurþaþ; p. -wearþ, pl. -wurdon pp. -worden To cease to be, become insipid or worthless; evanescere :-- ­Ðæt ge awurþaþ [wurþaþ MS.] that ye perish [cease to be], Deut. 4, 26. v. a-weorþan.

a-wurtwarian; p. ude; pp. ud To root up; exterminare :-- Awurt­warude hine exterminavit eam, Ps. Spl. M. 79, 14. v. a-wyrt-walian.

a-wygedne, Exon. 74 b; Th. 279, 21, note; Jul. 617; for awyrgedne accursed; pp. of a-wyrgian.

á-wyht [= á-wiht] Aught, anything; at all :-- Ne hí for áwyht eorþan cyste ða sélestan geseón woldan pro nihilo habuerunt terram desidera­bilem, Ps. Th. 105, 20: 103, 9: 113,14.

a-wyllan, -willan, -wellan; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans. To cause to bubble, to boil; facere ut aliquid ferveat vel ebulliat, coquere, deco­quere :-- Genim awylled hunig take boiled honey, Herb. 1, 20; Lchdm. i. 76, 23. Awylled wín defrutum, Lye. v. wyllan.

a-wyltan; p. -wyltede, -wylte; pp. -wylted = -wyltd = -wylt; v. a. To roll, roll away, revolve; devolvere, volutare :-- Ðæt híg awylton ðone stán ut devolverent lapidem, Gen. 29, 3. Awylt rolled away, Lk. Bos. 24, 2.

a-wylþ shall bubble up; ebulliet, Ex. 8, 3. v. a-weallan.

a-wyltne rolled away, Lk. Bos. 24, 2; acc. s. m. of a-wylt; pp. of a-wyltan.

a-wyndwian to blow away; ventilare :-- We awyndwiaþ [windwiaþ, Lamb.] fýnd úre ventilabimus inimicos nostros, Ps. Spl. 43, 7. v. a-windwian.

a-wyrcan; p. -wyrhte; pp. -wyrht To do, effect; facere, agere :-- ­Riht awyrce let him do right, L. H. E. 8; Th. i. 30, 13. Ðæt dú me gewissige bet ðonne ic awyrhte to ðé that thou wouldest direct me better than I have done towards thee, Bt. 42; Fox 260, 6. DER. wyrcan.

a-wyrdan, -werdan; p. -wyrde; pp. -wyrded, -wyrd; v. trans. To injure, corrupt, destroy; lædere, corrumpere, vitiare, violare :-- Ðe he sylf awyrde whom he himself had injured, Homl. Th. i. 4, 24. Æðeling manig wundum awyrded many a noble injured with wounds, Beo. Th. 2230; B.1113. Gif spræc awyrd weorþ if speech be injured, L. Ethb. 52; Th. i. 16, 5. Ðýlæs hí [scil. wæstmas] rénes scúr awyrde lest the shower of rain should destroy them [i. e. the fruits], Exon. 59 b; Th. 215, 2; Ph. 247. [O. H. Ger. ar-wartian violare, vitiare, fædare, adul­terare, corrumpere, depravare.] DER. wyrdan.

a-wyrdla, an; m. Damage; detrimentum. v. æ-wyrdla, æf-werdla.

a-wyrdnys, -nyss, e; f. Hurt, injury, damage, ruin, destruction; læsio, labes, damnum :-- Crist mihte, bútan awyrdnysse his lima, nyðer­asceótan Christ could, without injury of his limbs, cast himself down, Homl. Th. i. 170, 22. Awyrdnyss labes, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 27; Som. 11, 25: 13; Som. 16, 5.

a-wyrgan, -wirgan; p. de; pp. ed To strangle, suffocate, corrupt, in­jure, violate; strangulare, suffocare, corrumpere, lædere, violare :-- He hine sylfne hæfde awirged he had strangled himself, Ors. 6, 36; Bos. 131, 38. Wommum awyrged corrupted with sins, Cd. 169; Th. 211, 26; Exod. 532: Exon. 30 b; Th. 95, 24; Cri.1562 : 105 b; Th. 401, 25; Rä. 21, 17. [Ger. erwürgen strangulare: O. H. Ger. arwurgian id.]

a-wyrgda, an; m. [the def. pp. of a-wyrgian to curse] The cursed, the devil; diabolus, Cd. 220; Th. 284, 3; Sat. 316.

a-wyrged cursed; malignus, maledictus, Mt. Bos. 25, 41. v. a-wyrgian.

a-wyrgedlíc; adj. Wicked, evil; malignus :-- Awyrgedlíc geþanc a wicked thought, Nicod. 20: Thw. 10, 11.

a-wyrgednes, a-wyrgednys, a-wirgnis, -niss, e; f. A cursedness, wicked­ness, a curse, reviling; malignitas, maledictio :-- Ðæs mid awyrgednesse [of awyrgednysse, Ps. Spl. C.] múþ full is cujus maledictione os plenum est. Ps. Lamb. second 9, 7 : 13, 3 : Deut. 11, 29: Th. Diplm. A. D. 970; 243, 16. DER. wyrgednes.

a-wyrgendlíc; adj. Detestable, abominable; detestabilis, Nathan. 7.

a-wyrgian; p. -wyrgede; pp. -wyrged, -wyrgd To curse, execrate, malign; execrari, maledicere, malignari :-- Ðú awyrgedest his cyne­gyrdum maledixisti sceptris ejus, Cant. Abac. Lamb. 3, 14: Ps. Spl. 73.4. Nelle ic awirgean ða eorþan nolo maledicere terræ, Gen. 8, 21. The perfect participle signifies execrable, wicked, detestable; execrabilis, male­dictus, malignus, malignans :-- Gewítaþ nú, awirgede woruldsorga depart now, execrable worldly cares, Bt. 3; Fox 4, 25. Gewítaþ ge awyrgede fram me on ðæt éce fýr discedite a me maledicti in ignem æternum, Mt. Bos. 25, 41: Exon. 30 a; Th. 93, 2; Cri. 1520. Of ðam awyrgedan wráðan sweorde de gladio maligno, Ps. Th. 143, 11. Seó gegaderung ðara awyrgdra consilium malignantium, 21, 14. The devil is called Se awyrgda the accursed, Cd. 220; Th. 284, 3; Sat. 316. Se awyrgeda gást the accursed spirit, Guthl. 7; Gdwin. 44, 12. Se awyrgda wulf the accursed wolf, Exon. 11 b; Th. 16, 20; Cri. 256. v. a-wergian.

áwyrn; adv. Before ? antea, olim ? Fox; Manning says, - perhaps for áhwǽr, anywhere, in any place; alicubi :-- Ne hýrde ic guman áwyrn [gumena fyrn, Grn.] ǽnigne ǽr ǽfre bringan sélran láre I have not heard before any other man ever bring better lore, Menol. Fox 200.

a-wyrpan; p. -wearp, pl. -wurpon; pp. -worpen To cast away, cast out, reject, take away; projicere, repellere, auferre :-- To awyrpanne ut auferant, Ps. Th. 39, 16. Ahola hit út, and awyrp hit fram ðé erue eum [oculum], et projice abs te, Mt. Jun. 5, 29: Ps. Th. 50, 12; Ps. Grn. ii. 149, 50, 12. v. a-weorpan.

a-wyrþ loses its strength, becomes insipid, Mt. Bos. 5, 13. v. a-weorþan.

a-wyrþian? [a intensive, wyrþian to glorify] To give honour to, to glorify; glorificare, Cant. Moys. Lye. v. weorþian.

a-wyrt-walian; p. ode; pp. od; v. a. [a out, wyrtwalian to root, to fix roots] To root up, eradicate, extirpate, exterminate; eradicare, sup­plantare :-- &AElig-acute;lc plantung byþ awyrtwalod omnis plantatio eradicabitur, Mt. Jun. 15, 13. Ðelæs ge ðone hw&aelig-acute;te awyrtwalion ne forte eradicetis triticum, 13, 29: Lk. Bos. 17, 6 : Bt. Met. Fox 12, 51; Met. 12, 26 : Ps. Th. 36, 9. Awyrtwala hine supplanta eum, Ps. Spl. 16, 14.

a-wystelan, a-wystlan to hiss, lisp, whistle; sibilare. v. hwistlan.

Axa-múþa, an; m. Exmouth, Chr. 1049; Th. 307, 37. v. Exan múþa.

axan = oxan oxen; boves :-- Sceáp and axan oves et boves, Ps. Spl. 8, 7. v. oxa.

axan ashes, Lev. 1, 16. v. axe.

Axan minster Axminster, Devon, Lye. v. Acsan mynster.

ax-baken; part. Baked in ashes; subcinericius, Gr. Dial. 1, 11.

axe an axe, Mt. Rush. Stv. 3, 10. v. acas, acase.

axe, an; f. Ash, ashes; cinis :-- Swá swá dust oððe axe as dust or ashes, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 130, 9: Bt. Met. Fox 20, 211; Met. 20, 106. On ðære stówe ðe man ða axan gít in loco in quo cineres effundi solent, Lev. 1, 16. Bearwas wurdon to axan and to ýslan the groves became ashes and embers, Cd. 119; Th. 154, 9; Gen. 2553. v. asce.

axian, axigan, axigean; p. ode; pp. od To ask; interrogare :-- He axode he asked, Ors. 2, 5; Bos. 46, 43. Ic axige me rǽdes consulo, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 3; Som. 31, 2. Ic axige percunctor [= percontor], 25; Som. 27, 6: Mt. Foxe 22, 46. v. acsian, ascian.

axiendlíc, axigendlíc; adj. Interrogative, inquiring, inquisitive; in­terrogativus :-- Gif ic cweðe, hwá dyde ðis? quis hoc fecit? ðon biþ se [hwá quis] interrogativum, ðæt is axigendlíc, Ælfc. Gr. 18; Som. 21, 27.

axigean to ask; interrogare :-- Ne nán ne dorste hyne axigean neque ausus fuit quisquam eum interrogare, Mt. Foxe 22, 46. v. axian.

axode asked, Ors. 2, 5; Bos. 46, 43; p. of axian.

axse, an; f. Ashes; cinis :-- On axsan gehwyrfeþ in cinerem convertit, Bd. 4, 25; S. 600, 34. v. asce.

axung inquiry, Scint. 16. v. acsung.

a-ýdlian; p. ode; pp. od To make useless, Ps. Lamb. 38, 12. v. a-ídlian.

a-ýdlig; adj. Void, empty, idle, vain; vacuus, irritus, vanus. v. ídel.

a-yrnan, he -yrnþ; p. -arn, pl. -urnon; pp. -urnen [a out, yrnan to run] To run over, to pass or go over, pass, go; præterire, decurrere :-- ­To náhte híg becumaþ swá swá a-yrnende wæter ad nihilum devenient tamquam aqua decurrens, Ps. Lamb. 57, 8. Swá neáh wæs þúsend wintra a-urnen so near was a thousand winters gone, Chr. 973; Th. 226, 5, col. 1; Edg. 16: Cd. 79; Th. 98, 6; Gen. 1626. A-urnenre tíde in or at a declining time, the time being far spent or gone. A-urnen biþ is run out, passed, Som.

a-ýtan; p. -ýtte; pp. -ýted [a from, ýtan = -utian to out] To expel, drive out; expellere :-- He ðá a-ýtte ða Swegen út he then drove Sweyn out, Chr. 1047; Th. 304, 4, col. 2. DER. ýtan, útian.

azíma, orum; pl. n. Lat. Unleavened; infermentata, azyma [= τα άζυμα, ά without, ζύμη fermentation] :-- Freólsdæg azímorum, se is gecweden eástre dies festus azýmorum, qui dicitur pascha; ή έoρτή τών άζύμων ή λεγoμένη πάσχα, Lk. Bos. 22, 1. Se dæg azímorum dies azýmorum; ή ήμέρα τών άζύμων, Lk. Bos. 22, 7.

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