An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary
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by Bosworth and Toller
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A. Anglo-Saxon words, containing the short or unaccented vowel e, are often represented by modern English words of the same meaning, having the sound of e in net, met,; as, Nett, bedd, weddian, hell, well, denn, fenn, webb, ende. 2. the short e in Anglo-Saxon generally comes (1) before a double consonant; as, Nebb, weccan, tellan, weddian: (2) before any two consonants; as, Twentig, sendan, bernan: (3) before one or two consonants, when followed by a long or by a final vowel; as, Sele, henne. 3. e is often contracted from ea; as, Ceaster and cester a burgh, fortified town; eahta and ehta eight.
B. Words containing the long or accented Anglo-Saxon é are very frequently represented by English terms of the same signification, with the sound of e in heel; as, Réc, méd, hél, cwén, gés, fét, téþ, hédan, fédan, métan to meet. Some remarks on the accented é in Grimm's Deutsche Grammatik, 2nd Edit. Göttingen, small 8vo. 1822, vol. i. pp. 229, 230: 3rd Edit. small 8vo. 1840, vol. i. pp. 361, 362, may be found useful, and are especially recommended to the student of Anglo-Saxon. 2. it is, however, difficult to say when the e is long in Anglo-Saxon, but it may be useful to remember, the e is often long before the single consonants l, m, n, r, c, d, f, g, s, t, and þ; as, in hél a heel, félan to feel, déman to deem, think, fénix a phænix, hér here, gés geese, fét feet, fédan to feed, téþ teeth, béc books, blégen a Wain, dréfan to trouble.
C. The Runic RUNE not only stands for the vowel e, but also for the name of the letter in Anglo-Saxon, eh a war-horse, v. eh a war-horse, and RÚN.
-e, in the termination of nouns, denotes a person; as, Hyrde, es; m. A shepherd, from hyrdan to guard. The vowel -e is also used to form nouns denoting inanimate objects; as, Cýle, es; m. Cold; cwide, es; m. A saying, testament: brice, es; m. A breach: wlite, es; m. Beauty. These are mostly derived from verbs, and are masculine, but when derived from adjectives they are feminine; as, Rihtwíse, an; f. Justice.
-e is the termination of derivative adjectives; as, Wyrðe worthy, from wyrþ worth: forþgenge forthcoming, increasing.
-e is also the usual letter by which adverbs are formed from adjectives ending in a consonant; as, Rihte rightly, sóþlíce truly, yfele badly. é; dat. or inst. to or from a river:--Of ðære é Indus from the river Indus, Ors. 1. 1; Bos. 16, 25; dat. sing. v. eá. EÁ; often indeclinable in the sing, but eás is sometimes found in gen; and é, ǽ, eǽin dat; pl. nom. acc. eá, eán; gen. eá; dat. eáum, eám, eán; f; ǽ; indecl. f. Running water, a stream, river, water; flŭvius, flūmen, torrens, aqua :-- Eá of dúne water from the hill, Menol. Fox 520; Gn. C. 30. Seó feorþe eá ys geháten Eufrates flŭvius quartus est Euphrātes, Gen. 2, 14: Bd. 3, 24; S. 556, 34, 46. On twá healfe ðære eás on the two sides of the river, Chr. 896; Th. 172, 39, col. 1. On óðre healfe ðære eá [MS. L. eás] on the other side of the river, Ors. 1. 1; Bos. 20, 3. Be ðære eá ófrun by the banks of the river, Gen. 41, 3: Ors. 1, 3; Bos. 27, 28: 2, 4; Bos. 44, 13. Be ðære eá by the river. Chr. 896; Th. 172, 35, col. 2. Ða eá oferfaran wolde would go over the river, Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 44, 2. On ðæm lande syndon twá mycele eá Iðaspes and Arbis in the country are two great rivers, Hydaspes and Arabis, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 16, 34. Lǽt streámas weallan, eá in fléde let streams well out, a river in flood, Andr. Kmbl. 3006; An. 1506. Ðás synd ða feówer eán of ánum wyllspringe these are the four streams from one well-spring, Ælfc. T. 25, 19. He hí upforlét on feówer hund eá and on syxtig he divided it into four hundred and sixty streams. Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 44, 9. Betweox ðám twám eáum between the two rivers, Ors. 5, 2; Bos. 102, 34. Ofer ðám eám super flumĭna, Ps. Th. 23, 2. Betweoh ðǽm twám eán between the two rivers, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 16, 28. On feówer eán into four streams, Gen. 2, 10. [Laym, æ, f: Orm. æ: O. Sax. aha, f: O. Frs. a, e f: Ger. aa, f. name of rivers or brooks; -ach suffix of river-names: M. H. Ger. ahe, f: O. H. Ger. aha, f: Goth. ahwa, f; Dan. aa, m. f: Swed. å. f; Icel. á, f: Lat. aqua.] v. ǽg-, ég-, éh-, íg-.
eá, eáw oh! alas! commonly eá-lá; interjec. q. v.
eác; prep. dat. With, in addition to, besides; cum, præter :-- Gif ðú sunu áge, oððe swǽsne mǽg, oððe freónd ǽnigne eác ðissum idesum, aláide of ðysse leód-byrig if thou have a son, or beloved kinsman, or any friend with [in addition to] these damsels, lead [them] from this city. Cd. 116; Th. 150, 31; Gen. 2500. Ðæt gér wæs ðæt sixte eác feówertigum that year was the six and fortieth, i. e. the sixth with the fortieth, or the sixth increased with forty, Bd. 1, 3; S. 475, 16: 1, 13; S. 481, 35, 39: Bt. Met. Fox 1, 87; Met. 1, 44. DER. to-eác. v. eác; conj.
EÁC; conj. I. EKE, also, likewise, moreover, and; etiam, quoque, et :-- Abeád eác Adame éce Drihten the Lord eternal announced also to Adam, Cd. 43; Th. 57, 8; Gen. 925. Eác we ðæt gefrugnon we also have heard that, Exon. 12 a; Th. 19, 15; Cri. 301: Cd. 174; Th. 220, 8; Dan. 68: Beo. Th. 195; B. 97. Hondum slógun, folmum areahtum and fystum eác struck with their hands, with outstretched palms and with fists also, Exon. 24 a; Th. 69, 24; Cri. 1125: 9 b; Th. 9, 18; Cri. 136: Cd. 69; Th. 82, 35; Gen. 1372. And ge sceolon eác þweán eówer ǽlc óðres fét and likewise ye ought to wash one another's feet, Jn. Bos. 13, 14, 9. Ic eów secge, eác máran ðonne wítegan I say unto you, and more than a prophet. Mt. Bos. 11, 9. Adam hæfde nigen hund wintra and þrítig eác Adam had nine hundred winters, and thirty also, Cd. 55; Th. 68, 31; Gen. 1126: 58; Th. 71, 3; Gen. 1165. Fíf and syxtig wintra hæfde and eác þreó hund he had five and sixty winters, and also three hundred, 62; Th. 74, 4; Gen. 1217: 74, 34; Gen. 1232. Ne his wordum eác woldan gelýfan et non credĭdērunt in verbis ejus, Ps. Th. 105, 20. II. eác hwæðre, hwæðre eác Nevertheless, however; nihilōmĭnus :-- Eác hwæðre ceald lyft is gemenged the cold air nevertheless is mingled, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 156; Met. 20, 78. Wæs me hwæðre eác láþ nevertheless it was to me unpleasant. Exon. 100 b; Th. 380, 23; Rä. 1, 12. 2. eác swilce, swylce eác So also, also, moreover, very like, even so, as if; parimŏdo, tamquam :-- Ða apostoli gesetton eác swilce lárspell to ðám leódscipum ðe to geleáfan bugon the apostles moreover gave instructions to the nations submitting to the faith, Ælfc. T. 27, 20. Ðá wæs eác swilce se scucca him betwux there was also the devil between them. Th. Anlct. 37, 9: Ps. Th. 55, 4: 108, 29. Eác swylce beo sprecende sý to eallum mancynne as ifit spoke to all mankind, Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 44, 34. Wíte þoliaþ swilce eác ða biteran récas they suffer torments, so also the bitter reeks, Cd. 18; Th. 21, 17; Gen. 325: Judth. 12; Thw. 26, 20, 25, 30; Jud. 338, 344, 349: Exon. 120 b; Th. 462, 5; Hö. 47: 34 b; Th. 112, 1; Gú. 137. Swylce grúndas eác so also the abyss, 10 a; Th. 9, 35; Cri. 145. 3. ge eác swylce Quin et :-- Eall ðæt he on ánweald onfeng ge eác swylce monige Brytta eáland Angelcynnes ríce underþeódde quæ omnia sub ditiōne accēpit quin et Mevanias insŭlas impĕrio subjŭgāvit Anglōrum, Bd. 2, 9; S. 510, 16. 4. eác swá So also, even so, likewise :-- Swá ðeós world eall gewíteþ, and eác swá some, ðe hire on wurdon atydrede so all this world goes away, and even so those who were born upon it, Elen. Grm. 1278. Se is eác wealdend ealra ðara ðe ðǽr in wuniaþ ungesewenlícra, and eác swá same ðara ðe we eágum on lóciaþ he is also the ruler of all those creatures which therein dwell invisible, and even so of those that we behold with our eyes, Bt. Met. Fox 11, 10; Met. 11, 5: 11, 19; Met. 11, 10: 11, 171; Met. 11, 86. Sió gesceádwísnes sceal ðære wilnunge waldan and irsunge eác swá the reason ought to govern the will and the anger likewise, 20, 398; Met. 20, 199: 20, 384; Met. 20, 192. [Wyc. eke: Chauc. eek, eke: R. Glouc. ek: Laym. æc, ac, ec, eke, æke: Plat. ook: O. Sax. ók etiam, quoque: Frs. ak, eak: O. Frs. ak, oke also, and: Dut. ook: Ger. auch etiam, quoque: M. H. Ger. ouch: O. H. Ger. ouh etiam: Goth. auk because: Dan. og and: Swed. och and; ock also: Icel. og atque, et: O. Nrs. auk, ók etiam.] v. éc, ǽc.
EÁCA, an; m. An addition, EEKING, increase, usury, advantage; additāmentum :-- Ðeáh mín bán and blód bútú geweorþen eorþan to eácan though my bones and blood both become an increase to the earth, Exon. 38 a; Th. 125, 10; Gú. 352. Þincþ ðé lytel eáca ðínra gesǽlþa does it seem to thee little addition to thy felicities? Bt. 20; Fox 72, 12. Is witena gehwám wópes eáca there is increase of weeping to every man, Salm. Kmbl. 922; Sal. 460. Ic [Ælfríc Abbod] geset hæbbe feówertig lárspella, and sumne eácan ðǽrto I [Abbot Ælfric] have composed forty sermons, and some addition thereto, Ǽlfc. T. 27, 18. Gif he hæfþ sumne eácan yfeles if he has some addition of evil, Bt. 38, 3; Fox 200, 19. For dæs yfles eácan for the addition of evil, 200, 21. Ne gehéne ðú hine mid ðý eácan oppress him not with the usury, L. Alf. 35; Th. i. 52, 23; neque humĭlia ilium ūsūra tua, Wilk. 31, 45. ¶ To eácan besides, moreover :-- Ðæt wæs to eácan óðrum unar&i-long;medum yflum that was besides other innumerable evils: literally, in or for, addition to, etc. Bt. 1; Fox 2, 11. To eácan himselfum besides himself: literally, in addition to, Bt. 26, 2; Fox 92, 20. Óðer is to eácan andgete the second is moreover manifest, Exon. 26 a; Th. 76, 21; Cri. 1243. DER. mægen-eáca, ofer-.
EÁCAN; p. eóc, pl. eócon; pp. eácen, écen To be increased, augmented, enlarged, indued; augēri, increscĕre :-- Adam wearþ gáste eácen Adam was with spirit indued, Cd. 48; Th. 61, 23; Gen. 1001: Exon. 102 b; Th. 388, 26; Rä. 6, 13. Eácen feoh increased cattle, Cd. 74; Th. 91, 25; Gen. 1517. Heó wæs mago-timbre be Abrahame eácen worden she had been increased with offspring by Abraham, Cd. 102; Th. 135, 2; Gen. 2236: 123; Th. 157, 14; Gen. 2606: 132; Th. 167, 15; Gen. 2766. Ðæt þurh bearnes gebyrd brýd eácen wearþ that through child-bearing the bride was increased, Exon. 8 b; Th. 3, 19; Cri. 38. Heó ongieten hæfde ðæt heó eácen wæs she had discovered that she was pregnant, Exon. 100 a; Th. 378, 4; Deór. 11. Ælmihtig eácenne gást in sefan sende the Almighty sent an enlarged spirit into his soul, Cd. 198; Th. 246, 27; Dan. 485. Is dóhtor mín eácen, upliden my daughter is magnified, exalted, Exon. 109 a; Th. 416, 13; Rä. 34, 11. [Wyc. echen, eche, eeche: Chauc. eche: R. Glouc. eche: Orm. ekenn: Scot. eik: O. Sax. ókian, ócón: O. Frs. aka: O. H. Ger. auhón: Goth. aukan: Dan. öge: Swed. öka: Icel. auka: Lat. aug-eo: Grk. GREEK: Lith. aug-u to increase.]
eácen; adj. [pp. of eácan] Increased, great, vast, powerful; auctus, magnus, pŏtens, grăvĭdus :-- Eácne fuglas the teeming fowls, Cd. 98; Th. 130, 12; Gen. 2158. Se wæs æðele and eácen who was noble and vigorous, Beo. Th. 398; B. 198: Exon. 10 b; Th. 13, 20; Cri. 205. Eald sweord eácen an old, powerful sword, Beo. Th. 3330; B. 1663: 4286; B. 2140. Eácne eardas the vast dwellings, 3246; B. 1621. Insende eácne egesan he sent in mighty terror, Salm. Kmbl. 947; Sal. 473. Cræfte eácen great in skill, Exon. 128 a; Th. 492, 26; Rä. 81, 21: 14; Rä. 81, 15: 103 a; Th. 391, 21; Rä. 10, 8. Nǽron ge swá eácne mód-geþances ye were not so powerful in mental thought, Cd. 179; Th. 224, 14; Dan. 136. DER. feorh-eácen, mægen-. v. écen,
eácen-cræftig; adj. Exceedingly strong; vălĭdus, pollens, ingens :-- Wæs ðæt yrfe eácencræftig that heritage was exceedingly strong, Beo. Th. 6095; B. 3051: 4549; B. 2280.
eá-cerse, an; f. Water-CRESS; nasturtium aquātĭcum :-- Eácersan getrifula oððe geseóþ on buteran bruise or seethe water-cress in butter, L. M. 1, 38; Lchdm. ii. 94, 4.
eácnian, eácnigan, eánían; part. -iende, -igende; p. ode, ade To increase, to be augmented, to become pregnant, to bring forth; augēri, concipĕre, parturīre :-- Ellen eácnade the fortitude increased, Exon. 94 b; Th. 353, 51; Reim. 31: Ps. Spl. 7, 15. Eácniende wíf muliĕrem prægnantem, Ex. 21, 22. DER. ge-eácnian, to-ge-. v. eánian.
eácnigende; part. Bringing forth; partŭriens :-- Ðǽr sárnessa swá swá eácnigendes wífes ibi dolōres ut partŭrientis, Ps. Lamb. 47, 8; part. of eácnigan. v. eácnian.
eácnung, e; f. Increase, a conception; conceptio :-- Hú ðú eácnunge onfénge bearnes burh gebyrde how thou didst receive increase through child-bearing, Exon. 9 a; Th. 5, 26; Cri. 75. DER. bearn-eácnung, ge-.
EÁD, es; n. A possession, riches, prosperity, happiness, bliss; possessio, ŏpes, dīvĭtiæ, prospĕrĭtas, felīcĭtas, beatĭtūdo :-- Se him ðæt eád geféþ who gives the happiness to it, Exon. 60 b: Th. 220, 13; Ph. 319. Se rinc ageaf eorþcunde eád the prince gave up earthly happiness, Cd. 79; Th. 98, 8; Gen. 1627. Niótan ðæs eádes to have enjoyment of the bliss, Cd. 21; Th. 26, 5; Gen. 402. [O. Sax. ód, n. estate, wealth: O. H. Ger. ót, n. prædium: Icel. auðr, m. riches, wealth.]
eád; adj. Rich. wealthy, blessed, happy; dīves, opŭlentus, beātus :-- Ic ðé eád mǽg gecýde I will shew thee the blessed virgin, Exon. 70 b; Th. 263, 19; Jul. 352: Cd. 151; Th. 189, 17; Exod. 186.
eádan; p. eód, pl. eódon; pp. eáden To give, concede, grant; dăre, concēdĕre :-- Swá him eáden wæs as was granted to them, Bt. Met. Fox 31, 18; Met. 31, 9. Is æfestum eáden it [the soul] is given to envy, Exon. 118 b; Th. 455, 7; Hy. 4, 46. Ac me eáden wearþ but it was granted to me, 10 b; Th. 13, 10; Cri. 200.
Eádbald, -bold, es; m. [eád happy, bald bold] Eadbald, son of Ethelbert, king of Kent. He succeeded his father to the kingdom of Kent in A.D. 616, and died in A.D. 640 :-- Hér Æðelbryht Contwara cyning forþférde, and Eádbald his sunu féng to ríce, se forlét his fulluht and leofode on hǽðenum þeáwe, swá ðæt he hæfde his fæder láfe to wife in this year [A.D. 616] Ethelbert, king of the Kentish people, died, and Eadbald his son succeeded to the kingdom, who disregarded his baptism, and lived in heathen manner, so that he had his father's widow to wife, Chr. 616; Th. 40, 2-9: Bd. 2, 5; S. 506, 36. Hér Eádbald [Eádbold, col. 2] Cantwara cining forþférde, se wæs cining xxiv wintra in this year [A.D. 640] Eadbald, king of the Kentish people, died, who was king twenty-four years, Chr. 640; Th. 47, 20, col. 1: Bd. 3, 8; S. 531, 6.
eádeg happy. Cd. 72; Th. 89, 6; Gen. 1476. v. eádig.
eadesa an adze, Ps. Surt. 73, 6. v. adesa.
Eádes burh; gen. burge; dat. byrig; f. [Hunt. Edesbirh: Brom. Edesbury] EDDESBURY, Cheshire; loci nomen in agro Cestriensi :-- Æðelflǽd Myrcna hlǽfdige ða burh getimbrede æt Eádes byrig Æthelfled, lady of the Mercians, built the fortress at Eddesbury, Chr. 913; Th. 186, 30, col. 2.
eád-fruma, an; m. Author of happiness; beatitūdĭnis auctor :-- Éce eádfruma the eternal author of happiness, Exon. 15 b; Th. 33, 27; Cri. 532: Andr. Kmbl. 2585; An. 1294.
eádga, eádge happy, Cd. 90; Th. 113, 10; Gen. 1885: Exon. 67 a; Th. 249, 1; Jul. 105. v. eádig.
Eádgár, es; m. [eád happy, gár spear] Edgar, second son of Edmund, and grandson of Alfred the Great. Edgar, in A.D. 955, succeeded to the kingdom of Mercia; and, at the death of his brother Eadwig, in A.D. 959, to the kingdoms of Wessex and Northumbria, over which he reigned sixteen years. He was, therefore, king for twenty years, from A.D. 955-975 :-- Hér, A.D. 955, Eádgár féng to Myrcena ríce here Edgar succeeded to the kingdom of Mercia, Chr. 955; Erl. 119, 32. Hér, A.D. 959, forþférde Eádwíg cing, and Eádgár his bróðor féng to ríce, ǽgðer ge on West-Seaxum, ge on Myrcum, ge on Norþhymbrum here king Eadwig died, and Edgar his brother succeeded to the kingdom, as well of the West-Saxons as of the Mercians, and of the Northumbrians, Chr. 959; Th. 216, 10-15, col. 2. Hér, A.D. 975, Eádgár cing forþférde here king Edgar died, Chr. 975; Th. 227, 19, col. 3.
eádgian; p. ode; pp. od [eád bliss] To bless, enrich; beatĭfĭcāre, Exon. 8 a; Th. 2, 16; Cri. 20.
eád-giefu, e; f. Gift of blessedness; beatitūdĭnis dōnum :-- Ðæt hí éce eádgiefe ánforléton that they forsook the eternal gift of blessedness, Exon. 73 a; Th. 272, 20; Jul. 502: 74 a; Th. 276, 8; Jul. 563. v. eád-gifu.
eád-gifa, -giefa, an; m. Giver of prosperity or happiness; prosperĭtātis vel beatitūdĭnis dător :-- Engla eádgifa bliss-giver of angels, Andr. Kmbl. 147; An. 74: 901; An. 451: Exon. 15 b; Th. 34, 22; Cri. 546.
eád-gifu, -giefu, e; f. Blessed grace, gift of blessedness; beāta grātia, beatitūdĭnis dōnum :-- Ðæt ðú me ne lǽte of lofe hweorfan ðínre eádgife that thou let me not turn from the praise of thy blessed grace, Exon. 69 b; Th. 259, 2; Jul. 276.
eád-hréðig; adj. Happy, blessed; beātus :-- Eádhréðig mǽg O blessed maiden! Exon. 69 b; Th. 257, 34; Jul. 257. Eádhréðige mǽgþ the blessed maidens, Judth. 11; Thw. 23, 22; Jud. 135. v. eáþ-hréðig.
eádi- happy, v. Ps. Th. 64, 14, in eádig-líc, eádi-líc.
eádig, eádeg; adj. [eád happiness, prosperity; ig] Happy, blessed, prosperous, fortunate, rich, perfect; beātus, fēlix, gaudii plēnus, faustus, abundans, opŭlentus, dīves :-- Se eádega wer the happy man, Cd. 72; Th. 89, 6; Gen. 1476. Se eádga the blessed [man], 90; Th. 113, 10; Gen. 1885. Seó eádige the blessed [maid], Elen. Grm. 618. Seó eádge the blessed [maid], Exon. 67 a; Th. 249, 1; Jul. 105. Forðon se biþ eádig therefore he shall be blessed, Cd. 220; Th. 283, 13; Sat. 304. Eádig on eorþan rich on earth, 98; Th. 129, 21; Gen. 2147: Exon. 22 b; Th. 63, 3; Cri. 1014. Óðer biþ unlǽde on eorþan, óðer biþ eádig the one is miserable on earth, the other fortunate, Salm. Kmbl. 732; Sal. 365. Earm ic wæs on éðle ðínum ðæt ðú wurde eádig on mínum I was poor in thy residence that thou mightest be rich in mine, Exon. 29 b; Th. 91, 25; Cri. 1497: 30 b; Th. 95, 8; Cri. 1554. Æðeling eádig a prosperous noble, Beo. Th. 2454; B. 1225. Eádig and ánmód blessed and steadfast, Andr. Kmbl. 107; An. 54: Exon. 43b; Th. 146, 29; Gú. 717. Eádig on elne perfect in courage, 47 b; Th. 163, 25; Gú. 999. To ðissum eádigan hám to this happy home, Cd. 228; Th. 306, 7; Sat. 660. Habbaþ eádigne bearn ealle ymbfangen all have encircled the blessed child, 216; Th. 273, 29; Sat. 144. Eádigra gedryht the company of the blessed, Exon. 32 a; Th. 101, 26; Cri. 1664. Eádgest , superl:--Ðǽr he to ðám eádgestum ǽrest mæþleþ where he first shall speak to those most blessed, Exon. 27 b; Th. 82, 13; Cri. 1338. [Laym, ædie, eædi, eadi, edi blessed, beautiful: Orm. ædig blessed: O. Sax. ódag rich, happy: O. H. Ger. ótag dives; Goth. audags blessed: Icel. auðigr, auðugr rich, opulent.] DER. ceáp-eádig, dóm-, efen-, eft-, hréþ-, hwæt-, sige-, sigor-, tír-.
eádigan to bless, enrich; beatificāre, App. Scint. Lye. v. eádgian.
eádig-líc, eádi-líc; adj. Happy, prosperous; prosper, abundans, faustus:--Biþ ðæt ǽrende eádiglícre that errand will be more prosperous, Exon. 100 a; Th. 375, 1; Seel. 131. Cumaþ eádilíc wæstm on wangas convalles abundābunt frumento, Ps. Th. 64, 14.
eádig-líce; adv. Happily; felīce:--Da drihtguman lifdon eádiglíce the retainers lived happily, Beo. Th. 200; B. 100.
eádignes, -ness, e; f. Happiness; beatĭtndo, opŭlentia:--Ic sceal ýcan eádignesse I shall increase happiness. Exon. 108 a; Th. 413, 4; Rä. 31, 9: 83 a; Th. 313, 7; Seef. 120: Bt. 40, 4; Fox 240, 8.
eádi-líc; adj. Happy, Ps. Th. 64, 14. v. eádiglíc.
ead-leán a reward, Som. Ben. Lye. v. edleán.
ead-leánnung, e; f. Proper recompense, remuneration, retribution; retrĭbūtio. Ps. Spl. 54, 22. v. ed-leánung.
eád-lufe, an; f. Happiness of love; beatĭfĭcans ămor:--Éce eádlufan the eternal happiness of love, Exon. 67 a; Th. 248, 31; Jul. 104.
eád-méd, es; n. Humility; humĭlĭtas, generally found in the pl:--Ic eádmédu efnan þence humiliātus sum, Ps. Th. 118, 107. On mínum eádmédum in humilĭtāte mea, 118, 92. v. eáþ-méd.
eád-médan; p. de To humble; humiliāre, Ps. Spl. 74, 7: 38, 3. DER. ge-eádmédan. v. eáþmédan.
eád-méde; adj. Humble; humĭlis anĭmi:--Ic eom eádméde humiliátus sum, Ps. Th. 115, 1: 118, 75. v. eáþ-méde.
eád-médlíc humble, respectful, Anlct.
eád-mód, eáþ-mód; adj. Humble, meek, mild; hŭmĭlis, Mt. Bos. 11, 29.
eád-módan to humble; humĭliāre, Ps. Spl. T. 17, 29. v. eáþ-módian.
eád-módlíc humble, respectful, Anlct.
eád-módlíce; adv. Humbly, submissively; humĭlĭter, Ps. Spl. 130, 3: Ps. Th. 114, 2. v. eáþ-módlíce.
eád-módnes, eád-módnys, -ness, -nyss, e; f. Humbleness, humility, humanity; humĭlĭtas:--Crist eardaþ on ðære dene eádmódnesse Christ dwells in the vale of humility. Bt. 12; Fox 36, 23: Ps. Spl. 9, 13. v. eáþ-módnis.
Eádmund, es; m. [eád happy, mund protection]. 1. Edmund the Martyr, king of East Anglia, was of the Old-Saxon race. He began to reign in A. D. 855. 'Anno Domĭnĭcæ incarnatiōnis DCCCLV, --Eadmundus Orientālium Anglōrum gloriosĭssimus cœpit regnāre VIII. Kalend. Januārii, id est die natālis Dŏmĭni, anno ætātis suæ decĭmo quarto,' Asser, p. 7, 26-30. He reigned fifteen years, and his death is thus recorded,--Hér, A. D. 870, fór se here ofer Myrce innon Eást-Ængle:--and, on ðam geáre, Sc̃e Eádmund [MS. Ædmund] cining him wið gefeaht, and ða Deniscan sige náman, and ðone cining ofslógon, and ðæt land eall ge-eódon here the army went over Mercia into East-Anglia;--and, in that year, St. Edmund the king fought with them, and the Danes gained the victory, and slew the king, and overran all that land, Chr. 870; Erl. 73, 29-75, 1. 2. Edmund Atheling, second son of Edward the Elder, and younger brother of Athelstan, whom he succeeded. Edmund was king of Wessex for six years and a half, from A. D. 940-946:--Hér, A. D. 940, Æðelstán cyning forþférde, and Eádmund Æðeling féng to ríce here king Athelstan died, and Edmund Atheling succeeded to the kingdom, Chr. 940; Th. 209, 13-20, col. 1. Hér, A. D. 946, Eádmund cyning forþíerde, on Sc̃s Agustínus mæssedæge, and he hæfde ríce seofoðe healf geár; and ðá féng Eádréd Æðeling, his bróðor, to ríce here king Edmund died, on St. Augustine's mass-day [May 26th"] , and he held the kingdom six years and a half; and then Eadred Atheling, his brother, succeeded to the kingdom, Chr. 946; Erl. 116, 33-36. 3. Edmund Ironside, son of Æthelred Atheling. Edmund began to reign in A. D. 1016, and died the same year:--A. D. 1016, ðá gelamp hit ðæt se cyning Æðelréd forþférde, and ealle ða witan ða on Lundene wǽron, and seó burhwaru gecuron Eádmund to cyninge then it happened that king Æthelred died, and all the witan that were in London, and the townsmen chose Edmund for king, Chr. 1016; Erl. 155, 15-19. A. D. 1016, ðá to Sc̃e Andreas mæssan, forþférde Eádmund cyng then, on St. Andrew's mass-day [Nov. 30th], king Edmund died, Chr. 1016; Th. 284, 12, col. 2.
Eádmundes burh; gen. burge; dat. byrig; f. [Eádmundes Edmund's, burh the town] St. Edmundsbury, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk:--Hér, A. D. 1046, forþférde Æðelstán abbot on Abban dúne and féng Spearhafoc munuc to of Sc̃e Eádmundes byrig here died Æthelstan, abbot of Abingdon, and monk Spearhawk of St. Edmundsbury succeeded, Chr. 1046; Erl. 170, 15.
eád-nes, -nys, -ness, -nyss, e; f. Happiness, prosperity; beatĭtūdo:--Ós byþ eorla gehwám eádnys mind is to every man prosperity, Hick. Thes. vol. i. 135, 8; Runic pm. 4; Kmbl. 340, 10. Ongan he wurþigan eádnysse and hýrsumnysse he began to esteem happiness and obedience, Guthl. 2; Gdwin. 18, 16. v. éþnes.
eá-docce, an; f. A water-dock; rŭmex aquatĭca, Lchdm. ii. 379.
eador; adv. Together; una, simul:--Eall eador all together, Cd. 119; Th. 154, 18; Gen. 2557. Ðá wæs eall eador [geador, Kmbl.] there was all together, Andr. Recd. 3253; An. 1629. v. geador.
eador a hedge, dwelling, v. edor.
eador-geard, es; m. The inclosure of arteries, the body; dŏmus vēnārum, corpus; aula septa, Grm. Andr. Elen. 129, 4. Lǽtaþ spor eadorgeard [ealdorgeard, Kmbl.] sceoran, fǽges feorhhord let the spur raze the dwelling [of arteries? or of life?], the soul-hoard of the mortal, Andr. Recd. 2362; An. 1183. v. ǽdre.
Eádréd, es; m. [eád happy, réd = rǽd counsel] Eadred Atheling, third son of Edward the Elder. Eadred was king of Wessex and Northumbria, for nine years and a half, from A. D. 946-955:--Hér, A. D. 946, féng Eádréd Æðeling to ríce here Eadred Atheling succeeded to the kingdom, Chr. 946; Erl. 116, 35. Hér, A. D. 955, Eádréd [MS. Ædréd] cyning forþférde, and féng Eádwíg to ríce, Eádmundes sunu here king Eadred died, and Eadwig, Edmund's son, succeeded to the kingdom, Chr. 955; Erl. 119, 8.
Eadulfes næs, Ealdulfes næs, næss, es; m. Eadulf's ness, Walton-on-the-Naze? Ædulphi promontōrium in agro Essexiensi:--Ðá óðre fóron on Eást-Seaxon to Eadulfes næsse the others went on to Essex, to Eadulf's ness, Chr. 1049; Ing. 220, 24: 1051; Th. 319, 2, col. 2: 1052; Th. 321, 10.
eád-wacer, es; m. A watchman of property; bonōrum custos, Exon. 101 a; Th. 380, 30; Rä. 1, 16.
Eádweard, -ward, es; m. [eád happy, weard ward, guardian]. 1. Edward the Elder, the eldest son of Alfred the Great. Edward was king of Wessex for twenty-four years, from A. D. 901-925:--Hér, A. D. 901, gefór Ælfréd cyning, and féng Eádweard his sunu to ríce here king Alfred died, and Edward his son succeeded to the kingdom, Chr. 901; Erl. 97, 8-10. Her, A. D. 925, Eádweard cyning [MS. cing] forþférde, and Æðelstán his sunu féng to ríce here king Edward died, and Æthelstan his son succeeded to the kingdom. Chr. 925; Erl. 1010, 19. 2. Edward the Martyr, son of Edgar. Edward was king of Wessex, Mercia, and Northumbria, for three years, from A. D. 975-978:--Hér, A. D. 975, Eádweard, Eádgáres sunu, féng to ríce here Edward, Edgar's son, succeeded to the kingdom, Chr. 975; Th. 227, 37, col. 1. Hér, A. D. 978, wearþ Eádweard cyning gemartyrad here king Edward was martyred, Chr. 978; Th. 232, 1-3, col. 1. 3. Edward the Confessor, son of Æthelred. Edward was king of England for twenty-four years, from A. D. 1042-1066:--Hér, A. D. 1042, wæs Eádward gehálgod to cinge on Wincestre here Edward was consecrated king at Winchester, Chr. 1042; Erl. 168, 2. Hér, A. D. 1066, forþférde Eádward [MS. Eáduuard] cyning [MS. king], and Harold eorl féng to ðam ríce here king Edward died, and earl Harold succeeded to the kingdom, Chr. 1066; Erl. 198, 1.
eád-wéla, an; m. Happy weal, riches, happiness, blessedness; divĭtiae, opŭlentia, felīcĭtas, beatĭtūdo:--Sumum eádwélan dǽleþ to some he dispenses riches, Exon. 88 a; Th. 331, 12; Vy. 67: 59 b; Th. 215, 10; Ph. 251: 80 a; Th. 301, 17; Fä. 20. Sáwul fundaþ to ðam longan gefeán in eád-wélan the soul tendeth to that lasting joy into happiness, 48 b; Th. 167, 22; Gú. 1064: 64 a; Th. 237, 6; Ph. 586.
Eádwíg, es; m. [eád happy, wíg war] Eadwig, son of Edmund. Eadwig was king of Wessex and Northumbria for four years, from A. D. 955-959:--Hér, A. D. 955, féng Eádwíg to ríce, Eádmundes sunu here Eadwig, Edmund's son, succeeded to the kingdom, Chr. 955; Erl. 119, 8. Hér, A. D. 959, Eádwíg cyning forþférde, and féng Eádgár his bróðor to ríce here king Eadwig died, and Edgar his brother succeeded to the kingdom, Chr. 959; Erl. 119, 11.
eǽ; dat. or abl. To or by a river:--Be ðære eǽby the river, Chr. 896; Th. 172, 35, col. 1. v. eá.
eæd-leǽnian to reward; retrĭbuĕre, Ps. Spl. T. 17, 22. DER. ge-eædleǽnian. v. edleǽnian.
eældian to grow old; inveterascĕre, Ps. Spl. T. 17, 47: 31, 3. v. ealdian.
eællenge; interj. Behold; en, ecce, Ps. Spl. T. 53, 4. v. eallenga.
eærdung, e; f. A tabernacle; tabernācŭlum, Ps. Spl. T. 59, 6. v. eardung.
eærfoðian to trouble; tribŭlāre, Ps. Spl. T. 12, 5: 41, 14.
eærfoþnes, -ness, e; f. Difficulty, trouble; diffĭcultas, tribŭlātio, Ps. Spl. T. 33, 19: 65, lo: 117, 5. v. earfoþnes.
eærpung, e; f. A harping, harp; cĭthăra, Ps. Spl. T. 32, 2. v. earpa.
eæþ-mód; adj. Mild; mītis, Ps. Spl. T. 24, 10. v. eáþ-mód.
eafera a son, Beo. Th. 2374; B. 1185. v. eafora.
eá-fisc, -fix, es; m. A river-fish; flăviālis piscis :-- Iór byþ eáfixa [sum] eel [?] is a river-fish. Runic pm. 28; Kmbl. 345, 4. Eáfiscas sécan to seek river-fishes, Bt. Met. Fox 19, 48; Met. 19, 24.
eafor, es; m. A boar, wild boar; aper :-- Sume wǽron eaforas some were wild boars, Bt. Met. Fox 26, 161; Met. 26, 81. v. eofor.
eafora, eafera, eafra, eofera, afora, afera, afara, an; m. An offspring, successor, heir, son; prōles, successor, fīlius :-- Wearþ Adame eafora féded a son was born to Adam, Cd. 55; Th. 67, 23; Gen. 1105: 82; Th. 103, 3; Gen. 1712; Bt. Met. Fox 26, 69; Met. 26, 35. Ne wearþ Heremód swá eaforum Ecgwélan Heremod was not so to Ecgwela's successors, Beo. Th. 3424; B. 1710. Ðæt we on Adame and on his eafrum andan gebétan that we repair our wrongs on Adam and his offspring, Cd. 21; Th. 25, 24; Gen. 399. [O. Sax. aƀaro, m. prōles, fīlius.]
eafor-heáfod-segn, es; m. A boar-head banner; signum ad capĭtis aprīni similitūdĭnem fabrĭcātum, vel signum apri præcĭpuum :-- Hét in beran eaforheáfodsegn he bade the boar-head banner to be borne in, Beo. Th. 4311; B. 2152.
eafoþ, es; n. Strength, violence, might; vis :-- Wæs seó mǽg ánrǽd and unforht, eafoða gemyndig the maid was resolved and fearless, of her strength mindful, Exon. 74 b; Th. 278, 22; Jul. 601. Him Geáta sceal eafoþ and ellen gebeódan a Goth shall offer him strength and valour, Beo. Th. 1208; B. 602. Heremódes hild sweþrode, eafoþ [MS. earfoþ] and ellen Heremod's war had ceased, his strength and energy, 1808; B. 902: 4687; B. 2349. Hie unlǽdra eafoðum gelýfdon they believed in the might, of savage spirits, Andr. Kmbl. 284; An. 142. Unlǽdra eafoþ the violence of the wretched men, 59; An. 30. v. eofoþ.
eág-æppel, es; m. The apple of the eye; pupilla. Som. Ben. Lye.
eágan beorht, es; n. An eye's glance, a moment; ocŭli micātio, momentum. Bd. 2, 13; S. 516, 20, MSS. C. B. v. eágan bryhtm.
eágan brégh, e; f. An eyebrow; palpebra. Bd. 4, 32; S. 611, 18. v. brǽw.
eágan bryhtm, es; m. An eye's twinkle, a moment; ocŭli micātio, momentum, Bd. 2, 13; S. 516, 20. v. eágan beorht.
eá-gang, es; m. A water-course; flumĭnis cursus :-- On ðære eágang in the water-course, Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 44, 13.
eágan wean, wenn A ringworm, tetter; impetīgo :-- Eágan weán vel wearhbrǽde impetīgo, Ælfc. Gl. 73; Som. 71, 9; Wrt. Voc. 43, 62.
eága-swind the eyelid, the cheek; gĕna. Som. Ben. Lye; Grm. Gr. iii. 401 proposes eagan-spind.
eág-dúru, e; f. An eye-door, a window; fenestra, Martyr. 12, Jan. Lye.
EÁGE, ége; gen. dat. -an; acc. -e; pl. nom. acc. -an, -on; gen. -ena, -na; dat. -um, -on; n. I. an EYE; ocŭlus :-- Gyf ðín swýðre eáge ðé ǽswície si ocŭlus tuus dexter scandalīzat te, Mt. Bos. 5, 29. Mínra eégna leóht light of my eyes, Exon. 67 a; Th. 248, 14; Jul. 95. Eágena gesihþ the sight of the eyes. Andr. Kmbl. 60; An. 30. Eágum to wynne to their eye's delight.Exon. 26 a; Th. 76, 26; Cri. 1245. II. the eye of a needle; forāmen :-- þurh nǽdle eáge per forāmen acus, Mt. Bos. 19, 24: Lk. Bos. 18, 25. [Piers P. . eighe, pl. eighen: Wyc. eiʒe, eʒe, iʒe, yʒe, pl. eiʒen: Chauc. R. Glouc. eye, pl. eyen: Laym. eʒe, pl. eʒene, æʒene: Orm. eghe, pl. eghne, ehhne, ehne: Scot. ee, e: Plat, ooge, pl. aagen: O. Sax. óga, n; pl. ógun: O. Frs. age, ag, ach, oge, n; pl. agon : Dut. oog, n: Ger. auge, n: M. H. Ger. ouge, n: O. H. Ger. ouga, auga, n: Goth. augo, n: Dan. öie, n: Swed, öga, n; pl. ögon: Icel. auga, a: Lat. oc-ulus, m: Grk. GREEK, m: Lith. akis, f: Sansk. aksha, n.]
eág-ece, es; m. Eye-ache; ocŭlórum dŏlor. Som. Ben. Lye.
eáge-spring, -sprinc, es; n. [eáge an eye; spring a spring] A spring or twinkling of the eye; ocŭli ictus, Som.
eág-fleá A spot in the eye; albūgo, Ælfc. Gl. 73; Som. 71, 10.
eág-gebyrd, e; f. The nature or power of the eye; ocŭli nātūra, Exon. 60 a; Th. 219, 3; Ph. 301.
eág-hill, es; m. An eyebrow; supercĭlium, Mann.
eág-hringas; pl. m. The eyebrows, eyelids; palpebræ, genæ? Som. Ben. Eye.
eágh-þyrl a window, Bd. 4, 3; S. 568, 6. v. eág-þyrl.
eágor-streám, es; m. A water-stream, ocean; măre, Andr. Kmbl. 882; An. 441; Bt. Met. Fox 20, 244; Met. 20, 122. v. égor-streám.
eág-sealf, e; f. Eye-salve; colliria, Ælfc. Gl. 12; Som. 57, 82.
eág-seoung, -sioung, e; f. An eye-disease-; glaucóma. Cot. 97: 170, Lye.
eág-séung, e; f. Eye-seeing, eye-sight; ocŭlōrum acies, Som. Ben. Lye.
eág-sýne; adj. Visible to the eye; ocŭlis conspĭcuus, Andr. Kmbl. 3099; An. 1552.
eág-þyrl, ég-þyrl, éh-þyrl, es; n. An eye-hole, a window; fenestra :-- Ontýnde se bisceop ðaet eág-þyrl ðære cyricean apĕruit episcŏpus fenestram oratōrii, Bd. 4, 3; S. 568, 6: 5, 12; S. 629, 15.
eág-wræc, es; n. A pain of the eyes; ocŭlōrum dŏlor, Med. ex Quadr. 9, 4; Lchdm. i. 362, 1.
eág-wyrt, e; f. Eye-wort, eye-bright; ocŭlāria, L. M. 3, 30; Lchdm. ii. 324, 19.
eah- eye-, = eág-, in compounds, q. v.
eáh-mist, es; m. Eye-mist or dimness; ocŭlōrum calīgātio, Som. Ben. Lye. '
eáh-streám a water-stream, Exon. 25 a; Th. 72, 6; Cri. 1168. v. eá-streám.
eaht, æht, eht, e; f. Deliberation, council; delibĕrātio, consĭlium, Exon. 80 a; Th. 301, 24; Fä. 24.
EAHTA, ahta, æhta, ehta eight; octo :-- Eahta dagas dies octo, Lk. Bos. 9, 28. Búton ðám eahta mannum except eight men, Ælfc. T. 6, 26. To eahta geára fyrste for a space of eight years, Jud. 3, 8. Æfter eahta dagum post dies octo, Jn. Bos. 20, 26. He héht eahta mearas on flet teón he commanded eight steeds to be led into the court. Beo. Th. 2075; B. 1035. [Wyc. eighte: Laym. æhte, æhten, eahte, ehte: Orm. ehhte : O. Sax. ahto : O. Frs. achta, achte, acht: Dut. Ger. acht: M. H. Ger. aht, eht: O. H. Ger. ahtó: Goth. ahtau : Dan. otte: Swed, åtta: Icel. átta : Fr. huit: Span, ocho: Ital. otto : Lat. octo: Grk. GREEK: Sansk. ashṭan.] DER. eahta-teóða, -toða, -tyne: hund-eahtatig.
eáhtan, éhtan, iehtan. I. to observe, judge; observāre, æstimāre, reputāre :-- We mágon eáhtan and sóþe secgan ðæt we may judge and soothly say that, Exon. 30 b; Th. 94, 34; Cri. 1550. Wile fæder eáhtan hú suna bringen sáwle the father will judge how his sons bring their minds, 23 b; Th. 66, 20; Cri. 1074. II. c. gen. To watch any one, pursue, persecute; persĕqui :-- Bona eáhteþ ánbúendra the murderer persecutes lone dwellers, Exon. 33 b; Th. 107, 15; Gú. 59: 37 b; Th. 123, 4; Gú. 317: Ps. Th. 118, 150. [O. Sax. ahtian perséjui; O. Frs. achta, echta, achtia damnāre, judicāre: Ger. aschten proscribĕre: M. H. Ger. áhten, æhten : O. H. Ger. āhtian, áhtón, ahtén persĕqui.] v. óht.
eahta-teóða; m: eahta-teóðe; f. n. adj. The eighteenth; duodevicēsimus :-- On ðam eahtateóðan geáre in the eighteenth year, Ors. 6, 2; Bos. 117, 10. Ðysne eahtateóðan sealm Dafid sang David sang this eighteenth psalm, Ps. Th. arg. 18.
eáhtatig eighty, v. hund-eahtatig.
eahta-tyne, ehta-tyne; adj. EIGHTEEN; octōdĕcim :-- Híg him þeó-wodon eahtatyne geár they served him eighteen years, Jud. 3, 14: 10, 8.
eahteða, eahteoða eighth, Exon. 47 b; Th. 164, 11; Gú. 1010: Menol. Fox 6: Men. 3. v. eahtoða.
eahtian, eahtigan, ehtian; p. ode, ade, ede; pp. od. I. to meditate, devise, deliberate; meditāre, reputāre, deliberāre :-- Eahtade hū wynna þorfte brúcan he meditated how he might enjoy delights, Exon. 37 b; Th. 122, 17; Gú. 307. Sum dómas con, ðǽr dryhtguman rǽd eahtiaþ one understands dooms, where people devise counsel, 79 a; Th. 297, 24; Crä. 73: 74 b; Th. 279, 6; Jul. 609: Andr. Kmbl. 2325; An. 1164; Beo. Th. 2819; B. 1407: 347; B. 172. II. to esteem; æstimāre :-- Eahtodon eorlscipe and his ellen-weorc they esteemed his bravery and his valiant works. Beo. Th. 6327; B. 3174.
eahtnes, éhtnes, -nys, -ness, -nyss, e; f. Persecution; persecūtio :-- Se eáhtnysse ahóf who raised persecution, Exon. 65 b; Th. 243, 2; Jul. 4: 18 a; Th. 44, 18; Cri. 704.
eahtoða, eahteða, ehteoða, ehtuða; m: -ðe; f. n: adj. The eighth; octāvus :-- Eahtoðan síðe an eighth time. Exon. 80 b; Th. 303, 26; Fä. 59.
eahtung, æhtung, e; f. A price, an estimation; æstimātio. Som. Ben. Lye. v. ehtung.
eáhum with eyes; = eágum; pl. dat. or inst. of eáge, Bt. 5, 1; Fox 8, 25, MS. Bod.
EAL, eall; gen. m. n. ealles; f. ealre, eallre; dat. m. n. eallum; f. ealre, eallre; acc. m. ealne, eallne. f ealle, n. eal; inst. ealle; pl. nom. acc. ealle, ealla; gen. ealra, eallra; dat. eallum; sometimes used indecl; adj. I. ALL; tōtus, omnis, cunctus, unĭversus :-- Eal ða earfeðu all the pains, Exon. 25 b; Th. 74, 5; Cri. 1202: 118 a; Th. 452, 25; Hy. 4, 7: Andr. Kmbl. 1889; An. 947. Eal here the whole host, Cd. 114; Th. 150, 12; Gen. 2490: Salm. Kmbl. 645; Sal. 322. Eal ic I all, Exon. 115 a; Th. 443, 13; Kl. 29. Ealles ðæs gafoles of all the tribute, Exon. 16 a; Th. 35, 16; Cri. 559. Ealre worlde of all the world. Hy. 7, 57: 11, 20. Ealles ðæs of all that. Exon. 119 a; Th. 456, 19; Hy. 4, 69. Ealne ðisne ymbhwyrft all this orb, 110 b; Th. 423, 1; Rä. 41, 14. Ealne ðone egesan all the terror, Cd. 202; Th. 250, 3; Dan. 541. Geond ealne middangeard tōto orbe, Bd. 2, 4; S. 505, 26. Ealne weg always. Bt. 38, 4; Fox 204, 10, 11. Ealle ðá gesceaft all the creation, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 37; Met. 20, 19. Ealle ǽ; unĭversam legem, Deut. 4, 8. Ðíne ealle gebann omnia mandāta tua, Ps. Th. 118, 86. Ealle gesceafte all creatures, Andr. Kmbl. 2997; An. 1501. Ealle ða þing omnia, Gen. 1, 31: Deut. 4, 3. Ealle þing cuncta. Bd. 1, 26; S. 487, 34: Mk. Bos. 9, 23. Ealle ða gelǽredestan men plūres vīri doctissĭmi, Bd. 2, 2; S. 502, 38. Ealle his bigengan omnes cultōres ejus, Deut. 4, 3. Ealla gesceafta all creatures. Bt. Met. Fox 13, 14; Met. 13, 7: 20, 105; Met. 20, 53: Bt. 39, 13; Fox 234, 24. Ealle mægne with all power, Bt. Met. Fox 26, 128; Met. 26, 64. Ealle gemete omni mŏdo, Bd. 1, 27; S. 496, 39. Ealra ðara gifena for all the gifts, Exon. 41 b; Th. 138, 18; Gū. 578. Earmost ealra wihta poorest of all creatures, 110 a; Th. 421, 7; Rä. 40, 14. On eallum biþ ðærn líchoman it is in all the body. Bt. Met. Fox 20, 360; Met. 20, 180. Eallum heora eaforum to all their offspring, Cd. 26; Th. 35, 5; Gen. 550. Eal wæs ðæt mearcland the border-land was all, Andr. Kmbl. 37; An. 19. Ealles ðú ðæs wíte awunne for all this thou hast obtained suffering, Exon. 39 b; Th. 130, 18; Gú. 440. Ealra we healdaþ sancta symbel we keep the feast of all the saints, Menol. Fox 396; Men. 199. Ealle wyrd forsweóp míne mágas fate has swept away all my kinsmen. Beo. Th. 5621; B. 2814. Ðeáh hit wið ealle sié eft gemenged weoruld-gesceafta though it is still mixed with all worldly creatures. Bt. Met. Fox 20, 255; Met. 20, 128. Þreó eal on án all three in one. Exon. 22 a; Th. 60, 16; Cri. 970. Ðæs ealles nówíht nothing of all that; nil omnĭmŏdis, Bd. 4, 11; S. 579, 21. Fram him eallum by them all, 2, 2; S. 502, 32. On woruld ealle through the whole world, Cd. 32; Th. 42, 16; Gen. 674. His earfoðo ealle ætsomne all his woes at once, 216; Th. 272, 30; Sat. 127. We ealle we all, Exon. 120 b; Th. 463, 12; Hö. 69. Feówer eallum to all four, 113 b; Th. 434, 28; Rä. 52, 7. Me ealne, Ps. C. 50, 98. Hit eal it all, Beo. Th. 3220; B. 1608. Iob sæt ðá sárlice eal on ánre wúnde Job sat there doleful all [covered with] a wound, Job Thw. 166, 32. Wæs ðæt bold tobrocen swíðe eal inneweard all the dwelling was much shattered within. Beo. Th. 2000; B. 998. He lífes gesteald in ðam écan hám eal sceáwode he saw all the dwelling-place of life in the eternal home, Exon. 12 a; Th. 19, 24; Cd. 305. Ðæs we ealles sculon secgan þonc for all that we ought to give thanks, 16 b; Th. 38, 24; Cri. 611. Sió his rices wæs ealles éðel-stól it was the metropolis of his whole empire. Bt. Met. Fox 9, 21; Met. 9, 11. Hie ðá ánmóde ealle cwǽdon they all said then unanimously, Andr. Kmbl. 3201; An. 1603. Niðða bearna ǽrest ealra first of all the children of men, Cd. 56; Th. 69, 15; Gen. 1136. Us is eallum neód to us all it is needful. Exon. 11 b; Th. 15. 33; Cri. 245. II. without substantive, and sometimes governing the genitive :-- Eal [acc. n.] ic recce I govern all, Exon. 110 b; Th. 424, 2; Rä. 41, 33. We oncnáwaþ eal [acc. n.] ðæt we geworhton we acknowledge all that we have done, Hy. 7, 91. Hæfde unlifgendes eal gefeormod he had devoured all the lifeless. Beo. Th. 1493; B. 744. Him ealles þonc ǽghwá secge let each give thanks to him for all, Exon. 88 b; Th. 333, 4; Vy. 97. Ðé sié ealles þonc meorda and miltsa thanks be to thee far all, for the rewards and mercies, 118b; Th. 456, 14; Hy. 4, 66. Sindon ealle nyt all are useful, 114 a; Th. 437, 20; Rä. 56, 10. Ealle ætsomne omnes parĭter. Bd. 2, 13; S. 515, 38. Ofer ealle over all, Elen. Grm. 386. Ealra aldor chief of all, Cd. 228; Th. 306, 14; Sat. 664: Elen. Grm. 372. Ána wið eallum alone against all, Beo. Th. 292; B. 145: Cd. 218; Th. 279, 28; Sat. 245. Metod eallum weóld gumena cynnes the Creator ruled over the whole of the race of men, Beo. Th. 2119; B. 1057. III. ealles, ealle, ealra are sometimes used, almost adverbially :-- Ealles gelícost most like of all, Cd. 188; Th. 233, 13; Dan. 275. Ealles mǽst maxĭme, Bd. 2, 4; S. 505, 7: Ps. Th. 119, 3. Ealles edgiong quite young again, Exon. 64 a; Th. 236, 28; Ph. 581: Ps. Th. 138, 14. Ealles tó swíðe all too readily, L. C. S. 3; Th. i. 376, 22: Nicod. 17; Thw. 8, 18: Bt. Met. Fox 5, 59; Met. 5, 30. Ealles swá swíðe all so readily, 4, 70; Met. 4, 35: 12, 64; Met. 12, 32. Sille ic ðé ealle xxx púnda I will give thee thirty pounds in all, Salm. Kmbl. 25; Sal. 13. Mid ealle altogether; pĕnĭtus, Bd. 1, 12; S. 480, 38: Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 45, 21: Chr. 893; Th. 162, 24: Exon. 22 a; Th. 60, 28; Cri. 976. Ealra swíðost maxĭme [Ger. aller-meist], Bd. 2, 4; S. 505, 22: Cd. 18; Th. 22, 8, 36; Gen. 337, 351. Ealra wǽron fífe in all they were five, Exon. 112 b; Th. 432, 1; Rä. 47, 6. [Wyc. Piers P. al, pl. alle: Chauc. all: Laym. al: Orm. all, alle: O. Sax. al: Frs. O. Frs. al, ol: Dut. al, alle, alles: Ger. all, aller, alle, alles: M. H. Ger. al, inflected aller, alliu, alleʒ, elliu, elle, alle: O. H. Ger. al, all: Goth. alls: Dan. Swed. al: Icel. allr, öll, allt, ale: Grk. GREEK.]
eal, e; f. An awl; subŭla :-- Þurhþyrlige his eáre mid eale [mid áne eale, Roff.] perfŏret aurem illīus subŭla, L. Alf. 11; Wilk. 29, 12. v. al.
eala ale :-- Eala cervĭsia, celia, Ælfc. Gl. 32; Som. 61, 106; Wrt. Voc. 27, 35. v. ealu.
eálá, æálá, ǽlá, hélá; interj. 0! alas! Oh! eheu! euge! proh :-- Eálá ge næddran O! ye serpents. Mt. Bos. 23, 33: 23, 37. Eálá, eálá euge, euge. Ps. Spl. 69, 4. Eálá eálá! oððe wel wel! ahah ahah! or well well! euge euge! vel bene bene! Ps. Lamb. 34, 25. Ǽlá, ðú Scippend O, thou Creator, Bt. Met. Fox 4, 1; Met. 4, 1. Ǽlá Drihten leóf. Hy. 1, 1: 2, 1. Eálá! gif he wolde O that he would, Bt. Met. Fox 9, 105; Met. 9, 53. Eálá hwæt se forma wǽre alas! that the first should have been, 8, 109; Met. 8, 55. Eálá! ðæt hit wurde O! that it might be, 8, 77; Met. 8, 39. Eálá! ðǽr we mágon geseón alas! there we may see, Exon. 27 a; Th. 80, 27; Cri. 1313. v. eáw.
eá-lád, e; f. A water-way; aquōsa via :-- Frécne þuhton egle eáláda the fearful water-ways appeared terrible, Andr. Kmbl. 881; An. 441.
eala-hús, eal-hús, es; n. An ale-house; taberna :-- On eala-húse in an ale-house, L. Eth. iii. 1; Th. i. 292, 9.
eá-land, -lond, es; n. Water-land, an island; insŭla [eás land island, lit. water's land, land of water, v. gen. eás in eá] :-- Ne geseah nán cépa eáland no merchant visited the island, Bt. 15; Fox 48, 13. Ðæs fægerne gefeán habbaþ eálanda mænig latentur insŭlæ multæ, Ps. Th. 96, 1. Cumaþ hí of eálandum útan they shall come forth from the islands, 71, 10. Swylce he eác Orcadas ða eálond to Rómwara ríce geþeódde Orcădas ĕtiam insŭlas Rōmāno adjēcit impĕrio, Bd. 1. 3; S. 475, 13: Beo. Th. 4657; B. 2334: Exon. 52a; Th. 181, 27; Gú. 1299: 96 b; Th. 360, 27; Wal. 12: 361, 17; Wal. 21: 60a; Th. 217, 28; Ph. 287. v. íg-land.
eala-scóp, es; m. An ale-poet, L. N. P. L. 41; Th. ii. 296, 12. v. ealu-scóp.
ealaþ, ealoþ, alaþ, alþ, aloþ, eoloþ; n; indecl. in s. but gen. alþes, Rtl. 116, 42, Ale; cervĭsia :-- Twelf ambra Wilisces ealaþ [MS. B. ealoþ] twelve ambers of Welsh ale, L. In. 70; Th. i. 146, 17: Ors. 5, 3; Bos. 103. 33. v. ealu.
ealaþ-wyrt, e; f. Ale-wort; cervĭsia mustea, nova, Som. Ben. Lye.
eal-beorht all-bright, v. eall-beorht.
ealc each :-- He ofslóh ða hǽðenan on ealcum gefeohte he slew the heathen in every fight, Ælfc. T. 13, 18. v. ǽlc.
eal-ceald all-cold, v. æl-ceald.
eal-cræftig all-powerful, all-mighty, v. æl-cræftig.
eal-cyn of every kind, universal, v. eall-cyn.
EALD, ald; adj. comp. yldra, eldra, eoldra; sup. yldest. I. old, ancient; vĕtus, ætāte provectus, priscus, antīquus :-- Ic com nú eald I am now old. Lk. Bos. 1, 18. Eald ǽfensceóp an old evening-bard, Exon. 103a; Th. 390, 21; Rä. 9, 5: Beo. Th. 4426; B. 2210. Ealde ýþ-mearas old horses of the waves, Exon. 20b; Th. 54, 5; Cri. 864. Geongum and ealdum to young and old, Beo. Th. 144; B. 72. Hwæt niwes oððe ealdes what of new or old, Exon. 115a; Th. 441, 24; Kl. 4. Se ealda the old one [Satan], Frag. Kmbl. 61; Leás. 32. Eald enta geweorc the old work of giants, Exon. 77b; Th. 291, 24; Wand. 87: 60b; Th. 220, 16; Ph. 321: 86b; Th. 326, 1; Wíd. 122. Of ðære ealdan moldan hátaþ hý upp-astandan he bids them to arise up from the old mould, 21a; Th. 55, 25; Cri. 889. Ða ealdan wúnde the old wounds, 24a; Th. 68, 23; Cri. 1108. Mid ðý ealdan líge with the ancient fame, 30b; Th. 94, 28; Cri. 1547. Ða ealdan race the old story, 28a; Th. 85, 26; Cri. 1397. Wrecaþ ealdne níþ avenge your ancient grudge, 74b; Th. 280, 3; Jul. 623. II. eminent, great, exalted; emĭnens, præstans, excelsus: it has the same meaning in compounds, v. eald-wíta :-- Ná ðæt ǽlc eald sý, ac ðæt he eald sý on wísdóme not that every one is old, but that he is old in wisdom, L. Ælf. C. 17; Th. ii. 348, 21. [Wyc. eld, elde, olde: Chauc. elde, olde: Laym. æld, alde, olde: Orm. ald: O. Sax. ald: Frs. aod, aud, oad: O. Frs. ald: Dut. oud: Ger. M. H. Ger. O. H. Ger. alt: Goth. alþeis old.] DER. efen-eald, ofer-, or-.
eald-a-wered worn, wasted with age; vetustus, R. Ben. 51, Lye. v. eald-wérig.
eald-cwén, e; f. An old wife, an old crone; vĕtŭla :-- Ealdra cwéna spell vĕtŭlārum fābŭla, R. 100.
eald-cýþ, eald-cýððu, e; f. The old country; prisca patria :-- Ðæt he his ealdcýððu sécan móte that he may seek its old country, Exon. 62a; Th. 228, 9; Ph. 435: 61a: Th. 222. 19; Ph. 351: 18b; Th. 46, 16; Cri. 738.
eald-dagas; pl. m. Ancient days, days of old; prisci dies :-- In eald-dagum, Exon. 12a; Th. 19, 19; Cri. 303: Ors. 3, 7; Bos. 61, 44: Bd. 4, 27; S. 604, 41, MS. B.
eald-dóm, es; m. Age; vĕtustas :-- Hyre ánweald is hreósende for ealddóme her power is decreasing from age, Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 45, 4.
ealde men; homines. Ps. Th. 93, 9. v. ylde.
eald-ealdfæder a great-grandfather; proăvus, Som. Ben. Lye.
ealder an elder, R. Ben. 4. v. ealdor.
ealdermen aldermen. Jud. Thw. 157, 32. v. ealdorman.
eald-fæder, ealde-fæder; indecl. in s. but sometimes gen. -fæderes and dat. -fædere are found; pl. nom. acc. -fæderas; gen. a; dat. um; m. A grandfather, ancestor; ăvus, antecessor :-- Ealdefæder ăvus, Ælfc. Gl. 91; Som. 75, 6; Wrt. Voc. 51, 51. Ðú forþfærst to ðínum ealdfæderum tu ībis ad patres tuos, Gen. 15, 15 : Beo. Th. 751; B. 373. v. fæder 2.
eald-feónd, eald-fínd, es; m. An ancient foe, arch-fiend, Satan; antīquus inĭmīcus, diăbŏlus :-- Ealdfeónda cyn the tribe of ancient foes, Cd. 174; Th. 219, 20; Dan. 57: 196; Th. 244, 26; Dan. 454: Exon. 16a; Th. 35, 32; Cri. 567. Ðæt he ne léte him ealdfeónd oncyrran mód from his Meotude that he did not let the ancient fiend turn his mind from his Creator, 37b; Th. 124, 7; Gú. 336: 62a; Th. 229, 2; Ph. 449: 121a; Th. 464, 18; Hö. 89. v. eald-geníþla, eald-gewinna, eald-hettende.
eald-gecynd, es; n. Old or original nature; antīqua nātūra vel indōles :-- Wudu-fuglas on treówum ealdgecynde wuniaþ the wood-birds live in the trees in their old nature. Bt. Met. Fox 13, 79; Met. 13, 40: 25, 114; Met. 25, 57: Exon. 54b; Th. 193, 26; Az. 127.
eald-geneát, es; m. An old companion; vĕtus cŏmes :-- Se wæs eald-geneát he was an old companion, Byrht. Th. 140, 58; By. 310. v. eald-gesíþ.
eald-geníþla, an; m. An ancient foe, arch-fiend, Satan; antīquus inĭmīcus, diăbŏlus :-- Ðe-læs him ealdgeníþlan scyððan cómon lest the old foes might come to injure him, Andr. Kmbl. 2098; An. 1050 : Judth. 11; Thw. 24, 37. Ealdgeníþla, helle hæftling the old fiend, hell's captive, Andr. Kmbl. 2682; An. 1343. v. eald-feónd.
eald-gesegen, e; f. An old saga; antīqua narrātio :-- Se ðe eald-gesegena worn gemunde who remembered a great number of old sagas, Beo. Th. 1743; B. 869.
eald-gesíþ, es; m. An old companion; vĕtus cŏmes :-- Gewiton eald-gesíþas the old companions departed, Beo. Th. 1711; B. 853: Andr. Kmbl. 2210; An. 1106. v. eald-geneá.
eald-gestreón, es: n. An old treasure; antīquus thēsaurus :-- Ic ðé ða fǽhðe leánige ealdgestreónum I will recompense thee for the strife with old treasures, Beo. Th. 2766; B. 1381: Beo. Th. 2921; B. 1458: Exon. 31 a; Th. 96, 8; Cri. 1571.
eald-geweorc, es; n. An ancient work, the world; priscum ŏpus, mundus :-- Freán ealdgeweorc the ancient work of the Lord, Bt. Met. Fox 11, 80; Met. 11, 40: 20, 232; Met. 20, 116.
eald-gewin, -gewinn, es; n. An ancient conflict; antīquum bellum :-- Ðæt wæs eald-gewinn that was an ancient conflict, Elen. Kmbl. 1290; El. 647; Beo. Th. 3566; B. 1781.
eald-gewinna, an; m. An old foe; antīquus inĭmīcus :-- Grendel wearþ, eald-gewinna, ingenga mín Grendel, my old foe, became my invader, Beo. Th. 3556; B. 1776. v. eald-feónd.
eald-gewyrht, es; n. An ancient action; prisca actio :-- He þró for Adames ealdgewyrhtum he suffered for Adam's ancient actions, Rood Kmbl. 198; Kr. 100: Beo. Th. 5307; B. 2657.
eald-hád, es; m. Old age; senectus. v. ald-hád.
Ealdhelm Aldhelm, Chr. 731; Th. 74, 31, col. 2, 3; Aldhelm, 74, 31, col. 1. v. Aldhelm.
eald-hettende; pl. m. Old foes; antīqui inĭmīci, Judth. 12; Thw. 26, 11; Jud. 321. v. eald-feónd.
eald-hláford, es; m. [eald old, ancient; hláford a lord] An old or ancient lord; pristĭnus domĭnus :-- Ecg wæs íren eald-hláfordes the sword of the old lord was iron, Beo. Th. 5550; B. 2778. He hæfde heora eald-hláfordes sunu on his gewealde he had the son of their old lord in his power, Ors. 3, 11; Bos. 74, 25. Se Cásere wæs heora eald-hláford cynnes the Cæsar was of the kin of their ancient lords, Bt. 1; Fox 2, 22. He sende ǽrend-gewrit eald-hláfordum he sent letters to the ancient lords, Bt. Met. Fox I, 126; Met. I, 63.
eald-hryter-flǽsc, es; n. A side of meat cut off; succīdia, Ælfc. Gl. 31; Som. 61, 101; Wrt. Voc. 27, 29. Mann. suggests eald-hryðer-flǽsc adulti bŏvis căro. v. hrysel.
ealdian; p. ode; pp. od To grow or wax old; senescĕre, inveteras-cĕre :-- Syððan ic ealdode postquam consĕnui, Gen. 18, 12: Jn. Bos. 21, 18: Exon. 33 a; Th. 104, 27; Gú. UNCERTAIN 14. DER. forealdian. UNCERTAIN
eald-líc; adj. Old, senile, venerable; sĕnīlis, grăvis :-- Ealdlíc sĕnīlis, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 28; Som. 11, 38: gravis, Off. Episc. 1.
eald-móder, ealde-móder; f. A grandmother; avia :-- Ealde-móder avia, Ælfc. Gl. 91; Som. 75, 9; Wrt. Voc. 51, 54.
ealdnys, -nyss, e; f. OLDNESS, age; vĕtustas :-- Ealdnyss vĕtustas,Ælfc. Gr. 5; Som. 5, 21. We awurpon ða derigendlícan ealdnysse we have cast off pernicious age, Homl. Th. i. 194, 25.
ealdor, ealdur, aldor; gen. ealdres; dat, ealdre; pl. nom. acc. ealdras; m. I; an ELDER, parent, head of a family, author; părens, paterfamilias, auctor :-- Úre ealdras ða ǽrestan menn prīmi părentes nastri, Bd. I. 27; S. 493, 3. Ðæt unriht ðe his ealdras ǽr gefremedon inīquĭtas patrum ejus, Ps. Th. 108, 14. Sum híredes ealdor wæs hŏmo erat paterfamilĭas, Mt. Bos. 21, 33. þýstra ealdor tenebrarum auctor. Bd. 2, 1; S. 501, 16. II. an elder, chief, governor, prince; sĕnior, præpŏsītus, princeps :-- Ðæs folces ealdoran seniōres pŏpŭli, Lev. 4, 15. Hundredes ealdor centŭrio, Mt. Bos. 8, 5: Ælfc. Gl. 6; Som. 56, 58. Ðæra byrla ealdor the chief butler. Gen. 40, 9. Cwæþ se Hǽlend to ðæs temples ealdrum dixit Iesus ad magistrātus templi, Lk. Bos. 22, 52 : C. R. Ben. 25. Ðæt wæs ealdor heora that was their chief, Cd. 221; Th. 287, 27; Sat. 373. Heofna ealdor the prince of the heavens, Cd. 226; Th. 300, 20; Sat. 567. Ealdor þegna the prince of thanes, Beo. Th. 3293; B. 1644. Egesful ealdor a dreadful prince, Exon. 70 b; Th. 262, 7; Jul. 329. He ofer his ealdre gestód he stood opposite his sovereign, 55 b; Th. 196, 1; Az. 167. Ealdras of Zabulone princĭpes Zabulon, Ps. Th. 67, 25 : 82, 9. [Wyc. eldren, eldres fathers, seniors: Laym. ældere, aldere a chieftain; ældere, ælderen, alderen ancestors, parents : Plat. elder, m. senior; in pl. parents: O. Sax. aldiro, aldro, m. ancestor; pl. eldiron parents : Dut. ouder a parent; pl. ouders, ouderen, m. parents: O. Frs. alder a parent: Ger. eltern, ältera parents: M. H. Ger. altern parents: O. H. Ger. altiron, eltiron parents: Dan. äldre elder, older; for-ældre parents: Swed. äldre elder, older; for-äldrar parents.] v.
EALDOR, aldor, es,; n: e; f? I. life; vita :-- Ealdres æt ende at life's end, Beo. Th. 5573; B. 2790. Ðe him wolde ealdres geunnan which would grant him life, Andr. Kmbl. 2263; An. 1133. On ðissum ealdre in this life, Ps. Th. 87, 14. Deáþ geþryðeþ ealdor ánra gehwæs death expels the life of every one, Exon. 62 b; Th. 231, 10; Ph. 487. Nalles for ealdre mearn he cared not for life, Beo. Th. 2889; B. 1442. He æt wíge gecrang ealdres scyldig he succumbed in battle, his life forfeiting, 2680; B. 1338: 4128; B. 2061. Ne wæs me feorh ðá gén ealdor in innan there was as yet no soul, no life within me, Exon. 103 a; Th. 391, 10; Rä. UNCERTAIN 10, 3 : Andr. Kmbl. 2276; An. 1139: Salm. Kmbl. 711; Sal. 355. Swá biþ geóguþe þeáw, ðǽr ðæs ealdres egsa ne stýreþ so is the wont of youth, where fear of life checks not, Exon. 38 b; Th. 127, 24; Gú. 391. On ealdre ealre in the whole life, Ps. Th. 126, 6. II. age, in the expressions, on ealdre, on aldre ever; unquam and to ealdre always; semper, which are used not only with regard to the duration of life, but also in general for an unlimited period of time, independently or with the addition of á, áwa, ǽfre, æfter, éce as well in positive as in negative sentences :-- Ne mæg hine on ealdre ǽnig onhréran non commovēbĭtur in æternum, Ps. Th. 124, 1: 79, 15. Ne weorþe ic on ealdre ǽfre gescended non confundar in æternum, 70, 1: 118, 80. Ic ǽr ǽfre on ealdre ne wolde melda weorþan I never before would be the narrator, Exon. 50 b; Th. 175, 29; Gú. UNCERTAIN 1202. Him gewearþ yrmþu to ealdre misery was to them for ever, 73a; Th. 272, 24; Jul. 504. Á to ealdre, 116 a; Th. 446, 28; Dóm. 29. Ǽfre to ealdre, 56 b; Th. 200, 13; Ph. 40. Áwa to ealdre, 14b; Th. 30, 13; Cri. 479. Éce to ealdre, 18 a; Th. 43, 17; Cri. 690: Menol. Fox 303; Men. 153. [O. Sax. aldar, n. ætas: O. Frs. alder age in alderlong : Dut. onder in onder-dom lifetime : Ger. M. H. Ger. alter, n. age : O. H. Ger. altar, n. ætas, ævum, vĕtustas, sĕnectus: Goth. alds, f. ævum: Dan. alder, m. f. age : Swed. ålder, m. age: Icel. aldr, m. age, life, period, everlasting life.]
ealdor-apostol, aldor-apostol, es; m. The chief apostle, the chief of the apostles; princeps apostōlōrum :-- He mynster getimbrede on áre Sce UNCERTAIN Petres ðæs ealdorapostoles he built a monastery in honour of St. Peter, the chief apostle, Bd. 4, 18; S. 586, 26.
ealdor-bana a life-destroyer; vitæ destructor, v. aldor-bana.
ealdor-bealu, aldor-bealu; gen. -bealuwes, -bealwes; n. Vital evil; malum vitæ affĭciens :-- Fá þrówiaþ ealdor-bealu egeslíc the hostile shall suffer terrific vital evil, Exon. 31 b; Th. 98, 31; Cri. 1616.
ealdor-biscop, es; m. An elder or chief bishop, an archbishop; sĕnior episcŏpus, archiepiscŏpus; the Pope is so called by king Alfred :-- Ðá wæs Vitalianus Papa ðæs apostolícan setles ealdorbiscop then Pope Vitalian was the chief bishop of the apostolic seat; sedi apostŏlĭcæ præerat, Bd. 4, 1; S. 563, 23: 2, 13; S. 516, 1: 5, 8; S. 621, 39. v. bisceop.
ealdor-botl, es; n. A royal house or villa; rēgālis villa :-- Ðǽr wæs ðá cyninges ealdorbotl ubi tunc erat villa rēgālis, Bd. 2, 9; S. 511, 18.
ealdor-burh, -burg; gen. -burge; f. A royal city, metropolis; rēgia arx, metrŏpŏlis :-- On Cantwara byrig, seó wæs ealles his ríces ealdor-burh in civĭtāte Doruvernensi, quæ impĕrii sui tōtīus erat metrŏpŏlis. Bd. 1, 25; S. 487, 19: I. 13; S. 482, 6. Godes ealdorburg God's royal city, Exon. 114 b; Th. 441, 8; Rä. UNCERTAIN 60, 15.
ealdor-cearu life-care, care for life, life-long care. v. aldor-cearu.
ealdor-dæg, ealder-dæg, aldor-dæg; gen. -dæges; pl. nom. acc. -dagas; m. Life-day, day of life; vitæ dies :-- On ealderdagum in the days of his life, Beo. Th. 1518; B. 757: 1440; B. 718.
ealdor-déma a supreme judge, a prince, v. aldor-déma.
ealdor-dóm, ealdur-dóm, aldor-dórn, alder-dóm, es; m. [ealdor an elder, a chief; dóm dominion, power] Eldership, authority, magistracy, principality; auctōrĭtas, magistrātus, princĭpātus, prīmātns, dŭcātus :-- He his ealdordom synnum aswefede he [Reuben] had destroyed his eldership by sins, Cd. 160 Th. 199, 8; Exod. 335. Is heora ealdordóm gestrangod confortātus est princĭpătus eōrum, Ps. Th. 138, 15: Cd. 60; Th. 73, 1; Gen. 1197: Exon. 58 a; Th. 208, 20; Ph. 158: 66a; Th. 244, 10; Jul. 25. Theodor ealdordóm hæfde Theodōras prīmātum hăbĕbat, Bd. 4, 28; S. 606, 26, 6. Ealdordóm dŭcātus, Ælfc. Gl. 6; Som. 56, 48; Wrt. Voc. 18, 3. Ealdórdomas vel ða héhstan wurþscipas fasces, 112; Som. 79, 85; Wrt. Voc. 59, 53: 68; Som. 70, 4; Wrt. Voc. 42, 13.
ealdor-duguþ, aldor-duguþ, e; f. The chief nobility; procĕres. Judth. 12; Thw. 26, 5; Jud. 310.
ealdor-freá a chief lord. v. aldor-freá.
ealdor-gedál, aldor-gedál, es; n. Separation from life, death; vitæ divortium, mors :-- Óþ his ealdorgedál until his death. Cd. 92; Th. 118, 2; Gen. 1959.
ealdor-gesceaft, e; f. Condition of life; vitæ condĭtio, Exon. 110 a; Th. 421, 24; Rä. UNCERTAIN 40, 23.
ealdor-gewinna, an; m. Vital adversary; adversārius qui vitæ insĭdiātur, Beo. Th. 5799; B. 2903: Exon. 40b; Th. 134, 10; Gá. UNCERTAIN 505.
ealdor-lang; adj. Life-long; sempĭternus:-- Hí ealdorlangne tír geslógon æt sæcce they won life-long glory in the battle, Chr. 937; Erl. 112, 3; Æðelst. 3.
ealdor-leás, aldor-leás; adj. Lifeless; vita prīvātus :-- Hie gefricgeaþ freán úserne ealdorleásne they shall hear our lord [is] lifeless, Beo. Th. 5998; B. 3003.
ealdor-leás deprived of parents, v. aldor-leás.
ealdor-leg, aldor-leg, -læg, es; a. [ealdor, læg p. of licgan] Life-law, fate, death; fātum, mors :-- Æfter ealdorlege after death, Exon. 51 a; Th. 177, 29; Gú. 1234.
ealdorlíc, aldorlíc; adj. Principal, chief, excellent; princĭpāls, magnĭfĭcus :-- Ealdorlíc princĭpālis, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 28; Som. 11, 37. Ealdorlíc ánnyss princĭpālis unĭtas, Hymn. Surt. i. 5. Ealdorlíce Gáste Spīrĭtu princĭpāli. Ps. Grn. 50, 13; ii. 149, 13.
ealdor-líce; adv. Excellently, v. aldor-líce.
ealdorlícnes, -ness, -nys, -nyss, e; f. Principality, authority; auctōrĭtas :-- Ne syllaþ we ðé ǽnige ealdorlícnysse nullam tibi auctōrĭtātem trĭbuĭmus, Bd. 1, 27; S. 492, 12, 15, 22, 26. Mid máran ealdorlícnysse mājōre auctōrĭtāte, 3, 22; S. 553, 3, 35.
ealdor-man, -mann, -mon, ealdur-, aldor-, eldor-, es; m. [eald old, not only in age, but in knowledge, v. eald, hence ealdor an elder; man hŏmo]. I. an elderman, ALDERMAN, senator, chief, duke, a nobleman of the highest rank, and holding an office inferior only to that of the king; mājor nātu, sĕnātor, prŏcer, princeps, prīmas, dux, præfectus, trĭbūnus, quīcunque est aliis grădu aut nātu mājor. The title of Ealdorman or Aldorman denoted civil as well as military pre-eminence. The word ealdor or aldor in Anglo-Saxon denotes princely dignity: in Beowulf it is used as a synonym for cyning, þeóden, and other words applied to royal personages. Like many other titles of rank in the various Teutonic languages, it, strictly speaking, implies age, though practically this idea does not survive in it any more than it does in the word Senior, the original of the feudal term Seigneur. Every shire had its ealdorman, who was the principal judicial officer of the shire, and also the leader of its armed force. The internal regulations of the shire, as well as its political relation to the whole kingdom, were under his immediate guidance and supervision,--the scír-geréfa, or sheriff, being little more than his deputy, and under his control. The dignity of the ealdorman was supported by lands within his district, which appear to have passed with the office,--hence the phrases, ðæs ealdormonnes lond, mearc, gemǽro, etc. which so often occur. The ealdorman had also a share of the fines and other monies levied to the king's use; though, as he was invariably appointed from among the higher nobles, he must always have possessed lands of his own to the extent of forty hides, v. Hist. Eliens. ii. 40. The ealdormen of the several shires seem to have been appointed by the king, with the assent of the higher nobles, if not of the whole witena gemót, and to have been taken from the most trustworthy, powerful, and wealthy of the nobles of the shire. The office and dignity of ealdorman was held for life,--though sometimes forfeited for treason and other grave offences; but it was not strictly hereditary :-- Fram ðám bróðrum and ðám ealdormannum a fratrĭbus ac majōrĭbus, Bd. 5, 14; S. 634, 10: 5, 19; S. 637, 6. Ofslógon Rómána ealdorman slew a Roman noble, Ors. 5, 10; Bos. 108, 30. Ealdormen, nom. pl. princĭpes, Ps. Th. 67, 24: Gen. 12, 15. Ðæt he his ealdormen lǽrde ut erŭdīret princĭpes suos, Ps. Th. 104, 18. Án ealdormann unus de princĭpĭbus, 81, 7. Ealdormenn Iudan princĭpes Juda, 67, 25: 82, 9: Mt. Bos. 20, 25: Mk. Bos. 6, 21. His ealdormannum and his þegnum suis dŭcĭbus ac ministris, Bd. 3, 3; S. 526, 1: 4, 15; S. 583, 27. Arbatus his ealdorman, ðe he geset hæfde ofer Méðas ðæt land Arbaces, his chief officer, whom he had set over the country of the Medes, Ors. 1, 12; Bos. 35, 17: 2, 1; Bos. 38, 35: Bd. 4, 12; S. 580, 34: 1, 13; S. 481, 40. Ðæt se ylca ða dóhter ðæs ealdormannes blinde onlíhte ut idem fīliam trĭbūni cæcam inlumināvĕrit, 1, 18; S. 484, 30: Bt. 10; Fox 28, 31. II. the new constitution introduced by Cnut, who reigned in England from A.D. 1014 to 1035, reduced the ealdorman to a subordinate position,--one eorl, Nrs. jarl, being placed over several shires. The Danish kings ruled by their eorlas or jarls, and the ealdormen disappeared from the shires. Gradually the title ceased altogether, except in the cities, where it denoted an inferior judicature, much as it now does among ourselves :-- Ðis is ðonne seó woruldcunde gerǽdnes, ðe ic [Cnut] wille, mid mínan witenan rǽde, ðæt man healde ofer eall Engla land this is then the secular ordinance which I [Cnut], with the counsel of my witan, will, that it be observed over all the land of the English, L. C. S. pref; Th. i. 376, 3, 4. Ðæt is ðonne ǽrest ðæt ic wylle; ðæt man rihte laga upp-arǽre, and ǽghwilce unlaga georne afylle, and ðæt man aweódige and awyrtwalige, ǽghwylc unriht, swá man geornost mǽge, of ðissum earde this is then the first that I will; that right laws be established, and all unjust laws carefully suppressed, and that every injustice be weeded out and rooted up, with all possible diligence, from this land, L. C. S. 1; Th. i. 376, 5-8. And habbe man þriwa on geára burh-gemót, and twá scír-gemót and thrice a year let there be a borough meeting, and twice a shire meeting, L. C. S. 18; Th. i. 386, 4, 5. v. eorl, scírgeréfa, and húscarl.
ealdor-mon, -monn, es; m. An elderman, alderman, nobleman, chief; mājor nātu, princeps :-- Ebrinus se ealdormon Ebrinus mājor dŏmus rēgiae. Bd 4, 1; S. 564, 33: 2, 13; S. 515, 32. v. ealdor-man.
ealdor-ner, aldor-ner, es; n. A life-salvation, life's safety, refuge, asylum; vitæ servātio, refŭgium :-- Cwom him to áre and to ealdor-nere he come to them for mercy and for their life's salvation, Exon. 53 b; Th. 189, 4; Az. 54. v. ner.
ealdor-sacerd, es; m. A high priest; summus sacerdos :-- Ongan ealdorsacerd hyspan the high priest began to revile, Andr. Kmbl. 1340; An. 670.
ealdor-scype, es; m. Eldership, supremacy; principātus, prīmātus :-- Ða on þeódum ealdorscype habbaþ they have eldership among the nations, Mk. Bos. 10, 42. Ealdorscype healdan prīmātum tĕnēre, Coll. Monast. Th. 30, 17.
ealdor-stól, es; m. The lord's seat; domĭni sēdes :-- Áhte ic ealdorstól I possessed the lord's seat. Exon. 94 b; Th. 353, 36; Reim. 23.
ealdor-þegn, aldor-þegn [-þægn], es; m. The principal thane or servant; princĭpālis minister :-- Ealdorþegnas principal servants, Menol. Fox 257; Men. 130. Hie ðæt ðám ealdorþegnum cýðan eódon they went to announce it to the principal thanes, Judth. 12; Thw. 25, 4; Jud. 242.
ealdor-wísa a chief ruler, v. aldor-wísa.
eald-riht, es; n. An ancient right; vĕtus jus vel privĭlēgium :-- He him gehét ðæt hý ealdrihta ǽlces mósten wyrðe gewunigen he promised them that they should remain possessed of each of their ancient rights, Bt. Met. Fox 1, 71; Met. 1, 36: 1, 114; Met. 1, 57. Bǽdon hine ðæt he him to heora ealdrihtum gefultumede they prayed him that he would succour them with respect to their ancient rights. Bt. 1; Fox 2, 24.
Eald-Seaxe, Ald-Seaxe; gen. -Seaxa; dat. -Seaxum; pl. m: Eald-Seaxan; pl. m. The Old-Saxons; antīqui Saxŏnes; the German or continental Saxons occupying the territory between the Eyder and the Weser :-- Hér Eald-Seaxe [Ald-Seaxe, Th. 92, 29, col. 1] and Francan gefuhton in this year [A.D. 779] the Old-Saxons and the Franks fought, Chr. 779; Th. 93, 29, col. 1, 2. Gegadrode mycel sciphere on Eald-Seaxum [Ald-Seaxum, col. 1] a large naval force assembled among the Old-Saxons, 885; Th. 154, 20, col. 2, 3: 449; Th. 20, 20, 26: 924; Th. 199, 10: Bd. 5, 10; 13. 624, 12, 22. Be norþan Þyringum syndon Eald-Seaxan and be norþan westan him syndon Frysan, and be westan Eald-Seaxum is Ælfe múþa ðære eá and Frysland to the north of the Thuringians are the Old-Saxons, and to the north-west of them are the Friesians, and to the west of the Old-Saxons is the mouth of the river Elbe and Friesland, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 18, 34: Bos. 19, 14.
eald-spell, es; n. An old story; antīqua narrātio :-- Ælfréd us ealdspell reahte Alfred told us an old story, Bt. Met. Fox introduc. 2; Met. Einl. 1. On ealdspellum in old tales, Bt. 39, 4; Fox 216, 19.
eald-spræc, e; f. An old speech, history, Leo A. Sax. Gl. 149.
Ealdulfes næs, Chr. 1052; Th. 321, 10. v. Eádulfes næs.
ealdung, e; f. Age; sĕnectus :-- Róma besprycþ ðæt hyre weallas for ealdunge brosnian Rome complains that her walls decay from age, Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 44, 45. DER. ealdian.
ealdur a prince, Jn. Foxe 16, 11. v. ealdor.
ealdur-dóm authority, principality, Ps. Th. 113, 2. v. ealdor-dóm.
ealdur-man, -mann, es; m. An elderman, alderman, nobleman; mājor nātu, princeps :-- Nelle ge on ealdurmenn áne getreówian nōlīte confīdere in princĭpĭbus, Ps. Th. 145, 2: 118, 161. v. ealdor-man.
eald-wérig; adj. Vile of old; jampridem malignus :-- Ealdwérige Egypta folc the folk of Egypt vile of old, Cd. 145; Th. 180, 24; Exod. 50.
eald-wíf, es; n. An old woman; anus, anŭla, vĕtŭla :-- Sceal ic nú ealdwif cennan num vere parĭtūra sum anus, Gen. 18, 13: Ælfc. Gl. 88; Som. 74, 67; Wrt. Voc. 50, 48.
eald-wita, an; m. [eald old, wita one who knows] One old or eminent in knowledge, a priest; þresby̆ter :-- Presbiter is mæsse-preóst oððe eald-wita; ná ðæt ǽlc eald sý, ac ðæt he eald sý on wísdóme presbyter is the mass-priest or one eminent in knowledge; not that every one is old, but that he is old in wisdom, L. Ælf. C. 17; Th. ii. 348, 20: Bd. 2, 16; S. 519, 29.
eald-writere, es; m. An antiquarian, one that writes of old or ancient matters; antīquārius. Som. Ben. Lye.
ealeðe-tún, es; m. An ale-house; taberna. Som. Ben. Lye.
eal-fela Very much, full many; permultum :-- Se mæg ealfela singan and secgan he can sing and say very much, Exon. 17 b; Th. 42, 2; Cri. 666: Beo. Th. 1742; B. 869: 1770; B. 883.
eal-felo All-fell, very baleful; omnīno pernĭciōsus :-- Eal-felo áttor very baleful venom, Exon. 106 b; Th. 405, 28; Rä. 24, 9. v. æl-fæle, fell.
eal-fremd foreign; aliēnus. v. æl-fremd.
eal-geador, eall-geador; adv. Altogether; omnīno :-- Ðǽr wæs ealgeador Grendles grápe there was altogether Grendel's grasp, Beo. Th. 1675; B. 835. v. geador.
eal-gearo, eall-gearo; adj. All ready or prepared; omnīno promptus vel părātus :-- Beorh ealgearo wunode on wonge the mountain stood all ready on the plain, Beo. Th. 4475; B. 2241: 155; B. 77: 2465; B. 1230.
eal-geleáflíc believed by all; catholĭcus. v. eall-geleáflíc.
ealgian, algian; p. ode; pp. od To defend; defendĕre :-- Nemne we mǽgen feorh ealgian þeódnes unless we may defend the life of the prince, Beo. Th 5304; B. 2655: 5329; B. 2668. Hí æt campe wið láþra gehwæne land ealgodon they defended the land in conflict against every foe, Chr. 937; Th. 202, 4; Æðelst. 9: Andr. Kmbl. 20; An. 10: Bec. Th. 2413; B. 1204: R. Ben. 64: 69. DER. ge-ealgian, -algian.
eal-gréne, eall-gréne, æl-gréne; adj. All-green; omnīno vĭrĭdis :-- Geségun eorþan ealgréne they saw the earth all-green, Exon. 24 b; Th. 69, 31; Cri. 1129.
eal-gylden, eall-gylden; adj. All-golden; omnīno aurĕus :-- Swýn eal-gylden the all-golden swine, Beo. Th. 2227; B. 1111.
ealh a residence, temple, v. alh, healh.
eal-hálig all-holy; omnīno sanctus. v. eall-hálig.
ealh-stede, alh-stede, eolh-stede, es; m. A protecting or sheltering place, city, temple; lŏcus qui præbet tūtēlam, arx, templum :-- In ðære wídan byrig, ealhstede eorla in the wide city, the sheltering place of men, Cd. 208; Th. 258, 11; Dan. 674.
eal-hús an ale-house, Som. Ben. Lye. v. eala-hús.
eal-hwít all-white, v. eall-hwít.
eá-lifer, e; f. [eá water, lifer liver] Liverwort? eupătŏrium cannăbĭnum, Lin :-- Eálifer hátte wyrt gníd on ealaþ rub in ale the herb called liverwort, L. M. 1, 22; Lchdm. ii. 64, 21: 2, 24; Lchdm. ii. 216, 14.
eal-íren all of iron, v. eall-íren.
eal-ísig all-icy; omnīno glaciālis. v. eall-ísig.
eá-líðend, es; m. A wave-sailor, sailor; qui æequor navĭgat :-- Wǽron eorlas onlíce eálíðendum the men were like sailors-over-the-wave, Andr. Kmbl. 502; An. 251.
eall; adj. All; tōtus :-- Eall tōtus, Ælfc. Gr. 18; Som. 21, 10. Eall ðín líchama all thy body, Mt. Bos. 6, 22. Eall ðeós woruld all this world, Cd. 29; Th. 38, 9; Gen. 604: Exon. 20 a; Th. 52, 34; Cri. 843: Lk. Bos. 23, 18: Jn. Bos. 11, 50: Mk. Bos. 4, 34: Andr. Kmbl. 652; An. 326: 2294; An. 1148: 2867; An. 1436: Bt. Met. Fox 26, 121; Met. 26, 61: 28, 9; Met. 28, 5: Beo. Th. 4091; B. 2042: 4181; B. 2087: Exon. 22 a; Th. 60, 5; Cri. 965: Salm. Kmbl. 2; Sal. 1: Bt. 38, 4; Fox 204, 9: Bd. 1, 12; S. 480, 35: 1, 26; S. 487, 37: Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 45, 15. v. eal.
ealla, an; m. Gall, bile; fel :-- Hym man drincan mengde myd eallan and myd ecede one mingled him a drink with gall and with vinegar, Nicod. 26; Thw: 14, 18. Wid ðæs eallan [geallan MS. H.] togotennysse for effusion of the bile, Herb. 146, 2; Lchdm. i. 270, 4: 141, 2; Lchdm. i. 262, 12. v. gealla.
eall-beorht, æll-beorht, æl-beorht; adj. All-bright; pĕnĭtus splendĭdus, fulgentissĭmus :-- Englas eall-beorhte angels all-bright, Cd. 224; Th. 297, 23; Sat. 522.
eall-cyn; adj. Of every kind, universal; omnĭgĕnus, unĭversus :-- Eallcyn sǽd getreówfulra [Iacobes MSS. C. T.] unĭversum semen Iacob, Ps. Spl. 21, 22.
eallenga, eællenge; adv. Altogether, utterly; prorsus, omnīno :-- Ðonne wæs se óðer eallenga sweart then was the other utterly black, Cd. 24; Th. 30, 35; Gen. 477.
Ealleríca, an; m. Alaric, king of the Goths :-- Rædgota and Ealleríca Rómáne burig abrǽcon Rhadgast and Alaric broke into the city of Rome, Bt. 1; Fox 2, 2. v. Alríca.
eall-geador; adv. Altogether, Andr. Kmbl. 2196; An. 1099. v. eal-geador.
eall-gearo; adj. All-ready; omnīno promptus :-- Ic beóm eall-gearo I am all-ready, Exon. 106 b; Th. 405, 19; Rä. 24, 4. v. eal-gearo.
eall-geleáflic; adj. [geleáflíc believed] Believed by all, catholic; cathŏlĭcus = GREEK :-- Ðæt monega cyricean on Hibernia, lǽrendum Athamnano, ða eallgeleáflícan Eástran onféngon ut plurĭmæ Scottōrum ecclesiæ, instante Adamnano, cathŏlĭcum Pascha suscēpĕrint, Bd. 5, 15; S. 635, 10.
eall-gréne; adj. All-green; omnīno vĭrĭdis :-- Hwá furðum teóde eorþan eall-gréne who first produced the earth all-green, Andr. Recd. 1599; An. 799. v. eal-gréne.
eall-gylden; adj. All-golden; omnīno aurĕus :-- He geseah segn eall-gylden he saw an ensign all-golden, Beo. Th. 5528; B. 2767: Judth. 10; Thw. 22, 3; Jud. 46. v. eal-gylden.
eall-hálig; adj. All-holy; omnīno sanctus :-- Drihten, ðú earce eart eall-háligra O Lord, thou art the ark of the all-holy, Ps. Th. 131, 8.
eall-hwít; adj. All-white; omnīno albus :-- On eallhwítre þryh in an all-white coffin, Th. Diplm. A.D. 970; 241, 11.
eal-líc universal, general, catholic, Som. Ben. Lye. v. al-líc.
ealling; adv. Always; semper :-- Ealling byb, ymb tyn niht ðæs, tiid [= tíd] geweorþad Barþolomeus the time of Bartholomew is always honoured about ten nights from hence, Menol. Fox 304; Men. 153: 344; Men. 173. v. ealneg.
eallinga; adv. Altogether, wholly; prorsus, omnīno :-- He eallinga ne adiligaþ eów he will not altogether destroy you, Deut. 4, 31: Salm. Kmbl. 835; Sal. 417. v. eallunga.
eall-íren; adj. All of iron; omnīno ferrĕus :-- He héht gewyrcean eall-írenne wígbord wrætlíc he commanded a wondrous battle-shield, all of iron, to be made, Beo. Th. 4665; B. 2338.
eall-ísig; adj. All-icy; omnīno glaciālis :-- Saturnus is se cealda eall-ísig tungel Saturn is the cold all-icy star, Bt. Met. Fox 24, 45; Met. 24, 23. Se is eall-ísig it is all icy, Bt. 36, 2; Fox 174, 13.
eall-mægen, al-mægen, es; n. All-power, all-might; omnis vis :-- Gif hí, eall-mægene, ne þiówoden Þeódne mǽrum if they, with all might, served not the illustrious Lord, Bt Met. Fox 29, 193; Met. 29, 98.
eall-mihtig, -meahtig, -mehtig, -mihteg [el-, æl-, sell-]; adj. All-mighty; omnĭpŏtens :-- Drihten eallmihtig Domĭnus Deus, Ps. Th. 93, 22.
eall-nacod; adj. Entirely naked; omnīno nūdus :-- Ic eom eallnacod I am all naked, Cd. 42; Th. 54, 3; Gen. 871.
eallneg; adv. Always; semper :-- Ðú eallneg siófodest ðæt hí eallneg nǽron on wíte thou always didst lament that they were not always punished, Bt. 38, 4; Fox 204, 10, 11. MS. Cot. v. ealneg.
eall-niwe; adj. All-new; omnīno nŏvus :-- He wearþ gebunden mid eallniwum rápum nŏvis funĭbus vinctus est, Jud. 16, 11.
eallnunge; adv. Altogether; omnīno, C. R. Ben. 55. v. eallunga.
eall-reord foreign speaking, barbarous, Bd. 1, 23; S. 485, 32. v. el-reord.
Eallríca, an; m. Alaric, king of the Goths :-- Eallríca Gotona cyning Alaric, king of the Goths, Ors. 2, 1; Bos. 39, 37. v. Alríca.
eall-rúh; adj. All-rough; omnīno hirsūtus :-- Se wæs reád and eall rúh he was red and all hairy, Gen. 25, 25.
eall-swá; adv. Also, so, so as, likewise, even as, even so; sīcut :-- Eallswá he sǽde sīcut dixit, Mk. Bos. 14, 16. v. eal-swá.
eall-tela; adv. Quite well; omnīno bĕne, Cd. 91; Th. 114, 17; Gen. 1905.
eallunga, allunga, eallenga, eællenge, eallinga, eallnunge; adv. Altogether, entirely, quite, indeed, at all, assuredly, utterly; prorsus, omnīno, profecto :-- Ðæt ge eallunga ne swerion non jurāre omnīno, Mt. Bos. 5, 34: Exon. 21 b; Th. 57, 23; Cri. 923: Bt. Met. Fox 25, 131; Met. 25, 66: Bt. 10; Fox 30, 3. Eallunga Godes ríce on eów becymþ profecto pervēnit in vos regnum Dei, Lk. Bos. 11, 20.
eall-wealda; adj. All-ruling, almighty; omnĭpŏtens :-- Eallwealdan Gode to almighty God, Andr. Recd. 414; An. 205. v. eal-wealda.
eall-wihta, al-wihta, æl-wihta; pl. [eall all, every; wiht creature] All beings; omnia creāta :-- Cyning eall-wihta king of all creatures, Andr. Kmbl. 3204; An. 1605: Cd. 47; Th. 60, 7; Gen. 978: 5; Th. 7, 28; Gen. 113. v. wiht I, for wihta, nom. pl.
eall-wundor, es; n. [wundor a wonder] A very wonderful thing; res omnīno mirābĭlis :-- Weras fyrdleóþ gólon [MS. galan] eall-wundra fela the men sung a martial song of many very wonderful things, Cd. 171; Th. 215, 5; Exod. 578.
eal-mægen all power, all might, v. eall-mægen.
eal-mǽst, æl-mǽst; adv. ALMOST; totum fere, pene :-- Hit is eal-mǽst mid háligra manna naman geset sanctōrum hŏmĭnum nōmĭnĭbus totum fere obsĭtum est, Bd. Whelc. 448, 18; Homl. Th. ii. 466, 22.
eal-mihtig; adj. All-mighty; omnĭpŏtens :-- On Godes ealmihtiges naman in the name of almighty God, Th. Diplm. A.D. 886-899; 138, 34. v. eall-mihtig.
eal-myrca an Ethiopian, v. æl-myrca.
eal-nacod entirely naked, v. eall-nacod.
ealneg, ealnig, eallneg; adv. [ealne weg, Bt. 38, 4; Fox 204, 10, 11] Always, quite; semper, prorsus :-- Ýþ wið lande ealneg winneþ the wave contends always against the land, Bt. Met. Fox 28, 114; Met. 28, 57: Ors. 3, 7; Bos. 62, 36. Ðe ǽfre biþ ealnig smylte which ever is quite calm, Bt. Met. Fox 21, 30; Met. 21, 15.
ealning; adv. Always; semper :-- Swá he ealning dyde æt Saltwíc as he always did at Saltwich, Th. Diplm. A.D. 886-899; 138, 15. v. ealling, ealneg.
eal-niwe all-new, quite new. v. eall-niwe.
eal-nósu, eall-nósu, eall seó násu, e; f. All nose or all the nose, a swelling of the uvula; columella, columna nasi :-- Eal ufweard nósu tota ascendens columna nasi, Ælfc. Gl. 71; Som. 70, 86; Wrt. Voc. 43, 18. Eall-nósu, Mann: eal-nósu the swelling of the uvula; columella. v. Som. Eall seó násu columna, Wrt. Voc. 282, 64.
ealo ale, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 22, 17: Bt. 17; Fox 60, 5. v. ealu.
ealo-benc, e; f. An ale-bench :-- In ealo-bence on the ale-bench, Beo. Th. 2062; B. 1029. v. ealu-benc.
ealo-fæt, es; n. An ale-vat, vessel in which ale was left to ferment; lăcus :-- Under ðæt ealo-fæt under the ale-vat, L. M. 1, 67; Lchdm. ii. 142, 12.
ealo-gál; adj. Ale-drunk; cervĭsia inebriātus :-- Ic gehýre ealogálra gylp I hear the boast of the ale-drunken, Cd. 109; Th. 145, 19; Gen. 2408.
ealo-geweorc, es; n. Ale-work, brewing; cervĭsiæ coctio :-- On ðære byrig wæs ǽrest ealo-geweorc ongunnen in that city ale-brewing was first begun, Ors. 5, 3; Bos. 103, 35.
eálond, es; n. An island; insŭla :-- Breoton is gársecges eálond Brittania est oceăni insŭla, Bd. 1, 1; S. 473, 8: 1, 3; S. 475, 13. v. eáland.
ealoþ ale, L. In. 70; Th. i. 146, 17, MS. B. v. ealaþ.
ealo-wǽge, es; n. The ale-cup :-- Se ðe bær hroden ealowǽge who bare the ornamented ale-cup, Beo. Th. 995; B. 495. Ofer ealowǽge over the ale-cup [during a drinking], Beo. Th. 966; B. 481. v. ealu-wǽge.
ealo-wósa, an; m. Ale-wetter or drinker; cervĭsiæ inebriātor vel pōtor :-- Sumum yrrum ealowósan, were wínsadum from one irritated as an ale-drinker, a wine-sated man. Exon. 87 b; Th. 330, 10; Vy. 49.
eal-riht; adj. All-right; pĕnĭtus rectus, R. Ben. 72, Lye.
eal-sealf, e; f. [eal all, sealf salve] The herb called the oak of Jerusalem or the oak of Cappadocia; ambrŏsia, Som. Ben. Lye:=GREEK a perfumed salve, a plant; ambrŏsia mărĭtĭma, Diosc. 3, 129, L. S. Lex. under GREEK.
eal-seolcen; adj. All-silken; holosērĭcus = GREEK, Ælfc. Gl. 62; Som. 68, 92; Wrt. Voc. 40, 3.
eal-swá, eall-swá; adv. ALSO, so, so as, likewise, even as, even so; simĭlĭter, sīcut :-- Cristenum cyninge gebýreþ ðæt he sý ealswá hit riht is it is the duty of a Christian king to be as it is right, L. I. P. 2; Th. ii. 304, 8, 22. Ðá cwæþ he ealswá to ðám óðrum dixit simĭlĭter ad altĕrum, Mt. Bos. 21, 30. Gewurþe ðé, ealswá ðu wylle fiat tībi sīcut vis, Mt. Bos. 15, 28. [Piers P. Chauc. als also: Laym. alse, al so, al swa, al swo as, so, also, thus, as if: Orm. allse, alls, allswa, all swa also, as, so: O. Sax. alsó simĭlĭter, tanquam, sīcut, quăsi, quum: Frs. als, az, alsa sīcut, cum, ita, si: O. Frs. alsa, olsa ita, cum: Dut. als when, if; alzoo thus, so: Ger. also thus; als as, when: M. H. Ger. als, alsó, alse thus, when: O. H. Ger. al só ut, sīcut, vĕlut, sic.]
eal-teaw; adj. [eal all, teaw = tæw good] Entirely good; omnīno bŏnus :-- Gif he ealteawne ende gedreógeþ if he enjoys a very good end, Cd. Jun. 110, 16; Hy. 2, 13; Hy. Grn. ii. 281, 13.
EALU, ealo, es; n: generally indecl. in sing. ALE; cervĭsia, sīcĕra :-- Ne he ealu ne drince nǽfre oððe wín let him never drink ale nor wine. Jud. 13, 4. Iohannes se Fulluhtere ne dranc náðor ne win, ne beor, ne ealu John the Baptist drank neither wine, nor beer, nor ale, Homl. Th. ii. 38, 7: Bt. 17; Fox 60, 5, MS. Cot: L. M. 1. 47; Lchdm. ii. 120, 15: Beo. Th. 1542; B. 769. [Chauc. Laym. ale: O. Sax. alo in alo-fat, n. an ale-cup: Dan. Swed. Icel. öl, n.]
ealu-benc, ealo-benc, e; f. An ale-bench; scamnum cervĭsiam bibentium :-- On ealu-bence on the ale-bench, Beo. Th. 5726; B. 2867.
ealu-clýfe an ale-house, Som. Ben. Lye. v. eala-hús.
ealu-fæt an ale-vat, Som. Ben. Lye. v. ealo-fæt.
ealu-gafol, es; n. [gafol tax, tribute] Tribute or excise paid for ale; cervĭsiæ trĭbutum :-- On sumen lande gebúr sceal syllan hunig-gafol, on suman mete-gafol, on suman ealu-gafol in one place a boor shall give honey-tribute, in another meat-tribute, in another ale-tribute, L. R. S. 4; Th. i. 434, 32.
ealu-gál ale-drunken, v. ealo-gal.
ealu-geweorc ale-brewing, v. ealu.
ealu-malt malt used for making ale. v. ealu, alo-malt.
ealu-sceop, es; m. An ale-brewer, a brewer; cervĭsiārius. Som. Ben. Lye.
ealu-scóp, eala-scóp, es; m. An ale-poet :-- We lǽraþ, ðæt ǽnig preóst ne beó ealu-scóp we teach that no priest be an ale-poet, L. Edg. C. 58; Th. ii. 256, 15.
ealu-wǽge, es; n. An ale-cup; pătĕra, scyphus :-- Dóhtor Hróþgáres eorlum ealuwǽge bær Hrothgar's daughter bore the ale-cup to the earls, Beo. Th. 4047; B. 2021.
ealu-wósa ale-wetter or drinker, v. ealo-wósa.
Eal-walda, an; m. All-ruler, the Almighty; omnium rector, Cd. 14; Th. 16, 20; Gen. 246. v. Eal-wealda.
eal-weald; adj. All-powerful, almighty; omnĭpŏtens :-- Ǽrende ealwealdan Gode wæs sprecen a message was spoken to the all-powerful God, Andr. Kmbl. 3239; An. 1622.
Eal-wealda, an; m. All-ruler, God, the Almighty; omnium rector, Deus, omnĭpŏtens :-- For ðam ealwealdan [MS. alwealdan] for the all-ruler [God], Cd. 19; Th. 23, 13; Gen. 359. Noldon ealwealdan [MS. alwealdan] word weorþian they would not revere the all-ruler's [the Almightys'] word, 18; Th. 21, 23; Gen. 328.
eal-werlíce; adv. All-manly, liberally, freely; prorsus virīlĭter, benigne :-- Ealwerlíce [MS. ealwerlíc] dó Driht benigne fac Domine, Ps. Spl. 50, 19.
eal-wihta all beings, v. eall-wihta.
eal-wundor a very wonderful thing, v. eall-wundor.
eam am :-- Ic eam biddende Drihten ad Deum deprĕcātus sum, Ps. Th. 141, 1. Ic eam leás écan dreámes I am bereft of eternal joy, Cd. 216; Th. 275, 7; Sat. 168: Exon. 10a; Th. 11, 8; Cri. 167: Exon. 36a; Th. 116, 34; Gú. 217: Mt. Rush. Stv. 11. 29. v. eom.
EÁM, es; m. An EAM, uncle chiefly on the mother's side; avuncŭlus :-- Eám avuncŭlus. Wrt. Voc. 72, 42 : Beo. Th. 1766; B. 881: Exon. 112b; Th. 431, 35; Rā. 47, 6: Chr. 1066; Erl. 203, 17. Nim ðé wif of Labanes dóhtrum ðínes eámes accĭpe tĭbi inde uxōrem de fīliābus Labāni avuncŭli tui. Gen. 28, 2: 29, 10: Ors. 1, 12; Bos. 35, 32: 2, 2; Bos. 41, 7: Bd. 5, 19; S. 637, 33. Romŭlus slóh his eám Romulus slew his uncle, Ors. 2, 3; Bos. 41, 43: Chr. 1046; Erl. 175, 5, 23. Mín eám avuncŭlus meus: mínes eámes fæder avuncŭlus meus magnus: mínes eámes yldre fæder proavuncŭlus meus: mínes eámes þridde fæder abavuncŭlus meus, Ælfc. Gl. 93; Som. 75, 65-71; Wrt. Voc. 52, 21-24. [Chauc, eem, eme: Laym. æm, eam, æem, hem: Plat. oom. m: Dut. oom, m: Frs. yem, yeme: O. Frs. em, m: Ger. ohm, oheim, m: M. H. Ger. óheim, oeheim, m: O. H. Ger. óheim, m.] For an uncle on the father's side, v. fædera.
eám, eán to waters :-- Ofer ðám eam sŭper flūmĭna, Ps. Th. 23, 2. Betweoh ðám twám eán between the two waters, Ors. 1. 1; Bos. 16, 28; dat. pl. of eá.
eánian, eánigan; part. eánigende; p. eánode; pp. eánod [eáw=eówu a female sheep, a ewe] To YEAN, bring forth as a ewe; enīti, parturīre :-- He genam hine of eówedum sceápa, fram eánigendum he genam hine sustŭlit eum [Dāvĭdem] de grĕgĭbus ovium, de post fetantes [oves] accēpit eum, Ps. Lamb. 77, 70. DER. ge-eán. [Prompt. enyñ', brynge forthe kyndelyngys [A. Sax. litlingas]. The verb to ean or yean, which is commonly applied only to the bringing forth of lambs, here appears to have had anciently the more general signification of the word from which it is derived, A. Sax. eánian enīti, partŭrīre: Wyc. ene, eene, ʒeene, ʒene, yeene sheep with lambs, Ps. 143, 13: Is. 40, 11: Dut. dial. oonen to produce young.]
eá-ófer, es; m. A river-bank; rīpa flūminis :-- Be sǽwaroþe, and be eá-ófrum by the sea-shore, and by river-banks. Bt. Met. Fox 19, 43.
eapl an apple, Cd. 222; Th. 290, 7; Sae. 411. v. æppel.
ear, ær, es; m. Sea, ocean; măre, oceănus :-- Hyre [dúne] deorc on lást eare geblonden óðer fereþ dark on its [the down's] track goes another mixed with the ocean, Exon. 101b; Th. 384, 3; Rä. 4, 22. v. ear-gebland, ear-grund.
EAR, es; n. An EAR of corn; spīca :-- Seó eorþe wæstm beraþ, ǽrest gærs, syððan ear, syððan fulne hwǽte on ðam eare terra fructĭfĭcat, primum herbam, deinde spīcam, deinde plēnum frumeníum in spīca, Mk. Bos. 4, 28. Ða seofon fullan ear getácniaþ seofon wæstmbǽre geár and wélige septem spīcæ plēnæ septem ubertātis anni sunt, Gen. 41, 26, 27. Pharao rehte Iosepe be ðám oxum and be ðám earum Pharaoh told Joseph of the oxen and of the ears [of corn], Gen. 41, 17. Híg ongunnun pluccian ða ear cœpērunt vellĕre spicas, Mt. Bos. 12, 1: Mk. Bos. 2, 23: Lk. Bos. 6, 1. Him þuhte, dæt he gesáwe seofon ear weaxan on ánum healme fulle and fægre septem spīcæ pullŭlābant in culmo uno plēnæ atque formōsæ, Gen. 41, 5: Lev. 23, 22: Deut. 23, 25. [Wyc. eere, ere: R. Glouc. eres, pl: Plat, aar, aare: Dut. aar, f: Ger. ähre, f; äher, n: M. H. Ger. äher, eher, n: O. H. Ger. ahir, eher, n: Goth. ahs, n: Dan. Swed. Icel. ax, n. Grimm supposes the root of these words to be ak sharp, and refers to Lat. acus, acies, acidus: Ger. ecke a corner.]
eár before. Chr. 1041; Th. 299, 15, col. 1. ILLEGIBLE v. ǽr.
EÁR, es; m. The Anglo-Saxon Rune RUNE, which stands for the letters ea: v. Steph. Runic Monmnts. p. 100, 11; 117, col. 7: and p. 137: the earth, the ground; hŭmus :-- RUNE byþ egle eorla gehwylcum, ðonne fæstlíce flǽsc onginneþ hráw cólian, hrusan ceósan to gebeddan the ground is hateful to every man, when surely the flesh beginneth to cool as a corpse, to choose the earth for a consort, Runic pm. 29; Kmbl. 345, 10: Hick. Thes. i. 135, 57. [Icel. aurr, m. hŭmus. Hylja auri hŭmo condĕre, Kormak's Saga.]
earan are. Th. Diplm. A. D. 804-829; 463, 1. v. eom.
earbe, an; f? A tare; ervum :-- Dó earban to add tares, L. M. 1, 26; Lchdm. ii. 68, 4. v. earfe.
earc, e; f: earce, an; f. I. the ark of Noah; arca :-- Noe on ða earce eode Noah went into the ark. Mt. Bos. 24, 38: Lk. Bos. 17, 27. Under earce bord under the boards of the ark, Cd. 67; Th. 80, 23; Gen. 1333. Earce bordum with the boards of the ark, 67; Th. 81, 33; Gen. 1354. II. a chest, the ark of the covenant; cista, cistella :-- Cest vel earc cibōtium = GREEK, vel cistella, Ælfc. Gl. 3; Som. 55, 64; Wrt. Voc. 16, 37. On earce in the chest, Exon. 124b; Th. 479, 3; Rä. 62, 2. Æt Godes earce to the ark of God, Cd. 212; Th. 262, 30; Dan. 752: Ps. Th. 131, 8. v. earce. f; arc, m.
earce, an; f. The ark; arca :-- Ðú earce eart eall-háligra tu arca sanctificātiōnis tuæ, Ps. Th. 131, 8. v. earc II.
eár-clǽnsend, es; m. [eáre, clǽnsian to cleanse] An ear-cleanser, the little finger; dĭgĭtus aurĭcŭlāris :-- Eárclǽnsend [MS. earclæsnend] aurĭcŭlāris, Wrt. Voc. 283, 24.
earcnan-stán, es; m. A precious stone, gem; gemma, lăpis prĕtiōsa :-- Se earcnanstán the precious stone, Exon. 253; Th. 73, 27; Cri. 1196. v. eorcnan-stán.
eár-cóðu, e; f. [eáre. cóðu a disease] An ear-disease; parōtis = GREEK :-- Eár-cóðu parōtĭdes, Ælfc. Gl. 11; Som. 57, 57; Wrt. Voc. 20, 1.
EARD, es; m. I. native soil or land, country, province, region, place of residence, dwelling, home; sŏlum nātīvum, patria, rĕgio, dŏmĭcĭlium :-- Sumra wyrta oððe sumes wuda eard biþ on dúnum, sumra on merscum ... on ðære stówe ðe his eard biþ the native soil of some herbs or of some wood is on hills, some in marshes ... in the place which is its native soil, Bt. 34, 10; Fox 148, 22-26. He com to his earde vēnit in patriam suam, Mt. Bos. 13, 54. Nys nán wítega bútan wurþ-scype, búton on hys earde non est prophēta sine hŏnōre, nĭsi in patria sua, 13, 57. Eard patria, Ælfc. Gl. 97; Som. 76, 57; Wrt. Voc. 54, 1. Ðis is mín ágen cýþ, eard and éðel this is my own country, dwelling, and home, Bt. Met. Fox 24, 99; Met. 24, 50. Ðú gebunde ðæt fyr ðæt hit ne mæg cuman to his ágenum earde thou hast bound the fire, that it may not come to its own region, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 130, 32, 24. Ne ðǽr elþeó- dige eardes brúcaþ strangers enjoy no dwelling there, Andr. Kmbl. 560; An. 280. Earda leás deprived of dwellings, Cd. 128; Th. 163, 29; Gen. 2705. Earda sélost happiest of dwellings [heaven], Hy. 7, 29; Hy. Grn. ii. 287, 29: Exon. 42 a; Th. 141, 16; Gú. 628: 36 b; Th. 120, 7; Gú. 268. Fífel-cynnes eard the dwelling of the Fifel race, Beo. Th. 209; B. 104. Of ðan heofon-fugelas healdaþ eardas super ea volucres cœli habĭtābunt, Ps. Th. 103, 11. Eard gemunde he remembered his home, Beo. Th. 2263; B. 1129. II. earth or land, in contrast to water, as a firm place on earth or on land; terra, terra firma:--He gefæstnude foldan staðelas, eorþan eardas he made fast foundations of the ground, the firm places of the earth, Ps. Th. 103, 6. Eard git ne const frécne stówe, ðǽr ðú findan miht secg thou dost not yet know the land, perilous place, where thou mayest find the man, Beo. Th. 2759; B. 1377: Exon. 38 b; Th. 128, 4; Gú. 399: 129 a; Th. 495, 20; Rä. 85, 6. Lǽt nú gebídan on earde let us now abide on land, Andr. Kmbl. 799; An. 400. From hróf eardes a summo teræ. Mk. Lind. War. 13, 27. Gǽst and líc geador síðedan on earde soul and body journeyed together on earth, Exon. 76 a; Th. 285, 16; Jul. 715. III. state, station, condition; sĭtus, condĭtio:--Fundiaþ ǽlc gesceaft ðider swíðost, ðider his eard and his hǽlo swíðost bióþ every creature chiefly tends thither, where its station, and its health especially is, Bt. 34, 11; Fox 150, 22. Man us tyhhaþ twegen eardas, Drihtenes áre oððe deófles þeówet two conditions are appointed to us, the glory of God or bondage of the devil, Hy. 7, 97; Hy. Grn. ii. 289, 97. [Orm. ærd place, region: Laym. ærde, ard land, earth: O. Sax. ard, m. habĭtātio: Dut. aard, m. nature, temper: Kil. ærd: Ger. art, f. nātūira, indŏles, mŏdus, spĕcies, gĕnus: M. H. Ger. art, gen. ardes, m; art, gen. arte, f. nātūra, indŏles: O. H. Ger. art, f. arātio; der. of erian to plough?] DER. éðel-eard, herh-, middan-, somud-, wíc-.
eard-begenga, -begænga, -begenda, an; m. [beganga, begenga a dweller] An inhabitant, dweller; incŏla:--Eardbegenga wæs sáwle mín incŏlafuit anĭma mea, Ps. Lamb. 119, 6. Ðá ðá híg wǽron eardbegendan cum essent incŏlæ, Ps. Lamb. 104, 12. Eardbegængan incŏlæ, Ps. Spl. M. 104, 11.
eard-begengnes, -biggengnes, -ness, e; f. An abode, habitation; habĭtātio, incŏlātus:--Eardbegengnes oððe elþeódignys mín afeorrad oð ðe gelængd is incŏlātus meus prolongātus est, Ps. Lamb. 119, 5. Eardbiggengnes [MS. eardbiggendes] mín aforfeorsode is incŏlātus meus prolongātus est, Ps. Spl. 119, 5.
eard-éðel-riht, es; n. Land-inheritance right, patrimonial right; patrium jus, Beo. Th. 4402; B. 2198.
eard-éðel-wyn, -wynn, e; f. Joy of an estate; prædii gaudium:--He me lond forgeaf, eardéðelwyn he gave me land, joy of property, Beo. Th. 4979; B. 2493. v. éðel-wyn.
eard-fæst; adj. Earth fast, settled, established in a place, abiding; sŏlo fixus, habĭtans:--Ðe eardfæst byþ on Hierusalem qui habĭtat in Hierusalem, Ps. Th. 124, l: Exon. 44 a; Th. 149, 8; Gú. 758: Cd. 136; Th. 171, 27; Gen. 2834: Bt. Met. Fox 7, 76; Met. 7, 38: Ors. 5, 4; Bos. 105, 11: 6, 33; Bos. 129, 33.
eard-geard, es; m. A dwelling-place, the earth; habitātiōnis lŏcus, terra:--In ðam eardgearde in that dwelling-place [in Jerusalem], Exon. 8 b; Th. 4, 19; Cri. 55. Ýðde ðisne eardgeard ælda Scyppend the Creator of men overwhelmed this world, 77 b; Th. 291, 20; Wand. 85.
eard-gyf, es; n. A gift from one?s native land; patrium dōnum:--Kynincgas eard-gyfu bringaþ: Spl. has, cyningas gyfa togelǽdaþ: rēges dōna addūcent, Ps. Th. 71, 10.
eard-hæbbendra [=eard, hæbbendra], Ps. Th. 86, 6; gen. pl. of eard-hæbbende; part. pres. of eard-habban=habban to have.
eardian, eardigan, eardigean, ærdian; part, eardiende, eardigende, eardende; ic eardige, ðú eardast, he eardaþ, pl. eardiaþ, eardigaþ; p. ode, ade, ede; pp. od, ad, ed. I. v. intrans. To dwell, live, feed; habĭtāre:--Heofenes fugelas eardian mágon under his sceade possunt sub umbra ejus aves cœli habĭtāre. Mk. Bos. 4, 32: Exon. 129 b; Th. 496, 24; Rä. 85, 19: Ps. Th. 67, 6: Ps. Spl. 2, 4: 5, 5. Eardigan, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 130, 10. Loth ne dorste on ðam fæstenne leng eardigean Lot might not longer dwell in that fastness, Cd. 121; Th. 156, 19; Gen. 2591: Ps. Spl. C. 112, 8. Ic eardige, Ps. Th. 60, 3. Ðú eardast, Hy. 5, 1; Hy. Grn. ii. 285, l. Ðǽr his híréd eardaþ where his flock feeds, Cd. 226; Th. 302, 2; Sat. 592. Æt helle dúru dracan eardigaþ dragons dwell at the gate of hell, 215; Th. 270, 30; Sat. 98. On earda eorðan dwell on earth, Ps. Spl. 36, 3. Ðeáh hí somod eardien though they dwell together, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 292; Met. 20, 146. For yfelnesse ðara eardiendra ðǽr on ðære byrig a malītia inhabĭtantium in eo, Bd. 4, 25; S. 599, 22: Ps. Th. 82, 6: 135, 27: Ps. Spl. 16, 13. Eardendra, Ps. Th. 106, 33. Abram eardode on ðam lande Chanaan Abram habĭtāvit in terra Chanaan, Gen. 13, 12. Eardodon, Beo. Th. 6093; B. 3050. Se me be healfe eardade who dwelled by my side. Exon. 129 b; Th. 496, 26; Rä. 85, 20. Eardedon, 9 b; Th. 8, 30; Cri. 125. II. v. trans. To inhabit; inhabĭtāre. incŏlĕre:--Peohtas ongunnon eardigan ða norþ-dǽlas ðysses eálondes Picti habĭtāre per septentriōnāles insŭlæ partes cœpērunt. Bd. 1, 1; S. 474, 18. Sceolde wíc eardian elles hwergen he should inhabit a dwelling elsewhere, Beo. Th. 5172; B. 2589: Ps. Th. 104, 19. DER. ge-eardian, on-, on-eardiend.
eardigendlíc; adj. Inhabitable; habitābĭlis:--Seó stów eardigendlíc wæs geworden lŏcus habitābĭlis foctus est. Bd. 4, 28; S. 605, 21.
earding, e; f. A habitation, dwelling; habitācŭlum:--Ðǽr we mótun ágan eardinga where we may possess dwellings, Exon. 65 b; Th. 242, 14; Ph. 673. v. eardung.
eard-land, es; n. Country; patria:--Sealde heora eardland eall Israhélum dĕdit terram eōrum hæredĭtātem Israel, Ps. Th. 134, 12.
eard-ríce, es; n. A dwelling-land; terra habitātiōnis:--Eardríca cyst the best of habitations [Paradise], Exon. 45 a; Th. 153, 14; Gú. 825.
eard-stapa, an; m. A land-stepper, wanderer; terras peragrans, peregrīnātor:--Swá cwæþ eard-stapa so said a wanderer, Exon. 76 b; Th. 286, 25; Wand. 6.
eard-stede, es; m. A dwelling-place; locus habitātiōnis:--Ða swétestan somnaþ and gædraþ wyrta wynsume and wudubléda to ðam eard-stede it [the Phœnix] collects and gathers pleasant herbs and forest leaves to that dwelling-place, Exon. 58 b; Th. 211, 9; Ph. 195.
eardung, eærdung, ærdung, e; f. A habitation, a dwelling, tabernacle; habĭtātio, habitācŭlum:--Is geworden eardung his on Sion facto est habĭtātio ejus in Sion, Ps. Spl. 75, 2: 32, 14: Ps. Spl. T. 77, 32: Ps. Th. 106, 3: Hy. 6, 11; Hy. Grn. ii. 286, 11: Bd. 4, 28; S. 605, 20. v. earding.
eardung-burh; gen. -burge; f. A dwelling-city, city of tabernacles; tabernacŭlōrum urbs :--Híg getimbrodun Pharaones eardungburga Phiton and Rameses ædificāvērunt urbes tabernacŭlōrum Pharaōni Phithon et Ramesses, Ex. 1. 11.
eardung-hús, es; n. A habitation; habitācŭllum:--Gemǽne eardunghús commūne habitācŭlum, Bd. 4, 28; S. 605, 26.
eardung-stów, e; f. A dwelling-place, a tent, tabernacle; habitātiōnis lŏcus, tabernācŭlum:--On eallum eówrum eardungstówum in cunctis habitācŭlis vestris, Ex. 12, 20: Ps. Th. 106, 6: Jn. Bos. 14, 2: Bd. 4, 28; S. 605, 19.
eard-wíc, es; n. A dwelling-place; habitātiōnis lŏcus:--Ðonne ic sceal eardwíc uncúiþ gesécan when I shall seek the uncouth dwelling-place, Apstls. Kmbl. 185; Ap. 93. He getimbreþ eardwíc niwe it builds a new dwelling-place, Exon. 62 a; Th. 228, 1; Ph. 431.
eard-wrecca, -wreca, an; n. [eard I. native country; wrecca=wræcca an exile] One banished from his native country, an exile; exsul:--Þurh eardwrecena feormunge by harbouring of exiles, L. Alf. pol. 4; Th. i. 62, 16, note 24.
EÁRE, an; n: nom. acc. sing, eáre; nom. acc. pl. eáran The EAR of man or an animal; auris:--Ðæs eáre slóh Petrus of cujus abscĭdit Petrus aurĭcŭlam, Jn. Bos. 18, 26: Mk. Bos. 7, 33, 35: 14, 47: Ælfc. Gl. 71; Som. 70, 92; Wrt. Voc. 43, 23: Ps. Th. 140, 8: Exon. 128 b; Th. 494, 19; Rä. 83, 3: Cd. 216; Th. 275, 13; Sat. 171. [Wyc. eer, eere, ere: Piers P. ere: Chauc. ere: Orm. æere: Plat. oor, n: O. Sax. óra, n : Frs. ær, ear, eare: O. Frs. are, ar, n: Dut. oor, n: Ger. ohr, n: M. H. Ger. óre, n: O. H. Ger. óra, n: Goth. auso, n: Dan. öre, n : Swed. öra, n: Icel. eyra, n: Lat. auris, f: Grk. GREEK, n: Lith. ausis, f,]
eárefinger, es; m. An ear-finger, the little finger; auricŭlārius dĭgĭtus, minĭmus digĭtōrum:--Eárefinger auricŭlārius, Wrt. Voc. 71, 34.
eáre-lippric, eár-lipric, e; f: eór-lippric, es; n. A flap of the ear; aurĭcŭla:--In eárlipricum, dat. pl. Mk. Lind. War. 7, 33. Eárliprica, acc. pl. Mk. Rush. War. 7, 33: Jn. Rush. War. 18, 26. Ða eárelipprica, acc. pl. Mk. Lind. War. 14, 47.
earendel, earendil, es; m? A shining light, ray; jŭbar:--Leóma, earendil jŭbar, Glos. Epnl. Recd. 158, 25. Eálá earendel! engla beorhtast! ofer middangeard monnum sended O ray! brightest of angels! sent to men over mid-earth, Exon. 9 b; Th. 7, 20; Cri. 104. [O. H. Ger. Orendel, nn. pr.]
EARFE, earbe, an; f? A tare; ervurn, orŏbus=GREEK:--Earfan wyl on wætere boil tares in water, L. M. 1, 8; Lchdm. ii. 52, 16. [Dut. erwt, f. pea: Kil. erwete, erte, f: Ger. erbse, f. a pea: M. H. Ger. areweiʒ, erweiʒ, f: O. H. Ger. araweiʒ, arawíʒ, erbiʒ pisum: Dan. ært, ert, m. f. a pea: Swed. ärt, f. a pea: Icel. ertr, f. pl. peas.]
earfednyme an heir; hēres, Lk. Skt. Hat. 20, 14. v. yrfenuma.
EARFEÐE, earfoþ, es; pl. nom. acc. u, o, a; n. Hardship, labour, difficulty, trouble, suffering, woe; lăbor, mŏlestia, tribŭlātio:--Ic ðæt earfeðe wonn I suffered the hardship, Exon. 28 b; Th. 87, 21; Cri. 1428. Earfoðes feala tribulātiōnis multum, Ps. Th. 70, 19. Earfoðu, 21, 9: 24, 15 : 68, 27. Ðe ða earfeða dreógeþ who suffers those afflictions, Exon. 52 b; Th. 183, 18; Gú. 1329. Earfeðum, Ps. Th. 106, 5, 27. Earfoða dǽl a deal of sufferings, Cd. 9; Th. 12, 4; Gen. 180. [Plat. arbeed, f; Hel. araƀéd, arƀed, f; araƀédi, arƀédi, n: O. Sax. arbeit, f; arbeithi, arbeidi, arvit, n: Frs. aerbeyde: O. Frs. arbeid, arbed, n: Dut. arbeid, m; Ger. arbeit, f: M. H. Ger. arbeit, arebeit, f: O. H. Ger. arabeit, arbeit, f: Goth. arbaiþs, f; Dan. arbeid, arbeide, n: Swed. arbete, n: Icel. erfiði, erviði, n. toil, labour, distress.] DER. firenearfeðe, -earfoþ, ge-, mægen-, mód-, woruld-.
earfeðe, earfoþ; adj. Hard, difficult, troublesome; diffĭcĭlis, mŏlestus:-- Nis me earfeðe to geþolianne willan Dryhtnes mínes it is not hard for me to endure the will of my Lord, Exon. 48 a; Th. 166, 6; Gú. 1038. Ða bísgu us sint swíðe earfoþ the occupations are to us very difficult. Bt. proœm; Fox viii. 7. Earfoðest most difficult, Bt. 39, 4; Fox 216, 15. [Orm. arrfeþþ difficult.]
earfeþ-mæcg, es; m. An unhappy or unfortunate man; infortūnātus hŏmo :-- Se endestæf earfeþmæcgum weálíc weorþeþ the end to the unfortunate is miserable, Exon. 87 a; Th. 328, 3; Vy. 11. v. earfoþ-mæcg.
earfeþ-síþ a misfortune, calamity :-- Earfeþsíðas calamities, Andr. Kmbl. 2568; An. 1285. v. earfoþ-síþ.
earfoþ, es; n. Hardship, trouble; lăbor, tribŭlātio :-- Má earfoða more of troubles, Guthl. 5; Gdwin. 32, 13. v. earfeðe.
earfoþ; adj. Hard, difficult, Bt. proœm; Fox viii. 7. v. earfeðe; adj.
earfoþ-cyn, -cynn, es; n. A violent generation; prāva gens :-- Ðæt wæs earfoþcynn yrre and réðe genus prāvum et peramārum, Ps. Th. 77, 10.
earfoþ-dæg, es; m. A trouble-day, day of trouble; tribulātiōnis dies :-- Ic on earfoþ-dæge Drihten sóhte in die tribulātiōnis Deum exquīsīvi, Ps. Th. 76, 2.
earfoþ-fere; adj. Difficult to pass; diffĭcĭlis transĭtu, Scint. 10.
earfoþ-háwe; adj. Difficult to be seen; diffĭcĭlis vīsu :-- Earfoþháwe is it is difficult to be seen, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 303; Met. 20, 152: Bt. 33, 4; Fox 130, 30.
earfoþ-hwíl, e; f. A time of hardship; mŏlestum tempus :-- Ic earfoþhwíle þrówade I suffered a time of hardship, Exon. 81 b; Th. 306, 5; Seef. 3.
earfoþ-hylde; adj. Ill-inclined, ill-disposed, ill-natured; malĕvŏlus, malignus :-- Se ðe earfoþhylde biþ, and gyrnþ ðæra þinga ðe he begitan ne mihte, búton twýn him geneálǽhþ se hreófla Giezi he who is ill-inclined, and yearns for the things which he could not obtain, without doubt to him approximates the leper Gehazi, Homl. Th. i. 400, 1.
earfoþ-lǽre; adj. Difficult to be taught, dull; diffĭcĭlis doctu :-- Earfoþlǽran bróðru indŏcĭles fratres, Greg. Dial. 2, 3.
earfoþ-lǽte; adj. Difficult to be sent forth; diffĭcĭlis emissu :-- Earfoþlǽte micga a painful discharge of urine, strangury; strangūria = GREEK, Ælfc. Gl. 11; Som. 57, 47; Wrt. Voc. 19, 49.
earfoþ-líc; adj. Irksome; laboriōsus :-- Eall is earfoþlíc eorþan ríce the realm of earth is all irksome, Exon. 78 a; Th. 292, 28; Wand. 106. Gif eów ǽnig þing þince earfoþlíce si diffĭcĭle vōbis vīsum ălĭquid fuĕrit, Deut. 1, 17.
earfoþ-líce; adv. With difficulty, reluctantly, sorely, hardly; diffĭcĭle, invīte, ægre :-- Earfoþlíce wæs gúþ getwǽfed the contest had been parted with difficulty, Beo. Th. 3318; B. 1657: 3276; B. 1636: Mk. Bos. 10, 23. Se ellen-gǽst earfoþlíce þrage geþolode the potent ghost reluctantly endured for a time, Beo. Th. 173; B. 86: Exon. 98 a; Th. 369, 8; Seel. 38. Ðá wæs gegongen earfoþlíce then it befel sorely, Beo. Th. 5636; B. 2822: Andr. Kmbl. 1028; An. 514. Hí óþ-eódon earfoþlíce they hardly escaped, Beo. Th. 5861; B. 2934.
earfoþlícnes, -ness, -nyss, e; f. Difficulty, pain; diffĭcultas :-- Heó earfoþlícnysse [-nesse MS. B.] ðæs migþan astyreþ it stirreth a difficulty of the urine [strangury], Herb. 143, 1; Lchdm. i. 266, 3. Wið ðæs migþan earfoþlícnyssa [-nysse MS. H: -nesse MS. B.] for difficulties of the urine, 156, 3; Lchdm. i. 284, 4.
earfoþ-mæcg, earfeþ-mæcg, es; m. An unhappy man; infortūnātus hŏmo :-- Se earfoþmæcg up lócode the afflicted man looked up, Cd. 206; Th. 255, 12; Dan. 623.
earfoþnes, -ness, -niss, -nyss, e; f. Difficulty, hardship, anxiety, tribulation, misfortune; diffĭcultas, lăbor, angustiæ, tribŭlātio, infortūnium :-- God ealle þing gediht búton earfoþnysse God regulates all things without difficulty, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 19, 5; Lchdm. iii. 278, 13. Wið wífa earfoþnyssum [-nessum MS. B.] for the difficulties of women, Med. ex Quadr. 2, 7; Lchdm. i. 334, 18. He geheóld his ríce mid myclum geswince and earfoþnessum [-nyssum, Th. 278, 40, col. 2; -nissum, 279, 41, col. 1] he held his kingdom with much labour and hardships, Chr. 1016; Th. 278, 41, col. 1. Bútan micelre earfoþnysse without much tribulation, Homl. Th. i. 476, 13: Boutr. Scrd. 20, 35. Bútan earfoþnyssum without tribulations, Homl. Th. i. 476, 11. Mihte we ðý éþ geþolian swá hwæt earfoþnessa swá us on becóme we might the more easily bear whatsoever misfortunes come upon us, Bt. 10; Fox 30, 12.
earfoþ-recce; adj. [reccan to relate] Difficult to be told; diffĭcĭlis narrātu, Lupi Serm. 5, 3, Lye.
earfoþ-ríme; adj. Difficult to be numbered; diffĭcĭlis numĕrātu :-- Ða bísgu us sint swíðe earfoþríme the occupations are to us very difficult to be numbered, Bt. proœm; Fox viii. 7.
earfoþ-sǽlig; adj. Unblessed; infēlix :-- Ne biþ ǽnig ðæs earfoþsǽlig mon on moldan there is not any man on earth so unblessed, Exon. 78 b; Th. 294, 1; Crä. 8.
earfoþ-síþ, earfeþ-síþ, es; m. A laborious journey, misfortune, calamity; mŏlestum ĭter, infortūnium, calămĭtas :-- Weorn geferaþ earfoþsíða ye travel plenty of laborious journeys, Andr. Kmbl. 1355; An. 678: Cd. 72; Th. 89, 5; Gen. 1476. Se folc-toga findan sceolde earfoþsíðas the nation's leader should find calamities, 208; Th. 257, 13; Dan. 657: Exon. 88 a; Th. 330, 30; Vy. 59. Ðú wást ánra gehwylces earfeþsíðas thou knowest every man's calamities, Andr. Kmbl. 2568; An. 1285.
earfoþ-tǽcne; adj. Difficult to be shewn; diffĭcĭlis demonstrātu :-- Eorþe and wæter earfoþtǽcne wuniaþ on fýre earth and water dwell in fire difficult to be shewn, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 294; Met. 20, 147.
earfoþ-þrag, e; f. Time of tribulation; mŏlestum tempus :-- Á syððan earfoþþrage þolaþ ever after will suffer a time of tribulation, Beo. Th. 572; B. 283.
EARG, earh; comp. eargra, earhra; sup. eargost; adj. I. inert, weak, timid, cowardly; iners, ignāvus, segnis, tĭmĭdus :-- Se earga féðe Brytta ăcies segnis Brittŏnum, Bd. 1, 12; S. 481, 19. Ful oft mon wearnum tíhþ eargne full oft one urges the inert with threats, Exon. 92 a; Th. 345, 14; Gn. Ex. 188. Ne biþ swylc earges síþ such is not the path of the cowardly, Beo. Th. 5076; B. 2541: Ors. 6, 36; Bos. 131, 27. II. evil, wretched, vile; prāvus, imprŏbus :-- Ða cyningas, ðe æfter Romuluse rícsedan, wǽran eargran ðonne he wǽre the kings who reigned after Romulus, were more vile than he was. Ors. 2, 2; Bos. 41, 24. Tarcuinius hiora eallra eargost wæs Tarquin was the most vile of them all, 2, 2; Bos. 41, 26. Swá fela eargra worda so many evil words, Cd. 27; Th. 36, 32; Gen. 580: Exon. 26 b; Th. 79, 29; Cri. 1298. [Chauc, erke indolent, indisposed: Laym. eærʒh timid: Scot. arch, argh, ergh averse: Frs. erg bad, wicked: O. Frs. erch, erg, arg bad: Dut. erg bad; Ger. arg bad, wicked: M. H. Ger. arc mălus, prāvus: O. H. Ger. arg avārus, prāvus: Dan. arg, arrig bad, wicked, passionate: Swed. arg angry: Icel. argr emasculate, effeminate.] DER. un-earg.
earge; adv. Inertly, badly; segnĭter, măle :-- Earge gé ðæt lǽstun ye performed that badly, Exon. 30 a; Th. 92, 3; Cri. 1503.
ear-gebland, ear-geblond, earh-geblond, es; n. Wave-mingling; oceăni turbātio, undārum commixtio :-- Ofer eargebland [æra gebland, col. 1] land gesóhtan they sought the land over the ocean [lit. the wave-mingling], Chr. 937; Th. 202, 38, col. 2: Th. 203, 38, col. 1, 2: Bt. Met. Fox 8, 59; Met. 8, 30.
eár-gespeca, eár-gespreca, an; m. An ear-speaker, a whisperer; auricŭlārius, susurro, Cot. 14.
earg-faru, e; f. A flight or shooting of an arrow. Exon. 71 b; Th. 266, 26; Jul. 404. v. earh-faru.
eargian to be slothful, dull, idle; torpescĕre. DER. a-eargian.
eargra weaker, Bt. 26, 2; Fox 92, 27, = comp. of earg.
ear-grund, es; m. The ocean's ground; oceăni fundus, Exon. 53 b; Th. 188, 3; Az. 40.
eargscipe, earhscipe, es; m. Idleness, sloth; ignāvia, Lye.
earh ocean. DER. earh-geblond. v. ear.
earh; adj. Swift, fleeing through fear, timorous, weak; fŭgax, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 60; Som. 13, 43: Byrht. Th. 138, 50; By. 238. v. earg.
EARH, e; f; arewe, an; f. An ARROW; sagitta :-- Earh áttre gemǽl the arrow stained with poison, Andr. Recd. 2661; An. 1333. [Laym. Chauc. arwe: Piers P. arwe, pl. arewes: Wyc. arewe, arwe: Goth. arhwazna. f. telum: O. Nrs. ör; gen. örvar. f. sagitta.]
earh-faru, e; f. [earh an arrow; faru a going, journey, passage] A flight of arrows; sagittārum vŏlātus :-- Habbaþ scearp speru, atole earhfare they have sharp spears, a terrible flight of arrows, Salm. Kmbl. 259; Sal. 129. Mid earhfare with a flight of arrows, Andr. Kmbl. 2097; An. 1050. Ða us gescildaþ wið sceððendra eglum [MS englum] earhfarum they shall shield us against the enemies' noxious flights of arrows, Exon. 19 a; Th. 47, 28; Cri. 762.
earh-geblond wave-mingling, Elen. Kmbl. 477; El. 239. v. ear-gebland.
earhlíce; adv. Fearfully, timidly, disgracefully, basely; trepĭde, remisse, ignāve, turpĭter :-- Earhlíce timidly, Gen. 20, 4. Hí hine earhlíce ofslógon they basely slew him, Chr. 1086; Erl. 223, 9. v. earh.
earhra weaker, Bt. 26, 2; Fox 92, 27, MS. Bod. v. earg.
eár-hring, eár-ring, es; m. An ear-ring; inauris :-- Nymaþ gyldene eár-hringas of eówer wífa eáron tollĭte inaures aureas de uxōrum vestrārum aurĭbus, Ex. 32, 2: Ælfc. Gl. 4; Som. 55, 91. v. eár-spinl.
eá-risc, e; f. A water-rush, bulrush; scirpus, juncus, Cot. 219: R. 42 ? Lye. v. ǽ-risc.
eá-riþ, es; m. A water-stream; aquae rīvus :-- Ðǽr synd fúle eáriþas yrnende there are foul running water-streams, Guthl. 3; Gdwin. 20, 5.
eá-rixe, an; f. A water-rush :-- Nim eárixena wyrtruman take roots of water-rushes, Lchdm. iii. 122, 8. v. eá-risc.
eár-læppa, an; m. [eáre an ear, læppa a lap] An ear-lap; pinnŭla :-- Eár-læppa vel ufweard [MS. ufwaard] eáre pinnŭla: flǽran vel eár-læppan pinnŭlæ, Ælfc. Gl. 71; Som. 70, 83, 84; Wrt. Voc. 43, 15, 16.
eár-loccas; pl. m. [eár = ǽr before] Forelocks; antiæ, Ælfc. Gl. 64; Som. 69, 16; Wrt. Voc. 40, 49.
EARM, es; m. I. an ARM, the limb extending from the shoulder to the hand; brachium :-- Gif se earm biþ forad búfan elmbogan, ðǽr sculon xv scillinga to bóte if the arm be broken above the elbow, there shall be fifteen shillings for compensation, L. Alf. pol. 54; Th. i. 94, 24: 66; Th. i. 96, 28. Earm brachium, Wrt. Voc. 64, 69: 71, 22: 283, 7: Ps. Lamb. 88, 22: 97, l. On mycelnysse earmes ðines in magnitūdĭne brachii tui. Cant. Moys. Lamb. 187 b, 16: Ps. Th. 70, 17: 78, 12. He worhte mægne on hys earme fēcit potentiam in brachio suo, Lk. Bos. 1, 51: Ex. 6, 6: Ps. Lamb. 76, 16: 135, 12: Beo. Th. 4711; B. 2361. Se ðe earm þurhstinþ vi scillingum gebéte: gif earm forbrocen weorþ, vi scillingum gebéte let him who stabs [another] through the arm make amends with six shillings: if the arm be broken, let him make amends with six shillings, L. Ethb. 53; Th. i. 16, 7, 8: Byrht. Th. 136, 43; By. 165. Ánra gehwylc wið earm gesæt, hleonade wið handa each one rested on his arm, leaned on his hand. Cd. 223; Th. 291, 18; Sat. 432: Beo. Th. 1503; B. 749. Ǽghwæðer óðerne earme beþehte each embraced the other with his arm, Andr. Kmbl. 2030; An. 1017: Elen. Kmbl. 2470; El. 1236. Forðanðe earmas synfulra beóþ tobrocene oððe beóþ tobrytte quŏniam brachia peccatōrum contĕrentur, Ps. Lamb. 36, 17: 43, 4. Næfde séllícu wiht exle ne earmas the wonderful thing had not shoulders nor arms, Exon. 108 b; Th. 415, 4; Rä. 33, 6: 129 a; Th. 494, 24; Rä. 83, 6. Ðe me mid his earmum worhte who made me with his arms, Cd. 26; Th. 34, 28; Gen. 544: Ps. Th. 90, 11. Muscl ðæs earmes the muscle of the arm; tŏrus vel muscŭlus vel lăcertus, Ælfc. Gl. 72; Som. 70, 123; Wrt. Voc. 43, 48. II. anything projecting from a main body, as an inlet of the sea or ocean, etc; sĭnus, rāmus :-- Ðæs sǽs earm an arm of the sea, Ors. 1. 1; Bos. 19, 10, 15, 19, 21. Earmes, 23, 20: 24, 16, 17. Gársecges earm, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 18, 23: 19, 9. [Wyc. arm: Chauc. arme: Laym. ærm, arm: Orm. arrrness, pl: Plat. O. Sax. arm, m: Frs. earm: O. Frs. erm, arm, m: Dut. Ger. M. H. Ger. arm, m: O. H. Ger. arm, aram, m: Goth. arms, m: Dan. arm, m. f: Swed. arm, m: Icel. armr, m: Lat. armus, m : Grk. GREEK, m. the shoulder-joint: Sansk. īrma, m. the arm.] DER. sǽ-earm: earm-beáh, -boga, -gegyrela, -hreád, -scanca, -slífe, -strang, -swíþ.
EARM, ærm, arm; comp. earmra; sup. earmost; adj. I. poor, miserable, helpless, pitiful, wretched; pauper, mĭser :-- Ðá com án earm wuduwe cum vēnisset vĭdua una pauper, Mk. Bos. 12, 42, 43: Bt. 39, 2; Fox 212, 16. Nú eart tú earm sceaða now art thou a miserable wretch, Cd. 214; Th. 268, 19; Sat. 57: 226; Th. 301, 9; Sat. 579: Ps. Th. 136, 8. Earm biþ se him his frýnd geswícaþ miserable is he whom his friends betray, Exon. 89 a; Th. 335, 22; Gn. Ex. 37. Se wæs ord-fruma earmre láfe who was the chief of the poor remnant, Cd. 179; Th. 225, 11; Dan. 152. Gé sindon earme ofer ealle menn you are wretched above all men, Andr. Kmbl. 1351; An. 676. Nó ic gefrægn earmran mannan I have not heard of a more miserable man, Beo. Th. 1159; B. 577. Ic wolde cweðan ðæt hi wǽron earmoste I should say that they were most miserable, Bt. 38, 2; Fox 198, 13: Exon. 110 a; Th. 421, 6; Rä. 40, 14. II. the poor and destitute for whom the church made a provision; paupĕres :-- Be teóðunge. Se cyng and his witan habbaþ gecoren and gecweden, ealswá hit riht is,--ðæt þridda [MS. þriddan] ðǽl ðare teóðunge, ðe to circan gebýrige, gá to ciric-bóte;--and óðer dǽl ðám Godes þeówum;--þridde Godes þearfum, and earman þeówetlingan concerning tithe. The king and his witan have chosen and decreed, as is just,--that a third part of the tithe, which belongs to the church, go to church-repair;--and a second part to the servants of God;--a third to God's poor, and the needy in thraldom, L. Eth. ix. 6; Th. i. 342, 6-9. v. þearfa. [Laym, ærm: Plat. O. Sax. arm: Frs. earm: O. Frs. arm, erm: Dut. Ger. M. H. Ger. arm: O. H. Ger. arm, aram: Goth. arms: Dan. Swed. arm: Icel. armr.]
earm-beáh; gen. -beáges; dat. -beáge; m. An arm-ring, bracelet; armilla :-- Brád earmbeáh a broad or large arm-bracelet; dextrochĕrium, Ælfc. Gl. 114; Som. 80, 30; Wrt. Voc. 61, 10. Earmbeága fela many bracelets. Beo. Th. 5520; B. 2763.
earm-boga, an; m. An arm-bow, elbow; brachii curvātūra, Som. Ben. Lye.
earm-cearig; adj. Miserable and sad; mĭser et tristis :-- Hú ic, earm-cearig, íscealdne sǽ, winter wunade how I passed a winter, miserable and sad, on the ice-cold sea, Exon. 81 b; Th. 306, 27; Seef. 14: 76 b; Th. 287, 26; Wand. 20.
earme; adv. Wretchedly, badly; mĭsĕre, măle :-- He lyt ongeat ðæt him swá earme gelamp he little knew that it would fall out to him so badly, Cd. 76; Th. 94, 26; Gen. 1567.
earm-gegyrela, -gegirela, an; m. [gegyrela clothing, apparel] A bracelet to be worn on the right arm; dextrāle :-- Earmgegirelan dextrālia, Cot. 63.
earm-heort; adj. Tender-hearted, merciful; misĕrĭcors, Greg. Dial. 1, 2.
earm-hreád, e; f. An arm-ornament; brachii ornāmentum :-- Earm-hreáda [MS. earm reade] twá two arm-ornaments, B. 1194. v. hreóðan.
earmian; p. ode; pp. od; v. reflex. To commiserate, feel pity; misĕrēri :-- Hwam ne mæg earmian swylcere tíde who cannot feel pity for such a time? Chr. 1087; Th. 354, 2.
earming, erming, yrming, es; m. A wretched or miserable being; mĭser :-- Earming mĭser, Ælfc. Gr. 8; Som. 7, 18: Ælfc. Gl. 77; Som. 72, 17; Wrt. Voc. 45, 50: 75, 33. Syle ðín eáre ðínum earminge give thy ear to thy wretched one, Ps. Lamb. fol. 183 b, 17. Ne ondrǽd ðé, lá earming git ðu hæfst lífes hiht dread not, 0 wretched man, thou hast yet hope of life, Ælfc. T. 37, 2. Ða ðe ðæs wélan gitsiaþ, hí biþ symle wædlan and earmingas on hyra móde they who covet wealth are always poor and miserable beings in their mind, Prov. Kmbl. 50.
earmlíc; sup. earmlícost; adj. Miserable, wretched; mĭser :-- Ðǽr sceal earmlíc ylda cwealm æfter wyrþan then must afterwards miserable slaughter of men take place, Andr. Kmbl. 363; An. 182. Wǽs gehýred earmlíc ylda gedræg the wretched tumult of men was heard. Andr. Kmbl. 3108; An. 1557: Beo. Th. 1618; B. 807: Bd. 5, 13; S. 632, 29. Ðæt is earmlícost ealra þinga this is the most wretched of all things. Bt. Met. Fox 19, 55; Met. 19, 28: 27, 32; Met. 27, 16: 28, 148; Met. 28, 74.
earmlíce; adv. Miserably, wretchedly; mĭsĕre :-- He wæs earmlíce beswicen he was wretchedly beguiled, Bd. 5, 13; S. 632, 26: 1. 12; S. 481, 21: Cd. 81; Th. 101, 35; Gen. 1692: Exon. 88 a; Th. 330, 20; Vy. 54. Earmlícor more miserably. Bd. 5, 14; S. 635, 3.
earm-scanca, an; m. An arm-bone [= shank]; crus :-- Gif ða earm-scancan beóþ begen forade if the arm-bones be both broken, L. Alf. pol. 55; Th. i. 94, 26.
earm-sceapen; adj. Miserable, wretched; mĭser :-- Ne mihte earm-sceapen áre findan the poor wretch might not find pity, Andr. Kmbl. 2259; An. 1131: 2689; An. 1347: Beo. Th. 2707; B. 1351: Cd. 206; Th. 255, 30; Dan. 632.
earm-slífe, an; f. An arm-sleeve; brachīle, R. Ben. Interl. 55.
earm-strang; adj. Arm-strong, muscular; tŏrōsus, Ælfc. Gl. 72; Som. 70, 124; Wrt. Voc. 43, 49.
earm-swíþ; adj. Arm-powerful, muscular, strong; lacertōsus, Cot. 123: 200.
earmþu, e; f. Misery, poverty; mĭsĕria :-- Gif ða earmþa ealle sóðe sint if the miseries are all true, Bt. 38, 2; Fox 198, 14, 16. v. yrmþu,
earmung, e; f. Misery, poverty; mĭsĕria :-- Hió biþ eádgum leóf, earmunge tǽse [earmum getǽse, Grn.] she is dear to the rich, benevolent to poverty, Exon. 128 a; Th. 492, 28; Rä. 81, 22.
Ear-múþa, an; m. [ear the sea, the river Yare, múþa the mouth] Great YARMOUTH, Norfolk; oppĭdum in agro Norfolciensi, et in insŭla Vecti. Lye.
EARN, es; m. An eagle; aquĭla :-- Se earn the eagle, Herb. 31, 2; Lchdm. i. 128, 10. Earn aquĭla, Ælfc. Gl. 36; Som. 62, 107; Wrt. Voc. 29, 5: 62, 1: 77, 12: 280, 1. Swá earn his briddas spænþ to flihte and ofer híg fliceraþ, swá he tobrǽdde his feðeru sīcut aquĭla provŏcans ad vŏlandum pullos suos et super eos vŏlĭtans expandit ālas suas, Deut. 32, 11. Úrigfeðera earn sang ahóf the dewy-feathered eagle raised his song, Elen. Kmbl. 58; El. 29: 222; El. 111: Judth. 11; Thw. 24, 27; Jud. 210: Byrht. Th. 134, 60; By. 107: Exon. 111 a; Th. 426, l; Rä. 41, 67. Biþ ge-edniwad swylce earnes geógeþ ðín renŏvābĭtur ut aquĭlæ juventus tua, Ps. Lamb. 102, 5. Earnes brid an eagle's young, Exon. 59 a; Th. 214, 7; Ph. 235. Earnes mearh an eagle's marrow, Lchdm. iii. 14, 24. Se wonna hrefn fela earne secgan the dark raven [shall] say much to the eagle, Beo. Th. 6044; B. 3026: Exon. 59 a; Th. 214, 12; Ph. 338: Ps. Th. 102, 5. Ic onhyrge ðone haswan earn I imitate the dusky eagle, Exon. 106 b; Th. 406, 21; Rä. 25, 4: Chr. 937; Erl. 115, 12; Æðelst. 63. Swá hwǽr swá hold byþ, ðæder beóþ earnas gegaderode ubicumque fuĕrit corpus, illic congrĕgābuntur et aquĭlæ, Mt. Bos. 24, 28. Cómon earnas on flyhte eagles came in flight, Andr. Kmbl. 1725, An. 865. He sende blódige earnas he sent bloody eagles, Salm. Kmbl. 943; Sal. 471. [Chauc. erne: R. Glouc. ern: Laym. ærn, erne: Orm. ærn: Scot. ern, erne, eirne, earn: Plat. arend, aarn, aarnd: Dut. arend, m: Ger. aar, m: M. H. Ger. arn, m: O. H. Ger. arn, aro, m: Goth. ara, m; Dan. örn, m. f: Swed. Icel. örn, m.]
earn, es; n. A house, cottage; căsa :-- On ðære stówe ðe is gecíged æt hwítan earne in the place which is called [at] Whitern [white house, candĭda căsa]. Bd. 5, 24; S. 646, 31. v. ærn.
earn-cyn, -cynn, es; n. Eagle-kind; gĕnus aquĭlæ :-- Ne ete ge nán þing earncynnes do not eat anything of the eagle-kind, Lev. ll, 13.
earne active, Exon. 101 a; Th. 380, 31; Rä. 1, 16; acc. of earu.
earn-geáp? [earn an eagle, geáp shrewd, cunning] A vulture, species of falcon; vultur, harpe = GREEK :-- Earn-geáp? vultur, Ælfc. Gl. 38; Som. 63, 32; Wrt. Voc. 29, 51. Earn-geáp? arpa [= harpe], Glos. Brux. Recd. 36, 2; Wrt. Voc. 62, 2, Ben. Lye. v. earn-geát.
earn-geát, e; f. [gǽt, gát a goat] The goat-eagle, vulture; harpe = GREEK, vultur, Glos. Epnl. Recd. 153, 40: Mone A. 2.
EARNIAN; p. ode, ade, ede; pp. od, ad; v. trans, gen. acc. To EARN, merit, deserve, get, attain, labour for; mĕrēri :-- Byþ geseald ðære þeóde ðe hys earnaþ it shall be given to the nation which deserves it, Mt. Bos. 21, 43, Hú monna gehwylc earnode éces lífes how every man merited eternal life, Exon. 23 a; Th. 65, 9; Cri. 1052. Ðá he ne earnade elles wuhte when he did not earn anything else, Bt. Met. Fox 9, 39; Met. 9, 20. Gé ðæs earnedon ye merited this, Exon. 27 b; Th. 83, 2; Cri. 1350. Uton we friþes earnian let us merit peace, 98 a; Th. 366, 17; Reb. 13. He hæfþ ðæt ðæt he earnaþ he has that which he earns, Bt. 37, 2; Fox 188, 6. [Plat. arnen, arnden to reap: O. Frs. arn. f. messis: Kil. arnen, ernen mĕtĕre sĕgĕtem: Ger. ernten, ärnten to reap, harvest: M. H. Ger. arnen to reap: O. H. Ger. arnén mĕrēri; arnón mĕtĕre: Goth. asans, f. harvest.] DER. ge-earnian.
earning, e; f. A merit; mĕrĭtum:-- Nó ðæs earninga ǽnige wǽron for this were not any merits, Exon. 118b; Th. 456, 17; Hy. 4, 68. v. earnung.
earning-land, es; n. Land earned or made freehold = bóc-land, Cod. Dipl. 679; A. D. 972-992; Kmbl. iii. 259, 10; Sax. Engl. i. 312, note 2.
Earnulf, Arnulf, es; m. Arnulf, emperor of Germany from A. D. 887 to 899, nephew of Charles le Gros = Ger. Kart der Dicke: -- Ðý ilcan geáre, forþférde Carl, Francna cyning; and Earnulf, his bróður sunu, hine vi wicum ǽr he forþférde, berǽdde æt ðam ríce in the same year, Charles, king of the Franks, died; and six weeks before he died, Arnulf, his brother's son, bereft him of the kingdom, Chr. 887; Th. 156, 30. Mid Earnulfes geþafunge with the consent of Arnulf, 887; Th. 156, 36.
earnung, earning, e; f. An EARNING, desert, reward, good turn, compassion; mĕrĭtum, misĕratio, compassio:-- For earnunge écan lífes for the reward of eternal life, Hy. 6, 26; Hy. Grn. ii. 286, 26. Hwylce earnung. uncre wǽron such deserts have been ours, Exon. 100a; Th. 377, 3; Seel. 166. Se gewuldorbeágaþ ðé on earnunga qui cŏrōnat te in miseratiōnĭbus, Ps. Spl. 102, 4. DER. ge-earnung.
earon are. Ps. Th. loi, 21: Th. Diplm. A. D. 887; 133, 37; 134, l; 3rd pres. pl. of eom.
earp; adj. Dark, dusky; fuscus:-- Earpan gesceafte, fús ofer folcum, fýre swǽtaþ the dark creatures [clouds; nubes], hurrying over the people, sweat fire, Exon. 102 a; Th. 385, 10; Rä. 4, 42. v. eorp.
earpa a harp, Ps. Spl. 107, 2. v. hearpa.
eár-plǽttan; p. -plætte; pp. -plætted [éare an ear, plættan to strike] To strike on the ear, to box the ear; cŏlăphum incŭtĕre:-- Se byrle ðone apostol eár-plætte the cup-bearer struck the apostle on the ear, Homl. Th. ii. 520, 12.
eár-preón, es; m. An ear-pin, ear-ring; inauris:-- Eárpreón vel eárring inauris, Ælfc. Gl. 65; Som. 69, 50; Wrt. Voc. 41, 7. Earpreónas vel eár-hringas inaures, 4; Som. 55, 91; Wrt. Voc. 16, 61.
eár-ring an ear-ring, Ælfc. Gl. 65; Som. 69, 50; Wrt. Voc. 41, 7. v. eár-hring.
EARS, ærs, es; m. The breech, the buttocks, the hind part; ánus, pōdex. [Piers P. ers: Chauc. ers, erse: Plat. aars, ars, eers, m: Frs. earse, earz: O. Frs. ers: Dut. aars, m: Ger. arsch, m: M. H. Ger. O. H. Ger. ars, m. cūlus, pōdex: Dan. ars, arts, m. f; Swed. ars, m: Icel. ars, rass, m.] DER. open-ærs: ears-ende, -gang, -ling, -lýre, -ode, -þerl.
eár-scrypel, es; m. An ear-scraper, ear-finger; dĭgĭtus auricŭlāris:-- Eár-scrypel auricŭlāris, Glos. Brux. Recd. 38, 75; Wrt. Voc. 65, 3.
eár-sealf, e; f. An EAR-SALVE, L. M. 1, 3; Lchdm. ii. 40, l.
ears-ende, es; m. The breech, the buttocks; nătes:-- Ears-ende [MS. -endu] nătes, Wrt. Voc. 65, 36: [MS. -enda], 283, 61.
ears-gang, es; m. Āni fŏrāmen, ānus. v. ars-gang.
ears-ling; adv. Only used adverbially with on, -- On the back, backwards; retrorsum:-- Sýn hí gecyrde on earsling be thei turned awey bacward, Wyc; avertantur retrorsurn. Ps. Th. 34, 5. Gán hý on ears-ling avertantur retrorsum, 6, 8. v. bæcling, hinderling.
ears-lýre, es; m ? [lyre = líra muscle] The breech-muscle, the breech; nătes:-- Earslýre nătes, Ælfc. Gl. 74; Som. 71, 71; Wrt. Voc. 44, 53.
earsode; part. Having a breech, breeched; tergōsus, Ælfc. Gl. 77; Som. 72, 4; Wrt. Voc. 45, 38.
eár-spinl, e; f. [spinl = spindel a spindle] An ear-ring; inauris, Prov. 25. v. éar-hring.
ears-þerl, es; a. [þerl=þyrel a hole] Fŏrāmen āni, ānus:-- Ears-þerl ānus vel verpus, Ælíf. Gl. 74; Som. 71, 72; Wrt. Voc. 44, 54.
eart art:-- Ðú eart ðé selfa ðæt héhste good thou thyself art the highest good, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 90; Met. 20, 45: Bt. 10; Fox 26, 23: Ælfc. Gr. 32; Som. 36, 26: Beo. Th. 710; B. 352: 1016; B. 506: Andr. Kmbl. 2378; An. 1190: Elen. Grm. 808: Exon. 13 b; Th. 25, 19; Cri. 403: Ps. Th. 51, 8: Salm. Kmbl. 658; Sal. 328: Cd. 26; Th. 34, 4; Gen. 532: 214; Th. 268, 19; Sat. 57: Nicod. 4; Thw. 2, 34: Mk. Bos. 14, 70; 2nd pers. sing, of eom.
earþ art, Cd. 205; Th. 254, 9; Dan. 609: Bt. 33, 4; Fox 128, 4. v. eom.
eárðan before that; antĕquam, Chr. 1041; Th. 299, 15, col. 1. v. ǽr; adv.
earþling a farmer, v. yrþling.
earu; adj. Quick, active, ready; cĕler, alăcer, parātus:-- Gehýrest ðú uncerne earne hwelp hearest thou our active whelp? Exon, 101a; Th. 380, 31; Rä. I, 16. [Sansk, ara quick.] v. arod.
earun are. Ps. Th. 104, 7; pl. pres. of eom.
eár-wærc, es; n. Ear-ache, a pain in the ear; auris dŏlor:-- Wið eár-wærce for ear-ache, L. M. 1, 3; Lchdm. ii. 40, 7.
eár-wicga, eór-wicga, an; m. An EARWIG or worm; vermis vel forfĭcfŭla aurĭcŭlāris:-- Wið eárwicgan against earwigs, L. M. cont. I. 3; Lchdm. ii. 2, 14: L. M. I. 3; Lchdm. ii. 40, I: I, 3; Lchdm. ii. 44, 4. v. wicga.
earwunga [earnunga?]; adv. Without cause; grātis:-- Afuhtan me
earwunga expugnāvērunt me grātis, Ps. Th. 108, 2: 68, 4: 118, 161: 119, 6. v. arwunga, earnung, bútan ge-earnungum grātis, s. v. ge-earnung.
eás of a river:-- On twá healfe ðære eás on the two sides of the river, Chr. 896; Th. 172, 39, col. l; gen. of eá, q. v.
eá-spring, ǽ-spring, es; n. A water-spring, fountain; ăquæ fons, fons:-- Ðæt Cúþbyrhtus án eáspring of drigre eorþan up gelǽdde ut Cudberct fontem de arente terra produxĕrit, Bd. 4, 28; S. 605, 6.
EÁST, es; m. The EAST; ŏriens:-- Óþ Indéas eáste wearde unto the Indies towards the east, Bt. Met. Fox 16, 36; Met. 16, 18. Sió sunne norþ eft and eást otéweþ the sun appears again in the north and ease, i. e. in the north-east, 13, 118; Met. 13, 59. Ðæt eálond on Wiht is þrittiges míla lang eást and west; and twelf míla brád súþ and norþ Vecta insŭla hăbet ab ŏriente in occāsum triginta circĭter mīlia passuum; ab austro in bŏream duodĕcim, Bd. I. 3; S. 475, 19. [Wyc. est, eest: Piers P. eest: Chauc. est: Laym. æst, east: Orm. æst: Plat. oost: O. Sax. óst-ar towards the east: Frs. æst, east: O. Frs. asta, ost: Dut. oost, oosten, n: Ger. ost, osten, m: M. H. Ger. ósten, n: O. H. Ger. óst, óstan, m: Dan. öst, östen, öster: Swed. öster, m: Icel, austr, m.] DER. eástan, eástan-súþan: Eást-Centingas, -dǽl, -ende, -Engle, -folc -Francan, -healf, -land, -lang, -ríce, -rihte, -sǽ, -Seaxte: eáster, eáster-ǽfen, -dæg, -fæsten, -feorm, -líc, -mónaþ, -niht, -þénung, -tíd, -wuce.
Eást; adj. EAST, easterly; orientālis:-- Eást used mostly in composition as a noun, Eást-Engle East-Angles, Bd. 5, 24; S. 646, 19. Eást-Seaxe East-Saxons, 5, 24; S. 646, 19. Eást-Francan East-Franks, Ors. I, I; Bos. 18, 30: Chr. 891; Erl. 88, 3. v. eást, es; m.
eásta, an; m. The east; ŏriens:-- He férde syððan to ðam múnte, be eástan Bethel inde transgrĕdiens ad montem, qui erat contra ŏrientem Bethel, Gen. 12, 8. Be eástan Ríne syndon Eást-Francan to the east of the Rhine are the East-Franks, Ors. I. I; Bos. 18, 29, 31, 33, 39, 45. Be eástan in the east. Bt. Met. Fox 29, 65; Met. 29, 33: Chr. 878; Erl. 80, 9: 894; Erl. 92, 19. v. eást, es; m.
eá-stæp a river-bank; flūrnĭnis rīpa. v. eá. stæþ a shore, bank.
eástan, eásten; adj. East; orientālis:-- Eástan súþan wind south-east wind; vulturnus, Ælfc. Gl. 54; Som. 66, 86; Wrt. Voc. 36, 12. Norþan eástan wind eurus, euroauster, 54; Som. 66, 87; Wrt. Voc. 36, 13. Eásten wind subsōlānus, 54; Som. 66, 82; Wrt. Voc. 36, 8.
eástan, eásten, éstan; adv. From the east, easterly; ab ŏriente:-- Gif wind cymþ westan oððe eástan if the wind come westerly or easterly, Cd. 38; Th. 50, 10; Gen. 806: 80; Th. 99, 20; Gen. 1649: 86; Th. 107, 24; Gen. 1794. Æðeltungla wyn eástan líxeþ the delight of the noble stars shines easterly, Exon. 60 a; Th. 218, 6; Ph. 290: 57 a; Th. 204, 24; Ph. 102: 20b; Th. 55, 19; Cri. 886. Eásten hider from the east hither, Cd. 27; Th. 35, 16; Gen. 555. Hwonne up cyme æðelast tungla éstan líxan when the noblest of stars riseth up shining easterly, Exon. 57 a; Th. 204, 8; Ph. 94.
eástan-súþan south-eastern, Ælfc. Gl. 54; Som. 66, 86; Wrt. Voc. 36, 12. v. eástan; adj.
Eást-Centingas; pl. m. The East Kentians, men of East Kent; Cantii ŏrientis habitātōres:-- Ealle Eást-Centingas friþ wið ðone here genámon all the men of East Kent made peace with the army, Chr. 1009; Th. 260, 39.
eást-dǽl, es; m. The eastern part, the east; terræ pars orientālis, ortus:-- Cirus, Persa cyning, hæfde mǽst eallne ðæne eást-dǽl awést Cyrus, king of the Persians, had laid waste almost all the east, Ors. 2, 4,; Bos. 43, 43: Exon. 55b; Th. 197, 20; Ph. 2. Eást-dǽl ortus, Ps. Lamb. 102, 12.
eásten; adj. East; orientālis. v. eástan; adj.
eásten; adv. From the east, easterly; ab ŏriente. v. éastan; adv.
eást-ende, es; m. The east-end; pars orientālis:-- Æt ðæs wuda eást-ende at the east-end of the wood, Chr. 893; Th. 162, 28.
Eást-Engle; pl. m. The East-Angles; ŏrientes Angli:-- Of Engle cóman Eást-Engle and Middel-Engle from Angeln came the Angles of the east and the middle Angles, Bd. I. 15; S. 483, 24.
eásten-wind, es; m. The east wind; subsōlānus. v. eástan; adj.
eáster, eástor; gen. eástres; pl. nom. acc. eástro; gen. eástrena; dat. eástron, eástran [= eastrum]; n: eástre, an; n. I. Easier, the feast of Easter; pascha = GREEK:-- On dæge symbeles eástres in die solemni paschœ, Lk. Lind. War. 2, 41. Wæs ðære ylcan nihte ðara hálgan Eástrena, ðæt seó cwén cende dóhtor ðæm cyninge it was on that same holy night of Easter, that the queen bore to the king a daughter, Bd. 2, 9; S. 511, 28. Æfter twám dagum beóþ eástro post bĭduum pascha fiet. Mt. Bos. 26, 2. Freóls-dæg, se is gecweden Eástre a feast day which is called Easter, Lk. Bos. 22, l. II. the passover, paschal lamb; pascha:-- To eástron for the Easter lamb, Mt. Bos. 26, 17. Ðá hí eástron offrodon . . . ðæt ðú eástron ete quando pascha immŏlābant. . . ut mandŭces pascha. Mk. Bos. 14, 12. [Ger. M. H. Ger. ostern, f; Ker. óstarun, óstrun: Ottf. óstará, óstoron dea, pascha: A. Sax. Eástre, the goddess of the rising sun, whose festivities were in April. Hence used by Teutonic christians for the rising of the sun of righteousness, the feast of the resurrection, Bd. de Temp. Rat. Works, vol. ii. p. 81: Grimm's Deut. Mythol. 8vo. 1855, pp. 180-183.] eáster, eástor; adj. Easter; paschālis:-- Ðys sceal on eáster-ǽfen this belongs to easter-even. Rubc. Mt. Bos. 28, I; Notes, p. 577, 28, 1 a. Eáster-tíd easter-tide or time. Homl. Th. ii. 266, 15, 19, 21. Eáster-mónaþ easter-month, April, Menol. Fox 142; Men. 72.
eáster-ǽfen, eástor-ǽfen, es; m. Easter-even; dies ante festum paschæ:-- Ðys sceal on eáster-ǽfen this [gospel] must be on easter-even, Rubc. Mt. Bos. 28, 1; notes, p. 577, 28, I a.
eáster-dæg, eástor-dæg, es; m. Easter-day; dies paschālis:-- Com he to ðam cyninge ðý ǽrestan eáster-dæge pervēnit ad rēgem prĭmo die paschæ, Bd. 2, 9; S. 511, 17.
eáster-fæsten, es; n. Easter-fast; quadrāgēsĭrna, jejūnium paschāle:-- On fóreweard eáster-fæsten in the beginning of the easter-fast; incĭpiente quadrāgēsĭma, Bd. 5, 2; S. 614, 37.
eáster-feorm, eástor-feorm, e; f. Easter-feast or repast; paschālis firma:-- On sumere þeóde gebýreþ winter-feorm [and] eáster-feorm in quĭbusdam lŏcis dătur firma nātālis Dŏmĭni, et firma paschālis, L. R. S. 21; Th. i. 440, 26.
eáster-líc, eástor-líc; adj. Easter, paschal; paschālis:-- Hý fóron to Hierusalem to ðam eásterlícan freólse they went to Jerusalem to the paschal feast. Lk. Bos. 2, 42: Homl. Th. ii. 32, 15: 284, I.
eáster-mónaþ, es; m. Easter-month; Aprīlis mensis:-- Eáster-móðnaþ cymeþ easter-month comes, Menol. Fox 142; Men. 72.
eást-ern, -erne; adj. [ern a place] EASTERN, oriental; orientālis:-- Ðonne cymþ eásterne wind then comes the eastern wind, Cd. 17; Th. 20, 27; Gen. 315. Se wer wæs swíðe mǽre betwux eallum eásternum ĕrat vir ille magnus inter omnes orientāles, Job Thw. 164, 7.
eáster-niht, e; f. Easter-night; nox paschālis:-- In ðære eáster-niht in the easter-night, Exon. 120 a; Th. 460, 10; Hö. 15.
eáster-þénung, e; f. The paschal feast, paschal lamb, the passover; pascha:-- Híg gegearwodon him eáster-þénunge parāvērunt ei pascham, Mt. Bos. 26, 19.
eáster-tíd, eástor-tíd, e; f. Easter-tide; paschæ tempus:-- Se Hǽlend geheóld ða eáster-tíde the Saviour kept the easier-tide, Homl. Th. ii. 242, 21: 266, 15, 19, 21.
eáster-wuce, eastor-wice, an; f. Easter- week; paschalis septimana:-- Ðys sceal on Sæternes dæg, on ðære eáster-wucan this [gospel] must be on Saturday in easier-week. Rube. Jn. Bos. 20, I. Ii; Notes, p. 580, 20, 1a, ii a: 21, 1; Notes, p. 580, 21, 1 a.
eá-steþ, eá-stæþ, es; n. A river-bant; flūmĭnis rīpa:-- Hí on ðam eásteðe ealle stódon they all stood on the river-bank, Byrht. Th. 133, 40; By. 63.
eásteweard eastward, Bt. 18, 1; Fox 60, 31. v. east; m.
eást-folc, es; n. Eastern people; pŏpŭlus orientālis. Som. Ben. Lye.
Eást-Francan; pl. m. East-Franks; Franci orientāles:-- Wyð norþan Donua ǽwylme. and be eástan Ríne, syndon Eást-Francan to the north from the spring of the Danube, and to the east of the Rhine, are the East-Franks, Ors. I. 1; Bos. 18, 30. Mid Éast-Francum with the East-Franks, Chr. 891; Erl. 88, 3.
eást-healf, e: f. The east-side; orientāle lătus, plăga orientālis:-- Ðe on eást-healfe ðære eá wǽron who were on the east side of the river, Chr. 894; Th. 170, 9, col. 2. On eást-healfe Iericho contra orientālem plăgam urbis Iericho. Jos. 4, 19: Lev. 1, 16.
Eást-land, es; n. The east country, Esthonia [Eastland], the country of the Osti or Estas; orientālis terra, terra Esthonia:-- Iacob com to ðam eástlande Iacob vēnit in terram orientālem. Gen. 29, I. Eástland is swýðe mycel Esthonia is very large, Ors. I. I; Bos. 22, 12.
eást-lang; adv. Along the east; orientem versus:-- Se wudu is éastlang and westlang hund twelftiges míla lang oððe lengra the wood, from east to west [lit. along the east and along the west], is one hundred and twenty miles long, or longer, Chr. 893; Th. 162, 30.
eástor-ǽfen, es; m. Easter-even; dies ante festum paschæ:-- On eástor-ǽfen on easter-even, L. E. I. 41; Th. ii. 438, 24. v. eáster-ǽfen.
eástor-dæg, es; m. Easter-day; dies paschālis:-- Ðý sylfan eástor-dæge on the same easter-day. Bd. 5, 23; S. 645, 36. v. eáster-dæg.
eástor-feorm, e; f. Easter-feast or repast; firma paschālis:-- Eallum ǽhte-mannum gebýreþ mid-wintres feorm and eástor-feorm omnĭbus ehtemannis jūre compĕtit nātālis firma et paschālis firma, L. R. S. 9, 1; Th. i. 436, 33. v. éaster-feorm.
eástor-líc; adj. Easter, paschal; paschālis:-- On ðære sylfan eástor-lícan symbelnesse on the same easter-feast. Bd. 4, 28; S. 606, 23: 3, 24; S. 557, 40. v. éaster-líc.
eástor-tíd, e; f. Easter-tide; paschæ tempus:-- In ða eástor-tíde in the easter-tide, Exon. 48 b; Th. 168, 10; Gú. 1075; Bd. 5, 23; S. 645, 36. v. éaster-tíd.
eástor-wice, an; f. Easter-week; septimāna paschālis:-- Ealle ða dagas ðære eástor-wican all the days of the easter-week, L. E. I. 41; Th. ii. 438, 25. v. eáster-wuce.
eástran, eástron; dat. pl. of éaster; gen. -tres, q. v. Eástron seems to 6e used for other cases in the pl.
eástre, an; n. Easter, the feast of easter; pascha, Lk. Bos. 22, I. v. éaster.
eá-streám, es; m. A water-stream, a river; rīvus:-- Heóldon forþryne eástreámas heora the river-streams held their onward course. Cd. 12; Th. 14, 9; Gen. 216. Ofer eástreámas is brycgade blace brimráde over the river-streams the ice bridged a pale water-road, Andr. Kmbl. 2523; An. 1263. v. ég-streám, eáh-streám.
eá-streám-ýþ f A river-stream-flood; rīvi fluctus, Cd. 192; Th. 240, II; Dan. 385.
eást-ríce, es; n. East kingdom, eastern country, eastern part of a country; orientāle regnum, orientālis rĕgio, Chr. 893; Th. 162, 19, col. I. 3: Ors. 2, I; Bos. 39, 21, 27.
eást-rihte; adv. East right, towards or in the east; contra ortum sólis:-- We witan 8ðer eálond eást-rihte nōvĭ;mus insŭlam aliam contra ortum sōles. Bd. I. I; S. 474, 15.
eástro easter, Mt. Bos. 26, 2; nom. acc. pl. of eáster.
eást-ródor, es; m. The eastern part of heaven; pars orientālis cœli, ortus:-- Ðes eást-ródor ortus, Ps. Th. 102, 12.
eástron; dat. pl. of eáster, eástor.
eást-sǽ, es ; f. The east sea, sea on the east side of a country; orientāle măre, Bd. 1, 12; S. 481, 8: 1, 15; S. 483, 40.
Eást-Seaxe; gen. -Seaxa; dal. -Seaxum; pl. m: -Seaxan; gen. -Seaxena, -Seaxna; dat. -Seaxum; pl. m. The East-Saxons, people of Essex; orientāles Saxŏnes:-- Hér Eást-Seaxe onféngon geleáfan and ful-wihtes bæþ in this year [A. D. 604] the East-Saxons received the faith and bath of baptism, Chr. 604; Th. 36, 33, col. 2, 3: 823; Th. 110, 31, col. 1: 894; Th. 170, 19, col. 1: 904; Th. 181, 16, col. 2. Of Seaxum cóman Eást-Seaxan and Súþ-Seaxan and West-Seaxan from the Saxons eame the East-Saxons and the South-Saxons and the West-Saxons, Bd. 1, 15; S. 483, 23. To-ætécte ðisse gedréfnisse storm Sæberhtes deáþ Eást-Seaxna cyninges the death of Saberht, king of the East-Saxons, increased the storm of this disturbance, 2, 5; S. 507, 6. Mellitum Agustinus sende Éast-Seaxum to bodigenne godcunde láre Augustine sent Mellitus to preach divine doctrine to the East-Saxons, 2, 3; S. 504, 16: Chr. 604; Th. 36, 37, col. 1: 921; Th. 194, 34: 994; Th. 242, 10. Eást-Seaxena, -Seaxna land, ríce, þeód the country, kingdom or nation of the East-Saxons, Chr. 895; Th. 173, 7, col. 2: 836; Th. 118, 6, col. I: 855; Th. 128, 15, col. I; 129, 20: Bd. 4, II; S. 579, 4: 2, 3; S. 504, 21.
eást-weard, eást-werd eastward, in the east, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 40, 7. v. éast.
eást-weg, es; m. East-way; orientālis via:-- On eást-wegas in the east-ways, Cd. 174; Th. 220, II; Dan. 69: Elen. Kmbl. 509; El. 255.
eáþ; adv. Easily; facĭlĭter:-- Dryhten mæg gehwone eáþ gescildan the Lord may easily shield each, Exon. 40b; Th. 135, 23; Gú. 528: Cd. 95; Th. 124, 6; Gen 2058. Hie ðe eáþ mihton adreógan they the easier might endure, Andr. Kmbl. 735; An. 368. v. éþ, ýþ. v. eáðe; adj.
eáþ-béde; adj. Exorable; deprĕcābĭlis:-- Wes ðínum scealcum wel eáðbéde deprĕcābĭlis esto super servos tuos, Ps. Th. 89, 15.
eáþ-béne; adj. Exorable; deprĕcābĭlis:-- Eáþ-béne deprĕcābĭlis, Som. Ben. Lye; Ps. Grn. ii. 200, 15, note.
EÁÐE, éðe, ýðe; comp. m. eáðera, eáðra; f. n. eáðere, eáðre; sup. eáðost; adj. Easy, smooth; făcĭlis, lēvis:-- Gode þancedon ðæs ðe him ýþ-láda eáðe wurdon they thanked God for that the wave-paths had been easy [= smooth] to them, Beo. Th. 462; B. 228. Eáðere ys olfende to farenne þurh nǽdle þyrel, ðonne se ríca and se wélega on Godes ríce gá it is an easier [thing] for a camel to go through a needle's eye than a powerful and wealthy man to go into God's kingdom, Mk. Bos. 10, 25. Eáðre is ðæt heofen and eorþe gewíton, ðonne án stæf of ðære ǽ fealle it is an easier [thing] that heaven and earth pass away than one letter of the law fail, Lk. Bos. 16, 17. [Chauc, ethe, eythe easy; esy light, gentle: R. Glouc. eþ: Laym. æðe, eð: Orm. æþ: Scot. eith, eyth, eth: O. Sax. óði: Icel. auð, adverbial prefix, easy.] DER. un-éade.
eáðe; sup. eáðost. -ust; adv. Easily, readily, soon, perhaps; facĭlĭtor:-- Ða burh mihton eáðe begitan they might easily have taken the city. Ors. 3, 4; Bos. 56, 10: Beo. Th. 961; B. 478. Ic eáðe forbær rúme regulas I readily preferred the lax rules, Exon. 39 b; Th. 131, 22; Gú. 459. We ðé eáðe gecýðaþ síþ userne we readily proclaim our adventure to thee, Andr. Recd. 1721; An. 861. Hwá mæg eáðost [eáðust MS. B.] ða dúru ontýnan who may most easily open the door? Salm. Kmbl. 71; Sal. 36: Cd. 174; Th. 219, 6; Dan. 50: Ps. Th. 76, 10. DER. un-eáðe. v. éðe.
eáðelic, ǽðelíc; comp. m. -lícra; f. n. -lícre: adj. Easy, possible; făcĭlis:-- Ealle þing synt mid Gode eáðelíce with God all things are possible, Mt. Bos. 19, 26. Hwæt is eáðelícre what is easier? 9, 5. DER. un-eáðelíc. v. ǽðe-líc.
eáðelice, eðelíce, ýðelíce; comp. or; sup. ost, ust; adv. Easily; făcĭle:-- Eáðelícor mæg se olfend gán þurh ánre nǽdle eáge it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, Lk. Bos. 18, 25. He sóhte hú he eáðelícost hine gesealde he sought how he might most easily betray him, 22, 6. DER. un-eáðelíce.
eaþ-fere; adj. Easily trod, easy; facilis itu:-- Eáþfere weg teer vel ifus, Ælfc. Gl. 56; Som. 67, 48; Wrt. Voc. 37, 35.
eaþ-fynde; adj. Easy to be found; facĭlis inventu:-- Ðá wæs eáþfynde then was easy to be found. Beo. Th. 276; B. 138: Cd. 93; Th. 120, 12; Gen. 1993. v. éþ-fynde, ýþ-.
eáþ-gesýne easy to be seen, visible. v. éþ-gesýne = ýþ-geséne.
eáþ-gete; adj. Easily got, got ready, prepared; făcĭlis adeptu, părātus :-- Him wæs eáþgete ele to ðam baþe oil was made ready for his bath, Ælfc. T. 32, 14. v. éþ-begete.
eáþ-hréðig; adj. Blessed; beātus :-- Seó eáþhréðige Elene the blessed Elene, Elen. Kmbl. 531; El. 266; for eád-hréðig, q.v.
eáþ-hylde satisfied, contented, v. éþ-hylde.
eáþ-lǽre; adj. Easily taught, teachable; dŏcĭbĭlis :-- Ealle eáþlǽre beóþ Godes ĕrunt omnes dŏcĭbĭles Dei, Jn. Bos. 6, 45.
eáþ-méd, es; n. Humility, affability, kindness; humĭlĭtas, humānĭtas, generally found in the pl :-- Ac míne [MS. min] eáþmédu geseah vĭde humĭlĭtātem meam, Ps. Th. 118, 153: 135, 24. On mínum eáþmédum in humĭlĭtāte mea, 118, 50. For eáþmédum in humility, Exon. 53 a; Th. 186, 5; Az. 15: 13 a; Th. 22, 29; Cri. 359. v. eád-méd.
eáþ-médan To adore; adōrāre :-- Eáþmédaþ feorr adōrābĭtis prŏcul, Ex. 24, 1. DER. ge-eáþmédan. v. eádmédan.
eáþ-méde; adj. Of an easy mind, humble; mītis, hŭmĭlis :-- He gebétte mid eáþméde ingeþance he expiated with humble mind. Ps. C. 50, 152; Ps. Grn. ii. 280, 152. v. eád-méde.
eáþ-médum; adv. [dat. pl. of eáþméd] Humbly, kindly; humĭlĭter, benignĭter :-- Eáþ-médum humbly, Exon. 46 a; Th. 157, 15; Gú. 892. Ðæt he eáþmédum oncnáwe that he should treat [him] kindly, Andr. Kmbl. 641; An. 321. Gewát him se hálga eáþmédum the holy one departed kindly, 1957; An. 981.
eáþ-metto; indecl. sing; pl. nom. acc. -metta; f. Humility; humĭlĭtas :-- Geseóh míne eáþmetto vĭde humĭlĭtātem meam. Ps. Th. 9, 13: 24, 16. On ðam stáne eáþmetta on the rock of humility. Bt. 12; Fox 36, 22: Bt. Met. Fox 7, 65; Met. 7, 33.
eáþ-mód; adj. Humble, lowly, obedient; hŭmĭlis, obēdiens :-- Gif ðú eáþmódne eorl geméte if thou meet a lowly person, Exon. 84 b; Th. 318, 5; Mód. 78. He eáþmóde him eorlas funde he found men obedient to him, Menol. Fox 195; Men. 99. His ætgiefan eáþmód weorþeþ he becomes obedient to his feeder, Exon. 88 b; Th. 332, 27; Vy. 91. v. eád-mód.
eáþ-módian to obey; obēdīre. v. ge-eáþ-módian.
eáþ-módlíce; adv. Humbly; humĭlĭter :-- Abiddaþ hine eáþmódlíce pray to him humbly. Bt. 42; Fox 258, 21. v. eádmódlíce.
eáþ-módnis, -nys, -niss, -nyss, e; f. Humility; humĭlĭtas :-- Mid micelre eáþmódnisse with great humility, Th. Diplm. A. D. 804-829; 459, 15. On eáþmódnysse míne in humĭlĭtāte mea, Ps. Spl. 118, 50. v. eádmódnes.
eáþnes, -ness, e; f. Easiness; facĭlĭtas. v. éþnes, eád-nes.
eatogeða eighth :-- Seó eatogeðe the eighth, Bd. 4, 5; S. 573, note 10. v. eahtoða.
eatol; adj. Dire, terrible; dīrus, terrĭbĭlis :-- Gæst yrre cwom, eatol the guest came angry, terrible, Beo. Th. 4154; B. 2074: 4949, note; B. 2478. v. atol.
Eatole Italy; Itălia, Som. Ben. Lye.
Eatol-ware; pl. m. Italians; Ităli, Som. Ben. Lye.
eáu-fæstnys, -nyss, e; f. [eáu = ǽw, ǽ law; festnys firmness] Firmness in the law, religion, devotion; relĭgio :-- Be eáufæstnysse and wundorlícre árfæstnysse Óswaldes cyninges de relĭgiōne ac piĕtāte miranda Osualdi rēgis, Bd. 3, 6; S. 528, 2. v. ǽ-fæstnes.
eáum to rivers, Ors. 5, 2; Bos. 102, 34; dat. pl. of eá.
eáw, eáw-lá oh! alas! O! eheu! Bt. Met. Fox 9, 109; Met. 9, 55. v. eálá.
eáwan; p. de; pp. ed To shew, manifest; ostendĕre, manifestāre :-- Hi þenceaþ þreá þearle þeódum eáwan they intend to shew a severe chiding to the nations, Ps. Th. 149, 7. He eáweþ him egsan he shews them terror, Exon. 33 b; Th. 107, 11; Gú. 57: Beo. Th. 557; B. 276. Ne sindon ðíne ǽhta wiht, ða ðú monnum eáwdest thy possessions are nought, which thou didst shew to men, Exon. 99 a; Th. 371, 14; Seel. 75. Nǽfre wommes tácn eáwed weorþeþ the sign of crime shall never be manifested, 8 b; Th. 4, 20; Cri. 55: 22 a; Th. 59, 22; Cri. 956. [O. Frs. auwa, awa.] DER. ge-eáwan, óþ-. v. ýwan.
eáwesclíce; adv. [eáwan to shew, manifest] Openly; pălam :-- Ðætte seó sáwl in deágolnisse þrówiende wæs, ðætte se líchoma eáwesclíce fóretácnode quod anĭma in occulto passa sit, căro pălam præmonstrābat, Bd. 3, 19; S. 549, 17.
eáw-fæst; adj. [eáw = ǽw, ǽ law; fæst fast, fixed] Firm in observing the law, religious, pious; religiōsus, pius :-- Gregorius wæs of æðelborenre mægþe and eáwfæstre acenned Gregory was born of a noble and pious family, Homl. Th. ii. 118, 7. Se eáwfæsta papa the pious pope, ii. 118, 8. Mid eáwfæstum þeáwum relĭgiōsis mōrĭbus, Bd. 3, 23; S. 555, 4. v. ǽ-fæst.
eáw-fæstnys, -nyss, e; f. [eáw = ǽw, ǽ law; fæstnys firmness] Firmness in the law, religion, piety; relĭgio, piĕtas :-- Mid gelícere eáw-fæstnysse with similar piety, L. E. I. 41; Th. ii. 438, 26. v. ǽ-fæstnes.
eawu, e; f. A ewe; ovis fēmĭna :-- Agefe mon to Liming l eáwa and v cý let fifty ewes and five cows be given to Lyming, Th. Diplm. A. D. 835; 470. 29. 32. v. eówu.
eáwunga, eáwunge; adv. [eáwan to shew, manifest] Openly, publicly; mănīfeste, pălam, cōram :-- God eáwunga cymeþ Deus mănĭfeste vĕniet, Ps. Spl. 49, 3. He wearþ dígellíce cristen, forðon he eáwunga ne dorste he was secretly a christian, because he durst not openly. Ors. 6, 21; Bos. 123, 29: Exon. 126 b; Th. 487, 2; Rä. 72, 22. Oððe eáwunga oððe dearnunga either publicly or privately, L. Edg. ii. 8; Th. i. 270. 5. Eáwunge cōram, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 41, 55.
eá-wylm a welling or boiling up of water, spring, Lye. v. ǽwelm.
eá-wyrt, e; f. River-wort, burdock; arctium lappa, Lin :-- Genim clifwyrt, sume men hátaþ foxes clife, sume eá-wyrt take cliff-wort, some men call [it] fox-glove, some river-wort, L. M. 1, 15; Lchdm. ii. 58, 4: iii. 74, 10. Nim eáwyrte nioðowearde take the netherward [part] of burdock, L. M. 1. 87; Lchdm. ii. 154, 14.
eax an axe; secūris :-- Seó eax the axe, L. In. 43; Th. i. 128, 23, note 65, MS. B. v. æx.
EAX, ex, æx, e; f. An axis, axle-tree; axis :-- Neáh ðam norþende ðære eaxe near the north end of the axis, Bt. 39, 3; Fox 214, 20: 39, 13; Fox 232, 33: Bt. Met. Fox 28, 44; Met. 28, 22: 29, 36; Met. 29, 18. On ðære ilcan eaxe hwerfeþ eall rúma ródor all the spacious sky turns on the same axis, 28, 30; Met. 28, 15. Ymb ða eaxe about the axis, Bt. 39, 3; Fox 214, 23. On wǽnes eaxe hwearlaþ ða hweói, and sió eax stent stille the wheels turn on the waggon's axle-tree, and the axle-tree stands still, 39, 7; Fox 220, 27, 30, 31: 39, 8; Fox 224, 5. Sió nafu ferþ néhst ðære eaxe the nave goes nearest to the axle-tree, 39, 7; Fox 222, 2, 12, 20, 21, 22, 28. Twegen steorran synd gehátene axis, ðæt is ex, forðamðe se firmamentum went on ðam twám steorran, swá swá hweogel tyrnþ on eaxe, and forðí hi standaþ symle stille two stars are called axis, that is axle-tree, because the firmament turns on the two stars, as a wheel turns on an axle-tree, and because they always stand still, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 16, 12-15; Lchdm. iii. 270, 20-23. [Wyc. ax-tre, ex-tre an axle-tree: Plat, asse: Dut. as, f: Ger. achse, axe, f; M. H. Ger. ahse, f: O. H. Ger. ahsa. f; Dan. axe. m. f; Swed. axel, m; Icel. axull, öxull, m; öxul-tré, n: Lat. axis, m: Grk. GREEK, m: Lith. aszis, f: Sansk. aksha the axle of a wheel, a wheel, car.]
Eaxan ceaster, e; f; es; n. v. ceaster Exeter, Devon :-- Wende he hine wið Eaxan ceastres he turned towards Exeter, Chr. 894; Th. 167, 28, col. 2: 894; Th. 169, 17, col. 2: 895; Th. 173, 10, col. 2. v. Exan ceaster.
Eaxan minster; gen. -minstres; n. The minster on the river Ex, Axminster, Devon; oppĭdum in agro Devōniensi, Som. Ben. Lye. v. Acsan mynster.
Eaxan múþa, an; m. The mouth of the river Ex, Exmouth, Devon :-- To Eaxan múþan to Exmouth, Chr. 1001; Ing. 174, note a. v. Exan muþa.
EAXEL, eaxl, exl, e; f: eaxle, an; f. The shoulder; hŭmĕrus :-- Standeþ [MS. standaþ] me hér on eaxelum stands here on my shoulders, Wald. 92; Vald. 2, 18. Geféng he be eaxle Grendles módor he seized Grendel's mother by the shoulder, Beo. Th. 3078; B. 1537. He forlét earm and eaxle he left arm and shoulder, 1948; B. 972. He gewérgad sæt freán eaxlum neáh he sat wearied near his lord's shoulders, 5699; B. 2853: 722; B. 358. Hæfde earmas and eaxle it had arms and shoulders, Exon. 129 a; Th. 494, 24; Rä. 83, 6. Gif eaxle gelæmed weorþeþ if a shoulder be lamed, L. Ethb. 38; Th. i. 14, 2. He hit set on his exla impōnit eam in hŭmĕros suos, Lk. Bos. 15, 5: Andr. Kmbl. 3148; An. 1577. [Laym. exle, dat: O. Sax. ahsla, f: O. Frs. axle, axele, f: Ger. achsel, f: M. H. Ger. ahsel, f: O. H. Ger. ahsala, f: Goth. amsa, m: Dan. axel, m. f: Swed. axel, m: Icel. öxl, f: Lat. axilla, f.]
eaxl-cláþ, es; m. A shoulder-cloth, scapular; humĕrāle :-- Léde eaxl-cláþ ofer hine desŭper humĕrāle ei impŏsuit, Lev. 8, 7.
eaxle, an; f. A shoulder; hŭmĕrus :-- Gif eaxle gelæmed weorþeþ if a shoulder be lamed, L. Ethb. 38; Th. i. 14, 2. v. eaxel, eaxl.
eaxle-gespan; gen. -gespannes; n. The shoulder-span :-- Fífe gimmas wǽron on ðam eaxlegespanne five gems were on the shoulder-span, Rood Kmbl. 17; Kr. 9.
eaxl-gestealla, an; m. A shoulder companion, nearest friend, bosom friend, comrade; cŏmes qui est a lătĕre, sŏcius intĭmus, commīlĭto :-- Deád is Æschere, mín eaxlgestealla Æschere is dead, my bosom friend, Beo. Th. 2656; B. 1326. Hæfde wígena tó lyt, eaxlgestealna he had too few of warriors, comrades, Elen. Kmbl. 127; El. 64. Ic eom æðelinges eaxlgestealla I am a noble's bosom friend. Exon. 127 a; Th. 489, 2; Rä. 78, l. Heremód breát eaxlgesteallan Heremod destroyed his bosom friends, Beo. Th. 3432; B. 1714.
EBBA, an; m? An EBB or receding of water; rĕcessus măris :-- Népflod vel ebba ledona, Ælfc. Gl. 105; Som. 78, 29; Wrt. Voc. 57, 11. Ebba [MS. ebbe] recessus, 105; Som. 78, 36; Wrt. Voc. 57, 18. Ebba [MS. ebbe] vel gyte-streám, rheuma, 105; Som. 78, 38; Wrt. Voc. 57, 20. Gewrixle ðæs flódes and ðæs ebban change of the flood and the ebb, Bt. 21; Fox 74, 30. Com flówende flód æfter ebban the flowing flood came after the ebb, Byrht. Th. 133, 45; By. 65 : Bt. Met. Fox 11, 138; Met. 11 69. [Chauc. ebbe: Plat. ebbe. f: O. Frs. ebba, n: Dut. eb, f: Kil. ebbe: Ger. M. H. Ger. ebbe, f: O. H. Ger. ebba, f: Dan. ebbe, m. f: Swed. ebb, m.]
ebbian; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad [ebba an ebb] To ebb; recēdĕre, refluĕre :-- Will-flód ongan lytligan eft, lago ebbade sweart under swegle the well-flood began again to lessen, the water ebbed dark under the firmament, Cd. 71; Th. 85, 12; Gen. 1413. DER. a-ebbian, be-, ge-: æbbung, sǽ.
ébere-morþ, es; n. [ǽber clear, manifest; morþ murder] Open murder, manslaughter; homĭcīdium manĭfestum, L. II. 12, § l; Th. i. 522, 27, Som. Ben. Lye.
Ebreisc; adj. Hebrew, belonging to Jews; Hebræus :-- Nychodémus awrát eall mid Ebreiscum stafum Nicodemus wrote all in Hebrew letters, Nicod. pref; Thw. 1. 4. Of Seme com ðæt Ebreisce folc from Shem came the Hebrew people, Ælfc. T. 7, 25.
ebur-þring, es; m. The celestial sign Orion, Som. Ben. Lye. v. eofor-þring.
ebylgan to be angry; īrasci, Ben. Lye. v. a-belgan.
ebylgnes, -ness, e; f. Anger, indignation; īra :-- On ebylgnesse his in indignātiōne ejus. Ps. Spl. T. 29, 5. v. æbylignes.
éc; conj. EKE, also; etiam :-- Ða us éc bewrǽcon who also have sent us forth. Cd. 189; Th. 235, 12; Dan. 305: 151; Th. 190, 5; Exod. 194. Éc sceoldon his þegnas ðǽr gewunian his followers must also inhabit there, 220; Th. 284, 23; Sat. 326: Beo. Th. 6254, note; B. 3131: Ps. Th. 131, 17. v. eác.
écan, ǽcan, ícan, iécan, ýcan, ýcean, ic éce, ðú écest, he écþ, pl. écaþ; p. écte, pl. écton, éhton; pp. éced [eáca an addition] To EKE, increase, prolong, add; augēre, appōnĕre :-- Dú scealt écan ðíne yrmþu thou shalt increase thy wretchedness. Andr. Kmbl. 2767; An. 1386. Gé écaþ eówre ermþe ye increase your poverty. Bt. 26, 2; Fox 94, 9. Ðæt écþ his ermþa that augments his misery, 29, 1; Fox 102, 19. Écte ðæt spell mid leóþe he prolonged the speech with verse, 12; Fox 36, 6: Ps. Th. 104, 20. Hí hira firena furður éhton appŏsuērunt adhuc peccāre ei, 77, 19. Ðæt se awyrgeda ne éce, ðæt he hine leng myclie ofer eorþan ut non appōnat ultra magnifĭcāre se hŏmo sŭper terram, 9, 38. Hwæt biþ ðé ealles seald oððe éced swá from ðære inwitfullan yflan tungan quid dētur tĭbi aut quid appōnātur tĭbi a lingua dŏlōsa? 119, 3. DER. æt-écan, ge-, to-, to-æt-, to-ge-: to-æt-ýcnys.
écce-líc; adj. Eternal, perpetual, everlasting; æternalis :-- Upahebbaþ gatu éccelíce elevāmĭni portæ æternāles, Ps. Spl. 23, 7. v. éce-líc.
ece, æce, ace, es; m. An AKE, pain; dŏlor :-- Efne swá se bisceop ðone ece and ðæt sár mid him ut bǽre as if the bishop had borne the ake and the sore out with him. Bd. 5, 3; S. 616, 37: 5, 4; S. 617, 22. DER. acan.
ÉCE, ǽce; gen. m. n. éces; gen. f. écre, écere; dat. m. n. écum; f. écre, écere; def. se écá, écea; seó, ðæt éce; gen. écan, écean; adj. Eternal, perpetual, everlasting; sempĭternus, æternus :-- Ðis ys sóþlice éce líf hæc est autcm vīta æterna. Jn. Bos. 17, 3. Onwód éce feónd folcdriht wera the eternal foe pervaded the nation of men. Cd. 64; Th. 76, 23; Gen. 1261. Ðé síe éce hérenis eternal praise be to thee, Exon. 13 b; Th. 26, 10; Cri. 415. Ðæt is écu rest that is eternal rest, Bt. Met. Fox 13, 142; Met. 13, 71. Godes éce bearn God's eternal child, Exon. 18 b; Th. 46, 29; Cri. 744. Swá him se éca bebead as the Eternal bade him, Cd. 107; Th. 142, 28; Gen. 2368. Éces word the Eternal's word, Exon. 61 b; Th. 225, 33; Ph. 398. Fóre onsýne écan Dryhtnes before the face of the eternal Lord, 64 b; Th. 238, 7,; Ph. 600. To écre gemynde for a continual remembrance, Homl. Blick. 127, 22. Wæs me andfencge écere hǽlu tu es susceptor salūtis meæ æternæ, Ps. Th. 88, 23. Ic þanc secge écum Dryhtne I say thanks to the eternal Lord, Beo. Th. 5584; B. 2796. Andetaþ ðam écean Gode confitēmĭni Deo æterno. Ps. Th. 135, 27. Cégaþ his écne naman invocāte nōmen ejus æternum, 104, 1. On ðone écan eard ussa sáwla to the eternal region of our souls, Bt. Met. Fox 23, 21; Met. 23, 11. He him éce meaht geceás he chose to himself eternal power, Exon. 45 b; Th. 154, 34; Gú. 852. He us sealde éce staðelas he gave us eternal seats, 17 b; Th. 41, 26; Cri. 661. Se ðe ða écan ágan wille sóþan gesǽlþa he who will possess the eternal true felicities. Bt. Met. Fox 7, 57; Met. 7, 29. Ðæt he walde écra gestealda that he shall rule the eternal mansions. Elen. Kmbl. 1601; El. 802. Eorþan ðú gefyllest éxeum wæstmum thou fillest the earth with eternal fruits. Ps. Th. 64, 9. Se mec ána mæg écan meahtum geþeón þrymme who alone by his eternal powers can tame me with power, Exon. 111 b; Th. 427, 12; Rä. 41, 90. [Orm. eche: O. Sax. éwig: O. Frs. ewch, ewig, iowich, iowigh: Dut. eeuwig: Ger. ewig: M. H. Ger. éwic, éwec: O. H. Ger. éwíg: Goth. ayuk-duþs eternity: Dan. Swed. evig.] DER. efen-éce.
éce; adv. Ever, evermore, eternally, perpetually; in æternum, semper, contĭnuo, perpĕtuo :-- Hie on friþe lifdon éce mid heora aldor they lived ever in peace with their chief, Cd. 1; Th. 2, 16; Gen. 20. Ðǽr he éce sceal hámfæst wesan where he shall for ever sojourn, Exon. 30 b; Th. 95, 9; Cri. 1554. Ðe wunaþ éce qui mănet in æternum. Ps. Th. 54, 19. Éce standeþ Godes hand-geweorc God's handywork standeth evermore, Canon. Hrs. 369, 17. Ðǽr is help gelong éce to ealdre there is our help for evermore at hand. Exon. 75 a; Th. 281, 14; Jul. 646. Wunaþ symble éce mănet in sēcŭlum sēcŭli, Ps. Th. 110, 2. Wunaþ éce forþ mănet in sēcŭlum sēcŭli, Ps. Th. 118, 90.
ECED, æced, æcced, es; n. m. ACID, vinegar; acētum :-- Ðá stód án fæt full ecedes vas ergo ĕrat pŏsĭtum acēto plēnum. Jn. Bos. 19, 29. Se Hǽlend onféng ðæs ecedes the Saviour received the vinegar, Jn. Bos. 19, 30. Onféng ðe Hǽlend dæt æced, Jn. Rush. War. 19, 30. Drync ecedes a drink of vinegar, Exon. 29 a; Th. 88, 13; Cri. 1439. Mid ecede with vinegar, Ps. Th. 68, 22. Wyl niðewearde netelan on ecede, dó oxan geallan on ðæt eced boil the netherward [part] of nettle in vinegar, add ox gall to the vinegar, L. M. 3, 7; Lchdm. ii. 312, 8, 9. Lege hit in ðone eced lay it in the vinegar, Lchdm. iii. 18, 2. [Plat. etik, m: O. Sax. ekid, n: Dut. edik, eek, m: Ger. essich, essig, m: M. H. Ger. ezzich, m; O. H. Ger. ezih, m: Goth. akeit, n: Dan. eddike, m. f: Swed. ättika, f: Icel. edik, n.] DER. eced-fæt, æced-fæt, -wín.
eced-fæt, æced-fæt, es; n. An acid-vat, a vinegar-vessel; acetābŭlum, Ælfc. Gl. 114; Som. 80, 32; Wrt. Voc. 61, 12.
eced-wín, es; n. Acid-wine, v. æced-wín.
éce-líc, écce-líc; adj. Eternal, perpetual, everlasting; æternālis :-- Upahebbaþ gatu écelíce elevāmĭni portæ aternāles. Ps. Spl. 23, 9. Éccelíc eternal, 23, 7.
éce-líce; adv. Eternally, ever; perpĕtuo, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 42, 1. Ic ðas tíde Eástrena écelíce healdan wille vŏlo hoc tempus Paschæ perpĕtuo observāre. Bd. 5, 21; S. 643, 20.
écen great, powerful; magnus, pŏtens, Andr. Kmbl. 1271; An. 636: 1763; An. 884, = eácen; pp. of eácan augēri.
ecer an acre. Som. Ben. Lye. v. æcer.
ECG, e; f. An EDGE, a sharpness, blade, sword; ăcies, acūmen, glādius, ferrum :-- On sweordes ecge on the edge of the sword, Lk. Bos. 21, 24. Hyne ecg fornam the sword had destroyed him, Beo. Th. 5538; B. 2772. Ecg was íren the edge was iron, 5549; B. 2778. Ecg grymetode the blade rang. Cd. 162; Th. 203, 24; Exod. 408. Ecga [MS. ecge] mihton helpan æt hilde swords might help in battle. Beo. Th. 5360; B. 2683: 5649; B. 2828. Mid gryrum ecga with terrors of swords, 971; B. 483. Æscum and ecgum with spears and swords, 3548; B. 1772. Billa ecgum with edges of bills, Cd. 210; Th. 260, 14; Dan. 709. [Wyc. egge: Laym. egge, agge: Orm. egge: Plat. egge, f: O. Sax. eggia, f: Frs. ig: O. Frs. eg, ig, f: Kil. egghe, f: Ger. M. H. Ger. ecke, f: eck, n: O. H. Ger. ekka, f: Dan. eg, m. f: Swed. egg, m: Icel. egg, f: Lat. ăcies, acūmen: Grk. GREEK, GREEK, GREEK: Sansk. aśri, f. ăcies, ensis.] DER. brún-ecg, heard-, stíþ-, stýl-, twý-.
ecgan; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans. [ecg an edge] To give an edge, to sharpen; acuĕre. Ecged edged, sharpened, only found in compositions, as twig-ecged two-edged; bĭceps, q.v.
ecg-bana, -bona, an; m. A sword-killer, murderer; glădio cædens, occīsor :-- Cain gewearþ to ecgbanan ángan bréðer Cain became the murderer of his only brother, Beo. Th. 2528; B. 1262. Ecg-bona, 5006; B. 2506.
Ecg-bryht, -briht, -berht, -byrht, es; m. [ecg edge, sword; bryht bright, excellent] Egbert; Ecgbryhtus; king of Wessex for thirty-seven years and seven months, from A.D. 800-837. Egbert chose Swithun [v. Swíþhún] for the preceptor to his son Æðelwulf, the heir to the throne of Wessex :-- Hér, A.D. 800, Ecgbryht féng to Wesseaxna ríce here, A.D. 800, Egbert succeeded to the kingdom of the West-Saxons, Chr. 800; Erl. 60, 4. Hér, A.D. 837 [MS. 836], Ecgbryht cyning forþférde, se rícsode xxxvii wintra and vii mónþas here, A.D. 837, king Egbert died, who reigned thirty-seven years and seven months, Chr. 836; Th. 117, 25, col. 1.
Ecg-bryhtes stán, es; m. Brixton Deverill, Wilts?--He gerád to Ecgbryhtes stáne be eástan Sealwyda he rode to Egbert's stone, on the east of Selwood, Chr. 878; Th. 148, 3, col. l.
ecg-clif a sea cliff or shore, B. 2893, = ég-clif, q.v. Beo. Th. 5778.
ecg-heard; adj. Hard of edge; ăcie dūrus :-- Lǽtaþ spor, íren ecg-heard, ealdorgeard sceoran let the spur, the iron hard of edge, raze the dwelling of life, Andr. Kmbl. 2363; An. 1183.
ecg-hete, es; m. Sword-hate, hostile hate; ŏdium glădiis manifestātum, bellum :-- Ne gesacu óhwǽr ecghete eóweþ nor strife shews anywhere hostile hate, Beo. Th. 3480; B. 1738.
ecg-plega, an; m. A play of swords, sword-fight, battle; pugna :-- Hie ðám ealdorþegnum cýðan eódon atolne ecgplegan they went to inform the principal thanes of the cruel sword-fight. Judth. 12; Thw. 25, 6; Jud. 246.
ecg-þræc; gen. -þræce; pl. nom. gen. acc. -þraca; f. Sword-strength, war or savage courage; glădiōrum impĕtus :-- He ne þearf atole ecg-þræce he needs not the cruel sword-strength, Beo. Th. 1196; B. 596.
ecg-wæl, es; n. Sword's wail, slaughter; strāges glădio cæsōrum :-- On ecgwæle [MS. ecgwale] amid the slaughter of swords, Cd. 96; Th. 126, 2; Gen. 2089.
ecilma, an; m. A chilblain; pernio, Som. Ben. Lye. v. æcelma.
éc-nes, -nis, -nys, -ness, -niss, -nyss, e; f. Eternity, everlasting; æternĭtas :-- Ðæt we wuldres eard in écnesse ágan mósten that we for ever might possess the abode in glory, Exon. 25 b; Th. 74, 9; Cri. 1204: Ps. Th. 118, 152. On écnisse for ever, Cd. 23; Th. 30, 18; Gen. 469. On écnysse for ever. Mk. Bos. 3, 29: Ps. Th. 110, 6: 118, 44.
écra of eternal, Elen. Kmbl. 1601; El. 802; gen. pl. of éce.
écre for continual, Homl. Blick. 127, 22; dat. f. of éce.
éc-sóþ, éc-sóþlíce but truly, but also; sed autem, vēre, Som. Ben. Lye.
éc-sóþlíce but truly. v. éc-sóþ.
éd [eád happiness] Safety, security, happiness; sălus, asȳlum :-- Éd monne safety of men, the ark. Cd. 70; Th. 84, 30, Mann. Some think ed signifies a renewing, restoration, regeneration; renŏvatio: then ed monne might be translated, regeneration of men. Grn. corrected ed monne into edniowne renewed :-- Ða he hine [égor-here] upp forlét edniowne [acc. referring to hine = égor-here] streámum stígan when he allowed it [the water-flood-'host'] renewed to mount up in streams, Gen. 1405.
ed-, prefixed to words, denotes anew, again, as the Latin re- meaning rursus, dēnuo, itĕrum. Edniwian to renew, to make new again; renŏvāre. [Wyc. ed-: Plat. O. Frs. et- in etmal: M. H. Ger. ite-: O. H. Ger. it-, ita-: Goth. id-: O. Nrs. ið-.]
-ed used as a termination of pp. v. D 4, 5.
éd- = ád a funeral pile. v. éd-wylm.
ed-cenning, e; f. Regeneration; regenĕrātio :-- On edcenninge in regenĕrātiōne. Mt. Bos. 19, 28.
ed-cer, -cir, -cyr, -cerr, -cirr. -cyrr, es; m. A return; reversio, rĕdĭtus :-- Ne hí edcerres ǽfre móton wénan they may never think of return, Cd. 223; Th. 293, 7; Sat. 451. Edcir ðære ádle a return of the disease, Past. 33, 7; Cot. MS. Edcyr of wræcsiþe [MS. spræc-siðe] postlīmĭnium, Ælfc. Gl. 15; Som. 58, 28; Wrt. Voc. 21, 22. DER. cyrr.
ed-cœálness, e; f. A recooling, pleasant coolness; refrigĕrātio. Ps. Spl. 65, 11? Lye.
ed-cucian, -cwician; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad To re-quicken, revive; reviviscĕre, Greg. Dial. 1. 12, Lye. DER. ge-edcucian, -cwician.
ed-cwide, es; m. A relation, retelling; relātio. Lye.
ed-cyr, -cyrr, es; m. A return; rĕdĭtus. Wrt. Voc. 21, 22. v. ed-cer.
éde, es; n. A flock; grex :-- Wæs ðǽr éde erat ibi grex, Lk. Lind. War. 8, 32: 12, 32. v. eówde.
eder, es; m. A hedge, house; sēpes, dŏmus :-- Hryðge ða ederas the houses [are] ruinous, Exon. 77 b; Th. 291, 5; Wand. 77. v. eodor.
eder-gong, es; m. A home-seeking; desīdĕrium dŏmus :-- Ðǽr nǽfre cymeþ edergong there never comes a home, Exon. 32 b; Th. 102, 21; Cri. 1676.
edesc-hen an edish hen, a quail; cŏturnix, Ps. Surt. 104, 40. v. edisc-hen.
ed-geong, ed-giong; adj. Growing young again; rejuvĕnescens :-- Of ascan edgeong weseþ from ashes he becomes young again, Exon. 61 a; Th. 224, 10; Ph. 373.
ed-gifan; p. -geaf, pl. -geáfon; pp. -gifen To give again, restore; reddĕre, Leo, A. Sax. Gl. 108.
ed-gift, e; f. A re-giving, restitution; restĭtūtio, Lye.
ed-gild, es; n. A re-payment; rĕ-sŏlūtio, Leo, A. Sax. Gl. 250. v. gild.
ed-giong; adj. Growing young again; rejuvĕnescens, Exon. 64 a; Th. 236, 28; Ph. 581. v. ed-geong.
ed-grówung, e; f. A re-growing; recĭdīva, Ælfc. Gl. 60; Som. 68, 26; Wrt. Voc. 39, 12.
ed-gyldend, es; m. A remunerator, rewarder; remunĕrātor, Scint. 33, Som. Ben. Lye.
ed-hwyrft, es; m. A returning, return; rĕdĭtio, rĕdĭtus :-- He ne wéneþ, ðæt him ðæs edhwyrft cyme he will not hope that its return may come. Exon. 89 b; Th. 336, 3; Gn. Ex. 42: Beo. Th. 2566; B. 1281.
edisc, es; n. [ed-, Lat. re- again; isc a termination, generally an adj. but also es; n.] I. EDISH or aftermath, pasture; pascua :-- Wǽrun we his sceáp, ða he on his edisce afédde we were his sheep, which he fed in his pasture, Ps. Th. 94, 7: 99, 3. II. a park; vīvārium, Cot. 207, Lye.
edisc-hen, -henn, e; f. An EDISH HEN, quail; cŏturnix :-- Hí bǽdon, and com edischen petiērunt, et vēnit cŏturnix. Ps. Spl. 104, 38. Edeschen 'the edisse-henne,' Ps. Surt. 104, 40. v. ersc-hen.
edisc-weard, es; m. The keeper of edish, of a park, warren, etc; vivarii custos, Wrt. Voc. 288, 12, Som. Ben. Lye. v. edisc.
ed-lǽcan; p. -lǽhte; pp. -lǽht To repeat, renew; repĕtĕre, renŏvāre, Som. Ben. Lye.
ed-lǽcung, e; f. A repetition; repetĭtio :-- He sceal God biddan ðæt he hyne gehealde wið dara ǽrgedónra yfla edlǽcunge he shall pray to God to preserve him against a repetition of the evils before committed, L. E. I. 21; Th. ii. 416, 42.
ed-leǽnian, ed-leánian; p. ode; pp. od To reward, recompense, renew, remit; retrĭbuĕre :-- He edleǽnaþ me retrĭbuit mihi. Ps. Spl. T. 17, 26. DER. leánian,
ed-leǽnung, e; f. A rewarding; retrĭbūtio :-- For edleǽnunge propter retrĭbūtiōnem, Ps. Spl. T. 118, 112. v. ed-leánung.
ed-leán, ead-leán, æd-leán, es; n. [ed or ead; leán a loan] A reward, recompense, requital, retribution; præmium, retrĭbūtio :-- Edleánes dæg retribūtiōnis dies, Lk. Bos. 4, 19. Ðæt edleán, Bt. 3, 4; Fox 6, 19: Andr. Kmbl. 2457; An. 1230. For edleane propter retrĭbūtiōnem, Ps. Spl. 118, 112.
ed-leánian to reward; remunĕrare, Som. Ben. Lye. DER. leanian.
ed-leánung, e; f. A rewarding, recompense; retrĭbūtio :-- Nylle ðú forgytan ealle edleánunga vel edleán his nōli oblīvisci omnes retrĭbūtiōnes ejus, Ps. Lamb. 102, 2. v. ed-leǽnung.
ed-lesende, ed-lesendlíc; adj. Reciprocal, relative; relātīvus :-- Gif ic cweðe, ðú wást hwá ðys dyde tu scis quis hoc fēcit, ðon biþ se [hwá] quis rĕlātīvum, ðæt is edlesendlíc, Ælfc. Gr. 18; Som. 21, 30: 38; Som. 40, 62.
ed-lesung, e; f. A relation, relating; relātio, Ælfc. Gr. 18; Som. 21, 58.
éd-mód; adj. Mild, obedient; obēdiens, mītis. Ben. Lye.
éd-módian, -módigan; p. ode; pp. od To be humble, to obey; obēdīre :-- Hi édmódigaþ him obēdiunt ei. Mk. Lind. War. 1. 27.
ed-neowe; adj. Renewed; renŏvātus :-- Eart ðú edneowe renŏvātus es, Ps. Th. 102, 5: Cd. 17; Th. 20, 25; Gen. 314. v. ed-niwe.
ed-niowunga; adv. Anew; dēnuo :-- Ðe eów eágena leóht bóte gefremede edniowunga who healed anew the light of your eyes, Elen. Kmbl. 599; El. 300.
ed-niwan; adv. Anew, again; de nŏvo, dēnuo :-- Eów gebýraþ ðæt gé beón acennede edniwan ŏportet nos nasci dēnuo, Jn. Bos. 3, 7: 3, 3.
ed-niwe, ed-neowe; adj. New, again new, renewed; renŏvātus :-- Eft cymeþ feorh edniwe renewed life returns, Exon. 59 a; Th. 213, 12; Ph. 223: 61 a; Th. 224, 4; Ph. 370: Bt. Met. Fox 11, 77; Met. 11. 39.
ed-niwe; adv. Anew, again; dēnuo :-- Swá se fugel weorþeþ gomel æfter geárum geong edniwe thus the bird becomes old after years and young again, Exon. 59 b; Th. 215, 25; Ph. 258.
ed-niwian; part. igende; p. ode, ede; pp. od, ed To make new, to renew; renŏvāre :-- Ðú edniwast ansíne eorþan renŏvābis făciem terræ, Ps. Spl. 103, 31. Hý fǽringa eald æfþoncan edniwedon [MS. edniwedan] they suddenly renewed the old grudge, Exon. 72 b; Th. 271, 21; Jul. 485. DER. ge-ed-niwian.
ed-niwinga; adv. Anew; dēnuo :-- Se fugel líf eft onféhþ edniwinga the bird receives again life anew, Exon. 63 b; Th. 234, 2; Ph. 534: Andr. Recd. 1569; An. 784.
ed-niwung. e; f. A renewing, reparation, renovation; repărātio :-- Seó feórþe dǽl sceal beón to edniwunge Godes cyricean the fourth part shall be to a renewing of God's church. Bd. 1, 27; S. 489, 9.
édo a flock; grex :-- Ge-eode [MS. ge-eáde] all suner vel édo in sǽ ăbiit tōtus grex in măre, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 8, 32. v. eówde.
edor, eder, es; m. A hedge, fence, place inclosed by a hedge, fold, dwelling, house; sēpes, dŏmus, tectum :-- Gif fríman edor gegangeþ if a freeman forcibly enter a dwelling, L. Ethb. 29: Th. i. 10, 3. Under edoras under dwellings. Cd. 112; Th. 147, 25; Gen. 2445: 114; Th. 150, 5; Gen. 2487. Ederas houses, Exon. 77 b; Th. 291, 5; Wand. 77. v. eodor.
edor-brecþ, e; f. [edor, brecþ fractio] A fence-breaking, house-breaking; sēpis fractio, dŏmus fractio :-- Gif fríman edorbrecþe gedéþ if a freeman commit house-breaking, L. Ethb. 27; Th. i. 8, 15. v. eodor-brice.
edor-brice, -bryce a fence-breaking, L. Alf. pol. 40; Th. i. 88, 10, note 25. v. eodor-brice.
edre; adv. Immediately, at once, forthwith; stătim, prōtĭnus, illĭco :-- Edre him ða eorlas agéfon ondsware the earls gave answer to him immediately, Andr. Kmbl. 801; An. 401: 1285; An. 643: 1900; An. 952: Invent. Crs. Recd. 1300; El. 649. v. ædre.
édre an artery, vein; artēria, vēna. Som. Ben. Lye. v. ǽdre.
ed-recan; p. te; pp. ed To ruminate; rumĭnāre, Som. Ben. Lye. v. eodorcan.
ed-recedroc, -rocc, es; m. The belching thing; rūmen, Cot. 169, Som. Ben. Lye.
ed-rine, es; m. A meeting; occursus, Ps. Spl. T. 18, 7.
edring, e; f. A refuge, return; refŭgium :-- Dust ne mæg him edringe ǽnge gehátan the dust may not promise any refuge to him, Exon. 99 b; Th. 373, 11; Seel. 107. v. edor.
ed-roc, es; m. A chewing again, chewing the cud, considering; rūmen, rumĭnātio :-- Wasend vel edroc rūmen, Ælfc. Gl. 72; Som. 70, 116; Wrt. Voc. 43, 43. Cíwung vel edroc, vel aceócung rumĭnātio, Ælfc. Gl. 99; Som. 76, 121, 122; Wrt. Voc. 54, 62.
ed-sceaft, æd-sceaft, e; f. A new creation, new birth; regĕnĕrātio :-- Com swefnes wóma, hú woruld wǽre wundrum geteód ungelíc yldum óþ edsceafte the terror of a dream came, how the world was wondrously framed unlike to men until regeneration, Cd. 177; Th. 222, 30; Dan. 112: Bt. 34, 10; Fox 150, 14, 16.
ed-staðelian; p. ode; pp. od [ed again, staðelian to establish, staðol a foundation] To establish again, re-establish, restore; restĭbĭlīre. Som. Ben. Lye.
ed-staðelig; adj. Firm, strong; firmus :-- Beó se awirged, ðe ǽfre eft gedó edstaðelige ðas burh Hiericho mălĕdictus vir qui suscitāvĕrit et ædifĭcāvĕrit [restĭbĭlītam fēcĕrit] cĭvĭtātem Jĕrĭcho, Jos. 6, 26.
ed-staðelung, e; f. An establishing again, re-establishment, renewing; repărātio, R. Ben. 36.
ed-þingung, e; f. A reconciliation; reconcĭliātio :-- Edþingung reconcĭliātio, Ælfc. Gl. 90; Som. 74, 127; Wrt. Voc. 51, 40.
édulf-stæf, es; m. A family staff or support, stay of the house; prædii sustentācŭlum, Cd. 55; Th. 68, 16. v. éðyl-stæf.
ed-wendan; p. -wende; pp. -wended; v. intrans. To return, desist from, cease; reverti, cessāre :-- Gyf him edwendan ǽfre scolde bealuwa bísigu if ever the tribulation of evils should return to him. Beo. Th. 565; B. 280.
ed-wenden, e; f. A reverse, alteration, end; mūtātio, āversio, cessātio :-- Edwenden cwom a reverse came, Beo. Th. 4383, note; B. 2188. Ǽr ðon edwenden worulde geweorþe ere that an end shall be to the world, Exon. 56 b; Th. 200, 14; Ph. 40.
ed-wendu, e; f. An alteration, change, end; mūtātio, cessātio :-- Ǽghwylc ðissa earfoða éce standeþ, bútan edwende all these sufferings are eternal, without a change, Salm. Kmbl. 951; Sal. 475.
ed-wielle A whirlpool, dizziness; vortex ăquaæ. Cot. 86.
ed-wihte; pron. Anything, something; ălĭquid :-- Nǽfre hleówlora [MS. hleor-lora] æt edwihtan mon weorþeþ a man is never deprived of protection in anything. Cd. 92; Th. 117, 15; Gen. 1954. [Ed = A. Sax. æt in æt-hwæga somewhat; ălĭquantum: æt-hwón almost; fĕre: Ger. et: M. H. Ger. ete: O. H. Ger. etta, eta, ede.]
ed-winde A winding again, a vortex; vortex :-- Edwinde vortex, Ælfc. Gl. 98; Som. 76, 92; Wrt. Voc. 54, 36.
ed-wist, e; f. [ed re-, anew, again; wist support] Being, subsistence, existence, essence, substance; substantia :-- Ic adilegie ealle ða edwiste, ðe ic geworhte dēlēbo omnem substantiam, quam fēci, Gen. 7, 4. v. ætwist.
edwistfull; adj. [edwist substance, full full] Existing, substantial, substantive; substantiālis. Som. Ben. Lye. v. edwistlíc.
edwistlíc; adj. Existing, subsisting, substantial, substantive; substantiālis :-- Ic eom, is edwistlíc word I am is the substantive [existing] verb, Ælfc. Gr. 32; Som. 36, 24. DER. efen-edwistlíc.
ed-wít, æd-wít, es; n. A reproach, disgrace, blame, contumely, scorn; opprobrium, probrum, ignōmĭnia, cavillātio :-- Wæs him on gemynde yfel and edwít the evil and contumely was in his mind. Bt. Met. Fox l, 109; Met. 1. 55. Ealle beóþ aweaxen of edwíttes ýða heáfdum all shall be grown over by the heads of the waves of scorn, Salm. Kmbl. 57; Sal. 29. Ne þearf ðé on edwít Abraham settan Abraham need not put thee in reproach, i. e. reproach to thee, Cd. 130; Th. 165, 7; Gen. 2728. And me eác fela ðínra edwíta on gefeóllon et opprobria exprobrantium tĭbi cecĭdērunt super me, Ps. Th. 68, 9: 73, 21.
ed-wítan; p. -wát, pl. -witon; pp. -witen To reproach, blame, upbraid; exprobrāre :-- Hosp edwítendre ðé hruron ofer me opprobria exprobrantium tĭbi cecĭdērunt sŭper me, Ps. Spl. 68, 12. v. æt-wítan.
ed-wítfullíce; adv. Disgracefully; probrōse. Cot. 195, Lye.
edwít-líf, es; n. A disgraceful life; probrōsa vita :-- Deáþ biþ sélla eorla gehwylcum ðonne edwítlíf death is better for every man than a disgraceful life, Beo. Th. 5775; B. 2891.
edwít-scype, es; m. Cowardice; ignāvia, ignōmĭnia :-- þurh edwítscype ignomĭniōse, Wald. 23; Vald. l, 14.
edwít-spræc, e; f. Contemptuous speech, scorn; opprobrium, imprŏpĕrium, cavillātio :-- Ðý-læs ic scyle þrówian edwítspræce lest I shall suffer contemptuous speech. Andr. Kmbl. 161; An. 81: Ps. Th. 88, 43: 101, 6.
edwít-spreca, an; m. A blame-speaker, scoffer, caviller; cavillātor :-- Him edwítsprecan ermþu gehéton the cavillers threatened him with affliction, Exon. 39 a; Th. 129, 8; Gú. 418.
edwít-stæf, es; m. A disgraceful letter, reproach, scandal, disgrace, dishonour; opprobrium :-- Eom ic to edwít-stæfe eallum geworden factus sum opprobrium omnĭbus. Ps. Th. 108, 24: 78, 4: 118, 42.
éd-wylm, es; m. [= ád a funeral pile, wylm heat, fire] Heat of fire, burning heat; flammæ æstuatio :-- Se fǽcna gebroht hafaþ æt ðam édwylme ða ðe him oncleófiaþ the beguiler has brought into that burning heat those who cleave to him, Exon. 97 b; Th. 364, 19; Wal. 73.
ed-wyrpan; p. -wyrpte; pp. -wyrped To recover, become better; meliōrāri. Ben. Lye. DER. ge-edwyrpan.
ed-wyrping, e; f. Recovery, a growing better, recovering; recŭpĕratio :-- Án eáwfæst mynecenu læg swíðe geswenct, orwéne ǽlcere edwyrpinge a pious mynchen lay greatly afflicted, hopeless of any recovery, Homl. Th. ii. 26, 29.
Éfe, an; f. Eve :-- Éfe Eve. Cd. 222; Th. 290, 1; Sat. 408. v. Éua.
efel; adj Evil, bad; prāvus, mălus, Som. Ben. Lye. v. yfel.
efe-lang; adj. [= efen even, lang long] Even-long, equally long, oblong? [Wrt. Provncl. evelong = oblong]; æque longus, oblongus :-- Ðæt hol ðæt he efe-lang ǽr gefylde the oblong hole which he filled before, Exon. 112 b; Th. 431, 13; Rä. 45, 7.
efe-láste, efen-láste, an; f. [lǽstan to last, continue, endure] The everlasting; gnaphălium, Lin :-- Genim efelástan take everlasting, L. M. 1, 1; Lchdm. ii. 20, 3: 1, 32; Lchdm. ii. 78, 19: 1, 47; Lchdm. ii. 120, 2: 2, 65; Lchdm. ii. 292, 4. Nim efelástan ufewearde take the upper [part] of everlasting, L. M. 2, 56; Lchdm. ii. 276, 20. Efeláste herba mercŭriālis, Som. Ben. Lye.
efeleác, es; n. An onion, a scallion; cæpa, Som. Ben. Lye.
EFEN, efn, æfen; adj. EVEN, equal; æquus, plānus, æquālis :-- Modes gecynde gréteþ grorn efen winde the disposition of his mind approached sadness equal to the wind, Exon. 94 b; Th. 354, 22; Reim. 49. On efen, adv. together; simul, una :-- Englas on efen bláwaþ býman angels shall blow the trumpet together. Exon. 20 b; Th. 55, 10; Cri. 881: Ps. Th. 116, 1. On efen, prep. On even ground, on a level, by, near, aside with; in æquāli, juxta :-- Him on efn ligeþ ealdor-gewinna by him lies his vital adversary, Beo. Th. 5798; B. 2903. [Wyc. Piers P. Chauc. even: Laym. æfne, efne: Orm. efenn:. Plat. even, ewen, effen: O. Sax. eban: Frs. even: O. Frs. ivin, even: Dut. even, effen: Ger. eben: M. H. Ger. eben, öbene: O. H. Ger. eban: Goth. ibns: Dan. jävn: Swed. jemn: Icel. jafn, jamn.] DER. un-efen.
efen, efne; adv. Evenly, equally, just so; æque :-- Wunedon ætsomne efen swá lange swá him lýfed wæs they dwelled together just so long as was permitted to them, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 487; Met. 20, 244: Exon. 41 a; Th. 137, 24; Gú. 564.
éfen, es; n. Evening; vesper :-- Éfna gehwám each evening, Exon. 50 b; Th. 176, 27; Gú. 1216. v. ǽfen.
efen-, efn-, efne-, in composition, denotes even, equal, represented by co-, con-, com-, as
efen-æðele equally noble, v. emn-æðele.
efen-behéfe equally useful or necessary, v. efn-behéfe.
efen-beorht; adj. Equally bright; æque splendĭdus :-- Heofonsteorran ealle efen-beorhte ǽfre ne scínaþ the stars of heaven do not ever shine all equally bright. Bt. Met. Fox 20, 465; Met. 20, 233: 20, 461; Met. 20, 231.
efen-bisceop, efn-biscop, es; m. A co-bishop; co-episcŏpus :-- Mid Laurentio and Justo his efenbisceopum cum Laurentio et Justo co-episcŏpis, Bd. 2, 5; Whelc. 122, 38.
efen-blissian; part. -blissiende; p. ode; pp. od [blissian to rejoice] To rejoice with, to rejoice equally; congrātŭlāri :-- Efenblissiende Breotone on his geleáfan, monige eálond blissiaþ Britain equally rejoicing in his belief, many isles shall rejoice; congrātŭlante in fide ejus Brittania, lætentur insŭlæ multæ. Bd. 5, 24; S. 647, 14.
efen-ceaster-wearan; gen. ena; pl. m. Fellow-citizens; concīves :-- Efenceasterwearan ðæs heofonlícan ríces concīves regni cœlestis, Bd. 1, 26; S. 488, 16.
efen-cuman; p. -com, pl. -cómon; pp. -cumen; v. intrans. To come together, convene, assemble together, agree; couvĕnīre :-- Lícode us efen-cuman plăcuit convĕnīre nos, Bd. 4, 5; S. 572, 5. Efencumendum monegum bisceopum convenientĭbus plūrĭmis episcŏpis. Bd. 3, 28; S. 560, 11.
efen-dýre; adj. Equally dear; æque cārus :-- Ða syndon efen-dýre they are equally dear, L. A. G. 2; Th. i. 154, 3.
efen-eádig; adj. Equally blessed; æque beātus :-- Efeneádig bearn equally blessed child, Hy. 8, 21; Hy. Grn. ii. 290, 21.
efen-eald, efn-eald; adj. Co-eval, of the same, age; co-ævus, co-ætāneus :-- Ic æt efenealdum ǽfre ne métte máran snyttro I never met with greater prudence among those of his age. Andr. Kmbl. 1105; An. 553: Bd. 5. 19; S. 637, 19. Nǽnig efen-eald him no one of like age with him, Exon. 85 a; Th. 321, 2; Wíd. 40. Plegende mid his efen-ealdum playing uith his co-evals, Homl. Th. ii. 134, 4.
efen-eardigende Dwelling together; cohăbĭtans :-- Ðæt ðú sunu wǽre efen-eardigende mid ðínne éngan Freán that thou his son shouldst be dwelling together with thy sole Lord, Exon. 11 a; Th. 15, 16; Cri. 237.
efen-éce, emn-éce; adj. Co-eternal; co-æternus :-- Æ/r ðon up-stíge efenéce bearn ágnum fæder ere that the co-eternal child ascended to his own father, Exon. 14 b; Th. 29, 19; Cri. 465.
efen-edwistlíc; adj. Consubstantial, of the same substance; consubstantiālis :-- Se Hálga Gást is ðæs Fæder Gást and ðæs Suna, him bám efenedwistlíc the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of the Father and of the Son, consubstantial with them both. Homl. Th. ii. 362, 27. Ic gelýfe on ǽnne Crist, ðone áncennedan Godes Sunu, acennedne ná geworhtne, efenedwistlícne ðam Fæder I believe in one Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten not made, consubstantial with the Father, ii. 596, 30.
efen-éhþ, -néhþ, e; f. A plain; plānĭties :-- On ǽlcre efen-éhþe on every plain, Chr. 894; Th. 170, 36.
efen-esne, es; m. A fellow-servant; conservus. v. efne-esne.
efen-etan to eat as much as any one. v. efn-etan.
efen-fela, -feola; indecl. So many, as many; tŏtĭdem, tot :-- Eardas rúme Meotud arǽrde efen-fela bega þeóda and þeáwa the Creator established spacious lands, as many of both nations and manners, Exon. 89 a; Th. 334, 17; Gn. Ex. 17. Hilde abbudisse efen-feola wintra in munuclífe Drihtne gehálgode Hild abbatissa tŏtĭdem annos in Monastĭca vīta Dŏmĭno consecrāvit, Bd. 4, 23; S. 592, 42.
efen-gedǽlan to share alike, v. efngedǽlan.
efen-gefeón; p. -gefeah, pl. -gefǽgon; pp. -gefǽgen To rejoice together; congaudēre :-- Efengefeóndum eallum ðam folce congaudente ūnĭverso pŏpŭlo, Bd. 3, 22; S. 553, 13.
efen-gelíc; adj. Like, co-equal; sĭmĭlis, consĭmĭlis, co-æquālis :-- Cweðaþ to hyra efengelícon dīcunt co-æquālĭbus, Mt. Bos. 11. 16.
éfen-gemæcca, an; m. A companion, husband; consors, consortii jūre æquālis. Som. Ben. Lye. v. efn-gemæcca.
éfen-gereord, e; f. An evening repast, supper; cœna. Som. Ben. Lye.
éfen-gereordian To sup; cœnāre. Som. Ben. Lye.
efen-háda-bisceop, es; m. A co-bishop; co-episcŏpus, Greg. Dial. 1. 5.
efen-hæfdling, es; m. An equal, fellow, fellow-mate; co-æquālis, co-ætāneus :-- Gesomnode miccle scóle his geþoftena and hys efen-hæfdlingas he collected a great troop of his companions and equals, Guthl. 2; Gdwin. 14, 3.
efen-heáh; adj. Equally high; æque altus, Salm. Kmbl. 85, 28.
efen-heáp, es; m. A fellow-soldier, soldier of the same band; commănĭpŭlāris, Som. Ben. Lye.
efen-hérenis, -niss, e; f. A praising together; collaudātio. Ps. Spl. C. 32, 1.
efen-hérian; v. trans. To praise together; collaudāre, Som. Ben. Lye.
efen-hleóðor, -hleóðres; m. A sounding together, concordance of voices or sounds, united voice; concentus :-- Bletsiaþ Bregu sélestan efenhleóðre ðus they bless the most excellent Lord thus with united voice, Exon. 64 b; Th. 239, 15; Ph. 621.
efen-hleta, -hlytta, an; m. A consort, companion, fellow; consors :-- Hæfde Oswio efenhletan ðære cynelícan wurþnysse hăbuit Oswiu consortem rēgiæ dignĭtātis, Bd. 3, 14; S. 539, 29: 5, 8; S. 621, 27. Ðæt we beón efenhlyttan his wuldres that we be companions of his glory, Homl. Th. i. 34, 1. Smyrode ðé God ðín mid ele blisse tofóran ðínum efenhlyttum unxit te Deus tuus ŏleo lætĭtiæ præ consortĭbus tuis, Ps. Lamb. 44, 8.
efen-hlytta, an; m. A consort, companion; consors, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 44; Som. 13, 6, MSS. C. D. v. efen-hleta.
efen-lǽcan; p. -lǽhte; pp. -lǽht To be equal, like, to imitate; imĭtāri, Lye. v. ge-efenlǽcan.
efen-lǽcend, es; m. An imitator; imĭtātor, Scint. 2, Lye.
efen-lǽcestre, an; f. A female imitator; imĭtatrix. Som. Ben. Lye.
efen-lǽcung, e; f. A matching or making like or equal; imĭtātio, æquipărātio, Som. Ben. Lye.
efen-láste, an; f. The everlasting; gnaphălium :-- Genim efenlástan nyðowearde take the netherward [part] of everlasting. Lchdm. iii. 2, 2. v. efe-láste.
efen-líc; adj. Even, equal; æquālis :-- Nǽnig efenlíc ðam in worlde gewearþ wífes gearnung a woman's desert was in the world not equal to that, Exon. 8 b; Th. 3, 20; Cri. 39: Bd. 4, 17; S. 585, 38.
efen-líca, an; m. An equal; æquālis. v. efn-líca.
efen-líce; adv. EVENLY, alike; æque :-- Efenlíce Godes man æque Deo devōtus, Bd. 3, 23; S. 554, 16.
efen-lícnes, -ness, e; f. Evenness, equality; æquālĭtas. v. efn-lícnes.
efen-ling, es; m. A consort, an equal, v. efn-ling.
efen-mǽre equally great. v. efnmǽre.
efen-metan; v. trans. To make equal, to compare; compărāre, Som. Ben. Lye.
éfen-mete, es; m. Even-meat, supper; cœna. Som. Ben. Lye.
efen-micel; adj. Equally great; æque magnus :-- Ðú meahte spéd efen-micle Gode ágan ne móste thow mightest not possess abundance of power equally great with God, Exon. 28 b; Th. 86, 4; Cri. 1403.
efen-mid; adj. Middle; mĕdius, plāne mĕdius :-- On ðisse eorþan efen-midre in mĕdio terræ, Ps. Th. 73, 12.
efen-neáh; adv. Equally near; æque vīcīne :-- Stríceþ ymbútan efenneáh gehwæðer it holds its course around equally near everywhere. Bt. Met. Fox 20, 282; Met. 20, 141.
efen-niht, e; f. Even-night, equinox; æquinoctium, Bd. Whelc. 493, 38.
efen-nys, efyn-nis, -niss, -nes, e; f. EVENNESS, equality; æquālĭtas :-- Efennys gecýðnys ðín on écnysse æquĭtas testĭmōnia tua in æternum, Ps. Spl. 118, 144: 10, 8.
efen-ríce; adj. Equally mighty, of equal power; æqualis potentiæ, æquipollens :-- Wǽron hí eft efenríce they were again of equal power, Bd. 5, 10; S. 624, 27.
efen-sárig; adj. Even or equally sorry; æque tristis, compassus :-- He wearþ hyre sáre efensárig ille ĕrat ejus dŏlōri compassus, Greg. Dial. 2, 1, Lye.
efen-sárignyss, e; f. Compassion; compassio, Lye.
efen-scearp; adj. Equally sharp; æque acūtus :-- Hí heora tungan teóþ sweorde efen-scearpe exăcuērunt ut glădium linguas suas, Ps. Th. 63. 3.
efen-scyldig; adj. Equally guilty, L. C. S. 77; Th. i. 420, 2.
efen-spédiglíc, efne-spédelíc; adj. [efen, spédiglíc substantiam hăbens] Consubstantial; consubstantiālis :-- Þrýnnesse in ánnesse efenspédiglíce Trinĭtātem in unĭtāte consubstantiālem, Bd. 4, 17; S. 585, 37.
efen-swíþ; adj. Equally strong, v. efn-swíþ.
éfen-þénung, e; f. Even-food, supper; vespertīna refectio, Fulg. 42, Mann.
efen-þeówa, an; m: efen-þeów, efn-þeów, es; m. A fellow-servant; conservus :-- Astrehte hys efen-þeówa hyne and bæd hyne procĭdens conservus ejus rŏgābat eum. Mt. Bos. 18, 29. Hú ne gebýrede ðé gemiltsian ðínum efen-þeówan nonne ergo oportuit te misĕrēri conservi tui? Mt. Bos. 18, 33. He gemétte hys efen-þeówan he found his fellow-servant, 18, 28. Gesáwon hys efen-þeówas ðæt his fellow-servants saw that, 18, 31.
efen-þrówian; p. ode; pp. od To suffer together, to compassionate, commiserate; compăti, commĭsĕrāri, Past. 16, 1; Hat. MS. 20 a, 25, 26.
efen-þrówung, e; f. A suffering together, compassion; compassio. Som. Ben. Lye.
efen-þwær; adj. Agreeing; concors, Proœm. R. Conc. Lye.
efen-towistlíc; adj. Consubstantial; consubstantiālis, Som. Ben. Lye.
efen-wǽge, an; f. Even-weight; æquipondium, Som. Ben. Lye.
efen-wel even, well, equally; æque, sĭmĭlĭter, Off. Regum 10, Lye.
efen-weorcan; v. trans. To co-operate; co-opĕrāri, Som. Ben. Lye.
efen-weorþ; adj. Even worth, equivalent; æque dignus, æquĭvălens, L. Edg. C. 50; Th. ii. 254, 23.
efen-werod, es; n. A soldier of the same company, a fellow-soldier; commănĭpŭlāris, Som. Ben. Lye.
efen-wesende co-existent; co-existens :-- Ðú mid Fæder ðínne gefyrn wǽre efenwesende thou wast co-existent with thy Father of old. Exon. 12 b; Th. 22, 11; Cri. 350.
efen-wiht even-weight; æquipondium. Som. Ben. Lye.
efen-wyrcan, -weorcan; v. trans. To co-operate; co-opĕrāri :-- Efen-wyrcend co-opĕrātor, Bd. 5, 20; S. 641, 27.
efen-wyrcung, e; f. A co-operating; co-opĕrātio. Som. Ben. Lye.
efen-wyrhta, an; m. A fellow worker; co-opĕrātor :-- Com he to Róme mid hys efenwyrhtan and geféran ðæs ylcan weorces Ceólferþ vēnit Rōmam cum co-opĕrātōre ac sŏcio ejusdem opĕris Ceolfrido, Bd. 4, 18; S. 586, 28.
efen-wyrðe; adj. Equally worthy; condignus :-- Mid efenwyrðum dǽdum condignis actĭbus. Bd. 3, 27; S. 559, 24: 4, 6; S. 574, 18.
efen-yrfe-weard, es; m. A co-heir; cŏhēres :-- Sibba, his geféra and efenyrfeward ðæs ylcan ríces Sebbe, sŏcius ejus et cŏhēres regni ejusdem, Bd. 3, 30; S. 562, 2. Swylce gedafenaþ ðæt hí engla efenyrfeweardas on heofonum sín tāles angĕlōrum in cælis dĕcet esse cŏhērēdes, 2, 1; S. 501, 19.
éfeostlíce; adv. Quickly, hastily; cĕlĕrĭter :-- He bebead him ðæt he éfeostlíce sceolde to him cuman he commanded him that he should quickly come to him. Chr. 1114; Th. 370, 19.
efer, es; m. A wild boar; ăper, Anlct. v. eofor.
efer-fearn fĭlix arbŏrātĭca, Ælfc. Gl. 42; Som. 64, 14; Wrt. Voc. 31, 25. v. eofor-fearn.
Efer-wíc York, Chr. 188; Th. 15, 25, col. 3. v. Eofor-wíc.
EFES, e; f. Eaves of a house, a brim, brink, edge, side; margo, lătus :-- Geworden ic eom swá swá spearwa ánhoga oððe ánwuniende on efese oððe on þecene factus sum sīcut passer solĭtārius in tecto, Ps. Lamb. 101, 8. To ðære efese to the edge, Cod. Dipl. 353; A. D. 931; Kmbl. ii. 172, 22. Bí swá hwaðerre efese [MS. efes] on whichever side, Chr. 894; Erl. 90, 13. [Wyc. evese brow of a hill: Laym. eovesen, dat. pl. eaves: Plat, oese, ese: O. Frs. ose edges of the roof; Ger. Bav. dial. obesen porch of a church: M. H. Ger. obese, f. vestĭbŭlum: O. H. Ger. opasa atrium, vestĭbŭlum: Goth. ubizwa, f. a hall, porch: Icel. ups. f. eaves.]
efes-drypa, an; m. Eaves-drip; stillĭcĭdium. v. yfes-drypa, -dropa.
efesian, efosian, efsian; p. ode; pp. od [efes the eaves, q. v.] To cut in the form of eaves, to round, to shear; in rŏtundum attondēre, tondēre :-- Ne gé eów ne efesion ne beard ne sciron neque in rŏtundum attondēbĭtis cŏmam nec rādētis barbam, Lev. 19, 27. Ic efesige oððe ic scere scép oððe hors tondeo ŏves aut ĕquos, Ælfc. Gr. 26, 6; Som. 29, 9. DER. ge-efesian, -efsian.
éfest, e; f. A hastening; festīnātio. v. ófost.
éfestan, to éfestanne; p. éfeste. pl. éfeston; impert. éfest. pl. éfestaþ; pp. éfested To hasten, make haste, be quick; propĕrāre, concurrĕre, festīnāre :-- Hwylcum wegum to éfestanne sý to ingange his ríces quĭbus sit viis ad ingressum regni illīus propĕrandum, Bd. 2, 2; S. 502, 20. He éfeste norþweard he hastened northward, Chr. 1016; Erl. 154, 10. Hí to ðam dweoligendum lǽcedómum deófolgylde éfeston and scyndon ad errātĭca idolatriæ medicāmĭna concurrēbant. Bd. 4, 27; S. 604, 7. To gefultumianne me éfest ad adjŭvandum me festīna, Ps. Lamb. 69, 2. v. éfstan.
efesung, e; f. A polling, rounding, shearing, compassing; tonsūra, Som. Ben. Lye.
efesung-sceara, an; f. A pair of scissors or shears; forfex, Som. Ben. Lye.
efete, an; f. An EFT, a newt, lizard; lăcerta :-- Efete lăcerta vel stīlio, Ælfc. Gl. 24; Som. 60, 18; Wrt. Voc. 24, 22. [Wyc. euete a lizard.] v. áðexe.
efn; adj. Even, equal; æquus, plānus, æquālis :-- On efn, adv. Together; sĭmul, ūna, Ps. Th. 116, 1. On efn, prep. On even ground, by, near, aside with; in æquāli, juxta, Beo. Th. 5798; B. 2903. v. efen.
efnan; p. ede, de; pp. ed; v. trans. I. to throw down, prostrate, level, lay low; prosternĕre :-- Ic efne to eorþan ealdne ceorl I throw down the old churl to earth. Exon. 107 b; Th. 409, 28; Rä. 28, 8. II. to perform, execute, labour, achieve; patrāre, perpetrāre, facĕre, præstāre :-- Ic ǽ ðíne efne and healde custōdiam lēgem tuam. Ps. Th. 118, 44: 118, 131, 143. Óþ-ðæt his byre mihte eorlscipe efnan until his son might achieve a valorous deed, Beo. 5237; B. 2622. Ðe ǽr eorlscipe efnde who before performed valorous deeds, 6006; B. 3007. Hie efndon unrihtdóm they executed unrighteousness. Cd. 181; Th. 227, 7; Dan. 183. Hie ðat efnedon sóna they performed that soon, Elen. Kmbl. 1423; El. 713. Efn elne ðis perform this boldly, Exon. 80 a; Th. 300, 18; Fä. 8. DER. ge-efnan.
efn-behéfe; adj. [behéfe necessary] Equally useful or necessary; æque ūtĭlis vel necessārius :-- Is ðiós óðru býsen efnbehéfu this other similitude is equally necessary, Bt. Met. Fox 12, 14; Met. 12, 7.
efn-biscop, es; m. A co-bishop; co-episcŏpus :-- Mid Laurentio and Justo his efnbiscopum cum Laurentio et Justo co-episcŏpis, Bd. 2, 5; S. 507, 30. v. efen-bisceop.
efne, an; f? Alum; alūmen, styptēria = GREEK :-- Efne alūmen vel stiptūra [= styptēria], Ælfc. Gl. 41; Som. 63, 126; Wrt. Voc. 31, 12. Efne alúmen, 56; Som. 67, 38; Wrt. Voc. 37, 28.
efne [= efen]; adv. Even, exactly, precisely, just, alike, likewise, just now; plāne, æque, omnīno, mŏdŏ, jam prīdem :-- He wintra hæfde efne hund-seofontig ǽr him sunu wóce he had just seventy winters ere a son was born to him, Cd. 57; Th. 70, 24; Gen. 1158. We ðé willaþ ferigan efne to ðam lande we will convey thee even to the land [to the very land; in eandem terram], Andr. Kmbl. 587; An. 294: Bt. Met. Fox 8, 95; Met. 8, 48. On witte weallende byrnþ efne sió gitsung even the covetousness [i. e. the just-mentioned covetousness] burns raging in his mind, 8, 91; Met. 8, 46. Gif ic on helle gedó hwyrft ǽnigne, ðú me æt-byst efne rihte si descendĕro in infernum, părĭter ades, Ps. Th. 138, 6. He hæfde eorþan and up-ródor efne gedǽled he had divided the earth and firmament alike, Cd. 146; Th. 182, 16; Exod. 76. [v. efn-gedǽlan.] Ic ǽ ðíne efnast healde I keep thy law most exactly, Ps. Th. 118, 77. Efne swá even so, even as :-- And efne swá he ðec gemétte meahtum gehrodene and even so he found thee adorned with virtues, Exon. 12 b; Th. 21, 5; Cri. 330. Deór efne swá some æfter ðære stefne on ðone stenc faraþ just so goes the beast after the voice in that odour, 96 a; Th. 358, 30; Pa. 53. Lixte se leóma efne swá of heofene scíneþ ródores candel the beam shone even as from heaven shines the candle of the firmament, Beo. Th. 3146; B. 1571. He Hengestes heáp hringum þénede efne swá swíðe swá he Fresena cyn byldan wolde he should serve Hengest's band with rings even as abundantly as he would encourage the Frisian race, Beo. Th. 2188; B. 1092. He efne swá swíðe hí lufode, ðæt ... he loved her even so greatly, that ... [adeo ut], Bt. Met. Fox 26, 129; Met. 26, 65. v. efen; adv.
efne; interj. Lo! behold! truly! indeed; en, ecce, certe, prŏfecto :-- Ðá se tán gehwearf efne ofer ǽnne ealdgesíða then indeed went the lot over one of the old comrades, Andr. Kmbl. 2209; An. 1106. And efne! ðá ætýwde Moyses and Helias et ecce apparuērunt Moyses et Elias, Mt. Bos. 17, 3. Efne swá biþ gebletsad beorna ǽghwylc ecce sic benedīcētur hŏmo. Ps. Th. 127, 5. Efne me God fultumeþ ecce Deus adjŭvat me, 53, 4: 54. 7: 86, 3: 118, 40: 138, 3.
efn-eald co-eval :-- Efneald æquævus vel coætāneus, Ælfc. Gl. 9; Som. 56, 119; Wrt. Voc. 19, 3. v. efen-eald.
efne-cuman; v. intrans. To convene; convĕnire :-- Efne-cómon to him conveniēbant ad eum, Mk. Rush. War. 1, 45. v. efen-cuman.
efne-esne, es; m. A fellow-servant; conservus :-- Efne-esne ðin ic eom [MS. am] conservus tuus sum, Rtl. 70, 41: Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 18, 33.
efne-nú; interj. Behold now; ecce :-- Efnenú ge-eácnode unrihtwísnesse ecce partŭrit injustĭtia, Ps. Lamb. 7, 15.
efnes, -ness, -nyss, e; f. Evenness, equity, justice; æquĭtas :-- Efnes syndon dómas ðíne æquĭtas sunt jūdĭcia tua. Ps. Spl. 118, 75: Ps. Lamb. 118, 144. He démþ ymbhwyrft eorþan on efnesse ipse judĭcābit orbem terræ in æquĭtāte. Ps. Lamb. 9, 9. Ðú gelíffæst me on efnesse oððe emnesse ðínre vivifĭcābis me in æquĭtāte tua, 142, 11. Eágan ðíne geseón oððe bewlátiun efnysse oððe rihtwísnesse ocŭli tui vĭdeant æquĭtātes, 16, 2. v. efen-nys.
efne-spédelíc; adj. Of the same substance, consubstantial; consubstantiālis :-- On þrým hádum efenspédelícum in trĭbus persōnis consubstantiālĭbus, Bd. 4, 17; S. 585, 38. v. efen-spédiglíc.
efn-etan to eat as much as any one? or to become equal, to equal? par esse ălĭcui ĕdendo? æquāre, æmŭlāri :-- Ic mésan mæg meahtelícor and efn-etan ealdum þyrse I can feast more heartily and eat as much as the old giant. Exon. 111 a; Th. 425, 28; Rä. 41, 63.
efn-éðe; adj. Equally easy; æque făcĭlis :-- Is efnéðe up and of dúne to feallanne foldan ðisse it is equally easy for this earth to fall up and down, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 333; Met. 20, 167.
efn-gedǽlan; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans. To share alike; in æquāles partes divĭdĕre :-- Beámas twegen ðara ǽghwæðer efngedǽlde heáhþegnunga háliges gástes two pillars, each of which shared alike the high services of the holy spirit, Cd. 146; Th. 183, 22; Exod. 95.
efn-gemæcca, an; m. [gemæcca a companion] A fellow-companion, associate, fellow; consors :-- Ða beóþ hira gelícan and hira efngemæccan on hira gecynde they are their equals and their fellows in their nature, Past. 29; Hat. MS. 38 b, 16.
efn-líc; adj. Equal; æquus. v. efenlíc.
efn-líca, an; m. An equal; æquālis :-- Nis nán efnlíca ðín there is no one thine equal, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 38; Met. 20, 19. v. efen-líca.
efn-lícnes, -ness, e; f. Evenness, equality; æquālĭtas :-- Hie healdaþ má geférrǽdenne and efnlicnesse ðonne ealdordóm they observe companionship and equality more than authority, Past. 17, 9; Hat. MS. 24 b, 6.
efn-ling, es; m. A consort, an equal, a fellow; consors. Ps. Spl. T. 44, 9.
efn-mǽre; adj. Equally great, illustrious, renowned; æstĭmātus, æque illustris, conspĭcuus :-- He ðone wélegan wædlum efn-mǽrne gedéþ he makes the rich equally great to the poor, Bt. Met. Fox 10, 63; Met. 10, 32.
efn-swíþ; adj. Equally strong; æque vălĭdus :-- Manigu óðru gesceaft efn-swíðe him many other creatures equally strong with them, Bt. Met. Fox 11, 88; Met. 11, 44.
efn-þeów, es; m. A fellow-servant; conservus :-- Ðæm hláforde is to cýðanne, ðæt he ongiete ðæt he is efnþeów his it is to be made known to the master, that he understand that he is his fellow-servant, Past. 29; Hat. MS. 38 b, 18. v. efen-þeówa.
efor, es; m. A wild boar; ăper :-- Hiene ofslóg án efor a wild boar slew him, Chr. 885; Erl. 82, 34. Surne sceoldan bión eforas some should be wild boars, Bt. 38, 1; Fox 194, 34. v. eofor.
efor-fearn, es; n. A species of fern, polypody; rădiŏlus, poly̆pŏdium = GREEK :-- Herba rădiŏla ðæt is efor-fearn, Herb. cont. 85; Lchdm. i. 34, 7. Ðeós wyrt, ðe man rădiŏlum, and óðrum naman efor-fearn, nemneþ, ys gelíc fearne, and heó byþ cenned on stánigum stówum, and on ealdum hús-stedum, and heó hæfþ on ǽghwylcum leáfe twá endebyrdnyssa fægerra pricena, and ða scínaþ swá gold this plant, which is named rădiŏlus, and by another name everfern, is like fern, and it is produced in stony places, and in old homesteads, and it has on each leaf two rows of beautiful spots, and they shine like gold, Herb. 85, 1; Lchdm. i. 188, 10-14: L. M. 1, 17; Lchdm. ii. 60, 13. v. eofor-fearn.
Eforwíc-ingas inhabitants of York, Chr. 918; Th. 193, 9, col. 1. v. Eoforwíc-ingas.
efosian to cut in the form of eaves, to round, shear; tondēre :-- Hine man efosode eum totondērunt, Gen. 41, 14. v. efesian.
éfre ever, always, Chr. 675; Erl. 38, 26. v. ǽfre.
efsian, efsigean to cut in the form of eaves, to round, shear; tondēre :-- Man ne mót hine efsian no one shall shear him, Jud. 13, 5: Past. 18, 7; Hat. MS. 27 b, 11, 24. v. efesian.
éfstan, éfestan; p. éfstte, éfste, pl. éfston, éfstun; impert. éfst, éfste, pl. éfstaþ; pp. éfsted, éfst; v. intrans. [ófest, ófost, ófst haste] To hasten, draw near, approach, make haste, be quick; festīnāre, propĕrāre, concurrĕre, appropinquāre, accelĕrāre :-- Uton nú éfstan seón wundur let us now hasten to see the wonders. Beo. Th. 6193; B. 3101: Rood Kmbl. 67; Kr. 34. He éfste [éfstte, Th. 278, 23, col. 2] norþweard he hastened northward, Chr. 1016; Th. 278, 22, col. 1. Abraham éfste in to ðam getelde festīnāvit Abraham in tabernācŭlum, Gen. 18, 6: Lk. Bos. 19, 6; Beo. Th. 2990; B. 1493: Cd. 139; Th. 174, 2; Gen. 2872. Hí éfston óþ to gatum deáþes appropinquāvērunt usque ad portas mortis, Ps. Spl. 106, 18: Byrht. Th. 137, 55; By. 206. Hí geneálǽhton oððe éfstun [éfston, Ps. Spl. 15, 3] accelĕrāvērunt, Ps. Lamb. 15, 4. Éfst ardlíce ðyder festīna ĭbi, Gen. 19, 22: Lk. Bos. 19, 5. Éfst [Th. éfste] oððe neálǽce ðæt ðú generige me accĕlĕra ut ēruas me, Ps. Spl. 30, 2. Éfstaþ and lǽdaþ hine to me festīnāte et addūcĭte eum ad me, Gen. 45, 13: Boutr. Scrd. 22, 42: Homl. Th. ii. 88, 32. Éfstaþ ðæt ge gangon þurh ðæt nearwe geat hasten that ye go through the narrow gate, Lk. Bos. 13, 24. Ðæt we to ðé mid ealre heortan éfston that we may hasten to thee with all our heart, Homl. Th. ii. 600, 3. To ðam ðe hit éfst wæs ad quam festīnātum erat, Prov. 20. DER. ge-éfstan.
eft; adv. Again, second time, then, afterwards; ĭtĕrum, dēnuo, rursus, re-, deinde, ĭtem :-- Eft lufigende God ĭtĕrum ămans Deum, Ælfc. Gr. 43; Som. 44, 58. Asende Noe út eft culfran Noe rursus dīmīsit cŏlumbam, Gen. 8, 10: Mt. Bos. 4, 7, 8: Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 40, 51, 52: Chr. 790; Erl. 56, 38: 828; Erl. 64, 10: 1046; Erl. 170, 17: 797; Erl. 58, 16: Chr. 838; Erl. 66, 13. Eft ĭtem, Bd. 4, 8; S. 575, 38: 5, 5; S. 617, 34. Eft on Cent forbærnde afterwards burned in Kent, Chr. 685; Erl. 40, 20. [Piers P. eft again: Wyc. eft, efte again: Laym. æft, afte, eft, efte afterwards: Orm. efft afterwards, again: O. Sax. eft again: O. Frs. eft, efta behind, afterwards, then: Goth. afta behind, back.] v. æft.
eft-agyfan To give back; reddĕre, i. e. re-dăre. Bd. 2, 1; S. 500, 19.
eft-betǽht, æft-betéht Re-assigned, re-delivered, given back; re-consignātus, R. Ben. 4. v. be-tǽcan.
eft-cerran To return; redīre :-- Eftcerdon reversi sunt, Lk. Skt. Lind. 10, 17.
eft-cuman To come back; revenīre :-- He hét ealle eftcuman he commands all to come again. Bt. 39, 13; Fox 234, 25. Eft-cymeþ comes again, Bd. 2, 13; S. 516, 21.
eft-cyme, es; m. A coming again, return; rĕdĭtus, reversio :-- Ðæt eorlwerod sæt on wénum eftcymes leófes monnes the warrior band sat in expectation of the return of the dear man, Beo. Th. 5785; B. 2896: Exon. 121 b; Th. 466, 33; Hö. 130. Treófugla tuddor tácnum cýðdon cádges eftcyme the tree-fowls' offspring by signs made known the blessed man's return, Exon. 43 a; Th. 146, 11; Gú. 708.
eft-eádig; adj. Rich :-- Efteádig [ést-, Th: séft-, Grn.] secg the favoured mortal, Exon. 82 a; Th. 309, 12; Seef. 56.
eft-edwítan To reprove, upbraid again; re-probāre, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 21, 42.
efter after, Cod. Dipl. 1073; A. D. 896; Kmbl. v. 140, 7; Th. Diplm. A. D. 896; 139, 8. v. æfter.
eft-gecígan, eft-gecígean To recall, call back; re-vocāre :-- Sende he ðone biscop hí to sóþfæstnysse geleáfan eft-gecígean he sent the bishop to call them again to the belief of the truth, Bd. 3, 30; S. 562, 10.
eft-hweorfan To turn back, return; rĕ-vertĕre :-- Æfter tíde eft-hweorfende to heofonum after a time returning again to the heavens, Bd. 4, 3; S. 568, 29. Eft-hwurfon returned again, 5, 6; S. 619, 9.
eft-leán, es; a. [leán a reward] A recompense; retrĭbūtio :-- He eft-leán wile ealles génomian he will surely take a recompense, Exon. 24 a; Th. 68, 8; Cri. 1100.
eft-lésing, e; f. Redemption; redemptio, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 20, 28.
eft-ongén-bígan To untwist again, to unwreathe; re-torquēre :-- Eft-ongén-bígde retorsit, Cot. 189.
eft-síþ, es; m. A journey back, return; rĕdĭtus :-- Ár wæs on ófoste, eftsíðes georn the messenger was in haste, desirous of return, Beo. Th. 5560; B. 2783. Landweard onfand eftsíþ eorla the land-warden perceived the return of the warriors, Beo. Th. 3786; B. 1891: 2669; B. 1332.
eft-sittan; p. -sæt, pl. -sǽton; pp. -seten To sit again, reside; re-sĭdēre :-- Ic eftsitte oððe ic uppsitte resĭdeo, Ælfc. Gr. 26, 5; Som. 29, 6.
eft-sóna; adv. [eft again, sóna soon] EFTSOONS, soon after, again, a second time; itĕrum :-- He hí lǽrde eftsóna he taught them again, Mk. Bos. 10, 1.
eft-spellung, e; f. A recapitulation; re-capitŭlātio, Cot. 171.
eft-swá-micel Even so much; tantundem :-- Eft-swa-miceles for so much, at that price; tantīdem, Som. Ben. Lye.
eft-wyrd, e; f. Future fate, day of judgment; futūrum fātum, judĭcii dies, Cd. 169; Th. 212, 15; Exod. 539.
eftyr after; post, Lye. v. æfter.
efyn-gelíc; adj. [efen even, gelíc like] Even-like, alike, equal, co-equal; co-æquālis, Som. Ben. Lye.
efynnis Evenness, equity; æquālĭtas, equĭtas, Ps. Spl. C. 110, 7. v. efennys.
efyr a boar, Ps. Spl. C. 79, 14. v. eofor.
ég, e; f. Water, sea; aqua, măre. Used to denote,--The sea coast :-- Blecinga ég Blekingley, the coast of the Blekingians, Ors. 1. 1; Bos. 22, 1. Scon-ég Sconey. v. eg-.
ég-. Used in composition :-- water, sea; aqua, măre. DER. ég-búende, -clif, -land, -streám, v. íg-.
égan to fear, dread. DER. on-égan, q. v.
ég-búende; pl. m. adj. Used as a noun, An island dweller; ad aquam vel in insŭla hăbĭtans :-- On ðǽre ealdan byrig Acemannes ceastre; hie égbúendas [MS. egbuend] Baðan nemnaþ in the old town Akemansceaster [the pained man's city]; the islanders call it Bath, Chr. 974; Th. 224, 20, col. 2, 3; Edg. 4. Gehwæm égbúendra to each of the islanders, 975; Th. 230, 5; Edg. 57. v. íg-búende.
ég-clif, es; u. A water-cliff or shore; scŏpŭlus [= GREEK a look-out place] măris, lītus :-- Ofer égclif [MS. ecgclif] ðæt eorl-werod sæt the warrior band sat on the ocean's shore. Beo. Th. 5778; B. 2893.
EGE, æge, eige, es; m. Fear, terror, dread, AWE; tĭmor, terror, formīdo :-- Eorþcynincgum se ege standeþ terribĭli ăpŭd rēges terræ, Ps. Th. 75, 9. On ðǽm dagum wæs mycel ege fram ðǽm wífmannan in those days there was a great dread of these women, Ors. 1, 10; Bos. 33, 26: Bt. Met. Fox 1, 143; Met. 1. 72. Ege Drihtnes tĭmor Domĭni, Ps. Spl. 18, 10. Beó eówer ege and óga ofer ealle nítenu terror vester ac trĕmor sit sŭper cuncta anĭmālia terræ. Gen. 9, 2. Nis me ege mannes for áhwæðer non timēbo quid făciat mĭhi hŏmo, Ps. Th. 55, 4: 117, 6. Wearþ hit swá mycel æge fram ðam here there was so great awe of the army, Chr. 1006; Erl. 140, 31. Gefeallaþ [MS. gefeællæþ] ofer hí eige and fyrhto fear and dread shall fall upon them, Cant. Moys. Ex. 15, 19; Thw. 30, 19. Ða Bryttas mid mycclum ege flugon to Lunden-byrig the Britons fled to London in great terror, Chr. 456; Erl. 13, 29: 823; Erl. 63, 24. Ná dú ondrǽdst fram ege nihtlícum non timēbis a tĭmōre nocturno, Ps. Spl. 90, 5: Ps. Th. 118, 38: Bd. 5, 13; S. 632, 24. Ðu hæfdest eorþlícne ege thou hadst earthly awe, Homl. Th. i. 596, 8: Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 64, 9. Syleþ eallum mete, ðam ðe his ege habbaþ escam dĕdit timentĭbus se, Ps. Th. 110, 3: 59, 4. Ðe him Metodes ege, on his dǽdum, Drihten forhtaþ qui tĭmet Dŏmĭnum, 127, 5. [Laym, eʒe, eiʒe, eie, æie, m. awe, dread, anger: Orm. eʒʒe: M. H. Ger. ege, f: O. H. Ger. egi, agi, m. terror: Goth. agei, f: Dan. ave, m. f: Icel. agi, m. terror, discipline. DER. tíd-ege.
ége; gen. dat. acc. of ég water, Chr. 47; Th. 11. 6, col. 3. v. ég.
ége; n. An eye :-- Mid égum with eyes, Cd. 229; Th. 310, 18; Sat. 728. Gif ðín ége if thine eye, Mt. Rush. War. 5, 29. v. eáge; n.
egean To harrow or break clods; occāre, Som. Ben. Lye.
ege-full; adj. Fearful, terrible; terrĭbĭlis :-- Mǽre God, and mihtig and egefull Deus magnus, et pŏtens et terrĭbĭlis, Deut. 10, 17. Hit wæs swíðe egefull it was very terrible, Bt. 18, 2; Fox 64, 14. v. eges ful,
ege-healdan To hold in fear, correct; corrĭpĕre, Ps. Spl. T. 93, 10.
ege-láf, e; f. What had escaped horror; horrōris resĭduum :-- Ege-láfe [MS. ece-láfe], acc. Exod. 370.
ege-leás; adj. Fearless; impăvĭdus, Past. 36, 1. Lye.
egeleás-líce; adv. Fearlessly; impăvĭde :-- Hie nú egeleás-lícor and unnytlícor brúcaþ ðære mildheortlícan Godes giefe they now enjoy the merciful gifts of God the more fearlessly and uselessly, Past. 36, 1; Hat. MS. 46 b, 9.
Egeles ford, es; m. Ailsford :-- Eádríc gewende ðone cyning ongeán æt Egeles forda Eadric went to meet the king at Ailsford, Chr. 1016; Th. 282, 10, col. 1. v. Ægeles ford.
egen fear; tĭmor, Wanl. Catal. p. 14, line 7, note z. DER. ege.
egenu a little round heap; glŏmŭlus, Som. Ben. Lye.
egenwirht. Hire, wages, a gift; merces. Ps. Spl. T. 126, 4.
ege-nys, eges ful-nes, -ness, e; f. Fearfulness, fear; tĭmor, Ps. Spl. T. 88, 39.
egesa, egsa, ægsa, an; m. [ege fear] Fear, horror, dread; tĭmor, horror, terror, formīdo :-- Him gásta weardes egesa on breóstum wunode fear of the guardian of spirits dwelt in his breast, Cd. 138; Th. 173, 24; Gen. 2866: Beo. Th. 1572; B. 784: Andr. Kmbl. 789; An. 445: Rood Kmbl. 170; Kr. 86: Judth. 12; Thw. 25, 10; Jud. 252. Bútan Godes egsan [MS. B. egesan] without fear of God, Bd. 4, 12; S. 581, 1: Cd. 178; Th. 223, 23; Dan. 124: Andr. Kmbl. 914; An. 457. Sió dimme niht ofer eldum egesan ne brohte the dim night did not bring terror over men, Bt. Met. Fox 12, 34; Met. 12, 17: Cd. 202; Th. 250, 3; Dan. 541: Ps. Th. 66, 6. Egesan geaclod terrified with fear, Andr. Kmbl. 1609; An. 806: Beo. Th. 5465; B. 2736. [O. Sax. egiso, m: M. H. Ger. egese, eise, f. horror: O. H. Ger. ekiso, m; egis, agis, n. horror: Goth. agis, n. fear, terror, horror.] DER. bǽl-egsa, blód-egesa, flód-, folc-, gléd-, hild-, líg-, niht-, þeód-, wæter-.
égesa, égsa, an; m. [ékso; m. possessor: O. Sax. Heli. ágan to own] An owner; possessor :-- Égesan ne gýmeþ heeds not the owner, Beo. Th. 3519: B. 1757.
eges ful, ege-ful, -full; adj. [eges ful full of fear = ] Fearful, terrible, wonderful; tĭmōre plēnus, terrĭbĭlis, admīrābĭlis :-- Ðú [God] eart egesful tu [Deus] terrĭbĭlis es, Ps. Lamb. 75, 8: Cd. 177; Th. 222, 17; Dan. 106: Exon. 30 a; Th. 93, 20; Cri. 1529. Bera sceal on hǽþe, eald and egesfull the bear shall be on the heath, old and terrible. Menol. Fox 519; Gn. C. 30: Beo. Th. 5850; B. 2929. Drihten ys mǽre God and mihtig and egefull Dŏmĭnus est Deus magnus et pŏtens et terrĭbĭlis. Deut. 10, 17: Bt. 18, 2; Fox 64, 14. Eálá Drihten, lá hú egesful oððe hú wundorlíc is ðín nama Dŏmĭne, quam admīrābĭle est nōmen tuum! Ps. Lamb. 8, 2. 10.
eges fullíc; adj. Full of fear, fearful, awful; terrĭbĭlis :-- Hú eges-fullíc he is in geþeahtingum ofer monna bearn Quam terrĭbĭlis est in consĭliis sŭper fĭlios homĭnum, Bd. 4, 25; S. 601, 36. Egesfullícran, nom. pl. more full of terror, Salm. Kmbl. 93; Sal. 46.
eges ful-nes, -ness, e; f. Fulness of fear, formidableness; formīdŏlōsĭtas :-- Eges fulnes, L. I. P. 3; Th. ii. 306, 21. v. egenys [ēge, -nys, -nes.]
eges grime, grimme, an; f. A witch, sorceress; vĕnēfíca, malĕfĭca, Som. Ben. Lye.
egesian; p. ode; pp. od To affright; terrēre, Som. Ben. Lye. v. egsian.
egesig terrible, horrible, v. eiseg.
eges líc; def. se eges líca, seó, ðæt eges líce; adj. [eges líc a likeness of fear = ] Fearful, terrible, dreadful, terrific, horrible, awful; terrĭbĭlis, terrĭfĭcus, horrĭbĭlis, horrendus :-- Eorþscræf egeslíc a fearful cavern, Andr. Kmbl. 3174; An. 1590. Egeslíc æled eágsýne wearþ the terrible fire was visible to the eye, 3098; An. 1552: Rood Kmbl. 148; Kr. 74. Eálá hú egeslíc ðeós stów ys quam terrĭbĭlis est locus iste! Gen. 28, 17. He is egeslíc God, ofer ealle godu eorþbúendra Domĭnus terribĭlis est sŭper omnes deos, Ps. Th. 95, 4: 88, 6: Ps. Spl. 46, 2. Wæs ðǽr swíðe egeslíc geatweard there was a very horrible gatekeeper, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 168, 18. Ðæs egeslícan ðæt ðú dó feóndes aídlian awyrgede syrwunga horrendi făcias hostis văcuisse (?)UNCERTAIN malignas insĭdias, Hymn. Surt. 47, 24. Egeslícne cwide sigora Weard ofer ðæt fǽge folc forþ forlǽteþ the Lord of victories shall send forth a dreadful utterance over the fated folk, Exon. 30a; Th. 92, 30; Cri. 1516. Fá þrówiaþ ealdor-bealu egeslíc the hostile shall suffer terrific vital evil, 31 b; Th. 98, 31; Cri. 1616. Ðæt he monig þing ge egeslíce ge willsumlíce geseah that he saw many things both awful and delightful, Bd. 5, 12; S. 627, 29. Se ðe worhte egeslícu on sǽ ðære reádan qui fēcit terribĭlia in mări rubro, Ps. Lamb. 105, 22. Wæs heora sum ðám óðrum egeslícra one of them was more dreadful than the others, Bd. 5, 13; S. 033, 3. Daga egeslícast most terrible of days, Exon. 23a; Th. 63, 20; Cri. 1022.
eges líce; adv. [eges líce in likeness of fear=] Fearfully; terrĭbĭlĭter :-- Hí náht ne belimpaþ to ðam þunere ðe on ðyssere lyfte oft egeslíce brastlaþ they do not appertain to the thunder which in this atmosphere often crackles fearfully, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 19, 26; Lchdm. iii. 280, 13. Worpaþ hine deófol on dómdæge egeslíce the devil shall fearfully cast him down in the day of doom, Salm. Kmbl. 52; Sal. 26.
egesung, e; f. A threatening, fear, dread; commĭnātio, R. Ben. interl. 27, Som. Ben. Lye. v. egsung.
egeðe a rake, harrow; rastrum, Som. Ben. Lye.
egeðere, es; m. A raker; occātor, Som. Ben. Lye.
eggian; p. ode; pp. od To EGG, excite; excĭtāre, Ben. Lye.
égh-þyrl, es; n. An eye hole, a window; fenestra :-- Ðæs leóhtes scíma þurh ða cýnan ðære dúra and þurh ða éghþyrla ineóde the glare of the light entered through the chinks of the door and through the windows, Bd. 4, 7; S. 575, 20. v. eág-þyrl.
ég-hwelc all, every, Jn. Rush. War. 8, 34. v. ǽg-hwilc.
Egipte, Egypte; gen. a; dat. um; pl. m. The Egyptians, the people of Egypt in a body, Egypt; Ægyptii :-- Ðæt Egipte ne forwurþon that the Egyptians perish not, Gen. 41, 36. Egipta land, Egypta land the land of the Egyptians, Egypt, Gen. 12, 10, 11, 14, 20: 13, 10: 21, 21: 37, 25, 28, 36: 39, 1. Egipta cyng, Egypta cyng the king of Egypt, Gen. 40, l: Ex. 3, 18, 19: 5, 4. Egypta ealdor a prince of the Egyptians, Gen. 42, 6. Egipta here the host of the Egyptians, Deut. ll, 4. Fóron Iosepes tyn gebróðru to Egiptum Joseph's ten brothers went to Egypt, Gen. 42, 3: 45, 9. Hunger fornam swíðust Egipte famine oppressed the Egyptians most, Gen. 47, 13.
Egiptisc, Egyptisc; def. se Egiptisca, Egiptiscea; seó, ðæt Egiptisce; adj. Belonging to Egypt, Egyptian; Ægyptius :-- Hér is ides Egyptisc here is an Egyptian woman, Cd. 101; Th. 134, 19; Gen. 2227. Fram ðære Egiptiscan eá from the Egyptian river, Gen. 15, 18. Hine gebohte Egiptisc man an Egyptian man bought him, 39, 1: Ex. 2, 11. 19. Ðisra Egiptiscra manna of these Egyptian men, Gen. 50, 11. Se Egiptiscea cyng the Egyptian king, Ex. 1, 17. Befóran ðam Egiptiscean folce before the Egyptian people, 3, 21, 22. þurh Egiptisce galdru through Egyptian enchantments, 7, 11. Ðæt Egiptisce folc the Egyptian people, ll, 7. Ða Egyptiscan the Egyptians, Ex. 14, 18, 31. Iosep sealde hwǽte ðám Egiptiscan mannum Joseph sold corn to the Egyptian men, Gen. 41, 56.
egiðe a rake, Som. Ben. Lye. v. egeðe.
EGL, e; f. A mote; festūca :-- Hwí gesihst ðú ða egle on ðínes bróðor eágan quid vídes festúcam inocúlo fratris tui? Lk. Bos. 6, 41, 42. [Ger. egel, achel, f. festūca, arista.]
eglan to trouble, Judth. 11; Thw. 24, 12; Jud. 185. v. eglian.
ég-land, ég-lond, es; n. Water-land, an island; insŭla :-- We witan óðer égland we know another island, Chr. Erl. 3, 10. Geond ðis égland throughout this island, Chr. 641; Erl. 27, 11. In ðæt églond on the island, Exon. 96b; Th. 361, 7; Wal. 16. Églond monig many an island, 89 a; Th. 334, 12; Gn. Ex. 15 : 100 b; Th. 380, 8; Rä. 1, 5 : Bt. Met. Fox 1, 31; Met. l, 16. v. íg-land.
EGLE; adj. Troublesome, hateful, loathsome, horrid; mŏlestus, odiōsus, infestus, turpis :-- He him sylfum byþ egle he is loathsome to himself, Basil admn. 8; Norm. 50, 24: Cd. 209; Th. 258, 21; Dan. 679. Gif egle wǽron if they were troublesome, Exon. 126a; Th. 485, 20; Rä. 71, 16. Ðý-læs sceaðan mihton egle ondsacan lest the horrid apostates might injure [him], Andr. Kmbl. 2297; An. 1150: 2916; An. 1461. Eglum áttor-sperum with horrid venomed spears, Exon. 105 a; Th. 399, 10; Rä. 18, 9. [Goth. agls shameful, disgraceful; aglus difficult, troublesome.]
eglian, eglan, elan; hit egleþ, eleþ; p. ode, ade; pp, od, ad; v. trans. chiefly used impersonally with dat. of person. To trouble, pain, grieve, AIL; molestāre, dŏlēre :-- Ðæt he us eglan móste that he could trouble us, Judth. 11; Thw. 24, 12; Jud. 185. Me egleþ [eleþ, MS. H.] swýðe it grieves me much, L. Edm. S. procem;ILLEGIBLE Th. i. 246, 22. Him nǽfre syððan seó ádl ne eglode the illness never ailed him afterwards, Guthl. 12; Gdwin. 60, 8: 13; Gdwin. 60, 19. Ðæt him stranglíce eglade it afflicted him severely, Chr. 1086; Erl. 220, 33. Gif men innan wyrmas eglen [eglien MS. B.] if worms trouble a man within, Herb. 2, 10; Lchdm. i. 82, 22. [Piers P. Chauc. eylen, eilen to ail: Orm. eʒʒlenn: Plat, echeln, öcheln to be vexed, grieved at anything: Ger. ekeln: Goth. aglyan to molest, in us-aglyan.] DER, æt-eglan, ge-.
Egones hám, Egnes hám, es; m. [Ethelw. Ignesham: Flor. Eignesham: Hunt. Aegnesham: Gerv. Egenesham] ENSHAM or EYNSHAM, Oxfordshire; l&o-short;ci n&o-long;men in agro Oxoniensi :-- Hér Cúþwulf feaht wið Bretwalas and genom Egones hám in this year [A.D. 571] Cuthwulf fought against the Britons and took Eynsham, Chr. 571; Erl. 18, 14. Into Egnes hám at Eynsham, Cod. Dipl. 714; A. D. 1005; Kmbl. iii. 344, 16.
egor nine ounces or inches, a span; dodrans, Cot. 64, Som. Ben. Lye.
égor- water, the sea; aqua, măre. [Icel. ægir, m.] DER. égor-here, -streám.
égor-here, es; m. The water-host, the deluge; undārum exercĭtus, dilŭvium:-- Se égorhere eorþan tuddor eall acwealde the water-host destroyed all the earth's progeny. Cd. 69; Th. 84, 23; Gen. 1402 : 75; Th. 92, 31; Gen. 1537.
égor-streám, eágor-streám, es; m. A water-stream, water, the sea; unda, flŭvius, măre :-- Ðiós eorþe mæg and égorstreám cræfta náne adwæscan ðæt ðæt him on innan sticaþ this earth and sea can by no means extinguish that which in them remains. Bt. Met. Fox 20, 236; Met. 20, 118. Égorstreámas swógan the water-streams sounded, Cd. 69; Th. 83, 4; Gen. 1374.
egsa, ægsa, an; m. Fear, horror, dread; tĭmor, horror, terror :-- Egsa com ofer me tĭmor vēnit sŭper me, Ps. Spl. 54, 5 : Exon. 20 a; Th. 52, 26; Cri. 839: Cd. 221; Th. 288, 12; Sat. 379. Beóþ egsan of heofene ĕrunt terrōres de cælo, Lk. Bos. 21, 11: Cd. 148; Th. 186, 10; Exod. 136. v. egesa.
égsa, an; m. An owner; possessor :-- Égsan wyn the owner's pleasure, Exon. 90b; Th. 340, 7; Gn. Ex. 107. v. égesa.
egsian; p. ode; pp. od [egsa fear] To frighten; terrēre :-- Oft Scyld egsode eorl Scyld often frightened man, Beo. Th. 11; B. 6. DER. ge-egsian.
ég-streám, éh-streám, es; m. A water-stream, a river, the sea; aquæ fluctus, flūmen, măre :-- Hæfde Metod égstreám eft gecyrred the just Creator had averted the stream, Cd. 71; Th. 85, 15; Gen. 1415. Here wícode égstreáme neáh the host encamped near the river, Elen. Kmbl. 132; El. 66: Beo. Th. 1158; B. 577. v. eá-streám.
egsung, e; f. [egsa fear] A terrible act, frightening, threatening; terrĭbĭle, commĭnātio :-- Strencþe egsunga oððe egesfulra þinga ðínra hí cweðaþ virtūtem terrĭbĭlium tuōrum dīcent, Ps. Lamb. 144, 6. Mid egsunge by threatening, Jud. Thw. 161, 37.
egþa, an; m. An instrument to beat out corn; trĭbŭla, Ælfc. Gl. 2; Som. 55, 52; Wrt. Voc. 16, 25.
egþe a rake, Som. Ben. Lye. v. egeðe.
égðer either :-- Égðer ge -- ge both -- and, Gen. 4, 22. v. ǽgðer.
ég-þyrl a window :-- Þurh ðæs húses égþyrl through the window of the house, Jos. 2, 15. v. eág-þyrl.
égum with eyes, Cd. 229; Th. 310, 18; Sat. 728; dat. pl. of ége = eáge; n. q. v.
é-gylt a fault, Ps. Spl. T. 31, 5. v. ǽ-gylt.
Egypte; pl. m. The Egyptians, Ors. l, 7; Bos. 30, 21. v. Egipte.
Egyptisc Egyptian, Ex. 6, 5. v. Egiptisc.
egys full fearful, Ps. Spl. C. 46, 2. v. eges ful.
eh, es; n. I. a war-horse, charger; equus bellātor :-- Ða ða hors óþbær, eh and eorlas which bore away the horses, the chargers, and chiefs, Exon. 106a; Th. 404, 21; Rä. 23, 11. II. the Anglo-Saxon Rune RUNE=e, the name of which letter in Anglo-Saxon is eh a war-horse, -- hence, this Rune not only stands for the letter e, but for eh a war-horse, charger, as, -- RUNE [eh] byþ for eorlum the war-horse is for chiefs, Hick. Thes. i. 135, 37; Runic pm. 19; Kmbl. 343, 3. v. eoh.
éh- water, used in composition. v. íg.
ehennys, -nyss, e; f. Modesty; pŭdor, Som. Ben. Lye.
eher an ear of corn, Mk. Lind. War. 4, 28. v. ear.
eh-heóloðe, an; f. The plant elecampane or horseheal; inŭla hĕlĕnium, Lin, L. M. l, 32; Lchdm. ii. 76, 20.
éhst highest, Ps. Spl. 49, 15, = heáhst, héhst; superl. of heáh.
éh-streám, es; m. A water-stream, ocean :-- Heliseus éhstreám sóhte, leólc ofer lagu-flód Heliseus sought the ocean, bounded over the water-flood, Exon. 75 b; Th. 283, 1; Jul. 673. v. ég-streám, eá-streám.
ehsýne a face, countenance; făcies, Som. Ben. Lye. v. an-sýn.
eht value, estimation :-- Be ðæs demmes ehte pro damni æstimātiōne, Ex. 22, 5. v. eaht.
ehta eight: -- Ehta dagas gefyllede wǽron consummāti sunt dies octo, Lk. Bos. 2, 21. v. eahta.
éhtan; he éht, pl. éhtaþ; p. éhte, pl. éhton; pp. ehted To follow after, chase, pursue, persecute, annoy, afflict; persĕqui, trībŭlāre, afflīgĕre,ILLEGIBLE--followed by gen. or acc :-- Ne éht he nánre wuhte he pursues not anything, Bt. 42; Fox 258, 3. Húndas míne wildeór éhton cănes mei fĕras persĕquēbantăr. Coll. Monast. Th. 21, 15. Ðonne hí eów éhtaþ on ðysse byrig cum persĕquentur vos in civĭtāte ista, Mt. Bos. 10, 23: 5, 11: Ælfc. Gr. 29; Som. 33, 48: 25; Som. 26, 63. Ðara ðe mín éhtaþ tribŭlantium me, Ps. Th. 26, 14: 118, 157. Ðú us ahreddest æt ðám ðe úre éhton libĕrasti nos ex affligentĭbus nos, Ps. Th. 43, 9. v. eáhtan, óht.
ehta-tyne; adj. Eighteen; octō-dĕcim:--Wéne gé ðæt ða ehtatyne wǽron scyldige pŭtātis quia illi dĕcent et octo dēbĭtōres fuĕrint? Lk. Bos. 13, 4, 16. v. eahta-tyne.
éhtend, es; m. A persecutor; persĕcūtor:--Domicianus wearþ éhtend cristenra manna Domitian was a persecutor of christian men, Ors. 6, 9; Bos. 120, 18. He dreág éhtendra níþ he endured the persecutors' malice, Exon. 40 a; Th. 133, 28; Gú. 496. Ic his éhtendas ealle geflýme I will put all his persecutors to flight, Ps. Th. 88, 20.
ehteoða, ehteða eighth :-- On ðam ehteoðan dæge on the eighth day, Lk. Bos. 1, 59. v. eahtoða.
éhtere, éhtre, es; m. A persecutor; persĕcūtor:--Éhtere persĕcūtor, Wrt. Voc. 74, 44. Of éhtere ex persecūtōre, Bd. 1, 7; S. 478, 19. Sanctus Albanus cýðde ðám éhterum Godes geleáfan ðæt he cristen wǽre Saint Alban told the persecutors of God's truth that he was a christian, 1, 7; S. 477, 22. Gebiddaþ for eówre éhteras pray for your persecutors, Mt. Bos. 5, 44: Bd. 1, 7; S. 476, 37.
éh-þyrl eye-hole, a window :-- Ðú wircst éhþirl thou makest a window, Gen. 6, 16: Jos. 2, 18. v. eág-þyrl.
ehtian to esteem, deem, value; æstĭmāre:--Swá monnum riht is to ehtienoe quantum homĭnĭbus æstĭmāre fas est, Bd. 5, 6; S. 618, 30: Beo. Th. 2449; B. 1222: Cd. 193; Th. 241, 25; Dan. 410. v. eahtian.
éhting, e; f. Persecution; persĕcūtio, Ors. 6, 23; Bos. 124, 11, notes, p. 28, 1.
éhtnes, éhtnys, -ness, -nyss, e; f. Persecution; persĕcutio:--Seó éhtnes ðara cristenra manna the persecution of christian men, Ors. 6, 23; Bos. 124, 11: Ps. Th. 118, 139. Fram Iudéa éhtnesse from the persecution of the Jews, Ps. Th. arg. 17: Mt. Bos. 13, 21: Chr. 2; Erl. 4, 30. Eádige synd ða ðe éhtnysse þoliaþ for rihtwísnysse beati qui persecūtiōnem patiuntur propter justĭtiam, Mt. Bos. 5, 10: Bd. 1, 6; S. 476, 22: 1, 8; S. 479, 19, 21. v. eáhtnes.
ehtoða, ehtuða eighth, Ex. 22, 30. v. eahtoða.
éhtre a persecutor, Bd. 1, 7; S. 476, 37, MS. B. v. éhtere.
ehtung, e; f. Deliberation, council; delĭbĕrātio:--Ehtunga ealle hæfdon cogĭtāvērunt, Ps. Th. 82, 3. v. eahtung.
eíg, e; f. An island; insŭla:--Wið eíge near the island, Chr. 878; Th. 148, 29, col. 1. v. íg.
eige fear, Cant. Moys. Ex. 15, 19; Thw. 30, 19. v. ege.
eíg-land, es; n. [eá water = eíg, land land] Water-land, an island; insŭla:--On ðis eíglande in this island, Chr. 937; Erl. 115, 15. v. íg, eá, íg-land = eá-land.
eiseg; adj. [= egseg, egeseg, from egesa fear] Terrible, horrible; terrĭbĭlis:--Cleopaþ ðonne se alda út of helle, wriceþ word-cwedas wéregan reorde, eisegan stefne then the chief calleth out of hell, uttereth words with accursed speech, with horrible voice, Cd. 213; Th. 267, 6-10; Sat. 34-36.
el-, ele- foreign, strange; peregrínus, externus. v. el-land, ele-land.
él an eel, Som. Ben. Lye. DER. Él-íg. v. ǽl.
-el, -ol, a termination denoting persons, as, Fórrídel an outrider; býdel a herald. It denotes also inanimate objects; as, Gyrdel a girdle; stýpel a steeple.
elan to trouble, pain, grieve, L. Edm. S. proœm; Th. i. 246, 22, note 33. v. eglian.
élas hedgehogs, Ps. Spl. T. 103, 19. v. íl.
el-boga, ele-boga, eln-boga, an; m. An ELBOW; cŭbĭtum, ulna:--Elboga cŭbĭtum, Ælfc. Gl. 72; Som. 70, 125; Wrt. Voc. 43, 50. Fæðm betwux elbogan [MS. elboga] and hand-wyrste a cubit, between the elbow and wrist; cŭbĭtum, 72; Som. 70, 126; Wrt. Voc. 43, 51. [Chauc. R. Glouc. elbowe: Plat. ellbagen, m: Dut. elleboog. m: Ger. elbogen, elnbogn, ellenbogen, m: M. H. Ger. ellenboge, elenboge, m: O. H. Ger. elinbogo: Dan. albue, m. f: Icel. albogi, alnbogi, olbogi, ölbogi, ölnbogi, m. elbow.]
élc each, Mk. Skt. Rush. 16, 15. v. ǽlc.
elch, es; m. The ELK; alces, cervus alces, Lin. Som. Ben. Lye. [Dut. ellend, elland, eland, m. tragĕlaphus, hircocervus, anĭmal septentrionālis regiōnis: Ger. elk, m; commonly elen, elend, n. m; elen-thier, n: M. H. Ger. ëlch, ëlhe, m: O. H. Ger. elaho, eliho, elho, elocho, elch, m; Dan. els-dyr, n: Swed. elg, m: Icel. elgr, m: Lat. alces, f; Grk. GREEK, f. an elk.]
elcian; part. elcigende; p. ode; pp. od; v. n. To put off, delay; mŏrari, differre, cunctāri, tempus trăhĕre:--Ic latige on sumere stówe, oððe ic elcige mŏror, Ælfc. Gr. 25; Som. 27, 14. Ðæt he leng ne elcode to his geleáfan that he no longer delayed his belief, Homl. Th. ii. 26, 1. v. latian.
elcor, elcur, ælcor; adv. Elsewhere, otherwise, besides, except; alias, alĭter, præter, nisi:--Gif hit hwæt elcor biþ sin alias, Bd. 4, 28; S. 605, 17. [O. Frs. ekker, elker, elkes alias: O. Sax. elcor alias: O. H. Ger. elichor, elicor, elihor prorsus, ultra, amplius: Dan. ellers: Swed. eljest else: Icel. ellegar, elligar, ellar, ella alias.]
elcra; comp. adj. [elcian to put off, delay; elcung lateness, delay] Latter; postĕrior:--Gif hie cumaþ of óðrum biterum and yfelum wǽtum, ða ðe wyrceaþ óman, ðonne beóþ ða elcran to stillanne óþ-ðæt ðe hie unstrangran weorþan if they come from other bitter and evil humours, which cause inflammations, then are the latter to be stilled until they become less strong, L. M. 2, 1; Lchdm. ii. 178, 12-15.
elcung, e; f. A delay, R. Ben. 5, 71, Lye. v. eldung.
elcur; adv. Otherwise; alias, Mt. Rush. Stv. 6, 1: 9, 17: Lk. Lind. War. 5, 37. v. elcor.
eld age :-- Sió forme eld the first age, Bt. Met. Fox 8, 7; Met. 8, 4: Bt. 15; Fox 48, 2. v. yldu.
eldan to tarry. Som. Ben. Lye. v. yldan.
eldcung delay, Bt. 38, 3; Fox 202, 17, MS. Cot. v. eldung.
elde men, Elen. Kmbl. 949; El. 476: Beo. Th. 5215; B. 2611: Andr. Kmbl. 2115; An. 1059: Bt. Met. Fox 20, 199; Met. 20, 100. v. ylde.
eldendlíc; adj. Slow, slack; pĭger, tardus, Som. Ben. Lye.
eldo old age, Beo. Th. 4229; B. 2111. v. yldu.
eldor a prince, Som. Ben. Lye. v. ealdor.
eldor-man an alderman, Th. Diplm. A. D. 883; 129, 25. v. ealdor-man.
eldra elder, older; sĕnior:--Heora eldran fæder of their older father, of their grandfather, Bt. 10; Fox 28, 32, MS. Cot; comp. of eald.
eldran elders, parents, Bt. Met. Fox 1, 115; Met. 1, 58: 13, 55; Met. 13, 28. v. yldra.
eldre; comp? omne :-- Ne dyde he áhwǽr swá eldran cynne non fēcit tālĭter omni nātiōni, Ps. Th. 147, 9.
eldung, eldcung, elcung, e; f. Delay; mŏra:--Hit is eldung and anbíd ðæs héhstan déman it is the delay and waiting of the highest judge, Bt. 38, 3; Fox 202, 17. v. ylding.
ELE, es; m. OIL; ŏleum:--Eles gecynd is ðæt he wile oferstígan ǽlcne wǽtan: ageót ele uppon wæter oððe on óðrum wǽtan, se ele flýt bufon: ageót wæter uppon ðone ele, and se ele abrecþ up and swimþ bufon it is the nature of oil that it will rise above every fluid: pour oil upon water or on another fluid, the oil will float above: pour water upon the oil, and the oil will break through and swim above, Homl. Th. ii. 564, 11-14. Ele ŏleum, Ælfc. Gl. 32; Som. 61, 109; Wrt. Voc. 27, 38: Ps. Lamb. 108, 18: 140, 5. Hund sestra eles centum cădos ŏlei, Lk. Bos. 16, 6: Ps. Lamb. 4, 8. Of eówrum ele de ŏleo vestro, Mt. Bos. 25, 8. Mid mínum hálgan ele ŏleo sancto meo, Ps. Lamb. 88, 21. Ðú amæstest oððe ðú gefætnodest on ele heáfod mín impinguasti in ŏleo căpul meum, Ps. Lamb. 22, 5: 103, 15. Genexode synt his spræcu ofer ele mollīti sunt sermōnes ejus sŭper ŏleum, 54, 22. Hí ne námon nánne ele mid hym non sumpsērunt ŏleum secum, Mt. Bos. 25, 3, 4, 9: Lk. Bos. 10, 34: Gen. 28, 18: Lev. 2, 1, 6. Ðú nymst ánne holne hláf mid ele gesprengedne tolles tortam pānis unīus crustŭlam conspersam ŏleo, Ex. 29, 23: Lev. 2, 4: Ps. Lamb. 44, 8: Lk. Bos. 7, 46. Eles drosna dregs of oil; amurca = GREEK, Ælfc. Gl. 47; Som. 65, 18; Wrt. Voc. 33, 18. [Wyc. Chauc. oile: Orm. ele: Scot. olye: Plat. oelje: O. Sax. olig, n: Frs. oalje: O. Frs. olie: Dut. olie, f: Ger. öl, n. M. H. Ger. ol, öl, n: O. H. Ger. olei, n: Goth. alew, n: Dan. olie, m. f: Swed. olja, f: Icel. olea, olía, f: Lat. oleum, n: Grk. GREEK, n. olive oil; GREEK, f. olive-tree, olive fruit.] DER. wyn-ele.
éle a lamprey, Som. Ben. Lye. v. ǽl.
ele-bacen; pp. Oil-baked, baked in or with oil; ŏleo coctus, ŏleătus:--Manna híg gadredon and grundon on cwyrne oððe britton and sudon on croccan and worhton hláfas ðǽrof: ða wǽron híg swilce híg wǽron elebacene pŏpŭlus collĭgens Man frangēbat mŏla sive tĕrēbat in mortārio, cŏquens in olla et făciens ex eo tortŭlas săpōris quăsi pānis ŏleāti, Num. 11, 8.
ele-beám, es; m. [ele oil, beám a tree] An olive-tree; ŏlea, ŏlīva:--Elebeám ŏlea vel ŏlīva, Ælfc. Gl. 32; Som. 61, 111; Wrt. Voc. 27, 40: 47; Som. 65, 18; Wrt. Voc. 33, 17: 80, 25: 285, 70: Ps. Lamb. 51, 10. Heó brohte elebeámes twíg she brought a twig of olive-tree, Cd. 72; Th. 88, 30; Gen. 1473. Heó brohte án twíg of ánum elebeáme illa portāvit rāmum ŏlīvæ, Gen. 8, 11. Ealle eówre elebeámas forwurþaþ all your olive-trees shall perish, Deut. 28, 40: Ps. Th. 127, 4. Syndon bearn ðíne swá swá nywlícra elebergena oððe guógaþ elebeáma sunt fīlii tui sīcut novellæ ŏlīvārum, Ps. Lamb. 127, 3. Dó swá on ðínum wínearde and on ðínum elebeámon ĭta făcies in vīnea et in ŏlī;vēto tuo, Ex. 23, 11. He eów sylþ elebeámas ðe gé ne plantudon dĕdĕrit tibi ŏlīvēta quæ non plantasti, Deut. 6, 11. Unwæstmbǽre elebeám an unfruitful or wild olive-tree; ŏleaster, Ælfc. Gl. 47; Som. 65, 19; Wrt. Voc. 33, 19: Ælfc. Gr. 8; Som. 7, 15.
ele-beámen; adj. Of or belonging to the olive-tree; ŏleāgĭnus, Ælfc. Gl. 32; Som. 61, 110; Wrt. Voc. 27, 39.
ele-berge, an; f. [ele oil; berge = berie a berry] An olive, the fruit of an olive-tree; ŏlīva:--Swá swá eleberge wæstmbǽra sīcut ŏlīva fructĭfĕra, Ps. Spl. 51, 8. Syndon bearn ðíne swá swá nywlícra elebergena oððe guógaþ elebeáma sunt fīlii tui sīcut nŏvellæ ŏlīvārum, Ps. Lamb. 127, 3. He úteóde on ðæne múnt Oliuarum, ðæt is Elebergena egressus ībat in montem Ŏlivārum, Lk. Bos. 22, 39.
ele-boga, an; m. An elbow; ulna. Wrt. Voc. 71, 24. v. el-boga.
ele-byt, -bytt, e; f. [ele oil, byt a bottle] An oil vessel or cruet, a chrismatory; lentĭcŭla :-- Elebyt ǽrenu lentĭcŭla, Cot. 121.
ele-fæt, es; n. An oil-vat, cruise or pot; emĭcădium :-- Elefæt emĭcŭdium [= emĭcădium, v. Du Cange, vol. ii. 238], Ælfc. Gl. 26; Som. 60, 79; Wrt. Voc. 25, 19. Stǽnen elefæt ălăbastrum, 24; Som. 60, 40; Wrt. Voc. 24, 40.
elehtre, eluhtre, an; f. The plant lupine; lŭpīnus albus, Lin :-- Elehtre lupine, L. M. 2, 34; Lchdm. ii. 238, 30: 2, 65; Lchdm. ii. 296, 24: 3, 22; Lchdm. ii. 320, 12. Hafa clam geworht of elehtran have a plaster made of lupine, L. M. 3, 39; Lchdm. ii. 332, 21. Genim elehtran take lupine, Herb. 46, 3; Lchdm. i. 148, 22: L. M. 1, 33; Lchdm. ii. 80, 16: 1. 62; Lchdm. ii. 134, 13: 1, 64; Lchdm. ii. 138, 27: 1. 66; Lchdm. ii. 142, 2: 3, 41; Lchdm. ii. 334, 5: iii. 56, 26.
ele-lænde; adj. Strange, foreign; peregrīnus :-- Elelændra eorþbigennys cŏlōnia, peregrīnōrum cultūra, Ælfc. Gl. 54; Som. 66, 102; Wrt. Voc. 36, 25.
ele-land, es; n. A foreign country; externa terra :-- Ðǽr ic on elelande áhte stówe there I owned a place in a foreign country. Ps. Th. 118, 54.
ele-lendisc; adj. Strange, foreign; advĕna, aliēnus :-- Elelendisc ic eom mid ðé advĕna ĕgo sum ăpud te. Ps. Lamb. 38, 13. Beam elelendisce ferealdodon fīlii aliēni invetĕrāti sunt. Ps. Lamb. 17, 46.
elene, an; f. The herb elecampane; inŭla hĕlĕnium, Lin :-- Genim hioðowearde elenan take the netherward part of elecampane, L. M. 3, 26; Lchdm. ii. 322, 15: 3, 47; Lchdm. ii. 338, 14. v. eolone.
Elene, an; f. Helena; Helĕna = GREEK: The wife of the Roman emperor Constantius, and mother of Constantine the Great :-- Constantius gesealde his suna ðæt ríce, Constantinuse, ðone he hæfde be Elenan, his wife Constantius gave the empire to his son Constantine whom he had by Helena his wife, Ors. 6, 30; Th. 496, 33. His [Constantínes] módor wæs cristen, Elená geháten, swíðe gelýfed mann, and þearle eáwfæst his [Constantine's] mother was a christian, called Helena, a very faithful person, and very pious, Homl. Th. ii. 306, 3. UNCERTAIN See Ors. Bos. Notes and Various Readings, p. 28, col. 2, in proof that Helena was the lawful wife of Constantius :-- Ða him Elene forgeaf sincweorþunga then Helĕna gave him treasures. Elen. Kmbl. 2434; El. 1218. Fór Elenan cneó before the knee of Helĕna, 1693; El. 848: 1903; El. 953. Se Cásere [Constantinus] héht Elenan the emperor Constantine told Helena, Elen. Kmbl. 2003; El. 1003: 2124; El. 1063. Elene, 438; El. 219: 1204; El. 604: 1236; El. 620.
ele-sealf, e; f. Oil-salve, sweet balm; nardus = GREEK, ambrŏsia = GREEK, Cot. 3: 146.
ele-seocche, an; f? [ele ŏleum, seocche = seohhe colātōrium] A vessel for straining oil, an oil-strainer?--Eleseocche fisclum? Ælfc. Gl. 66; Som. 69, 85; Wrt. Voc. 41, 38.
eleþ, es; m. A man; hŏmo :-- Witon ðæt se eleþ éce bídeþ they know that the man eternally abideth, Exon. 33 b; Th. 106, 8; Gú. 38. v. hæleþ.
ele-treów, es; n. An oil-tree, olive-tree; ŏlīva :-- Swá swá eletreów wæstmbáera sīcut ŏlīva fructĭfĕra, Ps. Spl. C. T. 51, 8. Swá niwe planta eletreówa sīcut nŏvellæ ŏlīvārum, Ps. Spl. C. 127, 4.
ele-twíg, es; n. An olive twig, a small branch of olive, Cot. 146.
-elfen, e; f. [ælf an elf, en a feminine termination] A fairy, nymph; nympha: used only as a termination :-- Dún-elfen castălĭdes; feld-elfen moĭdes (?); wudu-elfen dryădes; wylde-elfen hamadryădes; sǽ-elfen naĭădes, Ælfc. Gl. 112, 113; Som. 79, 108-112; Wrt. Voc. 60, 15-19. v. -ælfen.
el-hygd, e; f. Strange thought, distraction; perturbātio :-- Módes elhygd distraction of the mind, L. M. 2, 46; Lchdm. ii. 258, 18.
Élíg, e; f. [él = ǽl an eel, íg an island] The isle of ELY, Cambridgeshire; insŭla Eliensis in agro Cantabrigiensi :-- Is Élíg ðæt land on Eást-Engla mǽgþa, hú hugu syx hund hída, on eálondes gelícnesse; is eall mid fenne and mid wætere ymbseald, and fram genihtsumnesse ǽla ða ðe on ðám ylcan fennum fongene beóþ hit naman onféng the land Ely is in the province of the East-Angles, of about six hundred hides, in the likeness of an island; it is all encompassed with a fen and with water, and took its name from the abundance of eels which are caught in the same fen, Bd. 4, 19; S. 590, 3-6. Hér Sc̃e Æðeldryht ongon ðæt mynster æt Élíge in this year [A. D. 673] St. Ætheldryth began the monastery at Ely, Chr. 673; Th. 58, 4. Æðeldryþ wæs abbudisse geworden on dam þeódlande ðe is gecýged Élíge, ðǽr heó mynster getimbrade Ætheldryth became abbess in the country which is called Ely, where she built a monastery, Bd. 4, 19; S. 588, 1.
Élíg-burh, Élí-burh; gen. -burge; dat. -byrig; f. The city of Ely, Cambridgeshire; urbs Eliensis in agro Cantabrigiensi :-- Man hine lǽdde to Élígbyrig [Élíbyrig, Th. 294, 15, col. 2] they led him to Ely, Chr. 1036; Th. 294, 16, col. 1.
éliŏtrŏpus, éliŏtrŏpos the turnsole, Herb. 137; Lchdm. i. 254, 10, 16. v. héliotropus.
el-land, es; n. A foreign country, strange land; externa terra :-- Mægþ sceal, geómormód, elland tredan a maiden, sad of mind, shall tread a strange land. Beo. Th. 6031; B. 3019.
ellarn an elder-tree, Som. Ben. Lye. v. ellen.
ellefne; adj. Eleven; undĕcim :-- Ellefne orettmæcgas eleven champions, Andr. Recd. 1331; An. 664. v. endleofan.
ELLEN; gen. elnes; m. n. Strength, power, vigour, valour, courage, fortitude; vis, rōbur, vĭgor, virtus, fortĭtūdo :-- Wísdóm hæfþ on him feówer cræftas, ðara is án wærscipe, óðer metgung, þridde is ellen, feórþe rihtwísnes wisdom has in it four virtues, of which one is prudence, another temperance, the third is fortitude, the fourth justice, Bt. 27, 2; Fox 96, 34: Beo. Th. 1151; B. 573: Cd. 64; Th. 78, 5; Gen. 1288: Exon. 52 b; Th. 183, 4; Gú. 1322: Andr. Kmbl. 920; An. 460: Menol. Fox 491; Gn. C. 16, Ða him wæs elnes þearf when he had need of valour, Beo. Th. 5745; B. 2876: Cd. 47; Th. 59, 32; Gen. 972: Exon. 45 b; Th. 156, 3; Gú. 869: Andr. Kmbl. 2002; An. 1003: Elen. Kmbl. 1446; El. 725: Salm. Kmbl. 21; Sal. 11: Ps. Th. 118, 23. Wæs Gúþlác on elne strong Guthlac was strong in courage. Exon. 36 b; Th. 119, 34; Gú. 264: 62 b; Th. 231, 4; Ph. 484: Beo. Th. 5624; B. 2816. Hæfde him on innan ellen untweódne he had within him unwavering courage, Andr. Kmbl. 2485; An. 1244: Beo. Th. 5384; B. 2695. Ic gefremman sceal eorlíc ellen I shall perform a manly deed of valour, Beo. Th. 1278; B. 637. Ne lǽt ðín ellen gedreosan let not thy strength sink, Wald. 10; Vald. 1, 6: Beo. Th. 1208; B. 602: Exon. 120 b; Th. 463, 7; Hö. 66: Apstls. Kmbl. 6; Ap. 3. Ellen fremman to do a deed of valour, Andr. Kmbl. 2418; An. 1210: Beo. Th. 6; B. 3. Moyses bebeád folc hycgan on ellen Moses bade the people think on valour, Cd. 154; Th. 191, 22; Exod. 218: Fins. Th. 21; Fin. 11: Ps. Th. 93, 2. Engel hine elne trymede an angel strengthened him with courage, Exon. 35 a; Th. 113, 21; Gú. 161: Cd. 98; Th. 129, 2; Gen. 2137: Beo. Th. 5715; B. 2861: Andr. Kmbl. 1966; An. 985: Rood Kmbl. 67; Kr. 34: Ps. Th. 128, 5. Elne with strength, power, or courage, strongly, powerfully, courageously; strēnue, fortĭter, Beo. Th. 3938; B. 1967: Exon. 80 a; Th. 300, 18; Fä. 8: Ps. Th. 52, 5: 59, 4: 118, 4, 176. [Orm. ellennlæs powerless: O. Sax. ellien, ellen, n. strength, manhood: M. H. Ger. ellen, n. strength, manhood: O. H. Ger. ellan, m. zēlus, rōbur, virtus: Goth. alyan, n. zeal: Icel. eljan, elja, f. endurance, energy.] DER. mægen-ellen.
ELLEN, es; n. The elder-tree; sambūcus nigra, a small tree whose branches are filled with a light spongy pith. The fruit is a globular, purplish-black berry, of which wine is often made, called elder-berry wine. It is quite distinct from alor the alder-tree, q. v :-- Ellenes blósman genim take blossoms of elder, L. M. 2, 59; Lchdm. ii. 288, 2. Genim ðas wyrte, ðe man sambūcus = GREEK [MS. samsuchon = GREEK] and óðrum naman ellen, háteþ take this wort, which is named sambucus, and by another name elder, Herb. 148, 1; Lchdm. i. 272, 14. Genim ellenes leaf take leaves of elder, L. M. 1, 27; Lchdm. ii. 68, 23: 2, 30; Lchdm. ii. 228, 4. [Plat. elloorn, m: Ger. M. H. Ger. holder, holunder, m: O. H. Ger. holder, holuntar, m: Dan. hyld, m. f; hylde-træ, n; Swed. hyll. f.]
ellen; adj. Of elder, elder-; sambūceus :-- Genim ellenne sticcan take an elder-stick, L. M. 1, 39; Lchdm. ii. 104, 7.
ellen-campian; p. ode, ede; pp. od, ed To contend vigorously; fortĭter pugnāre :-- Ellencampian pugĭlāre, Cot. 4. Ellencampedon pugĭlāvērunt, Cot. 40.
ellen-cræft, es; m. Strength, power; virtus, pŏtentia :-- Ahebbaþ háligne heofena Drihten, usserne God ellencræfta exalt the holy Lord of heaven, our God of powers, Ps. Th. 98, 5.
ellen-dǽd, e; f. [ellen valour, dǽd a deed] A deed of valour, bold or valiant deed; virtūtis factum :-- Sceolde hine yldo beniman ellendǽda age should deprive him of bold deeds, Cd. 24; Th. 31, 13; Gen. 484: Judth. 12; Thw. 35, 22; Jud. 273. He secgan hýrde ellendǽdum he heard tell of valiant deeds, Beo. Th. 1756; B. 876: 1804; B. 900.
el-lende, ele-lænde; adj. Strange, foreign; extĕrus, peregrīnus :-- Nǽnig cépa ne seah ellendne wearod no merchant saw a foreign shore, Bt. Met. Fox 8, 60; Met. 8, 30. In ellende in foreign land, afar, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 21, 33: 25, 14.
Ellen-dún, Ellan-dún, e; f. [Flor. Ellandun, i. e. mons Eallæ: Will. Malm. Hellendune: Hunt. Elendune] Allington, near Amesbury, Wilts; lŏci nōmen in agro Wiltoniensi :-- Hér gefeaht Ecgbryht cyning and Beornwulf cyning on Ellendúne [Ellandúne, Th. 111, 21, col. 2] in this year Egbert and Beornwulf fought at Allington, Chr. 823; Th. 110, 20.
ellen-gǽst, es; m. A bold or powerful spirit; pŏtens spīrĭtus :-- Se ellengǽst the powerful spirit [Grendel], Beo. Th. 172; B. 86.
ellen-gódnes zeal, Bd. 3, 3; S. 525, 32, note. v. ellen-wódnes.
ellen-heard; adj. Hard of courage, bold, courageous; fortis, strēnuus :-- Wæs eorl ellenheard searoþancum beseted the courageous warrior was beset with various thoughts, Andr. Kmbl. 2509; An. 1256: Exon. 49 b; Th. 172, 3; Gú. 1138.
ellen-lǽca, an; m. A champion; pŭgil, agōnista, Cot. 15.
ellen-leás; adj. Lacking courage; fortitūdine cărens :-- Ic sceal sécan óðerne ellenleásran cempan I must seek another less courageous soldier, Exon. 71 b; Th. 266, 7; Jul. 394.
ellen-líce; adv. Boldly, daringly; fortĭter, strēnue, pŏtenter :-- Wíf beorn acwealde ellenlíce the woman daringly slew a warrior, Beo. Th. 4250; B. 2122.
ellen-mǽrþ, e; f. [mǽrþ greatness, glory] Glory of valour or courage; fortitūdĭnis glōria :-- Grendel nihtweorce geféh, ellenmǽrþum Grendel rejoiced in his night-work, his valour-glories, Beo. Th. 1660; B. 828.
ellen-rind, e; f. Elder-rind or bark; sambūci cortex :-- Well ellenrinde niðewearde boil the nether part of elder-rind, L. M. 1. 32; Lchdm. ii. 78, 5: 1, 54; Lchdm. ii. 126, 5: 1, 68; Lchdm. ii. 128, 14.
ellen-róf; adj. Remarkably strong, powerful, daring, brave; rōbustus, strēnuus, fortis :-- Strang oððe ellenróf rōbustus, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 22; Som. 10, 52. Beó ðú gestrangod and ellenróf confortāre et esto rōbustus, Jos. 1, 7, 9: Cd. 89; Th. 110, 26; Gen. 1844: Beo. Th. 685; B. 340: Exon. 96 a; Th. 358, 3; Pa. 40: Judth. 10; Thw. 23, 7; Jud. 109: Wald. 79; Vald. 2, 11. Hí woldon áninga ellenrófes mód gemiltan they would entirely subdue the bold man's mind. Andr. Kmbl. 2784; An. 1394. Gif ic ǽnigne ellenrófne geméte if I find any brave man, Exon. 71 a; Th. 265, 17; Jul. 382. Ellenrófe weras the bold men, Exon. 106 b; Th. 405, 9; Rä. 23, 20: Cd. 94; Th. 122, 33; Gen. 2036: Andr. Kmbl. 2284; An. 1143.
ellen-sióc; adj. [sióc = seóc sick, diseased, infirm, languid] Infirm or languid from want of strength; invălĭdus, dēbĭlis :-- Hwæðer he cwicne gemétte in ðam wongstede Wedra þeóden ellensiócne whether he should find the languid prince of the Goths alive on the field, Beo. Th. 5567; B. 2787.
ellen-spræc, e; f. Powerful speech; pŏtens sermo :-- He ne meahte ellenspræce, hleóðor ahebban he could not raise his voice, his powerful speech, Exon. 49 b; Th. 171, 18; Gú. 1128.
ellen-þríst; adj. Bold in courage, bold; audax :-- Ða idesa ellenþríste the bold women. Judth. 11; Thw. 23, 22; Jud. 133.
ellen-weorc, es; B. A work of valour, valiant or powerful act; fortitūdĭnis ŏpus, res fortĭter gesta :-- He wæs ánrǽd ellenweorces he was steadfast in his work of valour, Andr. Kmbl. 464; An. 232. Gif ðú ðæt ellenweorc aldre gedígest if thou escapest with life from that work of valour, Beo. Th. 1326; B. 661: 5279; B. 2643: Exon. 42 a; Th. 140, 20; Gú. 613. Ellenweorca of valiant acts, Beo. Th. 4789; B. 2399. Ellenweorcum by valiant acts, Andr. Kmbl. 2740; An. 1372.
ellen-wód, e; f? [wód mad] Zeal; zēlus= GREEK :-- Me ðínes húses heard ellenwód æt zēlus dŏmus tuæ cŏmēdit me. Ps. Th. 68, 9.
ellen-wód; adj. [wód mad] Raging, furious; fŭriōsus :-- Wæs ellenwód fæder wið déhter the father was furious with his daughter, Exon. 67 b; Th. 251, 4; Jul. 140.
ellen-wódian; p. ode; pp. od [ellen-wód zeal] To strive with zeal, emulate; æmŭlāri :-- Nylle ðú elnian oððe ellenwódian [MS. ellenwondian] on yfelwillendum nōli æmŭlāri in malignantĭbus, Ps. Spl. C. 36, 1.
ellen-wódnes, -ness, e; f. Zeal, envy, emulation, ardour; zēlus = GREEK, fervor :-- Swindan me dyde ellenwódnes mín tabescĕre me fēcit zēlus meus, Ps. Spl. T. 118, 139; 78, 5. Aidanns hæfde Godes ellenwódnesse and his lufan micle Aidan had much zeal and love for God, Bd. 3, 3; S. 525, 32. He wæs mid wylme mycelre ellenwódnesse onbærned zēlo magni fervōris accensus est, 4, 24; S. 598, 22.
ellen-wyrt, e; f. Elderwort, wallwort, danewort, dwarf-elder; sambūcus ĕbŭlus, Lin :-- Genim ðas wyrte, ðe man ĕbŭlum, and óðrum naman ellenwyrte nemneþ, and eác sume men wealwyrt hátaþ take this herb, which is named ĕbŭlum, and by another name elderwort, and some men also call it wallwort, Herb. 93, 1; Lchdm. i. 202, 5: Wrt. Voc. 67, 12, 64: 69, 17.
ELLES; adv. ELSE, otherwise, in another manner; ălĭter, ăliōquin, ăliunde, sĕcus :-- Elles ălĭter, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 41, 7, 67. Elles næbbe ge méde mid eówrum fæder ăliōquin mercēdem non hăbēbĭtis ăpud patrem vestrum, Mt. Bos. 6, 1: Mk. Bos. 2, 21. Gif hit elles sý sin autem, Lk. Bos. 10, 6. He stýhþ elles ofer ascendit ăliunde, Jn. Bos. 10, 1. Hí ne mihton elles bión they could not else exist, Bt. 39, 13; Fox 234, 30: Bt. Met. Fox 9, 104; Met. 9, 52: Chr. 1044; Erl. 168, 17: Beo. Th. 5034; B. 2520: Exon. 67 b; Th. 249, 18; Jul. 113. Hwá aríst elles of Syon bútan ðú who else shall arise out of Sion but thou? Ps. Th. 13, 11. Hwæt elles is quid est ăliud? Bd. 1. 27; S. 494, 15. Nyton hwæt hý elles sprecon they know not what else they speak, Ps. Th. 43, 16. Áhwǽr or ǽghwǽr elles anywhere else, Ps. Th. 71, 12: 102, 15. Ná elles, ná hú elles not otherwise, no how else; haud sĕcus, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 42, 3: Bt. 32, 1; Fox 114, 8. Nówiht elles nothing else; nil ăliud, Bd. 2, 14; S. 518, 8. Elles áwiht, ówiht or wuht anything else; ăliud quid. Cd. 32; Th. 42, 33; Gen. 682: 91; Th. 114, 16; Gen. 1905: Exon. 82 a; Th. 308, 27; Seef. 46: 115 a; Th. 443, 1; Kl. 23: Bt. Met. Fox 9, 40; Met. 9, 20. Elles hwæt anything else, Bd. 4, 3; S. 569, 8. Elles hwǽr, hwár, hwérgen or hwider elsewhere; ăliorsum, L. Eth. v. 12; Th. i. 308, 5: L. C. E. 13; Th. i. 368, 6: Beo. Th. 377; B. 138: 5173; B. 2590: Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 40, 7. [Wyc. Piers P. ellis: Chauc. R. Glouc. elles: Orm. elless: Scot. els, ellis: O. Frs. elles, ellis: M. H. Ger. alles ălĭter: O. H. Ger. alles, elles, ellies ăliōquin: Goth. allis at all: Swed. eljest: Lat. ălias.]
elles hwá any; ali-quis, March. § 136, 5 a.
ellícor; adv. Elsewhere, otherwise, Ælfc. Gr. 38, Lye. Ettm. v. elcor.
ellm, es; m. An elm; ulmus :-- On ellmum in ulmis, L. Edg. C. 16; Wilk. 83, 47. v. elm.
ellnung, e; f. Emulation, zeal; æmŭlatio :-- Hí hæfdon Godes ellnunge æmŭlātiōnem Dei hăbēbant. Bd. 5, 22; S. 644, 8. v. elnung.
ellor; adv. Elsewhere; ălias, ăliorsum :-- Heó ðæt leóht geseah ellor scríðan she saw the light depart elsewhere, Cd. 37; Th. 48, 9; Gen. 773: 133; Th. 168, 17; Gen. 2784: Judth. 10; Thw. 23, 9; Jud. 112: Beo. Th. 110; B. 55.
ellor-fús; adj. [fús ready, quick] Desirous or ready to go elsewhere, ready to depart; pĕregre eundi cŭpĭdus, ăliorsum īre părātus :-- Óþ-ðæt gást, ellorfús, gangan sceolde to Godes dóme until his spirit, ready to depart, must go to God's judgment, Cd. 79; Th. 97, 7; Gen. 1609. He his hláford geseah ellorfúsne he saw his lord ready to depart [about to die], Exon. 48 a; Th. 165, 11; Gú. 1027: Andr. Kmbl. 375; An. 188.
ellor-gást, -gǽst, es; m. A spirit living or going elsewhere, a departing spirit; spīrĭtus ălĭbi dēgens :-- Scolde se ellorgást on feónda geweald, síðian the departing spirit must go into the power of fiends, Beo. Th. 1619; B. 807. Ellorgǽst a departing spirit, 3238; B. 1617. Hie gesáwon twegen ellorgǽstas they saw two spirits living elsewhere, 2702; B. 1349.
ellor-síþ, es; m. A journey elsewhere, departure, death; ălĭbi ĭter, mors :-- Symble biþ gemyndgad eaforan ellorsíþ his offspring's death will always be remembered, Beo. Th. 4893; B. 2451.
ell-reord; adj. Foreign-speaking, barbarous; barbărus :-- Eallum ellreordum cynnum cunctis barbăris nātiōnĭbus, Bd. 4, 2; S. 565, 31. v. el-reord.
ell-reordig; adj. Foreign-speaking, barbarous; barbărus :-- Oðer [heretoga] wæs ðam hǽðenan réþra and grimra forðon he ellreordig wæs alter [dux] quia barbărus ĕrat, pāgāno sævior, Bd. 2, 20; S. 521, 21, 24: 3, 6; S. 528, 10. v. el-reord.
ell-þeód, ell-þiéd, e; f. A strange people, foreign nation; pĕregrīna gens :-- Hý fóron on ellþiéde they went into a foreign land, Ors. 4, 4; Bos. 81, 6. v. el-þeód.
ell-þeódig -þiódig; adj. Strange, foreign, a stranger, a foreigner :-- Ellþeodigra of the foreigners, Cd. 89; Th. 110, 8; Gen. 1835: Lk. Lind. War. 17, 18: 24, 18. v. el-þeódig.
ellyn zeal, Ps. Spl. C. 118, 139. v. ellen.
ELM, ellm, es; m. An ELM, elm-tree; ulmus :-- Genim elmes rinde take bark of elm, L. M. 1. 6; Lchdm. ii. 52, 9. [Chauc. elmes, pl: Dut. olm, m: Ger. ulme. f: M. H. Ger. ëlm, f: O. H. Ger. elm, helmboum: Dan. alm, älm, m. f: Swed. alm, f: Icel. almr, álmr, m: Lat. ulmus, f.] DER. elm-rind.
elm-boga, an; m. An elbow; cŭbĭtum :-- Gif se earm biþ forad búfan elmbogan if the arm be broken above the elbow, L. Alf. pol. 54; Th. i. 94, 24. v. el-boga.
el-mehtig almighty, Ps. C. 77 [Pfr. Germ. io, 427]. v. eal-mihtig.
elmestlíc; adj. Charitable; mĭsĕrĭcors :-- Swé hit him bóem rehtlícast and elmestlícast wére as might be most righteous and most charitable for both, Th. Diplm. A. D. 830; 465, 23.
el-mihtig almighty :-- God elmihtiga almighty God, Chr. 1086; Th. 353, 32. v. eal-mihtig.
elm-rind, e; f. ELM-RIND or bark; ulmi cortex :-- Elmrind bark of elm, L. M. 1, 47; Lchdm. ii. 116, 2. Well elmrinde boil elm-rind, 1, 32; Lchdm. ii. 78, 5. Nim elmrinde take elm-rind, 1. 38; Lchdm. ii. 98, 8: 3, 29; Lchdm. ii. 324, 15. Genim elmrinde gréne take elm-rind green, 1. 56; Lchdm. ii. 126, 15. Mid elmrinde with elm-rind, 1, 25; Lchdm. ii. 66, 23.
ELN, e; f. I. an ELL, a measure of length, the space from the point of the elbow to the end of the middle finger, eighteen inches. This is the Heb. HEBREW [amma] a cubit: the Lat. cŭbĭtus a cubit, ulna an ell. Liddell and Scott say GREEK = cŭbĭtus, and ulna an ell properly contain twenty-four GREEK [GREEK the breadth of a finger, about 3/4 of an English inch] :-- GREEK; Mt. 6, 27; īp whas īzwara maurnands mag anaaukan ana wahstu seinana aleina aina? Mt. Bos. Goth. 6, 27; quis autem vestrum cōgĭtans pŏtest adjĭcĕre ad stătūram suam cŭbĭtum ūnum? Mt. Vulg. 6, 27; hwylc eówer mæg sóþlíce geþencan ðæt he ge-eácnige áne elne to hys anlícnesse? Mt. Bos. 6, 27; Wycl. says cubite; Tynd. cubit. It is therefore presumed that the Grk. GREEK = Heb. HEBREW was eighteen inches; for twenty-four GREEK × by 3/4 = [.75] = eighteen inches. In the parallel passage, Lk. Bos. 12, 25, there is not any Gothic; the Grk. Lat. and A. Sax. are the same as in the preceding verse. Lk. Bos. 12, 25 is, therefore, not quoted. Hí wæ-acute;ron unfeor fram lande, swylce hit wæ-acute;re twá hund elna non longe ĕrant a terra, sed quăsi cŭbĭtis dŭcentis [18 in. × 200 ÷ 12 = 300 ft.], Jn. Bos. 21, 8. Fíftena stód deóp ofer dúnum se drenceflód monnes elna the deluge stood deep over the downs, fifteen ells of man, Cd. 69; Th. 84, 17; Gen. 1399. Eln ulna, Glos. Brux. Recd. 38, 62; Wrt. Voc. 64, 71. II. the Royal Persian ell, or cubit, is very nearly 20-1/2 inches; for Herodotus says that the GREEK, bk. i. § 178, is 3 GREEK longer than the common Grk. GREEK = cubit or ell: 24 GREEK, i. e. 24 + 3 = 27 GREEK; 27 × 3/4 of an inch and 1/12 of an 8th, GREEK a finger's breadth = about 75/100 of an inch, that is 3/4 of an inch and 1/12 of an 8th = 3/4 + 1/96 = 72/96 + 1/96 = .76] .76 = 20-50/100 [= 20-1/2 inches, and 2/100 or 1/50 of an inch] :-- Se weall Babilónes is fíftig elna brád, and twá hund elna heáh ... and ymbútan ðone weall is se mæ-acute;sta díc ... and wiðútan ðani díce is geworht twegra elna heáh weall the wall of Babylon is fifty ells broad, and two hundred ells high ... and round the wall is a very great dike ... and outside the dike a wall is built two ells high, Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 44, 23-28. III. the ell in A. Sax. was sometimes about 24 inches, or 2 feet :-- Se hwæl biþ micle læssa ðonne óðre hwalas: ne biþ he lengra ðonne syfan elna lang; ac, on his ágnum lande, ða beóþ eahta and feówertiges elna lange, and ða mæ-acute;stan, fíftiges elna lange; ðara, he sæ-acute;de, ðæt he syxa sum ofslóge syxtig on twám dagum this whale is much less than other whales: it is not longer than seven ells; but, in his own country [Norway], they are eight and forty ells long, and the largest, fifty ells long; of these, he said, that he was one of six, who killed sixty in two days. Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 20, 18-23. In giving the size of the Horse-whale or Walrus, and of the Whale, Ohthere, a Norwegian, would most probably calculate by the measure of Scandinavia, the ell of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Molbeck, in his Dansk Ordbog, thus defines it :-- 'Alen, et vist længdemaal, som deles i 24 tommer ... Tomme een 12te fod, og een 24de alen,' ... That is, Ell, a certain measure of length, which is divided into 24 inches ... An inch one 12th of a foot, and one 24th of an ell. King Alfred, in his Anglo-Saxon version of Orosius, followed the calculation of Ohthere, who says that the Horse-whale or Walrus is 7 ells long, that is 14 feet, and the Whales 48 ells, and the largest 50, that is 96 feet, and the largest 100 feet long. These calculations approach very nearly to those given by Mr. Broderip, who says the length of the Walrus is from 10 to 15 feet, and Dr. Scoresby, who gives the lengen of the Physalus to be about 100 feet, Ors. Eng. p. 43, note 45. 2. ells of different lengths were used in Anglo-Saxon times; and, even in the present day, 3 sorts of ells are known in England :-- The Flemish ell is 3 quarters of a yard or 27 inches; the English 5 quarters or 45 inches; and the French 6 quarters or 54 inches. [Early English, Wrt. spec. 35, án elne long: R. Glouc. 429, 3, elnen, pl: Plat. eel, f: Frs. jelne; O. Frs. ielne, elne, f: Dut. el, elle, f: Ger. elle, f: M. H. Ger. elne, eln, elline, ellen, f: O. H. Ger. elina, elna, elle, f: Goth. aleina, f: Dan. alen, f: Swed. aln, f: Icel. alin, f: Lat. ulna. f: Grk. GREEK, f. Eln the ell is found in A. Sax. eln-boga, el-boga the elbow: Dut. elle-boog: Ger. ellen-boge.] Ell is an old Teutonic word being used in the oldest German, the Gothic translation of Ulphilas about A. D. 360: in Anglo-Saxon about 895. The date of its use in other parts of Europe may be ascertained by referring to the languages quoted above, and in the list of contractions where the names and dates of the authors are given.
eln-boga, an; m. An elbow; cŭbĭtum :-- Se earm nǽnige bígnesse on ðam elnbogan hæfde the arm had no bending at the elbow, Bd. 5, 3; S. 616, 23. v. el-boga.
elnes of strength. Beo. Th. 3063; B. 1529; gen. of ellen.
elnes = ellenes of elder :-- Elnes rinde sele give elder-rind, L. M. 2, 30; Lchdm. ii. 230, 14. v. ellen an elder-tree.
eln-gemet, es; n. An ell-measure, the length of an ell, two feet? cŭbĭtālis mensura, ulnae mensūra :-- Ðæt fær gewyrc fíftiges wíd, þrittiges heáh, þreó hund lang elngemeta make the vessel fifty wide, thirty high, three hundred long, of ell measures, Cd. 65; Th. 79, 10; Gen. 1309. v. eln I. and III.
elnian; part. elnende; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad [ellen strength]. I. to make strong, strengthen; confortāre :-- Elnode he hine and sæt upp confortātus sēdit in lectŭlo, Gen. 48, 2. II. to strive with zeal after another, endeavour to be equal, emulate; æmŭlāre, zēlāre :-- Nyl ðú elnian betwih awergde, ne elnende ðú sié dónde unrehtwísnisse nōli æmŭlāre inter mălignantes, neque æmŭlātus fueris făcientes iniquĭtātem, Ps. Surt. 36, 1, 7. Ic elnode [elnade, Ps. Th. 72, 2] ofer ða unrihtwísan zēlāvi sŭper inīquos, Ps. Spl. C. 72, 3. Ne elna ðú ne æmŭlēris, Ps. Surt. 36, 8. DER. ge-elnian.
elnung, ellnung, e; f. Zeal, hot emulation, envy; zēlus, æmŭlātio :-- Elnung zēlus. Rtl. 192, 5. Elnung oððe æfista húses ðínes ge-et [=ge-æt] mec zēlus do)mus tuæ cŏmēdit me, Jn. Lind. War. 2, 17.
elone the herb elecampane, L. M. 1, 23; Lchdm. ii. 66, 2. v. eolone.
elp an elephant, Som. Ben. Lye. v. ylp.
elpen-bǽnen; adj. Made of ivory; ĕburnĕus :-- Fram húsum elpenbǽnenum a dŏmĭbus ĕburnĕis, Ps. Lamb. 44, 10.
elpen-bán, es; n. An elephant's bone, ivory; ĕbur :-- Elpenbánum with ivory, Ps. Spl. 44, 10: Cot. 71. v. ylpen-bán.
elpend, es; m. An elephant; ĕlephas = GREEK :-- Hwæðer ge seón máran on eówrum líchoman ðonne elpend if ye were greater in your body than the elephant, Bt. 32, 1; Fox 114, 25. Elpendes hýd wyle drincan wǽtan gelíce and spinge déþ an elephant's hide will drink wet like a sponge, Ors. 5, 7; Bos. 107, 10. He genéþde under ánne elpend he went boldly under an elephant, Ors. 4, 1; Bos. 77, 20: 78, 9. He hæfde xx elpenda he had twenty elephants, 4, 1; Bos. 77, 5: 5, 7; Bos. 107, 8. To ðám elpendum [MS. elpendan] to the elephants, 4, 1; Bos. 77, 26. Hét Pirrus dón ða elpendas on ðæt gefeoht Pyrrhus ordered the elephants to be brought into the battle, 77, 16, 23: 78, 5, 28.
elpend-tóþ, es; m. An elephant's tooth; ĕlephantis dens, Cot. 78.
elra; comp? Stranger :-- He ne métte on elran men mundgripe máran he did not find a stronger hand-gripe in a stranger man, Beo. Th. 1509; B. 752.
el-reord, ell-reord, æl-, sell-, eall-; adj. Foreign-speaking, barbarous; barbărus :-- Wǽron heó mid elreordre dysignesse onbláwne inflāti ĕrant barbăra stultĭtia, Bd. 2, 5; S. 507, 13: 1, 5; S. 4. 76, 11: 1, 14; S. 482, 12: Ps. Surt. 113, 1.
el-reordig, ell-reordig; adj. Foreign-speaking, barbarous; barbărus, pĕregrīnus :-- Of gramum folce ða elreordige ealle wǽron de pŏpŭlo barbăro, Ps. Th. 113, 1.
el-reordignes, -ness, e; f. -Barbarousness, outlandishness; barbăries, Som. Ben. Lye.
el-riord; adj. Barbarous; barbărus :-- Mid elriordre dysignesse barbăra stultĭtia, Bd. 2, 5; Whelc. 122, 3. v. el-reord.
el-þeód, æl-þeód, el-þiód [ell-]; gen. e; pl. nom. acc. a. e; f. A foreign nation, strange people; gens pĕregrīna, alienĭgĕnæ, pĕregrīni :-- Éhton elþeóda they pursued the strange nations, Elen. Kmbl. 277; El. 139. Fóre elþeódum before strange nations, Exon. 27 b; Th. 83, 12; Cri. 1337: 23 b; Th. 67, 6; Cri. 1084. On ellþeóde among a strange people, Andr. Kmbl. 1943; An. 974: Exon. 123 b; Th. 474, 25; Bo. 36.
el-þeodian foreigners; barbăros, = el-þeódigan; acc. pl. def. of el-þeódig, Bd. 1, 14; S. 482, 12, note.
el-þeódig, æl-þeódig, el-þiódig [ell-]; adj. Strange, foreign, barbarous, one who is abroad; pĕregrīnus, barbărus, advĕna, alienīgĕna, qui pĕregre est :-- Eorlas elþeódige strange men, Andr. Kmbl. 397; An. 199. Þearfum and elþeódigum symble eáþmód paupĕrĭbus et pĕregrīnis semper hŭmĭlis, Bd. 3, 6; S. 528, 10, note. Ðæt Bryttas ða elþeódian of heora gemærum adrífan ut Brittōnes barbăros suis e fīnĭbus pĕpŭlĕrint, 1. 14; S. 482, 12, note. Nú cwom elþeódig now a stranger has come. Elen. Kmbl. 1813; El. 908: Cd. 124; Th. 159, 3; Gen. 2629. Hwonne me wráþra sum ellþeódigne aldre beheówe when some enemy might bereave me, a stranger, of life, 128; Th. 163, 20; Gen. 2701: Exon. 82 a; Th. 308, ii; Seef. 38: 87 b; Th. 329, 5; Vy. 29. Ða elþeódigan ealle Drihten lustum healdeþ Dŏmĭnus custōdit advĕnam, Ps. Th. 145, 8: 110, 4. v. el-þeód.
el-þeódiglíce, ael-þeódiglíce; adv. In foreign parts, among foreigners; pĕregre. v. æl-þeódiglíce.
el-þeódignes, -þeódines, æl-þeódignes, -ness, -nyss, e; f. A being or living abroad, pilgrimage; pĕregrīnātio :-- Ferde on elþeódignysse pĕregre prŏfectus est, Mt. Bos. 21, 33. On elþeódinysse, 25, 14. Elþeódignys oððe eardbegengnes mín afeorrad oððe gelængd is incŏlātus meus prōlongātus est, Ps. Lamb. 119, 5. v. eard-begengnes.
el-þeódisc; adj. Foreign, strange; pĕregrīnus :-- To bebyrgenne elbeódisce men in sĕpultūram pĕregrīnōrum, Mt. Bos. 27, 7. v. elþeódig.
el-þiód, e; f. A foreign nation :-- In elþióde pĕregre, Mt. Rush. Stv. 21, 33. v. el-þeód.
el-þiódgian, -þiódigian; p. ode; pp. od [el, þeód a people] To live in foreign parts, to lead a pilgrim's life; pĕregrīnāri :-- Wilnode he on neáweste ðara háligra stówe to tíde elþiódgian on eorþan cŭpīvit in vīcīnia sanctōrum lŏcōrum ad tempus pĕregrīnāri in terris, Bd. 5, 7; S. 621, 12.
el-þiodig strange, foreign, Bt. 39, 2; Fox 212, 17, note 3: Ors. 3, 7; Bos. 62, 35: Mt. Lind. Stv. 25, 14. v. el-þeódig.
eltst eldest; nātu maxímus :-- -Seó mǽgþ asprang of Noes eltstan suna, se wæs geháten Sem that family sprang from Noah's eldest son who was called Shem, Homl. Th. i. 24, 7, = yldest; sup. of eald.
eluhtre, an; f. The plant lupine; lŭpīnus albus, Lin :-- Wyl eluhtran on ealaþ boil lupine in ale, L. M. 1. 41; Lchdm. ii. 106, 11: 1. 63; Lchdm. ii. 136, 26. v. elehtre.
élys hedgehogs, Ps. Spl. C. 103, 19. v. íl.
em- in composition, denotes even, equal: v. efen even, emb about. v. em-lícnes, em-niht, etc.
emb, embe about, round, around :-- Emb eahta niht about eight nights, Menol. Fox 418; Men. 210: 76; Men. 38: 188; Men. 95: 109; Men. 54: 259; Men. 131: 449; Men. 226. Embe fíf niht about five nights, Menol. Fox 21; Men. ii: 30; Men. 15: 38; Men. 19: 82; Men. 41: 385; Men. 194. v. ymb.
embe-fær, es; n. [fær a going, journey] A going round, circuit; circuĭtus :-- Embefær túna circuĭtus villārum, Proœm. R. Conc.
embe-gán to go round, Lye. v. ymb-gán.
embe-gang, es; m. A going round, circuit; circuĭtus :-- Se embegang ðara landa the circuit of the lands, Cod. Dipl. Apndx. 402; A. D. 944; Kmbl. iii. 421, 6. Se móna hæfþ læstne embegang the moon has the least circuit, Boutr. Scrd. 18, 38. Embegang dón processiōnem făcĕre, R. Conc. 3. v. ymbe-gang.
embe-gyrdan; he -gyrt; p. -gyrde; pp. -gyrded To surround, begird; circumcingĕre :-- Gársecg embegyrt gumena ríce the ocean surrounds the kingdoms of men. Bt. Met. Fox 9, 81; Met. 9, 41. v. ymb-gyrdan.
embeht, es; n. An office, serving; ministērium :-- Ymb oft embehte circa frĕquens ministĕrium, Lk. Skt. Lind. 10, 40. v. ambeht.
embehtian; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad To minister, serve; ministrāre :-- Heó embehtade oððe gehérde him ministrābat eis, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 8, 15. Embehtaþ ministrābit, Lk. Skt. Lind. 12, 37.
embeht-mon, -monn, es; m. A servant-man, servant, minister; servus, minister :-- Allra embehtmonn omnium minister, Mk. Lind. War. 9, 35. v. ambiht-man.
embehtsumnes, -nis, -niss, e; f. A compliance, kind attention; obsĕquium :-- He démeþ embehtsumnisse [MS. embehtsumise] oððe hérnisse arbitrētur obsĕquium, Jn. Lind. War. 16, 2.
embe-hydignes, -ness, e; f. Solicitude; sollĭcĭtūdo, C. R. Ben. 43, Lye. v. ymb-hydignys.
Embene; pl. m. The inhabitants of Amiens, Amiens, in Picardy, France; Ambiānum :-- Hér for se here up on Sunnan to Embenum, and ðǽr sæt án geár in this year [A.D. 884] the army went up the Somme to Amiens, and remained there one year, Chr. 884; Erl. 82, 17.
embe-smeágung, e; f. A considering about, experience; empīria = GREEK :-- Manega embesmeágunga empīria, Ælfc. Gl. 82; Som. 73, 49; Wrt. Voc. 47, 53.
embe-þencan; part. -þencende; p. -þohte; pp. -þoht To think about, to be anxious for, careful; sollĭcĭtus esse :-- Ne beó ge embeþencende hú oððe hwæt ge sprecon, oððe andswarion nōlīte sollĭcĭti esse quālĭter aut quid respondeātis, aut quid dīcātis, Lk. Bos. 12, 11. v. ymbe-þencan.
embe-úton; adv. About; circum :-- Án of ðám ðe ðár embe-úton stódon one of those who stood there about, Mk. Bos. 14, 47. v. ymbe-útan; adv.
emb-feran; p. -ferde; pp, -fered To go round, surround; circuīre :-- Híg geond feówertig daga embferdon ðone eard they went round the country for forty days, Num. 13, 26.
embiht, es; m. A servant; minister :-- Ða embihtas ministri, Jn. Rush. War. 7, 46. v. ambeht; m.
embiht, es; n. An office; officium :-- Gefylde wǽron ða dagas embihtes his implēti sunt dies offĭcii ejus, Lk. Skt. Lind. 1, 23. v. ambeht; n.
embiht-mon, -monn, es; m. A servant-man, servant, minister; servus, minister :-- Allra embihtmon omnium minister, Mk. Rush. War. 9, 35. v. ambiht-man.
emb-long at length, Som. Ben. Lye.
emb-rin, es; n. [= emb-íren an encircling iron] A fetter; compes :-- Embrin balust? Cot. 203: Wrt. Voc. 288, 1.
emb-ryne, es; m. A running round, a course, revolution, anniversary; revŏlūtio, circuĭtus :-- Tyn etnbrynas quinquennia jam dĕcem, Glos. Prudent. Recd. 139, 1. v. ymb-rene.
emb-sittan; p. -sæt, pl, -sǽton; pp. -seten To sit round or about, surround, beset, besiege; circumsĕdēre, obsĭdēre :-- Porsenna and Tarcuinius embsǽton Róme burh Porsenna and Tarquin surrounded Rome, Ors. 2, 3; Bos. 42, 11. He besirede ðæt folc ðe hi embseten hæfdon he deceived the people who had besieged them, Ors. 4, 5; Bos. 83, 3. v. ymb-sittan.
emb-sníðan; p. -snáþ, pl. -snidon; pp. -sniden, -snyden To cut round, circumcise; circumcīdĕre :-- Ðæt ðæt cild embsnyden wǽre ut circumcidĕrētur puer. Lk. Bos. 2, 21. v. ymb-sníðan.
emb-stemn; adv. By turns; vĭcissim :-- Embstemn vel ðǽr gemang vĭcissim, Glos. Prudent. Recd. 140, 2.
emb-útan about, round; circum, circa :-- Guton [MS. geoton; ðæs celfes blód] embútan ðæt weofod they poured [the blood of the calf] round the altar. Lev. 1. 5, 11. v. ymb-útan; prep.
emb-wlátian; ic -wlátige; p. ode; pp. od To look about, contemplate; contemplāri :-- Ic embwlátige contemplor, Ælfc. Gr. 25; Som. 27, 5, MS. D. v. ymb-wlátian.
emb-wlátung, e; f. A viewing, contemplation; contemplātio :-- Hí brúcaþ dære incundan embwlátunge his godcundnysse they enjoy the closest contemplation of his divinity, Homl. Th. i. 348, 7. v. ymb-wlátung.
em-cristen a fellow-christian, L. Ed. C. 36; Th. i. 461, 1. v. emne-cristen.
eme deceit, fraud; fraus, Som. Ben. Lye.
emel, e; f. A canker-worm, caterpillar, weevel; ērūca, brūchus = GREEK :-- He sealde emele oððe treówyrme wæstm heora dĕdit ērūcæ fructus eōrum, Ps. Spl. C. 77, 51. He sǽde and com gærshoppe and emel ðæs næs ná gerím dixit et vēnit lŏcusta, et brūchus cūjus non ĕrat nŭmĕrus, 104, 32. v. ymel.
emertung, e; f. A tickling, an itching; prūrīgo :-- Emertung prūrīgo, Ælfc. Gl. 11; Som. 57, 61; Wrt. Voc. 20, 5.
emetig; adj. Empty, vacant; văcuus, văcans :-- He geméteþ hit [hús] emetig invēnit eam [dŏmum] văcantem. Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 12, 44. v. æmtig.
em-fela; adj. Equally many; tŏtĭdem :-- Gán inn emfela manna of ǽgðre healfe let equally as many men of either side go in, L. Ath. iv. 7; Th. i. 226, 20. v. efen-fela.
em-hydig; adj. Anxious about, solicitous; sollĭcĭtus, C. R. Ben. 33. v. ymb-hydig.
emitte, an; f. An emmet, ant; formīca :-- Emittan formīcæ, Prov. 30. v. æmete.
em-lang; adj. Equally long; ejusdem longitūdĭnis, L. M. 2, 36; Lchdm. ii. 242, 15.
em-leóf; adj. Equally dear; æque cārus :-- -Him wearþ emleóf, dæt hý gesáwon mannes blód agoten, swá him wæs ðara nýtena meolc it was equally dear to them to see man's blood shed, as it was [to see] the milk of their cattle, Ors. 1. 2; Bos. 26, 32.
em-líce; adv. Even-like, evenly, equally, patiently; æquālĭter, æquanĭmĭter :-- Hú emlíce hit gelamp how evenly it happened! Ors. 2, 1; Bos. 39, 25: 3, 6; Bos. 57, 41. He ðone eard ealne emlíce dǽlde betwux twelf mægþum he divided all the country equally among the twelve tribes, Homl. Th. ii. 214, 12: Boutr. Scrd. 29, ll; Lchdm. iii. 266, 22. He forbær Godes swingele swíðe emlíce he bare God's scourging very patiently. Homl. Th. ii. 98, 12. v. efen-líce.
em-lícnes, -ness, e; f. Evenness, equality, equity; æquĭtas :-- He démþ folc on emlícnesse judĭcābit pŏpŭlos in æquĭtāte. Ps. Spl. T. 95, 10: 110, 7: 118, 75. v. efen-lícnes.
em-micel; adj. Equally much; æque multus :-- Em-micel ealra equally much of all, L. M. 1, 2; Lchdm. ii. 30, 5. v. emn-micel, efen-micel.
emn; adj. Even, equal, plain, level, just; æquus, plānus, æqualis :-- Ðæs wísan monnes mód biþ swíðe emn the wise mans mind is very even, Past. 42, 1; Hat. MS. 58 a. 16: 17, 5; Hat. MS. 23 a. 7: Ps. Th. 10, 8. Næs ic nǽfre swá emnes módes I was never of so even a mind. Bt. 26, 1; Fox 90, 25. Seó burh wæs getimbred on swíðe emnum lande the city was built on very level land, Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 44, 20: Past. 4, 2; Hat. MS. 10 a, 14. Habbaþ emne wǽga and emne gemetu and sestras stătēra justa et æqua sint pondĕra, justus mŏdius æquusque sextārius, Lev. 19, 36. On emn on even ground, by, near; in æquāli, juxta, Gen. 16, 12: 21, 19: Jos. 10, 5: Homl. Th. i. 30, 16: Byrht. Th. 137, 9; By. 184. To emnes over against, opposite; adversus, contra, Ors. 1. 1; Bos. 21, 8: 3, 9; Bos. 68, 25: Cod. Dipl. 1102; A.D. 931; Kmbl. v. 194, 32; 195, 2. v. efen.
emn-, emne-, in composition, even, equal, as efen :-- Emne-cristen a fellow-christian. Emn-sceólere a school-fellow.
emn-æðele; adj. Equally noble; æque nōbĭlis :-- Ealle sint emn-æðele all are equally noble. Bt. 30, 2; Fox 110, 17: Bt. Met. Fox 17, 27; Met. 17, 14.
emne; comp. emnor, emnar; adv. Equally, even, exactly, precisely, just; æquālĭter, æque, omnīno :-- Sió sunne and se móna habbaþ todǽled betwuht him ðone dæg and ða niht swíðe emne the sun and the moon have divided the day and the night very equally between them, Bt. 39, 13; Fox 234, 6: Bt. Met. Fox 29, 72; Met. 29, 35: Ps. Th. 9, 8. Crist hiene selfne ge-eáþmédde emne óþ ðone deáþ Christ humbled himself even unto death. Past. 41, 1; Hat. MS. 56 a, 22: 50; Hat. MS: Cd. 92; Th. 116, 28; Gen. 1943: Bt. Met. Fox 9, 76; Met. 9, 38: 13, 89; Met. 13, 45: Andr. Kmbl. 227; An. 114: 441; An. 221: 665; An. 333. Ne wéne ic ðæt ǽnige twegen látteówas emnar gefuhton I do not think that any two leaders fought more equally. Ors. 3, 1; Bos. 53, 32. v. efne.
emn-éce; adj. Co-eternal; coæternus :-- Is emnéce mægenþrymnes est coæterna majestas, Ps. Lamb. fol. 200, 25. Ealle þrý hádas emnéce him sylfum synt totæ tres personæ coæternæ sibi sunt, 201, 27. v. efen-éce.
emne-cristen, em-cristen, es; m. A fellow-Christian; co-christiānus :-- His emnecristen fratrem suum in Christo, L. Ed. C. 36; Wilk. 209, 18.
emne-líce evenly, equally. Som. Ben. Lye. v. efen-líce.
emnes, -ness, -niss, -nyss, e; f. Evenness, equity, justice; æquĭtas :-- Drihten ðú gelíffæst me on efnesse oððe emnesse ðínre Dŏmĭne vivĭfĭcābis me in æquĭtāte tua, Ps. Lamb. 142, 11. Emnesse geseah anwlita his æquĭtātem vīdit vultus ejus, 10, 8. He démþ ymbhwyrft eorþan on emnisse ipse judĭcābit orbem terræ in æquĭtāte, Ps. Spl. 9, 8. Eágan ðíne geseón emnyssa ŏcŭli tui vĭdeant æquitātes, 16, 3: 51, 3: 110, 7. v. efen-nyss.
emnett, es; n? Level ground, a plain; plānĭties, campus :-- He hæfde on ðam émnette gefaren he had marched on the level ground, Ors. 4, 8; Bos. 89, 38.
emnettan, emnyttan, to emnettenne; p. te; pp. ed To make even or equal, to regulate; æquāre, coæquāre :-- Synt to emnettenne be ðissere emnihte they are to be regulated by this equinox. Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 11, 15; Lchdm. iii. 256, 24. Ic emnytte coæquo, Ælfc. Gr. 47; Som. 48, 56. DER. ge-emnettan.
emn-gód; adj. Equally good; æque bŏnus :-- Nán wuht nis betere ðonne God ne emngód him no creature is better than God nor equally good with him, Bt. 34, 3; Fox 138, 7. Nyton náuht emngód they know nothing equally good, 34, 2; Fox 136, 4. emnian to equal, to make alike, Som. Ben. Lye.
em-niht, es; n. [em, emn equal; niht night] Equal day and night, equinox; æquĭnoctium :-- On emnihtes dæg, ðæt is ðonne se dæg and seó niht gelíce lange beóþ on the day of the equinox, that is when the day and night are equally long, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 12, 19; Lchdm. iii. 260, 13. Ver is lencten tíd, seó hæfþ emnihte spring is the lenten tide, which hath an equinox, 8, 28; Lchdm. iii. 250, 10. Autumnus is hærfest, ðe hæfþ óðre emnihte Autumn is harvest, which hath the other equinox, 9, 1; Lchdm. iii. 250, ii. On ðæs hærfestlícan emnihtes ryne in the course of the harvest [autumnal] equinox, Lchdm. iii. 238, 27. To hærfestes emnihte at the autumnal equinox, Th. Diplm. A. D. 902; 151, 11.
emnis, -niss evenness, equity, Ps. Spl. 9, 8. v. emnes.
emn-land even land, a plain. Som. Ben. Lye.
emn-líce; adv. Equally, evenly; æquālĭter, æque :-- Ðæt hine ealle emnlíce hérian that all praise him equally, Ps. Th. 32, 1: Bt. 13; Fox 38, 34, MS. Cot. v. efenr-líce.
emn-micel, em-micel; adj. Equally great; æque magnus :-- Habbaþ emnmicelne willan to cumenne they have equally great desire te come, Bt. 36, 4; Fox 178, 10: 42; Fox 256, 10. v. efen-micel.
emn-neáh; prep. Equally near; æque prŏpe :-- On ǽlcere stówe he is hire emn-neáh it is in every place equally near it. Bt. 33, 4; Fox 130, 23. v. efen-neáh.
emn-réðe; adj. [réðe cruel] Equally cruel; æque sævus :-- Romulus and Brutus wurdon emnréðe Romulus and Brutus were equally cruel, Ors. 2, 3; Bos. 41, 42.
emn-sár, es; n. Equal sorrow or contrition; æquālis dŏlor :-- Hie ne mágon ealneg ealla on áne tíd emnsáre hreówan they cannot always repent of all at one time with equal sorrow, Past. 53, 3; Hat. MS.
emn-sárian to be alike sorry, to condole; condŏlēre, Som. Ben. Lye.
emn-sárig equally sorry, Som. Ben. Lye. v. em-sárig, efen-sárig.
emn-sceólere, es; m. A fellow-scholar; condiscĭpŭlus. :-- He ofslóh his emnsceólere he slew his fellow-scholar, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 67, 12.
emnys, -nyss evenness, equity, Ps. Spl. 16, 3: 51, 3: 110, 7. v. emnes.
emnyttan to make equal, Ælfc. Gr. 47; Som. 48, 56. v. emnettan.
empire an empire; impĕrium. Lye.
em-rene, es; m. A circle; circŭlus, C. R. Ben. 18. v. ymb-rene.
em-sárig; adj. Equally sorry; æque tristis :-- Hí woldon ðæt ða óðre wíf wǽran emsárige heom they wished the other women to be equally sorry with themselves. Ors. 1, 10; Bos. 33, 1. v. efen-sárig.
em-sníðan; p. -snáþ, pl. -snidon; pp. -sniden To circumcise; circumcĭdĕre :-- Ge emsníðaþ ðæt flǽsc eówres fylmenes circumcīdētis carnem fraputii vestri, Gen. 17, II. v. ymb-sníðan.
em-swápen clothed; amictus, Som. Ben. Lye. v. ymþ-swápan.
emta, an; m. leisure; ōtium :-- On emtan to sméageanne to study at leisure, Bd. pref. S. 471, 10. Ic get emtan næbbe I have not leisure yet, Bt. 38, 2; Fox 196, 24. v. æmta.
emtig; adj. Empty, idle; vacuus, ōtiōsus :-- Híg synt emtige they are idle, Ex. 5, 8. v. æmtig.
em-trymming, e; f. A fortress, fence; mūnīmentum, Som. Ben. Lye. v. ymb-trymming.
em-twá two even parts, halves; dīmĭdia :-- Ne dǽlaþ on emtwá heora dagas nan dīmĭdiābunt dies suos, Ps. Lamb. 54, 24. He tobærst on emtwá he burst asunder into halves. Homl. Th. ii. 250, 26.
-en. J, m. forms only a few masculine terminations of nouns; as, Þeóden; gen. þeódnes; m. a king, from þeód people: dryhten; gen. dryhtnes; m. a lord, from dryht people, subjects. II. f. -en forms many feminine nouns = the Ger. -in, Dan. -inde; as, Þínen, e; f. a maid-servant [Ger. dienerin], from þén [Ger. diener]; þeówen, e; f. a female slave, from þeów: wylen; gen. wylne; f. the same, from weal a slave: mennen, e; f. a maid-servant, from manna: gyden, e; f. a goddess, from god: munecen, e; f. a nun, from munec: cásern [=cásere + en], e; f, an empress, from cásere: fyxen, e; f. a she-fox, from fox. Also -en forms many nouns of the f. gender [corresponding to the Icel. -n, -in]; as, Segen; gen. segne; f. tradition, saying, Icel. sögn: gýen, e; f. heed, care: byrgen, e; f. a tomb: sylen, e; f. a gift: byrðen, e; f. a burden: hiwrǽden; gen. hiwrǽdenne; f. a family, house: and several others in -rǽden; as, Gecwyd-rǽden, e; f. an agreement, contract: mǽg-rǽden, e; f. relationship: gefér-rǽden, -rǽdenn, e; f. a train, company, congregation. III. some nouns in -en are neuters [corresponding to the Icel. -in, -en]; as, Mægen, es; n. strength, might = Icel. megin, magn: mǽden, es; n. a maiden: wésten, es; n. a waste, desert: swefen, es; n. a dream : midlen, es; n. a middle: fæsten, es; n. a fortress, fastness.
-en is a termination of adjectives, -- hence from fyr fire is fýren fiery, stǽn a stone; stǽnen stony: -en is also the termination of pp. in strong verbs; arisen risen, from arísan to rise; dolfen digged, from delfan to dig; when known, from witan to know.
én = ǽn=án- one, as, -- ǽn-líc, q. v. = án-líc; én-wintre one winter, q. v. én-líc = án-líc, q. v; én-lípig = án-lípig, q. v.
encgel. es; m. An angel; angĕlus :-- Hálig encgel a holy angel, Cd. 226; Th. 301, 24; Sat. 586, = engel an angel.
énd; adv. Formerly, of old; prius, ólim :-- Ic adreág fela siððan ðú énd to me in síðadest I have suffered much since thou didst come to me of old, Exon. 120b; Th. 463, 16; Hö. 71.
-end, es; m. the ending of nouns, denoting the agent :-- Wegferend, es; m. a way-faring man.
ENDE, es; m. I. an END; fīnis, termĭnus :-- Ac nys ðonne gyt se ende sed nondum est fīnis, Mt. Bos. 24, 6. Á bútan ende ever without end, L. E. I. prm; Th. ii. 400, 28. Ðæt hí ðæs gewinnes sumne ende gedyden that they would make an end of the war, Ors. 2, 2; Bos. 41, 1. Ðú eart eallra þinga fruma and ende thou art the beginning and end of all things, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 549; Met. 20, 275 : Andr. Kmbl. 1112; An. 556. II. a corner, part, sort; angŭlus, pars, spĕcies :-- Ðæt sylfe wæter ðæt hí ða bán mid þwógan, gutan in ǽnne ende ðære cyricean the selfsame water that they washed the bones with, they poured into one corner of the church [in angŭlo sacrārii], Bd. 3, 11; S. 535, 33, Harold of-slóh ðǽr mycelne ende ðæs folces Harold slew there a great part of the people, Chr. 1052; Gib. 166, 22; Th. 319, 14, col. 1. On feówer endum ðyses middangeardes in the four parts of this world. Ors. 2, 1; Bos. 38, 21. Ofer ealle eorþan endas over all parts of the earth, Ps. Th. 18, 4. Ne hæfde wit óðer uncymran hors and óðres endes numquid non hăbuĭmus ĕquos vīliōres, vel ălias spĕcies, Bd. 3, 14; S. 540, 27. [Chauc. Wyc. ende: O. Sax. endi, m. n: Frs. eyn, eyne: O. Frs. enda, einde, eind, ein, m: Dut. einde, n: Ger. ende , n: M. H. Ger. ende , n. m: O. H. Ger. anti, enti , m. n: Goth. andeis , m : Dan. ende, m. f: Swed, ände, m: Icel. endi, endir, m: Sansk, anta, m.] DER. eást-ende. norþ-, west-, woruld-.
-ende, the termination formin, g the active participle :-- Wegfer-ende way-faring: also found for -enne. v. -anne.
ende-byrd, es; n? An arranging, arrangement, order; ordo :-- Se Ælmihtiga ealra gesceafta endebyrd wundorlíce gemetgaþ the Almighty wonderfully regulates the arrangement of all creatures, Bt. Met. Fox 13, 8; Met. 13, 4.
ende-byrdan; p. de; pp. ed To set in order, adjust, dispose; dispōnĕre, Ps. Spl. 49, 6.)
ende-byrdes; adv. Orderly, for order; per ordinem, ordĭnātim :-- Ðe him ródera Weard endebyrdes gesette which the Guardian of the skies has orderly appointed for them, Bt. Met. Fox 11, 41; Met. 11, 21. Ðú ðysne middangeard todǽldest swá hit getǽsost wæs endebyrdes thou hast divided this middle earth as it was most suitable for order, 20, 23; Met. 20, 12.
ende-byrdlíc; adj. Belonging to order, ordinal; ordĭnālis :-- Ende-byrdlíce naman ordĭnālia nōmĭna, Ælfc. Gr. 49; Som. 49, 53.
ende-byrdlíce; adv. Orderly, in order, in succession; successĭve :-- Ealle ðás wǽron endebyrdlíce bisceopháda brúcende on Myrcna þeóde all these in succession enjoyed the bishopric of Mercia, Bd. 3, 24; S. 558, 4. Endebyrdlíce in order, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 128, 7.
ende-byrdnes, -byrnes, -ness, e; f. Order, disposition, method, way, manner, means; ordo :-- Óþ endebyrdnesse ex ordĭne, Lk. Bos. 1, 3. On endebyrdnesse in ordĭne, l, 8.
ende-dæg; gen. -dæges; pl. nom. acc. -dagas; gen. -daga; dat. -dagum; m. The last day, the day of one's death; dies suprémus, dies mortis :-- Ðá wæs endedæg ðæs ðe Caldéas cyningdóm áhton then was the last day that the Chaldeans held the kingdom, Cd. 209; Th. 258, 22; Dan. 679. Ic sceal endedæg mínne gebídan I shall await my last day. Beo. Th. 1279; B. 637. Án endedæg one ending day, Apstls. Kmbl. 157: Ap. 79.
ende-deáþ, es; m. [ende an end; deáþ death] Final death; mots vītam fīniens :-- Líf bútan endedeáþe life without final death, Exon. 32a; Th. 101, 4; Cri. 1653.
ende-dógor, es; m. n. The final day, day of one's death; finālis dies, mortis dies :-- Wæs endedógor neáh geþrungen the final day was near at hand, Exon. 46 a; Th. 158, 8; Gú. 905: 49 b; Th. 171, 1?; Gfi. 1125: 50a; Th. 174, 7; Gu. 1174. Ðæt eorlwerod sæt on wénum ende-dógores the warrior band sat in expectation of the final day [death], Beo. Th. 5784; B. 2896. Nis nú swíðe feor ðam ýtemestan endedógor it is now not very far to the utmost final day. Exon. 49 b; Th. 172, 8; Gú. 1140. Bád se endedógor he awaited [his] final day, 51b; Th. 179, 10; Gú. 1259.
ende-láf, e; f. [ende on end; láf a remainder, remnant] The last remnant; extrēmum relĭquum :-- Ðú eart endeláf usses cynnes thou art the last remnant of our race, Beo. Th. 5618; B. 2813.
ende-leán, es; n. [leán a reward] A final reward; finālis retrĭbūtio :-- Him ðæs æfter becwom yfel endeleán for this an evil final reward came on him afterwards. Cd. 181; Th. 227, 15; Dan. 187. Him endeleán þurh wæteres wylm Waldend sealde the Almighty gave to them a final reward through the water's rage, Beo. Th. 3389; B. 1692.
ende-leás; adj. ENDLESS, infinite, eternal; infĭnĭtus, perpĕtuus, æternus :-- Ðæt is endeleás wundor that is an endless wonder, Bt. 36, i; Fox 172, 18: Exon. 100b; Th. 379, 8; Deór. 30: Andr. Kmbl. 1389; An. 695. Hý sceolon sár endeleás forþ þrówian they must thenceforth suffer endless pain, Exon. 31 b; Th. 99, 30; Cri. 1632: 69a; Th. 257, 12; Jul. 251. Ða earmþa beóþ endeleáse ðe éce bióþ those miseries are endless which are eternal. Bt. 38, 2; Fox 198, 16.
ende-leáslíce; adv. ENDLESSLY, eternally; infinite. Som. Ben. Lye.
ende-leásnys, -nyss, e; f. ENDLESSNESS, eternity; infīnĭtas, Ælfc. Gr. 18; Som. 21, 58.
ende-líf, es; n. An end of life, death; vīta fīnīta, mors :-- Wurdon hie deáþes on wénan, ádes and endelífes they were in expectation of death, of the funeral pilē and end of life, Elen. Kmbl. 1166; El. 585.
ende-mæst endmost, last; extrēmus, Som. Ben. Lye.
ende-mes, endemest, ændemes, ændemest; adv. Equally, likewise, in like manner, together; părĭter :-- Forðon ic ne mæg eal ða monigfealdan yfel endemes areccan because I cannot equally reckon all the manifest evils, Ors. 2, 5; Bos. 49, 11: 3, 10; Bos. 69, 36. Ne mæg hió ealle endemest gescínan nor can she equally shine upon all, Bt. 41, 1; Fox 244, 9.
endemestnes, -ness, e; f. An extremity; extrēmĭtas, R. Ben. interl. 6.
ende-néhst, -nýhst, ende-néxta, ende-níhsta; adj. The nighest end, the last, uttermost; ultĭmus :-- Drihten, ðú oncneówe ealle ða nywestan oððe ða endeníhstan [MS. ændenihstan] Dŏmĭne, tu cognōvisti omnia novissĭma, Ps. Lamb. 138, 5. Februārius se mónaþ is ealra scyrtst and endenýhst February is the shortest and last month of all, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 13, 28; Lchdm. iii. 264, 8.
ende-rím, es; n. The final number, the number; fīnālis nŭmĕrus :-- Daga enderím he gesette he set the number of days, Cd. 213; Th. 265, 24; Sat. 12.
ende-sǽta, an; m. An end or border inhabitant, one stationed at the extremity of a territory; līmĭtis incŏla, Beo. Th. 487; B. 241.
ende-spæc, e; f. An end-speech, epilogue; epĭlŏgus, Reg. Conc. in Epĭlŏgo.
ende-stæf; pl. nom. acc. -stafas; m. An epilogue, conclusion, destruction; epĭlŏgus, perorātio :-- Heó endestæf gesceáwiaþ they shall behold their end, Cd. 225; Th. 398, 30; Sat. 541.
endian, ændian; p. ode; pp. od To END, make an end; fīnīre, dēsĭnĕre :-- Hí hit endian sceoldon they should end it. Ps. Th. 9, 6. v. ge-endian.
endleofan, endlufon, endlyfun, inflected cases of endleof, endluf, endlyf [end = an one; unus; leof=lif, from lífan to leave; relinquĕre, Grm. ii. 947, or end = án one; lif ten; dĕcem; existing in Teutonic languages only in the words for 11 and 12; A. Sax. end-lif and twé-lf = twá-lf= twá-lif, Grm. Gsch. §246] ELEVEN; undĕcim = GREEK :-- Ósréd ðæt rice hæfde endleofan wintra Osred held the kingdom for eleven years, Bd. 5, 18; S. 635, 20. Mid híra endlufon sunum cum undecim filiis, Gen. 32, 22. Endleofan steorran eleven stars, Gen. 37, 9: Chr. 71; Th. 13, 3, col. 3. [Wyc. enleuene, enleuen, enleue: R. Glouc. endleve: Laym. elleoue, elleouen: Plat. elv, elwen: O. Sax. ellevan; Frs. alve, alue: O. Frs. andlova, elleva: Dat. elf: Ger. eilf, elf: M. H. Ger. einlif, einlef: O. H. Ger. einlif: Goth. ainlif: Dan. elleve: Swed. elfva: Icel. ellifu.] v. twelf.
endlyfta, ændlyfta, ællyfta; seó, ðæt, -e; adj. The eleventh; undĕcĭmus :-- On ðam endlyftan mónþe undĕcĭmo mense, Deut. 1, 3. Endlyfta ðæra tăcna ys geháten áquārius the eleventh of the signs is called ăquārius, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 7, 9; Lchdm. iii. 246, 3.
endung, e; f. An ENDING, end; fīnis, consummātio :-- Ðæt ríp is worulde endung messis consummātio sæcŭli est, Mt. Bos. 13, 39. DER. ge-endung.
end-werc, es; n. [werc = wærc pain] A pain in the buttocks; nătium dŏlor :-- Ðes drænc is gód wið endwerce this drink is good for pain in the buttocks, Lchdm. iii. 50, 11.
ENED, e; f. I. a duck; ănas, gen. ănătis; f. ănĕta :-- Óþ enede mére to the duck's mere, Cod. Dipl. 204; A. D. 814; Kmbl. i. 258, 5. Ened ănĕta, Ælfc. Gr. 7; Som. 6, 52: Wrt. Voc. 77, 22: 280, 8. II. ened, es; m. A drake; ănas, anĕtārius, mascŭlus istīus ăvis :-- Ened a drake? ănas, gen. ănătis; m. Ælfc. Gl. 36; Som. 62, 122; Wrt. Voc. 29, 18. Ened a drake? larax? Wrt. Voc. 280, 9. [Dut. eend, end, f. a duck; m. a drake: Ger. ente, f. a duck; enterich, m. a drake: M. H. Ger. ant, f. a duck; m. a drake: O. H. Ger. anŭt, anit ănas: Dan. and, m. f: Swed. and, f. a wild duck: Icel. önd, f. pl. endr, andir a duck: Lat. ăanas, gen. ănătis, m. f: Grk. GREEK, GREEK, f. a duck.]
eneleác, es; n. An onion; cæpe :-- We hæfdon porleác and eneleác in mentem nobis vĕniunt porri et cæpe, Num. 11, 5. v. enneleác.
énetere, énitre; adj. Of a year old; anniculus :-- Ðú dést ǽlce dæg on ðaet weofod twá énetere lamb făcies in altāri agnos annĭcŭlos duos per singŭlos dies, Ex. 29, 38. v. án-wintre.
énga sole :-- Mid ðínne éngan Freán with thy sole Lord, Exon. 11a; Th. 15, 17; Cri. 237. v. ánga.
enge from confinement, Cd. 71; Th. 86, 23; Gen. 1435. v. engu.
enge; def. se enga; adj. Narrow, anxious; angustus, anxius :-- Ufan hit is enge it is narrow above, Exon. 116a; Th. 446, 14; Dórn. 22: 47a; Th. 162, 3; Gú. 970. Of ðam engan hofe from that narrow house, 73b; Th. 274, 12; Jul. 532: 8a; Th. 3, 6; Cri. 32. Enge ánpaðas narrow passes, Cd. 145; Th. 181, 8; Exod. 58: Beo. Th. 2824; B. 1410. Helle wísceþ, ðæs engestan éðel-ríces shall wish for hell, the narrowest realm, Salm. Kmbl. 213; Sal. 106. v. ange.
ENGEL, ængel, angel, engyl; gen. engles; dat. engle; pl. nom. acc. englas, engel; gen. engla; dat. englum; m. An ANGEL, a messenger; angelus = GREEK :-- Se engel him to cwæþ dixit illis angĕlus, Lk. Bos. 2, 10: 1, 13 : Mt. Bos. 28, 5 : Gen. 22, 12. Godes engel stód on emn hí the angel of God stood before them, Homl. Th. i. 30, 15, 17: Mt. Bos. 1, 20, 24: Jn. Bos. 5, 4. Ðæt mæg engel ðín eáþ geferan that thine angel may more easily travel. Andr. Kmbl. 387; An. 194. Þurh ðæs engles word through the angel's word, Exon. 20a; Th. 51, 31; Cri. 824: 34b; Th. 110, 11; Gú. 106: Salm. Kmbl. 901; Sal. 450: Homl. Th. i. 30, 22. He ðam engle oncwæþ he spake to the angel, Cd. 141; Th. 176, 12; Gen. 2910: Lk. Bos. 2, 13. God sent his engel befóran ðé Dómĭnus mittet angĕlum suum córam te, Gen. 24, 7: 16, 7. Máran cýððe habbaþ englas to Gode ðonne men angels are more like God than men. Homl. Th. i. 10, 3. Englas bláwaþ býman angels shall blow the trumpet, Exon. 20b; Th. 55, 9; Cri. 881: 14a; Th. 28, 17; Cri. 448. Cómon twegen englas venērunt duo angĕli, Gen. 19, 1, 12, 15. Be-heóldon ðæt [MS. ðær] engel Dryhtnes ealle all the angels of the Lord beheld it, Rood Kmbl. 18; Kr. 9. Hér sindon nigon engla werod here are nine hosts of angels, Homl. Th. i. 10, 14: 12, 8 : Elen. Kmbl. 2559; El. 1281. Engla ríce the kingdom of angels, 2460; El. 1231. Engla beorhtast brightest of angels, Exon. 9b; Th. 7, 21; Cri. 104. Gif ðú in heofonríce habban wille eard mid englum if thou wilt have in heaven's realm a dwelling with angels, Elen. Kmbl. 1240; El. 622: Andr. Kmbl. 1197; An. 599: 3440; An. 1724. Mid hys englum cum angelis suis, Mt. Bos. 16, 27. Englas God worhte, ða sind gástas, and nabbaþ nǽnne líchaman God created angels, which are spirits, and have no body, Homl. Th. i. 276, 1. Mannes sunu sent his englas mittet fīlius hŏmĭnis angĕlos suos. Mt. Bos. 13, 41: Mk. Bos. 13, 27. [Wyc. aungel: Chauc. aungel: Laym. engles, pl: Orm. enngell: O. Sax. engil, m: Frs. ingel: O. Frs. angel, angl, engel, m: Dut. Ger. M. H. Ger. engel, m: O. H. Ger. engil, m: Goth. aggilus, m: Dan. engel, m. f: Swed. engel, m: Icel. engill, m: Lat. angĕlus, m: Grk. GREEK, m. f. a messenger, angel.] DER. heáh-engel, heofon-, up-.
Engel; gen. Engle; f. Anglen in Denmark, the country from which the Angles came into Britain; Angŭlus, terra quam Angli ante transĭtum in Britanniam cŏluērunt :-- Of Engle cóman Eást-Engle, and Middel-Engle, and Myrce, and eall Norþhembra cynn from Anglen came the East-Angles, and Middle-Angles, and Mercians, and all the race of the Northumbrians, Bd. 1, 15; S. 483, 24. v. Angel.
engel-cund; adj. Angelic; angĕlĭcus = GREEK :-- God him giefe sealde engelcunde God gave him angelic grace, Exon. 34a; Th. 108, 13; Gú. 72.
engel-cyn, -cynn, es; n. [engel angĕlus; cyn, cynn gĕnus] The angel race or order; genus vel ordo angĕlōrum :-- Wæs ðæt engelcyn [MS. encgelcyn] genemnad the angel race was named, Cd. 221; Th. 287, 12; Sat. 366. Ðú sitest ofer ðam engelcynne thou sittest above the angel race. Elen. Kmbl. 1463; El. 733. Hæfde se Ealwalda engelcynna tyne getrymede the Almighty had ten established orders of angels, Cd. 14; Th. 16, 21; Gen. 246: Andr. Kmbl. 1434; An. 717.
engel-líc, engle-líc; adj. Angelic; angĕlĭcus :-- He ge-earnode ðæt he wæs brúcende engellícre gesihþe angĕlĭca mĕruit vīsīone perfrui. Bd. 3, 19; S. 547, 13.
Engla feld; gen. feldes; dat. felda, felde; m. [Hovd. Englefeld: Brom. Englefelde: Matt. West. Anglefeld: Angles' field, the field of the English] ENGLEFIELD or INGLEFIELD, near Reading, Berkshire; lŏci nōmen in agro Berkeriensi :-- Her cwom se here to Reádingum on West-Seaxe, and dæs ymb iii niht ridon ii eorlas up: ðá gemétte hie Æðelwulf aldorman on Engla felda, and him ðǽr wið gefeaht, and sige nam in this year [A. D. 871] the army came to Reading in Wessex, and three nights after two earls rode up: then alderman Æthelwulf met them at Inglefield, and there fought against them, and gained the victory. Chr. 871; Erl. 74, 5-8.
Engla land, es; n. The land of the Angles or Engles, ENGLAND; Anglórum terra. It extended in the time of Bede, A. D. 731, from the present Lincolnshire to the Frith of Forth, on the south of which Æbber-curníg is located :-- Ðæt mynster Æbbercurníg, ðæt is geseted on Engla lande the minster Abercorn, that is seated in the land of the Angles, or Engla land = England, Bd. 4, 26; S. 602, 36.
Englan; gen. ena; dat. um; acc. an; pl. m. The Angles; Angli :-- Ða Wealas flugon ða Englan [=Engle, Th. 22, 27, col. 2, 3] the Welsh fled from the Angles, Chr. 473; Th. 23, 26, col. 2; 23, 27, col. 1. Betweox Wealan and Englan between the Welsh and Angles, L. O. D. 2; Th. i. 354, 2: 3; Th. i. 354, 10. v. Engle, Angle the Angles.
englas angels, Homl. Th. i. 276, 1. v. engel.
Engle, Angle; pl. nom. acc; gen. a; dat. um; pl. m: Englan; gen. ena; pl. m. The Angles; Angli The inhabitants of Anglen in Denmark. Anglen was the province from which the English derived their being and name. Anglen [v. Engel] lies on the south-east part of the Duchy of Sleswick, in Denmark. The majority of settlers in Britain were from Anglen and the neighbourhood, hence this country and people derived their name England and English, England being derived from Engla land the land or country of the Angles :-- On ðǽm landum eardodon Engle, ǽr hý hider on land cómon the Angles [Engles] dwelt on these lands before they came hither on land [i. e. before they came to England], Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 21, 36. Engla cyningas kings of the Angles, Bd. 2, 15; S. 518, 38. Betweox Wealum and Englum between the Welsh and English, L. O. D. 2; Th. i. 352, 14.
Engle of Anglen, Bd. 1, 15; 8. 483, 24; gen. dat. acc. of Engel Anglen, q. v.
engle-líc; adj. Angelic; angĕlĭcus :-- Englelíce ansýne hí habbaþ angĕlĭcam hăbent făciem, Bd. 2, 1; S. 501, 18. v. engel-líc.
Englisc, Ænglisc; adj. ENGLISH; Anglĭcus :-- Hér syndon on ðis íglande [Britene] fif geþeóda [MS. þeóda], Englisc, and Brytisc, . . . and Scyttisc, and Pihtisc, [and Bóc-Lǽden] here are in this island [Britain] five languages, English, and British, . . . and Scottish, and Pictish, [and Book-Latin], Chr. Th. 3, 3-6, col. 3, 2. Ðæt is on Englisc, mín God that is in English, my God, Mt. Bos. 27, 46. On Englisc in English, Bd. 3, 19; S. 547, 22. On Englisc land, ne Englisc on Wilisc in England [English land], nor English in Welsh, L. O. D. 6; Wilk. 126, 3. Awendan of Lédene on Englisc to translate from Latin into English, Ælfc. pref. Gen. 1, 4. Seó bóc is on Englisc awend the book is turned [translated] into English, Homl. Th. ii. 358, 30. Ic [Ælfríc Abbod] gesett hæbbe wel feówertig lárspella on Engliscum gereorde I [Abbot Ælfric] have composed about forty sermons in the English tongue, Ælfc. T. 27, 17. Ðeáh ða scearpþanclan witan ðisse Engliscan geþeódnesse ne behófien though the sharp-minded wise men need not this English translation, MS. Cot. Faust. A. x. 150b; Lchdm. iii. 440, 31.
Englisc-man, -mon, es; m. An Englishman; Anglĭcānus :-- Ic wille ðæt gé fédaþ ealle wæga án earm Engliscmon I will that ye entirely feed one poor Englishman, L. Ath. i. prm; Th. i. 198, 5.
engu, e; f. Narrowness, confinement, a narrow place; angustiæ :-- Of enge from confinement, Cd. 71; Th. 86, 23; Gen. 1435: Exon. 101b; Th. 383, 17; Rä. 4, 12. On enge, Th. 383, 3; Rä. 4, 5. [Ger. M. H. Ger. enge, f. angustiæ: O. Nrs. öngum, dat. pl. angustiis.]
engyl, es; m. An angel; angĕlus :-- His engyl ongan ofermód wesan his angel began to be presumptuous, Cd. 14; Th. 17, 19; Gen. 262: 15; Th. 19, 18; Gen. 293: Mt. Bos. 11, 10. v. engel.
enid a duck, drake, coot, water-fowl; ănăs, ănĕta, fulĭca, Som. Ben. Lye. v. ened.
énig any, Th. Diplm. A. D. 830; 466, 1. v. ǽnig.
énitre; adj. Of a year old; annĭcŭlus :-- Gif seó offrung beó of sceápon oððe of gátum, bring énitre offrunge if the offering be of sheep or of goats, bring an offering of a year old, Lev. 1, 10. v. énetere.
én-líc only; ūnĭcus. Lye. v. án-líc.
en-líhtan to enlighten, Som. Ben. Lye. v. on-líhtan.
én-lípig each; singŭlăris, Ælfc. Gr. 49, Lye. v. án-lípig.
-enne the termination of the declinable infinitive in the dat. governed by to, as, -- To farenne to go, Mt. Bos. 8, 21. v. -anne.
enneleac, enneléc, eneleác, ynneleác, yneleác, es; n. [leác a leek, onion] An onion; cæpe, ūnio :-- Enneleác an onion, Glos. Brux. Recd. 41, 19; Wrt. Voc. 67, 34. Enneléc cæpe, Ælfc. Gl. 40; Som. 63, 106; Wrt. Voc. 30, 54.
ent, es; m. A giant; gĭgas = GREEK :-- He geblissode swá swá se mǽsta oððe swá swá ent to ge-yrnanne weg his exultāvit ut gĭgas ad currendam viam ejus, Ps. Lamb. 18, 6: Ps. Spl. 32, 16: Wrt Voc. 73, 52. Nem-broþ se ent Nimrod the giant, Boutr. Scrd. 21, 35 : Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 44, 17. Dauid eóde to ánwíge ongeán ðone ent Goliam David went in single combat against the giant Goliath, Ælfc. T. 14, 3: Ors. 1, 10; Bos. 33, 29. Entas wǽron ofer eorþan on ðám dagum gĭgantes ĕrant sŭper terram in diēbus illis. Gen. 6, 4 : Homl. Th. i. 318, 15. He seah on enta geweorc he looked on the work of giants, Beo. Th. 5428; B. 2717: Exon. 77b; Th. 291, 24; Wand. 87: Andr. Kmbl. 2988; An. 1497: Menol. Fox 463; Gn. C. 2. v. eten, eóten.
ent-cyn, -cynn, es; n. Giant-kind, giant-race; gĭgantum gĕnus :-- We gesáwon of ðam entcynne Enachis bearna micelra wæstma vīdĭmus monstra quædam filiōrum Enac prōcēræ stătūræ, Num. 13, 34.
entisc belonging to or made by a giant, giant; gĭgantēus :-- Lét entiscne helm brecan he caused the giant helmet to break, Beo. Th. 5951; B. 2979. v. eótenisc.
entse, an; f. A shekel, Jewish money; siclus :-- Ic geseah twáhund entsena hwítes seolfres and sumne gildenne dalc on fíftigum entsum vīdi dŭcentos siclos argenti rēgŭlamque auream quinquāginta siclōrum, Jos. 7, 21. v. yntse.
én-wintre; adj. Of a year old; annĭcŭlus :-- Énwintre vecta? Wrt. Voc. 287, 60. v. án-wintre.
eo. I. unaccented, generally stands before two consonants lc, ld, lf, rc, rd, rf, rg, rh, rl, rm, rn, rp, rr, rt, rþ, x; as, Geolca a yolk, sceolde should, seolfor silver, deorc dark, sweord a sword, ceorfan to carve, beorgan to protect, beorht bright, eorl earl, beorma barm, eornost earnest, weorpan to throw, steorra a star, heorte the heart, eorþe the earth, meox dung. II. eó accented, the diphthong, generally stands before the consonants c, d, f, g, h, l, m, n, p, r, s, st, t, w; as, Seóc sick, beódan to bid, þeóf a thief, fleógan to fly, hreóh rough, hweól a wheel, leóma a ray of light, beón to be, deóp deep, beór beer, ceosan to choose, breóst the breast, fleótan to float, leóþ a song, ceówan to chew. 2. eó is also the termination of many words, and then the ó in eó is always accented; as, Beó a bee; ic beó I shall be; freó free; gleó glee; seó the; seó sim, sis, sit; treó a tree; breó three, etc
eó the Runic character for these letters is RUNE. v. eóh=íw a yew-tree.
eóc, eócon increased; p, of eácan.
eóc safety, help, succour, Wald. 45; Vald. 1, 25. v. geóc.
eóde, es; n. A flock; grex :-- Ðæt lytle eóde pŭsillus grex, Lk. Skt. Rush. 12, 32. v. eówde.
eóde, ðú eódest, pl. eódon went, delivered. Ps. Th. 60, 4: 67, 21: 94, 11; p. of gán.
EODOR, eoder, eodur, edor, eder, es; m. I. a hedge, fence, enclosure, dwelling, house; sēpes, sēpīmentum, dŏmus, tectum :-- Héht ðá eahta mearas on flet teón in under eoderas he commanded then eight steeds to be led into the court under the enclosures, Beo. Th. 2078; B. 1037. II. a limit, end, region, zone; ōra, margo, extrēmĭtas, plăga, rĕgio :-- Gescóp heofon and eorþan and holma bigong eodera ymb-hwyrft [he] created heaven and earth and the seas' expanse, the circuit of zones, Exon. 67b; Th. 249, 17; Jul. 113. III. a prince, sovereign, protector; princeps, tutor :-- Ic ðé biddan wille, eodor Scyldinga, ánre béne I will entreat of thee, sovereign of the Scyldings, one boon, Beo. Th. 860; B. 428: 2092; B. 1044: Exon. 90a; Th. 339, 6; Gn. Ex. 90. [O. Sax. edor, m: M. H. Ger. ëter, m. n: O. H. Ger. ëtar: Icel. jaðarr, jóðurr, m.] DER. edor-brecþ, -brice, eder-gong, eodor-brice, -wír.
eodor-brice, edor-brice, -bryce, es; m. [eodor, edor a hedge, fence brice, bryce a breach, breaking] A fence-breaking; sēpis fractio vel violātio :-- Ceorles eodorbryce [Th. i. 88, 10, note 25, edorbryce, edorbrice] biþ fíf scillinga for breaking a churl's fence shall be five shillings, L. Alf. pol. 36; Lambd. 31, 31.
eodorcan, edorcan; part, eodorcende; p. te; pp. ed To chew, ruminate; rŭmĭnāre :-- He eall mid hine gemynegode and swá swá clǽne nýten eodorcende [Whelc. oðer cende] in ðæt swéteste leóþ gehwyrfde ipse cuncta rĕmĕmŏrando sēcum et quăsi mundum ănĭmal rūmĭnando in carmen dulcissĭmum convertébat, Bd. 4, 24; S. 598, 7.
eodor-wír, es; m. A wire-enclosure; cingulum, sēpiens fīlum mĕtallĭcum. Grn :-- Ic eom mundbora mínre heorde, eodorwírum fæst I am the protector of my flock, fortified by wire-enclosures, Exon. 105a; Th. 398, 23; Rä. 18, 2.
eodur, es; m. A prince, sovereign, protector; princeps, totor :-- Him Hróþgár gewát, eodur Scyldinga Hrothgar departed, the Scyldings' protector. Beo. Th. 1330; B. 663. v. eodor.
eofel evil. Bt. 7, 3; Fox 22, 19. v. yfel.
eofer a boar. Ps. Th. 79, 13: Beo. Th. 2228; B. 1112: 2660; B. 1328. v. eofor.
eofera, an; m. A successor; successor :-- Æfter Eorpwalde Rǽdwaldes eoferan post Earpualdum Redualdi successōrem, Bd. 3, 18; S. 545, 35, col. I. v. eafora.
eofer-spreót, es; m. A boar-spear; contus ad vēnātiōnem ūsĭtātus :-- Mid eoferspreótum with boar-spears, Beo. Th. 2879; B. 1437. v. eofor-spreót.
Eofer-wíc York, Chr. 189; Th. 15, 28, col. 2. v. Eofor-wíc.
Eofes-ham, Eues-ham; gen. -hammes; m. [Flor. Eouesham: Hovd. Heuesham: Brom. Euesham: Kni. Evisham, Evysham, Ewesham, Evesham] EVESHAM, Worcestershire; oppĭdi nomen in agro Vigorniensi :-- Ðæs géres forþférde Æfic se æðela decanus on Eofesham in this year [A. D. 1037] died Æfic the noble dean at Evesham, Chr. 1037; Th. 294, 36, col. 2. Ælfward wæs abbad on Eofeshamme æ-acute;rest Ælfward was first abbot of Evesham, Chr. 1045; Th. 303, 2. Ðæs ylcan geáres man hálgode ðæt mynster on Eofeshamme on vi id Octobris in the same year [A. D. 1054] was consecrated the monastery at Evesham, on the 6th of the Ides of October [October 10th], Chr. 1054; Th. 322, 34, col. 1; 324, 3, col. 2 : 1078; Th. 350, 15.
eofet a debt, L. Alf. pol. 22; Wilk. 39, 35. v. eofot.
eofne; interj. Behold! ecce! -- Eofne! ða ðe fyrsiaþ híg fram ðé losiaþ ecce! qui elongant se a te pĕrībunt, Ps. Lamb. 72, 27: 82, 3. v. efne.
EOFOR, eofer, eafor, efor, efer, efyr, ofor, es; m. I. a boar, a wild boar; ăper :-- Fornam hine eofor of wuda extermĭnāvit eam ăper de silva, Ps. Spl. 79, 14; Ps. Th. has, -- Hine útan of wuda eoferas wrótaþ 79, 13: Exon. 110b; Th. 423, 8; Rä. 41, 18: 92a; Th. 344, 20; Gn. Ex. 176. Sele ðú him flǽsc eofores give him boar's flesh, L. M. 2, 4; Lchdm. ii. 182, 14. II. the figure of a boar on a helmet; signum apri sŭper găleam :-- Swýn eal-gylden, eofer íren-heard the swine all-golden, the boar iron-hard, Beo. Th. 2228; B. 1112: 2660; B. 1328. [Ger. ëber, m: M. H. Ger. eber , m: O. H. Ger. ebur, m: Icel. jöfurr, m.] DER. eofor-cumbol, -fearn, -líc, -spreót, -swín, -þring, -þrote, -wíc, -wíc-ceaster, -wícingas, -wíc-scír: eoforen, eoforen-denu.
eofora a successor, v. eafora.
eofor-cumbol, eofur-curnbol, -cumbul, es; n. [cumbol a banner] A boar-banner; signum ad apri similĭtūdinem fabrĭcātum :-- Ðǽr wæs on eorle ǽnlíc eoforcumbul there was on the man a beauteous boar-shaped ensign, Elen. Kmbl. 517; El. 259.
eoforen; adj. Belonging to a boar; aprīnus. Som.
eoforen-denu, e; f. A boar-vale; aprīna vallis, Som. Ben. Lye.
eofor-fearn, efor-fearn, efer-fearn, es; n. [fearn a fern] A species of fern, polypody; polypŏdium vulgāre, Lin :-- Eoforfearn fĭlix mĭnūta, polypŏdium, Glos. Brux. Recd. 41. 36; Wrt. Voc. 67, 51. Eoforfearn fĭlĭcīna, fĭlix arbŏratĭca, 41, 66; Wrt. Voc. 68, 1. Wið ðon sceal eoforfearn polypody shall [do] for that, L. M. 1, 12; Lchdm. ii. 56, 1: 1, 63; Lchdm. ii. 138, 15: 2, 51; Lchdm. ii. 266, 16. Genim eofor-fearnes mǽst take most of polypody, L. M. 1, 15; Lchdm. ii. 56, 20: 1, 59; Lchdm. ii. 130, 9.: iii. 74, 4. Eoforfearn dó on hunig pat polypody into honey, L. M. 1, 60; Lchdm. ii. 130, 24: 1, 87; Lchdm. ii. 154, 17: iii. 56, 19.
eofor-líc, es; n. A boar-likeness; apri sĭmŭlacrum :-- Eoforlíc scionon ioar's likenesses shone, Beo. Th. 612; B. 303.
eofor-spreót, eofer-spreót, es; m, A boar-spear; vēnābŭlum, Cot. 200. v. eofer-spreót.
eofor-swín, es; n. A boar pig, male swine; verres :-- Eoforswínes cwead verris stercus, L. M. 2, 48; Lchdm. ii. 262, 18.
eofor-þring, es; m. Orion? v. ebur-þring.
eofor-þrote, an; f. [eofor a boar, þrote the throat] The carline thistle; carlina acaulis, Lin :-- Eoforþrote colucus? colicus? Glos. Brux. Recd. 41, 64; Wrt. Voc. 67, 79: 291, 7. Wið heáfodece sceal eofor-þrote carline thistle shall [serve] for head-ache. Lchdm. iii. 12, 25: 24, 7: L. M. 1, 31; Lchdm. ii. 74, 18: I. 48; Lchdm. ii. 122, 13: 1, 62; Lchdm. ii. 134, 19, 28: 3, 8; Lchdm. ii. 312, 16. Nim eofor-þrotan sǽd take seed of carline thistle, 3, 12; Lchdm. ii. 314, 18. Eofor-þrotan awyl on ealaþ boil carline thistle in ale, 1, 45; Lchdm. ii. 110, 12, 23: 2, 53; Lchdm. ii. 274, 2: 3, 26; Lchdm. ii. 322, 24: 3, 48; Lchdm. ii. 340, 1.
Eofor-wíc, Eofer-wíc, Efer-wíc, Euer-wíc, es; n. [Hunt. Eouerwic, Eouorwic, Euerwic: Dun. Eworwic: Hovd. Eboracum] YORK; Ebŏrācum :-- Seuerus ge-endode on Eoforwíc Severus ended [his days] at York, Chr. 189; Th. 15, 28, col. 1.
Eofor-wíc-ceaster; gen. -ceastre; f. York: -- On ðære cyricean Eoforwícceastre in Eboracensi ecclēsia, Bd. 5, 24; S. 646, 29: Chr. 644; Th. 48, 20.
Eofor-wícingas, pl. m. Yorkists, people of York; Eboracenses :-- Hæfdon Eoforwícingas geháten ðæt hie on hire rǽdenne beón woldan the people of York had promised that they would be at her disposal, Chr. 918; Th. 192, 9. Eofor-wíc-scír, e: f. YORKSHIRE; comĭtātus Eboracensis :-- Fóran ða þegnas ealle on Eoforwícscíre to Eoferwíc all the thanes in Yorkshire went to York, Chr. 1065; Th. 332, 7.
eofot, eofut, eofet, es; n. A debt, crime; dēbĭtum, culpa :-- Be eofotes andetlan. Gif mon on ibices gemóte ge-yppe eofot of confession of debt. If a man declare a debt at a folk-mote, L. Alf. pol. 22; Th. i. 76, 6. Reht oððe eofut oððe scyld dēbĭtum, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 18, 25. Godes ágen bearn, unscyldigne eofota gehwylces, héngon on heáne beám fæderas usse our fathers hung up God's own son on a high tree, guiltless of every crime, Elen. Kmbl. 846; El. 423.
eofoþ, es; n. Strength, violence, might, Beo. Th. 5062, note; B. 2534. v. eafoþ.
eoful-sæc, es; n? [eoful = yfel evil, sacan to accuse] Evil accusation, blasphemy; blasphēmia :-- Ðæt ðú eofulsæc ǽfre ne fremme wið Gódes bearne that ihou never make blasphemy against God's son, Elen. Kmbl. 1045; El. 524.
eofur-cumbol, es; n. A boar-banner, Elen. Kmbl. 151; El. 76. V. eofor-cumbol.
eógoþ. e; f. Youth; jŭventus :-- Duguþe and eógoþe with old and young. Andr. Kmbl. 2245; An. 1124. v. geóguþ.
eoh; nom. acc; gen. eohes = eoes = eðs; m. A war-horse, charger; ĕquus bellātor :-- He gehleóp ðone eoh he mounted the charger. Byrht. Th. 137, 20; By. 189. Eorl sceal on eós bóge a chief shall [ride] on horse-back. Exon. 90a; Th. 337, ii; Gn. Ex. 63. [O. Sax. UNCERTAIN ehu-scalc servus ĕquārius, compos; a scalc servus et ehu ĕquus, quod et nomen cūjusdam lītĕra rūnĭca Saxŏnĭcæ est;' Heli. Schmel: O. Nrs. jó-r vel ió-r, -- 'sŏnus hūjus lītĭræ īdem fuit, atque hŏdie, in lingua vĕtĕre, sed ad fĭgūram et nōmen quod attĭnet, non distinguēbātur ab i:' Egils. -- gen. jó-s, ió-s; dat, jó, ió; acc. jó, ió, ó; pl. gen. acc. jóa, ióa.] v. eh.
eóh = íw; m. The Anglo-Saxon Rune RUNE = eó, the name of which letters in Anglo-Saxon is eóh = íw a yew-tree; taxus, -- hence this Rune not only stands for the diphthong eo, but for eoh a yew-tree, as, -- RUNE [Eóh] biþ útan unsméðe treów, heard, hrusan fæst yew is outwardly an unsmooth tree, hard, fast in the earth, Hick. Thes. i. 135, 25; Runic pm. 13; Kmbl. 341, 26. v. íw and RÚN.
eoldra, eolldra older, Bt. 16, 1; Fox 50, 7. Eolldra fæder grandfather, Bt. 10; Fox 28, 32; comp. of eald.
eolet, es; n. The sea, ocean; măre, ōceănus :-- Ðá wæs sundliden eoletes æt ende then was the sea-voyage at the end of the ocean, Beo. Th. 453. note; B. 224.
EOLH, cole; gen. eolhes, eolces, eolcs, eolx; m. [eolx vĭdētur genĭtivus ab eolc, eolh, Ettmül. Poet. 288, 15, note] An ELK; alces. The Rune RUNE = x seems to stand for the genitive of this word in the Runic poem, -- hence, this Rune not only stands for the letter x, but for eolhx = eolcx = eolcs = eolces of an elk, as, -- RUNE [eolhx = eolces] secg eard [seccard MS.] hæfþ oftust on fenne, wexeþ on wætere elk's sedge hath its place [earth] oftest in fen, waxeth in water, Hick. Thes. i. 135, 29; Runic pm. 15; Kmbl. 342, 7. Eolx secg papilluum, Wri. Voc. 286, 36. [O. H. Ger. elaho: M. H. Ger. elch: O. Nrs. elgr: Lat. alces: Grk. GREEK.] v. RÚN.
eolh-sand amber; electrum. Cot. 75.
eolh-stede a sheltering-place, a temple, An. 1644. v. ealh-stede.
eolhx, eolx; gen. sing, of eolh, eolc an elk.
eolone, eolene, elone, elene, an; f. The plant elecampane; ĭnŭla hĕ-lĕnium, Lin :-- Genim eolonan take elecampane, L. M. 1, 15; Lchdm. ii. 58, 18: 1, 32; Lchdm. ii. 76, 4: 1, 36; Lchdm. ii. 86, 11. Wyrc sealfe of eolonan make a salve of elecampane, L. M. 1, 28; Lchdm. ii. 70, 5. Eolene elecampane, L. M. 1, 23; Lchdm. ii. 66, 9.
eoloþ ale, L. In. 70; Th. i. 146, 17, MS. H. v. ealaþ.
eom [eam, am], ðú eart [earþ, art, arþ], he is, ys; I am, thou art, he is; sum, es, est: pl. sind, sindon [synd, sint, synt, sient, sindan, sindun, syndon, syndan, syndun, siendon, seondon, seondan, siondon, siondan, syondon; earon, earun, earan, aron] : pl. we, ye, they are; sŭmus, estis, sunt: subj. sí, sý, [sig, sige, síe, sýe, seó, sió] if I, if thou, if he be; sim, sis, sit; pl. sín, sýn [síe, sien, seón] if we, if ye, if they be; sīmus, sītis, sint :-- Ic eom, sum, is edwistlíc word and gebýraþ to Gode ánum synder-líce, forðanðe God is ǽfre unbegunnen, and unge-endod on him sylfum, and þurh hine sylfne wunigende 'Sum,' I am, is the substantive verb, and belongs exclusively to God alone, because God is ever without beginning, and without end in himself, and existing by himself, Ælfc. Gr. 32; Som. 36, 24-26. Ic eom weg, and sóþfæstnys, and líf ĕgo sum via, et vērĭtas, et vīta, Jn. Bos. 14, 6. Ic sylf hit eom ego ipse sum. Lk. Bos. 24, 39. Ic eom I am, Beo. Th. 676.; B. 335: Fins. Th. 49; Fin. 24: Exon. 102b; Th. 388, 1; Rä. 6, 1: Cd. 19; Th. 24, 4; Gen. 372: Cd. 215; Th. 270, 28; Sae. 97: Ps. Th. 68, 6: Bd. 5, 19; S. 640, 40. [Orm. amm, arrt, iss, pl. arrn, sinndenn; subj. sí: Laym. eam, am, æm, em; eart, art, ært; his; pl. sunden, sundeþ, senden, sonden; subj. seo, sí; pl. seon, seoþ: O. Sax. is, ist, pl. sind, sint, sindon, sindun; subj. sí, sín: O. Frs. is, send; subj. se, sie: Ger. ist, sind; subj. sei, seien: M. H. Ger. O. H. Ger. ist, sint; subj. sí, sín: Goth im, is, ist, pl. sijum, sijuþ, sind; subj. sijau, sijais, sijai; pl. sijaima, sijaiþ, sijaina: O. Nrs. em, ert, er, erum, eruþ, eru; subj. sé, sér, sé, pl. séim, séiþ, séi: Grk. GREEK; Slav. jesmi, jesti: Sansk, asmi, asti.] DER. neom. v. wesan.
eom = heom to them; illis, Gen. 20, 8.
eond yond, beyond; ultra, per, Nicod. 19; Thw. 9, 28. v. geond.
eonde a species; spĕcies, Bd. 3, 14; S. 540, 16, note. v. ende.
eond-lýhtan; p. -lýhtde = -lýhte; pp. -lýhted = -lýhtd = -lýht [eond = geond through; lýhtan to shine] To shine through, enlighten; perlūmĭnāre, illūmĭnare :-- We ealle eondlýhte wǽron we were all enlightened, Nicod. 24; Thw. 12, 21. Swylce gylden sunna wǽre ofer us ealle eondlýhte a golden sun as it were shone over us all, 24; Thw. 12, 23,
eond-send overspread. Nicod. 27, Lye. v. geond-sendan.
eonu moreover; porro, Som. Ben. Lye.
eorcnan-stán, eorcan-stán, eorclan-stán, earcnan-stán, es; m. A precious stone, pearl, topaz; lăpis prĕtiosus, gemma, tŏpāzion = GREEK, GREEK; m. the yellow or oriental topaz. Ps. Spl. M. C. 118, 127: Elen. Kmbl. 2048; El. 1025 : Exon. 64b; Th. 238, 12; Ph. 603. Eorcanstán, 124b; Th. 478, 7; Ruin. 37. Eorclanstán, Beo. Th. 2420, note; B. 1208. [O. Nrs. iarknasteinn, m. lăpis pellŭcĭdus: Goth. airknis; adj. good, holy: O. H. Ger. erchan egrĕgius, summus.]
eord the earth, ground, Som. Ben. Lye. v. eorþe, eard.
eordian; p. ode; pp. od To dwell, inhabit; hăbĭtāre :-- Ða on lífes hús eordiaþ they dwell in the house of life. Ps. Th. 134, 21. v. eardian.
eóred, eórod, es; n. Cavalry, a band, legion, troop; equĭtātus, lĕgio, turma :-- Hie gesáwon eóred lixan they saw the band glittering. Cd. 149; Th. 187, 28; Exod. 157. Eórod sceal getrume rídan a troop shall ride in a body, Exon. 90a; Th. 337, 12; Gn. Ex. 63. Legio, ðæt is on úre geþeóde, eóred legion, that is in our tongue, a troop. Lk. Bos. 8, 30. v. weorod, weorud.
eóred-cist, eórod-cist, -cyst, -cest, -ciest, e; f. [eóred a band, troop; cist a company] A company, troop; turma, lĕgio :-- Wesseaxe eórod-cistum [eoredcystum, Th. 202, 28, col. 2; 203, 28] on lást legdun láðum þeódum the West-Saxons in troops followed the footsteps of the hostile nations, Chr. 937; Th. 202, 28, col. I. Eóredcystum in troops, Exon. 96a; Th. 358, 27; Pa. 52. Fór fyrda mǽst eoredcestum the greatest of armies marched in bands, Elen. Kmbl. 71; El. 36. Eóredciestum faraþ they go in bands, Exon. 60b; Th. 220, 25; Ph. 325.
eóred-geatwe; pl. f. Military trappings; armāmenta :-- Se eów geaf eóred-geatwe who gave to you military trappings, Beo. 5724; B. 2866.
eóred-mæcg, es; m. [mæcg a man] A horseman; ĕques :-- Hæfdon xi eóredmæcgas fríd-hengestas the horsemen had eleven war-horses, Exon. 106 a; Th. 404, 6; Rä. 23, 3. eóred-man a horseman; ĕques. Som. Ben. Lye. v. eórod-man.
eóred-þreát, es; m. [þreát a host, troop] A band, company; turma, lĕgio; -- Atol eóredþreát a horrid band, Exon. 102a; Th. 385, 23; Rä. 4, 49.
eored-wered, es; n. [werod, wered a company, multitude] A band, company, multitude; exercĭtus, lĕgio :-- Eóredweredu ðara deófla lĕgiōnes sive exercĭtus dæmonum, Greg. Dial. 1, 10.
eorendel the first dawn. v. earendel.
eorfeðe difficult; diffĭcĭlis, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 7, 14. v. earfeðe.
eorg weak; segnis :-- Dam eorgan Sisaran to the weak Sisera, Jud. 5; Thw. 156, 8. v. earg.
eó-risc a bulrush; scirpus. v. eá-risc.
EORL. es; m. I. an Anglo-Saxon nobleman of high rank, the yarl of the Danes, about the same as an ealdorman. He who was in early times styled ealdorman, was afterwards denominated an earl; cŏmes, sătelles princĭpis. This title, which was introduced by the Jutes of Kent, occurs frequently in the laws of the kings of that district, the first mention of it being :-- Gif on eorles túne man mannan ofslæhþ xii scillinga gebéte if a man slay a man in an earl's town, let him make compensation with twelve shillings, L. Ethb. 13; Th. i. 6, 9, 10. Its more general use among us dates from the later Scandinavian invasions, and though originally only a title of honour, it became in later times one of office, nearly supplanting the older and more Saxon one of 'ealdorman:' -- Swá we eác settaþ be eallum hádum, ge ceorle ge eorle so also we ordain for all degrees, whether to churl or earl, L. Alf. pol. 4; Th. i. 64, 3. Se eorl nolde ná géþwsǽrian the earl would not consent, Chr. 1051; Ing. 227, 13, 23: 228, 4, 28, 35, 36: 229, 10, 21, 25, 26. II. a man, brave man, hero, general, leader, chief; vir, pŭgil, vir fortis, dux :-- Eorlas on cýþþe men in the country. Andr. Kmbl. 1467; An. 735. Him se Ebrisca eorl wísade the Hebrew man [Lot] directed them. Cd. 112; Th. 147, 24; Gen. 2444. Ða eorlas þrý, nom. pl. the three men, 95; Th. 123, 16; Gen. 2045. Eorlas wénaþ men think, 86; Th. 109, 22; Gen. 1826. Fór eorlum before the people, 98; Th. 129, 1; Gen. 2137. þegna and eorla of thanes and earls, Bt. Met. Fox 25, 15; Met. 25, 8. Geared gumum gold brittade, se eorl wæs æðele Jared dispensed gold to the people, the man was noble. Cd. 59; Th. 72, 5; Gen. 1182. [Piers P. eerl: Chauc. erl: R. Glouc. erles noblemen: Laym. eorl: Orm. eorless, pl: O. Sax. Hel. erl, m. a man, nobleman, male offspring, boy: Icel. jarl, earl, m. a gentleman, nobleman, warrior, chief.]
eorl-cund; adj. Earl kind, noble; nobĭlis :-- Gif mannes esne eorl-cundne mannan ofslæhþ þreóm hundum scillinga gylde se ágend if a man's servant slay a man of an earl's degree, let the owner pay three hundred shillings, L. H. E. 1; Th. i. 26, 8.
eorl-dóm, es; m. An EARLDOM, the province or dignity of an earl, the same as ealdor-dóm, v. Turner's Hist. b. viii. c. 7; cŏmĭtis mūnus :-- Ælfgár eorl féng to ðam eorldóme ðe Harold ǽr hæfde earl Ælfgar succeeded to the earldom which Harold had before, Chr. 1053; Erl. 189, 14.
eorl-gebyrd, e; f. [gebyrd birth]. Noble birth, nobility; nōbĭlĭtas :-- Eorlgebyrdum by noble birth, Bt. Met. Fox 9, 52; Met. 9, 26 : 10, 54; Met. 10, 27.
eorl-gestreón, es; n. [gestreón treasure] Noble treasure, riches; dīvĭtiæ :-- Nis him gád eorlgestreóna he lacks not noble treasures, Exon. 123b; Th. 475, 10; Bo. 45: Beo. Th. 4481; B. 2244.
eorl-gewǽde, es; a. [gewǽde clothing] Manly clothing, armour; vĭrīlis vestītus :-- Gyrede hine Beówulf eorlgewǽdum Beowulf clad himself in armour. Beo. Th. 2888; B. 1442.
eorlíc [=eorl-líc]; adj. Manly; vĭrīlis :-- Eorlíc ellen manly strength, Beo. Th. 1278; B. 637. v. eorlisc, eorl-líc.
eorlíce [= eorl-líce]; adv. Manfully, strongly, greatly; vĭrĭlĭter, vĕhĕmenter, multum :-- Gebealh heó swíðe eorlíce wið hire suna she was very greatly incensed against her son, Cod. Dipl. 755; Kmbl. iv. 54, 30.
eór-lippric, es; n. A flap of the ear. Jn. Lind. War. 18, 26. v. eáre-lippric.
eorlisc, eorl-lic; adj. EARLISH, earl-like, like an earl; nōbĭlis :-- Eorlisc, L. Ath. v. prm; Th. i. 228, 8. Eorllíc [MS. eorlíc]. Beo. Th. 1278; B. 637.
eorl-mægen, es; n. A host of men; vĭrō;rum turma :-- Sió cwén bebeád ofer eorlmægen áras fýsan the queen commanded messengers to hasten throughout the mass of the people, Elen. Kmbl. 1958; El. 981.
eorl-riht, es; u. An earl's right or privilege; cŏmĭtis jus vel privĭlēgium :-- Gif þegen geþeáh, ðæt he wearþ to eorle, ðonne wæs he syððan eorlrihtes weorþe if a thane thrived, that he became an earl, then he was thenceforth worthy of an earl's right, L. R. 5; Th. i. 192, 8.
eorl-scipe, -scype, es; m. Manliness, bravery, courage, supremacy, nobility; vĭrīlĭtas, nobilĭtas :-- Hí eahtodon eorlscipe and his ellenweorc they valued his manliness and his valiant works. Beo. Th. 6327; B. 3174: Scóp. Th. 283; Wíd. 141: Beo. Th. 3458; B. 1727: 4272; B. 2133. Eorlscipes, Salm. Kmbl. 22; Sal. 11. He eorlscype fremede he effected supremacy, Exon. 85a; Th. 320, 31; Wíd. 37.
eorl-werod, es; n. [werod a company, troop] A band of men, warrior band; vĭrōrum turma :-- Ðǽr ðæt eorlwerod sæt the warrior band sat there, Beo. Th. 5779; B. 2893.
Eorman-ríc, Eormen-ríc, es; m. The celebrated king of the Ostrogoths or East Goths, the Alexander of the Goths; Eormanrīcus, v. Gota III, Alríca, and þeód-ríc :-- Eormanríc áhte wíde folc Gotena ríces Ermanric possessed the wide nations of the kingdom of the Goths, Exon. 100a; Th. 378, 25; Deór. 21. Weóld Eormanríc Gotum Ermanric ruled the Goths, Scóp. Th. 38; Wíd. 18. Ic wæs mid Eormanríce I was with Ermanric, 178; Wíd. 88. Ðæt wæs inn-weorud Eormanrices that was the household band of Ermanric, 224; Wíd. 111. He searo-níðas fealh Eormenríces he fell into the guileful enmity of Ermanric, Beo. Th. 2406; B. 1201. For the anachronisms and inconsistences I would refer to W. Grimm's Deutsche Heldensage, where may be found the particulars of this celebrated hero.
eormen, eorman; adj. Universal, immense, whole, general; universālis, immensus, permagnus, tōtus, ūnĭversus. Used in composition, as in eormen-cyn, -grund, -láf, -ríc, -strýnd, -þeód.
eormen-cyn, -cynn, es; n. The human race; hūmānum gĕnus :-- God gesceapo ferede ǽghwylcum on eorþan eormencynnes God has borne his decrees to every one of the human race on earth, Exon. 88 b; Th. 333, 3; Vy. 96 : Beo. Th. 3918; B. 1957.
eormen-grund, es; n. [grund ground, earth] The spacious earth; immensa terra :-- Ofer eormengrund over the spacious earth, Beo. Th. 1722; B. 859.
eormen-láf, e; f. The great legacy; immensum rĕliquum :-- He eormen-láfe gehýdde he had hidden the great legacy, Beo. Th. 4460; B. 2234.
Eormen-ríc Ermanric, Beo. Th. 2405; B. 1200. v. Eorman-ríc.
eormen-strýnd. e; f. The great generation; permagna gĕnĕrātio :-- Ðú eart eorre eormenstrýnde thou art of an angry, great [heathen] generation, Salm. Kmbl. 659; Sal. 329.
eormen-þeód, e; f. A great people; permagnus pŏpŭlus. v. yrmen-þeód.
eormþu poverty, calamity :-- Eormþa, Bt. 7, 4; Fox 22, 29. Eormþum, 23; Fox 78, 31. v. yrmþu.
eornan to run; currĕre. Ps. Surt. 57, 8. v. yrnan.
eornende running; part, of eornan=yrnan.
eornes, eornest a duel, combat; duellum, Som. Ben. Lye.
eornest earnest, earnestness, Exon. 24a; Th. 68; 9; Cri. 1101. v. eornost.
eorneste earnest, serious, Exon. 20a; Th. 51, 32; Cri. 825 : Homl. Th. i. 386, 20. v. eornoste; adj.
eorneste in earnest, earnestly, Bt. Met. Fox 13, 56; Met. 13, 28: 16, 44; Met. 16, 22. v. eornoste; adv.
eornestlice earnestly; stŭdiōse. v. eornostlíce.
eornfullíce; adv. Earnestly; stŭdiōse. v. eornostlíce.
eornfullnes, -ness, e; f. Earnestness, anxiety; dĭlĭgentia, sollĭcĭtudo :-- Eornfullness ðisse worulde solĭcĭtudo istīus sæcŭli, Mt. Bos. 13, 22. v. geornfulnes.
eornigende murmuring; murmŭrans, L. E. I. 21; Th. ii. 416, 16.
eornlice; adv. Diligently; dĭlĭgenter :-- Genim ðas wyrte eornlíce gecnucude mid ecede take this herb diligently pounded with vinegar, Herb. 87, 2; Lchdm. i. 190, 21. v. geornlíce. EOR-NOST, eornust, eornest, e; f. EARNEST, earnestness, zeal; sērium, stŭdium :-- Mid swelcum eorneste [eornoste MS. Cot.] with such zeal, Past. 15, i; Hat. MS. 18b, 27. On eornost, eornust or eornoste in earnest, earnestly, Ælfc. T. 12, 8: Homl. Th. ii. 250, 30: Mt. Bos. 5, 18 : 13, 17: Gen. 14, 15. Þurh eorneste in earnest, sternly, Exon. 24a; Th. 68, 9; Cri. 1101. [Wyc. ernes, eernes, ernest earnest, pledge: Chauc. erneste zeal; Laym. eornest conflict: Frs. ernste: O. Frs. ernst: Dut. ernst, m: Ger. ernst, m: M. H. Ger. ernest, ernst, m: O. H. Ger. ërnust, ërnost, ërnest, n. f. vĭgor, sērium.]
eornoste, eorneste; adj. Earnest, serious; sērius, stŭdiōsus:-- On eornostne hige with earnest intention, Cod. Dipl. 942; Kmbl. iv. 278, 15. Biþ eorneste ðonne eft cymeþ, réðe and ryhtwís he will be earnest when he comes again, stern and just, Exon. 20 a; Th. 51, 32; Cri. 825. Mid eornestum móde with earnest mind. Homl. Th. i. 386, 20.
eornoste, eorneste; adv. In earnest, earnestly, seriously, courageously, strongly; sērio, strēnue, sēdŭlo, vĕhĕmenter :-- He feaht eornoste he fought earnestly, Byrht. Th. 140, 1; By. 281: Judth. 11; Thw. 24, 39; Jud. 231. Hió onginþ eorneste racentan slítan she will begin in earnest to sever her chains, Bt. Met. Fox 13, 56; Met. 13, 28: 16, 44; Met. 16, 22.
eornostlíce; adv. EARNESTLY, strictly, truly; sēdŭlo :-- Sunnan dæges cýpingce we forbeódaþ eornostlíce we strictly forbid marketing on Sunday, L. C. E. 15; Th. i. 368, 15.
eornostlíce, eornustlíce; conj. Therefore, but; ergo, ĭgĭtur, ĭtăque :-- Abram ðá eornostlíce astirode his geteld mōvit ĭgĭtur tabernācŭlum suum Abram, Gen. 13, 18. Eornostlíce ealle cneóressa fram Abrahame óþ Dauid synd feówertyne cneóressa omnes ĭtăque genĕrātiōnes ab Abraham usque ad David, genĕrātiōnes quatuordĕcim, Mt. Bos. 1, 17. Beóþ eornustlíce gleáwe estōte ergo [GREEK prūdentes, Mt. Bos. 10, 16, 26: 2, 1: 13, 40.
eornust earnest, earnestness, Mt. Bos. 13, 17. v. eornost.
eornustlice therefore, but. Mt. Bos. 2, 1: 10, 16, 26: 13, 40. v. eornostlíce.
eórod, es; a. A band, legion, troop; turma, légio :-- Wíse men tealdon án eórod to six þúsendum, and twelf eórod sind twá and hundseofontig þúsend wise men have reckoned a legion at six thousand, and twelve legions are seventy-two thousand, Homl. Th. ii. 246, 28, 29, 25 : Jud. Thw. 161, 36. v. eóred.
eórod-man, -mann, es; m. A horseman; ĕques :-- Líhte se eórod-man desĭluit ĕques, Bd. 3, 9; S. 533, 33.
eorp, earp; adj. Dark, dusky, brown, swarthy; fuscus, badius :-- Eorp werod the swarthy host [the Egyptians], Cd. 151; Th. 190, 4; Exod. 194 : Exon. 113 a; Th. 433, 21; Rä. 50, 11. [Icel. jarpr brown.]
eorre, es; n. Anger, wrath; īra :-- Warniaþ eów ðæs Drihtenes eorres and mínes beware of the Lord's anger and of mine, L. Ath. i. prm; Th. i. 196, 33: Ps. Lamb. 101, 11. v. yrre.
eorre; adj. Angry, enraged, fierce; īrātus, īrācundus :-- He us eorre gewearþ he has become angry with us. Cd. 219; Th. 280, 27; Sat. 261: Elen. Kmbl. 801; El. 401. Þurh eorne hyge through angry mind, 1367; El. 685. Nalæs late wǽron eorre æscberend to ðam orlege the fierce spear-bearers were not slow to the onset, Andr. Kmbl. 93; An. 47: 2153; An. 1078. v. yrre; adj.
eorringa; adv. Angrily; īrate :-- Hine eorringa geséceþ bócstafa brego the prince of letters shall angrily seek him, Salm. Kmbl. 198; Sal. 96. v. yrringa.
eorsian to be angry, Ps. Spl. 4, 5 : Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 5, 22. v. yrsian.
eorsung anger, Cant. Moys. Ex. 15, 8; Thw. 29, 8. v. yrsung.
eorþ, e; f. The earth; terra :-- Seó [MS. sie] eorþ is dryge and ceald, and ðæt wæter wǽt and ceald the earth is dry and cold, and the water vice and cold, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 128, 34. v. eorþe.
eorþ-æppel, es; m: nom, acc. pl. n. -æppla An earth-apple, a cucumber; cŭcŭmis :-- Cúciíméres, ðæt synd eorþæppla cucumbers, which are earth-apples, Num. 11, 5. Eorþæppel mandrăgŏra, Ælfc. Gl. 44; Som. 64, 79; Wrt. Voc. 32, 15.
eorþ-ærn, es; n. An earth-place, a tomb, sepulchre; spēlunca, sepŭlcrum :-- Open wæs ðæt eorþærn the sepulchre was open, Exon. 120a; Th. 460, 18; Hö. 19. In ðæt eorþærn in the sepulchre, 119b; Th. 460, 4; Hö. 12: Exon. 119b; Th. 459, 22; Hö. 3.
eorþ-beofung, e; f. An earthquake; terræ mōtus :-- Seó eorþbeofung tácnade ða miclan blód-dryncas the earthquake betokened the great blood-sheddings, Ors. 4, 2; Bos. 79, 28. v. eorþ-bifung.
eorþ-bifung, -beofung, e; f. [bifung a trembling, shaking] An earthquake; terræ mōtus :-- Ðǽr wearþ geworden micel eorþbifung terræ mōtus factus est magnus, Mt. Bos. 28, 2. Híg gesáwon ða eorþbifunge vīdērunt terræ mōtum, 27, 54.
eorþ-bigegnys, -bigennys, -nyss, e; f. Earth-cultivation, attention to agriculture; terræ cultūra, agricultūræ stŭdium:-- Elelændra eorþ-bigennys cŏlōnia, id est peregrīnōrum cultūra, Ælfc. Gl. 54; Som. 66, 103; Wrt. Voc. 36, 25. v. eard-begengnes, el-þeódignes.
eorþ-bigenga, an; m. [bigenga an inhabitant, dweller] An inhabitant of the earth; terrĭcŏla, terrĭgĕna :-- Ðæt he eorþbigengan awecce hine to ondrǽdanne ut terrĭgĕnas ad tĭmendum se suscĭtet, Bd. 4, 3; S. 569, 22.
eorþ-búend, es; m. An earth dweller, inhabitant; terricŏla :-- Eorþ-búend. Ps. Th. 65, 1: 101, 13 : 118, 4. v. búend, búende.
eorþ-burh; gen. -burge; dat. -byrig; f. An earth mound or burying place; agger, hŭmātio :-- To ðare eorþ-byrig to the earth mound, Cod. Dipl. Apndx. 335; A. D. 903; Kmbl. iii. 403, 31.
eorþ-byrig, e; f. An earth mound; agger :-- Eorþ-byrig [MS. -byre], Ælfc. Gl. 56; Som. 67, 45; Wrt. Voc. 37, 33.
eorþ-cafer, es; m. An earth-chafer, a cock-chafer; taurus :-- Eorþ-caferas tauri, Ælfc. Gl. 24; Som. 60, 23; Wrt. Voc. 24, 26. v. ceafer.
eorþ-cend; pp. [cend=cenned born] Earth-born; terrĭgĕna :-- Eorþ-cende terrĭgĕnæ, Ps. Spl. C. 48, 2.
eorþ-crypel, -cryppel; gen. -crypeles, -cryples, -crypples; m. A creeper on the earth, one having the palsy, a paralytic person; părălytĭcus = GREEK :-- In ðære ðe eorþcrypel [se eorþcryppel, Lind.] læg in quo părălytĭcus jăcēbat, Mk. Skt. Rush. 2, 4: Lk. Skt. Lind. 5, 18. Se Hǽlend cwæþ to ðæm eorþcrypele [eorþcrypple, Lind.] Iēsus ait părălytĭco, Mk. Skt. Rush. 2, 5. To cweðanne ðæm eorþcryple dīcere părălytĭco. Mk. Skt. Rush. Lind. 2, 9. Brengende to him ðone eorþcrypel fĕrentes ad eum părălytĭcum, Mk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 2, 3: Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 9, 2. Gebrohtun him eorþcryplas obtŭlērunt ei pă;rălytĭcos, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 4, 24.
eorþ-cund; adj. Earthly, terrestrial; terrestris :-- Se rinc ageaf eorþ-cunde eád the prince gave up earthly happiness. Cd. 79; Th. 98, 8; Gen. 1627.
eorþ-cyn, -cynn, es; a. The earth-kind, terrestrial species; gĕnus terricŏlārum :-- Eallum eorþcynne for each terrestrial species, Cd. 161; Th. 201, 10; Exod. 370.
eorþ-cyning, es; m. [cyning a king] An earthly king, king of the land; terræ rex :-- Sceótend Scyldinga to scypum feredon eal ingesteald eorþcyninges the Scyldings' warriors conveyed all the house chattels of the king of the land to their ships. Beo. Th. 2315: B. 1155. Ðam æðelestan eorþcyninga for the noblest of earthly kings. Elen. Kmbl. 2346; El. 1174: Cd. 162; Th. 202, 23; Exod. 392: 189; Th. 235, 14; Dan. 306. Eorþcyningum [MS. -cynincgum] se ege standeþ terrĭbĭli ăpud rēges terræ, Ps. Th. 75, 9. He eorþcyningas yrmde and cwelmde he oppressed and slew the kings of the earth, Bt. Met. Fox 9, 93; Met. 9, 47: Ps. Th. 88, 24.
eorþ-draca, an; m. An earth-dragon; drăco in antro dēgens :-- Sió wund ongon, ðe him se eorþdraca geworhte, swelan and swellan the wound, which the earth-dragon had made in him, began to burn and swell, Beo. Th. 5417; B. 2712: 5642; B. 2825.
eorþ-dyne, es; m. Earth din, an earthquake; terræ mōtus :-- On ðisan gére wæs micel eorþdyne in this year [A. D. 1060] was a great earthquake, Chr. 1060; Erl. 193, 31; 1122; Erl. 249, 14.
EORÞE, an; f; eorþ, e; f. I. the EARTH in opposition to the sea, the ground, soil; terra, hŭmus, sŏlum :-- God gecígde ða drignisse eorþan, and ðæra wætera gegaderunga he hét sǽs vŏcāvit Deus ārĭdam terram, congregātiōnesque ăquārum appellāvit măria, Gen. 1, 10. Spritte seó eorþe grówende gærs and sǽd wircende and æppelbǽre treów wæstm wircende æfter his cinne, ðæs sǽd sig on him silfum ofer eorþan geemĭnet terra herbam vĭrentem et făcientem sēmen et lignum pōmĭfĕrum făciens fructum juxta gĕnus suum, cujus sēmen in sēmetipso sit sŭper terram, Gen. 1, 11, 12, 24, 25, 28, 29: Cd. 57; Th. 69, 32; Gen. 1144: Exon. 62b; Th. 231, 11; Ph. 487: Beo. Th. 3069; B. 1532: Elen. Kmbl. 1655; El. 829 : Bt. Met. Fox 8, 118; Met. 8, 59. Ic ðec ofer eorþan geworhte, on ðære ðú scealt yrmþum lifgan and to ðære ilcan scealt eft geweorþan I made thee on earth, on which thou shalt live in misery and shalt become the same again, Exon. 16 b; Th. 39, 12-19; Cri. 621-624: 38 a; Th. 125, 10; Gú. 352. Cain wæs eorþan tilia fuit Cain agrĭcŏla [lit. a tiller of the earth], Gen. 4, 2. II. the EARTH, terrestrial globe; tellus :-- On anginne gesceóp God heofenan and eorþan in the beginning God created heaven and earth, Gen. 1, 1, 2, 17, 20, 26: 2, 1, 4: Cd. 98; Th. 129, 9; Gen. 2141: Exon. 16b; Th. 38, 18; Cri. 608. Se Ælmihtiga eorþan worhte the Almighty made the earth, Beo. Th. 185; B. 92. Drihtnes is eorþe and fulnysse oððe gefyllednes hyre the earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof, Ps. Lamb. 23, 1: Ex. 9, 29: Deut. 10, 14. Ðæt gé ne swerion þurh eorþan, forðamðe heó ys Godes fótscamul that ye swear not by the earth, because it is God's foot-stool, Mt. Bos. 5, 35. [Piers P. Wyc. erthe: Laym. eorðe, eorðen, earþe, erþe: Orm. eorþe, erþé: Plat, eerde , f: O. Sax. erða , f: Frs. yerd: O. Frs. irthe, erthe, erde, f: Dut. aarde, f: Ger. M. H. Ger. erde, f: O. H. Ger. erda, erada, f: Goth. airþa, f: Dan. jord, m. f: Swed, jord, f: Icel. jörð, f. earth, land, estate.]
eorþ-fæst, -fest; adj. Earth-fast, fixed in the earth; in terra firmus :-- To ánum [MS. ane] eorþfestum treówe to a tree firm in the earth. Th. Anlct. 122, 10.
eorþ-fæt, es; n. An earthen vessel, the body; vas terrâ factum, corpus :-- Se gǽst nimeþ swá wíte swá wuldor, swá him in worulde ðæt eorþfæt ǽr geworhte the spirit receives either punishment or glory, as the body has worked for him before in the world, Exon. 98 a; Th. 367, 15; Seel. 8.
eorþ-gealla, an; m. [gealla gall] The herb EARTH-GALL, the lesser centaury; fel terræ, erythræa centaurium. Lin :-- Eorþgealla [MS. -gealle] fel terræ vel centauria, Wrt. Voc. 79, 50; Ælfc. Gl. 41; Som. 64, 5; Wrt. Voc. 31, 17. Eorþgealla centauria, Mone A. 373. Nim centaurian, ðæt is fel terræ, sume hátaþ eorþgeallan take centaury, that is fel terræ, some call it earth-gall, L. M. 2, 8; Lchdm. ii. 186, 27.
eorþ-gemet, es; a. Earth-measure, geometry; geometria = GREEK, Cot. 95.
eorþ-gesceaft, e; f. [gesceaft a creature] An earthly creature; terrestris creatura :-- Men habbaþ [MS. habbæþ] geond middangeard eorþ-gesceafta ealle oferþungen men have all surpassed earthly creatures throughout the middle earth, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 387; Met. 20, 194.
eorþ-græf, es; n. A hole dug in the earth, a ditch, well; fossa, pŭteus :-- Isernes dǽl eorþgræf pæðeþ a part of iron passes the well, Exon. 114 b; Th. 439, 26; Ru. 59, 9.
eorþ-gráp, e; f. Earth's grasp, the hold of the grave; terræ comprĕhensio :-- Eorþgráp hataþ waldend wyrhtan earth's grasp [i. e. the grave holdeth its mighty workmen, Exon. 124 a; Th. 476, 12; Ruin. 6.
eorþ-hele, es; m. A heap; tŭmŭlus :-- Wæs ðæt deáw abútan ða fyrdwíc, swilce hit hagoles eorþhele wǽre the dew was about the camp, as it were a heap of hail, Ex. 10, 14.
eorþ-hnutu, -nutu, e; f. An earth-nut; būnium flexuōsum :-- Of ðam cumbe in eorþnutena þorn from the combe to the earth-nut thorn, Cod. Dipl. Apndx. 308; A. D. 875; Kmbl. iii. 399, 7.
eorþ-hús, es; n. An earth-house, den, cave; hypŏgæum = GREEK, subterrāneum:-- Eorþhús hypŏgæum vel subterrāneum, Ælfc. Gl. 110; Som. 79, 37; Wrt. Voc. 59, 9. Rómáne him worhton eorþhús for ðære lyfte wylme the Romans built for themselves earth-houses because of the boiling heat of the air, L. M. 1, 72; Lchdm. ii. 146, 16.
eorþ-ifi, es; n. Ground ivy; hĕdera nigra:-- Eorþ-ifies of ground ivy; hĕdĕræ nigræ, L. M. 1, 2; Lchdm. ii. 30, 17. v. eorþ-ifig.
eorþ-ifig, -yfig, -ifi, -iui, es; n. Earth or ground ivy; hĕdĕra nigra, hĕdĕra terrestris, glechoma hĕdĕrācea:-- Genim hederan nigran, ðe man óðrum naman eorþifig nemneþ take hĕdĕra nigra, which one calleth by another name ground ivy, Herb. 100, 1; Lchdm. i. 212, 20.
eorþ-iui [=ivi], es; n. Ground ivy; hĕdĕra nigra:-- Eorþ-iui [MS. eorðíuí]. Herb. 100; Lchdm. i. 212, 18, note 17, MS. B. v. eorþ-ifig.
eorþ-líc; def. se -líca; seó, ðæt -líce; adj. EARTHLY, terrestrial; terrēnus, terrestris :-- He wæs eorþlíc cing he was an earthly king. Chr. 979; Erl. 129, 9. Hí eorþlíces áuht ne haldeþ nothing earthly holds them, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 331; Met. 20, 166. Ða twelf bócland him gefreóde eorþlíces camphádes and eorþlícere hérenysse to bigongenne ðone heofonlícan camphád dō;nātis duodĕcim possessiuncŭlis terrārum, in quĭbus ablāto stūdio mīlĭtiæ terrestris, ad exercendam mīlĭtiam cælestem, Bd. 3, 24; S. 556, 41. Ðú meahte ǽlc eorþlíc þing forsión thou mayest look down upon every earthly thing, Bt. Met. Fox 24, 13; Met. 24, 7. Hine nolden his eorþlícan mágas wrecan his earthly kinsmen would not avenge him. Chr. 979; Erl. 129, 11, 15. Gif ic eów eorþlice þing sǽde si terrēna dixi vobis, Jn. Bos. 3, 12. Hió ðǽs lǽnan lufaþ eorþlícu þing she loves these transitory earthly things. Bt. Met. Fox 20, 447; Met. 20, 224. Ðú gegæderast ða hiofonlícan sáwla and ða eorþlícan líchoman thou bringest together the heavenly souls and the earthly bodies, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 132, 23. He forsihþ ðás eorþlícan gód he despises these earthly goods, 12; Fox 36, 25: 33, 4; Fox 132, 14, 18.
eorþ-líce; adv. In an earthly manner; terrŭlenter:-- Eorþlíce terrŭlenter, Glos. Prudent. Recd. 145, 20.
eorþ-ling, es; m. A farmer; terræ cultor :-- Eorþling birbicaliolus? Glos. Brux. Recd. 36, 50; Wrt. Voc. 63, 4; Mone A. 50. v. yrþ-ling.
eorþ-mægen, es; n. Earthly power; terræ vis :-- Eorþmægen ealdaþ earthly power grows old; terræ vīres invĕtĕrascunt, Exon. 95 a; Th. 354, 61; Reim. 69: Ettmül. Poet. pref. xviii. 59; p. 223, 69.
eorþ-mistel, es; m. The plant basil; clīnŏpŏdium = GREEK. :-- Genim eorþmistel take basil, L. M. 1, 36; Lchdm. ii. 86, 21.
eorþ-nafela, -nafola, -nafala, -nafla, an; m. Earth-navel, asparagus; aspărăgus officinālis :-- Nim eorþnafelan take asparagus, Lchdm. iii. 40, 23. Genim eorþnafolan wyrtruman take roots of asparagus, Herb. 126, 2; Lchdm. i. 238, 5. Wyll miclan eorþnafolan boil the great asparagus, Lchdm. iii. 18, 7. Eorþnafala asparagus, iii. 6, 15. Genim eorþnaflan [MS. B. -nafelan] take asparagus, Herb. 97, 1; Lchdm. i. 210, 8.
eorþ-reced, es; n. [reced a house] An earth-house, a cave; subterrānea dŏmus, antrum :-- Hú ða stánbogan éce eorþreced healde how the stone arches held the eternal earth-house, Beo. Th. 5431; B. 2719.
eorþ-rest, e; f. A resting or lying on the ground; chămeunia = GREEK, Cot. 31.
eorþ-ríce, es; a. A kingdom of the earth, earth's kingdom, the earth; terræ regnum, terræ :-- Geond ealle eorþrícu per omnia regna terra, Deut. 28, 25: Bt. Met. Fox 4, 74; Met. 4, 37. He eorþrícum eallum wealdeþ regnum ipsīus omnĭbus domĭnābĭtur, Ps. Th. 102, 18. On eorþríce on earth's kingdom, on earth. Cd. 22; Th. 27, 18; Gen. 419: 23; Th. 29, 22; Gen. 454: 26; Th. 35, 1; Gen. 548.
eorþ-rima, an; m. A kind of plant, dodder? herbæ gĕnus, cuscuta ? L. M. 3, 41; Lchdm. ii. 334, 12.
eorþ-scræf, es; n. An earth-cavern, a grave; căverna, antrum, sĕpulcrum :-- Hie be hliðe heáre dúne eorþscræf fundon, ðǽr Loth wunode they found by the slope of a high hill an earth-cavern, where Lot dwelt, Cd. 122; Th. 156, 27; Gen. 2595: Exon. 115 a; Th. 443, 11; Kl. 28. Eardiaþ on eorþ-scræfum hăbĭtant in sĕpulcris, Ps. Th. 67, 7: Andr. Kmbl. 1605; An. 804.
eorþ-sele, es; m. [sele a hall] An earth-hall, cave; subterrānea aula, antrum :-- Eald is ðes eorþsele this earth-hall is old, Exon. 115 a; Th. 443, 12; Kl. 29. Mec se mánsceáða of eorþsele út geséceþ the atrocious spotter will seek me out fram his earth-hall, Beo. Th. 5023; B. 2515. He eorþsele ána wisse he alone knew the earth-hall, 4811; B. 2410.
eorþ-slihtes; adv. [slihtes, old gen. of sliht destruction, slaughter, like nihtes of niht] In an earth-destroying manner; in mŏdo vastante terram :-- Swá swá oxa gewunaþ to awéstenne gærs, óþ ða wirttruman, eorþslihtes mid tóðum as an ox is accustomed to consume grass with his teeth, even to the roots, in an earth-destroying manner, Num. 22, 4.
eorþ-stede, es; m. [stede a place] An earth-place; terræ lŏcus :-- Ðá hí ðæt ðín fægere hús on eorþstede gewemdan [MS. gewemdaþ] in terra polluērunt tabernacŭlum, Ps. Th. 73, 7.
eorþ-styrennis, -niss, e; f. [styrenes motion] An earthquake; terræ mōtus :-- Eorþstyrennis gewarþ micelu terræ mótus factus est magnus, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 28, 2.
eorþ-styrung, -stirung, e; f. An earth-stirring, earthquake; terræ mótus :-- Eorþstyrung fela burhga ofhreas . . . þreóttyne byrig þurh eorþ-styrunge afeóllon an earthquake has overthrown many cities ... thirteen cities fell through an earthquake, Homl. Th. i. 608, 27, 29: 244, 17. Micele eorþstyrunga beóþ gehwǽr great earthquakes shall be everywhere, i. 608, 18. Ðá wearþ mycel eorþstirung there was a great earthquake, Nicod. 15; Thw. 7, 17.
eorþ-tilia, an; m. An earth-tiller, husbandman; agrĭcŏla :-- Mín fæder ys eorþtilia pater meus agrĭcŏla est, Jn. Bos. 15, 1.
eorþ-tilþ, e; f. [tilþ culture] Earth-tillage, agrĭcultūra; agricultura :-- Eorþtilþ agricultura, Coll. Monast. Th. 30, 27.
eorþ-tudor; gen. -tudres; n. [tuddor progeny] Progeny of earth, men; terrestris prōgĕnies, hŏmĭnes :-- Ðis ys se dæg de Drihten geworhte eallum eorþtudrum eádgum to blisse this is the day which the Lord made for bliss to all happy men. Ps. Th. 117, 22.
eorþ-tyrewa, an; m. [tyrwa tar] Earth-tar, asphalte; bĭtūmen :-- Se weall is geworht of tigelan and eorþtyrewan the wall [of Babylon] is built with bricks and earth-tar, Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 44, 25.
eorþ-wæstm, e; f. Fruit of the earth; terræ frux :-- Mycel eorþwæstm frūgum cōpia, Bd. 1, 14; S. 482, 13. Eorþwæstme grówaþ fruits grow, Ps. Th. 103, 12. Wæs seó stów wædla eorþwæstma ĕrat lŏcus frūgis inops, Bd. 4, 28; S. 605, 18. On eorþwæstmum genóh þuhte abundance appeared in the fruits of the earth, Bt. Met. Fox 8, 12; Met. 8, 6.
eorþ-waru, e; f: -ware; gen. -wara; pl. m; -waran; gen. -warena; pl. m. Inhabitants or population of the earth; terrĭcŏlæ, terrĭgĕnæ :-- Heofonwaru and eorþwaru cælĭcolæ et terrĭcolæ, Hy. 7, 95; Hy. Grn. ii. 289, 95. Crist sibb is heofonware and eorþware Christ is the peace of the inhabitants of heaven and of the inhabitants of the earth, Ors. 3, 5; Bos. 57, 27. Dem eorþware jūdĭca terram, Ps. Th. 81, 8 : 98, 1: 144, 13. Gehýraþ ðás, eorþware audīte hæc, terrĭgĕnæ, Ps. Spl. 48, 2: Exon. 13 a; Th. 24, 9; Cri. 382. Ðæt cynebearn acenned wéarþ eallum eorþwarum the royal child was born for all the inhabitants of the earth, Andr. Kmbl. 1135; An. 568: Exon. 41 b; Th. 138, 21; Gú. 579: Bt. Met. Fox 13, 120; Met. 13, 60: Menol. Fox 124; Men. 62. Hér wynnaþ earme eorþwaran miserable inhabitants of earth strive here, Bt. Met. Fox 4, 113; Met. 4, 57: 17, 1; Met. 17, 1. Ofer ealle eorþwaran over all the inhabitants of earth, Fast. 43, 9; Hat. MS. 60 b, 7.
eorþ-weall, es; m. An earth-wall, mound; agger :-- Under eorþweall under the earth-wall, Beo. Th. 6171; B. 3090. Mid eorþwealle with an earth-wall, Bd. 1, 5; S. 476, 10: 4, 28; S. 605, 24.
eorþ-weard, es; m. An earth-guard; terræ custos :-- Hæfde lígdraca eorþweard forgrunden the fire-dragon had destroyed the earth-guard, Beo. Th. 4658; B. 2334.
eorþ-weg, es; m. An earth-way; terrestris via :-- Hió me woldan ðisses eorþweges ende gescrífan consummāvērunt me in terra, Ps. Th. 118, 87. Þurh ða róde sceal ríce gesécan of eorþwege ǽghwylc sáwl every soul shall seek the kingdom away from earth through the cross, Rood Kmbl. 237; Kr. 120: Exon. 58b; Th. 209, 29; Ph. 178: Ps. Th. 71, 11. Of eorþwegum from the earthly ways, Elen. Kmbl. 1468; El. 736.
eorþ-wéla, an; m. Earth-wealth, fertility; terrestres dīvĭtiæ, fertĭlĭtas :-- Mid Egyptum wearþ syfan gear se ungemetlíca eorþwéla for seven years there was very great fertility in Egypt, Ors. 1, 5; Bos. 28, 3. Biþ him eorþwéla ofer ðæt éce líf earthly wealth to them is above the eternal life. Exon. 33 a; Th. 105, 34; Gú. 33. Ne ic me eorþwélan ówiht sinne I care naught for earth's wealth. Exon. 37 a; Th. 121, 17; Gú. 290. Sum him Metudes ést ofer eorþwélan ealne geceóseþ one chooses his Creator's favour above all earthly wealth, 79 b; Th. 298, 20; Crä. 88.
eorþ-weorc, es; n. Earth-work; terræ ŏpus :-- Híg on eorþweorcum gehýnede wǽron in terræ ŏpĕrĭbus premēbantur, Ex. 1, 14.
eorþ-yfig, es; n. Ground ivy; hĕdĕra terrestris. Herb. 100; Lchdm. i. 212, 18. v. eorþ-ifig.
eór-wicga an earwig; blatta, Ælfc. Gl. 24; Som. 60, 20; Wrt. Voc. 24, 24. v. eár-wicga.
eóryd a legion, Mt. Foxe 26, 53. v. eóred.
eos of a war horse, Exon. 90 a; Th. 337, 11; Gn. Ex. 63; gen. sing. of eoh.
eosol an ass. Wrt. Voc. 287, 50. v. esol.
eóster easter, Lk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 22, 8, 15. v. eáster.
eosul an ass, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 21, 5. v. esol.
eosul-cwearn, e; f. An ass-mill, a mill turned by asses; ăsĭnāria mŏla, Cot. 16.
Eotaland, es; n. The land of the Jutes, Jutland; Jūtia :-- Mǽgþ seó is gecýd Eota land a province which is called Jutland, Bd. 4, 16; S. 584, 24. v. Iotas.
EÓTEN, es; m. I. a giant, monster, Grendel; gĭgas, monstrum, Grendel :-- Wæs se grimma gǽst Grendel, Caines cyn, -- ðanon untydras ealle onwócon, eótenas and ylfe and orcnéas, swylce gigantas Grendel was the grim guest, the race of Cain, -- whence unnatural births all sprang forth, monsters, elves, and spectres, also giants, Beo. Th. 204-226; B. 102-113. Eóten, nom. sing. Beo. Th. 1526; B. 761. Eótena, gen. pl. Beo. Th. 846; B. 421. II. Eotenas, gen. a; dat. um; pl. m. the Jutes, Jutlanders, the ancient inhabitants of Jutland in the north of Denmark; Jūtæ :-- Eótena treówe the faith of the Jutes, Th. 2148; 6. 1072: 2180; B. 1088: 2286; 3. 1141: 2294; B. 1145. [O. Nrs. jötunn, m.] v. ent, eten.
eótenisc, eótonisc; adj. Belonging to or made by a giant, giant; giganteus, a gigante factus :-- Geseah ðá eald sweord eótenisc then he saw an old giant sword. Beo. Th. 3120; B. 1558. Ætbær eald sweord eótonisc bore away the old giant sword, 5225; B. 2616. v. entisc.
Eotol-ware; gen. -wara; dat. -warum; pl. m. Inhabitants of Italy, Italians, Italy; Ităli, Itălia :-- He sinoþ gesomnade Eotolwara biscopa cōgĕret synŏdum episcŏpōrum Ităliæ. Bd. 2, 4; S. 505, 33.
eóton ate, Chr. 998; Erl. 135, 20, = ǽton; p. pl. of etan.
eótonisc, Beo. Th. 5225; B. 2616: 5950; B. 2979. v. eótenisc.
eóton-weard, e; f. Giant-protection; contra gĭgantem protectio :-- Seleweard eótonweard abeád the hall-guard offered protection against the giant [Grendel], Beo. Th. 1341, note; B. 668.
eow, es; m? A griffin; gryps = GREEK, gryphus :-- Eow, fiðerfóte fugel griffin, a four-footed bird; griffes [=gryphus], Ælfc. Gl. 18; Wrt. Voc. 22, 44. v. giw.
eow, es; m. I. the yew; taxus, L. M. 3, 63; Lchdm. ii. 350, 24. v. íw. II. the mountain ash; ornus? Ælfc. Gl. 47; Som. 65, 40; Wrt. Voc. 33,
eów to you, YOU; vōbis, vos; GREEK, GREEK pers. pron; dat. acc. pl. of ðú, Ex. 6, 8: Mt. Bos. 6, 16: 5, 46 : Lk. Bos. 12, 28. v. gé.
eów; interj. Wo! alas! væ! heu! -- Eów me! heu mihi! Ps. Spl. T. 119, 5. v. wá.
eówa ewes, female sheep; pl. nom. acc. of eówu.
eówan; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans. To shew, manifest, confer; ostendĕre, manifestāre, conferre :-- Ne gesacu óhwǽr ecghete eóweþ nor strife anywhere shews hostility, Beo. Th. 3480; B. 1738. Da gén Abrahame eówde selfa hálige spræce then he himself shewed again to Abraham a holy speech, Cd. 98; Th. 130, 24; Gen. 2164. Ealne ðone egesan, ðe him eówed wæs all that terror which was shewn to him, 202; Th. 250, 4; Dan. 541. v. eáwan, ýwan.
eów-berge, an; f. A yew-berry; taxi bacca, L. M. 3, 63; Lchdm. ii. 350, 24.
eówcig; adj. Of or belonging to a ewe; ad ŏvem fēmĭnam pertĭnens :-- Mid eówcigre wulle with ewe's wool, L. M. 1, 31; Lchdm. ii. 74, 5. v. eówocig.
eówd a flock, herd, sheepfold, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 2, 61; Som. 8, 27; 13, 47. v. eówde.
eówde, eówede, eówode, es; n: eówd, eówod, e; f. A flock, herd; grex :-- Neuter, Ðæt-Drihtnes eówde the Lord's flock, Bd. 1, 14; S. 482, 25: 2, 6; S. 508, 15. We wǽrun sceáp eówdes ðínes nos ŏves grĕgis tui, Ps. Th. 78, 14. He genam hine æt eówde, úte be sceápum tŭlit eum de grĕgĭbus ŏvium, 77, 69. Ne scealt ðu ðæt eówde ánforlǽtan thou shalt not desert the flock, Andr. Kmbl. 3334; An. 1671. Hafaþ se awyrgda wulf tostenced, Dryhten, ðín eówde hath the accursed wolf scattered thy flock, O Lord? Exon. 11 b; Th. 16, 23; Cri. 257. Ofer ðín ágen eówde sceápa sŭper ŏves grĕgis tuæ, Ps. Th. 73, I: 118, 111. He gelǽdde hí swá swá eówde [eówode, Ps. Lamb. 77, 52] on wéstne perduxit eos tanquam grĕgem in deserto, Ps. Spl. 77, 57. Of eówdum [eówedum, Ps. Lamb. 77, 70] sceápa de grĕgĭbus ŏvium, Ps. Spl. 77, 76. Feminine, Ðeós eówd hic grex, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 61; Som. 13, 47. He ðæt sceáp bær on his exlum to ðære eówde he bare the sheep on his shoulders to the flock, Homl. Th. i. 340, 2. Ic wylle ahreddan mine eówde wið eów I will deliver my flock from you, i. 242, 13. 2. eówd, e; f. A sheepfold, fold; ŏvīle :-- Eówd ŏvīle, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 2; Som. 8, 27. Sceal beón án eówd and án hyrde there shall be one fold and one shepherd, Homl. Th. i. 244, 1, 3. Ic hæbbe óðre scep ðe ne sind ná of ðisre eówde I have other sheep which are not of this fold. Homl. Th. i. 242, 35: 244, 6: ii. 114, 21.
eówe, es; m. f. A sheep, L. In. 55; Th. i. 138, 6, MSS. G. H. v. éwe, es.
eówe of a ewe, L. In. 55; Th. i. 138, 6, note 11, MS. B. v. eówu.
eówede a flock, Ps. Lamb. 77, 70. v. eówde.
eówena of ewes :-- Twáhund eówena two hundred sheep, Gen. 32, 14. v. eowu.
eowend membrum vĭrīle, L. Alf. pol. 25; Th. i. 78, 15.
eowendende; part. Returning; rĕdiens, Ps. Spl. 77, 44. v. awendan.
eówer of you; vestrûm vel vestri, GREEK; gen. pl. of pers. pron. ðú :-- Án eówer ūnus vestrûm, Mt. Bos. 26, 21. Eówer sum one of you, Beo. Th. 502; B. 248, Eówer ǽnig any of you, Cd. 22; Th. 27, 34; Gen. 427. v. ge.
eówer YOUR; vester, vestra, vestrum GREEK adj. pron :-- Biþ eówer blǽd micel your prosperity shall be great, Cd. 170; Th. 214, 3; Exod. 563. Sceal eall éðel-wyn eówram cynne leófum alicgean all joy of country shall fail to your beloved kindred, Beo. Th. 5763; B. 2885.
eówer-lendisc; adj. Of your land or country; vestras :-- Eówer-lendisc vestras, Ælfc. Gr. 15; Som. 17, 45.
eowes a sheep's, L. In. 55; Th. i. 138, 6, note 11, MSS. G. H. v. éwes.
eówestras sheepfolds, Som. Ben. Lye. v. éwestre.
eówian; p. ode; pp. od To shew; ostendĕre :-- Hi eówodon me ða wunde monstrāvērunt mihi vulnus, Bd. 4, 19; S. 589, 17. Ðá hét he his tungan forþdón of his múþe, and him eówian linguam prōferre ex ōre, ac sĭbi ostendĕre jussit, Bd. 5, 2; S. 615, 6. v. eáwan, ýwan.
eówic you; acc. pl. of pers. pron. ðú :-- Fæder alwalda mid ár-stafum eówic gehealde may the all-ruling Father with honour hold you, Beo. Th. 640; B. 317. Eówic grétan hét bade to greet you, 6182; B. 3095. v. gé.
eówih = eówic you; acc. pl. of pers. pron. gé ye.
Eowland, es; n. Oeland, an island on the coast of Sweden; Oelandia :-- Wǽron us ðás land, ða synd hátene Blecinga ég, and Meore, and Eowland, and Gotland, on bæcbord we had, on oar left, those lands which are called Blekingey, and Meore, and Oeland, and Gothland, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 22, 1.
eówocig, eówcig; adj. Of or belonging to a ewe; ad ŏvem fēmĭnam pertĭnens :-- Mid eówocigre wulle with ewe's wool, L. M. 1, 3; Lchdm. ii. 43, 25.
eówod, e; f. A flock, herd; grex, Homl. Th. ii. 514, 23. v. n. and f. in eówode.
eówode, es; n: eówod, e; f. A flock, herd; grex :-- Neuter, He gebrohte híg swylce eówode on wéstene perduxit eos tamquam grĕgem in deserto. Ps. Lamb. 77, 52. Feminine, He nýtenum lǽcedðm forgeaf, ahredde fram wódnysse, and hét faran aweg to ðære eówode ðe hí ofadwelodon he gave medicine to animals, saved them from madness, and bade them go away to the herd from which they had strayed, Homl. Th. ii. 514, 21-23. v. eówde.
eówo-humele, an; f. The female hop-plant; humŭlus fēmĭna :-- Genim eówohumelan take the female hop-plant, L. M. 3, 61; Lchdm. ii. 344, 8.
eówre your, Deut. 32, 11; acc. of eówer.
EÓWU; gen. eówe; pl. nom. acc. eówa; gen. eówena; dat. eówenum; f; ewe, an; f. A EWE, female sheep; ŏvis fēmĭna :-- Ewes were milked by the Anglo-Saxons. The milk was used for domestic purposes: butter and cheese were made from it; for Ælfric teaches the shepherd [sceáp-hyrde] to say, 'On fórewerdne morgen ic drífe sceáp míne to heora lease, and ic agénlǽde híg to heora loca, and melke híg tweówa on dæg, and cýse and buteran ic dó in prīmo māne mĭno ŏves meas ad pascua, et rĕdūco eas ad caulas, et mulgeo eas bis in die, et caseum et butyrum făcio,' UNCERTAIN Coll. Monast. Th. 20, 11-19. Twáhund eówena, and twentig rammena two hundred ewes, and twenty rams, Gen. 32, 14. Eówu biþ, mid hire geonge sceápe, scilling weorþ a ewe, with her young sheep, shall be worth a shilling, L. In. 55; Th. i. 138, 7, MS. B. Be eówe weorþe of a ewe's worth; de ŏvis prĕtio, L. In. 55; Th. i. 138, 6, note 11, MS. B. Wyl on eówe meolce hindhioloðan boil water agrimony in ewe's milk, L. M. 1, 70; Lchdm. ii. 144, 22. v. ram, the m. of eowu. [Plat. ouwe, ouw a female sheep : Frs. eij, ei, n. ŏvis fēmĭna: Dut. ooi, f. a ewe-lamb: Ger. Swiss Dial. au, auw, ow, f. a female sheep: M. H. Ger. owe, f. a female sheep: O. H. Ger. awi, owi, au, f. ovĭcŭla, agna: Goth. in the words aweþi, n. a herd of sheep; awistr, n. a sheepfold: Lat. ŏvis, f: Grk. GREEK, m. f. a sheep; Lith. awis. f. a sheep: Sansk, avi, m. f. a sheep.]
eówunga; adv. Openly; pălam, Mk. Rush. War. 8, 32. v. eáwunga.
epegitsung, e; f. Avarice, covetousness; avārĭtia, Ps. Spl. T. 118, 36.
epiphania = GREEK the Epiphany, the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles. v. twelfta dæg.
epistol, e; f. A letter; ĕpistŏla :-- Eall heora gewinn awacnedon ǽrest fram Alexandres epistole all their wars arose first from a letter of Alexander, Ors. 3, 11; Bos. 72, 20. [Ger. epistel, f; M. H. Ger. epistole, f: O. H. Ger. epistula, f: Goth. aipistaule, f: Lat. ĕpistŏla, f; Grk. GREEK f.] v. pistol.
epl, eppl an apple, Ps. Spl. 78, 1. v. æppel.
epse an asp-tree, Som. Ben. Lye. v. æps.
ér ere, before. Th. Diplm. A. D. 830; 465, 30. v. ǽr.
éran a shrill sound, the ears; tinnulus, aures, Som. Ben. Lye. v. eáre.
er-bleadd, es; n. [er = ear an ear of corn, bleadd = blæd a blade, leaf] A stalk, stem, blade, haulm, straw, stubble; stĭpŭla :-- Dú asendest yrre ðín and hit æt hí swá swá erbleadd mīsisti īram tuam, quæ devŏrābit eos sīcut stĭpŭlam, Cant. Moys. Ex. 15, 8; Thw. 29, 8.
erc an ark, a chest :-- Ere gehálgunge ðínre area sanctifĭcatiōnis tuæ, Ps. Surt. 131, 8: Lk. Rush. War. 17, 27. v. earc II.
erce-biscop an archbishop, Bd. 2, 20; S. 521, 42. v. arce-bisceop.
erce-diácon an archdeacon; archidiāconus, Wrt. Voc. 71, 80: Homl. Th. i. 416, 29: 418, 16. v. arce-diácon.
erce-hád, es; m. Archhood, an archbishop's pall, his dignity, of which the pall was a sign; pallium :-- Ðæt his æftergengan symle ðone pallium and ðone ercehád æt ðam apostolícan setle Rómániscre gelaðunge feccan sceoldon that his successors should always fetch the pall and the archiepiscopal dignity from the apostolic seat of the Roman church, Homl. Th. ii. 132, 10.
Ercol, es; m: Erculus, i; m. Lat. Hercules; Hercules :-- Hý Ercol ðǽr gebrohte Hercules brought them there, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 68, 6. Erculus wæs Iobes sunu Hercules was the son of Jove, Bt. 39, 4; Fox 216, 23.
-ere, -er, es; m. as the termination of many nouns, signifies a person or agent, v. fulwer and fullere a fuller, bleacher, Mk. Bos. 9, 3: from wer a man; plegere a player; sǽdere a sower; wrítere a writer.
erede ploughed, eared, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 20, 31; p. of erian.
eregende ploughing, Lk. Bos. 17, 7, = erigende; part. of erian, erigan.
éren; adj. Brazen; æreus. Ps. Spl. T. 17, 36: 106, 16. v. ǽren.
érest first; imprīmis, C. R. Ben. 4. v. ǽrest.
eretic; adj. Heretical; hærĕtĭcus. Bd. 4, 13, Lye.
erfe, es; u. An inheritance; hērēdĭtas :-- Freólsgefa áge his erfe let the freedom-giver have his heritage, L. Win. 8; Th. i. 38, 16. v. yrfe.
erfe-gewrit, es; n. A charter of donation; dōnatiōnis charta, Heming. p. 120, Lye.
erfeðe; adj. Difficult, troublesome; diffĭcĭlis, mŏlestus :-- For hwon erfeðo sindon gé ðæm wífe quid mŏlesti estis mŭlieri? Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 26, 10. v. earfeðe.
erfe-weard, es; m. An heir; hēres :-- Ðú eart erfeweard ealra þeóda tu hērēdĭtābis in omnĭbus gentĭbus, Ps. Th. 81, 8. Forleórt he ðæs hwílewendlícan ríces erfeweardas his suna þrié tres fīlios suos regni tempŏrālis hērēdes relīquit, Bd. 2, 5; Whelc. 121, 41. v. yrfe-weard.
erfe-weardnis, -niss, e; f. An inheritance; hērēdĭtas :-- Erfeweardnis mín hērēdĭtas mea, Rtl. 3, 34. v. yrfe-weardnes.
ergende ploughing, Chr. 876; Th. 144, 32, col. 1, = erigende; part. of erian, erigan.
erhe, erhlíce fearfully, R. Ben. Interl. 5. v. earh-líce.
ERIAN, erigan, erigean, to erianne, eríganne, erigenne; part, erigende; p. ede; pp. ed; v. a. To plough, EAR; iărāre :-- For cíele nele se sláwa erian [erigan MS. Cot.] propter frīgus pĭger ărāre nonvult, Past. 39, 2; Hat. MS. 53a, 14, 15. Nylle erigean [erian MS. Cot.] nonvult ărāre, 39, 2; Hat. MS. 53a, 18. Míne æceras ic erige mei agros ăro, Ælfc. Gr. 15; Som. 19, 44. Ðú erast thou ploughest, Homl. Th. i. 488, 84. Ðǽr yrþling ne eraþ where husbandman ploughs not, i. 464, 25. Ðæt lytle ðæt he erede, he erede mid horsan the little that he ploughed, he ploughed with horses. Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 20, 31. Era mid ðínum oxan plough with thine ox. Prov. Kmbl. 67. Hit is tíma to erigenne [eriganne MS. D.] tempus est ărandi, Ælfc. Gr. 24; Som. 25, 17. Me is to erigenne [erianne MS. D.] ărandum esi mĭhi, 24; Som. 25, 19. Hæfst ðú æceras to erigenne [eriganne MS. D.] hăbes agros ad ărandum? 24; Som. 25, 20. Erigende ic geþeó ărando prōfĭcio, 24; Som. 25, 18. Hwylc eówer hæfþ eregendne þeów quis vestrum hăbet servum ărantem? Lk. Bos. 17, 7. Ergende ploughing, Chr. 876; Th. 144, 32, col. 1. [Wyc. ere, eren, eeren to plough: Piers P. erien, erie, erye: Chauc. ere: Laym. ærien: O. Frs. era: Out. Kil. erien, eren, eeren, æren: Ger. ären, eren: M. H. Ger. ern: O. H. Ger. aran, erran ărāre: Goth. aryan to plough: Swed. ärja: Icel. erja: Lat. ărāre : Grk. GREEK to plough, till.] DER. ge-erian, on-.
ering-lond, es; u. Arable land; arvum, Cod. Dipl. 1339; Kmbl. vi. 200, 7.
eriung, e; f. A ploughing, earing; ărātio, Ælfc. Gl. 1; Som. 55, 3; Wrt. Voc. 15, 3.
erk, e; f. The ark; arca :-- Noe on erke eóde. Noe in arcam intrāvit, Lk. Skt. C. C. 17, 27. v. arc.
Ermanríc, es; m. The celebrated king of the Ostro-Goths or East-Goths, v. Eormanríc.
erming, es; m. A miserable or wretched being; mĭser :-- Ðæt is sió án frófer erminga æfter ðám ermþum ðisses lífes that is the only comfort of the wretched after the calamities of this life, Bt. 34, 8; Fox 144, 29. v. earming.
Erming-strǽt, e; f. [here-man-strǽt via strāta mīlĭtāris, Som.] Erming-street. One of the four great Roman roads in Britain, Som. Lye. v. Wætlinga-strǽt.
ermþra. e; f. Misery, calamity; mĭsĕria :-- Cwom ofer eorþan ermþu misery came upon the earth, Ps. Th. 104, 14: Exon. 11b; Th. 17, 17; Cri. 271: Andr. Kmbl. 2325; An. 1164: Bt. Met. Fox 16, 15; Met. 16, 8. Æfter ermþum after calamities, Bt. 34, 8; Fox 144, 30: Elen. Kmbl. 1533; El. 768. v. yrmþu.
ern a place, Som. Ben. Lye. v. ærn.
ern, es; m. An eagle; ăquĭla, Lye. v. earn.
-ern; def. m. -erna; f. n. -erne; an adjective termination from ærn, ern a place, denoting, as -ern in English, Towards a place :-- Godrum se Norþerna cyning forþférde Godrum, the Northern king, died. Chr. 890; Th. 160, 1. He forþbrohte Súþerne wynd transtŭlit austrum, Ps. Spl. 77, 30. Fram deófle Súþernum a dæmŏnio mĕrīdiāno, Ps. Spl. 90, 6. Betwux eallum Eásternum inter omnes orientāles, Job Thw. 164, 7. Þurh ðone smyltan Súþan Westernan wind through the mild Southwestern wind. Bt. 4; Fox 8, 8.
ernþ, e; f. Standing corn, the crop; sĕges :-- Hi swá swá rípe ernþ fortreddon hí ealle they trod them all down like ripe corn, Bd. 1, 12; S. 480, 35, note. DER. earnian.
érra the former, Som. Ben. Lye. = ǽrra; comp. of ǽr.
ersc, es; n. A park, preserve; vīvārium, Ben. Lye. v. edisc.
ersc-hen, ærsc-hen, -hæn, -henn, e; f. A quail; cŏturnix, perdix :-- Erschen cŏturnix, Wrt. Voc. 77, 36. Hi bǽdon and com erschen pétiērunt et vēnit cŏturnix, Ps. Spl. M. C. 104, 38. Erschæn cŏturnix. Wrt. Voc. 63, 22. Drihten gesende swá micel fugolcyn on hira wícstówe swilce erschenna, ðæt is on Lýden cŏturnix ascendens cŏturnix co-opĕruit castra. Ex. 16, 13. v. edisc-hen.
-es is the termination of the genitive case singular, in the greater part of Anglo-Saxon nouns. -- Cyninges botl a king's palace. -- Abrahames God Abraham's God. In English e is omitted, but its place is denoted by an apostrophe.
-es is the termination of adverbs in many cases where the noun is not so formed; as nihtes by night, nightly; nédes of necessity, necessarily.
Esau; gen. Esawes [Esaues]; dat. Esawe; m. [Esau HEBREW hairy, from HEBREW to be hairy] Esau :-- Sóþlíce Iacob sende bodan to Esawe his bréðer mīsīt autem Jacob nuntios ad Esau fratrem suum, Gen. 32, 3. Esau, 32, 8: 33, 4, 8, 15, 16. Alīse me of Esawes handa mínes bróður ērue me de mănu fratris mei Esau, 32, 11. Ða handa synd Esaues handa the hands are the hands of Esau, 27, 22. Esauwe to Esaa, 32, 18. Esau, 32, 17, acc. Esauw, 33, 1, acc.
Escan ceaster Exeter; Exonia, Chr. 876, 877; Erl. 78, 13, 16. v. Exan ceaster.
Esces dún Ashdown :-- In Esces dúne at Ashdown, Cod. Dipl. 998; Kmbl. v. 41, 15. v. Æsces dún.
esl, e; f. A shoulder; hŭmĕrus :-- He on esle ahóf he raised [him] on his shoulder, Cd. 228; Th. 307, 18; Sat. 681. v. eaxel.
ESNE, es; m. A man of the servile class, a servant, retainer, man, youth; mercēnārius, servus, vir, jŭvĕnis. The esne was probably a poor freeman from whom a certain portion of labour could be demanded in consideration of his holdings, or a certain rene [gafol, q. v.] reserved out of the produce of the hives, flocks or herds committed to his care. He was a poor mercenary, serving for hire, or for his land, but was not of so low a rank as the þeów or wealh :-- Ánan esne gebýreþ to metsunge xii púnd gódes cornes, and ii scípæteras and i gód mete-cú, wudurǽden be landsíde ūni æsno, id est, inŏpi, contingent ad victum xii pondia bŏnæ annōnæ, et duo scæpeteras, id est, ŏvium corpŏra, et una bona convictuālis vacca, et sartícāre juxta sĭtum terræ, L. R. S. 8; Th. i. 436, 26-28. Gif man mid esnes cwynan geligeþ, be cwicum ceorle, ii gebéte if a man lie with an 'esne's' wife, her husband still living, let him make twofold amends, L. Ethb. 85; Th. i. 24, 9. Gif man mannes esne gebindeþ, vi scillinga gebéte if a man bind [another] man's esne, let him make amends with six shillings, 88; Th. i. 24, 15. Gif esne ofet dryhtnes hǽse þeów-weorc wyrce an Sunnan ǽfen, efter hire setlgange, óþ Mónan ǽfenes setlgang, lxxx scillinga se dryhtne gebéte. Gif esne déþ, his ráde, ðæs dæges, vi se wið dryhten gebéte, oððe sine hýd if an esne do servile labour, contrary to his lord's command, from sunset on Sunday-eve till sunset on Monday-eve [that is, from sunset on Saturday till sunset on Sunday], let him make amends to his lord with eighty shillings. If an esne do [servile work] of his own accord on that day [Sunday], let him make amends to his lord with six shillings, or his hide, L. Win. 9, 10; Th. i. 38, 18-22. Ic eom ðín ágen esne, Dryhten O Dŏmĭne, ĕgo sum servus tuus, Ps. Th. 115, 6: Gen. 24, 61, 66: Exon. 112a, 112b; Th. 430, 9, 17, 31; Rä. 44, 5, 9, 17. On ðínes esnes gebéd in orātiōnem servi tut, Ps. Th. 79, 5. Ic Dauide, dýrum esne, on áþsware ǽr benemde jūrāvi David servo meo, Ps. Th. 88, 3. He him Dauid geceás, deórne esne ēlēgit David servum suum, 77, 69. Wæs se ofen onhǽted, hine esnas mænige wurpon wudu on innan the oven was heated, many servants cast wood into it, Cd. 186; Th. 231, 9; Dan. 244: Ps. Th. 68, 37. Twá hund-teontig and fíftig ðara monna esna and mennena he gefullode servos et ancillas dŭcentos quinquāginta baptīzāvit, Bd. 4, 13; S. 583, 20: Ps. Th. 78, 11. Án esne of Leuies híwrǽdene vir de dŏmo ievi, Ex. 2, 1: 11, 2. Se hwata esne the brave man, Bt. 40, 3; Fox 238, 10. Penda, se fromesta esne Penda, vir strēnuissĭmus, Bd. 2, 20; S. 521, 8. Ealle we synd ánes esnes suna omnes fīlli ūnīus vĭri sŭmus, Gen. 42, 11, 13. Uton agifan ðæm esne his wíf let us give to the man his wife, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 170, 7. [O. H. Ger. asni, m. mercēnārius: Goth. asneis, m. a hireling.] DER. fyrd-esne.
esne-wyrhta, an; m. A hireling, mercenary; mercēnārius :-- Esne-wyrhta mercēnārius, Greg. Dial. 2, - 3. Eallum frióum monnum ðás dagas sién forgifene bútan þeówum mannum and esnewyrhtum to all freemen let these days be given, but not to slaves and hirelings, L. Alf. pol. 43; Th. i. 92, 3.
esn-líce; adv. Manfully, valiantly; vĭrīlĭter :-- Onginnaþ esnlíce and beóþ staðulfæste vĭrīlĭter ăgĭte et confortāmĭni, Deut. 31, 6. Hwæt dó gé, bróður, dóþ esnlíce what ye do, brother, do manfully. Past. 47; Hat. MS. Hopa nú to Drihtne, and dó esnlíce expecta Dŏmĭnum, et vĭrīlĭter ăge, Ps. Th. 26, 16: 30, 28.
ESOL, esul, es; m. An ass; ăsĭnus :-- His estfulnesse wiðteáh se esol ðe he onuppan sæt the ass. upon which he [Balaam] sat, opposed his zeal, Past. 36, 7; Cot. MS. Gif ðǽr befeólle on oððe oxa oððe esol if an ox or an ass fell into it, Past. 63; Hat. MS. Ongan ðá his esolas bǽtan began then to bridle [bit] his asses, Cd. 138; Th. 173, 25; Gen. 2866. [O. Sax. esil, m: Dut. ezel, m; Ger. M.H. Ger. esel, m: O.H. Ger. esil, m: Goth. asilus, m: Slav, osilu.] v. assa, asse.
essian; p. ode; pp. od To waste, consume; tābescĕre :-- Essian me dyde æfþanca mín tābescĕre me fēcit zēlus meus. Ps. Spl. M. 118, 139.
ÉST, es; m: ést, e; f. I. will, consent, grace, favour, liberality, munificence, bounty; bĕnĕplăcĭtum, consensus, grātia, bĕnĕvŏlentia, mŭnĭfĭcentia :-- Ofer míne ést against my will, Andr. Kmbl. 2438; An. 1217. Ofer ést Godes against God's consent. Exon. 61 b; Th. 226, 10; Ph. 403. Þurh ést Godes through grace of God, 44b; Th. 151, 21; Gú. 798: Elen. Kmbl. 1968; El. 986. Hie on þanc curon æðelinges ést they accepted thankfully the chieftain's bounty. Cd. 112; Th. 147, 21; Gen. 2443. He gearwor hæfde ágendes ést ǽr gesceáwod he had previously more fully experienced the owner's favour, Beo. Th. 6142; B. 3075: Andr. Kmbl. 965; An. 483. II. delicacies; dēlĭciæ :-- Ðá ðe synd on éstum qui sunt in dēlĭciis, Lk. Bos. 7, 25. Éstas dēlĭciæ, Ælfc. Gr. 13; Som. 16, 16. Cyninga wist vel éstas dăpes, Ælfc. Gl. 65; Som. 69, 56; Wrt. Voc. 41, 13. [Orm. esstess, pl. dainties: O. Sax. anst, f. favour, grace: O. Frs. enst, est favour: Ger. gunst, f. favour: M.H. Ger. O.H. Ger. anst, f grātia: Goth. ansts, f. favour: Dan. yndest, m. f: Swed. ynnest, m. favour: Icel. ást. f. love, affection.]
-est, the termination of the superlative degree, perhaps from ést abundance.
éstan from the east, easterly, Exon. 57 a; Th. 204, 8; Ph. 94. v. eástan; adv.
éste; adj. Gracious, bountiful; bĕnignus :-- Ðæt he him ealra wæs ára éste that he was bountiful to him in all gifts, Cd. 74; Th. 91, 8; Gen. 1509. Ðæt hyre eald Metod éste wǽre bearngebyrdo that the Lord of old was gracious to her in her child-bearing, Beo Th. 1895; B. 945.
Éste, Éstas; nom. acc: gen. Ésta; dat. éstum; pl. m. The Esthonians or Osterlings are a Finnish race, -- the Éstas of Wulfstan and the Osterlings of the present day. They dwelt on the shores of the Baltic on the east of the Vistula :-- Ðæt Witland belimpeþ to Éstum Witland belongs to the Esthonians, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 22, 5. Ne biþ nǽnig ealo gebrowen mid Éstum, ac ðǽr biþ medo genóh no ale is brewed by the Esthonians, but there is mead enough. Bos. 22, 17, 19: 23, 3.
éste-líce, ést-líce; adv. Kindly, gladly, delicately, daintily; bĕnigne, libenter, delĭcāte :-- Éstelíce bĕnigne, Ps. Spl. T. 50, 19: R. Ben. 71. Éstelíce delĭcāte, Scint. 27: Prov. 29. We ðé éstlíce mid us willaþ ferigan we will gladly convey thee with us, Andr. Kmbl. 583; An. 292.
éster easter, Som. Ben. Lye. v. eáster.
ést-ful; adj. [ést bounty] Full of kindness, devoted to, ready to serve; dēvōtus, vōtivus, offĭciōsus :-- Éstful dēvōtus, Greg. Dial. 1, 3, 11. Éstful vel gehýrsum offĭciōsus; éstful vōtivus, Ælfc. Gl. 115; Som. 80, 54, 56; Wrt. Voc. 61, 32, 34.
éstful-líce; adv. Kindly, devotedly; dēvōte, Greg. Dial. 2, 16.
éstfulnes, -ness, e; f. Fulness of liberality, devotion, zeal; dēvōtio :-- Hí leorniaþ mid fulre éstfulnesse ða sóðan gód to sécanne they learn to seek the true good with full devotion, Past. 58, 1; Hat. MS. His éstfulnesse wiðteáh se esol ðe he onuppan sæt the ass, on which he [Balaam] sat, opposed his zeal, Past. 36, 7; Cot. MS.
éstig; adj. Gracious, bounteous; bĕnignus :-- Duguþa éstig bounteous in benefits, Exon. 95 b; Th. 356, 23; Pa. 16.
éstines, -ness, e; f. Benignity, kindness, bounteousness; bĕnignĭtas :-- Drihten selþ éstinesse Dŏmĭnus dăbit bĕnignĭtātem. Ps. Spl. T. 84, 13: 64, 12.
ést-land, es; n. East-land, east country, the east; terra ŏrientālis, Som. Ben. Lye. v. East-land.
ést-líce; adv. Gladly; lĭbenter, bĕnigne :-- We ðé éstlíce mid us willaþ ferigan we will gladly convey thee with us, Andr. Kmbl. 583; An. 292. v. éste-líce.
Ést-mere, es; m. [ést = eást east, mere a lake] The Frische Haff, or fresh water lake which is on the north of east Prussia. Hav or Haf signifies a sea, in Danish and Swedish. It is written Haff in German, and it is now used to denote all the lakes connected with the rivers on the coast of Prussia and Pomerania. The Frische Haff is about sixty miles long, and from six to fifteen broad. It is separated by a cham of sand banks from the Baltic Sea, with which, at the present time, it communicates by one strait called the Gat. This strait is on the north-east of the Haff, near the fortress of Pillau, Malte Brunts Univ. Geog. vol. vii. p. 14. This Gat, as Dr. Bell informs me, 'seems to have been formed, and to be kept open by the superior force of the Pregel stream.' This gentleman has a perfect knowledge of the Frische Haff and the neighbourhood, as he received his early education in the vicinity, and matriculated at the University of Königsberg, near the west end of the Haff. I am indebted to Dr. Bell for the map of the celebrated German Historian, Professor Voigt, adapted to his 'Geschichte Preussens von den ältesten Zeiten, 9 vols. 8vo, Königsberg, 1827-1839.' In this map there are four openings from the Frische Haff to the Baltic. 'It is certain,' says Malte Brun, 'that in 1394 the mouth of one strait was situated at Lochsett, six or eight miles north of the fortress of Pillau.' Voigt's map gives the year 1311. Id. vol. vii. p. 15. The next is the Gat of Pillau, at present the only opening to the Baltic, with the date 1510. The third Gat, marked in the map with the date 1456, is about ten or twelve miles south-west of Pillau; and the fourth, without any date, is much nearer the west end of the Frische Haff :-- Seó Wisle líþ út of Weonodlande, and líþ in Éstmere; and se Éstmere is húru fíftene míla brád. Ðonne cymeþ Ilfing eástan in Éstmere of ðæm mere, ðe Truso standeþ in staðe the Vistula flows out of Weonodland and runs into the Frische Haf [Estmere]; and the Frische Haff is, at least, fifteen miles broad. Then the Elbing comes from the east into the Frische Haff, out of the lake [Drausen] on the shore of which Truso stands, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 22, 5-8.
ést-mete, es; m. Delicate meat, dainties, luxuries; delĭcātus cĭbus, daps, dēlĭciæ :-- Ðeós sand oððe éstmete hæc daps, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 54; Som. 13, 20. Seó wuduwe ðe lyfaþ on éstmettum. heó ne lyfaþ ná, ac heó is deád. Ðeós Anna, ðe we embe sprecaþ, ne lufude heó ná éstmettas, ac lufude fæstenu the widow who liveth in luxuries, she liveth not, but she is dead. This Anna, of whom we speak, loved not luxuries, but loved fasts, Homl. Th. i. 146, 34-148, 1.
-estre, -istre, -ystre, an; f. are the feminine terminations of nouns of action, same as the Latin -ix and English -ess; as Fiðelestre a female fiddler. Wrt. Voc. 73, 62: hleápestre a female dancer, 73, 71: lǽrestre an instructress: myltestre meretrix vel scortum, Wrt. Voc. 86, 72: rǽdistre a female reader, Wrt. Voc. 72, 7: sangestre [MS. sangystre] a songstress, Wrt. Voc. 72, 5: seámestre a seamstress, 74, 13.
éstum; adv. [dat. or inst. pl. of ést, q.v.] Willingly, gladly, kindly, bounteously; lĭbenter, bĕnigne, mūnĭfĭcenter :-- He Freán hýrde éstum he obeyed the Lord willingly, Cd. 92; Th. 117, 11; Gen. 1952: Ps. Th. 140, 3. Him wæs wunden gold éstum ge-eáwed twisted gold was kindly offered to him. Beo. Th. 2392; B. 1194. Ic Ismael éstum wille bletsian . I will bless Ishmael bounteously, Cd. 107; Th. 142, 4; Gen. 2356.
esul an ass, Som. Ben. Lye. v. esol.
esul-cweorn, e; f. A mill-stone turned by an ass; mŏla asĭnāria, Cot. 16.
é-swíc, e; f. Disgrace, offence; scandălum :-- Nis in him éswíc non est in illis scandălum, Ps. Surt. 118, 165. In éswíc in scandălum, 68, 23. v. ǽ-swíc.
é-swíca, an; m. A hypocrite, heathen; hypocrĭta, ethnĭcus :-- Ðú éswíca hypocrĭta, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 7, 5. Éswíca ethnĭcus, 18, 17. v. ǽ-swíca.
ETAN, to etanne; part. etende; ic ete, ðú etest, etst, itst, ytst, ætst, he, heó, hit, yt, ytt, et, ett, eteþ, ieteþ, iteþ, yteþ, pl. etaþ; p. ic, he æt, ðú ǽte, pl. ǽton; subj. indef. ic ete, æte, pl. eten; p. ǽte, pl. ǽten; pp. eten; v.a. To EAT, consume, devour; ĕdĕre, cŏmĕdĕre, mandūcāre, vescĕre :-- Ðú scealt greót etan thou shalt eat dust [grit], Cd. 43; Th. 56, 9; Gen. 909: 43; Th. 57, 28; Gen. 935. Seó leó bringþ hungregum hwelpum hwæt to etanne the lioness brings to hungry whelps somewhat to eat, Ors. 3, 11; Bos. 71, 38. Rýnde him manna [mete] to etanne pluit illis manna ad mandūcandum, Ps. Spl. 77, 28. Ðæt treów wæs gód to etanne quod bŏnum esset lignum vescendum. Gen. 3, 6. Etende eating, Ps. Th. 105, 17. Ic ete ĕdo, ðú etst [ytst MS. D.] es, he et [ett MS. C; ytt D.] est; we etaþ ĕdĭmus, gé etaþ ĕdiĭtis, hí etaþ ĕdunt, Ælfc. Gr. 32; Som. 36, 18, 19. ÐÚ itst oððe drincst thou eatest or drinkest, Bt. 14, 1; Fox 42, 14. Ðú ytst wyrta thou shalt eat herbs, Gen. 3, 18. ÐÚ ætst thou shalt eat; cŏmĕdes, Gen. 3, 17. Ðe ytt hláf qui mandūcat pánem, Jn. Bos. 13, 18. Se tó seldan ieteþ he too seldom eats, Exon. 90 b; Th. 340, 16; Gn. Ex. 112. Ne wiht iteþ nor eats a thing [creature], 114 b; Th. 439, 28; Rä. 59, 10. Gé etaþ ye eat, Gen. 3, 5. Ðú- ǽte of ðam treówe thou hast eaten of the tree; cŏmēdisti de ligno. Gen. 3, 17. He æt ða offring-hláfas pānes prōpŏsĭtiōnis cŏmēdit, Mt. Bos. 12, 4. He æt he ate, Gen. 3, 6. Fuglas ǽton ða vŏlucres cŏmēdērunt ea, Mt. Bos. 13, 4. Ðeáh ðe gé of ðam treówe eten [MS. eton] though ye should eat of the tree, Gen. 3, 4. Ðæt gé ne ǽton ut non cŏmĕdĕrētis, 3, 1. 3, [Tynd. eat: Wyc. Chauc. ete: Piers P. eten, ete: R. Glouc. ete: Laym. æten, eten: Orm. etenn: Northumb. eta: Plat. eten: O. Sax. etán: Frs. ytten: O. Frs. eta, ita: Dut. eten: Ger. essen: M.H. Ger. ëzzen: O.H. Ger. ezan, ezzan: Goth. itan; p. at, etum; pp. itans: Dan. äde: Swed. äta: Icel. eta: Lat. ĕd-o: Grk. GREEK Sansk, ad to eat.] DER. fretan [= for-etan], ge-etan, of-, ofer-, þurh-, under-.
ete-lond, es; n. Pasture land; pascua terra :-- Ǽgðer ge etelond ge yrþlond [MS. eyrðlond] both pasture land and arable land, Cod. Dipl. 299; A.D. 869; Kmbl. ii. 95, 14.
eten, es; m. A giant; gĭgas, Ps. Spl. T. 32, 16: 18, 6. v. ent.
eten = eton should eat, Gen. 3, 4; subj. of etan.
etere, es; m. An EATER, a consumer, devourer; vŏrax :-- Etere vŏrax, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 11. 19. Eteras commessātōres. Prov. 18.
etest shalt eat; cŏmĕdes, Ps. Th. 127, 2; 2 nd fut. of etan.
et-felgan; p. -fealh, pl. -fulgon; pp. -folgen To cleave or stick to, adhere; adhærére :-- Ná etfilgþ me heorte þweor a wicked heart cleaves not to me, Ps. Spl. T. 100, 4. v. æt-felgan.
éþ; adv. More easily :-- Ðæt ic ðý éþ mǽge ðæt sóþe leóht on ðé gebringan that I may the more easily bring upon thee the true light, Bt. 5, 3; Fox 14, 20: 19; Fox 70, 3. Ðú meaht éþ gecnáwan thou mightest more easily know, Bt. Met. Fox 12, 43; Met. 12, 22: 10, 75; Met. 10, 38. v. eáþ; adv.
éþ, e; f. A wave; unda:-- Éþ unda, Ælfc. Gl. 98; Som. 76, 79; Wrt. Voc. 54, 23. v. ýþ.
éðan; p. de; pp. ed To overflow, lay waste; vastāre:-- Ðá eác éðan gefrægn eald-feónda cyn win-burh wera then also I heard that the tribe of ancient foes laid waste the people's beloved city, Cd. 174; Th. 219, 19; Dan. 57. v. ýðan.
Eðan-dún, e; f. [Hunt. Edendune: Matt. West. Ethendune] EDDINGTON. near Westbury, Wiltshire; lŏci nōmen in agro Wiltonensi:-- He fór to Eðandúne he went to Eddington, Chr. 878; Erl. 81, 12.
éþ-begete; adj. Easily got, got ready, prepared; făcĭlis adeptu, părātus:-- Ðá wæs grim andswaru éþbegete there was a fierce answer ready, Beo. Th. 5714; B. 2861. v. eáþ-gete.
eð-cwide, eþ-cwiðe a rehearsal, Som. Ben. Lye. v. ed-cwide.
éðe; adj. [éðan to lay waste] Laid waste, desert, desolate; vastātus:-- Ðæt he geheólde éðne éðel that he might hold the desert land, Cd. 175; Th. 220, 28; Dan. 78.
eðe; comp. éðre; sup. éðost; adj. Easy, ready, mild, soft; făcĭlis, mītis:-- Ne wæs ðæt éðe síþ that was no easy enterprise, Beo. Th. 5166; B. 2586. Eall ðú ðín yrre éðre gedydest mĭtĭgasti omnem ĭram tuam, Ps. Th. 84, 3: Mk. Bos. 2, 9: Elen. Kmbl. 2586; El. 1294. v. eáðe; adj.
éðe; sup. éðest; adv. Easily; făcĭlĭter, Hy. I. 6; Hy. Grn. ii. 280, 6. v. eáðe; adv.
ÉÐEL, æðel, ǽðel; gen. éðles; dat. éðle, éðele; m. n. I. one's own residence or property, inheritance, country, realm, land, dwelling, home; prædium ăvītum, fundus heredĭtārius, patria, terra, sēdes, domĭcĭlium, tabernācŭlum:-- Ðis is mín ágen cýþ, eard and éðel this is my own country, dwelling and home, Bt. Met. Fox 24, 99; Met. 24, 50. Hér sceal mín wesan eorþlíc éðel here shall be my earthly country, Exon. 36 a; Th. 117, 30; Gú. 232. Ic ealne geondhwearf éðel Gotena I traversed all the country of the Goths, 86 b; Th. 325, 10; Wíd. 109. Nán wítega nis andfenge on his éðele nēmo prophēta acceptus est in patria sua, Lk. Bos. 4, 24. Se éðel úþgenge wearþ Adame and Éuan the country became alien to Adam and Eve, Exon. 45 a; Th. 153, 11; Gú. 824: Th. 152, 29; Gú. 816. Onfóþ mínes Fæder ríce, beorht éþles wlite receive my Father's realm, the land's bright beauty, 27 b; Th. 82, 32; Cri. 1347. Ic ferde to foldan ufan from éþle I went to earth from the realm above, Cd. 224; Th. 296, 2; Sat. 496. Engla éðel the dwelling of angels, Andr. Kmbl. 1049; An. 525. Hæleða éðel the dwelling of heroes, 41; An. 21. Ðæt he síþ tuge eft to éþle that he would go his way again home, Exon. 37b; Th. 123, 21; Gú. 326: 36b; Th. 119, l; Gú. 248. Éþles neósan to visit their home, Andr. Kmbl. 1660; An. 832: 32; An. 16. On heora éðele in tabernācŭlis eōrum, Ps. Th. 68, 26. 2. the following three examples are neuter:-- Ðæt earme éðel mĭsĕra patria, Bd. I, 12; S. 480, 37. He wolde eft ðæt éðel sécan his hwílendlícan ríces tempŏrālis sui regni sēdem repĕtiit, 3, 22; S. 552, 33. His ríces éðel ðæt he hæfde sĕdem regni quam tĕnuit, 4, I; S. 563, 14. II. the Anglo-Saxon Rune RUNE = œá, the name of which letter in Anglo-Saxon is œáðel, ǽðel, éðel one's native country, -- hence, this Rune not only stands for the letters œá, but for œáeth;el = é ðel one's native country, as, -- RUNE [éðel] byþ oferleóf ǽghwylcum men a native country is over-dear to every man, Hick. Thes. i. 135, 45: Runic pm. 23; Kmbl. 344, 3: Beo. Th. 1045; B. 520: 1830; B. 913. [O. Sax. óeth;il, m. domĭcĭlium, patria, prædium avītum: O. Frs. éthel, m: O. H. Ger. uodal, n. prædium: Icel. óðal, n. fundus avītus.] DER. fæder-éðel.
éðel-boda, an; m. A native preacher, the apostle of a country; indĭgĕnus prædĭcātor, patriæ apostólus:-- He éðelbodan wiste he knew the native preacher, Exon. 47 a; Th. 162, 15; Gu. 976.
eðel-boren; adj. Noble-born; nōbĭlis natu, Prov. 31. v. æðel-boren.
éðel-cyning, es; m. A country's king, king of the land; patriæ vel terræ rex:-- Eall ǽr-gestreón éðelcyninga all ancient treasure of the kings of the land [earth], Exon. 22 b; Th. 62, 6; Cri. 997.
éðel-dreám, es; m. Domestic pleasure, joy from one's country; domestĭcum gaudium, patriæ gaudium:-- He heóld á éðeldreámas he ever possessed domestic joys, Cd. 78; Th. 97, 4; Gen. 1607.
eðele; adj. Noble, famous, excellent; nōbĭlis, egrĕgius:-- Syle us on earfoðum eðelue fultum da nōbis auxĭlium de trībŭlātiōne, Ps. Th. 107, II. v. æðele.
éðel-eard, es; m. A native dwelling; patrium domĭcĭlium:-- Abraham wunode éðeleardum Abraham abode in the native dwellings, Cd. 92; Th. 116, 33; Gen. 1945.
éðel-fæsten, es; n. Land-fastness, a country's fortress; patriæ mūnīmentum:-- Ic éðelfæsten brece I break through a land-fastness, Exon. 126b; Th. 487, 3; Rä. 72, 22.
éðelíce; adv. Easily; facĭlĭter:-- Ðú eall þing birest éðelíce búton geswince thou bearest all things easily without labour, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 552; Met. 20, 276. Ðæt ðú mǽge cumon éðelícost that thou mayest most easily come, Bt. 41, 5; Fox 254, 17. v. eáðelíce.
éðelícnes, -ness, e; f. Easiness; facĭlĭtas, Cot. 82. DER. un-éðelícnes. v. eáþnes.
eðeling a noble, prince, Chr. 617; Erl. 23, 17: 972; Erl. 125, 7. v. æðeling.
Eðelinga íg the island of nobles, the island of Athelney, Som. Ben. Lye. v. Æðelinga ígg.
éðel-land, -lond, es; n. A native land, a country; patria, terra:-- Ða wæs gúþ-hergum wera éðelland geond-sended then with hostile bands was the people's native land overspread, Cd. 92; Th. 118, 20; Gen. 1968: 69; Th. 83, 14; Gen. 1379. On éðelland ðǽr Salem stód into the country where Salem stood, 174; Th. 218, 15; Dan. 39. Séceþ eádig éðellond seeks [its] happy native land, Exon. 59b; Th. 217, 12; Ph. 279: 42 a; Th. 141, 17; Gú. 628.
éðel-leás; adj. Countryless, homeless; patria vel dŏmo cărens, extorris, exul:-- Ðæt ðú éðelleásum déman wille that thou art willing to adjudge to me homeless, Andr. Kmbl. 148; An. 74- Eðel-leáse ðysne gyst-sele gihþum healdaþ [healdeþ MS.] the homeless hold this guest-hall in memory, Cd. 169; Th. 212, 3; Exod. 533.
eðel-mearc, e; f. One's country's boundary; patriæ līmes:-- Him ðá Abraham gewát of Egipta éðelmearce Abraham then departed from the Egyptians' country's boundary, Cd. 85; Th. 106, 9; Gen. 1768: 90; Th. 112, 22; Gen. 1874: 100; Th. 133, 8; Gen. 2207.
éðel-ríce, es; n. A native-realm, native-country; patrium regnum, patria:-- Ðæt ðú móste mínes éðelríces neótan that thou mightest enjoy my native realm. Exon. 29 a; Th. 89, 24; Cri. 1462: Andr. Kmbl. 239; An. 120: 864; An. 432: Salm. Kmbl. 214; Sal. 106.
éðel-riht, -rieht, es; n. A land or country's right; patrium jus:-- Wǽron orwénan éðelrihtes they were hopeless of country's right, Cd. 154; Th. 191, 8; Exod. 211. Stód seó dýgle stów ídel and æmen éðelriehte feor the secret spot stood void and desolate, far from patrial-right, Exon. 35 b; Th. 115, 10; Gú. 187. DER. eard-éðel-riht.
éðel-seld, es; n. A native seat, settlement; patria sēdes, dŏmĭcĭlium:-- Sceoldon ða rincas sécan ellor éðelseld the chieftains must seek a settlement elsewhere, Cd. 90; Th. 113, 32; Gen. 1896.
éðel-setl, es; n. A native seat, a settlement; patria sēdes, dŏmĭcĭlium:-- Him ðá eard geceás and éðelsetl chose him then a dwelling and a settlement, Cd. 91; Th. 115, 30; Gen. 1927. v. éðel-seld.
éðel-stæf, es; m. A family staff or support, stay of the house; prædii sustentācŭlum. v. éðyl-stæf.
eðel-staðol, es; m. A native settlement; patrium habĭtacūlum:-- Hú he éðelstaðolas eft gesette, swegel-torhtan seld how he might replenish the native settlements, heaven-bright seals, Cd. 5; Th. 6, 25; Gen. 94.
eðel-stól, es; m. I. a paternal-seat, native-seat, country, habitation; patria sēdes, patria, dŏmĭcĭlium:-- Eafora æfter yldrum éðel-stól heóld the son after his parents ruled the paternal-seat. Cd. 56; Th. 69, 2; Gen. 1129. He éðelstólas healdan cúðe he could hold [his] paternal-seats. Beo. Th. 4732; B. 2371. Engla éðelstól native-seat of angels, Exon. 8 b; Th. 4, 13; Cri. 52: 86b; Th. 326, 1; Wíd. 122. Ðé is éðelstól eft gerymed to thee a habitation is again assigned, Cd. 73; Th. 89, 23; Gen. 1485: 74; Th. 91, 19; Gen. 1514. II. a chief city, metropolis; urbs prīmāria, metrŏpŏlis = GREEK:-- He hét forbærnan Rómána burig, sió his ríces wæs ealles éðelstól he ordered to burn up the city of the Romans, which was the metropolis of his whole empire. Bt. Met. Fox 9, 21; Met. 9, 11.
éðel-stów, e; f. A dwelling-place; habĭtātiŏnis lŏcus:-- Ðé wíc geceós, éðelstówe choose thee a habitation, a dwelling-place, Cd. 130; Th. 164, 33; Gen. 2724: 50; Th. 64, 19; Gen. 1052.
eðel-þrym, -þrymm, es; m. One's country's dignity; dignĭtas vel glōria patriæ:-- He éðelþrym onhóf he exalted his country's dignity, Cd. 79; Th. 98, 23; Gen. 1634.
éðel-turf, éðyl-turf; gen. -turfe; dat. -tyrf; f. Native turf or soil, native country, country; patrium sŏlum, patria, terrĭtōrium:-- On mínre éðeltyrf on my native turf. Beo. Th. 824; B. 410. Ðá com leóf Gode on ða éðelturf then came the friend of God into that country, Cd. 85; Th. 106, 20; Gen. 1774: 127; Th. 162, 6; Gen. 2677: Exon. 60b; Th. 220, 17; Ph. 321.
éðel-weard, es; n. A country's guardian or ruler, a king; patriæ custos vel dŏmĭnus, rex:-- Wæs ðæt fród cyning, eald éðelweard that was a wise king, an old country's guardian, Beo. Th. 4426; B. 2210. Giímonna gestrión sealdon unwillum éðelweardas the wealth of men of old their country's guardians unwillingly gave up. Bt. Met. Fox I. 48; Met. I. 24.
éðel-wyn, -wynn, e; f. Joy of country; patriæ gaudium:-- Nú sceal eall éðelwyn eówrum cynne leófum alicgean now shall all joy of country to your beloved kindred fail, Beo. Th. 5762; B. 2885. DER. eard-éðelwyn.
eðer a hedge; sēpes. Som. Ben. Lye. v. eodor.
éþfynde; adj. Easily found, Cd. 171; Th. 215, 6; Exod. 579. v. eáþ-fynde, ýþ-fynde.
éþ-gesýne; adj. Easy to be seen, visible; fácílis vīsu, vīsĭbĭlis:-- Ðǽr biþ éþgesýne þreó tácen there shall be easy to be seen three signs, Exon. 26a; Th. 76, 6; Cri. 1235: Beo. Th. 2225; B. 1110. v. ýþ-gesýne.
éþgiende breathing; anhēlans. Cot. l. v. éðian.
éðgung, e; f. A breathing, inspiration; inspīrātio:-- Of éðgunge gástes graman ðínes ab inspīrātiōne spiritus īræ tuæ, Ps. Spl. T. 17, 18. v. éðung.
éþ-hylde; adj. Easily inclined, satisfied, contented; contentus:-- On ánum were éþhylde heó ne biþ she will not be contented with one man, Obs. Lun. § 19; Lchdm. iii. 194, 1. Beóþ éþhylde on eówrum andlyfenum contenti est&o-long;te st&i-long;pendiis vestris. Lk. Bos. 3, 14.
éðian, éðigean; p. ode; pp. od. I. to breathe, inspire; hālāre, spīrāre, inspīrāre:-- He leórt tácen forþ, þurh fýres bleó, up éðigean he let a token forth breathe up, through colour of fire, Elen. Kmbl. 2211; El. 1107. Se gást éðaþ the spirit breathes, Greg. Dial. 2, 21. Hý ealle éðiaþ they all breathe, 4, 3. Éðode him on ðone múþe inspīrāvit ei in as, Martyrol. ad 28 April. II. to smell; ŏdōrāre:-- Habbaþ opene nóse, ne mágon éðian nāres hăbent et non ŏdōrăbunt, Ps. 113, 14.
éðiende abounding, v. ýðian. éðle to a home, Exon. 37 b; Th. 123, 21; Gú. 326: éðles of a home, Andr. Kmbl. 1660; An. 830; dot. and gen. of éðel a home; domĭcĭlium.
é ðm, es; m. Breath, steam, vapour; hālĭtus. spīrĭtus, văpor:-- Hú síd se swarta éðm seó how wide the black vapour is, Cd. 228; Th. 309, 4; Sat. 704. Ne lǽte on ðone éðm let him not allow the vapour on [it], L. M. 1, 32; Lchdm. ii. 78, 24. v. ǽðm.
éþnes, -ness, e; f. Easiness, facility, favour; facĭlĭtas:-- He gemunde ðara éþnessa and ðara ealdrihta ðe hí under ðám Cáserum hæfdon he remembered the favours and the ancient rights which they had under the Cæsars, Bt. 1; Fox 2, 16. v. éadnes.
éðode breathed, inspired, Martyrol. ad 28 April; p. of éðian.
éðre more easy, Mk. Bos. 2, 9; comp. of éðe. v. eáðe; adj.
et-hrinan to touch, Som. Ben. Lye. v. æt-hrínan.
eðða; conj. Or; aut:-- Hú se cuma hátte, eðða se esne how the guest is called, or the servant, Exon. 112 b; Th. 430, 31; Rä. 44, 17: Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 5, 18. v. oððe.
éðung, éðgung, e; f. Breath, a breathing, inspiration; hālĭtus, spīrātio, inspīrătio:-- He læg swá swá deád mon, nemne bynre éðunge ætýwde quăsi mortuus jăcēbat, hālĭtu tantum pertĕnui quia vīvĕret demonstrans, Bd. 5, 19; S. 640, 24. Éðung spīrātio, Ælfc. Gl. 79; Som. 72, 63; Wrt. Voc. 46, 21. Of éðunge gástes graman ðínes ab inspīrātiōne spīrĭtus iræ tuæ, Ps. Spl. C. 17, 18.
éðyl, es; m. A native country, country; patria, terra:-- Gesǽton eard and éðyl unspédigran ðonne se frumstól wæs they inhabited a dwelling and a country more barren than was the first settlement, Cd. 46; Th. 59, 11; Gen. 962: 73; Th. 90, 9; Gen. 1492. v. éðel.
éðyl-stæf, édulf-stæf, es; m. A family staff or support, stay of the house; prædii sustentáculuin:-- Ic eorn orwéna ðæt unc se [seó MS.] éðylstæf ǽfre weorþe gifeðe I am hopeless that to us two the staff of the family will ever be by lot, Cd. 101; Th. 134, ii; Gen. 2223. v. éðel-stæf.
éðyl-turf; gen. -turfe; dat. -tyrf; f. Native turf or soil, native country, country; patrium sŏlum, patria, terrĭtōrium. Cd. 12; Th. 14, 26; Gen. 224: 129; Th. 163, 33; Gen. 2707. v. éðel-turf.
Etna; indecl? Etne, Ætne, es; m. Etna, the volcano of Sicily; Ætna, æ; f. = GREEK; f. 1. Etna [MS. Eðna] ðæt sweflene fýr tácnode, dá hit upp of helle geate asprang on Sicilia ðam lande, and fela ofslóh mid bryne and mid stence [Ors. B. C. 458] Etna betokened the brimstone fire, when it sprang up from the door of hell in the island of the Sicilians and slew many by burning and stench, Ors. 2, 6; Bos. 50, 16-19. This is much abridged from Ors. 2, 14; Hav. 123-127. Though Alfred has given the impression of his age, respecting volcanoes, Orosius only speaks thus of Etna, -- Ætna ipsa, quæ tunc cum excĭdio urbium atque agrōrum crebris eruptiōnibus æstuābat, nunc tantum innoxia spĕcie ad prætĕrĭtōrum fidem fūmat, Hav. 124, 2-4. On ðam geáre, asprang up Etna fýr on Sicilium, and máre ðæs landes forbærnde ðonne hit ǽfre ǽr dyde in that year [B. C. 135], fire sprang up from Etna among the Sicilians, and burnt more of the land than it ever did before, Ors. 5, 2; Bos. 103, 16. Etna fýr afleów up swá brád and swá mycel, ðæt feáwa ðara manna mihte beón eardfæste, ðe on Lipara wǽron ðam íglande, ðe ðær níhst wæs, for dære hǽte and for ðam stence the fire of Etna flowed up so broad and so great, that few of the men, who were in the island Lipara, which was next to it, could abide in their dwellings, for the heat and for the stench, 5, 4; Bos. 105, 9-12. 2. Etne, Ætne, es; m:-- Se múnt, ðe nú monna bearn Etne hátaþ, on íglonde Sicilia swefle byrneþ, ðæt mon helle fýr háteþ wide, forðæm hit simle biþ sinbyrnende the mountain, which now the children of men call Etna, burns in the island of Sicily with sulphur, that men widely call fire of hell, because it ever is perpetually burning, Bt. Met. Fox 8, 96-104; Met. 8, 48-52. Nú manna gitsung is swá byrnende, swá ðæt fýr on ðaelig;re helle, seó is on ðam múnte ðe Ætne hátte now the covetousness of men is as burning as the fire in the hell, which is in the mountain that is called Etna, Bt. 15; Fox 48, 20. Se byrnenda swefl ðone múnt bærnþ, ðe we hátaþ Ætne the burning brimstone burneth the mountain, which we call Etna, 16, 1; Fox 50, 5.
Etne, Ætne, es; m. Etna:-- Monna bearn Etne hátaþ the children of men call Etna, Bt. Met. Fox 8, 97; Met. 8, 49. Ðe Ætne hátte which is called Etna, Bt. 15; Fox 48, 20. v. Etna.
et-néhstan; adv. At nighest, at last, lastly; postrēmo, novissĭme, Som. Ben. Lye. v. æt-nýhstan.
etol; adj. Voracious, gluttonous; ĕdax:-- Etol ĕdax, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 60; Som. 13, 44. v. ettul-man.
eton should eat, Gen. 3, 4, = eten; subj. of etan to eat.
et-somme; adv. Together; conjuncte, sĭmul:-- Et-somne cwom lx monna sixty men came together, Exon. 106a; Th. 404, 1; Rä. 23, 1. v. æt-somne.
etst, he et eatest, eats; es, est, Ælfc. Gr. 32; Som. 36, 18; 2nd and 3rd pers. pres. of etan.
ettan to pasture land; depascĕre:-- Eal ðæt land ðæt man áðer oððe ettan oððe erian mæg all the land that they could either pasture or plough, Ors. I. I; Bos. 20, 41.
ettul-man, es; m. A gluttonous man; vŏrax hŏmo; -- Hér ys ettulman ecce hŏmo vŏrax. Mt. Bos. 11, 19.
ettulnys, -nyss, e; f. Greediness, gluttony; edācĭtas, Som. Ben. Lye.
Éua, æ; f. Lat: Éve, Éfe, an; f. Eve; Hēva:-- Éua, ðæt is lí; forðanðe heó is ealra libbendra módor Hēva, id est vīta; eo quod māter esset cunctōrum vīventium, Gen. 3, 30. Be Éuan his gemæccan by Eve [Hēvam] his wife, 4, 1. Éua, Homl. Th. i. 16, 27. Éuan scyld Eve's sin, Exon. 9 a; Th. 7, 6; Cri. 97. [Heb. HEBREW from HEBREW to live.]
euen even, Som. Ben. Lye. v. efen.
Euer-wíc York, Chr. 189; Th. 14, 23, col. I. v. Eofor-wíc.
Eues-ham. es; m. Evesham, Chr. 1077; Erl. 215, 15. v. Eofes-ham.
eufæstnys, e; f. Sincerity, religion; relĭgio, Ælfc. T. 28, 11. v. ǽ-fæstnes.
eúwu. a ewe, Heming. p. 129. v. eówu.
éw-bryce adultery, Som. Ben. Lye. v. ǽw-bryce.
éwe, an; f. A ewe; ŏvis fēmĭna:-- Éwe biþ, mid hire giunge sceápe, scilling weorþ a ewe, with her young sheep, shall be worth a shilling, L. In. 55; Th. i. 138, 7. v. eówu.
éwe, es; common gender A sheep, generally as ŏvis:-- Be éwes weorþe of a sheep's worth; de ŏvis prĕtio, L. In. 55; Th. i. 138, 6. v. eówu.
éwede a flock, Ps. Spl. T. 77, 57. v. eówde.
éwes a sheep's, L. In. 55; Th. i. 138, 6: also eówes in MSS. G, H; gen. of éwe, es; f. m.
éwestre, es; m. A sheepfold; ŏvile, Cot. 7. v. eówestras.
éwiscnes, -ness, e; f. Disgracefulness, impudence, shamelessness; impŭdentia, Som. Ben. Lye. v. ǽwiscnys.
éwyde a flock. Ps. Spl. C. 77, 57. v. eówde.
ex, e; f. An axe; secūris. v. æx.
ex an axis; axis, Som. Ben. Lye. v. eax.
Ex, es; m: Exa, an; m. The river Ex; Isca, in Devon, v. Exan ceaster, Exan múþa.
exámeron, es; n. A work on the six days of creation; hexæmĕron = GREEK = GREEK six, GREEK, GREEK relating to a day:-- Exámeron, ðæt is be Godes six daga weorcum Hexameron, that is concerning the six days' works of God, Hexam. Norm. I. Basilius awrát áne wundorlíce boc, be eallum Godes weorcum, ðe he geworhte on six dagum, Exámeron geháten Basil wrote a wonderful book about all the works of God, which he wrought in six days, called Hexameron, Basil prm; Norm. 32, 12.
Exan ceaster, Eaxan ceaster, Exe cester, es; n. [Flor. Exancestre, Excestre: Hovd. Excester; Ex. Exa the river Ex: ceaster; gen. ceastres; n. v. ceaster a city] EXETER, Devon; cīvĭtas Exoniæ in agro Devŏniensi, ad rīpam Iscæ flūminis:-- Se here Exan ceaster beseten hæfde the army had beset Exeter, Chr. 895; Th. 172, 12. He wende hine wið Exan ceastres he turned towards Exeter, Chr. 894; Th. 166, 31. Wið Exan cestres towards Exeter, Chr. 894; Th. 168, 26, col. 1. Exacester, Chr. 1003; Th. 252, 14, col. I. Eaxeceaster, Execiester, Th. 253, 14, col. 1, 2. v. ceaster II.
Exan múþa, Eaxan múþa, Axa-múþa, an; m: Exan múþ, es; m. The mouth of the river Ex. EXMOUTH, Devon:-- Se here com to Exan múþan the army came to the mouth of the Ex. Chr. 1001; Th. 249, 36. To Exan múþe to Exmouth, Th. 249, col. 2, 36. To Axa-múþan to Exmouth, Chr. 1049; Th. 307, 37.
exl, e; f. Shoulder; hŭmĕrus:-- He hit set on his exla impō;nit in humeros suos, Lk. Bos. 15, 5: Andr. Kmbl. 3148; An. 1577. v. eaxel.
ex-odus, i; m. [Lat. exodus = Grk. GREEK out; GREEK f. way, path, travelling] A going out; exĭtus:-- Exodus on Grécisc, Exitus on Lýden, Útfæreld on Englisc Exodus [GREEK f.] in Greek, exĭ tus in Latin, a going out in English, Ex. Thw. Title, v. út-færeld.
exorcista, an; m. A caster out of spirits, L. Ælf. P. 34; Th. ii. 378, 6. v. hád II, hálsigend.
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