Indo-European Lexicon
PIE Etymon and IE Reflexes
Below we display: a Proto-Indo-European (PIE) etymon adapted from Pokorny, with our own English gloss; our Semantic Field assignment(s) for the etymon, linked to information about the field(s); an optional Comment; and Reflexes (derived words) in various Indo-European languages, organized by family/group in west-to-east order where Germanic is split into West/North/East families and English, our language of primary emphasis, is artificially separated from West Germanic. IE Reflexes appear most often as single words with any optional letter(s) enclosed in parentheses; but alternative full spellings are separated by '/' and "principal parts" appear in a standard order (e.g. masculine, feminine, and neuter forms) separated by commas.
Reflexes are annotated with: Part-of-Speech and/or other Grammatical feature(s); a short Gloss which, especially for modern English reflexes, may be confined to the oldest sense; and some Source citation(s) with 'LRC' always understood as editor. Keys to PoS/Gram feature abbreviations and Source codes appear below the reflexes; at the end are links to the previous/next etyma [in Pokorny's alphabetic order] that have reflexes.
All reflex pages are currently under active construction; as time goes on, corrections may be made and/or more etyma & reflexes may be added.
Pokorny Etymon: 3. er- : or- : r- 'to move, set in motion'
Semantic Field(s): to Move
Indo-European Reflexes:
Family/Language | Reflex(es) | PoS/Gram. | Gloss | Source(s) |
Celtic | ||||
Old Irish: | renn | adj | rapid | GED |
rīan | n | sea | GED | |
Gaulish: | Rēnos | prop.n | Rhine river | GED |
rēnos | n | river | AHD | |
rhynn | adj | fast; alive; agitated | LRC | |
English | ||||
Old English: | ærnan | vb.wk | to cause to run | GED |
a-rǣman | vb.wk | to raise, elevate, lift up | ASD/IEW | |
arīsan, arās, arison, arisen | vb.str | to arise | ASD/W7 | |
arod | adj | quick, swift; ready, prepared | ASD | |
earon | | are | LRC | |
eart | | art | W7 | |
earu | adj | quick, swift; ready, prepared | IEW | |
earun | | are | W7 | |
eorl | n.masc | earl, warrior | LRC | |
eorl-scipe, eorl-scype | n.indec.masc | nobility, heroic deeds | ASD | |
eornost | n | earnest; duel, battle | GED | |
gerennan | vb | to cause to coagulate | W7 | |
iernan, iornan | vb.str | to run, flow | GED | |
irnan, arn, urnon, urnen | vb.str | to run, flow | ASD | |
rǣran | n | rear | W7 | |
rennan | vb | to cause to run | W7 | |
rinnan, rann, runnon, runnen | vb.str | to run, flow | ASD/GED | |
rīsan, rās, rison, risen | vb.str | to rise | ASD/W7 | |
rīð | n.masc | rill, brook, rivulet | GED | |
ryne | n.masc | run, stream | GED | |
rynel | n | runnel | W7 | |
Northumbrian: | aron | | are | AHD |
arrīsa | vb.intrans | to arise | CDC | |
art(h) | | art | CDC | |
Middle English: | are | | are | LRC |
arisen | vb | to arise | W7 | |
art, ert | | art | CDC/W7 | |
deriven | vb | to derive | W7 | |
erl | n | earl | W7 | |
ernest | n | earnest | W7 | |
orient | n | orient | W7 | |
origine | n | origin | W7 | |
raisen | vb | to raise | W7 | |
rennen | vb | to cause to coagulate | W7 | |
rennet | n | rennet | W7 | |
reren | vb | to rear | W7 | |
rinel | n | runnel | W7 | |
rinnen, ronnen | vb | to run | W7 | |
risen | vb | to rise | W7 | |
romen | vb | to roam | W7 | |
English: | abort | vb | to bring forth premature/stillborn offspring | AHD/W7 |
are | | (thou) be | AHD/W7 | |
are | | (we/you/they) be | AHD/W7 | |
arise, arose, arisen | vb.str.intrans | to rise, get up | AHD/W7 | |
Arod | prop.n | Legolas' horse in Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings | LRC | |
art | | (thou) are | AHD/W7 | |
derive | vb | to take/receive, esp. from specified source | AHD/W7 | |
Dimrill | prop.n | high pass in Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings | LRC | |
earl | n | nobleman | LRC | |
earnest | n | intent/serious mental state | AHD/W7 | |
Eorl | prop.n | 1st Rohan king in Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings | LRC | |
Eorlingas | prop.n | a.k.a. Rohirrim in Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings | LRC | |
Gilrain | prop.n | Gondor river in Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings | LRC | |
hormogonium | n | portion of cyanobacterium filament | AHD | |
hormone | n | biological product circulating in sap/body fluid stimulating cell activity | AHD/W7 | |
orient | n | the east, eastern lands/regions | AHD/W7 | |
orient | vb.trans | to cause to face/point east | AHD/W7 | |
oriental | adj | eastern, re: orient | W7 | |
origin | n | parentage, ancestry | AHD/W7 | |
original | adj | first, preceding all others | AHD | |
raise | vb | to cause/help to rise to upright position | AHD/W7 | |
rear | vb | to construct, erect by building | AHD/W7 | |
rennet | n | stomach contents of unweaned animal | AHD/W7 | |
Rhine | prop.n | major European transportation river | LRC | |
rill | n | very small brook | AHD/W7 | |
rill | n | channel made by small stream | AHD/W7 | |
rise, rose, risen | vb.str.intrans | to assume upright position | AHD/W7 | |
rival | n | one striving to reach/obtain something that only one can possess | AHD/W7 | |
rivulet | n | brook, small stream | AHD/W7 | |
roam | vb | to wander, go without direction | IEW/W7 | |
run, ran, run | vb.str | to move on foot faster than walking speed | AHD/W7 | |
run | n | creek, stream | GED | |
runnel | n | streamlet, rivulet | AHD/W7 | |
West Germanic | ||||
Old Frisian: | blōd-rene | n | run, course | ASD |
renna | vb.wk | to cause to run | GED | |
rinna | vb.str | to run, flow | GED | |
rīsa | vb | to rise | ASD | |
run | n.masc | run, stream | GED | |
Frisian: | ril | n | rill | OED |
Dutch: | Rijn | prop.n | Rhine river | LRC |
ril | n | rill | W7 | |
Old Saxon: | erl | n.masc | earl, man, male offspring | ASD |
rennian | vb.wk | to cause to run | GED | |
rīð | n.masc | brook | GED | |
rinnan | vb.str | to run, flow | GED | |
rīsan | vb | to rise | ASD | |
Low German: | rille | n | rill | W7 |
Old High German: | ar-rīsan | vb.intrans | to arise | CDC |
ernust | n.str | earnest, firmness | GED | |
ir-rīsan | vb.intrans | to arise | CDC | |
rennan | vb.wk | to cause to run | GED | |
rinnan | vb.str | to run, flow | GED | |
rīsan | vb | to rise | W7 | |
rōr(a) | n | reed, cane | KDW | |
run | n.masc | run, stream | GED | |
ur-rīsan | vb.intrans | to arise | CDC | |
Middle High German: | ernest | n.str.masc | earnest; battle | GED |
German: | Ernst | n.masc | earnest | LRC |
rennen | vb | to run | LRC | |
Rhein | prop.n | Rhine river | LRC | |
Rille | n.fem | rill | W7 | |
rinnen | vb | to flow, run | LRC | |
Rohr | n.neut | reed, cane, pipe, tube, duct | LRC | |
Röhre | n.fem | pipe; canal, channel, conduit | TLL | |
North Germanic | ||||
Old Norse: | ert | | thou art | W7 |
eru | | they are | W7 | |
erum | | we are | W7 | |
jarl | n.masc | earl, free-born man, gentleman | LRC | |
reisa(t) | vb | to raise, set up | LRC | |
renna | vb.wk | to cause to run | LRC | |
reyrr | n | reed | LRC | |
rinna | vb.str | to run | LRC | |
ördugr, örðigr | adj | quick, swift; ready, prepared | ASD | |
Old Icelandic: | ern | adj | able, energetic | GED |
rinna | vb.str | to run, flow | GED | |
runi | n.masc | run, stream | GED | |
Icelandic: | earl, jarl | n.masc | earl, chief, warrior, gentleman | ASD |
renna, rinna | vb | to run, flow | ASD | |
rīsa | vb | to rise | ASD | |
runi | n | flux, stream | ASD | |
Danish: | er | vb.anom | am/are/is, are | TLL |
rør | n | pipe | TLL | |
Swedish: | rör | n | pipe | TLL |
är | | am, are, is | TLL | |
äro | | are | TLL | |
East Germanic | ||||
Gothic: | *and-rinnan | vb.str.V | to debate, dispute, discuss | GED |
arniba | adv | certain | GED | |
*at-rinnan | vb.str.V | to run, come up | GED | |
*bi-rinnan | vb.str.V | to surround, gather round | GED | |
*du-rinnan | vb.str.V | to approach, run up | GED | |
*fair-rinnan | vb.str.V | to reach, extend to | GED | |
*faur-rinnan | vb.str.V | to precede, go before | GED | |
garuns | n.str.fem | street | LRC | |
raus | n | reed, stalk | KGW | |
*rinnan | vb.str.V | to run, walk, go | GED | |
runs | n | run, course | ASD | |
urreisan | vb.str.I | to arise | LRC | |
urrinnan | vb.str.III | to rise, come from, go forth | LRC | |
Italic | ||||
Latin: | aborior, aborīrī, abortus | vb | to perish by untimely birth, disappear | W7 |
aborto, abortāre | vb | to miscarry | W7 | |
derivo, derivāre | vb | to float away | W7 | |
exorior, exorīrī, exortus | vb.dep | to arise, appear | LRC | |
oriens, orientis | vb.pres.ptc | rising | W7 | |
origo, originis | n.fem | rising, beginning | W7 | |
orior, orīri | vb.dep | to rise, get up, be born | W7 | |
rivalis | adj | of a stream | W7 | |
rivulus | n.masc | small stream | W7 | |
rīvus | n.masc | brook, stream | W7 | |
Middle French: | dériver | vb | to derive, be washed away | W7 |
orient | n.masc | the East | W7 | |
orienter | vb | to orient, guide | W7 | |
origine | n.fem | origin, beginning | W7 | |
rival | adj | rival | W7 | |
French: | orienter | vb | to orient, guide | W7 |
Italian: | rivoletto | n.masc | rivulet | W7 |
rivolo | n.masc | rivulet, brook | W7 | |
Slavic | ||||
Old Church Slavonic: | ratь | n | battle | GED |
rinǫti | vb | to thrust | GED | |
rěka | n.fem | river | LRC | |
Russian: | ronítь | vb | to let fall | GED |
Albanian | ||||
Albanian: | jerm | n | delirium | GED |
Hellenic | ||||
Homeric Greek: | ὄρνῡμι | vb | to move, awake, arise, arouse | LRC |
Greek: | ἀνατέλλειν | vb | to make (the sun) rise | GED |
ἀπέρχομαι | vb | to go back | LRC | |
εἰσέρχομαι | vb | to enter | LRC | |
ἐξέρχομαι | vb.dep | to come out | LRC | |
ἐρίζω | vb | to quarrel | LRC | |
ἔρις | n.fem | strife | LRC | |
ἔρχομαι | vb | to come, go | LRC | |
ὀρίνω | vb | to stir | GED | |
hormē | n.fem | impulse, assault | W7 | |
hormōn | vb.ptc | assaulting | W7 | |
ὄρνυμαι | vb | to begin | GED | |
προσέρχομαι | vb | to come to | LRC | |
συνέρχομαι | vb.dep | to unite, come together | LRC | |
Anatolian | ||||
Hittite: | ar-ai-, ar-iya- | vb | to rise, raise, rouse | LRC |
ar-i | vb | to arrive | LRC | |
ar-nu-mi | vb | to bring, set in motion | LRC | |
Armenian | ||||
Classical Armenian: | ordi | n | son | LRC |
Armenian: | ari | vb | to arise, get up | LRC |
yarnem | vb | to rise, get up | GED | |
Iranian | ||||
Avestan: | ar- | vb | to move, reach, raise | LRC |
Indic | ||||
Sanskrit: | ara | adj | quick | ASD |
iyarti | vb | to set in motion | GED | |
irya | adj | agile, energetic | GED | |
r̥ṇóti | vb | to stir, move, arise | LRC | |
r̥ṇváti | vb | to move, arise | GED | |
r̥ti- | n | attack, battle | GED | |
rayas | n | flood | GED | |
ríṇvati | vb | to cause to flow | GED | |
rināti | vb | to cause to flow | GED | |
rī́yate | vb | to begin to flow | GED | |
Tocharian | ||||
Tocharian B: | er- | vb | to cease, abandon, come to an end | LRC |
Key to Part-of-Speech/Grammatical feature abbreviations:
Abbrev. | Meaning | |
1 | = | 1st person |
2 | = | 2nd person |
3 | = | 3rd person |
I | = | class 1 |
III | = | class 3 |
V | = | class 5 |
adj | = | adjective |
adv | = | adverb(ial) |
anom | = | anomalous/indeclinable |
arch | = | archaic |
dep | = | deponent |
fem | = | feminine (gender) |
indec | = | indeclinable/anomalous |
intrans | = | intransitive |
masc | = | masculine (gender) |
n | = | noun |
neut | = | neuter (gender) |
pl | = | plural (number) |
pres | = | present (tense) |
prop | = | proper |
ptc | = | participle |
sg | = | singular (number) |
str | = | strong (inflection) |
trans | = | transitive |
vb | = | verb |
wk | = | weak (inflection) |
Key to information Source codes (always with 'LRC' as editor):
Code | Citation | |
AHD | = | Calvert Watkins: The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European Roots, 2nd ed. (2000) |
ASD | = | Joseph Bosworth and T. Northcote Toller: An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary (1898) |
CDC | = | W.D. Whitney and B.E. Smith: The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia (1889-1911) |
GED | = | Winfred P. Lehmann: A Gothic Etymological Dictionary (1986) |
IEW | = | Julius Pokorny: Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch (1959) |
KDW | = | Gerhard Köbler: Althochdeutsches Wörterbuch, 4th ed. (1993) |
KGW | = | Gerhard Köbler: Gotisches Wörterbuch, 2nd ed. (1989) |
LRC | = | Linguistics Research Center, University of Texas, Austin |
OED | = | James A.H. Murray et al: The Oxford English Dictionary (1933) |
TLL | = | Frederick Bodmer: The Loom of Language (1944) |
W7 | = | Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary (1963) |