An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary
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by Bosworth and Toller
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L In the later specimens of the West Saxon dialect those words in which the vowel a immediately preceded a combination of consonants beginning with 1 are generally found to have undergone a change which was represented by writing ea instead of a. This change does not occur to the same extent in the earlier specimens, and seems not to occur at all in the Northumbrian dialect, or in the kindred languages. Thus in the translation of Gregory's Pastoral Care and in the Parker MS. of the Chronicle alle, onwald are found as well as ealle, onweald, while in Ælfric's Homilies they are regularly written in the latter form. So the West Saxon forms, healdan, sealt, healf, are found in the Northumbrian Gospels as halda, salt, half, and in Gothic, O. Sax., Icel., O. H. Ger. the vowel also is a. In the Runic alphabet the character, which in name and form agrees with the Scandinavian rune Runic-Lagu, lögr, was Runic-Lagu, lagu. The same name seems to have been given to the corresponding letter in the Gothic alphabet, though it occurs only in a, corrupt form laar = lagus. The meaning of this word may be seen from the verses in the Runic poem that are devoted to the letter:
Lagu byþ leódum | water to wanderers |
langsum geþuht | wearisome seemeth |
gif hí sculun néþan | if they must venture |
on nacan tealtum | on vessel unsteady |
and hí sæýþa | and them the sea-waves |
swýðe brégaþ | sorely affright |
and se brimhengest | and the sea-horse |
bridles ne gýmþ | steering despiseth. |
Runic pm. 21; Kmbl. 343, 19-26. |
lá. I. interj. Lo! Oh! Ah! :-- Lá næddrena cyn Oh! generation of vipers, Mt. Kmbl. 3, 7: 12, 34. Lá ðú líccetere, 7, 5. Lá freónd amice, 22, 12. Lá Drihten Domine, Ps. Th. 21, 17: 118, 176. Lá hú oft hí gremedon hine quotiens exacerbaverunt eum! Ps. Spl. 77, 45. Áfæst lá and hí lá hí and wel lá well and ðyllíce óðre syndon englisc interjectiones, Ælfc. Gr. 48; Som. 49, 28. Weg lá weg lá euge, euge, Ps. Th. 69, 4. Wá lá se tówyrpþ ðæt tempel ua qui destruit templum, Mk. Skt. 15, 29. Wá lá áhte ic mínra handa geweald alas! had I power over my hands, Cd. 19; Th. 23, 32; Gen. 368. Wá lá wá heu, proh dolor! Bd. 2, 1; 8. 501, 14. Wei lá wei, [cf. Chauc. weilawey Shakspere welladay] Bt. 35, 6; Fox 170, 12, Cott. MS. Wel lá men wel oh! men, 34, 8; Fox 144, 23. Wel lá, Bt. Met. Fox 21, 1; Met. 21, 1. II. Enclitic particle used to emphasise interrogation, exclamation, entreaty, affirmation, negation :-- Understenst ðú lá sentisne, wylt ðú lá visne, Ælfc. Gr. 44; Som. 45, 47. Is ðǽr genoh lá satisne est, Som. 46, 40. Hú lá ne wurpe wé þrý cnihtas intó ðam fýre why, did not we cast three youths into the fire? Homl. Th. ii. 20, 12. Wénst ðú lá ðæt ðú beó álýsed fram ðisum tintregum do you suppose then that you will be released from these torments? Homl. Th. i. 424, 29. Dá cwæþ ic hwæt is ðæt lá then said I 'what then is that?' Bt. 34, 5; Fox 140, 14, Hwæt is ðæt lá þinga? 38, 3; Fox 200, 2. Hwæt is ðis lá manna? Elen. Kmmbl. 1802; El. 903. Hwæt biþ hit lá elles búton flǽsc seoddan se écea dǽl of biþ hwæt biþ lá elles seó láf búton wvrma mete why, what else is it but flesh when the eternal part is away? what else then is the remnant but worms food? Blickl. Homl. 111, 31. Hwǽr biþ lá ðonne se ídla lust? hwær beóþ ðonne ða symbelnessa? 58, 16. Is ðis lá wundorlíc and winsum spell this is indeed a wonderful and delightful speech, Bt. 34, 5; Fox 140, 10. Ðæt lá mæg secgan se ðe sóð and riht fremeþ that indeed may he say who does truth and right, Beo. Th. 3404; B. 1700: 5720; B. 2864. Ðæt lá wæs fæger, Cd. 223; Th. 293, 18; Sat. 457. Uton lá geþencan let us then determine, 227; Th. 305, 9; Sat. 644. Ac feor ðæt lá sí ðæt ... sed absit ut ... Bd. 1, 27, S. 490, 24. Ic ðæs lá wísce ðæt wegas míne on ðínum willan weorðan gereahte I do indeed wish that my ways may be directed according to thy will; utinam dirigantur viæ meæ, Ps. Th. 118, 5. Bidde ic ðé lá gif ... precorque si ... Bd. 3, 13; S. 538, 40: 4, 3; S. 568, 27: Dóm. L. 6, 65. Nese lá nese, Bt. 27, 2; Fox 96, 27. v. eálá.
lác; generally neuter, but occasionally feminine [v. Shrn. pp. 3-4], or masculine, as in the compound lyb-lác q. v. The idea which lies at the root of the various meanings of this and of the next word seems to be that of motion. Thus lácan and Icel. leika are used to describe the motion of a vessel riding on the waves, the flight of a bird as it rises and falls in the air, the flickering, wavering motion of flame, and the like; while Gothic laikan renders σκιρτâν in Luke i. 41, 44; vi. 23. From this idea of activity we pass to that of games, playing, dancing &c.; and so Gothic laiks = χoρ&omicron-tonos;s in Luke xv. 25; in Icel., where the meaning play, sport is the prevailing one (see also compounds in which leik- occurs), leikr is used of dancing, athletics, various games, music, as in strengleikr, leika = to play, to lake in the dialect of the North of England. In O. H. Ger. the application is generally to music, leih, leich = modus, modulus, carmen versus, but in rang-leih = wrestling the meaning is similar to the Icelandic (see Grff. ii. 152-3.) And just as plega is used, by itself or in its compounds, of war and battle, so in the Icelandic poetry we have Hildar leikr, sverða leikr = battle (see Cl. and Vig. Dict. p. 382, col. 2), and in English lác could be applied in the same way. But in the latter language the more frequent meanings are those of offering, gift, and to connect these with the preceding ones Grimm notes the association of dancing and playing with offerings and sacrifices. From this special, meaning of offering the more general one of gift, present might easily come. To quote his words 'Das wort (lác) scheint einer wurzel mit dem goth. laiks (saltatio) ahd. leih (ludus, modus) altn. leikr, ursprünglich also tanz and spiel, die das oper begleiteten, allmählich die gabe selbst zu bezeichnen,' D. M. 35. The passages which follow will shew the English use of the word. I. battle, struggle :-- Wíga unlæt láces a warrior not slow to fight (referring to death which was approaching Guthlac), Exon. 47 b; Th. 164, 5; Gú. 1007. II. an offering, sacrifice, oblation :-- Gode onsægdnesse tó beranne ðæs hálgan láces ad offerendas Domino victimas sacræ oblationis, Bd. 4, 22; S. 592, 26. Hí him sculon láces lof lustum bringan sacrificent sacrificium laudis, Ps. Th. 106, 21. Ic ðé láces lof lustum secge tibi sacrificabo hostiam laudis, 115, 7. Ic ðé lustum láce cwéme voluntarie sacrificabo tibi, 53, 6. And bærnon uppan ðam weofode drihtne tó láce adolebuntque super altare in oblationem domino, Lev. 3, 5. Offrian tó láce to offer as a sacrifice, Ælfc. T. Grn. 4, 27. Hie drihtne lác begen brohton they both brought an offering to the Lord, Cd. 47; Th. 60, 2; Gen. 975. Se rinc Gode lác onsægde, 85; Th. 107, 21; Gen. 1792. Onbleót ðæt lác Gode, 142; Th. 177, 21; Gen. 2933. Ðú scealt blótan sunu, and leófes lác forbærnan, and mé lác bebeódan, 138; Th. 173, 9; Gen. 2858. Ðú ðínne lác offrige, Homl. Skt. 7, 119. Þurh lác ðære hálwendan onsægdnesse per oblationem hostiæ salutaris, Bd. 4, 22; S. 592, 22. Mára is allum cwicum lácum and sægdnissum majus est holocaustomatibus et sacrificiis, Mk. Skt. Rush 12, 33. Æ-acute;nig ðæra þinga ðe gedwolgodum tó lácum betæ-acute;ht biþ any thing that is appointed to false gods for sacrifices, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 105, 30. Nemme hé lufige mid lácum ðone ðe gescóp heofon and eorþan unless by offerings he shew his love to him that created heaven and earth, Exon. 67 a; Th. 249, 13; Jul. 111. Mid háligra lofsanga lácum cóman with offerings of holy hymns they came, Blickl. Homl. 207, 9. Gode lác onsægdon, 201, 13: Guthl. 20; Gdwin 32, 13. On ðám lácum geleáfsumra fidelium oblationibus, Bd. 1, 27; S. 488, 38. Geoffrode lác obtulit holocausta, Gen. 8, 20. Genimaþ eów lác and ingangaþ on his wíctúnas tollite hostias et introite in atria ejus, Ps. Th. 95, 8. Seó cwén Sabæ geseah ða lác ðe man Gode offrode the queen of Sheba saw the offerings that were made to God, Homl. Th. ii. 584, 16. Hé fræt fíftýne men and óðer swylc út offerede láðlícu lác he (Grendel) devoured fifteen men and as many bore away, horrid sacrifices, Beo. Th. 3172; B. 1584. III. a gift, present, grace, favour, service; a present or offering of words, a message :-- Lác munus, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 22; Som. 12, 14. Lác munus vel zenia, Ælfc. Gl. 35; Som. 62, 77; Wrt. Voc. 28, 55. Lác elogia, i.e. munus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 143, 19: 29, 24: xenium, donum, Hpt. Gl. 496: munificentia, 414. Gúþlác se nama ys on rómánisc belli munus, Guthl. 2; Gdwin 10, 23. Leóht wé geseóþ láce lumen videmus muneris, Hymn. Surt. 43, 17, Behátenre fæderes láce promisso Patris munere, 95, 27. Láce eulogiæ, benedictionis, Hpt. Gl. 496. Tóforan ðære cynclícan láce ðe hé hire geaf, Homl. Th. ii. 584, 31. Sende tó láce sent it as a present, Elen. Kmbl. 2398; El. 1200. Hé ðære mægeþ sceolde láce (acc. fem.?) gelæ-acute;dan láþspel tó sóþ he to the maiden must bring the message, the grievous tale too true, Exon. 52 a; Th. 182, 28; Gú. 1317. Tíd is ðæt ðú fére and ða æ-acute;rendu eal biþence ófestum læ-acute;de swá ic ðé æ-acute;r bibeád lác tó leófre time is that thou go and think about those errands [cf. Th. 173, 24 sqq. where Guthlac speaks of his burial], with speed bring, as I before bid thee [cf. Th. 172, 31 sqq], the message to my dear sister, 51 b; Th. 179, 35; Gú.1272. Heó lác weorðade ðe hire brungen wæs she honoured the gift [the nails of the cross] that was brought her, Elen. Kmbl. 2272; El. 1137. Cwæþ hé his sylfes suna syllan wolde ... Hie ða lác hraðe þégon tó þance he said he would give his own son ... They that gift soon accepted thankfully, Andr. Kmbl. 2224; An. 1113. Ða hálgan þrýnesse georne biddan ðæt heó ðæt lác ðæt hie þurh ðone hálgan heáhengel æ-acute;rest æteówde mannum wundorlíc tácn ðæt hie ðæt mannum tó fylgenne oncýðde earnestly to entreat the holy Trinity that the grace of shewing by the holy archangel a wondrous token to men, that that it would make known to men for their guidance, Blickl. Homl. 205, 30. Ðonne onfóþ hí from Gode máran méde ðonne hí from æ-acute;nigum óðrum lácum dón then shall they receive from God greater reward than they do from any other gifts, 45. 34. Him lácum cwémaþ dona adducent, Ps. Th. 72, 10. Lácum, þeódgestreónum, Beo. Th. 86; B. 43. Him eorla hleó gesealde máþmas xii. het hine mid ðæm lácum leóde secean, 3740; B. 1868. Culufre gewát fleógan eft mid lácum hire (the olive branch), Cd. 72; Th. 88, 28; Gen. 1472. Hí geopenodon heora hordfatu and him lác geoffrodon gold and récels and myrram they opened their treasures, and presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh [Mt. 2, 11], Homl. Th i. 78, 27. Lác gifan. Exon. 100 b; Th. 380, 2; Rä. 1, 1. Bringan lác and luftácen to bring gifts and love-tokens, Beo. Th. 3730; B. 1863. Læ-acute;c munera, Ps. Spl. T. 14, 6. IV. medicine :-- Heofendlícere láe [= heofenlícere láce] cælestis medicinæ, Hpt. Gl. 415, 36. Lác medicamine, 507, 77. Lác medicamenti, 527,18. [Laym.1st MS. lac, 2nd MS. lock gift: Orm. lac a sacrifice, offering Gen. a. Ex. loac; Piers P. laik a game.] v. ag-, æ-acute;fen-, beadu-, berne-, brýd-, cwic-, feoht-, freó-, ge-, hæ-acute;med-, heaðu-, lyb-, mæsse-, reáf-, sæ-acute;-, scín-, wed-, wíf-, wíte-lác. It also occurs in proper names, e.g. Gúþ-lác, Hyge-lác.
lácan; p. leólc, léc; pp. lácen. I. to swing, wave about, move as a ship does on the waves, as a bird does in its flight, as flames do :-- Ic láce mid winde I wave about with the wind, Exon. 108 a; Th. 412, 17; Rä. 31, 1. Sum láceþ on lyfte one swings in the air [of the man who is hung on a tree], 87 b; Th. 328, 25; Vy. 23. Is ðæt frécne stream ýða ofermǽta ðe wé hér on lácaþ perilous is the stream, huge the waves, on which here we toss, 20 a; Th. 53, 24; Cri. 855. Hie ofer feorne weg ceólum lácaþ Andr. Kmbl. 506; An. 253. Fuglas ða ðe late þurh lyft lácaþ fiðrum birds which slowly through the air move with their pinions, Exon. 60 b; Th. 220, 7; Ph. 316. Brondas lácaþ on ðam deópan dæge fires shall flame up on that solemn day [cf. to play applied to flame, and Icel. logi lék um þá v. Cl. and Vig. Dict. leika II. 2], 116 b; Th. 448, 23; Dóm. 58. Ða ðe lácaþ ymb eaxe ende those stars that revolve about the pole, Bt. Met. Fox 28, 44; Met. 28, 22. Leólc on lyfte he took his flight through the air [of the lost angel who was to tempt Adam], Cd. 23; Th. 29, 10; Gen. 448: Exon. 114 a; Th. 438, 15; Rä. 57, 8. Hé leólc ofer laguflód he bounded o'er the water, 75 b; Th. 283, 2; Jul. 674. Fugel uppe sceal lácan on lyfte up in the air must the bird wing its flight, Menol. Fox 537; Gn. C. 39. Hwylc hyra [the seraphim] néhst mǽge nergende flihte lácan, Exon. 13 b; Th. 25, 11; Cri. 399. Ðú meahtes ofer rodorum feðerum lácan, feor up ofer wolcnu windan, Bt. Met. Fox 24, 17; Met. 28, 9. Heofonfuglas ða ðe lácende geond lyft faraþ, Exon. 55 a; Th. 194, 24; Az. 144: Beo. Th. 5657; B. 2832: Elen. Kmbl. 1797; El. 900. Lagu lácende the tossing waves, Andr. Kmbl. 873; An. 437. Lácende líg the leaping flame, Cd. 197; Th. 246, 8; Dan. 476: Exon. 31 a; Th. 97, 23; Cri. 1595: Elen. Kmbl. 1156; El. 580: 2219; El. 1111. II. to play [as in 2. Sam. 2, 14 'Let the young men play before us ... And every one thrust his sword in his fellow's side,' cf. æsc-plega], make use of a weapon, fight: Ða ne dorston ǽr dareðum lácan on hyra mandrýhtnes miclan þearfe who before had not dared at their lord's dire need to join in the javelin-play, Beo. 5689; B. 2848. III. to play [a musical instrument] :-- Hió dumb wunaþ hwæðre hyre is on fóte fæger hleóþor; wrætlíc mé þinceþ hú seó wiht mǽge wordum lácan þurh fót neoþan dumb does it dwell, yet in its foot bath a fair voice; wondrous it seems to me how the wight can play with words by its foot from below, Exon. 108 b; Th. 414, 13; Rä. 32, 19. [Orm. to þeowwtenn Godd and lakenn [sacrifice], 973; þa þre kingess lakedenn [presented] Crist wiþþ þrince kinne lakess, 7430: Havel. leike; p. leikede to play: Piers P. laike to play: Goth. laikan; p. lailak: Icel. leika; p. lék: M. H. Ger. leichen.] DER. be-, for-, geondlácan: daroþ-, faroþ-, lyft-lácende. v. lǽan, ellen-lǽa, and preceding word.
lác-dǽd, e; f. Munificence; munificentia, Hpt. Gl. 496.
lác-gifa, an; m. One who gives gifts :-- Drihten is lácgeofa manna bearnum dominus dedit dona hominibus, Ps. Th. 67, 18.
lacing (?) :-- Ðis sint ða landgemǽra ǽrest of cealcforda on ealdan lacing ... ðon tó smalan wege and on lacing, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. ii. 317, 22-26. [Cf.(?) lacu.]
lác-líc; adj. Sacrifcial, having the nature of a sacrifice or offering :-- Swá oft swá hí offrodon ða láclícan lác ðe ðá gewunelíce wǽron as often as they offered the sacrificial offerings that were then customary, L. Ælfc. P. 39; Th. ii. 380, 18.
lácnian; p. ode To heal, cure, tend, take care of, treat, dress (a wound) :-- Ic lácnige medeor, Ælfc. Gr. 33; Som. 36, 47. Se lǽce ðonne hé on untíman lácnaþ wunde hió wyrmseþ secta immature vulnera deterius infervescunt, Past. 21, 2; Swt. 153, 3. Ðæt lácnaþ ðone milte that heals the milt, L. M. 2, 38; Lchdm. ii. 246, 11. Hé mid ælmessan sáwla lácnaþ, Exon. 122 a; Th. 467, 30; Alm. 9. Betwyh ðon ðe hine mon lácnode inter medendum, Bd. 4, 26; S. 603, 15. Lácnode fomentat, Wrt. Voc. ii. 37, 17. Lǽcnode, 91, 39. Hé hine lácnude curam ejus egit, Lk. Skt. 10, 34. Lécnade monigo curavit multos, Mk. Skt. Lind, 1, 34. Ne ða wanhálan gé ne lácnedon neque ægras sanavistis, L. Ecg. P. iii. 16; Th. ii. 202, 26. Ðonne ðæt dolh open sý genial ða ylcan wyrte unsodene ... lácna ða wunde ðǽrmid ðonne byþ heó sóna hál when the incision (made by a snake) is open, take the same plant unsodden ... dress the wounds therewith; it will soon be well, Herb. 90, 16; Lchdm. i. 198, 16. Lácna mid ðý, L. M. 1, 30; Lchdm. ii. 70, 19. Lá léce lécna ðec solfne medice cura te ipsum, Lk. Skt. Rush. 4, 23. Cymeþ and lécnigaþ venite et curamini, 13, 14. Ðonne sceal man mid cealdum lǽcedómum lácnian it must be cured with cold medicines, L. M. 1, 1; Lchdm. ii. 22, 4. Ðan scealt ðú hine ðus lácnigean, Lchdm. iii. 126, 12. Freónd ðe his gýmenne dyde and his wunda lácnian wolde amicos qui sui curam agerent, Bd. 4, 22; S. 591, 2. Ðis is þearf ðæt se se ðe wunde lácnian (Hatt. MS. lácnigean) wille géote wín on necesse est, ut, quisquis sanandis vulneribus praeest, in vino morsum doloris adhibeat, Past. 17, 10; Swt. 124, 11. Se lácnigenda the physician, 21, 2; Swt. 153, 4. Lácnod wæs fram his wundum curabatur a vulneribus, Bd. 4, 16; S. 584, 30. [O. E. Homl. lechinen: Laym. lechinien (2nd MS. lechnie), lacnien (2nd MS. lechni): A. R. lecnen: Piers P. lechnede (other MS. lechede), p.: Goth. lékinon, leikinon to cure, heal: O. L. Ger. lácnón mederi: Icel. lækna: O. H. Ger. láhinon mederi, fomentare, temperare.] v. ge-lácnian, lǽcnan; lǽce.
lácnigend-líc; adj. Medical, surgical :-- Lácnigendlíc tól a surgical instrument, Hpt. Gl. 478.
lácnung, lǽcnung (v. sealf-lǽcnung), e; f. Healing, cure, remedy, medicine :-- Lácnung medicamen, R. Ben: medicamentum, Hpt. Gl. 478. On gódan lǽce biþ gelang seóces mannes lácnung the sick man's cure depends on a good doctor, L. Pen, 1; Th. ii. 278, 4. Ða hé gehǽlde ðe lácnunga beþorftun eos qui cura indigebant sanabat, Lk. Skt. 9, 11. Gebéte wið hine ða wunde and begyte him ða lácnunge componset ei vulnus, et sanationem ei comparet, L. Ecg. P. iv. 22; Th. ii. 210, 25 [O. E. Homl. hit (Christ's blood) beo mi lechnunge, i. 202, 16: Jul. ne mahte he wið ute þe lechnunge of hire luue libbers, 7, 4: Icel. lækning a cure, medicine; the art of healing: Dan. lægning healing: O. H. Ger. láchenunga medicine.]
lacra, Fins. Th. 68; Fin. 34. v. læc.
lác-sang, es; m. A song made when offering(?) :-- Lácsang (MS. lane sang) offertorium, Ælfc. Gl. 34; Som. 62, 62; Wrt. Voc. 28, 41.
lactuna, an; f. This word seems to retain its Latin form in the nominative, but otherwise conforms to English usage, and is generally treated as a weak noun. The form lactucas, however, occurs in the Leechdoms, which, though it looks like a strong plural masc., seems to be singular :-- Lactuca hátte seó wyrt ðe hí etan sceoldon mid ðám þeorfum hláfum heó is biter on þigene lettuce was the name of the herb that they were to eat with the unleavened loaves; it is bitter in the eating, Homl. Th. ii. 278, 26. Nim lactucan ánc hand fulle take a hand full of lettuce, Lchdm. iii. 114, 13. Eton þeorfe hláfas mid ðære lactucan ðe on felda wixþ edent azymos panes cum lactucis agrestibus, Ex. 12, 8. Etan þeorfe hláfas mid feldlícere lactucan, Homl. Th. ii. 264, 3. Lácnian innan mid lactucan to cure by the internal application of lettuce, L. M. 2, 37; Lchdm. ii. 244, 16. Mid feldlícum lactucum, Homl. Th. ii. 278, 19. Him is tó sellanne lactucas lettuce is to be given him, L. M. 2, 33; Lchdm. ii. 212, 7. Him is nyt ðæt hé hláf þicge and lactucas ðæt is leahtric it is beneficial for him to eat bread, and lactucas, that is, lettuce, 16; Lchdm. ii. 194, 6. [O. H. Ger. ladducha, latoch, lattouch lactuca, Grff. ii. 202.]
lacu, e; f. A pool, pond, piece of water, lake :-- Óþ ðæt seó lacu út scýtðæt norþ andlang lace to the point where the water runs out of the lake ... then along the lake, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. ii. 250, 26. Ðonne of exa[n] on ða smala[n] lace of ðære lace eft on exan then from the Exe to the small pool, from the pool again to the Exe, ii. 205, 10. Tó æscwylles lace heáfdon, 24. Tó æscwylles lace, 20. On Suttúninga lace, iii. 211, 23. Andlang foslace, 25, 19. On ða ealdan lace; andlang lace on ða norþeá, vi. i. 20. Laca lacos, Wrt. Voc. ii. 51, 52. [Meres and laces, Chr. 656; Erl. 31, 19: Laym. ouer þen lac (and MS. þe lake) of Siluius and ouer þen lac (2nd MS. þan lake) of Philisteus: Prompt. Parv. lake locus. It might be supposed that lacu was taken from Latin lacus, and the fact that the gender of the Latin is not that of the English word does not disprove the supposition; for feminine porticus gives masculine portic, and masculine versus gives neuter fers. And in the specimens of later English just quoted (in Laym. it will be observed the gender is no longer feminine) it may have been to Latin that the English word is due; but there may have been at an earlier time a native word: cf. leccan to water, and O. H. Ger. lacha; f. palus, botinus, Grff. ii. 100.]
lád, e; f. I. a course, way :-- Micel is lád ofer lagustreám great is the way across the water, Andr. Kmbl. 845; An. 423: Exon. 94 a; Th. 353, 17; Reim. 14. Brimwudu láde fús the ship swift in its course, 52 a; Th. 182, 6; Gú. 1306. Ne lǽt ðú ðec síðes getwǽfan láde gelettan lifgende monn do not thou let living man divert thee from thy journey, hinder thee from thy way, 123 b; Th. 474, 3; Bo. 24: Beo. Th. 1142; B. 569. Hú lomp eów on láde ðá ðú gehogodest sæcce sécean ofer sealt water, 3978; B. 1987. Ic freónda beþearf on láde ðonne ic sceal langne hám ána gesécan I need friends on my way, when alone I must seek my long home, Apstls. Kmbl. 183; Ap. 92: Andr. Kmbl. 551; An. 276. Noe tealde ðæt hé (the raven) hine, gif hé on ðære láde land ne funde, sécan wolde, Cd. 72; Th. 87, 5: Gen. 1444. Se ús ðás láde sceóp who shaped this course for us, 89: Th. 110, 21; Gen. 1841. II. a lode, watercourse (as a component in local names) :-- Mariscem quam circumfluit Iaegnlaad, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. i. 190, 6. Ad aquæ ripam Iaenláde, 163, 16. Cappelád, Wodelád are other instances occurring in the Charters. III. carrying, carriage, bringing (see lǽdan) :-- Sunnandæges cýpinge wé forbeódaþand ǽlc weorc and ǽlce láde ǽgðer ge on wǽne ge on horse ge on byrdene we forbid Sunday traffic and all work and all carrying (of goods, &c.) both by waggon and by horse and by the man himself, L. N. P. L. 55; Th. ii. 298, 22. [The word lád in this passage can hardly be translated 'journeying;' for, in the first place, such a meaning does not well suit the phrase on byrdene, and, next, some journeying was allowed. Thus, L. E. I. 24; Th. ii. 420, 21-, it is said no secular work was to be done 'bútan hwam gebyrige ðæt hé nýde faran scyle; ðonne mót hé swá rídan swá rówan swá swilce færelde faran swylce tó his wege gehyrige.' The threefold division of the means of carriage seems to be that found in the Icelandic law where, dealing with the observance of Sunday, it is said of the amount that might be carried in journeying on that day 'er rétt at bera á sjálfum see ( = on byrdene) eþa fara á skipi eþa bera á hrossi.'] On sumon hé sceal láde lǽdan on some lands the 'genéat' has to furnish means of carriage, L. R. S. 2; Th. 1. 432, 14. Cf. 436, 5-6 :-- Hé sceal beón gehorsad ðæt hé mǽge tó hláfordes seáme ðæt syllan oððe sylf lǽdan. The word used in both cases in the Latin translation is summagium, in reference to which, and to the English words which it translates, may be quoted Thorpe's explanation in his glossary: 'Lád, seám, summagium. A service, which consisted in supplying the lord with beasts of burthen, or, as defined by Roquefort (voce somey): "Service qu'un vassal devoit à son seigneur, et qui consistoit à faire faire quelques voyages par ses bêtes de somme." See Spelman sub voce, and Du Cange voce Sagma.' The phrase láde lǽdan occurs in a similar passage, dealing with the duties of the 'geneát; in Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 450, 31- :-- Se geneát [at Dyddanham] sceal wyrcan swá on lande, swá of lande, hweðer swá man být and rídan, and auerian, and láde lǽdan, dráfe drífan, and fela óðra þinga dón. The later English lode seems to keep this meaning. Thus Prompt. Parv. 310, loode or caryage vectura; lodysmanne vector, lator, vehicularius: the verb lead is found with the sense of carry, e.g. p. 62 cartyn or lede wythe a carte; and in the note, and again in a note on p. 293, we have the phrases 'to lede dong,' 'to lede wheet,' &c. See also scip-lád. IV. Sustenance, provision, means of subsistence :-- Ne sceal se dryhtnes þeów in his módsefan máre gelufian eorþan ǽhtwelan ðonne his ánes gemet ðæt hé his líchoman láde hæbbe nor shall the servant of the Lord love more of earth's possessions, than a sufficiency for himself, that he may have sustenance for his body, Exon. 38 a; Th. 125, 27; Gú. 360. With this use of lád may be compared the later English lif-lode which, besides the meaning conduct, has that of sustenance :-- Heo tilede here lyflode ... heo fonden hem sustynance ynow, R. Glouc. 41, 22: Prompt. Parv. lyvelode victus; lyflode or warysone donativum. So O. H. Ger. líb-leita victus, annona, alimonium. [In further illustration of lád the following native and foreign words are given. Orm. Þe steoressmann a&yogh;&yogh; lokeþþ till an steorrne þatt stannt a&yogh;&yogh; still ... forr þatt he wile foll&yogh;henn a&yogh;&yogh; þatt ilike steorrness lade (guidance); o lade on the way: A. R. lode burthen (v. III): Mod. E. lode-star: Icel. leið. I. a way, course, road. II. a levy: O. H. Ger. leita, funus, ducatus; pl. exequiæ; see also compounds of leiti, Grff. ii. 187]. DER. brim-, eá-, ge-, in-, lagu-, líf-, mere-, sǽ-, scip-, út-, ýð-lád.
lád, e; f. I. excuse, defence against a charge :-- Nú hí nabbaþ náne láde be hyra synne nunc excusationem non habent de peccato suo, Jn. Skt. 15, 22. Ðætte hé náne láde ne mǽge findan ac síe súa mid his ágnum wordum gebunden et in nulla sui defensione se exerceat, quam sententia proprii oris ligat, Past. 26, 3; Swt. 185, 16. Ða nǽnige láde gedón ne mágon on dómes dæge ah sceolon mid deóflum in éce wíte gefeallan those will not be able to make any defence at the day of judgment, but will have to fall with devils into everlasting punishment, Blickl. Homl. 57, 20. II. as a technical term in the laws, purgation, exculpation, the clearing one's self from a charge or accusation. The accused might clear himself by his own oath, supported by the oaths of a certain number of compurgators, or he might undergo some form of ordeal. The lád varied with the character of the deed with the commission of which the accused was charged. In the ánfeald lád, if the purgation were by oath, the oaths of the accused, and two others were necessary, in the þrýfeald lád, the accused was to bring five compurgators; if the ordeal was used, in the former case the iron weighed one pound, in the latter, three. Other passages than those cited below, which may illustrate the terms ánfeald, þrýfeald, are the following :-- Wé cwǽdon be ðám morþslyhtum ðæt man dýpte ðone áþ be þrýfealdum and myclade ðæt ordálísen ðæt hit gewege þrý pund, L. Ath. iv. 6; Th. i. 224, 12-14. Gange hé tó ðam þrýfealdan ordále; and ofgá man ðæt þrýfealde ordál ðus: nime fífe and beó hine sylfa syxta, L. C. S. 30; Th. i. 394, 3-5: 44; Th. i. 402, 7. The term 'lád,' it will be seen from the following passages, does not, as Schmid observes, occur in the laws before Ethelred's time, canne and andsæc being used previously :-- Gyf mon ðone hláford teó ... nime him fíf þegnas tó and beó him sylf syxta and ládie hine ðæs. And gif seó lád forþcume beó hé ðæs weres wyrðe if the lord be accused ... let him take to himself five thanes, and be himself the sixth, and clear himself of the charge. And if he be successful in clearing himself, let him be entitled to the 'wer,' L. Eth. i. 1; Th. i. 282, 7: L. C. S. 30; Th. i. 394, 22. Gif him seó lád byrste if the attempt to clear himself fail, L. Eth. i. 1; Th. i. 282, 14: L. C. S. 8; Th. i. 380, 21: 31; Th. i. 396, 5. Gif lád forberste, 54; Th. i. 406, 10. Ðeáh lád teorie, L. O. D. 4; Th. i. 354, 14: 6; Th. i. 354, 31. Ne stent nán óðer lád æt tihtlan búte ordál betweox Wealan and Englan búte man þafian wille no other method of clearing a man upon accusation is valid between Welsh and English but the ordeal, unless it be permitted, 2; Th. i. 354, 1. Láde wyrðe beón to be entitled to clear one's self (by oath or by ordeal), L. C. S. 20; Th. i. 386, 21. Sý ǽlc getrýwa man ðe tihtbysig nǽre and náðor ne burste ne áþ ne ordál ánfealdre láde wyrðe let every true man that has not previously been accused, and in whose case neither oath nor ordeal has failed, be entitled to single purgation, 22; Th. i. 388, 11. Dúnstan gedémde ðæt se mæssepreóst nǽre, gif hé wíf hæfde, ǽnigre óðre láde wyrðe, bútan eallswá lǽwede sceolde ðe efenboren wǽre, gif man mid tihtlan ðæne beléde, L. Edg. C. 60, note; Th. ii. 256, 38. Gebyreþ ðæt mon óðrum riht wyrce ge at láde ge æt ǽlcre sprǽce ðe him betweox biþ it is proper for men to do right to one another both as regards clearing themselves of charges and as regards any suits that there are between them, L. O. D. 2; Th. i. 352, 17. Gif æt láde mistíde déme se bisceop if the attempt to clear himself miscarry, let the bishop pass sentence, L. C. S. 57; Th. i. 406, 27. Geládige hine mid fulre láde, 42; Th. i, 400, 25. Geládige swá mid þrýfealdre swá mid ánfealdre láde be ðam ðe seó dǽd sí, L. C. E. 5; Th. i. 364, 2: L. Eth. ix. 27; Th. i. 846, 15. Ládige hine mid þrýfealdre láde, L. C. S. 8; Th. i. 380, 20: 48; Th. i. 404, 3. Ofgá man ánfealde láde mid ánfealdan foráþe and þrýfealde láde mid þrýfealdan foráþe [the Latin version has the following in explanation :-- Qui autem conquirere debet simplicem purgationem, simplici sacramento hoc faciat, hoc est, accipiat duos et sit ipse tertius, et sic jurando conquirat. Triplex vero juramentum sic conquiratur; accipiat quinque et ipse sit sextus, et sic jurando acquirat triplex judicium aut triplex juramentum'], 22; Th. i. 388, 14. Se geréfa namige ða láde let the reeve name the compurgators, L. Eth. iii. 13; Th. i. 298, 1. Se ðe ofer ðæt láde geþafie oððe se ðe hý sylle gilde vi healfmarc he that admits, or he that offers, purgation after that, shall pay six half-marks, Th. i. 298, 7. Hér swutelaþ an (ðissum gewrite) ðæt Godwine hæfþ gelǽd fulle láde æt ðan unrihtwífe ðe Leófgár bisceop hine tihte and ðæt wæs lád æt Licitfelda in this writing is declared that Godwine has fully cleared himself of the charge in the matter of the woman about whom bishop Leofgar accused him: and he cleared himself at Lichfield, Chart. Th. 373, 31. See wer-lád, cor-snæd, ordál, ládian; Stubb's Const. Hist. i. 609-; Grmm. R. A. 856, 859-; Du Cange sub voce lada; Richthofen's Altfries. Wört. léde, láde.
ládian, p. ode. I. to excuse, clear [one's self of a charge], exculpate, defend :-- Ðe hit symle lytiglíce ládaþ sese callide defendentis, Past. 35, 3; Swt. 244, 9. For ðan ðú tówyrpest ðíne fýnd and ealle ða ðe unrihtwísnesse ládiaþ and scyldaþ ut destruas inimicum et defensorem, Ps. Th. 8, 3. Ðære leóhtmódnesse sanctus Paulus hine ládode ðá hé cwæþ ... a mentis levitate se alienum Paulus fuisse perhibuit, cum dicit ... Past. 42, 3; Swt. 308, 7. Ðá ládode hé hine ille se excusans, Bd. 3, 7; S. 530, 26. Ðá cwæþ Petrus wǽre ðú mid ðínum fæder ðá hé mé swá ládode ðæt hie mé ne gegripon then said Peter 'Wast thou with thy father when he made such excuse for me that they did not seize me?' Blickl. Homl. 151, 26. Him Rómáne his forwierndon and hit under ðæt ládedon for ðon ðe hé ǽr æt ðæm óðrum cirre sige næfde the Romans refused it [the triumph] to him, and excused [the refusal] under the pretext that before on the other occasion he had not gained the victory, Ors. 5, 2; Swt. 216, 31. Ic bidde ðé ðæt ðú mé ládige I pray thee to excuse me, Homl. Th. ii. 374, 10. Ðæt synfulle mód ðe hit simle wile ládian peccantem animam excusantemque se, Past. 35, 3; Swt. 241, 7. Hú mæg ic ládigan láðan sprǽce oððe andsware ǽnige findan wráðum tówiðere how can I clear myself of the hateful charge, or find any answer in reply to my foes? Exon. l0 b; Th. 12, 9; Cri, 183. II. as a technical legal term [lád, II.] to clear from an accusation. [Amongst instances in which suspicion of crime is removed by the oath of the suspected party and the oaths of compurgators, may be taken that of King Alfonso who, when suspicion rested on him of complicity in the murder of his brother Sancho, cleared himself by the oaths of himself and twelve of his vassals. See the account in the Cronica del Cid. cc. 76-79.]: Gif se húshláford hit nát ládie hine [shall clear himself by oath] si latet fur, dominus domus ... jurabit, quod non extenderet manum in rem proximi sui, Ex. 22, 8. Gif hé hine ládian wille gá hé tó ðam hátum ísene and ládige ða hand mid ðe man týhþ ðæt hé ðæt fácen mid worhte if he be willing to clear himself, then let him undergo the ordeal by hot iron, and therewith clear the hand with which he is accused of committing the fraud, L. Ath. i. 14; Th. i. 206, 22-4. Gyf mon ðone hláford teó, nime him fíf þegnas tó, and beó him sylf syxta, and ládie hine ðæs [by his own oath and the oaths of five compurgators clear himself of that charge], L. Eth. i. 1; Th. i. 282, 4-6, 13. Hé hine twelfa sum ládige ðæt hé ða sócne nyste let him clear himself by his own oath, supported by the oaths of eleven others, from the charge of having known that the slain man had sought sanctuary, L. Ath. iv. 4; Th. 1. 224, 2. Gif man hwilcne man teó ðæt hé ðone man féde ðe úres hláfordes griþ tóbrocen habbe ládige hine mid þrinna xii (cf. Icel. þrennar tylftir), L. Eth. iii. 13; Th. i. 296, 29. Mæssepreóst ládige hine on ðam húsle ... Diacon nime six his gehádan and ládige mid ðám ... &c. L. Eth. ix. 19-27; Th. i. 344, 346: L. C. E. 5; Th. i. 362, 364. Bútan hé hine ládian mǽge ðæt hé him nán fácn on nyste unless he can clear himself from the charge of having known of any fraud in the man, L. Ath. iv. 4; Th. i. 224, 6. Bútan hé hine ládian durre be ðæs flýman were [the degree of lád to be determined by the status of the fugitive) ðæt hé hine flýman nyste, i. 20; Th. i. 210, 13. Ládián be ðæs cynges wergilde oððe mid þrýfealdan ordále, L. Eth. v. 30; Th. i. 312, 6. Ládian be ðam deópestan áþe oððe mid þrífealdan ordále, vi. 37; Th. i. 324, 18. Gif mon cyninges þegn beteó manslihtes, gif hé hine ládian dyrre, dó hé ðæt mid xii cyninges þegnum, L. A. G. 3; Th. i. 154, 6. Gif se hláford hine ládian wylle mid twám gódum þegenum, L. Eth. iii. 4; Th. i. 294, 12. DER. á-, be-, ge-ládian; see previous word.
ládigend-líc; adj. Excusable :-- Ládiendlíce excussabile, Wrt. Voc. ii. 146, 19.
lád-mann, es; m. A leader, guide :-- Ðú canst wegas geond ðæt wésten beó úre ládmann thou knowest the ways through the desert; be our guide; eris ductor poster, Num. 10, 31. Abram férde of Egipta lande and Farao him funde ládmen præcepit Pharao super Abram viris et deduxerunt eum, Gen. 12, 20. [Cf. Laym. ʒe scullen habben lædesmen and forð ʒe scullen liðen (2nd MS. lodesmen forþ ʒou to lede): Ayenb. Þe ssipnen yhyerþ þane smite of þe lodesmanne: Prompt. Parv. p. 311, n. lodesman pilot.]
lád-rinc, es; m. A word of uncertain meaning occurring in the following passage :-- Gif cyninges ambihtsmiþ oððe laadrinc mannan ofslehþ meduman leódgelde forgelde if the king's smith or 'ládrinc' kill a man, let him pay for it with a half fine [cf. § 21; Th. i. 8, 3), L. Ethb. 7; Th. i. 4, 8. The word, as Schmid observes, might have the same meaning as lád-mann q. v. just as Layamon uses the compound lod-cniht, 'biforen rad heore lod-cniht' 25730; or taking lád in the sense of journey the reference may be to a messenger of the king, cf. L. In. 33; Th. i. 122, 13 where it speaks of 'Cyninges horswealh se ðe him mæ-acute;ge geæ-acute;rendian.' But there is another use of lád [v. lád, III) which perhaps is that in the passage; then the lád-rinc would be the king's carrier, one who did for the king similar service to that which the geneát does for his lord. In the Prompt. Parv. lodysmanne is rendered by vector, lator, vehicularius.
ladsar laserwort; laserpitium :-- Nint ladsar, Lchdm. iii. 88, 20.
lád-scipe, es; m. Leadership, command; ducatus, Wrt. Voc. ii, 72, 70.
lád-teáh, lát-téh; gen. -teáge, -tége: f. A leading-rein :-- Láttéh ducale, Ælfc. Gl. 21; Som. 59, 64; Wrt. Voc. 23, 24.
lád-teów, es; m. A leader, guide, conductor, a leader in war, general :-- ǼAnne of þám þrím englum ða ðe him on ǽghwæðere gesihþe ládteów wæs unum de tribus angelis, qui sibi in tota utraque visione ductores adfuerunt, Bd. 3, 19; S. 548, 31. Ðæt hé his ládteów beón sceolde on Breotone ut ipse eum perduceret Brittaniam, 4, 1; S. 564, 15. Hengest se ðe wæs ǽrest ládteów and heretoga Angelcynnes on Breotene Hengist qui Brittaniam primus intravit, 2, 5; S. 506, 34. Hé sende fyrd ðære wæs Beotht ládteów and heretoga misso cum exercitu duce Bercto, 4, 26; S. 602, 5. Ládteáw, Bt. tit. 36; Fox xviii. 4. Láteáu, Kent. Gl. 131. Ládtow dux, Ps. Surt. 30, 4: 54, 14. Mín ládþeów dux mihi, Ps. Th. 30, 4: Ps. Spl. C. 54, 14. Dú eart ǽgðer ge weg ge ládþeów tu semita, dux, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 132. 37. Látteów dux, Ælfc. Gr. 33; Som. 37, 49. Heretoga and látteów dux, Bd. 1, 16; S. 484, 18. Látteów wæs ðara leóda duces eorum, Ps. Th. 67, 25. Ic eom ealdor and látteów drihtnes heres sum princeps exercitus domini, Jos. 5, 14. Wilferþ bæd ðæt hé him ðæs siiþfætes látteów wǽre Vilfridum ducem sibi itineris fieri rogaret, Bd. 4, 5; S. 571, 35: 2, 20; S. 521, 41. Látteów ðæs weges, Ælfc. T. Grn. 18, 11. God, lífes látteów, Elen. Kmbl. 1037; El. 520: 1794; El. 899. Lífes látþeów, Cd. 147; Th. 184, 8; Exod. 104. Wæs ðæt se mín látþeów se ðe mé ǽr lǽdde ille erat ipse qui me ante ducebat, Bd. 5, 12: S. 629, 8. Látþeów ductor, S. 629, 40. Látþeów dux, Ps. Spl. 54, 14. Lífes láððeów the guide of life, Dóm. L. 52, 9. Ðes and ðeós láteów oððe heretoga hic et hæc dux, Ælfc. Gr. 9; Som. 14, 9: Wrt. Voc. 72, 60. Drihten ðe eówer láteów ys dominus qui ductor est vester, Deut. 31, 8. Ðæt hé ðæs látteówes lárum hýre that he listen to the guide's instructions, Exon. 37 b; Th, 124, 5; Gú. 335: Elen. Kmbl. 2417; El. 1210. Hé sóhte hine him tó látðeówe on ðæm wege ducem requirebat in via, Past. 41, 5; Swt. 305, 5. Seó leó gif heó blódes onbirigþ ábít ǽrest hire ládteów the lioness, if she tastes blood, will first rend her keeper; primusque lacer dente cruento domitor rabidas imbuit iras, Bt. 25; Fox 38, 14. Þurh sume ða Wyliscean ðe him tó wǽron cumen and his lǽdteówas wǽron by means of some of the Welsh who had come to him and were his guides, Chr. 1097; Erl. 233, 39. Hig synt blinde and blindra látteówas (Lind. látuas) cæci sunt, duces cæcorum, Mt. Kmbl. 15, 14. Wǽron heora látteówas and heretogan twegen gebróðra Hengest and Horsa, Bd. 1, 15; S. 483, 27. Ic mé ðá mid genom .cc. ládþeówa and eác. l. ðe ða génran wegas cúðan ðara síðfato acceptis .cl. ducibus qui brevitates itinerum noverant, Nar. 6, 7. Gé preóstas synd gesette tó láðþeówum and tó láreówum ofer Godes folc. L. Ælfc. P. 5; Th. ii. 366, 4. Him ðá Rómáne æfter ðæm ládteówas gesetton, ðe hie consulas héton, Ors. 2, 2; Swt. 68, 2. Ealle míne ládþeówas ðe mec on swelc earfeðo gelǽddon locorum demonstratores qui nos in insidias deducebant, Nar. 16, 25. In Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 2, 6: Rtl. 38, 15: 193, 15, the form látwa with pl. látuas, Mt. 15, 14, occurs; also látwu, Rtl. 193, 17, 19; and in 2, 5 látuan glosses ducere. [O. E. Homl. latteu a guide: Jul. lauerd, lines lattow: cf. Icel. leið-togi a guide.] v. under-ládteów.
ládteów-dóm, es; m. Leadership, guidance, conduct :-- Mid engla ládþeówdóme ducentibus angelis, Bd. 4, 3; S. 568, 41. Ðýlæs hí underfó ðone ládteówdóm (Hat. MS. látteówdóm) ðæs forlores ne ducatum suscipiat perditionis, Past. 3, 1; Swt. 32, 9 Ðone ládteówdóm (Hat. MS. láttiówdóm) ðæs folces plebium ducatum, 7, 2; Swt. 50, 18. Ládteówdóm (Hat. MS. látteówdóm) geearwian ducatum præbere, 18, 7; Swt. 138, 16. Ládteówdóm magisterium, pædagogium, Hpt. Gl. 477.
ládung, e; f. I. An excusing, a clearing of or defending against a charge, an apology, excuse, a defence, exculpation :-- Ládung apologia, Ælfc. Gl. 106; Som. 78, 64; Wrt. Voc. 57, 43: excussatio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 146, 15. God lǽt him fyrst ðæt hé his mándǽda geswíce gif hé wile: gif hé nele ðæt hé beó bútan ǽlcere ládunge swíðe rihtlíce tó deófles handa ásceofen God allows the wicked man time, that he may, if he will, cease from his wicked deeds: that, if he will not, he may, having nothing to plead in his defence, very justly be thrust into the hands of the devil, Homl. Th. i. 270, 1. Mód ymbtrymedu mid lytelícre ládunge mentes fallaci defensione circumdatæ, Past. 35, 5; Swt. 245, 8. Hí simle séceaþ endeleáse ládunga semper improbas defensiones quærunt, 35, 2; Swt. 239, 8. II. as a legal term, purgation, the clearing himself on the part of an accused person, by oath or by some form of ordeal, of the charge made against him :-- And stande betwux burgum án lagu æt ládunge, L. C. S. 34; Th. i. 396, 22. Bisceop sceall æt tihtlan, ládunge gedihtan ðæt ǽnig man óðrum ǽnig wóh beódan ne mǽge áðor oððe on áþe oððe on ordále when accusation is made, the bishop shall so order the proceedings by which the accused is to clear himself, that no man may be able to offer wrong to another in the matter of taking oath or of undergoing the ordeal, L. I. P. 7; Th. ii. 312, 15. v. lád, ládian, be-ládung.
lǽ hair :-- Lǽ wíffex cæsaries, Wrt. Voc. ii. 16, 46. [Icel. lá hair: cf. ló, lóð shagginess; also a flock of wool.] Perhaps we may compare here lee of threde, Prompt. Parv. 291, where the following note is given. 'Forty threads of hemp-yarn are termed in Norfolk a lea. The "lea" by which linen yarn was estimated at Kidderminster, contained 200 threads.' Halliwell gives as a northern word 'lea the seventh part of a hank or skein of worsted.'
læc; adj. The word, if this be the true form of it, occurs only once, in the following passage :-- Gárulf gecrang ealra ǽrest ... ymb hyne gódra fela hwearf lacra hrǽr hræfn wandrode sweart and sealobrún, Fins. Th. 64-70; Fin. 33-5. All the editors for hrær, which Hickes gives, read hrǽw, but in the MSS. r (η) and s (Γ) are so nearly alike that perhaps hrǽs, the genitive of hrá, was the original word. With regard to lacra various explanations have been given. Kemble and Conybeare print hwearflacra, Ettmüller reads hwearflicra, Thorpe hwearf láðra, Grein hwearf lacra. Taking the word to be independent, and retaining the reading of Hickes, we may compare it with Icel. lakr lacking, defective, and render it by weak, failing (from wounds), wounded. Another form that attracts comparison is given by Graff ii. 200, lah, which has reference to cutting, and this suggests the rendering wounded. With the reading hrǽs for hrær the passage might be translated 'first of all sank down Garulf ... around him moved many a stout man weak or wounded in body: the raven wheeled round swart and dusky.' Ettmüller p, xxiv, giving a meaning to wandrian which it will hardly bear, translates the doubtful part of the passage 'volubilium ( = mortuorum) cadavera corvus conculcavit.' Similarly, as regards the first part, Conybeare has 'circa illum fortes multi caduci moriebantur.'
lǽca, an; m. A leech, doctor, physician :-- Se lǽca ðe sceal sáre wunda wel, gehǽlan hé mót habban góde sealfe ðǽrtó the doctor who has to make a good cure of painful wounds, must have good salve for the purpose, L. Pen. 4; Th. ii. 278, 15: 5; Th. ii. 278, 20. v. lǽce.
-lǽca. v. ag-, ellen-, lyb-, scín- lǽca.
lǽcan; p. lǽhte, lǽcte To move quickly, spring, leap [as flame] :-- Hwílum se wonna lég lǽhte wið ðes láþan at times the lurid flame leaped towards the fiend, Cd. 229; Th. 309, 25; Sal. 716. DER.Ǽfen-, dyrst-, ed-, efen-, geán-, gedyrst-, geneá-, geriht-, geþríst-, lof-, neá-, riht-, sumor-, þríst-, winter-lǽcan; and see lácan.
læccan, læccean; p. læhte; pp. læht To take, grasp, seize, catch, apprehend, capture :-- Lǽdeþ hine and læceþ and hine geond land spaneþ leadeth and taketh him, and through the land lures him, Salm. Kmbl. 989; Sal. 496. Hí læccaþ of manna begeatum hwæt hí gefón mágen eallswá gýfre hremnas of holde dóþ they seize of men's gettings what they can grasp, just as greedy ravens do from a corpse, L. I. P. 19; Th. ii. 328, 4. Hí gærs ǽton georne and ǽlc læhte of óðrum gif hé hwæt litles hæfde they eagerly ate grass, and each seized from the other, if he had any little bit, Ælfc. T. Grn. 21, 10. Heora ǽgðer uppon óðerne túnas bærnde and eác menne læhte in their struggle they burned one another's towns and captured one another's men, Chr. 1094; Erl. 230, 13. Ðætte ðióstro iuih ne læcga ut non tenebræ vos compræhendant, Jn. Skt. Lind. 12, 35. Allswǽ tó þeáfe gié foerdon mið suordum and stengum tó læccanne mec tamquam ad latronem existis cum gladiis et lignis comprehendere me, Mk. Skt. Lind. 14, 48. Ðæt wíf wearþ ðá læht and gelǽd tó ðam cininge sublata est mulier in domum Pharaonis, Gen. 12, 15. [Orm. to lacchenn þurrh trapp; bikahht and lahht (pp.): A. R. lecche; p. lahte: O. and N. grine þe for to lacche: Piers P. to lacche foules; p. lauʒte: Gen. and Ex. lagt pp.] v. ge-læccan.
LǼCE, es; m. I. A LEECH, [Shakspere uses the word once, and even now it has not quite died out, but perhaps, in prose at least, its meaning is visually that given by Bailey in his Dictionary 'a Farrier or Horse-Doctor,' a doctor rather for animals than men], doctor, physician :-- Lǽce medicus, Wrt. Voc. 74. 4. Eálá lǽce gehǽl ðé sylfne [lá léce lécne ðec seolfne, Lind.] medice cura te ipsum, Lk. Skt. 4, 23. Cyneferþ lǽce se æt hire wæs ðá heó forþférde medicus Cynifrid, qui morienti illi adfuit, Bd. 4, 19; S. 588, 41. Hálig lǽce [the Deity J Hy, 7, 62; Hy. Grn. ii. 288, 62. Hé [the Pater Nosier] is lamena lǽce, Salm. Kmbl. 155; Sal. 77. Lǽteþ flint brecan his sconcan ne biþ him lǽce gód he shall cause the stones to break his legs, no doctor shall avail him, 206; Sal. 102. Nys hálum lǽces nán þearf non est opus valentibus medico, Mt. Kmbl. 9, 12: Lk. 5, 31: Exon. 89 b; Th. 336, 8; Gn. Ex. 45. Hé hine gelǽdde on his lǽcehús and hine lácnude and brohte óðrum dæge twegen penegas and sealde ðam lǽce duxit illum in stabulum et curam ejus egit, et altera die protulit duos denarios et dedit stabulario, Lk. Skt. 10, 34-5. Oððe hí lǽceas (Ps. Spl. lǽcas) weccean aut medici suscitabunt, Ps. Th. 87, 10. Ðeáh ða woroldlecon lǽceas [Hat. MS. lǽcas] scomaþ ðæt hí onginnem ða wunda lácnian ðe hí gesión ne mágon ... hwílon ne scomaþ ða ðe ðæs módes lǽceas bión sceoldon ðeáh ðe hí náne wuht ongitan ne cunnon ðara gǽstlecena beboda ðæt hí him onteóþ ðæt hí sín heortan lǽceas tamen sæpe qui nequaquam spiritalia præcepta cognoverunt, cordis se medicos profiteri non metuunt: dum qui pigmentorum vim nesciunt, videri medici carnis erubescunt, Past. 1, 1; Swt. 24, 19-26, 2. Witodlíce ne mágon lǽceas [MS. B. lǽcas] náht mycel hǽlan bútan ðisse wyrte certainly, doctors cannot heal much without this plant, Herb. 20, 4; Lchdm. i. 114, 22. Lǽcas lǽraþ ðisne lǽcedóm, L. M. 2, cont. 18, 20; Lchdm. ii. 160, 17, 22. Lǽceas secgaþ, 19; Lchdm. ii. 160, 19. Seó cóðu ðe lǽcas hátaþ paralisin, Homl. Th. ii. 546, 29. Gelácna ðú hý forðan ðú éðest miht ealra lǽca, Hy. 1, 6; Hy. Grn. ii. 280, 6. Fram manegum lǽcum a compluribus medicis, Mk. Skt. 5, 26. Is seó geoluwe swá ðeáh swíðost lǽceon [MS. B. lǽcon] gecwéme the yellow is however most suitable for doctors, Herb. 165, 1; Lchdm. i. 294, 11. Josep beád his þeówan lǽcon Joseph præcepit servis suis medicis, Gen. 50, 1. Seó fordǽlde on lǽcas eall ðæt heó áhte in medicos erogaverat omnem substantiam suam, Lk. Skt. 8, 43. Léceas, Ep. Gl. 18 b, 21. [O. E. Homl. lache, leche: Orm. læche: A. R. leche: Chauc. Piers P. leche: Prompt. Parv. leche aliptes, empiricus, medicus, cirurgicus, a surgion; p. 291 note, q. v.: Goth. lékeis, leikeis: O. Frs. leza, letza, leischa: O. H. Ger. láhhi, láche medicus: Dan. læge: cf. Icel. laknari, læknir.] v. heáh-lǽce. II. a leech (species of worm) :-- Lǽce sanguisuga vel hirudo, Ælfc. 23; Som. 60, 5; Wrt. Voc. 24, 9: sanguisuga, Wrt. Voc. ii. 71, 17. Lýces sanguissuge, Kent. Gl. 1085. [Prompt. Parv. leche.]
lǽce-bóc, e; f. A book on medicine, book of recipes :-- Ðonne sceal him mon blód lǽtan on ðás wísan ðe ðeós lǽcebóc segþ then shall he be let blood in these ways that this book on medicine sayeth, L. M. cont. 2, 42; Lchdm. ii. 168, 12. [Dan. læge-bog a medical book.]
lǽce-cræft, es; m. The art of medicine, a particular instance of the application of this art, a remedy, recipe, medicine :-- Swá gedéþ se lǽcecræft ðæt se mon biþ lǽce medicina medicos facit, Bt. 16, 3; Fox 54, 31. Ic ðé wille nú secgan hwelc se lǽcecræft is mínre láre hé is swíðe biter on múþe I will now tell thee of what kind the medicine of my teaching is. It is very bitter in the mouth, Bt. 22, 1; Fox 76, 28. Ðes lǽcecræft ys áfandud this remedy is a proved one, Herb. 183, 1; Lchdm. i. 320, 9. Brúce ðysses lǽcecræft[es] use this remedy, Lchdm. iii. 126, 20. Ðis sceal ðan manna tó lǽcecræfte this shall be a remedy for the men, 22. Wé habbaþ hwæðere ða bysne on hálgum bócum ðæt mót se ðe wile mid sóðum lǽcecræfte his líchaman getemprian we have however the examples in holy books that he who will may cure his body with true leechcraft [cf. wiccecræft 1. 22], Homl. Th. i. 474, 34. Lǽcecræftas and dolgsealfa and drencas wið eallum wundum medicines and unguents and potions for all wounds, L. M. cont. 1, 38; Lchdm. ii. 8, 26. Lǽcecræftas be lifre ádlum recipes for diseases of the liver, L. M. cont. 2, 17; Lchdm. ii. 160, 10. Be wylddeóra lǽcecræftum of medicines obtained from wild animals, Lchdm. i. 326, 9. On ðissum ǽrestan lǽcecræftum gewritene sint lǽcedómas wið eallum heáfdes untrymnessum in these first recipes are written remedies for all infirmities of the head, L. M. 1, 1; Lchdm. ii. 18, 1. [Ne þurh nenne lǽchecræft ne mihte he lif habben, Laym. 7616: Þurrh Crisstenndomess læchecrafft, Orm. 1869: he ne secheð nout leche ne lechecraft, A. R. 178, 13: þe kyng lette do under lechecraft hem þat ywonded were, R. Glouc. 141, 6: lered lechecraft his lyf for to save, Piers P. 16, 104: Dan. læge-kraft healing power.] cf. lǽce-dóm.
lǽce-cræftig; adj. Skilled in medicine :-- Arestolobius wæs háten án cing hé wæs wís and lǽcecræftig hé ðá gesette forðon gódne morgendrænc wið eallum untrymnessum ðe mannes líchoman iond styriaþ there was a king named Arestolobius, he was wise and skilled in medicine, for which reason he composed a good-morning drink for all infirmities that stir throughout man's body, Lchdm. iii. 70, 16.
lǽce-cynn, es; n. The race of physicians or surgeons :-- Nǽfre [ic] lǽcecynn on folcstede findan meahte ðara ðe mid wyrtum, wunde gehǽlde never could I find on the battlefield the leeches, those who with herbs my wounds would heal, Exon. 102 b; Th. 388, 20; Rä. 6, 10.
lǽce-dóm, es; m. Medicine, a medicine, remedy, cure :-- Lǽcedóm medecina, Wrt. Voc. 74, 5: Lchdm. ii. 16, 9-27. Lécedom, Kent. Gl. 148. Lǽcedóm malagma, Wrt. Voc. ii. 75, 59: cura, 92, 61. In untrymnisse wæs ðú lǽcedóme in infirmitate sis medecina, Rtl. 105, 13. On ðare smyrunge biþ lǽcedóm and sinna forgifnes and ne biþ ná hádung unction is medicinal, and in it there is forgiveness of sins, but there is no ordination, L. Ælfc. P. 48; Th. ii. 384, 32. Ýdel biþ se lǽcedóm ðe ne mæg ðone untruman gehǽlan vain is the medicine that cannot heal the sick, Homl. Th. i. 60, 34. Búton hé ðone tíman árédige ðæs lǽcedómes ðonne biþ hit swutol ðæt se lácnigenda forliésþ ðone cræft his lǽcedómes nisi cum tempore medicamenta conveniant, constat procul dubio, quod medendi officium amittant, Past. 21, 2; Swt. 153, 3-5. Hwí ne bidst ðú ðé lífes lǽcedómes æt lífes freán, Dóm. L. 6, 81. Mycel wund behófaþ mycles lǽcedómes grande vulnus grandioris curam medelæ desiderat, Bd. 4, 25; S. 599, 40. Tó lǽcedóme and tó hǽle untrumra manna ad medelam infirmantium, 3, 10; S. 534, 24. For hwylcum lǽcedóme pro aliquo remedio, L. Ecg. C. 21; Th. ii. 156, 14. Becuman tó ðam sóþan lǽcedóme pervenire ad veram medelam, L. Ecg. P. i. 4; Th. ii. 174, 4: Blickl. Homl. 107, 15. Ne hogaþ hé be ðam heofenlícan lǽcedóme, Homl. Th. ii. 470, 56. Wið untrumnysse lǽcedóm sǽcan medicamentum contra ægritudines explorare, Bd. 1, 27; S. 494. 18. Him lǽcedom bǽron illis solent adferre medelam, 4, 6; S. 574, 10. Ðá sóhte Colemannus ðysse unsibbe lǽcedóm quæsivit Colmanus huic dissensioni remedium, 4, 4; S. 571. 6. Ic wolde ymbe ðone lǽcedóm ðara ðínra lára hwéne máre gehýran remedia audiendi avidus vehementer efflagito, Bt. 22, 1; Fox 76, 17. Ús is nédþearf ðæt wé sécan ðone lǽcedóm úre sáuwle, Blickl. Homl. 97, 31. Þurh his lǽcedóm by means of the remedy he has provided, Cd. 226; Th. 301, 30; Sat. 589. Lǽcedóm findan, Exon. 31 a; Th. 96, 13; Cri. 1573. Lǽcedómas, see Lchdm. ii. pp. 2-16: pp. 158-174. Hí tó ðám dweoligendum lǽcedómum deófolgylde éfeston ad erratica idolatriæ medicamina concurrebant, Bd. 4, 27; S. 604, 7. Tó lécedómum écum ad remedia æterna, Rtl. 23, 26. Untrymnessa lǽcedómes onféngon languorum remedia conquisiere, Bd. 3, 17; S. 544, 47. Lege on lǽcedómas ða ðe út teón ða yfelan wǽtan apply remedies that may draw out the evil humour, L. M. 1, 4; Lchdm. ii. 46, 26. [O. E. Homl. ʒif he lechedom con, i. 111, 2: Orm. Drihhtiness Iæchedom and sawless eʒhe sallfe, 1851: O. H. Ger. láh-tuom medicina, medicamentum, fomentum: cf. Icel. læknis-dómr medicine: Dan. læge-dom medicine, healing power, cure.]
lǽcedóm-ness, e; f. A plaster :-- Lǽcedómnessa oððe sealfe cataplasma, Wrt. Voc. ii. 18, 30.
lǽce-feoh; g. -feós; n. A physician's fee, money paid to a doctor :-- Swá hwylc man swá óðrum wonwlite ongewyrce forgylde him ðone womwlite and his weorc wyrce óþ ðæt seó wund hál sig and ðæt lǽcefeoh ðam lǽce gylde, quicunque homo alio vulnus in faciem inflixerit, emendet ei vulnus, et opus ejus operetur, donec vulnus sanetur, et mercedem medico solvat, L. Ecg. C. 22; Th. ii. 148, 19. [Cf. Si vulneravit quis alium, et satisfacere debeat, in primis reddat ei lich-fe quantum scilicet in curam vulueris impendit, L. W. I. 1, 10; Th. i. 471, 25. Cf. Icel. læknis-fé.]
lǽce-finger, es; m. The leech-finger, the fourth finger [though in one gloss it seems to be the little-finger] :-- Þuma pollex, scytelfinger index, middelfinger medius, lǽcefinger medicus, eárefinger auricularius, Wrt. Voc. 71, 30-34. At p. 44,7-8 the names are different :-- Goldfinger medicus vel annularis, lǽcefinger auricularis, Ælfc. Gl. 73; Som. 71, 22. Sing on ðíne lǽce-finger paternoster, Lchdm. i. 394, 2. [In later times it was the fourth finger e.g. Halliwell in his Dictionary quotes from a MS. of the 15th cent.
like a fyngir has a name, als men thaire fyngers calle, |
The lest fyngir hat litye man, for hit is lest of alle; |
The next fynger hat leche man, for qwen a leche dos oʒt, |
With that fynger he tastes all thyng howe that hit is wroʒt. |
In Prompt. Parv. P. 291 note the reason for the name is given differently. 'The fourth finger was called the leech finger, from the pulsation therein found, and supposed to be in more direct communication with the heart, as in the tract attributed to Joh. de Garlandiâ ... it is said 'Stat medics [medylle fyngure] media, medicus [leche fyngure] jam convenit [accordyt] egro.' See too in the same writer's Dictionarius, Wrt. Voc. p. 121, 35 'medicus dicitur digitus eo quod illo medici imponunt medicinam.' Cf. Icel. læknis-fingr.]
lǽce-hús, es; n. A hospital, a house where the sick are tended by a leech :-- Hé hine gelǽdde on his lǽcehús [Lind. lécehús] and hine lácnude And brohte óðrum dæge twegen penegas and sealde ðam lǽce and ðus cwæþ Begým hys illum duxit in stabulum et curam ejus egit. Et altera die protulit duos denarios et dedit stabulario et ait curam illius habe, Lk. Skt. 10, 34-5. [The translator seems not to have kept close to the text, but to have rendered the passage in accordance with the part played by the Good Samaritan. A more literal translation is given Past. 17, 10; Swt. 125 where in stabulum is rendered tó ðæm giesðhúse.] [Prompt. Parv. a leche house laniena, quia infirmi ibi laniantur, p. 291, note 4.]
lǽce-sealf, e; f. A medicinal salve or ointment, a plaster; malagma, Wrt. Voc. ii. 87, 77.
lǽce-seax, es; n. A surgeon's knife :-- Se lǽce hýt ðonne his lǽceseax under his cláðum medicus abscondit igitur ferrum medicinale sub veste, Past. 26, 3; Swt, 187, 9.
lǽce-wyrt, e; f. I. a herb having medicinal virtue :-- Se wísa Augustinus cwæþ ðæt unpleólíc sý ðeáh hwá lǽcewyrte þicge ac ðæt hé tælþ tó unálýfedlícere wiglunge gif hwá ða wyrta on him becnitte búton hé hí tó ðam dolge gelecge the learned Augustine said, that it is not dangerous, though any one eat a medicinal herb; but he considers it as unlawful sorcery, if any one bind the herbs on himself, unless he lay them to the wound, Homl. Th. 1. 476, 4. II. the name of a particular plant :-- Lǽcewyrt quinquenerina [quinquenervia], Wrt. Voc. 286, 39. Léciwyrt quinquenervia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 118, 57. Lǽcewyrt. Ðeós wyrt ðe man lichanis stefanice and óðrum naman lǽcewyrt nemneþ this plant which is named λύχνιs στεφανική and by another name leechwort [Cockayne Lchdm. ii. 396, col. 2 suggests campions or ragged robin or one of that kindred as the plant here meant], Herb. 133, 1; Lchdm. i. 248, 15-7. Lǽcewyrt plantago lanceolata, L. M. 1, 32; Lchdm. ii. 78, 7: 1, 38; Lchdm. ii. 96, 14. See Cockayne as above where he gives lakeblad plantago major, in West Gothland. [Dan. læge-urt medicinal plant: cf. Icel. læknis-gras a healing herb.]
læcing, e; f. Blame, reproof; redargutio, Somner. [Cf. Chauc. Piers P. to lakke to blame, dispraise, speak ill of; Prompt. Parv. lakkyn vitupero, culpo; lacke or blame vituperium, p. 285, note 3, where this line from Lydgate, besides other instances, is given 'with lawde or lack liche as they have deserved': O. Frs. laking impugnatio; lakia impugnare.]
lǽcnan to tend :-- Lǽcnende procurans, Wrt. Voc. ii. 90, 72. v. lácnian.
lǽcung, e; f. Healing, remedy. [O. E. Homl. hit beo mi lechunge hit beo mi bote, i. 187, 35: O. H. Ger. láhunka remedium.] v. sealf-lǽcung, and cf. lácnung.
lǽd, Chart. Th. 166, 21. v. lǽwed.
LǼDAN; p. de; pp. lǽded, lǽd TO LEAD, conduct, take, carry, bring, bring forth, produce [the word translates the Latin verbs ducere, ferre with many of their compounds] :-- Ic naman Drihtnes herige and hine mid lofsange lǽde swylce laudabo nomen Dei mei cum cantico, et magnificabo eum in laude, Ps. Th. 68, 31. Twegen gemacan ðú lǽtst in tó ðam arce bina induces in arcam, Gen. 6, 19. Se wísa mon eall his líf lǽt on gefeán [cf. orsorg líf lǽdaþ woruldmen wíse, Bt. Met. Fox 7, 80; Met. 7, 40] duces serenus ævum, Bt. 12; Fox. 36, 24, Se blinda gyf hé blindne lǽt cæcus si cæco ducatum præstet, Mt. Kmbl. 15, 14. Lét, Dóm. L. 18, 294. Se ðe nimeþ ɫ lǽdeþ synne middangeardes qui tollit peccatum mundi, Jn. Skt. Lind. 1, 29. Gé cunnon hwæt se hláford is se ðisne here lǽdeþ, Exon. 16 a; Th. 36, 11; Cri. 574. Man ða moldan nimeþ and men wíde geond eorþan lǽdaþ tó reliquium the earth is taken, and men carry it far and wide over the world as relics, Blickl. Homl. 127, 16. Hí hergiaþ and tó scipe lǽdaþ they harry and carry off the plunder to their ships, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 109, 137. Hí Crist heriaþ and him lof lǽdaþ Crist they laud and to him bring praise, Hy. 7, 25; Hy. Grn. ii. 287, 25. Ic wille ácwellan cynna gehwylc ðara ðe lyft and flód lǽdaþ and fédaþ I will destroy every kind that air and water produce and nourish, Cd. 65; Th. 78, 25; Gen. 1298. Wæstme tydraþ ealle ða on Libanes lǽdaþ [MS. lǽdeþ] on beorge cwice cederbeámas ða ðú sylfa gesettest cedri Libani quas plantasti, Ps. Th. 103, 16. Ða men mon lǽdde tó Winteceastre tó ðæm cynge the men were brought to Winchester to the king, Chr. 897; Erl. 96, 10. Se deófol hire genam and lǽdde hine on swíðe heáhne munt assumpsit eum diabolus in montem excelsum valde, Mt. Kmbl. 4, 8: Blickl, Homl. 27, 16. Ðá cwæþ hé tó ðam engle ðe hine lǽdde then said he to the angel that conducted him, 43, 32. Eal ðæt folc hine lǽdde mid gefeán, 249, 21. Ecgbryht lǽdde fierd wið Norþanhymbre Egbert led a force against the Northumbrians, Chr. 827; Erl. 64, 7. Hé wæs ofslegen mid ealle ðý weorude ðe hé lǽdde, Bd. 1, 34; S. 499, 34. Hé onbeád ðæt hé of Róme cóme and ðæt betste ǽrende lǽdde mandavit se venisse de Roma ac nuncium ferre optimum, 1, 25; S. 486, 26. Hé ancorlíf lǽdde vitam solitariam duxerat, 4, 27; S. 603, 28. Hé lǽdde eduxit, Blickl. Gl. Hé hine lǽdde forþ tó ðon cafortúne ðæs húses. Blickl. Homl. 219, 20. Lǽde mon hider tó ús sumne untrumne mon. Ðá lǽdde mon forþ sumne blindne mon of Angelcynne. Wæs hé ǽrest lǽded tó Brytta biscopum adducatur aliquis æger ... Allatus est quidam de genere Anglorum, oculorum lute privatus; qui oblatus Brittonum sacerdotibus, Bd, 2, 2; S. 502, 21-5. Ðá Abraham ǽhte lǽdde of Egypta éðelmearce, Cd. 90; Th. 112, 20; Gen. 1873. Hé hét smiðian áne lytle róde ða hé lvdde on his swíðran he ordered a little cross to be forged, that he laid upon his right hand, Homl. Th. ii. 304, 16. His ðegnas lǽddon him tó ðone eosol his disciples brought the ass to him, Blickl. Homl. 71, 6. On hæftnéd lǽddon led into captivity, 79, 22. Ða fíf cyningas mit húde lǽddan (predati sunt) Loth gebundenne, Prud. 2 a. Mé lǽddon me deduxerunt, Ps. Spl. 42, 3. Ða ilcan ðe ǽr landgemǽre lǽddon the same that before had marked the boundaries of the land, Chart. Th. 376, 19. Hettend lǽddon út mid ǽhtum abrahames mǽg of Sodoma byrig, Cd. 94; Th. 121, 17; Gen. 2011. Ne lǽd ðú ús in costunge lead us not into temptation, Hy. 6, 27; Hy. Grn. ii. 286, 27, Lǽd út mid ðé educ tecum, Gen. 8, 17. Ðá cwæþ hé tó his geréfan lǽde in ðás menn and gearwa úre þénunga præcepit dispensatori domus suæ dicen: Introduc viros domum, et instrue convivium, 43, 16. Ðá cwæþ hé lǽde hig tó mé adduc, inquit, eos ad me, 48, 9. Lǽdaþ hig forþ and forbearnaþ hig producite eam ut comburatur, 38, 24. Fare gé tó eówrum húse and lǽde eówerne gingstan bróðor tó mé vos abite in domos vestras et fratrem vestrum minimum ad me adducite, 42, 20. Gáþ and lǽdaþ út ðæt wíf producite eam, Jos. 6, 22. Lǽde seó eorþe forþ cuce nítenu producat terra animam viventem, Gen. 1, 24. Lǽdæ þrounc tollat crucem, Mk. Skt. Lind. 8, 34. Hé his ða menniscan gecynd on heofenas lǽdon wolde he would take his human nature into heaven, Blickl. Homl. 127, 24. Hé hét his líchoman up ádón and lǽdon tó Wintonceastre translatus in Ventam civitatem, Bd. 3, 7; S. 529, 24: Blickl. Homl. 193, 10. Hé forðon cóme ðæt hé sceolde mete lǽdan propter victum adferendum, Bd, 4, 22; S. 591, 8. Hí hæfdon ǽrend ðe hí him lǽdan sceolden haberent aliquid legationis quod deberent ad illum perferre, 5, 10; S. 624, 22. Ne dorste siððn nán Scotta cininga lǽdan here on ðás þeóda, Chr. 603; Erl. 21, 16. Sceal ic lǽdan ðínne sunu eft tó ðam lande ðe ðú of férdest? Beó wær æt ðam ðæt ðú nǽfre mínne sunu ðyder ne lǽde numquid reducere debeo frilium tuum ad locum, de quo egressus es? Cave, ne quando reducas filium meum illuc, Gen. 24, 4-5. Wíf lǽdan to take a wife, Lchdm. iii. 190, 5: 212, 8. Þuhte mé ðæt ic gesáwe treów on lyft lǽdan methought that I, saw a tree borne aloft, Rood Kmbl. 9; Kr. 5. Wudu mót him weaxan tánum lǽdan wood may grow, be productive of twigs, Exon. 119 b; Th. 458, 23; Hy. Grn. ii. 285, 105. Ecbyrht munuclíf wæs lǽdende on Hibernia, Bd. 3, 27 tit,; S. 558, 8. Hé wæs eft swá ǽr lof lǽdende he was again as before bringing forth praise, Andr. Kmbl. 2952; An. 1479. Se ána ealra heáma up lǽdendra it alone of all trees that bear on high their branches, Exon. 58 b; Th. 209, 30; Ph. 178. Sagaþ Matheus ðætte se Hǽlend wǽre lǽded on wésten, Blickl. Homl. 27, 4. Ðá wæs geond ða werþeóde wíde lǽded mǽre morgenspel then was a mighty report carried far and wide among the people, Elen. Kmbl. 1935; El. 969. Feorran lǽded brought from far, Exon. 107 b; Th. 411, 2; Rä 29, 6. Ðæt wæs lǽd æt Licitfelda that [the exculpation from the charge] was produced at Lichfield, Chart. Th. 373, 34. Tó ðam écan setle ðæs heofonlícan ríces lǽded wæs ad æternam regni cælestis sedem translatus est, Bd. 2, 1; S. 500, 11. Forðon of Breotone nædran on scipum lǽdde wǽron nam de Brittania adlati serpentes, Bd. 1, 1; S. 474, 34. [Laym. læden to lead, take: Orm. ledenn ʒuw to conduct yourselves: A. R. lede lif: Gen. and Ex. leden song to sing: O. Sax. lédian to lead, bring, bear: O. L. Ger. lédian, leidan ducere, deducere: O. Frs. léda to lead, conduct: Icel. leiða: O. H. Ger. leitan: Ger. leiten.] v. lád, III. á-, an-, for-, ge-, in-. on-, óþ-, út-, wið-lǽdan.
Lǽden, es; n. I. Latin, the Latin tongue :-- Is ðæt Léden on smeáunge gewrita eallum ðám óðrum gemǽne quæ [i.e. lingua Latinorum] meditatione scripturarum cæteris omnibus est facta communis, Bd. 1, 1; S, 474, 4. Swá gelǽred ðæt hé Grécisc gereord of miclum dǽle cúþe and Léden him wæs swá cúþ swá swá Englisc in tantum institutus, ut Græcam linguam non parva ex parte, Latinam non minus quam Anglorum noverit, 5, 20; S. 641, 34. Wé ne durron ná máre áwrítan on Englisc ðonne ðæt Léden hæfþ, ne ða endebirdnisse áwendan búton ðam ánum ðæt ðæt Léden and ðæt Englisc nabbaþ ná áne wísan on ðære sprǽce fadunge [fandunge, Thw.]. Ǽfre se ðe áwent of Lédene on Englisc, ǽfre hé sceal gefadian hit swá ðæt ðæt Englisc hæbbe his ágene wísan, elles hit biþ swíðe gedwolsum tó rǽdenne ðam ðe ðǽs Lédenes wísan ne can, Ælfc. Gen. Thw, 4, 5-11. Hé Grécisc geleornode mid Lédene Græcam cum Latina didicit linguam, Bd. 5, 23; S. 645, 16. Of Lǽdene on Englisc áreccean to translate from Latin into English, Past. pref; Swt. 3, 15. Of Lǽdene tó Engliscum spelle gewendan, Bt. pref; Fox viii, 9. Glossa is ðonne man glésþ ða earfoþan word mid eáðran lédene faustus is on ódrum lédene beatus ðæt is eádig fatuus is on óðrum lédene stultus ðæt is stunt a gloss is when the difficult words are explained with easier Latin; another Latin word for faustus is beatus i.e. happy; another Latin word for fatuus is stultus i.e. foolish, Ælfc. Gr. 50; Som. 51, 43-4. Ða bóc ðe is genemned on Lǽden Pastoralis, and on Englisc Hierdebóc, Past. pref.; Swt. 7, 19. Hér is geleáfa lǽwedum mannum ðe ðæt léden ne cunnon, Homl. Th. ii. 596, 2. Gitrahtad on lǽden [Lind. in Latin] interprætatum, Mk. Skt. Rush. 5, 41. On lǽden [Lind. lǽddin] latine, Jn, Skt. Rush. 19, 20. Didymus, geminus in lætin, Lind. 20, 24, margin. Hí beóþ oft óðres cynnes on léden, and óðres cynnes on englisc; wé cweþaþ on léden hic liber, and on englisc ðeós bóc, Ælfc. Gr. 6; Som. 5, 37-40. On léden latine and latialiter, 38; Som. 41, 32. Gelǽrede on léden and on grécisc, Homl. Skt. 2, 44: Bd. 4, 1; S. 564, 11. Sum mæssepreóst cúðe be dǽle Lýden understandan a certain mass-priest could understand Latin partially, Ælfc. Gen. Thw. p. 1, 20. [Cf. Icel. Látína; f.] II. any tongue, speech, language :-- Spasmus ðæt ys on úre leódene hneccan sár σπασμόs, that is in our language, a pain at the back of the neck, Lchdm. iii. 110, 1. Mara ðæt ys on úre lýden biternys, Ex. 15, 23. Ealle hig sprecaþ án lýden est unum labium omnibus, Gen. 11, 6. [Laym. cerno an Englisc leoden, ich iseo, 29677: Marh. þe moneþ ðat on ure ledene is ald englisch esterlið inempnet, 23, 6: A. R. on ebreuwische ledene, 136, 24; on englische leodene, 170, 9: Piers P. I leve his ledne be in owre lordes ere lyke a pyes chiteryng, 12, 253: Chauc. every thing that any foul may in his ledene seyn, F. 435 [see Skeat's note in the Clarendon Press edition]. For the extended use of forms in Romance from latinus cf. the passage, given in that note, of Dante's Canzone beginning 'Fresca rosa novella,' 'Cantino gli augelli ciascuno in suo latino;' Parad. iii. 63 si che 'l raffigurar m'é piu latino [clear]; Convito bk. 2, c. 3 a piu latinamente veder la sentenza. In Old Spanish ladino is explained 'el que sabe otra lengua o lenguas ademas de la suya.' Is it possible that in the case of English the forms geþeóde, þeód may have had some influence in giving currency to lýden in the general sense of language, by suggesting a connection of this latter form with leód?]
Lǽden; adj. Latin :-- Léden latinus, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 41, 32. Ealle naman lédenre sprǽce [lédensprǽce, MS. O.] ðe on a geendiaþ all latin nouns that end in a, 7; Som. 6, 55. Ða gemetu gebyriaþ tó lédenum leóðcræfte metres belong to latin poetry, 50; Som. 51, 66. On lédenum gereorde, Homl. Skt. 6, 367. Lédene láreówas maciaþ on sumum namum accusativum on im, Ælfc. Gr. 9; Som. 14, 32. Stafum créciscum and lǽdenum [latinum, Lind.] litteris græcis et latinis, Lk. Skt. Rush. 23, 38. See the compounds of which Lǽden forms the first part.
Lǽden-bóc; f. A Latin book :-- Nán man næfþ lédenbóca angit be fullon búton hé ðone cræft cunne no man perfectly understands Latin books, unless he know that art [grammar], Ælfc. Gr. 50; Som. 50, 65. Áwriten on lédenbócum written down in Latin books, Homl. Skt. p. 4, 48. Ða ealdan lǽces gesetton on lédonbócum, Lchdm. iii. 152, 1.
lǽdend, es; m. One who leads or brings :-- Se wæs ǽ bringend, lára lǽdend, Exon. 10 a; Th. 9, 27; Cri. 141.
lǽdend, es; m. One who excuses :-- Ne hyld ðú míne heortan ðæt ic lǽdend wese láðra firena ut non declines cor meum ad excusandas excusationes in peccatis, Ps. Th. 140, 5. Cf. ládian.
Lǽden-gereord, -gereorde, es; n. Latin, the Latin language :-- Of lǽdengereorde on englisc, Lchdm. iii. 440, 27.
Lǽden-geþeóde, es; n. The Latin language :-- Lǽre mon furður on Lǽdengeþióde ða ðe mon furðor lǽran wille ... Ðá ic ða gemunde hú sió lár Lǽdengeþiódes áfeallen wæs giond Angelcynn let those to whom it is desired to give further instruction, be instructed in Latin ... When I remembered how the teaching of Latin was decayed throughout England, Past. Pref; Swt. 7, 13-17.
Lǽdenisc; adj. Latin :-- On Lédenisc gereorde ge on Grécisc, Bd. 4, 1; S. 563, 33. On Lédennisc, 4, 2; S. 565, 28: 5, 8; S. 622, 1. On lǽddin ɫ lǽdinisc latine, Jn. Skt. Kmbl. 19, 20. [Cf. O. H. Ger. in latinisgon latine.]
Lǽden-nama, an; m. A Latin noun :-- Gif ðú nást sumne lédennaman [lǽden- MS. H] hwylces cynnes hé sý if you do not know some Latin noun, of what gender it is, Ælfc. Gr. 50; Som. 51, 35.
Lǽden-sprǽc, e; f. The Latin speech or language :-- Ealle naman lédensprǽce [also lédenre sprǽce] all Latin nouns, Ælfc. Gr. 7; Som. 6, 55. On lédensprǽce, 2; Som. 2, 47. Hálige láreówas hit áwriton on lédensprǽce, Homl. Skt. p. 6, 51. Se cræft geopenaþ lédensprǽce [MS. H. lǽden-] Ælfc. Gr. 50; Som. 50, 65.
Lǽden-stæf, es; m. A Latin letter :-- Hit wæs áwriten grécisceon and lédenstafon erat scribtum græce et latine, Jn. Skt. 19, 20. [Cf. Icel. Látínu-stafr.]
Lǽden-ware; pl. The Latins, the Romans :-- Lǽdenware wendon hié ealla on hiora ágen geþeóde the Romans turned them all into their own language, Past. Pref; Swt. 6, 3. On Lédenwara gereorde lingua Latinorum, Bd. 1, 1; S. 474, 4. Sui næfþ nǽnne nominativum náðer ne mid Grǽcúm ne mid Lédenwarum, Ælfc. Gr. 15; Som. 18, 5. Firgilius wæs mid Lǽdenwarum sélest amongst the Romans Virgil was best, Bt. 41, 1; Fox 244, 5.
Lǽden-word, es; n. A Latin word :-- Ðás word ne beóþ ná lédenword gif se r byþ áweg gedón, Ælfc. Gr. 19; Som. 22, 54.
lǽdere, es; m. A leader, guide, Cant. Moys. [?], Lye. [Piers P. leder: O. Frs. folk-lédera: O. H. Ger. leitari dux.]
lǽd-ness, e; f. A bringing forth, production :-- On ðæs tuddres lǽdnysse in prolis prolatione, Bd. 1, 27; S. 493, 21 note. v. forþ-lǽdness.
lǽfan; p. de. I. to leave :-- Ic lǽfe eów sibbe percent relinquo vobis, Jn. Skt. 14, 27. Ic léfe lego, Wrt. Voc. ii. 49, 66. Gif hwæs bróðor deád biþ and lǽfþ his wíf si cujus frater mortuus fuerit et dimiserit uxorem, Mk. Skt. 12, 19. Hig ne lǽfaþ on ðé stán ofer stáne non relinquent in te lapidem super lapidem, Lk. Skt. 19, 44. Se forma lǽfde his bróðer his wíf primus reliquit uxorem suam fratri suo, Mt Kmbl. 22, 25. Ða men ðe hé beæftan him lǽfde ǽr those men that before he had left behind him, Chr. 755; Erl. 50, 13. Hié hegeáton welan and ús lǽfdon they got wealth and left it us, Past. pref; Swt. 5, 15. Swá hit his yldran begeáton and létan and lǽfdon ðam tó gewealde ðe hý wel úðan, L. O. 14; Th. i. 184, 3. Ðínum mágum lǽf folc and ríce leave to thy kinsmen people and power. Beo. Th. 2361; B. 1178. Ðonne him forþsíð gebyrige gýme his hláford ðæs hé lǽfe when his death happens, let his lord take charge of what he leaves, L. R. S. 4; Th. i. 434, 28: 5; Th. i. 436, 9. Ne biþ lǽfed stán uppan stáne, Mt. Kmbl. 24, 2. Án byþ genumen and óðer byþ lǽfed, 24, 41. Heora landáre ðe him lǽfed wæs their landed property that was left them, Homl. Skt. 4, 82. Ná lǽfedum sǽde non relicto semine, Mk. Skt. 12, 20. Ðæt ða bán áne beón lǽfed so that the bones only are left, L. Med. ex Quad. 3, 11; Lchdm. i. 340, 26. II. to remain, be left remaining :-- Gif hwæt lǽfde if anything remained, Homl. Th. ii. 40, 14. Hia lǽfdun superaverunt, Jn. Skt. Rush. 6, 12. [Goth. bi-laibjan to remain: O Sax. farleƀian to remain; léƀón to be left: O. Frs. léva to leave: Icel. leifa to leave: O. H. Ger. leibjan relinquere: leibén to remain.] DER. be-, ge-, ofer-lǽfan.
læfel, es; m. A cup, vessel, bowl :-- Læfel sciffus, Wrt. Voc. 85, 66. Lævel, 25, 18. Lævil manile, 290, 69. Læuel aquemanile, Wrt. Voc. ii. 7, 14. Label aquemale, l00, 60. Lebil manile, 113, 43. Lebl triplia, 122, 62. Se læfyl ðe gé forstǽlon wæs mínum hláforde swíðe dýre scyphus, quem furati estis, ipse est, in quo bibit dominus meus, Gen. 44, 5. Ǽren fæt, læfel oððe céc, Lchdm. iii. 292, 9. Of ðæm hlæfle, Chart. Th. 439, 30. Ðonne gesealde Aðelwold biscop his cynehláforde ánne sylfrenne lefel on fíf pundum dedit autem Athelwoldus episcopus regi quoddam vas argenteum quinque, libras appendens, 236, 11. Nym mínne sylfrenan læfyl scyphum meum argenteum, Gen. 44, 2. viii læflas eight cups, Chart. Th. 429, 36. [Laym. water me brohte mid guldene læflen: O. L. Ger. lavil pelvis: O. H. Ger. label, lapel, labium, concha, pelvis, Grff. ii. 78-9.]
lǽfend, es; m. One who misleads [a traitor, = lǽwend?]; seductor, Ælfc. Gl. 85; Som. 73, 110; Wrt. Voc. 49, 17.
læfer, e; f. I. a rush :-- Læfer pirus [l. papyrus], gladiolus, Ælfc. Gl. 47; Som. 65, 15; Wrt. Voc. 33, 15: scirpio, Wrt. Voc. 69, 9: scirpia, 289, 44. Lebr scirpea, Wrt. Voc. ii. 119, 81. Eórisc, leber scirpea, 120, 17. Genim læfre neoðowearde take the lower part of a bulrush, Lchdm. i. 382, 21. II. a thin plate of metal :-- Gylden læfr bractea, Ælfc. Gl. 58; Som. 67, 111; Wrt. Voc. 38, 34. Xerxes beworhte ða bígelsas mid gyldenum læfrum Xerxes wrought over the arches of the roof with golden plates, Homl. Th. ii. 498, 3. Mid læfrum liscis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 51, 9. [See E. D. S. Plant Names s. v. levers: Grff ii. 80 leber scirpus, herba rotunda.]
læfer-bedd, es; n. A bed of rushes :-- Læferbed pirorium [v. læfer], Ælfc. Gl. 47; Som. 65, 14; Wrt. Voc. 33, 14. [Cf. liver-ground the place where the plant grows, E. D. S. Plant Names s. v. levers.]
lǽl, lél, e; f. I. a pliant twig, withe, whip, switch :-- Lǽl vimen, Ælfc. Gl. 46; Som. 65, 13; Wrt. Voc. 33, 12: vibex, Wrt. Voc. ii. 88, 4: 96, 35. Lǽla mastigias [mastigia flagrum, flagellum, virga, Ducange], 55, 25. Lélan vibice, 123, 68. II. a weal, mark left on the flesh by a stroke from a rod, stripe, mark, bruise, swelling :-- Sylle wunde wið wunde lǽl wið lǽle reddat vulnus pro vulnere, livorem pro livore, Ex. 21, 25: L. Ælfc. 19; Th. i. 48, 22. Ne sý him blódig wund líces lǽla ac gé hine gesundne ásettaþ ðǽr gé hine genóman let there be no bloody wound on him, no stripes on his body, but do you put him down sound, where you took him, Exon. 42 b; Th. 143, 34; Gú. 671. Léla livor, Kent. Gl. 763. Lǽla nevorum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 59, 50. Wið láðum lǽlum and wommum ad perniones, L. Med. ex Quad. 2, 20; Lchdm. i. 338, 15. Wð ðæt man lǽla and óðre sár of líchaman gedó in order that weals and other sores may be removed from the body, Herb. 102, 2; Lchdm. i. 216, 21. Wið yfele lǽla oίδήματα, 153, 4; Lchdm. i. 280, 1. Ðá eode se mæssepreóst tó ðam bysceope and hym eówde ða lǽla ðæra swyngellan ðe hé from dryhtne onféng then the priest went to the bishop and shewed him the marks of the scourging that he had received from the Lord, Shrn. 98, 18. [(?) Scot. leill a single stitch in marking on a sampler.] v. lǽlan, lǽlian; and cf. [for the double use] walu.
lǽlan to become black and blue with blows, to be bruised :-- Geseoh nú seolfes swæðe swá ðín swát ágeát blódige stíge líc lǽlan see now thy track, where thy blood hath poured forth, a bloody path, see thy body bruised, Andr. Kmbl. 2884; An. 1445. Kemble and Grimm read líclǽlan spots [of blood] on the body, but cf. lǽlian.
lǽlian to become black and blue; livescere, Wrt. Voc. ii. 50 41.
lǽmen; adj. Made of clay, earthen :-- Lǽmen fæt lagena, Ælfc. Gl. 26; Som. 60, 93; Wrt. Voc. 25, 33. Lémen fet vas fictile, Kent. Gl. 1001. Lǽmen crocca testa, Ps. Th. 21, 13. Lǽmen fæt a vessel of earth, Exon. 74 a; Th. 277, 2; Jul. 574 : L. Ath. iv. 7; Th. i. 226, 15. Lǽmene fatu fictilia vel samia; reádde lǽmene fatu aretina [MS. alsierina], Ælfc. Gl. 66; Som. 69, 94, 95; Wrt. Voc. 41, 46, 47. Lǽmene fatu beóþ on ofne áfandode, Homl. Th. i. 554, 33. Leomo lǽmena limbs of clay, Exon. 8 a; Th. 2, 6; Cri. 15. Lǽmina fictilia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 36, 35. [O. H. Ger. leimin fictilis, luteus.]
lǽn, lán [v. under lǽn-land], e; f. I. a loan, grant, gift :-- Lǽn commodum, Ælfc. Gl, 14; Som. 58, 5; Wrt. Voc. 21, 1. Lǽn commodum, lucrum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 132, 1 : depositum i. e. commendatum, 139, 1. Borg vel lǽn fenus i. e. lucrum, usura, 148, 24. Tó hwíle lǽn momentum, Ælfc. Gl. 15; Som. 58, 47; Wrt. Voc. 21, 36. Ðæt hridder tóbærst on ðære lǽne. Seó fóstormódor weóp for ðære áwyrdan lǽne the sieve broke in two during the loan. The foster-mother wept for the injured loan, Homl. Th. ii. 154, 16. Sum man sceolde ágyldan healf pund and wæs ðearle geswenct for ðære lǽne a certain man had to pay back half a pound, and was exceedingly harassed on account of the loan, 176, 35. Hé tó ðære lǽne fácn ne wiste he knew of no ill-design in the loan [of arms], L. Alf. pol. 19; Th. i. 74, 7. Se ðe æt his néhstan hwæt tó lǽne ábit qui a proximo suo quidquid mutuo postulaverit, Ex. 22, 14. Ðé biddaþ manega þeóda ðínes þinges tó lǽne and ðú ne bitst nánne fænerabis multis gentibus, et ipse a nullo fænus accipiens, Deut. 28, 12. Tó lǽne syllan mutuum dare, 15, 8. Tó lǽne beón to be lent, Past. pref; Swt. 9, 7. Lǽne syllaþ mutuum date, Lk. Skt. 6, 35. Ðá meahte heó wíde geseón þurh ðæs láðan lǽn then could she widely see through the fiend's gift, Cd. 29; Th. 38, 3; Gen. 601. Lǽn Godes, ælmihtiges gife, 32; Th. 43, 18; Gen. 692. Ðeáh hé him nánra óðerra lǽna [but Cott. MS. leana] ne wéne though he expect no other benefits, Bt. 24, 3; Fox 84, 1. II. [in connection with land] a grant that may be recalled, lease, fee, fief :-- Landes lǽn precarium, Ælfc. Gl. 14; Som. 58, 6; Wrt. Voc. 21, 2. Mon gerehte ðæt yrfe cinge forðon hé wæs cinges mon and Ordláf féng tó his londe forðon hit wæs his lǽn ðæt hé onsǽte hé ne meahte ná his forwyrcan the property went to the king because he [Helmstan] was the king's man; and Ordlaf took the land, for the land that he [Helmstan] occupied was held in fee from Ordlaf, so he [Helmstan] could not forfeit it, Chart. Th. 173, 4. v. Cod. Dip. Kmbl. i. lix. Ðá oferƀád Ælféh his bróðor and féng tó his lǽne [cf. geúðe hé him &c. 9-12] then Ælfeh survived his brother, and resumed the lands he had granted to him; mortuo Ælfrico Ælfegus statim omnia præstita sua, quæ fratri suo viventi præstiterat [resumpsit], 272, 13, 21. Æ-acute;lcne man lyst siððan hé ǽnig cotlýf on his hláfordes lǽne getimbred hæfþ ðæt hé hine móte hwílum ðar on gerestan and his on gehwilce wísan tó ðære lǽnan [is this a form lǽne, an; f. = lǽn, or can it be the adj. lǽne transitory, as the opposite of which ǽce occurs afterwards, with the noun that it qualifies omitted?] tilian óþ ðone fyrst ðe hé bócland and ǽce yrfe geearnige every man, after he has built any cottage on land granted him by his lord, desires that he may rest himself therein at times, and in some fashion provide for himself from the grant [?], until the time that he has gained a freehold and a perpetual possession, Shrn. 164, 2-8. Æþelwald and Alhmund his sunu hit woldon habban on his lǽne and hína Ethelwald and his son Alhmund would hold it [certain land] of him [the bishop] and of the convent in fee, Chart. Th. 140, 32. Denewulf bisceop and ða hýwan on Wintanceastre ænlǽnaþ Ælfréde his deg xl hída landes æt Alresforda æfter ðære lǽna ðe Túnbryht bisceop ǽr álénde his yldran bishop Denewulf and the convent at Winchester lease to Alfred for his life xl hides of land at Alresford, according to the lease that Tunbryht granted before to his parents, 147, 29. [O. E. Hom. se riche lane as beoð þeos sustren, i. 257, 22 : A. R. Ayenb. lone what is lent : Piers P. lone, loone, lene. The double form of the word in later English may be partly owing to Scandinavian influence. Icelandic has both lén; n. a fief, fee, grant, and lán; n. (though an older feminine is indicated) a loan, fief. O. Frs. lén; n. a grant, fee, fief: O. H. Ger. léhan; n. fænus, beneficium, usura, præstatio : Ger. lehen; n. fief, fee.] v. Kemble's Saxons in England, i. 310.
lǽnan; p. de To lend, grant, lease :-- Lǽnþ commodat, Ps. Spl. 36, 27 : 111, 5 : Blickl. Gl. Lénþ fenerator, Kent. Gl. 699. Gif gé lǽnaþ ðám ðe gé eft æt onfóþ hwilc þanc is eów sóþlice synfulle synfullum lǽnaþ si mutuum dederitis his a quibus speratis accipere quæ gratia est vobis? nam et peccatores peccatoribus fænerantur, Lk. Skt. 6, 34. Hig lǽnaþ eów and gé ne lǽnaþ him ipse fænerabit tibi et tu non fænerabis ei, Deut. 28, 44. Ðæt hé hæbbe ðæt land æt Ludintúne iii. geár for ðám þreóm pundum ðe hé lǽnde, Chart. Th. 434, 33. Lǽne mé þrý hláfas commoda mihi tres panes, Lk. Skt. 11, 5. Lǽne mé ða bóc tó rǽdenne commoda mihi librum ad legendum, Ælfc. Gr. 24; Som. 25, 20. Ne lǽne ðínum bréðer nán þing tó híre non fænerabis fratri tuo ad usuram pecuniam, Deut. 23, 19. Ys forboden ðæt hé his feoh tó nánum unrihtum gafole ne lǽne prohibitum est, pecuniam suam ullo injusto fænore mutuam dare, L. Ecg. P. ii. 30; Th. ii. 194, 16. Ymb ðæt land ðæ ðú mǽ firmdig tó wǽræ ðæt ic dǽ endæ de terra illa, de qua egisti apud me, ut ego eam tibi commodarem, Chart. Th. 162, 25. Him drihten mihte spéde lǽnan the Lord could grant him success, Cd. 95; Th. 124, 8; Gen. 2059. Hlǽnan mutuare, Wrt. Voc. ii. 56, 10. [Laym. lenen to grant :-- þis lond he hire lende, 228 : Orm. lenen : Chauc. lene : Prompt. Parv. leendyn presto, fenero : O. Fris. léna to lend grant : Icel. léna to grant; lána to lend : O. H. Ger. léhanon mutuari : Ger. lehnen.] DER. á-, be-, ge-, on-lǽnan.
lǽn-dagas; pl. m. The days granted to a man in which to live, the time during which a man lives :-- Sceolde lǽndaga [MS. þend daga] æþeling ende gebídan worulde lífes the end of the days that had been granted, of life in this world, was to come upon the prince, Beo. Th. 4672; B. 2341. Swá sceal ǽghwylc mon álǽtan lǽndagas, 5175; B. 2591. Cf. lǽne.
lǽne, an; f. = [?] lǽn, Shrn. 164, 6. v. lǽn II.
lǽne; adj. Granted as a lǽn [q. v.], granted for a time only, not permanent, transitory, temporary, frail [generally used as an epithet of things of this world when they are contrasted with those of the next] :-- Ac ic wolde witan hweðer ðé þuhte be ðam ðe ðú hæfst hweðer hyt wére ðe lǽne ðe ǽce but I would know whether you thought of what you have, that it was temporary or eternal, Shrn. 176, 29. Hér biþ feoh lǽne hér biþ freónd lǽne hér biþ mon lǽne in this world shall not wealth endure, or friend, or man, Exon. 78 a; Th. 292, 32; Wand. 108 : Elen. Kmbl. 2539; El. 1272. Ðis lǽne líf ðe wé lifiaþ on this transitory life in which we live, Ps. Th. 62, 3. Ðis deáde líf, lǽne on londe, Exon. 82 a; Th. 309, 32; Seef. 66. Ðeós lǽne gesceaft [the world], 20 a; Th. 52, 34; Cri. 843. Ðis is lǽne dreám [the present life], Cd. 169; Th. 211, 25; Exod. 531. Lǽnes landes bryce fructus, Wrt. Voc, ii. 39, 31. Lǽnan lífes leahtras, Exon. 62 b; Th. 229, 16; Ph. 456 : Cd. 156; Th. 194, 29; Exod. 268. Ende him on becom ðisses lǽnan lífes there came upon him an end of this life which is but for a moment, Blickl. Homl. 113, 8. Ne biddan wé úrne Drihten ðyses lǽnan welan, ne ðyssa eorþlícra geofa ðe hrædlíce from monnum gewítaþ, 20, 11. Se dæg wæs fruma ðyses lǽnan leóhtes, and hé biþ fruma ðæs écan æfterfylgendan, 133, 10. Má dereþ monna gehwylcum módes unþeáw ðonne mettrymnes lǽnes líchoman, Bt. Met. Fox 26, 225; Met. 26, 119. Eádgár ðis wáce forlét líf ðis lǽne, Chr. 975; Erl. 124, 32. Suelce hé cwǽde ic eów onlǽne ðás gewítendan and ic eów geselle ða þurwuniendan. Gif ðonne ðæs monnes mód and his lufu biþ behleápen eallunga on ða lǽnan sibbe ðonne ne mæg hé nǽfre becuman tó ðære ðe him geseald is relinquo scilicet transitoriam, do mansuram. Si ergo in ea cor, quæ relicta est, figitur, nunquam ad illam quæ danda est, pervenitur, Past. 46, 5; Swt. 350, 12-16. Monnes lífdagas lǽne syndan, Ps. Th. 102, 24. Ǽghwilc þing ðe on ðís andweardan lífe lícaþ lǽnu sindon eorþlícu þing á fleóndu everything that pleases in this present life, transient are they, earthly things ever fleeting, Bt. Met. Fox 21, 58; Met. 21, 29. Sceoldon sécan dreám after deáþe, and ðás lǽnan gestreón, ídle ǽhtwelan forhogodon, Apstls. Kmbl. 166; Ap. 83. Gylt gefremmaþ þurh líchaman léne geþohtas, Ps. C. 50, 15; Ps. Grn. ii. 277, 15. [O. E. Homl. ʒif we forleosað þas lenan worldþing, i. 105, 30 : O. Sax. léhni (fehu, werold).] DER. un-lǽne.
lǽne-, lǽn-lic; adj. Transitory, transient, not enduring :-- Cwæþ se godspellere Martha and Maria getácniaþ ðis lǽnelíce líf and ðis gewítendlíce, Blickl. Homl. 73, 9. Hér is seó lǽnlíc winsumnes ac ðǽr is seó syngale nearones in this world is the delight that endures not, but in the next is the anxiety that continues for ever, L. E. I. pref; Th. ii. 394, 7.
lǽnend, es; m. A creditor, lender :-- Lǽnend fenerator vel commodator vel creditor, redditor, Wrt. Voc. ii. 148, 26. Twegen gafolgyldon wǽron sumum lǽnende duo debitores erant cuidam feneratori, Lk. Skt. 7, 41.
lǽnend-líc; adj. Transitory, transient :-- Uton geþencan hú lǽnendlíc ðeós woruld ys, Wulfst. 136, 27. v. lǽne-líc.
lǽnere, es; m. A creditor, lender :-- Lǽnere creditor, Ælfc. Gl. 113; Som. 79, 124; Wrt. Voc. 60, 29. [Ayenb. lenere : Wick. leenere : Prompt. Parv. lendare fenerator, creditor : O. Frs. léner : O. H. Ger. int-léhenari fænerator.]
lǽnian, Gen. 50, 15. v. leánian.
lǽn-land, es; n. Land let on lease, which was never out of the possession of the lessor :-- Ðonne is ðæs landes iii hída ðe Óswald arcebisceop bócaþ Eádríce his þegne swá swá hé hit ǽr hæfde tó lánlande there are three hides of land that archbishop Oswald conveys by charter to the possession of Eadric his thane, such as before he held by lease, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 165, 5. Fíf hída ðe Óswald bócaþ Eádríce swá swá hé hit ǽr hæfde tó lǽnlande, 217, 20. Wé wrítaþ ðæt hé hæbbe hit swá rúm tó bóclande swá hé ǽr hæfde tó lǽnlonde, 258, 29. Eall ðæt yrfe ðæ ic hæbbe on lǽnelendum, v. 333, 21. v. lǽn; and see Cod. Dip. Kmbl. i. lxii : Kemble's Saxons in England, i. c. xi.
læpeldre a dish, platter :-- Læpeldre fæt paropsis vel catinus, Ælfc. Gl. 26; Som. 60, 89; Wrt. Voc. 25, 29. Se ðe bedypþ on disce mid mé his hláf on læpeldre qui intingit mecum manum in parapside [Mt. 26, 23], Homl. Th. ii. 244, 4.
-læpped having laps or lobes :-- Fíf-læppedu, Lchdm. ii. 160, 12.
læppa, an; m. A skirt [of a garment], lappet, lobe [of the ear &c.], lap [in dew-lap; cf. also lop-eared], a detached portion, a district :-- Læppa óððe ende ora, Ælfc. Gr. 50; Som. 51, 30. Hý móstan ðam læppan friþ gebicgean ðe hý under cyngces hand oferhæfdon they might purchase peace for that district which, subject to the king, they ruled over, L. Eth. ii. 1; Th. i. 284, 13. On læppan his hrægles in oram vestimenti ejus, Ps. Spl. C. 132, 3. Hé genam his loðan æ-acute;nne læppan tó tácne ðæt hé his geweald áhte, Past. 3, 2; Swt. 36, 6. Hé forcearf his mentles æ-acute;nne læppan oram chlamydis ejus abscidit, 28, 6; Swt. 197, 21 : 199, 11, 17. Læppan vel fnado fimbria, Ælfc. Gl. 64; Som. 68, 128; Wrt. Voc. 40, 33. Lappan lacinia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 51, 51. Lifre læppan vel þearmas fibræ, 76; Som. 71, 110; Wrt. Voc. 45, 16. Hér sint tácn áheardodre lifre ge on ðám læppum and filmenum here are symptoms of a hardened liver both on the lobes and the membranes, L. M. 2, 21; Lchdm. ii. 204, 4. Sió lifer hæfþ fíf læppan, 2, 17; Lchdm. ii. 198, 1. [P. L. S. þe lappe of oure loverdes cloþ, 21, 29 : Laym. leyde uppe his lappe [1st MS. bærm], 30261 : Chauc. lappe : Piers P. he shal lese for hir loue a lappe of caritatis, 2, 35 : Prompt. Parv. lappe, skyrte gremium, p. 287 where see note : O. Frs. lappa : Dut. lap a remnant, patch : Dan. lap a patch : O. H. Ger. lappa lacinia : Ger. lapp.] DER. eár-, fræt-, lifer- læppa.
lǽran; p. de To teach, instruct, educate, to give religious teaching, to preach, to teach a particular tenet or dogma, to enjoin a rule, to exhort, admonish, advise, persuade, suggest :-- Ic lǽre instruo, Ælfc. Gr. 29; Som. 32, 4: erudio, 30; Som. 34, 60. Ic tý oððe lǽre imbuo, 28, 3; Som. 32, 46. Ic eów lǽre Godes ege timorem Domini docebo vos, Ps. Th. 33, 11. Ánra manna gehwylcne ic myngie and lǽre ðæt ánra gehwylc hine sylfne ongyte I admonish and exhort every man to understand himself, Blickl. Homl. 107, 11. Ic lǽre persuadeo, Ælfc. Gl. 99; Som. 76, 107; Wrt. Voc. 54, 50. For ðon ic lǽre ðæt ðæt tempel wé on fýre forbærnon unde suggero ut templa igni contradamus, Bd. 2, 13; S. 516, 33. Ne mæg ic ðæt dón ðæt ðú mé lǽrest non hoc facere possum quod suggeris, 2, 12; S. 513, 24. Ðú lǽrst ús tu doces nos, Jn. Skt. 9, 34. Paulus ðæt ilce lǽreþ, Blickl. Homl. 175, 13. Lérþ erudit, Kent. Gl. 470. Wé lǽraþ ðæt ... we enjoin that, L. Edg. C; Th. ii. 244-258. Gyf se déma ðiss geáxaþ wé lǽraþ hyne and gedóþ eów sorhleáse si hoc auditum fuerit a præside, nos suadebimus ei et securos vos faciemus, Mt. Kmbl. 28, 14. Ic lǽrde sibbe ymb manige þeóda; ǽrest ic lǽrde ðæt men lufodan hié him betweónan ... Fæderas ic lǽrde ðæt hié heora bearnum ðone þeódscipe lǽrdon Drihtnes egsan, Blickl. Homl. 185, 10-20. Se Hálga Gást hié ǽghwylc gód lǽrde, 131, 30. Lǽrde Paulinus Godes word prædicabat Paulinus verbum, Bd. 2, 16; S. 519, 18. Ðæt Agustinus Brytta biscopas lǽrde and monade ut Augustinus Brittonum episcopos monuerit, 2, 2; S. 502, 2. Lǽrde hine and manede ammonens, 2, 12; S. 514, 37: Blickl. Homl. 19, 36: Chr. 1042; Erl. 169, 16. Ðá lǽrde se cásere hine ðæt hé forléte Cristes geleáfan the emperor advised him to leave the faith of Christ, Shrn. 83, 14. Ðá gewunode se cyning ðæt hé hine trymede and lǽrde solebat eum hortari, Bd. 3. 22; S. 552, 10. Hí lǽrde tó healdenne reogollíces lífes þeódscipe disciplinam vitæ regularis custodire docuit, S. 553, 10. Hé ful baldlíce beornas lǽrde full boldly he exhorted the warriors, Byrht. Th. 140, 61; By. 311. Se wiðerméda wordum lǽrde folc tó gefeohte, Andr. Kmbl. 2392; An. 1198. Leóde lǽrde on lífes weg he brought people by his teaching into the way of life, 339; An. 170. Hé lǽrde men geornlíce tó Godes geleáfan he urged men in his teaching to a belief in God, Shrn. 125, 8. Se bisceop hié lǽrede ðæt hié sendon tó ðæm pápan the bishop advised them to send to the pope, Blickl. Homl. 205, 18. Scottas lǽrdon geonge and ealde on reogollícne þeódscipe imbuebantur præceptoribus Scottis parvuli Anglorum, una cum majoribus, studiis et observatione disciplinæ regularis. Bd, 3, 3; S. 526, 9. Hí hí on metercræfte and oft tungolcræfte and on gramatisccræfte týdan and lǽrdon, 4, 2; S. 565, 26. Hí him lífes weg bodedon and lǽrdon verbum ei vitæ prædicarent, 1, 25; S. 487, 8. Ða ðe bododan and lǽrdon qui dogmatizabant, 5, 19; S. 639, 34. Hí hí trymedon and lǽrdon ðæt hí fæsten worhtan, 1, 12; S. 480, 31. Ðá cleopedon his þegnas him tó and hine bǽdon and geornlíce lǽrdon ðæt hé hine ofslóge cum eum viri sui ad feriendum Saul accenderent, Past. 28, 6; Swt. 197, 18. Mé bǽdon and lǽrdon Rómáne ðæt ic gewát heonon onweg, Blickl. Homl. 191, 13. Hine hys yldran tó woruldfolgaþe tyhton and lǽrdon, 211, 28. Sume lǽrdon ðæt hine mon onweg ácurfe quidam abscidendum esse dicebant, Bd. 4, 32; S. 611, 20. Lǽr ús doce nos, Lk. Skt. 11, 1: Ps. Th. 118, 12. Ðú ðé lǽr be ðon, Beo. Th. 3449; B. 1722. Lǽraþ ðæt hig healdon ealle ða þing ðe ic eów bebeád, Mt. Kmbl. 28, 20. Lǽre Pharao ut suggeras Pharaoni, Gen. 40, 14. Ða men ðe bearn habban lǽran hié ðám rihtne þeódscipe, Blickl. Homl. 109, 17. Heora scriftbéc tǽcan and lǽran, 43, 8. Se mæg hine sylfne be ðare bysene lǽran he may teach himself by this example, 101, 6. Hé ongan lǽran tó healdenne ða þing, Bd. 4, 5; S. 571, 41. Lange sceal leornian se ðe lǽran sceal long must he learn who is to teach, L. Ælfc. P. 46; Th. ii. 384, 15: L. I. P. 14; Th. ii. 322, 8. Mid bróðorlíce lufan hí manigean and lǽran eis fraterna admonitione suadere, Bd. 2; 2; S. 502, 8. Wæs ic seald tó fédanne and tó lǽranne datus sum educandus, Bd. 5, 24; S. 647, 22. Cyningas and ríce men sendon heora dóhtor ðider [France] tó lǽranne filias suas erudiendas mittebant; 3, 8; S. 531, 18. Ðæt willsume weorc ðám þeódum godspell tó lǽranne desideratum evangelizandi gentibus opus, 5, 11; S. 625, 33. Godcunde láre tó lǽranne on Angelþeóde, 2, 2; S. 502, 10. Tó lǽrenne, Blickl. Homl, 233, 17. Lǽrende and strangende hira heortan, 249, 17. Lǽrendum Athamnano instante Adamnano, Bd. 5, 15; S. 635, 10. Cneohtas and geonge men týdde and lǽrde wǽron pueri erudirentur, 3, 18; S. 546, 1: Elen. Kmbl. 345: El. 173. [Orm. Laym. læren: A. R. learen, leren: Gen. and Ex. leren to learn: R. Glouc. lere to learn: Piers P. lere: Chauc. lere to learn: Prompt. Parv. leryn or techyn another doceo; leryn or receyue lore of anothere addisco: Goth. laisjan to teach: O. Sax., O. L. Ger. lérian: O. Frs. léra: Icel. læra to teach; but in modern usage to learn: Dan. lære to teach, learn: O. H. Ger. léran docere, instruere, monere, redarguere: Ger. lehren.] DER. á-, for-, ge-lǽran.
-lǽred. v. ge-, sam-, þurh-, un-lǽred.
lærest, least :-- Æt ðam lærestan wlitewamme iii scillingas and at ðam máran vi scill. for the smallest disfigurement of the face iii shillings, for the greater vi shillings, L. Ethb. 56; Th. i. 16, 15. As this seems to be the only instance in which this form occurs, Schmid suggests that r is wrongly written for s, but the O. Frs. lerest may justify the presence of the r. v. læssa.
lǽrestre, an; f. A female teacher, an instructress, preceptress :-- Lǽrestre doctrix, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 64; Zup. 71, 8. Siððan clypode heó hire tó ða ylcan lǽrestran, Homl. Th. ii. 543, 8. [Cf. Wick. lerere: Prompt. Parv. lerare doctor, instructor: Goth. laisareis: O. H. Ger. lérari: Ger. lehrer; but the form to which these point, and which would be a masculine corresponding to lǽrestre, seems not to occur, the usual word being láreów.]
lǽr-gedéfe :-- Leorna láre lǽr gedéfe wene ðec in wísdóm. Exon. 806; Th. 303, 31; Fä. 61. In this passage Ettmüller and Grein take lǽrgedéfe as an adj. but lǽr may well be, as Thorpe takes it, the imperat. of lǽran, which verb naturally accompanies leornian.
lǽrig. A word of doubtful meaning occurring only twice :-- Bærst bordes lǽrig, Byrht, Th. 140, 6; By. 284. Ne him bealubenne gebiden hæfdon ofer linde lǽrig, Cd. 154; Th. 192, 29; Exod. 239. Grein suggests comparison with λαισήïoν a buckler, target, and that the word like rand may mean the rim of the shield and also the body of the shield. Either rendering is admissible so far as the sense is concerned.
lǽring, e; f. Instruction, teaching [see next two words and Icel. læring teaching, learning: O. H. Ger. lérunga institutio, doctrina.]
lǽring-mǽden, es; n. A girl who is receiving instruction, a female pupil :-- Nim nú láreów and bryng ðínum lǽrincgmǽdene take now, master, and bring them to thy pupil, Th. Ap. 20, 13. [Cf. Icel. læri-mær a female disciple.]
lǽring-mann, es; m. A disciple; discipulus, R. Ben. 5, Lye. [Cf. Icel. læri-sveinn a disciple.]
lǽre; adj. Empty [see next word.] [O. and N. lere house: R. Glouc. was þis lond of Romaynes almest lere, 81, 1: O. Sax. lári: O. H. Ger. lári inanis: Ger. leer.] v. ge-lǽr.
lǽr-ness, e: f. Emptiness :-- Se cymþ of tó micelre lǽrnesse it [hiccup] comes of too much emptiness, L. M. 1, 18; Lchdm. ii. 60, 20.
lǽs, we, e; f. A pasture, leasow [still found in local names] :-- Lǽs pascua; gemǽne lǽs compascuus ager, Ælfc. Gl. 96; Som. 76, 44, 47; Wrt. Voc. 53, 51, 54. Se wudu and seó lǽs is gemǽne tó ðám án and twentigum hídum, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. v. 319, 28. Sceáp lǽswe ðínre oves pascuæ tuæ, Ps. Spl. 73, 1: 78, 14: 94, 7: 99, 4: 22, 1. Hit is gescræpe on lǽswe sceápa and neáta alendis apta pecoribus ac jumentis, Bd. 1, 1; S. 473, 14. Ic wylle hí healdan on genihtsumere lǽse I will keep them in an abundant pasture, Homl. Th. i. 242, 15. On gemǽnre lǽse, L. Edg. 5, 8; Th. i. 274, 26: 9; Th. i. 276, 1: L. R. S. 12; Th. i. 438, 14. Ic drífe sceáp míne tó heora leáse mino oves meas ad pascua ... Ic lǽde hig tó lǽse ego duco eos [boves] ad pascua, Coll. Monast. Th. 20, 13, 27. Ne land ne lǽsse [lǽswe? MS. H. lǽse], L. O. 14; Th. i. 184, 7. Fint lǽse [lésua, Lind: léswe, Rush.] pascua inveniet, Jn. Skt. 10, 9. Waldon ða swángeréfan ða lǽswe forður gedrífan, Chart. Th. 70, 20. Lǽswe pascua, Wrt. Voc. 80, 49. Lǽsa pascua, Ælfc. Gr. 13; Som. 16, 24. Mid heora fæder heordum on lǽsum in pascendis gregibus patris, Gen. 37, 12. [O. E. Homl. leswe; acc: Laym. leswa [2nd MS. lesewes]; pl: A. R. leswe: Wick. leswe, lesewe: R. Glouc. lese. Tusser uses lease = pasture.] v. eten-lǽs.
lǽs, e; f. A letting [of blood] :-- Blódes lǽs bloodletting, L. M. 3, 47, cont; Lchdm. ii. 302, 23. Cf. Þurh ða blódlǽse geclǽnsad, 2, 23; Lchdm. ii. 210, 18; and v. blód-læswu, lǽtan: cf. ǽs and etan.
LÆS; adv. also used in conjunctional phrases and as a noun. Less, lest :-- Hió mé lytle læs láðe woldan ðisses eorþweges ende gescrífan paulominus consummaverunt me in terra, Ps. Th. 118, 87. Nóht ðon læs nihilominus, Bd. 2, 14; S. 516, 6. Nóhte ðon læs, 3, 6; S. 528, 10. Nóhte ðý læs unáræfnendlíc non minus intolerabile, 5, 12; S. 627. 38. Cýð ðis folc ðæt hig ne gán ofer ða gemǽro ðé læs hig swelton contestare populum ne forte velit transcendere terminos et pereat, Ex. 19, 21, 24: Ps. Th. 68, 14. Ðé lea ne, Kent. Gl. 161. Wé hine mid swá micle máran unryhte oferhycgeaþ swá hé læs forhogaþ ðæt hé ús tó him spane, Past. 52, 4; Swt. 407, 18. Ðý læs ðe, Homl. Th. i. 88, 32: Gen. 32, 11. Án læs twentig undeviginti, twám læs twentig duodeviginti, Ælfc. Gr. 49; Som. 50, 41. Hé ríxode twá læs xxx geára, Chr. 641; Erl. 27, 16. Óðrum healfum læs ðe xxx wintra, 901; Erl. 96, 24. Ðý ilcan sumera forwearþ nó læs ðonne xx scipa that same summer no less than twenty ships were lost, 897; Erl. 96, 14. Ðá wæs ágangen fíf þúsend geára and áne geáre læs ðonne twá hund, Shrn. 29, 34. Gif læs manna beó sin minor est numerus, Ex. 12, 4. Swá man máre sprycþ swá him læs manna gelýfeþ the more a man speaks, the fewer men believe him, Prov. Kmbl. 38. Swá mid læs worda swá mid má whether with fewer words or with more, Bt. 35, 5; Fox 166, 12. Forðon hit næs þeáw on ðǽm tídum ðæt mon ǽnig wæl on ða healfe rímde ðe ðonne wieldre wæs búton ðær ðý læs ofslagen wǽre quia scriptorum veterum mos est, ex ea parte quæ vicerit occisorum non commemorare numerum: nisi forte cum adeo pauci cadunt, Ors. 4, 1; Swt. 156, 22. Ðes dæg is geweorþod mid manegum godcundum geofum næs ðara gifena læs ðonne Drihtnes ǽrist and eác ðonne seó gifu ðæs Hálgan Gástes this day is distinguished by many divine gifts, no less gifts than the Lord's resurrection, and also than the gift of the Holy Ghost, Blickl. Homl. 133, 3. Áhte ic holdra ðý læs, Beo. Th. 929; B. 487: 3897; B. 1946: Exon. 103 a; Th. 391, 27; Rä. 10, 11. Ða ðe læs águn 33 b; Th. 106, 33; Gú. 50. Læsast brúcan, 37 b; Th. 122, 22; Gú. 309. Licgende beám læsest gróweþ, 91 b; Th. 343,19; Gn. Ex. 159. Ðonne hí læst wénaþ when they least expect, Ps. Th. 13, 9: 10, 2: Homl. Th. ii. 104, 12: Bd. 4, 25; S. 601, 30. Hú gé fullecost mágon Gode þiówian ðæt eów læst þing mierþ quod facultatem præbeat sine impedimenta Domino observiendi, Past. 51, 7; Swt. 401, 17. [O. Sax. les.]
læsast, læsest. v. læs, læssa.
læs-boren; adj. Of inferior birth :-- Wé lǽraþ ðæt ǽnig forþboren preóst ne forseó ðone læsborenan we enjoin that any highborn priest do not despise the one of inferior birth, L. Edg. C. 13; Th. ii. 246, 21.
lǽs-hosum = [?] lǽst-hosan; pl. Some species of covering for the foot, socks without soles :-- Fót-leáste [= -lǽste], lǽshosum [= lǽsthosan] cernui ['cernui socci sunt sine solea,' Ducange], Ælfc Gl. 28; Som. 61, 17; Wrt. Voc. 26, 16. v. lǽst, lǽst-wyrhta.
læssa; adj. cpve. Less :-- Se ðe lessa ys ys on heofena ríce him máre qui autem minor est in regno cælorum, major est illo, Mt. Kmbl. 11, 11. Hwæðere hé ðám ðe on sceare máran wǽron on ðám mægnum eáþmódnesse and hýrsumnesse nóhte ðon læssa wæs verum eis quæ tonsura majores sunt virtutibus humilitatis et obedientiæ non mediocriter insignitus, Bd. 5, 19; S. 637, 18. Ðæt máre leóht and ðæt læsse leóht luminare majus et luminare minus, Gen. 1, 16. Gaderodon sum máre sum læsse collegerunt, alius plus, alius minus, Ex. 16, 17. Ne eart ðú læst [læsæst, Rush.] nequaquam minima es, Mt. Kmbl. 2, 6. Nis dæt læsest, Exon. 43 b; Th. 148, 7; Gú. 741. Ðará ánum ðeáh hit se læsta wǽre and se heánosta to one of them, though it were the least and the humblest, Blickl. Homl. 169, 22. Ðæt læste fæc parvissimum spatium, Bd. 2, 13; S. 516, 20. Ðone læstan dǽl þunges the least bit of aconite, L. M. 2, 52; Lchdm. ii. 268, 31. Ðara læstena worda hreówsian se de tenuissima verbi laceratione reprehendunt, Past. 28, 6; Swt. 199, 15. Se ðe tówyrpþ án of ðysum læstum [leasestum, Lind: læsest, Rush.] bebodum ... se biþ læst [leasest, Lind: se læsesta, Rush.] genemned on heofonan ríce qui solverit unum de mandatis istis minimis,... minimus vocabitur in regno cælorum, Mt. Kmbl. 5, 19. Æt læstan l scypa at least 50 ships, Chr. 1049; Erl. 173, 15. [O. Frs. lessa.] v. lærest.
lǽst, e; f. A covering for the foot, a boot :-- Lǽste ocreæ, Ælfc. Gl. 29; Som. 61, 25; Wrt. Voc. 26, 24. v. lǽs-hosum, lǽst-wyrhta, lást, and Icel. leistr; m. a short sock: O. H. Ger. leist calopodium, forma: Ger. leisten.
lǽst act, performance(?) :-- Nalles hige gehyrdon háliges láre siððan leófes leóþ lǽste neár swég swiðrode they did not neglect the holy one's [Moses] teaching, after the loved one's lay, when the time drew nearer for action [crossing the Red Sea], and his voice died away, Cd. 158; Th. 197, 17: Exod. 308. v. Bouterwek's Cædmon i. 321; and cf. ful-lǽst, ge-lǽst.
lǽstan; p. te. I. to follow, attend, accompany, do suit and service :-- Sóna ða beótunge dǽdum lǽstan neque segnius minas effectibus prosequuntur, Bd. 1, 15; S. 483, 39, MS. C. Allum ðám ðe him lǽstan woldon with all those who would follow him, Chr. 874; Erl. 76, 31. Gif hí leódfruman lǽstan dorsten, Bt. Met. Fox 1, 54; Met. 1, 27. Him se líchoma lǽstan nolde the body would not do him service [of Grendel powerless in the grasp of Beowulf], Beo. Th. 1629; B. 812. II. to do, perform, observe, carry out, execute, discharge [a debt or duty] :-- Ic lufan symle lǽste wið eówic I will ever love you, Exon. 14 b; Th. 30, 10; Cri. 471. Gif hé lǽst mína lára if he does my teachings, Cd. 29; Th. 39, 3; Gen. 619. Ðenden ðú míne láre lǽstest, 99; Th. 130, 32; Gen. 2169. Lǽstes, 27; Th. 36, 15; Gen. 572. Forðon hé ða godspellícan bebode heóld and lǽste quod evangelica præcepta servaret, Bd. 3, 22; S. 553, 23: 4, 25; S. 600, 20. Ðæt hí ða ungewerigadre geornfullnysse fylidon and lǽston ut instituta indefessa instantia sequerentur, 4, 3; S. 568, 15. Ðæt mid dǽdum lǽston ða ðe hí ongitan mih ton ut ea quæ intelligere poterant, operando sequerentur, 4, 27; S. 604, 18. Wé sóðfæstes swaðe folgodon, lǽston lárcwide, Andr. Kmbl. 1347; An. 674. Lǽstun, Exon. 25 b; Th. 75, 21; Cri. 1225. Bibeád ic eów ... earge gé ðæt lǽstun my command was ... ill have ye performed it, 30 a; Th. 92, 3; Cri. 1503. Leófa Beówulf lǽst eall tela, Beo. Th. 5320; B. 2662: Cd. 106; Th. 139, 4; Gen. 2304. Lǽste ðú georne his ambyhto do diligently his messages, 25; Th. 33, 9; Gen. 517. Ðú lǽstan scealt ðæt his bodan bringaþ, Th. 32, 26; Gen. 509. Geongordóm lǽstan, 30; Th. 41, 26; Gen. 663. Gif ðú wilt his wordum hýran and his bebodu lǽstan if thou wilt hear his words, and do his commands, Blickl. Homl. 185, 1: Exon. 45 a; Th. 152, 28; Gú. 815. [Ic an six marc silures and ðat schal Godríc míne bróðer lésten (pay), Chart. Th. 566, 23, 31.] III. to continue, last :-- Ðonne him dagas lǽstun in their life-time, Exon. 26 b; Th. 79, 12; Cri. 1289. [Ðæt fír læste swa lange þ̄ hit wæs liht ofer eall, Chr. 1122; Erl. 249, 25, ð lastede þa xix wintre wile Stephne was king, 1137; Erl. 262, 19.] [Gen. and Ex. lesten to perform: Orm. lasstenn to last: Laym. læsteþ lasts: O. E. Homl. lasteþ: A. R. lesteþ: Marh. leasteþ: Mand. laste to perform: Goth. laistjan to follow: O. Sax. léstian to do, perform: O. Frs. lásta, lésta, to do, perform, pay: O. H. Ger. leistan reddere: Ger. leisten.]
lǽste, es; m [?]. A shoemaker's last :-- Læste musticula ['mustricola machina ad stringendos pedes, hoc est, ad calceum suendum qui pedes tegit et stringit: forma in qua calceus suitur,' Ducange]. Ælfc. Gl. 29; Som. 61, 25; Wrt. Voc. 26, 24. Lǽste vordalium[?], Wrt. Voc. 287, 37. [lest formipedia, Wrt. Voc. 181, 13: Prompt. Parv. leste, sowtarys forme formula, calopodia: Dan. læst a last: O. H. Ger. leist calopodium, forma: Ger. leisten.] v. lǽst.
lǽstend, es; m. One who performs or executes :-- Ðara þinga ðe hé óðre lǽrde tó dónne hé sylfa wæs se wylsumesta fyllend mid lǽstend eorum quæ agenda docebat erat executor devotissimus, Bd. 5, 22; S. 644, 4. Fylgend and lǽstend, 4, 3; S. 568, 15, note.
Læsting, Læstinga eá Lastingham in Yorkshire :-- Fram ðám bróðrum ðæs mynstres ðe Læstinga eá is nemned, Bd. pref: S. 472, 17. Getimbrede ðǽr mynster ðæt is nú gecýged Læstinga eá, 3, 23; S. 555, 3. Hé gewát tó his mynsterscire ðæt is on Læstinga eá, 5, 19; S. 639, 14. On Læstinge, 4, 3; S. 566, 28.
lǽst-wyrhta, an; m. A shoemaker :-- Lǽstweorhta caligarius, Ælfc. Gl. 28; Som. 61, 23; Wrt. Voc. 26, 22. Lǽstwyrhta, Wrt. Voc. ii. 127, 66. v. lǽst.
lǽswian, lǽsian: p. ode, ede, trans. and intrans. To pasture, feed, graze :-- Ic lǽswige pasco, Ælfc. Gr. 35; Som. 38, 13. Ic lǽsewige, lǽswige, 28: Som. 30, 33. Ic hí lǽswige on dóme and on rihtwísnysse I will feed them in judgement and righteousness, Homl. Th. i. 242, 18. Hig man lǽswode on mórium lande pascebantur in locis palustribus, Gen. 41, 2. Ðá lǽswode heó hire féstermódor sceápum then she fed her foster-mother's sheep, Shrn. 101, 14. Ðá lǽswede hé mid his fæder sceápum, 108, 31. Ða assan wið hí lǽswodon the asses were grazing by them, Homl. Th. ii. 450, 6. Lǽswa míne scép feed my sheep, 290, 30. Oxanhyrde mót lǽswian ii. oxan oððe má on gemǽnre lǽse bubulco licet adherbare duos boves, et alicubi plus, in communibus pascuis, L. R. S. 12; Th. i. 438, 13. Heord lǽswiende grex pascens, Mt. Kmbl. 8, 30. Lǽsgende, Mk. Skt. 5, 11. Hwylc eówer hæfþ þeów scép lǽsgende [lésuande, Lind.] quis vestrum habens servum pascentem, Lk. Skt. 17, 7. Heord swýna lǽsiendra [lésuuandra, Lind.] grex porcorum pascentium, 8, 32. On lǽswigendum eówdum in pascendis gregibus, Ælfc. Gr. 26; Som. 28, 20. [O. E. Homl. leseweþ, prs. 3: A. R. leswe, imper: Wick. leseweden, p. 3.]
læt, es; m. One of a class that was inferior to that of the ceorl but above that of the slave. The word occurs only in the following passage :-- Gif[man] læt ofslæhþ ðone sélestan lxxx scill. forgelde gif ðane óðerne ofslæhþ lx scillingum forgelde ðane þriddan xl scillingum forgelden if any one slay a 'læt' of the highest class, let him pay eighty shillings; if he slay one of the second, let him pay sixty shillings; let them pay for one of the third with forty shillings, L. Ethb. 26; Th. i. 8, 12-14. See Stubbs' Const. Hist. s. Grmm. R. A. 305-309: Grff. ii. 190: Thorpe's Glossary: Kemble's Saxons in England, i. c. 8: Lappenberg's Hist. ii. 321.
læt; adj. Late, slow, sluggish, tardy :-- Wundrodon ðæt hé on ðam temple, læt wæs mirabantur quod tardaret ipse in templo, Lk. Skt. 1, 21. Hræd tó gehiéranne and læt tó sprecenne velox ad audiendum, tardus ad loquendum, Past. 38, 8; Swt. 281, 6. Hlæt, Rtl. 28, 19. Nalas elnes læt not slow of courage, Beo. Th. 3063; B. 1529. Ne sceal se tó sǽne beón, ðissa lárna tó læt, seðe him wile lifgan mid Gode, Exon. 117 a; Th. 450, 17; Dóm. 89: Apstls. Kmbl. 66; Ap. 33. Se mæssepreóst se ðe biþ tó læt ðæt hé ðæt deófol of men ádrífe the priest who is too slow in driving the devil from a man, Blickl. Homl. 43, 22: Exon. 74 a; Th. 276, 29; Jul. 573: 76 a; Th. 285, 11; Jul. 712. Heora behreówsung wæs tó lætt their repentance was too late, Homl. Th. ii. 572, 15. Nis seó stund latu dæt ... the time does not tarry, when ... Andr. Kmbl. 2422; An. 1212. Exon. 46 a; Th. 156, 16; Gú. 875. Nis seó tíd latu, 51 a; Th. 178, 4; Gú. 1239. Be latre meltunge of sluggish digestion, L. M. 2, 33; Lchdm. ii. 238, 6. Wið latre meltunge, 2, 34; Lchdm. i. 238, 27. Late gange gradu lento, Wrt. Voc. ii. 41, 76. Læte dissides, i. tardi, 141, 6. Ne beóþ ǽfre tó late numquam sunt sera, 62, 18. Swæfna gewisse synt oft late dreams are certain, but often late of fulfilment, Lchdm. iii. 186, 27. Ðæt hí ne beón ne wordes ne weorces, ne ealles tó hræde ne tó swíðe læte, L. I. P. 10; Th. ii. 318, 36. Nalæs late wǽron eorre æscberend tó ðam orlege, Andr. Kmbl. 92; An. 46. On heortan læte [hlatto, Lind.] tó gelýfenne tardi corde ad credendum, Lk. Skt. 24, 25. Ðæt hé ðý lætra biþ tó uncystum that it [the body] be the less ready to vices, L. E. I. 3; Th. ii. 404, 20. And á swá hit forþwerdre beón sceolde swá wæs hit lætre and ever as things ought to have been more forward, did they go on more slowly, Chr. 999; Erl. 134, 33. Siððan ðú sprǽce tó ðínum þeówe ic hæfde ðé lætran tungan ex quo locutus es ad servum tuum, impeditioris et tardioris linguæ sum, Ex. 4, 10. [Goth. lats slothful: O. Sax. lat: O. Frs. let: Icel. latr: O. H. Ger. laz piger, segnis, stupidus, tardus: Ger. lass.] v. unlæt, lata; lætemest, lætest.
-lǽta. v. freó-, frig-, scyld-lǽta.
LǼTAN, p. lét, leórt; pp. lǽten. The ellipsis of a verb in the infinitive, the meaning of which may be inferred from the context, not unfrequently takes place after lǽtan; and the connection of many of the meanings which follow with the simple one seems explainable in this way. I. to LET, allow, permit, suffer :-- God lǽt him fyrst ðæt hé his mándǽda geswíce God allows him time that he may cease from his crimes, Homl. Th. i. 268, 32. Ðonne ne lǽteþ hé ús nó costian ofer gemet then he will not let us be tempted beyond measure, Blickl. Homl. 13, 8. Gif Drihten ðé lǽteþ ðone teóþan dǽl ánne habban if the Lord lets thee have only the tenth part, 51, 3. God lét hí habban ágenne cyre, Homl. Th. i. 10, 19. Ne leórt ǽnigne monno tó fylgenne hine non admisit quemquam sequi se, Mk. Skt. Lind. 5, 37. Ðá onlýsde hé hine and lét hine féran æfter ðam biscope absolvit eum, et post Theodorum ire permisit, Bd. 4, 1; S. 565, 3. Se déma lét ða módor tó ðam suna on synderlícre clýsingce the judge allowed the mother to come to the son in a chamber apart, Homl. Skt. 4, 342. Se éca Drihten hine sylfne lét lǽdon on ða heán dúne the Lord eternal allowed himself to be led on to the high mountain, Blickl. Homl. 33, 10. Drihten ealle ða gefylde ða ðe hié on eorþan léton hingrian and þyrstan for his naman the Lord had filled all those who let themselves, or were content to, hunger and thirst for his name's sake [cf. in Icel. láta with a reflex. infin.], 159, 17. Lǽt beón ealne dæg let it be all day, L. M. 2, 22; Lchdm. ii. 206, 25. Lǽtaþ ǽgðer weaxan sinite utraque crescere, Mt. Kmbl. 13, 30. Léte pateretur, Wrt. Voc. ii. 67, 4. Hé lifde búton synnum ðeáh ðe hé hine léte costian, Blickl. Homl. 33, 17. Lǽtan nánne lybban to let none live, Ex. 14, 5. Se ðe mýn blód nolde lǽtan ágeótan he that would not suffer my blood to be shed, Nicod. 20; Thw. 10, 17. Léton, Exon. 46 b; Th. 152, 3; Gú. 921. Gif ðú ðé wilt dón manegra beteran ðonne scealt ðú ðé lǽtan ánes wyrsan if thou wilt make thyself the superior of many, thou must allow thyself to be the inferior of one, Bt. 32, 1; Fox 114, 14. II. to let [alone], let go, give up, dismiss, leave, forsake, let [blood] :-- Ne recce ic hwæt hí déman. Ic lǽte tó ðínum dóme má ðonne tó hiora I care not what judgements they make. I give myself up, or trust, to your judgement more than to theirs, Bt. 38, 5; Fox 206, 14. Hwý nelt ðú géman ðæt mín sweostor mé lǽt áne þegnian why dost thou not heed that my sister leaves me to serve alone? Blickl. Homl. 67, 31. Hé lǽt his hláfordes gebod tó giémeliéste he leaves to neglect [neglects] his lord's command, Past. 17, 8; Swt. 121, 14. Lǽtt ðonne án ðæt gefeoht sume hwíle he lets the battle alone then for some time, 33, 7; Swt. 227, 10. Hé cwæþ tó him lǽtaþ ðæt nett on ða swíðran healfe ðæs réwettes ... hig léton dixit eis mittite in dexteram nauigii rete ... miserunt, Jn. Skt. 21, 6. Ðæt ic sylf ongeat ne lét ic ðæt unwriten what I myself knew, I did not leave unwritten, Bd. pref; S. 472, 26. God hine lét frigne God left him free, Homl. Th. i. 18, 29. Ic lét míne wylne tó ðé ego dedi ancillam meam in sinum tuum, Gen. 16, 5. Se arcebiscop lét hit eall tó heora ǽgene rǽde the archbishop left it all to their own discretion, Chart. Th. 341, 11. God hí hǽðenum leódum lét tó anwealde God left them to the power of heathen nations, Jud. 1, 8. Hé lét hí tó handa Madian tradidit illos in manu Madian, 6, 1. Ðá gyrnde se cyng ealra ðæra þegna ðe ða eorlas ǽr hæfdon, and hí létan hí ealle him tó handa, Chr. 1048; Erl. 180, 9. Gé forsáwon eall mín geþeaht and léton eów tó giémeléste ðonne ic eów cídde despexistis omne consilium meum et increpationes meas neglexistis, Past, 36, 1; Swt. 247, 22. Swá swá hit his yldran létan and lǽfdan ðam tó gewealde as his parents left and bequeathed it to be at his disposal, L. O. 14; Th. i. 184, 3; Lchdm. iii. 286, 15. Hine eft ðǽm mannum hálne and gesundne ágeaf ðám ðe hine ǽr deádne léton gave him back safe and sound to the men who before had left him dead, Blickl. Homl. 219, 22. Lǽt ðíne lác beforan ðam altare relinque munus tuum ad altare, Mt. Kmbl. 5, 24. Lǽt ðú him blód on ǽdre let blood for him from a vein, L. M. 1, 4; Lchdm. ii. 46, 22. Beó ðú be ðínum and lǽt mé be mínum be thou with thine, and leave me with mine, Lchdm. iii. 288, 8. Gif hé tóþ of ásleá lǽt hig frige dentem si excusserit, dimittet eos liberos, Ex. 21, 27. Lǽte hig frige, 26. Wé lǽraþ ðæt man ǽnig ne lǽte unbiscpod tó lange, Wulfst. 120, 15. Lǽte [ðæt feoh] án and fó se ágend tó let him give up [the property], and let the owner take it, L. H. E. 7; Th. i. 30, 9: 12; Th. i. 34, 12. Hwilce hwíle hine wille Drihten hér on worlde lǽtan how long the Lord will leave him in this world, Blickl. Homl. 125, 9. Hé sceal lǽtan his unnyttan geþancas of his móde he must dismiss his idle thoughts from his mind, Wulfst. 234, 26. Ðonne hé hí nyle lǽtan tó hiera ágnum wilnungum quos in sua desideria non relaxat, Past. 50, 4; Swt. 391, 22. Hé nó be ðæm ánum lǽtan wolde ac ofer ðone gársecg ðone ylecan leóman ðæs fullan geleáfan áspringan lét he would not leave off when that [the spreading of the gospel over part of the world] only was done, but caused the same beam of the perfect faith to spring forth across the ocean [to England], Lchdm. iii. 432, 16. Wið poccum swíðe sceal mon blód lǽtan, L. M. 1, 40; Lchdm. ii. 106, 3. Nis him blód tó lǽtanne, 35; Lchdm. ii. 82, 16. III. to let, cause, make, get, have, cause to be, place :-- Ic hine symble gehýre and míne mildse ofer ðone lǽte I will ever hear him, and my mercy shall be upon that man, Wulfst. 264, 11. Swá hí hiora lufe neár Gode lǽtaþ swá hí bióþ orsorgru the nearer to God they place their love, the more free are they from care, Bt. 39, 7; Fox 222, 24: 40, 7; Fox 242, 26-28. Hé lét betwux him and mínum feóndum ðæt hé nǽfre gesewen [wæs] fram him posuit tenebras latibulum suum, Ps. Th. 17, 11. Ðá fór hé norþryhte be ðæm lande lét him ealne weg ðæt wéste land on ðæt steórbord then he sailed due north along the coast: he had the waste land all the way on his starboard, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 17, 10. Ða hé lét standan beforan ymbeútan ða eardungstówe quos stare fecit circa tabernaculm, Num. 11, 24. Hé sette scole and on ðære hé lét cnihtas lǽran he set up a school, and had boys taught in it; instituit scholam in qua pueri literis erudirentur, Bd. 3, 18; S. 545, 45. Se cing lét gerídan ealle ða land ðe his módor áhte him tó handa, Chr. 1042; Erl. 169, 19: 1023; Erl. 162, 35: 1035; Erl. 164, 22. Wit ðæt ðá létan and unéþelíce þurhtugan ðæt hé ðæs geþafa wolde beón with difficulty we got him to assent to it, Bd. 5, 4; S. 617, 17. Hí léton hig hádian tó bisceopum they got themselves ordained bishops, 1053; Erl. 188, 14. IV. to make a thing appear [so and so], make as if, make out, profess, pretend, estimate, consider, suppose, think :-- Ic léto existimabo, Lk. Skt. Lind. 13, 18. Hé léttes arbitretur, Jn. Skt. Lind. 16, 2. Ne lǽtaþ wé non dissimulamus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 62, 22. Ealle wé lǽtaþ efendýrne Engliscne and Deniscne we estimate all at the same amount, Englishman and Dane, L. A. G. 2; Th. i. 152, 12. [Cf. Icel. manngjöld skyldi jöfn látin ok spora-höggit.] Ðonne wé ðisses middangeardes welan foresettaþ and ús leófran lǽtaþ ðonne ða lufan ðara heofonlícra eádignessa cum mundi divitias amori cælestium præponimus, Bd. 3, 19; S. 548, 16. Fela is ðæra ðe embe bletsunga oððe unbletsunga leóhtlíce lǽtaþ many are there that esteem lightly of blessings or cursings [cf. Piers P. iv. 160-161 moste peple ... leten mekenesse a maistre and Mede a mansed schrewe. Loue lete of hir liʒte and lewte ʒit lasse: Orm. 7523- uss birrþ lætenn unnorneliʒ and litell off uss sellfenn and lætenn wel off oþre menn], L. I. P. 6; Th. ii. 310, 36. Gé beótlíce lætaþ ye boast, Wulfst. 46, 15. Hý þencaþ and lǽtaþ ðæt tó warscype, ðæt hý óðre mágan pǽcan, 55, 2. Hé lét ðæt hyt Dryhtnes sylfes andwlyta wǽre he supposed that it was the face of the Lord himself, St. Andr. 42, 9. Ðá sendun hig mid searwum ða ðe rihtwíse léton observantes miserunt insidiatores qui se justos simularent, Lk. Skt. 20, 20. Ðá léton hý sume ðæt ðæt mycel unrǽd wǽre some of them considered it a very bad plan, Chr. 1052; Erl. 179, 32. Manige léton ðæt hit cometa wǽre many supposed that it was a comet, 1097; Er1.234, 13. Ðæs ðe men léton as men supposed, Erl. 234, 17. Hí hí selfe léton ǽgðer ge for heáne ge for unwrǽste they considered themselves as abject and undone; ultima propemodum desperatione tabuerunt [cf. Piers P. xv. 5 somme leten me for a lorel], Ors. 3, 1; Swt. 98, 22. Léton ðá gedwealde men, swylce Simon Godes sylfes sunu wǽre. Wulfst. 99, 7. Ðæt man þurh ðæt lǽte ðæt hé sí ðæs legeres wyrðe so that for that reason it be considered that he is worthy of such burial, L. Edg. C. 29; Th. ii. 250, 17. Ðæt hé ða ðe him underþiédde síen lǽte him gelíce æqualem se subditis deputet, Past. 17, 1; Swt. 107, 15. Ðæt cild ðe læg on cradele ða gýtseras lǽton efenscyldig and hit gewittig wǽre, L. C. S. 77; Th. i. 420, 2. Ic wælle léta æstimabo, Lk. Skt. Lind. 13, 20. Se ealdormonn sceal lǽtan hine selfne gelícne his hiéremonnum, Past. 17, 1; Swt. 107, 8. V. to behave towards, treat :-- Ðam elþeódigan and útancumenan ne lǽt ðú nó uncúþlíce wið hine as regards the alien and foreigner do not behave unkindly towards him [cf. Icel. björn lætr allblítt við hana], L. Alf. 47; Th. i. 54, 20. VI. to let [land, &c.] :-- Eádward cyning and ða híwan in Wintanceastre lǽtaþ tó Dænewulfe bisceope twentig hída landes, Chart. Th. 158, 7. Ðá com sum óðer and beád máre ðonne ðe óðer ǽr sealde and se cyng hit létt ðam menn ðe him máre beád then some other man came and offered more than the other had before given, and the king let it to the man that offered more, Chr. 1086; Erl. 220, 10. Ðá hý létan him tó ðæt land æt Eádburge byrig, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iv. 76, 5: Chart. Th. 151, 6. VII. with adverbs :-- Ðás óðre lǽtaþ ðone n áweg on sopinum these others let the n fall away in the supine, Ælfc. Gr. 28; Som. 31, 60. Ælmǽr abbod hí lǽtan áweg they let abbot Aylmer go away, Chr. 1011; Erl. 145, 13. Ðá cwǽdon ða witan ðæt betere wǽre ðæt man ðene áþ áweg léte ðonne hine man sealde ... Ðá lét hé ðone áþ áweg then the witan said that it would be better that the oath should be dispensed with than that it should be taken ... Then he omitted the oath, Chart. Th. 289, 24-30. Æt ealre ðære hergunge and æt eallum ðám hearmum ðe ǽr ðam gedón wǽre ǽr ðæt friþ geset wǽre man eall onweig lǽte and nán man ðæt ne wræce ne bóte ne bidde as regards all the harrying and all the injuries that were done before the peace was made, let it all be dismissed, and let no man avenge it or ask for compensation, L. Eth. ii. 6; Th. i. 288, 3. Petrus cnucode óþ ðæt hí hine inn léton Peter knocked until they let him in, Homl. Th. i. 382, 23. Hé lǽt him eáþelíce ymbe ðæt he takes it easily, Wulfst. 298, 30: Homl. Skt. 4, 342. [Goth. létan: O. Sax. látan: O. Fries. léta: Icel. láta: O. H. Ger. lázan.] DER. á-, for-, ge-, of-, on-, tó- lǽtan.
læt-byrd, e; f. A lateor slow birth :-- Se wífman se hire cild áfédan ne mæg gange tó gewitenes mannes birgenne ... and cweþe ðás word ðis mé tó bóte ðære láþan lætbyrde let the woman who cannot nourish her [unborn] child go to the grave of a dead man ... and say these words: 'May this help me with the troublesome late birth,' Lchdm. iii. 66, 21.
lætemest; a double superlative of læt. Last :-- In ðæm lætemestan dæge in novissimo die, Jn. Skt. Rush. 6, 44: 39, 40. Stówe ða lætemestu novissimum locum, Lk. Skt. Rush. 14, 9, 10. Monige wutudlíce bióþun ǽrist ða foerþmestu and ða lætemestu foerþmest multi autem erunt primi novissimi et novissimi primi, Mk. Skt. Rush. 14, 31. Ða endo ɫ lætmesta novissima, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 12, 45.
lætemest; adv. Lastly, at last, finally :-- Lætemest (lætmest, Lind.) novissime, Mk. Skt. Rush. 16, 14.
lætest; superl. of læt. Last :-- Ðe lætest [ða lætmesta, Lind.] the last, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 22, 27. [O. Eng. Homl. latest: Orm. latst: A. R. Laym. last.]
læð, es; n. Land :-- Ðó swá ic lǽre beó ðé [Lchdm. ðú] be ðínum and lǽt mé be mínum ne gyrne ic ðínes ne lǽðes ne landes ne sace ne sócne ne ðú mínes ne þearft do as I advise; be thou with thine and leave me to mine; I desire nothing of. thine, neither lea nor land, neither 'sac' nor 'socn'; nor needest thou mine, L. O. 14; Th. i. 184, 15; Lchdm. iii. 288, 8. The Icelandic has the same alliterative phrase, e. g. 'deyr fé; deyja frændr; eyðisk land ok láð.'
lǽð a lathe [e.g. Kent is divided into six lathes], a district containing several hundreds, v. Stubbs' Const. Hist. i. l00. The word occurs in the Latin laws of Edward the Confessor :-- In quibusdam vero provinciis Anglice vocabatur léð, quod isti dicunt tithinge [or trihinge], Th. i. 455, ii. 3. In L. Hen. I, viii. 2 occurs amongst the names of other officials leidegrevei = lǽðgeréfan, Th. i. 514, note 1. Cf. Icel. leið, leiðangr a levy: Dan. leding. Skeat, Etymol. Dict. under lathe, suggests that lǽð = lægð, in which case perhaps it may be compared with Dan. lægd a levying district.
lǽðan; p. de To speak ill of, accuse, abuse, execrate, detest, hate :-- Man call hyrweþ ðæt man scolde herian and láðeþ [lǽðeþ?] ðæt man scolde lufian people scorn what they ought to praise, and hate what they ought to love, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 110, 167. Gif hwelc cymiþ tó mé and ne lǽdes [lǽðues, Lind] fæder his si quis venit ad me et non odit patrem suum, Lk. Skt. Rush. 14, 26. Miððý iuih lǽðeþ menn cum vos oderint homines, Lind. 6, 22. Ða ðe lǽðes ɫ lǽðedon qui oderunt, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 5, 44. Ða ðe lǽðdon, Lk. Skt. Lind. i, 71. Hý wǽron ealle ánsprǽce ðonne hý mé leahtrodon and lǽðdon loquebantur simul, Ps. Th. 40, 7. [Cf. Icel. leiða to make a person loathe a thing: O. Sax. a-léðian to disgust: O. H. Ger. leidan accusare, detestari; leidén execrari, odiosum facere.] v. be-lǽðan, láðian.
lǽðð[u], e; lǽððo; indecl.; f. An injury, offence, hatred, enmity, malice :-- Lǽððe livoris, Wt. Voc. ii. 50, 16. Mið lǽðo hæfe ðú fiónd ðínne odio habebis inimicum tuum, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 5, 43. Lǽððo odio, 24, 10. Seðe unlage rǽre oððe undóm gedéme heononforþ for lǽððe oððe for feohfange he that from this time forth shall set up unjust law, or judge unjust judgement on account of malice or of bribery, L. C. S. 15; Th. i. 384, 9. Þurh Pendan lǽððe hyra cyninges, Bd. 3, 18; S. 546, 14. Ðæt is ðonne ðæt ǽrest ðæt man tó óðrum lǽððe hæbbe now first it is murder, that a man hate another, Blickl. Homl. 63, 36. Ne dóm ic ðé laæðo non facio tibi injuriam, Mt. Kimbl. Lind. 20, 13. Ðæt hié ongieten ðæt ðæt sindon ða forman lǽððo ðe hié Gode gedoon mǽgen ut noverint, quod hanc primam injuriam faciunt Deo, Past. 45, 2; Swt. 339, 7. Ðara lǽðða ðe gé lange drugon for the injuries that ye have suffered long, Judth. 11; Thw. 23, 36; Jud. 158. Hé mid lǽððum ús eglan móste, Thw. 24, 12; Jud. 185. Ðone Jacobum Judǽa leorneras otslógan for Cristes lǽððum that James the disciples of the Jews slew from hatred to Christ, Shrn. 93, 12. Lǽððum hwópan to threaten injuries, Exon. 64 a; Th. 236, 31; Ph. 582. [Cf. Icel. leiða; f. irksomeness: O. H. Ger. leida; f. accusatio.]
læt-hýdig; adj. Slow-minded, slow of thought, dull :-- Nis mon on moldan ... ðæs læthýdig ðæt hine sé árgifa ealles biscyrge módes cræfta no man is there on earth so dull, that the bounteous giver hath quite cut him off from powers of mind, Exon. 78 b; Th. 294, 5; Crä. 10.
læt-líce; adv. Slowly :-- Ðá andswarode hé him lætlíce theft he answered him slowly, Guthl. 20; Gdwin, 80, 12. Lætlícor more slowly Exon. 118 a; Th. 454, 16; Hy. 4, 33.
læt-rǽde; adj. Slow of counsel, deliberate :-- Oft mon biþ suíðe wandigendre æt ǽlcum weorce and suíðe lætrǽde and wénaþ menn ðæt hit síc for suármódnesse and for unarodscipe and biþ ðeáh for wisdóme and for wærscipe often a man will be very hesitating in every action, and very deliberate, and men suppose that it is from stupidity and from cowardice, and yet it is from wisdom and caution; the Latin however has 'sæpe agendi tarditas gravitatis consilium putatur,' Past. 20, 1; Swt. 149,14.
lætsum; adj. Slow, late :-- Wæs swíðe lætsum geár on corne and on ǽlces cynnes wæstmum it was a very late year for corn and crops of every kind, Chr. 1089; Erl. 226, 18.
lætt, e; f. A lath :-- Lætta asseres, Ælfc. Gl. 29; Som. 61, 42; Wrt. Voc. 26, 41. Latta vel reafteres asseres, 108; Som. 78, 123; Wrt, Voc. 58, 35, [Hic asser a lath, Wrt. Voc. 235, 37: Prompt. Parv. lathe latthe, laththe tignus, tignum, tigillum: O. H. Ger. latta, lata tignum, asser, tegula: Ger. latte a lath.]
lǽwa, an; m. A betrayer, traitor :-- Lǽwa proditor vel traditor, Wrt. Voc. 85, 43. Judam scarioð se wæs lǽwa [hléga, Lind] iudam scarioth qui fuit proditor, Lk. Skt. 6, 16. His lǽwa him tácen sealde dederat traditor ejus signum eis, Mk. Skt. 14, 44: Homl. Th. ii. 246, 10. Mid Judan ðe Cristes léwa wæs; Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 138, 21. Hér is ðæs lǽwan hand ecce manus tradentis me, Lk. Skt. 22, 21.
lǽwan; p. de To betray :-- Ðonne lǽweþ bróðer óðerne hǽðnum on deáþ and sunu se lǽweþ his fæder then one brother shall betray another to the heathen to death, and a son he shall betray his father, Blickl. Homl. 171, 21. [Goth. léwjan, to betray: O. H. G. gi-láti; p. (he) betrayed.] v. be-lǽwan.
lǽwed, léud, es; m. A layman :-- Gif man léud ofsleá an þeófþe licge bútan wyrgelde if a layman be slain while thieving, let no wergild be paid for the slaying. L. Wih. 25; Th. i. 42, 13. v. next word.
lǽwede; adj. Lay, laic, not learned, not of the church; by gradual change of meaning it has become the later lewd :-- Lǽwede man laicus, Wt. Voc. 72, 8. Ðara manna sum wæs bescoren preóst sum wæs lǽwede sum wæs wífmon e quibus hominibus quidam erat adtonsus ut clericus,quidam laicus, quædam femina, Bd. 5, 12; S. 628, 35. Hí underféngon ða dígelnyssa ðære láre ðe ðæt lǽwede folc undergitan ne mihte they [the apostles] received the mysteries of the doctrine that the unlearned people could not understand, Homl. Th. i. 190, 13. Búton ða láreówas screádian symle ða leahtras þurh heora láre áweg ne biþ ðæt lǽwede folc wæstmbǽre on gódum weorcum, ii. 74, 17. Hé munuclíce leofode betwux ðam lǽwedan folce he lived as a monk among laymen, 97, 67. Sum wer wæs on lǽwedum háde fuit vir in laico habitu, Bd. 5, 13; S. 632, 7. Ðeáh ðe hé ðá gyt on lǽwedum háde beán sceolde ... hé munuclífe gyta swíðor lifde ðonne ðonne lǽwedes mannes, Blickl. Homl. 213, 9-11. Ðæt hit nǽfre on lǽdu hand ne wende that it should never pass to a lay hand, Chart. Th. 166, 21. Ealle ge bescorene ge lǽwede, Bd. 3, 5; S. 526, 36: 5, 7; S. 621, 14. Ða ðe mid him wǽron swíðust lǽwde qui cum ipso erant, maxime laici, 5, 6; S. 618, 42. Ða witan ealle ge hádode ge lǽwede all the witan both churchmen and laymen, Chr. 1014; Erl. 150, 4. Ne úre nǽnig his líf ne fadode swá swá hé scolde, ne gehádode regollíce ne lǽwede lahlíce, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 107, 78. þurh gelǽredra regolbryce and þurh lǽwedra lahbryce through breach of [monastic] rule by the learned and breach of law by the unlearned, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 111, 199. [In the later English the lewed are contrasted with the lered, e.g. Orm. ʒa læwedd follc, ʒa læredd; and Robert Manning writes 'not for þe lerid bot for the lewed:' Prompt. Parv. lewde illitteratus, inscius, ignarus, laicus.]
lǽwend, es; m. One who betrays, a traitor :-- Lǽwend proditor, Ælfc. Gl. 85; Som. 73, 125; Wrt. Voc. 49, 18: Wrt. Voc. ii. 68, 75. Léwend, Kent. GlI. 1156.
Læwes, Læwe Lewes in Sussex :-- Tó Læwe [other MS. Læwes] at Lewes, L. Ath. i. 14; Th. i. 208, 1. Æt Hamme wið Læwe, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. ii. 388, 18. Hamme juxta Læwes, vi. 46, 11.
láf, e; f. I. what is left, remnant, remains, relic, remainder, rest, lave [in northern dialects] :-- Láf superstes, Ælfc. Gr. 9; Som. 11, 7. Healmes láf stipulæ, Ælfc. Gl. 59; Som. 67, 131; Wt. Voc. 38, 51. Ðǽr wæs ungemetlíc wæl geslægen and sió láf wið ðone here friþ nam there was immense slaughter, and those who were left made peace with the Danes, Chr. 867; Erl. 72, 17: 894; Erl. 93, 1. Seó wǽpna láf the weapons' leavings, the survivors of a battle, Cd. 93; Th. 121, 5; Gen. 2005. Secg gára láf se ða gúþe genæs, 94; Th. 121, 32; Gen. 2019. Ða Norþmen dreórig daraþa láf, Chr. 937; Erl. 115, 3; Æðelst. 54. Seoððan se écea dǽl of biþ ðæt is seó sáwl hwæt biþ elles seó láf búton wyrma mete when the eternal part, that is the soul, is gone, what else is the rest but food for worms? Blickl. Homl. iii. 32. Ic beó tó láfe resto, Ælfc. Gr. 24; Som. 25, 62. Ne wearþ ðǽr forþon án Bret tó láfe there [at Anderida] was not even one Briton left, Chr. 491; Erl. 14, 7. Ðæs folces ðe ðær tó láfe wæs, Blickl. Homl. 79, 20. Betǽcan eów on hǽðenra hand heries láfe to deliver you into the hands of the heathen, all that is left of or by a host, Wulfst. 295, 20. Sumes þinges láfe reliquiæ, Ælfc. Gr. 13; Som. 16, 19. Láfa árleásra forwurþaþ reliquiæ impiorum interibunt, Ps. Spl. 36, 40. Wætra láfe the survivors of the flood, Cd. 75; Th. 93, 21; Gen. 1549. Hí námon ða láfa tulerunt reliquias, Mt. Kmbl. 14, 20. II. used in poetry of weapons with the gen. of the implement employed in making them :-- Ic eom wráðra láf fýres and feóle I am the leaving of foes, of fire and of file [a sword, forged in the fire and sharpened by the file], Exon. 126 a; Th. 484, 6; Rä. 70, 3. Homera láfa swords, Beo. Th. 5651; B. 2829: Exon. 102 b; Th. 388, 14; Rä. 6, 7: Chr. 937; Erl. 112, 6; Æðelst. 6. III. what is left as an inheritance, legacy, heirloom [of armour or weapons: 'das schwert ist des mannes grösztes kleinod, das nur auf seinen nächsten männlichen erben übergeht' Grmm. Gesch. D. S. p. 12] :-- Beaduscrúda betst ðæt míne breóst wereþ; ðæt is Hrædlan láf, Welandes geweorc, Beo. Th. 913; Bö 454. Gomel swyrd Eánmundes láf an ancient sword, an heirloom from Eanmund, 5216; B. 2611: 5250; B. 2628. Ðǽr brægd eorl Beówulfes ealde láfe, 1595; B. 795: 2981; B. 1488. Hét in gefetian Hréðles láfe; næs sincmáððum sélra on sweordes hád, 4389; B. 2191. IV. a relict, widow :-- Láf vel forlǽten wíf derelicta, Ælfc. Gl. 88; Som. 74, 65; Wrt. Voc. 50, 46. Ne nime ðæs forþfarenan láf nánne óðerne man búton his bróður uxor defuncti non nubet alteri, sed accipiet eam frater ejus, Deut. 25, 5. And ǽfre ne geweorþe ðæt Cristen man gewífige on ðæs láfe ðe swá neáh wǽre on woroldcundre sibbe and never let it happen that a Christian man marry the relict of him who was so near [within the prohibited degrees] in worldly relationship, L. Eth. vi. 12; Th. i. 318, 15: L. C. E. 7; Th. i. 364, 23. Se forlét his fulluht and lifode on héðenum þeáwe swá ðæt hé heafde his feder láfe tó wífe, Chr. 616; Erl. 21, 40. Paplinus genam Æðelburge Eádwines láfe and gewát on scipe tó Cent, 633; Erl. 25, 21. Ðá gewát Eádríc ... Ðá hæfde Eádríc láfe and nán bearn then Eadric died ... Eadric left a widow but no child, Chart. Th. 272, 22. [Goth. laiba a remnant: O. Frs. láva: O. Sax. léƀa: Icel. leif: O. H. Ger. leiba.] DER. ege-, ende-, eormen-, here-, húsel-, met-, sǽ-, un-, weá-, ýð-, yrfe-láf.
lafian; p. ode To lave, bathe, pour water on :-- Nim ðone wǽtan and wyrm and lafa ðín heáfod mid take the liquor and warm it and lave thy head with it, Lchdm. iii. 48, 7. Wyrc ðæt bæþ of ðám ilcum wyrtum on cealdum wyllewætre gecnuwa ða wyrta swíðe wel lege on ðæt wæter lafa on ðone swile make the bath of the same herbs in cold spring-water, pound the herbs very thoroughly, lay on, pour the water on to the swelling, L. M., 1, 31; Lchdm. ii. 74, 29. Genim beren eár beseng lege on swá hát and hát wæter lafa on take a barley ear, singe it, apply it as hot as possible, and pour hot water on, 1, 51; Lchdm. ii. 124, 18. [O. H. Ger. labian, labén, labón reficere, refocillare: Ger. laben.] v. ge-lafian.
lafor, es; m. A leopard [so Cockayne, but ought not the word in the following passage to be eoforas?] :-- Swelce eác laforas ðǽr cwóman unmǽtlícre micelnisse and monig óðer wildeór and eác tigris nec minus apri ingentis forme mixti maculosis lincibus tygribusque, Nar. 15, 1.
laga, an; m. Law :-- Stande án laga, L. C. S. 34; Th. i. 396, 22, MS. B. Rǽde gé forþ lagan fyrþor ic wolde gif mé tó anhagode proceed further in determining laws; I would, if it were convenient for me, Wulfst, 275, 11. v. riht-, woruld-laga.
lagian; p. ode To make a law, ordain :-- Lagiaþ góde woruldlagan and lecgaþ ðærtóeácan ðæt úre cristendóm stande ordain good secular laws, and add thereto the establishment of our christianity. Wulfst. 274, 7. [Kath. lahede ordained.] v. ge-in-, in-, út-lagian.
lagu, e; f. Law, statute, decree, regulation, rule, fixed custom :-- Lagu jus, Ælfc. Gr. 9; Som. 12, 22. God him sette ǽ ðæt ys open lagu ðam folce tó steóre God appointed them law, that is a plain rule, for the guidance of the people, Ælfc. T. Grn. 5, 36. Deuteronomium ðæt ys óðer lagu, 39. Gif hé hine ládian wille dó ðæt be ðam deópestan áðe on Engla lage and on Dena lage be ðam ðe heora lagu sí if he will clear himself, let him do it by the most solemn oath in the district under English law; in that under Danish, by what their law may be, L. Eth. vi. 37; Th. i. 324, 20. Manna gehwilc óðrum beóde ðæt riht ðæt hé wille ðæt man him beóde and ðæt is swýðe riht lagu let every man offer that justice to another that he wishes to be offered to himself, and that is a very just rule, 49; Th. i. 326, 32. Nú is seó ealde lagu geendod offer Cristes tócyme and men ne ceósaþ nú on ðissere cristenan lage of nánum biscopcynne óðerne biscop ac of ǽlcum cynne now the old law is ended after Christ's advent, and men do not now under the Christian law choose a bishop from an episcopal race, but from any race, L. Ælfc. P. 40; Th. ii. 380, 24. Hig gesceótaþ tó Aarones dǽle and his suna écre lage cedent in partem Aaron et filiorum ejus jure perpetuo, Ex. 29, 28. Hwí forgýmaþ ðíne leorningcnihtas úre yldrena lage? ... Gé for náht dydon Godes bebod for eówre lage quare discipuli tui transgrediuntur traditionem seniorum? ... Irritum fecistis mandatum Dei propter traditionem vestram, Mt. Kmbl. 15, 2, 6. Ðǽr hæfþ áne lage earm and se welega there poor and rich shall have one law, Dóm. L. I2, 163. Godes lage healdan, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 105, 36, 23. Hé niwade ðǽr Cnutes lage, Chr. 1064; Erl. 196, 2. Ðǽr þegen áge twegen costas lufe oððe lage where a thane has two alternatives love or law [i.e. where a case may be arranged amicably or by appeal to law], L. Eth. iii. 13; Th. i. 298, 6. Ðis synd ða bebodu and dómas and laga ðe drihten gesette hæc sunt judicia atque præcepta et leges quas dedit dominus, Lev. 26, 46. Ðis ys seó ǽ ðe Moises foresette and laga and dómas ista est lex quam proposuit Moyses, et hæc testimonia et ceremoniæ atque judicia, Deut. 4, 44-45. Ic wille ðæt hig beón swá gódera lagana wurðe swá hig betst wǽran on ǽniges cynges dæge I will that they be entitled to as good laws as there ever have been in any king's day, Chart. Th. 416, 24. And ic wille ðæt woruldgerihta mid Denum standan be swá gódum lagum swá hý betst geceósen mǽgen, L. Edg. S. 2; Th. i. 272, 30. Hwilc óðer þeód is swá mǽre ðæt hæbbe laga and rihte dómas and ealle ǽ quæ est alia gens sic inclyta, ut habeat ceremonias justaque judicia et universam legem, Deut. 4, 8. Hé lægde laga ðæt swá hwá swá slóge heort oððe hinde ðæt hine man sceolde blendian, Chr. 1086; Erl. 222, 26. Ic wylle ðæt man rihte laga upp árǽre and ǽghwilce unlage georne áfylle, L. C. S. 1; Th. i. 376, 7. In the phrases on Engla, Dena, &c. lage, which may be compared with the Icel. í þrænda lögum, lagu is nearly equivalent to 'district in which certain [English, Danish, &c.] laws prevail,' and in Cl. & V. Dict. [v. lög ii.] lög is rendered 'law community, communion, also a law district.' So in L. E. G. 7; Th. i. 172, 3 it is said :-- Gif hláford his þeówan freólsdæge nýde tó weorce gylde lahslitte inne on Deone lage and wíte mid Englum. These laws are the first in which lagu or lah- occurs, afterwards these forms are not unfrequent, and are continued in the Laws of William the Conqueror 'en Dene lahe, en Merchene lahe, en West Sexene lahe,' Th. i. 466, and in L. H. I. 'in Dendaga,' 566. From the time of the appearance of the word it would seem that its use was due to Scandinavian influence. v. Steenstrup's Normannerne, iv. 15 sqq. In Icelandic the word is used in the sense of law only in pl. lög: Dan. lov. v. land-, mǽg-, riht-, þegen-, un-, woruld- lagu; laga and lah.
lagu, lago; m. I. sea, water :-- Ðæt gelimpan sceal ðætte lagu flóweþ ofer foldan it shall come to pass that the sea shall flow over the earth [at the last day], Exon. 115 b; Th. 445, 1; Dóm. 1. Lagu, wæter under wolcnum, Beo. Th. 3265; B. 1630. Lagu lácende the tossing water, Andr. Kmbl. 873; An. 437. Lyft and lagu [cf. Icel. lopt ok lögr] land ymbclyppaþ gársecg embegyrt gumena ríce air and sea embrace earth, ocean girds round the kingdom of men, Bt. Mt. Fox 9, 72; Met. 9, 40. Stille þynceþ lyft ofer londe and lagu swíge, Exon. 101 b; Th. 383, 16; Rä. 4, 11. Lagu land gefeól lyft was onhréred sea fell to earth, air was stirred [of the destruction of the Egyptians in the Red Sea], Cd, 167; Th. 208, 12; Exod. 482. Ðá gesundrod wæs lago wið lande, 8; Th. 10, 27; Gen. 163. Lago yrnende, 12; Th. 13, 32; Gen. 211. Willflód ongan lytligan eft, lago ebbade [of the subsiding deluge], 71; Th. 85, 12; Gen. 1413. Mid lande and mid loge mid wude and mid felde cum terra et cum aqua, cum sylva et cum agro, Cd. Dip. Kmbl. iv. 202, 1. Under lyft ofer lagu, Exon. 57 a; Th. 204, 21; Ph. 101. Á hafaþ longunge seðe on lagu fundaþ, 82 a; Th. 308, 30; Seef. 47. Ne lagu dréfde ne of [on?] lyfte fleág it troubled not water, nor flew it in air, 106 a; Th. 404. 31; Rä. 23, 16. Ic ymb síþ spræce and on lagu þence, 119 a; Th. 458, 9; Hy. 4, 97. II. the name of the Rune Runic-Lagu :-- Lagu byþ leódum langsum geþuht gif hí sculun néðan on nacan tealtum water to men wearisome seemeth, if they must venture on vessel unsteady, Runic pm. Kmbl. 343, 19; Rún. 21. Swá Runic-Lagu tóglídæþ, Elen. Kmbl. 2536; El. 1269. [Goth. (see the name of Gothic 1) lagus: O. Sax. lagu (in cpds.): Icel. lögr; m. sea, water, liquid; also name of Rune Runic-Lagu : O. H. Ger. lagu name of Runic letter.]
lagu-cræftig; adj. Skilled in matters connected with the sea :-- Lagu-cræftig mon, Beo. Th. 423; B. 209.
lagu-fæðm, es; m. A watery embrace :-- Ýð sió brúne lagufæðme beleólc the dark wave played round me with its watery embrace, Exon. 122 b; Th. 471, 26; Rä. 61, 7.
lagu-fæsten, es; n. A water-fastness, sea, ocean :-- Ofer lagufæsten, Andr. Kmbl. 796; An. 398: 1650; An. 826: Elen. Kmbl. 2031; El. 1017. Lagofæsten, 497; El. 249.
lagu-flód, es; m. Sea, ocean, stream, wave, water :-- Laguflód unda, Wrt. Voc. ii. 130, 33. Lyfthelm and laguflód air and sea, Menol. Fox 553; Gn. C. 46. Swá wé on laguflóde ofer ceald wæter ceólum líðan geond sídne sǽ, Exon. 20 a; Th. 53, 16; Cri. 851. Heliseus leólc ofer laguflód on swonráde, 75 b; Th. 283, 2; Jul. 674. Fercþ oft lagoflód on lyfte oft bears water aloft, 114 b; Th. 440, 3; Rä. 59, 12. Ǽr gescóp éce dryhten laguflóda bigong before had the Lord eternal created the course of the waters, 54 b; Th. 193, 29; Az. 129: Bt. Met. Fox 20, 345; Met. 20, 173. Twelf síþum ðæt tírfæste lond geondláce laguflóda wynn fons duodecies undis irrigat omne nemus, Exon. 56 b; Th. 202, 16; Ph. 70. Lageflódum þodenum ceruleis turbinibus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 133, 38. Runic-Lagu flódum bilocen, Exon. 19 b; Th. 50, 26; Cri. 807. Ofer lagoflódas, Andr. Kmbl. 487; An. 244.
lagu-lád, e; f. Away across water, Exon. 76 b; Th. 286, 19; Wand. 3: Andr. Kmbl. 627; An. 314. [Cf. O. Sax. lagu-líðandi a seafarer.]
lagu-mearh, -mearg; m. A sea-steed, ship, Exon. 52 a; Th. 182, 7; Gú. 1306. [Cf. Icel. lög-dýr, -fákr a ship.]
lagu-síþ, es; m. A sea-journey :-- Ðære láfe lagosíþa for those who are left after sea-journeyings [those who were saved in the ark], Cd. 67; Th. 81, 11; Gen. 1343. Lagosíþa rest rest from sea-journeyings [on coming out of the ark], 73; Th. 89, 26; Gen. 1486.
lagu-strǽt, e; f. A sea-road, the sea :-- Ofer lagustrǽte, Beo. Th. 483; B. 239.
lagu-streám, es; m. Sea, stream, river, water :-- Folde and lagustreám earth and sea, Bt. Met. Fox 11, 86; Met. 11, 43. On lago-streáme [the Danube], Elen. Kmbl. 273; El. 137. Lyft wið lagustreám air with water, Exon. 93 b; Th. 351, 22; Sch. 84. Lád ofer lagustreám, Andr. Kmbl. 845; An. 423: Bt. Met. Fox. 26, 31; Met. 26, 16. Ðǽr lagustreámas wyllan onspringaþ fons in medio est, Exon. 56 b; Th. 201, 27; Ph. 62. Lagustreáma full full of water, 502 a; Th. 385, 1; Rä. 4, 38. Álýs mé and genere wið lagustreámum manegum wæterum eripe me, et libera me de aquis multis, Ps. Th. 143, 8: Cd. 91; Th. 115, 21; Gen. 1923. Ofer lagustreámas [the waters of the deluge], 161; Th. 201, 5; Exod. 367. Ofer lagustreámas across the sea, Beo. Th. 599; B. 297. [O. Sax. lagu-stróm.]
lagu-swimmend, es; m. A creature that swims, a fish :-- Laguswimmendra, Salm. Kmbl. 580; Sal. 289.
lah; n.(?) Law :-- Ǽlc mynetere ðe betihtlad sí bicge him lah mid xii óran [cf. bicge him lage, Th. i. 294, 8] let every minter that is accused buy himself law with xii ores [v. lah-ceáp], L. Eth. iii. 8; Th. i. 296, 16. [Icel. lög, is neuter.] v. lagu; lah-ceáp.
lah-breca, an; m. A law-breaker, Scint. 2, Lye.
lah-bryce, es; m. A breach of the law :-- Ðæt wæs geworden ðæs ðe hé sǽde þurh gelǽredra regolbryce and þurh lǽwedra lahbryce that happened, according to him [Gildas], through the violation of their rule by ecclesiastics, and through the breaking of the law by laymen, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 111, 199. Deófíce dǽda on mistlícan lahbrycan [MS. D. lagbrycan] on hádbrycan and on ǽwbrycan devilish deeds in the shape of diverse violations of law, of holy orders and of marriage, L. Eth. v. 25; Th. i. 310, 18: vi. 28; Th. i. 322, 18. Wearþ ðes þeódscipe swíðe forsyngod þurh lahbrycas and þurh ǽswicas þurh hádbrycas and þurh ǽwbrycas, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 109, 147.
lah-ceáp, -cóp, es; m. Payment made for re-entry into legal rights which have been lost; redemptio privilegiorum quæ per utlagationem fuerint amissa :-- Lahceáp, L. N. P. L. 67: Th. ii. 302, 5. Lahcóp, L. Eth. iii. 3; Th. i. 244, 1. In the note on the latter passage an illustration is quoted from old Danish Law, where 'bylagh' [town law] being lost under certain conditions after an absence of a year and a day, a man 'bör at köbe sigh thet igen a ny.' The term is found in Old Sleswick Law :-- 'Rex habet quoddam speciale debitum in Sleswick, quod dicitur Læghköp, quo redimitur ibi hereditas [quorundam] morientium.' In the same passage occurs the phrase 'emere lagh.' v. lah.
lah-líc; adj. Lawful, Scint. 9, Lye. v. next word.
lah-líce; adv. Lawfully, according to law :-- Ne úre nǽnig his líf ne fadode swá swá hé scolde ne gehádode regollíce ne lǽwede lahlíce nor hath any one of us ordered his life as he should, neither those ordained according to their rules nor the laymen according to the law, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 107, 78. Ðæt hí lǽran ðæt gehádode menn regollíce libban and lǽwede lahlíce heora líf fadian, L. I. P. 18; Th. ii. 324, 27.
lah-mann, es; m. A man acquainted with, and whose duty it was to declare, the law :-- xii lahmenn scylon riht tǽcean Wealan and Ænglan vi Engliscne and vi Wylisce. Þolien ealles ðæs hý ágon gif hí wóh tǽcen oþþe geládian hí ðæt hí bet ne cúþon xii lawmen shall declare the law to Welsh and English, vi English and vi Welsh. Let them forfeit all they own if they declare wrong; or clear themselves [on the ground] that they knew no better, L. O. D. 3; Th. i. 354, 9. In L. Ed. C. 38; Th. i. 461, 21 the latinized form of the word occurs :-- Postea inquirat justicia per lagemannos, et per meliores homines de burgo vel hundredo vel villa. See Cl. & Vig. Dict. sub voce lögmaðr.
lah-riht, es; n. Legal right :-- Ǽghwylc lahriht ge burhriht ge landriht every legal right, both of town and country, L. I. P. 7; Th. ii. 312, 19. Gif hwá openne wiðercwyde ongeán lahriht Cristes oþþe cyninges gewyrce if any one act in open contradiction to the legal right of Crist or of the king, L. Eth. v. 31; Th. i. 312, 9.
lah-slit; n[?]; -sliht, -slite, es; m; -slitt, e: f. According to its component parts the word means a breach or violation of the law; in the Laws however it is applied to the fuse payable for the breach, and is used only with reference to the Danes, the corresponding term among the English being wíte :-- Beó se wið ðone cyningc hundtwelftig sciɫɫ. scyldig on Engla lage ... and on Dena lage lahslites scyldig, L. C. S. 15; Th. i. 384, 15. Gebéte ðæt be ðæm ðe seó dǽd sý swá be wíte swá be lahslitte [lahslite, MS. B.] let him make'bot' for that according to what the deed is, either by 'wite' [if English] or by 'lahslit' [if Danish], L. E. G. 3; Th. i. 168, 6. Gif preóst fulluhtes forwyrne ðam ðe ðæs þearf sý, gylde wíte mid Englum and mid Denum lahslit, ðæt is twelf óran, 10-13. Gylde swá wífe swá lahslitte [lahslite, MS. B], 2; Th. i. 168, 3. Gylde lahslitte inne on Deone lage and wíte mid Englum, 7; Th. i. 172, 3. Lahslite, 8; Th. i. 172, 7. Lahslit, 9; Th. i. 172, 11. Ðonne gilde hé lahsliht, L. N. P. L. 51: 52: 53; Th. ii. 298, 9: 12: 15. The word is continued in the Laws of William the Conqueror :-- In Danelahe erit iii forisfactura de suo laslite [laxlite in French], Th. i. 483, 24. In Th. i. 168, note a, a passage is quoted from old Swedish law in which 'lagsliht' occurs. See also Grmm. R. A. 623: Steenstrup's Normannerne, iv. 264 sqq.
lah-wita, an; m. One who has a knowledge of law, a lawyer :-- Cyningan and bisceopan eorlan and heretogan geréfan and déman lárwitan and lahwitan gedafenaþ mid rihte ðæt hí Godes riht lufian it rightly befits kings and bishops, nobles and generals, sheriffs and judges, those who have learning and those who know law, to love God's justice, L. I. P. 5; Th. ii. 308, 14.
lám, es; n. Clay, mud, mire, earth :-- Laam argilla, Ælfc. Gl. 56; Som. 67, 35; Wrt. Voc. 37, 25: Wrt. Voc. ii. 100, 66. Lám a[r]gella, Wrt. Voc. 285, 7: limus, Ælfc. Gr. 13; Som. 16, 4: Wrt. Voc. ii. 112, 81. Lámes gelícnes the body [after death], Exon. 98 a; Th. 368, 9; Seel. 19. God gesceóp man of ðære eorþan láme formavit dominus deus hominem de limo terræ, Gen. 2, 7: Homl. Th. i. 12, 29: 236, 15. Áfæstnod ic eom on láme grundes I sink in deep mire; infixus sum in Iimo profundi, Ps. Spl. 68, 2. Genera mé of láme deliver me out of the mire; eripe me de luto, C. 68, 18. Láme bitolden covered with earth [buried], Exon. 64 a; Th. 235, 11; Ph. 555: 50 a; Th. 173, 27; Gú. 1167: 117 b; Th. 451, 5; Dóm. 99. Ic áworpe ða myht fram mé ðe mé fram ðé geháten ys swá ðæt lám ðe ic myd mýnum fótum ontrede I cast away from me the power that is promised me by thee, as the dirt that I tread upon with my feet, Shrn. 151, 22. [O. L. Ger. lémo, leimo limus: O. H. Ger. leim argilla, limus, lutum: Ger. lehm.]
lama, loma, lame; adj. Lame, disabled in the limbs, maimed, crippled, weak, paralysed, palsied, paralytic :-- On sídan lama pleuriticus, Ælfc. Gl. 10; Som. 57, 25; Wrt. Voc. 19, 31. Lame debilis vel enervatus, 77; Som. 72, 22; Wrt. Voc. 45, 55. Conclamatus i. commotus, convocatus, desperatus, vel loma, Wrt. Voc. ii. 136, 28: conclamatus, 105, 20. Ánne man se wæs lama hominem qui erat paraliticus, Lk. Skt. 5, 18. Ic eom lama þearfa egenus et pauper sum, Ps. Th. 108, 22. Ðá læg ðǽr sum creópere lama fram cildháde then lay there a cripple lame from his childhood, Homl. Skt. 10, 25. Ánne bædrydan for eahte geárum lama a bedridden man paralysed for eight years, 42. Man ne mót nán þing gehǽlan on restedagum þéh hyt lama beó nú hǽlþ hé ǽgðer ge healte ge blynde ge deáfe ge dumbe ge gebýgede laman and deófolseóce, Nicod. 2; Thw. 1, 29. Án mǽden seó wæs lama puella paralytica, Bd. 3, 9; S. 533, 5. Hé wæs lama and eallra his lima þénunge benumen deficiente penitus omni membrorum officio, 5, 5; S. 617, 37. Mid langre ádle laman legeres swíðe gehefigod longo paralysis morbo gravatam, 3, 9; S. 534, 5. Oft him feorran tó laman liomseóce cwómon healte hreófe and blinde oft to him from far cane the lame, the crippled, the halt, the leprous, and the blind, Elen. Kmbl. 2425; El. 1214. Lamena [lamana, MS. B.] hé is lǽce of the lame it is the leech, Salm. Kmbl. 155; Sal. 77. lii hit oftræd and hié tó loman gerénode ðæt hió mec ǽnigre note nytte beón ne meahton duos et 1. calcatos inutiles fecit, Nar. 15, 26. Laman paralyticos, Mt. Kmbl. 4, 24. [O. Sax. lamo: O. Frs. lam, lom: Icel. lami, lama: Dan. lam lame, palsied, paralytic: O. H. Ger. lam claudus, mancus, debilis, paralyticus.] v. ád-, lim- lama.
lamb, es; and lamber; n. A lamb :-- Ðæt lamb sceal beón ánwintre erit agnus anniculus, Ex. 12, 5. Hér is Godes lamb ecce agnus dei, Jn. Skt 1, 29. Swá plegende lamp quasi agnus lasciviens, Kent. Gl. 214. Hé gefullode ðone wulf and geworhte tó lambe he baptized the wolf and made it a lamb, Homl. Th. i. 390, 26. Godes lomber folgian, Exon. 48 a; Th. 164, 22; Gú. 1015. Nyme ǽlc mann án lamb tollat unusquisque agnum, Ex. 12, 3. Swá swá lamb sicut agni, Ps. Spl. 113, 4. Swá sceóne lambru, Ps. Th. 113, 4, 6. Lambra, Ps. Spl. 113, 6. Mid lamba rysle cum adipe agnorum, Deut. 32, 14. Abram gesette seofon lamb on sundron statuit Abram septem agnas seorsum, Gen. 21, 28. Ic eów sende swá swá lamb [lombro, Lind: lombor, Rush.] betwux wulfas ego mitto vos sicut agnos inter lupos, Lk. Skt. 10, 3. Heald míne lamb [lombor, lomboro, Lind: lombor, Rush.] pasce agnos meos, Jn. Skt. 21, 15, 16. [Orm. lammbre; pl: Ayenb. Piers P. lambren: Goth. O. Sax. Icel. O. H. Ger. lamb; in O. H. Ger. lember, lembir as well as lamb are found in pl. v. Grff. ii. 214.]
lambes cerse, an; f. Lamb's cress; cardamine hirsuta :-- Cersan sǽdes sume men hátaþ lambes cersan, L. M. 1, 1; Lchdm. i. 24, 16. v. E. D. S. Plant names.
Lamb-, Lambe-hýþ, e; f. Lambeth in Surrey :-- Hér forþferde Hardacnut æt Lambhýþe, Chr. 1041; Erl. 167, 30. Ðis synd ða landgemǽre intó Lambehýþe, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iv. 158, 4. v. hýþ.
lam-byrd, e; n. A lame, weak, imperfect birth, Lchdm. iii. 66, 22. v. læt-byrd.
lám-fæt, es; n. A vessel of clay, the body, Exon. 74 a; Th. 277, 9; Jul. 578: l00 a; Th. 375; Seel. 133.
lamprede, an; f. A lamprey [Low Latin lampreda.] :-- Hwilce fixas geféhst ðú? Lampredan quales pisces capis? murænas, Coll. Monast. Th. 23, 35. [O. H. Ger. lampreda, lantprida murenula, Grff. ii. 241.]
lám-pytt, es; m. A clay-pit :-- Swá andlang mearce on lámpyttas, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 252, 24.
lám-seáðe [?], an; f. A clay- [or mud-] pit :-- Of sceadwellan in lámseáðan; of lámseáðan in ledene, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 80, 14.
lám-wyrhta, an; m. A worker in clay, a potter :-- Lámwyrhte [-wrihta, Lind.] figuli, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 27, 7. Lámwyrhtæ [-wrihtæs, Lind.], 10.
LAND, es; n. I. LAND as opposed to water or air, earth :-- Wé ðec in lyft gelǽddun oftugon ðé landes wynna we led thee aloft, earth's pleasures withdrew from thee, Exon. 39 b; Th. 130, 15; Gú. 438. Ðá siððan tóférdon ða apostolas wíde landes geond ealle ðás world then afterwards the apostles separated and went far and wide on earth, throughout all this world, L. Ælfc. P. 21; Th. ii. 372, 6: Wulfst. 105, 6. Monigra folca ceápstów of lande and of sǽ cumendra multorum emporium populorum terra marique venientium, Bd. 2, 3; S. 504, 19. Úsic æt lande gebrohte, 5, 1; S. 614, 10. Hig tugon hyra scypo tó lande subductis ad terram navibus, Lk. Skt. 5, 11. Ðá cómon hié tó londe on Cornwalum, Chr. 891; Erl. 88, 11. Wǽron ða menn uppe on londe of ágáne, 897; Erl. 95, 24. Án scip flotigende swá néh ðan lande swá hit nýxt mǽge, 1031; Erl. 162, 7. Ðá gesundrod wæs lago wið lande. Cd, 8; Th. 10, 27; Gen. 163. Cam ðá tó lande swíðmód swymman, Beo. Th. 3250; B. 1623. Stile þynceþ lyft ofer londe. Exon. 101 b; Th. 383, 15; Rä. 4, 11. Lifigende ða ðe land tredaþ living creatures that walk the earth, Cd. 10; Th. 13, 16; Gen. 203. II. a land, country, region, district, province :-- Ðæs landes gold ys golda sélost aurum terræ illius optimum est, Gen. 2, 12. Is seó cirice on Campania ðæs landes gemǽro the church is on the borders of the land of Campania, Blickl. Homl. 197, 19. Úres landes mann nostras: eówres landes mann vestras, Ælfc. Gr. 15; Zup. 94, 8: 102, 21. Ne nim ðú náne sibbe wið ðæs landes menn ne ineas pactum cum hominibus illarum regionum, Ex. 34, 15. Twegen landes menn and án ælþeódig, Homl. Th. ii. 26, 20. Twegen sacerdas ðe ǽr on lífe wǽron his landes menn two priests who before, when living, had been his countrymen, 342, 3. Ðá cómon ða landes menn [the Northumbrians] tógeánes him and hine ofslógon, Chr. 1068; Erl. 205, 2. Hí wǽron of Galiléam ðæm lande, Blickl. Homl. 123, 21. Hé leng on ðam lande gewunian ne mihte he could not live longer in that country, 113, 11. On Lindesse lande in provincia Lindissi, Bd. 3, 27; S. 558, 34. Andreas sette his hand ofer ðara wera eágan ðe ðǽr on lande wǽron Andrew placed his hand upon the eyes of the men who were there in that country, Blickl. Homl. 239, 3. Ceólwulf and Eádbald of ðæm londe áfóron Ceolwulf and Eadbald left the country, Chr. 794; Erl. 58, 6. Ælþeódige mæn of lande mid heora ǽhtum and mid synnum gewíten let foreigners depart from the country with their goods and with their sins, L. Wih. 4; Th. i. 38, 2. Þerh óðer woeg eft gecerrdon in lond hiera per aliam viam reversi sunt in regionem suam, Mt. Kmbl, Lind. 2, 12. Mid ðý hí ðider cóman on land cum illo advenissent, Bd. 5, 10; S. 624, 1. Ðæt wǽron ða ǽrestan scipu Deniscra monna ðe Angelcynnes lond gesóhton, Chr. 787; Erl. 56, 16. Ǽlc ðæra landa ðe ǽnigne friþige ðæra ðe Ængla land hergie every land that affords protection to any of those that harry England, L. Eth. ii. 1; Th. i. 284, 17. Ðá lǽdde hé mé on fyrran lænd cum me in ulteriora produceret, Bd. 5, 12; S. 628, 9. In ða nésta gemǽro and londo [lond, Rush.] in proximas villas et vicos. Mk. Skt. Lind. 6, 36. III. land, landed property, estate, cultivated land, country [as opposed to town] :-- Gesáwen æcer vel land seges. Ælfc. Gl. 97; Som. 76, 48; Wrt. Voc. 53, 55. Land solum vel tellus vel terra, vel arvum, 98; Som. 76, 98; Wrt. Voc. 54, 42, Ðis land hoc rus, Ælf. Gr. 9; Som. 12, 21. Land agellum, Bd. 4, 12; S. 581, 5. Se árfæsta bigenga ðæs gástlícan landes pius agri spiritalis cultor, Bd. 2, 15; S. 519, 8. xii hída gesettes landes xii hides of cultivated land, L. In. 64: 65; Th. i. 144, 6: 9. Be gyrde londes of a yard of land, 67; Th. i. 146, 1. Þolige landes and lífes let him lose land and life, L. C. E. 2; Th. i. 358, 21. On lande ruri, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 41, 18. Sý hit binnan byrig sý hit upp on lande, L. C. S. 24; Th. i. 390, 5. Ge on lande ge on óðrum þingum ge on óðrum gestreónum consisting of land and of other things and of other acquisitions, Blickl. Homl. 51, 7. Noe began tó wircenne ðæt land cæpit Noe exercere terram, Gen. 9, 20. Búton earmre wudewan ðe næfde nán land except a poor widow that had no land, L. Ath. v. 2; Th. i. 230, 20. Færende on lond euntes in villam, Mk. Skt. Lind. 16, 12. Heora wlenca wǽron swíðe monigfealde on landum and on wíngeardum, Blickl. Homl. 99, 15. Hér geswutelaþ on ðissum gewrite ðæt Leófríc eorl and his gebedda habbap geunnen twá land hac inscriptione manifestatur Leofricum comitem et Godgivam comitissam duas villas concessisse, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iv. 72, 20. Ǽlc ðe forlǽt land [londo, Lind.] omnis qui reliquit agros, Mt. Kmbl. 19, 29: Bd. 5, 19; S. 636, 35. Feówer land hé forgeaf ælþeódigum tó andfencge and tó ælmesdǽdum he gave four estates for the reception of strangers and for deeds of charity, Homl. Skt. 7, 386. Byrig and land þurhféran oppida et rura peragrare, Bd. 3, 28; S. 560, 32: 3, 30; S. 562, 13. [The word occurs in all the Teutonic languages.] DER. burg-, eá-, eard-, eást-, ég-, el-, ele-, éðel-, feld-, feor-, folc-, gehlot-, heáfod-, heáh-, íg-, in-, irfe-, irp-, lín-, mearc-, mór-, omer-, sand-, síd-, sundor-, sundor-geref-, tún-, þeód-, un-, út-, wea[lh]-, wíd-, wyn-, wyrðe-land.
land-ádl, e; f. Nostalgia [so Cockayne, but cf. lond-iuil epilepsy, Prompt. Parv.] :-- Wið londádle, L. M. 2, 65; Lchdm. ii. 296, 13.
land-ælf, e; f. A land-elf :-- Landælfe ruricolas musas, Wrt. Voc. ii. 88, 83.
land-ágend, es; m. A land-owner, one of those to whom a country belongs, a native :-- Hí wǽron on myclum ege ðám sylfan landágendum ðe hí ǽr hider laþedon ipsis qui eos advocaverant indigenis essent terrori, Bd. 1, 15; S. 483, 34 note
land-ágende; adj. Owning land :-- Gif gesíþcund mon landágende forsitte fyrde, geselle cxx scill. and þolie his landes, L. In. 51; Th. i. 134, 8. Landágende man, L. N. P. L. 49: 52; Th. ii. 298, 4: 10. Landágende men ic lǽrde ðæt hié heora gafol mid gehygdum águldon, Blickl. Homl. 185, 21. DER. un-landágende.
land-ár, e; f. Property in land, landed estate :-- Of Seint Petres land-áre in territorio Sancti Petri, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iv. 242, 16. Hé him ða landáre forgeaf ðe hé ðæt mynster on getimbrade quo concedente et possessionem terræ largiente, ipsum monasterium fecerat, Bd. 4, 18; S. 586, 35. Wilniende ðætte heó him funden swylce londáre swylce hé mid árum on beón mehte desiring that they should provide him such an estate as he might reside on with dignity, Chart. Th. 47, 21. Ðæt land æt Boccinge intó Cristes cyrcean, and his óðre landáre intó óðran hálgan stówan, 540, 26. Nimap ðis gold and bicgaþ eów landáre, Homl. Th. i. 64, 12. Ða ðe landáre hæfdon hí hit beceápodon, 316, 10: ii. 224, 5. Ic wille ðæt se cyng beó hláford ðæs mynstres ðe ic getimbrede, and ðære landára ðe is ðyderinn becweden hæbbe, Chart. Th. 547, 31.
land-begenga, an; m. I. a cultivator of land, husbandman, farmer :-- Se mǽra landbegenga [londbegengea, MS. Cott.] magnus colonus, Past. 40, 3; Swt. 293, 2. Gif hit on Wódnes dæig þunrige ðæt tácnaþ landbigencgena cwealm and cræftigra if it thunder on Wednesday, that betokens death of husbandmen and craftsmen, Lchdm. iii. 180, 14. Ágæf ða ðǽm londbigencgum [-bigengum, Rush.] locavit eam agricolis, Mk. Skt. Lind. 12, 1. II. an inhabitant of a country, a native :-- Ðá sægdon mé ða londbigengan mihi locorum incole affirmabant, Nar. 20, 16. Ðám sylfan landbigengum ipsis indigenis, Bd. 1, 15; S. 483, 34. Ealle ða landbigengan útamǽran omnes indigenas exterminare, 4, 16; S. 584, 6. [O. H. Ger. lant-pikengeo accola, indigena.]
land-begang, es; m. Cultivation of land, or habitation in a land :-- Londbigonges mínes incolatus mei, Ps. Surt. 118, 54. v. preceding word.
land-bóc; f. A charter in which land is granted :-- Ðis is ðara xxv hída landbóc ðe Eádgár cyng gebócede Gode and Sca. Marian intó Abbandúne, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 29, 10. Ic wylle ðæt man ágyfe ðám híwum æt Domrahamme hyra landbéc, ii. 116, 35. Landbéc donatio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 141, 77.
land-brǽce, es; m. Breaking up or ploughing of [fallow] land :-- Landbrǽce proscissio, Ælfc. Gl. 1; Som. 55, 20; Wrt. Voc. 15, 20. [Cf. O. H. Ger. bráhha aratio prima; bráhhón proscindere, Grff. iii. 268: Ger. brachen to plough a field after it has been lying fallow.]
land-búend, es; m. I. a cultivator of the land, husbandman :-- Fæder mín londbúend [-býend, Rush.] is pater meus agricola est, Jn. Skt. Lind. 15, 1. Ða landbúendo agricolæ, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 21, 38. Ðǽm lond-búendum agricolis, 33: 40: Mk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 12, 2. Ðǽm scipmannum is beboden gelíce and ðǽm landbúendum ðæt ealles ðæs ðe him on heora ceápe geweaxe hig Gode ðone teóþan dǽl ágyfen it is commanded to those who trade with ships, just as to those who cultivate land, that they give to God the tenth part of all their increase, L. E. I. 35; Th. ii. 432, 28. Sende ða londbúend misit agricolas, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 21, 34. II. an inhabitant of a country, a native, a dweller on earth :-- Hæleþ wǽron irre landbúende the men were angry, the inhabitants of the land, Judth. 11; Thw. 24, 36; Jud. 226. Ælda bearn, londbúendra, Exon. 130 b; Th. 500, 23; Rá. 89, 11. Gesette sunnan and mónan leóman tó leóhte landbúendum, Beo. Th. 191; B. 95. Londbúendam, Exon. 78 b; Th. 295, 7; Crä. 29: 87 a; Th. 326, 22; Víd. 132. Londbúendum [the Jews], Judth. 12; Thw. 26, 7; Jud. 315. Ic ðæt londbúend leóde míne secgan hýrde I heard the land's inhabitants, my people, say, Beo. Th. 2694; B. 1345. v. next two words.
land-búend, e; f. A settlement, colony :-- Seó landbúend colonia, Nar. 33, 8. v. note p. 78.
land-búende; adj. Inhabiting a country, living on the earth :-- Hwá ðæs leóhtes londbúende brúcan móte who that lives on land may enjoy that light, Exon. 93 b; Th. 351, 15; Sch. 80.
land-búness, e; f. A settlement, colony :-- Seó landbúness is swíðost cýpemonnum geseted hæc colonia est maxime negotiatorum, Nar. 33, 15. Londbúnes colonia, 35, 18.
land-ceáp-, cóp, es; m. A fine or tax paid when land was purchased :-- Landcóp, L. Eth. iii. 3; Th. i. 292, 16. Landceáp, L. N. P. L. 67; Th. ii. 302, 5. Ego Berchtwulf cyning sile Forðréde mínum þegne nigen hígida lond ... hé salde tó londscéape xxx mancessan and nigen hund sciɫɫ. wið ðæm londe I, King Berchtwulf, sell my thane Forthred nine hides of land ... he gave xxx mancusses as fine at the purchase, and nine hundred shillings for the land, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. ii. 5, 24-31. [Cf. Icel. land-kaup; n. the purchase of land; in Norse, a fine to be paid to the king by one exiled or banished: O. Frs. land-káp.] v. lah-ceáp.
land-cofa, an; m. A translation of Sicima [Shechem], Ps. Lamb. 59. 8.
land-fæsten, es; n. A land-fastness, a strong military position on land, a pass :-- Leoniða on ánum nearwan londfæstenne him wiðstód Leonida in angustiis Thermopylarum obstitit, Ors. 2, 5; Swt. 80, 14.
land-feoh; gen. -feós; n. 'A recognitory rent for land,' Cod. Dip. Kmbl. v. 143, 22. v. Kemble's Saxons in England ii. 328-9.
land-fird, e; f. An expedition, journey by land, a land force :-- Ne him tó ne dorste sciphere on sǽ ne landfyrd the fleet durst not approach them at sea nor the land force [on land], Chr. 1001; Er1. 137, 18. Man sceolde mid scypfyrde and eác mid landfyrde hym ongeán faran, 999; Erl. 134, 30. Se man ðe ætfleó fram his hláforde sý hit on scypfyrde sý hit on landfyrde þolige ealles ðæs ðe hé áge and his ágenes feores, L. C. S. 78; Th. 1. 420, 9. Ðæt is fyrdfara sig hit on scipfyrde sig hit on landfyrde scilicet expeditio, sive sit in navali collectione, sive in pedestri, Chart. Th. 333, 20. Ðá gestihtade hé ðæt hé wolde landfyrde ðider gelǽdan terrestri itinere illo venire disponebat, Bd. 3, 15; S. 541, 26.
land-folc, es; n. The people of a land or country :-- Hwæðer ðæt landfolc sí tó gefeohte stranglíc oððe untrumlíc populum, utrum fortis sit an infirmus, Num. 13, 20. Ðet landfolc hardlíce wiðstód the people resisted stoutly, Chr. 1046; Erl. 171, 4: 1070; Erl. 207, 22. On sumere tíde com micel hungor on ðam lande and gehwǽr ðæt landfolc micclum geangsumode at one time a great famine came on the land and very much afflicted the people everywhere, Homl. Th. ii. 170, 32: 164, 19.
land-fruma, an; m. A prince of a country :-- Leóf landfruma, Beo. Th. 61; B. 31.
land-gafol, es; n. Rent for land :-- Hé sceal landgafol syllan he must pay rent, L. R. S. 2; Th. i. 432, 13. Hé sceal ... his láforde wyrcan ... ne þearf hé landgafol syllan he must work for his lord, then he need not pay rent, 3; Th. i. 432, 23, v. gafol-land.
land-gehwearf, es; n. An exchange of land; commutatio terræ :-- Ðis is seó gerǽdnes ðe Byrhtelm biscop and Aþelwold abbod hæfdon ymbe hira landgehwerf ... Se biscop gesealde ða hída æt Cenintúne and se abbud gesealde ðæt seofontýne hýda æt Crydanbricge, Chart. Th. 191, 6.
land-gemaca, an; m. A neighbour :-- Vicinum landgemacena, (in margin) affinium landgemaca, Hpt. Gl. 480, 18-20.
land-gemǽre, es; n. A boundary, confine :-- Ligeþ ðæt londgemǽre [of Asia and Africa] súþ ðonan ofer Nilus ða eá, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 8, 29. Cirus fór ofer ðæt londgemǽre,ofer ða eá ðe hátte Araxis Cyrus passed the boundary, the river that was called Araxis, 2, 4; Swt. 76, 6. Ðis syndon ðara twegra hída landgemǽru these are the boundaries of the two hides, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 206, 25. Landgemǽro, 207, 34. The word is of frequent occurrence in the Charters. Sí se man áwirged, ðe forhwyrfe his freóndes landgemǽro maledictus, qui transfert terminos proximi sui, Deut. 27, 17. Ofer landgemǽru extra terminum, Ælfc. Gr. 47; Som. 47, 29. Ðá cóman hí mid sciphere on heora landgemǽro advecti navibus inrumpunt terminos, Bd. 1, 12; S. 480, 34: Ps. Th. 45, 8.
land-gemirce, es; n. A boundary :-- Se westsúþende Europe landgemirce is in Ispania westeweardum et ðæm gársecge Europæ in Hispania occidentalis oceanus terminus est, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 8, 23. Ðǽr Asia and Europe hiera landgemircu tógædre licgaþ, 10. Africa and Asia hiera landgemircu onginnaþ of Alexandria, 28. Landgemyrcu, Beo. Th. 424; B. 209.
land-gesceaft, es; n. The earthly creation, created things on earth :-- Bǽdon bletsian eall landgesceaft écne drihten they called upon all created things on earth to bless the Lord eternal, Cd. 191; Th. 238, 25; Dan. 360.
land-geweorc, es; n. The principal stronghold of a country, one which it has been the work of the country to build [cf. Beo. Th. 135-152; B. 67-76], Beo. Th. 1880; B. 938.
land-gewyrpe, es; n. A heap of earth thrown up[?] :-- Andlang ðare landgewirpa, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 453, 30. On ða landgewyrpu ... andlang ðara landgewyrpa, 434, 2-4.
land-hæbbende; adj. I. owning land :-- Monnes landhæbbendes, L. In. 45; Th. i. 130, 10. Cf. landágende. II. holding a country as a ruler :-- Landhæbbende ɫ his cynnes látwa tribunus, Rtl. 193, 15.
land-hæfen, e; f. Property in land :-- Be Wilisces monnes londhæfene. Gif Wylisc mon hæbbe híde londes, his wer bip cxx scill., L. In. 32; Th. i. 122, 8.
land-here, es; m. A military force which acts on land [opposed to sciphere], or which belongs to the land [opposed to a foreign force] :-- Æfter ðam gegadorode micel here hine of EástEnglum ǽgðer ge ðæs landheres ge ðara wícinga ðe hié him tó fultume áspanen hæfdon after that a great force collected from East Anglia, both of the native force and of the vikings that they had allured to their assistance, Chr. 921; Erl. 107, 15. Hér fór Æþelstán in on Scotland ǽgðer ge mid landhere ge mid scyphere, 933; Erl. 110, 27. [Icel. land-herr people of the land.]
land-hláford, es; m. I. a land-lord, an owner of land, lord of the manor :-- Tódǽle man ða eahta dǽlas on twá and fó se landhláford tó healfum tó healfum se bisceop sý hit cynges man sý hit þegnes [cf. H. I. 11; Th. i. 520, 18-20 reliquum in duas partes dividant, dimidium habeat dominus, dimidium habeat episcopus, sit homo regis vel alterius], L. Edg. i. 3; Th. i. 264, 3: L. Eth. ix. 8; Th. i. 342, 19: L. C. E. 8; Th. i. 366, 9. Healde se landhláford ðæt forstolene orf óþ ðæt se ágenfrigea ðæt geácsige let the lord keep the stolen cattle until the owner get to hear of it, L. Edg. S. 11; Th. i, 276, 14: L. Eth. i. 3; Th. 1. 282, 27. And nán man ne hwyrfe nánes yrfes bútan ðæs geréfan gewitnesse oððe ðæs mæssepreóstes oððe ðæs landhláfordes, L. Ath. i. 10; Th. i. 204, 18. II. the lord of a country :-- Hú stíðe se landhláford spræc wið hig, and hig cwǽdon se landhláford wénde ðæt wé wǽron sceáweras locutus est nobis dominus terræ dure et putavit nos exploratores esse, Gen. 42, 30.
land-lagu, e; f. Law or regulation prevailing in a district :-- Ðeós landlagu stænt on suman lande hæc consuetudo stat in quibusdam locis, L. R. S. 4; Th. i. 434, 29. Landlaga sýn mistlíce swá ic ǽr sǽde leges et consuetudines terrarum sunt multiplices et varie, sicut prelibavimus, 21; Th. i. 440, 19.
land-leás; adj. Landless, not having land :-- Be landleásum mannum. Gif hwylc landleás man folgode on óðre scire, L. Ath. i. 8; Th. i. 204, 4.
land-leód, es; pl. e, an [cf. Seaxe, Seaxan]; m. An inhabitant of a country :-- Landleód accola, Wrt. Voc. ii. 3, 76: [in]digena, 28, 59. Eft hé frægn hwæðer ða ylcan landleóde Cristene wǽron rursus interrogavit, utrum iidem insulani Christiani essent, Bd. 2, 1; S. 501, 12: 4, 26; S. 602, 8. Ac hii ða londléóde tiolode má ússa feónda willan tó gefremmanne ðonne úrne sed illi [periti regionum] majorem hosti quam mihi favorem accommodantes, Nar. 6, 19. Ðá wurdon ða landleóde his ware and him wið gefuhton, Chr. 917; Erl. 102, 16. Ðæt folc eal ðæt ðǽr tó láfe wæs ðara landleóda beág tó Eádwearde cyninge the people, all that remained of the inhabitants of the district, submitted to king Edward, 921; Erl. 108, 1. Hé wæs ðæs cynges swica and ealra landleóda, 1055; Erl. 189, 4. Hié from ðám londleódum, þurh seara ofslægene wurdon conspiratione finitimorum per insidias trucidantur, Ors. 1, 10; Swt. 44, 28. Hé betealde hine wið Eádward cyng his hláford and wið ealle landleódan he cleared himself to his lord king Edward and to all the people, Chr. 1052; Erl. 187, 20.
land-leód, es; m.[?]: e; f. The people of a country :-- Se wer gebiraþ mágum, and seó cynebót ðám leódum; other reading :-- Ðam were habbaþ ða mǽgas and ðam cynebót se [seó?] landleód, L. Wg; Th. i. 190, 9, and note 14. Schmid p. 396 gives the further reading :-- Ðæt cynebót tó ðam landleód. [These passages seem corrupt, so that much reliance perhaps cannot be placed upon them for determining the gender, but it may be noticed that O. H. Ger. lant-liut is masc. v. Grff. ii. 195.] Se fyrdinge dyde ðære landleóde ǽlcne hearm the levy did the people of the country every kind of harm, Chr. 1006; Erl. 140, 12. Ealle ðás landleóda belicgaþ ús all these people will surround us, Jos. 7, 9.
land-lyre, es; m. Loss of land :-- For his landlyre hér on lande on account of his loss of land in this country, Chr. 1105; Erl. 240, 11.
land-mann, es; m. A native of a country :-- Náh náðer tó farenne ne Wylisc man on Ænglisc land ne Ænglisc on Wylisc ðé má bútan gesettan landmen se hine sceal æt stæðe underfón and eft ðǽr bútan fácne gebringan. Gyf se landman ǽniges fácnes gewita sý ðonne sý hé wítes scyldig, L. O. D. 6; Th. i. 354, 23-7. Landmanna cyme the coming of the men of the country, Cd. 151; Th. 189, 4; Exod. 179. v. landes mann under land. [O. H. Ger. lant-man patriota.]
land-mearc, e; f. Boundary of an estate or of a country :-- Seó landmearce líþ of Terstán upp be Hohtúninga mearce, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 189, 5. Londmearce neáh near to the land's boundary, Exon. 75 a; Th. 280, 27; Jul. 635. [O. H. Ger. lant-marcha funiculum.]ǽre, -gemirce.
land-mearc; adj. Belonging to the boundaries of a country :-- Mín is se landmerca and mín is mannaseisca landsplot meus est galaad ( = heap of witness) et meus est mannases, Ps. Lamb. 59, 9.
land-openung, e; f. Breaking up of land; proscissio, Ælfc. Gl. 57; Som. 67, 68; Wrt. Voc. 37, 54.
land-rǽden, ne; f. Institution, disposition, ordinance of a district or country :-- Héde se ðe scíre healde ðæt hé wite á hwæt eald landrǽden sý and hwæt þeóde þeáw videat qui scyram tenet, ut semper sciat que sit antiqua terrarum institutio, vel populi consuetudo, L. R. S. 4; Th. i. 434, 33.
land-rest, e; f. A land-couch, grave :-- Lǽtan landreste to leave the grave, Andr. Kmbl. 1561; An. 782.
land-ríca, an; m. A powerful man in a district, a landed proprietor, a land-lord; the term, seems equivalent to land-hláford, q. v. :-- Heáh landríca ierarchon, Wrt. Voc. ii. 48, 29. Fó se landríca tó healfan, and tó healfan ðæt hundred, L. Edg. S. 8; Th. i. 274, 30. Gif cyninges þegn oððe ǽnig landríca hit forhæbbe, gilde x. healf-mearc, healf Criste healf cynge, L. N. P. L. 58, 59; Th. ii, 300, 3: 6, 7. Fare ðæs cingces geréfa tó, and ðæs bisceopes, and ðæs landrícan [cf. landhláford, 11], L. C. E. 8; Th. i. 366, 8: L. Eth. ix. 8; Th. i. 342, 16. Healf landrícan, healf wǽpentake, L. Eth. iii. 3; Th. i. 294, 8, 9. Hé ðeáh gange ðam landrícan tó ordále, 4; Th. i. 294, 20. Healf landrícan, healf cinges geréfan binnan port, 7; Th. i. 296, 8. Gylde ðam cyninge oððe landrícan, L. C. S. 37; Th. i. 348, 13. Healf Criste and healf landrícan, L. N. P. L. 49; Th. i. 298, 5. Gif hwá borhleás orf hæbbe, and landrícan hit befón, ágife ðæt orf and gilde xx óran, L. Eth. iii. 5; Th. i. 296, 1.
land-ríce, es; n. A territory, region, estate :-- Bócland vel landríce fundos, Wrt. Voc. ii. 152, 18. Hé ðágiet lytel landríce hæfde búton ðære byrig ánre he had as yet little territory except the town only, Ors. 2, 2; Swt. 66, 14. Ic hæbbe gesǽd ymb ða þrié dǽlas ealles ðises middangeardes ac ic wille nú ðara þreóra landríca gemǽre gereccan tripartite orbis divisiones dedi, ipsarum quoque partium regiones significare curabo, 1, 1; Swt. 10, 5.
land-riht, es; n. I. the law of the land, the rights and privileges belonging to the inhabitant of a country or to the owner of land[?] :-- Londrihtes mót ðære mǽgburge monna ǽghwilc ídel hweorfan shall each man of the family wander lacking the rights of those who live in the land, Beo. Th. 5765; B. 2886. Grimm, R. A. 731 q. v. quotes in illustration from Saxo the order of Frotho: 'Si quis in acie primus fugam capesseret, a communi jure alienus existeret.' See also pp. 39-42. Mid rihtum landrihte swá hit on lande stonde in accordance with the regular law of the land, as it stands in the land, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 435, 35. Unc módige ymb mearce sittaþ .. ne willaþ rúmor unc landriht heora round our border sit bold ones, who will not more largely allow us their landright, i.e. will not allow us to possess more land in their country, Cd. 91; Th. 114, 28; Gen. 1911. Hé landriht geþah he received landright, he was settled in the country with the right of a native, 161; Th. 200, 10; Exod. 354. Áhte ic fela wintra folgaþ tilne holdne hláford óððæt Heorrenda nú leóðcræftig mon londryht geþah ðæt mé eorla hleó ǽr gesealde good service had I for many a winter, a kind lord; until now Heorrenda, a man skilled in song, has received land right; the prince had before given me that, i.e. H. was now admitted, as Deór had been before, to the rights of a native, and had succeeded in attracting to himself the favour before shown to Deór, Exon. 100 b; Th. 379, 29; Deór. 40. II. that which is due from land or estates :-- Ðegenes lagu is ðæt hé þreó þinc of his lande dó ... Eác of manegum landum máre landriht áríst tó cynges gebanne the law as regards the thane is that he do three things for his land. Also for many lands or estates, more extensive dues arise upon decree of the king, L. R. S. 1; Th. i. 432, 6. [O. Sax. land-reht law of the land e.g. iró aldironó éo, theró liudió landreht: O. Frs. land-riucht: O. H. Ger. lant-reht jus, lex: Ger. land-recht common law.]
land-sǽta, an; m. One settled in a country, a colonist :-- Óðres eardes landséta colonus, Ælfc. Gl. 8; Som. 56, l00; Wrt. Voc. 18, 49. [O. L. Ger. land-sétio: Ger. land-sass.]
land-sceap, es; n. A district, tract of country, land :-- Swá hé on landsceape stille stande ðǽr hine storm ne mæg wind áwecgan as if it [the vessel] stand still on land, where storm or wind cannot move it, Andr. Kmbl. 1002; An. 501. v. land-scipe.
land-scearu, e; f. I. a share, division, or portion of land, land, country :-- Sume hine lǽtaþ ofer landscare ríðum tórinnan. Nis ðæt rǽdlíc þing gif swá hlutor wæter tóflóweþ æfter feldum óð hit tó fenne werþ some let it [spring of water] run away over their land in rills. It is not a wise thing if water so pure disperses itself along the fields, until it becomes a marsh, Past. 65; Swt. 469, 5. Héton lǽdan ofer landsceare ... drógon æfter dúnscræfum ymb stánhleoðo efne swá wíde swá wegas tólǽgon innan burgum strǽte stánfáge they bade lead him over the country ... they dragged him by mountain caves, across rocky slopes, far as the roads stretched, within the towns, the streets with many-coloured stones, Andr. Kmbl. 2460; An. 1231. II. a boundary of land [cf. Icel. skör a rim, edge]. With this meaning the word occurs in charters which Kemble [Cod. Dip. iii. xii.] notices as being of comparatively late date and belonging to the extreme south of England :-- Ðis his ðara fíf hída landscaru tó westtúne [then follow the boundaries: cf. landgemǽra in such phrases], Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 338, 4. Of ðam hlince tó ðam beorre tó Ælfrédes landscare; ðonne is hit ðǽr feówer furlanga brád bútan feówer gyrdan; ðonne gǽþ hit ðǽr niðer be ðara wyrhtena landscare, 420, 25-7. Ðonne eást andlang hricgweges tó Brytfordinga landsceare, 302, 16. The word also occurs in compounds landscar-hlinc [also landscare hlinc], landscar-ác. [Halliwell in his Dictionary gives land-share as a Devonshire word, meaning 'headland of a field': he also gives the word land-score]
land-scipe, es; m. A tract of land, region :-- Ic á ne geseah láðran landscipe never saw I a more hateful region, Cd. 19; Th. 24, 11; Gen. 376. [O. Sax. land-skepi: Icel. land-skapr a region: O. H. Ger. lantscaf regio, provincia, patria.]
land-seten, e; f. I. Land in possession or occupation, an estate :-- Ðis his sió landseten æt Stántúne ðe Cénwold hæfde [then follow the boundaries], Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 403, 24. [cf. ii. 143 where it is said 'Æþelwulf suo fideli ministro nomine Cenwold jure hereditario possidendam condonavit terram in loco ubi a ruricolis Stantun nominatur.' And 144, 'Territoria istius agelli his terminibus circumdata esse videntur.' II. occupation of land :-- Gebyreþ ðæt him man tó landsetene sylle ii oxan and i cú and vi sceáp moris est ut ad terram assidendam dentur ei ii boves, et i vacca, et vi oves, L. R. S. 4; Th. i. 434, 23.
land-setla, an; m. An occupier of land, a tenant :-- Ic an míne landseðlen here toftes tó ówen áchte I give to my tenants their tofts into their own possession, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iv. 282, 29. [O. H. Ger. land-sidilo accola, colonus, indigena, Grff. vi. 310: also a tenant. v. Grmm. R. A. 317: cf. Icel. land-seti a tenant.]
land-sidu, a; m. Custom of a country :-- Gemacaþ ðæt his ege wierþ tó gewunan and tó landsida he causes the fear of him to become a habit and custom of the country, Past. 17, 9; Swt. 121, 25. Be landside according to the usage of the district, L. R. S. 8; Th. 1. 436, 27. Ealle landsida ne sýn gelíce omnium terrarum instituta non sunt equalia, 4; Th. i. 434, 30. [O. Sax. land-sidu.]
land-sittende; adj. Occupying land :-- Hé létt gewrítan hú mycel ǽlc man hæfde ðe landsittende wæs innan Englalande on lande oððe on orfe and hú mycel feós hit wǽre wurþ he [William I.] caused to be written how much every man that was in the occupation of land in England, had in land or in cattle, and how much money it was worth, Chr. 1085; Erl. 218, 32.
land-sócn, e; f. Search for land or country :-- Tófaran on landsócne to separate in search of land [of the dispersion at the tower of Babel], Cd. 80; Th. 100, 17; Gen. 1665: 81; Th. 102, 12; Gen. 1699.
land-spéd, e; f. Property in land :-- Ða munecas tó biscopan gewurdan ðære cyrcean landspéde [substantiam aecclesiae], Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 349, 24.
land-spédig; adj. Rich in landed property, having large estates :-- Landspédig locuples, Ælf. Gl. 88; Som. 74, 72; Wrt. Voc. 50, 52. Ðes and ðeós landspédiga hic et hæc locuples, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 27; Som. 11, 22.
land-splott, es; m. A small portion, or plot, of ground :-- Mín is mannaseisca landsplot meus est mannases, Ps. Lamb. 59, 9. Ðisne landsplot becwæþ Æþelwine intó Abbendúne [it is spoken of before as parva ruris particula, ruris particula], Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iv. 39, 12.
land-stede, es; m. Land, country, Exon. 115 a; Th. 442, 22; Kl. 16.
land-stycce, es; n. A small portion of land :-- Him gebyreþ sum landstycce for his geswince convenit, ut aliquam terre portiunculam habeat pro labore suo, L. R. S. 18; Th. i. 440, 8. Him man hwilces landsticces geann, 19; Th. i. 440, 14.
land-waru, e; f. The people of a country, country, Beo. Th. 4631; B. 2321. [Cf. burh-, ceaster-waru.]
land-weard, es; m. The guard of a country, prince, ruler, Beo. Th. 3785; B.1890.
land-wela, an; m. The wealth of this earth, Exon. 63 a; Th. 232, 11; Ph. 505.
lane, an; f. A lane, a narrow and bounded path, a street in a town :-- Hit cymeþ on ægles lonan: ondlang ðære lonan ðæt hit cymeþ eft in ða burnan, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 33, 7. On ða ealdan lanan, 456, 3. Ðínne líchoman geond ðisse ceastre lanan hié tóstenceaþ thy body shall they scatter through the streets of this city, Blickl. Homl. 237, 5: 241, 21, 25. [O. Frs. lona, lana.] v. norþ-lane.
LANG; adj. LONG, tall :-- Hé sǽde ðæt ðæt land síe swíðe lang norþ ðonan he said that the land stretches thence far to the north, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 17, 4. Se wudu is eástlang and westlang hundtwelftiges míla lang oððe lengra the wood, measuring from east to west, is a hundred and twenty miles long, or longer, Chr. 893; Erl. 88, 28. Ðæt is þrittiges míla lang eást and west habet ab oriente in occasum triginta circiter milia passuum, Bd. 1, 3; S. 475, 19. Ðæt hé wǽre lang on bodige quod esset vir longæ staturæ, 2, 16; S. 519, 33. Ðæt is nú ðæs líchoman gód ðæt man síe fæger and lang and brád, Bt. 34, 6; Fox 140, 32. Eádweard se langa, Byrht, Th. 139, 53; By 273. Se biþ lang lífes and welig he shall be longlived and wealthy, Lchdm. iii. 156, 18. Næs lang tó ðý ðæt his bróðor ðyses lǽnan lífes tíman geendode it was not long before his brother died, 434, 24. Nis hit lang tó ðon, Bd. 4, 24; S. 599, 5. Hié tealdon ðætte Israhéla ríce sceolde beón hér on eorþan mycel and lang they reckoned that the kingdom of Israel should be great and lasting here on earth, Blickl. Homl. 117, 18. Tó langum gemynde as a lasting memorial, Homl. Skt. pref. 51. Langere tíde tanto tempore, Bd. 1, 25; S. 487, 11. Mid langre ádle longo morbo, 3, 9; S. 534, 5. Ofer swá langne weg sǽs and landes per tam prolixa terrarum et maris spatia, 2, 18; S. 520, 36. Ealle ðás naman habbaþ langne .o. on eallum casum all these nouns have long o in all cases, Ælfc. Gr. 9; Som. 8, 52. Ðá andswarode hé ymbe long then answered he after long, Bt. 39, 2; Fox 214, 8. Lange tíde multis temporibus, Lk. Skt. 8, 27, 29. Hiwgende lang gebed simulantes longam orationem, 20, 47. Ða beóþ eahta and feówertiges elna lange and ða mǽstan fíftiges elna lange. Ors. 1, 1; Swt.18, 6. Ða ðe tó lang tó secgenne syndon which are too long to narrate, Bd. 3, 8; S. 532, 12. Wæs se líchoma sponne lengra ðære þrýh corpus mensura palmi longius erat sarcofago, 4, 11; S. 580, 5. sarcofago, 4, 11; S. 580, 5. Ne bip hé lengra ðonne syfan elna lang, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 18, 4. Ðis eálond hafaþ mycele lengran dagas on sumera ðonne ða súþdǽlas middangeardes, Bd. 1, 1; S. 473, 32. Ðá bebeád hé ðæt him mon lengran cwidas beforan cwǽde præcepit eum sententias longiores dicere, 5, 2; S. 615; 14. Ða onfóþ lengestne dóm hi accipient prolixius judicium, Mk. 12, 40. [The word occurs in all the Teutonic dialects.] DER. and-, dæg-, ealdor-, ge-, morgen-, niht-, sumor- lang; it also is found in combination with the words denoting the points of the compass, eást-lang, &c.
Langa-Frige-dæg Good-Friday :-- Ðes passio gebyreþ on Langa-Frigadæg, Jn. Skt. 18, 1, rubric. Man ne mót hálgian húsel on Langa-Frigedæg forðan ðe Crist þrowode on ðone dæg for ús the eucharist must not be consecrated on Good Friday, for Christ suffered for us on that day, L. Ælfc. C. 36; Th. ii. 558, 16. [On langfridæi him on rode hengen, Chr. 1137; Erl. 263, 25.] [Icel. Langi-frjádagr: Da. Lang-fredag. In the E. D. S. Holderness Glossary Lang-Friday is given as the first Friday in Lent.]
Langa-land, es; n. Langeland an island in the Baltic belonging to Denmark :-- On bæcbord him wæs Langaland ... and ðás land call hýraþ tó Denemearcan, Ors. 1, 1: Swt 19, 35. [Icel. Langa-land.]
Lang-beardas, -beardan; m. pl. The Lombards :-- Ða Gallic ðe mon nú hǽt Longbeardas, Ors. 4, 7; Swt. 180, 25. Tó Longbeardna londe, Chr. 887; Erl. 86, 9. Longbeardum, Exon. 85 a; Th. 320, 21; Víd. 32: 86 a; Th. 323, 18; Víd. 80. [Icel. Lang-barðar.] v. Grmm. Gesch. D. S. c. xxv; cf. Heaðo-beardan.
lange; adv. Long, a long time, far :-- Lange diu; leng diutius; ealra lengst diutissime, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 42, 10. Longe procul, Wrt. Voc. ii. 66, 71: penitus, 72. Ðá hé ðá lange and lange hearpode when then he had harped a long, long time, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 170, 5. Hú longe how long, Past. pref; Swt. 9, 4. Hú langæ, Bd. 4, 25; S. 600, 10. Nóht longe æfter ðon not long after that, Shrn, 105, 9. Swá lange swá gé dydon ánum of ðysum mínum læstum gebróðorum swá lange gé hyt dydon mé quamdiu fecistis uni de his fratribus meis minimis, mihi fecistis, Mt. Kmbl. 25, 40: Blickl. Homl. 169, 21. Genóh lange long enough, Deut. 1, 6. Hwæt mæg ic leng dón ultra quid faciam? Gen. 27, 37. Hwider mæg ic nú leng fleón quo enim nunc fuciam? Bd. 2, 12; S. 513, 27. Swaðer uncer leng wǽre [lifede, 38] which of us two lived the longer, Chart. Th. 485, 29. Ðænne ðú lenge ne móst lífes brúcan, Dóm. L. 32, 61. Lencg, Lk. Skt. 16, 2. Leng swá swíðor, Cd. 47; Th. 60, 30; Gen. 989. Swá leng swá swíðor, Exod. 19, 19. Ná leng heó ne gebád ðonne hit dæg wás she waited only till it was day, Apol. Th. 19, 2. Ðone aldormon ðe him lengest wunode the alderman that stopped with him longest, Chr. 755; Erl, 48, 21.
lang-fǽre; adj. Lasting, enduring, old :-- Nánwuht nis langfǽres on ðís andweardan lífe there is nothing lasting in this present life, Bt. 38, 2; Fox 198, 6. On langfǽre ylde bet hé déþ at an advanced age he will do better, Lchdm. iii. 188, 26. Eác ða treówa ðe beóþ áheáwene on fullum mónan beóþ heardran wið wyrmǽtan and lengfǽrran [langferran, MS. L.], 268, 10. Swá eác treówa gif hí beóþ on fullum mónan geheáwene hí beóþ heardran and langfǽrran tó getimbrunge so too trees, if they are cut down at the full moon, are harder and more lasting for building, Homl. Th. i. 102, 23. [O. H. Ger. lanc-fári longævus, Grff. 3, 574.]
lang-first, es; m. A long space of time :-- Norde fæder engla in ðisse lífe longfyrst ofer ðæt wunian léton the father of angels would not let him remain in this life a long space after that, Exon. 46 b; Th. 159, 2; Gú. 920.
langian; p. ode To grow long :-- Ðonne se dæg langaþ ðonne gǽþ seó sunne norþweard óþ ðæt heó becymþ tó ðam tácne ðe is geháten Cancer. Lchdm. iii. 250, 9. Se langienda dæg, 252, 6, 9. Eft on langiendum dagum hé ofergǽþ ðone súðran sunnstede, 14.
langian; p. ode: v. impers. with acc. of pers. To cause longing, desire, discontent, or pain in a person :-- Langaþ ðé áwuht dost thou desire aught? Cd. 25: Th. 32, 1; Gen. 496. Hæleþ langode hwonne hié of nearwe stæppan mósten the men longed for the time when they might step from durance, 71; Th. 86, 16; Gen. 1431. Hine ðæs heardost langode hwanne hé of ðisse worlde móste, Blickl. Homl. 227, 1. Mec longade I was ill at ease, Exon. 115 a; Th. 442, 18; Kl. I4. Longiga tædere, Mk. Skt. Lind. 14, 13. Ðæt ús nú æfter swelcum longian mǽge swelce ðá wǽron that we should now long for such times as then were, Ors. 2, 5; Swt. 84, 27. Ðá ongan hine eft langian on his cýððe then he began to long again for his native land, Blickl. Homl. 113, 15. [O. Sax. langón (with acc. of pers.): Icel. langa (pers. and impers.): O. H. Ger. langén, langón (mih langet desidero.)]
langian; p. ode To summon, call :-- Godes æncgel cwæþ ðæt hé sceolde ðé him tó langian [MS. U. gelangian] God's angel said that he was to summon thee to him, Homl. Skt. 10, 122. v. ge-langian.
langian; p. ode To belong, pertain :-- Alle ða land ðe longen intó ðare hálagen stówe all the lands that belong to the holy place, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iv. 215, 4. [O. H. Ger. ge-langón pertingere.] v. lengan to belong.
lang-líce; adv. Long, at length, for a long time :-- Langlíce tractim; Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 41, 12. Hét ðone diácon langlíce swingan, Homl. Th. i. 426, 13: ii. 490, 5. Langlíce on gebedum læg, 160, 35: 510, 25. Langlíce bæd, i. 66, 23. [Cf. O. H. Ger. lang-líh long (of time): Icel. lang-liga for a long time past.]
lang-lífe -líf; adj. Long-lived :-- Langlífe longævus, Ælfc. Gl. 35; Som. 62, 95; Wrt. Voc. 28, 72. Langlíf [MS. C. langlífe, Zup. 320, 1] longaevus, Wrt. Voc. 85, 59. Ðæt ðú sí langlífe ut longo vivas tempore, Deut. 5, 16: 4, 1. Longlífe and gileáffull suǽ Sarra longeva et fidelis ut Sarra, Rtl. 109, 39. Langlífe hé biþ he shall live long, Lchdm. iii. 184, 4. [Icel. lang-lífr: O. H. Ger. lanc-líp longaevus, Grff. 2, 46.]
lang-mód; adj. Patient, long-suffering :-- Longmód longanimis, Ps. Stev. 7, 12. [Ps. 102, 8 lang-mode: O. H. Ger. lanc-mót longanimis: cf. Ger. lang-müthig patient, long-suffering.]
lang-ness, e; f. Length :-- Brádnyss langnyss heáhnyss and deópnyss breadth, length, height and depth, Homl. Th. ii. 408, 21. Langnysse dagena ic gefylle hine longitudine dierum replebo eum, Ps. Spl. 90, 16. Ðonne sceal man ðysne wyrttruman gedrígean and ða langnysse tóceorfan on pysena gelícnysse this plant is to be dried, and its length cut up into pieces about the size of peas, Herb. 140, 1; Lchdm. i. 260, 15. Ealle óðre dagas on twelf mónþum habbaþ mislíce langnisse all other days in the twelve months have various lengths, Lchdm. iii. 258, 2.
langoþ, es; m. Longing, desire, discontent, or weariness that arises from unsatisfied desire :-- Æfter men dyrne langaþ born a secret longing for the man burned within him, Beo. Th. 3763; B. 1879. Hine ne meahte longaþ gelettan, Exon. 37 b; Th. 123, 29; Gú. 330. Ic ǽfre ne mæg ðære módceare mínre gerestan ne ealles ðæs longaþes ðe mec on ðissum lífe begeat never can I be at rest from my grief of mind, nor from all the weariness that in this life hath laid hold on me, 115 b; Th. 444, 2; Kl. 41. Wá biþ ðam ðe sceal of [on?] langoþe leófes ábídan woe to him that must wait, with unsatisfied longing, for one that he loves, Th. 444, 26: Kl. 53. Hæfde him tó gesíþþe sorge and longaþ he had for company sorrow and discontent, l00 a; Th. 377, 14; Deór. 3. Forðon mec longeþas lyt gegrétaþ therefore longings visit me little, 37 a; Th. 121, 11; Gú. 287. Forlét longeþas lǽnra dreáma he gave up desires for transitory delights, Th. 122, 5; Gú. 301.
lang-sceaft; adj. Having a long shaft :-- Mid longsceaftum sperum longas habebamus hastas, Nar. 13, 24. Mid longsceaftum sperum venabulis. 15, 28. [Cf. Icel. lang-skeptr.]
lang-scip, es; n. A long-ship, a large war-ship :-- Ðá hét Alfred cyng timbran langscipu [other MSS. lange scipu] ongén ða æscas, Chr. 897; Erl. 95, 11. [Icel. lang-skip.]
lang-strang glosses longanimis in Ps. Lamb. 102, 8.
lang-sum; adj. Long, taking a long time, prolix, lasting a long time, long-enduring, long-suffering :-- Nis mé ðæs þearf tó secgenne forðon hit longsum is and eác monegum cúþ nec per ordinem nunc retexere nostrum est, quia et operi longum et omnibus notum videtur, Ors. 1, 11; Swt. 50, 16. Ða tó talanna longsum is quos enumerare longissimum est, Mt. Kmbl. p. 7, 7: Andr. Kmbl. 2962; An. 1484. Hú langsum wæs him se hlísa how lasting was that fame for him? Bt. 18, 4; Fox 68, 5: Beo. Th. 3076; B. 1536. Hwæt gif ic bíde merigenes se ebréisca cwæþ ne biþ hit swá langsum 'What if I last till morning?' The Jew said 'It will not be so long,' Homl. Skt. 3, 585. Ðonne seó áheardung ðære lifre tó langsum wyrþ when the hardening of the liver lasts too long, L. M. 2, 22; Lchdm. ii. 210, 4: Beo. Th. 268; B.134: Homl. Skt. 4, 128. On ðam tíman wæs swíðe langsum líf on mancynne at that time life lasted long among men, Homl. Th. ii. 460, 3. Lufu langsumu lasting love, Cd. 91; Th. 114, 18; Gen. 1906. Langsum longanimis, Ps. Spl. 102, 8. Mid heora langsuman gebede sub obtentu prolixæ orationis, Mk. Skt. 12, 40: Hpt. Gl. 500, 25. Ðam þeódscype tó langsuman rǽde to the lasting advantage of the nation, L. I. P. 4; Th. ii. 308, 5: Cd. 219; Th. 280, 4; Sat. 250. Gehǽlede fram heora langsumum bróce healed from their long sickness, H. R. 105, 2. Him and his gebeddan tó langsumum gemynde as a lasting memorial for him and his consort, Chart. Th. 605, 12. His sáwle tó gescyldnesse on langsuman sýðe as a protection to his soul on its long journey, Chr. 959; Er1. 121, 7. Ða þrý cyningas hæfdon langsume sprǽce wið ðone gedrehtan Job, Homl. Th. ii. 456, 24. Langsume longanimem, Wrt. Voc. ii. 53, 52. Tó langsumum wýtum, Homl. Skt. 4, 120. Him éce geceás langsumre líf he chose for himself a more enduring, an eternal life, Apstls. Kmbl. 39; Ap. 20. Ús selfum betst word and longsumast æt úrum ende gewyrcan to gain for ourselves the best and most enduring fame at our death, Ors. 2, 5; Swt. 82, 2. [O. Sax. O. H. Ger. langsam longus, diuturnus, prolixus: Ger. langsam slow.]
langsum-ness, e; f. Length :-- Langsumnysse daga longitudinem dierum, Ps. Spl. 20, 4. Swá ðæt hí ne beón þurh ða deópnysse ǽmóde ne þurh ða langsumnysse ǽþrytte so that they be not discouraged by the deepness, nor wearied by the length, Homl. Th. ii. 446, 8. Ealle óðre dagas on twelf mónþum habbaþ mislíce langsumnysse, Lchdm. iii. 258, 2 note. Ða brádsumnessa and ða langsumnessa, Wulfst. 244, 27.
lang-sweored, -swyred; adj. Having a long neck, long-necked :-- Sume fugelas beóþ langsweorede swá swá swanas some birds are longnecked, such as swans, Hexam. 8; Norm. 14, 16. Ða beóþ langswyrede ðe lybbaþ be gærse swá swá olfend and assa, 9; Norm. 16, 2.
lang-twidig; adj. Granted for a long time :-- Ðú scealt tó frófre weorþan eal langtwidig leódum ðínum thou, granted for long to them, shall prove a comfort to thy people, Beo. Th. 3420; B. 1708.
langung, e; f. Longing, desire, weariness or grief that comes from unsatisfied desire :-- Hié langung beswác eorþan dreámas éces rǽdes the longing for the joys of earth cheated them of eternal good, Cd. 173; Th. 217, 28; Dan. 29. Hé for ðære langunga and for ðære geómrunga ðæs óðres deáþes leng on ðam lande gewunian ne mihte ... him nǽfre seó langung ne geteorode for grief and sorrow at the other's death he could not live in that land any longer ... his grief never wore itself out, Blickl. Homl. 113, 10-14. Ðá wæs him micel langung and sorh on heora heortan ðá hié ðæt ongeáton ðæt hé leng mid him líchomlíce wunian nolde, 135, 21. Ða myclan byrþenne áberan ðære mycclan langunga heora ðæs leófes Hláfordes to bear the great burden of the great longing after their dear [departed] Lord, 135, 8. Tó frófre for ðære miclan langunga Drihtnes framfundunga as a comfort for the great grief at the Lord's departure, 131, 14. For longunge præ tædio, Ps. Spl. C. 118, 28. Longunge fús longingly eager, Exon. 119 a; Th. 458, 8; Hy. 4, 97. Á hafaþ longunge se ðe on lagu fundaþ ever hath he weariness whose way is on the water, Exon. 82 a; Th. 308, 29; Seef. 47. Langunga habban æfter ðám freóndum to think with grief of dead friends, Blickl. Homl. 131, 26.
langung, e; f. Lengthening, prolonging, delay :-- Longunga prolixae, Mk. Skt. Lind. 12, 40: prolixa [in both cases = prolixe], Jn. Skt. p. 7, 18. On ǽlcre longunge geþyldige patient in every delay, Past. 5, 1; Swt. 41, 16.
langung-hwíl, e; f. A time of longing or weariness :-- Feala [ic] ealra gebád langunghwíla, Andr. Kmbl. 249; An. 125.
lann, loon, e; f. A bond, fetter :-- Licgeþ lonnum fæst lies fast in fetters, Salm. Kmbl. 531; Sal. 265. Fæste gebindan, lonnum belúcan, 557; Sal. 278. [Grein refers to Grff. 2, 217 'Lanna lamina (among words referring to weaving.)']
lapian; p. ode To lap, lick :-- Ic lapige lambo, Ælfc. Gr. 28; Som. 32, 25. Gedó ðonne on glæsfæt and ðonne mid hláfe oððe mid swá hwilcum mete swá ðú wille lapa on then put it into a glass vessel, and then, with bread or with whatever food you will, lap it up, L. M. 2, 6; Lchdm. ii. 184, 24. Lapien on hunig let them lap up honey, 16. [Cf. Icel. lepja to lap as a dog: O. H. Ger. laffan; p. luof lambere.]
LÁR, e; f. I. LORE, teaching, instruction, learning, knowledge, cunning, science, preaching, doctrine, dogma, precept :-- Lár disciplina: doctrina, Ælfc. Gl. 80; Som. 72, 100, 101; Wrt. Voc. 46, 57, 58. Folclíc lár omilia, 35; Som. 62, 75; Wrt. Voc. 28, 53. Lár dogma, Ælfc. Gr. 9; Som. 8, 24. On ðam wæs áwriten lár and Sóðfæstnys in quo erat Doctrina et Veritas, Lev. 8, 8. Seó hálige lár sancta prædicatio, Bd. 1, 27; S. 495, 40. Seó rihtgelýfde lár wæs dæghwamlíce weaxende crescente per dies institutione catholica, 3, 28; S. 560, 39. Bisceopes dægweorc biþ ... lár oððon leornung a bishop's daily work .. is ... teaching or learning, L. I. P. 8; Th. ii. 314, 19. Him tó fultume godcendre láre sibi adjutorem evangelizandi, Bd. 2, 4; S. 505, 14. Mynster tó timbrianne ðám monnum ða ðe Scotta láre fyligdon ad construendum monasterium his qui Scottos sequebantur, 5, 19; S. 638, 39. Láre gravitate, Wrt. Voc. ii. 40, 34. Ic mé gúþbordes sweng láre gebearh I warded off the blow from me by cunning, Cd. 128; Th. 163, 7; Gen. 2693. Hé sceal habban láre ðæt hé máge Godes folc mid wísdóme lǽran he must have learning, that he may be able to instruct God's people with wisdom, Homl. Th. i. 206, 26. Hú giorne ða godcundan hádas wǽron ǽgðer ge ymbe láre ge ymbe liornunga ... and hú man útanbordes wisdóm and láre hieder on lond sóhte how diligent the clergy were about teaching and learning ... and how wisdom and instruction were sought here by foreigners, Past. pref; Swt. 3, 9-12. Ne sceolan ða láreówas ágímeleásian ða láre, Blickl. Homl. 47, 29: 7, 11. Tó bodigenne godcunde láre ad prædicandum, Bd. 2, 3; S. 504, 16. Þurh his láre docendo, 2, 20; S. 522, 22. Hé godspellíce láre lǽrde opus evangelizandi exsequens, 3, 19; S. 547, 9. Háliges láre [cf. langsum leornung, 2962] the story of the saint, Andr. Kmbl. 2955; An. 1480. Lǽre disciplinam, Ps. Spl. 118, 66. Bodigende his láre prædicans præceptum ejus, Ps. Lamb. 2, 6. Hálige lára dogmatum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 27, 58. Ic wolde ymbe ðone lǽcedóm ðara ðínra lára hwéne máre gehýran I would hear a little more of the medicine of those instructions of thine, Bt. 22, 1; Fox 76, 17. Lárna, Exon. 117 a; Th. 450, 17; Dóm. 89: Andr. Kmbl. 964; An. 482. Gif wé óðre men teala lǽraþ, and hié be úrum lárum rihtlíce for Gode libbaþ, ðonne bringe wé Drihtne swétne stenc on úrum dǽdum and lárum, Blickl. Homl. 75, 14. Hig lǽraþ manna lára docentes doctrinas hominum, Mt. Kmbl. 15, 9. Betwih óðre láre tó lifigeanne inter alia vivendi documenta, Bd. 3, 5; S. 526, 20. Wið Aureum and his láre contra Arium et ejusdem dogmata, 4, 17; S. 585, 44: 586, 1. Wé sceolan healdan ða lára ðara feówer godspellera we must keep the precepts of the four evangelists, Blickl. Homl. 35, 11. II. exhortation, admonition, counsel, suggestion, instigation, persuasion :-- Mid his getrymnesse and láre ejus hortatu, Bd. 1, 33; S. 498, 35. Mid his dæghwamlícre láre quotidiana exhortatione, 2 9; S. 510, 37. Láre hortamentis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 42, 55. Ealle ða men Julius hér ofsleán ðe æt ðære láre wǽron ðæt mon Pompeius ofslóg Julius ordered all the men to be killed who advised that Pompey should be slain, Ors. 5, 12; Swt. 242, 23. Hé wið his hláford wan for óðra manna láre he fought against his lord at the instigation of other men, 6, 35; Bos. 131, 11. Hlyste mínre láre acquiesce consiliis meis, Gen. 27, 8. Þurh Wulfheres láre suggerente rege Wulfhere, Bd. 4, 13; S. 582, 7. Wes ðú ús lárena gód be liberal to us of thy counsels, Beo. Th. 544; B. 269. Lárum hortamentis, Bd. 2, 2; S. 502, 14. Hié swýðor fylgaþ deófles lárum they rather follow the suggestions of the devil, Blickl. Homl. 25, 10 : 61, 13. Ðín ríce for his lárum gefealleþ thy kingdom will fall because of his counsels, 181, 34. [O. Sax. léra: O. Frs. láre: O. H. Ger. léra doctrina, dogma, sermo, præceptum, exhortatio, consultum: Ger. lehre.] DER. bóc-, folc-, freónd-, mis-, un- lár.
lár-bóc; f. A book which conveys instruction: Swá swá Beda áwrát, Engla þeóde láreów, on his lárbócum, Chart. Th. 241, 20.
lár-bysn, e; f. An example, proof, specimen :-- Lárbysn documentum vel specimen, Ælfc. Gl. 80; Som. 72, 104; Wrt. Voc. 46, 61.
lár-cræft, es; m. Knowledge, science :-- Ic íglanda eallra hæbbe lárcræftas onlocen. Salm. Kmbl. 5; Sal. 3.
lár-cwide, es; m. Precept, doctrine :-- Wé sódfæstes lǽston lárcwide, Andr. Kmbl. 1347; An. 674.
láreów, es; m. A teacher, master, preacher :-- Láreów doctor vel imbutor, vel eruditor: dogmatista, Ælfc. Gl. 80; Som. 73, 98, 102; Wrt. Voc. 46, 55, 59. Cilda láreów pædogogus, Som. 73, 103; Wrt. Voc. 46, 60. Láreów dogmatista, Wrt. Voc. ii. 28, 50. Wé cildra biddaþ ðé eálá Láreów ðæt ðú tǽce ús sprecan nos pueri rogamus te, Magister, ut doceas nos loqui, Coll. Monast. Th. 18, 1. Ne gyrne gé ðæt eów man Láreówas nemne án ys eówer Láreów nolite vocari Rabbi: unus enim est Magister vester, Mt. Kmbl. 23, 8. Hé is ordfruma and láreów ealre clǽnnesse he is the origin and teacher of all purity, Blickl. Homl. 13, 21. Heó æfter ðon wæs magister and láreów ðæs mynstres deinde magistra exstitit, Bd. 3, 24; S. 557, 5. On ðære heó mihte Gode willsumra wífmonna láreów and féstermódur gestandan in quo ipsa Deo devotarum mater ac nutrix possit existere feminarum, 4, 6; S. 574, 17. Wæs se Columba se ǽresta láreów ðæs cristenan geleáfan erat Columba primus doctor fidei christianæ, 5, 9; S. 622, 40. Be ðære láre mínes láreówes, Blickl. Homl. 185, 8: Exon. 14 b; Th. 29, 6; Cri. 458. Hí sendon Aidan ðone biscop Angelþeóde tó láreówe ad prædicationem gentis Anglorum Aidanum miserant antistitem, Bd. 5, 22; S. 644, 25: 3, 5; S. 527, 29. Hé ða hálgan láreówas hider onsende alios prædicatores mittens, 2, 1; S. 501, 36. [Orm. lárew: cf. O. Sax. léreo.] DER. heáh-láreów.
láreów-dóm, es; m. The office of a teacher, mastership, governance, teaching :-- Forðonðe nán cræft nis tó lǽranne ðæm ðe hine ǽr geornlíce ne leornode forhwon beóþ ǽfre suǽ þríste ða ungelǽredan ðæt hí underfón ða heorde ðæs láriówdómes ðonne se cræft ðæs láreówdómes biþ cræft ealra cræfta nulla ars doceri præsumitur, nisi intenta prius meditatione discatur. Ab imperitis ergo pastorale magisterium qua temeritate suscipitur, quando ars est artium regimen animarum, Past. 1, 1; Swt. 25, 15-19. Ne hí scoldon ne underfón ða áre ðæs láreówdómes ne locum regiminis subeant, 2, arg; Swt. 29, 19. Ðæt biþ ðæs recceres ryht ðæt hé þurh ða stemne his láriówdómes ætiéwe ðæt wuldor ðæs uplícan éðles debitum rectoris est supernæ patriæ gloriam per vocem prædicationis ostendere, 21, 5; Swt. 159, 22. Tó Criste hé Angle gehwyrfde mid árfæstnysse láreówdómes ad Christum Anglos convertit pietate magistra, Bd. 2, 1; S. 500, 28. Mid ealdorlícnesse láreówdómes auctoritati magistri, 4, 27; S. 603, 44. Wæs on his láreówdóme áféded erat in magisterio illius educatus, 4, 3; S. 569, 6: 5, 19; S. 638, 15: L. Ælfc. P. 10; Th. ii. 368, 3. Ðætte unlǽrde ne dyrren underfón láreówdóm ne venire imperiti ad magisterium audeant, Past. 1, arg; Swt. 25, 14: Homl. Th. ii. 320, 12.
láreów-líc; adj. After the manner of a teacher :-- Léreówlíc exhortatorium, Hpt. Gl. 512, 45. Láreówlícum cræftum gymnicis (gl. magisterialis) artibus, 405, 8.
láreów-setl, es; n. The seat of a teacher or doctor :-- Ofer Moyses láreówsetl super cathedram Mosi, Mt. Kmbl. 23, 2.
lár-hlystend, es; m. One who listens to instruction, a catechumen, Mone B. 2802.
lár-hús, es; n. A house for, instruction, a school; gymnasium, Hpt. Gl. 405, 11.
lár-leást, -lýst, e; f. Lack of learning or instruction :-- Þurh lárleáste hí ne cunnon ne lǽdan ne lǽran hí through want of knowledge they cannot guide or teach them, L. I. P. 19; Th. ii. 326, 28. Wé sceolon bodigan ðám lǽwedum ðý læs ðe hý for lárlýste losian sceoldan we must preach to the laymen, lest for lack of instruction they should perish, L. Ælfc. C. 23; Th. ii. 352, 1: Wulfst. 79, 19.
lár-líc; adj. Instructive :-- Sume Godes þeówan mid lárlícre sprǽce óðre getrymmaþ some servants of God confirm others with instructive discourse, Homl. Th. i. 346, 22. Hit is swíðe gedafenlíc ðæt gé sume lárlíce worst æt eówerum láreówum gehýron, ii. 282, 31.
lár-smiþ, es; m. A wise man, a counsellor :-- Lársmiþas, Elen. Kmbl. 406; El. 203. Lársmeoþas, Andr. Kmbl. 2441; An. 1221.
lár-spell, es; n. A discourse, sermon, homily, treatise :-- God cwæþ be láreówum on his lárspelle God said of teachers in his sermon, Homl. Th. ii. 320, 25. Se bisceop ðam folce sǽde lárspell, Homl. Skt. 3, 141. Ic gesett hæbbe wel feówertig lárspella I have composed quite forty homilies, Ælfc. T. Grn. 13, 45. Swá swá wé áwriton ǽror on óðrum lárspellum, 4, 15. Ða apostoli gesetton eác swilce lárspell [the epistles] tó ðám leódscipum ðe tó geleáfan bugon, 14, 3. [Laym. Orm. lar-spell a sermon.]
lár-swic, es; m. n.[?] Deception, seduction, delusion, treachery :-- Mycel is nýdþearf manna gehwylcum, ðæt hé wið deúfles lárswice warnige symle, Wulfst. 309, 14.
lár-wita, an; m. A learned man :-- Lárwitan and lahwitan, L. I. P. 5: Th. ii. 308, 14.
laser, es; m. n.[?]. A tare, cockle :-- Laser, zizania, Ælfc. Gl. 101; Som. 77, 29; Wrt. Voc. 55, 34. Lasur lolium, Wrt. Voc. ii. 54, 15. Ǽtan ɫ lasor zizania, 72, 61.
lást, lǽst, leást, es; m. A step, footstep, sole of the foot, track, trace :-- Lǽst solum, Ælfc. Gl. 75; Som. 71, 98; Wrt. Voc. 45, 6. Ðú ðás werþeóde wræccan láste feorran gesóhtest from far with the foot of an exile this people hast thou sought, Cd. 114; Th. 149, 22; Gen. 2478. Sarran brýde láste beddreste gestáh, 129; Th. 164, 15; Gen. 2715. Of láste e vestigio, statim, Wrt. Voc. ii. 144, 33. On láste e vestigio, 107, 41. Him on láste setl wíde stódan behind them heaven stood spacious, Cd. 5; Th. 6, 10; Gen. 86. Malalehel wæs æfter Jarede yrfes hyrde fæder on láste Mahalaleel was after Jared the guardian of the heritage in succession to his father, 52; Th. 65, 18; Gen. 1068. Him on láste fór sweót Ebréa on their track marched the band of Hebrews, Judth. 12; Thw. 25, 38; Jud. 298. Yldran ússe in forléton ðone wlitigan wong on láste our parents left that beauteous plain behind, Exon. 62 a; Th. 228, 18; Ph. 440. Frætwe léton licgan on láste, 104 a; Th. 394, 30; Rä. 14, 11. Ðá wearþ forht ferþ manig folces on láste then was the mind of many a man of that folk left in fear, Andr. Kmbl. 3191; An. 1598. Hié ðæs láðan lást sceáwedon they marked the track of the foe, Beo. Th. 265; B. 132. Lást weardian [cf. lást-weard] to guard the track of one gone before, to remain behind; also to follow in the steps of another. Cyning úre gewát þurh ðæs temples hróf ðǽr hý tó ségun ða ðe leófes lást weardedun [of the disciples watching the ascension of Christ], Exon. 15 a; Th. 31, 16; Cri. 496. Se ðe his mondryhten lífe bilidene lást weardian wiste who knew his lord, of life bereft, remained behind, 52 a; Th. 182, 19; Gú. 1312. Sceal se líchoma leást weardigan eft on eorþan the body shall again be left in the ground, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 482; Met. 241. Hé his folme forlét lást weardian, Beo. Th. 1947; B. 971. Hýrde ic ðæt ðám frætwum feówer mearas lást weardode I heard that four steeds followed those trappings, 4335; B. 2164. Him arn on lást þýstre genip dark cloud succeeded it, Cd. 8; Th. 9, 8; Gen. 138. Him fleáh on lást earn ǽtes georn, Judth. 11; Thw. 24, 27; Jud. 209. Gescoh nú seolfes swæðe ... Ðá on lást beseah leóflíc cempa 'see now thine own track.' ... Then the good warrior looked behind, Andr. Kmbl. 2880-90; An. 1443-48. On lást faran to return. Beo. Th. 5883; B. 2945. Wesseaxe on lást legdun láþam þeódum the West Saxons hung on the rear of the foe, Chr. 937; Erl. 112, 22; Ædelst. 22. On lást [cf. Icel. á lesti] at last. Ðú sárgige on lásð gemas in novissimis, Past. 36, 2; Swt. 249, 13. Hit on lást of his tungan útábirst tó openum bismere ad extremum usque ad apertas lingua coutumelias erumpat, 38, 7; Swt. 279, 8. Ðæt mód him ǽrest ná ne ondrǽt ða lytlan scylda, ne ðonne on lást ða miclan, 57, 2; Swt. 437, 28: Bt. 7, 20; Fox, 16, 11; Fox 72, 7. Lástas wǽron wíde gesýne, gang ofer grundas, Beo. Th. 2809; B. 1402. Ic sume in bryne sende ðæt him lásta wearþ síðast gesýne some have I sent into the fire, so that no trace of them was left, Exon. 72 b; Th. 270, 33; Jul. 474. Blódgum lástum, 36 b; Th. 119, 25; Gú. 260. Ðonne is ðǽr geworht emb ða lástas... ðæt man mæg tó ðǽm lástum onhnígan and mænige men ða moldan neomaþ on ðǽm lástum the footsteps are built about, yet so that people can stoop down to the footsteps, and many men take the earth from the footsteps, Blickl. Homl. 127, 5-11, 55, 59. Ðæt nǽnig man ða lǽstas sylfe ufan oferwyrcean ne mihte ne mid golde ne mid seolfre so that no man might overlay the footsteps themselves, neither with gold nor with silver, 125, 35. Sceáwian láðes lástas, Beo. Th. 1686; B. 841. Lástas lecgan [cf. colloquial to make tracks] to journey, travel. Ic lástas sceal wíde lecgan wide must I wander, Cd. 49; Th. 63, 3; Gen. 1026. Gewít ðú féran, lástas lecgan, 137; Th. 172, 26; Gen. 2850: 118; Th. 153, 9; Gen. 2536: l09; Th. 145, 3; Gen. 2400. [Goth. laists a footstep.] DER. æf-, feorh-, fét-, féðe-, fót-, sweart-, úríg-, wíd-, wræclást. v. lǽst.
lást-weard, es; m. One who keeps in the steps of another, a successor, pursuer :-- Ðone lástweard, his swǽsne sunu [Isaac], Cd. 162; Th. 203, 7; Exod. 400. Wræcmon gebád láðne lástweard the fugitive awaited the foe that followed, 148; Th. 186, 13; Exod. 138. Ús is swíðe uncúþ hwæt úre yrfeweardas and lástweardas getreówlíces dón willon efter úrum lífe it is quite unknown to us how faithfully our heirs and successors will act after our death, Blickl. Homl 51, 36. Ic ne míne lástweardas neither I nor my successors, Chart. Th. 29, 12.
lást-word, es, n. Report, reputation :-- Eorla gehwam lástworda betst the best reputation for every man, Exon. 82 b; Th. 310, 12; Seef 73.
lata, an; m. One who is late or slow :-- Ðeáh heó ðæs bearnes lata wǽre though she were late in bearing the child, Blickl. Hom1.163, 8. [Icel. lati the lazy one.] v. hild-lata.
late; adv. Slowly, late, at length, at last :-- Alexander late unweorðlícne sige gerǽhte [anceps] pugna tandem tristem pene victoriam Macedonibus dedit, Ors. 3, 9; Swt. 134, 8. Hú ne cymþ se deáþ ðeáh ðe hé late cume and áðéþ eów of ðisse worulde sera vobis rapiet hoc etiam dies, Bt. 19; Fox, 70, 16. Gif wit ðæt ealle sculon ásmeágan ðonne cume wit late tó ende ðisse béc oððe nǽfre, 42; Fox, 256, 22. Hú late hí on ðysne middangeard ácennede wurdon and hú raþe hí him eft of gewítan sceolan, Blickl. Homl. 59, 23. Late on geáre late in the year, Chr. 867; Erl. 72, 11. Late mylt gǽten flǽsc goat's flesh digests slowly, L. M. 2, 16; Lchdm. ii. 196; 16. Gif heó gǽþ late .. gif heó hraþe gǽþ, Lchdm. iii. 144, 7: Exon. 49 b; Th. 172, 2; Gú. 1137. Ic ðæt gecneów tó late too late I perceived it, 72 a; Th. 269, 2; Jul. 444: Elen. Kmbl. 1412; El. 708. Síð and late at last, Judth. 12; Thw. 25, 24; Jud. 275. Ǽr oððe lator prius aut posterius, Athan. 25. Lator tardius, Bd. 4, 9; S. 577, 10. Ðæt ðæt lator biþ, ðæt hæfþ anginn, Homl. Th. i. 284, 7. Onbútan Martines mæssan and gyt lator, Chr. 1089; Erl. 226, 20. Ðæt hit hraþost weaxan mæg, and latost wealowigan, Bt. 34, 10; Fox 148, 22. Sý ágifen be emnihte oððe latest be ealra hálgena mæssan let it be paid by the equinox, or at latest by All-Hallows' Mass, Wulfst. 208, 5.
láð, es; n. What is hateful or harmful, harm, evil, injury, hurt, trouble, grief, pain, annoyance, enmity :-- Ðætte monnum héh is laaþ [adj.?] is mið Gode quod hominibus altum est, abominatio est apud deum, Lk. Skt. Lind. 16, 15. Hit sóna nǽnig láð ne biþ it [the pain] will soon be no annoyance, Herb. 1, 11; Lchdm. i. 74, 10. Hé mé nówiht láðes ætýwde ille mihi nil inimicitiarum intulerit, Bd. 2, 12; S. 513, 25. Ðæt hé ðé nánwiht láðes ne dó ut nec ipse tibi aliquid mali faciat, 514, 3. Ðæt him mon nóht láðes gedón dorste ne qui prædicantibus quicquam molestiæ inferret, 5, 10; S. 624, 6. Ic eom mid ðæs láðes sáre swíðe ofþrycced I am sorely oppressed with the pain of this trouble; insitus animum moeror praegravat, Bt. 8; Fox 24, 14. Ða ungeþyldegan ne mágon áberan nánwuht ðæs láðes ðe him mon on legþ oððe mid wordum oððe mid dǽdum the impatient cannot bear any annoyance that is put upon them either by word or deed; impatientes ab aliis illata non tolerant, Past. 40, 4; Swt. 293, 16. Ðeáh hié nán mann mid láðe ne gréte hié séceaþ ða ðe hié fleóþ though no man attacks them, they seek those that flee from them; iracundi se declinantes insequuntur, 293, 19. Hié hit tó nánum fácne ne tó nánum láðe næfdon ðætte ða earman wífmen hié swá tintredon nec tamen miseriæ hominum pressura temporum deputata est, Ors. 1, 10; Swt. 48, 13. Wið ðæm ðe hié of ðæm londe mósten búton láðe ut tutum et incolumem exercitum a locorum periculo liberaret, 6, 32; Swt. 286, 28. Mid lufe ge mid láðe with what is pleasant and what is unpleasant, Blickl. Homl. 45, 8. Nis hit gód ðæt hié síen on ðam láðe it is not good that they be in that durance [the fiery furnace], Cd. 193; Th. 243, 2; Dan. 430. Ne dó ic him ná láð I will not harm them, Gen. 18, 30: Nar. 16, 22. Eálá hwæt ðú mé mycel yfel and láð dést mid ðínre ærninge O quam magnum væ facis mihi sic equitando, Bd. 5, 6; S. 619, 14: Cd. 21; Th. 25, 11; Gen. 392. Wið eal ðæt láð ðe intó land fare against all the harm that comes into the land, Lchdm. i. 388, 14. Ðonne hié láð gedóþ hié sculon lufe wyrcean when they do evil, they must act so as to regain love, Cd. 29; Th. 39, 11; Gen. 624. Ðú míne sáwle of deáþes láðum wiðlǽddest eripuisti animam meam de morte, Ps. Th. 55, 11. [O. Sax. O. Frs. léð: O. H. Ger. leid dolor, moeror, injuria, malum, execratio: Ger. leid.]
láð; adj. I. Causing hate, evil, injury, annoyance; hateful, hated, loathed, loth, displeasing, injurious, grievous :-- Láth ingratus, Ep. Gl. 12 b, 16. Laath invisus, 12 f, 5. Ðá wæs ic swíðe onscúniende and mé láð wæs multum detestatus sum, Bd. 5, 12; S. 630, 32. Ðeáh hit láð wǽre, Chr. 1006; Erl. 141, 7. Him wæs láð tó ámyrrene his ágenne folgaþ, 1048; Erl. 178, 11. Fram allum mannum hé biþ láð he shall be hated of all men, Lchdm. iii. 162, 19. Se wæs láð Gode, on hete heofoncyninges, Cd. 30; Th. 40, 31; Gen. 647. Swá láð wæs Péna folc Scipian so hateful were the Carthaginians to Scipio, Ors. 4, 10; Swt. 198, 15. Mánswara láð leóda gehwam, Exon. 10 b; Th. 12, 31; Cri. 194. Leófest on lífe láð biþ ðænne what is dearest in this life, shall then be hateful, Dóm. L. 16, 243. Láð biþ ǽghwǽr wineleás hæle he is everywhere unloved, a friendless man, Exon. 87 b; Th. 329, 9: Vy. 31. Wæs ðæt gewinn tó láð and longsum that strife was too grievous and long, Beo. Th. 268; B. 134. Hé mé álýsde of láðum grine huntum unholdum ipse liberavit me de laqueo venantium, Ps. 90, 3. Lǽdan on láðne síþ to lead to hell, Exon. 118 b; Th. 455, 20; Hy. 4, 52. Ðec gelegdon on láðne bend they put thee into grievous captivity, Cd. 225; Th. 298, 27; Sat. 539. Ða fuglas ús nǽnige láðe ne yfle ne wæron aves non nobis perniciem ferentes, Nar. 16, 18. Ða rihtwísan sint láðe and forþrycte the righteous are hated and oppressed, Bt. 3, 4; Fox 6, 23. Hé hæfde fela ǽhta ðe him wǽron láðe tó forlǽtenne he had many possessions that he was loth to leave, Basil admn. 9; Norm. 56, 7. Gé habbaþ ús gedón láðe Pharaone, Ex. 5, 21. Láð gewidru grievous storms, Beo. Th. 2754; B. 1375. Næs ic him láðra ówihte ðonne his bearna hwylc I was not a whit less dear to him than any of his children, 4856; B. 2432. Ic á ne geseah láðran landscipe never saw I scene more hateful, Cd. 19; Th. 24, 11; Gen. 376. Sege ðínum leódum miccle láðre spell tell to thy people a tale that will please much less, Byrht. Th. 133, 15; By. 50. Gnornsorga mǽst wyrda láðost greatest of griefs, most grievous of fates, Elen. Kmbl. 1953; El. 978. Ðǽr ðé láðast biþ, Exon. 41 a; Th. 137, 17; Gú. 560. Áne ða mǽstan synne and Gode þa láðustan one of the greatest sins and most displeasing to God, Ex. 32, 21. II. bearing hate to another, hostile, malign, inimical :-- Ne leóf ne láð nor friend nor foe, Beo. Th. 1026; B. 511. Láð wið láðum foe with foe, 884; B. 440. Láðe cyrmdon the foes shouted, Cd. 166; Th. 207, 3; Exod. 461. Wið láðra lygesearwum against false wiles of foes, Exon. 19 a; Th. 48, 23; Cri. 776: Judth. 12; Thw. 25, 38; Jud. 304. Ðæt on land Dena láðra nǽnig sceððan meahte, Beo. Th. 490; B. 242. Láðan fingrum with hostile fingers, 3015; B. 1505. Láðum eágan, Cd. 151; Th. 189, 3; Exod. 179. Láðum wordum, Exon. 28 a; Th. 84, 17; Cri. 1376. Álýs mé fram láðum libera me a persequentibus me, Ps. Th. 141, 7. Ðæt hé ðé ne forlǽte láðum tó handa, Dóm. L. 30, 29. Hé ne lǽteþ míne fét láðe hréran, Ps. Th. 65, 8. [O. Sax. O. Frs. léð: Icel. leiðr: O. H. Ger. leid exosus, odiosus, invisus, tristis, malignus, ingratus: Ger. leid.] v. þurh-láð.
láð-bite, es; m. A wound :-- Blód ætsprang láðbite líces, Beo. Th. 2248; B. 1122.
láðe; adv. With hatred or enmity, in detestation :-- Hió mé lytle læs láðe woldon ðisses eorþweges ende gescrífan paulominus consummaverunt me in terra, Ps. Th. 118, 87. Ðis ungesǽlige geár gyt tó-dæg láðe wunaþ this miserable year still continues in detestation to-day, Bd. 3, 1; S. 523, 33. [O. H. Ger. leido invise, odiose.]
láðettan; p. te To be odious or hateful, be hated, be hostile, to abominate, hate :-- Láðetteþ detestantur, Wrt. Voc. ii. 26, 8. Man láðette tó swýðe ðæt man scolde lufian people hated too much what they ought to love, Wulfst. 168, 13. Uncer láðette ǽgðer óðer ðeáh ðe hé hít óðrum ne sǽde each of us hated the other, though he did not say so to the other, Shrn. 39, 22. Ðás gyltas ne mǽgon úre sáwla ofsleán ac hí mágon hí áwlǽtan and Gode láðettan these sins cannot destroy our souls, but they can pollute them and be hateful to God, Homl, Th. ii. 590, 29. Hundas beorcynde gesihþ oððe him láðhetan if a man sees dogs barking, or be hostile to him, Lchdm. iii. 200, 26. Olfendas geseón and fram him gesihþ láðhetan to see camels and if he sees himself to be hated by them, 31. [O. H. Ger. leidezan, leidezzan detestari, abominari, aversari, inhorrescere, Grff. 2, 177.] v. láðian.
láð-geníðla, an; m. A foe, enemy. Exon. 56 b; Th. 201, 3; Ph. 50: 69 a; Th. 256, 15; Jul. 232.
láð-geteóna, an; m. One who does evil, an enemy, Beo. Th. 1953; B. 974: 1123; B. 559.
láð-gewinna, an; m. A hated opponent, an enemy, Exon. 104 b; Th. 397, 33; Rä. 16, 29.
laðian; p. ode To invite, call, call upon :-- Hwílum ic rincas laðige tó wíne at times I invite men to wine, Exon. 104 a; Th. 395, 32; Rä. 15, 16. Ðyder ðe unc laðaþ and cégþ uncer Drihten whither our Lord invites and calls us, Blickl. Homl. 187, 26: Cd. 226; Th. 301, 29; Sat. 589 Loth hig laðode geornlíce Lot compulit illos oppido, Gen. 19, 3. Hé hí laðede ðæt hí onféngon ðam gerýno Cristes geleáfan ad fidei suscipiendæ sacramentum invitaret, Bd. 3, 5; S. 526, 31. Mé of weorulde cígde and laðode me de sæculo evocare dignatus est, 4, 3; S. 568, 18. Heora ða leásan godas hié him laðodan on fultum they called upon their false gods to help them, Blickl. Homl. 201, 31. Hé héht hám laðian Mellitum and Iustum revocavit Mellitum et Justum, Bd. 2, 6; S. 508, 33. Ðá hét hé Willfriþ tó ðam sinoþe laðian vocari jussit Vilfridum, 5, 19; S. 639, 35. Hé sende his þeówan tó laðigenne mancynn tó ðære écan feorme, Homl. Th. ii. 372, 5. [Goth. laþón: O. Sax. lathian: O. Frs. lathia: Icel. laða: O. H. Ger. ladón: Ger. laden.]
láðian; p. ode To be hateful or loathed :-- Heora fela wǽron mid olfendes hǽrum tó líce gescrýdde and ðǽr láðode sóftnys many of them were clad with camel's hair next to the body, and there softness was hateful, Homl. Th. ii. 506, 24. Hió ðæm folce láðade she was hateful to the people, Ors. 3, 11; Swt. 148, 15. [Þe schal laðin his luue, Jul, 16, 6: þat te schal laði þi lif, H. M. 9, 2: him loðie, A. R. 324, 27: us lotheth þe lyf, Piers P. prol. 155: O. Sax. léðón: O. H. Ger. leidón.] v. lǽðan, láðettan.
láð-leás; adj. Innocent, harmless, free from harm or annoyance :-- Gif hé láðleás [MS. H. ladleas] beó séce swylcne hláford swylcne hé wille forðý ðe ic an ðæt ǽlc ðara ðe láðleás [MS. H. ladleas] beó folgie swylcum hláforde swylcum hé wille, L. Ath. iv. 1; Th. 1, 220, 24-222, 1. Láðleáse immunes, Wrt. Voc. ii. 43, 68.
láð-líc; adj. Hateful, loathsome, disgusting, unpleasant, detestable, abominable, horrible :-- Láðlíc detestabile, Wrt. Voc. ii. 26, 5. Láðlíc biþ ðæs hreóflian líc mid menigfealdum springum the leper's body is loathsome with manifold ulcers, Homl. Th. i. 122, 21. Ðæt is láðlíc líf ðæt hí swá maciaþ it is an abominable life that they do so, L. I. P. 14; Th. ii. 322, 26: Exon. 266; Th. 78, 19; Gri. 1276. Þincþ his neáwist láðlíco and unfæger his [the dead man's] nearness seems disgusting and displeasing, Blickl. Homl. 111, 30. Nis ðǽr ne se láðlíca cyle ne láðlíc storm, Dóm. L. 16, 259, 262: Soul Kmbl. 306; Seel. 157. Hine mon ðǽr láðlíce deáþe ácwealde eum detestanda omnibus morte interfecit, Bd. 3, 14; S. 539, 46: 541, 10. Láðlíc wíte, Elen. Kmbl. 1038; El. 520. Hér æfter sint lungenádla láðlícu tácn here follow the unpleasant symptoms of lung disease, L. M. 2, 51; Lchdm. ii. 264, 9. Ða láðlecan obscena, Wrt. Voc. ii. 63, 12. [Prompt. Parv. lothli abominabilis; O. Sax. léð-líc: Icel. leiði-ligr: O. H. Ger. leid-líh detestabilis, execrabilis, exosus, horrendus.]
láð-líce; adv. Hatefully, detestably, horribly, unpleasantly :-- Ongunnon láðlíce rýnan they began to roar horribly, Bt. Met. Fox 26, 166; Met. 26, 83. Wit gewídost lifdon láðlícost we should live as far apart as possible, and in most grievous sort, Exon. 115 a; Th. 442, 17; Kl. 14.
láð-scipe, es; m. A painful condition, calamity :-- Abram wolde Loth álynnan of láðscipe [when Lot was carried off captive], Cd. 95; Th. 123, 20; Gen. 2048.
láð-searu a fell device, Cd. 195; Th. 243, 14; Dan. 436.
láð-síþ a painful journey, Cd. 144; Th. 180, 12; Exod. 44.
láð-spell, es; n. A painful, grievous story :-- Hié ealle ðǽr ofslógon búton ánum se ðæt láðspel æt hám gebodade omnes ibidem trucidati sunt; uno tantum ad enunciandam cladem reservato, Ors. 2, 4; Swt. 72, 19: Andr. Kmbl. 2160; An. 1080: Exon. 52 b; Th. 182, 29; Gú. 1317.
láð-treów a fell, harmful tree [the tree of knowledge], Cd. 30; Th. 40, 25; Gen. 644.
laðu. v. freónd-, neód-, word-laðu.
laðung, e; f. A calling, invitation; vocatio, Past. 52, 4; Swt. 405, 23. [O. H. Ger. ladunga vocatio, evocatio, ecclesia.] v. ge-laðung.
láð-wende; adj. Evilly disposed, evil, hostile, malignant :-- Wæs láðwendo ongan wið Sarran winnan Hagar was evilly disposed and began to strive with Sarah, Cd. 102; Th. 135, 7; Gen. 2239. Gyf mon méte ðæt hé gǽt geseó ðonne mæg hé wénan ðæs láðwendan feóndes him on neáwyste if a man dream that he sees goats then may he expect the devil in his neighbourhood, Lchdm. iii. 176, 3. Láðwende here [the fallen angels], Cd. 4; Th. 5, 7; Gen. 68. Ludon láðwende réðe wæstme fruits evil and dire sprang forth, 47; Th. 60, 29; Gen. 989. Láðwende men evil men, Exon. 35 a; Th. 97, 24; Cri. 1595. [Cf. O. H. Ger. leid-wentige calamitas, Grff. 1, 763.]
láðwende-mód; adj. Evilly or hostilely disposed, Cd. 23; Th. 29, 11; Gen. 448.
láð-weorc, es; n. An evil work, work that is hateful to another :-- Leornedan láðweorc Gode, Ps. Th. 105, 26. [O. Sax. léð-werk: and cf. O. H. Ger. leid-tát supplicium.]
latian; p. ode To be slow, to linger, loiter, delay :-- Ic latige on sumere stówe moror, Ælfc. Gr. 25; Som. 27, 14. Hwí latast ðú swá lange ðæt ðú ðé lǽce ne cýðst why dost thou delay so long to show thyself to the leech? Dóm. L. 6, 66. Lataþ tardat, Wrt. Voc. ii. 138, 48. Deáþ ne lattaþ mors non tardat, Rtl. 11, 7. Eall líchoma hefegaþ and latiaþ ða fét all the body grows heavy, and the feet are sluggish, L. M. 2, 25; Lchdm. ii. 216, 23. Ic latode distuli, Cant. M. ad f. 27. Ðeáh ðe hé ðá get latode on ðissum líchomlícum gebyrde though his birth was still deferred, Blickl. Homl. 167, 7. Hit is swytol ðæt man ðæs latode ealles tó lange, Wulfst. 168, 2. Ne lata ðú ne cuncteris, Wrt. Voc. ii. 60, 34. Ne yld ðú ɫ ne lata ðú non tardaveris, Ps. Spl. 39, 24: Ps. Th. 69, 7: Exon. 13 a; Th. 23, 23; Cri. 373. Smeáge húru georne gehwá hine sylfne and ðæs ná ne latige tó lange at any rate let every one examine himself, and not delay in that too long, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 111, 192. Nó latiendum non cunctante, Wrt. Voc. ii. 61, 22. [Icel. lata to be slow: O. H. Ger. lazón tardare.]
lát-téh, -teów. v. lád-teáh, -teów.
laur, lawer, es; m. Laurel, bay :-- Laures croppan, seáw, bléda, leáf, Lchdm. ii. 20, 17: 226, 2: 228, 25: 230, 3. Mid lawere gebeágod crowned with laurel, Blickl. Homl. 187, 27.
laur-beám, es; m. Laurel :-- Laurbeám daphnis vel laurus, Ælfc. Gl. 45; Som. 64, 110; Wrt. Voc. 32, 45. Lauwer [lawer] beám laurus, Wrt. Voc. 79, 78. Laurbeáme gelíce similes lauro, Nar. 36, 30.
laur-berige, an; f. A berry of the laurel :-- Lauberigan, Lchdm. iii. 122, 22: 6, 16. Laurberigie, 106, 1. Lauwinberigean, 136, 28. Lauwerberian, i. 376, 6.
laur-treów, es, n. Laurel :-- Laurtreówes leáf, Lchdm. iii. 88, 10. Of lawertreówe, i. 174, 11.
lawer, laber laver [a plant. v. E. D. S. Plant Names], Lchdm. i. 254, 1, 2.
láwerce, an; f. A lark, laverock :-- Láuerce alauda, Ælfc. Gl. 37; Som. 62, 127; Wrt. Voc. 29, 22. Láwerce tilaris, Wrt. Voc. 62, 42: laude, Wrt. Voc. ii. 50, 49. Lǽwerce caradrion, 13, 46. Láuricae allauda, 100, 9. Láurice laudæ, 112, 26. Láfercan beorh occurs several times in charters. v. Cod. Dip. Kmbl. vi. 307. Cf. O. H. Ger. Lériehanvelt. [Icel. lævirki: O. H. Ger. lérahha caradrius, caradrion, aloda, laudula: M. H. Ger. lérche: Ger. lerche.]
leác, lǽc, léc, es; n. Generally, a garden herb [as in leác-tún, &c.], an alliaceous plant [v. compounds], a leek :-- Ðis léc hoc cepe: ðis leác hoc porrum, Ælfc. Gr. 13; Som. 16, 32, 35. Leác ambila, Wrt. Voc. 284, 24: Wrt. Voc. ii. 8, 49. Láec, Ep. Gl. 2 d, 8. Leáces heáfod cartilago, 17, 40. Ðæt greáta cráuleác; nim ðes leáces heáfda, Lchdm. i. 376, 3. On ðære mycele ðe leáces, Herb. 49; Lchdm. i. 152, 16. Leáces sǽd, Lchdm. i. 104, 26. Gebeát ðæt leác [garlic]. L. M. 2, 32; Lchdm. ii. 234, 21. Leác, 1, 32; Lchdm. ii. 78, 7: iii. 16, 10. Nim forcorfen leác and cnuca hyt, 102, 13. v. bráde-, cráw-, crop-, enne[ynne-], gár-, hot-, hwíte-, por-, secg-leác. [Icel. laukr; m.: O. H. Ger. louch cepa, porrum.]
leác-cærse, an: f. 'A cress with an onion-like smell, alliaria officinalis' E. D. S. Plant Names. Cockayne says 'erysimum alliaria,' Lchdm. ii. 318, 7: 320, 3. In Wrt. Voc. ii. 60, 40, leáccærse id est túncærse glosses nasturcium.
leác-, leáh-tric, es; m. A lettuce :-- Leáhtric lactuca, Wrt. Voc. 67, 47: ii. 50, 51. Lactucas ðæt is leáhtric, L. M. 2, 16; Lchdm. ii. 194, 6: 3, 8; Lchdm. ii. 352, 20. Ðá geseah heó ǽnne leáhtric ðá lyste hí ðæs and hine genam and forgeat ðæt heó hine mid Cristes ródetácne gebletsode then she saw a lettuce and had a longing for it, and took it and forgot to bless it with the sign of the cross, iii. 336, col. 1. Wudu-léctric lactuca silvatica, Herb. 31; Lchdm. i. 128, 6, 8.
leác-trog, -troc, es; m. A bunch of berries :-- Leáctrogas corimbos, Wrt. Voc. ii. 14, 78: 104, 70. Leáctrocas corimbus, Ep. Gl. 8 f, 34. Cockayne, Lchdm. iii. 336, col. 1, puts this with the preceding word.
leác-, leáh-, léh- tún, es; m. A garden of herbs, a kitchen-garden :-- Leáhtún ortus olerum, Wrt. Voc. 285, 76: ii. 64, 9 Ðér wæs léhtún ubi erat hortus, Jn. Skt. Lind. 18, 1: 19, 41. Nán man on ðysne ðæg wyrte in léhtúne ne fatige, Wulfst. 227, 8: 231, 18. Monn sende in léhtúne his homo misit its hortum suum, Lk. Skt. Lind. 13, 19. [Misc. leyhtun a garden.] Cf. wyrt-tún.
leáctún-weard, es; m. A gardener :-- Léctúnweard olitor, Ælfc. Gl. 31; Som. 61, 82; Wrt. Voc. 27, 12. [Misc. leyhtunward a gardener.]
leác-weard, es; m. A gardener :-- Leácweard holitor, Wrt. Voc. ii. 42, 57. Lécueard hortulanus, Jn. Skt. Lind. 20, 15. Lécword, p. 8, 4. Cf. wyrt-weard.
LEÁD, es; n. Lead :-- Leád plumbum, Wrt. Voc. 85, 11. Ðæt leád is hefigre ðonne ǽnig óðer andweorc plumbum ceteris metallis est gravius, Past. 37, 3; Swt. 269, 7. Írenes and leádes ða men on ðǽm londum wædliaþ and goldes genihtsumiaþ ferro et plumbo egent, auro habundant, Nar. 31, 4: Bd. 1, 1; S. 473, 23. Beworhte mid leáde, Homl. Skt. 3, 532. Ðú herast ðone mancgere ðe begytt gold mid leáde, Homl. Th. i. 254, 26.
leáden; adj. Leaden :-- Leáden plumbeus, Ælfc. Gr. 5; Som. 4, 60. Sí ðæt álfæt ísen oððe ǽren leáden oððe lǽmen, L. Ath. iv. 7; Th. i. 226, 15: Nar. 46; 3. Mid leádenum swipum swingan, Homl. Th. i. 426, 13.
leád-gedelf, es; n. A lead-mine :-- Eft in leádgedelf; of leádgedelfe, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 401, 7.
leád-stæf, es; m. A scourge [cf. last entry under leáden] :-- Leádstafum mastigiis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 54, 75.
LEÁF, es; n. A LEAF of a tree, of a book, a shoot :-- Leáf hys ne fylþ folium ejus non defluet, Ps. Spl.; his leáf and his blǽda ne fealwiaþ ne ne seariaþ folium ejus non decidet, Ps. Th. 1, 4. Leáf antes, Wrt. Voc. ii. 9, 16. Leáf folia, Mt. Kmbl. 21, 19: 24, 32: Mk. Skt. 13, 28: Bt. Met. Fox 11, 114; Met. 11, 57. Man scóf ðara bóca leáf ðe of Hibernia cóman and ða sceafþan dyde on wæter rasa folia codicum qui de Hibernia fuerant, et ipsam rasuram aquæ immissam, Bd. 1, 1; S. 474, 37. Mid grénum leáfum virentibus foliis, Gen. 8, 11. [Goth. laufs; m.: O. Sax. lóf: O. Frs. láf: Icel. lauf: O. H. Ger. laub folium, frons: Ger. laub.] DER. gold-leáf.
LEÁF, e; f. LEAVE, permission, license :-- Leáf licentia, Ælfc. Gr. 33; Som. 37, 17. Lóciaþ ðæt ðiós eówru leáf ne weorðe óðrum monnum tó biswice videte, ne forte hæc licentia vestra offendiculum fiat infirmis, Past. 59, 6; Swt. 451, 32. Gif him líf seald wǽre, Bd. 1, 23; S. 486, 8, note. Ða seofan cnihtas ðe be ðínre leáfa lyfedan búton ehtnisse the seven youths that by your leave lived without persecution, Homl. Skt. 4, 255. Se Englisca be fulre leáfe hine werige Anglicus plena licentia defendat se, L. Wil. ii. 2; Th. i. 489, 13. Hé sæt on ðam biscopríce ðe se cyng him ǽr geunnan hæfde be his fulre leáfe, Chr. 1048; Erl. 177, 27. Be ðæs cynges lǽfe and rǽda, 1043; Erl. 169, 25. Bútan ðæs cyninges leáfe and his witena, 901; Erl. 96, 28. Búton ðæs bisceopes leáfe absque perrnissu episcopi, Bd. 4, 5; S. 573, 4. Ða ðe willaþ grípan on swelcne folgaþ for hiera gítsunge hié dóþ him tó leáfe ðone cwide ðe sanctus Paulus cwæþ qui præesse concupiscunt, ad usum suæ libidinis instrumentum apostolici sermonis arripiunt, quo ait, Past. 8, 1; Swt. 53, 7. Hé begeat ðá leáfe ðæt hé of ðam lande móste he got leave to go out of the country, Homl. Skt. 5, 328. Hí habbaþ leáf [Cott. MS. leáfe) yfel tó dónne they have leave to do evil, Bt. 38, 4; Fox 204, 13. Hæbbe hé fulle leáfe swá tó dónne, L. Wil. ii. 1; Th. i. 489, 8. Ðá ðá Aulixes leáfe hæfde ðæt hé ðonan móste, Bt. Met. Fox 26, 42; Met. 26, 21. Mé ða leáfe forgyf tó geopenienne ðone ingang ðínre hálgan cyrcan, Glostr. Frag. 106, 13. Leáfe syllan to give leave, Gen. 50, 5: Lchdm. iii. 424, 27. Hí bǽdon lǽfa æt mé they asked leave of me, Guthl. 14; Gdwin 62, 13. [Cf. Icel. leyfi, leave: O. Sax. or-lóf: Icel. or-lof: O. H. Ger. urlaup licentia, permissus.]
leáfa, an; m. Belief, faith :-- Hú mæg se leáfa [other MS. geleáfa] beón forþgenge gif seó lár and ða láreówas áteoriaþ how can belief be prosperous if teaching and teachers fail, Ælfc. Gr. pref; Som. 1, 37. Leáfa fides, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 8, 10: 15, 28. Leáfo, 21, 21. [O. H. Ger. laubo.] v. ge-leáfa.
leáfa [?], an; m. Leave :-- Be his leáfan árǽrde mynster with his leave raised a monastery, Homl. Skt. 6, 145.
leáf-full; adj. Believing, faithful :-- Leáffull fidelis, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 25, 21: Jn. Skt. Lind. 20, 27. Ic cýðe on ðissan gewrte eallum leáffullum mannum hwet ic gerédd habbe wið míne arcebiscópes, Chart. Th. 347, 26. God cwæþ tó Moysen ðæt hé wolde cuman and hine ætforan ðam folce gesprecan ðæt hí ðý leáffulran wǽron God said to Moses that he would come and talk with him before the people, that they might be the more believing [v. Exod. 19, 9], Homl. Th. ii. 196, 18.
leáf-helmig; adj. Having a leafy top; frondicoma Germ. 390.
leáf-hlystend, es; m. A catechumen :-- [Ge?] leáfhlestend catechumenus, Hpt. Gl. 457, 12. v. geleáfhlystend.
leáf-, léf-, lýf-ness; e; f. Leave, permission, licence :-- Gif him léfnys seald wǽre if leave had been given him, Bd. 1, 23; S. 486, 8. Lýfnes licentia, 4, 18; S. 586, 34: 2, 1; S. 501, 32: 5, 19; S. 640, 10. Bútan heora Ieóda geþafunge and leáfnysse absque suorum consensu ac licentia, 2, 2; S. 502, 35. Bútan kyninges léfnesse [MSS. B. H. leáfe], L. Alf. pol. 8; Th. i. 66, 16. Mid his léfnysse accepta ab eo licentia, Bd. 1, 25; S. 486, 11. Mid Ebrinum lýfnysse, 4, 1; S. 564, 44. Heó his leáfnysse hæfde ðæt ... she would have his permission to ... 1, 25; S. 486, 34. Nymðe þurh leáfnysse his ágenes abbudes nisi per demissionem proprii abbatis, 4, 5; S. 572, 38. Hí máran léfnysse onféngon tó lǽranne majorern prædicandi licentiam acciperent, 1, 26; S. 488, 5. Lýfnesse, 5, 11; S. 625, 30. Lýfnesse sealde ðæt ... gave leave to..., 1, 25; S. 487, 20. Him lýfnesse sealde tó farene, 4, 1; S. 564, 34. Heó freó léfnesse sealdon, 2, 5; S. 507, 10. Forgeaf him lýfnesse, 4, 22; S. 592, 9. v. leáf.
leáf-scead, es; n. A place made shady by leaves or foliage, Exon. 58 b; Th. 212, 4; Ph. 205.
leáf-wyrm, es; m. A canker, caterpillar :-- Hé sealde leáfwyrme (MS. C. treowyrme) wæstm heora he gave their increase unto the caterpillar (A. V.), Ps. Spl. 77, 51.
leágung, e; f. Lying :-- Ðý læs on mé mǽge íðel spellung oððe scondlíc leágung [leásung?] beón gestǽled ne aut fabulæ aut turpi mendacio dignus efficiar, Nar. 2, 21.
leáh; g. leás; m. A lea, meadow, open space, untilled land :-- Ðanne is ðér se leáh ðe man ðæt lond mid friþe haldan scæl an eásthealfe sió ealdæ strǽt &c. now there is the open space(?) by which the land is protected; on the east side the old road &c., Cod. Dip. Kmbl. ii. 71, 20. Ðonne geúðe ic Ælfwine and Beorhtulfe ðæs leás and ðæs hammes be norþan ðære lytlan díc I granted Alfwine and Beorhtulf the meadow and the enclosure to the north of the little dike, 249, 33. Æt ðam leá ufeweardan, 36. Tó ðam leá ... on eásteweardan ðam leá ... tó fealuwes leá ðæt on fealuwes leá ... fram fealuwes leá, 250, 2, 16, 29, 32. Æt Eardulfes leá ... tó Aþelwoldes leá, Chart. Th. 291, 19, 22. Ðæt intó Eardulfes leá; of ðan leá, ðæt eft tó ðære greátan díc, 292, 4. Þurh ðone leá tó ðam miclan hæslwride, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. 250, 34. Betweox ða twegen leás, 21. Lytle leás amarcas, Wrt. Voc. ii. 10, 14. v. next word.
leáh; g. leáge; f. A lea, as a termination of local names -leigh, -ley, -ly; it occurs frequently in the charters :-- Hríðra leáh campus armentorum, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. i. 232, 21. Ðis syndon ða landgemǽro tó madanleáge (cf. 120, 28 madan lieg) ǽrest on witena leáge, iii. 121, 13-4. On mapodorleáge; be eáston ðære leáge ... eft on Heortleáge westeweardre, 407, 7, 8, 13. On hemléclége, 437, 4. Ðonne on ðæt (ða?) lége ... ðonne on gerihte on riscleáge, 10, 24-5. Of ðam clyfe on heán léage: ðæt on lungan leáge .. ðonne on Swonleáge, 48, 6, 7. On Wytleáhe; of Wytleáge, 14, 6. Óð ða lége, 406, 27. [Piers P. bad hym eryen his leyes, 7, 5: Promp. Parv. lay, londe not telyd, see note 2, p. 285; cf. Pol. Songs Wrt. mi lond leye liþ and leorneþ to slepe, 152, 10: ley lond tere freche, Wrt. Voc. 153, 4. O. H.Ger. v. Grmm D. M. 1202, has lóh; m. lucus, which occurs also in local names, e.g. Hohenlohe, Grff. 2, 127-8: the same suffix is found in Water-loo.] v. preceding word.
leáh; g. leáge; f. Lye, a mixture of ashes and water :-- Láeg læxiva, Wrt. Voc. ii. 112, 28. Leáh lexiva 50, 50: lixa, 52, 13. On bitere lége, L. Med. Ex. Quad. 9, 14; Lchdm. i. 364, 5. Ofergeót ða ascen mide, mac swá tó léga, 378, 11. Wyrc him leáge of ellenahsan, L. M. 3, 47; Lchdm. ii. 338, 25. [Ayenb. we byeþ alle ywesse of onelepi leʒe, 145, 22: Prompt. Parv. ley for waschynge lixivium, 294, see note: O. H. Ger. louga lexivia.]
leáh-hrycg, es; m. The ridge of a lea :-- Tó ðæm ealdan lǽghrycge, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 437, 17.
leáh-mealt-wurt some kind of wort :-- Léhmealtwurt lexinum (? lixivum, cf. lixivum mustum the wine that runs out of the grapes before they are pressed), Ælfc. Gl. 33; Som. 62, 23; Wrt. Voc. 34, 6.
leahter, es; m. I. a moral defect, a crime, fault, offence, sin, vice, disgraceful or shameful act, reproach, opprobrium, blame, disgrace :-- Leahter crimen, Ælfc. Gr. 9; Som. 9, 29. Hosp, lehter probrum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 67, 35. Ǽghwile mennisc lahter on ðǽm eádigan Sancte Johanne cennendum gestilled wæs every human vice was stilled in the blessed St. John's parents, Blickl. Homl. 163, 15, 1. Bútan leahtre sine crimine, Ælfc, Gr. 47; Som. 48, 3: Mt. Kmbl. 12, 5. Hié eodan on eallum Drihtnes bebodum bútan leahtre they walked in all the commandments of the Lord blameless, Blickl. Homl. 161, 31. Bútan ǽlcon womme and swá clǽne fram ǽlcon leahtre stainless and pure from every vice, Nicod. 28; Thw. 16, 31. Vitia ðæt synd lehtras on lédensprǽce, Ælfc. Gr. 50; Som. 51, 53. Swá sceal wísdómes bodung healdan manna heortan wið brosnunge fúlra leahtra, Homl. Th. ii. 536, 21, Ic mé synnum and leahtrum þeódde vitiorum implicamentis solebam servire, Bd. 3, 13; S. 538, 30. Hé unscyldig and bútan leahtrum wæs clǽne geméted absque crimine inventus est, 5, 19; S. 639, 30. Bysmrian leahtrum belecgan to revile and load with opprobrium, Andr. Kmbl. 2591; An. 1297. Hé begann tó lufienne leahtras tó swíðe he began to love vices too much, Ælfc. T. Grn. 17, 13. Leahtras noxas (cf. gylt uoxam, 50), Wrt. Voc. ii. 61, 41. Ýdel byþ seó lár ðe ne gehǽlþ ðære sáwle leahtras (v. II.) and unþeáwas, Homl. Th. i. 60, 35. Wið ða heáfodlícan leahtras against the deadly sins, Blickl. Homl. 37, 3. II. a bodily defect, disease, disorder, hurt, malady :-- Hyt áfeormaþ ðone leahtor ðe grécas hostopyturas hátaþ, ðæt ys, scurf ðæs heáfdes, Herb. 184, 4; Lchdm. i. 322, 15. Hyt ealne ðone leahtor genimeþ it takes away all the malady, 13, 3; Lchdm. i. 106, 2. Heó ðone leahtor [cancer] gehǽlan mæg, 32, 3; Lchdm. 1. 130, 14. Leahtras noxas [cf. dare noxam, 64], Wrt. Voc, ii. 61, 41. Wið leahtras ðæs múþes for blotches of the mouth, Herb. 145, 3; Lchdm. i. 268, 13. Wið misenlíce leahtras ðæs bæcþearmas, 165, 3; Lchdm. i. 294, 15. DER. syn-leahter.
leahter-cwide, es; m. Opprobrious, insulting, injurious speech, blasphemy :-- Æfter leahtorcwidum, Exon. 68 b; Th. 254, 18; Jul. 199.
leahter-full; adj. Vicious, seductive :-- Leahterfulle þeáwas vitiosos mores, Bd. 3, 13: S. 538, 32. Leahte[r]fulle decipulosa i. inlecibrosa, Wrt. Voc. ii, 138, 1.
leahter-leás; adj. Faultless, free from defect, free from sin, innocent :-- Forðon nis nán man leahtorleás quoniam nemo vitiorum expers est, L. Ecg. P. i. 9; Th. ii. 176, 16. Ðonne ðú óðerne man tǽle, ðonne geþenc ðú ðæt nán man ne byþ leahterleás, Prov. Kmbl. 3. Ic ða meorde wát leahtorleáse I know the reward to be faultless, Exon. 48 b; Th. 167, 14; Gú. 1060. Hié freóndrǽdenne fæste gelǽston leahtorleáse firmly should they friendship maintain, free from offence, Elen. Kmbl. 2415; El. 1209.
leahter-líce; adv. Viciously, noisomely :-- Ðæt deáde flǽsc rotaþ leahtorlíce ðonne se deádlíca líchama þeówaþ gálnysse the dead flesh rots noisomely when the mortal body is a slave to lust, Homl. Th. i. 118, 13.
leahter-wyrþe. v. un-leahterwyrþe.
leahtrian; p. ode. I. to charge with crime, impeach, accuse, blame, revile, reproach :-- Ic leahtrige criminor; ic leahtrode criminatus sum, Ælfc. Gr. 25; Som. 26, 61. Man godfyrhte lehtreþ ealles tó swíðe godfearing men are reviled far too much, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 110, 163. Ða ðe ða tída úres cristendómes leahtriaþ hi qui de temporibus Christianis murmurant, Ors. 2, 1; Swt. 62, 33. Ðá herede hé and nánuht ne leahtrade laudavit, 6, 1; Swt. 254, 14. Hý wǽran ealle ánsprǽce ðonne hý mé leahtrodon and lǽþdon loquebantur simul, Ps. Th. 40, 7. Ðæt hié ðás tída leahtrien, Ors. 3, 9; Swt. 136, 31. Gif se midwinter byþ on Seternes dealt ða clénan beóþ leahtrode if midwinter be on a Saturday the guiltless will be accused, Lchdm. iii. 164, 12. Leahtrian insimulare, Hpt. Gl. 506, 3. II. to corrupt, vitiate :-- Lehtriende inficians, Wrt. Voc. ii. 48, 7. v. ge-leahtrian.
leahtrung, e; f. Accusation, blame, detraction :-- Lehtrung derogatio, Ælfc. Gl. 61; Som. 68, 44; Wrt. Voc. 39, 28.
leán, es; n. Reward, recompense, remuneration, requital, retribution :-- Leán meritum laboris, Wrt. Voc. ii. 143, 40. Se ðe ðæt gelǽsteþ him biþ leán gearo, Cd. 22; Th. 28, 14; Gen. 435. Him ðæs grim leán becom terrible retribution befel them for that, 2; Th. 3, 36; Gen. 46. Gif hé eal wel gefriðaþ [ðe] hé wealdan sceal ðonne biþ hé gódes leánes ful wel weorðe if he protects well all that he has to keep, then is he quite entitled to good pay, L. R. S. 20; Th. i. 440, 18. Ic ðé tó leánes ðínne noman mǽrsige in recompense I will magnify thy name, Lchdm. iii. 436, 28. Hwæt dést ðú ús ðæs tó leáne what recompense will you give us for that? Homl. Th. i. 392, 33: Cd. 135; Th. 170, 27; Gen. 2819. Sigores tó leáne as a reward of victory, Beo. Th. 2047; B. 1021. Be hundfealdon hé onféhþ leán centuplum accipiet, Mt. Kmbl. 19, 29. Wé sceolan habban ánfald leán ðæs ðe wé on lífe ǽr geworhtan, L. C. E. 18; Th. i. 370, 21. Gebyreþ ðæt man his geswinces leán gecnáweþ it is proper that the reward of his labour be acknowledged [i.e. he be rewarded for his labour], L. R. S. 20; Th. i. 440, 12. Ðǽr leán cumaþ werum bí gewyrhtum there rewards come to men according to their deserts, Exon. 27 b; Th. 84, 2; Cri. 1367. Sægde leána þanc and ealra ðara ðe him síð and ǽr gifena drihten forgifen hæfde, Cd. 142; Th. 177, 22; Gen. 2933. Gé eów ondrǽdaþ ðæt gé onfón tó lytlum leánum you are afraid of receiving too little reward, Blickl. Homl. 41, 21. Leánum míne gife gyldan to requite my gift, Cd. 22; Th. 27, 4; Gen. 412. Nealles ic ðám leánum forloren hæfde, mægnes méde, Beo. Th. 4296; B. 2145. Ðonne forliést gód man his leánum ðonne hé his gód forlǽt tum suo praemio carebit, cum probus esse desierit, Bt. 37, 2; Fox 189, 26. Ðæt edleán is ofer ealle óðre leán tó lufienne, Fox 190, 1. [Goth. laun: O. Sax. lón: O. Frs. lán: Icel. laun; pl.: O. H. Ger. lón praemium, merces, stipendium, remuneratio: Ger. lohn.] DER. æfter-, and-, dǽd-, drinc-, ed-, eft-, ende-, feorh-, fóstor-, hand-, iú-, morþor-, sige-, sigor-, wiðer-, word-, wuldor-leán.
leán; p. lóg [a weak form also occurs (cf. Icel.) :-- Se ðe wolde leógan oftost on his wordon, ealle hine leádan, ða ðe God lufedan, Wulfst. 168, 17.] To blame, reproach, find fault with, disapprove, scorn :-- Ne leá ic ðé ná ðæt ðú ǽgðer lufige I blame thee not for loving either, Shrn. 197, 2. Hý nǽfre man lyhþ se ðe secgan wile sóð æfter rihte a man that will rightly tell the truth will never blame them, Beo. Th. 2101; B. 1048. Ða ðe ðæt unliéfde leáþ and swá ðeáh dóþ qui accusant prava, nec tamen devitant, Past. 55, 1; Swt, 427, 12. Paulus ðæt yfel ðære forlegnesse swá manegum áwiergdum leahtrum lóh Paulus fornicationis vitium tot criminibus execrandis inseruit, 51, 8; Swt. 401, 26. Hé him lóh ðæt hé hæfde his bróðor wíf him tó cifese he reproached him with having his brother's wife as his concubine, Shrn. 123, 1. Nales wordum lóg méces ecge he brought no word of blame against the blade's edge, Beo. Th. 3627; B. 1811. Ðara manna ðe mé ðæt lógon ðæt ic ðǽm wegum férde hominum qui dixerant mihi ne festinarem, Nar. 6, 27. Ðone siðfæt him snotere ceorlas lythwón lógon prudent men a little blamed him for that journey, Beo. Th. 408; B. 203. Ne hié winedrihten wiht ne lógon, 1729; B. 862. Ne ðé silfne ne hera ne ðé silfne ne leah neither praise thyself, nor blame thyself, Prov. Kmbl. 36. Herigaþ oft suá suíðe suá hié hit leán scoldon plerumque laudant etiam, quod reprobare debuerant, Past. 17, 3; Swt. 111, 6. Ða déman beóþ swíðor tó herigenne ðonne tó leánne, Blickl. 63, 21. Eal swilc is tó leánne nǽfre tó lufianne, L. Eth, vi, 29; Th. i. 322, 22. Bócláre leánde and unriht lufiende scorning booklearning and loving wrong, Wulfst. 82, 2. [Goth. laian; p. lailó to revile; O. Sax. lahan; p. lóg: Icel. lá; p. láðí to blame: O. H. Ger. lahan; p. luog vituperare.] v. be-leán.
leán-gifa, an; m. One who gives recompense or reward :-- Swylce se rihtwísa leángyfa nó mid wordum ac mid dǽdum ðus cwǽde as if the righteous Recompenser had said not with words but with deeds, Lchdm. iii. 436, 23.
leánian; p. ode To reward, recompense, requite, pay :-- Ic ðé ða fǽhþe leánige ealdgestreónum I will recompense thee for the strife with ancient treasures, Beo. Th. 2765; B. 1380. Ðú ús leánest unfreóndlíce those dost requite us unkindly, Cd. 127; Th. 162, 29; Gen. 2688. God mǽrlíce leánaþ ǽghwylcum ðara ðe him gód behét and ðæt eft fullíce gelǽst, Lchdm. iii. 436, 16: Exon. 20 a; Th. 52, 4; Cri. 828: 113 a; Th. 434, 12; Rä. 51, 9. Gúþláce God leánode ellen mid árum, 39 a; Th. 129, 13; Gú. 420. Mé ðone wælrǽs wine Scyldinga leánode manegum máðmum, Beo. Th. 4211; B. 2102. Lofe leánige, Exon. 54 b; Th. 193, 13; Az. 121. Ðæt hió him leánige ðæt hé ǽr tela dyde that it may reward him for having done well, Bt. 40, 1; Fox. 236, 4. Ðám gódum leánian hiora gód to reward the good for their goodness, 39, 12; Fox 230, 25. Nú ic wolde ðé ðone unþanc mid yfele leánian valet manus mea reddere tibi malum, Gen. 31, 29. Ðá cwæþ heó ðæt heó ne dorste him swá leánian swá hé hire tó geearnud hæfde then said she, that she dared not requite him as he had deserved of her, Chart. Th. 202, 21. Ǽghwylcum ánum men gyldan and leánigean æfter his sylfes weorcum, Blickl. Homl. 123, 34. [O. Sax. lónón: O. Frs. lánia: Icel. launa: O. H. Ger. lónón retribuere, munerare, reddere: Ger. lohnen.] v. ge-leánian.
leánung, e; f. Reward, recompense :-- Leánung [?leasung. Wrt.] hostimen, Wrt. Voc. ii. 43, 20. v. ed-leánung.
leáp, es; m. I. a basket, a basket containing a certain amount, [two-thirds of a bushel? 'Lepe quod est tertia pars duorum bussellorum;' in Sussex, time of Ed. I.] a weel for catching fish :-- Leáp corbis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 23, 6: calatus, 127, 73. Leóht leáp imbilium, Wrt. Voc. 287, 27: ii. 46, 40. Leáp vel wilige cophinus, Ælfc. Gl. 101; Som. 77, 32; Wrt. Voc. 55. 37. Leáp vel bogenet nassa, 84; Som. 73, 90; Wrt. Voc. 48, 28. Sǽdere gebyreþ ðæt hé hæbbe ǽlces sǽdcynnes ǽnne leáp fulne, L. R. S. 11; Th. 1. 438, 9. Leápas corbes, Wrt. Voc. ii. 20, 52. Ðá bær man up of ðan ðe hí lǽfdon twelf leápas fulle, Wulfst. 293, 32. II. trunk [of the body], Judth. 10; Thw. 23, 8; Jud. 111. [The word is to be found among English dialects, see the note in Prompt. Parv. p. 296; also the following reference in E.. D. S. Publications 'Leap a large deep basket; a chaff basket, B. 2. Leap or lib half a bushel [in Sussex], B. 16, 18. Lep a large wicker basket, Gloss. of old farming words, vi. Leap a wicker basket for catching eels, Lincoln. Icel. laupr a basket of lattice work.] v. sǽd-leáp.
leás; adj. I. loose, free from, destitute or void of, without :-- Hé wæs ealra fyrena leás he was free from all sins, Blickl. Homl. 135, 2: Exon. 9 b; Th. 8, 25; Cri. 123. Wer womma leás a man spotless, Cd. 188; Th. 233, 29; Dan. 283. Land leóhtes leás and líges full a land without light and full of flame, 18; Th. 21, 32; Gen. 333. Ríces leás powerless, 19; Th. 24, 4; Gen. 372. Búendra leás without inhabitants, 5; Th. 6, 16; Gen. 89. Alles leás écan dreámes void of all eternal joy, 217; Th. 276, 1; Sat. 182: Beo. Th. 1705; B. 850. Náge wé náne þearfe ðæt wé ðyses weorþan leáse ac utan dón swá ús þearf is gelǽstan hit georne we have no need to fail in this; but let us do, as there is need for us, diligently perform it, Wulfst. 38, 13. II. vain, false, lying, deceitful, deceptive, faulty :-- Leás pellax, Wrt. Voc. ii. 95, 60. Solocismus biþ sum leás word on ðam verse, Ælfc. Gr. 50; Som. 51, 51. Ðonne sægde Petrus ðæt hé wǽre leás drý then said Peter that he was a false sorcerer, Blickl. Homl. 175, 7. Hit is swíðe leás tóhopa falsus equus ad salutem, Ps. Th. 32, 15. Hwæðer hit sig ðe sóð ðe leás ðe gé secgaþ utrum vera an falsa sint, quæ dixistis, Gen. 42, 16. Se leása gewita the false witness, Deut. 19, 19. Se leása gylp vainglory, Blickl. Homl. 59, 18. Mid leásre gecýðnesse with false witness, 173, 35. Ne beó ðú on liésre gewitnysse ongén ðínne néhstan non loqueres contra proximum tuum falsum testimonium, Exod. 20, 16: Wulfst. 40, 11. Leáse múðe with lying mouth, Ps. Th. 77, 35. Sume sǽdon leáse cýðnesse ágén hine quidam falsum testimonium ferebant adversus eum, Mk. Skt. 14, 57. Leáse sybbe ne sceal mon syllan feigned friendship must not be formed, Glostr. Frag. 112, 14. Ðonne cumaþ leáse Cristas and leáse wítegan surgent enim pseudo-cristi et pseudo-prophetæ, Mt. Kmbl. 24, 24. Ðás leásan spell hæc fabula, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 170, 15. Fram leásum wítegum a falsis prophetis, Mt. Kmbl. 7, 15. Wiðsacaþ ðám leásum welum renounce the deceitful riches, Blickl. Homl. 53, 23. Ða leásan godas false gods, 201, 30. Fiscere ðone leásostan a fisherman most false, 179, 14. [R. Glouc. les: Prompt. Parv. Chauc. lees: Goth. laus empty, vain: O. Sax. lós free from; false: O. Frs. lás: Icel. lauss loose, free, void: O. H. Ger. lós levis, turpis: Ger. los.]
leás es; n. Falsehood, falseness :-- Hí ongietaþ ðæt ðæt wæs leás and ídelness ðæt hí ǽr heóldon they perceive that that was falsehood and vanity that they formerly held; deprehenderint falsa se vacue tenuisse, Past. 58, 1; Swt. 441, 18. Ðæt leás, Elen. Kmbl. 1157; El. 580. Gif gé ðisum leáse leng gefylgaþ if longer ye follow this falsehood, 1148; El. 576. Bútan leáse truly, Bt. 41, 1; Fox 244, 12: Bt. Met. Fox 30, 36; Met. 30, 18. [A. R. leas falsehood, 82, 16: Laym. buten lese.]
-leás a frequently occurring suffix used to form adjectives, having the force of without [v. leas I.], modern -less. It is found in the cognate dialects. v. leás.
leás-bregd, -bréd; adj. False, deceitful, cheating :-- Ðú leásbréda feónd and fácnes ordfruma, Homl. Skt. 6, 314.
leás-bregd, -bréd, es; m. Deceit, fraud, a trick, cheat, wile :-- Hé hiwode þurh drýcræft fela leásbregda he performed many tricks by magic, Wulfst. 99, 16. Swicol on dǽdum and on leásbregdum, 107, 2. Þurh his leásbregdas, 252, 19. Mid leásbregdum earmum mannum derian to harm poor men with tricks, L. I. P. 12; Th. ii. 320, 25.
leás-bregdende, -brédende; adj. Wily, deceitful :-- Hund síðon líhþ se leásbrédenda centies mentitur versipellis, Ælfc. Gr. 49; Som. 50, 31.
leás-bregdness, -brédness e; f. Deception, falsehood, Leo. 220, 22.
leás-cræft, es; m. A false art, deception :-- Hé hié getýhþ tó eallum uncystum and tó ðære lufan ðisse worlde mid his leáscræftum he draws them to all vices and to the love of this world with his false arts, Blickl. Homl. 25, 12.
leásere, es; m. I. a false person, hypocrite :-- Leáseras ɫ légeras falsos, Mt. Kmbl. p. 15, 8. II. one who feigns or acts, a buffoon, jester :-- Se wæs ǽrest sumes káseres mima, ðæt is leásere and sang beforan him scandlícu leóþ first he was some emperor's mima, that is, jester, and sang obscene songs before him, Shrn. 121, 9. Ðá gesealde hé ða fǽmnan his leáserum, 154, 23. Ðá hét hé his leáseres hine lǽdan tó ðæm wuda, 83, 18. [O. H. Ger. lósare dolosus.]
leásettan; p. te To feign, pretend :-- Leásetende ðæt hí woldon hine eft tó lífe árǽran pretending that they would raise hint to life again, Homl. Th. ii. 474, 10.
leás-ferhpness, e; f. Inconstancy, falseness, folly :-- Hú micel leóhtmódnes and leásferþnes quanta mentis levitas, Past. 43, 5; Swt. 313, 10. v. leás-líc.
leás-fyrhte ( = (?)leás-ferhþ), false :-- Leásfyrhte is unrihtwísnys him mentita est iniquitas sibi, Ps. Spl. 26, 18.
leás-gewitness, e; f. False witness :-- Leásgewitnyssa, Homl. Th. ii. 592, 5.
leás-gilp, es; m. Vain-glory :-- Ðæt hié ne wilnigen leásgielpes ne inanem gloriam quaerant, Past. 48, 2; Swt. 367, 24.
leásian; p. ode To lie :-- Leásiaþ ðé fýnd ðíne mentientur tibi inimici tui, Ps. Spl. C. 65, 2.
leásing, es; m. A false person [cf. earming] :-- Nǽfre ðú gelǽrest ðæt ic leásingum dumbum and deáfum deófolgieldum gaful onháte never shall thou persuade me to promise tribute to false creatures, to dumb and deaf idols [or is leásingum = with lies, falsely. v. leásung], Exon. 68 a; Th. 251, 23; Jul. 149.
leás-líc; adj. False, vain, frivolous :-- Wénþ ðæt hit hæbbe sum heálíc gód gestryned ... and mé þincþ ðæt hit hæbbe geboht sume swíðe leáslíce mǽrþe it supposes that it has gained some exalted good ... and methinks it has purchased a very false greatness, Bt. 24, 3; Fox 82, 24. Leáslíce cristene false christians, Wulfst. 93, 8. Leóhtlícu weorc and leáslícu levitas operis, Past. 43, 1; Swt. 309, 1. Mid leáslícum wordum hí hine beswícaþ with false words they deceive him; blandientes sermone ut decipiant eos, Nar. 37, 5. Ða leáslícan ceápas binnan ðam Godes húse geþafedon they allowed false bargains within God's house, Homl. Th. i. 406, 15.
leás-líce; adv. Falsely, deceptively :-- Leáslíce falso, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 41, 35. Leáslíce geclypode oððe áwritene pronounced or written wrongly, 50; Som. 51, 52. Hit biþ swíðe leáslíce on siolufres hiewe [stannum] argenti speciem mentitur, Past. 37, 3; Swt. 269, 3: Bd. 2, 9; S. 511, 20 note.
leás-lícettan; p. te To dissemble, feign :-- Leáslíccettan dissimulari, Wrt. Voc. ii. 27, 38.
leás-lícettung, e; f. Dissimulation, pretence :-- Næs hé begangende leáslícetunge he did not practise dissimulation, Guthl. 2; Gdwin 12, 18.
leásmód-ness, e; f. Inconstancy, want of stability :-- Ðære leóhtmódnesse and ðære leásmódnesse sanctus Paulus hine ládode a quibus [mentis levitas, cogitationum inconstantia] se alienum Paulus fuisse perhibuit, Past. 42, 3; Swt. 308, 6.
leás-ness, e; f. Levity, fickleness; falseness, lying :-- Þurh leásnesse per mendacium, Confess. Peccat. Ðæt ic swá wǽre álýsed fram ðære scylde ðære swýðe ídlan leásnesse ut sic absolvar reatu supervacuæ levitatis, Bd. 4, 19; S. 589, 30.
leás-ólecung, e; f. Flattery, cajolery :-- Leásólecung lenocinia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 49, 68.
leás-sagol; adj. Saying what is false, mendacious :-- Se ðe wǽre leássagol weorðe se sóðsagol he that told lies, let him tell the truth, Wulfst. 72, 16.
leás-spanung, e; f. Seduction, allurement, enticement :-- Leássponunge nec lenonum [lenocinium?], Wrt. Voc. ii. 59, 71.
leás-spell, es; n. A false story, fiction, fable :-- Leásspel figmenta, Wrt. Voc. ii. 34, 43. Be swylcum menn leásspell secgaþ de qualibus fabulæ ferunt, Bd. 4, 22; S. 591, 26.
leás-spellung, e; f. Idle, vain, or false talking :-- Leásspellunga fabulationum, Bd. 4, 25; S. 601, 14. Leásspellunga nenias, Wrt. Voc. ii. 59, 74. Sóna swá hit forlǽt sóðcwidas swá folgaþ hit leásspellunga ut quoties abjecerint veras, falsis opinionibus induantur, Bt. 5, 3; Fox 14, 16.
-leást, -liést, -lést, -lýst a termination of nouns formed from adjectives in -leás.
leás-tyhtan; p. te To wheedle, flatter :-- Leástyhtendum lenocinantibus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 50, 15.
leás-tyhtung, e; f. Wheedling, flattery, cajolery :-- Leástihtinge lenocinia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 49, 68.
leásung, e; f. Leasing, lying, vain or frivolous speech, fiction, false witness, falsehood, falseness, hypocrisy, deception, deceitfulness, artice :-- Leásung vel faam famfaluca (Ital. fanfaluca, a whim, trifle, and see Ducange, s. v.), Ep. Gl. 9 d, 12. Leásung ðissa woruldwelena fallacia divitiarum, Mt. Kmbl. 13, 22. Leásung falsitas, Rtl. 37, 31. Heóra leásung wæs gecyrred tó heom sylfum mentita est iniquitas sibi, Ps. Th. 26, 14. Ðæs forwyrd and leásung and forleornung swíðe raþe cymþ tó him ðe hé hine sylfne déþ tó ðon ðe hé nis for this reason destruction and lying and error come quickly to him, that he makes himself out what he is not, Blickl. Homl. 183, 34. Sóðfæstnysse feóung and seó lufu líges and leásunge odium veritatis amorque mendacii, Bd. 1, 14; S. 482, 24. Nebulonis heowunga; fallacis scúan ɫ leásunge, Hpt. Gl. 459, 14. Hé nǽfre nóht leásunga ne ídeles leóþes wyrcean ne mihte nihil unquam frivoli et supervacui poematis facere potuit, 4, 24; S. 596, 52. Fulle mið leásunge pleni hypocrisi, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 23, 28. Ne beó ðú leás gewita. Ðis bebod wiðcweþ leásunge 'Thou shall not be a false witness.' This commandment forbids leasing-making [cf. Scott. 'leasing-making the crime of uttering falsehood against the king to the people or vice versa], Homl. Th. ii. 208, 27. Ða Judéiscan noldon gehýran Cristes sóðfæstnysse, forðan ðe hí wǽron áfyllede mid heora fæder leásunge, 226, 24. Ðonne glád ðæt deófol út mid his leásunge swá swá smýc æt his eágdura then the devil by his artifice stepped out at his eye in the form of smoke, Shrn. 52, 33. Wrec ðé gemetlíce ðy læs ðe men [man?] leásunga teó ðæt ðú ðíne cysts cýðe revenge thyself in moderation, lest the charge be falsely made, that thou display thy virtues, Prov. Kmbl. 46. Leásunga frivola, Wrt. Voc. ii. 34, 55. Leásunga factiones, Hpt. Gl. 472, 3. Leásunga lenonum, 500, 55. On leásungum in mendaciis, Coll. Monast. Th. 32, 29. Se hlísa ðe hé ǽr mid leásungum wilnode the reputation (of philosopher) that he had before desired under false pretences, Bt. 18, 4; Fox 68, 5. Nelle wé eác mid leásungum þyllíc líccetan, Homl. Skt. pref. 49. Leásingum beswicen ðæt hé wéneþ furþon ðæt hé man ne sý [so] deceived by false notions that he thinks even that he is not man, Blickl. Homl. 179, 5: Elen. Kmbl. 2243; El. 1123. For ðínum leásungum on account of thy falsehoods, Cd. 214; Th. 268, 28; Sat. 62. Ðú fordést ða ðe symle leásinga specaþ thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing [A.V.], Ps. Th. 5, 5. Onscúna ðú á leásunga, L. Ælf. 44; Th. i. 54, 14: Homl. Th. ii. 482, 25. Fácen and leásunga from úrum heortum ádoon to remove deceit and falseness from our hearts, Blickl. Homl. 95, 27. Þurh áðbrycas and þurh weddbrycas and þurh mistlíce leásunga, Swt. A. S. Rdr. l09, 151. Búton ðú forlǽte ða leásinga, weohweorðinga, Exon. 68 a; Th. 253, 13; Jul. 179: Elen. Kmbl. 1375; El. 689. Ðyllíce leásunga hí worhton and míhton eáþe secgan sóþsped gif him ða leásunga nǽron swétran, Bt. 35, 4; Fox 162, 14: 38, 1; Fox 196, 8. [Prompt. Parv. leesynge mendacium; lesynge nuga: Icel. lausung lying, falsehood.]
leásung-spell, es; n. A false or foolish story, a fable :-- Ðá hæfdon monige unwíse menn him tó worde and tó leásungspelle ðæt sió hǽte nǽre for hiora synnum ac sǽdon ðæt hió wǽre for Fetontis forscapunge ex quo quidam, dum non concedunt Deo potentiam, suas inanes ratiunculas conquirentes, ridiculum Phaetontis fabulam texuerunt, Ors. 1, 7; Swt. 40, 8.
leáþor, es; n[?]. A kind of nitre used for soap, lather :-- Leáþor nitrum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 62, 3. Of leáþre nitria, 61, 27. Gníd swíðe ðæt heó sý eall geléþred þweah mid ðý leáþre ðæt heáfod gelóme rub strongly so that it may be all lathered, wash the head frequently with the lather, Lchdm. iii. 2, 4. [Icel. lauðr; n. froth or foam of the sea water; a kind of nitre or soap.]
leáþor-wyrt, e; f. Lather-wort, soap-wort; saponaria officinalis :-- Leáþorwyrt, borith, erba fullonum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 12, 47: 38, 43: L. M. I, 3; Lchdm. ii. 42, 22.
leáw-finger, es; m. The forefinger :-- Leáwfinger, index, Ps. Th. 72, 11. [Cf.[?] O. H. Ger. gi-lou versutus, sollers, gnarus, Grff. 2, 35.]
leax, læx, lex, es; m. A salmon, lax [Scott.] :-- Lex salmo vel esocius, Ælfc. Gl. 102; Som. 77, 65; Wrt. Voc. 55, 70. Leax ysox, 65, 66: esox, Wrt. Voc. ii. 30, 48. Laex isic, 112, 8. Leax sceal on wǽle mid sceóte scríðan swiftly shall the salmon in the stream's eddy move, Menol. Fox 538; Gn. C. 39. Leaxes geallan, L. M. 3, 2; Lchdm. ii. 308, 6. Hwý gé nú ne settan on some dúne fiscnet eówru, ðonne eów fón lysteþ leax? Bt. Met. Fox 19, 23; Met. 19, 12. Hwæt féhst ðú on sǽ? Hærincgas and leaxas quid capis in mari? Aleces et isicios, Coll. Monast. Th. 24, 9. Ðis is seó gerǽdnes ... gesyllan ǽlce geare xv. leaxas this is the agreement ... that they give xv salmon every year, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 295, 34: L. In. 70; Th. i. 146, 19. [Icel. lax a salmon: O. H. Ger. lahs salmo, esox: Ger. lachs.]
leax-heáfod, es; n.? :-- Lex heáfod capital, Wrt. Voc. ii. 128. 43.
lec rimosus, Germ. 400. v. hlec.
lec (?), sweet :-- Lec dulcia, Hpt. Gl. 411, 47.
léc, es; m. Look, sight :-- Wé sceolon áwendan úrne léc fram yfelre gesihþe, urne hlyst fram yfelre sprǽce, Homl. Th. ii. 374, 3. v. on-léc.
leccan; p. lehte, leohte To moisten, wet :-- Ic lecce rigabo, Ps. Spl. 6, 6. Hæglas and snáwas and se oftrǽda rén leccaþ ða eorþan on wintra hiemem defluus irrigat imber, Bt. 39, 13; Fox 234, 16: Met. Fox 29, 128; Met. 29, 64: Exon. 56 b; Th. 202, 4; Ph. 64. Sumu twigu hé lehte mid wætere some twigs he watered, Past. 40, 3; Swt. 293, 7. His eágospind mid teárum leohte wetted his cheeks with tears, Guthl. 20; Gdwin 82, 4. Leohte ðæt líðe land lago yrnende, Cd. 12; Th. 13, 30; Gen. 210. Seó wæs wætrum weaht and wæstmum þeaht lagostreámum leoht it was refreshed by the waters, covered with various growths, irrigated by running streams, 91; Th. 115, 21; Gen. 1923. Leccende rigans, Ps. Surt. 103, 13. [O. H. Ger. lekjan; p. lacta rigare, irrigare: Ger. lecken: cf. Icel. leka; p. lak to drip.] DER. ge-, geond-leccan.
leccing, e; f. Watering, moistening :-- Leccinc inrigatio, Kent. Gl. 33.
lecg, e; f. Some part of a weapon, the cross bar in the hilt[?] :-- Án handsex and [an?] ðæræ lecge is hundeahtati mancussa goldæs, Chart. Th. 527, 9. Leo takes lecg = gift, legacy, and then a dish of three pounds and a cup of equal amount would go to make up the amount of eighty mancusses. As regards the value of a handseax, Chart. Th. 501, 5 may be quoted, where one worth eighty mancusses is mentioned. [Cf. ledge, a bar E. D. S. Publ. B. 20: ledge the horizontal bar of a gate, Lincolnshire. In Prompt. Parv. legge, ouer twarte byndynge ligatorium, occurs: other words that suggest themselves by their form for comparison are M. H. Ger. lecke leiste, saum: O. H. Ger. legge tornaturus, intransversum ligna tornata: Icel. lögg the ledge or rim at the bottom of a cask.]
LECGAN; p. legde, lægde, léde To cause to lie. I. to lay, place, put, lay [a dead body in the grave.] :-- Syððan hé ðanne grundweall legþ postea quam posuerit fundamentum, Lk. Skt. 14, 29. Ða ungeþyldegan ne mágon áberan nánwuht ðæs láðes ðe him mon on legþ impatientes ab aliis illata non tolerant, Past. 40, 4; Swt. 293, 17. Wá ðǽm ðe willaþ under ǽlcne elnbogan lecggean pyle ... Se legeþ pyle under ǽlces monnes elnbogan seðe ... væ his qui consuunt pulvillos sub omni cubito manus .. . Pulvillos sub omni cubito manus ponere, est ... 19, 1; Swt. 143, 14. Cwén mec hwílum hond on legeþ, Exon. 127 a; Th. 489, 8; Rä. 78, 4. Ða land ðe hig ðiderin lecgeaþ beón ða ðám gebróðran ðe ðǽr binnan beóþ tó fódnoþe and tó scrúde let the lands, that they assign thereto, be for the feeding and clothing of the brethren there, Chart. Th. 370, 25. Sege mé hwar ðú hine lédest diciio mihi ubi posuisti eum, Jn. Skt. 20, 15. Se cyng lægde hí wið Eádward kyng hire hláforde the king laid [buried] her by King Edward her lord, Chr. 1075; Erl. 214, 12. Léde him ætforan posuit coram eis, Gen. 18, 8. Hé nam stánas and léde under his heáfod, 28, 11. Hine betellan æt ǽlc ðæra þinga ðe him man on léde to clear himself from every thing that was laid to his charge, Chr. 1048; Erl. 180, 12. Abraham legde hleór on eorþan, Cd. 107; Th. 140, 32; Gen. 2336. Se mec wrǽde on æt frumsceafte legde who at the beginning binding laid on me, Exon. 101 b; Th. 383, 22; Rä. 4, 14. Wé on bearm lægdon we put them into our laps, Salm. Kmbl. 864; Sal. 431. Gé on his wergengan wíte legdon ye imposed pain upon his pilgrim, 43 a; Th. 144, 29; Gú. 685. Ðæt folc geald heom swá mycel swá hí heom on legden the people paid as much as they imposed, Chr, 1052; Erl.183, 15. Hig lægdon ǽrende on hine tó ðam cynge they commissioned him to the king, 1064; Erl. 194, 24. Ðá lægdon hí fýr on they set fire to it, 1083; Erl. 209, 1. Lege hit hér beforan ðínum freóndum pone hic coram fratribus tuis, Gen. 31, 37. Lecgaþ ðǽrtóeácan add thereto, Wulfst. 274, 7. Sleá mon hine and on fúl lecge let him be slain and buried in unconsecrated ground, L. Eth. i. 4; Th. 284, 2: vi. 21; Th. i. 320, 6: L. C. S. 33; Th. i. 396, 17. Hwá wolde gelýfan ðæt Sarra sceolde lecgan cild tó hyre breóste tó gesoce quis crederet, quod Sara lactaret filium, Gen. 21, 7. Josue hét lecgan him on uppan ormǽte weorcstánas præcepit, ut ponerent super os ejus saxa ingentia, Jos. 10, 27. Lecgan ðone mæst to lower the mast, Bt. 41, 3; Fox 250, 15. Ægru lecgan to lay eggs, Lchdm. iii. 204, 30. Lástas lecgan to go, journey, Cd. 109; Th. 145, 3; Gen. 2400: 118; Th. 153. 9; Gen. 2536: Exon. 82 a; Th. 309, 14; Seef. 57. II. to cause to lie [dead. v. licgan], to slay :-- Hine lecge for þeóf seðe him tó cume let him that comes at him slay him for a thief, L. Ath. i. 2; Th. i. 200, 10. Gif hine hwá lecge, L. Eth. iv. 4; Th. i. 222, 9. Se ðe mid þeófe stande and mid feohte, lecge hine man mid ðam þeófe. v. 1, 3; Th. i. 228, 23. Ðæt hine man lecgan ne móste, Th. i. 230, 6. [Goth. lagjan: O. Sax. leggian: O. Frs. leia: Icel. leggja: O. H. Ger. legjan: Ger. legen.] DER. a-, be-, ge-, of-, tó-, under-, wið-lecgan.
lecþ, e; f.? :-- Lecþ [= ? legþ] peana, Wrt. Voc. 287, 29. Ducange gives 'peanius lignum tectis conficiendis aptum;' Spanish has peana a pedestal, a frame put at the foot of an altar to tread upon.
lecþa, an; m. The lowest part of a ship, in which bilge water collects :-- Sentina lectha ubi multae aque colliguntur in navem, Ep. Gl. 23 d, 15. Lectha sentina, Wrt. Voc. ii. 120, 27. Cf. (?) lec; hlec.
léf [or lef?]; adj. Weak, injured, infirm :-- Léf debilis, Germ. 389. On fýre hí ne lyst lócian gif se æppel léf biþ men do not like to look at fire if the apple of the eye be injured, Bt. 38, 5; Fox 204, 29. Léf mon lǽces behófaþ a sick man needs a doctor, Exon. 89 b; Th. 336, 8; Gn. Ex. 45. On féðe líf seonobennum seóc weak for walking, sick with sinew-wounds, 87 b; Th. 328, 16; Vy. 18. Oft him feorran tó laman liomseóce léfe cwónton oft from far to him the paralytic, the cripple, the infirm came, Elen. Kmbl. 2426; El. 1214. See note to Grmm. A. u. E. p. 166. [O. Sax. O. Frs. léf: Dut. loof.] v. á-, ge-léfan; léf; n; léfung.
léf, es; n. Hurt, damage, injury :-- Ðeore feórþan niht gif wind byþ léf byþ litel if there is wind on the fourth night, the damage will be little, Lchdm. iii. 164, 17.
léft, e; f. A vow; votum, Ps. Spl. T. 64, 1: 65, 12. [Cf.(?) Icel. leyfð praise.]
léfung, e; f. Weakening, laming, lameness, paralysis :-- Ðí læs ðe hí ðás léfunge on heora limum gebrohton lest they should bring this paralysis [want of power to speak, walk and see] upon their limbs, Homl. Th. ii. 486, 18.
leger, es; n. I. a lying :-- Hys spéda hý forspendaþ mid ðan langan legere ðæs deádan mannes inne they squander his wealth with the long lying of the dead man in the house, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 21, 9. II. a lying sick or dead, sickness, death :-- Nis ðǽr hungor ne þurst ne slǽp ne swár leger there is neither hunger nor thirst nor sleep nor grievous sickness, Exon. 32 a; Th. 101, 21; Cri. 1662: 56 b; Th. 201, 15; Ph. 56. On ðam sixtan dæge his legeres on the sixth day of his illness, Homl. Th. ii. 186, 28. Mid langre ádle laman legeres swíðe gehefigod longo paralysis morbo gravatam, Bd. 3, 9; S. 534, 6. Moyses and Aaron ge-endodon heora líf swáðeáh búton legere Moses and Aaron ended their lives, yet without sickness, Homl. Th. ii. 212, 13. Se preóst sceal smyrigan ða seócan symble on legere the priest must always anoint the sick in ill-ness, L. Ælfc. C. 32; Th. ii. 354, 14. Tó hæbbenne and tó syllanne for lífe and for legere to have and to give during life and at death, Chart. Th. 208, 3. Ðá cwæþ se cyng ðæt mihte beón geboden him wið clǽnum legere then the king said, the offer might have been made to him, if the death had been by fair means [it was by drowning], 31. III. a place to lie in, a couch, a lair, a place where the dead lie, a grave :-- Hálig leger [legerstów (?)] cimiterium, Ælfc. Gl. 49; Som. 65, 74; Wrt. Voc. 34, 9. Þolige hé clǽnes legeres and Godes mildse let him forfeit a hallowed grave and God's mercy, L. N. P. L. 62, 63; Th. ii. 300, 19, 22: Wulfst. 39, 19. Wé lǽraþ ðæt man innan circan ǽnigne man ne birige búton ... hé sí ðæs legeres wyrðe we enjoin that no man be buried within a church, unless he be worthy of such a place of burial, L. Edg. C. 29; Th. ii. 250, 17. On gehálgodan legere licgan to be buried in consecrated ground, 22; Th. ii. 248, 20. Ge on lífe ge on legere both alive and in the grave, L. Eth. v. 9; Th. i. 306, 22: vi. 5; Th. i. 316, 14: ix. 28; Th. i. 346, 19. Unsac hé wæs on lífe beó on legere swá swá hé móte, i. 184, 13; Lchdm. iii. 288, 6. Líchoman, se ðe on legre sceal weorþan wyrme tó hróðor, Exon. 71 b; Th. 267, 15; Jul. 415. Be ðære róde ðe ǽr in legere wæs lange bedyrned [of the cross that had been buried], Elen. Kmbl. 1200; E1. 602: 1442; El. 723. Líc legere fæst, 1762; El. 883. Se wæs fíftiges fótgemearces lang on legere he was fifty feet long in the place where he lay, Beo. Th. 6078; B. 3043. Leger ðis lectum istum, Rtl. 111, 24. On legir in lectum, 181, 7. Frýnd leger weardiaþ ðonne ic on úhtan ána gonge my friends rest in their couches, when ere the dawn I go solitary, Exon 115 b; Th. 443, 23; Kl. 34. [O. E. Homl. (to) leire couch: O. Sax. legar: O. Frs. legor: O. H. Ger. legar cubile, lustrum, accubitus, concubitus: Ger. lager: Goth. ligrs; m. a couch.]
leger-bǽre; adj. Suffering from sickness :-- Bútun hé on hláfordes neóde beó oððe legerbǽre unless he be on his lord's necessary business, or suffering from sickness, Chart. Th. 611, 20.
leger-bedd, es; n. A sick-bed, bed of death, grave :-- Sum mǽden hé gehǽlde ðæt ðe langlíce læg on legerbedde seóc a maiden he healed that had long been confined to her bed by sickness, Homl. Th. ii. 510, 25. Árís nú and ber hám ðín legerbed, i. 472, 25. Ðæt ðú ðus láðlíc legerbed cure that thou shouldst choose so loathly a couch [the grave], Soul Kmbl. 307; Seel. 157: Wulfst. 187, 12. Sceal ðis sáwelhús legerbedde fæst wunian wælræste, Exon. 47 b; Th. 164, 2; Gú. 1005: Beo. Th. 2019; B. 1007. [O. Sax. legar-bed.]
leger-fæst; adj. Sick, ill, R. Ben. 39, Lye. [O. Sax. legar-fast.]
legerian; p. ode To be ill, afflicted with sickness. v. ge-legerian.
leger-stów, e; f. A burial-place, cemetery :-- Hálig leger [legerstów?] cimeterium, poliandrium, Ælfc. Gl. 49; Som. 65, 74; Wrt. Voc. 34, 9. Cyricean ðe legerstów on sý a church at which there is a burial-place, L. Edg. i. 2; Th. i. 262, 12: L. C. E. 11; Th. i. 366, 24: 3; Th. i. 360, 23. Ðæt hí þolian woroldǽhta and gehálgodre legerstówe that they forfeit worldly possessions and a consecrated burial-place, L. Edm. E. 1; Th. i. 244, 14: 4; Th. i. 246, 6. Ypolitus bebyrigde ðone hálgan líchaman on ðære wudewan legerstówe Hippolytus buried the holy body in the burial-place of the widow, Homl. Th. i. 430, 26. [Laym. leir-stow.]
leger-teám, es; m. Matrimony, sexual intercourse [lawful or unlawful] :-- Matheus him sægde ðæt hé wǽre swá synnig wið God gif hé ða gehálgodan fǽmnan tó legerteáme onfénge swá se þeów wǽre se ðe fénge on kyninges quéne tó unryhtum hǽmde Matthew said to him, that he would be as guilty against God, if he received the consecrated virgin as his wife, as the slave would be who took a king's queen to commit adultery with her, Shrn. 132, 4. Legerteám flagitium, Wrt. Voc. ii. 39, 34.
leger-wíte, es; n. A fine for lying with a woman, L. H. 23; Th. i. 529, 23: 81; Th. i. 589, 3. [Trev. leir-wite fine for lying with a bond-woman.]
Legra ceaster. v. Ligora ceaster.
léhtan to alleviate. v. líhtan.
léh-tric, -tún. v. leác-tric, -tún.
leloþre [error for geloþre according to Cockayne. v. gelod-wyrt], A kind of dock :-- Lelodrae lapatium ( = λάπαθoν; cf. uude docce lapatium, Lchdm. iii. 303, col. 2), Ep. Gl. 13 f, 31. Lelothras radinape, 22 b, 32. Leloþre lapadium, Wrt. Voc. 69, 14: ii. 54, 24. Lelodrae lapatium, 112, 35. Lelothrae rodinope, 119, 24.
lemian; p. ede To lame, cripple, enfeeble, strike[?] :-- Swá wildu hors ðonne wé hié ǽresð gefangnu habbaþ wé hié stráciaþ mid brádre handa and lemiaþ equos indomitos blanda pries manu tangimus, Past. 41, 4; Swt. 303, 11. Hine sorhwylmas lemedon [MS. lemede] tó lange the waves of care had crippled him too long, Beo. Th. 1814; B. 905. [Icel. lemja to beat so as to lame or disable, to suppress: O. H. Ger. lemian debilitare: Ger. lähmen.]
lempedu, e; f. A lamprey :-- Lempedu lemprida, Wrt. Voc. ii. 53, 42.
lemp-healt, laempi-halt; adj. The word occurs in Wrt. Voc. ii. 51, 20, and in Ep. Gl. 13 f, 4 as the gloss of lurdus which Ducange explains as foul, cf. Ital. lordo, or stupid, cf. Fr. lourde, lourdand. Lye quotes without reference lempe lenitas; Icel. has lempiligr pliant, could the word mean 'unable to bend, stiff, awkward?'
lencten, lengten, lenten, es; m. Spring, Lent :-- Lencten ver: foreweard lencten vel middewærd lencten ver novum: æfterwærd lencten ver adultum, Ælfc. Gl. 95; Som. 76, 7, 12-14; Wrt. Voc. 53, 21, 26, 27. Swá nú lencten and hærfest; on lencten hit gréwþ, and on hærfest hit fealwiaþ, Bt. 21; Fox 74, 22. Gif middes wintres messedeg biþ on sunnandeg, ðonne biþ gód winter and lengten windi, Lchdm. iii. 162, 26. Winter biþ cealdost, lencten hrímigost, Menol. Fox 471; Gn. C. 6. Wæs ðá lencten ágán bútan vi. nihtum ǽr sumeres cyme on Maias Kɫ., Elen. Kmbl. 2452; El. 1227. Ðæs sylfan lentenes hé fór tó Róme in the course of the same spring he went to Rome, Chr. 1048; Erl. 177, 13. Ðá com Æðelréd cyning innan ðam lenctene hám tó his ágenre þeóde, 1014; Erl. 150, 17. Sunnan glǽm on lenctenne lífes tácen weceþ the sun's gleam in spring wakes signs of life, Exon. 59 b; Th. 215, 16; Ph. 254. Ðé má ðe man mót on lenctene flǽsces brúcan any more than flesh may be eaten in Lent, Wulfst. 305, 25. Sumor ðú and lencten swylce geworhtest æstatem et ver tu plasmasti ea, Ps. Th. 73, 16. Ðone lencten wǽron him on Cent during the spring they were in Kent, Chr. 1009; Erl. 143, 14. Nis nán blódlǽstíd swá gód swá on foreweardne lencten there is no time for letting blood so good as its the early spring, L. M. 1, 72; Lchdm. ii. 148, 3: 2, 30; Lchdm. ii. 228, 8. Gif mon in lencten hálig ryht in folce bútan leáfe álecgge gebéte mid cxx. sciɫɫ if any one in Lent suppress holy law among the people without leave, let him make amends with cxx shillings, L. Alf. pol. 40; Th. i. 88, 13. Ðú dydes sumer and lenten, Ps. Surt. 73, 17. [Piers P. lenten: Prompt. Parv. lente: cf. O. H. Ger. lengiz and lenzo ver: Ger. lenz. v. Grmm; D. M. 715.]
lencten-ádl, e; f. A fever, typhus fever, tertian fever :-- Lengtenádl tipus, Ælfc. Gl. 10; Som. 57, 24; Wrt. Voc. 19, 30. Lenctenádl tertiana, 289, 58. Lenctinádl tertiana, ii. 122, 20. Án lytel cniht franc lengtenádle wæs gelácnod ... sum cniht on langre lengtenádle wæs hefiglíce geswenced puerulus e febre curatus sit ... puerulus quidam longo febrium incommodo graviter vexatus fuit, Bd. 3, 12; S. 537, 2-5. Ða ðe on lengtenádle wǽron febricitantes, 4, 6; S. 574, 6. Wið lenctenádle, L. M. 1, 62; Lchdm. ii. 134, 28: 3, 1; Lchdm. ii. 306, 12.
lencten-bryce, es; m. A breach of the Lenten fast :-- Gif hwá openlíce lengctenbryce gewyrce, L. C. S. 48; Th. i. 402, 29.
lencten-dæg, es; m. A day in Lent :-- Lengctendagum, L. C. E. 17; Th. i. 370, 3: Wulfst. 117, 15.
lencten-eorþe, an; f. Land ploughed in the spring; veractum. Ducange gives 'veractum champ reonné' and refers to warectum 'terra novalis, seu requieta, quia alternis requiescit, sic dicta, inquit Edw. Cokus quasi vere novo victum, vel subactum.'], Ælfc. Gl. 1; Som. 55, 16; Wrt. Voc. 15, 16.
lencten-fæsten, es; n. The fast of Lent, L. Alf. pol. 5; Th. i. 64, 25: 40; Th. i. 88, 12: L. C. E. 16; Th. i. 368, 22: Wulfst. 117, 9.
lencten-líc; adj. Vernal, lenten :-- Lengtenlíc dæg dies vernalis, Ælfc. Gl. 95; Som. 76, 11; Wrt. Voc. 53, 25. Manegra manna cwyddung is ðæt seó lenctenlíce emniht gebyrige rehtlíce on Marian mæssedæge, Lchdm. iii. 256, 4. Ða clǽnan tíd lenctenlíces fæstenes the pure time of the Lenten fast, Homl. Th. ii. 98, 24. Ðæs lænctenlíces emnihtes dæg the day of the vernal equinox, Lchdm. iii. 238, 17. Ebréi healdaþ heora geáres annginn on lenctenlícre emnihte, 246, 17. On lenctenlícre tíde in spring time, Hexam. 4; Norm. 8, 3. Nú is ús álýfed ðæt wé ðæghwomlíce on ðyssere lenctenlícan tíde úre líchaman gereordigan mid forhæfednysse and clǽnnysse. Stuntlíce fæst se lenctenlíc fæsten, se ðe on ðisum clǽnum tíman hine sylfne mid gálnysse befýlþ, Hontl. Th. ii. 100, 13-17.
lencten-sufel, es; n. Food for the spring or for Lent :-- Syster beána tó længtensufle i. sester fabe ad quadrigesimalem convictum, L. R. S. 9; Th. i. 436, 31.
lencten-tíd, e; f. Spring-time, spring, Lent :-- Ver is lenctentíd, Lchdm. iii. 250, 9. Hit wæs lenctentíd erat vernum tempus, Gen. 48, 7. On lengtentíde mónþes tíde mense verni temporis, Ex. 34, 18. Nǽfre on lenctentíde never in Lent, Wulfst. 305, 24. Hé on lenctentíd gesceóp ðone forman dæg ðyssere worulde ðæt is xv cl. Aprilis he in spring created the first day of this world, that is the 18th of March, Hexam. 4; Norm. 8, 4: Bt. Met. Fox 29, 135; Met. 29, 68.
lencten-tíme; adj. Vernal :-- Lenctentíme vernali (s. tempore) Hpt. Gl. 496, 44.
lencten-wicu, an; f. A week in Lent :-- Ðys sceal on Þursdæg on ðære óðre lenctenwucan this shall be read on Thursday in the second week in Lent, Rubc. Jn. Skt. 5, 30.
-lenda, -lende. v. in-, ut-lenda, -lende.
lendan; p. de To arrive, come to land :-- Man hine lǽdde tó Eligbyrig ... sóna swá hé lende on scype man hine blende he was brought to Ely ... as soon as he arrived he was blinded on board ship, Chr. 1036; Erl. 165, 27; Ælf. Tod. 14. [Icel. lenda to come to land, get to: O. H. Ger. lantian applicare.] v. ge-lendan.
lenden-bán, es; n. The loin-bone :-- Lendenbán neoþeweard sacra spina, Ælfc. Gl. 74; Som. 71, 52; Wrt. Voc, 44, 35. [Cf. Misc. 12, 360, leigeð his skinbon on oðres lendbon.]
lenden-, lende-brǽð, e, f: -brǽda, an; m. A loin :-- Lendebrǽde lumbulos, Wrt. Voc. ii. 51, 31. Lendebrédé, 113, 35. Wið lendenbrǽdena sáre against lumbago[?], Herb. 1, 10; Lchdm. i, 74, 3. Sió helt ða lendenbrǽdan it [the liver] has a hold on the false ribs, L. M. 2, 17; Lchdm. ii. 198, 1. [Cf. O. H. Ger. lenti-práto; m. ren, renunculus, lumbulus, lumbus, Grff. 3, 285; Ger. lenden-braten loin, sirloin: and see hrycg-brǽdan.]
lenden-reáf, es; n. A covering for the loins, an apron :-- Lenden-, síd-reáf lumbare vel renale, Ælfc. Gl. 63; Som. 68, 112; Wrt. Voc. 40, 22.
lendenu; pl. The loins, reins :-- Lendenu renes vel lumbi, Ælfc. Gl. 74; Som. 71, 53; Wrt. Voc. 44, 36. Lændenu lumbi, 65, 26. Lendena renes, 71, 41. Laendino rien, Wrt. Voc. ii. 119, 17. Lendene renes, Ps. Spl. T. 15. 7. Beón eówer lendena ymbgyrde ... On ðám ymbgyrdum lendenum is se mægþhád tó understandenne let your loins be girded ... By the girded loins virginity is to be understood, Homl. Th. ii. 564, 25. Beóþ eówre lændenæ ymbgirde ... on ðá lendenum is getácnad swá swá wé leorniaþ on bócum seó fúle gálnes, L. Ælfc. P. 13-14; Th. ii. 368, 32-35. Begyrdaþ eówer lendenu renes vestros accingetis, Ex. 12, 11: Homl. Th. ii. 264, 8. Se Johannes hæfde fellenne gyrdel embe hys lendenu ipse Joannes habebat zonam pelliciam circa lumbos ejus, Mt. Kmbl. 3, 4. [Cf. O. L. Ger. lenda; f. ren: Icel. lend; f: O. H. Ger. lenti: f: Ger. lende; f.]
lenden-wearc, es; m. A disease of the kidneys; nefresis [nefritis?], Ælfc. Gl. 10; Som. 57, 39; Wrt. Voc. 19, 42.
lending, e; f. Landing, landing-place :-- Ic ann ealle ða lændinge and ða gerihte of ðam ilkan wætere concedo omnes exitus ejusdem acquæ, Chart. Th. 317, 22. [Icel. lending landing, landing-place.]
lendis lieg bofor, Wrt. Voc. ii. 102, 12. Laembis lieg, 11, 28.
-lendisc. v. dún-, eówer-, in-, up-, úre-, út-lendisc.
leng, e; f. Length [of time or space], height, stature :-- Mannes leng statura, Ælfc. Gr. 43; Som. 45, 4. Nǽfre ne sý se hálga eásterdæg gemǽrsod ǽr ðan ðe ðæs dæges lenge [lencge MS. P; lenge, MS. L.] oferstíge ða niht never let the holy Easter-day be celebrated, before the length of the day exceed the night, Lchdm. iii. 256, 13. Swá micel swá seó sǽ heó mǽst wiðteóhþ and git ánes mannes lenge ðe healt ánne spreót on his hand and strecþ hine swá feor swá hé mæg árǽcan intó ðere sǽ quantum mare plus se retraxerit, et adhuc statura unius hominis tenentis lignum quod Angle nominant spreót, et tendentis ante se quantum potest, Chart. Th. 318, 10. Lenge proceritatis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 66, 8. Hú lang wæs Adam on lenge gesceapen how tall was Adam created? Salm. Kmbl. 180, 19. Hwilc eówer mæg geícan áne elne to his lenge? Homl. Th. ii. 464, 2. Forneán on lenge ungeendod almost infinite in length, 350, 7. Þreóhund fæðma biþ se arc on lenge, Gen. 6, 15. Far geond ðis land on lenge and on brǽde perambula terram in longitudine et in latitudine sua, 13, 17: Nar. 33, 22. Leáf on fingeres lenge leaves of the length of a finger, Herb. 147, 1; Lchdm. i. 270, 22. On fingres lencge, 15o, 1; Lchdm. i. 274, 4. Seó sunne stód stille ánes dæges lencge [længce, MS. M.] the sun stood still for the length of one day, Lchdm. iii. 262, 9. Dó ðus ða lange ðe hit beþurfe do thus for the length of time that is necessary, 114, 18. Tele ða lenge ðære hwile ... compare the length of time ... Bt. 18, 3; Fox 66, 6. On ðínum handum synd ða lenge mínra tída in manibus tuis tempora mea, Ps. Th. 30, 17. [O. H. Ger. lengi: Ger. länge.] v. lengu.
lengan; p. de To make or to become long, protract, delay, extend, lengthen :-- Lengeþ, Exon. 107 b: Th. 411, 6; Rä. 29, 8. Ðá lengde hit man swá lange it was so long delayed, Chr. 1052; Erl. 183, 10. Ne lengde ðá leóda aldor wítegena wordcwyde ac hé wíde beád metodes mihte the prince was not slow to heed the prophet's words, but widely proclaimed the might of the Lord, Cd. 208; Th. 256, 25; Dan. 646. Hyre lof lengde geond londa fela her praise extended through many lands, Exon. 86 a; Th. 324, 23; Víd. 99. Giestas lisse lengdon the guests prolonged their pleasure, 94 a; Th. 353, 13; Reim.12. Hí lengdon (prolongaverunt) unrihtwísnyssa heora, Ps. Spl. 128, 3. [Havel. lenge to prolong: Ayenb. lenge to delay: Piers P. lenge to delay, tarry: Icel. lengja to lengthen, prolong: O. H. Ger. lengjan protrahere, differre.] DER. gelengan.
lengan; p. de To pertain, belong :-- Ðonne heó byþ ii and xx niht eald ðæt ðú gesihst hit lenceþ tó góde and gefeán when the moon is twenty-two nights old, what thou seest belongs to good and to joy, Lchdm. iii. 160, 9. v. lenge, langian, ge-lang.
lenge; adj. Belonging, related :-- Him biþ lenge húsel to them belongs the housel, Exon. 326; Th. 103, 9; Cri. 1685. Gód biþ wið God Lenge good hath affinity with God, 91 a; Th. 341, 5; Gn. Ex. 121. v. preceding word, and ge-lenge.
lengian; p. ode v. impers. To long :-- Lengaþ hine hearde sorely doth he long, Salm. Kmbl. 542; Sal. 270. [Cf. Icel. lengjask mjök to long exceedingly.]
lengþ, e; f. Length :-- On lengþe mid him hé begeat ealle ða eástlond at length with them he gained all the east country, Ors. 3, 11; Swt. 144, 1. [Hit weáx on lengþe it grew in length, Chr. 1122; Erl. 249, 22.] [Icel. lengd length.]
lengu; indecl. f. Length :-- Gerisenlícre lengo tó gemete ðæs líchoman congruæ longitudinis ad mensuram corporis, Bd. 4, 11; S. 580, 14. Seó wæs ungeendodre lengo infenitæ longitudinis, 5, 12; S. 627, 36. Hí tóætýcton lengeo ðære þrýh twegra fingra gemet addiderunt longitudini sarcofagi quasi duorum mensuram digitorum, 4, 11; S. 580, 6. Ðæs lengo ne his heánesse ǽnig ende gesewen wæs cujus neque longitudini neque altitudini ullus esse terminus videretur, 5, 12; S. 629, 13. Tó lengo his ad staturam suam, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. Rush. 6, 27. Lengu dæga longitudine dierum, Ps. Surt. 90, 16. Lengu, Lk. Skt. Rush. 12, 25. Se ðe lífa gehwæs lengu wealdeþ he who determines the length of every life, Exon. 40 a; Th. 133, 2; Gú. 483. Tele nú ða lengu ðære hwíle, Bt. 18, 3; Fox 66, 6 note. v. leng.
lent, e; f. A lentil :-- Lent legumen (cf. lentis, legumen, Ep. Gl. 13 e, f, 8), Germ. 390. [Cf. O. H. Ger. linsi; f. lens: M. H. Ger. linse.]
leó, g. león; [a dat. leóne and acc. f. leó are found as well as regular forms león: the dat. pl. leónum is put under leóna q.v.] m. f. A lion, lioness :-- Leó leo, Wrt. Voc. 77, 78. Leó leo, leena, Wrt. Voc. ii. 53, 47, 49. Ðæt nǽfre míne fýnd ne grípen míne sáwle swá swá leó nequando rapiat ut leo animam meam, Ps. Th. 7, 2: 21, 11. Ðá ongan seó leó fægnian ... Seó leó mid hire earmum scræf geworhte, Glostr. Frag. 110, 7, 15. Ðonne seó leó bringþ his hungregum hwelpum hwæt tó etanne, Ors. 3, 11; Swt. 142, 24. Seó leó ðeáh hió wel tam sé and hire magister swíðe lufige, Bt. 25; Fox 88, 9. Etan león flǽsc ... Nim león gelynde to eat lion's flesh ... take lion's suet, L. Med. ex Quad. 10, 12; Lchdm. i. 364, 22, 24. Gefriða mé of ðæs león múðe libera me de ore leonis, Ps. Th. 21, 19. Of león hwelpum, 56, 4: 103, 20. León hwelpas leunculi, Wrt. Voc. ii. 51, 42. Griffus fiðerfóte fugel, leóne gelíc on wæstme, Wrt. Voc. 78, 2. Hió sceolde forsceoppan tó león and ðonne seó sceolde sprecan ðonne rýnde hió she turned into a lioness, and when it ought to have spoken, then she roared, Bt. 38, 1; Fox 194, 33. Nán heort ne onscúnode nǽnne león, 35, 6; Fox 168, 9. Hé gelǽhte áne león be wege, Jud. 14, 5. Ða wildan leó hé gewylde the wild lion he subdued, Ælfc. T. Grn. 7, 16. Ðú miht tredan león and dracan conculcabis leonem et draconem, Ps. Th. 90, 13: Glostr. Frag. 110, 3. Ús symle león and beran úre ehtan incursantibus leonibus ursisque, Nar. 12, 3. Ða ðe león wǽron ongunnon rýnan, Bt. Met. Fox 26, 165; Met. 26, 68. Tólýseþ leóna mægen molas leonum confringet, Ps. Th. 57, 5. Hwelpas leóna catuli leonum, Ps. Spl. 103, 22. Hý man sende in wildra deóra menigo, in leóna and in berena, Shrn. 133, 10: Wulfst. 200, 23. Hwænne áhredst [ðú] míne ángan sáwle æt ðǽm leóum (leóm, Ps. Surt.) restitue a leonibus unicam meam, Ps. Th. 34, 17. Hé hét gelǽdan león and beran, manega and mycele, Homl. Skt. 4, 403. [In Orm. and Laym. lea occurs as well as leon. Icel. leó; m: O. H. Ger. lio, leuuo; g. leuuen, Grff. 2, 31.]
leód, es; pl. [which is more frequent] leóde; m. A man, poet. a prince [cf. Icel. álfa ljóði]; in pl. men, people, people of a country, country [cf. the use of proper names, e.g. hé gewát intó Galwalum he departed into Gaul, Chr. Erl. 5, 14] :-- Leód Ebréa [Abraham], Cd. 136; Th. 171, 28; Gen. 2835. Ebréa leód, 98; Th. 130, 21; Gen. 2163. Wedera leód [Beowulf], Beo. Th. 687; B. 341: 702; B. 348: 1254; B. 625. Gif hwá his ágenne geleód [MS. H. leóð] bebycgge if any one sell his own countryman, L. In. 11; Th. i. 110, 3. Ðá hatedon hine his leóde cives autem ejus oderant eum, Lk. Skt. 19, 14. Ða leóde ðá flugon ðá hié ðone here tóweardne wiston the people fled when they knew the army was coming, Blickl. Homl. 79, 12. Ðá flugon ða hǽðnan leóde, 203, 16. Lifigende leóde, Cd. 205; Th. 255, 3; Dan. 618. Leóde ne cúðan módblinde men meotud oncnáwan people, men mind-darkened, could not their maker recognize, Exon. 25 a; Th. 73,10; Cri. 1187. Wedera leóde, Beo. Th. 455; B. 225. Wé synt gumcynnes Geáta leóde by race are we men of the Gauts, 526; B. 260. Hé ealle ða landbigengan wolde útámǽran and his ágenra leóda mannum gesettan omnes indigenas exterminare, ac suæ provinciæ homines pro his substituere contendit, Bd. 4, 16; S. 584, 7. Hit ná geweorþan sceolde ðæt se wǽre leóda cyning se ðe ǽr wæs folce þeów it ought not to be, that he that had been a servant to a people, should be a king of men, Ors. 4, 6; Swt. 178, 21. Leóda lífgedál Lothes gehýrde brýd Lot's wife heard the death of men, Cd. 119; Th. 154, 25; Gen. 2561. Leóda ǽnigum nytte of use to any man, Beo. Th. 1591; B. 793. Láþ leóda gehwam, Exon. 10 b; Th. 12, 31; Cri. 194. Hæleþa éðel, leóda gesetu, Andr. Kmbl. 2519; An. 1261. Wé ðissa leóda land gesóhton, 535; An. 268. Ðǽr wæs þreó þúsend ðæra leóda there was three thousand of the people, Elen. Kmbl. 570; El. 285. Leóda bearn [cf. O. Sax. liudi-barn] the children of men, Exon. 24 a; Th. 69, 11; Cri. 1119: Chr. 975; Erl. 124, 32; Edg. 24. Leóda [MS. leode] þeódum, Ps. Th. 80, 12. Geáta leóda cempan warriors of the men of the Gauts, Beo. Th. 416; B. 205. Ic eówea leóda willan geworhte, 1273; B. 634. Næs ðǽr má sínra leóda nemne elleffne orettmæcgas, Andr. Kmbl. 1326; An. 663. Wæs hé eallum his leódum leóf ipse [Oswin] amabilis omnibus præfuit, Bd. 3, 14; S. 539, 33. Bæd hé Theodor ðæt hé him and his leódum bisceop funde [sibi suisque],4, 3; S. 566, 25. Tó nytnysse his leódum utilitati suæ gentis, 2, 16; S. 520, 3. Ðæt Súþseaxna mǽgþ sceolde habban ágenne bisceop on heora leódum ut provincia Australium Saxonum ipso proprium haberet episcopum, 5, 18; S. 636, 14. Æþelwulf tó his leódum cuom, Chr. 855; Erl. 68, 31. Ælþeódige men ... swǽse men in leódum aliens ... natives of the country, L. Wih. 4; Th. i. 38, 3. [Cf. below, Beo. Th. 3741.] Ðǽm Cristenum leódum com Godes engel on fultum God's angel had come to the Christians as a help, Blickl. Homl. 203, 25, 20: Cd. 24; Th. 31, 22; Gen. 489: 157; Th. 195, 16; Exod. 277. Hié wíf tó Denum feredon lǽddon tó leódum they bore her to Denmark, Beo. Th. 2322; B. 1159. Wǽron æþelingas eft tó leódum fúse tó farenne the nobles were eager to go back to their people, 3613; B. 1804. Gif cyning his leóde tó him gehlteþ and heom mon ðǽr yfel gedó if a king summon his people to him and evil is done to them there, L. Ethb. 2; Th. i. 2, 8. Ceadwealla slóh ða Norþhymbran leóde æfter heora hláfordes fylle, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 95, 9. Leóda, 96, 40. Leóde hogode on ðæt micle morþ, men forweorpan, Cd. 32; Th. 43, 14; Gen. 690: Andr. Kmbl. 339; An. 170. Leóde, Judéa cyn, Elen. Kmbl. 416; El. 208. Hét hine leóde swǽse sécean bade him seek his own people, Beo. Th. 3741; B. 1868: 2677; B. 1336. Land and leóde, Andr. Kmbl. 2643; An. 1323: Chr. 1065; Erl. 198, 6; Edw. 25. Gif ðú ðæt gerǽdest ðæt ðú ðíne leóda lýsan wille if you decide to save thy men, Byrht. Th. 132, 56; By. 37. [O. L. Ger. liud; m; pl. liudí: O. Sax. liudí: O. Frs. liode, liude: Icel. lýðir; pl. [e.g. of lýðum sínum by his people]: O. H. Ger. liuti homines: Ger. leute.] v. burh-, eást-, ge-, land- leód; and next word.
leód, e; f, A people, nation, race, district occupied by a people [v. preceding word, and cf. mǽgþ], country :-- Hit wæs hwílum on Engla lagum ðæt leód and lagu fór be geþincþum at one time it was in the laws of the English, that the people and the law went according to ranks, L. R. 1; Th. i. 190, 11. Ðæt leód and lagu trumlíce stande, Wulfst. 74, 8. Feówer folccyningas, leóde rǽswan, Cd. 95; Th. 125, 6; Gen. 2075. Ða fǽhþe eówer leóde the hostility of your people, Beo. Th. 1197; B. 596. Tó fela Deniga leóde, 1396; B. 696: 1202; B. 599. Se wæs Cantwara leóde oriundus de gente Cantuariorum, Bd. 3, 14; S. 539, 27. Moyses leóde from the Israelites, Cd. 149; Th. 187, 16; Exod. 152. Wæs his gewuna ðæt hé his ágene leóde Norþanhymbra mǽgþe sóhte solebat suam, id est, Nordanhymbrorum provinciam revisere, Bd. 3, 23; S. 554, 6. Hé wæs ealle ða land and leóde þurhfærende omnia pervagatus, 3, 30; S. 562, 13. Úres hláfordes gerǽdnes is ðæt man cristene menn of earde ne sylle ne húru on hǽðene leóde our lord's ordinance is, that Christian men be not sold out of the land, certainly not into a heathen country [or leóde = men, preceding word], L. Eth. v. 2; Th. i. 304, 16: Beo. Th. 387; B. 192. Ðone Denisca leóda lufiaþ swýðost him [Thor] the Scandinavian peoples love most, Wulfst. 106, 23. Beneuentius and Sepontanus hátton ða twá leóde Benevento and Sepontus were the two places called, Blickl. HomI. 201, 22. Ealle him leóda lácum cwemaþ all nations shall make offerings to please him, Ps. Th. 71, 10. [O. Sax. liud-: O. Frs. liod: Icel. ljóð-; lýðr; m. people, common people: O. H. Ger. liut; m. n. populus, plebs.] v. land-leód, and preceding word.
leód, es; m. Fine for slaying a man [cf. leudus, id est weregildus; and see other passages in Grmm. R. A. 652] :-- In xl nihta ealne leód forgelde let him pay the whole fine within forty days, L. Ethb. 22; Th. i. 8, 6. Healfne leód, 23; Th. i. 8, 7. v. leód-geld, wer-geld.
leóda, an; m. A man, one of a people or country :-- Gif hwá his ágenne geleód [MS. B. leódan] bebycgge if any one sell a man of his own people, L. In. 11; Th. i. 110, 3. Be leódan bygene concerning the sale of a man of one's own country, Th. i. 110, 1 note.
leódan; p. leád; pl. ludon To spring, grow :-- Swá Libanes beorh lídeþ and gróweþ sicut cedrus Libani multiplicabitur, Ps. Th. 91, 11. Of ðam twige ludon réðe wæstme from that branch sprang dire fruits, Cd. 47; Th. 60, 29; Gen. 989. [Goth. liudan: O. Sax. liodan: O. H. Ger. ar-, fram-liutan.] DER. á-, ge-leódan.
leód-bealu, wes; n. Harm or bale which affects a people, Beo. Th. 3448; B. 1722: 3896; B. 1946.
leód-biscop, es; m. A bishop of a district, province, or diocese, a bishop subordinate to an archbishop, a suffragan. The leódbiscop ranks with the ealdorman, the arcebiscop with the æþeling. In Rtl. 194, 34-40 occurs the following 'Chore episcopi; Grece core, Latine vicari, episcopi: hii in vicis et villis constituti habentes licentiam constituere gradum minorem, non presbiterum neque diaconum, propter scientiam episcopi in cujus regione est.' The Greek form is here glossed by liódbiscop, the Latin by scírebiscop. Ercebisceop archiepiscopus; leódbisceop, episcopus, Wrt. Voc. 71, 70, 71. Se hálga Cúðbertus Lindisfarnensiscere gelaþunge leódbiscop [cf. hé wæs tó biscope gecoren ðære cyricean æt Lindisfarena eá, Bd. 4, 28; S. 606, 7], Homl. Th. ii. 148, 22. Gif hwá arcebisceopes oððe æþelinges borh abrece ... Gif hwá leódbisceopes oððe ealdormannes, L. C. S. 69; Th. i. 408, 8-10. Ðæt Turonisce folc hine geceás him tó leódbiscope the people of Tours chose him as their bishop, Homl. Th. ii. 506, 3: Chr. 971; Erl. 125, 34. Bútan hit beforan cyninge oððe leódbisceope oððe ealdormen beó, Chart. Th. 612, 13. Séce man tó ðam leódbiscope; and gif man furþor scule tó ðam arcebiscope; and syððan tó ðam pápan, Wulfst. 275, 6. Gif hé sóhte leódbiscop oððe ealdorman ðonne áhte hé vii nihta griþ, L. Eth. vii. 5; Th. i. 330, 14. Ðá bǽdon ealle ða leódbisceopas ðone hálgan apostoi ðæt hé ða feórþan bóc gesette then all the provincial bishops asked the apostle to compose the fourth gospel, Homl. Th. i. 70, 6. Hé létt gewrítan hú mycel landes his arcebiscopas hæfdon and his leódbiscopas and his abbodas and his eorlas, Chr. 1085; Erl. 218, 30. [Mid arcebiscopes and leódbiscopes and abbotes, 1125; Erl. 254, 8. Ealle ða leódbiscopes ða ðá wǽron on Englalande, 1129; Erl. 258, 10.] [Icel. adopts from English ljóð-, lýð-biskup a suffragan bishop.] Cf. scír-biscop.
leód-burh; f. A people's town, a town of a country, town occupied by a people :-- Of ðysse leódbyrig [Sodom], Cd. 116; Th. 150, 33; Gen. 2501. Hé eaferum lǽfde lond and leódbyrig he to his children left his land and its towns, Beo. Th. 4933; Th. 2471.
leód-cyning, es; m. The king of a people :-- Beówulf Scyldinga leóf leódcyning; Beo. Th. 107; B. 54. [Laym. leod-king.]
leód-fruma, an; m. The first in time of a people, the founder of a people, a patriarch; the first in rank among a people, a prince, chieftain, king :-- Him wæs án fæder leóf leódfruma one father had they, founder beloved, Cd. 161; Th. 200, 9; Exod. 354. Leódfruma [St. Andrew], Andr. Kmbl. 3318; An. 1662: [Constantine], Elen. Kmbl. 382; El. 191. Mín leódfruma my lord, Exon. 115 a; Th. 442, 5; Kl. 8. Sethes cynn, leófes leódfruman, Cd. 63; Th. 75, 26; Gen. 1246. Of ðam leódfruman brád folc cumaþ from that patriarch [Isaac] shall come nations wide-spreading, 106; Th. 140, 24; Gen. 2332. Gif hí leódfruman lǽstan dorsten if they durst follow their chief, Bt. Met. Fox 1, 53; Met. 1, 27. Cyning, leófne leódfruman, Exon. 60 b; Th. 222, 7; Ph. 345: [Hrothgar], Beo. Th. 4266; B. 2130: [St. Andrew], Andr. Kmbl. 1977; An. 991.
leód-geard, es; m. The dwelling of a people, country :-- Sunu æfter heóld leódgeard, Cd. 62; Th. 74, 20; Gen. 1225. Ethiopia land and leódgeard, 12; Th. 15, 6; Gen. 229: 85; Th. 106, 18; Gen. 1773. [Cf. Icel. ljóð-heimar the people's abode, the world.]
leód-gebyrga, an; m. The protector of a people, a prince, chief man :-- Se æþeling, leódgebyrga [Constantine], Elen. Kmbl. 405; El. 203. Hláford ðínne, leódgebyrgean [Hrothgar], Beo. Th. 543; B. 269. Leódgebyrgean the chief men of the city [cf. ceastre weardas applied to the same persons in v. 767], Elen. Kmbl. 1108; El. 556.
leód-geld, es; n. The fine paid for slaying a man, L. Ethb. 21; Th. i. 8, 4: 7; Th. i. 4, 9. v. Grmm. R. A. 653, and leód.
leód-geþyncþ, es; f. Rank existing amongst a people :-- Be leódgeþincþum, L. R.; Th. i. 190, 10.
leód-gewinn, es; n. Strife :-- Lǽt sace restan, láð leódgewin, Exon. 68 b; Th. 254, 22; Jul. 20.
leód-gryre, es; m. Terror affecting a people, Salm. Kmbl. 558; Sal. 278.
leód-hata, an; m. A tyrant :-- Nalæs swá swá sigefæst cyning ac swá swá leódhata non ut rex victor sed quasi tyrannus, Bd. 3, 1; S. 523, 29. Bana, láð leódhata [the angel that destroyed the first-born in Egypt], Cd. 144; Th. 180, 4; Exod. 40. For wédenheortnesse ðæs leódhatan Brytta cyninges propter vesanam Brittonici regis tyrannidem, Bd. 3, 1; S. 524, 2: Bt. 16, 2; Fox 52, 30. Láðne leódhatan [Holofernes], Judth. 10; Thw. 22, 22; Jud. 72. Hér sind on earde leódhatan grimme ealles tó manege herein the land are fierce tyrants all too many, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 109, 155. Áwyrgede womsceaðan, leáse leódhatan, Elen. Kmbl. 2597; El. 1300. Cyningas ða habbaþ under him mænigfealde leódhatan reges sub se multos habentes tyrannos, Nar. 38, 19.
leód-hete, es; m. Hate or enmity felt by a people, Andr. Kmbl. 2278; An. 1140: 224; An. 112: 2300; An. 1151.
leód-hryre, es; m. Fall or destruction of a people, Beo. Th. 4771; B. 2391: 4064; B. 2030.
leód-hwæt; adj. Very brave [cf. leód a prince?] :-- Se leódhwate lindgeborga, Elen. Kmbl. 21; El. 11. [Grein suggests lindhwata leódgeborga; cf. leóð-gebyrga.]
leód-mǽg, es; m. A kinsman as being one of the same race, tribe or people, a man of the same nation with one's self :-- Hí fundon fíf hund leódmǽga they found five hundred of their race, Elen. Kmbl. 759: El. 380. Leódmágum feor far from my kinsmen [Abraham in Egypt], Cd. 128; Th. 163, 6; Gen. 2694.
leód-mægen, es; n. The might of a people, its fighting men :-- Ðæt leódmægen, gúþrófe hæleþ, eorlas æscrófe, Elen. Kmbl. 544; El. 272. Lofige hine eall his leódmægen laudate eum omnes virtutes ejus, Ps. Th. 148, 2. Leódmægnes worn a host of warriors, Cd. 151; Th. 190, 7; Exod. 195: Th. 188, 13; Exod. 167.
leód-mearc, e; f. A people's territory, a country, Andr. Kmbl. 572; An. 286: 1554; An. 778.
leód-riht, es; n. Public law, common law, the law which affects a whole people, law of the land; jus publicum :-- Mid rihtum landrihte and leódrihte swá hit on lande stonde in accordance with the common law of the land, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 435, 35. Bútan leódrihte, Andr. Kmbl. 1357; An. 679. v. folc-, land-riht.
leód-rúne, an; f. A witch, wise woman [cf. burh-rúne furia; helle-rúne pythonissa: Grmm. D. M. 375 on the forms of feminine names in -rín, -rúna]: Wið ǽlcre yfelre leódrúnan ... eft óðer dust and drenc wið leódrúnan, L. M. 1, 64; Lchdm. ii. 138, 23, 26. Cockayne translates the word 'heathen charm.' Cf. Laym. 9121 seolcuðe leodronen [tocke, 2nd. MS.]: leoten weorpen & fondien leodrunen [incantations], 15499, 15511: leodrunen [deorne rouning, 2nd MS.], 14553.
leód-scearu, e.; f. A people, nation, Cd. 160; Th. 199, 12; Exod. 337. Cf. folc-scearu.
leód-sceaða, an; m. A harmer of men, a public enemy :-- Láð leódsceaða [the serpent], Cd. 43; Th. 56, 24; Gen. 917. Æt ðam leódsceaðan hreddan to save from the devil, Exon, 11 b; Th. 17, 20; Cri. 273. Ic ðam leódscaðan [Grendel] hondleán forgeald, Beo. Th. 4193; B. 2093. Hearmcwide láðra leódsceaðena [the Mermedonians who abused St. Matthew], Andr. Kmbl. 159; An. 80. [O. Sax. liud-skaðo (the devil).] cf. folc-sceaða.
leód-scipe, es; m. A people, nation, country occupied by a people :-- Ðe ðes leódscype longe bieode whom this people have long worshipped, Exon. 68 b; Th. 255, 2; Jul. 208. Of ðam leódscipe ðe is Siria geháten from the country that is called Syria, Homl. Th. i. 400, 7: Exon. 64 a; Th. 236, 30; Ph. 582. Eallurn his leódscipe tó þearfe for the behoof of all his people, L. Edg. pref; Th. i. 262, 4: L. Eth. ii. 1; Th. i. 284, 10. Woruldrihta ic wille ðæt standan on ǽlcum leódscipe [English and Danish and British, see the rest of the section], L. Edg. S. 2; Th. i. 272, 23: Beo. Th. 4400; B. 2197. On ðam leódscipe [the Greeks], Bt. Met. Fox 30, 3; Met. 30, 2. Hwæt tó bóte mihte æt ðæm fǽrcwealme ðe his leódscipe swýðe drehte, L. Edg. S. 1; Th. i. 270, 10: Chr. 1014; Erl. 150, 9: Beo. Th. 5495; B. 2751: Bt. Met. Fox 1, 135; Met. 1, 68. Ðrý leódscipas sind gehátene India, Homl. Th. i. 454, 11, Hí cyning habban woldon swá swá óðre leódscipas hæfdon they wanted to have a king, as other nations had, Ælfc. T. Grn. 6, 45. Tó ðám leódscipum ðe tó geleáfan bugon, 14, 3. Ða cynegas ðe eardodon on ðám leódscipum reges Amorrhæorum et Chanaan, Jos. 5, 1. Bodigende geleáfan ðám leódscipum ðe sind gecwedene Galatia, Cappadocia, Bithinia, Asia, Italia, Homl. Th. i. 370, 26: L. I. P. 23; Th. ii. 334, 28. Hé wið feó sealdon wíde intó leódscipas sold them into distant countries, Blickl. Homl. 79, 23. [O. Sax. liud-skepi a people: O. H. Ger. liut-scaf.] Cf. þeód-scipe.
leód-stefn, es; m. A race, family, people, Ps. Th. 82, 7. [O. H. Ger. liut-stam: cf. O. Sax. liud-stemni; adj. belonging to a people.]
leód-þeáw, es; m. Custom of a people or country :-- Ðá hé tó mé cwom ðá grétte hé mé sóna and [h]álette his leódþeáwe cum me more rituque salutaret, Nar. 27, 3. Ne wolde ðám leódþeáwnm Loth onfón Lot would not adopt those customs of the country, Cd. 92; Th. 116, 18; Gen. 1938.
leód-weard, e; f. The guard or government of a people or country, Cd. 59; Th. 72, 1; Gen. 1180: 60; Th. 72, 3; Gen. 1196: 145; Th. 181, 6; Exod. 57.
leód-wer, es; m. A man of a nation :-- Leódweras [the Egyptians], Cd. 89; Th. 110, 5; Gen. 1833. Ofer leódwerum [the Israelites], 148; Th. 184, 20; Exod. 110.
leód-werod, es; n. The host formed by a people :-- Wolcen lǽdde leódwerod [the Israelites], Cd. 146; Th. 182, 17; Exod. 77.
leód-wita, an; m. A man of intelligence in a people :-- Ðá wǽron þeódwitan [leódwitan, MS. H.] weorþscipes wyrþe, eorl and ceorl, þegen and þeóden, L. R. 1; Th. i. 190, 12. v. Grmm. R. A. 267.
leód-wynn, e; f. Joy that comes from being among one's own people :-- Leódwynna leás, wineleás wræcca, Exon. 119 a; Th. 457, 25; HY. 4, 89.
leóf, used as a form of address to one or to many, cf. modern 'dear sir' :-- Wé biddap ðé leóf ðæt ðú hlyste úre sprǽce oramus, domine, ut audias nos, Gen. 43, 20: 3, 10 : Ælfc. Gen. Thw. 1, 5, 14. Ðá cwæþ ðæt wíf tó him leóf ðæs mé þingþ ðú eart wítega dicit ei mulier domine video quia propheta es tu, Jn. Skt. 4, 19. Hí cwǽdon, leóf, wé wyllaþ geseón ðone hǽlend, 12, 21. Seó gegaderung his leorningcnihta cwæþ Drihten leóf wilt ðú nú gesettan ende ðysre worulde the assembly of his disciples said, Lord, wilt thou now put an end to this world, Homl. Th. i. 294, 24. Ic bidde eów leóf ðæt gé gecirron tó mínum húse obsecro, domini, declinate in domum pueri vestri, Gen. 19, 2. Gefyrn ic hine cúðe leóf ... La leóf nele hé gelýfan mínum wordum long ago 1 knew him, Sir ... Ah! Sir, he will not believe my words, Glostr. Frag. 2, 10, 19. Lá leóf O Lord, Gen. 18, 23, 25, 28, 30, 31. Hí cwǽdon tó ðám apostolon lá leóf hwæt is ús tó dónne they said to the apostles, Sirs, what shall we do? Homl. Th. i. 314, 33. v. next word.
LEÓF; adj. LIEF, desirable, pleasant, acceptable, loved, beloved, dear; used substantively, one who is dear, a friend, loved one :-- Se ðe gód onginneþ and ðonne áblinneþ ne biþ hé Godes leóf on ðæm néhstan dæge he who begins good and then ceases, will not be God's friend at the last day, Blickl. Homl. 21, 35. Wæs hé eallum his geférum leóf he was dear to all his companions, 213, 12: Cd. 4; Th. 5, 30; Gen. 79. Hé wæs leóf Gode, 130; Th. 165, 26; Gen. 2737. Ealre his þeóde leófheora ríce tó habbanne and tó healdenne totæ suæ genti ad tenenda servandaque regni sceptra exoptatissimus, Bd. 5, 19; S. 636, 33. Ne ǽnig mon ne leóf ne láð no man, neither friend nor foe, Beo. Th. 1026; B. 511. Gode is swíðe leóf ðæt gé earmum mannum syllon it is very acceptable to God, that you give to poor men, Blickl. Homl. 53, 28. On ða tíd wæs mannum leóf ofor eorþan and hálwende at that time it was pleasant for men upon earth, and healthful, 115, 8. Ðá cwæþ Petrus and Andreas tó Johanne ðú leófa drihten gecýðe ús hwylce gemete ðú cóme tódæg tó ús then said Peter and Andrew to John, 'Dear Sir, tell us how thou camest to us to-day,' 141, 20. Brúc ðisses beáges, Beówulf leófa, mid hǽle, Beo. Th. 2437; B. 1216. Eálá leóf hláford, O, mi domine, Coll. Monast. Th. 19, 13. Hér is mín leófa sunu hic est filius meus dilectus, Mt. Kmbl. 17, 5. Matheus mín se leófa, beheald on mé, Blickl. Homl. 229, 30. Forþférde Gode se leófa fæder Agustinus defunctus est Deo dilectus pater Augustinus, Bd. 2, 3; S. 504, 30. Se leófa cuma and se lufigendlíca hospes ille amabilis, 4, 3; S. 568, 16. Mé sealde sunu on leófes stæl ðæs ðe Cain ofslóh he gave me a son in place of the loved one, him whom Cain slew, Cd. 55; Th. 68, 7; Gen. 1113. Leófes and láðes of friend and foe, Beo. Th. 5813; B. 2910. Fela sceal gebídan leófes and láðes he shall experience much pleasure and pain, 2126; B. 1061. Ic ðé wolde leófum lofsang cweþan, Ps. Th. 118, 164. Álédon leófne þeóden on bearm scipes, Beo. Th. 68; B. 34. Hláford leófne, 6276; B. 3142. Leófe ðíne dilecti tui, Ps. Th. 59, 4. Míne bróðru leófon my dear brethren, Bd. 4, 24; S. 598, 43. Ðǽr ne biþ leófra gedál ne láðra gesamnung there shall not be parting of friends there, or meeting of foes, Blickl. Homl. 65, 20. Eá cwǽdon hié ðæt him nǽnig mǽg leófra nǽre ðonne hiera hláford then they said that no kinsman was dearer to them than their lord, Chr. 755; Erl. 50, 19. Hí cwǽdon ðæt him nán hláford leófra nǽre ðonne hiora gecynda hláford, 1014; Erl. 150, 25. Leófre mé ys ðæt ic hig sylle ðé ðonne óðrum men melius est, ut tibi eam dem, quam alteri viro, Gen. 29, 19. Ic wylle and mé leófre sig gif ðú máge volo et multum delectar, si potes, Bd. 5, 3; S. 616, 31. Ǽghwilcum men biþ leófre swá hé hæbbe holdra freónda má the more true friends he has, the better every man likes it, Blickl. Homl. 121, 36. Ús biþ ðonne leófre ðonne eal eorþan wela gif hé ús miltsian wile if he will shew us mercy, shall we not prefer that to all the wealth of earth? 51, 29. Ǽnne tíman ðonne ús wǽre leófre ðonne eall ðæt on middanearde is, ðæt wé áworhtan georne Godes willan, L. C. E. 18; Th. i. 370, 18. Ne dém ðú óðerne dóm ðam liófran and óðerne ðam ládran, L. Alf. 43; Th. 1, 54, 12. Him wǽron ǽr his ǽhta leófran tó hæbbenne ðonne Godes lufu he would rather have his possessions than God's love, Blickl. Homl. 195, 9. Eall forlǽteþ ðæt him wæs leófost tó ágenne and tó hæbbenne, 111, 26. For oft hit wyrþ radost forloren ðonne hit wǽre leófost gehealden too often it is most quickly lost, when keeping it would be most pleasant [or leófost adv.?], Wulfst. l09, 4. Ðes is mín leófesta sunu hic est filius meus carissimus, Mk. Skt. 9, 7. Ðú leófesta [Hat. MS. léófusta] bróður frater carissime, Past; Swt. 22, 9. Ic sende grétan ðone leófastan cyning Ceólwulf Bd. ded; S. 471, 8. Míne gebróðra ða leófostan my dearest brethren, Homl. Th. ii. 4, 19. Men ða leófostan, 188, 25: Blickl. Homl. 165, 33. Leófestan, 9, 13. Ða word ðe hé wénþ ðæt him leófoste sýn tó gehýrenne the words that he thinks will be most pleasant for him to hear, 55, 20. [Goth. liubs: O. Sax. liof: O. Frs. liaf, lief: Icel. ljúfr: O. H. Ger. liub, liob, lieb gratus, desiderabilis, carus, optatus, amicus: Ger. lieb.] DER. fela-, mód-, ofer-, un-leóf. The word occurs forming part of proper names, e.g. Leóf-ríc, Leóf-sunu, Leóf-wine; so in other dialects.
leófan; p. leáf; pl. lufon. Grein suggests that this verb is found in the following passage :-- Éðelweardas lufan lífwelan ðenden hié lét metod, Cd. 174; Th. 219, 17; Dan. 56. Is it possible however that a verb such as hæfdon should be supplied, and that lufan is the accusative after it?
leófian, p. ode To be dear or pleasant, to delight :-- Him leófedan londes wynne bold on beorhge the pleasures of the country were dear to him, the house on the hill, Exon. 34 b; Th. 110, 19; Gú. 110. [Cf. O. L. Ger. ge-lievan delectari, delectare: O. H Ger. liubjan diligere, affectare, commendare.]
leóf-líc; adj. Lovely, beautiful, delightful, pleasant, lovable, dear :-- Wígláf leóflíc lindwíga Wiglaf, warrior dear, Beo. Th. 5199; B. 2603. Leóflíc cempa, Andr. Kmbl. 2891; An. 1448. Leóflíc wíf, Elen. Kmbl. 572; El. 286. Eafora leóflíc on lífe, Cd. 82; Th. 103, 4; Gen. 1713. Leóflíc geþwǽrnes fair concord, Dóm. L. 18, 270. Ðone wlitigan wong and wuldres setl leóflíc the beauteous plain and the pleasant seat of glory, Exon. 62 a; Th. 228. 18; Ph. 440. Hié Sarran wlite heredon óð ðæt hé lǽdan héht leóflíc wíf tó his selfes sele, Cd. 89; Th. iii. 16; Gen. 1856. His sweord leóflíc íren his sword, weapon of price, Beo.Th. 3622; B. 1809. Lofiaþ leóflícne they laud the beloved (God), Exon. 13 b; Th. 25, 13; Cri. 400. [Goth. liuba-leikr lovely (Phil. 4, 8): O. Sax. liof-lík: O. Frs. liaf-lík: O. H. Ger. liub-líh amoenus, venustus, pulcher, gratus, elegans, splendidus: Ger. lieb-lich.]
leóf-líce; adv. Kindly, graciously, gladly, lovingly :-- Ðeáh ðe ic scyle ealle wucan fæstan ic ðæt leóflíce dó though I have to fast all the week, I will do it gladly, Bd. 4, 25; S. 600, 7. Hé leóflíce lífes ceápode moncynne graciously he purchased life for mankind, Exon. 24 a; Th. 67, 29; Cri. 1096. Fore onsýne éces déman lǽddon leóflíce before the face of the eternal judge they led him lovingly, 44 a; Th. 149, 3; Gú. 756. [O. H. Ger. liub-lího gratifice, perfloride, evitaliter.]
leóf-spell, es; n. A pleasant message :-- Leófspell manig, Elen. Kmbl. 2032; El. 1017.
leóf-tǽle, -tǽl; adj. Loving, dear, desirable, estimable, grateful, pleasant, gracious :-- Hé biþ freónd and leóftǽl lufsum and líðe he (Christ) shall be friendly and gracious, kind and gentle, Exon. 21 a; Th. 57, 4; Cri, 913. Hé is monþwǽre, lufsum and leóftǽl, 96 a; Th. 357, 21; Pa. 32. Óðer biþ unlǽde on eorþan óðer biþ eádig swíðe leóftǽle mid leóda duguþum one will be miserable on earth, the other fortunate, high in favour with the best of men, Salm. Kmbl, 733; Sal. 366. Nán cræft nis Gode deórwyrðra ðonne sió lufu ne eft ðam deófle nán cræft leóftǽlra ðonne hié mon slíte nil pretiosius est Deo virtute dilectionis, nil est desiderabilius diabolo extinctione caritatis, Past. 47, 2; Swt. 359, 24. Ða welan beóþ hlíseádigran and leóftǽlran ðonne ðonne hié mon selþ ðonne hié beón ðonne hí mon gadraþ. Seó gítsung gedéþ heore gítseras láðe ǽgðer ge Gode ge monnum and ða cysta gedóþ ða simle leóftǽle and hlíseádige divitiæ effundendo magis quam coacervando melius nitent: siquidem avaritia semper odiosos, claros largitas facit, Bt. 13; Fox. 38, 13-17.
leóf-wende; adj. Pleasing, gracious, acceptable, amiable, estimable :-- Nó liófwende non gratus, Wrt. Voc, ii. 61, 62. Sum biþ leófwende hafaþ mód and word monnum geþwǽre one man is amiable, he hath mind and speech in accord with men, Exon. 79 b; Th. 298. 13; Crä. 84. Ne beó ðú nó tó tǽlende ac beó leófwende be not too ready to blame, but be amiable, 81 a; Th. 305, 22; Fä, 92. Ðæt ic meotud ðínum lárum leófwendum lyt geswíce that I, O Lord, little desert thy pleasant precepts, Andr. Knsbl. 2581; An. 1292. Wuton wuldrian weorada dryhten lufian liófwendum lífes ágend let us glorify the Lord of hosts, gratefully love the disposer of life, Hy. 8, 3; Hy. Grn. ii. 290, 3: Exon. 14 b; Th. 29, 31; Cri. 471. Ðeáh hit gód seó and deóre ðeáh biþ hlíseádigra and leófwendra se ðe hit selþ ðonne se ðe hit gaderaþ and on óðrum reáfaþ though it (gold) be good and precious, yet will he be of better repute and esteem who gives it, than he who collects it and robs it from another, Bt. 13; Fox 38, 12.
LEÓGAN; p. leáh; pl. lugon To lie, tell a lie, say falsely, break one's word, play false, deceive, feign :-- Ic leóge mentior, Ælfc. Gr. 31; Som. 35, 53. Eal hit is swá, ne leóge ic, Blickl. Homl. 179. 3. Ðú líhst ðæt ðú God sý thou sayest falsely that thou art God, Homl. Th. i. 378, 7. Seó orsorge wyrd simle líhþ and lícet prospera fortuna semper mentitur, Bt. 20; Fox 70, 30: Ælfc. Gr. 49; Som. 50, 30. Hé líhþ him sylfum, Wulfst 66, 3. Se ðe lýhþ oððe ðæs sóðes ansaceþ, Salm. Kmbl. 364; Sal. 181. Má sceamigan ðonne fagnian ðonne hí geheóraþ ðæt him man on líhþ qui falso prædicantur, suis ipsi necesse est laudibus erubescant, Bt. 30, 1; Fox 108, 8. Ic geseó tó sóðe nales mé sefa (MS. selfa) leógeþ I do indeed see, my mind deceives me not, Cd. 193; Th. 242, 9; Dan. 416. Ðíne feóndas ðé fǽcne leógaþ (légaþ, Ps. Surt.) mentientur tibi inimici tui, Ps. Th. 65, 2: 80, 14. Nú cwǽdon gedwolmen ðæt deófol gesceópe sume gesceafta, ac hí leógaþ, Homl. Th. i. 16, 20. Oft ða unþeáwas leógaþ and lícettaþ ðæt hí sién góde þeáwas plerumque vitia virtues se esse mentiuntur, Past. 20; Swt, 149, 2, Ðá ðá hé leág fefellisset, Wrt. Voc. ii. 34, 26: Exon. 84 b; Th, 318, 12; Mód. 81. Hér begann se deófol tó reccanne hálige gewrita and hé leáh mid ðære race here the devil began to expound holy writ, and he spake falsely in his exposition, Homl. Th. i. 170, 4. Ðá swóran hié swíðe ðæt hié sóð sægdon and nóht lugon ðara þinga quibus jurantibus se nichil falsi commiscere, Nar. 25, 28. Sǽdon ðæt hí wǽran on Criste gelýfede, ac hí lugon swá ðeáh, Homl. Skt. 2, 303. Hig hym fæla ongeán lugon they brought many false charges against him, Nicod. 34; Thw. 19, 39. Gé tó dæge wǽron Somnitum þeówe gif gé him ne álugen (other MS. lugon) iówra wedd hodie Romani Samnio servirent, si fidem fæderis ipsi Samnitibus servavissent, Ors, 3, 8; Swt. 122, 13. Ne leóh ðú leng noli ultra fallere, Ex. 8, 29. Ne leóh ðú non mentiemini, Lev. 19, 11. Swá wénaþ manige men, ðæt ðes diáccon leóge be ðam fýre, Wulfst. 206, 13. Ðone ilcan geþang ic ðé ǽr sǽde, ǽr hé leóge, ðæt hé ðé leógan ne durre, Blickl. Homl. 179, 29. Búton Priscianus luge unless Priscian have made a mistake, Ælfc. Gr. 17; Som. 20, 49. Se ðe wolde leógan on his wordon. Wulfst. 168, 17. Ðonne onginþ him leógan se tóhopa ðære wræce then the hope of revenge begins to deceive them, Bt. 37; Fox 186, 23: Bt. Met. Fox 25, 100: Met, 25, 50: Exon. 90 a; Th. 337, 27; Gn. Ex. 71. Ðæne nǽnig mæg leógan quem memo potent fallere, Hymn. Surt. 33, 15. Ðú leógende sagast, Blickl. Homl. 179, 22. Ðonne hí secgeaþ ǽlc yfel ongén eów leógende cum dixerint omne malum adversum vos mentientes, Mt. Kembl. 5, 11. Gé sind leógende mentita es, Past. 21, 1; Swt. 151, 21. [Goth. liugan: O. Sax. liogan: O. Frs. liaga: Icel. ljúga: O. H. Ger. liugan mentiri, fallere, fingere: Ger. lügen.] DER. á-, for-, ge-, of- leógan.
leógere, es; m. A liar, one who speaks or acts falsely, a false witness :-- Up árísaþ leáse leógeras, Wulfst. 79, 4. Leógeras, L. C. S. 5; Th. i, 380, 5. Ðá cómon twegen ðæra leógera venerunt duo falsi testes, Mt. Kmbl. 26, 60. [Icel. ljúgari a liar: O. H. Ger. liugari fictor.]
LEÓHT, líht, es; n. LIGHT, a light :-- Geweorþe leóht and leóht wearþ geworht fiat lux, et facta est lux, Gen. 1, 3. Tweóne leóht crepusculum: tweónul leóht maligna lux vel dubia, Ælfc. Gl. 94; Som. 75, 122, 125; Wrt. Voc. 53, 3, 6. Ðæt leóht ðe wé dægréd hátaþ the light that we call dawn, Lchdm. iii. 234, 28. Ic geseó ðis hús mid swá mycele leóhte gefylled ðætte ðæt eówer blácern and leóht mé is eallinga þýstre gesewen domum hanc tanta luce impletam esse perspicio, ut vestra illa lucerna mihi omnimodis esse videatur obscura, Bd. 4, 8; S. 576, 3. Ðære sunan beorhtnys and ðæs mónan leóht and ealra tungla, Homl. i. 64, 29: Blickl. Homl. 91, 23. Ðenden him leóht and gǽst somod fæst seón whilst he lives, Exon. 31 a; Th. 96, 27; Cri. 1580. Ðú eart dóhtor mín mínra eágna leóht thou art my daughter, the light of mine eyes, 67 a; Th. 248. 14; Jul. 95. Leóhtes leóhting lucubrum, Ælfc. Gl. 67; Som. 69, 89; Wrt. 41, 42. Se blinda bæd his eágena leóhtes the blind man asked for his eye-sight, Blickl, Homl. 21, 6: Elen. Kmbl. 596; El. 298. Se dæg wæs fruma ðyses lǽnan leóhtes the day was the beginning of this transitory light, Blickl. Homl. 133, 10. Godes cyrcan mid leóhte and lácum gelóme gegrétan to visit God's church frequently with candles and offerings, Wulfst, 308, 28. Of ðissum leóhte álǽded de hac vita subtractus, Bd. 3, 20; S. 550, 23. Ða ðe hí of ðissum leóhte foreode qui eas ex hac luce præcesserant, 4, 7; S. 575, 4. Se sacerd forbærnþ ða drihtne tó leóhte and tó wynsumum stence adolebit ea sacerdos in holocaustum et suavem odorem domino, Lev. 1, 9. On lifgendra leóhte in lumine viventium, Ps. Th. 55, 11. Ic tó ðé æt leóhte gehwam wacie ad te de luce vigilo, 62, 1. Be dæges leóhte by daylight, Exon. 107 b; Th. 410, 17; Rä. 28, 17. Hé hié lǽdæþ tó líhte ðǽr hí líf ágon á tó aldre, Cd. 221; Th. 287, 2; Sat. 361. Geearnian leóht ðæs écan lífes, Blickl. Homl. 17, 21. Ðæt þridde ne geseah ðære sunnan leóht nǽfre, Glostr. Frag. 8, 27. Hé Godes leóht geceás he died, Beo. Th, 4930; B. 2469: Exon. 52 b; Th. 184, 13; Gú. 1343. Eádgár ceás him óðer leóht, Chr. 975; Erl. 124, 30; Edg. 22. Drihten nam in óðer leóht Agustinus, Menol. Fox 191; Men. 97. Beó nú leóht on ðære heofenan fæstnysse fiant luminaria in firmameuto cœli, Gen. 1, 14. Gesceóp God twá miccle leóht God created two great lights, Lchdm, iii. 234, 7. Wé sceolon on ðisum dæge beran úre leóht tó cyrcan and lǽtan hí ðǽr bletsian we must on this day carry our lights to church and have them blessed there, Homl. Th. 1, 150, 27. [Goth. liuhaþ: O. Sax. lioht: O. Frs. liacht: Icel. ljós: O. H. Ger. lioht, lieht lux, candela, lucerna, lumen: Ger. licht.] DER. ǽfen-, fýr-, heofon-, morgen-leóht.
leóht, léht, líht; adj. Light, bright, cheerful (perhaps the passages in which the word has the meaning of cheerful should be put under the next word v. leóht-mód), shining, clear :-- Cwæþ ðæt his líc wǽre leóht and scéne he said that his body was bright and beautiful, Cd. 14; Th. i. 26; Gen. 265. Léht (líht, Rush.) biþ all líchoma ðín lucidum erit totum corpus tuum, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 6, 23. Bebod drihtnes leóht præceptum dominum purum, Ps. Spl. C. 18, 9. Him wæs leóht sefa ... blíðheort wunode his soul was unclouded by sorrow ... blithe of heart he continued, Andr. Kmbl. 2504; An. 1253, Him wæs leóht sefa, ferhþ gefeónde, Elen. Kmbl. 346; El. 173, Swá leóhtes andwlitan men tam lucidi vultus homines, Bd. 2, 1; S. 501, 15. Ðam ðe ic ofonn leóhtes geleáfan to whom I grudge clear belief, Exon, 71 a; Th. 265, 8; Jul. 378: Apstls. Kmbl. 131; Ap. 66. Leóhte gesihþe lucidus aspectu, Bd. 5, 12; S. 627, 32. Æt leóhtum fýre at a bright fire, L. M. 1, 2; Lchdm. ii. 30, 7. Se ðe reáfaþ man leóhtan dæge he who robs a man in daylight, L. Eth. iii. 15; Th. i. 298, 11. Ða þióstro ðínre heortan willaþ mínre leóhtan láre wiðstondan, Bt. Met. Fox 5, 43; Met. 5, 22. Mid leóhtum andgite with clear understanding, Blickl. Homl. 105, 31: Wulfst. 252, 5. Gé syttaþ ealle niht and drincaþ óð leóhtne dæg, and swá áwendaþ dæg tó nihte and niht tó dæge, 297, 28. Be leóhtne dæg in matutino, Ps. Th. 72, 11. Dó ðíne ansýne esne ðínum leóhte faciem tuam illumina super servum tuum, 118, 135. Ðonne wurþaþ ðín eágan swá leóht then shall thine eyes become so clear, Cd. 27; Th, 35, 34; Gen. 564. Gelíc wæs hé (Lucifer) ðám leóhtum steorrum, 14; Th. 17, 7; Gen. 256. Ðæt wé mágon oft leóhtum dagum geseón quam sæpe lucidioribus diebus aspicere solemus, Bd. 1, 1; S, 474, 15. Leóhte nihte on sumera hafaþ lucidas æstate noctes habet, S. 473, 29. Se heofen mót brengon leóhte dagas, Bt. 7, 3; Fox 20, 21. Wurde ðín líchoman leóhtra micle, Cd. 25; Th. 32, 13; Gen. 502. Eác wǽre ðam earman leóhtne on móde gif hé ðæs rícan mannes welan ne gesáwe also the poor man would have been more cheerful, if he had not seen the rich man's wealth, Homl. Th. i. 330, 11. Benedictus ðe ús bóc áwrát leóhtre be dǽle ðonne Basilius Benedict who wrote us a book clearer in some respects than Basil did, Basil prm; Norm. 32, 9. Ingeþonc leóhtre and beorhtre ðonne se leóma sunnan on sumera, Bt. Met. Fox 22, 43; Met. 22, 22: Ors. 5, 14; Swt. 248, 11. Léga leóhtost brightest of flames, 9, 33; Met. 9, 17. [O. Sax. lioht: O. Frs. liacht: Icel. ljóss: O. H. Ger. lioht, lieht lucidus: Ger. licht.]
leóht, léht, líht [from comparison with other dialects the proper spelling would seem to be líht, but leóht (or leoht?), in West-Saxon at least, is the regular form]; adj. Light, not heavy, inconsiderable; not slow, quick, ready, nimble, fickle, easy :-- Mín byrðyn ys leóht (Lind. léht; Rush. líht) onus meum leve est, Mt. Kmbl. 11, 30. Leóht and leoþuwác nimble and supple, Exon. 79 b; Th. 298, 12; Crä. 84. Hé is snel and swift and leóht levis et velox est, 60 b; Th. 220, 9; Ph. 317: 52 a; Th. 182, 6; Gú. 1306. Mé leóht slǽp oferarn levis mihi somnus obrepsisset, Bd. 5, 9; S. 622, 33. Leóht drenc a light drink, L. M. 2, 51; Lchdm. ii. 264, 26. Leóht wýn, Lchdm. iii. 122, 1. Hwílum ða leóhtan scylda beóþ beteran tó forlǽtenne aliquando leviora vitia relinquenda sunt, Past. 62; Swt. 457, 7. Hý habbaþ swýðe lytle scypa and swíðe leóhte they have very little ships avid very light ones, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 19, 8. Ðæt sió wamb ðý ðé leóhtre síe by it the stomach may be relieved, L. M. 2, 25; Lchdm. ii. 218, 1. Wið módes (? innoþes, MS) hefignesse ... sóna biþ ðæt mód leóhtre, Lchdm. iii. 50, 23. Leóhtre ic eom micle ðonne ðes lytla wyrm I am much lighter than this little worm, Exon. 111 b; Th. 426, 19; Rä. 41, 76. Líhtre tolerabilius, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 10, 15. Wé underfóþ scortne ryne ðæs leóhtran gewinnes we have a short course of the easier conflict, Homl. Th. i. 418, 10. Mid nánum leóhtran þinge gebéte ðonne him mon áceorfe ða tungan of, L. Alf. pol. 32; Th. i. 80, 21. Hý habbaþ ðæs ðe leóhtran gang they shall walk the easier for it, L. Med. ex Quad. 3, 15; Lchdm. i. 342, 12. Se hæfde moncynnes leóhteste hond he had of all men the readiest hand, Exon. 85 b; Th. 323, 1; Wíd. 72. [Goth. leihts: O. Sax. líht(-líc): O. Frs. lícht: Icel. léttr: O. H. Ger. líhti levis, facilis: Ger. leicht.]
leóhtan; p. te To give light, to illumine, make light, cause to shine :-- Ðǽr leóhtes ne leóht lytel sperca earmum ǽnig there doth not any little spark give light to the miserable ones, Dóm. L. 14, 218. Hé lofe leóhteþ leófe ða hálgan hymnus omnibus sanctis ejus, Ps. Th. 148, 14 Ðíne lígetta leóhteþ and beorhteþ, 143, 7. Beorhte leóhte ðínne andwlitan illuminet vultum suum, 66, 1. v. líhtan.
leóht-bǽre; adj. Luminous, brilliant, splendid :-- Hyra leóhtbǽran ryne their (the stars) luminous course, Lchdm. iii. 272, 10. Á ðæs dóm áge leóhtbǽre lof se ús ðis líf giefeþ ever therefore may he have glory, splendid praise, who giveth us this life, Exon. 80 a; Th. 299, 34; Crä. 112.
leóht-beámed; adj. Having bright beams or rays :-- Sind sume steorran leóhtbeámede, fǽrlíce árisende and hrædlíce gewítende, Homl. Th. i. 610, 2.
leóht-berend, es; m. Lucifer :-- Leóhtberend Lucifer, Ælfc. Gr. 8; Som. 7, 19. Ðá wæs ðæs teóþan werodes ealdor swíðe fæger and wlitig gesceapen swá ðæt hé wæs geháten Leóhtberend, Homl. Th. i. 10, 22. Se hátte Lucifer, ðæt ys Leóhtberend, Ælfc. T. Grn. 2, 35.
leóht-berende; adj. Light-bearing, Lucifer, luminous :-- Lucifer háten, leóht-berende, Cd. 221; Th. 287, 15; Sat. 367. Swylce án ofen eall smóciende and leóhtberende fýr férde ofer ða lác apparuit clibanus fumans et lampas ignis inter divisiones illas, Gen. 15, 17.
leóht-brǽdness, e; f. Illumination :-- Leóhtbrǽdnesse facibus, Hpt. Gl. 515, 11.
leóhte; adv. Brightly, clearly :-- Leóhte and beorhte scínaþ clearly and brightly they shine, Blickl. Homl. 127, 35: Exon. 116 a; Th. 446, 10; Dóm. 20: 26 a; Th. 76, 14; Cri. 1239: Elen. Kmbl. 2229; El. 1116: Bt. Met. Fox 9, 25; Met. 9, 13. Leóhte oncnáwan clearly recognise, Exon. 24 a; Th. 69, 12; Cri. 1119: Elen. Kmbl: 1929; El. 966. Wæs se bláca beám bócstafum áwriten beorhte and leóhte, 183; El. 92. Wearþ mé on hige leóhte my mind was enlightened, Cd. 32; Th. 42, 20; Gen. 676. Scýnan leóhtor to shine more brightly, Exon. 21 a; Th. 56, 18; Cri. 902.
leóhte; adv. Lightly, easily, gently :-- Líhte lento, Wrt.Voc. ii. 49, 62. Ðá wæs heó gesewen þurh twegen dagas ðæt hire leóhtor wǽre videbatur illa per biduum aliquanto levius habere, Bd. 4, 19; S. 589, 3. [O. Sax. liohto: O. H. Ger. líhto leviter, leniter.]
leohte; p. leoht; pp. v. leccan.
leóht-fæt, es; n. A lamp, light, lantern :-- Leóhtfæt lucernarium, Ælfc. Gl. 30; Som. 61, 55; Wrt. Voc. 26, 54. Ðínes líchaman leóhtfæt is ðín eáge lucerna corporis est oculus, Mt. Kmbl. 6, 22. Leóhtfatu lampades, 25, 1. Judas com mid leóhtfatum Judas venit cum lanternis, Jn. Skt. 18, 3: Homl. Th. ii. 246, 9. Hé leóhtfatu (lehtfeatu, Ps. Surt.) micel geworhte fecit luminaria magna, Ps. Th. 135, 7: Hymn. Surt. 126, 12. [O. Sax. lioht-fat: O. H. Ger. lioht-faz lucerna, lampas, luminarium (cœli), lanterna.]
leóht-fruma, an; m. The author or origin of light (cf. lucis auctor, Exon. 65 b; Th. 242, 3; Ph. 667) :-- Lífes leóhtfruma God, Cd. 9; Th. 11, 14; Gen. 175: 43; Th. 57, 10; Gen. 926: Exon. 41 a; Th. 137, 26; Gú. 565: 41 b; Th. 138, 24; Gú. 581: Ps. C. 50; Ps. Grn. ii. 277, 46: Bt. Met. Fox 11, 143; Met. 11, 72.
leóht-gesceot, -gescot, es; n. Contribution made to furnish the church with lights. The various regulations respecting it may be seen in the following passages :-- Gif hwá leóhtgesceot ne gelǽste, gylde lahslit mid Denum, wíte mid Englum, L. E. G. 6; Th. i. 170, 4. Gelǽste man leóhtgescot þríwa on geáre, L. Eth. V. 11; Th. i. 308, 2: vi. 19; Th. i. 320, 3. Leóhtgescot gelǽste man tó Candelmæssan; dó oftor se ðe wile, ix. 12; Th. i. 342, 31. Leóhtgesceot þríwa on geáre: ǽrest on Eásterǽfen, healfpenigwurþ wexes ǽt ǽlcre híde; and eft on Ealra Hálgena mæssan eall swá mycel; and eft tó ðǽm Sanctam Mariam clǽnsunge eal swá, L. C. E. 12; Th. i. 366, 31. Leóhtgescot þreówa on geáre: ǽrest healfpeningwurþ wexes tó Candelmæssan, and eft on Eásterǽfen and þriddan síþe tó Ealra Hálgena mæssan, Wulfst. 116, 6. Leóhtgescota, 113, 11. Leóhtgescot gelǽste man be wíte tó Cristes mæssan and tó Candelmæssan and tó Eástron; dó oftor se ðe wylle, 311, 9. [Cf. Icel. ljóstollr fee to a church for lighting.]
leóhtian; p. ode To give light :-- Leóma leóhtade leóda mǽgþum a ray gave light to the tribes of men, Exon. 11 a; Th. 15, 10; Cri. 234. v. líhtan.
leóhtian, p. ode To grow light, become less heavy, or easy, be relieved :-- Ðonne leóhtaþ him se líchoma his body will be relieved of the pain, Herb. 1, 16; Lchdm. i. 76, 2. v. líhtan to ease.
leóhting, e; f. Lighting :-- Leóhtes leóhting lucubrum, Ælfc. Gl. 67; Som. 69, 89; Wrt. Voc. 41, 42. v. líhting.
leóht-ísern, es; n. A candlestick :-- Léhtísern candelabrum, Mt. Kmnl. Lind. 5, 15: Mk. Skt. Lind. 4, 21: Lk. Skt. Lind. 8, 16.
leóht-leás; adj. Without light :-- Hé sǽde ðæt hé wǽre gelǽd tó leóhtleásre stówe he said that he was conducted to a place without light, Homl. Th. ii. 504, 29.
leóht-líc; adj. Light, bright, shining :-- Lyftfæt leóhtlíc [the moon], Exon. 108 a; Th. 411, 21; Rä. 30, 3.
leóht-líc; adj. Light, of little weight or value :-- Leóhtlícu weorc levitas operis, Past. 43, 1; Swt. 309, 1. [O. Sax. líht-lík: Icel. létt-ligr: O. H. Ger. líht-líh levis, infimus, humilissimus.] v. next word.
leóht-líce; adv. Lightly, slightly, gently, without trouble or effort, easily, quickly :-- Swá swá leóhtlíce gebylged quasi leviter indignata, Bd. 4, 9; S. 577, 24. Swá swá hé leóhtlíce onslǽpte quasi leviter obdormiens, 4, 11; S. 580, 2. Geswét swíðe leóhtlíce mid hunige sweeten very slightly with honey, L. M. 1, 2; Lchdm. ii. 36, 3: 1, 19; Lchdm. ii. 62, 20. Hí forléton ða scipo ðus leóhtlíce ... and léton ealles þeódscipes geswincg ðus leóhtlíce forwurþan they abandoned the ships thus lightly ... and let all the nation's labour thus lightly come to nought, Chr. 1009; Erl. 142, 10-13. Ða weras mon sceal hefiglecor lǽran and ða wíf leóhtlecor illis [men] graviora, istis [women] injungenda sunt leviora, Past. 24; Swt. 179. 16. [Swá swá heó líhtlucost mihten as quickly as they could, Th. An. 143, 21.] [Icel. létt-liga lightly, easily, readily: O. H. Ger. líht-líhho leniter, levius: Ger. leicht-lich.]
leóht-mód; adj. Of light or cheerful mind, light-hearted, easy-tempered; light-minded (v. next word), inconstant, fickle, Exon. 90 a; Th. 338, 30; Gn. Ex. 86. [Cf. Icel. létt-látr cheerful; létt-lyndr easy-tempered; létt-úð light-heartedness; mod. levity, frivolity: O. H. Ger. líht-mótig levis.]
leóhtmód-ness, e; f. Lightness of mind, want of gravity or steadiness, levity, frivolity, inconstancy :-- Gif ǽresð se wyrtruma biþ forcorfen ðæt is sió leóhtmódnes ... Mon hine bewarige wið ða leóhtmódnesse ... Paulus cwæþ 'Wéne gé nú ðæt ic ǽnigre leóhtmódnesse brúce' ... hé ðære leóhtmódnesse unþeáwes nánwuht næfde cum prius radicem levitatis abscidunt ... Mentis levitas caveatur ... Paulus dicit 'Numquid levitate usus sum?' ... levitatis vitio non succumbo, Past. 42, 3; Swt. 308, 2-11: 32, 2; Swt, 215, 2: 33, 6; Swt. 225, 12. For hira leóhtmódnesse levitate cogitationum, 42, 1; Swt. 305, 17. [Cf. O. H. Ger. líht-móti levitas.]
leóht-sceáwigend light-seeing; lucivida, Wrt. Voc. ii. 51, 56.
leóht-sceot. v. leóht-gesceot.
leóma, an; m. Light, radiance, sheen, splendour, lightning, ray or beam of light :-- Ðes leóma hoc jubar, Ælfc. Gr. 9; Som. 9, 43. Candeles leóma lampas, Ælfc. Gl. 67; Som. 69, 88; Wrt. Voc. 41, 41. Leóma globus; leómum globis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 40, 74, 75: 109, 73: globis, luminibus, Hpt. Gl. 472, 27. Fýres leóma illuminatio ignis, Ps. Th. 77, 16. Sunnan leóma the light of the sun, Exon. 21 a; Th. 56, 16; Cri. 901. Swegles leóma the radiance of the sky, 57 a, Th. 204, 26; Ph. 103. Berhtre ðonne se leóma sunnan on sumera brighter than sun-light in summer, Bt. Met. Fox 22, 46; Met. 22, 23. Stód se leóma him of swylce fýren þecele ongeán norþdǽle middangeardes the brightness [tail of a comet] proceeded from them [two comets] as a fiery torch towards the north, Bd. 5, 23; S. 645. 29: Beo. Th. 5532; B. 2769. God eástan sende leóhtne leóman God from the east sent bright radiance, Judth. 11; Thw. 24, 16; Jud. 191: Cd. 223; Th. 294, 11; Sat. 469. Ðæt nánes mannes gesihþ ðæs leóhtes leóman sceáwian ne mihte, Homl. Th. i. 76, 11. Fýrleóht geseah blácne leóman beorhte scínan he saw the firelight, a pale gleam, shine brightly, Beo. Th. 3038; B. 1517. Seó sunne byþ swá feorr súþ ágán ðæt hyre leóman ne mágon tó ðam lande gerǽcan the sun is gone so far south, that its rays cannot reach that land, Lchdm. iii. 260, 10: Cd. 148; Th. 184, 25; Exod. 112. Leóman fulgura, Hymn. T. P. 73: Ps. Lamb. 134, 7. Leómena leás blind, Exon. 87 a; Th. 328, 13; Vy. 17. Leómum inlýhted illumined with his rays, 42 a; Th. 141, 14; Gú. 627. Seó sunne behýdde hire hátan leóman the sun hid its hot beams, Homl. Th. ii. 256, 34. [O. Sax. liomo: Icel. ljómi radiance, a ray.] DER. æled-, beadu-, bryne-, fýr-, ge-, heofon-, hilde-, sweord- leóma.
león; p. láh. To lend, grant for a time :-- Mín lond ðe is hæbbe, and mé God láh, Chart. Th. 469, 25: Beo. Th. 2916; B. 1456. Líh mé þreó hláfas commoda mihi tres panes, Lk. Skt. Lind. 11, 5. [Goth. leihwan: O. Sax. far-líhan: O. L. Ger. lían: O. Frs. lía: Icel. ljá: O. H. Ger. líhan commodare, fenerare, mutuare: Ger. leihen.] v. on-léon.
león-fót, es; m. Lion's foot [plant name]; alchemilla vulgaris :-- Leónfót leontopodium, Wrt. Voc. 67, 50: Herb. 8, 1; Lchdm. i. 98, 12. Liónfót leontopedium, Wrt. Voc. ii. 53, 48. [Icel. ljóns-fótr alchemilla.]
leóna, an; m. A lion or lioness :-- Zosimus tó ðam leónan cwæþ: Eálá ðú mǽsta(e) wildeór [cf. l. 15 seó leó mid hire earmum], Glostr. Frag. 110, 9. Oft hálige men wunedon on wéstene betwux wulfum and leónum, Homl. Th. i. 102, 5: 488, 4: 572, 13: ii. 192, 24. Fram leónum a leonibus, Ps. Spl. 34, 20. [Icel. leóna a lioness: león, ljón; gen. ljóns: m. n. a lion.] v. leó.
leópard, es; m. A leopard :-- Fore hundum tigros and leópardos hí fédaþ pro canibus tigres et leopardos nutriunt, Nar. 38, 4. [Icel. leóparðr, hlébarðr: O. H. Ger. lébarto, lébard, leóparto.]
leóran; p. de To go, depart, pass, pass away :-- Ic ne leóru non emigrabo, Ps. Surt. 61, 7. Leoreþ transeat, 56, 2. Wið ða hwíle lióres [geleóreþ, Rush.] heofon and eorþo donec transeat cælum et terra, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 5, 18. Hé leórde ðonan transiit inde, 11, 1: Andr. Kmbl. 247; An. 124. Hé tó drihtne mid sibbe leórde he departed in peace to the Lord, Glostr. Frag. 110, 30. Hé leórde tó heófonum migravit ad cælos, Bd. 2, 7; S. 509, 36. Of ðissum leóhte leórde, 3, 20; S. 550, 26. Leórde transivit, 4, 23; S. 592, 39. Ðe of weorulde leórdan qui de sæculo migraverant, 4, 22; S. 592, 27. Ðá leórdon ða gástas tó écum gefeán, Shrn. 134, 7. Lungre leórdon, nalas leng bidon, Andr. Kmbl. 2085; An. 1044. Leór ɫ gewít heonan transi hinc, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 17, 20. Ðé gedafenaþ ðæt ðú leóre on ðíne bǽre, Blickl. Homl. 149, 11. Leóre from mé ðes calic transeat calix iste, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 26, 39. Ðætte munecas ne leóran of stówe tó óðre ut monachi non migrent de loco ad locum, Bd. 4, 5; S. 572, 37. Leóran transire, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 26, 42. Leórendum dagum in the transitory days [of this life], Exon. 118 a; Th. 454, 9; Hy. 4, 30. DER. á-, forþ-, be-, fore-, ge-, ofer-, þurh-leóran.
leóred-ness, e; f. Migration, departure, extasy, vision :-- Liórednesse visione spiritali, Hpt. Gl. 486, 30. v. ge-leóredness.
leornere, es; m. A learner, disciple scholar, learned person, reader :-- Be ðam wrát Beda se leornere of him the scholar Bede wrote, Shrn. 155, 25. Gif leornere geþéh þurh láre ðæt hé hád hæfde and þénode Criste if a scholar succeeded by learning so that he had holy orders and served Christ, L. R. 7; Th. i. 192, 12. Brýde beág béc leornere a ring for a bride, books for a scholar, Exon. 91 a; Th. 341, 25; Gn. Ex. 131. Ðone leornere ic nú bidde lectorem obsecro, Bd. pref; S. 472, 31. Swá leorneras secgaþ as scholars say, Shrn. 63, 10: Exon. 62 a; Th. 227, 17; Ph. 424. Se Hǽlend tóbræc ða hláfas and sealde his leornerum, Homl. Th. ii. 400, 21: Blickl. Homl. 131, 20. Johannes gesende twægen leorneras his Joannes mittens duos de discipulis suis. Mt. Kembl. Rusts. 11. 2, 1: 10, 1. Ealle ða gelǽredestan men and ða leorneras multis doctioribus viris, Bd. 4, 24; S. 597, 30. v. stæf-leornere.
leór-ness, e; f. Going, departure, withdrawal :-- Dægas leórnisse his dies assumptionis ejus, Lk. Skt. Rush. 9, 51. Leornisse transmigrationis, Ps. Surt. ii. 191, 3. In leórnisse in secessu [cf. gang II.], Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 15, 17. v. ge-, ofer-leórness.
leornesse [?] Bd. 6, 5; S. 527, 16, other MSS. have geornesse.
leornian; p. ode To learn, study, read :-- Swá swá in ðære béc his lífes geméteþ swá hwylc swá hí rǽdeþ and leornaþ sicut in volumine vitæ ejus quisque legerit inveniet, Bd. 4, 31; S. 611, 7. Ǽlc ðe gehýrde æt fæder and leornode omnes qui audivit a patre et didicit, Jn. Skt. 6, 45. Fram ðám hé ðæt gemet leornode regollíces þeódscipes a quibus normam disciplinæ regularis didicerat, Bd. 3, 23; S. 554, 35. Hé hálige gewritu leornade and smeáde scripturis legendis operam daret, S. 555, 29. Ða ðe hé on gewritum leornode tó dónne ea quæ in scripturis agenda didicerat, 3, 28; S. 560, 16. Gé ne leornodan non legistis, 4, 3; S. 569, 17. Leorna ðæt ðú ondrǽde drihten ut discos timere dominum, Deut. 14, 23. Leorneaþ æt mé discite a me, Mt. Kmbl. 11, 29. Leornigeaþ bigspell be ðam fictreówe ab arbore fici discite parabolam, 24, 32. Syle andgit ðæt ic ðíne gewitnesse wel leornige da mihi intellectum ut sciam testimonia tua, Ps. Th. 118, 125. Ic hit for ðære hǽlo ðe hit leornige oððe gehýre áwrát ob salutem legendum, sive audientium narrandam esse putavi, Bd. 5, 13; S. 634, 2. Lange sceal leornian se ðe lǽran sceal long must he learn who has to teach, L. Ælfc. P. 46; Th. ii. 384, 15: L. L P. 14; Th. ii. 322, 8. Béc on tó leornianne libros ad legendum, Bd. 3, 27; S. 558, 27. Ða hús ða ðe on tó gebiddenne and tó leornigenne geworhte wǽron domunculæ quæ ad orandum vel legendum factæ erant, 4, 25; S. 601, 12. Ealswá David dyde leornigendum móde [with docile mind],Wulfst. 172, 22. [O. Frs. ge-lerna, -lirna: O. H. Ger. lernén, lirnén discere, meditari: Ger. lernen. Goth. has leisan, and ga-laisjan sik: O. Sax. linón: mod. Scandinavian dialects use forms corresponding to lǽran.] v. ge-leornian.
leornung, e; f. Learning, study, meditation, reading :-- Lár oððe leornung teaching or learning, L. I. P. 8; Th. ii. 314, 20: Past. pref; Swt. 3, 10. Micel is tó secganne langsum leornung ðæt hé in lífe ádreág much is it to tell, lengthy the reading, what he in life underwent, Andr. Kmbl. 2962; An, 1484. Geleoso ðære godcundan leornunge studia divinæ lectionis, Bd. 3, 13; S. 538, 29. On smeáwunge and on leornunge háligra gewrita ... ðonne hí on heora leornunge wǽron and heora béc rǽddon and beeodan meditationi scripturarum ... cum illi intus lectioni vacabant, 4, 3; S. 567, 29-34. On leornunge úra stafa nostrarum lectione litterarum, 5, 14; S. 635, 8. On leornunge in discendo, Coll. Monast. Th. 18, 18. Gáþ út tó claustre oððe tó leorninge egredimini in claustrum vel in gymnasium, 36, 9. Hí hiene niéddon tó leornunga, ðéh hé gewintred wǽre they compelled him to go to school, though he was an old man, Ors. 6, 31; Swt. 284, 21. Tó liornunga óðfæste, Past. pref; Swt. 7, 12. Ðú hatodest leornunga to odisti disciplinam, Ps. Th. 49, 18. Mid ða leornunga ðissa bóca hujus [libri] lectione, Bd. 5, 18; S. 636, 4. Tó begangenne his leornunge lectioni operam dare, 5, 2; S. 614, 35. Hé micle gýminge hæfde háligra leorninga curam non modicam lectionibus sacris exhibebat, 3, 19; S. 547, 27. On hálgum leornungum, 4, 2; S. 565, 33. [O. H. Ger. lirnunga, lernunga disciplina, industria, doctrina, lectio.]
leornung-cild, es; n. A scholar, pupil, disciple :-- Benedictus bemǽnde ðæt his leorningcild Maurus ðæs óðres deáþes fægnian sceolde, Homl. Th. ii. 164, 10.
leornung-cniht, es; m. A youth engaged in study, scholar, disciple :-- Leorningcniht discipulus vel mathites, Ælfc. Gl. 80; Som. 72, 99; Wrt. Voc. 46, 56. Nys se leorningcniht ofer his láreów non est discipulus super magistrum, Mt. Kmbl. 10, 24. Sí ðú his leorningcniht, wé synt Moyses leorningcnihtas, Jn. Skt. 9, 28. [The word occurs frequently in the Gospels, as it regularly translates discipulus.] Monige ðeáh ðe hí nǽfre leorningcnihtas nǽren wilniaþ ðeáh láreówas tó beónne plerique qui, quæ non didicerint, docere concupiscunt, Past. proem; Swt. 25, 8. Ðá undergeat se preóst ðæt hé ne mihte ðone hálgan wer líchamlíce ácwellan, and wolde ðá his leorningcnihta sáwla fordón, Homl. Th. ii. 162, 30.
leornung-cræft, es; m. Learning, erudition :-- Ða ðe leornungcræft hæfdon scholars, Elen. Kmbl. 760; El. 380.
leornung-hús, es; n. A house for study, a school :-- Leorninghús gymnasium, Ælfc. Gl. 107; Som. 78, 76; Wrt. Voc. 57, 54; Wrt. Voc. ii. 46, 56.
leornung-mann, es; m. A learner, pupil, scholar, student, disciple :-- Sum leorningman well gelǽred on gewritum scholasticus quidam doctus studio literarum, Bd. 3, 13; S. 538, 18. Ǽrest discipula and leorningmon reogollíces lífes primo discipula regularis vitæ, 3, 24; S. 557, 4. Ic wylle tó him gecyrran and biddan ðæt ic móte heononforþ his leorningman beón, Homl. Th. ii. 414, 15. Hí [Martha and Mary] wǽron ðæs Hǽlendes leorningmen, 438, 18. Mæssepreóstas sceolon symble æt heora húsum leorningmonna sceole habban, and gif hwylc gódra wile his lytlingas hiom tó láre befæstan, hig sceolon swíðe lustlíce hig onfón and him éstlíce tǽcan, L. E. I. 20; Th. ii. 414, 7-10.
LEÓÞ, es; n. A song, poem, ode, lay, verses :-- Ðis leóþ hoc carmen, Ælfc. Gr. 9; Som 9, 28. Leóþ poema, Ælfc. Gl. 112; Som. 79, 98; Wrt. Voc. 60, 6. Sárlíc leóþ tragædia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 82, 37. Leóþ wæs ásungen the song was recited, Beo. Th. 2323; B. 1159. Leóþ Gode úrum carmen Deo nostro, Ps. Spl. 39, 4. Hé for ðon nǽfre nóht leásunga ne ídeles leóþes wyrceanne mihte unde nihil unquam frivoli et supervacui poematis facere potuit, Bd. 4, 24; S. 596, 42. Ðý betstan leóþe geglenged optimo carmine compositum, S. 597, 37. Ðæt leóþ singan dicere carmen, 597, 31. Ðis leóþ him andswaraþ for gewitnysse and ðæt leóþ ne ádiligaþ nán man of ðínes ofspringes múþe respondebit ei canticum istud pro testimonio, quod nulla delebit oblivio ex ore seminis tui, Deut. 31, 21. Ic geworhte hí eft tó leóþe I made a poetical version of it, Bt. proem; Fox viii, l0. Ðá ic ðis leóþ ásungen hæfde when I had recited these verses, 3, 1; Fox 4, 16. Leóþ odai, Wrt. Voc. ii. 64, 63. Leóþa gleáw skilled in songs, Exon. 79 a; Th. 296, 16; Crä. 52. Omerus wæs mid Crécum leóþa cræftgast, Bt. Met. Fox. 30, 4; Met. 30, 2, Ic lióþa fela sang, 2, 1; Met. 2, 1: Exon. 91 b; Th. 344, 8; Gn. Ex. 170. Leóþum and spellum leódum reahte in songs and stories he related to men, Bt. Met. Fox 30, 15; Met. 30, 8. Ða lióþ ðe ic geó lustbǽrlíce song carmina qui quondam studio florente peregi, Bt. 2; Fox 4, 6. Hé gewunode gerisenlíce leóþ wyrcean ða ðe tó ǽfæstnesse and tó árfæstnesse belumpon carmina religioni et pietati apta facere solebat, Bd. 4, 24: S. 596, 31. Ne wéne ǽnig ælda cynnes ðæt ic lygewordum leóþ somnige wríte wóðcræfte let none imagine of the race of men that with lying words my lays I compose, writing in verse, Exon. 63 b; Th. 234, 29; Ph. 547. [Goth. awi-liuþ: Icel. ljóð: O. H. Ger. leod, lied carmen: Ger. lied.] DER. ǽfen-, bismer-, brýd-, byrgen-, byrig-, dæg-, dryht-, fús-, fyrd-, galdor-, gift-, gryre-, gúþ-, hearm-, hilde-, líc-, sǽ-, sige-, sorg-, wíg-, wóp-leóþ.
leóþ-cræft, es; m. The art of poetry, poetry, verse, a poem :-- Ðes leóþcræft hoc poema: ðás leóþcræftas hæc poemata [all the other cases are also given], Ælfc. Gr. 9; Som. 8, 16-21. Hé biþ swá ðeáh on leópcræfte ǽgðer ge lang ge sceort it [i of the genitive in certain words] is however in poetry both long and short, 18; Som. 21, 51. Ða gemetu gebyriaþ tó lédenum leóþcræfte metres pertain to Latin poetry, 50; Som. 51, 66. Sixfealdum leóþcræfte exametro heroico, Wrt. Voc. ii. 144, 47. Hé ðone leóþcræft geleornode canendi artem didicit, Bd. 4, 24; S. 596, 40.
leóþ-cræftig; adj. Skilled in poetry :-- Leóþcræftig mon, Exon. 100 b; Th. 379, 28; Deór. 40.
leóþ-cwide, es; m. A poem :-- Ic nát for hwí eów sindon ða ǽrran gewin swá lustsumlíce on leóþcwidum tó gehiéranne I do not know why the earlier contests are so pleasant for you to hear in poems, Ors. 3, 7; Swt. 120, 2.
leóþ-gidding, e; f. A poem, song, Andr. Kmbl. 2956; An. 1481.
leoþian. v. á-leoþian, lipian.
leóþian; p. ode To sing, sound :-- Wóð óðer ne lythwón leóþode ðonne in lyft ástág ceargesta cirm a second cry sounded, nor weakly, when to the heavens rose the wail of the troubled spirits, Exon. 38 a; Th. 125, 32; Gú. 363. Folcum ic leóþode to peoples I sang, 94 b; Th. 354, 4; Reim. 40. [Goth. liuþón to sing: O. H. Ger. liudón canere, jubilare.]
leóþ-líc; adj. Poetical :-- Beda ðises hálgan líf ǽgðer ge æfter ánfealdre gereccednysse ge æfter leóþlícere gyddunge áwrát Bede wrote this saint's life both in prose and in verse, Homl. Th. ii. 134, 1.
leóþ-sang, es; m. A song, poem :-- In swinsunge leóþsanges in modulationem carminis, Bd. 4, 24; S. 597, 35. For his leóþsongum cujus carminibus, S. 596, 36.
leoþu [?] :-- Wæs on lagustreáme lád ðǽr mé leoþu ne biglád [cf. (?) Icel. lið a host, people, or lið a ship], Exon. 94 a; Th. 353, 18; Reim. 14.
leoþu-bend; m. f. A fetter, bond :-- Ic ðé álýse of ðyssum leoþubendum I will release thee from these bonds, Andr. Kmbl. 200; An. l00: 2746; An. 1375: 327; An. 164. Of leoþobendum, 2066; An. 1035: 3127; An. 1566. Lioþobendum, Cd. 19; Th. 24, 23; Gen. 382. [O. Sax. liðo-bend.]
leoþu-bíge, -bíg; adj. Flexible at the joints, humble; meek :-- Ðá wearþ ðæt hálige líc hál on eorþan gemét liþebíge on limum the holy body was found in the earth sound, and with the limbs not yet stiff, Homl. Th. ii. 152, 33. Ic gesette eów sóðe gebysnunge, ðæt eówer ǽlc sceole óðres fét áþweán, swá swá ic láreów eów liþebíg [humble] áþwóh, 242, 28.
leoþu-cǽge, an; f. A limb-key, key which consists of limbs :-- Ðé [the Virgin Mary] æfter him engla þeóden eft unmǽle lioþucǽgan bileác, Exon. 12 b; Th. 21, 13; Cri. 334.
leoþu-cræft, es; m. Bodily skill, skill in the use of the limbs :-- Se gedǽleþ missenlíce leoþucræftas londbúendum, Exon. 78 b; Th. 295, 6; Crä. 29. Segn eallgylden hondwundra mǽst gelocen leoþocræftum [skilfully; or leóþocræftum, (cf. leóþcræft and next word) with charms, magically; cf. the Danish banner, the Raven, supposed to be woven by the daughters of Ragnar, and to which extraordinary qualities were attributed. See also Burnt Njal, c. 156.]
leóþu-cræft, es; m. Poetic art or skill, Elen. Kmbl. 2499; El. 1251. v. preceding word.
leoþu-cræftig; adj. Skilful with the limbs, Exon. 59 b; Th. 216, 14; Ph. 268.
leoþu-fæst; adj. Firm of limb, strong, able :-- Sum biþ bóca gleáw, lárum leoþufæst, Exon. 79 b; Th. 298, 34; Crä. 95.
leoþu-líc; adj. Belonging to the limbs, bodily :-- Leoþolíc and gástlíc, Andr. Kmbl. 3254; An. 1630. [O. H. Ger. lido-líh.]
leoþu-rún, e; f. Counsel conveyed in verse, Elen. Kmbl. 1042; El. 522.
leoþu-sár, es; n. A pain ofthe limbs or joints :-- Leoþusár vel geþind condolomata articula, Wrt. Voc. ii. 135, 67.
leoþu-sirce, an; f. A coat of mail :-- Locene leoþosyrcan, Beo. Th. 3014; B. 1505: 3784; B. 1890.
leoþu-wác; adj. With pliant joints, flexible, pliant, supple :-- Liþowác habile, Wrt. Voc. ii. 42, 67. Leoþuwác, 110, 25. Leóht and leoþuwác nimble and supple, Exon. 79 b; Th. 298, 12; Crä. 84. Swilce liðewácum velut lentescente, Hpt. Gl. 520, 36. Liðewácum tagum [? tánum] lentis viminibus, 514, 69. [O. H. Ger. lido-weih flexible; lentus.] v. un-leoþuwác.
leoþuwác-ness. v. un-leoþuwácness.
leoþu-wácung, e; f. In Ps. Spl. T. 78, 11 compeditorum is glossed by liþewácunga.
leoþuwǽcan, liþewǽcan; p. -wǽhte To become or to make soft, or pliant, to grow calm, to assuage, soften :-- Liþewǽcaþ brymmas sǽs the surges of the sea become still, Hymn. Lye. Liþewǽhte lentesceret, Hpt. Gl. 479, 30. Liþewǽhtan mollescerent, delenirent, 481, 13. Leoþewǽce mitigare, pacificare, 495, 22. v. ge-liþewǽcan.
leóþ-weorc, es; n. Song-making, poetry; poesis, Ælfc. Gl. 112; Som. 79, 99; Wrt. Voc. 60, 7.
leóþ-wíse, an; f. A poetical manner, verse :-- Mycel Englisc bóc on leóþwísan geworht a large English book composed in poetry, Chart. Th. 430, 24. Áwend of Lédene on Englisc on leóþwíson, Homl, Th. ii. 520, 10.
leóþ-word, es; n. A word in a poem, Andr. Kmbl. 2975; An. 1490.
leóþ-wyrhta, an; m. A poet :-- Leóþwyrhta poeta vel vates, Ælfc. Gl. 112; Som. 79, 100; Wrt. Voc. 60, 8: 73, 68. Hleot [= leóþ] wyrhta melopius, 291, 26. Leódwyrhta melopius, Wrt. Voc. ii. 56, 50. Ælfréd cyning Westsexna leóþwyrhta, Bt. Met. Fox introduc. 5; Met. Einl. 3.
leów, es; pl.(?) leówer, leówera; n. A thigh, ham :-- Án hríðres læuw a ham of beef, Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. ii. 355, 7. Leówer pernas, Lchdm. i. lxix, 13. Léwera, lxxiii, 31. [Or is leower a different word. Cf. Icel. lær thigh, and see Lchdm. iii. 366, col. 1.]
leówe, an; f. A league, a mile :-- Leóuue miliarium, Ælfc. Gl. 57; Som. 67, 81; Wrt. Voc. 38, 7. ['Lat. leuca, leuga a Gallic mile of 1500 Roman paces; a word of Celtic origin.' Skt. Etym. Dict. under league.]
lepeþ :-- Sum sceal wildne fugel átemian ... fédep on feterum ... lepeþ lyftswiftne lytlum gieflum óþ ðæt se wælisca his ǽtgiefan eáþmód weorþeþ, Exon. 88 b; Th. 332, 14-27; Vy. 85-91. Grein compares with M. H. Ger. erlaffen languefacere, the passage would then mean that the hawk's fierceness and wildness were subdued by giving it little to eat. Might we however for lepeþ read léfeþ [cf. léf] or léweþ [cf. ge-léwan] = weakens, which would give very much the same meaning?
lesan; p. læs; pl. lǽson; pp. lesen To lease [= glean dialect.], gather, collect :-- Se eorþlíca anweald nǽfre ne sǽwþ cræftas ac lisþ and gadraþ unþeáwas earthly power never sows virtues, but collects and gathers vices, Bt. 27, 1; Fox 94, 25. Gif gé lesaþ wyrte on Sunnandæg if ye gather herbs on Sunday, Wulfst. 231, 18. Ic læs I collected, Elen. Kmbl. 2474; El. 1238. Hí lǽson ǽfre forþ mid heom ealle ða butsecarlas ðe heó gemétton they kept on all the while collecting and joining to themselves all the sailors they found, Chr. 1052; Erl. 184, 15. Ne gé ne gaderion ða eár ðe bæftan eów beóþ ac lǽtaþ þearfan and útácymene hig lesan nec remanentes spicas colligetis, sed pauperibus et peregrinis dimittetis eas, Lev. 23, 22. [Piers P. Wick. lese to glean: Goth. lisan: O. Sax. lesan: O. L. Ger. lesan to read: O. Frs. lesa: Icel. lesa: O. H. Ger. lesan legere, colligere: Ger. lesen.] DER. á-lesan.
lesu; indecl. f. Numen :-- Leso numine, Wrt. Voc. ii. 62, 19.
letanía, an; also with pl. -as; m. A litany :-- Ðæt hé ðysne letanían sungan quia hanc litaniam modularentur, Bd. 1, 25; S. 487, 24. Mid reliquium and mid letanían, Wulfst. 170, 18. Cristes folc mǽrsiaþ letanías, Shrn. 79, 28.
LEÐER, es; n. Hide, skin, leather. [The word is found chiefly, if not exclusively, in compounds. So in Icelandic, though frequent in modern usage, it is not found in old writers except in compounds. O. H. Ger. leder corium.] v. geweald-, heals-, weald-leðer.
leðer-codd, es; m. A leather bag :-- Leðercoddas bulgæ, Ælfc. Gl. 16; Som. 58, 58; Wrt. Voc. 21, 45.
leðeren, liðeren, leðern, leðren; adj. Leathern, of leather :-- Leðern scorteus, Ælfc. Gl. 99; Som. 76, 126; Wrt. Voc. 54, 66. Leðren fæt scortia, 16; Som. 60, 75; Wrt. Voc. 25, 15. Liðerene trymsas asses corteas, Wrt. Voc. ii. 7, 18. Lidrinae scorteas, Ep. Gl. 2 b, 10. [O. H. Ger. lidirin pellicea: Ger. ledern.]
leðer-helm, es; m. A leather helmet; galea, Ælfc. Gl. 51; Som. 66, 13; Wrt. Voc. 35, 3.
leðer-hose [-hosu?]; f. A leather covering for the leg, gaiter :-- Leðerhosa [-hosan?] caligas, Coll. Monast. Th. 27, 33. [Icel. leðrhosa; f. a gaiter: O. H. Ger. leder-hosa; f. ocrea, cenarga.] v. hosa.
leðer-wyrhta, an; m. A tanner, currier; byrseus, byrsarius, Wrt. Voc. ii. 11, 49: 102, 38: 127, 31. Lediruuyrcta, Ep. Gl. 6 d, 13.
lettan; p. te To cause to be slow [læt], to let, hinder, impede, delay :-- Ne leteþ non tricaverit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 60, 75. Ðæs andwearda wela ámerþ and læt [MS. Cot. let] ða men ðe beóþ átihte tó ðám sóþum gesǽlþum, Bt. 32, 1; Fox 114, 3. Ðæt flǽsc oft lett [MS. Hat. lætt] ða geornfulnesse and ðone willan ðæs þeóndan módes hér on worulde. Swǽ swǽ mon oft lett fundiende monnan and his færelt gǽlþ, swá gǽlþ se líchoma ðæt mód, Past. 36, 7; Swt. 256, 4-6. Óþ oreldo hí hine hwílum lettaþ they sometimes defer it (death) until extreme old age, Bt. 41, 2; Fox 246, 10. Ðæt syððan ná brimlíþende láde ne letton so that afterwards they did not hinder seafarers from their course, Beo. Th. 1142; B. 569. Ac ic ðé hálsige ðæt ðú mé nó leng ne lette tu modo quem excitaveris ne moreris, Bt. 36, 3; Fox 174, 32. Gyf ðonne ðissa þreóra þinga ǽnig hwylcne man lette, ðæt hine tó ðam fæstene ne onhagie if any of these three things hinder any man, so that the fast be inconvenient to him, Wulfst. 285, 4. Hwí wille gé lettan úre síþfæt why will ye hinder our journey? Homl. Th. ii. 336, 11. Wé ðé ðæs nú nellaþ lettan ðæs ðú ǽr geþoht hæfdest we will not hinder thee from that which thou didst before purpose, Guthl. 5; Gdwin. 30, 24. [O. Sax. lettian: O. Frs. letta: Icel. letja: O. H. Ger. lezjan retardare.] v. ge-lettan, latian.
letting, e; f. Letting, hindering, obstruction, delay, retarding :-- Ðeós yl[d]fulle letting hæc morosa tricatio, Hpt. Gl. 529, 6. Lettinge obstaculo, 523, 16. Lettincge offendiculo, 429, 35. On ðære lettinge his færeltes in ejus itineris retardatione, Past, 36, 7; Swt. 254, 20. [Se cyng scipa út on sǽ sende his bróðer tó dære and tó lættinge, Chr. 1101; Erl. 237, 19.] Blindne se ðe hine gesihþ lettincge getácnaþ if a man [in a dream] sees himself blind, it betokens hindrance, Lchdm. iii. 200, 14: 202, 3: 204, 2.
léwsa, an; m. Weakness, infirmity, misery :-- Eágan míne sárgodon for léwsan oculi mei languerunt præ inopia, Ps. Spl. T. 87, 9. v. léf ge-léwan.
LIBBAN; p. lifde To LIVE :-- For ðam ic lybbe and gé lybbaþ quia ego vivo et vos vivetis, Jn. Skt. 14, 19. Ne lybbe ic, ac Crist leofaþ, Blickl. Homl. 165, 23. Wé lybbaþ mislíce on twelf mónþum; nú sceole wé lybban Gode, wé ðe óðrum tíman ús sylfum leofodon, Homl. Th. i. 180, 17. Godes þeówas ðe be gódra manna ælmessan libbaþ God's servants who live by the alms of good men, Wulfst. 120, 4. Hié be úrum lárum libbaþ they live according to our instructions, Blickl. Homl. 75, 15. Eal his líf hé lifde búton synnum, 33, 16. Hé on wynsumnesse lifde, 113, 7: Bd. 3, 27; S. 559, 27. Hé on ællþeódignesse lifde exulabat, S. 559, 30. Hé hér on eorþan engelíce lífe lifde, Blickl. Homl. 167, 33: 213, 11. Se þeódcyning þeáwum lyfde the king lived virtuously, Beo. Th. 4295; B. 2144. Wynnum lifde lived joyously, Exon. 111 b; Th. 428, 13; Rä. 41, 107. Wé ealne ðysne geár lifdon mid úres líchoman willan we have lived all this year as it was pleasing to our body, Blickl. Homl. 35, 27. Æfter ðon ðe hí lǽrdon hí sylfe þurh eall lifdon secundum ea quæ docebant ipsi per omnia vivendo, Bd. 1, 26; S. 487, 37. Hí ðágyt on hǽðennysse gedwolum lifdan paganis adhuc erroribus essent implicati, 2, 1; S. 501, 13. Ðá námon hí him wintersetl on Temesan and lifdon [lifedon, MS. E.] him of Eást Seaxum they took up their winter quarters on the Thames and got their provisions out of Essex, Chr. l009; Erl. 143, 4 note. Swá ða drihtguman dreámum lifdon, Beo. Th. 199; B. 99. Swá swá diácon ðe regollíf libbe, L. Eth. ix. 21; Th. í. 344, 21. Swínes scearn ðæs ðe on dúnlande and wyrtum libbe, L. M. 1, 20; Lchdm. ii. 62, 28. Ne hié selfe ðý beteran ne taligen ðe ða óðre ðeáh ða óðre be him libben ne se meliores æstiment, quia contineri per se ceteros vident, Past. 44, 1; Swt. 319, 19. Ða niétenu onlútaþ tó ðære eorþan forðon hié sculon be ðære libban, 21, 3; Swt. 154, 17. Laboratores syndon weorcmen, ðe tilian sceolon ðæs ðe eal þeódscipe big sceal lybban, Wulfst. 267, 15. Uton libban ðam lífe ðe scrift ús wísige, 112, 18: 150, 13. Lífe swilcum libban vitam talem vivere, Hymn. Surt. 90, 13. Hé sǽde ðæt hé wolde óðer oððe ðǽr libban oððe ðǽr lecgan he said that he would either live [conquer] there or die there, Chr. 901; Erl. 96, 33: Ors. 3, 10; Swt. 158, 32. Hé hié ealle geniédde ðæt hié áþas swóran, ðæt hié ealle ætgædere wolden oððe on heora earde licggean, oððe on heora earde libban, 4, 9; Swt. 190, 27. Hé cwæþ 'Ðú eart ðæs lifigendan Godes sunu.' Se is lybbende God ðe hæfþ líf þurh hine sylfne, Homl. Th. i. 366, 33. Eall ðæt ic hæbbe on libbandan and on licgendan all the live and dead stock that I have, Chart. Th. 548, 12. Nán man nán þing ne bycge ofer feówer peninga weorþ ne libbende ne licgende, L. C. S. 24; Th. i. 390, 3. Hý hit be ðán libbendan habban let them have it during their lifetime, Chart. Th. 491, 25. [Goth. liban: O. Sax. libbian: O. Frs. libba: Icel. lifa: O. H. Ger. lebén.] v. lifian.
líc, es; n. A body [living or dead] generally the latter; the word remains in lich-gate, lyke-wake :-- Líc oððe líchama corpus, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 32; Som. 12, 16. Líc ǽgðer ge cuces ge deáðes corpus; líc oððe hreáw funus; líc oððe hold cadaver, Wrt. Voc. 85, 51-54: 49, 25. Næs nán hús on eallum Egipta lande ðe líc inne ne lǽge neque erat domus, in qua non jaceret mortuus, Ex. 12, 30. Ealle ða hwíle ðe ðæt líc biþ inne, ðǽr sceal beón gedrync and plega, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 20, 25. Ðǽr ðæs hǽlendes ne áléd wæs ubi positum fuerat corpus iesu, Jn. Skt. 20, 12. Cwæþ ðæt his líc wǽre leóht and scéne, Cd. 14; Th. 17, 25; Gen. 265. Ðendan bu somod líc and sáwle lifgan móte whilst both soul and body may live together, Exon. 27 a; Th. 81, 21; Cri. 1327. Líc and gǽst, 46 b; Th. 160, 8; Gú. 940: 50 a; Th. 172, 25; Gú. 1149. Næs úre gemǽled ne líc ne leoþu neither body nor limbs were marked by the fire, 74 a; Th. 278, 3; Jul. 592. Líc sáre gebrocen, bánhús blódfág, Andr. Kmbl. 2808; An. 1406. Ðé is gedál witod líces and sáwle, Cd. 43; Th. 57, 20; Gen. 931. Sweostor mín líces mǽge my sister, kinswoman according to the flesh, 89; Th. 110, 4; Gen. 1833. Líces lustas lusts of the flesh, Exon. 71 b; Th. 267, 2; Jul. 409: 26 b; Th. 79, 28; Cri. 1297. Gang tó ciricean tó ðæs hálgan Óswaldes líce and site ðǽr ingredere ecclesiam, et accedens ad sepulcrum Osualdi, ibi reside, Bd. 3, 12; S. 537, 9. Stód se biscop æt ðam líce, 4, 11; S. 580, 13: L. Edg. c. 65; Th. ii. 258, 13. Bæþ wið ðam miclan líce a bath for elephantiasis, L. M. 1, 32; Lchdm. ii. 78, 18. Mynte ðæt hé gedǽlde ánra gehwylces líf wið líce meant to part the life of each one from the body, Beo. Th. 1470; B. 733. Hé ðæt andweorc of Adames líce áleoþode, Cd. 9; Th. 11, 18; Gen. 177. Hé sceáf reáf of líce, 76; Th. 94, 21; Gen. 1565. Forþ gewát Cham of líce Ham died, 79; Th. 97, 35; Gen. 1623. Hí his líc námon and hine on byrgene lédon, Mk. Skt. 6, 29: Beo. Th. 4261; B. 2127: L. Eth. v. 12; Th. i. 308, 5: vi. 21; Th. i. 320, 6. Ðæs mynstres bróðra dydon sce. Cúþberhtes líc of eorþan, and hí ðæt gemétton swá gesund swá hé ðágyt lifde, Shrn. 82, 14. Se ús líf forgeaf, leomu, líc and gǽst, Exon. 19 a; Th. 48, 25; Cri. 777. His [the Phœnix] líc, 59 b; Th. 216, 14; Ph. 268. Hé wearp hine ðá on wyrmes líc, Cd. 25; Th. 31, 26; Gen. 491. Eowre líc sceolon sweltan on ðisum wéstene vestra cadavera jacebunt in solitudine, Num. 14, 32. Ðǽr ðara arcebisceopa líc bebyrigde syndon ubi archiepiscopi Cantiæ sepeliri solent, Bd. 4, 1; S. 565, 5. Forleósan líca gehwilc ðara ðe lífes gást fæðmum þeahte, Cd. 64; Th. 77, 26; Gen. 1281. Lícu cadavera, Hymn. Surt. 52, 27. [Goth. leik: O. Sax. O. Frs. lík: Icel. lík: Dan. lig: Swed. lik: O. H. Ger. líh: Ger. leiche.] DER. eofor-, wyrm-líc.
-líc. v. ge-líc, and the numerous adjectives of which -líc [modern -ly] forms the last part.
-líca. v. efen-, ge-, man-, swín-líca.
lícan to please :-- Ne lícaþ him ðeáh his earfoþu his troubles do not please him, Ps. Th. 40, 1. Wel lícaþ Drihtne ða ðe hine him ondrǽdaþ beneplacitum est Domino super timentes eum, 146, 12. [Goth. leikan: O. H. Ger. líchén.] v. lícend-líc; lícian.
líc-beorg [beorg; m. a hill, funeral mound; or beorg; f. protection; or beorg connected with beorgan to taste, eat, a literal reproduction of sarcophagus?] a sarcophagus :-- Lícbeorg sarcofago, Wrt. Voc. ii. 119, 50.
líc-bysig; adj. Of active body, active with the body :-- Ic eom lícbysig láce mid winde active am I of body, move hither and thither with the wind, Exon. 122 b; Th. 470, 22; Rä. 31, 1.
liccian; p. ode To lick :-- Ic liccige linguo, Ælfc. Gr. 28; Som. 31, 57: lambo, 32, 25. Seó lyft liccaþ and átýhþ ðone wǽtan of ealre eorþan and of ðære sǽ, and gegaderaþ tó scúrum, Lchdm. iii. 276, 12. Fýnd his eorþan licciaþ [liccigeaþ, Th.] inimici ejus terram lingent, Ps. Spl. 71, 9. Ða réðan deór heora liþa liccodon mid liðran tungan, Homl. Skt. 4, 407: Lk. Skt. 16, 21. Liccedon linxerunt; liccigan lincxere, Wrt. Voc. ii. 51, 54, 55. His fétlástas licciende. Glostr. Frag. 110, 3. [O. Sax. likkón: O. H. Ger. lechón lambere, lingere: Ger. lecken.] v. ge-liccian.
liccung, e; f. Licking :-- Hundes liccung gehǽlþ wunda a dog's licking heals wounds, Homl. Th. i. 330, 23.
-líce a frequent adverbial termination, modern -ly.
lícend-líc; adj. Pleasing, pleasant :-- Forðon on his folce is fægere Drihtne wel lícendlíc quia beneplacitum est Domino in populo suo, Ps. Th. 149, 4. v. líciend-líc.
lícend-líce; adv. Pleasingly :-- Forðon mín gebed nú gyt bécnum standeþ ðæt him on wísum is wel lýcendlíce quoniam adhuc est oratio mea in beneplacitis eorum, Ps. Th. 140, 8.
Licetfeld, a; m. Lichfield in Staffordshire :-- Hæfde hé bisceopsetl on ðære stówe ðe gecýd is Licitfeld, Bd. 4, 3; S. 566, 44. Liccetfelda bisceop, 5, 24; S. 646, 14. Æt Licettfelda, Shrn. 59, 20. On Licetfelda, Chr. 716; Erl. 45, 14. Æt Licetfelda, Chart. Th. 373, 34.
lícettan; p. te To feign, pretend, profess falsely, simulate :-- Forðam seó orsorge wyrd simle líhþ and lícet ðæt mon scyle wénan ðæt beó is sió sóþe gesǽlþ illa [prospera fortuna] enim specie felicitatis, cum videtur blanda, mentitur, Bt. 20; Fox 70, 30. Oft ða unþeáwas leógaþ and lícettaþ ðæt hí síen góde þeówas plerumque vitia virtutes se esse mentiuntur, Past. 20; Swt. 149, 2. Hé lícette hine selfne ðæt hé wǽre ungeleáffull in se personam infidelium transfigurans, 16, 2; Swt. 101, 8. Job lícette ðæt hé sceolde bión se héhsta god Jove feigned to be the supreme god, Bt. 28, 1; Fox 194, 13. Lícetton scemmatizarunt, Wrt. Voc. ii. 84, 49. Ðá lícettan hí fleám beforan him simulantibus fugam hostibus, Bd. 4, 26; S. 602, 19. Ðæt is wísdóm ðæt wís man lícette dysig it is wisdom for a wise man to feign folly, Prov. Kmbl. 37. Ðeáh hé líccete untrymnesse, Ps. Th. 40, 9. Nelle wé mid leásungum ðyllíc líccetan we will not feign such things with falsehoods, Homl. Skt. pref. 49. Monige sint ðe mon sceal wærlíce lícettan nonnulla prudenter dissimulanda sunt, Past. 21, 1; Swt. 151, 13. Biþ gód tó licettanne suelce hé hit nyte it is good to make as if he did not know it, 151, 9. Líccettende scemmatizans, Wrt. Voc. ii. 94, 70. Ðus mid wordum líccetende offering the following pretext, Homl. Th. i. 400, 18. [O. H. Ger. líhizan simulare, fingere]. v. ge-, leás-lícettan.
lícettere, es; m. One who feigns, a hypocrite :-- Líccetere ypochrita, Wrt. Voc. 85, 39: fictor vel hipocrita, 49, 13. Swylce leáse líceteras [lícetteras. Rush.] sicut hypocritæ, Mt. Kmbl. 6, 16. Wá eów lícceteras væ vobis, hypocritæ, 23, 13. Líccetteras, 23, 15. Líceteras and leógeras Godes graman habban búton hig geswícan may those who are false in deed and in word have the wrath of God, unless they desist, L. C. S. 7; Th. i. 380, 5. Wel wítegod Isaias be eów lícceterum bene prophetavit Esaias de vobis hypocritis, Mk. Skt. 7, 6. [O. H. Ger. líhizari hypocrita.] DER. riht-, þeód-lícettere.
lícettung, e; f. Feigning, pretence, false representation, simulation, hypocrisy :-- Lícetung hypocrisis, Lk. Skt. 12, 1. Hwǽr com seó manigfealde lícetung heora freónda what is become of the manifold flattery of their friends? Blickl. Homl. 99, 33. Innan gé synt fulle líccettunge [MSS. A. B. lícetunge] intus pleni estis hypocrisi, Mt. Kmbl. 23, 28. Bútan lícetunge sine hypocrisi, Coll. Monast. Th. 33, 7. Ðæt his gesacan on miclum dǽle lícettunge and leáse wið hine syredon and onsægdon accusatores ejus nonnulla in parte falsas contra eum machinasse calumnias, Bd. 5, 19; S. 640, 14. Þurh lícetunge per simulationem, Confess. Peccat. [O. H. Ger. líhizunga dissimulatio.] v. leás-lícettung.
líc-fæt, es; n. The body, Exon. 48 b; Th. 167, 20; Gú.1063.
LICGAN; p. læg: pl. lǽgon; pp. legen. I. To LIE, be at rest, be in bed, lie dead, lie low, fail :-- Árís nú hwí líst ðú neowel on eorþan surge! cur jaces pronus in terra? Jos. 7, 10. Hwæt ligst ðú on horwe? Dóm. L. 6, 77. Mín cnapa líþ on mínum húse lama puer meus jacet in domo paralyticus, Mt. Kntbl. 8, 6. Gif hine on iii nihte ealdne mónan gestandeþ se líþ fæste and swylt if sickness attack him when the moon is three days old he will be confined to his bed and will die, Lchdm. iii. 182, 8. Ðonne ðín flǽsc ligeþ when thou art dead, Cd. 100; Th. 132, 5; Gen. 2188. Nú se wyrm ligeþ the serpent is dead, Beo. Th. 5484; B. 2745. Ðonne wind ligeþ weder biþ fæder when the wind is at rest the weather is fair, Exon. 58 b; Th. 210, 7; Ph. 182. Swá ðín blǽd líþ so shall thy glory lie low, Cd. 202; Th. 251 13; Dan. 563. Ða creópendan licgeaþ mid ealle líchoman on eorþan creeping things lie on the earth with all the body, Past. 21, 3; Swt, 155. 17. Heora líchoman licggaþ on eorþan and beóþ tó duste gewordne, Blickl. Homl. 101, 2. Á ðǽr hé læg [in his bed] hé hæfde his handa upweardes, 227, 16. Hé læig æt forþsíðe he lay at the point of death, Homl. Th. i. 128, 7: Homl. Skt. 3, 301. Nǽfre on óre læg [failed] wídcúþes wíg, Beo. Th. 2088; B. 1041. Ðǽr se cyning ofslægen læg, Chr. 755; Erl. 50, 14. Hié simle feohtende wǽron óð hié alle lǽgon they kept on fighting until they all lay dead, 50, 7. On carcernum lǽgon they lay in prison, Ors. 5, 1; Swt. 214, 18. Hí eallne ðone geár an monncwealme lǽgan all that year they suffered from a pestilence, 3, 5; Swt. 106, 10. Lige on ða sídan lie on the side, L. M. 1, 47; Lchdm. ii. 118, 10. Licge bútan wyrgelde let him lie [dead] without wergeld, L. Wih. 25; Th. i. 42, 13. Gif hine man ofsleá licgge hé orgilde, L. Alf. pol. 1; Th. i. 60, 15. Hine wulfas ábiton ðǽr hé ástifod lǽge, Blickl. Homl. 193, 8. Hié gemétton ða seofon hyrdas deáde licgan, 239, 25. Tó tácne ðæt hié óðer woldon oððe ealle libban oððe ealle licgan parato animo, ni vincant, mori, Ors. 3, 10; Swt. 138, 32: Chr. 901: Erl. 96, 28. Gif hé nylle hit geþafian léton hine licgan if he will not allow it, they shall kill him, L. Ath. i. 20; Th. i. 210, 9. Ðǽr ða scipu sceoldan licgan the ships were to lie there, Chr. 1009; Erl.141, 24. Hwæt hé gefélde cealdes æt his sídan licgean, Bd. 3, 2; S. 525, 15. Hé má gewunode on his smiþþan dæges and nihtes sittan and licgean magis in officina sua die noctuque residere consuerat, 5, 14; S. 634, 16. Licggean, Ors. 4, 9; Swt. 190, 27. Ðæt mægn ðæs licgendan the virtue of the dead man, Glostr. Frag. 110, 7. Hana ða licgenda[n] áwecþ gallus jacentes excitat, Hymn. Surt. 6, 36. Licgende feoh dead [as opposed to live] stock, other property than cattle, ready money :-- Heó beceápode ða scínendan gymmas and eác hire landáre wið licgendum feó she sold the shining gems and her landed property too, for ready money, Homl. Skt. 9, 54. Eall ðæt ic hæbbe on libbandan and on licgendan all the live and dead stock that I have, Chart. Th. 548, 13. Ðǽr wæs xx M horsa gefangen ðéh hié ðǽr nán licgende feoh ne métten pecorum magna copia abducta, auri atque argenti nihil repertum, Ors. 3, 7; Swt. 116, 32. And nán man nán þing ne bycge ofer feówer peninga weorþ tie libbende ne licgende, L. C. S. 24; Th. i. 390, 3. See Grmm. R. A. pp. 491 sqq. II. to lie, be situated [of a place], go or run [of a road or stream] :-- On ðam wege ðe líþ tó Euphfrate in via, quæ ducit Euphratam, Gen. 35, 19. Swá swá se weg líþ, wé faraþ, Num. 21, 22. Tó ðam wege ðǽr eást ligþ ... on ðone wege ðe líþ tó Stánleáge ... ðam wege ðe tó Stanleáge ligþ, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 409, 2-17. Sió stów ðe se weg tó ligþ, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 132, 37. Seó Wisle líþ út of Weonodlande and líþ in Estmere ... and ligeþ of ðæm mere west and norþ on sǽ, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 20, 7-12. On Swalewan streáme se ligþ be Ceterehttúne in fluvio Sualua, qui vicum Cataractam præterfluit, Bd. 2, 14; S. 518, 15. Lindesse ligeþ út on sǽ Lindissi, pertingens usque ad mare. 2, 16; S. 519, 19: 1, 25; S. 486, 21. On his gehlotland ðe líþ on Ephraim dúne in finibus possessionis suæ, quæ est sita in monte Ephraim, Jos. 24, 30. Saulus ríce swá hit súþ licgeþ ymbe Gealboe, Salm. Kiml. 382; Sal. 190. Seó forme India líþ tó ðæra Silhearwena ríce seó óðer líþ tó Medas, seó þridde tó ðam micclum gársecge the first India extends to the kingdom of Ethiopia, the second to Media, the third to the great ocean, Homl. Th. i. 454, 12. On ðam wege ðe læg tó Thamnaþa in bivio itineris, quod ducit in Thamnam, Gen. 38, 14. Ðá læg ðǽr án micel eá up in on ðæt land, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 17, 20. Hé wolde fundian hú longe ðæt land norþryhte lǽge he wanted to try how far the land extended due north, Swt. 17, 8. III. with prep. or adv. :-- Se hláford ðe ryhtes wyrne and for his yfelan man licge the lord who refuses justice, and makes his wrong doing man's cause his own, L. Ath. i. 3; Th. i. 200, 15. Godwine eorl and ealle ða yldestan menn on West Seaxon lágon ongeán swá hí lengost mihton earl Godwin and all the chief men in Wessex opposed as long as ever they could, Chr. 1036; Erl. 165, 2. xiiii æceras and ða mǽde ðe ðǽr tó líþ xiiii fields and the meadow belonging thereto, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. ii. 3, 34. Mid eallon ðám þingon ðe ðǽr tó læg forðam ðe his witan him sǽdon ðæt hit hwílon ǽr læg ðiderin with everything that belonged thereto; for his witan told him that in former times it had belonged to that place, vi. 190, 20. Ǽlc ðæra landa ðe on mínes fæder dæge læg intó Cristes cyrcean, iv. 232, 10. [Ic wille ðæt ðæt ligge intó sainte Petre 219, 26: 220, 19.] [Goth. ligan: O. Sax. liggian: O. Frs. liga: Icel. liggja: O. H. Ger. ligan, liggan: Ger. liegen.] DER. á-, æt-, be-, dyrn-, for-, ge-, tó-licgan.
líc-hama, an; m. The body [generally of a living person], the corporeal, in contrast to the spiritual, part of man :-- Se líchoma biþ líchoma ða hwile ðe hé his lima ealle hæfþ, Bt. 34, 9; Fox 148, 6. Is ðæs monnes líchoma betera ðonne ealle his ǽhta ... seó sáwl betere ðonne se líchoma, 32, 2; Fox 116, 11-13: Mt. Kmbl. 6, 25. Hire líchama wæs áfylled mid hreófian, Num. 12, 10. Ðæt ðín líchama sí eallum fugelum tó mete sit cadaver tuum in escam cunctis volatilibus cæli, Deut. 28, 26. Ðis is mín líchaman [líchama, MS. A.] hoc est corpus meum, Mt. Kmbl. 26, 26. Án líchama mid his fæder wæs una caro cum patre fuit, Bd. 1, 27; S. 491, 15. Cépecnihtas hwítes líchoman and fægeres andwlitan pueros venales candidi corporis, ac venusti vultus, 2, 1; S. 501, 7. Ðínes líchaman leóhtfæt is ðín eáge, Mt. 6, 22. Hé wearþ ðá mann gesceapen on sáwle and on líchaman he became then man formed of soul and body, Homl. Th. i. 12, 30. Ðonne betǽcþ Crist ða mánfullan mid líchaman and mid sáwle intó hellewíte then will Christ deliver the wicked, body and soul, into hell, ii. 608, 7. Hí tú beóþ in ánum líchoman erant duo in carne una, Bd. i, 27; S. 491, 14. Hé wæs álǽded of líchaman raptus est e corpore, 3, 19; S. 547, 33: 4, 3; S. 569, 46. Ne beó gé brégyde fram ðám ðe ðone líchaman ofsleáþ and nabbaþ syððan hwæt hig má dón, Lk. Skt. 12, 4. In ðam ealra ærcebiscopa líchoman syndon bebyrged bútan twegra, heora líchaman sindon on ðære cyricean sylfre gesette, Bd. 2, 3; S. 504, 36. Wé nán ðing nabbaþ búton land and líchaman, Gen. 47, 18. Hé healdeþ ða deádan líchoman ungemolsnode he keeps the dead bodies undecayed, Shrn. 82, 21. [O. Sax. lík-hamo: O. Frs. líkkoma, lícma: Icel. líkami, líkamr: O. H. Ger. líchamo.]
lícham-leás; adj. Without a body, incorporeal :-- Englas líchamleáse, Ælfc. T. Grn. 2, 25.
lícham-, lícum-líc [cf. cognates under líc-hama]; adj. Bodily, corporeal, material, carnal, not spiritual :-- Seó [heofene] is geháten firmamentum seó is gesewenlíc and líchamlíc it [heaven] is called the firmament; it is visible and material, Lchdm. iii. 232, 14. Hyre líchomlíce dóhtor filia ipsius carnalis, Bd. 5, 3; S. 616, 3. His lícumlíce untrumness corporea infirmitas, 4, 1; S. 564, 5. Oswald hæfde lícumlícre yldo xxxvii wintra anno ætatis suæ trigesimo octavo, 3, 9; S. 533, 53. Hí wilnodon ðæs líchomlícan deáþes ... wið ðan écan lífe, Bt. 11, 2; Fox 36, 3; Blickl. Homl. 103, 10. Se hálega gást ástáh líchamlícre ansýne corporali specie, Lk. Skt. 3, 22. Wæs hé líchomlícre gebyrdo æþeles cynnes erat carnis origine nobilis, Bd. 2, 7; S. 509, 15. Lícumlícre gegaderunga copulæ carnalis, 2, 9; S. 511, 1. Ealle ða líchamlícan gód biþ forcúþran ðonne ðære sáwle cræftas, Bt. 24, 3; Fox 84, 5. Ne geseó wit unc ofer ðæt líchomlicum eágum we shall never see one another after that with our bodily eyes, Bd. 4, 29; S. 607, 21: Blickl. Homl. 21, 20. [Icel. líkamligr: O. H. Ger. líhham-líh corporalis, carnalis.] DER. un-líchamlíc.
lícham-, lícum-líce; adv. Bodily, in the body :-- Ðeáh ðe hé líchamlíce on heora slege andwerd nǽre though he was not present in the body at their slaughter, Homl. Th. i. 82, 33. Líchamlíce corporaliter, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Sam. 41, 6. Seó stów ðe Drihten líchomlíce néhst on stód on middangearde, Blickl. Homl. 125, 15. Hié hine líchomlíce gesáwon they saw him with their bodily eyes, 135, 19. Ðeáh ðe hé lícumlíce æfward wære quamvis corporaliter absens, Bd. 3, 15; S. 542, 6.
líc-hord, es; n; The inner parts of the body, Exon. 46 b; Th. 159, 19 Gú. 929: 47 b; Th. 163, 31; Gú. 1002.
líc-hrægel, es; n. Winding-sheet :-- Hí dydon sce Cúþberhtes liic of eorþan ... ðá bǽron hí ðæs líchrægles dǽl tó Eádberhte ðæm biscope, Shrn. 82, 16.
líc-hryre, es; m. Fall of the body, death, Cd. 52; Th. 67, 11; Gen. 1099.
lícian; p. ode To please :-- Ic lícige placebo, Ps. Spl, T. 114, 9. Ne mæg nán man hine sylfne tó cynge gedón ac ðæt folc hæfþ cyre tó ceósenne ðone tó cyninge ðe him sylfum lícaþ no man can make himself king, but the people have the option of choosing him as king who pleases them, Homl. Th. i. 212, 8. Hé mé wel lícaþ, ii. 40, 5. Ðé lícaþ se almihtiga God bet ðonne Þeodisius, Shrn. 196, 35. Ealle ða þing ðe hér liciaþ sint eorþlíce, Bt. 34, 8; Fox 144, 35. Hit lícode Herode, Mt. Kmbl. 14, 6: Mk. Skt. 6, 22. Swá heó wiste ðæt his fæder lícode, Gen. 27, 14. Ac mé swá ðeáh nó ne lícade on him ðæt hé ða weorþunge Eástrena on riht ne heóld however I did not like in him his not keeping Easter rightly, Bd. 3, 17; S. 545, 2. For ðí sceolde ǽlc mon beón on ðam wel gehealden ðæt hé on his ágenum earde lícode erit igitur pervagata inter suos gloria quisque contentus, Bt. 18, 3; Fox 64, 28. Hí cwǽdon ðæt him ealle ða wel lícedon, 4, 5; S. 572, 24. Ðé is sélost ðæt ðú Gode lície, Blickl. Homl. 64, 34. Ac lícige swá hit lícige but please as it may, Wulfst. 191, 21. Ǽghwylc man þurh góde dǽda Gode lícian sceal, Blickl. Homl. 129, 34. Hé ðam cyninge wæs líciende, Bd. 5, 53; S. 632, 9. Him silfan lícigende, Lchdm. iii. 190, 24. [O. Sax. líkón: O. Frs. líkia: Icel. líka.] DER. ge-, mis-lícian; v. lícan.
líciend-líc; adj. Pleasing,.pleasant :-- Se is Gode wel líciendlíc beneplacitum est Deo, Ps. Th. 67, 16. Teala líciendlíc, 68. 13. v. lícend-líc.
líc-leóþ, es; n. A funeral song, dirge; epicedion, Wrt. Voc. ii. 31, 2.
líc-mann, es; m. A person having to do with a corpse :-- Ealle ða líc-menn wurdon áfyllede mid ðam wynsumum stence, Homl. Th. ii. 98, 8: 334, 31. His líc læg ealle ða niht inne beset, ac hé árás of deáþe. Ða lícmenn ðá ealle flugon áweg, 348, 20: 548, 15. Ðá bær sum wuduwe hire suna líc tó bebyrgenne ... Seó dreorige módor mid ðám lícmannum hí ástrehte æt ðæs hálgan apostoles fótum ... Johannes ofhreów ðære méder and ðæra lícmanna dreórignysse, i. 66, 15-21. [Icel. lík-maðr.]
líc-ness, e; f. Likeness, form, image, stature :-- Lícnessa imaginis, Mt. Kmbl. p. 19, 5. Tó lícnesse ad staturam, 6, 27. an-, ge-, un-ge-lícness.
líc-pytt, es; m. A grave :-- Lícpytt [MS. ic pytt] scrobs, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 51; Som. 13, 17.
líc-rest, e; f. A place of rest for a dead body, tomb, sepulchre :-- Hé hæfde ðæt land syððan him sylfon tó lícreste he had the land afterwards for his own burial place, Gen. 23, 20. On líchryste in cœmeterio, Hpt. Gl. 507, 67. Man slóh án geteld ofer ða hálgan bán binnan ðære lícreste, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 100, 150. Heó hyre lícreste geceás ón élíg byrig she chose her burial place in Ely, Lchdm. iii. 430, 17. [Laym. þu hit scalt leden to ðere lichraste ... þer þine wines liggeþ.]
líc-sang, es; m. A funeral song, dirge :-- Wópleóþ ɫ birisang ɫ lícsang tragædiam, miseriam, luctum, Hpt. Gl. 488, 56. [Icel. líksöngr.]
líc-sár, es; n. A body-wound, a mortal wound[?], Beo. Th. 1635; B. 815: Exon. 28 b; Th. 87, 25; Cri. 1430.
líc-sirce, an; f. A coat of mail, Beo. Th. 1105; B. 550.
líc-þegnung, -þénung, e; f. Last offices done to the dead, funeral, exeguies :-- Ic mæg habban árwurþfulle lícþénunge of heófigendre menigu I may have honourable service done to my corpse by a mourning multitude, Homl. Th. i. 86, 33. Ðá ðá his frýnd ða lícþénunge gearcodon when his friends were performing the last offices for the dead, ii. 28, 3. Ða fǽmnan dedan hire liicþénunge and lǽddon hí tó byrgenne, Shrn. 87, 27. Lícþénunga exsequiæ, Ælfc. Gr. 13; Som. 16, 17.
líc-þeóte, an; f. A pore :-- Lícþeótan pori i. spiramenta unde sudor emanat, Ælfc. Gl. 73; Som. 71, 41; Wrt. Voc. 44, 25.
líc-þrowere, es; m. A leper, one suffering from ulcers on the body :-- Lícþrowere leprosus, Ælfc. Gl. 78; Som. 72, 32; Wrt. 45, 64. Lazarus wæs lícþrowere [ulceribus plenus], Homl. Th. i. 328, 15: Homl. Skt. 3, 480. On Simones húse ðæs lícþroweres in the house of Simon the leper, Blickl. Homl. 73, 2. Manega lícþroweras multi leprosi, Lk. Skt. 4, 27: H. R. 105, 2. [Cf. Icel. lík-þrá leprosy.]
líc-tún, es; m. An enclosure in which to bury people, a grave-yard, cemetery :-- Hí woldon ðæt heora líctún wǽre geseted cimeterium fieri vellent, Bd. 4, 7; S. 574, 37: Glostr. Frag. 8, 20. On ðæra bróðra líctune wæs bebyriged in cœmeterio fratrum sepultum est, Bd. 3,17; S. 543, 46: 4, 10; S. 578, 2, 17, 28: Chart. Th. 157, 23. Hé nǽfre binnan nánum gehálgodum líctúne ne licge let him never lie in a consecrated graveyard, L. Ath. i. 25; Th. i. 212, 20: L. C. E. 22; Th. i. 372 35.
lícung, e; f. Pleasing, pleasure, gratification :-- Ðætte hié for ðære lícunga ðære heringe ðe hié lufigeaþ eác geþafigen ða tælinge ut dura admittunt favores, quos diligunt, eliam correptiones recipiant, Past. 41, 4; Swt. 303, 19. Wel gedafonaþ ðætte ða gódan recceras wilnigen ðæt hié monnum lícigen, forðæm ðætte þurh ða lícunga hí mǽgen gedón ðætte hiera Dryhten lícige ðæm folce, 19, 3; Swt. 147, 7. Ne sylþ Gode lícungæ his non dabit Deo placationem suam, Ps. Spl. T. 48, 7. Lícongum libitos, Wrt. Voc. ii. 52, 34.
líc-wiglung, e; f. Necromancy, L. Edg. C. 16; Th. ii. 248, 3.
líc-wund, e; f. A wound, Cd. 154; Th. 193, 1; Exod. 239. [O. Sax. lík-wunda.]
líc-wyrþe; adj. Fit to please, pleasant, well-pleasing, acceptable, agreeable, estimable, sterling [of money] :-- Ne mæg heó nán ðæra þinga gedón ðe Gode lícwyrþe beó nequit quidquid eorum facere quæ Deo grata sunt, L. Ecg. P. ii. 16; Th. ii. 188, 5: Wulfst. 279, 17. Lícworþe, Shrn. 170, 31. On ðære lícwyrþe is Gode eardian in quo beneplacitum est Deo habitare, Ps. Lamb. 67, 17. Suǽ wæs lícewyrþe before ðec sic fuit placitum ante te, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 11, 26. Ðé micle má lícwerþe se gehnysta gást much more pleasing to thee is the contrite spirit, Ps. C. 50, 126; Ps. Grn. ii. 279, 126. Ne lǽt ðú unlofod ðæt ðú swutele ongite ðæt lícwyrþe sý leave not unpraised what you clearly see is estimable, Prov. Kmbl. 62. Hwæt biþ ðǽr ðonne lícwyrþes búton his gód and his weorþscipe ðæs gódan cyninges quid in eis aliud, quam probitas utentium, placet? Bt. 16, 1; Fox 50, 16. iiii pund lícwyrþes feós four pounds of sterling money, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 254, 15. For his lícweorþan feó, 255, 11. Ðínre ðære lícwurþan mundbyrdnesse to thine acceptable protection, Glostr. Frag. 108, 16. Him swá gecwéme and lícwyrþe folc, Lchdm. iii. 434, 5. Hié Gode swíðe lícwyrþe forhæfdnesse brengaþ placentem Deo abstinentiam offerunt, Past. 43, 8; Swt 314, 21.
lícwyrþ-ness, e; f. Good pleasure :-- On ðínre lícwyrþnysse in beneplacito tuo, Ps. Lamb. 88, 18.
lid, es; n. A vessel, ship :-- On lides [the ark] bósme, Cd. 67; Th. 80, 21; Gen. 1332: 71; Th. 85, 6; Gen. 1410: Chr. 937; Erl. 112, 27; Aðelst. 27. Tó lides stefne, Erl. 112, 34;. Aðelst. 34: Andr. Kmbl. 806; An. 403: 3411; An. 1709. Seó [the dove] eft ne com tó lide [the ark] fleógan, Cd. 72; Th. 89, 11; Gen. 1479. Lǽt nú geferian flotan úserne, lid tó lande, Andr. Kmbl. 795; An. 398. [Icel. lið; n. a ship (almost exclusively in poetry.)] v. liþ.
lida, an; m. A sailor, traveller :-- Lida biþ longe on síþe, Exon. 90 b; Th. 339, 34; Gn. Ex. 104. [Icel. liði a sailor, traveller.] v. sǽ-, sumor-, ýð-lida; and líðan.
lídeþ, Ps. Th. 91, 11. v. leódan.
lid-mann, es; m. A sailor, seaman :-- Wícinga werod ... lidmen, Byrht. Th. 134, 44; By. 99. Lidmanna sum, 136, 41; By. 164. Lid-manna helm (Beowulf), Beo. Th. 3251; B. 1623. Liðmonna freá [Ulysses], Bt. Met. Fox 26, 126; Met. 26, 63. [Cf. Icel. liðs-maðr.]
lid-weard, es; m. One who guards a ship :-- Lidweardas on merebáte, Andr. Kmbl. 487; An. 244.
lid-wérig; adj. Weary of being on shipboard, Andr. Kmbl, 963; An. 482.
Lid-wiccas, Lid-wícingas; pl. The people of Brittany [or using the name of the people for the country] Brittany :-- Carl féng tó eallum ðam westríce ... bútan Lidwiccium Charles took all the western kingdom ... except Brittany, Chr. 885; Erl. 84, 13. Two other MSS. have Lidwícingum, Th. 154, 155, and this form occurs in the Scop's Tale :-- Ic wæs mid Lidwícingum, Exon. 86 a; Th. 323, 17; Víd. 80. Micel sciphere com súþan of Lidwicum, Chr. 910; Erl. 101, 32. Lidwiccum, 918; Erl. 102, 22. The word seems to contain the British name for Armorica, Llydaw. v. notes to the passages from the Cod. Exon. and from the Chron. 918.
LÍF, es; n. LIFE [the opposite of death], mode of life, period during which a man lives :-- Hwæt is ðæt líf elles ðysses middangeardes búton lytelu ylding deáþes, Blickl. Homl. 59, 27. Twá líf sind sóðlíce ... ðæt in líf is deádlíc, ðæt óðer undeádlíc, Homl. Th. i. 224, 14-16. Ðis andwarde líf manna on eorþan, Bd. 2, 13; S. 516, 14. Lífes treów lignum vitæ, Gen. 2, 9. Lífes wæter aqua viva, Jn. Skt. 4, 10. Lífes weg, Blickl. Homl. 17, 19. Lífes bæþ, Bd. 2, 5; S. 507, 18. For heora lífes geearnunge geþungon ðæt hí wǽron abbudissan on account of the merit of their lives succeeded in becoming abbesses; præ merito virtutum, 3, 8; S. 531, 23. Seó þearlwísnes ðæs heardan lífes districtio vitæ arctioris, 4, 25; S. 599, 32. Reogollíces lífes þeódscipe, 3, 22; S. 553, 10. On ðære béc Cúþberhtes lífes, 4, 30; S. 609, 32. Ealle hig wǽron háliges lífes menn, Wulfst. 270, 15. Hé geendode his dagas æfter mycclum geswince his lífes, Chr. 1016; Erl. 155, 3. On ðam ýtemestan dæge his lífes, Bd. 3, 17; S. 543, 19, col. 1. Lífes alive :-- Ætýwde ðæt hé lífes wæs quia viveret demonstrans, 5, 19; S. 640, 24. Geáxtan hwæðer hé lífes wǽre, Homl. Th. ii. 186, 1: L. Eth. ii. 9; Th. i. 290, 14: Chart. Th. 471, 34: Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. i. 234, 28. 32. Ðǽr belifon swáðeáh lífes on ðam mynstre feówer and twentig muneca, Homl. Skt. 6, 351. Gif hé biþ vi nihta eald and hine ádl gestaudeþ se biþ lífes [he will survive], Lchdm. iii. 182, 12. [Icel. lífes alive.] Sume hit ne gedýgdan mid ðam lífe some did not get off with their lives, Chr. 978; Erl. 127, 13. Heó of deáþe férde tó lífe she went from death unto life, Bd. 4, 23; S. 595, 32. Hé forþférde of ðyssum lífe and férde tó ðam sóðan lífe, 2, 1; S. 500, 13. On ðís lífe, Dóm. L. 32, 80. Hé nǽre ná man geþuht, gif hé mannes lífe ne lyfode, Homl. Th. i. 150, 8: Blickl. 167, 33. Se hálga Augustinus be his hálan líue hine hádode tó biscope [while alive and in health], Chr. 616; Erl. 22, 27. Ðearfendum lífe wunedon pauperem vitam agebant, Bd. 1, 15; S. 484, 8. Be muneca lífe de vita monachorum, 2, 4; S. 505, 33. On munuclícum lífe geseted, 4, 27; S. 603, 24: 5, 1; S. 613, 6. Seó bóc þe is áwriten be his lífe, 3, 19; S. 547, 32. Seó freólsbóc ealra ðare landa ðe in tó ðæm mynechina lífe [nunnery, v. munuc-líf] æt Wiltúne forgifene sint, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 117, 25. On, tó lífe [Icel. á lifr alive] alive, living :-- Ðá hé on lífe wæs adhuc vivens, Mt. Kmbl. 27, 63. Hé wæs on lífe eorþlíc cing, hé is nú æfter deáþe heofonlíc sanct, Chr. 979; Erl. 129, 9. Ða hwíle ðe hig on lífe beón quamdiu in vivis erunt, L. Ecg. P. ii. 19; Th. ii. 188, 28. Hwí hig heóldon ða wífmenn tó lífe why they kept the women alive, Num. 31; 15. Hé lǽfde uneáðe ǽnne tó lífe, Wulfst. 106, 8. Se deáþ cýmeþ ðæt hé ðæt líf áfyrre, Bt. 8; Fox 26, 7. Sylle líf wið lífe reddat animam pro anima, Ex. 21, 23. Ðeáh hé líf hæfde if he had been alive, L. C. S. 73; Th. i. 416, 1. Wé ús nyton witod líf æt ǽfen, Wulfst. 151, 17. Líf and land werian, 274, 17. Preóstas and nunnan heora líf rehtan let priests and nuns order their lives, 269, 15. Liif, Bd. 3, 18; S. 545. 42, col. 2. Nis mé tíd mín líf tó onwendenne there is no time for me to change my life, 5, 14; S. 634, 32: Past. 17, 4; Swt. 111, 23. Seó Cúþburh ðæt lýf [monastery] æt Winburnan árǽrde, Chr. 718; Erl. 45, 19. [O. Sax. O. Frs. Icel. líf: O. H. Ger. líp vita, conversatio, habitus. In Icelandic the word has also the meanings body [e.g. líf ok sála] person, and the latter use is found in Piers. P. e.g. no lyf elles. In O. H. Ger., v. Grff. ii. 44, it is seldom, if ever, used with the meaning of the modern leib. DER. ancor-, edwít-, ende-, feorh-, munuc-, mynster-, regol-, sundor-, woruld-líf.
lífan, léfan, lýfan; p. de To give leave, allow, permit :-- Ða feówer ic eów lýfe tó sǽde and tó mete quatuor reliquas permitto vobis in sementem et in cibum, Gen. 47, 24. Ic ðé selfes dóm lífe I allow you to decide, Cd. 91; Th. 115, 7; Gen. 1916. Moyses lýfde eów eówer wíf tó forlǽtenne Moses permisit vobis dimittere uxores vestras, Mt. Kmbl. 19, 8. God lýfde Adame, ðæt hé móste brúcan ealra wæstma, Wulfst. 9, 6: Blickl. Homl. 189, 22. Ðá bǽdon hý ðæt hé lýfde him on ða gán. Þá lýfde hé him, Lk. Skt. 8, 32. Ðá se cing lýfde eallon Myrceon hám and hig swá dydon then the king gave leave to all the Mercians to go home, and they did so, Chr. 1049; Erl. 172, 37. Wé hit ne selfe ne lufedon ne eác óðrum monnum ne lífdon [léfdon, Hat. MS ] we did not love it ourselves nor allow it to other men, Past. pref; Swt. 4, 6. Ic bidde ðæt ðú mé lýfe ofer ðín land tó férenne obsecro, ut transire mihi liceat per terram tuam, Num. 21, 22. Tó ðam dyrstig, ðæt hé ǽfre lífe ǽnigan men ðis fæsten tó ábrecenne, Wulfst. 174, 60. Gif prióst lǽfe unrihthǽmed, L. Wih. 6; Th. i. 38, 9. Gif eów Crist lýfan wylle, dæt ... Exon. 41 a; Th. 137, 27; Gú. 565. [Icel. leyfa to permit] v. á-, ge-lífan.
lífan, léfan, lýfan; p. de To believe :-- Ðá lýfde Simplicus and fulwihte onféng, Shrn. 146, 18. Ða dysegan men ðe ðysum drýcræftum lýfdon. Bt. Met. Fox 26, 197; Met. 26, 99. Swá is tó lýfenne ðæt ... Blickl. Homl. 11, 12. [Goth. laubjan.] v. ge-lífan.
líf-brycgung, e; f. Life, intercourse; conversatio, Rtl. 7, 29.
líf-bysig; adj. Busy about saving life, struggling for life, anxious about life :-- Ðæt hé for mundgripe mínum scolde licgean lífbysig bútan his líce swice that for my handgrip he should lie struggling for life, unless his body should escape, Beo. Th. 1936; B. 966.
líf-cearu, e; f. Care or anxiety about life, Andr. Kmbl. 2856; An. 1430: Cd. 42; Th. 54, 17; Gen. 878.
líf-dæg, es; m. A day of life, any portion of the time that a person lives :-- Ðín geleáfa in lífdæge úrum móde þurhwunige may belief in thee while we live continue in our hearts, Hy. 6, 8; Hy. Grn. ii. 286, 8. Swá his lífdagas lǽne syndon, Ps. Th. 102, 14. Ic on lífdagum healde ðínra worda waru vivam et custodiam sermones tuos, 118, 17: 139, 8: Cd. 162; Th. 203, 25; Exod. 409: Elen. Kmbl. 880; El. 441. On hyra lífdagum in the days of their life, Exon. 25 b; Th. 75, 22; Cri. 1225: 97 b; Th. 364, 23; Wal. 75: Bt. Met. Fox 15, 11; Met. 15, 6. Ic him lífdagas lange sylle longitudine dierum replebo eum, Ps. Th. 90, 16: Chart. Th. 372, 18. Gyf God ne gescyrte ðæs þeódscaþan lífdagas, Wulfst. 86, 17. Sumon dægbóte and sumon má daga and sumon ealle his lífdagas, L. Pen. 3; Th. ii. 278, 14: Cd. 43; Th. 56, 10; Gen. 910. Hé him lífdagas leófran ne wisse ðonne hé hýrde heofoncyninge no pleasanter time in his life did he know, than when he obeyed heaven's king. 162; Th. 203, 25; Exod. 409. Oflét lífdagas died, Beo. Th. 3248; B. 1622. [Icel. líf-dagar.]
lifen, leofen, e; f. That by which one lives, support, sustenance :-- Libn vicatum [= victum], Wrt. Voc. ii. 123, 51; Ep. Gl. 28 b, 17. Lífes tó leofne for the support of life, Andr. Kmbl. 2247; An. 1125. [Cf. Goth. libains life.] v. and-lifen.
LIFER, e; f. The LIVER :-- Lifer jecur, Wrt. Voc. 65, 50: 71, 6. Lifre læppan fibræ, Ælfc. Gl. 76; Som. 71, 110; Wrt. Voc. 45, 16. Ðære lifre nett reticulum jecoris, Ex. 29, 13. Ealle ða þing ðe tó ðære lifre clifiaþ cuncta, quæ adhærent jecori, Lev. 1, 8. Se vultor sceolde forlǽtan ðæt hé ne slát ða lifre Tyties ðæs cyninges, Bt. 35, 6; Fox, 170, 3. [Icel. lifr: O. H. Ger. libara: Ger. leber.]
lifer a level surface[?]; libramentum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 50, 78. v. [?] læfer.
lifer-ádl, e; f. Disease of the liver, L. M. Cont. 2, 23; Lchdm. ii. 162, 2.
lifer-býl, e; f. A prominence on the liver, L. M. 2, 21; Lchdm. ii. 204, 20. v. next word.
lifer-hol, es; n. A hollow in the liver :-- Hwæðer on ðám liferbýlum ðe on ðám liferholum, L. M. 2, 21; Lchdm. ii. 204, 20.
lifer-læppa, an; m. A lobe of the liver :-- Liferlæppa fibra i. vena, Wrt. Voc. ii. 148, 55. Librlæppan fibræ, 108, 54.
lifer-wærc, es; m. Pain in the liver :-- Wið eallum liferwærcum, L. M. Cont. 2, 24; Lchdm. ii. 162, 5.
lifesne, Bd. 4, 27; S. 604, 9. v. lybesn.
líf-fadung, e; f. The ordering or regulating of one's life :-- Be gehádodra manna líffadunge of the ordering of the life of men in orders, L. Wilk. 82, 22.
líf-fæc, es; n. The time during which life lasts, life :-- On lǽnan líffæce, L. Eth. vii. 21; Th. i. 334, 4. Æfter heora líffæce, Wulfst. 4, 6: 5, 5.
líf-fæst, adj. Living, having life, quickened :-- Ðæt hé onfón wolde ðam gerýne ðære líffæstan róde Cristes ad suscipiendum mysterium vivificæ crucis, Bd. 2, 12; S. 512, 29: Glostr. Frag. 108, 4. Ic mid ða líffæstan ýðe þurgoten wæs vitali undo perfusus sum, Bd. 5, 6; S. 620, 17. Ða líffæstan leoþu, Exon. 37 a; Th. 327, 19; Vy. 6. v. next word.
líf-fæstan; p. te To give life, quicken, vivify :-- Ðonne hine God líffæsteþ when God shall quicken him; Deo vivificante, Bd. 2, 1; S. 500, 20. Gást is se ðe líffæsteþ spiritus est qui vivificat, Jn. Skt. Rush. 6, 63. Hé is se líffæstenda God, Homl, Th. i, 280, 23. ii. 598, 7. v. ge-líffæstan.
líf-freá, an; m. The Lord of life [epithet of God], Exon. 8 a; Th. 2, 7, 30; Cri. 15, 27: Beo. Th. 32; B. 16: Cd. 40; Th. 53, 28; Gen. 868: 1; Th. 2, 9; Gen. 16: 86; Th. 108, 18; Gen. 1808: 156; Th. 195, 3; Exod. 271: 192; Th. 240, 33; Dan. 396.
líf-fruma, an; m. The author of life, [Christ], Exon. 17 b; Th. 41, 16; Cri. 656: [God], 23 a; Th. 64, 25; Cri. 1043: Andr. Kmbl. 2570; An. 1286: [Christ] 1124; An. 562: Elen. Kmbl. 670; El. 335: Exon. 15 a; Th. 31, 31; Cri. 504: 42 a; Th. 140, 13; Gú. 609: [God], Cd. 208; Th. 256, 20; Dan. 643.
líf-gedál, es; n. Parting with life, separation from life, death, Beo. Th. 1687; B. 841: Exon. 87 b; Th. 330, 2; Vy. 45: 48 a; Th. 164, 29; Gú. 1019: Cd. 119; Th. 154, 25; Gen. 2561.
líf-gesceaft, e; f. A condition of life as ordered by fate, Beo. Th. 3910; B. 1953: 6120; B. 3064.
líf-getwinnan; pl. m. Twins, Salm. Kmbl. 284; Sal. 141.
LIFIAN, leofian; p. ode To LIVE :-- Ne swelte ic ac ic lifige non moriar, sed vivam, Ps. Th. 117,17: 118, 93. Ðú eádig leófast, 127, 2. Ðenden ðú hér leofast, Cd. 43; Th. 57, 29; Gen. 935. Ðǽr hit lifaþ swá unnyt swá hit wæs where it continues as useless as it was before, Beo. Th. 6316; B. 3168. Lyfaþ vivet, Ps. Th. 71, 15. Þurh Godes fultum, ðe lyfaþ and ríxaþ á bútan ende, Blickl. Homl. 131, 6. Leofaþ, 13, 29. Ða gástlícan láre, ðe úre sául big leofaþ, 57, 9. On gewinne and on swáte hé leofaþ 59, 36. Se ðe him sylfum leofaþ he who lives to himself, Homl. Th. ii. 78, 4. Be heora ágenum handgewinne lifigeaþ proprio labore manuum vivant, Bd. 4, 4; S. 571, 22: 4, 28; S. 605, 16. Be ðæm balzamum ða men in ðæm londe lifgeaþ opobalsamo vescuntur, Nar. 31, 6. Godes is ðæt yrfe ðe wé big leofiaþ, Blickl. Homl. 51, 18. Ðǽm mannum ðe be his lárum lifiaþ, 61, 13. On hwylcum geswince hié lifiaþ, 59, 25. Gif wé ða dagas fulfremedlíce for Gode lifgeaþ, 35, 25. Ða hwíle ðe wé lifgaþ hér on worlde, 35, 35. Se cyning Eglippus leofode his líf on eáwfæstre drohtnunge, 476, 16. Se hálga swá leofode swá hé tǽhte, Homl. Th. ii. 186, 19. Se æþeling lyfode [other MS. leofode] ðá gyt, Chr. 1036; Erl. 165, 21. Hé ðǽr sum fæc on forhæbbendum lífe lifede aliquandiu continentissimam gestit vitam, Bd. 5, 11; S. 626, 16. Hí for heofonan ríces lufan on ellþeódignesse lifedon pro æterna patria exulaverant, 5, 10; S. 624, 12. Ðú leofa bútan mé gif ðú mǽge live without me, if you can, Wulfst. 259, 5. Ic beó láreów georn ðæt hé monþeáwum mínum lifge I am diligent in teaching him to live according to my customs, Exon. 71 b; Th. 267, 5; Jul. 410. Ðone geleáfan ðý Cristenan þeáwe lifigean and ðone wel healdan fidem more christiano servare, Bd. 2, 9; S. 510, 31. Hú hí mid heora geférum drohtian and lifigean scylon qualiter cum suis clericis conversentur, 1, 27; S. 488, 37. Leofigean, S. 489, 21. Hé wolde his líf on ælþeódignysse lyfian peregrinus vivere vellet, 3, 27; S. 559, 9. Se líchoma bútan mete and drence leofian ne mæg, Blickl. Homl. 57, 10. On forhæfdnesse lifgean, 35, 21. He ongan lifgean ongeán Gode ǽrðon ðe hé him sylfum lifgean mihte, 165, 22. Gif seó upplíce árfæstnys mé ǽnig fæc tó lifianne forgifan wylle, Bd. 3, 13; S. 538. 31. Ic symle tilode tó lifigenne tó ðínes múþes bebode, 4, 29; S. 607, 28. On dwolan lifigende, 2, 15; S. 518, 42. Be Diocletiane lyfgendum vivente Diocletiano, 1, 8; S. 479, 28: Chart. Th. 485, 33. Sume forlǽtaþ ða hig ǽr hæfdon and be lifiendre cwenan eft óðre nimaþ some leave the wives they had before, and while the wife is still living, take another, Wulfst. 269, 23. Sum ðéh hé forlǽte ða hé ǽr hæfde, hé be lifiendre ðære eft óðere nimþ, L. Eth. vi. 5; Th. i. 316, 10. Hine þurh ðone lifigendan Drihten hálsedon, Bd. 4, 28; S. 606, 14. [O. Frs. livia.] v. á-, ge-lifian; cwic-, un-lifigende; libban.
líf-lád, e; f. Conduct of life, way of life, life, R. Ben. 1, Lye [cf. hwa so eauer boc writ of mi liflade, Marh. 20, 16: heo goð mid gode liflode touward þe riche of heouene, A. R. 350, 4. It is also used to mean that by which life is supported, livelihood :-- Heo tilede here lyflode, R. Glouc, 41, 22: lyvelode or lyfhode victus, Prompt. Parv. 308. So O. H. Ger. líb-leita victus, annona, alimontum, alimentum.]
líf-leás; adj. Lifeless, without life :-- Ðú bist deád and ða ðe ðé tó lóciaþ beóþ lífleáse eác morte morieris tu et omnia quæ tua sunt, Gen. 20, 7. Fela templa árǽrdon and mid andgitleásum and lífleásum anlícnyssum áfyldon erected many temples, and filled them with images that were without sense and without life, Homl.Th. ii. 574, 28.
líf-leást, -lǽst, e; f. Loss of life, death :-- On ǽlcum ðara daga gif man ǽnige ǽddran geopenaþ on ðara tíde ðæt hit biþ lífleást oððe langsum sár on each of those days, if a vein be opened at that hour, it is death or long disease, Lchdm. iii. 152, 5. Bendas oððe dyntas hwílum líflǽsta bonds or blows, at times death, L. Pen. 3; Th. ii. 278, 27.
líf-líc; adj. Pertaining to life, living, causing life, vital :-- Líflíc vitalis, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 28; Som. 11, 36. Líflíc ys blód lǽtan to let blood [at this time] is as much as a man's life is worth, Lchdm. iii. 190, 28. Is hwæðere swá tó lǽtanne swá ðæt líflíce mægen ne áspringe blood however is to be let so that vital power be not dissipated, L. M. 2, 42; Lchdm. ii. 254, 12. Wyll líflíc fons vivus, Hymn. Surt. 92, 15. Ic eom se líflíca hláf ðe of heofenum ástáh I am the living bread, that came down from heaven, Homl. Th. ii. 202, 5. Ðæra næddrena geslit wæs deádlíc Cristes ðeáþ wæs líflíc the bite of the serpents brought death; Christ's death brought life, 238, 31. Líflíc onsægednys a living sacrifice, i. 358, 18: 482. 12. Ádylegode of ðære líflícan béc blotted from the book of life, 68, 11. Líflícum blóde vivido sanguine, Hymn. Surt. 80, 21. God ábleów on his ansýne líflícne blǽd, Hexam. 11; Norm. 18, 26.
líf-líce; adv. Vitally, so as to infuse life :-- Hé genam ðá hláf and hine líflíce hálgode, Homl. Th. ii. 244, 10.
líf-lyre, es; m. Loss of life :-- Gif líflyre wurþe if loss of life occur, L. E. B. 2; Th. ii. 240, 11.
líf-neru, e; f. Support of life, food :-- Tó lífnere Andr. Kmbl. 2180; An. 1091. [O. Sax. O. L. Ger. líf-nara sustenance: O. H. Ger. líb-nara victus, alimonia.]
lifnes, Bd. 4, 27; S. 604, 9 note. v. lyfesn.
lifrig; adj. Connected with the liver :-- Ðæt þiccæ and lifrige blód, L. M. 2, 40; Lchdm. ii. 250, 10.
líft, lýft a grant, allowance :-- Ús bóceras beteran secgaþ lengran lýft wynna learned men tell us of a better and longer grant of joys, Cd. 169; Th. 211, 24; Exod. 531. Cf. lífan. [Bouterwek suggests lyst ( = lust) wynna, Grmm. Gr. ii. 466 would read lyftwynn recreatio in aere; Thorpe suggests líf for lyft.]
líf-weard, es; m. A guardian of life [Christ], Elen. Kmbl. 2069; El. 1036.
líf-weg, es; m. A way which leads to life, way of life, one's path in life :-- Lífweg [the road followed by the Israelites under the guidance of the pillar of cloud],Cd. 147; Th. 184, 9; Exod. 104. Uton nú ealle úre lífwegas geornlíce rihtan let us diligently amend our ways, Wulfst. 75, 22. Líðe lífwegas, Exon. 43 b; Th. 148, 5; Gú. 740.
líf-wela, an; m. Riches that confer or possess life, heavenly riches, wealth belonging to this, or to the next, life :-- Him wæs wuldres dreám, lífwela leófra ðonne ðás leásan godu, Apstls. Kmbl. 97; Ap. 49. Ða lífwelan, swáse swegldreámas, Exon. 27 b; Th. 82, 33; Cri. 1348. Lífwelan the wealth of this world, Cd. 174; Th. 219, 17; Dan. 56.
líf-welle; adj. From a living spring :-- Lífwelle wæter [wæter cwicwelle, Rush.] aquam vivam, Jn. Skt. Lind. 4, 10.
líf-wraðu, e; f. A support of life, Beo. Th. 1946; B. 971: 5746; B. 2877.
líf-wynn, e; f. A pleasure or joy of life :-- Hé lytle hwíle lífwynna breác a little while he enjoyed the pleasures of life, Beo. Th. 4201; B. 2097: Exon. 19 b; Th. 50, 27; Cri. 807: Elen. Kmbl. 2535; El. 1269.
líg, lég, es; generally masc. but ðæt lég occurs. Flame, lightning :-- Líg flamma, Wrt. Voc. 76, 49: 82, 52. Lég, 284, 12. Ðæt fýr and ðæt lég [se líg MS. C.] swíðe weóx ... Ðá fór se wallenda lég ... ðǽr se lég mǽst wæs, Bd. 2, 7; S. 509, 19-24. Se lég ongan sleán ongeán ðone wind, Blickl. Homl. 221, 12. Wonna lég the pale flame, Beo. Th. 6221; B. 3115. Hlemmeþ háta lég, Exon. 21 b; Th. 58, 9; Cri. 933. Reáda lég, 19 b; Th. 51, 2; Cri. 810. Sweart líg, Cd. 110; Th. 145, 33; Gen. 2415. Ne biþ ðǽr [heaven] nánes líges gebrasl, Dóm. L. 16, 259: Beo. Th. 166; B. 83. Wylm ðæs wæfran líges the heat of the flickering flame, Cd. 185; Th. 231, 2; Dan. 241. Ligges leóma, 190; Th. 237, 25; Dan. 343. Ðone deópan grund ðæs hátan léges and ðæs heardan léges [hell], Blickl. Homl. 103, 15. For ðæs léges [lightning] bryne, 203, 11. Léges blæstas, Andr. Kmbl. 3103; Au. 1154. Biscopas mid folcum mid íserne and líge fornumene wǽron presules cum populis ferro et flammis absumebantur, Bd. 1, 15; S. 484, 2. Fýres líge wæs fornumen, 4, 25; S. 599, 20. On fíres líge in flamma ignis, Ex. 3, 2. On brádum ligge, Wulfst. 188, 3. Ligge gelícost, Beo. Th. 1458; B. 727. For dracan lége for the flame that was sent forth by the dragon, 5092; B. 2549. Blácan lýge, Andr. Kmbl. 3081; An. 1543. Úre synna líg, Wulfst. 287, 9. Hí wǽron on ǽnne unmǽtne lég gesomnade in immensam adunati sunt flammam, Bd. 3, 19; S. 548, 21. Ðǽr [hell] hé hæfþ weallendene lég, and hwílum cýle ðone grimmestan, Blickl. Homl. 61, 35. On ðæt líg tó ðé hweorfan, Cd. 35; Th. 46, 33; Gen. 753. Líga fulminum, Hpt. Gl. 509, 30. On fýrenra léga onlícnesse in the form of flames of fire, Blickl. Homl. 133, 20. Légea, 135, 3. Monige heápas sweartra lígea crebri fiammarum tetrarum globi, Bd. 5, 12; S. 628, 16, 22. Léga leóhtost, Bt. Met. Fox 9, 33; Met. 9, 17. Wununga áfyllede mid brastligendum lígum, Homl. Th. i. 68, 5: Bd. 2, 7; S. 509, 34. Brand and bráde lígas, Cd 18; Th. 21, 16; Gen. 325: 36; Th. 47, 20; Gen. 763. Mellitus ða lígeas his byrnendre ceastre gebiddende ádwæscte Mellitus flammas ardentes suæ civitatis orando restinxerit, Bd. 2, 7; S. 509, 2. Lígeas gemonigfealdaþ and hí gedréfeþ fulgura multiplicavit et conturbavit eos, 4, 3; S. 569, 20. Lías flammas, Hymn. Surt. 10, 29. [O. E. Homl. leies; pl.: Piers P. leye: A. R. leie: Jul. ley: Icel. leygr a flame [poet.]: O. H. Ger. louch, loug flamma: cf. O. Sax. lógna: Icel. log, logi a flame, lowe.]
líg-bǽre; adj. Flame-bearing, flaming, fiery :-- Lígbǽrum flammifera, Hpt. Gl. 433, 71. Lígbǽrum scridum flammigeris quadrigis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 149, 13.
líg-berend; adj. Flame-bearing, fiery :-- Lígberend flammiger, Wrt. Voc. ii. 149, 9. Légberend, 36, 52.
líg-bryne, es; m. Burning of flame, fire :-- Æfter lígbryne, Exon. 64 a; Th. 236, 20; Ph. 577. Légbryne, 22 b; Th. 62, 15; Cri, 1002.
líg-cwalu, e; f. Torment, or death by fire, Elen. Kmbl. 591; El. 296.
líg-draca, an; m. A fire-drake, dragon vomiting flames, Beo. Th. 4655; B. 2333. Légdraca, 6073; B. 3040.
lige, ligen, a lie. v. lyge, lygen.
líg-egesa, an; m. Fear caused by fire, Beo. Th. 5554; B. 2780.
lígen; adj. Flaming, fiery :-- Lígen flammaticus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 149, 5. Ðǽr wæs lígen swurd gelogod æt ðam ingange there was placed a flaming sword at the entrance, Hexam. 19; Norm. 28, 1. Légene sweorde, Elen. Kmbl. 1511; El. 757. Heofen lígenne gesihþ if he sees the heavens fiery, Lchdm. iii. 200, 14. Lígen ðære sunnan hweogul flammeam solis rotam, Hymn. Surt. 22, 23. Se ealda deófol hine æteówode mid byrnendum múþe and lígenum eágum, Homl. Th. ii. 164, 23. [O. H. Ger. laugin flammeus.]
líget, es; m. n.: lígetu, e; f. Lightning, a flash of lightning :-- Lígit fulgor vel fulmen, Wrt. Voc. 52, 46. Hys ansýn wæs swylce lígyt, Mt. Kmbl. 28, 3: 24, 27. Ðǽr begann tó brastligenne micel þunor and líget sceótan, Homl. Th. ii. 196, 23. Swá háttra sumor swá mára þunor and líget, Lchdm. iii. 280, 10. [Swá stor þunring and lǽgt wes, swá dæt hit ácwealde manige men, Chr. 1085: Erl. 219, 22.] Æfter ðæm wolcne cymeþ légetu and þunor, Blickl. Homl. 91, 33. Légitu, Ps. Surt. ii. 196, 19. Légite fulgoris, 190, 15. Men sweltaþ for ðæs þunres ege ánum and ðære lígette, Wulfst. 207, 26. Ðæt fýr ábyrst út þurh lígett [lígette, MS. R. P.], Lchdm. iii. 280, 7. Hé lǽdeþ wind and líget, Ps. Th. 134, 7. Gif lígette and þunorráde eorþan and lyfte brégdon si corusci ac tonitrua terras et aera terrerent, Bd. 4, 3; S. 569, 12. Lígette coruscationes, Ps. Th. 76, 15. Lígetta, 143, 7: fulgura, Ex. 19, 16: Exon. 54 b; Th. 192, 15; Az. 102. Ðá flugon ða légetu swylco fýrene strǽlas, Blickl. Homl. 203, 9. Lígetu, Ps. Th. 17, 12: Cd. 192; Th. 240, 2; Dan. 380. Lígetas, Bd. 4, 3; S. 569, 22. Lígettas fulgura, Ps. Lamb. 17, 15. Lígetta [lýgyttu, MS. C.] fulgura, Ps. Spl. 134, 7. Hé gemanigfealdode his lígeta fulgura multiplicavit, Ps. Th. 17, 14. Légite, Ps. Surt. ii. 197, 34. [Cf. Goth. lauhatjan to lighten: O. H. Ger. laugazan: lóhazan rutilare, micare, coruscare.]
líget-ræsc, es; m. Lightning :-- Ic geseah Satanan swá swá lígetræsct of heofone feallende, Lk. Skt. 10, 18, MS. A. v. líg-ræsc.
líget-sliht, e; f. A flash of lightning :-- Ðá com þunerrád and légetsleht and ofslóh ðone mǽstan dǽl ðæs hǽðnan folces, Shrn. 57, 35. Légeðslæht fulgor, Lk. Skt. Lind. 10, 18.
líg-fǽmende, -fámbláwende, -fýrberende [-ferbærnde, MS.] vomiting flame; flammivomus [the words are those used by the several MSS. in] Bd. 5, 12; S. 630, 12.
líg-fýr, es; n. Flaming fire, Cd. 146; Th. 182, 18; Exod. 77.
líg-hrægel [?] :-- Lígrægel orbiculata [vestis], Ælfc. Gl. 29; Som. 61, 30; Wrt. Voc. 26, 29. Cf. Ducange 'duo orbicularia de opere ad acum' under orbiculare.
líg-locc; adj. Having flaming locks :-- Lígloccum flammicomis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 149, 12.
líg-loccod; adj. Furnished with fiery locks :-- Lígloccode [-liccode, Wrt.] flammicomos, Wrt. Voc. ii. 149, 10.
lígnian; p. ede To deny :-- Ðú lígnest nú ðæt síe lifgende se ofer deóflum dugeþum wealdeþ, Cd. 212; Th. 263, 18; Dan. 764. Hú hine [Christ] lýgnedon leáse on geþoncum, Exon. 24 a: Th. 69, 13; Cri. 1120. [Goth. laugnjan: O. Sax. lógnian to deny: O. H. Ger. lauganian negare, diffiteri, inficiari: Ger. laugnen.]
líg-ræsc, es; m. Lightning, a flash of lightning, bright light :-- Lígræsc coruscatio i. fulgor, Wrt. Voc. ii. 136, 2. His ansýn wæs swylce lígræsc, Nicod. 15; Thw. 7, 20. Ic geseah Satanan swá swá lígræsc of heofone feallende videbam Satanan sicut fulgor de cælo cadentem, Lk. Skt. 10, 18: 17, 24. Ðæt leóhtfæt ðæs lígræsces lucerna fulgoris, 11, 36: For lígræsce præ fulgore, Ps. Spl. 17, 14. Lígrascas coruscationes, 76, 18. Lígræscas fulgura, 96, 4. Légræscas, 17, 16: coruscationes, Blickl. Gl. Ðæt ðú áwende hagolas and lígræsceas [-ræceas, MS. O,] that thou avert hail and lightning, Herb. 176; Lchdm. i. 308, 23. Lígræsceas gesihþ or- sorhnesse hit getácttaþ, Lchdm. iii. 202, 17. Líghræscas, Ps. Lamb. 134, 7.
líg-ræscetung, e; f. Lightning :-- Lígrescetunga fulgura, Ps. Lamb. 17, 15.
líg-spiwol; adj. Vomiting flame :-- Ðǽr beóþ ða welras gefylde lígspiwelum bryne, Dóm. L. 14, 209: Wulfst. 139, 9.
líg-þracu; gen. -þræce; f. Violence or tumultuous movement of flames :-- Æfter lígþræce after the fire has spent its force, Exon. 59 a; Th. 213, 15; Ph. 225.
líg-ýþ, e; f. A wave of flame, Beo. Th. 5338; B. 2672.
líhtan; p. te To shine, lighten, give light :-- Hit líht fulminat, Ælfc. Gr. 22; Som. 24, 7. Ðæt leóht lýht on þýstrum lux in tenebris lucet, Jn. Skt. 1, 5. Se móna líht on niht, Bt. 21; Fox. 74, 25. Swá swá ðæt leóhtfæt liéht on nieht úrum eágum, ðætte ða gewritu on dog liéhten úrum móde, Past. 48, 1; Swt. 365, 15. Líhteþ luceat, Ps. Surt. ii. 202, 11: Exon. 64 a; Th. 237, 9; Ph. 587. Wedercondel (the sun) wearm weorodum lýhteþ, 58 b; Th. 210, 18; Ph. 187. Ne hér dæg lýhteþ day shines not here, Cd. 215; Th. 271, 14; Sat. 105. Líhte auroresceret, Wrt. Voc. ii. 88, 54. Ðá dæg lýhte at dawn, 180; Th. 225, 23; Dan. 158: Andr. Kmbl. 2794; An. 1399: Exon. 21 b; Th. 58, 21; Cri. 939, Swá se lígræsc lýhtende scínþ sicut fulgor coruscans fulget, Lk. Skt. 17, 24, Hé wæs byrnende leóhtfæt and lýhtende ille erat lucerna ardens et lucens, Jn. Skt. 5, 35. Sumre niwre gyfe líhtendre nova quadam relucente gratia, Bd. 5, 22; S. 644, 26. [Goth. liuhtjan: O. Sax. lióhtian: Icel. lýsa: O. H. Ger. liuhtjan: Ger. leuchten.] DER. á-, geond-, in-, on- líhtan; and see leóhtan.
líhtan; p. te. I. to make light or easy, to alleviate, relieve, assuage :-- Líht ðæt ðone swencendan magan that relieves the labouring stomach, L. M. 2, 7; Lchdm. ii. 186, 20: 2, 44; Lchdm. ii. 256, 13, Gif ðǽr hwylc wíteþeówman sý bútan ðyson hió gelýfþ tó hyre bearnon ðæt hí hine willon lýhtan for hyre sáulle if there be any penal slave besides these, she trusts to her children that they will relieve (release, v. líhting) him for her soul's sake, Chart. Th. 535, 38. Ðá wolde ic mínne þurst léhtan sitim levare cupiens, Nar. 8, 28. II. to relieve of a burden, to light, alight :-- Hé lýhte of his horse he alighted from his horse, Bd. 3. 22; S. 553, 32. Ðá líhte se eorodman, 3, 9; S. 533, 33: H. R. 103, 17: Byrht. Th. 132, 28; By. 23. [Icel. léhta to lighten, ease, leave off what is laborious: O. H. Ger. ga-líhtjan lenire, levare, relevare.] DER. á-, gelíhtan; and see leóhtian to grow light.
líhting, e; f. Lighting, shining, illumination, giving light :-- On líhtinge fýres in illuminatione ignis, Ps. Spl. 77, 17. God geworhte ðæt máre leóht tó ðæs dæges líhtinge, Gen. 1, 16. Ða steorran sint tó nihtlícere líhtinge gesceapene, Homl. Th. i. 110, 15. Mid sóðre sunnan líhtincge úre heortan álíhte, Btwk. 196, 17. Nú is ǽlc dæg of ðære sunnan lýhtinge, Lchdm. iii. 234, 18. Hí (the stars) nabbaþ náne lýhtinge for ðære sunnan andwerdnysse, 236, 1. Se móna næfþ náne líhtincge the moon shall not give her light, Wulfst. 137, 12. Ðæt swearte fýr him náne líhtinge ne déþ 'from those flames no light,' Homl. Th. i. 132, 17. Healde man ǽlces sunnandæges freólsunga fram nóntíde ðæs Sæternes dæges óþ ðæs mónandæges líhtinge, L. Edg. i. 5; Th. i. 264, 20: Wulfst, 117, 4: 207, 12. Ðæt ða gesceaftu gesewenlíce wurdon þurh ðæs dæges líhtinge, Hexam, 4; Norm. 8, 3. Líhtunge coruscationes, Ps. Spl. T. 76, 18. DER. á-, on-líhting. v. leóhting.
líhting, e; f. Lightening, alleviation, relief, mitigation, release :-- Ðis is seó líhtingc ðe ic wylle eallon folce gebeorgan ðe hig ǽr ðyson mid gedrehte wǽron ealles tó swýðe this is the relief that I will secure to all folk in regard to matters with which they were ere this all too much harassed, L. C. S. 70; Th. i, 412, 18. Ðonne biþ him geseald his synna líhtingc then shall a release from his sins be given him, L. Pen. 18; Th. ii. 286, 3. Gif ðæt riht tó hefig sý séce siððan ða líhtinge tó ðam cynge, L. Edg, ii. 2; Th. i. 266, 12.
líhting-ness, e; f. Lightness of taxation; levitas tributi, L. I. P. 3; Th. ii. 306, 22.
líht-ness, e; f. Lightness, brightness :-- Se sunnandæg is wuldorlíc dæg and líhtnesse dæg, Wulfst. 230, 12. [O. H. Ger. liuht-nissa illuminatio.] DER. á-líhtness.
lilie, lilige, an; f. A lily :-- Lilie lilium, Ælfc. Gl. 39; Som. 63, 60; Wrt. Voc. 30, 10. Liliæ. Ðás wyrt man lilie and óðrum naman lilium nemneþ, Herb. 109; Lchdm. i. 222, 5. Lilige, Lchdm, iii. 24, 9. Genim ða twá wyrta, ðæt is, lilie and róse; ber tó bearneácenum wífe ... gif heó nimþ lilian, heó cenþ cnyht; gif heó nimþ rósan, heó cænþ mǽden, 144, 10-13. Ðeáh ðe lilie sý beorht on blóstman ic eom betre ðonne heó, Exon, 110 b; Th. 423, 24; Rä, 41, 27. Drince hé lilian wyrttruman áwylledne on wíne, L. M. 1, 37; Lchdm. ii. 90, 13. Genim neoþewearde lilian, Lchdm. i. 374, 6. Codes gelaþung hæfþ on sibbe lilian, ðæt is clǽne drohtnung; on ðam gewinne, rósan, ðæt is martyrdóm, Homl. Th. ii, 546, 2. Besceáwiaþ æcyres lilian, Mt. Kmbl. 6, 28: Lk. Skt. 12, 27. [O. Sax. lilli: Icel. lilja: O. H. Ger. lilia; f; lilio; m: Ger. lilie.]
LIM, es; n. (but it also occurs with adj. fem.:). A limb, joint, member of a body, branch of a tree :-- Án lim membrum; má lima membra, Wrt. Voc. 70, 20, 21. Gif men cíne hwylc lim, genim regen mela, dó on ðæt lim, L. M. 1, 73; Lchdm. ii, 148, 22. Be ðæs limes (the finger) micelnysse, Homl. Th. ii. 204, 6. Limes dǽl commata (commota, Wrt.) Wrt. Voc. ii. 20, 25. On ǽlcre lime, L. M. 2, 64; Lchdm. ii. 288, 22. Wið foredum lime for a broken limb, 1, 25; Lchdm. ii. 66, 22, 26. Ne biþ nán tó ðæs lytel liþ on lime áweaxen, Soul Kmbl. 192; Seel. 96. Ic nán lim onstyrian ne mihte I could not stir a limb, Bd. 5, 6; S. 619, 26. Hafa ðínne niéxtan swá swá ðín ágen lim, Basil Admn. 5; Norm. 44, 24. Monegu limu beóþ on ánum men, and weorþaþ ðeáh ealle tó ánum líchoman, Bt. 34, 6; Fox 140, 25. Gif wé tó lange sittaþ, slapaþ ða lima, Homl. Th. i. 490, 1. Gé sindon Cristes líchama and leomu (cf. Icel. Guðs, fjándans limir), ii. 276, 19. Unríhtwíse syndon deófles leomo, Blickl. Homl, 33, 8. Ðæs biscopes leoma on ðysse byrigenne syndon betýned, Bd. 2, 1; S. 500, 22. Leomu gnornian the (leafless) branches (shall) mourn, Exon. 89 a; Th. 334, 35; Gn. Ex. 26. Án ðínra lima unum membrorum tuorum, Mt. Kmbl. 5, 29: Bd. 4, 9; S. 577, 17. Hé biþ Cristes lima án, Wulfst. 37, 5. Þurh deófles oððe his lima láre, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 138, 16. Leoma, Blickl, Homl. 147, 15. Leomena, Salm. Kmbl. 205; Sal. 102. Fram árleásum deófles limum, Honsl. Th. i. 556, 8: Wulfst, 37, 7: Ps. Th. 21, 15. Ic geseó óðre ǽ on mínum leomum ... synne ǽ seó is on mínum limum, Bd. 1, 27; S. 497, 35-37. Leomum, Blickl. Homl. 33, 11: 167, 2. Leomum and leáfum with branches and leaves, Beo. Th. 194; B. 97. Hé ongan his limu þræstan, Bd. 3, 11; S. 536, 15. Hé his lima gesette and hine gerestan wolde, 4, 11; S. 579, 32. Limo 4, 24; S, 597, 10, Leomu, 2, 6; S. 508, 11: Ádyde ða leomu and ðæt heáfod on weg ðæs sceápes, Blickl. Homl. 183, 24. Leomo lǽmena, Exon. 8 a; Th. 2, 6; Cri. 15, [Icel. limr; m. a limb, a joint (of an animal): lim; n. a branch; limar; pl. f. branches of a tree.] DER. gecynd-, sceam- lim.
LÍM, es; m. LIME, material which causes adhesion, cement, mortar, glue, gluten, bird lime, thick substance made of curds, paste :-- Ánes cynnes lím bitumen, Ælfc. Gl. 56; Som. 67, 43; Wrt, Voc, 37, 31. Lím tó fugele gluten; eglím glara, Ælfc. Gl. 80, 81; Som. 72, 118, 119; Wrt, Voc. 47, 1, 2, Gebærnd lím calcis viva, Wrt. Voc. ii. 127. 49. Lím cementum, i. cesura lapidis, 130, 62: bitumen, 11, 8: cola, 20, 24: gluten, 40, 25: glus, 40, 72. Liim, caluuer galmilla, 109, 55. Lím, molecgn galmilla, 40, 62. Liim, molegn, Ep. Gl. 10 f, 32. Lím calmilla, Wrt. Voc. 290, 35; gluten, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 12; Som. 9, 30. Swá lím gefæstnaþ fell tó sumum brede as glue, fastens a skin to a board, 44; Som, 45, 25. Límes calcis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 19, 52. Áfæstnod ic eom on líme grundes infixus sum in limo profundi, Ps. Spl. 68, 2. Ic beswíce fugelas mid líme decipio aves glutino, Coll. Monast. Th. 25, 13. Eorþan líme ... ðæt is syndrig cynn, symle biþ ðý heardra ðé hit swearte sǽstreámas swíðor beátaþ, Cd. 66; Th. 80, 2-10; Gen. 1322-1326. Þurh lím per cola, Hpt. Gl. 411, 7. [Icel. lím; n. lime, glue, paste: O. H. Ger. lím bitumen, gluten, viscus: Ger. leim; m.] DER. æg-, fugel-, stán-lím; and see ge-líman, -límian.
limb-stefning, e; f. An awning, curtain; peripetasma, Ælfc. Gl. 116; Som. 80, 69; Wrt. Voc. 61, 46.
lim-gelecg, es; n. The disposition or arrangement of the limbs, form, shape :-- Limgelecg liniamento, Wrt. Voc, ii, 52, 31.
lim-hál; adj. Sound of limb, Exon. 42 b; Th. 143, 14; Gú. 661.
límian. v. ge-límian (Appendix).
líming, e; f. Daubing, plastering, cementing :-- Líming liture, Wrt. Voc. ii. 52, 43. Líminge lituræ, Hpt. Gl. 509, 54. [A. R. limung joining: Icel. líming glutinatio.]
lim-lǽw, e; f. Injury to the limbs, mutilation :-- Bendas oððe dyntas ... hwílum lim-lǽwa and hwílum líflǽsta bonds and blows ... at times mutilations of the limbs, and at times deprivation of life, L. Pen. 3, note; Th. ii. 278, 27. v. next word.
lim-lǽweo; adj. Maimed or injured in the limbs :-- Gif limlǽweo (other MS. -læpeo) lama ðe forworht wǽre weorþe forlǽten and hé æfter ðam þreó niht álibbe siððan man mót hylpan if a criminal that has been mutilated be left, and he live after that three days, then he may be helped, L. E. G. 10; Th, i. 172, 16. v. léf, ge-léfan, léwsa and preceding word.
lim-lama; adj. Lame in the limbs, crippled :-- Manege ðǽr wurdan hále, ðe ǽr wǽran limmlaman, Wulfst. 4, 12.
lim-leás; adj. Without limbs :-- His (Christ's) gástlíca líchama, ðe wé húsel hátaþ, is of manegum cornum gegaderod, búton blóde and báne, limleás and sáwulleás, Homl. Th. ii. 270, 22.
lim-mǽlum; adv. Limb-meal (used by Shakspere in Cymbeline), limb by limb, a limb at a time :-- Limmǽlum membratim, Wrt. Voc. ii. 54, 55: membratim, particulatim, Hpt. Gl, 443, 3: membratim, per singula membra, 486, 44. [Laym. he hine limmele todroh.]
lim-nacod; adj. With uncovered limbs, naked :-- Se eádega wer [Noah] him selfa sceáf reáf of líce; læg ðú limnacod, Cd. 76; Th. 94, 23; Gen. 1566.
limpan; p. lamp, pl. lumpon To befall, happen, fall (to one's share), pertain, belong, affect, concern :-- Ða yfelan habbaþ gesǽlþa, and him gelimpþ (Cott. MS. limpþ) oft æfter heora ágnum willan, Bt. 39, 2; Fox 214, 5. Ða unrihtwísan ne beóþ ná swylce ne him eác swá ne limpþ non sic impii, non sic, Ps. Th. 1, 5. Eádig biþ ðæt folc ðe him swá on foldan fægre limpeþ beatum populum, cui hæc sunt, 143, 19: Exon. 81 b; Th. 306, 26; Seef. 13. Hwæt limpeþ ðæs tó ðé of hwylcum wyrtruman ic ácenned sí quid ad te pertinet qua sim stirpe genitus? Bd. 1, 7; S. 477, 27, Sorgaþ ymb óðerra monna wísan ðe him náuht tó ne limpþ is busied about other men's affairs, that do not all concern it, Past. 53, 5; Swt. 415, 21. Ðis sind ða landgemǽra ðæs londes ðe lympþ tó Stúre these are the boundaries of the land that belongs to Stour, Cod. Dip. Kmbl, iii. 81, 34. Hú lomp eów on láde what hap was yours by the way? Beo. Th. 3978; B. 1987. Twegra sceopa ðǽrtó ðe limpende beóþ of two ships that are thereto pertaining, Chart. Th. 28, 26. [O. H. Ger. limphan, limfan convenire.] DER. á-, be-, ge-limpan.
limp-líce; adv. Fitly, opportunely, conveniently :-- God swíðe limplíce Beset ðæt gewrixle eallum his gesceaftum, Bt. 21; Fox 74, 21.
lim-rǽden, e; f. A cloak(?). In Hpt. Gl. 465, 72 limrǽdenne is given as a marginal reading against chlamide.
lim-seóc; adj. Having diseased limbs, Andr. Kmbl. 1157; An. 579: Elen. Kmbl. 2425; El. 1214.
lim-wǽd, e; f. A garment :-- Swá limwǽdum sicut vestimento, Ps. Th. 103, 2.
lim-wæstm, es; m. Limb-growth, stature, size of body :-- Ic eom limwæstmum ðæt ic gelutian ne mæg so large am I of limb, that lie hid I cannot, Cd. 216; Th. 273, 2; Sat. 130.
lim-wérig; adj. Having the limbs wearied :-- Álédon hié ðǽr limwérigne, Rood Kmbl. 125; Kr. 63.
lín, es; n. Flax, linen, something made of linen :-- Flæx ɫ lín linum, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 12, 20. Lín manitergium, Wrt. Voc. ii. 113, 44. Besweópun hine mið líne ligaverunt eum linteis, Jn. Skt. Rush. 19, 40. Mið ðý onféng ðæt lín cum accepisset linteum, 13, 4. Bohte lín and hine biwand in línr mercatu sindonem eum involvit sindone, Mk. Skt. Rush. 15, 46: Lk. Skt. Rush. 23, 53. Gisæh ða lín gisetedo vidit linteamina posita, Jn. Skt. Rush. 20, 6. [Goth. lein linen: O. Sax. lín: Icel. lín flax, linen: O. H. Ger. lín linum: Ger. lein.] DER. biscop-, heáfod-, breóst-, hand-, swát- lín.
lind, e; and linde, an; f. I. the linden or lime-tree :-- Lind seno vel tilia, Ælfc. Gl. 45; Som. 64, 111; Wrt. Voc. 32, 46. Linde tilie, Wrt. Voc. ii. 75, 29. In ða greátan lindan; of ðære lindan, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 79, 24. On ða gemearcodan lindan; of ðære gemearcodan lindan, vi. 182, 2. Ðonon in áne linde, iii. 392, 1. II. what is made of the wood of the tree, a shield (in poetry) :-- Wisse hé gearwe, ðæt him holtwudu helpan ne meahte, lind wið líge, Beo. Th. 4671; B. 2341. Ofer linde lǽrig, Cd. 154; Th. 192, 29; Exod. 239. Under linde protected by the shield, Andr. Kmbl. 91; An. 46. Leófsunu his linde áhóf, Byrht. Th. 138, 63; By. 244. Rond, geolwe linde, Beo. Th. 5213; B. 2610. On fyrd wegan fealwe linde,Cd. 94; Th. 123, 14; Gen. 2044. Under lindum, 154; Th. 192, 7; Exod. 228: 155; Th. 193, 23; Exod. 251. Bordum beþeahte, hwealfum lindum, Judth. 11; Thw. 24, 30; Jud. 214. Beraþ linde forþ, Thw. 24, 16; Jud. 191. Scyldas wégon, linde bǽron, Byrht. Th. 134, 45; By. 99: Beo. Th. 4719; B. 2365. Hwíte linde, Cd. 158; Th. 107, 4; Exod. 301. [Icel. lind a lime-tree; poet. a shield, a spear: O. H. Ger. linta tilia: Ger. linde.] DER. heaðu-lind; and see linden.
lind-croda, an; m. Shield-press, battle, Cd. 93; Th. 120, 21; Gen. 1998.
linden; adj. Made of the lime-tree :-- Scyld, leóht linden bord, Exon. 90 b; Th. 339, 16; Gn. Ex. 95.
Lindisfaran; pl. Name of people settled in part of Northumbria (the word occurs generally with eá or eá-land) :-- Óswald Aidanum on Lindesfarona eálonde biscopsetl forgeaf (in insula Lindisfarnensi): on Lindesfearona eá, Bd. 3, 3; S. 525, 20, 35. Lǽdde mon his líchoman tó Lindisfarena eá, 3, 17; S. 543, 37, col. 2. Mid ðám bróðrum ðære cyricean æt Lindisfarena a fratribus ecclesiæ Lindesfarnensis, pref; S. 472, 29. Is Cynebyrht Lindisfarena biscop provinciæ Lindisfarorum Cyneberct episcopus præest, 5, 24; S. 646, 22. Hér forþferde Higbald Lindisfarna biscop, Chr. 803; Erl. 61, 22. Hé wæs on ðam munuclífe ðe is Lindisfarneá geháten, Homl. Th. ii. 147, 6.
Lindisfarnensisc; adj. Of Lindisfarne :-- Se hálga Cúþberhtus, Lindisfarnensiscere gelaþunge leódbiscop, Homl. Th. ii. 148, 22.
Lindesse, Lindisse, Lindesíge Lindsey, the northern part of Lincolnshire [Lat. Lindi colonia] :-- Lǽrde Scs. Paulinus Godes word on Lindesse: seó mǽgþ is seó nýhste on súþhalfe Humbre streámes, ligeþ út on sǽ, Bd. 2, 16; S. 519, 18. On Lindesége mǽgþe, 519, 16. On Lindese, 3, 11; S. 535, 14. On Lindesse and on Eást-Englum, Chr. 838; Erl. 66, 13: 873; Erl. 76, 19: 874; Erl. 76, 21. Lindisse, 627; Erl. 25, 5. On Lindesíge ge on Norþhymbran, 993; Erl. 133, 4: 1013; Erl. 147, 20: 1014; Erl. 151, 2. His lýchama resteþ on Lyndesse mǽgþe Shrn. 155, 24.
Lindis-ware; pl. The people of Lindsey :-- Man gehálgode Lindiswarum tó biscope Eádhéd; se wæs on Lindissi ǽrost biscopa, Chr. 678; Erl. 41, 8.
lind-geborga, an; m. A protector bearing a shield, a warlike protector[?]. v. leód-hwæt.
lind-gecrod, es; n. A shield-bearing crowd, Andr. Kmbl. 2442; An. 1222.
lind-gelác, es; n. A shield-conflict, battle, Apstls. Kmbl. 151; Ap. 76.
lind-gestealla, an; m. A companion in arms, Beo. Th. 3950; B. 1973.
lind-hæbbende; part. as noun. Shield-bearer, warrior, Beo. Th. 495; B. 245: 2808; B. 1402.
lind-hóh; gen. -hós; m. A hóh [q. v.] where lime-trees are growing[?] :-- On lindhóh; of lindhó, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 76, 33.
lind-hrycg, es; m. A ridge on which lime-trees are growing[?] :-- On lindrycg; of lindrycge, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 79, 20.
lind-plega, an; m. Shield-play, battle, Beo. Th. 4085; B. 2039: [MS. hild-] 2151; B. 1073.
lind-weorud, es; n. A band armed with shields, Elen. Kmbl. 283; El. 142.
lind-wíga, an; m. A warrior armed with a shield, Beo. Th. 5199; B. 2603.
lind-wígend, -wiggend, es; m. A warrior armed with a shield, Bt. Met. Fox 1, 25; Met. 1, 13: Judth. 10; Thw. 22, 1; Jud. 42: Elen. Kmbl. 539; El. 270.
líne, an; f. I. a line, rope, a coil of rope :-- Langre línan with a long line, Salm. Kmbl. 589; Sal. 294. Línan spiræ, Ælfc. Gl. 104; Som. 78, 14; Wrt. Voc. 56, 60. II. a line, row, line for guidance, rule, canon :-- Þurh ðæs cantices cwide, Cristes línan [the rule laid down by Christ in the Lord's Prayer], Salm. Kmbl. 34; Sal. 17. Ðǽr sceal wesan se torhta æsc án an línan ácas twegen hægelas swá some 'æ' must occur once, 'a.' and 'h' twice [in forming the words hæn, hana], Exon. 112 a; Th. 429, 25; Rä. 43, 10. [Icel. lína a line (cord), line (mathem.): O. H. Ger. linna linea.] DER. sceát-, steding-, sund-, toh-líne.
línen; adj. Made of flax, linen :-- Línen lineum: línen wearp linostema, Ælfc. Gl. 62, 63; Som. 68, 97, 98; Wrt. Voc. 40, 6, 8. Línnin rýhae villa, Ep. Gl. 28 d, 19. Línen byssina, Hpt. Gl. 526, 31. Hig bewundon hine mid líneman cláþe [línninum hræglum, Lind.] ligaverunt eum linteis, Jn. Skt. 19, 40. Mid línenum reáfe subucula linea, Lev. 8, 7: Past. 14, 4; Swt. 83, 23. Línen hrægel linteum, Jn. Skt. 13, 4. Hió becwiþ línnenne cyrtel oððe línnen web she begneathes a linen kirtle or a piece of linen, Chart. Th. 537, 24. Ne hé wyllenra hrægla breác ac línenra ealra, Shrn. 93, 8. [O. H. Ger. línin lineus: Ger. leinen.]
línen-werd; adj. Dressed in linen :-- Hé wæs línenwerd and his lendena wǽron ymbgirde he was clothed in linen, and his loins were girded, L. Ælfc. P. 17; Th. ii. 370, 11. [Cf. wolleward dressed in woollen garments, Piers P. B. 18, 1.]
línete, an; f. A linnet [for connection with lín cf. Ger. hanf hemp, hänfling linnet] :-- Línete cardella, Wrt. Voc. 62, 46.
líne-twige, -twigle, an; f. A linnet :-- Línetwige carduelis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 13, 43: 103, 13: fronulus, 36, 3. Línetuigle fronulus, 109, 14. Cf. þisteltuige cardella, 102, 76. [Cf. Scot. lyntquhit a linnet.]
-ling. v. deór-, eorþ-, geong-, hæft-, hýr-, níd-ling.
-ling, -linga, -lunga. v. bæc-, ears-, hinder-ling; bæc-, grund-, handlinga.
lín-hǽwen; adj. Flax-coloured[?] :-- Þurh línhǽwenne cláþ, Lchdm. iii. 2, 23: 4, 22.
linian, leonian to leave[?] :-- Ic leonige óðrum eorþcyningum tó bysne ðæt hié witen ðý gearwor ðæt mín þrym and mín weorþmynd máran wǽron ðonne ealra óðra kyninga ðe in middangearde ǽfre wǽron I leave it [an account of my exploits] as an example to other kings, that they may the better know that my glory and honour were greater than all other kings that ever were in the world, Nar. 33, 2. v. á-líndan.
lín-land, es; n. Land where flax grows :-- Ðæt lytle línland, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 19, 4. [Cf. Icel. lín-akr.]
linnan; p. lann, pl. lunnon To cease, leave off, desist, part from, lose :-- Blǽd his blinniþ blisse linniþ [-aþ MS.] listum [lissum?] linneþ his glory comes to an end, he ceases from joy, desists from delights, Exon. 95 a; Th. 354, 30; Reim. 53. Lunnon sáwlum they parted from their souls i.e. they died, Cd. 167; Th. 209, 9; Exod. 496. Ealdre linnan to die, Exon. 88 a; Th. 330, 21; Vy. 54: An. 2277; An. 1139: Beo. Th. 2960; B. 1478. Ealdres linnan, 4878; B. 2443. [Goth. af-linnan: Icel. linna: O. H. Ger. bi-linnan.] DER. á-linnan, blinnan [= be-linnan], á-, ge-blinnan.
lín-sǽd, es; n. Linseed :-- Línsǽd elimos vel lini semen, Wrt. Voc. 69, 32. Mid línsǽde, Herb. 39, 3; Lchdm. i. 140, 13.
lín-wǽd, e; f. A linen garment, linen cloth :-- Hé drígde hig mid ðære línwǽde ðe hé wæs mid begyrd coepit extergere linteo quo erat praecinctus, Jn. Skt. 13, 5. Hé geseah ða línwǽda licgan videt posita linteamina, 20, 5: Lk. Skt. 24, 12. [O. H. Ger. lín-wát linteamen.]
lín-wyrt, e; f. Flax, L. M. 1, 25; Lchdm. ii. 66, 17: 3, 65; Lchdm. ii. 354, 10.
lippa, an; m. A lip :-- Ufeweard lippa labium: niðera lippe labrum: foreweard feng ðære lippena tógædere rostrum, Ælfc. Gl. 71; Som. 70, 93-95; Wrt. Voc. 43, 24-26. Lippan labia, Hpt. Gl. 481, 24. Áwergode beón heora tungan and lippan, Wanl. Catal. 137, 51. Wið lippe sár. Eft sóna ðes lǽcedóm sceal ðan manne ða hyra lippa beóþ sáre oððe hyra tunga ... smire mid ða lippa, Lchdm. iii. 100, 15-21. [O. Frs. lippa; m: cf. O. L. Ger; lepor: O. H. Ger. leffur labium: lefs labium.]
lira, an; m. Fleshy part of the body without fat or bone, brawn :-- Lira pulpa vel viscum, Ælfc. Gl. 73; Som. 71, 37; Wrt. Voc. 44, 21. Lira pulpa, Wrt. Voc. 65, 17: 290, 48: ii. 76, 10. Sár þeóh and lira the thigh and the fleshy parts are sore, L. M. 2, 51; Lchdm. ii. 264, 11. Ða liran ðara lendena sáriaþ the fleshy parts of the loins get sore, 2, 25; Lchdm. ii. 216, 24. [Toleac lið ba and lire broke both joints and flesh, Jul. 59, 10. Lire the flesh of an animal or rather the increasing substance as it grows bulky, E. D. S. Whitby Glossary. See also Halliw. Dict. Scot. lire flesh or muscles, as distinguished from the bones.] DER. ears-, spear-lira.
lireht; adj. Brawny, fleshy :-- Hí habbaþ lirehte fét, L. M. 2, 36; Lchdm. ii. 242, 14.
lísan, lýsan; p. de To loosen, release, redeem, deliver :-- Mín sáwl ða ðú sylf lýsdest anima mea, quam redemisti, Ps. Th. 70, 21. Se sylfa cyning mid síne líchoman lýsde of firenum, Exon. 25 b; Th. 74, 22; Cri. 1210. Gif hé ða hand lésan [álýsan, MS. H; lýsan, MS. B.] wille ... gelde swá tó his were belimpe, L. Alf. pol. 6; Th. i. 66, 5: Byrht. Th.132, 57; By. 37: Elen. Kmbl. 592; El. 296: Rood Kmbl. 82; Kr. 41. [Goth. lausjan: O. Sax. lósian: O. Frs. lésa: Icel. leysa: O. H. Ger. lósen: Ger. lösen.] v. á-, ge-, on-, tó- lísan; untólísende.
lísian to release, redeem :-- Gif hé on hand gán wille dó hine man on carcern swá hit æt Greátanleá gecweden wæs and hine be ðam ylcan lýsige if he is ready to submit, let him be put in prison, as it was determined at Greatanlea [v. Th. i. 198], and according to the same let him be redeemed, L. Æthelst. v. 12; Th. i. 240, 33.
lísing, es; m. A freedman :-- Lísingas and þeówe, Chart. Th. 592, 1. Búton ðam ceorle ðe on gafollande sit, and heora [the Danes] liésingum [lýsingum]; ða syndan efendýre, ǽgðer tó cc. sciɫɫ., L. A. G. 2; Th. i. 154, 3. [Icel. leysingi, leysingr a freedman.]
lísing, e; f. A loosing, releasing, redemption :-- Lésing redemtio, Lk. Skt. Lind. 2, 38. v. á-, crism-lísing.
lisne, Ps. Th. 52, 6. v. [?] lyswen.
lís-ness, e; f. Redemption, release, deliverance; redemtio, Mk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 10, 45: Lk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 1, 68: 2, 38. DER. á-, tó-lísness.
liss, e; f. Mildness, lenity, mercy, kindness, favour, grace, delight, joy :-- Hé bæd ðæt Lazarus móste his tungan drýpan ac him næs getíðod ðære lytlan lisse he prayed that Lazarus might put a drop of water on his tongue; but that little favour was not granted to him, Homl. Th. i. 330, 30. Ic ðé biddan wile lífes and lisse I will ask thee for life and favour, Ps. C. 50, 69; Ps. Grn. ii. 278, 69. Hé þancode lífes leóhtfruman lisse and ára, Cd. 90; Th. 113,19; Gen. 1889. Hé him ðære lisse leán forgildeþ he will requite him for that grace [honouring God], Exon. 14 a; Th. 27, 21; Cri. 434. Ða eádigan ceasterwaran gefeóþ and wynsumiaþ on lisse and on blisse and on écum gefeán, Wulfst. 265, 12. Lifgan in lisse lucis et pacis to live in the delight of light and peace, Exon. 656; Th. 242, 12; Ph. 672. Hé onfón sceal blisse mínre lufan and lisse he shall receive my joy, my love and my favour, Cd. 106; Th. 140, 23; Gen. 2332: 190; Th. 237, 19; Dan. 340. Forgif mé tó lisse bitre bealodǽde in mercy to me forgive my evil deeds, Exon. 118 a; Th. 453, 21; Hy. 4, 18. Lífes tó lisse to save life, Andr. Kmbl. 2223; An. 1113. Lisse ic-gelýfe leahtra gehwylces I believe in the forgiveness of sins, Hy. Grn. ii. 294, 54. Se rinc on líchoman lisse sóhte Enoch while yet in the body sought [heaven's] joy, Cd. 60; Th. 73, 14; Gen. 1204. Ðé is éðelstól gerýmed, lisse on lande, 73; Th. 89, 25; Gen. 1486. Ic ðé lissa lifigendum giet lǽte brúcan, 126; Th. 161, 10; Gen. 2663: 136; Th. 171, 6; Gen. 2824: Exon. 13 a; Th. 23, 24; Cri. 373: Beo. Th. 4306; B. 2150. Wilna biscirede, lufena and lissa, Exon. 48 b; Th. 166, 27; Gú. 1049. Lufum and lissum, Cd. 130; Th. 165, 25; Gen. 2737. Wé ðé getǽhton land tó lissum ðú ús leánest nú unfreóndlíce we assigned thee land for thy delight, now dost thou repay us in fashion unfriendly, 127; Th. 162, 28; Gen. 2688. Lissum kindly, graciously, Andr. Kmbl. 1735; An. 870. v. líðs.
lissan to soften, weaken, tame, subdue :-- Yldo beoþ on eorþan ǽghwæs cræftig ... lisseþ eal ðæt heó wile beám heó ábreóteþ ... friteþ wildne fugol ... heó oferwígeþ wulf on earth age has power over everything ... .she subdues all that she will; the tree she destroys ... the wild bird she devours ... the wolf she conquers, Salm. Kmbl. 590; Sal. 294. [Cf. I trowe my peyne shalle never lisse, Chauc. R. R. 4128: it shulde lisse me, Glow. iii. 82, 19: hire care to lisse, Will. 631. Jamieson gives the verb in his Scottish Dict. lis to ease, assuage; liss to cease, stop.] v. liss.
list, es; m: list, e; f. Art, skill, craft, cunning, artifice :-- Lot sceal mid lyswe list mid gedéfum cunning goes with evil, skill with things proper, i.e. lot and list are the names for a corresponding vice and virtue, Exon. 92 a; Th. 345, 17; Gn. Ex. 189. Ðú miht león and dracan liste gebýgean conculcabis leonem et draconem, Ps. Th. 90. 13. List art (of poetry), Bt. Met. Fox Introd. 5; Met. Einl. 3: Exon. 79 a; Th. 296, 13; Crä. 50. Þurh ealle list, 27 a; Th. 81, 5; Cri. 1319. Ðæs líchoman listas and cræftas of ðæm móde cumaþ the arts and powers of the body come from the mind; intus est hominum vigor arce conditus abdita, Bt. Met. Fox 26, 216; Met. 26, 108. Hé fela onginþ leornian lista many arts doth he learn, 28, 153; Met. 28, 77: Cd. 13; Th. 16, 5; Gen. 239. Mid listum speón idese on ðæt unriht with wiles he lured the woman to that wrong, 28; Th. 37, 12; Gen. 588: 32; Th. 43, 8; Gen. 687. Listum skilfully, craftily, cunningly :-- Him listum áteáh rib of sídan skilfully drew a rib from his side, 9; Th. 11, 19; Gen. 177: 77; Th. 95; 29; Gen. 1586: Judth. 10; Thw. 23, 2; Jud. 101: Bt. Met. Fox 13, 84; Met. 13, 42: 1, 118; Met. 1, 59: Beo. Th. 1566; B. 781: Ps. Th. 87, 10. Wyl tógædere listum boil them skilfully together, L. M. 1, 1; Lchdm. ii. 24, 11: 1, 2; Lchdm. ii. 26, 8. Hé ðé hét listas lǽran he bade teach thee arts, Cd. 25; Th. 33, 8; Gen. 517. [Goth. lists: O. Sax. list: O. Frs. lest: Icel. list; f: O. H. Ger. list; m. f. ars, ingenium, astutia, peritia: Ger. list; f.]
líste, an; f. A list, hem, border, selvage :-- Líste lembus. Wrt. Voc. ii. 113, 1: 50, 68. Lístan lembum, 112, 54. Lístum, lembus, 50, 69. [Icel. lista; f: listi; m. list, border: O. H. Ger. lísta; f. limbus, fimbria: Ger. leiste.]
list-hendig; adj. Having skilful hands :-- Sum biþ listhendig tó áwrítanne wordgerýnu, Exon. 79 b; Th. 299, 1; Crä. 95.
listig-, liste-líce; adv. Skilfully: Seóð æt leóhtum fýre listelíce, L. M. 1, 2; Lchdm. ii. 30, 7.
list-wrenc, es; m. Wile, artifice, Lye. v. lot-wrenc.
lítan [from lútan, as bígan from búgan] to cause to bow, to bend, incline :-- Ðæt ingeþonc ǽlces monnes ðone líchoman lít ðider hit wile the mind of every man inclines the body whither it will, Bt. Met. Fox 26, 237; Met. 26, 119.
liþ, es; m. n. A joint, lith [Scott. e.g. the Laird of Auchinleck to Johnson, Cromwell 'gart kings ken they had a lith in their necks'], member of the body, limb :-- Liþ artus: lytel liþ articulus, Wrt. Voc. 283, 16, 17: Soul Kmbl. 191; Seel. 96. Ðætte sum man fram deáþes liþe wæs gehǽled ut sit quidam a mortis articulo revocatus, Bd. 3, 13; S. 538, 3. Ðæt hé dyppe his fingres liþ on wætere that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, Lk. Skt. 16, 24, On ðone liþ ðæra eaxla, L. M. 2, 36; Lchdm. ii. 242, 12. On ðæt liþ, 1, 61; Lchdm. ii. 132, 6. Liþu artus, Wrt. Voc. 64, 77. Ða máran liþa artus, Ælfc. Gl. 72; Som. 71, 4; Wrt. Voc. 43, 58. Gif men his leoþu acen, Herb. 3, 1; Lchdm i. 86, 21. Foxes leoþu, L. Med. ex Quad. 3, 1; Lchdm. i. 338, 20: Exon. 87 a; Th. 327, 18; Vy. 6: 74 a; Th. 278, 3; Jul. 592. Sint mé leoþ tólocen líc sáre gebrocen, Andr. Kmbl. 2807; An. 1406. Býgendlíc on ðám geþeódnessum his liþa flexilibus artuum compagibus, Bd. 4, 30; S. 608, 38. Betwyh liþum inter femora, L. Ecg. P. iv. 68, 6; Th. ii, 228, 24. Hé ðé worhte of liþum mínum, Cd. 38; Th. 50, 33; Gen. 818. Leoþum onfón, Exon. 23 a; Th. 64, 3; Cri. 1032. Liþa articulos, Hpt. Gl. 443, 61. Bígdon heora heáfda tó ðære hálgena fótum and heora liþa liccodon, Homl. Skt. 4, 407. Of láme ic ðé leoþe gesette, Exon. 28 a; Th. 84, 31; Cri. 1382. Leoþo, Andr. Kmbl. 1562; An. 782. Leomena liþ, Salm. Kmbl. 205; Sal. 102. [Goth. liþus; m. a limb, member: O. Sax, lið; m: O. Frs. lith; n: Icel. liðr; m. a joint, limb: O. H. Ger. lid; m. n. artus, articulus, membrum: Ger. g-lied.] v. hrycgmearh-liþ, leoþu-.
líþ, es; n. Strong drink :-- Ðá him ðæt líþ gescired wæs digesto vino, Past. 40, 4; Swt. 295, 6. Ðam men ðe hine ne lyst his metes ne líþes for the man that does not care for his meat or drink, L. M. 1, 19; Lchdm. ii. 62, 16. Of mistlícum dryncum ðæs líþes from various strong drinks, Bt. 37, 1; Fox 186, 17. Se ðe his oferdrencþ mid ðæs écan lífes líþe aeterna nos dulcedine inebrians, Past. 36, 9; Swt. 261, 15. Ðá bær unc mon líþ forþ oblato poculo, Bd. 5, 3; S. 616, 31. [Goth. leiþus oίκερα: O. Sax. líð: O. Frs. líth: Icel. líð cider: O. H. Ger. líd, líth potus, liquor, poculum, fiala, sicera: it remains in some provincial German words, e.g. leit-haus an ale-house; leit-geber keeper of an ale-house.]
liþ, es; n. [The Scandinavian form of lid q. v.] a fleet :-- Ðæs sumeres com ðet liþ of Humbran in the course of the summer the fleet came from the Humber, Chr. 1070; Erl. 210, 4: 1052; Erl. 183, 12: 1069; Erl. 207, 12. [Icel. lið a host by land or sea.]
Líða, an; m. Name of the months June and July :-- Se mónaþ is nemned on lǽden Iunius, and on úre geþeóde se ǽrra Líða, for ðon seó lyft biþ ðonne smylte and ða windas. Ond monnum biþ ðonne gewunelíc ðæt hí líðaþ ðonne on sǽs bryme, Shrn. 87, 34. Se ǽrra Lýða, 99, 11. Ǽrra Líða, Junius, Menol. Fox 213; Men. 108. Mónaþ ðone wé nemnaþ on lýden Iulius ... ðone mónaþ wé nemnaþ on úre geþeóde se æftera Lýða, Shrn. 99, 26: 110, 24. [iþe moneþ þ̄ on ure ledene is ald englisch efterlið inempnet iulius o latin, Math. 23, 6.] v. Grmm. Gesch. D. S. 56 sqq.
liþ-ádl, e; f. Gout :-- Liþádl artericus vel artriticus, Ælfc. Gl. 11; Som. 57, 44; Wrt. Voc. 19, 47. Wið liþádle, L. Med. ex Quad. 3, 11; Lchdm. 1, 340, 25.
líðan; p. láð To go [generally by sea], sail :-- Ic tólíðe, ic líðe applicabo, Wrt. Voc. ii. 4, 54. Monnum biþ gewunelíc ðæt hí líðaþ ðonne [ǽrra Líða, June] on sǽs bryme, Shrn. 88. 1. Ða ðe sǽ séceaþ mid scipe líðaþ qui descendunt mare in navibus, Ps. Th. 106, 22. Hé ofer sǽ láð in Gallia ríce navigavit Galliam, Bd. 3, 19; S. 550, 1: Shrn. 60, 5. Se cyning sylfa and se hálga bisceop líðan on ðæt eálond rex ipse cum sanctissimo antistite insulam navigavit, Bd. 4, 28; S. 606, 12. Nú is ðon gelícost swá wé on laguflóde ofer cald wæter ceólum líðan, Exon. 20 a; Th. 53, 18; Cri, 852. Líðan cymeþ comes sailing, Exon. 90 b; Th. 340, 11; Gn. Ex. l09: 108 b; Th. 415, 23; Rä. 34, 1: Andr. Kmbl. 512; An. 256: Bt. Met. Fox 26, 119; Met. 26, 60. Liðendum wuda a ship, Exon. 103 b; Th. 392, 9; Rä. 11, 5. Ða líðende land gesáwon those sailing saw land, Beo. Th. 447; B. 221. Ðá wæs sund liden then was the sea passed [cf. Icel. líða as a transitive verb], Beo. Th. 452; B. 223. Dóhtor mín eácen up liden my daughter, great and grown up[?], Exon. l09 a; Th. 416, 13; Rä. 34, 11. [Goth. ga-leiþan: O. Sax. líðan: Icel. líða: O. H. Ger. ga-lídan peregrinari, cedere, evanescere.] DER. be-, for-, ge-, ofer-, tó-, ymb-líðan; brim-, eá-, heaðu-, mere-, sǽ-, scip-, wǽg-líðende.
líðan to suffer loss[?] :-- Beám sceal leáfum líðan a tree must lose its leaves, Exon. 89 a; Th. 334, 34; Gn. Ex. 26. [Cf. (?) O. H. Ger. lídan to suffer.]
líðan to assuage, mitigate, soften :-- Ðæt se hié líðe and hǽle foveantur sananda, Past. 17, 10; Swt. 124, 12. v. líðian.
líðe, líð; adj. Lithe, soft, gentle, meek, mild, serene, benign, gracious, pleasant, sweet :-- Swá fæder þenceþ his bearnum milde weorþan swá ús God ðám ðe hine lufiaþ líðe weorþeþ sicut miseretur eater filiis, ita misertus est Dominus timentibus se, Ps. Th. 102, 13. Leorniaþ æt mé ðæt ic com líðe and swíðe eádmód discite a me, quia mitis sum et humilis corde, Homl. Th. i. 210, 18. Hé biþ ðám gódum lufsum and líðe, Exon. 21 a; Th. 57, 5; Cri. 914. Óðer [wæstm] wæs swá wynlíc wlitig and scéne líð the other [fruit] was so delightful, beauteous and fair, delicate, Cd. 23; Th. 30, 17; Gen. 468. Hwæðer him cume ðe réþu wyrd ðe líðu whether fortune foul or fair come to him, Bt. 40, 3; Fox 238, 9. Líðe ɫ smilte serenum, Hymn. Surt. 24, 15. Hé forlét eall ðæt ðǽr líðes wæs and swétes vino epulisque deseruit, Ors. 2, 4; Swt. 76, 14. Cumb fulne líðes aloþ a coomb full of mid ale, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. i. 203, 8: Chart. Th. 105, 12. Dreám líðes lífes the joy of the serene life [of heaven], Exon. 32 a; Th. l00, 7; Cri. 1638. Mid líðre mulsa, Hpt. Gl. 48q, 14. Mid líðra tungan with lithe tongue, Homl. Skt. 4, 407. Mid líðran gesceafte [water], Boutr. Scrd. 22, 30. Andwlitan mid líðan vultu sereno, Hymn. Surt. 22, 11: 143, 2. Mid líðere sprǽce with gentle speech, Ap. Th. 2, 25. Mid líðre wisðlunga mon hors gestilleþ lenis sibilus equos mitigat, Past. 23; Swt. 173, 21. On líðum wíne, Herb. 57, 1; Lchdm. i. 160, i: 80, 2; Lchdm. i. 182, 19. Líðne (lenis) drenc, Bt. 39, 9; Fox 226, 12. Ðæt líðe land the pleasant land, Cd. 12; Th. 13, 31; Gen. 211. Eádige beóþ ða líðan ... Ða synd líðe and gedéfe, ða ðe ne wiðstandaþ yfelum, ac oferswýðaþ mid heora goodnesse ðone yfelan, Homl. Th. i. 550, 19: Mt. Kmbl. 5, 5. Líðe æppla mitia poma, Ælfc. Gr. 47; Som. 48, 26. Nú ic freónda beþearf líðra on láde now need I gracious friends on my course, Apstls. Kmbl. 183; Ap. 92. Heard, wunda beóþ mid líðum beðengum gehnescode dura vulnera per lenia fomenta mollescunt, Past. 26, 2; Swt. 183, 20. Swíðe líðum wordum with very gentle words; humanitatis lege eos mulcens, Nar. 25, 10: Exon. 37 b; Th. 124, 3; Gú. 334. Mid líðum styrungum with gentle gestures, Glostr. Frag. 110, 8. Lagu lácende sceal líðra wyrðan the tossing wave shall become calmer, Andr. Kmbl. 874; An. 437. Oft byþ ðæt brocc líðre the disease is often less severe, Wulfst. 12, 5. Ðǽr .syndon lýðran wedera ðonne on Brettania coeli solique temperie magis utilis, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 24, 19. Se sceortigenda dæg hæfþ líðran gewederu ðonne se langienda dæg, Lchdm. iii. 252, 9. Líðesta mittissime, Hymn. Surt. 65, 11: 126, 2. Manna mildust, leódum líðost, Beo. Th. 6346; B. 3183. [O. Sax. lídi: Icel. linr: O. H. Ger. linde lind lenis, mollis: Ger. ge-lind, -linde.] DER. cum-, gæst-, uncum-, un- líðe; v. líðig.
líðe-líc; adj. Gentle, mild, soft :-- Líðelíce stefne lena voce, Nar. 36, 21. Mid líðelícum wordum with gentle words, Past. 30, 2; Swt. 205, 8.
líðe-líce; adv. Gently, mildly, softly, kindly, graciously :-- Líðelíce, fægere pedetemtim, Wrt. Voc. ii. 64, 49. Hé hié líðelíce hǽlan wolde graciously he would heal them, Blickl. Homl. 105, 26. Líðelíce hé ádlaþ he will have a mild attack of illness, Lchdm. iii. 186, 15. Hwílum líðelíce tó þreátianne hwílum suíðlíce and stræclíce tó þrafianne aliquando leniter arguenda, aliquando vehementer increpanda, Past. 21, 5; Swt. 151, 11. Ðú scealt líðelíce monian suadendo,blandiendo, Bd. 1, 27; S. 492, 22. Sume þearflícor sume líðelícor synd gerihte quidam districtius, quidam levius corrigantur, S. 490, 11: L. C. S. 69; Th. i. 412, 5.
líðend, es; m. A traveller, sailor :-- Líðend brohte elebeámes twig án tó handa the traveller (the dove) brought home an olive-branch [Bouterwek takes líðend to be a dative; if it is, the word refers to Noah], Cd. 72; Th. 88, 29; Gen. 1472. v. sǽ-líðend, líðan.
líðercian; p. ode To soften, charm, flatter :-- Líðercaþ, óleccaþ adulatur, Wrt. Voc. ii. 127, 7. Líðercade promulserit, 117, 72. Líðircadae, Ep. Gl. 17 f, 30.
liðere, an; f: liðera, an; m. A sling :-- Liðere funda, Wrt. Voc. 84, 34. Lyðre, 35, 30. Liðre, Wrt. Voc. ii. 109, 41. Leðera funda: liðeran fundibulæ, 36, 23, 24. Swá mycelre brǽdo swá mon mæg mid liðeran geworpan amplitudinis quasi jactus fundæ, Bd. 4, 13; S. 583, 11. Mid his liðeran ofwearp ðone geleáfleásan ent, Ælfc. T. Grn. 7, 18. Of blacere liðran, Salm. Kmbl. 54; Sal. 27. v. stæf-liðere.
liðer-líc; adj. Of a sling :-- Liðerlícum swége fundali stridore, Wrt. Voc. ii. 152, 16.
liþe-wác, liþewǽcan. v. leoþu-wác, leoþuwǽcan.
líðian; p. ode To be, become, or make líðe [q. v.] :-- Miltsige man for Godes ege and líðige man georne let mercy be shewn for fear of God, and let kindness be diligently shewn, L. Eth. vi. 53; Th. i. 328, 28. Swá hwæt swá gé gebindaþ hér ofer eorþan eall hit wyrþ on heofenan mid Godes yrre gebunden bútan gé líðian whatsoever ye bind on earth shall all be bound in heaven with God's anger, unless ye be gracious, Wulfst. 178, 4. Biþ ðæs innoþes sár líðigende ðæt hit sóna nǽnig láð ne biþ the disease of the stomach will grow easier, so that soon it will be no annoyance, Herb. 1, 11; Lchdm. i. 74, 10. [Icel. lina to soften, alleviate, abate: O. H. Ger. lindian mollire, blandiri.] DER. ge-, on-líðian; v. líðigian, líðan.
líðig; adj. Lithe, pliant, supple, flexible, soft, yielding :-- Heó biþ líðig swá cláþ ongeán deófles láre it [a man's heart] is pliant as cloth to the devil's teaching, Wulfst. 234, 22. Ðá gelǽhte Petrus hire líðian [líðigan, MSS. U. B.] hand then Peter took her supple hand, Homl. Skt. 10, 73. On his líðegum cneówum, Homl. Th. ii. 298, 27. His líðegan fingeras, 512, 1.
líðigian, líðegian; p. ode To make, or be soft or yielding, to assuage, calm :-- Gewylc ýða his ðú líðegast motum fluctuum ejus to mitigas, Ps. Spl. 88, 10. Se ðe on ðam ǽrran tócyme líðegode se démþ stíðne dóm æt ðam æfteran tócyme he that was mild at the first advent shall judge stern judgement at the second, Homl. Th. i. 320, 17. Ðæt ðú líðegie ut mitiges, Ps. Spl. 93, 13. Uton líðegian úre móde leniamus animum nostrum, L. Ecg. P. iv. 66; Th. ii. 226, 26. v. ge-líðian.
liþ-incel, es; n. A little joint; articulus, Wrt. Voc. 283, 17: ii. 8, 3.
líð-ness, e; f. Softness, gentleness, mildness, lenity, kindness :-- Hí sind gesewene mid líðnysse ac heora líðnys is sóðlíce ásolcennys they appear with gentleness, but their gentleness is really sluggishness, Homl. Th. ii. 46, 11. On lígette is óga and on snáwe líðnyss ðære beorhtnysse in lightning is the terror of brightness, in snow its mildness, i. 222, 32. Hé forbær manna yfelnysse þurh his líðnysse he endured the evil of men by reason of his gentleness, 320, 16. Swá is tó mengenne ða líðnesse wið ða rédnesse miscenda ergo est lenitas cum severitate, Past. 17, 11; Swt. 124, 13. DER. cum-, gæst-líðness.
líþrian, p. ede To lather, smear :-- Léðrede unxit, Jn. Skt. Lind. 11, 2. Lýþre mid sápan, L. M. 1, 50; Lchdm. ii. 124, 5. [Icel. leyðra to wash.]
líðs, e; f. Gentleness, calm, ease, pleasure :-- Líðsa and wynna hám a home of pleasures and of joys [Eden], Cd. 45; Th. 58, 13; Gen. 945. Líðsum gewunedon they lived at ease, 80; Th. 100, 28; Gen. 1671. v. liss.
liþ-seáw, es; n. The oily matter between the joints, synovia :-- Gif mon biþ on eaxle wund ðæt ðæt liþseáw út flówe gebéte mid xxx sciɫɫ., L. Alf. pol. 53; Th. i. 94, 22. Manegum men liþseáu sýhþ ... wið liþseáwe, L. M. 1, 61; Lchdm. ii. 132, 10-13.
liðs-, lits-mann a sailor :-- Ða liðsmenn [the Danes], Chr. 1036; Erl. 164, 14. Litsmanna, 1047; Erl. 175, 11. [Icel. liðs-maðr.] v. lidmann.
liþule [= liþ-ele, Cockayne, Lchdm. ii. 398, col. 1] synovia :-- Gif liþule út yrne, L. M. 1, 61; Lchdm. ii. 134, 3, 8. v. liþ-seáw.
líðung, e; f. Relieving, alleviation, relief :-- Hé ongit ðæs innoþes líðunge he will find relief for the stomach, Herb. 18, 4; Lchdm. i. 112, 2.
liþ-wærc, es; m. Pain in the joints :-- Wið liþwærce, L. M. 1, 61; Lchdm. ii. 132, 2, 4.
líþ-wǽge, es; A drinking-cup, wine-cup, Beo. Th. 3969; B. 1982.
líð-wyrt, e; f. Dwarf elder :-- Lýðwyrt. Ðeós wyrt ðe man ostriage and óðrum naman lýðwyrt nemneþ, Herb. 29, 1; Lchdm. i. 124, 13. Líð-wyrt, L. M. 1, 61; Lchdm. ii. 132, 13. Líðwyrt ostriago, Wrt. Voc. 69, 26: eripheon, 68. 12: ostriago, ii. 65, 48. v. Gloss. to Lchdms. ii. iii.
litel, litig. v. lytel, lytig.
líxan, lícsan; p. te To shine, glitter, gleam :-- Seó reádnes ðære rósan líxeþ on ðé, and seó hwítnes ðære lilian scíneþ on ðé, Blickl. Homl. 7, 30. Móna líxeþ, Exon. 18 a; Th. 44, 6; Cri. 698. Ðæt nebb líxeþ swá glæs oððe gim the beak glitters like glass or gem, 60 a; Th. 218, 24; Ph. 299. Sóðfæste scínes ɫ líxeþ swǽ sunna justi fulgebunt sicut sol, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 13, 43. Líxaþ, 64 b; Th. 238, 15; Ph. 604. Líxte fulminavit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 37, 18: Exon. 15 a; Th. 31, 34; Cri. 505: Beo. Th. 627; B. 311. Ðonne dæg líxte, 975; B. 485. Sumum scinan ða scilla and líxtan swylce hié wǽron gyldene auri fulgori similes, Nar. 13, 19: Elen. Kmbl. 46; El. 23: 580; El. 90: 2229; El. 1116: Cd. 148; Th. 185, 20; Exod. 125. Hié gesáwon eóred líxan they saw the host glitter, 149; Th. 187, 28; Exod. 157: Exon. 57 a; Th. 204, 8; Ph. 94. Ðonne lígette líxan cwóman illuxerunt coruscationes tuæ, Ps. Th. 76, 15: Bt. Met. Fox 9, 25; Met. 9, 13. Líxende fulgens, Lk. Skt. Lind. 24, 4: lucens, Jn. Skt. Lind. 5, 35. Lícxændum coruscantibus, Rtl. 3, 1. Liéxende lígetta, Exon. 54 b; Th. 192, 14; Az. 106. Líxende lof brilliant praise, 93 a; Th. 349, 20; Sch. 49. v. in-líxan.
líxende; adv. Splendidly :-- Fegerlíce ɫ lícsendo splendide, Lk. Skt. Lind. 16, 19.
líxung, lícsung, e; f. Splendour, brightness :-- Líxung splendor, Mt. Kmbl. p. 14, 11: Rtl. 3, 13. Lícsung, 38, 29.
lobbe, an; f. A spider :-- Úre gǽr swá swá lobbe oððe rynge beóþ ásmeáde anni nostri sicut aranea meditabuntur [cf. Ps. Th. 89, 10, anlícast geongewefran ðonne hió geornast biþ ðæt heó áfǽre fleógan on nette], Ps. Lamb. 89, 9. Mistlíce þreála gebyriaþ for synnumt bendas oððe dyntas carcernþýstra lobban various punishments are proper for sins, bonds or blows, prison darkness, spiders, L. Pen. 3; Th. ii. 278, 26. Cf. (?) Icel. lubbi a shaggy longhaired dog.]
loc, es; n. I. A lock, bolt, bar, that by which anything is closed, an enclosed place, enclosure, fold. :-- Loc clausura, Wrt. Voc. 81, 17. Locc mandra vel ovile, 23, 55. Loc caula, 85, 73. Gáta loc titula, 288, 20. Loce ɫ fæstene clustello, Hpt. Gl. 527, 72. In scípa locc in ovile ovium, Jn. Skt. Lind. 10, 1 : p. 6, 2. Ic scitte sum loc oððe hæpsige sero, Ælfc. Gr. 37; Som. 39, 21. Uton belúcan ðás circan and ðæt loc inseglian, Homl. Skt. 3, 329. Sceápa locu caule, Ælfc. Gl. 2; Som. 55, 21; Wrt. Voc. 16, 6. Ða locu feóllan, clústor of ðám ceastrum, Exon. 120 a; Th. 461, 22; Hö. 39. Ealle ða ísenan scyttelas helle loca wurdan tóbrocene, Blickl. Homl. 87, 5. Hwylc manna is ðæt his ágene sáwle fram helle locum generige quis eruet animam suam de manu inferi, Ps. Th. 88, 41. Tó helle locum gelǽded beón sceolde ad inferni claustra raperetur, Bd. 3, 13; S. 538, 22 : 5, 13; S. 633, 20. Mid ðám trumestum locum getimbrade seris instructa ftrmissimis, 1, 1; S. 473, 27. Ðonne wé sittaþ innan ceastre ðonne wé ús betýnaþ binnan ðǽm locum úres módes in civitate quippe considemus, si intra mentium nostrarum nos claustra constringimus, Past. 49, 4; Swt. 385, 6 : L. E. I. 45; Th. ii. 442, 13. Heó héht ða róde in seolfren fæt locum belúcan, Elen. Kmbl. 2051; El. 1027. Locu mandras, caulas, Hpt. Gl. 476, 30. Loca caulas, Coll. Monast. Th. 20, 17. Godes engel undyde ða locu ðæs cwearternes, Homl. Th. i. 572, 27 : Exon. 12 b; Th. 20, 21; Cri. 321. II. A close, conclusion, settlement :-- Loces syllogismi, conclusionis, Hpt. Gl. 481, 65. And ðises loces ǽrendracan wǽran . . . Ðonne is hér seó gewitnes ðe æt ðisum loce wæs and of this settlement the commissioners were . . . Here are the witnesses that were at this settlement, Chart. Th. 303, 12-19. Mid ðám ilcan mannan ðe ǽr ðæt loc makedon with the same men that had before made the settlement, Chr. 1094, Erl. 230, 3. [Icel. lok a conclusion; loka a lock, latch.] DER. ár-, clúster-, word-loc; v. loca.
lóc, lóca look, see, look you; the word often occurs in connection with a pronominal form, and seems equivalent to a suffixed -ever, loca hú however, &c. :-- Efne oððe lóca nú hér hit is en, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 40, 56 : Homl. Th. i. 358, 9. Hig cwæ-acute;don Lóca nú hú hrædlíce þæt fictreów forscranc dicentes : quomodo continuo aruit ficulnea, Mt. Kmbl. 21, 20. Lóca nú hú hé hyne lufode ecce quomodo amabat eum, Jn. Skt. 11, 36. Þreá hig lóca hú ðú wylle punish her, look you, as you will, Gen. 16, 6. Ðú hæfst ðæt feoh mid ðé, gefada embe, lóca, hú ðú wylle, Homl. Skt. 3, 285 : 4, 262. Hí férdon lóc [MSS. C.D. lóca] hú hí wolden they went however they liked, Chr. 1009; Erl. 142, 26. Lóca, hwá út gange, licge hé ofslagen, Jos. 2, 19. Lóca, hwá ðære mihte áge, hé mót gehæftne man álýsan [whoever has the power], Wulfst. 294, 32. Lóca hwylc cristen man sý ungesibsum, 295, 4. Hlystan lóca hwæt ða láreówas tæ-acute;can, 294, 26. Dón lóc hwæt wé mágon, 141, 28 : 150, 11. Lóc hwæt eald sí hic et hæc et hoc vetus, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 32; Som. 12, 9. Lóc hwæt hæbbe týn fét decempes, 49; Som. 50, 49. Bide mé lóce hwæs ðú wille ask me for whatever you will, Homl. Th. ii. 576, 10. Lóc hwæ-acute;r ic hit gefriþod wille habban wherever I will have it protected, L. C. S. 81; Th. i. 420, 26. Lóca hwonne whenever, Wulfst. 199, 16. Swá ðæt lóc hwenne ðæt flód byþ ealra héhst, Chr. 1031; Erl. 162, 5. Lóc hweðer ðæra gebróðra óðerne oferbide wæ-acute;re yrfeweard ealles Englalandes whichever of the two brothers should survive the other, should inherit all England, 1101; Erl. 237, 31 : Chart. Th. 605, 27. v. lócian.
loca, an; m. That which closes or shuts, a bar, bolt, lock, an enclosed place, locker :-- Hepse ɫ loca clustella, serra, Hpt. Gl. 500. Álýsde leóda bearn of locan deófla [hell], Elen. Kmbl. 362; El. 181. Under helle cinn under líges locan, Exon. 31 b; Th. 99, 7; Cri. 1621 : 72 b; Th. 270, 32; Jul. 19. Se ðe healdeþ locan who guards the lock, 8 a; Th. 2, 14; Cri. 19 : Salm. Kmbl. 371; Sal. 185. DER. bán-, brægn-, breóst-, burg-, feorh-, ferhþ- ferþ-, fýr-, fyrhþ-, gewit-, hearm-, heolstor-, hord-, hreðer-, hring-, níþ-, þeóster-, word-loca; v. loc.
loca, an; m. A lock of wool :-- Loca floccus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 35, 71, cf. locc.
loc-bore, an; f. One wearing long hair, a free woman :-- Frí wíf locbore, L. Ethb. 73; Th. 1. 20, 7. See the note there, and Grmm. R. A. 286, 239.
locc, es; m. The hair of the head, a hair, a lock of hair, a curl, ringlet :-- Comatus se ðe hæfþ loccas, coma is locc, Ælfc. Gr. 43; Som. 45, 9. Locc unscoren coma vel cirrus, Wrt. Voc. 42, 45. Locc uncinus, 42, 48. Loc coma, 70, 33 : cicinnus i. vinnus, ii. 131, 12 : cirrus, crinus, 24. Ne án loc of eówrum heáfde forwyrþ not a hair of your head shall perish, Blickl. Homl. 243, 33 : Andr, Kmbl. 2845; An. 1425. Locces cincinni, Hpt. Gl. 526, 44. Se deófol lǽdde hine út of ðære cyrican be ðam locce, Wulfst, 236, 10. Ðú ne miht ǽnne loco gedón hwítne oððe blacne non potes unum capillum album facere aut nigrum, Mt. Kmbl. 5, 36. Se scínenda lig his locc up áteáh the shining flame drew up his hair, Homl. Th. ii. 514, 3. Wífmannes loccas crines : loccas vel unscoren hǽr comæ, Wrt. Voc. 42, 49, 64. Loccas capilli, 64, 27. Loccas oððe feaxeácan antiæ frontis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 3, 66. Winde loccas cincinni, 20,43 : 14, 23. Locca criniculorum, Hpt. Gl. 435, 27. Cyrpsum loccum crispantibus, 435, 11. Loccum cirris, Wrt. Voc, ii. 18, 70. Hí ne scoldon hira loccas lǽtan weaxan non comam nutrient, Past. 18, 7; Swt.139, 13. Teóh him ða loccas and wringe ða eáran and ðone wangbeard twiccige, L. M. 2, 16; Lchdm. ii. 196, 13. Hé hæfde crispe loccas capillis crispis, Bd. 5, 2; S. 615, 30. Fýrene loccas, Cd. 148; Th. 185, 10; Exod. 120. Wundne loccas curled locks, Exon. 111 b; Th. 428, 7; Rä. 41, 98. [Icel. lokkr : O. H. Ger. loc, locc cincinnus, capillus, crinis : Ger. locke.] DER. eár-, hǽr-locc.
-locc, -locced, -locked. v. hwít-, líg-, wunden-locc, hwít-, líg-locced.
locen, an enclosed place (?), Cd. 220; Th. 283, 6; Sat. 300.
locer a carpenter's tool, a plane :-- Locor runcina, Wrt. Voc. 287, 12. Locer, sceaba, ii. 119, 32. Locaer vel scraba, Ep. Gl. 22 b, 23.
loc-feax, es; n. Hair :-- Ðæs wonges locfeax cæsaries, Wrt. Voc. ii. 22, 57.
loc-gewind, es; n. Hair :-- Locgewind vel fexnes capillatura, Wrt. Voc. ii. 128, 38.
LÓCIAN; p. ode To LOOK, see, gaze, observe, regard, take heed, look (to), belong, pertain :-- Gif ic on ealle ðíne bebodu lócie dum respicio in omnia mandata tua, Ps. Th. 118, 6. Ðú eádmódra lócast humilia respicit Dominus,137, 6. Ðás sǽlác ðe ðú tó lócast these offerings from the sea that thou dost look at, Beo. Th. 3313; B. 1654. Hé on ðás eorþan ealle lócaþ qui respicit terram, Ps. Th. 103, 30. Lócaþ unhióre looks fiercely, Salm. Kmbl. 532; Sal. 265. Ealles ðæs ðe mé ðǽr tó lócaþ all that there belongs to me, Chart. Th. 542, 11. Ðás ii béc lóciaþ intó Ryppel, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 19, 22 : 256, 31. Búton Raab ána libbe and ða ðe lóciaþ tó hire sola Rahab vivat cum universis, qui cum ea in domo sunt, Jos. 6, 17 : 8, 1. Hié simle lócigeaþ tó ðære eorþan they (animals) always look to the earth; ad terram semper inclinentur, Past. 21, 3; Swt. 155, 20. Hwæt stondap gé hér and up on ðysne heofon lóciaþ? Blickl. Homl. 123, 22. Ðá lócode Petrus tó Paule, 187, 34. Lócode ðá up wið Simones, 189, 6. Hé forþ lócade of his ðam heán hálgan setle prospexit de excelso sancto suo, Ps. Th. 101, 17. Hé on heofon lócode intuens in cælum, Mk. Skt. 6, 41. Óþ hé on ðone æþeling lócude until his eyes fell on the atheling, Chr. 755; Erl. 48, 34. Hié lócodan æfter him, Blickl. Homl. 121, 22. Blinde men gehǽlde ðæt hié lócodan healed blind men so that they saw, 173, 28 : Wulfst. 5, 1. Ðǽr men tó lócedon where men were looking on, 98, 21. Lócæ feónd mínne respice inimicos meos, Ps. Spl. T. 24, 20. Lóca nú receive thy sight, Blickl. Homl. 15, 26. 'Lóca hider;' ðá lócade hé ðider, Wulfst. 236, 20. Lóciaþ bráde and nán þing gecnáwaþ look far and wide, and understand nothing, 47, 13. Gáþ and lóciaþ ite et videte, Mk. Skt. 6, 38. Lóciaþ nú ðæt ðiós eówru leáf ne weorðe óðrum monnum tó biswice videte, ne forte hæc licentia vestra offendiculum fiat infirmis, Past. 59, 6; Swt. 451, 32. Fore cyningum ðǽr hig eágum on lócian in conspectu regum, Ps. Th. 118, 46. Ic rǽhte míne hond tó eów nolde iówer nán tó lócian extendi manum meam, et non fuit qui aspiceret, Past. 36, 1; Swt. 247, 22. God hét hyne lócian tó heofonum suspice cælum, Gen. 15, 5. Hié ongeán lócian ne mihton for ðæs léges bryne, Blickl. Homl. 203, 11. Swíðe fæger an tó lócianne, Ors. 2, 4; Swt. 74, 13. Matheus ðá lóciende geseah Drihten Crist, Blickl. Homl. 229, 30. Forðam ðe lóciende hig ne geseóþ quia videntes non vident, Mt. Kmbl. 13, 13. v. lóc.
loddere, es; m. A beggar, poor person :-- Se ríca besihþ on his pællenum gyrlum and cwyþ 'Nis se loddere mid his tættecon mín gelíca but the rich man looks at his purple robes and says 'the beggar with his rags is not my fellow,' Homl. Th. i. 256, 8. [Icel. loddari a tramp, juggler : cf. O. H. Ger. lotar cassus, vanus, inanis.] v, lodrung.
lodrung, e; f. Nonsense, triviality :-- Lodrung nenias, Wrt. Voc. ii. 71, 51. [cf. O. H. Ger. loter unde unreht iniquitas; lotarum sprácha nenias, Grff. ii. 204.] v. loddere.
lof, es; n. m. Praise, glory, a song of praise, hymn :-- Ðam Dryhtne sý lof and wuldor to the Lord be praise and glory, Blickl. Homl. 53, 32. Sý ðé þanc and lof ðínre mildse, Hy. 7, 58; Hy. Grn. ii. 288, 58. Ðǽr biþ gehýred ðín hálige lof, 7, 32; Hy. Grn. ii. 287, 32. Ðis lof hic pean, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 11; Som. 9, 21. Be ðam Fortunatus on fǽmnena lofe cwæþ de quo Fortunatus in Laude Virginum ait, Bd. 1, 7; S. 476, 32. Be ðam is gecweden on ðære brýde lofe, Past. 11, 2; Swt. 65, 22. Gecwedenum lofe hymno dicto, Mk. Skt. 14, 26. Wé cweþaþ lof ymb hié, Blickl. Homl. 149, 32. Drihtnes lof singende, 231, 9. Lof secgean, Ps. Th. 106, 31. Eall folc Gode lof sealde, Lk. Skt. 18, 43. Wé herigaþ hira cræftas and ðeáh nyllaþ hí habban forðæm wé hiera nabbaþ nán lof we praise their arts, and yet do not wish to have them, for we get no credit from them, Past. 34, 2; Swt. 231, 8. Ic eów sylle míne sibbe þurh mín ðæt héhste lof (the Holy Ghost), Blickl, Homl. 157. 30. Gegán longsumne lof to earn lasting praise, Beo. Th. 3076; B. 1536. Lofa ic cwæþe ðé laudem dixi tibi, Ps. Spl. 118, 164. Lofu ɫ herunga præconia, laudes, favores, Hpt. Gl. 500, 2 : melos, Hymn. Surt. 5, 31. [O. Sax., O. L. Ger., O. Frs., Icel. lof : O. H. Ger. lob laus, favor, hymnus : Ger. lob.] DER. here-lof.
lóf, es; m. ? - Hæfde sigora weard on ðam wangstede wǽre betolden leófne leódfruman mid lófe sínum, Andr. Kmbl. 1978; An. 991, Grimm A. u. E. 989 would translate 'lóf' hand, comparing Goth. lófa : Icel. lófi (Scott. loof) the palm of the hand. In Hpt, Gl. 525, 8 redimicula is glossed 'wrǽdas oððe cynewiððan, lofas;' would this be the same word as that in the above passage?
lof-bǽre; adj. Laudatory, giving praise :-- Lofbǽrum werodum hymniferis choris, Hymn. Surt. 57, 12.
lof-dǽd, e; f. A deed deserving praise, Beo. Th. 48; B. 24.
lof-georn; adj. Desirous of praise :-- Se ðe wǽre lofgeorn for ídelan weorþscype weorþe se carfull hú hé swýðast mǽge gecwéman his drihtne he that was eager for praise on account of empty honour, let that man be careful how best he may please his Lord, Wulfst. 72, 10. Manna lofgeornost of all men most desirous to deserve praise (Beowulf), Beo. Th. 6347; B. 3183. [Jactancia þet is idelʒelp on englisc, ðenne mon biþ lofʒeorn and deþ for ʒelpe mare þenne for godes luue, O. E. Homl. i. 103, 29. Icel. lof-gjarn: cf. O. H. Ger. lob-gerni jactantia.]
lof-herung, e; f. Praising, commendation :-- Ic ágylde lofherunga ðé reddam laudationes tibi, Ps. Lamb. 55, 12.
lofian, p. ode To praise, value, put a price upon :-- Míne weleras gefeóþ wynnum lofiaþ ðonne ic ðé singe gaudebunt labia mea dum cantavero tibi, Ps. Th. 70, 21. Wé ðé hæriaþ and lofiaþ we laud and praise thee, Dóm. L. 48, 116: Cd. 192; Th. 240, 33; Dan. 396: Elen. Kmbl. 904; El. 453: Exon. 13 b; Th. 25, 13; Cri, 400. Job herede helm wera, hǽlend lofede, 17 a; Th. 40, 6; Cri. 634. Song áhófun, lofedun líffruman, 15 a; Th. 31, 31; Cri. 504. Hé gehýrde hú hí God lofodon and heredon, Bd. 3, 19; S. 547, 36. Lofa lauda, Ps. Lamb. 147, 1. Ðec mihtig God gástas lofige, Cd. 192; Th. 239, 21; Dan. 373. Lofigen, Exon. 54 b; Th. 192, 2; Az. 100. Ic gehýrde hine ðíne dǽd and word lofian, Cd. 25; Th. 32, 24; Gen. 508. [O. Sax. lofón: Icel. lofa: O. H. Ger. lobón hymnizare, glorificare, commendare, magnificare: Ger. loben.] v. ge-lofian; lofung.
lof-lác, es; n. An offering made to do honour :-- Ða hǽðenan him brohton oft mistlíce loflác the heathens often brought him offerings of divers kinds to do him honour, Wulfst. 107, 6.
lof-lǽcan; p. -lǽhte To praise :-- Sáwle mín lóflǽceþ [MS. -aþ] ɫ heoaþ ðé anima mea laudabit te, Ps. Lamb. 118, 175.
lof-líc; adj. Praiseworthy, laudable, honorable :-- Of lofflícere laudabili, honorabili, Hpt. Gl. 498, 45. [Icel. lof-ligr: O. H. Ger. lobe-líh laudabilis: Ger. löb-lich.]
lof-líce; adv. Honorably, gloriously :-- Uton wé gehýran hú swíðe loflíce Sanctus Johannes wæs mid ðæs Hálgan Gástes mægenum gefylled, Blickl. Homl. 165, 16. [Icel. lof-liga gloriously.]
lof-mægen, es; n. Abundance or greatness of praise :-- Hwylc mæg spédlíce eall Drihtnes lofmægen leóde gehýran quis auditas faciet omnes laudes Domini, Ps. Th. 105, 2.
lof-sang, es; m. A song of praise, hymn, psalm, as an ecclesiastical term lauds :-- Lofsang ymnus, Ælfc. Gl. 34; Som. 62, 45; Wrt. Voc. 28, 26. Fram ðære tíde ðæs úhtlícan lofsanges a tempore matutinæ laudes, Bd. 3, 12; S. 537, 23. Ðá se sealmsang gefylled wæs ðæs úhtlícan lofsanges expletis matutinæ laudes psalmodiis, 4, 7; S. 575, 3. Mid lofsange cum cantico, Ps. Th. 68, 31: Ex. 15, 21. Mid þysum lofsange with this psalm (v. Ps. Th, 53, 1), Homl. Skt. 11, 89. Moises sang Gode lofsang cecinit Moyses carmen hoc Domino, Ex. 15, 1. Ðá hig hæfdon heora lofsang gesungenne hymno dicta, Mt. Kmbl. 26, 30. Lofsang cweþan laudem dicere, Ps. Th. 118, 164. Æfter ða hálgan lofsangas and mæssan gefyllede wǽron after the holy psalms and masses were completed, Blickl. Homl. 207, 29. God heriaþ mid gástlícum lofsangum, Ælfc. Gr. 48; Som. 49, 11. Him lofsangum cwémdan cantaverunt laudes ejus, Ps. Th. 105, 11. 'Gloria in excelsis Deo' sungon englas ... Nú forlǽte wé ðás lofsangas, Homl. Th. ii. 88, 3. Ic sang úhtsang æfter ðá wé sungon dægrédlíce lofsangas cantavi nocturnam, deinde cantavimus matutinales laudes, Coll. Monast. Th. 33, 27; Bd. 4, 7; S. 575, 5. [O. Sax. lof-sang: Icel. lof-söngr: O. H. Ger. lob-, lobe-sang hymnus.]
lof-singende hymning, hymn-singing :-- Lofsingende hymnizantes, Hpt. Gl. 519, 9.
lof-sum; adj. Deserving praise, excellent, noble :-- Wæstm wæs lofsum, Cd. 23; Th. 30, 17; Gen. 468. [O. Sax. lof-sam; O. H. Ger. lob-sam probabilis, meritus: Ger. lobe-sam.]
loft air :-- Heó ne líþ on nánum þinge ac on lofte heó stynt it (the earth) does not rest on anything, but stands in the air, Hexam. 6; Norm. 10, 20. v. lyft.
lofung, e; f. Praising, appraising :-- Næfþ Godes ríce nánes wurþes lofunge ac biþ gelofod be ðæs mannes hæfene. Heofenan ríce wæs álǽten ðisum gebróðrum for heora nette and scipe and ðam rícan Zacheo tó healfum dǽle his ǽhta and sumere wudewan tó ánum feorþlinge and sumum menn tó ánum wæteres drenc God's kingdom hath no fixed price, but a price is put upon it according to a man's property. The kingdom of heaven was allowed to these brothers for their net and ship, and to the rich Zacheus for half his possessions, and to a certain widow for a farthing, and to a certain man for a drink of water, Homl. Th. i. 580, 21-26. Lofunga ɫ herunga laudationes, Ps. Lamb, 9, 15.
-loga. v. áð-, treów-, wǽr-, wed-, word-loga.
lógian (v. lóh); p. ode To lodge, place, put in order, arrange, frame :-- Tó þreágenne gé lógiaþ eówere sprǽce ye frame your speech to reprove, Homl. Th. ii. 454, 25. Hí on heora scype heora nett lógodon in navi componentes retia, Mk. Skt. 1, 19. Wé lǽraþ ðæt man intó circan ǽnig þinga ne lógige ðæs ðe ðartó ungedafenlíc sí we enjoin that nothing be lodged in the church that is unsuitable for the place, L. Edg. c. 27; Th. ii. 250, 11. [Ne neuer se stede ne uurþe lóged mid óðere hódes mane ðanne mid moneke, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iv. 231, 9.] v. ge-logian.
logðor, logeðer plotting mischief, wily, crafty :-- Logðor cacomicanus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 102, 77: 127, 35. Logðer, 13, 31. Logeðer marsius (cf.(?) 'Marsi homines, quibus naturalem vim contra serpentes inesse olim creditum, incantatores,' Ducange, v. wyrm-galere), 55, 58.
lóh; gen. lóges; n. A place, stead :-- Gehádode Tobias on his lóh (on his steall, two other MSS), Chr. 693; Thorpe 67, 9 col. 3. [O. Frs. lóch; dat. lóge a place: O. H. Ger. luog specus, cubile: M. H. Ger. luoc locus. v. Grmm. R. A. 955.]
lóh-sceaft, es; m. A bolt, bar(?) :-- Gaderode mé kigelas and stuþan sceaftas and lóhsceaftas, Shrn. 163, 6.
Loidis Leeds :-- Ða æftran cyningas him botl worhton on ðam lande ðe Loidis[is] háten reges posteriores fecere sibi villam in regione quæ vocatur Loidis, Bd. 2, 14; S. 518, 21: 3, 24; S. 557, 12.
lóma a tool. v. and-, andge-, ge-lóman.
lomb, lond, long. v. lamb, land, lang.
lóm-lǽcan; p. -lǽhte To use often, repeat, frequent :-- Lómlǽhtan frequentabant, Hpt. Gl. 457, 44. v. ge-lómlǽcan.
loppe, an; f. A flea(?), a spider(?); also a silk-worm :-- Furþum ðeós lytle loppe hine hwílum deádne gedéþ even this little flea sometimes kills him, Bt. 16, 2; Fox 52, 13. Seolucwyrm oððe sídwyrm oððe loppe bombix, Wrt. Voc. ii. 12, 23 (or is this a different word, corresponding to another meaning of bombix, 'silk or fine wool;' cf. Icel. lyppa wool drawn into a long hank before being spun? In Ps. Lamb. 38, 12 sicut araneam is glossed 'swá swá ǽtterloppan'; if this is not a mistake for 'áttercoppan,' by which the word is rendered in Ps. Spl. 38, 15, 'loppe' would be rather a spider than a flea, and the same word might be used for the silk worm, as both insects are spinners. And in Wrt. Voc. 24, 1 loppe (apparently however intended to be a Latin word) is given as the equivalent of 'fleónde næddre vel áttorcoppe.') [Lop a flea, in some dialects, v. E. D. S. Reprinted Gloss. B. 15, 22; C. 1; and gloss. of Mid-Yorkshire and Holderness: Dan. loppe.]
lopystre, an; f. A lobster, a locust :-- Loppestre polypus, Ælfc. Gl. 102; Som. 77, 77; Wrt. Voc. 56, 2: 77, 69. Lopust locusta, ii. 113, 11. Hwæt féhst ðú on sǽ? Crabban and lopystran quid capis in mari? Cancros et polypodes, Coll. Monast. Th. 24, 13. Lopestro (loppestra, Rush.) lucustas, Mk. Skt. Lind. 1, 6.
lor, es; n. (v. ðæt forlor, Past. Swt. 403, 13). Loss, destruction :-- Ðæt tó lore weorþe án ðíne lioma ut pereat unum membrorum tuorum, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 5, 29: 9, 17: l0, 6. Ðæt nǽniges mannes feorh tó lore wearð for ðam ofslægenan cyninges bréðer ut nullius anima hominis pro interfecto reges fratre daretur, Bd. 4, 21; S. 590, 23. Ðás heán mihta hér on worulde áfeallaþ and tó lore wurþaþ these lofty powers here on earth decay and perish, Wulfst. 149, 4: 262, 17. Éðel ðe nǽfre tó lore ne weorþeþ nunquam amittenda hæreditas, Past. 36, 6; Swt. 255, 4. Ðonne hié him ǽr tíde tó tióþ ðæt hí ne mágon, ðonne is him tó ondrǽdenne ðæt him weorþe tó lore ðæt hié tó ryhtre tíde gefolgian meahton, ðæt is se wisdóm, ðe hié ǽr tíde wilniaþ and eówiaþ, ac hé him wyrþ ðonne swíðe ryhtlíce tó lore admonendi ne, cum arripiunt intempestive, quod non valent, perdant etiam quod implere quandoque tempestive potuissent: atque scientiam, quia incongrue conantur ostendere, juste ostendantur amisisse, 49, 3; Swt. 383, 25-28. Ðonne ðín líchoma beó tó lore gedón and ðín flǽsc gebrosnod quando consumseris carnes et corpus tuum, 36, 2; Swt. 249, 13. Tó hwon sceolde ðeós smyrenes ðus beón tó lore gedón why should this ointment be thus wasted? Blickl. Homl. 69, 7. DER. for-lor; and see los.
lorh, lorg, e; f. A pole, a weaver's beam :-- Lorh vel webbeám liciatorium [lignum in quo licium involvitur, et laqueus qui de filo solet fieri, Ducange], Ælfc. Gl, 110; Som. 79, 48; Wrt. Voc. 59, 19. Lorg amitis [amis lignum bifurcatum, per quod venatores expandunt retia, ad capiendas feras, Ducange], 285, 17: ii. 8, 38. Loerge amites, Ep. Gl. 1 b, 3.
los, es; n. Loss, destruction :-- Ða þing tó lose wurdon ðe on ðam scipe wǽron perditis his quæ in navi erant rebus, Bd. 5, 9; S. 623, 20. Ðonne gé tó lose [Cott. MSS. lore] weorþaþ in interitu vestro, Past. 36, 1; Swt. 249, 1. Weg ðiú lǽdas tó lose via quæ ducit ad perditionem, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 7, 13. Ðæt tó lose weorþe ut pereat, Rush. 18, 14: 5, 30. Hú hine mæhtes tó lose gedóa quomodo eum perderent, Lind. 12, 14. [Icel. los looseness, breaking up.] v. lor.
los-, lose-wist, e; f: es, m.[?] Hurt, loss, destruction, waste :-- Tó huon losuist ðíós smirinisse áworden wæs quid perditio ista ungenti facta est, Mk. Skt. Lind. 14, 4. Loswist [losewest, Rush.] walana deceptio divitiarum, 4, 19. Suna losuistes [loswest, Rush.] filius perditionis, Jn. Skt. Lind. 17, 12. Of losuist de interitu, Rtl. 169, 33. Sáules loswist geþolas animæ detrimentum patiatur, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 16, 26. Losuist [losewest] gedóe, Mk. Skt. Lind. 8, 36: Lk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 9, 25.
lose [?] frutectum, locus ubi ponunt, Wrt. Voc. ii. 109, 23.
losian; p. ode To perish, be lost, stray, escape :-- 'Drihten ic losige.' Cweþ 'ic losige' ðý læs ðe ðú losige 'Lord, I perish.' Say 'I perish,' lest thou perish, Homl. Th. ii. 394, 1-2. Hwílum losaþ sió stemn sometimes the voice is lost, L. M. 2, 51; Lchdm, ii. 264, 14. Hwæt losaþ ǽfre ðam ælmihtigan Gode what is ever lost to the Almighty God? Homl. Skt. 11, 278. Gif hwylc mann hæfþ hund sceápa and him losaþ án of ðám ... ða nigon and hundnigontig ðe ná ne losedon si fuerint alicui centum oves et erraverit una ex eis ... nonaginta novem, quæ non erraverunt, Mt. Kmbl.18, 12, 13: Homl. Th. i. 338, 27. Nó hé on helm losaþ she shall not escape into shelter, Beo. Th. 2789; B. 1392. Ealra ðæra sáwla ðe þurh ðæt losiaþ all the souls that perish through that, L. I. P. 19; Th. ii. 328, 37. Ðæt sǽd ðe feóll be ðam wege mid twýfealdre dare losode [perished], Homl. Th. ii. 90, 14. Ðá losade hió him sóna she was at once lost to him, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 170, 15. Hé onweg losade he escaped, Beo. Th. 4199; B. 2096. Fíftig þurh fleám onweg losedon quinquaginta fuga lapsos esse, Bd. 2, 2; S. 504, 6. Dý læs ðe ðú losige ne tu pereas, Gen. 19, 15. Gif hé losige and hine mon eft gefó if he escape and be caught a second time, L. Alf. pol. 7; Th. i. 66, 11: 1; Th. i. 60, 17. Gif hit [feoh] him losige, 20; Th. i. 74, 17. Gaderiaþ ða láfe and hí ne losion gather the remnants, and let them not be lost, Homl. Th. i. 182, 21. Ne sceal hé for ðám læssan losian he shall not be lost for the lesser sins, ii. 336, 22. Swá swá seó beó sceal losian, ðonne heó hwæt yrringa stingþ, Bt. 31, 2; Fox 112, 26. Ðætte nú foraldod is ðæt is forneáh losad quod enim antiquatur, prope interitum est, Past. 30; Swt. 205, 9. Ðonne ðé mon ǽrest secge ðæt ðín ceáp sý losod, Lchdm. iii. 60, 9: L. Eth. ii. 8; Th. i. 288, 15. Mé syndon losode fóta gangas effusi sunt gressus mei, Ps. Th. 72, 1. v. ge-losian.
losigend-líc; adj. Ready to perish, in danger of destruction :-- Ða tóweardan frecednyssa ðises losigendlícan middangeardes, Homl. Th. ii. 538, 7. Se ðe ða losigendlícan buruhware [people of Jerusalem] bemǽnde, i. 408, 6.
losing, e; f. Loss, perdition: Tó lose ɫ losing ad perditionem, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 7, 13.
lot, es; n. Deceit, guile, fraud, craft, cunning :-- Náuht ne deregaþ monnum máne áþas ne ðæt leáse lot ðe beoþ mid ðám wrencum bewrigen nil perjuria, nil nocet ipsis fraus, mendaci compta colore, Bt. 4; Fox 8, 17: Exon. 92 a; Th. 345, 16; Gn. Ex. 189 [v. list]. Mid his lote bewunden encompassed with his deceit, Past. 35, 3; Swt. 243, 1: 46, 3; Swt. 347, 19. Þurh ðara scuccena lot daemonum solertia, Bt. 36, 6; Fox 220, 14 note. v. lytig.
lotendra? madendum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 57, 46.
loða, an; m. A, cloak, upper garment :-- Loða lodix, Wrt. Voc. ii. 52, 58: lacerna, 83, 65: sandalium, 119, 55: sagulum, 119, 58: colobium, dictum quia longum est, et sine manicis, 134, 37. Hé genom his loðan ǽnne læppan he took a skirt of his robe, Past. 3, 2; Swt. 37, 5. Loðan clamidem, Wrt. Voc. ii. 21, 31. Hloðan, gegirelan liniamento, 50, 4. Heora andwlitan bewrigenum under loðum their faces wrapped under their cloaks, Cd. 77; Th. 95, 29; Gen. 1586. [Icel. loði a fur cloak; cf. loðinn shaggy: O. H. Ger. ludo, lodo birrus, penula, lodix, genus vestimenti.]
lot-wrenc, es; m. Deceit, deception, cunning, fraud, device, wile, craft :-- Lotwrænc deceptio, fraus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 138, 13. Mid hwelcum lotwrence hit deófla dýdon with what deception devils did it, Ors. 3, 3; Swt. 102, 18. Philippus mid his lotwrence áliéfde ðæt heora anwaldas móston standan swá hié ǽr dydon Philip, with his craftiness, allowed their powers to stand as they did before, 3, 7; Swt. 118, 9. Gif hwá mid his lotwrencum óðres mannes folgere fram him ápǽce si quis versutiis suis alius hominis pedisequam ab eo allexerit, L. Ecg. P. ii. 14; Th. ii. 186, 22. Ðá wearþ se mann mid deófles lotwrencum bepǽht, Homl. Th. i. 192, 11: 376, 9: Wulfst. 84, 19. For his lotwrencium, Past. 30, 1; Swt. 203, 19. Þurh ðara scuccena mislíce lotwrencas daemonum varia solertia, Bt. 36, 6; Fox 220, 14. Hé heora lotwrencas [-wrencceas, MS. B.] wiste sciens versutiam eorum, Mk. Skt. 12, 15. Ða ðe ðisse worulde lotwrenceas cunnon sapientes hujus seculi, Past. 30, 1; Swt. 203, 5: Swt. 205, 17.
lotwrenc-ceást, e; f. Wiliness, cunning :-- Hé heora lotwrencceáste sciens versutiam eorum, Mk. Skt. 12, 15.
lox, es; m. A lynx :-- Lox linx, Ælfc. [Gl. 19; Som. 59, 14; Wrt. Voc. 22, 55. Aristoteles sǽde ðæt deór wǽre ðæt mihte ǽlc wuht þurhseón ge treówa ge furþum stánas; ðæt deór wé hátaþ lox, Bt. 32, 2; Fox 116, 22. [O. H. Ger. luchs, lohs lynx, pardus, panthera: Ger. luchs.]
loxe in loxanwudu, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. v. 345, 5. Cf. [?] Grff. ii. 163 luhsa, Linsa [sylvestris, Gottheit]'; or loxan wudu = lynx-wood.
lúcan; p. leác, pl. lucon; pp. locen To close, conclude, fasten, lock:-Ðæt hé leác on hálre tungon qui statim conclusit et omnino confirmavit totum quod pater suus in vita sua fecerat, Chart. Th. 272, 5. On ðæt gerád ðe ðæt stande ðe wit beforan ðam ealdormen lucan on the condition that that arrangement stand which we concluded before the alderman, 597, 32. Hrím and forst lucon leóda gesetu rime and frost shut up men's dwellings, Andr. Kmbl. 2519; An. 1261. Ðǽr com flówende flód æfter ebban lucon lagustreámas there came flowing flood after ebb, the streams intertwined or closed up [the surface of the water shewing a network of lines from the varying currents, as the tide flowed up the river], Byrht. Th. 133, 46; By. 66. Siððan ða ýslan eft onginnaþ lúcan tógædere geclungne tó cleowenne afterwards the ashes begin to close up again, pressed to a ball; in massam cineres coactos, Exon. 59 a; Th. 213, 16; Ph. 225. Lúcan eorþan cíðas (frost shall) lock up the germs of earth, 90 a; Th. 338, 6: Gn. Ex. 74. Lúcan [onlúcan?], Cd. 220; Th. 283, 5; Sat. 300. Sincgim locen the jewel fastened in its setting, Elen. Kmbl. 528; El. 264. Locen is applied to coats of mail, which were formed of [interlacing] rings fastened on to some material to which they might be sewn, see hring with its compounds, and cf. brogden byrne; also Icel. hring-ofin :-- Locene leoþosyrcan, Beo. Th. 3014; B. 1505: 3784: 1890. Locen beág a closed ring [not a spiral wunden beág], 5982; B. 2995: Andr. Kmbl. 605; An. 303. [O. Sax. ant-, bi-lúkan: O. Frs. Icel. lúka: O. H. Ger. lúhhan.] DER. á-, be-, ge-, on-, tó-, un-lúcan.
lúcan; p. leác To pull up :-- Swá swá londes ceorl of his æcere lýcþ yfel weód monig, Bt. Met. Fox 12, 55; Met. 12, 28 [E. D. S. Mid-York, Gloss. louk, look to weed: Holderness Gloss. lookers weeders in a cornfield; look to hoe weeds in a field of young corn: lowker runcinator, Wrt. Voc. 218, col. 2: O. H. Ger. ar-, úz-liuhhan evellere, Grff. ii. 138.] v. á-lúcan.
lud-geat, es; n. A back door, postern :-- Þurh ludget per seudoterum [ψευδoθυρoν], Wrt.Voc. ii. 67, 72. þorh ludgæt, 116, 70: Ep. Gl. 18 b, 16.
lufen, e; f. Hope[?] :-- Sceal eall éðelwyn eówrum cynne lufen álicgean [lufena licgean, MS.] all delight in their country and hope shall fail your kin, Beo. Th. 5764; B. 2886. [Grein who emends thus compares lufen with Gothic lubains; Grimm takes lufen = leofen victus, R. A.731.]
lufestice, es, also, an; m. Lovage :-- Lufestice lubestica, Ælfc. Gl. 39; Som. 63, 79; Wrt. Voc. 30, 27: 69, 23. Lubestica conixe, 67, 40. Lufestice libestica, 79, 2. Genim lubastican wyrttruman, Herb. 146, 3; Lchdm. i. 270, 7. Lufestices sǽd, L. M. 3, 12; Lchdm. ii. 314, 20: iii. 128, 22. Genim lufestice, 4, 10.
lufestre, an; f. A sweetheart :-- Lufestran amatricis, Hpt. Gl. 509, 70.
lufian; p. ode To love, feel affection for, shew love to :-- Simon lufast ðú mé ... hé cwæþ tó him ðú wást ðæt ic ðé lufige Simon diligis me ... dicit ei tu scis quia amo te, Jn. Skt. 21, 15. Se ðe lufaþ his sáwle forspilþ hig qui amat animam suam perdet eam. 12, 25. Lufiaþ mid lácum ða ðe læs águn shew their love with gifts to those that have less, Exon. 33 b; Th. 106, 32; Gú. 50. Hé ágsode hý, hwá wolde on ðære geférrǽdenne beón ðe hé wǽre, and ðæt lufian ðæt hé lufode, L. Edg. 4; Th. i. 162, 6. Hé mé mid syndrige lufan lufode, Bd. 5, 6; S. 619, 33. Hú ús wuldres weard wordum and dǽdum lufode in lífe, Andr. Kmbl. 1193; An. 597, Ðú mé on ðínum weorcum lufadest delectasti me in factura tua, Ps. Th. 91, 3. Hí hine lufedan leáse múðe dilexerunt eum in ore suo, 77, 35. Lufgean his néhstan swá hine sylfne, Mk. Skt. 12, 33. Ðæt is tó lufigenne on ðysse wyrte ðæt heó hafaþ gehwǽdne wyrttruman it is an excellent property of this plant, that it has a small root, Herb. 140, 1; Lchdm. i. 260, 5. Ðes lufigenda wer hic amans vir; ðis lufigende wíf hæc amans fæmina, Ælfc. Gr. 5; Som. 3, 49. Hé wæs fram eallum mannum lufad, Bd. 3, 14; S. 540, 11: 5; 19; S. 637, 19. v. ge-lufian.
lufiend, lufigend, es; m. A lover :-- Amans Deum, lufigende God, is participium, and amans Dei is nama, ðæt is, amator Dei, Godes lufigend, Ælfc. Gr. 43; Som. 44, 61. Swá swíðe se cyning wæs geworden lufiend ðæs heofonlícan ríces, Bd. 3, 18; S. 546, 5 col. 2. Ic hæbbe óðerne lufiend I have another lover, Homl. Skt. 7, 27. Se wísdóm gedéþ his lufiendas wíse, Bt. 27, 2; Fox 98, 1. Lufigendas, Homl. Th. ii. 392, 27.
lufiend-, lufigend-líc; adj. Lovely, lovable, amiable :-- Lufigendlíc amabilis, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 28; Som. 11, 40. Lufigendlíc miht amanda victus, 26; Som. 28, 19. Luffendlíc stede amenus locus, Ælfc. Gl. 48; Som. 65, 63; Wrt. Voc. 33, 59. Swíðe lufigendlíc and leóf ǽghwæðere þeóde utrique provinciæ multum amabilis, Bd. 4, 21; S. 590, 16: 4, 3; S. 568, 16. Swíðe lufendlíce sind geteld ðín quam amabilia sunt tabernacula tua, Ps. Surt. 83, 2.
luf-líc; adj. Lovely, lovable, worthy of love, amiable, dear :-- Luflíc amabilis, Hymn. Surt. 38, 5. Cild ácenned gód luflíc a child born at this time will be good and amiable, Lchdm. iii. 190, 5. Hú luflíce geteld ðín how amiable are thy tabernacles; quam dilecta tabernacula tua, Ps. Spl. 83, 1.
luf-líce; adv. Amiably, kindly, dearly, with good will or love, willingly :-- Luflíce affabiliter, Wrt. Voc. ii. 5, 11. Hé luflíce him hýrde libenter eum audiebat, Mk. Skt. 6, 20. Ðæt hé luflíce swá gedyde libentissime se facturum, Bd. 4, 11; S. 579, 31: Blickl. Homl. 203, 33. Ælfréd cyning háteþ grétan Wærferþ biscep his wordum luflíce and freóndlíce with love and friendship, Past. Swt. 3, 1: Blickl. Homl. 199, 36. Hú luflíce hé ús gesóht hider on middangeard with how great love he visited us here en earth, 129, 11: Wulfst. 204, 16. Ic wylle cýpan luflícor ðonne ic gebicge volo vendere carius quam emi, Coll. Monast. Th. 27, 19.
luf-rǽdenn, e; f. Love :-- Hig gesetton hatunge for lufrǽddenne mínre posuerunt odium pro dilectione mea, Ps. Lamb. 108, 5.
luf-sum; adj. Amiable, pleasant, lovable :-- Lufsum swǽ Rahel amabilis ut Rachel, Rtl. 109, 37. Lufsum and líðe leófum monnum amiable and kind to the men that are dear to him, Exon. 21 a; Th. 57, 5; Cri. 914: 96 a; Th. 357, 21; Pa. 32.
lufsum-líce; adv. Kindly, graciously :-- Ðá sende Vitalianus se pápa cyninge lufsumlíce ǽrendgewrit, Bd. 3, 29; S. 561, 18.
lufsum-ness, e; f. Amiability, pleasantness, love, kindness :-- Luf-sumness delectatio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 138, 56. Lufsumnisse dilectionis, Rtl. 3, 24: 13, 21. Lufsumnisse jocunditatem, 45, 33.
luf-tácen, es; n. A token of love, Beo. Th. 3730; B. 1863.
luf-tíme; adj. Giving rise to love, pleasant, grateful :-- Gregorius ðæt luftýme weorc gefremode Gregory performed that grateful work [the conversion of the English], Homl. Th. ii. 126, 26.
LUFU, e and an [v. Anglia vi. 176]; f. LOVE :-- Te amo ðé ic lufige, ðon befylþ mín lufu on ðé and ðú miht cweþan amor a te ic eom gelufod fram ðé, Ælfc. Gr. 19; Som. 22, 36. Gif ðonne ðæs monnes mód and his lufu biþ behleápen on ða lǽnan sibbe si ergo in ea [pace] cor quæ relicta est figitur, Past. 46, 5; Swt, 351, 14. Swá mycel lufu tó godcundre láre tantus amor persuadendi, Bd. 4, 27; S. 604, 20. Sǽde hire ðá his lust and his willan ðæt his lulu wǽre ðæt hé ða stówe neósode ðara eádigra apostola indicavit ei desiderium sibi inesse beatorum apostolorum limina visitandi 5, 19; S. 637, 30. On ðæm welme ðære sóþan lufan, Blickl. Homl. 29, l0: Exon. 107 a; Th. 409, 7; Rä. 27, 25. Mid bróðorlíce lufan hí lǽran ðæt hí rihte sibbe and lufan betwih him hæfdon, Bd. 2, 2; S. 502, 8. For Godes lufon pro Domino, 3, 19; S. 547, 16. For úre lufan for love of us, Blickl. Homl. 23, 35. Mid lufe ge mid láðe, 45, 8. For hylde and lufe affectu, Wrt. Voc. ii. 3, 65. Gif hé secge ðæt hé hæbbe hire freóndscipe ðæt ys be lufe si dicat se amicitiam ejus habere, id est, amatorie, L. Ecg. P. iv. 68, 17; Th. ii. 230, 17. Hié sceolan lǽran Godes lufan and manna, Blickl. Homl 77, 20. Godes ege and his lufe fæstlíce on úrum heortum healdan, 131, 3. And ðar þegen áge twegen costas lufe oððe lage and hé ðonne lufe geceóse and where a thane has a choice of two courses, love or law [an amicable settlement or appeal to law] and he choose the former, L. Eth. iii. 13; Th. i. 298, 5. Ðeós woruld nǽre wyrðe ðæt man tó hire lufe hæfde ealles tó swíðe this world does not deserve to be loved too much, Wulfst. 273, 14. For Godes ege and for his lufu, 302, 27. Ðǽr wé sib and lufu samod gemétaþ, Hy. 7, 30; Hy. Grn. ii. 287, 30. Lufena tó leáne, Exon. 119 b; Th. 459, 11; Hy. 4, 115. Ðeáh monn good onginne for sumes wítes ege, hit mon sceal ðeáh geendigean for sumes gódes lufum, Past. 37, 1; Swt. 265, 7. For ðǽm lufum ðe hí tó him habbaþ per caritatem, 52, 7; Swt. 409, 13. Ðone mon lufaþ for lufum, Bt. 24, 3; Fox 82, 34. For ðínum lufum, 22, 2; Fox 78, 12. Hé onféng ða ilcan gecynde for úrum lufon he received the same nature for our sakes, Blickl. Homl. 23, 24. For mínum lufan. Wulfst. 231, 17. Lufum voluntariis, Hpt. Gl, 435, 64. DER. bearn-, brýd-, eád-, eard-, feoh-, freónd-, fyrhþ-, gást-, heáh-, heort-, mǽg-, man-, mód-, ofer-, sib-, sorg-, treów-, wíf-lufu.
luf-wende; adj. Beloved, amiable, pleasant :-- Cild ácenned lufwende a child born [at that time will be] amiable, Lchdm. iii. 186, 24. Mid lufwendum módes willan cum benevolo animi affectu, Lye. Ða lufwende eardas dilecta rura, Wrt. Voc. ii. 140, 42.
lufwend-líc; adj. Amiable; amabilis, Lye.
luh (a borrowed word apparently, Welsh llwch; cf. pól and Welsh pwll]; n. A loch, lough :-- Ofer ðæt luh trans fretum, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 14, 34: Mk. Skt. Lind. 8, 13: Lk. Skt. Lind. 8, 22. Ofer luh ɫ lytel sǽ, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 14, 22: Mk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 5, 1.
Lunden London :-- Hé bebohte hine on Lundenne he sold him in London, Bd. 4, 22; S. 592, 3: Chr. 839; Erl. 66, 16: 898; Erl. 96, 20. Of Eástenglum and of Lunden, 992; Erl. 131, 33.
Lunden-burh; f. London :-- Ðes geáres forbarn Lundenburh, Chr. 1077; Erl. 215, 12. Ða Bryttas forléton Kentland and mycclum ege flugon tó Lundenbyrig, Chr. 456; Erl. 13, 29: 872; Erl. 76, 15. Ðý ilcan geáre gesette Ælfréd cyning Lundenburg, 886; Erl. 84, 26.
Lunden-ceaster, e; f. London :-- Is heora [East Saxons] ealdorburh nemmed Lunden-ceaster on ofre geseted ðæs foresprecenan streámes [the Thames] ... Ðá hét Æþelbyrht on Lundenceastre cyricean getimbrian and ða gehálgian Sce. Paule, Bd. 2, 3; S. 504, 17-23. Se wæs Lundenceastre biscop, 2, 7; S. 509, 8. Eác swylce Eást-Seaxum hé gesette Ercenwold biscop in Lundenceastre, 4, 6; S. 573, 43.
Lundenisc; adj. Belonging to London :-- Lundenisc Lundoniensis, Ælfc. Gr. 5; Som. 4, 28.
Lunden-waran, -ware; pl. The people of London :-- Mellitum ðone biscop Lundenwaran onfón ne woldon Mellitum Lundonienses episcopum recipere noluerunt, Bd. 2, 6; S. 508, 37. Ðá wurdon Lundenware héðene, Chr. 616; Erl. 23, 10.
Lunden-wíc, es; n. London :-- Æþelbyrht gesealde Mellite biscopsetle on Lundenwíc, Chr. 604; Erl. 21, 22.
lund-laga, an; m. Rein, kidney :-- Ðes lundlaga hic rigen oððe ren, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 13; Som. 9, 34. Lundlaga lien, Wrt. Voc. 45, 14: renunculus, ii, 118, 72. Lundlagan renunculi, Wrt. Voc, 44, 67: renunculæ, 65, 58. Ðú nymst twegen lundlagan sumes duos renes, Ex. 29, 13: Lev. 8, 25. [Cf. Icel. lundir; pl. f. the flesh along the back: O. H. Ger. lunda arvina; and see gelynd, gelyndu.]
lungen, e; f. A lung :-- Lungen pulmo, Wrt. Voc. 45, 11: pulmon, 65, 51. Lungena pulmones, 71, 5. Ðone man ðe biþ lungenne wund, L. M. 1, 38; Lchdm. ii. 92, 21. [Icel. lungu; pl. n. the lungs; O. H. Ger. lunga, lungina; f. pulmo: Ger. lunge.]
lungen-ádl, e; f. Disease of the lungs, Lchdm. iii. 20, 24: 22, 8.
lungen-sealf, e, f. A salve for the lungs :-- Ðás wyrte sculon tó lungensealfe, Lchdm. iii. 16, 6.
lungen-wyrt, e; f. Lung-wort, Lchdm, ii. 398, col. 1: iii. 337, col. 1.
lungre; adv. Quickly, soon, at once, straightway, speedily :-- Loth eode lungre út Lot went out straightway, Cd. 113; Th. 148, 24; Gen. 2461: Beo. Th. 5480; B. 2743. Cyning álýsde hine lungre, Ps. Th. 104, 16. Wén is ðæt hí ús lifigende lungre wyllen, snióme forsweolgan, 123, 2. Ðǽr him lífgedál lungre weorþeþ there the parting with life shall happen to him suddenly, Exon. 87 b; Th. 330, 3; Vy. 45: 10 a; Th. 1l, 8; Cri. 167. Hié lungre ǽr feorh áléton just before they had lost their lives, Andr. Kmbl. 3255; An. 1630. Næs him gewemmed wlite ne wlóh of hrægle lungre álýsed his beauty was not spoiled nor a fringe of his garment even loosened [Grimm would translate lungre here acriter, fortiter], 2942; An. 1474. [Cf. O. Sax. lungar strong: O. H. Ger. lungar strenuus.]
lús; f. A louse :-- Lús pediculus vel sexpes, Wrt. Voc. 24, 11. Swínes lús usia, 24, 34. Luus peducla, ii. 117, 8. Hine byton lýs, Hexam. 17; Norm. 24, 30. Hé áfylde eal heora land mid froggon, and siððan mid gnættum, eft mid hundes lúsum, Homl. Th. ii. 192, 21. [Icel. lús: f; pl. lýss: O. H. Ger. lús pediculus: Ger. laus.]
LUST, es; m. LUST, desire, pleasure, voluptuousness :-- Epicurus sǽde ðæt se lust wǽre ðæt héhste gód Epicurus summum bonum voluptatem esse constituit, Bt. 24, 3; Fox 84, 23. Swá mycel hǽto and lust Cristes geleáfan tantus fervor fidei et desiderium, Bd. 2, 14; S. 518, 4. Him wæs metes micel lust he had a craving for food, Homl. Th. i. 86, 6. Lust oððe gǽlsa luxus, Ælfc. Gr. 11; Som. 15, 11. Hwǽr beóþ ðonne se ídla lust and seó swétnes ðæs hǽmedþinges ðe hé ǽr hátheortlíce lufode, Blickl. Homl. 59, 16. Lustes veneris, Wrt. Voc. ii. 92, 79. Luste oblectamento, Hpt. Gl. 525, 68. Mid ungeswencedlíce luste heofonlícra góda infatigabili cælestium bonorum desiderio, Bd. 5, 12; S. 631, 35. Nú is ðín folc on luste now is thy people desirous, Andr. Kmbl. 2046; An. 1025: Elen. Kmbl. 276; El. 138. Wedres on luste glad on account of fair weather or[?] desirous of fair weather, Exon. 97 a; Th. 361, 28; Wal. 26. Of luste flǽsces ex voluntate carnis, Jn. Skt. Rush. 1, 13. In lust in luxum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 47, 3: Hpt. Gl. 514, 5. Him sǽde his willan and his lust ei indicasset desiderium suum, Bd. 2, 15; S. 519, 7. Ofer lust mínne a desiderio meo, Ps. Th. 139, 8. Ðonne hafaþ hé micelne lust ita ingentem libidinem haberet, L. Med. ex Quad. 8, 8; Lchdm. i. 358, 20. Plegan, lustas ludrica, Wrt. Voc. ii. 52, 64. Him sweðraden synna lustas sinful lusts were stilled in him, Exon. 34 a; Th. 109, 3; Gú. 84. Se man hine forhabban sceal on manegum þingum his lífes lusta homini a multis vitæ sum libidinibus abstinendum sit, L. Ecg. P. 1, 5, arg; Th. ii. 170, 10. Hé hine ætbrǽd ðám flǽsclícum lustum, Homl. Th. i. 58, 19. Hé fulgǽþ his lustum and his plegan he follows his desires and his pleasure, 66, 12. Tó ðám upplícan lustum ad superna desideria, Bd. 4, 29; S. 607, 15. Of lustum ðiss lífes voluptatibus vitæ, Lk. Skt. 8, 14. Luftum joyfully, gladly, voluntarily, Cd. 1; Th. 2, 8; Gen. 16. Ic ðé lustum láce cwéme voluntarie sacrifcabo tibi, Ps. Th. 53, 6. Néde oððe lustum, Bt. Met. Fox 9, 88; Met. 9, 44. Mid lustum, Dóm. L. 6, 70. Wesan on lustum to live joyously, Cd. 23; Th. 30, 26; Gen. 473. Here wæs on lustum joyous were the people, Judth. 11; Thw. 23, 38; Jud. 162. Ne heora lustas ne heora willan gefyllan nec desideria vel vota complere, Bd. 1, 7; S. 477, 38. Líces lustas, Exon. 71 b; Th. 267, 2; Jul. 409. [Goth. lustus: O. Sax. O. Frs. O. H. Ger. lust luxus, appetitus, venus, delectatio, concupiscentia: Ger. lust.] DER. firen-, syn-, un-lust.
lust; adj.(?) Pleased, glad, desirous :-- Ðæt ðú ne gehýre lustum móde ðæra twýsprǽcena word that thou be not glad or desirous to hear the words of the double-tongued [or does lustum belong to the preceding word?], Wulfst. 246, 10.
lust-bǽre; adj. Producing or having desire or pleasure, desirous, desirable, pleasant, agreeable :-- Lustbǽre libens, Ælfc. Gr. 33; Som. 37, 18: 44; Som. 46, 32. Lustbǽre on gesihþe aspectu delectabile, Gen. 3, 6. Ic wæs swíðe lustbǽre hine tó gehýranne me audiendi avidum, Bt. 22, 1; Fox 76, 7. Sió hǽlu hine gedéþ lustbǽrne salubritas videtur praestare voluptatem, 24, 3; Fox 84, 9. Wǽron lustbǽre for ðone leófan drihten wíta tó þrowienne, Homl. Skt. 4, 116. Ðás word sind lustbǽre tó gehýrenne these words are pleasant to hear, Homl. Th. i. 130, 16.
lustbǽr-líc; adj. Desirable, pleasant :-- Eálá hú lustbǽrlíce tída on ðam dagum wǽron O tempora desiderio dignissima! Ors. 2, 5; Swt. 84, 25.
lustbǽr-líce; adv. With delight, pleasure, eagerness, pleasantly :-- Ða leóþ ðe ic geó lustbǽrlíce song carmina qui quondam studio florente peregi, Bt. 2; Fox 4, 7. Ðá se wísdóm ðis leóþ lustbǽrlíce ásungen hæfde hæc cum philosophia leniter suaviterque cecinisset, 36, 1; Fox 170, 25.
lustbǽr-ness, e; f. Desire, pleasure, pleasantness :-- Lustbǽrnes delectatio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 138, 56. Ða bereáfodon ǽlcere lustbǽrnesse they robbed me of every pleasure, Bt. 2; Fox 4, 11. Wé ðonne ne beóþ onǽlde mid ðære lustbǽrnesse úres módes ðonne bistilþ sió slǽwþ on ús óþ ðæt heó ús áwyrtwalaþ from ǽlcere lustbǽrnesse gódra weorca ipsa quippe mentis desidia, dum congruo fervore non accenditur, a bonorum desiderio funditus convalescente furtim torpore mactatur, Past. 39, 1; Swt. 283, 3. Hit biþ onstyred mid ðære lustbǽrnesse ex delectatione pulsatur, 53, 6; Swt. 417, 13. Þurh Evan lustbǽrnesse oferswíðed delectatione superatus, 53, 7; Swt. 417, 28. Hí náne lustbǽrnisse nabbaþ hí tó sécanne they have no desire to seek them, Bt. 32, 3; Fox 118, 23. Lustbǽrnesse nimþ cupidinem contrahat, L. Ecg. P. iii. 14; Th. ii. 202, 4: Wrt. Voc. ii. 23, 72.
lust-full; adj. Desirous :-- Gif his hwá síe lustfull máre tó witanne séce him ðonne self ðæt if any one be desirous to know more of it, let him seek it himself, Ors, 3, 2; Swt. 100, 27.
lustfullian; p. ode To rejoice, be glad, take pleasure [in] :-- Swá ic lustfullige on ðisum láðum wítum, swá swá se ðe gesihþ ðone ðe hé gewilnode, Homl. Skt. 8, 116. Heó lustfullode on hire fóstormóder húse, Nar. 40, 12. Se cyning ongan lustfullian ðæt clǽneste líf háligra and heora ðám swétestan gehátum [rex] ipse delectatus vita mundissima sanctorum, et promissis eorum suavissimis, Bd. 1, 26; S. 488, 8. Mid ðý se líchoma ongynneþ lustfullian cum caro delectari cœperit, 1, 27; S. 497, 22. Wé witan ðæt se líchoma ne mæg lustfullian bútan ðam móde cum caro delectare sine animo nequeat, 497, 28. Ðá ongan hé lustfullian ðæs biscopes wordum, 2, 9; S. 511, 34. Ðá ongan se biscop lustfullian his wíslícra worda, 5, 19; S. 637, 46. Evan swá swá líchoma wæs lustfulliende Eva velut caro delectata est, 1, 27; S. 497, 15: 5, 12; S. 630, 32. Lustfulligende, 4, 25; S. 600, 22. DER. ge-lustfullian.
lustful-líce; adv. With joy or pleasure, joyfully, gladly :-- Lustfullíce libenter, Bd. 4, 27; S. 604, 30. Se mildheorta Drihten onféhþ swíðe lustfullíce eallum ðǽm gódum ðe ǽnig man gedéþ his ðæm néhstan, Blickl. Homl. 37, 25.
lustful-ness, e; f. Pleasure, delight, desire :-- Lustfulnes oblectamenta, Wrt. Voc. ii. 62, 49. Seó lustfulnys biþ þurh líchoman delectatio fit per carnem, Bd. 1, 27; S. 497, 13, 10, 18, 12, 30: Past. 53, 6; Swt. 417, 7, 8, 21, 24, 25. Drihten eallum geleáffulum monnum heora gong gestaþelade tó lífes wege ðæt hié mágon þurh ða lustfulnesse heora módes mid gódum dǽdum geearnian leht ðæs écan lífes the Lord established for all believers their passage to the way of life, that they may through the ardent desire of their mind earn with good deeds the light of everlasting life, Blickl. Homl. 17, 20.
lustfullung, e; f. Pleasure, delight :-- Of ýdelum gylpe biþ ácenned lustfullung leásre herunge from vainglory is born a delight in false praise, Homl. Th. ii. 220, 33. Lustfullunge oblectamento, Hpt. Gl. 525, 68.
lustgeorn-ness, e; f. Desire, concupiscence :-- Lustgeornnisse fornicationis, Mt. Kmbl. p. 14, 16. Lustgiornisses concupiscentiæ, Mk. Skt. Lind. 4, 19.
lust-grin, e; f. Snare set by pleasure, Soul Kmbl. 46; Seel. 23. [The MS. has lustgryrum for which Grein proposes to read lustgryrum.]
lús-þorn, es; m. The spindle tree; euonymus Europæus :-- Onlúsþorn; of lúsþorne, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 77, 19. [v. E. D. S. Plant Names louse-berry tree: Dutch luizen-boom.]
lust-líce; adv. With pleasure, gladly, willingly :-- Lustlíce libenter, Ælfc. Gr. 44; Som. 46, 32. Lustlíce onfón libenter excipere, Bd. 3, 11; S. 535, 18: 3, 3; S. 525, 30. For ðe wé wolden lustlíce sweltan for thee we would gladly die, Ap. Th. 26, 6. Ðe nú lustlíce sibbsumes friþes æt eów biddende sindon who now are willing to ask a friendly peace from you, Ors. 1, 11; Swt. 48, 22. Ða godcundan láre lustlíce gehýran, Blickl. Homl. 47, 28: 49, 32. v. for-lustlíce.
lustmoce, an; f. Lady's smock; Cardamine pratensis :-- Lustmoce croppan, L. M. 1, 38; Lchdm. ii. 92, 23. Lustmocan crop; Lchdm. ii. 92, 8. Genime lustmocan, 1, 30; Lchdm. ii. 70, 17.
lustsum-líc; adj. Pleasant, delectable :-- Ic nát for hwí eów sindon ða ǽrran gewin swá lustsumlíce on leóþcwidum tó gehiéranne, Ors. 3, 7; Swt. 120, 2. [Cf. O. H. Ger. lustsam amoenus, dulcis, delectabilis.]
LÚTAN; p. leát; pl. luton; pp. loten To lout, bow, bend forward, stoop, fall down before one :-- Hé lúteþ æfter he boweth after it, Salm. Kmbl. 806; Sal. 402. Leótt [hleát, Lind.] tó fótum his procidit ad pedes ejus, Mk. Skt. Rush, 5, 22. Hé árás and ðá tó eorþan leát he rose up, and then bowed to the ground, Guthl. 17; Gdwin. 74, 7. Hé leát tó ðæs cáseres eáre he bent down to the emperor's ear, Homl. Th. i. 376, 28. Ðæt heofonlíce wolcn leát wið his and hine genam the cloud from heaven stooped towards him, and received him, 296, 2. Hé forþ leát on his andwlitan procideret in faciem, Bd. 4, 3; S. 569, 11. Hé leát forþ ðæt him man áslóh ðæt heáfod of he bent forward so that his head was struck off, Ors. 6, 34; Bos. 130, 16. Hé leát forþ tó ðæm men ðe hine sleán mynte, Blickl. Homl. 223, 7. Gásta unclǽnra lutun tó him spiritus inmundi procidebant ei, Mk. Skt. Rush. 3, 11. Loð and Josue luton wið heora (the angels they saw), Homl. Th. i. 38. 21. Ðeáh heó onsíge and lúte tó ðære eorþan though she [the sun] sink and stoop to the earth, Bt. 25; Fox 88, 25. Forþ lúten wé procidamus, Ps. Surt. 94, 6. [R. Glouc. Chauc. Piers P. loute: Icel. lúta to bow down.] DER. á-, ge-, on-, under-lútan.
lutian; p. ode To lie hid, be concealed, lurk, skulk, be latent :-- Sum gedwyld lutaþ ðǽr aliquis latet error, Ælfc. Gr. 44; Som. 45, 46. Of ðam fýre ðe him on lutaþ from the fire that is latent in it, Lchdm. iii. 274, 4. Hú moniga dígla costunga ðæs ealdan feóndes lutigeaþ on ðýs andweardan lífe quanta in hujus vitae itinere tentamenta antiqui hostis lateant, Past. 21, 5; Swt. 159, 24. Ðú lutodest óþ ðis on ðam láðum cristendóme thou host skulked until now in that detestable Christianity, Homl. Skt. 5, 413. Ða iermingas út of ðæm holan crupon ðe heó on lutedan the wretched creatures crept out of the holes that they had lurked in, Ors. 2, 8; Swt. 92, 30. Ða óðre ðe lutedon on ðære dígelnisse insidiæ, quæ latebant, Jos. 8, 19. Lutiaþ ðǽr þrý dagas ibi latitate tribus diebus, 2, 16. Eal ðæt gehýddes lutige omne, quod clausum latet, Past. 21, 3; Swt. 153, 15. Nys hyt swá stearc winter ðæt ic durre lutian æt hám for ege hláfordes mínes non est tam aspera hyems ut audeam latere domi prae timore domini mei, Coll. Monast. Th. 19, 17. Férde ðá lutigende geond heges and weges geond wudes and feldes swá ðæt hé [king Alfred] gesund becom tó Æþelingége, Shrn. 16, 11. Dígelne leahter on menniscre heortan lutigende secret sin lurking in the human heart, Homl. Th. i. 496, 18. Cwæþ ðæt hé god wǽre on mannes hiwe lutiende said that he was a god concealed in the form of a man, ii. 474, 22. [Laym. Trev. Piers P. Chauc. lotie to lie hid: O. H. Ger. luzén latere, Grff. ii. 322.] Cf lot, lytig.
lybb, es; n. Medicine, drug, simple, in a bad sense poison; the word often implies the use of witchcraft, see the compounds; as Grimm says 'aus der bedeutung des erlaubten, φάρμακoν gieng hernach die des schädlichen, zauberhaften hervor,' D. M. 1103 :-- Lyb obligamentum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 65, 31. Lybb, Ep. Gl. 17 b, 13. Ðæt biþ lyb wið eágena dimnesse that is a medicine for dimness of eyes, L. M. 1, 2; Lchdm. ii. 30, 14. Oxna lyb green or black hellebore, Lchdm. ii. 34, 28. Ðis ðé lib be cyrneles this may be a medicine for thee for churnel, iii. 62, 21. [O. L. Ger. lubbe; dat. suco: cf. lubbian medicare: Icel. lyf; f. also n. a herb, simple, esp. with the notion of healing, witchcraft, or supernatural power; cf. ú-lyfjan poison; lyfja to heal: O. H. Ger. luppi; n. maleficium, succus lethiferus; luppón medicare: cf. Goth. lubja-leisei φαρμακεία.] v. cýslybb, un-lybbe, lybesn.
lybbestre, an; f. A witch, sorcerer :-- Lybbestran carios, Wrt. Voc. ii. 129, 12. v. lybb, lyb-lǽca; and cf. O. H. Ger. luppari veneficus, maleficus.
lyb-corn, es; n. 'A grain of purgative effect, especially the seeds of various euforbias, probably also of some of the gourds, as momordica elaterium, cucumis colocynthis,' Cockayne Lchdm. ii. 397, col 2 :-- Libbcorn catharticum, Wrt. Voc. 67, 8. Libcorn lacyride, 67, 73: tytymalosca, 68, 55. Lybcorn cartomo, ii. 14, 14; lattyride, 54, 23: cartam, 103, 53; chartamo, 76: catarticum, potus, 129, 43. Wyrc útyrnendne drænc genim fíf and hundeahtatig lybcorna make a purgative drink thus; take eighty-five purgative seeds, Lchdm. iii. 18, 12: 20, 1. Wyrc óðerne [spíwdrænc] of beóre and of feówertig lybcorna, 20, 10.
lyb-cræft, es; m. Magic, witchcraft, skill in the use of lybb :-- Hió him sealdon áttor drincan ðæt mid myclen lybcræfte wæs geblanden, Blickl. Homl. 229, 12.
lybesn, lyfesn, lybsen, e; f. A charm, an amulet :-- Lyb, lybsn obligamentum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 115, 23. Lyb, lyfesn, 63, 23. Lybsin lustramenta, 82, 10. Lyfesna filacteria, 36, 72: 73, 16. Lybesne strenas, 121, 36. Swá swá hí ðæt sende wíte fram Gode scyppende þurh heora galdor oððe lifesne oððe óðre dígolnesse deófolcræftes bewerian mihte quasi missam a Deo conditore plagam per incantationes, vel fylacteria, vel alia dæmonicæ artus arcana cohibere valerent, Bd. 4, 27; S. 604, 9.
lyb-lác, es; n. m. Sorcery, witchcraft, the art of using drugs or potions for the purpose of poisoning, or for magical purposes :-- Ðis synt ða ídelnyssa ðisse worulde ... lyblác ... scíncræft hæ sunt vanitates hujus mundi ... maleficium ... ars magica [cf. Gal. 5, 20 where Gothic has lubjaleisei = φαρμακεία, A. V. witchcraft], L. Ecg. P. i. 8; Th. ii. 174, 34. Hér ys seó bót hú ðú meaht ðíne æceras bétan gif ðǽr hwilc ungedéfe þing on gedón biþ on drý oððe on lybláce, Lchdm. 1, 398, 3. Gif hí hwilc man niman wile oððe hyra æthríneþ ðonne forbærnaþ hí sona eall his líc ðæt syndon ungefrægelícu lyblác if any man wants to catch them [certain fowls] or touches them, then at once they consume all his body: those are most extraordinary cases of witchcraft, Nar. 34, 3. Wið ealra bealwa gehwylc ðara lybláca against every harm from sorceries, Lchdm. i. 402, 11. Wé cwǽdon be ðǽm wiccecræftum and be liblácum gif ðǽr man ácweald wǽre ... we have ordained concerning witchcrafts and sorceries, if in such cases anyone were killed..., L. Ath. i. 6; Th. i. 202, 10. Be liblácum. Ða ðe lyblác wyrcaþ sýn hí á fram ǽlcum Godes dǽle áworpene, búton hí tó rihtre dǽdbóte grecyrran, L. Edm. E. 6; Th. i. 246, 13-16. Bebeorh ðé wið lyblácas and áttorcræftas cave tibi a maleftciis et veneficiis [cf. ne unrihtlyblácas ne ongynne wé, Wulfst. 253, 11, MS. D.], L. Ecg. C. prm; Th. ii, 132 9. DER. unriht-lyblác. v. next word.
lyb-lǽca, an; m. A sorcerer :-- Lyblǽcan caragios [caragius sortilegus, præstigiator qui characteribus magicis utitur, Ducange], Wrt.Voc. ii. 13, 53. v. fugel-hwata.
lýcþ, Bt. Met. 12, 55; Met. 12, 28. v. lúcan.
lyffetere, es; m. A flatterer :-- Lyffetere adulator, Wrt. Voc. 85, 40. Liffetere, 49, 14. Ðonne ádumbiaþ ða ýdelan lyffeteras then shall the vain flatterers be dumb, Homl. Th. ii. 570, 35. Faraþ tó ðám lyffeterum ðe eów ǽr leáslíce ólæhton go to the flatterers that before fawned on you falsely, 570, 23: i. 494, 10.
lyffettan; p. te To flatter, pay court to :-- Ic lyffytte adulor, Ælfc. Gr. 25; Som. 26, 63. Ða byrþeras ðe hine tó byrgenne feredon synd ólæcunga lyffetyndra geférena the bearers who carried him to the grave are the blandishments of flattering companions, Homl. Th. i. 492, 28. Lyffetyndra tungan gewríðaþ manna sáwla on synnum the tongues of flatterers bind the souls of men in sins, 494, 6.
lyffetung, e; f. Flattery, adulation, paying court to :-- Lyffetung adulatio, Wrt. Voc. 85, 41. Liffetung. 49, 15. Herige hine ná on ðisum lífe, ac æfter his geendunge, ðonne ne deraþ nán lyffetung ðám herigendum, and nán upáhefednys ne costnaþ ðone, geheredan, Homl. Th. ii. 560, 19. Ne hlyste gé heora geswǽsan lyffetunge, 404, 29. Heora nán ne gedyrstlǽce ðæt heó Godes landáre woroldrícum sellen for lyffetunge let none of them dare to give God's lands to the powerful of the earth as a means of paying court to them, Lchdm. iii. 442, 32. Ðæt mǽden ne mihte beón bepǽht þurh ǽnige lyffetunge fram hire leófan drihtne, Homl. Skt. 7, 86. Hwǽr beóþ ða líðan lyffetunga ðe hine forlǽddon ǽror where are the fair flatteries that formerly seduced him? Basil admn. 8; Norm. 50, 27. Ða sméðan lyffetunga, Homl. Th. ii. 572, 1. Lyffetungum befangen, i. 492, 32.
lyft, es, e; m. f. n. Air, atmosphere, breeze, sky, heavens, cloud :-- Lyft aer, Wrt. Voc. 52, 55. Lybt sudum, ii. 121, 66. Stemn is geslagen lyft ... ǽlc stemn biþ geworden of ðæs múþes clypunge and of ðære lyfte cnyssunge; se múþ drýfþ út ða clypunge and seó lyft biþ geslagen mid ðære clypunge, Ælfc. Gr. 1; Som. 2, 31-35. Án ðæra [the elements] is eorþe, óðer wæter, þridde lyft, feówrþe fýr, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 128, 30. Ðeós lyft ðe wé on libbaþ is in ðæra feówer gesceafta ... Lyft is swýðe þynne, seó ofergǽþ ealne middangeard, and up ástíhþ forneán óþ ðone mónan, on ðam fleóþ fugelas ... Ne niihte heora nán fleón nǽre seó [ðæt MS. R.] lyft ðe hí byrþ. Ne nán man næfþ náne orþunge búton þurh ða lyfte [ðæt lyft MS. M.], Lchdm. iii. 272, 12-22. Seó lyft ðonne heó ástyred is byþ wind, 274, 10. Se storm and seó stronge lyft the storm and the strong blast, Exon. 22 b; Th. 61, 28; Cri. 991. Seó hǽwene lyft the azure air, Cd. 166; Th. 207, 33; Exod. 476. Ðeós lyft scínþ unwederlíce rutilat triste cælum, Mt. Kmbl. 16, 3. Lyft nubes, aer, Hpt. Gl. 493, 52. Seó lyft hí ofersceadewude and stefn com of ðære lyfte facta est nubis obumbrans eos et venit vox de nube, Mk. Skt. 9, 7. Ðære lyfte fugelas, Gen. 1, 28. Laguflóda gelác lyfte and tungla the movement of waters, of air and of stars, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 346; Met. 20, 173. Under lyfte helm, Exon. 102 a; Th. 386, 19; Rä. 4, 64. Líxcþ lyftes mægen, 116 b; Th. 448, 16; Dóm. 55. On genipum lyftes in nubibus aeris, Ps. Spl. 17, 13. Se giem jacintus, se is lyfte onlícusð on hiwe, Past. 14; Swt. 85, 5. Beorc byþ lyfte getenge the birch towers to the sky, Runic pm. Kmbl. 343, 2; Rún. 18. Hægl hwyrft of heofones lyfte, 341, 5; Rún. 9: Exon. 116 a; Th. 446, 10; Dóm. 20. Nán wolcn næs on ðære lyfte gesewen no cloud was seen in the sky, Homl. Th. ii. 182, 35. Leólc on lyfte sported in air, Cd. 23; Th. 29, 10; Gen. 448. On lyfte cumende venientem in nube, Lk. Skt. 21, 27. On lofte heó stynt it [the earth] rests in the air, Hexam. 6; Norm, 10, 20. Under lyfte sub divo, Wrt. Voc. ii. 83, 34: Andr. Kmbl. 839; An. 420. Nalles æfter lyfte lácende hwearf he went not sporting through the air, Beo. Th. 5656; B. 2832. Hé gesette storm his on lyfte statuit procellam ejus in auram, Ps. Spl. 106, 29. Hé gesceóp ðæt upplíce lyft, Hexam. 4; Norm. 6, 24. Ðæt lyft hé gesceóp, Norm. 8, 17. Sóna swá hí [snakes] ðæs landes [Ireland] lyft gestuncan, swá swulton hí, Bd. 1, 1; S. 474, 35. Ðonne lígette and þunorráde eorþan and lyfte brégdon, 4, 3; S. 569, 13. Swá oft swá hé lyft onstyrige, 569, 29. Hí fleóþ geond ðás lyft, Homl. Th. ii. 90, 21: Elen. Kmbl. 1464; El. 734. On lyft ástáh rose into the air, 1796; El. 900. Ðú þurh lyft lǽtest leódum tó freme mildne morgenrén for the benefit of men thou dost let the gentle morning rain fall through the air, Exon. 54 a; Th. 190, 30; Az. 81. Fugel under lyft ofer lagu lócaþ georne, 57 a; Th. 204, 22; Ph. 101. Áhafen on ða heán lyft raised aloft, Cd. 69; Th. 84, 22; Gen. 1401. Hátwendne lyft the torrid air, 146; Th. 182, 12; Exod. 74. Ðonne gé geseóþ ða lyfte cumende on westdǽle cum videritis nubem orientem ab occasu, Lk. Skt. 12, 54. Hibernia on smyltnysse lyfta is betere mycle ðonne Breotone land Hibernia serenitate aerum multum Brittaniæ præstat, Bd. 1, 1; S. 474, 30. Geleht lyftum moistened by the clouds, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 195; Met. 20, 98. Lyftu æthera, aera, Hpt. Gl. 457, 48. Geond lyftu per aera, Hymn. Surt. 66, 5. Ðás lyfta and windas hé ástyraþ, Wulfst. 196, 6. [Goth. luftus; m: O. Sax. luft; m. f: Icel. lopt; n; O. H. Ger. luft; f. n.: Ger. luft; f.]
lyft-ádl, e; f. Palsy, paralysis :-- Mid ða ádle ðe Grécas nemnaþ paralysis, wé cweþaþ lyftádl, Bd. 4, 31; S. 610, 17. Fram lyftádle gehǽled a paralysi sanatus, 610, 2. Wið lyftádle, L. M. 1, 59; Lchdm. ii. 130, 1.
lyft-edor, es; m. An enclosure formed by clouds [? v. lyft] :-- Síðboda lyftedoras bræc the pillar of fire broke through the clouds, Cd. 155; Th. 193, 24; Exod. 251.
lyften; adj. Aerial, airy :-- Hwí is ðæt tácn on ðære lyftenan heofonan gesewen why is that sign [the rainbow] seen in the aërial heaven? Boutr. Scrd. 21, 23. Hí sind genumene tó lyftente heofenan ná tó rodorlícre they [Epoch and Elijah] are taken to the aërial heaven, not to the etherial heaven, Homl. Th. i. 308, 3. Lyftene gnættas the gnats of the air, Hexam. 17; Norm. 24, 30. [O. H. Ger. luftin aëreus.]
lyft-fæt, es; n. An aerial vessel [the moon], Exon. 108 a; Th. 411, 21; Rä. 30, 3.
lyft-fleógend, es; m. That which flies in the air, a bird :-- Lyftfleógendra, Salm. Kmbl. 579; Sal. 289.
lyft-floga, an; m. A flier in the air [a dragon], Beo. Th. 4619; B. 2315.
lyft-gelác, es; n. Motion in or of the air :-- þurh lyftgelác on land becwom [he was borne through the air], Andr. Kmbl. 1683; An. 828. þurh lyftgelác léges blæstas weallas ymbwurpon [the winds blew the flames], 3102; An. 1554.
lyft-geswenced; adj. Weather-beaten :-- Ceól lyftgeswenced on lande stód, Beo. Th. 3830; B. 1913.
lyft-helm, es; m. The air, atmosphere, cloud :-- Lyfthelm and laguflód air [or cloud?] and water, Menol. Fox 553; Gn. C. 46. Wǽron land heora lyfthelme beþeaht their lands were covered with cloud, Cd. 145; Th. 181, 13; Exod. 60.
lyft-lácende sporting or playing in the air, moving hither and thither in the air :-- Ic bidde ðæt ðú mé gecýðe hwæt ðes þegu sý lyftlácende, Exon. 69 b; Th. 259, 12; Jul. 281. Forlǽt réc ástígan lyftlácende, Elen. Kmbl. 1588; El. 796. Síð tugon lyftlácende took their way in flight through the air [of evil spirits], Exon. 34 b; Th. 110, 31; Gú. 117. Hefonfugelas lyftlácende, Cd. 192; Th. 240, 17; Dan. 388.
lyft-sceaþa, an; m. The robber of the air [the raven], Exon. 87 b; Th. 329, 24; Vy. 39.
lyft-wundor, es; n. A wonder of the air [the pillar that conducted the Israelites], Cd. 146; Th. 183, 11; Exod. 90.
lyft-wynn, e; f. The pleasantness of the air :-- Lyftwynne heóld enjoyed himself [the dragon] by flying through the air, Beo. Th. 6079: B. 3043.
Lyge, an; f. The river Lea :-- Úre landgemǽra up on Temese and ðonne up on Ligan [Ligean, 2nd text] and andlang Ligan [Ligean] óþ hire ǽwylm our [English and Danes] boundaries: up on the Thames, then up on the Lea, up to its source, L. A. G. 1; Th. i. 152, 9. Ða Deniscan tugon hira scipu up on Temese, and ðá up on Lygan, Chr. 895; Erl. 93, 32. Se foresprecena here worhte geweorc be Lygan, 896; Erl. 93, 35. Lygean, 913; Erl. 102, 2.
lyge, es; m. A lie, lig [provincial], falsehood :-- Ic eów tó sóþe secgan wille and ðæs in lífe lyge ne wyrþeþ in truth I will tell you, and never shall it prove false, Elen. Kmbl. 1147; El. 575. Sóþfæstnysse feóung and seó lufu liges and leásunge odium veritatis amorque mendacii, Bd. 1, 14; S. 482, 24. Liges fýr mendacii ignis, 3, 19; S. 548, 13. Búta lyg verumtamen, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 11, 24. Hí on lige lange feredon de mendacio compellantur, Ps. Th. 58, 12. Mengan lyge wið sóðe, Elen. Kmbl. 613; El. 307. Ðú ǽr sægdest sóþlíce and nú on lyge cyrrest, 1329; El. 666. Ðú ús gelǽrdæst þurh ðínne lyge thou didst persuade us through thy falsehood, Cd. 214; Th. 268, 11; Sat. 53. Hwæðer him mon sóþ ðe lyge sagaþ, Exon. 27 a; Th. 80, 16; Cri. 1307. Ic ðé tó sóþe secgan wille, nelle ic lyge fremman, 67 b; Th. 250, 27; Jul. 133. Mán on móde, in múþe lyge, 80 b; Th. 302, 13; Fä, 35. [Icel. lygi; f. a lie: O. H. Ger. lugi; f. mendum, falsum, figmentum, fabula: Ger. lüge.]
lyge, lycce; adj. Lying, mendacious, false :-- Sóhtun lyge gewitnisse wið ðone hǽlend ... ðonne monige lyge [leáse ɫ lycce, Lind.] gewitu cwómun ætnǽhste ðá cwóman twægen lyge [leáso ɫ liycce, Lind.] gewitu quærebant falsum testimonium contra Jesum ... cum multi falsi testes accessissent novissime autem venerunt duo falsi testes, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 26, 59-60. Monige lyge ɫ leáse wítga multi pseudoprophetæ, 24, 11: 24, 44. Behaldeþ eów wið lyge ɫ leáse wítgu attendite a falsis prophetis, 7, 15. [O. Sax. O. L. Ger. luggi: O. H. Ger. luggi, lucki mendax, falsus.] See also the compounds of which lyge is the first part.
lyge a plant name, sicalia, Wrt. Voc. 68, 72.
Lygean-burh, Lenborough, near Buckingham :-- Hér Cúþwulf genom Lygeanburg, Chr. 571; Erl. 18, 13. See Green's Making of England, pp. 118 sqq.
Lyge-tún, Lyg-tún Leighton, in Bedfordshire :-- Ðæt rád út wið Lygtúnes, Chr, 917; Erl. 102, 16. Æt Lygetúne, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. i. 196, 3.
lygen, e; f. A lie, falsehood :-- Ðǽr lyt geháta biþ ðǽr biþ lyt lygena where there are few promises, there are few lies, Prov. Kmbl. 7. Mid ligenum with lies, Cd. 25; Th. 31, 36; Gen. 496: 26; Th. 34, 2; Gen. 531: 28; Th. 37, 11; Gen. 588. Lygenum, Th. 37, 31; Gen. 598. [O. Sax. lugina: O. H. Ger. lugina mendacium.]
lygen-word, es; n. A lying word, lie, falsehood :-- Mid ligenwordum, Cd. 33; Th. 43, 32; Gen. 699. Cf. lyge-word.
lyge-searu, wes; n. A false trick, artifice, wile, snare, lying art :-- Hý ligesearwum áhófun hearmstafas with lying arts they stirred up mischiefs, Exon. 35 b; Th. 115, 34; Gú. 199: Elen. Kmbl. 415; El. 208. Lygesearwum, Exon.19 a; Th. 48, 23; Cri. 776.
lyge-spell, es; n. A false speech :-- Mid ligespelle me[n]dosa mandata, Wrt. Voc. ii. 58, 32. [Cf. Icel. lygi-saga a lying story, false report.]
lyge-synnig; adj. Guilty of lying, false :-- Lygesynnig feónd, Elen. Kmbl. 1795; El. 899.
lyge-torn, es; n. Feigned anger or grief[?] :-- Ne biþ cwénlíc þeáw ðætte freoþuwebbe feores onsæce æfter ligetorne leófne mannan it is no womanly fashion that a peaceweaver [woman] attack a loved man's life, having only a pretended cause for anger against him [? Thorpe reads lígtorn burning anger], Beo. Th. 3890; B. 1943.
lyge-word, es; n. A lying word, lie, falsehood :-- Lygeword spǽcon locuti sunt falsa, Ps. Th. 57, 3: Cd. 210; Th. 261, 3; Dan. 720. Ne wéne ǽnig ðæt is lygewordum leóþ somnige, Exon. 63 b; Th. 234, 28; Ph. 547. [Icel. lygi-orð.]
lyge-wyrhta, an; m. A liar, a forger of lies :-- Mid ðám ligewyrhtum with the forgers of lies, Fragm. Kmbl. 19; Leás. 11.
lyg-ness, e; f. Deceitfulness, falseness :-- Lygnisse weolan fallacia divitiarum, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 13, 22.
lynd, e; f. Grease, fat, fatness :-- Lind arvina, Wrt. Voc. 65, 14. Lynde [a]rvina, 284, 6. Hé hí fédde mid fætre lynde hwǽte cibavit eos ex adipe frumenti, Ps. Th. 80, 15: 147, 3. [O. H. Ger. lunda arvina.]
lyni-bór [v. Wrt. Voc. ii. 98, 7 boor dasile] a gimlet, auger :-- Lynibór terebellus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 287, 14. v. next word.
lynis, es; m. An axletree :-- Spácan radii: felg canti: lynis axedo: eax axis, Wrt. Voc. 284, 47-51. Lynis axsedo: lynisas axsedones, ii. 7, 52, 51. [Wm. of Shoreham linses axles: cf. O. H. Ger. lun obex: Du. luns: Ger. lünse a linch-pin: Dan. lun-stikke a linch-pin. Linch-, lin-pin is earlier spelt lins-pin.]
lypen-wyrhta, an; m. A tanner, currier :-- Lypenwyrhta byrseus, Wrt. Voc. 288, 14. Leðerwyrhta oððe lypenwyrhta byrseus, ii. 11, 49.
lyre, es; m. Loss, damage, destruction, detriment :-- Lyre jactura, Wrt. Voc. 74, 51. Hýnþ vel lyre vel hearm dispendium vel damnum vel detrimentum, 47, 29. Hire lima lyre [of a person paralysed], Homl. Th. ii. 546, 31. 'Ic wille ofgán æt ðé his blód' ðæt is his lyre 'I will require at thy hands his blood,' that is, his destruction, i. 6, 27. Lífes lyre death, Exon. 44 b; Th. 151, 26; Gú. 801. Ne se enga deáþ, ne lífes lyre, 56 b; Th. 201, 8; Ph. 53. Ne biþ ðǽr wædl ne lyre ne deáþes gryre, Dóm. L. 16, 265: Wulfst. 139, 32. Hé macode heora líf tó lyre he destroyed them, 106, 6. Hwílum forlidenesse ic þolie mid lyre ealra þinga mínra aliquando naufragium patior, cum jactura omnium rerum mearum, Coll. Monast. Th. 27,1. On lyre in perditione, Ps. Lamb. 87, 12. Lyre jacturam, damnum, Hpt. Gl. 480, 43. Ná beóþ ða eádige ðe for hýnþum oððe lirum hwílwendlícra hyðða heófiaþ, Homl. Th. i. 550, 28. DER. feorh-, land-, líf-lyre; and see lor.
lýsan, lýsing. v. lísan, lísing.
LYSTAN; p. te To LIST, cause pleasure or desire [with dat. or acc. of person in whom the feeling is caused, and gen. of the thing, or infin.] :-- Mé ne lyst piget, Ælfc. Gr. 33; Som. 37, 23. Mé lyst rǽdan lecturio, 34; Som. 37, 56. Hine ne lyst his willan wyrcean, Blickl. Homl. 51, 16. Hú ne biþ ǽlc mon genóg earm ðæs ðe hé næfþ ðonne hit hine lyst habban is not every man poor enough as regards that which he has not, when he desires to have it? Bt. 26, 1; Fox 92, 2. Ne him nǽfre genóg ne þincþ ǽr hé hæbbe eall ðæt hine lyst, 33, 2; Fox 124, 7. Wél mé lícode ðæt ðú ǽr sǽdest and ðises mé lyst nú get bet I liked well what you said before, and am still better pleased with this, 35, 4; Fox 162, 3; 34, 6; Fox 142, 12. Ðam men ðe hine ne lyst his metes for the man who has no appetite for his food, L. M. I, 19; Lchdm. ii. 62, 15. Ðonne hine ǽtes lysteþ, Exon. 97 a; Th. 363, 12; Wal. 52: Bt. Met, Fox 10, 27; Met. 10, 14. Se leahtor déþ ðæt ðam men ne lyst nán þing tó góde gedón that sin causes a man to have no desire to do anything to good purpose, Homl. Th. ii. 220, 22. Him lyste ðǽr on dígolnysse his gebedu begangan, Bd. 3, 16; S. 542, 33. Hine lyste mid him etan and drincan ipse delectaretur manducare et bibere cum eis, 5, 5; S. 618, 16: Beo. Th. 3591; B. 1793. Hine nánes þinges ne lyste on ðisse worulde he cared for nothing in this world, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 168, 12: Bt. Met. Fox 26, 142; Met. 26, 71. Se gesceádwíslíca willa ðæt hine ðara twega lyste the rational will which delights in them both, Bt. 14, 2; Fox 44, 26: Bt. Met. Fox 10, 2; Met. 10, 1. Hé sceal syllan his gód on ða tíd ðe hine sylfne sélest lyste his brúcan, Blickl. Homl. 101, 20. [Cf. Goth. lustón (with gen.) to desire: O. Sax. lustean (acc. of pers., gen. of thing): Icel. lysta (acc. of pers.): O. H. Ger. lustjan (acc. of pers., gen. of thing, or infin.); cf. also lustón to desire: Ger. lüsten (impers.)] DER. ge-, of-lystan.
lystere ( = ? hlystere) :-- Lysteres fautoris, Hpt. Gl. 5714, 40.
lysu; adj. Depraved, corrupt, evil, dishonourable, shameful, profligate :-- Lyswe lársmeoþas corrupt counsellors, Andr. Kmbl. 2441; An. 1222. Cf. lyswen.
lysu, wes; n. What is depraved [v. preceding word] :-- Gif cyning æt mannes hám drincæþ and ðær man lyswæs hwæt gedó ii bóte gebéte if the king be entertained at a man's house, and any evil be done there, let a double fine be paid, L. Ethb. 3; Th. i. 4, 2. Gif frí wíf leswæs hwæt gedéþ xxx scill. gebéte, 73; Th. i. 20, 7. Lot sceal mid lyswe, list mid gedéfum [v. list], Exon. 92 a; Th. 345. 16; Gn. Ex. 189.
lyswen, lyssen; adj. Full of matter, corrupt, purulent; depraved[?] :-- Ðonne se swile tóbyrst ðonne biþ seó micge lyswen swilce worms, L. M. 2, 17; Lchdm. ii. 198, 26. [In Ps. Th. 52, 6 the word lisne occurs; can this be the adverb from this adjective, taken in the sense given to lysu :-- Manna bán mihtig Drihten lisne tósceádeþ scatters with shame or dishonour?] v. lysu and next word.
lyswen, lyssen matter, purulence :-- On ðære þrotan biþ swyle and lyssen, L. M. 1, 4; Lchdm. ii. 46, 14.
lyt; indecl. used as subst. adj. and adv. Few, little :-- Ðæra is nú tó lyt ðe wile wel tǽcan there are now too few of those that will teach well, Homl. Th. i. 6, 22. Ðæra biþ ealles tó lyt, ðe hé ne beswíce, Wulfst. 97, 7. Is swíðe lyt manna ðæt ne sý mid ðǽm sumum besmiten there are very few men that are not defiled with some of them, L. E. I. 31; Th. ii. 428, 4. Wóp wæs wíde, worulddreáma lyt, Cd. 144; Th. 180, 9; Exod. 42. Ðé eádes tó lyt þuhte, Exon. 28 a; Th. 86, 1; Cri. 1401. Wergendra tó lyt þrong ymbe þeóden, Beo. Th. 5758; B. 2882. Ðæt lyt manna þáh it succeeded with few, 5665; B. 2836. Hé on folce lyt freónda hæfde. Cd. 124; Th. 158, 32; Gen. 2626. Cyning hæfde wígena tó lyt, Elen. Kmbl. 126; El. 63. Hé mid lyt wordum ac geleáffullum his hǽle begeat he obtained his salvation with words few but full of faith, Dóm. L. 6, 61. Ne sceal hé tó lyt þancian heora ælmessan he shall not be too sparing of thanks for their alms, Blickl. Homl. 43, 13. Forðon hé lyt genihtsumede on smeáwunge and on leornunge háligra gewrita hé ðý má mid his handum wonn and worhte nam quo minus sufficiebat meditationi scripturarum, eo amplius operi manuum studium impendebat, Bd. 4, 3; S. 567, 29. Hé lyt ongeat ðæt him swá earme gelamp. Cd. 76; Th. 94, 24; Gen. 1566. Ðæt eów swá lyt gespeów, Andr. Kmbl. 2688; An. 1346. [O. Sax. lut (werodes).]
LYTEL; adj. LITTLE :-- Nú gyt is án lytel fyrst adhuc modicum, Jn. Skt. 14, 19. Hwæt is ðæt líf elles búton lytelu ylding ðæs deáþes, Blickl. Homl. 59, 27. Lytulu sprǽc, Exon. 116 a; Th. 445, 16; Dóm. 8. Se lytla finger, L. Alf. pol. 60; Th. i. 96, 7. Lá lytle heord pusillus grex, Lk. Skt. 12, 32. On swá lytlum fæce in such a little space, Elen. Kmbl. 1917; El. 960. Ælfréd cyning gefeaht wið alne ðone here lytle werede, Chr. 871; Erl. 76, 5. Lytle læs paulo minus, Ps. Th. 118, 87. Lytle ǽr, Elen. 1325; El. 664. Lytle lengre ðonne seofon fóta, Lchdm. iii. 220, 4. Lytle máre ðonne feówer, 220, 12. Ðæt lytle ðæt hé erede, hé erede mid horsan, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 18, 15. Lytle hwíle sceolde hé his lífes niótan, Cd. 24; Th. 31, 16; Gen. 486. Se lícette litlum and miclum, gumena gehwylcum, Bt. Met. Fox 26, 72; Met. 26, 36. On ǽlcum þingum ðe ðǽr unbecweden biþ, on bócum and on swylcum lytlum, Chart. Th. 536. 26. On swíðe lytlon hiera hæfþ seó gecynd genóg paucis minimisque natura contenta est, Bt. 14, 1; Fox 42, 10. Ða lytlan parvulos, Ps. Th. 114, 6. Lytlum by little, by degrees, in little pieces, a little at a time :-- Lytlum paulatim, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 40, 30. Tóbrec hig lytlum divides eos minutatim, Lev. 2, 6. Sele ðæt lytlum súpan, L. M. 2, 52; Lchdm. ii. 270, 1. Hé gewýt swá lytlum and lytlum fram Gode so little by little he departs from God, Ælfc. Gr. pref; Som. 1, 35: Past. 39, 1; Swt. 283, 9. Ic geseah weaxende blósman litlum and litlum videbam crescere paulatim in gemmas, Gen. 40, 10. [Goth. leitils; O. Sax. luttil: Icel. lítill: O. H. Ger. luzil, luzzil.]
lytel; neut. of adj, used as subst. or adv. A little :-- Dó lytel sealtes tó put a small quantity of salt to it, Herb. 2, 19; Lchdm. i. 86, 7. Hwerhwette niþewearde án lytel the lower part of cucumber, a little, L. M. 3, 41; Lchdm. ii, 336, 4. Mycel multum, lytel parum, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 40, 34. Ymbe lytel post pusillum, Mk. Skt. 14, 70. Ymbe án lytel gé mé ne geseóþ and eft ymbe lytel gé mé geseóþ modicum non videbitis me et iterum modicum et videbitis me, Jn. Skt. 16, 16.
lytel-fóta; adj. Having small feet :-- Litelfóta petilus, Ælfc. Gl, 76; Som. 71, 132; Wrt. Voc. 45, 35.
lytel-hygdig-, hýdig; adj. Small-minded, pusillanimous :-- Mon ðæs lytelhýdig ne ðæs læthýdig no man of mind so small and so sluggish, Exon. 78 b; Th. 294, 4; Crä. 10.
lytel-mód; adj. Of little courage, faint-hearted, pusillanimous :-- Se mec hálne dyde from lytelmódum qui me salvum faceret a pusillanimo, Ps. Surt. 54, 9. Ða lytelmódan and ða unþrístan ðonne hié ongietaþ hiera unbældo and hiera unmiehte hié weorþaþ oft ormóde pusillanimes dum nimis infirmitatis suæ sunt conscii, plerumque in desperationem cadunt, Past. 32, 1; Swt. 209, 7.
lytel-ne; adv. All but, almost, nearly :-- Hé lytelne [lytesne?] Breotona ríce forlét Brittaniam pene amisit, Bd. 1, 3; S. 475, 22.
lytel-ness, e; f. Littleness :-- Sume [adverbs] syndon quantitatis; ða getácniaþ mycelnysse oððe lytelnysse, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 40, 34.
lytes-ná, lytes-ne, lytest-ne; adv. Almost, nearly, within a little :-- Lytesná concedam, Wrt. Voc. ii. 104, 49. Lytisná, 14, 65: Ep. Gl. 7 d, 31. Wæs his ríce brád wíd ofer werþeóde lytesná ofer ealne yrmenne grund his realm was broad, wide over mankind, almost over all the world, Exon. 66 a; Th. 243, 13; Jul. 10. Lytestne eall his weorod ofslegen wæs omnis pene ejus est cæsus exercitus, Bd. 1, 34; S. 499, 32: 3, 24; S. 556, 30. Lytesne [pene] of ealre Lindesse stówum, 3, 11; S. 535, 25. Lytesne of eallum de cunctis prope, 3, 14; S. 540, 11. Bóc lytestne unáberendlícre byrþenne codicem ponderis pene importabilis, 5, 13; S. 633, 6.
lyðer-, luðer- full; adj. Base, vile, dissolute, depraved :-- Leófan men ne beón gé náðor ne leáse ne luðer- [lyðer- MS. B] fulle, ne fúle ne fracode, ne on ǽnige wísan tó lehterfulle, Wulfst.40, 5.
lyðer-líc; adj. Sordid, mean, vile :-- Se cyning self mid swíðe lyðerlícum gegierelan ipse imperator sordida servilique tunica discinctus, Ors. 4, 5; Swt. 166, 16. [The word comes to mean lazy in later times. Cf. Tusser 'some litherly lubber leaveth undone that another will do.']
lyðer-líce; adv. Wickedly, vilely :-- Luðerlíce pessime, Ælfc. Gl. 99; Som. 76, 101; Wrt. Voc. 54, 45. [Leiden swa luðerliche on hire lichðæt hit brec oueral, Marh. 5, 21: A. R. 290, 8. A clerk hath litherly byset his while Bot if he cowde a carpenter bygyle, Chauc. Miller's Tale, 113.]
lyðre; adj. Evil, wicked, base, mean, poor, sordid, vile, lewd, depraved :-- Ðæt Godes feoh ne ætlicge and hé beó lyðre þeówa geháten that God's money be not idle, and he be called a wicked servant, Ælfc. Gr. pref; Som. 1, 30. Lytel is se fyrst ðyses lífes and lyðre is few and evil are the days of this life, Wulfst. 109, 2. Hú lǽne and hú lyðre ðis líf is on tó getrúwianne, 189, 3. Eálá ðú lyðra þeówa serve nequam, Mt. Kmbl. 18, 32: Lk. Skt. 19, 22: Homl. Th. ii. 552, 6. Ic eom se lytla for ðé and se lyðra man, se syngige swíðe genehhe, Hy. 3, 41; Hy. Grn. ii. 282, 41. Eówre lyðre mód incircumcisa mens, Lev. 26, 41. Gif hwylc wíf for hwylcum lyðrum andan hire wífman swingþ si mulier aliqua, ex prava aliqua invidia, ancillam suam flagellis verberaverit, L. Ecg. P. ii. 4; Th. ii. 182, 32: L. M. I. P. 12; Th. ii. 268, 11. Se ðe Crist belǽwde for lyðrum sceatte who betrayed Christ for filthy lucre, Homl. Th. ii. 244, 26: Wulfst. 297, 26. Ðæs mǽran wítegan deáþ ðære lyðran hoppestran [the daughter of Herodias] tó méde forgeaf, Homl. Th. i. 484, 3. Lyðerne earhscype base cowardice, Wulfst. 53, 12. Þurh lyðre yahþe, 166, 26. Ða seofon hlyðran ear septem spicæ tenues, Gen. 41, 27. Óðre lyðre cynn cetera adulterina genera, Ælfc. Gl. 101; Som. 77, 31; Wrt. Voc. 55, 36. Lyðra bearn filii excussorum, Ps. Th. 126, 5. Se Hǽlend geþafode lyðrum mannum ðæt hí hine ofslógon, Homl. Th. i. 168, 6. Se ealdorman hí betǽhte liðrum mannum tó behealdenne the aldorman entrusted it to base [cf. ða wǽron yfele and earge l. 27] men to hold, Ors. 6, 36; Bos. 131, 23. Eár lyðre and forscruncene spicæ tenues et percussæ uredine, Gen. 41, 6. Þurh líchaman leðre geþohtas through the wicked thoughts of the body, Ps. C. 50, 41; Ps. Grn. ii. 277, 41. [A. R. Laym. luðer: Piers P. luþer, liþer: Prompt. Parv. lyder or wyly cautus [see note for lither = lazy in later English]: cf. Ger. lüder-, lieder-lich.]
lyðre; adv. Badly, vilely :-- Habbaþ wé alle for ðínum leásungum lyðre geféred we have all fared miserably for thy falsehoods, Cd. 214; Th. 268, 29; Sat. 62.
lyt-hwón; subst. and adv. A little [space, time, quantity] :-- Meng lythwón wið hunig mix a little with honey, L. M. 1, 1; Lchdm. ii. 22, 20. Lythw-on becom cwicera tó cýððe few living reached their country, Judth. 12; Thw. 26, 5; Jud. 311: Elen. Kmbl. 284; El. 142. Ðá hé wæs lythwón ðanon ágán progressus pusillum, Mt. Kmbl. 26, 39: Mk. Skt. 14, 35. Hé his eágan lythwón fram ðære eorþan up áhóf, Glostr. Frag. 104, 13. Ðara ðe lythwon réccaþ embe bóca beboda, L. I. P. 6; Th. ii. 310, 34: Swt. A. S. Rdr. 101, 200: Beo. Th. 408; B. 203. Ne lythwón not a little, Exon. 38 a; Th. 125, 32; Gl. 363. Ðá geswígode heó lythwón parumper reticuit, Bd. 4, 9; S. 577, 22. v. lyt.
lytig, lyteg; adj. Cunning, astute, sly, artful, crafty, wily :-- Litig procax, Wrt. Voc. ii. 67, 48. Se lytega sǽtere seductor callidus, Past. 65, 2; Swt. 463, 11. Hú manega costunga ðæs lytegan feóndes quanta hostis callidi tentamenta, 21, 5; Swt. 161, 18. Forðæm him [a simple person] is micle iéðre tó gestíganne on ðone ryhtán wísdóm, ðonne ðæm lytegan síe tó anbúganne, for ðæm ðe hé biþ ǽr upáhæfen for his lotwrencium, 30, 1; Swt. 203, 18. Marius ðone consul á swá lytigne swá hé wæs Marii consulis, qui non minore pene quam ipse præditus erat astutia, Ors. 5, 7; Swt. 228, 32. Ðone leásan lytegan ðú scealt hatan fox insidiator occultis surripuisse fraudibus gaudet? vulpeculis exaequetur, Bt. 37, 4; Fox 192, 17. On leásungem lytige in mendaciis vafri, Coll. Monast. Th. 32, 29. Ða lytegan sapientes hujus seculi, Past. 30, 1; Swt. 203, 6, 24: 205, 3.
lytigian; p. ode To act cunningly :-- Ongunnon lytegian ðá láðe gystas began then to act guilefully the hateful guests, Byrht. Th. 134, 18; By. 86. v. be-lytigian.
lytig-, lyte-líc; adj. Deceitful, false :-- Ymbtrymedu mid lytelícre ládunge fallaci defensione circumdatæ, Past. 35, 5; Swt. 245, 8.
lytig-, lyte-líce; adv. Cunningly, artfully, craftily :-- Ðe hit symle lytiglíce ládaþ sese callide defendentis, Past. 35, 3; Swt. 241, 8. Litelíce callide, Ex. 32, 12. Ða woruldsǽlþa mid swíðe manigre swétnesse swíðe lytelíce óleccaþ ðǽm módum, Bt. 7, 1; Fox 16, 10. Hú lytelíce hý ðonne deófol bepǽhte, Wulfst. 11, 9, 16. Ne weorþeþ on worulde lytelíce swicolra ðonne hé wyrþeþ none in the world is more craftily deceitful than he, 54, 22. Se ðe litelícost cúðe leáslíce hiwian unsóþ tó sóþe he that most cunningly could make untruth appear truth, 128, 9.
lytig-ness, e; f. Cunningness, craftiness, astuteness :-- Ðære nædran lytignes astutia serpentis, Past. 35, 1; Swt. 237, 22.
lytlian; p. ode To make or to become little, to lessen, diminish :-- Gidæfnaþ ðæt ih lytlige oportet me minui, Jn. Skt. Rush. 3, 30. Ðonne lytlaþ him se tóhopa ðe hé hæfde ðá hé synful wæs spem, quæ esse potuit de peccatore, subtraxit, Past. 58, 10; Swt. 447, 14. Heorte sceal ðé cénre mód ðé máre ðé úre mægen lytlaþ heart shall the hardier be, courage the more, the fewer our forces, Byrht. Th. 140, 65. Lytlaþ ðæt his anweald and écþ his ermþa it lessens his power, and increases his miseries, Bt. 29, 1; Fox 102, 19. Drenc ðe lytlaþ ða yfelan wǽtan, L. M. 2, 59; Lchdm. ii. 282, 10. Ðonne lyttlaþ hé ðæt fæsten tunc breviabit jejunium, L. Ecg. P. Add. 19; Th. ii. 234, 18. Cristes lage wanedon and cyninges lage lytledon Christ's laws waned, and the king's laws were weakened, L. Eth. ix. 37; Th. i. 348, 19. Lytligen ða grambǽran hiera gedréfednesse damnent iracundi perturbationem, Past. 40, 2; Swt. 291, 2. Willflód ongan lytligan, Cd. 71; Th. 85, 11; Gen. 1413. Hý mon sceal lytlian they shall be lessened, L. M. 2, 1; Lchdm. ii. 178, 12. Se ðe hit þence tó litlianne, gelitlige hine God elmihtig hér on worulde, Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. iv. 171, 21. Biþ se ece litliende [litligende, MS. B], Herb. 3, 3, 4; Lchdm. i. 88, 2, 7.
lytling, es; m. A little one, a young person, child :-- Se ðe underféhþ ǽnne lytling on mínum naman he that receives one little one in my name, Homl. Th. ii. 286, 30. Lyttlingas, i. 512, 21. Furþon litlincgas nellaþ forbígean mé nec parvuli nolunt præterire me [the baker], Coll. Monast. Th. 29, 1. Ða litlingas fuhton on hire innoþe, Gen. 25, 22. Ǽnne of ðyssum lytlingum unum de pusillis istis, Mt. Kmbl. 18, 6: Homl. Th. i. 84, 11. His efenealdan lytlingas [the children killed in Bethlehem], 88, 12. Ic hæbbe hnesce litlingas parvulos habeam teneros, Gen. 34, 13: 50, 21. Gif hwylc gódra wile his lytlingas hiom [priests] tó láre befæstan, hig sceolon swíðe lustlíce hig onfón, and him tǽcan, L. E. I. 20; Th. ii. 414, 8.
lytluc[c], es; m. A bittock, small piece :-- Lytluccas (MS. lyttuccas) segmenta, particulas, Germ. 400, 531.
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