A Grammar of Proto-Germanic

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Jonathan Slocum

About this online version of

A Grammar of Proto-Germanic

This online book, A Grammar of Proto-Germanic, is one in a series of books authored/edited by Winfred P. Lehmann on the subjects of Indo-European Languages and Historical Linguistics, broadly interpreted. A Grammar of Proto-Germanic is being made available here, in online form, in order to ensure its long-term, widespread availability. Other books in this series may be reached via links in the left margin and on the Books Online series introduction page.

Publication History

A Grammar of Proto-Germanic was never published in print form; it was intended for publication as a handbook, when written in 2005, but the author had not yet completed the manuscript editing process when he fell gravely ill and became unable to continue his work. It is being published here, even if unfinished, with the author's blessing. The content has been revised, corrected to some extent, and segmented by this editor, who wrote software to further process the resulting HTML files — creating this page layout including the Table of Contents in the left margin, etc. Invisible "metadata" has been added to enhance classification by web search engines, hence discovery by readers such as you. The content of this online version is much the same as that of the original draft, save for this Editor's Note and modest (if numerous) editorial changes in the body of the book, most of them purely stylistic in nature; however, the Bibliography with Text Sources has been very substantially revised due to the incomplete nature and generally poor state of the original (e.g., no text sources were provided), and this process may continue for some time. In other ways, as well, the text is subject to future emendation, and of course the editor is responsible for any such changes. Mention of errata is welcome; the webmaster's address for comments appears at the bottom of every page.

Textual Conventions and Unicode®

For notes on textual conventions in this online book, and information about the Unicode character set, which we employ, see the series introduction, Indo-European Languages and Historical Linguistics. Links on that page lead to this and other books in the series.


Readers interested in Indo-European languages may be especially interested in our Early Indo-European Online language lesson series; use the EIEOL link here or on any page in this web site.

Jonathan Slocum
April, 2007

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