An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary
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by Bosworth and Toller
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FOR the Runic Y see ýr.
ýce, an; f.: ýce, es; m. A (poisonous) frog :-- Ýce botrax vel botraca, Wrt. Voc. i. 24, 19: botrax, 45, 26: ii. 13, 2: 126, 57: rana, 71, 15. Ýcean roboete (the passage is :-- Regulorum et aspidum venena, ad quae quadrupedis robetae et spalangii pestifera confectio humanae naturae nocitura habebatur, Ald. 25), 78, 44. Ðæt ilce biþ nyttol íces slite oþþe hundes, Lchdm. ii. 86, 2 (see note). Ðære wyrte wyrttruma on wætere geðyged wiðrǽð íceom and næddrum, i. 144, 15. Ýcan ɫ froggan ranas, Ps. Lamb. 104, 30. ¶ Yce parruca, Wrt. Voc. ii. 67, 69, seems to be for hyce; v. hicae paruca, 116, 50. [M. H. Ger. úchen ranas.] v. fen-ýce.
yfel, es; n. Evil, ill: :-- Gód bonum, yfel malum, Wrt. Voc. i. 74, 49. I. in a moral sense :-- Ða ðe him biþ unwítnode eall hiora yfel on ðisse worulde, Bt. 38, 3; Fox 200, 26. Hwæt yfeles dyde þes? Mt. Kmbl. 27, 23. Dǽdbóte dón ðæs mycelan yfeles and mánes, ðe hié wið heora Drihten gedydon, Blickl. Homl. 79, 6. Ðone besmítan ðe ðú nánwiht yfeles on nystest, 85, 36. Yfeles ordfruma, Cd. Th. 288, 1; Sat. 374. Hé ðæs yfeles geswíce, Hy. 2, 8: Met. 9, 52, Forðhealde tó yfele in malum prona, Gen. 8, 21: Hy. 7, 113. For rihtwísnysse hé sceal habban andan tó hira yfele, Past. 12; S. 75, 14. Beó nú on yfele, noldæs ǽr teala, Cd. Th. 310, 26; Sat. 733. Ic syngade and mycel yfel beforan ðé ic gedyde, Blickl. Homl. 87, 30. Leahtra gehwylcne, yfel unclǽne, Exon. Th. 80, 21; Cri. 1310: Past. 21; Swt. 157, 23. Ealle ðæt yfel and ðæt unnet, ðæt hé ǽr on his móde hæfde, Bt. 35, 1; Fox 154, 26. Gýtsung, mán, . . . stuntscipe, ealle ðás yfelu of ðam innoðe cumaþ, and ðone man besmítaþ, Mk. Skt. 7, 23. Ðæt hé feala yfla sægde, Blickl. Homl. 173, 20. Yfla gehwylc, grimme gieltas, Exon. Th. 229, 25; Ph. 460. Tó eácan óþrum unárímedum yflum hé ðone pápan hét ofsleán, Bt. 1; Fox 2, 11. Hié nǽnige bóte dón noldan, ah hié on heora yfelum þurhwunedon, Blickl. Homl. 79, 8: Ps. Th. 105, 25. Ic ðé þreáge and ðé cýðe eal ðás yflu, 49, 23. II. what is hurtful, grievous :-- Hú mycel yfel ðé gelamp for ðínre gítsunge, Blickl. Homl. 31, 13. Nú is ǽghwanon yfel and slege, 115, 16: 181, 32. Is mín yfel twyfeald I am doubly injured, 175, 13. Is sáwl mín sáres and yfeles gefylled repleta est malis anima mea, Ps. Th. 87, 3: 106, 38. Ǽgðer hyra óðrum yfles hogode, Byrht. Th. 135, 45; By. 133: Exon. Th. 54, 28; Cri. 875. Bydelas ðæs écan yfeles, ðe yfelum mannum becymð, Homl. Th. ii. 538, 23. Ða fuglas ús nǽnige láðe ne yfle ne wǽron aves non nobis perniciem ferentes, Nar. 16, 18. Hé wile hit him mid grimnesse and mid yfele forgyldan, Blickl. Homl. 55, 25. Hé nǽnigum yfel wiþ yfele geald, 223, 33: Elen. Kmbl. 983; El. 493. Hí ðǽr mycel yfel gedydon, Chr. 897; Erl. 95, 18: 993; Erl. 133, 3. Ǽlc yfel man him gehét, 1036; Erl. 165, 22. Ðám ðe mé syrwedan yfel qui quaerunt mala mihi, Ps. Th. 70, 12. Ealle ðe mé yfel hogedon qui cogitant mihi mala, 69, 3. Heó þolian ne wolde yfel, Cd. Th. 136, 26; Gen. 2264: Past. 36; Swt. 261, 4: Exon. Th. 77, 9; Cri. 1254. Fela yfelu sceolon foreyrnon ǽr seó geendung ðissere worulde cume, Homl. Th. ii. 538, 22. Ðú mé yfela feala oft oncnyssedest, Ps. Th. 70, 19. Ðé gehealde Drihten wyð yfela gehwam Dominus custodit te ab omni malo, 120, 6. Yfla gehwylc, Exon. Th. 356, 27; Pa. 18. Ic earfeþa dreág, yfel ormǽtu, 280, 10; Jul. 627. Ic gegaderie ofer hig yflu (mala), Cant. M. ad fil. 23. II a. of disease :-- Wiþ ðam wǽtan yfle ðæs miltes, Lchdm. ii. 246, 9. Hit mæg wið ǽghwilcum uncúþum yfele, iii. 288, 17. Wið lungenádle and wið gehwylce yfelu ðe on ðam innoðe dereþ, i. 280, 18. II b. of abusive speech :-- Hié wyrgdon ðone cásere and him yfel cwǽdon, Blickl. Homl. 191, 10. ¶ the word often occurs in contrast with gód :-- Swá ðæs gódan gódnes biþ his ágen gód, swá biþ eác ðæs yfelan yfel his ágen yfel, Bt. 37, 3; Fox 190, 15. Hwæþer him yfel þe gód under wunige, Exon. Th. 82, 3; Cri. 1333. Ealles ðæs ðe wé geweorhtan gódes oððe yfles, 447, 21; Dóm. 43: Blickl. Homl. 51, 26. Treów ingehýdes gódes and yfeles, Gen. 2, 9. Gódes and yfeles, welan and wáwan, Cd. Th. 30, 10; Gen. 465. Gódes and ýfles ic cunnade, Exon. Th. 321, 25; Víd. 51. Hig woldon gildan gód mid yfele, Gen. 44, 4. Swá gód swá yfel swá hé ǽr dyde, Blickl. Homl. 101, 30. Se Hálga Gást hié ǽghwylc gód lǽrde and him ǽghwylc yfel bewerede, 131, 30. Ðurh ða gesceádwísnesse wé tócnáwaþ good and yfel, and geceósaþ ðæt gód and áweorpaþ ðæt yfel, Past. 11; Swt. 65, 22. Geþenc ðæt ðú gód onfénge and gelíce Lazarus onféng yfel, Lk. Skt. 16, 25. [Goth, ubil: O. Sax. uƀil: O. Frs. evel: O. H. Ger. ubil.]
yfel; adj. Evil, ill, bad :-- Yfel malus, Wrt. Voc. i. 74, 47. I. in a moral sense :-- Yfel mann of yfelum goldborde bringð yfel forð, Mt. Kmbl. 12, 35. Hié nǽnigo firen ne gewundode, ne yfel gewitnes (witness of wrong-doing) ne wrégde, Blickl. Homl. 161, 33. Ðæt ðǽr mæge yfelu uncyst on eardian, 37, 10. Se yfela déma onféhþ medmycclum feó, and onwendeþ ðone rihtan dóm, 61, 30. Se yfela þeów, Mt. Kmbl. 24, 48. Se yfela willa, Bt. 36, 7; Fox 184, 31. Se yfela unrihtwísa cynincg, Met. 15, 1. Fram yfelum menn ab homine malo, Ps. Th. 139, 1. Yflum, Exon. Th. 96, 20; Cri. 1577. From ðære inwitfullan yflan tungan a lingua dolosa, Ps. Th. 119, 3. Ne sette ic mé fore eágum yfele wísan (rem malam), 100, 3. Synnigra cirm, yfele sprǽce, Cd. Th. 145, 20; Gen. 2408. Áfyr fram ðé ða yfelan sǽlþa and ða unnettan, and ðone yflan ege ðisse worulde, Bt. 6; Fox 14, 33. Yfele men magon yfel dón, 36, 7; Fox 184, 4: Blickl. Homl. 45, 23. Yfele geþancas, Mk. Skt. 7, 21. Hyra weorc wǽron yfele, Jn. Skt. 3, 19. Se anweald ðara yflena cymþ of unþeáwum, Bt. 36, 7; Fox 182, 26. Ic tó yflum cwæð dixi iniquis, Ps. Th. 74, 4: Exon. Th. 57, 15; Cri. 919. Yfflum, Blickl. Homl. 33, 22. Yfelum wordum, 39, 3. He wile gesceáwian wlitige and unclǽne, tile and yfle, Cd. Th. 303, 10; Sat. 610. Hé áraþ ða gódan, and hé wítnaþ ða yfelan, Bt. 41, 2; Fox 246, 20. II. of things, bad, not good of its kind :-- Sió yfele gillestre and ðæt yfele blód, Lchdm. ii. 148, 6. Gif eáran willen ádeáfian, oþþe yfel hlyst sié . . . Gif mon yfelne hlyst hæbbe (cf. wiþ yfelre hlyste, 2, 13), 40, 22-26. Nys gód treów ðe yfelne wæstm déð, ne nis yfel treów gódne wæstm dónde, Lk. Skt. 6, 43. Heó is on onsýne útan yfeles heówes, Blickl. Homl. 197, 11. Ðá gecuron hig ða gódan (fiscas) on hyra fatu, ða yflan hig áwurpon út, Mt. Kmbl. 13, 48. III. of what is grievous, hurtful, etc., (1) of animate objects :-- Yfel wiht phantasma, Mk. Skt. Lind. 6, 49. Hé sealde yfelan wyrme hiora wyrta, Ps. Th. 77, 46. Hí ǽtan yfle tostan, 77, 45. Hé gehǽlde manega of yfelum (yflum, Lind.) gástum. Lk. Skt. 7, 21. (2) of things :-- Yfel gesihð malus oculus, Mk. Skt. 7, 22. Yfel wyrd bad fortune, Bt. 40, 2; Fox 236, 22. Him ðæs æfter becwom yfel endeleán, Cd. Th. 227, 15; Dan. 187. Ðorn byð þearle scearp, anfengys yfel (bad to take hold of), Runic pm. Kmbl. 340, 1; Rún. 3. Ic hit mid yfelre bysene inc forgylde, Blickl. Homl. 189, 25. Yfele habban sorge, Exon. Th. 376, 32; Seel. 163. Earmne gehýnan yflum yrmþum, 280, 24; Jul. 634. Ic wíte þolade, yfel earfeþu, 89, 6; Cri. 1453. [Goth. ubils: O. Sax. uƀil: O. Frs. evel: O. H. Ger. ubil.] v. wirsa.
yfel-ádl glosses cacexia, Wrt. Voc. i. 19, 43.
yfel-cund; adj. Of evil nature, malignant :-- Se yfelcunda malignus, Ps. Lamb. 14, 4. Yfelcundra malignantium, 21, 17.
yfel-cweþan (yfle-) glosses maledicere :-- Se ðe yflecuoeðas ɫ woerges (maledixerit) ðæm feder, Mt. Kmbl. 15, 4. Fícbeám ðæm ðú yfle-cuoede (maledixisti), Mk. Skt. 11, 21. Yfelcweþende hine maledicentes ei, Ps. Spl. 36, 23.
yfel-dǽd, e; f. I. an evil deed, misdeed, sin. v. yfel, I :-- Dón sóðe bóte úre yfeldǽda, Blickl. Homl. 99, 1: Exon. Th. 285, 12; Jul. 713. Ðú scealt andettan yfeldǽda má, 269, 27; Jul. 456. Ða gesceafta ðe sind þwyrlíce geðúhte, hí sind tó wrace gesceapene yfeldǽdum, Homl. Th. i. 102, 4. Cweðaþ stunte men ðæt hí be gewyrde lybban sceolon, swylce God hí neádige tó yfeldǽdum, 110, 31. II. an injurious deed, injury, mischief, v. yfel. III :-- Gesete sáwle míne fram yfeldǽdum heora restitue animam meam a malignitate eorum, Ps. Spl. 34, 20. [O. H. Ger. ubil-tát.] Cf. yfel-weorc.
yfel-dǽde; adj.: yfel-dǽda, an; m. Of evil deeds; a person of evil deeds :-- Gif hé nǽre yfeldǽde (malefactor), ne sealde wé hine ðé, Jn. Skt. 18, 30. Ðá féng his sunu tó his ríce swýðe yfeldǽda, Homl. Skt. i. 18, 228. ¶ with special reference to magical practices :-- Gif hwylc yfeldǽde man þurh ǽnigne æfþancan óþerne begaleþ, Lchdm. i. 190, 9. Unlybwyrhta veneficus, yfeldǽda maleficus, drý magus, Wrt. Voc. i. 74, 40. Swá swá yfeldǽda ut magus (maleficus), Hpt. Gl. 487, 61. Mǽden wyrst swelt, for ðí yfeldǽda (malefica) and wyrtgælstre, Lchdm. iii. 186, 11. Ðæra manna naman ðe wǽron entas and yfeldǽde, Homl. Th. i. 22, 31. v. unriht-dǽde, -dǽda. Cf. yfel-weorc.
yfel-dónd, -dóend, es; m. An evil-doer, malefactor :-- Yfeldóend malefactor, Jn. Skt. Lind. 18, 30. Cf. wel-dónd.
yfel-dónde; adj. (ptcpl.) Evil-doing :-- Drihtenes ondwlita bið ofer ða yfeldóndan men tó ðon ðæt hé hig forspille, L. E. I. 28; Th. ii. 424, 22.
yfel-dysig glosses stultomalus, Wrt. Voc. i. 47, 44.
yfele; adv. Evilly, badly, ill :-- Yfele male, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Zup. 235, 1. I. in a moral sense :-- Yfele gé dydon pessimam rem fecistis, Gen. 44, 5. Hit is gecweden, ðæt him betere wǽre ðæt hé nǽfre wǽre, ðonne hé yfele wǽre, Homl. Th. ii. 244, 21. II. badly, imperfectly, improperly :-- Seó-bóc wæs yfele of Grécisce on Léden gehwyrfed (boldly translated), Bd. 5, 24; S. 648, 23. Hé ða gehát swíðe yfele gelǽste, Bt. 1; Fox 2, 9. Gif ic yfele sprǽce si male locutus sum, Jn. Skt. 18, 23. Gif se esne his hláforde hýreþ yfle, Exon. Th. 430, 18; Rä. 44, 10. III. where there is hurt or suffering :-- Mín dohtor ys yfle (yfele, v. l.) mid deófle gedreht (grievously afflicted), Mt. Kmbl. 15, 22. Ðú eart, Babilone, bitere ætfæsted, ænge and yfele, hire earm dohter filia Babylonis misera, Ps. Th. 136, 8. Fremde þeóde ðín hús yfele gewemdan, Ps. Th. 78, 1. Wel tó dónne hweþer ðe yfele; sáwla gehǽlan hweþer ðe forspillan? Mk. Skt. 3, 4. Se abbot dyde heom yfele, Chr. 1087; Erl. 217, 7. Wæs Godes yrre þurh ða dǽde yfele geníwod, Wulfst. 10, 1. Ic him yfle ne mót, Exon. Th. 491, 5; Rä. 80, 9. III a. of bodily suffering :-- Gif men sié fǽrlíce yfele if it suddenly goes badly with a man, Lchdm. ii. 294, 15. Ðes lǽcedóm sceal tó ðam menn ðe byð yfele on ðam breóstum, iii. 120, 1. IV. marking ill-success :-- Yfele déð him sylfum (he does badly for himself) ðe mid swícdóme his tilaþ, and hé bið sceaðena geféra ðe man sceandlíce wítnaþ, Homl. Skt. i. 19, 172: Cd. Th. 49, 13; Gen. 791. Ðý læs wén sié ðæt wé yfele forweorþon lest perhaps we perish miserably, Blickl. Homl. 247, 2: Ps. Th. 79, 15: 106, 26. Hé ðá yfele and earmlíce geendode, Homl. Skt. ii. 25, 546. On ðære fare heom yfele gelamp, Chr. 1075; Erl. 212, 22. Sceolde unc Adame yfele gewurðan ymb ðæt heofonríce, Cd. Th. 25, 2; Gen. 387. V. of injurious speaking :-- Ic wyrige oððe yfele secge maledico, Ælfc. Gr. 37; Zup. 222, 4. Nis nán ðe on mínum naman mægen wyrce, and mæge raðe be mé yfele specan (male loqui de me), Mk. Skt. 9, 39. Oft mé feala cwǽdon feóndas yfele dixerunt inimici mei mala mihi, Ps. Th. 70, 9. [O. Sax. uƀilo: O. H. Ger. ubilo.]
yfel-full; adj. Wicked, evil :-- On dǽdum yfelfullum in factis malitiosis, Anglia xi. 116, 13.
yfelgeornness, e; f. Evil, wickedness :-- Yfelgiornisse nequitiae, Rtl. 98, 24. Ofer yfelgiornise super malitia, 5, 12: 12, 25.
yfel-hæbbende; adj. (ptcpl.) Sick, ill :-- Ealle yfelhæbbende missenlícum ádlum, Mt. Kmbl. 4, 24.
yfelian; p. ode. I. to do evil to, to maltreat, afflict, injure, wrong :-- Ða þingeras þingiaþ ðǽm ðe læssan þearfe áhton, þingiaþ ðǽm ðe man yflaþ, and ne þingiaþ ðám ðe ðæt yfel dóþ; ðæm wǽre máre þearf, ðe ða óþre unscyldige yfelaþ (yflaþ, v. l.), ðæt him mon þingode tó ðǽm rícum pro his, qui grave quid, acerbumque perpessi sunt, miserationem judicum excitare conantur oratores, cum magis admittentibus justior miseratio debeatur, Bt. 38, 7; Fox 208, 25-29. E hine yflaþ, Salm. Kmbl. 193; Sal. 96. Íne gelícre geswencednysse ða mǽgþe yfelade Ini simili provinciam illam adflictione mancipavit, Bd. 4, 15; S. 583, 31. Hé bebeád ðæt mon nǽnne mon ne slóge, and eác ðæt man nánuht ne wanode ne ne yfelade ðæs ðe on ðǽm ciricum wǽre dato praecepto, ut si qui in sancta loca confugissent, hos inviolatos securosque esse sinerent, Ors. 6, 38; Swt. 296, 32. Se ilca Dauid forbær ðæt hé ðone kyning ne yfelode, ðe hine of his earde ádrǽfde David ferire deprehensum persecutorem noluit, Past. 3; Swt. 37, 3. Ic wolde helpan ðæs ðe ðǽr unscyldig wǽre, and hénan ðone ðe hine yfelode (yflode, v. l.), Bt. 38, 6; Fox 208, 18. Hí yfeledon and slógan Cristene men affligi interficique Christianos praeceperant, Bd. 1, 6; S. 476, 21. Yfeladan, Ps. Th. 82, 3. Hit is riht ðæt mon yfelige ða yfelan, and hit is wóh, ðæt hí mon lǽte unwítnode, Bt. 38, 3; Fox 202, 5. Gif hwá cyrican geséce, and hine man ðǽr yflige, L. Edm. S. 2; Th. i. 248, 17. Hí ðara nánne yflian noldan ðe tó ðæm Godes húse óðflugon, Ors. 2, 8; Swt. 94, 8: Nar. 25, 27. Ða ðe willaþ Godes cyricean yfelian and strúdan, Blickl. Homl. 75, 24. II. to get bad, (1) of persons :-- Hié beóð swíðe ungesǽlige, ðonne hié yfeliaþ (yfliaþ, v. l.) for ðæm ðe óðre menn gódigaþ quantae infelicitatis sint, qui melioratione proximi deteriores fiunt, Past. 34; Swt. 231, 18. (2) of things or circumstances :-- Aa æfter ðam hit yfelode swíðe things got very bad, Chr. 975; Erl. 127, 33. Á syððan hit yflade swíðe, wurðe gód se ende, ðonne God wylle, 1066; Erl. 202, 41. Gif blóddolg yflige . . . oððe gif ðú ne mæge blóddolg áwríþan, Lchdm. ii. 16, 4: 148, 8. Nýde hit sceal on worulde for folces synnan yfelian swýðe, Wulfst. 81, 8: 156, 7. [Wæstmes ne synd swá góde swá heó iu wǽron, ac yfeleð swýðe eall eorðe wæstme, Shrn. 17, 21. Ne scal us na mon uuelien, O. E. Homl. i. 15, 13.] v. ge-yflian.
yfel-lǽrende inciting to evil :-- Yfelonbecweþende oþþe yfellǽrende malesuada, Germ. 390, 113.
yfel-líc; adj. Bad, foul, rotten. v. yfel, II :-- Ðysse worulde wela is gebrosnadlíc and yfellíc and forwordenlíc, Wulfst. 263, 13. Twégen león ádulfan his byrgenne on ðæs wéstenes sande; ðǽr resteþ Paules líchoma mid yfelíce duste bewrigen, ac on dómes dæge hé áríseþ on wuldor, Shrn. 50, 18. Seó byrgen is bewrigen mid dimmum stánum and yfellícum, 66, 25.
yfelness, e; f. Evil, wickedness, badness :-- Yfelnys malignitas, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 25; Zup. 50, 10. I. in a moral sense :-- Micel yfelnys (malitia) manna wæs ofer eorðan, Gen. 6, 5. Hé (Antichrist) neádaþ þurh yfelnysse ðæt men sceolon búgan fram heora Scyppendes geleáfan tó his leásungum, se ðe is ord ǽlcre leásunge and yfelnysse . . . on ðam tíman bið micel yfelnyss and þwyrnys betwux mancynne, Homl. Th. i. 4, 27 33. Sume burgon heora feore and ámeldodon heora cristenan mágas . . . Ðeós yfelnys bið eác on Antecristes tócyme, ii. 542, 24. Bydelas ðæs écan yfeles, ðe yfelum mannum becymð for heora ánwillan yfelnysse, 538, 24. Yfelnysse (malitiam) ná hé hatude, Ps. Spl. 35, 4: 51, 3. Ðurh yfelnysse (nequitiam) unrihtes willan, Bd. 1. 27; S. 495, 13. Hé áwearp yfelnysse and ða unrihtan biggengas ðæra leásra goda, Homl. Skt. i. 18, 461: Chr. 1086; Erl. 223, 2. God gesihð úre yfelnyssa and úre gyltas forðyldgaþ, Homl. Th. ii. 84, 2. II. malignity, cruelty, v. yfel, III :-- He slóh and tó sceame túcode ða Norðhymbran leóde, óþ ðæt Óswold his yfelnysse ádwæscte, Homl. Skt. ii. 26, 13, III. misfortune, ill fortune :-- Oxan grasiende gesihð sige ceápas getácnaþ; oxan slápende gesihð yfelnysse ceápes getácnaþ, Lchdm. iii. 200, 10. [He forbere monna hufelnesse þurh his liðnesse, O. E. Homl. i. 95, 14.]
yfel-onbecweþende. v. yfel-lǽrende.
yfel-sacian; p. ode To calumniate :-- Ðe læs hé mé yfelsacode wið God, Blickl. Homl. 189, 24.
yfel-sacung, e; f. Calumny, vituperation :-- On yfylsacunge heora in malitia eorum, Ps. Spl. C. 93, 23. Módignys ácenð andan and yfelsacunge, ceorunge and gelómlíce tála, Homl. Th. ii. 222, 7. Þurh yfelsacunge per blasphemiam, Confess. Peccat. Hé him rehte hwylce searwa and yfelsacunga se drý árefnde, Blickl. Homl. 173, 8.
yfelsian; p. ode To blaspheme :-- Yfelsaþ, tǽleþ blasuemiat (v. Mk. 2, 7), Wrt. Voc. ii. 73, 21. In the Northern Gospels the same Latin verb is translated by the following forms :-- Ebalsas (hefalsaþ, Rush.) blasphemat, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 9, 3. Ebolsas (heofolsaþ, Rush.), Mk. Skt. Lind. 2, 7. Ebolsas (eofolsas, Rush.), 3, 29. Ebolsaþ (eofolsigaþ, Rush.), Lk. Skt. Lind. 12, 10. Efolsade (efalsade, Rush.) blasphemavit, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 26, 65. Ebolsadon (eofulsadun, Rush.), Mk. Skt. Lind. 3, 28. Ebolsande (wéron) blasphemabant, 15, 29. Eofolsende, Jn. Skt. Rush. 10, 36. v. ge-ebolsian, and next word: cf. also, two preceding words, and eoful-sæc.
yfel-sprǽce; adj. Of evil speech, evil-speaking :-- Ða yfelsprǽcan tungan linguam maliloquam, Ps. Th. 11, 3.
yfel-sprecende; adj. (ptcpl.) Evil-speaking :-- Tungan yfelspreccende linguam maliloquam, Ps. Surt. 11, 4.
yfelsung, eofulsung, e; f. Blasphemy :-- Dionysius cwæð, ðæt ðæt yfelsang (-ung?) wǽre on God Dionysius dixit blasphemiam id esse in Deum, L. Ecg. C. 41; Th. ii. 166, 12. Ic ondette eofulsunge, Anglia xi. 98, 33. In the Northern Gospels and Durham Ritual blasphemia is glossed by the following forms :-- Ebolsung blasphemia, Rtl. 12, 37. Ebolsung ɫ efalsongas (efulsung, Rush.), Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 12, 31. Ebolsung (hefalsunge, Rush.) blasphemiae, 15, 19. Ebolsungas, Mk. Skt. Lind. 3, 28. Efolsong (eofulsongas, Rush.) blasphemia, 7, 22. From ðæm ebolsong (eotblsonge, Rush.), Jn. Skt. Lind. 10, 33. Efolsungas (efalsunge, Rush.) blasphemiam, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 26, 65. Ðæt ebolsung (ða eofulsunge, Rush.), Mk. Skt. Lind. 14, 64. Ebolsongas blasphem(i)as, Jn. Skt. Lind. 10, 36.
yfel-tyhtend, es; m.: -tyhtende; adj. (ptcpl.) One who incites to evil; inciting to evil :-- Deófol is yfeltihtend and leáswyrcend, Homl. Th. i. 102, 1. Ungeleáffulle and yfeltihtende sind mid ðé, 528. 3.
yfel-weorc; es; m. Work of magic :-- Yfeluoerc malificium, Rtl. 103, 1. Cf. yfel-dǽd, yfel-dǽde, ¶.
yfel-willende; adj. (ptcpl.) Ill-disposed, wicked :-- Hwæþer ðú ongite ðæt ǽlc yfelwillende mon and ǽlc yfelwyrcende sié wítes wyrþe? . . . Hú ne is se ðonne yfelwillende and yfelwyrcende ðe ðone unscyldigan wítnaþ? omnem improbum num supplicio dignum negas? . . . Infelices esse, qui sint improbi, liquet, Bt. 38, 6; Fox 208, 8-11. Mid ðé ne wunaþ se yfelwillenda non habitabit juxta te malignus, Ps. Th. 5, 4: 9, 18. Ðæt yfelwillende mód malitiosa mens, Past. 35; Swt. 243, 7. Se ðe nele wunian on yfelwyllende sáwle, ne eác on ðam líchaman ðe líð under synnum, Homl. Th. ii. 326, 1. Yfelwillende men nǽnne weorþscipe næfdon, Bt. 15; Fox 48, 17. Se Drihten tóstencð ða geþeaht yfelwillendra kynna Dominus dissipat consilia gentium, Ps. Th. 32, 9. Fram gegaderunge yfelwillendra (malignantium), Ps. Lamb. 63, 3. On yfelwillendum malignantibus, 91, 12: Ps. Spl. 36, 1. Hit náuht unriht wǽre ðæt mon ða yfelwillendan men (vitiosos) héte nétenu, Bt. 38, 2; Fox 198, 17.
yfelwillendness, e; f. Evil, wickedness :-- Hwæt wuldrast ðú on yfelwyllendnysse (malitia)? Ps. Spl. 51, 1.
yfel-wilnian; p. ode glosses malignari :-- Hú fela yfelwilnode (malignatus est) fýnd on hálgum, Ps. Lamb. 73, 3. Nelle gé wyrian ɫ yfelwilnian nolite malignari, 104, 15.
yfel-wyrcende; adj. (ptcpl.) I. of persons, evil-doing, wicked :-- Hwæþer ðú ongite ðæt ǽlc yfelwillende and ǽlc yfelwyrcende sié wítes wyrþe? . . . Hú ne is se ðonne yfelwillende and yfelwyrcende ðe ðone unscyldgan wítnaþ? Bt. 38, 6; Fox 208, 8-11. Gif ne wére ðes yfelwyrcende (malefactor), ne ðé wé gisaldun hine, Jn. Skt. Rush. 18, 30. Yfelwyrcende nequam, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 6, 23: 13, 38. Mið yfelwyrcendum and synfullum cum publicanis et peccatoribus, 9, 11. Hé hataþ ða yfelwyrcendan and ða unrihtwísan, Homl. Skt. i. 1, 48. II. of things, noxious, hurtful, mischievous :-- Ðerh wyrto yfelwyrcendo per herbas malificas, Rtl. 103, 1.
yfemest, yfmest; adv. Upmost, highest, in the highest position or degree :-- Hió cymþ swá up swá hire yfemest gecynde bið it (the sun) mounts up to the highest point at which it is natural for it to be, Bt. 25; Fox 88, 28. Ðǽr hire yfemest bið eard gecynde, Met. 13, 63. Ðæt fýr is yfemest ofer eallum ðissum woruldgesceaftum, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 128, 38: Met. 20, 84. Yfmest, 24, 20. Saturnus yfemest wandraþ ofer eallum óðrum steorrum, 24, 23. Uton habban úre mód up swá swá wé yfemest mægen wiþ ðæs heán hrófes ðæs héhstan andgites, Bt. 41, 5; Fox 254, 15. Ǽresð alra glengea and ymesð scolde scínan gold on his hrægle in sacerdotis habitu ante omnia aurum fulget, Past. 14; Swt. 85, 2. v. ufor.
yfera; cpve.: yfemest; spve, adj. Upper, higher; of time, later, after: upmost, highest :-- Yferan hýse triclinio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 72, 66. Sioððan yferran dógre, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. i. 310, 29. Cyng áh ðone uferan (yferan, v. l.), and bisceop ðone nyðeran, L. E. G. 4; Th. i. 168, 16. Þurh his upstige tó ðam yfemystan þrymsetle, Homl. Th. i. 308, 9. Of ðǽm yfemestum (ymestum, Hatt. MS.) tó ðǽm nieðemestan, Past. 18; Swt. 134, 24. v. ufera.
yfes-drype, es; m. Eaves-drip :-- Ðǽr ne gebyreþ an ðam lande an folcæs folcryht tó léfænnæ rúmæs bútan twígen fýt tó yfæsdrype, Chart. Erl. 141, 16, where see note.
yl-ful ( = ild-ful) morosus, Hpt. Gl. 529, 9.
ylp (elp), es; m. An elephant :-- Ylp elefans, Wrt. Voc. i. 78, ll: 22, 41. Ylp is ormǽte nýten, máre þonne sum hús, Homl. Skt. ii. 25, 566. Ylpes bile promuscida, Wrt. Voc. i. 22, 42. Ylpes bán ebur, Coll. Monast. Th. 27, 9: Lchdm. iii. 204, 2, 3. Hé sende þrittig ylpas tó wíge gewenode . . . and on ǽlcum ylpe wæs án wíghús getimbrod, Homl. Skt. ii. 25, 561. Hé (the unicorn) fiht wið ðone myclan ylp, and hine oft gewundaþ on ðære wambe óþ deáþ, Wrt. Voc. i. 78, 1. Gif hé ylp gesihð láðne oððe gramne, sume wróhte hit getácnaþ, Lchdm. iii. 204, 1. Ða ylpas beóð swá mycele swylce óðre muntas, Hexam. 9; Norm. 16, 9. Hé geworhte ða ormǽtan ylpas, Norm. 14, 34. [Elpes arn in Inde riche, Misc. 19, 604. White so alpes bon, L. N. F. 248, 282.] v. elpend.
ylpen-bán (elpend-), es; n. Ivory :-- Ðis ylpenbán hoc ebur, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 22; Zup. 49, 9. Mid ylpenbáne and mid báres tuxe, Lchdm. i. 244, 8. Genim ylpenbán, 368, 19. v. elpend-bán (where these passages should be put).
ylpen-bǽnen, -bánen (elpend-); adj. Ivory :-- Mid ylpenbánenon (-bǽn-, v. l.) stæfe, Lchdm. i. 244, 24. Ylpenbánene eburna, Germ. 403, 19. v. elpen(d)-bǽnen (where these passages should be put).
ylpend, Wrt. Voc. ii. 142, 81. v. elpend.
yltst = ildest, Mt. Kmbl. 23, 11: Ex. 17, 5.
yltwist (?) fowling :-- Yltwist aucupium, Wrt. Voc. ii. 7, 50.
ymb, ymbe, umbe, embe, emban; prep. About, by :-- Ymb erga, Wrt. Voc. ii. 32, 62. I. with acc., (1) local, about, round :-- Ymbe ða dúne circum montem, Ælfc. Gr. 47; Zup. 269, 8. (a) marking an object which forms a centre for others :-- Ymb ðone écan æðele stondaþ hæleð ymb héhseld, Cd. Th. 267, 32; Sat. 47: Beo. Th. 804; B. 399: Elen. Kmbl. 519; El. 260: Judth. Thw. 25, 19; Jud. 268. Ymb ðæt circumquaque (turmas circumquaque cum simulacro debacchantes, Ald. 52), Wrt. Voc. ii. 83. 33: 18, 47. Ymb hine wǽgon wígend unforhte, Cd. Th. 189, 5; Exod. 180. Hí ymb þeódenstól þringaþ, Exon. Th. 25, 7; Cri. 397. Hié ymb ða gatu feohtende wǽron, Chr. 755; Erl. 50, 26. Hý fuhton stíðlíce ymbe ða hálgan sáwle, Wulfst. 236, 23. ¶ in combination with útan :-- Fuglas þringaþ útan ymbe æþelne, Exon. Th. 209, 1; Ph. 164: Andr. Kmbl. 1741; An. 873. Ymb ðæt líc útan stondan, Blickl. Homl. 217, 21. (b) marking an object near to which are others :-- Geségon hý englas twégen ymb ðæt frumbearn blícan, Exon. Th. 32, 3; Cri. 507. Hine twégen ymb weardas wacedon, 109. 5; Gú. 85. Ealle ða ðe ymbe mé standaþ, Blickl. Homl. 141, 1. Hine ymb monig sǽrinc selereste gebeáh, Beo. Th. 1383; B. 689. Mycel menegeo ymbe Tirum (circa Tyrum), Mk. Skt. 3, 8. Cynewulf and Offa gefuhton ymb Benesingtún and Offa nam ðone tuun, Chr. 777; Erl. 54, 1. Ymbe Brúnanburh, 937; Erl. 112, 5: Hy. 10, 23. (b 1) about a person, in attendance upon :-- Hé sundernytte beheóld ymb aldor Dena, Bec. Th. 1340; B. 668. (c) marking an object which is surrounded or enclosed :-- Hié worhton fæsten ymb hié selfe, Chr. 885; Erl. 82, 21. Wall ymb ǽfæste, Cd. Th. 231, 16; Dan. 248. Ymbe ða herehúþe hlemmeþ tógædre grimme góman, Exon. Th. 363, 29; Wal. 61. Hí ymb his heáfod gebígdon beág þyrnenne, 69, 25; Cri. 1126: 400, 20; Rä. 21, 4. Wæs fleóhnet ymbe ðæs folctogan bed áhongen, Judth. Thw. 22, 4; Jud. 47. ¶ in combination with útan :-- Is ðǽr cyrice ymb ða stówe útan getimbred, Blickl. Homl. 125, 20: 127, 32. Ymb ðínne beód útan in circuitu mensae tuae, Ps. Th. 127, 4. (d) marking an object along whose border others are placed :-- Unc módige ymb mearce sittaþ, Cd. Th. 114, 21; Gen. 1907. Hié wícedon ymb ðæs wæteres wylm, Elen. Kmbl. 77; El. 39: 271; El. 136: Exon. Th. 188, 2; Az. 39. Ymb ða gifhealle round the walls of the hall, Beo. Th. 1680; B. 838. Ðæt ríce súð licgeþ ymbe Gealboe and ymb Geador, Salm. Kmbl. 383-4; Sal. 191. Is hyge ymb heortan gerúme, Cd. Th. 47, 11; Gen. 759: 23, 5; Gen. 354: Exon. Th. 306, 21; Seef. 11. (e) marking an object throughout or along which there is position or movement :-- Ic lǽrde sibbe ymb ða burh Hierusalem and manige þeóda, Blickl. Homl. 185, ll. Hé ymb ðæs wæteres stæð werod samnode, Elen. Kmbl. 119; El. 60: 453; El. 227. Æfter dúnscræfum, ymb stánhleoðo, Andr. Kmbl. 2467; An. 1235: 3152; An. 1578. Ymb ða weallas scínaþ engla gástas, Cd. Th. 305, 25; Sat. 652. Ymbe hárne stán tigelfágan trafu stódan, Andr. Kmbl. 1682; An. 843. Ymbe Sanere feld, Salm. Kmbl. 417; Sal. 209. Ymb healfa gehwone, Exon. Th. 4, 31; Cri. 61. Sár eft gewód ymb ðæs beornes breóst, Andr. Kmbl. 2495; An. 1249. (f) marking an object round which anything moves :-- Faraþ ymbe ða burh circuite urbem, Jos. 6, 3, 12: Beo. Th. 6319; B. 3170. Hý him ymb hond flugon, Exon. Th. 146, 14; Gú. 709. Hí ymb ða eaxe hwearfaþ, Bt. 39, 3; Fox 214, 23: Met. 28, 22. II in combination with útan :-- Hé ymb ðás útan hweorfeþ, Exon. Th. 422, 13; Rä. 41, 5. (2) temporal, (a) at :-- Ymbe (embe, v. l.) underntíde . . . ymbe ða sixtan and nigoðan tíde circa horam tertium . . . circa sextant et nonam horam, Mt. Kmbl 20, 3, 5. Ymbe underntíd, ðá ðá se bróðor wæs gewunod tó mæssigenne, Homl. Th. ii. 358, 20. Ofer Eástron ymbe gangdagas oððe ǽr, Chr. 891; Erl. 88, 16. On ðýs geáre ymb Martines mæssah, 913; Erl. 100, 33. Ymb ðone tiéman wǽren micel snáwgebland, Ors. 4, 8; Swt. 186, 33. Þeáh hine mon gefó ymb niht, L. In. 72; Th. i. 148, 8. (b) after :-- Ic sende rén nú ymb seofon niht ofer eorðan adhuc et post dies septem ego pluam super terram, Gen. 7, 4. On ðisse tíde nú ymbe twelf mónð tempore isto in anno altero, 17, 21. Næs hit lengra fyrst ac ymb áne niht, Beo. Th. 270; B. 135. Ymb twá niht, Cd. Th. 181, 18; Exod. 63. Ymb fyrst wucan bútan ánre niht, Menol. Fox 172; Men. 87. Ymb fíftig nihta æfter ðære gecýþdan ǽriste, Blickl. Homl. 133, 13. Hé forþférde ymb .xx. wintra his ríces, bútan án ne wæs ðágyt gefylled defunctus est anno regni sui vicesimo necdum impleto, Bd. 5, 18; S. 635, 19. Ymb hwíle, Blickl. Homl. 217, 30. Ymb long, L. In. 21; Th. i. 116, 7: Bt. 39, 2; Fox 214, 8. Ymb tela micel fæc, Chr. 942; Erl. 116, 21. Ymbe án lytel, Jn. Skt. 16, 16. Ymb lytel fæc, Elen. Kmbl. 543; El. 272. Ymbe geára rina, Chr. Pref.; Erl. 3, 17. Ymb wintra hwearft, Exon. Th. 188, 5; Az. 41. (b 1) where the point from which the time is measured is given by ðæs, (a) preceding :-- Ðæs ymb án geár, Ors. 3, 10; Swt. 138, 28: 3, 11; Swt. 152, 19: Chr. 871; Erl. 74, 6, 8, 14, 25: Exon. Th. 29, 21; Cri. 466. Ðæs ymb óðer swylc bútan ánre wanan, Menol. Fox 279; Men. 141: 359; Men. 181. Ðæs ymbe lytel, Chr. 1038; Erl. 167, 6. Ðæs ymb litel fæc, Guthl. 18; Gdwin. 76, 6. (β) following :-- Ymb feówer hunde wintra and ymb feówertig ðæs ðe Tróia áwésted wæs anno post eversionem Trojae ccccxiv, Ors. 2, 2; Swt. 64, 20. Ymb .xxxi. wintra ðæs ðe hé ríce hæfde. Chr. 755; Erl. 48, 25. Ymbe .xli. wintra bútan ánre niht ðæs ðe Ælfréd cyning forþférde, 941; Erl. 116, 2: 606; Erl. 20, 25: 855; Erl. 68, 32: Cd. Th. 167, 21; Gen. 2769. Ymb swýðe lang ðæs ðe hine God álýsde, Ps. Th. 17, arg. (b 2) of recurring periods :-- Saturnus ne cymþ ðǽr ǽr ymb þrittig wintra ðǽr hé ǽr wæs, Bt. 39, 3; Fox 214, 25. Ǽlce geáre ymbe twelf mónaþ, Ors. 1, 10; Swt. 46, 9. Ǽfre ymbe ðæt feórðe geár, Lchdm. iii. 246, 13. Simble ymb þrítig nihtgerímes, Andr. Kmbl. 313; An. 157. Symble ymbe seofon niht, Soul Kmbl. 19; Seel. 10. Emb stemn uicissim, Germ. 388, 77: Scint. 140, 17. (c) of past time :-- Ymb þreó niht com þegen Hǽlendes the Saviour's servant came three days ago, Cd. Th. 291, 5; Sat. 426. Ðæs ymb áne niht, 300, 26; Sat. 571. (3) in figurative senses, about, (a) marking approximation :-- Ymb ðæt plus minus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 117, 50: 68, 24. (b) marking the object of speaking, enquiry, telling, etc. :-- Hé ymb Godes word and Cristes geleáfan (Godes word ymbe Cristes geleáfan, M. 422, 9) bodude and lǽrde, Bd. 5, 11; S. 626, 29. Ymb ðín líf sprecan, Cd. Th. 32, 25; Gen. 508: 110, 34; Gen. 1848: Beo. Th. 3194; B. 1595. Hé sægde ymb Godes ríce, Blickl. Homl. 117, 13. Wítgan sægdon ymb ðæt æþele bearn, ðæt . . ., Exon. Th. 73, 26; Cri. 1195. Hælde se cyng swíðe deópe spǽce wið his witan ymbe ðis land, hú hit wǽre gesett, Chr. 1085; Erl. 218, 23. Wé cweþaþ lof ymb hié. Blickl. Homl. 149, 32. Wé beót áhófon ymbe heard gewinn, Byrht. Th. 138, 3; By. 214. Ðislíc cýðan ymb dígle wyrd, Elen. Kmbl. 1077; El. 541. Ǽrendgewrit ymb Cristes þrowunga, Blickl. Homl. 177, 3. Fitte ymb fisca cynn, Exon. Th. 360, 6; Wal. 1. Hé gieddade ymb his ǽriste, 236, 10; Ph. 572. Ðá ðá hí umbe óþer þing gesprecon hæfdon umbe ðæt hí sprecan woldon, Chr. 1070; Erl. 208, 12. Se esne ðe ic hér ymb sprice, Exon. Th. 430, 32; Rä. 44, 17: Met. 10, 45. Ðe ic ðé recce ymb, 17, 20. Ymb ðæt áscian, Bt. 39, 4; Fox 216, 29. Gif ðú gehýre ymb ðæt hálige treó fróde frignan, Elen. Kmbl. 881; El. 442: 1065; El. 534: Beo. Th. 712; B. 353. (c) marking the object of thought, feeling, etc. :-- Giorne ymb láre, Past. pref.; Swt. 3, 10. Giémen ymb ða gehiérsuman, 12; Swt. 74, 14: Exon. Th. 267, 13; Jul. 414. Hé ná ymb his líf cearaþ, Beo. Th. 3077; B. 1536. Ymb sáwle forht, Exon. Th. 456, 10; Hy. 4, 64. Ymb ðæs geongan feorh onbryrded, Andr. Kmbl. 2236; An. 1119. Ymb da mé fyrwet bræc, Salm. Kmbl. 493; Sal. 247. Heó wundrade ymb ðæs weres snyttro, Elen. Kmbl. 1914; El. 959. Ðæt seó forlǽtene cyrice ne hycgge ymb ða ðe on hire neáwiste lifgeaþ, Blickl. Homl. 43, 1: Exon. Th. 473, 3; Bo. 9: Menol. Fox 571; Gn. C. 55. Ic þence ymbe míne synna cogitabo pro peccato meo, Ps. Th. 37, 18: Cd. Th. 26, 18; Gen. 408. Ymb wundorwyrd willan gefylde, Elen. Kmbl. 2139; El. 1071. Ic nát ymbe hwæt ðú tweóst, Bt. 5, 3; Fox 12, 12. (d) marking the object with which an action is concerned :-- Is máre nédþearf ðæt wé winnon ymbe úre sáule þearfe, Blickl. Homl. 99, 10. Ymb land sacan, Menol. Fox 568; Gn. C. 53: Beo. Th. 5012; B. 2509: 1019; B. 507. Ðæt hé hié ymb ðæt ríce gesémde, Ors. 3, 7; Swt. 114, 17: Salm. Kmbl. 505; Sal. 253. Hí sendon ǽrendracan ymbe frið, Ors. 3, 11; Swt. 142, 2. Hig dydon ymbe hyne (in ei) swá hwæt swá nig woldon. Mt. Kmbl. 17, 12. Ðú ymb ðínne esne dydest wel weorðlíce bonitatem fecisti cum servo tuo, Ps. Th. 118, 65. Hwæt ymb hine gedón wǽre quid erga se actum esset, Bd. 4, 31; S. 610, 39. Hú hine mon ymbe gedón wolde quid ergo eum agere rex promisisset, 2, 12; S. 513, 20. Ðæt hé móste dón embe ða æþelingas swá hé wolde, Lchdm. iii. 424, 27. Ymb his womdǽda Waldendes dóm, Ps. C. 19. Hé wæs ymbe Godes þeówdóm ábisgod, Blickl. Homl. 211, 31. Beón, wesan ymb to be about a business, be occupied with a matter or a person :-- Gif gé ymb woruldcunde dómas beón scylen secularia judicia si habueritis, Past. 18; Swt. 131, 6. Hwonne hé móste beón ymbe ðæs líchaman oferfylle, Wulfst. 236, 11. Wit sculon git deóplícor ymbe ðæt beón, Bt. 5, 3; Fox 12, 12. Gif hwylc ðis dón nylle and læs ymbe beó ðonne wé gecweden habbaþ, L. Ath. i. 26; Th. i. 212, 28: iv. I; Th. i. 222, 2. Hé byð á ymbe ðæt án, hú hé on manna sáulum mǽst gesceaðian mæge, L. C. E. 26; Th. i. 374, 25. Hé sǽde ðæt Aldberht and Alhhún wǽron ǽr ymb ðæt ylce, Chart. Th. 140, 14. Ðás feówero ymb woeson ( = woeron?) ðás bóc these four were engaged on this book, Mk. Skt. p. i. 3. Hé cwæð ðæt hé ne mihte embe munuclíf smeágan, ac wolde beón embe his þincg, Homl. Skt. i. 6, 120. Emban ða steóran beon, L. Ath. v. 11; Th. i. 240, 17. Settaþ ða tó démerum ðæt hié striénen and stihtien ymb ða eorðiícan ðing ut ipsi dispensationibus terrenis inserviant, Past. 18; Swt. 131, 8. Ðá gesomnodon wé Ús ymb ðæt, L. Alf. 49; Th. i. 56, 19. Gif hwá wiccige ymbe ǽniges mannes lufe (alicujus amoris gratia), L. Ecg. P. iv. 18; Th. ii. 208, 31. Hiá sieredon ymbe ðone cyning, Bt. 16, 2; Fox 52, 21: Cd. Th. 38, 15; Gen. 607. Mé seredon ymb secgas monige, 296, 6; Sat. 498: Ps. Th. 54, 18. (e) marking the object in relation to which circumstances are stated :-- Ic ðé cýðe hú hit wæs ymb ðæt lond æt Funtial, Chart. Th. 169, 16. Sceolde unc yfele gewurðan ymb ðæt heofonríce, Cd. Th. 25, 3; Gen. 388. Hú ymb ðæt sceolde, Exon. Th. 378, 7; Deór. 12. Sý ymb ríce swá hit mæge, 301, 29; Fä. 26. Hú ða wísan sind wundorlíce ymb ðæs fugles gebyrd, 223, 16; Ph. 360. Ðæt wundor ymb ðone beorhtan beám, Elen. Kmbl. 2507; El. 1255: 1324; El. 664. II. with dative, (1) local :-- Ða weorod ðe him ymb férdon and stódon, Blickl. Homl. 99, 25: Beo. Th. 5188; B. 2597. Ða hire midore ymbe þrǽgaþ, Met. 28, 23. Geseó ic him his englas ymbe hweorfan, Cd. Th. 42, 5; Gen. 669. Him ymb flugon engla þreátas, 300, 21; Sat. 568, (2) temporal :-- Embe geára ymbrynum, Homl. Th. i. 104, 21. Ǽfre ymbe geáres ymbrynum, Lchdm. iii. 238, 25. (3) figurative :-- Hé férde embe sumere neóde, Homl. Th. ii. 508, 15. III. without a case :-- Æghwider ymb swá swá Édwines ríce wǽre quaquaversum imperium Aeduini pervenerat, Bd. 2, 16; S. 519, 38. Ðonon eode gehwyder ymb (circnmquaque), 3, 17; S. 543, 26. Hié wǽron ymb eal útan mid eágum besett, Past. 38; Swt. 195, 19. Hring útan ymb bearh, ðæt heó ðone fyrdhom þurhfón ne mihte, Beo. Th. 3011; B. 1503. Hygeþ ymbe se ðe wile, Met. 19, 1. Þencð ymb se ðe wile, 20, 27. Déð ymbe moncynnes fruma, swá him gemet þinceþ, 29, 41. Ðá cýdde man, ðet hí man eáðe befaran mihte, gif man ymbe beón wolde, Chr. 1009; Erl. 141, 34. Hé cýðde hú hé ymbe wolde, gif hé hine gemétte he shewed what he would have been about, if he had found him, Homl. Th. i. 82, 18. [A. R. Kath. Marh. umbe: O. E. Homl. Laym. umbe, embe: Orm. ummbe; Piers P. um: O. Sax. umbi: O. Frs. umbe: O. H. Ger. umpi: Icel. umb, um.]
ymb-ærnan; p. de To go round :-- Ða gelamp ðætte Peahte ðeód com of Scyþþia lande and ymbærndon éall Breotone gemǽro, ðæt hí cómon on Scotland upp contigit gentem Pictorum de Scythia, circumagente flatu ventorum, extra fines omnes Brittaniae Hiberniam pervenisse, Bd. 1, 1; S. 474, 10. v. ymb-irnan.
ymb-bǽtan; p. te To put restraint upon, curb :-- Se mid his brídle ymbebǽted hæfð ymbhwyrft ealne eorþan and heofenes Dominus orbis habenas temperat, Met. 24, 37.
ymb-beran; p. -bær, pl. -bǽron; pp. -boren To surround :-- Se wæs ǽghwonan ymbboren brondum, Exon. Th. 277, 15; Jul. 581. Ymbbeara glosses circumferre, Mk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 6, 55.
ymb-bígness, e; f. A bending round, a bend of a river :-- Ðæt mynster is of ðam mǽstan dǽle mid ymbbígnesse (ymbbegange [ymbegang?], v. l.: ymbebégnesse, M. 424, 10) Tweode streámes betýned monasterium Tuidi fluminis circumflexu maxima ex parte claudilur, Bd. 5, 12; S. 627, 25.
ymb-bindan; p. -band, pl. -bundon; pp. -bunden To bind about :-- Sié ymbunden ɫ ymbsald coern tó suiro his circumdaretur mola collo ejus, Mk. Skt. Lind. 9, 42.
ymb-cæfed; adj. (ptcpl.) Having embroidered garments :-- Ymbcæfed mid missenlícnesse circumamicta varietatibus, Ps. Spl. T. 44, 15.
ymb-ceorfan; p. -cearf, pl. -curfon; pp. -corfen To circumcise :-- Gé ymbceorfas (-cearfas, Lind.) ðone monno circumciditis hominem, Jn. Skt. Rush. 7, 22. Tó ymbceorfanne (-cearfanne, Lind.) ðone cnæht circumcidere puerum, Lk. Skt. Rush. 1, 59. Ðætte ymbcorfen wére ðe cnæht, 2, 21.
ymb-ceorfness, e; f. Circumcision :-- Ymbcer[f]nisse circumcisionem, Jn. Skt. Rush. 7, 23.
ymb-cirr, es; m. A turning about, (1) going from one place to another, removal :-- In ymbcerr Babilonis in transmigratione Babylonis, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 1. 11, 12, 17. (2) turning over, moving, stirring. v. ymb-cirran (4) :-- Wætres ymbcerr (-cer, Rush.) ɫ styrenise aquae motum, Jn. Skt. Lind. 5, 3. (3) the word also glosses versutia, Rtl. 120, 32.
ymb-cirran; p. de To turn about, (1) to revolve round :-- Hí ðære eaxe útan ymbhwerfaþ (-eþ, MS.) ðone norðende, neáh ymbcerraþ (-eþ, MS.), Met. 28, 14. Saturnus hæfð ymb þrítig wintergerímes weoruld ymbcyrred, 28, 26. (2) to turn one's self round :-- Ymbcerred wæs on bægcgling conuersa est retrorsum, Jn. Skt. Lind. Rush. 20, 14. (3) to turn away, avert :-- Onsión mín ne ymbcerdig (averti) from gispittendum on mec, Rtl. 19, 15. (4) to turn over, move, stir, overturn :-- Hé ða discas ymbcerde mensas subvertit, Jn. Skt. Lind. Rush. 2, 15. Engel ymbcerde (mouebat) ðæt wæter, 5, 4. Mið fynger hiora nallas ða ymbcerræ (styrgan, Rush.) digito suo nolunt ea movere, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 23, 4. (5) to change :-- Ymbcerred mutata, Mt. Kmbl. p. 1, 2.
ymb-clyppan; p. te To embrace, clasp, (1) of persons :-- Ic ymbclyppe ðé complector te, Ælfc. Gr. 19; Zup. 122, 4: amplector, 36; Zup. 214, 5. Ic ymbclyp[p]e obunco, Wrt. Voc. i. 22, 31. Ymbclypte obuncabat (Timotheum ulnarum gremiis procax obuncabat, Ald. 40), ii. 81, 12: 64, 28. (2) of things :-- Ǽghwilc óþer útan ymbclyppeþ. Met. 11. 35. Swá swá lyft and lagu land ymbclyppaþ, 9, 40. Swá ymbclyppaþ cealda brymmas, Chr. 1065; Erl. 197, 31. Fingras þrý útan eáþe ealle mægon mec ymbclyppan, Exon. Th. 425, 9; Rä. 41, 53. Rápas synfulra ymbclyppende syndon (circumplexi sunt) mé, Ps. Lamb. Surt. 118, 61. [Stringes of sinful umclipped me, Ps. 118, 61. Þe cercle þat umbeclypped his croun, Gaw. 616.]
ymb-clypping, e; f. An embrace :-- Emclippingca amplexus, Hpt. Gl. 511, 36.
ymb-cyme, es; m. A convention, an assembly :-- Ðǽr wæs gesamnad eádigra geþeahtendlíc ymcyme, L. Wih. pref.; Th. i. 36, 7. Cf. ymbþreodian.
ymb-cyrf, es; m. I. circumcision :-- Mið ymbcyrf circumcisione, Mt. Kmbl. p. 12, 11: 16, 13. II. a cutting off :-- Of ymbcyrf liomana de abscisiane membrorum, Mk. Skt. p. 4, 9.
ymb-dón; p. -dyde To put round, encompass :-- Ic embedó circumdo, Ælfc. Gr. 24; Zup. 139, 13.
ymbe (imbe), es; m. (?) A swarm of bees :-- Wið ymbe . . . forweorp ofer greót þonne hí swirman, and cweð: 'Sitte gé sigewíf . . .,' Lchdm. i. 384, 18. ¶ Imbæs dæl occurs Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 176, 20. [O. H. Ger. impi bíanó examen apium: M. H. Ger. imbe; m.: Ger. imme; f.] V. ymb-haga.
ymbe about, ymbe-. v. ymb, ymb-.
ymbeaht, es; m. The word glosses collatio :-- Ymbeahtas collationes (the passage is: Haec x collationes patrum a Cassiano digestae propalabant, Ald. 13. In Hpt. Gl. 428, 7 collationes is glossed by race and explained by narrationes), Wrt. Voc. ii. 76, 80: 18, 3. Elsewhere the form is identical with ambiht :-- Ambechtae, oembecht collatio, Txts. 46, 187. Ambect, ambaect rationatio, 92, 866. Ambiht office is neuter, ymbeaht is masculine: it seems (?) as if the form had been connected with eahtian to consider, and the word were regarded as a compound, ymb-eaht. See Engl. Stud. xi. 492.
ymb-eardiendra glosses circumhabitantium, Ps. Surt. 30, 14.
ymb-fær, es; n. A going about, circuit :-- Túna embefær uillarum circuitus, Anglia xiii. 375, 131. Mid emfare circilo ( = circulo?), Hpt. Gl. 422, 14.
ymb-færeld, es; n. m. A going round, circuit :-- Fram þénuncge embefæreldes his ab officio circuitus sui, Anglia xiii. 434, 980. Hig férdon seofon síðon embe ða buruh. And on ðam seofoðan ymbfærelde (circuitu) . . . burston ða weallas, Jos. 6, 16.
ymb-fæstness glosses circumstantia, Rtl. 174, 17.
ymb-fæstnung, e; f. A monument, tomb :-- Ymbfæstnung ɫ byrgenn monumentum, Jn. Skt. Lind. 19, 41.
ymb-fæþmian; p. ode To embrace, clasp :-- Ne magon hý ða lífes línan on middan ymbfæðmian, Salm. Kmbl. p. 152, 32.
ymb-faran; p. -fór To surround :-- Hé hét ðæt fæste lond útan ymbfaran, ðæt him mon sceolde an má healfa on feohtan þonne on án, Ors. 2. 5; Swt. 80, 26.
ymb-feng, es; m. A cover, an envelope :-- Emfencge (librorum) tegmine, operimento, Hpt. Gl. 417, 47.
ymb-fón; p. -féng. I. to grasp, clasp :-- Hé fótum ymbféhð fýres láfe, Exon. Th. 217, 6; Ph. 276. Heó ymbféng Drihtnes fét, Blickl. Homl. 157, 17. Ymbféng obuncat (moecham, quam manus tollentis obuncat, Ald. 164), Wrt. Voc. ii. 92, 39. Ymbeféng, Beo. Th. 5376; B. 2691. II. to encompass, surround, comprehend :-- Ealle stówa hé gefylleþ and ymbféhþ. Blickl. Homl. 23, 20. Seó séleste gesǽlþ ða óþra gesǽlþa ealle on innan him gegaderaþ, hí útan ymbféhð, Bt. 24, 1; Fox 80, 21. Ðú meaht ymbfón eal folca gesetu, Exon. Th. 466, 2; Hö, 115. Ymbfónde gyrens, Wrt. Voc. ii. 41, 66. Hit is on ǽlce healfe ymbfangen mid gársecge, Ors. 1. 1; Swt. 24, 17. Ðínre gedréfednesse ðe ðú mid ymbfangen eart, Bt. 5, 3; Fox 12, 18. Sunu Meotodes habbaþ ealle ymbfangen mid sange, Cd. Th. 273, 30; Sat. 144. Ðeáh hé wǽre mid írne ymbfangen, Cd. Th. 297, 16; Sat. 518. II a. to comprehend, conceive :-- Embféhþ concipit, i. intelligit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 136, 21. III. to put something round an object, surround, envelope :-- Genim foxes gecynd, ymbfóh (ym-, v. l.) ðæt heáfod útan, Lchdm. i. 340, 19. Healfnacode on hiora líchaman búton ðæt hig wǽron mid riftum ymbfangene (but see ymb-hón), Shrn. 38, 7.
ymb-frætwian; p. ode To surround with ornament :-- Ðeáh ðe men him háton gewyrcan heora byrgene of marmanstáne, and útan emfrætewian mid reádum golde, Wulfst. 148, 21. Ymbfrætewode circumornatae, Ps. Lamb. 143, 12.
ymb-gán; p. -eode; pp. -gan. I. to go round (1) a circular course :-- Ǽr sunne twelf mónða hringc útan ymbgán hæbbe. Guthl. 21; Gdwin. 96, 6. (2) an object :-- Hí útan ymbgáð ceaster circuibunt civitatem, Ps. Spl. C. 58, 16. II. to go about, in the neighbourhood of. v. ymb, I. 1 b :-- Ic ymbgaa weófod ðínre circumdabo altare tuum, Ps. Spl. C. 25, 6. Ic ymbgá and ic offrige onsægednessa circumivi et immolavi hostiam, Ps. Spl. 26, 11. III. to go about, through. v. ymb, I. 1 e :-- Swá hundas ymbgáð hwommas ceastre, Ps. Th. 58, 6, 14. Ymbeode ides Helminga duguðe and geógoþe, dǽl ǽghwylcne, Beo. Th. 1244; B. 620. Ymbeade Hǽlend alle Galiléa circumibat Jesus totam Galilaeam, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 4, 23. Ðá ongan heó ymbgán ða hús ðæs mynstres coepit circuire in monasterio casulas, Bd. 3, 8; S. 531, 32. [I umyhode, Ps. 26, 6. Umga, 58, 7. Þe laddes unbiyeden him, Havel. 1842. O. H. Ger. umbi-gán.]
ymb-gang, es; m. I. a going round :-- Seó burh (Jericho) næs mid nánum wíge gewunnen, ac mid ðam ymgange, Homl. Th. ii. 216, 2. Is ðære sunnan ymgang (ymbe-, ymb-, v. ll.) hremming, ðæt se dæg ne byð on ǽlcum earde gelíce lang, Lchdm. iii. 258, 11. Ǽlc mann, swá swá hé stód on ðam ymbgange, Jos. 6, 20. Emgange abitum ( = ambitu, Ald. 73), Hpt. Gl. 522, 78. II. a going about :-- Embgong deambulacrum, circuitus. Wrt. Voc. ii. 139, 82. III. of extent traversed or measured, circuit, circumference :-- His ymbgong (ambitus) is hundseofontig míla and seofeða dǽl ánre mile, . . . and bufan ðæm máran wealle ofer ealne ðone ymbgong hé is mid stǽnenum wíghúsum beworht, Ors. 2, 4; Swt. 74, 15-21. Six hund fóta and feówertig seó cyrce wæs ymbeganges, Homl. Th. ii. 496, 35. Ofer ymbgang supra pinnam (cf. pinnaculum, circuitus templi, 71, 69), Wrt. Voc. ii. 74, 41. Læssan ymbgang hæfð se mann ðe gǽð ábútan án hús, ðonne se ðe ealle ða burh begǽð, Lchdm. iii. 248, ii. IV. of position, on ymbgange about, around :-- Ealle ðe on ymbegonge hys synd omnes qui in circuitu ejus sunt, Ps. Spl. T. 88, 8. On ymbgeonge, Rtl. 178, 31. V. a winding course, bend :-- Ymbgongum anfractibus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 9, 53. V a. figurative :-- Ymbgeong decursum, Mt. Kmbl. p. 12, 14. VI. a going about a business, v. ymb, I. 3 d :-- Hiora in spréc ðone ymbgeong cýðaþ eorum in foro ambitum notat, Mk. Skt. p. 5, 5. [In umgang in circuitu, Ps. 11, 9: circum, 30, 14. Þat was of umgang (abowte, v. l.) thre iorne, C. M. 9192. O. H. Ger. umbi-gang circuitus, ambitus, deambulacrum, circulus, conversio: Icel. um-gangr circuit; management,] v. embe-gang.
ymb-gangan; p. -géng. I. to go round :-- Hí ymbgangaþ ceaster circuibunt civitatem, Ps. Spl. T. 58, 16. II. to go about, in the neighbourhood of :-- Ic ymbgonge weófod circumdabo altare, Ps. Spl. T. 25, 6: Ælfc. Gr. 24; Zup. 139, 13. Hine ymbegangaþ gástas twégen, Salm. Kmbl. 973; Sal. 487. III. to go about, over, through :-- Gé ymbgangaþ sǽ and eorðu circuitis mare et aridam, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 23, 14. [Other have hem umbiʒonge (circumdederunt), Pall. 119, 437. O. H. Ger. umbi-gangan.] v. ymb-gán.
ymb-gearwian; p. ode To clothe, dress :-- Ymbgearuad coopertum, Mk. Skt. Lind. 16, 5.
ymb-gedelf, es; n. A digging round or about :-- Ðæs treówes ymbgedelf is seó eádmódnys ðæs behreówsiendan mannes, Homl. Th. ii. 408, 31.
ymb-gefrætwude glosses circumornatae. Ps. Spl. C. 143, 15.
ymb-geóting, e; f. A pouring round or about, purification :-- Þweál, ymgeóting (printed yn-) lustramentum, Hpt. Gl. 483, 20.
ymb-gerénode glosses circumornatae, Ps. Spl. 143, 15: Blickl. Gl.
ymb-gesett; adj. (ptcpl.) Placed round about, neighbouring :--Hé ðæt ymbgesette folc (vulgus circumpositum) feor and wíde ... gýmde tó gehwyrfanne ... on his fótum gongende com tó ðám ymbgesettum túnum (ad circumpositas villas), Bd. 4, 27; S. 604, 2-13.
ymb-gyrdan; p. de. I. of clothing, to gird about, (1) to put a girdle round :--Ic embgyrde cingo and accingo and succingo, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 5; Zup. 173, 17. Hé ymbgyrde hine praecinxit se, Jn. Skt. Lind. Rush. 13, 4. Ymbgyrdaþ eówre lendena, Anglia viii. 322, 19. Ymbgyrde wé úre lendena, 323, 27. Ymbgyrded amictus. Mk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 14, 51. Ymbgyrd circumamicta, Ps. Spl. T. 44, 15. His lendena wǽron ymbgirde, L. Ælfc. P. 17; Th. ii. 370, 12. 'Beón eówre lendena ymbgyrde.' On ðám ymbgyrdum lendenum is se mægðhád tó understandenne. Homl. Th. ii. 564, 25. (2) to serve as a girdle :--Ymbgyrde hine gyrdilse sóðfæstnises circumcinxit eam zona justitiae, Rtl. 79, 5. II. to surround, encompass, enclose :--Ymbgyrdeþ ambit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 9, 61. Mid ðyssum gemǽrum hi synd útan ymbgyrde, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 396, 3. v. embe-gyrdan.
ymb-habban; p. -hæfde. I. to surround, encompass :--Ymbhæfdan cingebant, Wrt. Voc. ii. 15, 73. Mid ðý unmǽtan weorode ymbhæfd optimo vallatus exercitu, Bd. 3, 18; S. 546, 31 : 2, 9; S. 511, 25 note. Emhæfd circumseptus (densis agminibus. Ald. 3), Anglia xiii. 27, 5. Ispania land is eall mid fleóte útan ymbhæfd, ge eác binnan ymbhæfd ofer ða land ǽgþer ge of ðám gársecge ge of ðam Wendelsǽ Hispania circumfusione oceani Tyrrhenique pelagi pene insula efficitur, Ors. 1, I; Swt. 24, 1-3. II. to, contain :--Beféhð ɫ emhæfð circumgirat, circuit, complectitur, Hpt. Gl. 422, 70. Embhæfþ continet, i. habet, tenet, Wrt. Voc. ii. 135, 16. Seó séleste gesǽlþ ðe ða óþra gesǽljia ealle oninnan him gegaderaþ and hí útan ymbhæfþ, Bt. 24, I; Fox 80, 21.
ymb-haga, an; m. An enclosure where bees are kept :--Wrít ðysne circul on ánum mealanstáne (mealm- ?), and sleah ǽnne stacan onmiddan dam ymbhagan, and lege ðone stán onuppan ðám stacan (the words on the stone are : Contra apes ut salui sint. There are other charms connected with bees on pp. 384, 397), Lchdm. i. 395, 5. v. ymbe a swarm of bees.
ymb-hamrnen; adj. Surrounded, covered :--Ymbhamne (printed -humne) ambitiuntur (=ambiuntur; the passage is: Manicae sericis clavate calliculae rubricatis pellibus ambiuntur, Ald. 77), Wrt. Voc. ii. 87, 59. Ymbhwyrfte, ymbhammene, 2, 14. Cf. seolfor-hammen.
ymb-healdan; p. -heóld To encompass, Cd. Th. 265, 14; Sat. 7.
ymb-heápian; p. ode To crowd about, surround in crowds :--Ymbheápiendum glomerantibus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 40, 52. Ymbheápod glomeratus (the passage is :--Lucifer parasitorum sodalibus vallatus et apostatarum satellitibus glomeratus, Aid. 10), 76, 31. v. ymb-hípan.
ymb-hegian; pp. od To hedge about, surround :--Ic ymbhegige (embhagige, v. l.) saepio, Ælfc. Gr. 30, 2; Zup. 190, 15. Emhegod mid weorodum mǽdena septus chords virginum, Hymn. Surt. 140, 12.
ymb-hípan; pp. ed To crowd about, surround in crowds, assail :--Ymbhípan (printed -hiwan) constipari, Wrt. Voc. ii. 23, 21. Ðá wæs hé sóna ǽghwanon mid wǽpnum ymbhýped cam max ubique gladiis impeterelur, Bd. 2, 9; S. 511, 25. Mid wǽpnum and mid feóndum eall útan ymbhéped cum armis et hostibus circumseptus, 3, 12; S. 537, 28 note. Embhéped faltum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 146, 75. v. ymb-heápian.
ymb-hlennan; pp. ed To crowd about, surround :--Emhlennende conslipantes, Hpt. Gl. 409, 3. Emhlemmende (-hlennende ?) circumvallantes, stipantes, 408, 62. Emhlenned circumseptus, 406, 47 : vallatus, circumseptus, circumdatus, 422, 41. Emhledned stipatus, circumdatus, vallatus, 406, 44. Emhlæned circumseptus, Anglia xiii. 27, 5.
ymb-hoga, an; m. Care, solicitude, anxiety :--Se ymbhoga (cf. gémen, Bt. 12; Fox 36, 28) ðyssa woruldsǽlþa, Met. 7, 53. Se rén ungemetlíces ymbhogan, Bt. 12; Fox 36, 19 : Met. 7, 28. For ðære ungemetgunge ðæs ymbehogan ðara úterra ðinga, Past. 18; Swt. 141, 8. On tó monigfaldum ymbehogan ðisse worulde curis hujus mundi, 43; Swt. 317, II. Ǽghwylc dæg hæfð genóh on hys ágenum ymbhogan sufficit diei malitia sua, Mt. Kmbl. 6, 34. Ðæt hé forlǽte ǽlcne ymbhogan, ðe him unnet sié, Met. 22, 10. Hé ðone ymbhogan ne forlét ðæs flǽsclícan beddgemánan nec stratum carnalium sollicitudine deserit, Past. 16; Swt. 99, 24. Ðonne hié ágiémeleásiaþ ðone ymbhogan woruldcundra ðinga cum curare corporalia negligunt, 18; Swt. 137, 2. Gif ðú hwilcne cræft cunne, begá ðone georne; swá swá sorge and ymbhogan geýcaþ (-eð, MS. ) monnes mód, swá geýcð se cræft his áre, Prov. Kmbl. 59. Wind wornldearfoþa, oððe ymbhogena ungemet rén, Met. 7, 36. Ymbhogona, 16, 6. Byð ǽlc man gedréfed on ídlum sorgum and on ymbhogum universa vanitas omnis homo vivens, Ps. Th. 38, 13. Ǽlc deáþlíc swencþ hine selfne mid manigfealdum ymbhogum omnis mortalium cura, quam multiplicium studiorum labor exercet, Bt. 24, I; Fox 80, 7 : 24, 4; Fox 84, 32. Ádó hé of his móde ungerisenlíce ymbhogan, 30, 3; Fox 106, 20. Unnytte ymbhogan, 35, I; Fox 154, 22.
ymb-hogian; p. ode To be solicitous, exercise the mind :--Ic ymbhogige onwundrum ðínum exercebor in mirabilibus tuis, Ps. Lamb. 118, 27. Ymbhochige, 48. Ðeówa ðín ymbhogode on rihtwísnessum ðínum seruus tuus exercebatur in justificationibus tuis, 23.
ymb-hón; pp. -hangen To hang round with clothing, ornament, etc., to drape, clothe, deck :--Þeáh wé ús gescirpen mid ðý reádestan godwebbe and gefrætewian mid ðý beorhtestan golde and mid ðám deórwyrþestan gimmum úton ymbehón, Wulfst. 262, 23. Ymbhangen mid faegernysse circumamicta varietalibus, Ps. Spl. 44, 15. Healfnacode on hiora líchaman, búton ðæt hig wǽron mid riftnm ymbhangene. Homl. Ass. 202, 220. Seó fone is mid .xii. godwebbum útan ymbhangen, Salm. Kmbl. p. 152, 17.
ymb-hringan; p. de. I. to ring round, surround, encompass :--Embhtincþ cingit, Wrt. Voc. .ii. 135, 53. Mé ymbhringde manig yfel circumdederunt me mala, Ps. Th. 39, 13. Mé ymbhringdon sár and sorga and gránung, 17, 4, 5. Mé ymbhringdon swíðe mænige calfru, 21, 10, 14. Míne fýnd mé ymbhringdon útan on ǽlce healfe, 16, 9. Emhrinced circumseptus, Hpt. Gl. 406, 47. Embþrungen vel (emb)hringed constipata, circumdata, Wrt. Voc. ii. 133, 62. Hé wæs ymbhringed mid his feóndum vallatus exercitu, Bd. 3, 18; S. 546, 30. Ðonne hé bið útane ymbhringed mid ungemetlícre heringe dum foris immenso favors circumdatur, Past. 17; Swt. III, 8. Ða ðe tó Gode hopiaþ beóð ymbhringde mid swýþe manegre mildheortnesse sperantes in Domino misericordia circumdabit, Ps. Th. 31, 12. II. to turn round in a ring, wind round :--Ymbhringde glomeravit (the passage is: In spira morsum glomeravit inertem. Ald. 202), Wrt. Voc. ii. 96, 15 : 41, 48.
ymb-hringend, es; m. A surrounder, an attendant, one of a suite :--Ymbhringendum (ymbdringendum (=þringendum), Erfurt. 61) stipatoribus, Txts. 96, 929.
ymb-húung, e; f. Circumcision :--Yymbhúungun circumcisionem, Jn. Skt. Lind. 7, 22.
ymb-hweorfan; p. -hwearf. I. to go round, revolve round :--Se roder ǽlce dæg úton ymbhwyrfð ealne ðisne middaneard, Bt. 39, 3; Fox 214, 16. Ymbhwyrfeþ, Met. 20, 137. Ymbhwerfeþ, 28, 4. Hí ðære eaxe útan ymbhwerfaþ (-eþ, MS. ) ðone norðende, 28, 13. II. to go about, in the neighbourhood of. v. ymb, I. 1 b :--Ic ymbehwyrfe weófod ðín circumdabo altare tuum, Ps. Lamb. 25, 6. III. to go about, over, through, v. ymb, I. 1 e :--Ic ymbhweorfe ðín ðæt hálige tempel. Ps. Th. 26, 7. Ymbhwurfaþ woegas circuits vias, Rtl. 36, 5. Gé ymbhurfon sǽ and drýgi circuitis mare et aridam, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 23, 15. IV. fig. to go about a business, be occupied with, attend to, cultivate, v. ymb, I. 3 d; ymb-hwyrft, VII :--Hé underféng ða hálgan gesomnunga tó plantianne and tó ymbhweorfanne, suá se ceorl déð his ortgeard, Past. 40; Swt. 293, 3. V. causative, to turn round :--Ðú ðe on hrædum færelde ðone heofon ymbhweorfest qwi rapido coelum turbine versas, Bt. 4; Fox 6, 31. Ymbhwearfest, Met. 4, 4. Ic eom ealne ðone heofon ymbhweorfende rotam volubili orbe versamus, Bt. 7, 3; Fox 20, 35.
ymb-hweorfness, e; f. Change, alteration :--Tído ymbhuoerfnise temporum vicissitudine, Rtl. 37, 35.
ymb-hwirfan; pp. -hwirfe (?). v. ymb-hammen.
ymb-hwyrft (-hwearft, -hweorft, -hwerft), es; m. I. a ring, circle :--Lytel ymbhweorft rotella vel orbiculus, Wrt. Voc. i. 17, 44. Ernhwerfte (-hferte, MS. ) gyro, Kent. Gl. 271. II. a circular course, an orbit :--Se móna hæfð his ryne hraðor áurnen on ðam læssan ymbhwyrfte, ðonrie seó ðonne hæbbe on ða;m máran, Lchdm. iii. 248, 14. Hí (certain stars) habbaþ sceortne ymbhwyrft, Bt. 39, 3; Fox 214, 19 : Met. 28, 20. Ymbhwerft, 28, 12. Ymbehwearft, 28, 8. III. circuit, surrounding space, on (in) ymbhwyrfte around, round about :--On ymbhwyrfte in giro, Wrt. Voc. ii. 47, 63. Ealle ðe on ymbhwyrfte áhwǽr syndan omnes qui in circuitu ejus sunt, Ps. Th. 75. 8 : 88, 6. Fýr onǽlð on ymbhwyrfte (in circuitu) fýnd his, Ps. Spl. 96, 3. On ymbhwyrfte stódan hǽr, Bd. 5, 2; S. 614, 45. Stefn in ymbhwyrfte (in gyro) ymbsealde ðæt hús, 4, 3; S. 567, 44. God him forgeaf sibbe on eallum ymbhwirfte data est a Deo pax in omnes per circuitum nationes, Jos. 21, 42. On eallum ðám ymbhwyrfte, 10, 21. On his ymbhwyrfte bið swíðlíc storm, Homl. Th. i. 618, II. Ðá eode Israhéla folc on ymbhwyrfte ðære byrig, ii. 212, 27. On ymbhwyrfte ondrǽdendum hine in circuitu timentium eum, Ps. Spl. 33, 7. Haldeþ heora ymbhwyrft Drihten Dominus in circuitu populi sui, Ps. Th. 124, 2. IV. surrounded space, extent :--Eall swá brád seó sunne is, swá eall eorðan ymbhwyrft, Lchdm. iii. 236, 7. Gif ðú witan wilt ymbe ealre ðisse eorðan ymbhwyrft from eásteweardan ðisses middangeardes óð westeweardne, and fram súþeweardum óð norþeweardne (omnem terrae ambitum), Bt. 18, l; Fox 60, 31. Seó líne ðe wile xxxiii síða ealne eorðan ymbehwyrft útan ymblicgan, Salm. Kmbl. 152, 6. IV a. the earth, world, globe; orbis terrarnm :--Ymbhwerft orbis vel firmamentum, Wrt. Voc. i. 17, 43. Ðæt eall ymbhwyrft (-hyrft, Lind.) wǽre tómearcod ut describeretur universas orbis, Lk. Skt. 2, I : Homl. Th. i. 30, 2. Eorðe and eall hire gefyllednys, and eal ymbhwyrft and ða ðe on ðám wuniaþ, ealle hit syndon Godes ǽhta Domini est terra et plenitudo ejus, orbis terrarum et universi qui habitant in eo, Homl. Th. i. 172, 9. Ymbhwyrft eorðena, Ps. Spl. Surt. 23, 1. Ymbhwyrft eorðan orbis terrae, Ps. Th. 89, 2. Eorðan ymbhwyrft and uprodor, Cd. Th. 205, 1; Exod. 429. Ic eom micle yldra ðonne ymbhwyrft ðes, oþþe ðes middangeard, Exon. Th. 424, 21; Rä. 41, 42. Ðæt wealdleþer ealles ymbhweorftes heofenes and eorþan, Bt. 36, 2; Fox 174, 19. Yrnð seó sunne bufon ðysum ymbhwyrfte, Lchdm. iii. 250, 14. Eallum ymbehwyrfte (ymbhuirfte, Lind.) universo orbi, Lk. Skt. 21, 26. Úre ieldran ealne ðisne ymbhwyrft ðises middangeardes swá swá Oceanus ymbligeþ on þreó tódǽldon majores nostri orbem totius terrae, oceani limbo circumseptum, triquadrum statuere, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 8, 1. Hé gesette ofer hig ymbhwyrft (orbem, 1 Sam. 2, 8), Cant. An. 8 : Ps. Lamb. 32, 8. Geond alnæ ymbhwyrft in universo orbe, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 24, 14: Homl. Th. i. 76, 27. Se cásere, se ðe eallne ymbhwyrft on his anwealde hæfde, L. Ælfc. C. 2; Th. ii. 342, 22. Ástág ðæt heofonlíce goldhord on ðysne ymbhwyrft, Blickl. Homl. 11, 29. Hé ymbhwyrft eorðan folca sóðe and rihte démeþ judicabit orbem terrae in aequitate, et populos in veritate sua, Ps. Th. 95, 13. Ymbhwyrft ealne eorðan and heofones, Met. 24, 38. Ealne ymbhwyrft and uprador, Elen. Kmbl. 1458; El. 731. Eorðan ymbehwyrft orbem terrarum, Ps. Th. 88, 10. IV b. a district, region, world ( = part of the world occupied by a particular people) :-- Hí férdon geond eallum Rómániscum ymbhwyrfte they went through all the Roman world, Homl. Th. ii. 30, 28. Gang óð ðæt ðú ðone ymbhwyrft alne canne, Cd. Th. 308, 33; Sat. 702. ¶ On ymbhwyrfte among :-- Se ðe is on ealra ymbhwyrfte tó weorþienne he that is to be honoured among all people, Blickl. Homl. 197, 5. V. a bend, turn :-- Nim his lifre, tódǽl, and bedealf æt ðám ymbhwyrftum ðínra landgemæ-acute;ra, Lchdm. i. 328, 22. VI. turn, regular course :-- His suna férdon, and ðénode ǽlc óðrum mid his gódum on ymhwyrfte æt his húse, Homl. Th. ii. 446, 17. VII. attention, cultivation. v. ymb-hweorfan, IV :-- Gif se wíngeard næfð ðone ymbhwyrft, and ne bið onriht gescreádod, ne bið hé wæstmbǽre, ac for hraðe áwildaþ, Homl. Th. ii. 74, 14.
ymb-hygd; f. n. : -hygdu; f. (v. ofer-hygd) Care, anxiety :-- Wiste úre se heofonlíca Fæder his ða leófan bearn on myclum ymbhygdum wæ-acute;ron æfter him; ðá wolde hé se Hǽlend hié áfréfran, Blickl. Homl. 131, 28.
ymb-hygdig; adj. I. feeling anxiety, careful, anxious, solicitous, attentive :-- Ymbhédig sollicitus, Wrt. Voc. i. 51, 24. Emhídig ɫ carful zelotypus, Hpt. Gl. 415, 1. Emhídi, 414, 77. Emhédig ɫ hohful, 459, 71. Hé mid ymbhýdie (behygdige, Bd. M. 264, 31) móde smeáde sollerti animo scrutaretur, Bd. 4, 3; S. 568, 4. Ne beó gé ymbehýdige eówre sáwle hwæt gé etan nolite solliciti esse animae vestrae quid manducetis, Lk. Skt. 12, 22. Be óðrum þingum ymbehýdige de ceteris solliciti, 12, 26. Ymbhýdige be reáfe, Mt. Kmbl. 6, 28. Ða sýn emhýdige and cariende embe heora ealdorscipas on eallum þingum sollicitudinem gerant super decanias suas in omnibus, R. Ben. 46, 10. Ymbhédigra sollicitorum, Kent. Gl. 352. Hié forgytaþ ðæt hié hwéne ǽr ymbhygdigum eárum and ingeþancum gehýrdon reccean, Blickl. Homl. 55, 27. II. causing anxiety, anxious :-- Gif him þince ðæt hé geseó man mid wǽpnan gewundodne, ymbhídig sorg ðæt byð, Lchdm. iii. 174, 12.
ymb-hygdiglíc; adj. Careful, anxious, solicitous, sedulous :-- Mid emhédilícere geornfulnysse sollicita (curiosa, sedula) intentione, Hpt. Gl. 410, 9.
ymb-hygdiglíce; adv. Carefully, sedulously [ :-- Mid ðan ðe hé his salmes and his gebeden and rǽdingan embhýdiglíce smeáde, Shrn 14, 14.]
ymb-hygdigness, e; f. Care, anxiety, solicitude :-- Þurhwacol emhídignys pervigil sollicitudo, Hpt. Gl. 426, 57. Geornfulnys ɫ emhédinys diligentia, cura, 437, 58. Se abbod mid ealre emhýdignesse (sollicitudine) carige embe ða gyltendan gebróðru, R. Ben. 50, 18 : 54, 19 : 137, 21. Ǽlc ðæra wæs hám tó his ágenum farende myd mycelre ymbhýdignysse and mid mycelum ege, Nicod. 33; Thw. 19, 26. Wé sceolon ða ymhídignysse fram ús áwurpan, Homl. Th. ii. 462, 12. Twá wiðerrǽde ðing geðeódde Drihten on ðisum cwyde, ymhídignyssa and lustas. Ymhídignyssa ofðriccaþ ðæt mód, and unlustas tólýsaþ, 92, 14. Gehyspendlíce on ymbhigdinyssum sínum (studiis suis), Ps. Lamb. 13, 2.
ymb-irnan; p. -arn. I. to go round :-- Hí ymbyrnaþ ceaster circuibunt civitatem, Ps. Spl. 58, 7, 16. II. to go about :-- Seofona gástas ymbiornas (discurrentes), Mt. Kmbl. p. 10, 3. v. ymb-ærnan.
ymb-lǽdan; p. de To lead about :-- Hé ymblǽdde hine circumduxit eum (Deut. 32, 10), Cant. M. ad fil. 10.
ymb-lǽr(i)gian (?) to surround, encompass :-- Sýn emblǽrg[ede] ambiuntur (cf. ymb-hammen, which is a gloss to tie same passage), Anglia xv. 207, 289. v. lǽrig.
ymb-licgan; p. -læg. I. to lie round, surround, encompass :-- Ealne ðisne ymbhwyrft ðises middangeardes, swá swá Oceanus útan ymbligeþ orbem totius terrae, Oceani limbo circumseptum, Ors. 1, 1; Swt 8, 2. Seó líne ðe wile xxxiii síða ealne eorðan ymbehwyrft útan ymblicgan, Salm. Kmbl. 152, 6. II. to lie about, along. v. ymb, I. 1 d :-- Se cyng ðæt land on ða sǽhealfe mid scipum ymbelæg, Chr. 1072; Erl 211, 2. [To umbelyʒe Lotheʒ hous, Allit. Pms. 63, 836. ]
ymb-líþan to circumnavigate :-- Ymblíþendre Breotone útan circumnavigata Brittania, Bd. 5, 9; S. 622, 17.
ymb-lócian to look round :-- Ymblócade circumspiciens, Mk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 3, 34. [Þat leris man him umbiloke, C. M. 8468. Nedefull it es. . . þat he warely umbyluke hym þat he pryde hym noghte þareof, Rol. H. i. 319, 18.]
ymb-lofian to praise :-- Heriaþ Drihten ealle þeóda, ymblofiaþ (laudate) hine ealle folctruman, Ps. Lamb. 116, 1.
ymb-lyt ? :-- Hé gesette sunnan and mónan, stánas and eorðan, streám út on sǽ, wæter and wolcen ðurh his wundra miht, deópne ymblyt (ybmlyt, MS.) dene (clene, MS.) ymbhaldeþ Meotod on mihtum, Cd. Th. 265, 13; Sat. 7.
ymbren, es; pl. ymbrenu (the reading ymbren ILLEGIBLE fæstena, L. Eth. vi. 23; Th. i. 320, 20, should rather be ymbrenfæstena, as in Wulfst. 272, 16); n. Ember (in Ember-day), Embring (e. g. Keep embrings well and fasting days. . . . For Friday, Saturn and Wednesday, Tusser); the name of the four periods of fasting and prayer appointed by the Church to be observed in the four seasons of the year respectively. Each was a period of three days, a Wednesday and the following Friday and Saturday (cf. ða twelf ymbrendagas, Wulfst. 244, 20. For the dates see the passage given under ymbren-dæg, L. Ecg. P. addit. 21; Th. ii. 234, 33) :-- Ðis godspel sceal on Wódnesdæg tó ðam ymbrene ǽr myddawyntran (cf. Ðys gebyraþ on Frigedæg tó ðam ylcan fæstene, v. 39), Lk. Skt. 1, 26 rubc. Ðis sceal on Wódnesdæg on ðære Pentecostenes wucan tó ðam ymbrene, 9, 12 rubc. On Frigedæg on ðære Pentecostenes wucan tó ðam ymbrene, 8, 40 rubc. On Sæternesdæg on ðære Pentecostenes wucan tó ðam ymbrene, Mt. Kmbl. 20, 29 rubc. Ðis sceal tó ðam ymbrene innan hærefeste on Wódnesdæg, Mk. Skt. 9, 17 rubc. Tó ðam ymbrene innan hærfaste on Frigedæg, Lk. Skt. 7, 36 rubc. Tó ðam ymbrene innan hærefeste on Sæterndæg, 13, 6 rubc. Fæstaþ ða feówer ymbrenu on twelf mónðum, ðe eów rihtlíce ásette synd, Wulfst. 136, 17. ¶ the form occurs also with riht prefixed :-- Áðas and wífunga ǽfre sindan tócwedene heáhfreólsdagum and rihtymbrenum, L. Eth. vi. 25; Th. i. 320, 25: Wulfst. 117, 15 note. [Perhaps both the Latin (jejunia) quatuor temporum and the English ymb-ryne (q. v.) may have a share in the formation of ymbren; cf. Germ. quatember and Swed. tamper-dagar.] v. following words.
ymbren-dæg, es; m. An Ember-day :-- Wé forbeódaþ ordál and áðas freólsdagum and ymbrendagum, L. C. E. 17; Th. i. 370, 3: Wulfst. 117, 15. Ða ðe heora lencten wel gefæsten and ða twelf ymbrendagas, 244, 20. ¶ with riht prefixed :-- Ðis synt ða rihtymbrendagas (legitimi quatuor temporum dies), ðe man mid rihte healdan sceal; ðæt is, on k&l-bar;. Martii, on ðære forman wucan; and k&l-bar;. Iunii, on ðære æfteran wucan; and on k&l-bar;. Septem&b-bar;. on ðære þriddan wucan; and on k&l-bar;. December, on ða néhstan wucan æ-acute;r Cristes mæssan, L. Ecg. P. addit. 21; Th. ii. 234, 33. Áðas sindon tócweden freólsdagum and rihtymbrendagum, L. Eth. v. 18; Th. i. 308, 25. Gyf hwylc wydewe hý forlicge, béte .i. geár, and rihtymbrendagas tó eácan ðæs geáres (et insuper quattuor temporum legitimis anni diebus), L. Ecg. C. 39; Th. ii. 164, 30. [Iðe Úmbridawes, Wodnesdawes and Fridawes, A. R. 70, 6. Embyrday, embyr angarium vel quatuor temporum, Prompt. Parv. 139. Icel. Imbru-dagar (taken from English).]
ymbren-fæsten, es; n. The fast of the Ember-days :-- Ðæt man ǽlc beboden fæsten healde, sí hit ymbrenfæsten, sí hit lengctenfæsten, L. C. E. 16; Th. i. 368, 22. Ðæt ymbrenfæsten byð on ðissum mónþe (December), Anglia viii. 311, 39. On ðam lenctenfæstene and on ǽlcum ymbrenfæstene, Homl. Th. ii. 608, 17. Feówer ymbrenfæstenu beóð on twelf mónðum, eallswá feówer tíman beóð, Anglia viii. 312, 14. Ymbrenfæstena healde man rihte, swá swá Scs. Gregorius Angelcynne sylf hit gedihte, Wulfst. 272, 16: L. Eth. vi. 23; Th. i. 320, 20.
ymbren-wicu, an; f. A week in which Ember-days fall :-- .iiii. Wódnesdagas on .iiii. ymbrenwican, L. Alf. pol. 43; Th. i. 92, 9. [Iðe ymbri wikis Wodnesdawes and Fridawes, A. R. 70, 6 note. Icel. Imbru-vika.]
ymb-ryne, es; m. I. course of a moving body :-- Wǽron sume gedwolmen ðe cwǽdon, ðæt ǽlc man beó ácenned be steorrena gesetnyssum, and þurh heora ymbryna him wyrd gelimpe, Homl. Th. i. 110, 8. II. course of time, revolution, period :-- Ðes geárlíca ymryne ús gebrincþ efne nú ða clǽnan tíd Lenctenlíces fæstenes, Homl. Th. ii. 98, 24. Gyf hé (the 29th of February) byð forlǽten unteald, ðǽrrihte áwent eall ðæs geáres ymbryn[e] (-rene, v. l. ) þwyres, Lchdm. iii. 264, 12. Emrynes lustrationis, circuli, curriculo annorum, Hpt. Gl. 455, 6. Áurnenum (wucan) emrene emenso hebdomadis curriculo, 428, 72. Se dæg bið ofer Eástrum on ymbryne ðæs geáres, Homl. Skt. ii. 27, 16. Iond ðære wucan emrene per septimane circulum, R. Ben. Interl. 52, 4. Yrnende geond gǽres ymbrene currens per anni circulum, Hymn. Surt. 39, 29. Dægena embrynum dierum circulis, 27, 1. Embrenum lustris, Hpt. Gl. 415, 67. Ymrynum, 493, 62. Ǽfre ymbe geáres ymbrynum, Lchdm .iii. 238, 25. Be ðæs geáres ymbrenum de temporibus, 232, 5.
ymb-sǽlan to bind round, tie round :-- Sié unbunden (ymbunden, Lind.) ɫ unsǽled (=ymbsǽled) circumdaretur, Mk. Skt. Rush. 9, 42.
ymb-sǽtnung, e; f. I. a siege :-- Emsǽtnungum obsidione, Hpt. Gl. 525, 40. II. a sedition :-- Mið ðý gié gehéreþ gefehto and ymbsétnungo (-e, Rush.) ymb burgum (v. ymb, I. 1 e, and sǽtnung: or under I?) cum audieritis proelia et seditiones, Lk. Skt. Lind. 21, 9.
ymb-sceáwian to look round, to behold :-- Ymbsceáwade (-sceówade, Rush.) tó geseánne hiá circumspiciebat uidere eam, Mk. Skt. Lind. 5, 32. Ymbsceáwde (-sceówadun, Rush.) hiá circumspiciens eos, 3, 5. Ymbsceáude (-sceówade, Rush.) hine intuitus eum, Jn. Skt. Lind. 1, 42.
ymb-sceáwiendlíce; adv. Circumspectly :-- Mid ðý hé swá gemetfæstlíce and swá ymbsceáwiendlíce hine sylfne on eallum ðingum beheóld cum ita se modeste et circumspecte in omnibus gereret, Bd. 5, 19; S. 937, 5.
ymb-sceáwung, e; f. Beholding :-- Embeþonc vel (embe)sceáwung circumspectio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 131, 27. Wer se ðe giðenceþ ymbsceáwung (circumspectionem) Godes, Rtl. 46, 5: 84, 27.
ymb-scínan; p. scán To shine round, surround with brightness :-- Ðæs Héhstan mægen ðé ymbscíneþ, Blickl. Homl. 7, 36. Seó sunne ymbscínð ðone blindan, and se blinda ne gesihð ðære sunnan leóman, Homl. Th. ii. 446, 32. Berhtnise Godes ymbsceán hiá (him ymbesceán, W. S.) claritas Dei circumfulsit eos, Lk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 2, 9. Hié leóht ymbscán, Andr. Kmbl. 2034; An. 1019. [Þe schyre sunne hit umbeschon, Allit. Pms. 105, 455.]
ymb-scríþan; p. -scráþ To go round, revolve round :-- Rodor ymbscríþeþ dógora gehwilce ðisne middangeard, Met. 20, 208.
ymb-scrýdan; p. de To clothe :-- Ymbscrýdaþ eów mid Godes wǽpnunge induite vos armaturam Dei (Eph. 6, 11), Homl. Th. ii. 218, 2. Mid hwam gé sýn ymbscrýdde quid induamini, Mt. Kmbl. 6, 25.
ymb-sellan; p. -sealde To surround; circumdare :-- Ic ymbsylle circumdabo, Ps. Spl. 25, 6. Ðú ymbseles circumdas, Rtl. 76, 1. Hé mid eallum ðyssum ða burh ymbsealde (circumdedit), Bd. 3, 16; S. 542, 24: Ps. Th. 114, 3. Fýren wolcen ymbsealde ealle ða ceastre, Blickl. Homl. 245, 31. Se sang in ymbhwyrfte ymbsealde ðæt hús, Bd. 4, 3; S. 567, 45. Mé ymbsealdon (circumdederunt) þeóde, Ps. Th. 117, 10, 12. Ymbsaldun (ym-, Lind.), Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 27, 28. Hí mé útan ymbsealdan, Ps. Th. 87, 17. Úton ymbsele circumda, Kent. Gl. 157. Ymbselle circumdet, Rtl. 34, 7. Ymbsyllendum mé circumdantibus me, Ps. Spl. 31, 9. Seó fǽmne wæs ymbseald mid ðon campweorode, Blickl. Homl. 11, 24. Sondbeorgum ymbseald, Exon. Th. 360, 23; Wal. 10. Ða ymbsealde sint mid sixum eác fiðrum gefrætwad, Elen. Kmbl. 1480; El. 742.
ymb-seón to behold, look :-- Ic hine wolde biddan, ðæt hé sweotole ymbsáwe súð, eást and west (cf. behealde hé on feówer healfe his, Bt. 19; Fox 68, 21), hú wídgil sint heofones hwealfe, Met. 10, 5. [For þi oure soile or þou seke umse þe betyme, Alex. (Skt.) 3728.]
ymb-seón beholding. v. ymb-sín.
ymb-set, es; n. Siege, blockade :-- Ðæt gér ymbsetes ðære Beadonescan dúne annum obsessionis Badonici montis, Bd. 1, 16; S. 484, 22. Hé ne mihte ne mid gefeohte ne mid ymbsete (obsidione) ða burh ábrecan ne gegán, 3, 16; S. 542, 19. [O. H. Ger. umbi-sez obsidio.]
ymb-seten[n], e; f. A row of vines:-- Oemsetinne wiingeardes amtes ( = antes?), Wrt. Voc. ii. 100, 17. v. ymb-settan, II; seten, II.
ymb-setenness, e; f. Besieging, siege :-- Ðæt hý sceoldon ðam Gode þancian ðe hý gefriðode fram ðære ymbsetennesse, and fram ðære hergunge ðara twéga kynincga, Ps. Th. 45, arg.
ymb-settan; p. te. I. to set round, put round, surround :-- Hé ymbseteþ útan líc and feþre on healfe gehware hálgum stencum, Exon. Th. 212, 3; Ph. 204. Beád hé út scypfyrde and landfyrde, and ðæt land eall útan embsette, Chr. 1072; Erl. 210, 31. Giarn án and gifylde copp mid æcede ymbsette and tó róde ða drinca salde him currens unus et implens spongiam aceto circumponensque calamo potum dabat ei, Mk. Skt. Rush. Lind. 15, 36. Ymbsetton (ymsettun, Rush.) ɫ ymbuundun circumponentes, Jn. Skt. Lind. 19, 29. Salomones reste wæs mid weardum ymbseted, Blickl. Homl. 11, 16. Ymbseted mid ðǽm wágum his misdǽda, L. E. I. 32; Th. ii. 430, 14. Ymbsett mid fágnesse circumdata varietate, Ps. Lamb. 44, 10. Mid hwilcum feóndum heó ymbset bið, Homl. Th. i. 410, 9. Emset glomeratus, circumseptus, Hpt. Gl. 422, 47. Ða heargas ðara deófolgylda mid heora hegum ðe hí ymbsette wǽron fana idolorum cum septis quibus erant circumdata, Bd. 2, 13; S. 516, 39. II. to plant with something. v. ymb-seten :-- Ic embsette consero, Wrt. Voc. ii. 133, 56. Eá mid treówum ymbset amnis, i. 54, 16. [How Iuus Iesu oft umsette (bisette, v. l.), C. M. 195. Alle umset with enmys, Pr. C. 1250. O. H. Ger. umbi-sezzen.]
ymb-sín (-seón), e; f. Beholding, regard :-- Clǽnum gisceáwiga wé ymbseáne puro cernamus intuitu, Rtl. 35, 37.
ymb-sirwan; p. -sirwde, -sirede. I. to deliberate about an evil deed :-- Swá micel tósceád is betwuh ðære beðóhtan synne, ðe mon longe ymbsireþ, and ðære ðe mon fæacute;rlíce ðurhtiéhð, swá ðætte se se ðe ða synne gesireþ, ǽgðer ge gesyngaþ ge eác hwílum on ormódnesse gewít. . . For ðæm sint tó manianne ða ðe lange ymbsieriaþ ðæt hí ongieten hú micel wíte hí sculun habban beforan ðǽm óðrum hoc ergo praecipitatione lapsis per consilium pereuntes differunt, quod, cum hi a statu justitiae peccando UNCERTAIN concidunt, plerumque simul et in laqueum desperationis cadunt . . . Admonendi ergo sunt, ut hinc colligant, qui in culpa etiam se per consilium ligant, Past. 56; Swt. 435, 4-31. II. to lie in wait for :-- Se ðe hine ne ymbsyrede (-syrwde, ymbesierede, v. ll.) qui non est insidiatus (Ex. 21, 13), L. Alf. 13; Th. i. 46, 24.
ymb-sittan; p. -sæt, pl. -sǽton; pp. -seten. I. to sit or be round, (1) to sit at table, meat, etc. :-- Ðæt hié mé þégon, symbel ymbsǽton, Beo. Th. 1132; B. 564. Hý twégen sceolon tæfle ymbsittan, Exon. Th. 345, 2; Gn. Ex. 182. Ða ymbsittendan circumsedentes, Bd. 4, 9; S. 577, 31: convivae, 5, 5; S. 618, 16: Ap. Th. 15, 6: 17, 4. (1 a) to sit at council, be engaged about :-- Hí án geþeaht ealle ymbsǽtan cogitaverunt consensum in unum, Ps. Th. 82, 5. (2) to be around, be neighbouring. v. ymb-sittend :-- Ðám ðe ús ymbsittaþ his qui in circuitu nostro sunt, Ps. Th. 43, 15. Hí þreátiaþ gehwider ymbsittenda óþra þeóda, Met. 25, 14. II. to beset :-- Ic ymbsitte obsideo, Ælfc. Gr. 26, 5; Zup. 157, 3. Fearras fǽtte ymbsǽton mé tauri pingues obsederunt me, Ps. Lamb. 21, 13. Ðá com micel werod werigra gásta and ðis hús útan ymbsǽtan (domum hanc et exterius obsedit), Bd. 5, 13; S. 633, 2. II a. as a term of war, to besiege, invest :-- Ðíne fýnd ðé ymbsittaþ mid ymbtrymminge circumdabunt te inimici tui uallo (Lk. 19, 43), Homl. Th. i. 408, 35. Hé ymbsæt ða burh (circumdedit Eglon), Jos. 10, 34. Eádmund ymbsæt Anláf cyning and Wulfstán arcebiscop on Legraceastre, Chr. 943; Erl. 117, 16: Ælle and Cissa ymbsǽton Andredescester, 491; Erl. 14, 5 : 885; Erl. 82, 20. Hié ymbsǽton án geweorc, 894; Erl. 91, 7. Ymbesǽtan, 1011; Erl. 145, 8. Ymbsittaþ ða burg suíðe gebyrdelíce ordinabis adversus eam obsidionem, Past. 21; Swt. 161, 19. Ðá hié hæfdon Cirinen ða burh ymbseten, Ors. 2, 2; Swt. 66, 18. Hé besierede ðæt folc ðe hié ymbseten hæfden, 4, 5; Swt. 170, 2 : Ps. Th. 12 arg. [O. H. Ger. umbi-sizzan obsidere.] v. emb-sittan.
ymb-sittend, es; m. One living on the borders of another's country, a neighbour :-- Gif ic ðæt gefricge, ðæt ðec ymbsittend (those that sit on thy borders) egesan þýwaþ, Beo. Th. 3658; B. 1827. Him ǽghwylc ðara ymbsittendra hýran sceolde, 18; B. 9: Elen. Kmbl. 65; El. 33. Ymbesittendra, Beo. Th. 5461; B. 2734. Wé synd gewordene eallum edwítstæf ymbsittendum facti sumus in opprobrium vicinis nostris, Ps. Th. 78, 4:88, 34.
ymb-smeá(g)ung. v. embe-smeágung.
ymb-snidenness, e; f. Circumcision :-- Wén is ðæt eówer sum nyte hwæt sý ymbsnidennys, Homl. Th. i. 92, 30. Se intinga ðære æftran ymbsnidennysse, Jos. 5, 6. Beóð éstfulle heortan mid dæghwonlícere ymbsnidenysse áfeormode, Homl. Th. i. 98, 14. Móyses eów sealde ymbsnydenisse, Jn. Skt. 7, 22. Ða ealdan ymbsnidenysse, Shrn. 47, 18.
ymb-sníþan; p. -snáþ, pl. -snidon To circumcise :-- On restedæge gé ymbsníðaþ mann, Jn. Skt. 7, 22. Abraham ymbsnáð his sunu, Gen. 17, 23. Ðæt stǽnene sex, ðe ðæt cild ymbsnáð, Homl. Th. i. 98, 10. Hié ǽghwelcum cnihtcilde ymbsnidon ðæt werlíce lim, Shrn. 47, 20. Hé hine lǽt ymbsníðan mid scearpum flinte, Wulfst. 195, 9. Ymsníþan (ymbsnýðan, v. l.), Lk. Skt. 1, 59. Ðæt ðæt cild emsnyden (ymb-, v. l.) wǽre, 2, 21. Ymbsniden, Homl. Th. i. 90, 14, 18, 30. Heora fæderas wǽron ymbsnidene, Jos. 5, 4. [Embsniþen mid ane ulintsexe, O. E. Homl. i. 81, 27.]
ymb-spannan to span round :-- Swyle tó ðon swíþe áswollen ðæt hine mon ná mid twám handum ymbspannan (circumplecti) mihte, Bd. 5, 3; S. 616, 7.
ymb-sprǽc, e; f. Speech about a subject, talk :-- Be ðysum is oft mycel ymbsprǽc (ymbe-, emb-, v. ll.) there is often much discussion about this, Lchdm. iii. 266, 9. Ne beó gé áfyrhte ðurh geswince ðæs langsuman færeldes, oððe þurh yfelra manna ymbesprǽce nec labor vos itineris, nec maledicorum hominum linguae deterreant (Bd. 1, 23), Homl. Th. ii. 128, 2.
ymb-sprǽce; adj. Talked about :-- Geond ðás eorþan ǽghwǽr sindon hiora gelícan hwón ymbsprǽce, Met. 10, 59.
ymb-sprecan to speak about something :-- Alle yfle ymbsprécon omnes murmurabant, Lk. Skt. 19, 7.
ymb-standan; p. -stód; pp. -standen. I. to stand about or around :-- Ðis folc ðæt hér ymbstandeþ, Blickl. Homl. 143, 7: Jn. Skt. Rush. 11, 42. Eall seó gesomnung bróþra and sweostra on twá halfe singende ymbstódon (circumstaret), Bd. 4, 19; S. 589, 9. ¶ pres. part. used substantively :-- Hé sceal grétan his ymbstandendan, and hig him sceolon andswarian, L. E. I. 7; Th. ii. 406, 23. II. to surround :-- Mé ymbstódan strange manige circumdantes circumdederunt me, Ps. Th. 117, 11. Hý habbaþ mé útan ymbstanden circumdederunt me, 16, 10. Hí bióþ úton ymbstandene (printed -standende, but see útan ymbestandne, Met. 25, 7) mid miclon geférscipe hiora þegna septos tristibus armis, Bt. 37, 1; Fox 186, 4. [He saw how þe laddes wode Hauelok his louerd umbistode, Hav. 1875. O. H. Ger. umbi-standan circumstare, circumdare.] v. next word.
ymb-standend, es; m. A by-stander :-- Hí ánra gehwilcum ymbstandendra forsǽton heáfodsiéna, Cd. Th. 150, 8; Gen. 2488. Ðá cwæð se cásere tó ðám embstandendum, Homl. Skt. i. 23, 275. Sum mon of ðǽm ymbstondendum quidam de circumstantibus, Mk. Skt. Rush. Lind. 14, 47.
ymb-standenness glosses circumstantia, Ps. Lamb. Surt. 140, 3: Rtl. 179, 9 : 182, 16 : Ps. Surt. 30, 22.
ymb-strícan; p. -strác To rub round so as to smooth :-- Gif ðæs dolges ófras synd tó heá ymbstríc mid háte ísene if the edges of the wound are too high, pass a hot iron round, Lchdm. ii. 96, 5.
ymb-styrian to stir about, upset :-- Ymbstyreþ ðæt hús evertit domum, Lk. Skt. Lind. 15, 8.
ymb-swǽpe, an; f. A roundabout way, digression. Cf. ymb-swápan, I :-- Ymbsuaepe ambages, Wrt. Voc. ii. 100, 13. [Cf. O. H. Ger. umbi-suaifan amictum: Ger. um-schweif.]
ymb-swápan; p. -sweóp; pp. -swápen. I. to sweep about (of the motion of waves) :-- Ða ýþa weóllan and ymbsweópan and ǽghwonene ðæt scyp fyldon verrentibus undique et implere incipientibus navem fluctibus, Bd. 3, 15; S. 541, 42. II. to wrap round :-- Ymbswápen circumamicta, Ps. Surt. Spl. C. 44, 10, 15. Emswápen circumamicta, circumdata, Hpt. Gl. 430, 45. [M. H. Ger. umbe-swief; p.]
ymb-þanc, es; m. n. : -þanca, an; m. Thought about a matter, consideration, attention :-- Embeþonc circumspectio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 131, 26. Mid micelum embeþance magna animaduersione, Anglia xiii. 373, 106. Hié eallneg rǽswaþ and ondrǽdaþ ðæt hí mon tǽlan wille and beóð eallneg mid ðæm ymbeðoncan (-ðonce, Cott. MSS.) ábisgode and ofdrǽdde dum deprehendi metuunt, semper pavidis suspicionibus agitantur, Past. 35; Swt. 239, 7. Ðæt hí ongieten mid wærlíce ymbeþonce ut cauta circumspectione considerent, 58; Swt. 445, 5. Ðætte hé ðone ymbeþonc ðæs wærscipes ne forlǽte ut circumspectionem prudentiae non amittant, 35; Swt. 237, 17. Hwæt sceolan ús, oþþe hwæt dóþ ús ðara worda ymbþonc ? Tó morgenne wé beóþ gesémde of what use are considerations of the words, or what will they do for us? To-morrow we shall be at one on the matter, Blickl. Homl. 183, 12. [Clene wasshen of þe embeþonke of fleshliche lustes a mollitie fluxae cogitationis purgata, O. E. Homl. ii. 87, 2.]
ymb-þeahtian; p. ode To deliberate, consider :-- Ða ðe longe ǽr ymbðeahtigeaþ, and hit ðonne on lásð ðurhtióð qui consulto peccant, Past. 56; Swt. 429, 31. Ða ðe ǽr ðenceaþ tó syngianne and ymbðeahtiaþ ǽr hí hit ðurhtión qui in culpa ex consilio ligantur, 433, 32. Hí beóð ðæs ðe lator ðe hí oftor ymbðeahtiaþ tardius peccatum solvitur, quod et per consilium solidatur, 435, 2. Ðæt leóht him ða stówe wæs ontýnende, ðe (ðǽr, Bd. S. 575, 12) heó ǽr ymbþeahtedon, Bd. 4, 7; M. 284, 20.
ymb-þencan; p. -þóhte To consider :-- On óðre wísan sint tó manienne ða ðe mid fǽrlíce luste bióð oferswíðde, on óðre ða ðe lange ymbþenceaþ and ðeahtiaþ and swá weorðaþ beswicene aliter admonendi sunt, qui repentina concupiscentia superantur, atque aliter qui in culpa ex consilio ligantur, Past. 56; Swt. 429, 34. Ic ymbðóhte decernam, Mt. Kmbl. p. 1, 3. Ne beó gé ymbeþencende hú oððe hwæt gé specon nolite solliciti esse qualiter aut quid respondeatis, Lk. Skt. 12, 11. [Þatt te birrþ ummbeþennkenn hu þu mihht cwemenn þin Drihhtin, Orm. 1240. He umthoght him what was best, Met. Homl. 79, 26.]
ymb-þreodian to deliberate :-- Embðrydiendra circumvenientium, Wrt. Voc. ii. 131, 30. v. þreodian and next word, and cf. ymb-cyme.
ymb-þreodung, e; f. Deliberation :-- Ymbðriodung (-dritung, Erfurt Gl.) deliberatio, Txts. 55, 644. Ymbþriodung, Wrt. Voc. ii. 25, 20. Ymbþrydung, 138, 45.
ymb-þringan; p. -þrang; pp. -þrungen To throng round, crowd round, surround :-- Hine F and M útan ymbðringaþ, Salm. Kmbl. 256; Sal. 127. Hí ymbðrungon mé circumdederunt me, Ps. Lamb. 16, 11. Ymbeþrungon, 21, 17. Ymþrungon, 16, 9. Ic mé ná ondrǽde þúsendu folces, þeáh hí mé útan ymbþringen non timebo millia populi circumdantis me, Ps. Th. 3, 5. Embþrungen constipata, circumdata, Wrt. Voc. ii. 133, 62. [O. H. Ger. umbi-dringan stipasse.]
ymb-þringend. v. ymb-hringend.
ymb-trymian, -trymman; p. -trymede, -trymde. I. to surround :-- Engla werod embtrymmaþ ðone mǽran kyning mihte and ðrymme, Wulfst. 137, 15. Ymbsyllende ymbtrymedon mé circumdantes circumdederunt me, Ps. Spl. 117, 11. Ymbtrymdon, 17, 5, 6: Ps. Lamb. 16, 9: 21, 13. Mid micelum fǽmnena heápe ymbtrimed, Ap. Th. 23, 16. II. to fortify, protect, support :-- Ic ymbtrymme munio, Ælfc. Gr. 30; Zup. 192, 1. Hig ymbetrymedon ða byrgene munierunt sepulchrum, Mt. Kmbl. 27, 66. Hwæt getácniaþ ða truman ceastra bútan hwurfulu mód, getrymedu and ymbtrymedu mid lytelícre ládunge? quid per civitates munitas exprimitur, nisi suspectae mentes et fallaci semper defensione circumdatae ? Past. 35; Swt. 245, 8. Hiericho seó buruh wæs mid weallum ymbtrymmed and fæste belocen Jericho clausa erat atque munita, Jos. 6, 1. Ic eom embtrymed fulcior, sustentor, Wülck. Gl. 245, 26.
ymb-trymming, e; f. A fortification :-- Ymbtrymming oððe fæstnys munimen, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 12; Zup. 41, 3. Ðíne fýnd ðé ymbsittaþ mid ymbtrymminge circtimdabunt te inimici tui uallo (Lk. 19, 43), Homl. Th. i. 408, 35.
ymb-týnan; p. de To enclose, surround :-- Ðeáh man ðone gársecg mid ísene útan ymbtýnde, Wulfst. 146, 27.
ymb-tyrnan (1) to turn round :-- Feówer and twéntig tída beóð ágáne, ǽr ðan ðe heó beó ǽne ymbtyrnd, Lchdm. iii. 254, 15. (2) to surround :-- Mid wæter ymbtyrnd stede circumlutus locus, Wrt. Voc. i. 59, 15.
ymb-útan about, around, without. I. prep. (1) local, (a) with dat. :-- Ðam nis nán wuht bufan, ne nán wuht benyþan, ne ymbútan, Bt. 36, 5; Fox 180, 19. Hú wídgil sint wolcnum ymbútan heofones hwealfe, Met. 10, 6. (b) with accus. :-- Geseah se Hǽlend mycle menigeo ymbútan hyne (circum se), Mt. Kmbl. 8, 18. Hé wand him ymbútan ðone deáðes beám, Cd. Th. 31, 27; Gen. 492. Ymbútan ðone weall is se mǽsta díc, Ors. 2, 4; Swt. 74, 17. Suǽ suǽ se here sceolde bión getrymed onbútan Hierusalem, suǽ sculon beón getrymed ða word ðæs sacerdes ymbútan ðæt mód his hiéremonna quasi obsidio circa civitatem Jerusalem voce praedicatoris ordinatur, Past. 21; Swt. 163, 1. Hwí séce gé ymbútan eów ða gesǽlþa ðe gé oninnan eów habbaþ geset? quid extra petitis intra vos positam felicitatem ? Bt. 11, 2; Fox 34, 4. Onginne hé sécan oninnan him selfum ðæt hé ǽr ymbúton hine sóhte, 35, 1; Fox 154, 22 : Met. 22, 7. Munt is hine ymbútan, gylden weal, Salm. Kmbl. 510; Sal. 255: Ps. Th. 124, 2. Licgaþ mé ymbútan grindlas, Cd. Th. 24, 24; Gen. 382. Hine ymbútan hálge hereféðan blícaþ, Exon. Th. 62, 35; Cri. 1012. Standan ymbeútan ða eardungstówe stare circa tabernaculum, Num. 11, 24: Ex. 29, 20: Lev. 3, 2. (2) about, concerning :-- Hí ne gesáwon sundbúende, ne ymbútan hí ne hérdon, Met. 8, 14. II. adv. (1) alone :-- Fýr bið ymbútan on ǽghwylcum, Cd. Th. 280, 34; Sat. 264. Him on healfa gehwone heofonengla þreát ymbútan faraþ, Exon. Th. 58, 1; Cri. 929. Hit bið sinbyrnende and ymbútan hit óðra stówa forbærnð, Met. 8, 53. Glídeþ ǽg ymbútan, 20, 171. (2) with other adverbs :-- Se sciphere sigelede west ymbútan, Chr. 877; Erl. 78, 17. Sum hund scipa fóron súð ymbútan, and sum feówertig scipa norþ ymbútan, 894; Erl. 91, 6. Tó farenne eást ymbútan, Ors. 6, 36; Swt. 292, 29. Ðá ongon hé sprecan swíþe feorran ymbúton velut ab alio orsa principio disseruit, Bt. 39, 5; Fox 218, 11. For ðam folce ðe hér ymbútan stent, Jn. Skt. 11, 42. Ealla ða neáhstówa ðǽr ymbútan, Bt. 15; Fox 48, 22 : Cd. Th. 154, 3; Gen. 2550. Hú sunnu ðǽr scíneþ ymbútan, 286, 15; Sat. 352. Ymbeútan, Mk. Skt. 14, 47. v. ymb.
ymb-wǽfan; p. de To wrap round, to clothe :-- Ymbwǽfd mid fǽgnyssum circumamicta uarietatibus, Ps. Lamb. 44, 15. [Þe brawden bryne umbeweuid þat wyʒ, Gaw. 581.]
ymb-wærlan; p. de To turn round :-- Ymbwærlde tó ðæm wífe conversus ad mulierem, Lk. Skt. Lind. 7, 44, 9. Ymbwærlde (-wælde, Lind.), Rush. 9, 55.
ymb-weaxan to surround :-- Seó burh wæs ungemettan fæste mid cludum ymbweaxen saxum mirae asperitatis et altitudinis, Ors. 3, 9; Swt. 132, 10. [Ger. um-wachsen.]
ymb-wendan to turn round, convert, avert, move, change :-- Ymbuoendest conversas (but the Latin is p. part. ac. pl. f.), Rtl. 114, 34. Ymbuoende on bægcgling conuersa est retrorsum, Jn. Skt. Lind. 20, 14. Ymbwoend averte, Rtl. 8, 37; 15, 25. Ymbwoendendum vellentibus, 19, 15. Sié ymbuoended inmutatur, 96, 13. Sié umbuoendedo moveantur, 167, 1.
ymb-wendedlíc. v. un-ymbwendedlíc.
ymb-wending glosses vegetatio, Rtl. 17, 1: conversatio, 63, 8.
ymb-weorpan; p. -wearp To throw round, surround :-- þurh lyftgelác léges blǽstas weallas ymbwurpon, Andr. Kmbl. 3104; An. 1555. [Cf. Ger. um-werfen.]
ymb-wícian to encamp about a place :-- Héht ymbwícigean Æthanes byrig mearclandum on (castrametati sunt in Etham in extremis finibus solitudinis, Ex. 13, 20), Cd. Th. 181, 22; Exod. 65.
ymb-windan; p. -wand. I. to wind (intrans.) round, encompass :-- Rápas synfulra ymbwundon mé funes peccatorum complexi sunt me, Ps. Spl. T. 118, 61. II. to wind (trans.) about, wind round :-- Ymbuundun circumponentes, Jn. Skt. Lind. 19, 29. [O. H. Ger. umbi-wintan amicire.]
ymb-wlátend, es; m. A spectator, observer :-- Beó ðú emwlátent ðín esto catascopus tui, Lchdm. i. 1x UNCERTAIN, 11. Emwlátend(o)um spectatoribus, Hpt. Gl. 488, 64. v. tíd-ymbwlátend.
ymb-wlátian to contemplate, observe :-- Ic ymbwlátige contemplor, Ælfc. Gr. 25; Zup. 145, 12.
ymb-wlátung, e; f. Contemplation, look, regard :-- Ymbwlátung aspectus, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 5; Zup. 175, 5. Emwlátunge contemplationis, Hpt. Gl. 412, 20. Spiritus gást belimpð tó ðære sáwle ymbwlátunge, Homl. Skt. i. 1, 182. Emwlátunge spectaculum, Hpt. Gl. 435, 49. Wídgille emwlátunge passivos oculorum obtutus, 405, 64. v. emb-wlátung.
ymb-wrítan to cut round, circumscribe :-- Hine eác ymbwrít mid sweorde on .iiii. healfa, Lchdm. ii. 346, 26.
ymb-wyrcan; p. -worhte. I. to surround with works :-- Hé mid eallum ðyssum ða burh on mycelre heánnesse ymbworhte (v. l. ymbsealde. v. ymb-sellan), Bd. 3, 16; S. 542, 24 note. Byrig ðære ðe mid náne wealle ne bið ymbworht urbs absque murorum ambitu, Past. 38; Swt. 277, 21. II. to weave :-- Ymbworhton bége plectentes coronam, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 27, 29.
ymel (emel, q. v.), e; f. A canker-worm :-- Ymel gurgulio ( = curculio), Ælfc. Gr. 9, 3; Zup. 35, 7.
ymele, an; f. A scroll, leaf of paper :-- Ymele sceda vel scedula, Wrt. Voc. i. 75, 15. Ymle scedula, 46, 69. Ðæt ðú ðás áne synne, ðe on ðyssere ymlan stent, þurh ðíne gebedu ádilige, Homl. Skt. i. 3, 642.
ymen, hymen, es; m. A hymn :-- Ymen (hymnus) eallum háligum his, Ps. Spl. 148, 14: Ps. Surt. 64, 2. Æfter ðysum is ymen tó singenne, R. Ben. 33, 12. Mid ferse and mid ymene (imene, v. l.), 41, 5. Ymen hymnum, Ps. Surt. 39, 4: 64, 14: 118, 171. Hé wæs ymen singende, Blickl. Homl. 147, 3: 151, 9. Ymmon, Rtl. 184, 25. Hymen, Ps. Surt. 136, 3: ii. p. 203, 35. Ymenas and capitula rǽdinga sýn ánum gemete gehealdene, R. Ben. 43, 2. On ymnum in hymnis, Ps. Spl. 99, 4. Ymenum, Ps. Surt. 99, 4. Míne weleras ðé wordum belcettaþ ymnas eructabunt labia mea hymnum, Ps. Th. 118, 171. [From Latin.] v. hymen.
ymen-bóc; f. A book of hymns :-- Ymenbéc missenlíce metre librum hymnorum diverso metro, Bd. 5, 24; S. 648, 36.
ymener (ymnere?), es; m. A book of hymns; hymnare, hymnarium :-- Thǽr synd twá Cristes béc, and i. mæssebóc, and i. ymener, and i. salter, Cod. Dip. B. iii. 660, 32. Hymneres tácen is ðæt mon wæcge brádlinga his hand and rǽre up his litlan finger, Techm. ii. 121, 9. ii. salteras, and se saltere swá man singð on Róme, and .ii. ymneras, Chart. Th. 430, 13.
ymen-sang, es; m. A hymn, Greg. Dial. 2, 3, 4.
ymesene (-séne?); adj. Sightless, blind :-- Sum ymesene man mid wópe his fét gesóhte, biddende his hǽle. Laurentius mearcode ródetácen on ðæs blindan eágan, and hé ðǽrrihte beorhtlíce geseah, Homl. Th. i. 418, 22.
ymest. v. yfera, yfemest; adv.
yna, Techm. ii. 126, 14 (see under tún, I), where it is printed with a space before y, as if a letter were wanting in the MS. Cockayne, Lchdm. iii. 334, col. 2, takes the word as the gen. pl. of yne = onion.
ynce, es; m. An inch :-- Wund ynces (inces, v. l.) lang, L. Alf. pol. 45; Th. i. 92, 18, 19. Gif ofer ynce scilling; æt twám yncum, twégen; ofer þrý, .iii. scill., L. Ethb. 67; Th. i. 18, 17. Hé (Adam) wæs vi and cx ynca lang, Salm. Kmbl. p. 180, 20. [Wunde feouwer unchene long, Laym. 23970. From Latin uncia.]
yndan in ða belocenan yndan wega conpeta clausa, Wrt. Voc. ii. 94, 11. For betýndan? cf. betýndan wega gelǽtan competa clausa, 132, 52.
ynne-leác (yne-), es; n. Onion :-- Ynnelaec, hynnilaec, ynniléc ascalonium, Txts. 43, 229. Ynnilaec cepa, 49, 448. Ynneleác scalonia, Wrt. Voc. i. 66, 57: unio, 68, 62. Yneleác ungio, 286, 9. [Latin unio.] v. enne-leác.
yntse, yndse, an; and ynts (?), e; f. An ounce :-- Genim huniges ánre yndsan gewǽge, Lchdm. i. 76, 11. Ánre yndsan (ynsan, v. l.) gewihte, 248, 8. Dó alwan áne yntsan tó, ii. 60, 5: 190, 9. Áne ynsan, iii. 74, 19. Ǽlc wífmon hæfde áne yndsan goldes uxores singulas auri uncias, Ors. 4, 10; Swt. 196, 21. Fíftig yntsena seolfres quinquaginta siclos argenti, Deut. 22, 29. Þreóra yntsena gewihte . . . six yntsena . . . þreóra yntsena (yntsa, v. l.), Lchdm. i. 150, 16-18. [Latin uncia.]
yppan; p. te. I. to bring up or forth :-- Ypte depromsit (decies senas de cespite ruris fruges depromsit, Ald. 139), Wrt. Voc. ii. 89, 18: 27, 5. II. to disclose, reveal, declare, manifest :-- Hé ýweþ him and yppeþ earmra manna misgemynda, Salm. Kmbl. 985; Sal. 494. Hé ða unrótnesse his heortan mid his andwlitan tácnunge ypte and cýdde tristitiam cordis vultu indice prodebat, Bd. 4, 25; S. 600, 30. Ðæt hé þeódscipes gehyld mid his sylfes dǽde ýwde (ypte, v. l.) and cýdde (propria actione praemonstraret), 4, 27; S. 604, 40. Ypte and cídde ederet, Wrt. Voc. ii. 32, 5. Ðæt wé hit for ðý yppen ðæt mon God herige ed ostendenda sunt, ut laudem coelestis Patris augeamus, Past. 59; Swt. 451, 4. Ic ne dear yppan (pandere) ðé dígla úre, Coll. Monast. Th. 34, 13. Ypped oriundus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 62, 65. On his ágenum dagum ypped weorðeþ sóðfostnes orietur in diebus ejus justitia, Ps. Th. 71, 7. Ypped earð in mægne ðínum exortus es in virtute tua, Ps. Surt. ii. p. 188, 9. Ðæt ypped wæs prolatum, Hpt. Gl. 510, 75. III. to come forth, (l) to proceed :-- Of andwlitan ðínum dóm mín yppe de vultu tuo judicium meum prodeat, Ps. Spl. 16, 3. (2) to be disclosed :-- Sóna ðæt ypeþ, swá hwæt swá ðé geswefnaþ, Lchdm. iii. 154, 23. v. forþ-, ge-yppan, uppan, and next word.
yppe; adj. Brought to light, disclosed, manifest :-- Gif hé hit ðonne dierneþ and weorðeþ ymb long yppe, L. In. 21; Th. i. 116, 7: 35; Th. i. 124, 8. Ðonne mon beám on wuda forbærne and weorðe yppe on ðone ðe hit dyde, 43; Th. i. 128, 18. Nǽnges þinges máre þearf nǽre ðonne his unriht yppe wurde, Blickl. Homl. 175, 10. Ðonne him þince ðæt hé spíwe, ðæt byð swá hwæt swá hé ána wiste, ðæt hit weorðæþ yppe (geypped, v. l.), Lchdm. iii. 170, 27. Mid Sigelwarum sóð yppe wearð, dryntlíc dóm Godes, Apstls. Kmbl. 128; Ap. 64. Gif ðis yppe bið, Elen. Kmbl. 870; El. 435.
yppe, an; f. A raised place, (1) a look-out place :-- Yppe vel weardsteal spectacula, Wrt. Voc. i. 39, 35. (2) a stage, platform :-- Glígmanna yppe orcestra vel pulpitus, Wrt. Voc. i. 39, 36. (3) a dais, the raised floor in a hall. Cf. Icel. pallr for this sense :-- Eode æþeling (Beowulf) tó yppan, ðǽr se óþer wæs, Hróðgár grétte, Beo. Th. 3634; B. 1815. (4) the upper part of a house, an upper chamber :-- Yppe (Ep. Gl. uppae) in aestivo caenaculo, ubi per aestatem frigus captant, Txts. 70, 553. Hié ealle on yppan wunedon (cf. in coenaculum ascenderunt ubi manebant, Acts 1, 13), Blickl. Homl. 133, 26.
ypping, e; f. I. manifestation :-- Ypping manifestatio (epiphania), Rtl. 195, 24, II. what mounts up (?), applied to the water of the Red Sea which had risen up on either side of the track followed by the Israelites. Cf. Holmweall ástáh, merestreám módig, Cd. Th. 207, 16; Exod. 467; and multon meretorras, 208, 16; Exod. 484 :-- Synfullra sweót sáwlum lunnon, siððan hié onbugon (on bogum, MS.) brún[e] yppinge (cf. for the epithet brúne ýða, Andr. Kmbl. 1038; An. 519), módewǽga mǽst the host of sinners lost their lives, after the brown waters that had towered aloft broke over them, Cd. Th. 209, 13; Exod. 498. Cf. ypplen.
ypping-íren, es; n. The name of some tool, a crowbar (?) :-- Hé sceal fela andlómena habban . . . mattuc, ippingíren, scear, culter and eác gádíren, Anglia ix. 263, 3.
ypplen, yplen, es; n. A top, summit :-- Ypplene fastigio, Hpt. Gl. 473, 47. Ðá ágeolewedan yplenu crocata cacumina, Wrt. Voc. ii. 137, 13.
ýr the name of the rune for y, a bow (?) :-- Ýr byð æðelinga wyn and fyrdgeatewa sum, Runic pm. Kmbl. 344, 29; Rún. 27. The letter occurs Exon. Th. 50, 14; Cri. 800: 284, 28; Jul. 704; Elen. Kmbl. 2518; El. 1260. [Icelandic has ýr; gen. ýs a yew, also a bow, as the name of the Runic y.]
yr-. For words beginning with yr- see ir-.
yrf-cwealm, es; m. Murrain :-- Hér corn ǽrest se myccla yrfcwalm on Angelcynn, Chr. 986; Erl. 131, 6. v. orf-cwealm.
yrfe (cf. orf; or (?) irfe, q. v.), es; n. Cattle :-- For án eówre yrfe sceal beón hér oves tantum vestrae et armenta remaneant, Ex. 10, 24. Gnættas wǽron gewordene on mannum and on yrfe (in jumentis), 8, 17. Eft hwyrfende wæs tó ðæm yrfe and tó ðæm ceápe and tó heora gesetum, Blickl. Homl. 199, 6. Ǽgðer ge on mannum ge on gehwelces cynnes yrfe, Chr. 910; Erl. 100, 14. Menn and yrfe (orf, v. l.) hí slógon, 1010; Erl. 143, 28. Ðá ðæt land ǽrest mín láford mǽ tó lǽt, ðá wæs hit ierfelæás (omni peccunia caruit) . . . . And ic sælf ðæt ierfæ (peccuniam) tó gestríndæ . . . . Ðonnæ is ðǽr nú irfæs (pecuniae) ðæs ðæs stranga wintær lǽfæd hæfð nigon ealð hríðru, and feówer and hundændlæftig ealdra swína, Chart. Th. 162, 26-163, 4. v. irfe.
yrfe-leás; adj. Without cattle, unstocked :-- Wæs ðæt land ierfelæás omni peccunia caruit, Chart. Th. 162, 28.
yrse-binn [= ? yrsen- = ísern-: cf, Wülck. Gl. 142, 2 irsenhelm cassis, where Wrt. Voc. i. 35, 4 has iren], e; f. An iron box :-- Yrse-binne (cf. hunigbinna, 264, 15), Anglia ix. 265, 1.
ysel, e; ysle, an; f. A spark, cinder, an ash, ember :-- Ysle favilla, Wrt. Voc. i. 37, 19: 66, 44: 284, 17: ii. 36, 53. On yslan in favillam, Hpt. Gl. 495, 31. Hé geseah hú ða ysla up flugon mid ðam smíce vidit ascendentem favillam, Gen. 19, 28. Gé syndon dust and acsan and ysela, Guthl. 5; Gdwin. 38, 23. Heora wyrtruma bið swá swá windige ysla radix eorum quasi favilla erit (ls. 5, 24), Homl. Th. ii. 322, 20. Ða yslan cineres, Exon. Th. 213, 13; Ph. 224. In onlícnesse uppástigendra yselena (ysla, v. l.) instar favillarum ascendentium, Bd. 5, 12; S. 628, 23. Geong of ðám yselum (de favilla) eft áríseþ, Nar. 39, 7. Ic eom yslum and axum geanlícod assimilatus sum favillae et cineri (Job 30, 19), Homl. Th. ii. 456, 13. Bearwas wurdon tó axan and tó yslan, Cd. Th. 154, 9; Gen. 2553. Gebringeþ bán and yslan, ádes láfe, eft ætsomne, Exon. Th. 216, 21; Ph. 271: 236, 18; Ph. 576. [On asshen and on iselen in fauilla et cinere, O. E. Homl. ii. 65, 18. I am bot erþe ful euel and usle so blake, Allit. Pms. 60, 747. Isyl of fyre fauilla, Prompt. Parv. 266 and see note. M. H. Ger. usele; and see Grff. i. 487: Icel. usli a conflagration; a field of burning embers.]
yslende sending forth sparks :-- Yslendra favillantium, Wrt. Voc. ii. 147, 20.
ysope, hysope, an; f.: ysopo, indeclinable, or ysopon in oblique cases. Hyssop :-- Ðás wyrte sculon tó lungensealfe, bánwyrt, . . . isopo, saluie, Lchdm. iii. 16, 8. Ysopan sceaft fasciculum hyssopi, Ex. 12, 22. Fram ðam heágan cederbeáme tó ðære lytlan ysopan, Homl. Th. ii. 578, 5. Hysopan gelícne, Lchdm. i. 160, 12. Bespreng mé mid ðínum háligdóme swá swá mid ysopon, Ps. Th. 50, 8. Mid ysopo, Jn. Skt. 19, 29. Of butran and of weaxe and of ysopo, Lchdm. ii. 244, 20. Genim ysopan, i. 254, 20. Wyll ysopon in buteran, iii. 22, 23: Ps. C. 73. Genim ysopo, Lchdm. i. 374, 18: 378, 21. [From Latin.]
ýst, e; f.: ýste, es; m. (?) I. a storm, tempest, whirlwind :-- Mycel ýst windes procella magna uenti, Mk. Skt. 4, 37. Windi ýst, Lk. Skt. 8, 23. Métte hié micel ýst on sǽ, Chr. 877; Erl. 78, 18. Án mycel ýst atrocissimus turbo, Ors. 3, 5; Swt. 104, 22. Hé sǽde ðæt ðǽr tó cóme ðæs strongestan windes ýste, and ðæt se swá stronglíce hrure on ða circan ðæt ealle ða men ðe ðǽr wǽron lágon áþænede on ðære eorðan, óþ ðæt seó ondrysnlíce ýst forð geleóreþ, Shrn. 81, 19-27. Ðæs norþanwindes ýst, Bt. 9; Fox 26, 21. Norðerne ýst, Met. 6, 14. Swá swá hradu ýst windes scip tóbrycð, Ps. Th. 47, 6. Gást ýstes spiritus procellae, Ps. Spl. C. 106, 25. Mid ðý storme and mid ðære ýste onwend tempestate convulsa, Past. 26; Swt. 181, 11. On ýste mǽstre tempestate maxima, Scint. 15, 18. Stormes ýste tempestatis turbine, Hpt. Gl. 421, 22. Mid swiftre ýste precipiti turbine, Germ. 392, 73. Ýst procellam, Ps. Spl. C. 106, 29. Hé ýste mæg oncyrran, ðæt hí ( = heó?) windes hweoðu weorðeþ smylte statuit procellam in auram, Ps. Th. 106, 28. Ís and ýste ealra gástas ðe his word willaþ wyrcean glacies, spiritus procellarum, quae faciunt verbum ejus, Ps. Th. 148, 8. Ðonne sǽ gemengaþ micla ýsta, Met. 5, 9. Æfter ðám ýþum úra geswinca ýsta gehwilcre, 21, 15. Ýsta procellarum, Blickl. Gl.: Ps. Spl. C. T. 10, 7. Swá ðæt twig, ðæt bið ácorfen of ðam treówe and áworpen on micclum ýstum, Homl. Skt. ii. 30, 192, 207. Ðara geþóhta ýstum cogitationum procellis, Past. 9; Swt. 59, 5. Æfter eallum ðám ýstum and ðám ýþum úrra geswinca, Bt. 34, 8; Fox 144, 28. II. rough water, surge :-- Ýst aestus, recessus et accessus maris, Wrt. Voc. i. 57, 10. [O. Sax. úst a storm of wind: O. H. Ger. unst procella, nimbus, tempestas, turbo.]
ýstan; p. te To be stormy :-- Ýstendre ferventis (oceani), Hpt. Gl. 464, 57.
ýstig; adj. I. stormy, tempestuous :-- Windig sumer and ýstig, Lchdm. iii. 162, 31. II. of storm :-- Ýstige gástas spiritus procellae, Ps. Th. 106, 24.
ýtan; p. te To put out, (1) to put out a person from a place, expel, banish :-- Hér man ýtte út Ælfgár eorl, ac hé com sóna inn ongeán þurh Gryffines fultum, Chr. 1058; Erl. 192, 35. (2) to put out a thing from one's possession, alienate, give away :-- Hé ná mynstres ǽhta ne ýte, ne ná myrre neque prodigus sit, aut stirpator substantie monasterii, R. Ben. 55, 4. v. á-ýtan; útian, and next word.
ytend, es; m. A waster, destroyer :-- Wéstend, ýtend exterminator, vastator, Wrt. Voc. ii. 147, 64. v. ýtan.
ýtera; cpve.: ýtemest; spve. adj. Outer: outmost, extreme. I. local :-- Of helle ýteran ex inferno inferiori, Ps. Spl. T. 85, 12. On ðan ýttren in citeriorem, Hpt. Gl. 492, 69. On ða ýtran in posteriora, Ps. Spl. 77, 72. Ýtemeste extremus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 146, 39. Ðæt ýtemeste land, ðæt man hǽt Thila, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 24, 20. Ðæt hé gewǽte his ýtemystan finger, Past. 43; Swt. 309, 6. On ða ýtemesta[n] sǽ in extremis maris, Ps. Spl. 138, 8. Ða ýtemestan endas ðare seglgyrde cornua, Wrt. Voc. i. 63, 46. Ða ýtmestan eorðbúende, Met. 10, 25. From feówerum foldan sceátum ðám ýtemestum, Exon. Th. 55, 7; Cri. 880. Æt ðám ýtmestan eorþan gemǽrum usque ad ultimum terrae, Blickl. Homl. 119, 25: 133, 35. Bind his ýtmestan limo mid byndellum, Lchdm. ii. 196, 12. II. marking order or degree, later, lower; last, lowest :-- Gif munuc hine sylfne ýttran (inferiorem) and unweorðran talaþ þonne ǽnigne óþerne, R. Ben. 29, 11. Stande hé ealra ýtemest (ultimas), 68, 10: Scint. 21, 19. Ealra ýtemest nouissima omnium, Lk. Skt. 20, 32. Ágynn fram ðam ýtemestan (novissimo) óð ðone fyrmestan, Mt. Kmbl. 20, 8, 14. On ðam ýtemestan dæge, Jn. Skt. 6, 54. On ðam ýtemestan dæge his lífes, Bd. 3, 17; S. 543, 18: 4, 8; S. 575, 30: Exon. Th. 172, 7; Gú. 1140. Æt ðæm ýtmestan ende, 128, 34; Gú. 414. On ýtemestum síðe in extremis, Mk. Skt. 5, 23. Tó ðam ýtemestan gelǽded, Guthl. 20; Gdwin. 80, 5. Ðæm étemestan hléte suprema sorte, Hpt. Gl. 453, 34. Ǽr ðú ágylde ðone ýtemestan (novissimum) feorðlingc, Mt. Kmbl. 5, 26: Lk. Skt. 12, 59. Ýtemystan infimam, minimam, Germ. 403, 31. Swá beóð ða fyrmestan ýtemeste (novissimi), and ða ýtemestan fyrmeste, Mt. Kmbl. 20, 16. Wurðaþ ðæs mannes ýtemestan wyrsan ðonne ða ǽrran, 12, 45. On ýtemestum in extremis, Scint. 46, 15. Hé ða ýtemestan word (ultima verba) on his herenesse betýnde, Bd. 4, 24; S. 599, 12. III. external :-- On ðám twám pundum is getácnod ǽgðer ge ðæt ýttre andgit ge ðæt inre . . . . Sume lǽwede tǽcaþ riht ðæs ðe hí magon tócnáwan be ðam ýttrum andgitum, þeáh ðe hí ne cunnon ða incundan deópnysse Godes láre ásmeágan, Homl. Th. ii. 550, 14-22. Ðan incundum internis, ða ýttran exteriora, Wülck. Gl. 248, 7; Scint. 226, 16. Ðú miht blissigan ðæt ðære ðeóde sáwla þurh ða ýttran wundra beóð getogene tó ðære incundan gife gaudeas quia Anglorum animae per exteriora miracula ad interiorem gratiam pertrahuntur (Bd. 1, 31), Homl. Th. ii. 132, 2. v. útera.
yteren; adj. Made of otter's skin :-- Berenne kyrtel oððe yterenne, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 18, 21.
yþ, e; f. I. a wave of the sea (lit. or fig.) :-- Flód oððe ýþ fluctus, Ælfc. Gr. 11; Zup. 79, 2. Éð unde, Wrt. Voc. i. 54, 23. Brim eft oncwæð, ýð óðerre, Andr. Kmbl. 885; An. 443. Stunede sió brúne ýð wið óðre, Met. 26, 30. Wédende ýða frementes fluctus, Hpt. Gl. 464, 74. Ýða flustra, 478, 57. Swá swá ýþa for winde ða sǽ hréraþ, Bt. 39, 1; Fox 210, 25: Met. 27, 3: Cd. Th. 83, 25; Gen. 1385: Ps. Th. 77, 53: Exon. Th. 488, 5; Rä. 76, 2. Ða sylfan ýþa wǽron áhafene ofer ðæt scip, Blickl. Homl. 235, 6. Ða ýða swygiaþ siluerunt fluctus, Ps. Th. 106, 28. Ða ýða ðara costunga, Past. 16; Swt. 103, 91. Ýþe, Exon. Th. 188, 3; Az. 40: Cd. Th. 196, 8; Exod. 288. Ða wonhǽwan oððe swearthǽwenan oððe ýða cerula, Wrt. Voc. ii. 20, 66. Wonne ýþa, Cd. Th. 86, 13; Gen. 1430. Sealte ýþa, Ps. Th. 76, 13. Ýþa hlúde, 64, 7. Ýþa ofermǽta, Exon. Th. 53, 23; Cri. 855. Ýþa geþwǽre, 382, 22; Rä. 3, 15. Hreó wǽron ýþa, Beo. Th. 1101; B. 548. Seó sǽ mót brúcan smyltra ýþa, Bt. 7, 3; Fox 20, 23. Eástreám ýða, Cd. Th. 240, 11; Dan. 385. Ýða ful the sea, Beo. Th. 2421; B. 1208. Ýða yrfeweard, Salm. Kmbl. 163; Sal. 81. Ýða swengas, Elen. Kmbl. 478; El. 239. Ýða ðrym, Beo. Th. 3841; B. 1918. Sǽs swéges and ýða (ýðana fluctuum, Lind. Rush.), Lk. Skt. 21, 25, Ðæt scyp wearð ofergoten mid ýðum (fluctibus), Mt. Kmbl. 8, 24. Of ðám ýðum tótorfod, 14, 24. Hé gesette ýðum heora onrihtne ryne, Cd. Th. 10, 34; Gen. 166. Flota wæs on ýðum, Beo. Th. 426; B. 210. Ofer ýðum, 3819; B. 1907. Hé ýðum stilde, Andr. Kmbl. 902; An. 451. Sealtum ýðum, Cd. Th. 207, 26; Exod. 472. On ðám ýðum ðisse worulde, Bt. 4; Fox 8, 22: Met. 4, 56. Æfter eallum ðám ýstum and ýþum úrra geswinca, Bt. 34, 8; Fox 144, 28: Met. 21, 54. Ealle ýða ðíne omnes fluctus tuos, Ps. Spl. 87, 7: Mk. Skt. 4, 37. Ýþa wrégan, Exon. Th. 383, 28; Rä. 4, 17. Gán ofer sǽs ýþa, Blickl. Homl. 177, 18. Féran ofer sǽs ýþe, Shrn. 104, 34: Exon. Th. 72, 5; Cri. 1168: Beo. Th. 91; B. 46. Winter ýþe beleác, 2269; B. 1132. ¶ gen. pl. with words denoting the movement of the waves forming phrases = the billowy sea :-- Ýða gelaac, Ps. Th. 118, 136: Exon. Th. 442, 3; Kl. 7. Ýða geswing, Beo. Th. 1700; B. 848: Andr. Kmbl. 703; An. 353. Ýða geþræc, 1645; An. 824: Exon. Th. 381, 26; Rä. 3, 2: 404, 13; Rä. 23, 7. Ýða geþring, Andr. Kmbl. 736; An. 368. Ýða gewealc, 517; An. 259: Cd. Th. 206, 21; Exod. 455: Beo. Th. 932; B. 464: Chr. 975; Erl. 126, 19. Ýða gewin, Beo. Th. 2942; B. 1469. Ýða ongin, Andr. Kmbl. 931; An. 466. Ýða wylm, 1726; An. 865. Ia. in a collective sense, the wave, water, sea :-- Ýð, ædwella flustra, i. unda, Wrt. Voc. ii. 149, 67. Ýð up færeþ, Cd. Th. 195, 25; Exod. 282. Ýð (cf. gewinn ýþa and landes, Bt. 39, 3; Fox 214, 35) wið lande ealneg winneþ, Met. 28, 57. Mec ýð sió brúne beleólc, Exon. Th. 471, 25; Rä. 61, 6. Ib. applied to a quantity of any liquid, flood as in floods of tears :-- Flód ýðum weóll, Andr. Kmbl. 3091; An. 1548. Blód ýðum weóll, 2482; An. 1242. Swát ýðum weóll, 2552; An. 1277: Beo. Th. 5380; B. 2693. Teagor ýðum weóll, Exon. Th. 182, 23; Gú. 1314. II. any liquid, water :-- Suǽ huæd in húsum gileáffulra ðás ýð eft ástrægde quicquid in domibus fidelium haec unda resperserit, Rtl. 121, 36. [Innan þan sea weren .vii. bittere uþe, O. E. Homl. i. 43, 3. Þe wind þa sæ wraðede, uðen þer urnen, Laym. 4578. Þet uðen (unðes, v. l.) ne stormes þet scip ne ouerworpen, A. R. 142, 11. Hit reled upon þe ro&yogh;e yþes, Allit. Pms. 96, 147. O. Sax. úðia: O. H. Ger. unda: Icel. unnr, uðr.] v. ár-, flód-, geofon-, líg-, sǽ-, sealt-, wæter-ýþ; ýþe.
ýþ-bord, es; n. A ship's side :-- Ðonne sǽrófe snelle mægne árum bregdaþ ýðborde neáh (sitting near the side of the ship), Exon. Th. 296, 27; Crä. 57. Swá eów scipweardas ofer ýðbord (speaking across the ship's side; cf. over-board) unnan willaþ, Andr. Kmbl. 595; An. 298. Cf. Bord oft onféng ýða swengas, Elen. Kmbl. 476; El. 238.
ýþe, an; f. A wave :-- Wé æthrynon mid úrum árum ða ýðan ðæs deópan wǽlis . . . ða ýðan getácniaþ ðisne deópne cræft, Anglia viii. 299, 38-41. v. ýþ.
ýþ-faru, e; f. The wave-course, the waves, sea :-- Swá ealne middangeard mereflód þeahte, ðá se aþela wong onsund wið ýðfare gehealden stód hreóra wǽga eádig unwemme cum diluvium mersisset fluctibus orbem, Deucalioneas exsuperavit aquas, Exon. Th. 200, 22; Ph. 44. Sume on ýðfare wurdon wætrum bisencte, on mereflóde, 271, 7; Jul. 478: Andr. Kmbl. 1799; An. 902.
ýþ-gebland, es; n. The tossing waves :-- Ýðgeblond up ástígeþ won tó wolcnum, ðonne wind styreþ láð gewidru, Beo. Th. 2750; B. 1373: 3190; B. 1593. Wǽron ýðgebland eal gefǽlsod, eácne eardas, 3244; B. 1620.
ýþ-gewinn, es; n. The wave-strife, the billows :-- Sumne hé feores getwǽfde ýðgewinnes, Beo. Th. 2872; B. 1434. Holmwylme neáh, ýðgewinne, 4815; B. 2412.
ýþgian, ýþgung. v. ýþian, ýþung.
yþ-hengest, es; m. A wave-steed, a ship :-- Hé férde ðǽr hé wiste his ýðhengestas, Chr. 1003; Erl. 139, 16. [Cf. Icel. unnar hestr a ship (poet.).]
ýþ-hof, es; n. A wave-house, a vessel :-- Ceólas léton æt sǽfearoðe, ald ýðhofu, oncrum fæste, Elen. Kmbl. 503; El. 252. Ongan ófostlíce ðæt hof (ýðhof is suggested by Grein, which would restore the missing alliteration) wyrcan, Cd. Th. 79, 25; Gen. 1316.
ýþian, ýþgian; p. ode. I. to overflow (intrans.) (l) literal :-- Ðá ýðode ðæt flód ofer eorþan aquae diluvii inundaverunt super terram, Gen. 7, 10. Ðæs flódes wæteru ýðedon ofer eorþan, 7, 6, 18. Burnon ýþgodon (ýðgadun, Surt.) torrentes inundaverunt, Ps. Spl. 77, 23. Éðiende redundans (torrens), Kent. Gl. 632. Ðæt ýðigende flód, ðe ða synfullan ádylegode, Homl. Th. ii. 60, 4. Swilc storm ýðigende feóll such a storm fell in torrents, 184, 5. (2) figurative, to be filled :-- Ðæs cyninges ríce ge foreweard ge forþgang swá monigum and swá myclum styrenessum wiþerweardra ðinga ýþiaþ cujus regni et principia et processus tot ac tantis redundavere rerum adversantium motibus, Bd. 5, 23; S. 646, 4. Ic ýðgode mid synnum, swá sǽ mid ýðum, Shrn. 140, 18. II. to move in waves, to toss, roll, (l) of the sea. v. ýþung :-- Ðæs ýþiendan sǽs flucivagi ponti, Wrt. Voc. ii. 149, 61. Hé ða yþig-endan sǽ mid ánre hǽse gestilde, Homl. Th. ii. 378, 20. (2) of movement like that of the sea, to wave :-- Sume sind gehátene tropi . . . swá swá is gecweden fluctuare segetes, ðæt æceras ýðiaþ, for ðan ðe æceras faraþ on sumera, swá swá sǽ ýðigende, Ælfc. Gr. 50; Zup. 295, 10. (3) figurative, to fluctuate. v. ýþig :-- His mód bið swíðe ýðegende (iéðegende, Hatt. MS.) and swíðe ábisgod mid eorðlícra monna wordum valde inter humana verba cor defluit, Past. 22; Swt. 168, 11. Swá bið ðis eorðlíce líf oft ýðgiende swá swá sǽ, 52; Swt. 409, 35. Seó sǽ getácnode ðás andwerdan woruld, ðe is swíþe ýðigende for mislícum styrungum and eostnungum, Homl. Th. ii. 384, 23. Of ýðigendre sǽ ðyssere worulde, 290, 33. Ne syleþ hé sóðfæstum ðæt him ýþende mód innan hreðre non dabit fluctuationem justo, Ps. Th. 54, 22. [O. H. Ger. undeón fluctuare, aestuare.] v. on-ýþian.
ýþig; adj. Fluctuating, stormy :-- Ðyssere ýðegan worulde, Homl. Skt. i. 16, 72.
ýþ-lád, e; f. A way across the waves :-- Gode þancedon ðæs ðe him ýþláde eáðe wurdon, Beo. Th. 461; B. 228.
ýþ-láf, e; f. The shore left bare by the waves :-- Hié (the sea-beasts) mécum wunde be ýðláfe uppe lǽgon, Beo. Th. 1136; B. 566. Ofer ýðláfe on sǽ lǽdan, Andr. Kmbl. 998; An. 499. Dǽlan on ýðláfe ealde mádmas, Cd. Th. 215, 18; Exod. 585.
ýþ-lid, es; n. A ship :-- Of ýðlide, Andr. Kmbl. 555; An. 278. Ofer ýðlid (-lið, MS.), 889; An. 445.
ýþ-lida, an; m. A wave-traverser, a ship :-- Hé hét him ýðlidan gódne gegyrwan, Beo. Th. 399; B. 198.
ýþ-mearh; gen. -meares; m. A wave-steed, a ship :-- Sundhengestas, ealde ýðmearas, Exon. Th. 54, 5; Cri. 864. Se micla hwæl bisenceþ sǽlíþende, eorlas and ýðmearas, 363, 5; Wal. 49.
ýþ-mere, es; m. The billowy main :-- Hwonne up cyme æþelast tungla ofer ýðmere éstan líxan, Exon. Th. 204, 7; Ph. 94.
ýþung, ýþgung, e; f. Movement as of waves (v. ýþian, II. 1), fluctuation (v. ýþian, II. 3) :-- Seó burh Naim is gereht ýðung oððe styrung, Homl. Th. i. 492, 1. Ýðgunge, ýðgunga fluctuationem, Ps. Spl. C. T. 54, 25: Ps. Surt. 54, 23: Blickl. Gl.
ýþ-wórigende; adj. (ptcpl.) Wave-wandering :-- Ða ýþwórigendan húþa fluctivagam praedam, Wrt. Voc. ii. 149, 71.
ýting, e; f. A being out, away from home, a journey :-- Ða ðe on ýtinge faraþ áhwyder hi qui in via diriguntur . . . Ða ðe on ýtinge faraþ exeuntes in viam, R. Ben. 90, 8-12. Crist wolde on ýtinge beón ácenned, Homl. Th. i. 34, 13.
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