Syntactic Typology: Studies in the Phenomenology of Language
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Winfred P. Lehmann
Appendix B: Index
- A (subject of transitive verb in nonergative languages), 330-334
- Absolute, 329
- Absolute constructions, 34-35
- Additive numeral pattern, 19
- Adelung, Johann C., 7, 27, 30
- Adjectives, descriptive, 17
- Adpositions, 12, 16, 78
- Adverbial clause, 14
- Adverbs, 117-121, 192-193
- Afterthoughts, 62
- Agent, 331
- Agentivity, 356
- Agglutinative structure, 219
- Agreement, 13-14, 395-396
- Akkadian, 418
- Ambiguity in verb-initial and verb-final languages, 321-324
- Ambivalent languages, 34-35
- Anaphora, 165-166, 204-205
- Animacy hierarchy, 385-387
- Antiergative, 380-383
- Antipassive, 361-364
- Apparently similar patterns in languages, 421-423
- Approaches to language, 426-432
- Areas, linguistic, 413-417
- Arrangement, 10, 43
- Article, 297-298
- Aspect, 105-106, 187-191
- Attitude, speaker's, 106-108
- Auxiliaries
- Avar, 338
- Axioms governing language patterns, 32
- Balkan language area, 413-414
- Basic English, 188
- Basque, 333, 336, 357, 358, 370
- Batak, 272-275, 318
- Batsbi, 366-367
- Baure, 284-285, 292
- Benveniste, Emile, 415
- Beowulf, OV patterns in, 37-38
- Blixen, Olaf, 141
- Bloomfield, Leonard, 30
- Boas, Franz, 416
- Borrowing, 34
- Brain, control of language by, 9
- Calbert, Joseph, 420
- Carroll, Lewis, 169
- Case grammar, 43-44
- Case-marking systems for S, A, and P, 332
- Causative, 12-13, 44, 110-115, 159-160, 299-300, 419
- Change
- Change, Language
- Charmey, 398
- Chinese, Mandarin, 223-266
- ba-construction, 231, 266
- causative relationship, 242, 246-247
- clause structure, 226-229
- complementation, 248
- compounding mechanisms, 233-235
- correlative structures, 259-262, 264
- definiteness, signals for, 227-228, 237
- extent clause, 257-258
- grammatical morphology, lack of, 235-237, 265
- morphology, 233-252
- paired correlative markers, 259-262
- passivelike sentences, 53
- place phrases, 229
- pronominalization, 262-264
- relative clause, 249, 253-256
- serial verbs, 237-241, 245-246, 249-251
- subordination, 252
- time adverbial clause, 256-257
- time phrases, 229
- tone and syllabic structure, 224-225
- topic-prominence, 226, 236-237
- word order, 52, 225-233
- zero-pronominalization, 263-264
- zhe-construction, 252-253, 258
- Chol, 352-353, 377
- Chomsky, Noam, 31, 428-429
- Chukchee, 364-365, 404
- Circassian, West, Bzhedukh, 359-360, 362
- Clefting, 27, 137, 203, 210-212, 320-321
- Cognitive dissonance, 309-310, 313, 316-317
- Cohesiveness of patterning in language, 405-406
- Comparative, 38, 430
- OV, in Old English, 407-408
- Comparison, 18-19, 38, 81
- Complement, 14, 21, 162-163, 197
- Complementation, 18, 197-198, 248, 431
- Complementizer, 147
- Compounding patterns, 100-102, 216, 233-235
- Compound sentences, 18, 193-198
- Concord, 13. See also Agreement
- Conjunction reduction, 319-321
- Consistent languages, 34, 54
- Control, 12. See also Government
- Coordination, 121-123, 160-161, 195
- Copula, 66-68, 301-302
- Dalabon, 386-387
- Dānesfāni, 341-342
- Dargi, 365-366
- Dative, shift of, 42
- Declarative, 44-46
- Deep structure, universal, 44-45, 50-51
- Deletion, anaphoric, 165, 205
- Delimitation, 13. See also Agreement
- Derbyshire, D. C., 58, 324
- Derivational morphology: ergativity and, 390-391
- Determinant, in Polynesian, 143
- Determiner, 45
- Devices of language, 9-15
- Diffusion, 34
- Dillon, Myles, 418
- Discourse structure, 397, 432
- in Dyirbal, 363-364
- Dixon, Robert M. W., 426-427
- Double subject sentences, 74-78
- Dravidian, 36, 415
- Drift, 54, 398, 408
- in Indo-European, 409
- Dyirbal, 333, 346-349, 354-356, 358, 360, 387-388, 393
- Easter Island (a VSO language), 139-168
- adjectives, 152
- anaphora, 166-167
- article, 147-149
- causatives, 159-160
- clauses, simple, 143-145
- comparatives, 147
- coordination, 160-161
- determinant, 143-144, 168
- equational clauses, 146-147, 165
- genitive phrases, 150-152
- interrogatives, 155-157
- negation, 157-159
- nominal phrases, 147-149
- numerals, 152-153
- passivization, 167-168
- predicate, 143
- prepositional phrases, 146
- reciprocals and reflexives, 159
- relative clause, 149-150
- subordination, 162-166
- verbal phrases, 153-160
- pattern of, 154
- Ellipsis, 194
- Englert, Father Sebastian, 140, 142, 144
- English (an SVO language), 169-222
- adjectives, order of, 177-178
- adverbial clauses, 176, 196-197
- adverbials, sentence, 192-193
- anaphora, 204-205
- aspect and tense, 187-191
- auxiliaries, 172, 179, 185-186, 187-188, 191
- causative, 47, 189
- clauses, simple, 170-175
- clefting, 203, 210-212
- complementation, 197-198, 408-409
- compound and complex sentences, 193
- constructions with a standard, 174
- coordination, 193-195, 346-347, 349
- derivation, 216, 390
- DO, as dummy verb, 180
- ellipsis, 194
- ergativity, 337, 389-391
- extraposition, 209
- genitives, 177
- change of, 37-38
- government, 174-175
- hypotaxis, 195
- inflection, 213-216
- interrogation, 179-181
- intonation patterns, 179-180
- marking, 173-174, 198-200
- middle, expression of, 183-185
- modality, expressions for, 185-186
- morphological characteristics, 212-216
- morphophonemic processes, 217-218
- negation, 172, 181-183
- nominal phrases, 175-178
- passivization, 206-208
- phonological characteristics, 218-221
- pseudo-clefting, 211-212
- reflexivization, 184
- relative clauses, 175-176, 203-204
- segmentals, 220-221
- subjects in, 173, 343
- subordination, 195-197
- substitutes in, 172-173, 200-205
- suprasegmentals, 219-220
- tense, 190-191
- there, 205, 209, 211
- topicalization, 208-210
- verbal phrases, 178-191
- wh-words, 180-181
- yes-or-no questions, 180-181
- English, change from OV to VO in, 37-39
- English, Old
- Equational clauses, 146-147
- Ergative, 329
- Ergative-absolute system, 333
- Ergativity, 329-394
- agentivity and, 355-367
- animacy hierarchy and, 385-388
- antiergative and, 380-383
- case-marking and, 330-334, 379-388
- derivational morphology and, 389-391
- diachronic relationships of, with nominative-accusative systems, 368-379
- discrepancy in system of, 340-341, 354
- lexical, 391-392
- loss of, 371
- morphological, 334, 336-342
- motivation for, 335-336
- nominalization and, 374-379
- passive and, 350, 368-374
- semantic, 334-335, 356
- split, 350-355
- according to tense-aspect, 351
- subject and, 343
- subjectless sentences and, 381-382
- syntactic, 334-335, 336-337, 343, 389-391, 393
- verb agreement and, 338-342
- Explanations based on a typological framework, 40-41
- Fijian, 275-278
- Finck, Franz N., 423
- Finnish, 382-383
- Focused constituent, 293-294
- Foregrounding, 207-210
- Framework, typological, 24-26, 416-417
- use of, for explanation, 40-41
- French, 40
- Fries, Charles, 37-38, 41
- Gallehus inscription, 218, 402-403
- Gapping, 194
- Generative grammar, 50
- Genitives, change in English, 37, 408
- Georgian, 351-352, 357
- German
- Germanic
- Gilbertese, 279, 323
- Goetze, Albrecht, 418
- Gothic, 47, 405
- Government, 12-13, 18-19, 32, 174, 395-396
- Greek, 7, 33, 407, 414
- complementation, 409
- Greenberg, Joseph, 42, 214, 225, 288
- Hattic, 35
- Heavy objects, 316-317
- Hebrew, 213, 416
- Hindi, 371
- Historical linguistics, 37-42
- predictive power of, 428
- Hittite, 35, 406, 418
- Hixkaryana, 58, 324
- Hua, 384-385
- Humboldt, Wilhelm von, 423
- Hypotaxis. See Subordination
- Inconsistency in languages, 32-33, 340-341, 354, 395-399, 400-404
- Indo-Iranian: ergativity in, 371, 377
- Inflection, loss of, 213-216, 219
- Influence of languages on others, 413-417
- Ingram, David, 416
- Ineseño Chumash, 282-284
- Interpretation based on :
- Interrogative, 17-18, 44, 46, 93-94, 419
- Intonation, 11-21, 46
- Iranian, 376-377
- Irish
- Iterative, 44
- Jacaltec, 377-378
- Japanese (an OV language), 7, 57-138
- adjectives, 66
- adpositions, 78-81
- adverb, 117-121
- afterthoughts, 62, 119
- agentivity, 366
- agreement, 68-70
- aspect, 105-106
- causative, 110-115
- clefting, 137
- comparison of inequality, 81, 430
- compound and complex sentences, 121-127
- compound verbs, 100-102, 106-108
- copula, 66-68
- foregrounding, 134-137
- genitives, 90-91
- honorifics, 202-203
- interrogative, 93-94
- modality, 102-103
- negative, 94
- nominal modifiers, 82-92
- numerals and quantifiers, 91-92
- passive, 96, 98, 108-110, 421-422
- pronouns, lack of, 127-130, 202-203
- quotatives, 124-126
- reciprocal, 95
- reflexivization, 32-33, 76, 95-100, 183
- reflexive clauses, 86-90
- scrambling, 133-134
- simple sentence type, 64
- SOV, 59-60
- speaker's attitude, representation of, 106-108
- subjectless sentences, 70-72
- tense, 103-104 theme, 134-137
- verb deletion, 130-133
- verbal phrases, 93-117;
- Jespersen, Otto, 30-31
- K (abstract nominal categories), 44
- k (inflections or function words), 45
- Kala Lagau Langgus, 362-363
- Khinalug, 344-345, 355
- Malagasy, 270-272
- Malayo-Polynesian, verb-initial, 287
- Marking, 22, 173-174, 198-200
- determination of, 268-269
- Meillet, Antoine, 415
- Middle, 44, 173-185, 432
- Mithridates, 26-27
- Modality, 420
- Modification, syntactic, 32, 43
- Modification = sandhi, 11, 49
- in VO vs. OV languages, 11
- Modulation. See Intonation
- Mohenjodaro, 35
- Momentary, 44, 48, 187
- Morphological patterns, conservative, 213
- Morphophonemic processes, 217-218
- Motu, 333-334, 388
- Müller, Friedrich, 26, 30
- Munjani, 371
- Necessitative, 44, 102, 186
- Negation, 18, 44, 46, 181-183, 419
- Nez Perce, 403-404
- Nominalization, 374-379
- Noonan, Michael, 417
- O. See Object
- Object, 44
- Order. See Arrangement
- OSV languages, 269-270, 324
- Otomi, 281-282
- OV languages, 6, 16-18
- P (direct object of verb in nonergative languages), 331-334
- P (proposition), 44
- Pali, 405
- Parataxis. See Coordination
- Particles, sentence-introducing, 417-419
- Passive, 22, 53, 108-110, 167-168, 173, 206-208, 300, 350, 370-374, 375, 421-422
- Patient, 331
- Patterns, selected, of language structure, 15-26
- Perfective, 44
- Persian, 371-372
- Old, 376-377
- Person markers, 416-417
- Phonological component, 6
- Phonological processes, 23
- Pinyin, 225
- Polynesian, 372-373
- Portmanteau morph, 341
- Predictive power in linguistics, 428-430
- Prefixation, 23
- Principles governing language, 19, 46, 395-400, 430
- Processes of language, 9-14, 25-26
- Pronouns, lack of, in Japanese 127-130
- Proposition, 44
- Proto-Indo-European
- Pseudo-clefting, 211-212
- Putonghua, 413. See also Chinese
- Q. See Qualifier
- Q categories, 44-45, 183, 419-420
- Qualifier, 19-20, 44-45, 47
- Quechua (OV order), 48
- syllable structure, 219
- Quiché, 339, 358-359, 360-361, 365
- Quotatives, 124-126
- Reciprocal, 95, 310-311
- Reflexive pronouns in Indo-European, 407
- Reflexivization as a syntactic category, 32-33, 95-100, 312-313, 315, 431-432
- Relative constructions, 13, 17, 20, 86-90, 296-297
- Relativity, linguistic, 423-426
- Relevance principle, 304-306
- Rembarnga, 341
- Retention, rate of, 41
- Rheme, 175
- Ross's principle: right dislocation, 61
- Russian, 375-376
- S (single segment with intransitive verb), 330-334
- S (subject). See Subject
- SAE (Standard Average European), 415
- Samoan, 373-374
- Sandfeld, Kristian, 413-414
- Sanskrit, 7, 39, 42, 47, 371, 405, 415
- Sapir, Edward, 54, 398, 416, 423-426, 432
- Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, 423-426
- Saussure, Ferdinand de, 54, 432
- Selection, 10
- Semantic structures and language types, 5, 221
- Sentence, 44-45
- Serial verbs, 237-241, 245-246, 249-251
- Seuren, Pieter, 44
- Σ, 44. See also Sentence
- Sinhalese
- SOV languages. See Japanese
- Standard, constructions with, 16-17, 174
- Subject, 52-53, 330
- Subject, double, 73-78
- Subject, properties of, 343
- Subject-final languages, 267-327
- general properties of, 285-302
- negative precedes verb in, 299
- passive in, 300
- possessors, phrase, after head, in, 295-296
- prepositional, 291-292
- problems with, for understanding sentence, 324
- pronoun-retaining strategies of, 322
- properties and patterns of
- question word, preverbal, in, 292-294
- reciprocals in, 310-311
- reflexives in, 312-315
- relative clause follows head in, 296
- relative pronoun lacking in, 296-297
- subordinate conjunctions in, 294-295
- verb agreement in, 288-289
- verb-initial, 285-286. See also VOS languages
- Subject-predicate languages: cognitively advantageous, 306-307
- Subject prominence, 53
- Subordination, 14
- Substitutes, in SVO languages, 172-173, 202-205
- Suffixation, 23
- Sumerian, 35, 419
- Suprasegmentals, 219-220
- Surface expression, relation of, to underlying categories, 48
- SVO languages, 5-6, 52. See also English
- Swahili, 338
- Syllabic structure, 23
- Syllabification and language types, 218-219
- Syntactic component: central in language, 5-6
- Tag questions, 181
- Tamil, 405
- Tasmanian, 35
- Taxonomy vs. typology, 5
- Tense, 187-191
- Theme, 72-74, 134-137, 173, 175, 303-304, 396-397
- in Japanese relativization, 90
- There, 205, 209, 211
- Tone-languages, 224-225
- Tongan, 329, 358, 365
- Topicalization, 208-210, 305
- by passive, 421
- Topicalizer, 407
- Topic-prominence, 52-53, 226-227, 236-237
- and Lack of It-Clefting, 137
- Transformational grammar, 51, 428-429
- Turkish
- Twaddell, W. F., 185-186
- Typological framework, use of, 40, 416-417
- Typology
- Tzeltal, 279-281, 311
- Verb: central in language, 7-8
- Verbal modifiers, 17-18
- Verbal qualifiers, 172
- Voicing of American English -t-, 397
- VO languages, 6. See also Easter Island; VOS languages
- Voluntative, 44, 186
- VOS languages, 269-325
- Vowel harmony, 23, 217, 403-404
- Vowel systems, 221
- VSO languages, 15-18, 143-168. See also Easter Island
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