Indo-European Lexicon
PIE Etymon and IE Reflexes
Below we display: a Proto-Indo-European (PIE) etymon adapted from Pokorny, with our own English gloss; our Semantic Field assignment(s) for the etymon, linked to information about the field(s); an optional Comment; and Reflexes (derived words) in various Indo-European languages, organized by family/group in west-to-east order where Germanic is split into West/North/East families and English, our language of primary emphasis, is artificially separated from West Germanic. IE Reflexes appear most often as single words with any optional letter(s) enclosed in parentheses; but alternative full spellings are separated by '/' and "principal parts" appear in a standard order (e.g. masculine, feminine, and neuter forms) separated by commas.
Reflexes are annotated with: Part-of-Speech and/or other Grammatical feature(s); a short Gloss which, especially for modern English reflexes, may be confined to the oldest sense; and some Source citation(s) with 'LRC' always understood as editor. Keys to PoS/Gram feature abbreviations and Source codes appear below the reflexes; at the end are links to the previous/next etyma [in Pokorny's alphabetic order] that have reflexes.
All reflex pages are currently under active construction; as time goes on, corrections may be made and/or more etyma & reflexes may be added.
Pokorny Etymon: sed- 'to sit, set, settle'
Semantic Field(s): to Sit
Indo-European Reflexes:
Family/Language | Reflex(es) | PoS/Gram. | Gloss | Source(s) |
Celtic | ||||
Old Irish: | síde | n | fairy | AHD |
sūide | n | soot | W7 | |
tánaise | n | tanist | AHD | |
Irish: | bean-sīdhe | n | banshee | CDC |
sīd | n | fairy abode | W2I | |
sīde | n | fairy folk | W2I | |
sídhe | n | fairy | AHD | |
tánaiste | n | tanist, second | AHD | |
Gaelic: | b(e)an-sīth | n.fem | banshee | CDC/W7 |
sīth | n | fairy | W2I | |
English | ||||
Old English: | besettan | vb | to beset | AHD |
cot-sǣta | n.masc | cottager, cottage inhabitant | AHD/ASD | |
land-sǣta | n.masc | colonist, one settled in a country | ASD | |
medu-setl | n.neut | lit. mead-seat | LRC | |
sadol | n.masc | saddle | W7 | |
sǣta | n.masc | dweller, resident, inhabitant | AHD/ASD | |
se(o)tl, sedl, seðl, seatl | n.neut | seat, settle | ASD/W7 | |
settan, sette, seted, set(t) | vb.wk | to set | W7 | |
sittan, sæt, sǣton, seten | vb.str | to sit | ASD/W7 | |
sōt | n.neut | soot | W7 | |
Middle English: | acceden | vb | to accede | W7 |
access | n | access | W7 | |
ancestre, auncestre | n | ancestor | AHD/W7 | |
assessen | vb | to assess | W7 | |
as(s)ise, assize, assys | n | assize | CDC/W7 | |
bisetten | vb | to beset | AHD | |
cesen | vb | to cease | W7 | |
cession | n | cession | W7 | |
chaiere | n | chair | W7 | |
cotsete | n | cottage dweller | AHD | |
deces | n | decease | W7 | |
exceden | vb | to exceed | W7 | |
eyas | n | eyas | W7 | |
incessaunt | adj | incessant | W7 | |
necessarie | adj | necessary | W7 | |
neias | n | eyas | W7 | |
nest | n | nest | W7 | |
nocke | n | nock, notched end | W7 | |
nyke | n | nick, notch | W7 | |
pariode | n | period | W7 | |
possessen | vb | to possess | W7 | |
preceden | vb | to precede | W7 | |
predecessour | n | predecessor | W7 | |
proceden | vb | to proceed | W7 | |
residen | vb | to reside | W7 | |
sadel | n | saddle | W7 | |
se | n | see | W7 | |
session | n | session | W7 | |
sete | n | seat | W7 | |
setten | vb | to set | W7 | |
settle | n | settle | W7 | |
settlen | vb | to seat, bring/come to rest | W7 | |
sewer | n | sewer | W7 | |
sitten | vb | to sit | W7 | |
soil | n | soil | W7 | |
soot | n | soot | W7 | |
subsidy | n | subsidy | W7 | |
succeden | vb | to succeed | W7 | |
surcesen | vb | to surcease | W7 | |
sursesen | vb | to surcease | W7 | |
English: | abscess | n | collection of pus in inflamed tissue | AHD/W7 |
accede | vb.intrans | to approach | AHD/W7 | |
access | n | onset, outburst, fit of intense feeling | AHD/W7 | |
ancestor | n | person from whom one is descended | AHD/W7 | |
anode | n | positive terminal of electrolytic cell | AHD/W7 | |
antecede | vb.trans | to precede | AHD/W7 | |
assess | vb.trans | to set rate/amount (e.g. of tax) | AHD/W7 | |
assiduous | adj | steadily attentive | AHD/W7 | |
assize | n | ordinance, enactment made by legislative assembly | AHD/W7 | |
babysit, babysat | vb.str.intrans | to care for children | W7 | |
banshee | n | female spirit whose wailing warns family of approaching death (Gaelic folklore) | AHD/W7 | |
beset, beset | vb.irr.trans | to surround, encircle, set about with | AHD/OED | |
cathedra | n | bishop's official throne | AHD/W7 | |
cathedral | n | church containing cathedra | W7 | |
cathode | n | negative terminal of electrolytic cell | AHD/W7 | |
cease | vb | to terminate, bring to end | AHD/W7 | |
cede | vb.trans | to yield/grant (typically by treaty) | AHD/W7 | |
cession | n | concession, yielding to another | AHD/W7 | |
chair | n | seat (for one person) with four legs and back | AHD/W7 | |
concede | vb | to grant as right/privilege | AHD/W7 | |
cosset | n | pet (lamb) | AHD | |
cosset | vb | to pamper | AHD | |
decease | n | death, departure from life | AHD/W7 | |
dissident | adj | disaffected, differing with group/opinion | AHD/W7 | |
edaphic | adj | re: soil | AHD/W7 | |
ephedrine | n | crystalline alkaloid extracted from plants | AHD/W7 | |
episode | n | unit of action in dramatic/literary work | AHD/W7 | |
ersatz | adj | synthetic, substitute | AHD/W7 | |
exceed | vb | to extend outside | AHD/W7 | |
eyas | n | unfledged bird, nestling hawk | AHD/W7 | |
-hedron | n.sfx | crystal/geometric figure having (specified) form/number of surfaces | AHD/W7 | |
icosahedron | n | polyhedron with 20 faces | AHD/W7 | |
incessant | adj | unceasing, continuing/following without interruption | AHD/W7 | |
insessorial | adj | re: perching | AHD/W7 | |
insidious | adj | treacherous, awaiting chance to entrap | AHD/W7 | |
intercede | vb.intrans | to mediate, act with view to reconciling differences between parties | AHD/W7 | |
isopiestic | adj | isobaric, re: equal pressure | AHD/W7 | |
method | n | process/procedure for accomplishing something | AHD/W7 | |
necessary | adj | inescapable, of inevitable nature | AHD/W7 | |
nest | n | bed/receptacle prepared by bird for eggs/young | AHD/W7 | |
nest | vb | to build/occupy a nest | W7 | |
niche | n | recess in wall (esp. for statue) | AHD/W7 | |
nick | n | slit, notch | AHD/W7 | |
nide | n | nest/brood of pheasants | AHD | |
nidicolous | adj | reared in nest | AHD/W7 | |
nidifugous | adj | leaving nest soon after hatching | AHD/W7 | |
nidify | vb | to build a nest | AHD | |
nidus | n | nest/breeding place | AHD/W7 | |
obsess | vb.trans | to beset, harass | AHD/W7 | |
octahedron | n | solid with 8 plane faces | W7 | |
-ode | n.sfx | way, path | AHD | |
odograph | n | instrument for recording course/distance traveled | AHD | |
odometer | n | instrument for measuring distance traversed | AHD/W7 | |
period | n | sentence, utterance from full stop to stop | AHD/W7 | |
physostomous | adj | with connecting tube between air bladder and alimentary canal | AHD | |
piezo- | pfx | pressure | AHD/W7 | |
possess | vb.trans | to own/have as property | AHD/W7 | |
precede | vb | to surpass in rank/dignity/importance | AHD/W7 | |
predecessor | n | one that precedes | AHD/W7 | |
preside | vb.intrans | to occupy place/position of authority | AHD/W7 | |
proceed | vb.intrans | to issue, come forth from source | AHD/W7 | |
proctodeum | n | inward fold on embryonic ectoderm that develops into anal passage | AHD | |
recede | vb.intrans | to withdraw, move back/away | AHD/W7 | |
reside | vb.intrans | to be incumbent in office/benefice | AHD/W7 | |
retrocede | vb.intrans | to recede, go back | AHD/W7 | |
saddle | n | padded/leather-covered seat for (horseback) rider | AHD/W7 | |
seance | n | sitting, session | AHD/W7 | |
seat | n | chair, sitting place | AHD/W7 | |
secede | vb.intrans | to withdraw from communion/organization | AHD/W7 | |
sedate | adj | unruffled, keeping quiet steady pace/attitude | AHD/W7 | |
sedentary | adj | settled, not migratory | AHD/W7 | |
sederunt | n | prolonged sitting (e.g. for discussion) | AHD/W7 | |
sedile, sedilia | n | seat for clergy near chancel | AHD/CDC | |
sediment | n | dregs, matter settled to bottom of liquid | AHD/W7 | |
see | n | cathedra | AHD/W7 | |
sessile | adj | attached directly by base (not raised on stalk/peduncle) | AHD/W7 | |
session | n | meeting(s) of group for transaction of business | AHD/W7 | |
set, set | vb.irr | to put, place, cause to sit | AHD/W7 | |
settle | n | wooden bench with arms/high solid back/enclosed foundation | AHD/W7 | |
settle | vb | to put/fix so as to stay | AHD/W7 | |
settlement | n | act/process of settling | IEW/W7 | |
sewer | n | medieval household table officer | AHD/W7 | |
shee, sidhe | n | fairy fort/abode | W2I | |
siege | n.obs | throne, seat of distinction | AHD/W7 | |
sit, sat | vb.str | to rest upon buttocks/haunches | AHD/W7 | |
sitz | adj/n | seated; sitting | AHD | |
sitzmark | n | depression left in snow by skier falling backward | AHD/W7 | |
soil | n | earth, firm land | AHD/W7 | |
soot | n | black ash/powder formed by combustion | AHD/W7 | |
stomodaeum | n | anterior ectodermal part of alimentary tract/canal | AHD/W7 | |
subside | vb.intrans | to settle, sink/fall to bottom | AHD/W7 | |
subsidy | n | gift/grant of money | AHD/W7 | |
succeed | vb | to come after another in (possession of) estate | AHD/W7 | |
supersede | vb.trans | to defer, postpone, omit, discontinue | AHD/W7 | |
surcease | vb | to desist from action | AHD/W7 | |
synizesis | n | uniting (in pronunciation) adjacent vowels to form one syllable | AHD/W7 | |
synod | n | council | AHD/W7 | |
tanist | n | ancient Celtic chief or elected heir apparent | AHD/CDC | |
tetrahedron | n | polyhedron of four faces | AHD/W7 | |
trisoctahedron | n | regular solid with 24 congruent faces | AHD/W7 | |
Upanishad | prop.n | collection of Vedic religious/philosophical texts (Hinduism) | LRC | |
West Germanic | ||||
Old Frisian: | sedel | n | seat, settle | ASD |
setta | vb | to set | ASD | |
sibbe | adj | related | ASD | |
sitta | vb | to sit | ASD | |
Dutch: | kathedraal | n | cathedral | TLL |
Old Saxon: | sedel | n | seat, settle | ASD |
settian | vb | to set | ASD | |
sittian | vb | to sit | ASD | |
Old Low German: | land-sētio | n | colonist, one settled in a country | ASD |
Old High German: | nest | n | nest | W7 |
satal, satul | n.masc | saddle | ASD/W7 | |
sed(h)al, sethal | n | throne, residence | ASD | |
sezzal | n | seat | W7 | |
sezzan, sezzen | vb | to set | ASD/W7 | |
sizzan, sizzen | vb | to sit | ASD/W7 | |
German: | Ersatz | n.masc | substitute, replacement | W7 |
Kathedrale | n | cathedral | TLL | |
Nest | n.neut | nest | LRC | |
Sattel | n.masc | saddle | LRC | |
setzen | vb | to set | LRC | |
Sitz | n.masc | seat | LRC | |
sitzen | vb | to sit | W7 | |
Sitzmarke | n.fem | sitzmark, lit. sitting-mark | W7 | |
North Germanic | ||||
Old Norse: | set | n.neut | seat; raised floor along sides of hall | LRC |
setja | vb | to set, seat | LRC | |
sæti | n | seat | W7 | |
Icelandic: | setja | vb | to set | ASD |
sitja | vb | to sit | ASD | |
sót | n.neut | soot | ASD | |
söðull | n.masc | saddle | ASD | |
Danish: | katedral | n | cathedral | TLL |
Swedish: | besättning | n | crew | TLL |
katedral | n | cathedral | TLL | |
East Germanic | ||||
Gothic: | satjan | vb | to set | ASD |
sitan | vb.str.V | to sit | LRC | |
sitls | n.masc | seat, throne, nest | ASD | |
un-sibis | adj | impious | ASD | |
Italic | ||||
Latin: | abscēdo, abscedere | vb | to go away | W7 |
abscessus | n.masc | act of going away | W7 | |
abscessus | vb.ptc | gone away | W7 | |
accedo, accedere | vb | to approach, go to, be added | W7 | |
accessus | n.masc | approach | W7 | |
accessus | vb.ptc | approached | W7 | |
antecedo, antecedere | vb | to go before | W7 | |
antecessor | n.masc | one that goes before | W7 | |
antecessus | vb.ptc | one who came before | W7 | |
assideō, assidēre | vb | to sit by/near, assist in office of judge | W7 | |
assīdō, assīdere | vb | to sit down, take a seat | W7 | |
assiduus | adj | continuous | W7 | |
cathedra | n.fem | seat, local seat of the Church | W7 | |
cēdō, cedere, cessī, cessum | vb | to go, cede, depart, withdraw | LRC | |
cessans, cessantis | vb.ptc | stopping | W7 | |
cessio, cessionis | n.fem | giving up | W7 | |
cesso, cessare | vb | to stop, delay | W7 | |
cessus | vb.ptc | given up | W7 | |
cis | prep | on this side | W7 | |
concedo, concedere | vb | to yield, concede | W7 | |
decedo, decedere | vb | to die, depart, withdraw | W7 | |
decessor | n.masc | retiring governor | W7 | |
decessus | n.masc | death, departure | W7 | |
dissidens, dissidentis | adj/vb.ptc | sitting apart, disagreeing | W7 | |
dissideo, dissidēre | vb | to sit apart, disagree | W7 | |
ephedra | n.fem | a (nearly leafless) desert shrub | W7 | |
excedo, excedere | vb | to go out | W7 | |
insessus | vb.ptc | seated on | W7 | |
insideo, insidēre | vb | to sit on | W7 | |
insidiae | | plot, ambush | W7 | |
insidiosus | adj | plotting | W7 | |
intercedo, intercedere | vb | to go between | W7 | |
methodus | n.masc | method | W7 | |
necessarius | adj | necessary, closely connected | W7 | |
necesse | adj | requisite, necessary, unavoidable | W7 | |
nīdus | n.masc | nest | W7 | |
obsessus | vb.ptc | to be obsessed | W7 | |
obsido, obsidēre | vb | to obsess, besiege | W7 | |
periodus | n.fem | rhetorical period | W7 | |
possessio, possessionis | n.fem | possession | LRC | |
possessus | vb.ptc | possessed | W7 | |
possideo, possidēre | vb | to possess | W7 | |
praecedo, praecedere | vb | to precede | W7 | |
praesideo, praesidēre | vb | to guard, preside over, lit. sit in front of | W7 | |
prōcēdō, procedere, processī, processum | vb | to proceed, advance, go forward | LRC | |
recēdō, rēcedere, rēcessī, rēcessum | vb | to recede, retire | LRC | |
resideo, residēre | vb | to reside, remain | W7 | |
retrocedo, retrocedere | vb | to give back | W7 | |
secedo, secedere | vb | to secede, separate | W7 | |
sedatus | vb.ptc | calmed, sedate | W7 | |
sedens, sedentis | adj | sitting | W7 | |
sedentarius | adj | sedentary | W7 | |
sedeō, sedēre | vb | to sit | W7 | |
sedes, sedis | n.fem | seat, habitation | LRC | |
sedīle, sedīlis | n.neut | seat, bench, sedile | CLD/W7 | |
sedimentum | n.neut | settling, sediment | W7 | |
sēdō, sēdāre | vb | to lay, calm, settle | W7 | |
sella | n.fem | seat, chair, saddle | W7 | |
sessilis | adj | low, re: sitting, dwarf (of plants) | W7 | |
sessio, sessionis | stem | act/period of sitting | W7 | |
sessus | vb.ptc | sat | W7 | |
sīdo, sīdere | vb | to sink, settle, sit down | W7 | |
solium | n.neut | seat | W7 | |
subsidium | n.neut | help, reserves | W7 | |
subsido, subsidere | vb | to squat, bow down | W7 | |
succēdō, succedere, successī, sucessum | vb | to enter, succeed, follow after | LRC | |
supersedeō, supersedēre | vb | to sit on, refrain from, be superior to | W7 | |
Vulgar Latin: | assedo, assedēre | vb | to sit beside | W7 |
nidax | n.masc | nestling | W7 | |
nidico, nidicāre | vb | to nest | W7 | |
Late Latin: | incessans, incessantis | adj | incessant, non-stop | W7 |
praedecessor | n.masc | predecessor, one who comes before | W7 | |
synodus | n.masc | synod, meeting, assembly | W7 | |
Middle Latin: | assessare | vb | to assess, impose tax | CDC |
Medieval Latin: | assessus | vb.ptc | assessed | W7 |
assideō, assidēre | vb | to assess | W7 | |
periodus | n.fem | period of time; punctuation mark | W7 | |
retrocedo, retrocedere | vb | to retrocede, give again | W7 | |
New Latin: | Ephedra | prop.n.fem | (genus of) shrub | W7 |
-hedron | n.sfx | side, face | W7 | |
nidus | n.masc | nest, breeding place | W7 | |
stomodaeum | n.neut | anterior ectodermal part of alimentary canal/tract | W7 | |
tetrahedron | n.neut | polyhedron with four faces | W7 | |
Old French: | acces | n | access, arrival | AHD |
ancestre | n.masc | ancestor | W7 | |
asseoir | vb | to seat | W7 | |
assesser | vb | to assess | CDC | |
as(s)ise | n.fem | assize, session, assessment, settlement | CDC/W7 | |
auncestre | n | ancestor | AHD | |
cesser | vb | to stop | W7 | |
chaiere | vb | to sit | W7 | |
Anglo-French: | asseour | n.masc | seater | W7 |
soil | n.masc | seat | W7 | |
Middle French: | acces | n.masc | arrival | W7 |
cession | n.fem | action of yielding/giving up | W7 | |
deces | n.masc | decease | W7 | |
exceder | vb | to exceed | W7 | |
methode | n.fem | method | W7 | |
niais | adj | fresh from the nest; stupid | W7 | |
niche | n.fem | nest, cavity | W7 | |
nicher | vb | to nest | W7 | |
periode | n.fem | period | W7 | |
possesser | vb | to possess | W7 | |
précéder | vb | to precede, come before | W7 | |
prédecessur | n.masc | predecessor | W7 | |
procéder | vb | to proceed | W7 | |
résider | vb | to dwell, reside | W7 | |
sédentaire | adj | sedentary | W7 | |
sédiment | n.masc | sediment | W7 | |
session | n.fem | session, assembly, period of work | W7 | |
superséder | vb | to refrain from | W7 | |
surseoir | vb | to allow delay | W7 | |
sursis | vb.ptc | allowed delay | W7 | |
French: | asseoir | vb | to seat oneself | W7 |
céder | vb | to yield | W7 | |
concéder | vb | to concede | W7 | |
niche | n.fem | nest, cavity | W7 | |
nid | n | nest | TLL | |
odomètre | n.masc | odometer | W7 | |
rétrocéder | vb | to retrocede, give back | W7 | |
séance | n.fem | period of sitting for a meeting | W7 | |
seoir | vb | to sit, fit, be suitable | W7 | |
Baltic | ||||
Lithuanian: | sėdėti, sėdi, sėdėjo | vb | to sit | LRC |
Slavic | ||||
Old Church Slavonic: | sěděti, sěždǫ, sědiši | vb | to sit, remain | LRC |
sěsti, sědǫ, sědeši | vb | to sit down | LRC | |
xoditi, xoždǫ, xodiši | vb | to go, walk | LRC | |
Albanian | ||||
Albanian: | sukses | n.masc | success | LRC |
Hellenic | ||||
Greek: | anodos | n.masc | way up | W7 |
edaphos | n.neut | ground, bottom | W7 | |
hedra | n.fem | seat | W7 | |
-edron | afx | side | W7 | |
hezesthai | vb | to sit | W7 | |
eikosaedron | n.neut | icosahedron | W7 | |
eisodios | adj | coming in | W7 | |
ἐνέδρα | n.fem | ambush | LRC | |
epeisodios | adj | coming in besides | W7 | |
ἔσοδος | n.fem | entrance | LRC | |
Ephedra | prop.n.fem | Ephedra | W7 | |
ephedros | adj | sitting upon | W7 | |
hizein | vb | to set down | W7 | |
kathedra | n.fem | seat, local seat of the Church | W7 | |
kathodos | n.fem | way down | W7 | |
μέθ-οδος | n.fem | method, pursuit, scientific inquiry | LS | |
hodaios | adj | being on the way | W7 | |
hodometron | n.neut | odometer | W7 | |
ὁδός | n.fem | way, road | LRC | |
periodos | n.masc | circuit, period of time, rhetorical period | W7 | |
piezein | vb | to press | W7 | |
piestos | adj | compressible | W7 | |
synizein | vb | to blend, collapse, sit down together | W7 | |
synizēsis | n.fem | blending of adjacent vowels in prosody | W7 | |
synodos | n.masc | meeting, assembly | W7 | |
Late Greek: | synodos | n.masc | synod | W7 |
tetraedron | n.neut | tetrahedron | W7 | |
tetraedros | adj | having four faces | W7 | |
Armenian | ||||
Classical Armenian: | nstim | vb | to sit | LRC |
Indic | ||||
Sanskrit: | upaniṣad | n | Upanishad | W7 |
pīḍayati | vb | to squeeze | W7 |
Key to Part-of-Speech/Grammatical feature abbreviations:
Abbrev. | Meaning | |
V | = | class 5 |
adj | = | adjective |
afx | = | affix |
fem | = | feminine (gender) |
intrans | = | intransitive |
irr | = | irregular |
masc | = | masculine (gender) |
n | = | noun |
neut | = | neuter (gender) |
obs | = | obsolete |
pfx | = | prefix |
pl | = | plural (number) |
prep | = | preposition |
prop | = | proper |
ptc | = | participle |
sfx | = | suffix |
stem | = | stem |
str | = | strong (inflection) |
trans | = | transitive |
vb | = | verb |
wk | = | weak (inflection) |
Key to information Source codes (always with 'LRC' as editor):
Code | Citation | |
AHD | = | Calvert Watkins: The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European Roots, 2nd ed. (2000) |
ASD | = | Joseph Bosworth and T. Northcote Toller: An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary (1898) |
CDC | = | W.D. Whitney and B.E. Smith: The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia (1889-1911) |
CLD | = | Cassell's Latin Dictionary (1959, rev. 1968) |
IEW | = | Julius Pokorny: Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch (1959) |
LRC | = | Linguistics Research Center, University of Texas, Austin |
LS | = | Liddell and Scott: Greek-English Lexicon, 7th-9th ed's (1882-1940), rev. |
OED | = | James A.H. Murray et al: The Oxford English Dictionary (1933) |
TLL | = | Frederick Bodmer: The Loom of Language (1944) |
W2I | = | Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language, 2nd ed. (1959) |
W7 | = | Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary (1963) |