Old Church Slavonic Online

Slavonic: Base Form Dictionary

This Base Form Dictionary index lists, in an alphabetical order suitable to the language and the script employed for it, every unique base form underlying one or more surface (word) forms in lesson texts. For each base form a general meaning (if any) is shown, along with links to every usage, in every numbered lesson, of the associated surface forms. With this index, one may click on any link to perform a quick "usage look-up," and thereby study how surface forms in texts are constructed from base forms.

A new, experimental feature is being introduced to these EIEOL lessons, namely the addition of pointers to Proto-Indo-European roots identified by Julius Pokorny in his monumental work, Indogermanisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch (2 vols. Bern: Franke, 1959-1969; reprinted in 1989). Because Pokorny is becoming increasingly outdated, we may revise these links in the future; however, for the time being, this information might prove interesting to those who are curious about Indo-European etymology. Notice of potential error is always welcome.

<а> and, but; if -- <абьє> right away -- [Pokorny abh- :: swift, quick, abrupt]   -- <Авгостъ> Augustus -- <авити, -вл҄ѭ, -виши> reveal -- [Pokorny 8. au̯-, au̯ēi- :: to perceive, understand, be aware of]   -- <аггєлъ> angel -- <азъ> I -- [Pokorny eg̑-, eg̑(h)om, eg̑ō :: ego, I (pronoun)]   -- <акꙑ> as, like -- <алкати, алчѫ, алчєши> hunger -- <аминъ> amen -- <асти, амь, аси> eat -- <аштє> if, whether -- <бєзѹмьнъ> mad, crazy, foolish -- <бєсѣда> conversation, word, talk -- <бискѹпъ> bishop -- <благовол҄єньє> good-will; good -- <благовѣштати, -таѭ, -таѥши> proclaim (the Good News) -- <благодѣть> gift, grace, joy -- [Pokorny 2. dhē- :: to do, put, place, set]   -- <благословити, -влѭ, -виши> bless -- <благословл҄єньѥ> blessing -- <блажєнъ> blessed -- <близньць> twin -- <близь> near (to) -- [Pokorny bhlīg̑- : *bhlēig- :: to hit, strike, inflict]   -- <бо> for -- [Pokorny 2. bhē̆, bhō̆ :: (emphatic particle)]   -- <богатъ> rich -- [Pokorny 1. bhag- :: to divide, apportion]   -- <богатѣти, -тѣѭ, -тѣѥши> be rich -- [Pokorny 1. bhag- :: to divide, apportion]   -- <богъ> god -- [Pokorny 1. bhag- :: to divide, apportion]   -- <божьи> divine, of god, god's -- <Болєславъ> Boleslav -- <бол҄ьи> bigger, more -- [Pokorny 2. bel- :: strong]   -- <больнъ> sick -- [Pokorny 2. bel- :: strong]   -- <болѣзнь> sickness -- [Pokorny 2. bel- :: strong]   -- <болѣти, -лѫ, -лиши> be ill -- [Pokorny 2. bel- :: strong]   -- <боꙗти сѧ, боѭ, боиши> fear -- [Pokorny bhōi- : bhəi- : bhī-, bhii̯ə- :: to fear, be afraid]   -- <Братиславъ> Bratislav -- <братръ, братъ> brother -- [Pokorny bhrā́ter- :: brother, family member]   -- <брѣгъ> bank, bluff -- <бѹкꙑ> letter, writing -- <бъдѧти, бъждѫ, бъждиши> be awake, stay awake -- <бꙑвати, -ваѭ, -ваѥши> be -- [Pokorny bheu-, bheu̯ə-, bhu̯ā-, bhu̯ē- : bhō̆u- : bhū- :: to be, exist; grow, prosper]   -- <бꙑти, бѫдѫ, бѫдєши> be, become -- [Pokorny bheu-, bheu̯ə-, bhu̯ā-, bhu̯ē- : bhō̆u- : bhū- :: to be, exist; grow, prosper]   -- <Варда> Varda -- <вашь> of you, your -- <вєлии> big, great -- [Pokorny 3. u̯el- :: to crowd, press, push]   -- <вєсєлити, -л҄ѭ, -лиши> entertain; (refl.) rejoice -- <видѣти, виждѫ, видиши> see -- [Pokorny 2. u̯(e)id- :: to vide, see, wit, know]   -- <Виѳаньа> Bethany -- <Виѳлєємъ> Bethlehem -- <владꙑка> lord, master; leader -- <власти, владѫ, -дєши> rule (+ instrumental ) -- [Pokorny u̯al-, u̯al-d(h)- :: to prevail, be strong]   -- <власъ> hair -- [Pokorny 4. u̯el-, u̯elə- :: wool, hair; grass, wold, forest]   -- <вода> water -- [Pokorny 9. au̯(e)-, au̯ed-, au̯er- :: to wet, flow, sprinkle; water, river, etc.]   -- <вои> (plural form) troops, army -- [Pokorny 3. u̯ei-, u̯eiə- : u̯ī- :: to wish, pursue, go for, reach towards; strong, violent]   -- <врагъ> enemy -- [Pokorny u̯reg-, and u̯erg-? :: to drag, push, drive, thrust]   -- <врѣмѧ> time -- [Pokorny 3h. u̯er-, u̯er-t- :: to turn, wind, invert]   -- <въ> in, into -- [Pokorny 1. en :: in]   -- <възбѹдити, -ждѫ, -диши> wake up, rouse -- <възвєсти, -вєдѫ, -вєдєши> lead, lead up -- <възвратити, -штѫ, -тиши> give back; (refl.) come back -- <възвѣстити, -штѫ, -стиши> proclaim -- <възгласити, -шѫ, -сиши> hail, cry out -- <въздати, -дамь, -даси> give back, give out, dispense -- <въздрасти, -стѫ, -стєши> be nourished, grow -- <въздрастити, -штѫ, -стиши> grow, increase -- <възити, -идѫ, -идєши> go up -- <възлакати, -лачѫ, -лачєши> become hungry -- <възлєжати, -жѫ, -жиши> lie, recline -- <възъпити, -пиѭ, -пиѥши> cry out -- <възьмати, -ємл҄ѭ, -ємл҄ѥши> take, take up -- <възѧти, -зьмѫ, -зьмєши> pick up, take -- <вънєзаапѫ> suddenly -- <вънъ> out, outside -- <въпити, -пиѭ, -пиѥши> cry out -- [Pokorny 2. u̯ap-, ū̆p- :: to call, cry]   -- <въсадити, -ждѫ, -диши> place on, place in -- <въсєгда> always, at all times -- <въсєлєнъ> inhabited -- <въскорѣ> soon -- <въскръснѫти, -нѫ, -нєши> rise again, be resurrected -- <въспросити, -шѫ, -сиши> demand -- <въспѣвати, -ваѭ, -ваѣши> celebrate, praise -- <въстати, -станѫ, -станєши> stand up, break out -- <въторꙑи, -роѥ, -раꙗ> second -- [Pokorny 1. u̯ī̆- :: apart, separate from, in two; both]   -- <вꙑсокъ> high, tall -- [Pokorny upo, up, eup, (e)up-s- :: under, (from) below, etc.]   -- <вꙑшн҄ьи, -н҄єє, -н҄ꙗꙗ> on high, highest -- <вьдовиць> widow -- <вьсакъ> each, every -- <вьсь> all, every; whole -- [Pokorny 1. u̯ī̆- :: apart, separate from, in two; both]   -- <вьсѣкъ> each, every -- <вѣдѣти, вѣмь, вѣси> see, know -- [Pokorny 2. u̯(e)id- :: to vide, see, wit, know]   -- <вѣкъ> age -- [Pokorny 2. u̯eik- :: force, energy (in battle, victory, etc.)]   -- <вѣньчати, -чаѭ, -чаѥши> crown -- <вѣра> faith, belief -- [Pokorny 11. u̯er-, u̯erə- :: to show friendship; true, very, veracious, trustworthy]   -- <вѣровати, -ѹѭ, -ѹѥши> believe -- <вѣрьнъ> true, real; of faith -- <вѣштати, -таѭ, -таѥши> speak -- <Вѧщєславъ> Venceslav, Wenceslaus -- <Галꙇлєꙗ> Galilee -- <глава> head; chapter -- [Pokorny 1. gal- :: bald, callow, naked]   -- <глаголати, -л҄ѭ, -л҄ѥши> say, speak -- [Pokorny 2. gal- :: to call, cry]   -- <глаголъ> word, speech -- [Pokorny 2. gal- :: to call, cry]   -- <гласъ> voice, sound, word -- [Pokorny 2. gal- :: to call, cry]   -- <година> time, hour -- [Pokorny ghedh-, ghodh- :: to join, unite, gather, make a bond]   -- <гора> mountain -- [Pokorny 3. ger-, gor- :: mountain]   -- <господь> lord, master -- [Pokorny ghosti-s :: guest, stranger]   -- <господьн҄ь> lord's -- [Pokorny ghosti-s :: guest, stranger]   -- <градъ> city -- [Pokorny g̑herdh-, and gherdh- :: to gird, enclose, encompass]   -- <градьць> town, garden -- [Pokorny g̑herdh-, and gherdh- :: to gird, enclose, encompass]   -- <гробъ> grave, ditch -- [Pokorny 2. ghrebh- :: to dig, grub, grave, scratch]   -- <грѧсти, грѧдѫ, грѧдєши> come, walk -- [Pokorny ghredh- :: to stride, march]   -- <да> in order to, that; may, let; and, then -- [Pokorny de-, do- :: I-deictic; here]   -- <давꙑдовъ> of David, David's -- <дати, дамь, даси> give -- [Pokorny dō- : də-, also dō-u- : dəu- : du- :: to give, donate]   -- <даꙗти, даѭ, даѥши> give -- [Pokorny dō- : də-, also dō-u- : dəu- : du- :: to give, donate]   -- <дєк҄ѧбр҄ь> December -- <дєсѧть> ten -- [Pokorny dek̑m̥, dek̑m̥-t, dek̑u- :: ten, decade]   -- <дꙇвꙇти сѧ, -в'л҄ѭ, -виши> wonder, marvel -- <до> to, up to; (with numerals) about -- [Pokorny de-, do- :: I-deictic; here]   -- <добръ> good -- [Pokorny 2. dhabh- :: to fix, suit; proper]   -- <добрѣ> good, well -- [Pokorny 2. dhabh- :: to fix, suit; proper]   -- <долѹ> down(wards), below -- [Pokorny 1. dhel-, dholo- :: curve; dell, hollow]   -- <дома> at home -- [Pokorny dem-, demə- :: to build, timber; house, domicile]   -- <домашьнь> belonging to the household, domestic -- [Pokorny dem-, demə- :: to build, timber; house, domicile]   -- <домъ> house -- [Pokorny dem-, demə- :: to build, timber; house, domicile]   -- <дон҄ьдєжє> while, as long as -- <достоꙗти, -стоѭ, -стоиши> befit, be proper -- <Драгомира> Dragomira -- <дрѹгъ> other -- <дрѹгъ> friend -- [Pokorny 2. dher-, dherə- :: to hold, support]   -- <дрѹгъ> one, another -- [Pokorny 2. dher-, dherə- :: to hold, support]   -- <дръжава> power, rule -- <дрьжати, -жѫ, -жиши> hold -- <дѹхъ> spirit -- [Pokorny dheu̯es-, dhu̯ē̆s-, dheus-, dhū̆s- :: to blow, dissipate, fly about like dust, etc.]   -- <дѹша> soul -- [Pokorny dheu̯es-, dhu̯ē̆s-, dheus-, dhū̆s- :: to blow, dissipate, fly about like dust, etc.]   -- <дъва, дъвѣ> two -- [Pokorny du̯ō(u) :: two, duo]   -- <дъвадєсѧтьнꙑи и чєтврътꙑи, чєтврътьѥѥ, чєтврътьꙗꙗ> twenty-fourth -- <дъвадєсѧтьнꙑи и шєстꙑи, -оѥ, -аꙗ> the twenty-sixth -- <дъшти, дъштєр> daughter -- [Pokorny dhug(h)əter- :: daughter]   -- <дьнь> day -- [Pokorny 1. dei-, dei̯ə-, dī-, di̯ā- :: to shine, glitter; day, sun; god, deity]   -- <дьѣволъ> devil -- <дѣвица> girl, virgin -- [Pokorny dhē(i)-, also dh-ei-? :: to suck, suckle]   -- <дѣдъ> grandfather -- [Pokorny 1. dhē-, reduplicated dhē-dh(ē)- :: older family member (nursery word)]   -- <дѣдьнь> of grandfather, grandfather's -- [Pokorny 1. dhē-, reduplicated dhē-dh(ē)- :: older family member (nursery word)]   -- <дѣло> work, doing, deed -- [Pokorny 2. dhē- :: to do, put, place, set]   -- <дѣꙗти, дѣѭ, дѣѥши> do, commit -- [Pokorny 2. dhē- :: to do, put, place, set]   -- <єваггєльскъ> of the evangel, evangelic -- <єванћєльскъ> of the evangel, evangelic -- <єванћєльѥ> gospel, evangel -- <єгда> when -- <єгда жє> when -- <єдинъ> one, only -- <єпископъ> bishop -- <єрєтичьскъ> heretical, of a heretic -- <єтєръ> one, a certain -- [Pokorny 3. e-, ei-, i-, fem. ī- :: (demonstrative particle: one, this, etc.)]   -- <жє> and, but -- <жєна> woman, wife -- [Pokorny gē̆nā :: wife, queen, woman]   -- <жито> grain, produce -- [Pokorny 3. gei̯-, and gei̯ə- :: to live, survive]   -- <житьница> barn -- <житьѥ> life -- <жѧдати, -ждѫ, -ждєши> thirst, desire -- [Pokorny ghedh- :: to ask, beg, wish for]   -- <законъ> law -- <зан҄є> because -- <заповѣдь> command, commandment -- <заповѣдѣти, -вѣмь, -вѣси> command -- <запрѣтити, -штѫ, -тиши> threaten, rebuke -- <звѣзда> star -- <зємл҄ꙗ> earth, land -- [Pokorny ghedh- :: to ask, beg, wish for]   -- <злато> gold -- [Pokorny 1. g̑hel-, and ghel-?, also as i-, u-, or n-stem; g̑helə-, g̑hlē-, g̑hlō-, g̑hlə- :: to shine, glare, glow; gold, yellow, bright color]   -- <знамєньѥ> sign -- [Pokorny 2. g̑en-, g̑enə-, g̑nē-, g̑nō- :: to ken, know, recognize]   -- <зълъ> evil, bad -- [Pokorny g̑hu̯el- :: to bend, swerve]   -- <зьрѣти, -р҄ѭ, -риши> see -- [Pokorny 3. g̑her-, and g̑herə-, g̑hrē- :: to beam, shine, shimmer]   -- <зѣло> very -- [Pokorny ghoilo-s :: foaming, turbulent, frothing up]   -- <и> and -- [Pokorny 3. e-, ei-, i-, fem. ī- :: (demonstrative particle: one, this, etc.)]   -- <и> even -- [Pokorny 3. e-, ei-, i-, fem. ī- :: (demonstrative particle: one, this, etc.)]   -- <*и> he -- [Pokorny 3. e-, ei-, i-, fem. ī- :: (demonstrative particle: one, this, etc.)]   -- <идєти, идѫ, идєши> go -- [Pokorny 1. ei- :: to go, exit]   -- <Иєрѹсалимъ> Jerusalem -- <ижє> who, which -- [Pokorny 3. e-, ei-, i-, fem. ī- :: (demonstrative particle: one, this, etc.)]   -- <ижє аштє> whoever -- [Pokorny 3. e-, ei-, i-, fem. ī- :: (demonstrative particle: one, this, etc.)]   -- <из> out of -- [Pokorny eg̑hs, eg̑hz :: from, out of, ex-]   -- <изгънати, иждєнѫ, -нєши> drive out -- <издрєшти, -кѫ, -чєши> express; promise -- <изꙇти, -идѫ, -идєши> go out -- [Pokorny eg̑hs, eg̑hz :: from, out of, ex-]   -- <ꙇзнєсти, -сѫ, -сєши> carry out -- <иисѹсовъ> of Jesus, Jesus' -- <Иисѹсъ> Jesus -- <или> or -- <имѣти, имамь, имаши> have, hold -- <имѧ> name -- [Pokorny en(o)mn̥-, (o)nomn̥, nōmn̥ :: name]   -- <инъ> this, this one here -- [Pokorny 3. e-, ei-, i-, fem. ī- :: (demonstrative particle: one, this, etc.)]   -- <Иоанъ> John -- <Иосꙇфъ> Joseph -- <Иосифъ> Joseph -- <иродовъ> of Herod, Herod's -- <Иродъ> Herod -- <Иродьꙗда> Herodias -- <иродьꙗдинъ> of Herodias, Herodias' -- <искати, искаѭ, искаѥши> seek -- <искати, иштѫ, иштєши> search, seek, try -- [Pokorny 1. ais- :: to wish, desire, ask/search for]   -- <искони> in the beginning, from the beginning -- <ꙇскѹсити, -шѫ, -сиши> try, prove, tempt -- <искѹсити, -шѫ, -сиши> try, prove, tempt -- <ꙇскѹшати, -шаѭ, -шаѥши> tempt, try -- <испльнити, -н҄ѭ, -ниши> fill up, fulfill -- <исповѣдати, -аѭ, -аѥши> announce, make known -- <исправити, -вл҄ѭ, -виши> accomplish -- <истина> truth, reality -- <истъ> true, real -- <ꙇстѧзати, -заѭ, -заѥши> demand back; find out; test -- <Исѹсъ> Jesus -- <исходити, -ждѫ, -диши> exit from, go out of -- <исꙑпати, -пл҄ѭ, -пл҄ѥши> shake out, pour out -- <ити, идѫ, идєши> go -- [Pokorny 1. ei- :: to go, exit]   -- <иц> from, out of -- <Июдѣа> Judea -- <Июдѣи> Jew, Judean -- <како> how, how is it that -- <каландꙑ> kalends, first day of the month -- <камєньє> stones -- <Кєсар҄ь> Caesar -- <клирикъ> cleric, priest -- <клѧтва> oath -- <когда> when; sometime -- [Pokorny ko-, ke-, fem. kā, kei- :: (indefinite/interrogative pronoun)]   -- <колижьдо> ever -- <Коньстантинъ> Constantine -- <кость> bone -- [Pokorny kost- :: leg, bone, costa]   -- <красити, -шѫ, -сиши> decorate, adorn -- <крило> wing; pinnacle -- [Pokorny 3. (s)ker- :: to bend, curve, turn]   -- <кротъкъ> mild, soft; gentle, meek -- <крьститєл҄ь> baptist -- <крьстити, -штѫ, -стиши> christen, baptize -- <къ> to, for -- [Pokorny kā̆, ke, kom :: well! (particle)]   -- <къдє> where, when -- [Pokorny 3. e-, ei-, i-, fem. ī- :: (demonstrative particle: one, this, etc.)]   -- <къдє аштє> wherever, whenever -- [Pokorny 3. e-, ei-, i-, fem. ī- :: (demonstrative particle: one, this, etc.)]   -- <къждо> every, everyone -- <кънига> letter, writing -- <кънѧѕь> prince -- <кънѧзь> prince -- <къто> someone -- [Pokorny ko-, ke-, fem. kā, kei- :: (indefinite/interrogative pronoun)]   -- <къто> who -- [Pokorny ko-, ke-, fem. kā, kei- :: (indefinite/interrogative pronoun)]   -- <Кѵринии> Cyrenius, Quirinius -- <Лазаръ> Lazarus -- <лакати, -чѫ, -чєши> hunger, be hungry -- [Pokorny 7. el-, elə-, with k-suffix elk-, elək- :: hungry; bad?]   -- <латиньскъ> Latin, of Latin -- <лєжати, -жѫ, -жиши> lie, recline -- [Pokorny legh- :: to lie, recline, set down]   -- <ли> or; whether -- <Ликинии> Licinius -- <Лѹка> Luke -- <лъгати, лъжѫ, -жєши> lie, speak falsely -- <лѣто> year, summer -- [Pokorny lēto-, ləto- :: daytime; summer, warm season]   -- <любити, -блѭ, -биши> love -- [Pokorny leubh- :: to love, like, care for]   -- <людъ> people -- <малъ> small, young -- [Pokorny mēlo-, smēlo- :: small animal]   -- <мартъ> March -- <марьинъ> of Mary, Mary's -- <Марьꙗ> Maria, Mary -- <Марѳа> Martha -- <мати> mother -- [Pokorny mātér- :: mother]   -- <миловати, -ѹѭ, -ѹѥши> show mercy to -- <милосрьдовати, -дѹѭ, -дѹѥши> take pity on -- <милостивъ> compassionate, full of grace -- <мимо> past, by -- [Pokorny 3. mei- :: to go, wander]   -- <миръ> world; peace -- <миса> dish, plate -- <Михаилъ> Michael -- <младьньць> child -- [Pokorny 1. mel-, also smel-, melə- : mlē-, mel-d- : ml-ed-, mel-dh-, ml-ēi- : mlī̆-, melə-k- : mlā-k-, mlēu- : mlū̆- :: to mill, grind; fine, ground]   -- <мои> my -- [Pokorny 1. me- :: me (1st pers. sg. oblique pronoun stem)]   -- <молитва> prayer -- <Моравлꙗнинъ> Moravian -- <Моравьскъ> Moravian -- <мошти, могѫ, могєши> be able, can -- [Pokorny magh- : māgh- :: to help, be able; might, power]   -- <мрьтвъ> dead -- [Pokorny 4. mer-, merə- :: to die]   -- <мъзда> reward, pay -- [Pokorny mizdhó- :: fee, pay, meed, reward]   -- <мъногъ> much, many -- [Pokorny men(e)gh-, mon(e)gh-, mn̥gh- :: many, copious, abundant, excessive]   -- <мъножьство> multitude -- [Pokorny men(e)gh-, mon(e)gh-, mn̥gh- :: many, copious, abundant, excessive]   -- <мꙑслити, -шлѫ, -слиши> think -- [Pokorny 5. mei-, mi-neu- :: to lessen, diminish; small, minor]   -- <мьнии> smaller, less -- [Pokorny 5. mei-, mi-neu- :: to lessen, diminish; small, minor]   -- <мьнѣти, мьнѭ, мьниши> believe, think -- [Pokorny 3. men- :: to think; mind, spiritual activity]   -- <мьнѣти, -нѭ, -ниши> think, assume -- [Pokorny 3. men- :: to think; mind, spiritual activity]   -- <мьша> (holy) mass -- <мѣсто> place -- [Pokorny 1. mei- :: to mure, repair, strengthen; pole]   -- <мѣсѧць> moon, month -- [Pokorny mēnōt, genitive mēneses, from which mēnes-, mēns-, mēs-, mēn- :: month; moon]   -- <мѫжь> man, husband -- [Pokorny g̑hðem-, g̑hðom-, genitive-ablative g̑h(ð)m-és :: earth, ground, soil, humus]   -- <мѫчєникъ> martyr -- <мѫчєньѥ> martyrdom -- <мѵро> anointing-oil -- <на> in, on; at, against; for -- [Pokorny 4. an-, anu, anō, nō :: on, along, over there]   -- <навадити, -ждѫ, -диши> influence, urge -- <навєчєрьѥ> eve, evening before -- <навꙑкнѫти, -нѫ, -нєши> learn -- <нагъ> naked -- [Pokorny nog-, nogod(h)o-, nog-no- :: nude, naked]   -- <Назарєтьскъ> Nazarene, of Nazareth -- <наложити, -жѫ, -жиши> set to, begin -- <напꙇсаньѥ> writing (down), inscription -- <написати, -саѭ, -саѥши> write -- <напꙇсатꙇ, -шѫ, -шєши> write (down), inscribe -- <нарєшти, -рєкѫ, -рєчєши> call, name -- <нарꙇцати, -цаѭ, -цаѥши> call, name -- <нарицати, -цаѭ, -цаѥши> call, name -- <народъ> crowd, multitude -- <наслѣдити, -ждѫ, -диши> inherit -- <насꙑтити, -штѫ, -тиши> satisfy, sate -- <начѧти, -чьнѫ, -чиєши> begin -- [Pokorny 3. ken- :: to begin, be born, come forth anew; young, recent]   -- <начѧти, -чьнѫ, -чьнєши> begin -- [Pokorny 3. ken- :: to begin, be born, come forth anew; young, recent]   -- <нашь> our, of us -- <нє> not -- [Pokorny 1. nĕ, nē, nei :: (negative particle: no, etc.)]   -- <нє> not, nor -- [Pokorny 1. nĕ, nē, nei :: (negative particle: no, etc.)]   -- <нє ѥс-, ѥсмь, ѥси> not be -- [Pokorny 1. nĕ, nē, nei :: (negative particle: no, etc.)]   -- <нєбєсьнъ> heavenly, of heaven -- [Pokorny 2. enebh- : nebh-, embh-, m̥bh- :: wet, damp; cloud, nimbus; water]   -- <нєбєсьскъ> heavenly, of heaven -- [Pokorny 2. enebh- : nebh-, embh-, m̥bh- :: wet, damp; cloud, nimbus; water]   -- <нєбо> heaven, sky -- [Pokorny 2. enebh- : nebh-, embh-, m̥bh- :: wet, damp; cloud, nimbus; water]   -- <нємилъ> unpitying -- <нєпраздьнъ> pregnant -- <нєприꙗзнь> the devil; wickedness -- <нєсти, -сѫ, -сєши> bring -- [Pokorny enek̑-, nek̑-, enk̑-, n̥k̑- :: to reach, obtain]   -- <нєсѹмьнѣньѥ> confidence -- <н҄ива> field, ground -- [Pokorny 1. en :: in]   -- <никътожє> no one, nobody -- <ничьтожє> nothing -- <ништь, ништє, ништа> poor, beggarly -- <нога> foot -- [Pokorny onogh- : ongh-, nogh-, Celtic n̥gh-, ongh-li- :: claw, (finger/toe) nail]   -- <Нотарь> Notarius, Notar -- <ношть> night -- [Pokorny nek-(t-), nok-t-s :: night]   -- <ноштьнъ> nocturnal -- [Pokorny nek-(t-), nok-t-s :: night]   -- <нъ> but -- [Pokorny nū̆- :: now]   -- <нꙑнѣ> now -- [Pokorny nū̆- :: now]   -- <нꙑн҄ѣ> now -- [Pokorny nū̆- :: now]   -- <нꙑн҄ꙗ> now -- [Pokorny nū̆- :: now]   -- <о> around, concerning; against -- [Pokorny epi, opi, pi :: at, near, epi-]   -- <оба, обѣ, обѣ> both -- [Pokorny ambhi, m̥bhi :: around, at both sides]   -- <обидѣти, -ждѫ, -диши> do harm to, disrespect, be contemptuous of -- <обинѫти сѧ, -нѫ, -нєши> avoid; restrain oneself -- <обити, -ьѭ, -ьѥши> wrap, bind in -- <обитѣль> inn, lodging, monastery -- <обрѣшти, -рѧштѫ, -рѧштєши> find, discover -- [Pokorny 4. u̯er- :: to find, take]   -- <обрѫчити, -чѫ, -чиши> affiance, betrothe -- <обѹꙗти, -ꙗѭ, -ꙗѥши> become stupid; become tasteless -- <обꙑчаи> custom, habit -- <одѣвати, -ваѭ, -ваѥши> clothe -- [Pokorny 2. dhē- :: to do, put, place, set]   -- <око> eye -- [Pokorny ok- :: to see, ogle; eye]   -- <олътарь> altar -- <онъ> that -- [Pokorny ok- :: to see, ogle; eye]   -- <осолити, -л҄ѭ, -лиши> salt -- <оставити, -вл҄ѭ, -виши> let, leave, neglect, forget -- <осьꙗти, -ꙗѭ, -ꙗѥши> illumine, shine about, overshadow -- <отврьзати, -аѭ, -аѥши> open -- <отвѣштати, -таѭ, -таѥши> respond, answer -- <отити, -идѫ, -идєши> go out, depart -- <отрокъ> boy, servant -- <отрочѧ> child -- <отрѣти, -рѫ, -рєши> rub, wipe off -- <отъ> by, from, of -- [Pokorny ati, ato- :: over, beyond]   -- <отъврѣсти, -връзѫ, -връзєши> open -- <отъврѣшти, -врьгѫ, -врьгєши> throw away, renounce -- <отьць> father -- <отьчьствьє> own country, lineage, kindred -- <пакꙑ> back, again -- <памѧть> memory -- [Pokorny 3. men- :: to think; mind, spiritual activity]   -- <пасти, падѫ, падєши> fall -- [Pokorny 2. pē̆d-, pō̆d- :: foot]   -- <пастъир҄ь> shepherd -- <пачє> more, even more -- <Пєтръ> Peter -- <пєчальнъ> sad -- <писати, -саѭ, -саѥши> write -- <писмѧ> letter, writing -- <пити, пиѭ, пиѩши> drink -- [Pokorny 2. pō(i)- : pī-, and (from pō-), po- :: to bib, drink]   -- <питѣти, -ѣѭ, -ѣѥши> nourish -- [Pokorny pei̯(ə)-, pī̆- :: fat; milk]   -- <плакати, плачѫ, -чєши> weep, mourn -- [Pokorny 2. plāk-, plāg-, also plēk-, plēg- :: to hit, beat, fling]   -- <плодъ> fruit -- <плѧсати, -саѭ, -саѥши> dance -- <по> after; according to -- [Pokorny pos :: about, around; by, beside; in front of]   -- <побити, -биѭ, -биѥши> kill -- <повєлѣти, -лѭ, -лиши> give a command, command -- <повити, -вьѭ, -вьѥши> wind, wrap -- <поганьство> paganism -- <погрєти, -грєбѫ, -грєбєши> bury -- [Pokorny 2. ghrebh- :: to dig, grub, grave, scratch]   -- <подвигнѫти, -нѫ, -нєши> move, arouse -- <подобити, -бл҄ѭ, -биши> imitate -- <подъ> under, underneath -- [Pokorny apo-, pō̆, ap-u, pu :: off, out of, away from]   -- <пожити, -живѫ, -живєши> live -- <показати, -заѭ, -заѥши> show, instruct, correct, chasten -- [Pokorny 1. kei(-t)- :: to observe with respect, pay attention to]   -- <поклонити, -н҄ѭ, -ниши> bow, incline -- <положити, -жѫ, -жиши> lay down, set down -- <помазати, -заѭ, -заѥши> anoint -- <помиловати, -лѹѭ, -лѹѥши> pity, have mercy on -- <поносити, -шѫ, -сиши> upbraid -- <попирати, -аѭ, -аѥши> tread on -- <послѹжити, -жѫ, -жиши> serve -- <послѹшати, -аѭ, -аѥши> hear, listen -- <послѣдь> then, afterward -- <послѣдьнь> last, following, latter -- <поставити, -вл҄ѭ, -виши> establish, place, set -- <постити с(, -штѫ, -стиши> fast -- <пострадати, -ждѫ, -ждєши> suffer -- <пострижєньѥ> tonsure, a tonsuring, cutting -- <постришти, -стригѫ, -стрижєши> tonsure -- <посълати, -л҄ѭ, -л҄ѥши> send, summon -- <потъкнѫти, -нѫ, -нєши> set up, prop up; strike -- <почивати, -аѭ, -аѩши> rest, sleep; die -- <поѧти, -имѫ, -имєши> take -- <правьда> justice -- <правьдьникъ> just person -- <правьдьнъ> just, righteous -- <при> near; at the time of -- [Pokorny 2a. per- :: to pass over/beyond]   -- <призъвати, -зовѫ, -зовєши> call, summon -- <приимати, -ѥмл҄ѭ, -ѥмл҄ѥши> take in -- <прикоснѫти сѧ, -нѫ, -нєши> touch -- <принєсти, -сѫ, -сєши> bring, carry -- <присно> always -- <приспѣти, -ѣѭ, -ѣѥши> happen -- <пристѫпити, -пл҄ѭ, -пиши> come up to, step up -- <прити, -идѫ, -идєши> come, arrive -- <притъча> parable, example -- <прозрѣти, -зрѭ, -зриши> see, gain power of sight; forsee -- <пророкъ> prophet -- <пророчьскъ> prophetic -- <просвьтѣти, -штѫ, -тиши> shine -- <просити, -шѫ, -сиши> ask, demand -- [Pokorny 4. perk̑-, prek̑-, pr̥k̑- :: to request, ask/pray for]   -- <прославити, -вл҄ѭ, -виши> praise, glorify -- <прочь> remaining, following -- <прьвъ> first, primary -- [Pokorny 2a. per- :: to pass over/beyond]   -- <прьвѣньць> firstborn child -- [Pokorny 2a. per- :: to pass over/beyond]   -- <прьвѣньць> first-born -- [Pokorny 2a. per- :: to pass over/beyond]   -- <прѣбꙑти, -бѫдѫ, -бѫдєши> remain, abide -- [Pokorny bheu-, bheu̯ə-, bhu̯ā-, bhu̯ē- : bhō̆u- : bhū- :: to be, exist; grow, prosper]   -- <прѣдати, -дамь, -даси> hand over, commend -- <прѣдъ> before, in front of -- [Pokorny 2a. per- :: to pass over/beyond]   -- <прѣждє> before -- <прѣити, -идѫ, -идєши> go, go forth -- <прѣтъкнѫти, -нѫ, -нєши> hit, stumble -- <пѹстити, -штѫ, -стиши> allow, let, free; send (away) -- <пѹстꙑн҄и> desert -- <пьсати, пьшѫ, пьшєши> write -- [Pokorny 1. peig-, and peik- :: colored, speckled]   -- <пѧть> five -- [Pokorny penke :: five, fifth]   -- <пѫть> road, way, journey -- [Pokorny pent- :: to go, walk, pad, tread; way, path]   -- <работати, -аѭ, -аѥши> serve, do service to -- [Pokorny orbho- :: weak, abandoned; slave, orphan]   -- <рабъ> servant -- [Pokorny orbho- :: weak, abandoned; slave, orphan]   -- <равви> rabbi, teacher -- <ради> for, for the sake of, because of -- [Pokorny 1. ar-, thematic (a)re-, heavy-base arə-, rē-, and i-base (a)rī̆-, rēi- :: to fit, suit]   -- <радовати сѧ, -дѹѭ, -дѹѥши> rejoice, be glad -- <радость> joy -- [Pokorny 1. rēd- :: to excite, cheer up, be joyful]   -- <радъ> glad, happy -- [Pokorny 1. rēd- :: to excite, cheer up, be joyful]   -- <разорити, -рѭ, -риши> destroy -- <рака> sepulchre, coffin -- [Pokorny areq- :: to lock, guard, protect]   -- <расти, растѫ, растєши> grow -- [Pokorny er(ə)d-, (er(ə)d-), er(ə)dh- :: high; to grow]   -- <рєшти, рєкѫ, рєчєши> say, tell -- [Pokorny 2. rē̆k- :: to reck, reckon, arrange, prepare]   -- <родити, -ждѫ, -диши> bear, produce -- [Pokorny u̯erdh-, u̯redh- :: to grow; high]   -- <рождьство> birth -- <Ростиславъ> Rostislav -- <рѣка> river -- [Pokorny 3. er- : or- : r- :: to move, set in motion]   -- <рѣчь> speech -- <рѫка> hand -- [Pokorny 3f. u̯er-, u̯er-k- :: to bend, turn, wind]   -- <самовладастьць> monarch, autocrat -- <самъ> self, oneself -- [Pokorny 2. sem- :: one, some, together]   -- <свои, своє, своꙗ> own, one's own -- [Pokorny se- :: self, one's own]   -- <свѣтильникъ> lamp, light -- <свѣтъ> light -- [Pokorny 3. k̑uei-, extended kuei-d-, kuei-s-, kuei-t- :: to shine; white]   -- <свѧтъ> holy, blessed -- <сє> lo, behold -- [Pokorny 3. e-, ei-, i-, fem. ī- :: (demonstrative particle: one, this, etc.)]   -- <сєбє> self -- [Pokorny se- :: self, one's own]   -- <сєдмꙑи, -оѥ, -аꙗ> seventh -- [Pokorny septm̥ :: seven]   -- <сєстра> sister -- [Pokorny su̯esor- :: sister]   -- <сила> power, virtue -- <сицє> thus, so -- <сиꙗти, -аѭ, -аѥши> shine, make shine -- [Pokorny sk̑āi-, sk̑əi- : sk̑ī- :: to shine/shimmer dully; shadow]   -- <слава> fame, glory -- [Pokorny 1. k̑leu-, k̑leu̯ə- : k̑lū- :: to hear, listen]   -- <славити, -вл҄ѭ, -виши> glorify -- [Pokorny 1. k̑leu-, k̑leu̯ə- : k̑lū- :: to hear, listen]   -- <слово> word -- [Pokorny 1. k̑leu-, k̑leu̯ə- : k̑lū- :: to hear, listen]   -- <словѣньскъ> Slavonic, Slavic -- <слѹжити, -жѫ, -жиши> minister (to), serve -- [Pokorny slougo-, slougā- (fem.) :: help, service]   -- <слѹхъ> hearing, fame, rumor -- [Pokorny 1. k̑leu-, k̑leu̯ə- : k̑lū- :: to hear, listen]   -- <слꙑшати, -шаѭ, -шаѥши> hear -- [Pokorny 1. k̑leu-, k̑leu̯ə- : k̑lū- :: to hear, listen]   -- <слꙑшати, -шѫ, -шиши> hear -- [Pokorny 1. k̑leu-, k̑leu̯ə- : k̑lū- :: to hear, listen]   -- <слѣпьсь> blind -- <соль> salt -- [Pokorny 1. sal- :: sal, salt; brackish water]   -- <срьдьцє> heart -- <срьдьць> heart -- <срѣда> center; Wednesday -- [Pokorny k̑ered- : k̑erd-, k̑ērd-, k̑r̥d-, k̑red- :: heart]   -- <стадии> stade -- <стадо> herd -- <стати, станѫ, станєши> stand -- [Pokorny stā- : stə- :: to stand]   -- <стаꙗти, стаѭ, стаѥши> stand -- <стєпєньнъ> of a step, grade, level -- [Pokorny steb(h)-, and stēb(h)- : stəbh-, nasalized stemb(h)-, step-, also stēp-?, nasalized stemp-, nominal stəbho-s, stemb(h)ro-s, stomb(h)o-s :: stump, post, pillar; to support, etc.]   -- <столъ> seat, throne -- [Pokorny stā- : stə- :: to stand]   -- <стража> guard -- <страна> country; area, region; (pl) heathen -- [Pokorny 5. ster-, sterə- : strē-, steru- : streu- :: to strew, scatter, spread out]   -- <страньнъ> strange, foreign -- [Pokorny 5. ster-, sterə- : strē-, steru- : streu- :: to strew, scatter, spread out]   -- <страхъ> terror -- [Pokorny 1. (s)ter-, (s)terə- : (s)trē- :: stark, stiff, solid, rigid, etc.]   -- <строити, -оѭ, -оиши> prepare, arrange -- [Pokorny 5. ster-, sterə- : strē-, steru- : streu- :: to strew, scatter, spread out]   -- <стрѣшти, стрѣгѫ, стрѣгєши> watch, guard, protect -- [Pokorny sterg-, sterk- :: to care for, pay careful attention to]   -- <Сѹрꙇꙗ> Syria -- <съ> with -- [Pokorny 2. sem- :: one, some, together]   -- <съблюдати, -аѭ, -аѥши> protect, keep -- <съборъ> counsel, meeting -- [Pokorny 1. bher- :: to bear, bring, carry]   -- <събрати, -бєрѫ, -бєрєши> collect, gather -- <събꙑти, -бѫдѫ, -бѫдєши> come about, happen -- <събьрати, -бєрѫ, -бєрєши> collect, gather -- <съврьшити, -шѫ, -шиши> prepare, perfect, complete -- <съвѣтъ> counsel -- <съвѧзати, -заѭ, -заѥши> bind, tie -- [Pokorny 2. sem- :: one, some, together]   -- <съзидати, -ждѫ, -ждєши> build -- <съказати, -заѭ, -заѥши> announce, explain, make known -- <съложити, -жѫ, -жиши> create -- <съмирꙗти, -ꙗѭ, -ꙗѩши> make peace -- <съмрьть> death -- [Pokorny 4. mer-, merə- :: to die]   -- <сънъ> sleep -- [Pokorny 1. su̯ep-, sup- :: to sleep]   -- <съпасєньѥ> salvation -- <съпасти, -сѫ, -сєши> save -- <съпасъ> savior -- <съпоспѣшьникъ> friend, companion -- <сърѣсти, -рѧштѫ, -рѧштєши> meet -- [Pokorny 4. u̯er- :: to find, take]   -- <сътворити, -рѭ, -риши> do, make -- <съхранити, -н҄ѫ, -ниши> guard, protect, preserve -- <сꙑнъ> son -- [Pokorny 2. seu-, seu̯ə-, sū̆- :: to bear (a child); son]   -- <сь> this -- [Pokorny k̑o-, k̑e-, with the particle k̑e, k̑(e)i-, k̑(i)i̯o- :: this; here]   -- <сьдє> here -- [Pokorny 3. e-, ei-, i-, fem. ī- :: (demonstrative particle: one, this, etc.)]   -- <сѣдѣти, -ждѫ, -диши> sit, remain -- [Pokorny sed- :: to sit, set, settle]   -- <сѣсти, сѣдѫ, -дєши> sit down -- [Pokorny sed- :: to sit, set, settle]   -- <тако> thus, in this way -- <таковъ> such, of that sort -- <тамо> there, to that place, thither -- [Pokorny 1. to-, tā-, ti̯o- :: that, him (neut. or non-nom. demonstrative stem)]   -- <твои> your, thy -- [Pokorny tū̆ :: thou, you]   -- <творити, -рѭ, -риши> do, make -- [Pokorny 2. tu̯er- : tur-, tu̯erə- :: to grab, hold]   -- <тєтрархъ> tetrarch -- <тлѣшти, тлькѫ, тлькєши> strike, knock -- [Pokorny telek- :: to hit, push]   -- <то> but, then, therefore -- [Pokorny 1. to-, tā-, ti̯o- :: that, him (neut. or non-nom. demonstrative stem)]   -- <тогда> then -- <тогда жє> then -- <трѹдъ> labor -- [Pokorny tr-eu-d- :: to thrust, push, press, squash]   -- <трѹдьнъ> tired, weary -- <трьє, три, три> three -- [Pokorny trei- :: three, trio]   -- <тѹ> there; then -- <тѹиждє> there; there where -- <тъ> that, that one -- [Pokorny 1. to-, tā-, ti̯o- :: that, him (neut. or non-nom. demonstrative stem)]   -- <тъкъмо> only, alone -- <тꙑ> you, thou -- [Pokorny tū̆ :: thou, you]   -- <тьмьница> prison -- <тѣло> body -- <тѣмьжє> thereby, therefore, through this -- <ѹ> near, by; from -- [Pokorny 3. au-, au̯e, u̯ē̆- :: down, away from]   -- <ѹбити, -биѭ, биѥши> kill -- <ѹбо> but, even, now, therefore -- [Pokorny bhē-, bhō- :: to warm, bake, roast, fry]   -- <ѹбогъ> not rich, poor -- [Pokorny 1. bhag- :: to divide, apportion]   -- <ѹбоꙗти сѧ, -боѭ, -боиши> fear, become afraid -- <ѹгобьзити сѧ, -жѫ, -зиши> yield richly -- [Pokorny ghedh-, ghodh- :: to join, unite, gather, make a bond]   -- <ѹгодити, -ждѫ, -диши> please, be pleasing -- [Pokorny ghedh-, ghodh- :: to join, unite, gather, make a bond]   -- <ѹготовати, -аѭ, -аѥши> prepare -- <ѹзьрѣти, -р҄ѭ, -риши> see, perceive -- <ѹи> uncle -- <ѹмлъчати, -чѫ, -чиши> be quiet, fall silent -- <ѹмрѣти, -рѫ, -рєши> die -- <ѹслꙑшати, -шѫ, -шиши> hear, find out -- <ѹста> mouth, lips -- [Pokorny īli- :: groin, intestines]   -- <ѹстити, -штѫ, -стиши> exhort -- [Pokorny 1. ōus- : əus- :: os, mouth]   -- <ѹсънѫти, -нѫ, -нєши> fall asleep -- <ѹсъпєньє> lying down, going to sleep -- <ѹсѣкнѫти, -нѫ, -нєши> behead -- <ѹтврьдити, -ждѫ, -диши> stabilize, fortify, regulate -- <ѹтѣшати, -шаѭ, -шаѥши> comfort -- <ѹтѣшити, -шѫ, -шиши> comfort -- <ѹчєникъ> student, disciple -- [Pokorny euk- :: to accustom oneself, be used to]   -- <ѹчитєль> teacher -- [Pokorny euk- :: to accustom oneself, be used to]   -- <ѹчити, ѹчѫ, ѹчиши> teach -- [Pokorny euk- :: to accustom oneself, be used to]   -- <фєѵроар҄ь> February -- <Филипъ, Филиппъ> Philip -- <философъ> philosopher -- <хвалити, -л҄ѭ, -лиши> praise -- <хлѣбъ> bread, loaf of bread -- <ходити, -ждѫ, -диши> walk, go -- [Pokorny sed- :: to sit, set, settle]   -- <хотѣти, хоштѫ, хоштєши> want, wish -- <хранити, -нѫ, -ниши> protect, guard -- [Pokorny 2. ser- :: to serve, guard, protect, shelter]   -- <христꙇаньскъ> Christian -- <Христъ> Christ -- <хрьстовъ> of Christ, Christ's -- <Хрьстъ> Christ -- <царь> emperor, tsar -- <цир'чь> that is, i.e. -- <цлава> glory -- <цръкъвьнъ> church, churchly -- <црькꙑ> church, temple -- <ць> this -- <цѣсар҄ь> king, ruler -- <цѣсарьство> kingdom -- <цѣсар҄ьствовати, -вѹѭ, -вѹѥши> rule, be emperor -- <цѣсарьствьє> kingdom -- <Чєси> (plural) Czech Lands, Bohemia -- <чєтꙑрє, чєтꙑри> four -- <чєтꙑрє дєсѧтє> forty -- <Чєхъ> Czech, Bohemian -- <чистъ> pure, clean -- [Pokorny skē̆i- :: to cut, skive, exscind, separate]   -- <чловѣкъ> man, human -- <чьсть> honor, rank, reverence, feast, device, pattern -- [Pokorny 1. kei(-t)- :: to observe with respect, pay attention to]   -- <чьто> what -- [Pokorny ko-, ke-, fem. kā, kei- :: (indefinite/interrogative pronoun)]   -- <южє> already -- <ꙗвити, -в҄ѭ, -виши> appear -- [Pokorny 8. au̯-, au̯ēi- :: to perceive, understand, be aware of]   -- <ꙗко> as, when; in order to; that; because; (introduces quotation) -- <ꙗкожє> as, like, than, so as to -- <ꙗсли> (plural form for singular meaning) manger -- [Pokorny ed- :: to eat]   -- <ѥс-, ѥсмь, ѥси> be -- [Pokorny es- :: is, to be]   -- <ѥщє> yet, still -- <ѩзꙑкъ> tongue, language, nation -- [Pokorny dn̥g̑hū, dn̥g̑hu̯ā :: tongue]   -- <ѩти, имѫ, имєши> take, seize -- [Pokorny em- :: to take]   -- <Ѳома> Thomas --

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