Albanian Online

Geg: Master Glossary

This Master Glossary page lists, in an alphabetical order suitable to the language and the script employed for it, every unique word form that appears in lesson texts and, for each word, its unique glosses. In addition to the gloss information, sans contextual translation, links are provided to every appearance, in every numbered lesson, of the word/gloss in question. With this index one may perform a quick "word look-up" and, in addition, study how words are used in context by clicking on their links.

a - pronoun; contraction of accusative weak of <ai, ajo> (s)he, it, that a - conjunction; <a> or ambel - adjective; feminine singular of <ambel, e> sweet anshtë - verb; 3rd person singular present indicative active of <jam> be armen - noun, feminine; accusative singular definite of <armë> weapon ashtu - adverb; <ashtu> so, thus ata - pronoun; masculine accusative of <ata, ato> they, those ato - pronoun; feminine accusative of <ata, ato> they, those âsht - verb; 3rd person singular present indicative active of <jam> be bani - verb; 3rd person singular past definite indicative active of <bâj> do, make - verb; participle of <bâj> do, make bâhet - 3rd person singular present subjunctive non-active of; <bâhem> become bâjë - verb; 3rd person singular present subjunctive active of <bâj> do, make - verb; 3rd person singular past definite indicative of <bâj> do, make - verb; 3rd person singular past definite of <bâj> do, make bām - verb; participle of <bâj> do, make buka - noun, feminine; nominative singular definite of <bukë> bread, food bukë - noun, feminine; nominative singular indefinite of <bukë> bread, food çdo - adverb; <çdo> every çdo - determiner; <çdo> every çon - verb; 3rd person singular present indicative active of <çoj> lead daë - verb; 3rd person singular present subjunctive active of <daj> separate dau - verb; 3rd person singular past definite indicative active of <daj> separate del - verb; 3rd person singular present indicative active of <dal> leave, go out, rise, arrive dēt - noun, masculine; accusative singular indefinite of <det> sea ditë - noun, feminine; accusative singular indefinite of <ditë> day ditë - noun, feminine; nominative singular of <ditë> day ditës - noun, feminine; genitive singular definite of <ditë> day do - marker; <do> FUTURE/CONDITIONAL do - determiner; <do> some don - verb; 3rd person singular present indicative active of <due> want drita - noun, feminine; nominative singular definite of <dritë> light dritënë - noun, feminine; accusative singular definite of <dritë> light drû - noun, masculine; accusative singular indefinite of <drû> wood duhâni - noun, masculine; nominative singular definite of <duhân> tobacco duhet - verb; present of <duhet> must, should, be necessary duktë - verb; 3rd person singular present optative of <dukem> appear duol - verb; 3rd person singular past definite indicative active of <dal> leave, go out, rise, arrive dyta - adjective; feminine singular definite of of <dytë, e> second dhenë - noun, masculine; accusative singular definite of <dhe> land, earth dheu - noun, masculine; nominative singular definite of <dhe> land, earth dhē - noun, masculine; accusative singular of <dhe> land, earth e - particle; neuter accusative singular definite of <e> NYJE e - pronoun; accusative weak of <ai, ajo> (s)he, it, that e - conjunction; <e> and e - particle; feminine genitive plural definite of <e> NYJE e - particle; feminine nominative singular definite of <e> NYJE edhè - conjunction; <edhe> and edhè - adverb; <edhe> also, yet, still, even ën - preposition, ablative; <ën> from, by, with ënbë - preposition, accusative; <ënbë> at ënbëliedhshinë - verb; 3rd person plural present optative of <ënbëledh> gather ënbëliedhunitë - noun, neuter; accusative singular definite participle of <ënbëledh> gather ëndë - preposition, accusative; <ëndë> in ëndënë - preposition, accusative /loc.; <ëndënë> under falet - verb; 3rd person singular present indicative non-active of <falem> be greeted faqet - noun, feminine; ablative singular definite of <faqe> page, face, surface fërmuom - noun, neuter; nominative singular indefinite of <firmuom, e> vault firi - noun, masculine; nominative singular definite of <fir> fern firmuomitë - noun, neuter; accusative singular definite <firmuom, e> vault firmuomitë - noun, neuter; accusative singular definite of <firmuom, e> vault fondit - noun, masculine; genitive singular definite of <fond> pool, deep fort - adverb; <fort> very, loudly, strongly gadi - adverb; <gadi> ready grishi - verb; 3rd person singular past definite indicative active of <gërshas> call gjindet - verb; 3rd person singular present subjunctive non-active <gjindem> be located, be present, exist han - verb; 3rd person plural present indicative active of <ha> eat hîjë - verb; 3rd person singular present subjunctive active of <hîj> enter i - pronoun; masculine nominative singular definite of <e> NYJE i - particle; masculine nominative singular definite of <e> NYJE i - pronoun; dative weak of <ai, ajo> (s)he, it, that ish - verb; 3rd person singular imperfect indicative active of <jam> be ishnë - verb; 3rd person plural imperfect indicative active of <jam> be ishnjinë - verb; 3rd person plural imperfect indicative active of <jam> be kafija - noun, feminine; nominative singular definite of <kafe> coffee kambët - noun, feminine; nominative plural definite of <kambë> foot, leg ke - preposition, nominative; <ke> at kle - verb; 3rd person singular past definite indicative active of <jam> be kloftë - verb; 3rd person singular present optative of <jam> be kohë - noun, feminine; accusative singular indefinite of <kohë> time, weather krye - noun, masculine; accusative singular indefinite of <krye> head, beginning krypa - noun, feminine; nominative singular definite of <krypë> salt krypë - noun, feminine; nominative singular indefinite of <krypë> salt krrabë - noun, feminine; accusative singular indefinite of <krrabë> hook kush - pronoun; nominative of <kush> someone, anyone lahen - verb; 3rd person plural present indicative non-active of <lahem> be washed lodhun - adjective; masculine singular of <lodhun, e> tired lshohet - verb; 3rd person singular present indicative non-active of <lshohem> be given freely lypen - verb; 3rd person singular present indicative active of <lypej> ask for, request - adverb; <mâ> more me - preposition, accusative; <me> with, by mêrr - verb, 3rd person singular present indicative active of; <mârr> take mik - noun, masculine; accusative singular indefinite of <mik> friend, guest miku - noun, masculine; nominative singular definite of <mik> friend, guest mikut - noun, masculine; dative singular definite of <mik> friend, guest mikut - noun, masculine; genitive singular definite of <mik> friend, guest mirë - adjective; masculine singular of <mirë, e> good mirë - adverb; masculine singular of <mirë> well mirë - adjective; feminine singular of <mirë, e> good mish - noun, masculine; nominative singular indefinite of <mish> meat mund - verb; 3rd person singular present indicative active of <mund> can, be able n'oborr - preposition, accusative; contraction of <në> in, on, at + noun, masculine; accusative singular indefinite of <oborr> courtyard natë - noun, feminine; nominative singular indefinite of <natë> night natë - noun, feminine; accusative singular indefinite of <natë> night natës - noun, feminine; genitive singular definite of <natë> night nderë - noun, masculine; accusative singular indefinite of <nderë> honor nderë - noun, feminine; nominative singular indefinite of <nderë> honor ndo'i - determiner; <ndo'i> some, any - preposition, accusative; <në> in, on, at nuk - adverb; <nuk> NEGATOR një - determiner; <një> a, one - preposition, accusative; <pa> without - verb; 3rd person singular past definite indicative active of <shoh> see pāfrujt - adjective; masculine singular of <pāfrujt> fruitless, barren per - preposition, accusative; <për> for, about, by, through pergjegjet - verb; 3rd person singular present indicative non-active of <pergjegjem> answer perpara - preposition; <perpara> ahead, forward, forth perpushet - verb; 3rd person singular present indicative non-active of <perpushem> scratch, twitch, stir për - preposition, ablative; <për> for, about, by, through për - preposition, accusative; <për> for, about, by, through për-ënbī - preposition, ablative; <për-ënbī> on top of, over, about për-ënbī - preposition, accusative; <për-ënbī> on top of, over, about pritun - noun, masculine; accusative singular indefinite of <pritun, e> hospitality prîn - verb; 3rd person singular present indicative active of <prîj> lead qi - conjunction; <qi> that, which qiell - noun, masculine; accusative singular indefinite of <qiell> sky, heaven qiellë - noun, masculine; accusative plural indefinite of <qiell> sky, heaven qiellt - noun, masculine; locative singular of <qiell> sky, heaven rakija - noun, feminine; nominative singular definite of <raki> raki rreth - preposition, ablative; <rreth> surrounded s'erëtit - particle; contraction of neuter ablative singular definite of <e> NYJE + noun, neuter; ablative singular definite of <erët, e> darkness se - conjunction; <se> that send - noun, masculine; accusative singular indefinite of <send> thing, item si - adverb; <si> upon, when si - adverb; <si> in the way that, such as shekullit - noun, masculine; genitive singular definite of <shekull> century, time shpija - noun, feminine; nominative singular definite of <shpi> house shpirti - noun, masculine; nominative singular definite of <shpirt> spirit shpí - noun, feminine; accusative singular indefinite of <shpi> house shpís - noun, feminine; genitive singular definite of <shpi> house shprazëtë - adjective; masculine singular of <shprazëtë, e> empty shqyptarit - noun, masculine; genitive singular definite of <shqyptar> Albanian shtrojë - noun, feminine; accusative singular indefinite of <shtrojë> mattress, bed shtrueme - adjective, feminine singular participle of; <shtroj> lay t'erëtitë - particle; contraction of neuter nominative singular definite of <e> NYJE + noun, neuter; nominative singular definite of <erët, e> darkness t'i - conjunction; contraction of <të> SUBORDINATOR + pronoun; dative weak of <ai, ajo> (s)he, it, that t'inë - pronoun; genitive singular of <ynë> our teper - adverb; <teper> very, too, excessively - particle; neuter accusative plural definite of <e> NYJE - particle; masculine dative singular definite of <e> NYJE - particle; feminine accusative singular indefinite of <e> NYJE - particle; neuter accusative singular definite of <e> NYJE - particle; masculine accusative plural definite of <e> NYJE - particle; masculine accusative singular indefinite of <e> NYJE - particle; feminine accusative plural definite of <e> NYJE - particle; accusative plural definite of <e> NYJE - conjunction; <të> SUBORDINATOR - particle; neuter nominative singular indefinite of <e> NYJE - particle; feminine ablative singular definite of <e> NYJE - particle; accusative singular definite of <e> NYJE trungu - noun, masculine; nominative singular definite of <trung> log tha - verb; 3rd person singular past definite indicative active of <them> say, speak tha - verb; 3rd person singular perfect indicative active of <them> say, speak thatë - noun, neuter; nominative singular indefinite of <thatë, e> dry ground thatëtë - noun, neuter; accusative plural definite of <thatë, e> dry ground u - marker; <u> NON-ACTIVE ujënashit - noun, ambigeneric; ablative plural definite of <ujë> water ujënat - noun, ambigeneric; accusative plural definite of <ujë> water ujënatë - noun, masculine; nominative plural definite of <ujë> water ujënatë - noun, ambigeneric; accusative plural definite of <ujë> water ujënavet - noun, ambigeneric; of ablative plural definite of <ujë> water ujënavet - noun, ambigeneric; genitive plural definite of <ujë> water ujit - noun, ambigeneric; ablative singular definite of <ujë> water varë - verb; 3rd person singular present indicative active of <var> hang vend - noun, masculine; accusative singular indefinite of <vend> place, seat, country vendit - noun, masculine; genitive singular definite of <vend> place, seat, country vetë - adverb; <vëtë> themselves vëlizee - verb; 3rd person singular imperfect indicative active of <vëliz> move viedmis - noun, feminine; ablative singular definite of <viedmi> midst vîhet - verb; 3rd person singular present subjunctive non-active of <vîhem> be placed votra - noun, feminine; nominative singular definite of <votër> hearth zanët - noun, neuter; accusative singular definite of <zanë, e> beginning, start - noun, masculine; accusative singular indefinite of <zâ> sound, voice zêmer - noun, feminine; nominative singular indefinite of <zêmer> heart zêmra - noun, feminine; nominative singular definite of <zêmer> heart zêmres - noun, feminine; genitive singular definite of <zêmer> heart zêmret - adjective; masculine singular of <zêmret> cherished zjarmi - noun, nominative singular definite of; <zjarm> fire zjarmi - noun, masculine; nominative singular definite of <zjarm> fire Zot - noun, masculine; genitive singular indefinite of <zot> master, lord, God Zot'ynë - noun, masculine; contraction of nominative singular definite of <zot> master, lord, God + pronoun; masculine nominative of <ynë> our zoti - noun, masculine; nominative singular indefinite of <zoti, e> owner, boss, master Zotit - noun, masculine; genitive singular definite of <zot> master, lord, God

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