Proto-Indo-European Syntax
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Appendix B
Hymn and stanza numbers for Rigvedic citations and line numbers for other citations are in bold-face type; page references are in roman type.
- -a (Hitt.). See
-i ̯a, -a (Hitt.) - -a (marker of mass nouns), 72, 202. See also
-h - Ablative, 42, 44, 47, 191, 195
- as starting point of action, 46
- Ablaut: use of, to express aspects, 176
- Absolute constructions, 22, 210-211
- Accent, PIE
- Accusative, 42, 47, 191, 193-194
- Adjectival lexical units, 231-232
- Adjective
- Adverbial
- Affixes in IE inflectional system, 152
- Agent, 11, 47-48, 78, 191
- agnídh- (Skt.), 76, 77
- Agreement rules, 13, 69-73
- agricola (Lat.), 69
- agriókhoiros (Gk.), 76
- Aitareya Braḥmāna (AB). See Sanskrit: examples
- akkušk- (Hitt.), 147
- Aktionsart, 97
- allá (Gk.), 153
- Allen, W. S.
- Alliterative verse, Germanic
- amāns (Lat.), 70, 208
- Ambivalent languages, 22
- án (Gk.), 179, 186
- an (Goth.), 179
- Analysis of sentences, 218-219
- Analytic character of IE dialects, 247-248
- Analytic devices, development of, 247-249
- Ananthanarayana, H. S.: on roots in TB, 225-226
- Anastrophe, 36
- Anatolian languages, 27. See also Hittite
- and (NE), 160
- anda (Hitt.), 233
- antí (Gk.), 233
- ánti (Skt.), 233
- antuhšaš, antuhšeš (Hitt.), 202
- Aorist, 107
- Aorist passive in Vedic, 151
- apò koinoû construction, 60, 66-67
- Apollódōrus (Gk.), 82
- appa (Hitt.), 233
- Apposition, 23, 82, 86-88
- Arabic
- ā́rat (Skt.), 224
- arēlis (Lith.), 230
- arhi- (Hitt.), 223
- árṇas (Skt.), 230
- arnu- (Hitt.), 148, 150
- arnuzi (Hitt.), 226
- Arrangement
- aršk- (Hitt.), 227
- ā́rta (Skt.), 224
- artifex (Lat.), 61
- arunaš (Hitt.), 230
- as- (Skt.), 182
- Aspect, 96-97, 106-109, 139-148, 186-190
- ā́ste (Skt.), 127
- Attributive
- augēre (Lat.), 145
- Augment vowel (e-), 108, 145, 155
- Augustine, Saint, 241-242
- Autonomy of word in PIE, 41, 248
- azzikk- (Hitt.), 148
- Bahuvrihi, 76, 79-81, 84
- "Basic meanings" of cases, 192
- Basque verb system, 110
- bébrūkhe (Gk.), 141
- Benveniste, Emile: on meaning of genitive, 191-192
- Beowulf, citations from: 2, 51; 6, 52; 30, 52; 120-123, 161
- Bestätigungsfragen, 101, 122, 180
- bhara (Skt.), 130
- bher- (PIE), 203
- bíbāmi (Gk.), 188
- blackbird (NE), 90
- bonus, -a, -um (Lat.), 70, 248
- Brugmann, Karl
- ca (Skt.), 33, 154, 215
- Case
- castra (Lat.), 69
- Category, syntactic
- Causative (Caus.), 11, 44, 96, 108-109, 149-152, 176, 183-184, 188
- increase in forms of, in Sanskrit, 183
- Celtic, Insular, 54, 119. See also Irish, Old
- Change, syntactic, 189
- Chomsky, Noam: on theory of language, 6
- Cicero, 41, 181
- Circumstance, case forms for, 45
- Collectives in PIE, 72
- Comparative constructions, 15, 22, 246
- in Vedic, 31
- Comparative method, 25, 238
- Comparison, 15, 195, 202, 208, 232
- Complement
- Complementation, 13, 163-167
- verbal, in Hittite, 35
- Compound
- Concord, 198-201
- Congruence, 109-110, 199-201
- in SVO languages, 70-71
- Conjunctions: from particles, 234
- Connectives. See Sentence connectives
- Consistent languages, 12, 22-23
- Coordination
- Coordinators, postposed, 20
- Cowgill, Warren: on first-person singular middle endings, 94, 105
- ču (Quechua), 102, 153
- Dative
- Declarative (Dec.), 11, 99-100, 113-114, 179
- dédorka (Gk.), 143
- Definiteness, 84
- Deictic elements, 18
- deídō (Gk.), 145
- Deixis, 18, 109-110, 207, 231
- Delbrück, Berthold
- Deletion, 13, 58-59
- Denniston, J. D.: on particles in Greek, 54
- Dental preterite in Germanic, 247
- Deponents, 128
- derk- (PIE), 9, 12
- dérkomai (Gk.), 143
- Desiderative, 105, 111, 184-185
- Determinative, 235
- Determiners in nominal phrases, 82-83
- deus (Lat.), 4
- deva-kṛta (Skt.), 82
- Devoto, Giacomo: on quantitative connotation of aspect, 106
- deyk- (PIE), 50
- d(h) affix/determinative, 152, 235
- dhām (Skt.), 205
- dheʔ-, dhē- (PIE), 203
- -dhi (PIE), 130
- -di (Hitt.), 127
- dic (Lat.), 130
- Dillon, Myles: on particles in Celtic and Hittite, 54, 119, 214
- Directive case in Hittite, 46
- dō- (PIE), 43, 48
- Dominance in IE verb, 111-112
- dona (Lat.), 72
- Dover, K. J.: on placement in Greek, 125, 152-153
- Dressler, Wolfgang
- Drift, 250
- Dual number, 201-202
- duc (Lat.), 130
- Durative aspect (-(Mom.), 140, 147-148, 186-187, 188-189. See also Momentary (Mom.)
- dúraḥ (Skt.), 201
- dvandvas, 81-82
- dvéṣṭi (Skt.), 143
- dyaus pitā (Skt.), 88
- e-, 108, 145, 155
- -ē-, -eʔ- (PIE), 182, 184
- ê, ēé (Gk.), 123, 154
- -e (perfect affix), 108, 141-143, 155
- ea (Lat.), 66
- earn (OE), 229
- ed- (Hitt.), 148
- ʔed- (PIE), 175
- eg- (PIE), 206, 231
- egit (Armenian), 189
- egṓnē, égōge (Gk.), 154
- eȋnai (Gk.), 153
- eku- (Hitt.), 147
- Elizarenkova, T.: on meaning of injunctive, 187
- Embedding, 12, 57-59, 219
- Emphatic patterns, 180, 220-221
- Enclitic, 50-52, 54-55
- Endings, verb, in IE languages, 104, 155
- English, Old
- Ennius, 154
- entlanc (early New High German), 246
- -e/o- affix. See Subjunctive
- éphaskon (Gk.), 148
- Equational sentence, 115
- Equivalent NP deletion, 13, 58-59
- er- (IE). See γer- (PIE)
- Ergative, 178
- érkhomai (Gk.), 227
- erteilen (German), 213, 229
- es-, ʔes- (PIE), 115, 116, 203, 209
- eš- (Hitt.), 165
- et (Lat.), 160
- Expression, means of, for syntactic categories, 175-177
- -eyo- (PIE causative affix), 108-109, 150-151, 176
- fac (Lat.), 130
- Factitives, 150-151
- fas (Lat.), 69
- faurrinnan (Goth.), 229
- Feature
- fer (Lat.), 130, 205
- Finals, restrictions of, in Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit, 53
- Finno-Ugric, 116
- forēs (Lat.), 201
- Frequentative, 187
- Friedrich, Johannes: on Hittite particles, 119-120, 125
- Future tense, development of, 133, 190
- gā- (Skt.), 234
- Gaedicke, Carl: on cases, 3
- Gallehus inscription, 55
- Gapping in Vedic, 33
- Gardiner, Alan: on particles in Ancient Egyptian, 209
- ge (Gk.), 154
- gégēthe (Gk.), 141
- gel- (Turkish), 92-93, 235
- Gender, 198-201
- Generation of sentences, 216-218
- Generative
- Genitive
- γer- (PIE), 148, 223-228, 236
- German
- Germanic
- γern- (PIE), 230
- gha (Skt.), 154
- Gimbutas, Marija: on IE culture, 5, 251
- git- (Turkish), 235
- gör- (Turkish), 204
- γorn- (PIE), 230
- goṣā́ (Skt.), 90
- Gothic
- Götze, Albrecht: on particles in Hittite and Celtic, 54, 119, 214
- gó-vapus (Skt.), 84
- gravis, grave (Lat.), 208, 248
- Greek
- Greek examples:
- Homer, Iliad
- Homer, Odyssey:
- Book 1: 1, 35, 199, 221; 5, 86; 10, 86-87; 30, 38; 32-36, 221; 47, 136; 59, 55; 63, 209; 80, 88; 158, 121; 170, 121; 185-186, 83; 226, 123; 402, 136; 429, 38
- Book 2: 80, 194
- Book 3: 19, 173; 55, 132; 249, 126; 251, 126; 313, 126
- Book 4: 64, 126; 388-389, 65
- Book 5: 6, 37; 486, 167
- Book 8: 133, 131; 216, 135
- Book 9: 209, 197; 259, 37; 405, 122; 412, 88
- Book 11: 585-587, 239
- Book 13: 19, 80; 42, 135
- Book 14: 23, 148; 257, 38; 334, 242
- Luke 9.23, 19
- Thucydides 5.35, 243
- Xenophon, Anabasis: 4.4.11, 243
- Xenophon, Cyropaedia: 7.1.1, 36
- Greenberg, Joseph, typological theory of, 6
- gu (Sumerian), 236
- Gudrunslied: 538.2, 67
- gumakunds (Goth.), 82
- gwem- (PIE), 147, 225
- gwōus (PIE), 236
- -h (PIE), 198, 202, 248
- ha (Skt.), 155
- haran (Hitt.), 230
- Hebrew, 103
- Heliand: 458-459, 72
- Hermann, Eduard: on subordination in PIE, 159
- hḗstai (Gk.), 127
- hi (Skt.), 185
- hi- conjugation, 140, 141, 143
- h- inflection, 141-142, 201
- híppagros (Gk.), 76
- Hirt, Hermann: views of, on syntax, 4
- Hittite
- complementary participles and infinitives, 165-166
- development of verb conjugation, 146
- examples, 34, 35, 42, 45, 46, 47, 54, 64, 65, 70, 75, 83, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 121, 122, 125, 130, 150, 155, 157, 161, 165, 166, 169, 170, 185, 210, 212, 213, 214, 218, 219, 223, 227, 228, 233, 239, 240, 244
- gender, 200
- genitive with postpositions, 212
- grammar, 27
- hi- conjugation, 140, 141, 143
- imperative, 137-138
- iterative-duratives, 147-148
- kuit clauses, 169-170
- mi- conjugation, 140-143
- optative, lack of, 137, 162
- order of nominal sentences, 33-34
- particles, 54, 119, 214
- reshaping of imperative endings, 134-135
- relative constructions, 25, 64-65, 244-245
- result clauses, lack of, 159
- -ri, -t(i) affixes, 103
- -ri, -ru, -di, -t affixes, 127
- sentence connectives, 119, 215
- subjunctive, lack of, 162
- Hittite, Late, 27
- Hittite, Old, 27, 212
- Hoffmann, Karl: on meaning of injunctive, 179, 187
- Homer. See Greek examples
- homō, hominem (Lat.), 206
- Hortatory subjunctive, 131-132
- hós, hḗ, hó (Gk.), 65
- hṓste (Gk.), 242-243
- huiš- (Hitt.), 239
- Hypotactic relationships. See Subordinate clauses
- -i (PIE verbal affix), 59, 93, 94, 99, 103, 125, 130, 134, 137, 179
- i (Skt.), 214
-i ̯a, -a (Hitt.), 155, 160, 162- ibai (Goth.), 122, 180
- id (Lat.), 66
- Iliad. See Greek examples
- Imperative, 114, 130, 132, 135, 137-138, 184, 185
- Imperfective. See Perfective
- Inchoative, 187-188
- Indicative, 99
- Indo-Hittite hypothesis, 143
- Infinitive, 209-210
- Injunctive, Vedic, 93, 124, 132-133, 138, 145, 179, 186-187, 205
- Insular Celtic, 119
- Instrument, 11, 77, 191
- Instrumental, 42, 47, 191, 194, 195, 196
- Intensive, 187-188
- Interrogative (Int.), 11, 17, 99-102, 121-123, 154, 179. See also Questions
- Intonation, PIE, 24-25, 52, 100-101, 179
- invati (Skt.), 108
- Ionic. See Greek: Ionic iterative preterites
- Irish, Old
- is, ea, id (Lat.), 66
- it (Hitt.), 134
- it (NE), 40
- Iterative (Iter.), 11, 106, 147-148, 187, 239-240
- iti (Skt.), 86, 173
- íyarti (Skt.), 150, 224, 226, 227
- Jacobi, Hermann, 3-4, 23
- jah (Goth.), 160
- Japanese
- Japanese (continued)
- Jespersen, Otto: on syntactic elements, 91
- jigā́ti (Skt.), 188
- juóste (Lith.), 145
- Jūpiter (Lat.), 88
- K (underlying case categories), 10-12
- ka (Japanese Int. particle), 102, 179
- -k- affix, use of, in Greek, 152, 247
- kaí (Gk.), 129, 160
- Kammenhuber, Annelies: on
-ske , 106 - kann (Goth.), 189
- kāraka, 10
- kāš, kē (Hitt.), 202
- ke (Gk.), 135, 179, 186
- keȋtai (Gk.), 128
- key- (PIE), 128
- ki (Japanese), 204
- kimono (Japanese), 204
- Kinship terms, PIE, analysis of, 225, 230
- Kiparsky, Paul: on change of accent patterns in dialects, 249-250
- kiru, kita (Japanese), 204
- koinḗ (Gk.), 19
- Krahe, Hans: on use of PIE cases, 43
- -ku, -ku (Hitt.), 160
- kuiš (Hitt.), relative construction marker, 63
- kuit clauses, 169-170
- Kurgan culture, 5, 251
- kurur (Hitt.), 70, 200, 208, 231
- kwe (PIE), 160
- kwi , kwo-, kwu- (PIE), 66, 179
- -l- (first singular Hitt. Imper.), 185
- lāman (Hitt.), 123, 135
- Latin
- laudō (Lat.), 247
- lē (Hitt.), 123, 155
- Lewy, Ernst: on verb systems, 110
- Lexical analysis of PIE γer, 223-228
- Lexical entry
- Lexical features, 10, 12
- li (Slavic), 102, 122, 154
- Lisu, 11, 99, 176, 179
- Lithuanian: optative forms with imperative sense, 137
- loca (Lat.), 202
- Locative, 42, 46, 191
- locus (Lat.), 202
- -lu (Hitt.), 134
- -m (PIE), 198
- m, s, t verbal endings, 93. See also PIE:
m- inflection - mā́ (Skt.), 123, 124, 185, 186
- mā (Tocharian A and B), 123
- Macdonell, Arthur A.: on analysis of causative, 44
- magnanimus (Lat.), 80
- mahhan (Hitt.), 171
- mā́kis (Skt.), 155
- man- (Hitt.), 172, 185
- mān (Hitt.), 171, 172
- Manner, 11, 78
- adverbial expression of, 46-47
- Maori, 60
- mar (Tocharian A), 123
- Marked construction
- mḗ (Gk.), 122, 123, 132, 153, 180
- me- (PIE), 206, 231
- mē (PIE), 102, 123, 124, 132, 155, 180, 185, 186, 216
- Means, 11, 77
- adverbial expression of, 47-48
- mēcum (Lat.), 36
- Meillet, Antoine
- mekki (Hitt.), 231
- meli (Turkish), 105
- memor (Lat.), 70, 208
- mén (Gk.), 154
- men- (PIE), 222
- mḗtis (Gk.), 153, 155
- -mi (IE), 10, 93
- mi (Turkish), 9, 102, 153
- mi- conjugation, 140-143
- Middle (Mid.), 11, 18-19, 103, 127-130, 183
- mihi est construction (Lat.), 79
- m- inflection, 141-142, 201
- Mitchell, T. F.: on concord, 198
- Modality, kinds of, 97-98. See also Q
- Modal logic, 96-97
- Modification, 24
- Modifier. See Adjective; Genitive; Nominal: modifying constructions; Relative constructions; Verbal modifying constructions
- Momentary (Mom.), 11, 107, 140-144, 186-187, 188-189
- Moods in IE languages, 97, 105-106, 130-139, 184-190
- n (PIE Caus. affix), 150-151
- -na (Avestan), 101
- na (Germanic), 101
- na (Skt.), 102, 123, 124, 180
- nákis (Skt.), 135
- nāman (Skt.), 135
- našma (Hitt.), 160
- natta (Hitt.), 122, 124
- nauta (Lat.), 72
- ne (Lat.), 122, 123
- -nē (Lat.), 101
- ne, n, (PIE), 126
- ne (PIE), 102, 123, 124, 125, 153, 180
- Necessitative (Nec.), 11, 105, 130-135
- nēd (Skt.), 124
- Negation, sentence, in PIE, 123-126
- Negative (Neg.), 11, 17, 99, 102
- placement, 153-154
- nei (PIE), 124
- nem- (Gk.), 222
- nēmo (Lat.), 153
- ni (Goth.), 180
- nī (Lat.), 125, 180
- n(i) (Skt.), 135
- nioman (OHG), 153
- nist (Goth.), 124
- niu (Goth.), 122
- no (Old Irish), 120
- nōlo < ne vōlo (Lat.), 124
- Nominal
- Nominative, 42, 48, 191
- nōn (Lat.), 124
- none (NE), 153
- nonne (Lat.), 122, 180
- Norse, Old (ON), 116, 230
- Noun, 110, 203, 206, 229-230, 235
- Noun phrase (NP), 13, 57-59
- nt- participles (PIE), 209
- nu (Gk.), 122
- nu (Hitt.), 54, 118, 119-120, 159, 214
- nu (Skt.), 118, 122, 154
- nū (Skt.), 118, 120, 215
- num (Lat.), 122, 180
- Number, 71-73, 94, 201-203
- Numerals, 208
- -o affix, 94, 127, 130
- Obligative (Obl.), 105, 130-135
- Odyssey. See Greek examples
- oȋda (Gk.), 107, 140, 189
- Old Church Slavic (OCS). See Slavic
- Old English (OE). See English, Old
- Old High German (OHG). See German: Old High
- Old Hittite, 27, 212
- Old Irish. See Irish, Old
- Old Norse (ON), 116, 230
- Old Persian, 115
- Old Saxon, 72
- Optative
- Order. See Arrangement; OV order; VO order
- orior (Lat.), 226
- ǫrn (ON), 230
- ornis, órnīthos (Gk.), 229
- órnumi (Gk.), 226
- ôrto (Gk.), 223, 224, 225
- Otfrid, 41
- ou, ouk (Gk.), 122, 123, 129, 153, 180
- oúte (Gk.), 126
- OV languages, 12, 39, 168, 204, 235
- OV order
- pad-, Vedic forms of, 206
- paenitet (Lat.), 111
- pāi- (Hitt.), 120
- Pali, 240-241
- Panini
- parā (Hitt.), 118, 232, 233
- parā (Skt.), 232, 233
- paraśús (Skt.), 236
- Parataxis, 158-162
- Participial constructions in place of relatives, 37
- Participles, 208-211
- Particles, 116-120, 197, 211-216, 234
- Partitive object, 49
- Passive, 108-109, 129, 151-152, 182-184
- Patronymics, 38
- Paul, Hermann
- Pedersen, Holger: on causative in Tocharian, 188
- peγ- (PIE), 41
- pélekus (Gk.), 236
- per (Gk.), 234
- per (PIE), 232-233
- Perfect, 107-108, 140-141, 143-146
- Perfective (Perf.), 11, 97, 106-108, 139-141, 186-187
- Periphrastic constructions, 210
- Persian, Old: example, 115
- Person
- phásken (Gk.), 148
- phére (Gk.), 130
- philós (Gk.), 129
- philósophos (Gk.), 81
- phobéō (Gk.), 108
- phoréō (Gk.), 108
- Phrases as syntactic units in PIE, 52-53
- Phrase-structure rules, 6, 10-12, 41, 78, 216
- pickpocket (NE), 90
- accent. See Accent, PIE
- adjective, 208
- causatives, 150, 176
- community of speakers, 251
- data, 26-28
- gender, 198-199
- h- inflection, 141-142, 201
- lexicon, 222-223
- m- inflection, 141-142, 201
- noun, 206
- numerals, 208
- OV order, 20, 30, 39, 238
- participles and other nominal forms, 208-211
- person endings, 94, 142, 201
- prefixes, lack of, 32-33, 37
- root, 203-205
- simple sentences, 39-49
- modified forms of, 113-139
- syntactic treatment, aims of, 24-26
- syntax, earlier treatments of, 3-6
- verb, 205-206
- verbal system, change in, 111-112, 246-248
- pilaqqu (Akkadian), 236
- piran (Hitt.), 212
- Pitch in Vedic, 50-51, 249
- Pivot, 15
- Place, 11, 78, 191
- adverbial expressions for, 46
- Plautus. See Latin: examples
- pluit (Lat.), 39, 111, 123
- Plurality in verbal aspect, 147
- pluti markers, 100, 180, 220
- pō-, peγ- (PIE), 175
- Possession, expression for, 79-80
- Postpositions, 15, 196, 212
- pra (Skt.), 228-229
- prá (Skt.), 118, 228
- Praeneste inscription, 53
- prá-pada (Skt.), 81
- Prefixes, verbal
- Prepositions, 15, 197, 212, 234
- Present, 107
- Presuppositions with Int., 122
- Preterite, iterative, 106, 147-148, 239-240
- Preverbs, 116-118, 212-214, 228-229, 233-235
- Primary endings, 93
- Principle of order, 12
- pró (Gk.), 118, 139
- prō (Lat.), 232
- proérkhomai (Gk.), 229
- Pronominalization, 17-18
- Pronominal lexical units, 230-231
- propátōr (Gk.), 81
- Propositional elements, 11
- proprius (Lat.), 81
- P rules. See Phrase-structure rules
- purā́ (Skt.), 139, 216
- Purpose
- púṣṭi-gu (Skt.), 79
- Q
- que (Lat.), 154, 215
- Quechua
- Questions
- -r (Celtic and Italic), 184
- ṛ (PIE). See
γer- - ṛ- (Skt.), 218
- with
pra- , 228-229
- with
- rāja-putra (Skt.), 81, 84
- Raman, Carol
- ṛcháti (Skt.), 227
- Receptor, 11, 77, 191, 194
- Reciprocal, 102-103, 126, 130
- pronouns, late, 246
- redneck (NE), 9
- Reduced relative construction, 16, 38
- Reduplication, 188
- Reflexive, 48, 126-130
- Reflexivization, 17-20, 102-103
- Reintroduction of OV patterns, 39, 116
- Relative clause, 26
- Relative constructions, 15-16, 37, 66, 159, 207
- Relativization, 13
- Renou, Louis: on perfect, 141
- Result, case forms for, 45
- Result clauses, absence of, in Hittite, 159
- Resultative, 196
- Rheme, 220
- -ri (Hitt.), 103, 127
- Rigveda, 26. See also Sanskrit: examples
- rinnan (Goth.), 229
- Risch, Ernst: on IE compounds, 76, 81
- ṛṇóti (Skt.), 150, 224, 226, 227
- Rōmam īre (Lat.), 46, 194
- Root, PIE, 203-205, 235-236
- rosa (Lat.), 72, 248
- -ru (Hitt.), 127
- run (ON), 230
- runs (Goth.), 230
- ruō (Lat.), 226
- Russian: expression of aspect, 96-97
- ryne (OE), 230
- -s (nominal), use of in PIE, 75, 158, 193, 198
- -s- (verbal), use of in PIE, 152, 184
- sa (Skt.), 54, 86, 118, 120, 215, 235
- sádati (Skt.), 127
- sam (Skt.), 214
- Samoyede verb system, 110
- Sandhi, 24, 248-249
- Sanskrit
- Sanskrit examples
- Aitareya Braḥmāna (AB): 3.34.1, 32; 7.14, 84-85
- Rigveda (RV)
- Book 1: 1.5, 47; 10.1, 180; 12.10, 33; 14.1, 181; 16.3, 211; 31.4, 129; 32.5, 44, 47, 133; 35.11, 61; 36.18, 47; 38.4, 172; 46.9, 129; 48.10, 80; 57.4, 195; 62.3, 186; 64.5, 200; 84.6, 232; 85.1, 62; 85.12, 62; 89.8, 62; 91.9, 62; 92.8, 135; 102.7, 33; 113.16, 210; 134.3, 127; 147.5, 213; 164.17, 234; 167.5, 171; 167.6, 171; 167.7, 82-83, 171; 167.8, 158-159; 167.9, 173; 167.10, 173; 174.2, 150
- Book 2: 1.11, 79; 13.2, 32; 17.4, 78; 24.8, 182; 29.3, 134; 30.7, 43; 33.5, 219; 33.8, 219, 220; 33.9, 71; 35.2, 107; 37.6, 44, 150
- Book 3: 3.1, 124; 33.8, 124; 48.2, 168; 53.2, 233; 58.8, 77; 61.6, 151
- Book 4: 2.3, 112; 2.4, 81; 5.8, 121; 5.15, 164; 9.1, 114; 15.7, 224; 16.3, 148; 16.5, 115; 22.6, 47; 24.5, 127; 28.5, 115; 30.1, 116; 31.9, 124; 32.11, 63; 33.5, 133; 37.2, 87; 39.1, 114; 40.3, 113; 42.5, 227; 48.1, 114
- Book 5: 1.1, 151; 1.2, 165; 4.6, 185; 5.10, 150; 25.8, 224; 39.2, 165; 52.6, 217; 54.15, 112; 79.10, 166
- Book 6: 13.3, 79; 16.10, 87; 16.19, 78; 19.2, 145; 19.9, 214; 24.9, 107; 28.3, 134; 44.18, 154; 95.15, 146
- Book 7: 5.6, 44; 11.1, 128; 12.3, 115; 21.3, 47, 165; 27.1, 131; 32.2, 128; 56.21, 217; 60.8, 77; 61.2, 228; 67.4, 132; 68.3, 228; 71.1, 45, 135, 213; 71.2, 136, 156; 71.3, 157; 71.4, 157, 213; 71.5, 156; 86.2, 138; 86.4, 168; 88.5, 139; 89.5, 171, 195
- Book 8: 1.7, 227; 19.10, 107; 24.20, 31; 43.22, 132; 44.23, 136; 48.1, 117; 48.2, 100, 117; 48.3, 21; 48.4, 45; 48.7, 195; 48.8, 42, 45, 117, 195; 48.10, 138; 48.13, 194, 197; 48.14, 185; 48.15, 34; 82.9, 212; 92.18, 78; 96.8, 193
- Book 9: 1.7, 49; 26.5, 49; 52.1, 79; 72.5, 78; 101.9, 112
- Book 10: 27.14, 107; 34.1, 43, 52; 34.5, 42; 34.10, 46; 34.11, 40, 43; 34.12, 42; 34.13, 42; 34.14, 42; 42.3, 167; 53.9, 186; 61.14, 87; 63.9, 77; 85.13, 151; 88.17, 127; 95.15, 146; 97.19, 197; 108.9, 134; 155.3, 147; 168.1, 182
- Śatapathabrāhmaṇa (ŚB):, 31;, 31, 100;, 88-89;, 54;, 55;, 55;, 55;, 165;, 74;, 74;, 53
- Taittirīya Brāhmaṇa (TB):, 51;, 51;, 50;, 51
- Taittirīya Saṁhitā (TS):, 74;, 33;, 160;, 31;, 131
- sás, sā́, tád (Skt.), 119
- Śatapathabrāhmaṇa (ŚB). See Sanskrit: examples
- Saxon, Old, 72
- Schmidt, Johannes: on IE plural formation, 69, 198
- Secondary endings, 141-142
- sed- (PIE), 127
- Seebold, Elmar: on PIE
weyd- , 236 - seiner (German), 128
- Selection categories in IE syntax, 24, 247-248
- Sememe, 9
- Sentence
- Separable prefixes in German, 36
- Sequence of tenses, 112, 172
- sequor (Lat.), 128
- sésēre (Gk.), 141
- śéte (Skt.), 128
- sew(e)- (PIE), 128, 207
- s formations, 145
- sich (German), 128
- -ske suffix (IE), 106, 147-149, 188
- Slavic
- sma (Skt.), 154, 216
- so-, sā-, to- (PIE), 207
- Sociative, 191
- Sommer, Ferdinand: on meaning of genitive, 192
- Source, 11, 77, 191
- Squamish, 99, 119, 120, 179, 215
- Standard, 15
- Stative, 107, 141
- sthā-, forms of, in Vedic, 93
- Stigmata, 15, 22
- Sturtevant, E. H.: and Indo-Hittite hypothesis, 118-119, 214
- Stylistic rules, 221
- šu (Hitt.), 54, 118, 120, 214-215
- Subject, 14, 40, 156-158
- appositional in PIE, 113
- Subjective dominance, 242
- Subjective quality of verb in IE, 110-112, 172, 239
- Subjunctive, 138
- Subordinate clauses, 167-174
- Subordination, 60, 136
- Suffix, 235
- šunna- (Hitt.), 140
- Surface phenomena, interpretation of, 178
- sva- (Skt.), 129
- SVO languages, 14, 18
- requirement of subject, 40
- Swahili: examples, 71
- Syncretism in verb system, 187
- Syntactic change, 189
- Syntactic explanation
- Syntax
- Synthetic. See Compound: synthetic
- Systematization of paradigms, 247-248
- -t (Hitt.), 127
- ta (Hitt.), 54, 118, 120, 214-215
- tāh, tigon (OE), 50
- Taittirīya Brāhmaṇa (TB). See Sanskrit: examples
- Taittirīya Saṁhitā (TS). See Sanskrit: examples
- takku (Hitt.), 172, 215
- takšul (Hitt.), 70, 231
- Target, 11, 12, 77, 191, 194
- Tatpurusha, 81-82
- te (Gk.), 154, 215
- -te (PIE), 130
- Temporal clauses, 168
- Tense, 17, 97, 133, 139, 177, 189, 190
- tethēlṓs (Gk.), 141
- tew- (PIE), 206
- -thē- (Gk.), 184
- Thematic vowel, 247-248
- Theme, 220
- Thurneysen, Rudolf
- -t(i) (Hitt.), 103
- Time, 11, 77, 191
- Titles, order of, 23, 87-88
- to (Japanese), 173
- Tocharian, 123-124, 188
- Topicalization, 13, 156-158, 220-221
- tozan (Japanese), 76
- Transformational rules, 13
- Transitive, lack of formal distinction for, in early PIE, 181-182
- Transportation processes, 13, 122, 152-156
- tu (Skt.), 118
- Turkish
- Typology, 6, 15-16
- u (Goth.), 122, 154
- -u. See Imperative: affix
-u - uk (Hitt.), 202
- úkṣati (Skt.), 145
- Urteil (German), 213, 229
- utá (Skt.), 158-159
- uttar, uddanaš (Hitt.), 231
- uu̯a- (Hitt.), 120
- V, definition of, 15
- vā (Skt.), 154
- v affix, in Latin, 152, 247
- ve (Lat.), 154
- véda (Skt.), 107, 140, 186, 187, 189, 205
- Vedic, 30-34, 50-51, 62, 93, 131, 136, 151, 170-171, 206, 249. See also Injunctive, Vedic
- ver- (Turkish), 204
- Verb, 110. See also PIE: verb; PIE: verbal system
- Verbal modifying constructions, 16-17
- Verbal noun, 23
- Verdeutlichungsfragen, 101, 121, 179
- Vergil. See Latin: examples
- Verkuyl, H. J.: on aspects, 188
- verlieren (German), 118
- Verner, Karl: on pitch in Germanic, 50
- vetus (Lat.), 70
- vīdi (Lat.), 140, 189
- vigil (Lat.), 70
- VO languages, 12
- gender in, 199
- VO order
- vocas (Vedic), 146
- Vocatives, 86, 114, 190
- modifiers to, 87
- Voice, 181-184
- Volitional, Voluntative (Vol.), 11, 105, 135-139
- Vormund (German), 118
- Vowel harmony, Turkish, 92
- Wachowicz, Krystyna: on multiple question words, 121
- Wackernagel, Jacob
- wahsjan (Goth.), 145
- wait (Goth.), 107, 140, 189
- watar, wetenaš (Hitt.), 147, 206
- Watkins, Calvert
- wē̆ (PIE), 160, 216
- wēš (Hitt.), 202
- wetenaš (Hitt.), 147, 206
- wey- (PIE), 236
- weyd- (PIE), 140, 144, 176, 186, 189, 235, 236
- wid- (PIE), 144, 176
- widār (Hitt.), 147
- woid- (PIE), 176, 186
- Words, as syntactic units in PIE, 53
- wot (English), 140
- WP (Walde-Pokorny lexicon of IE), 222-223
- Würzburg glosses, 67-68
- ya- (Skt.), 169
- yadā (Skt.), 171
- yad clauses, Vedic, 131, 136, 170-171
- yadi (Skt.), 138
- yaj- (Skt.)
- yamanobori, Japanese, 76
- yāstē (Avestan), 143
- yatra (Skt.), 171
- -yeʔ- (PIE). See Optative
- yo- (PIE), 168
- -yo- (PIE), 182, 184
- yo relative clause, 26
- yod (PIE), 168-169
- yomimono (Japanese), 204
- yomu, yonda (Japanese), 110, 204
- yos, yā, yod (PIE), 66
- yuváti (Skt.), 143
- zēh, zigum (OHG), 50
- zeiaí (Gk.), 201
- Zeû páter (Gk.), 88
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