Hittite Online

Hittite: English Meaning Index

This English Index lists, in alphabetical order, seemingly significant words used in the "general meaning" glosses of Base Forms underlying one or more surface (word) forms in lesson texts. For each English word, base forms having that word in their general meanings are shown, along with links to every usage, in every numbered lesson, of the associated surface forms. With this index, one may click on any link to perform a quick "usage look-up," and thereby study how surface forms in texts are constructed from base forms sharing a general English meaning word. In order to reduce clutter in this index, certain high-frequency English "function" words are ignored unless there are no "content" words in the meaning.

This index was created by software, not by human hand, using lesson materials authored with very few constraints on the expression of "meaning" other than it being in English. Selecting significant words from free-form text via software is a notoriously difficult task. For example, while most meanings in these lessons are expressed as "glosses," some or parts may be comments directed toward the human reader, who is expected to discern the difference. Computer software cannot yet make such subtle linguistic distinctions, so all words in a meaning are treated alike. With few exceptions, then, all words are indexed. The results are neither produced nor presented with any claims to superior linguistic sensitivity, but at least the full meaning texts are shown for your inspection and judgment. Modest effort was invested in tuning the software to ignore [apparently] superfluous, high-frequency words (e.g., the preposition "of") that, in the presence of [apparently] more important words, contribute little or no useful information to an index; unfortunately this may result in some words, in some contexts, being unfairly omitted.

ABOVE : <sēr> over, above -- ABSCOND : <hark-, harkiya-> disappear, abscond, perish -- ABSTRACT : <-UTTU> (abstract suffix) -- ABUNDANCE : <ispiyātar> satiation, abundance -- ADOPTED : <antiyant-> adopted son and son-in-law -- ADVISORY : <pankus> advisory council -- AFFAIR : <INIM> word, matter, affair -- AFFAIR : <uttar> affair, matter -- AFRAID : <nahsariya-> fear, become afraid -- AFTER : <EGIR> after -- AFTER : <āppa tiya-> look after -- AFTER : <āppan tiya-> look after -- AFTER : <āppan> after, following -- AGAIN : <EGIR> back, again -- AGAIN : <āppa> again -- AGITATION : <lahlahhiya-> agitation, worry -- ALIVE : <huswant-> alive -- ALL : <hūmant-> all, each, every -- ALONE : <dāla-> leave, leave alone -- ALONG : <QADU> along with -- ALTAR : <istanāna-> altar table -- AMGA : <Amga> Amga -- AMMUNA : <Ammuna-> Ammuna -- AMONG : <istarna> among -- AND : <-a-> and -- AND : <-a> and -- AND : <-ya> and -- AND : <Ù> and -- AND : <nu> and -- AND : <ta> and -- ANGRY : <kappilāi-> become angry -- ANGUISH : <pittuliya-> anguish -- ANIMAL : <AMAR> young animal, calf -- ANITTAS : <Anitta-> Anittas -- ANOTHER : <damāi-> other, another -- ANY : <kuisk-> any/some one/thing -- APASA : <URUApāsa-> Apasa -- APPLAUD : <palwāi-> applaud -- APPLAUDER : <palwatalla-> applauder -- APPOINT : <tittanu-> appoint, establish -- APPROACH : <maninkuwahh-> draw near, approach -- ARIMATTAS : <Arimatta-> Arimattas -- ARISE : <arai-> arise, rise, rise up -- ARM : <kuttar> upper arm, shoulder -- ARMY : <ERINMEŠ> army, infantry -- ARMY : <KARAŠ> troops, army -- ARRANGE : <handāi-> order, arrange, marry -- ARREST : <hatkesnu-> oppress, constrict, arrest -- ARRIVE : <ar-> arrive -- ARRIVE : <ār-> arrive, reach -- ARSANI : <Arsani-> Arsani -- ARZAWA : <Arzawa> Arzawa -- ASK : <wēk-, wekk-> demand, ask -- ASSEMBLED : <tarupp-> be assembled, be united -- ATTACK : <walh-> attack, strike -- ATTEMPT : <sanh-> seek, attempt -- AWAY : <arha dā-> take away -- AWAY : <arha pēssiya-> throw away -- AWAY : <arha> away -- AWAY : <parā pēda-> take away -- AWAY : <pittenu-> take away -- AWAY : <pēhute-> lead away, take away -- AZZI : <Azzi-> Azzi -- BACK : <EGIR> back, again -- BACK : <āppa pāi-, āppa piya-> give back -- BACK : <āppa tiya-> step back -- BACK : <āppa uwa-> come back -- BACK : <āppa> back -- BANK : <wappu-> river bank -- BARLEY : <halki-> grain, barley -- BARN : <É.GU₄> cow barn -- BATTLE : <hullanza-> battle -- BATTLE : <zahhiya-> battle -- BE : <anda ēs-> be in -- BE : <ēs-> be -- BECAUSE : <kuit> because, since -- BECOME : <-u-e-et> become -- BECOME : <armahh-> become pregnant -- BECOME : <hassuwezziya-> become king -- BECOME : <kappilāi-> become angry -- BECOME : <kikkis-> become -- BECOME : <kīs-> become, happen -- BECOME : <makkēss> become numerous -- BECOME : <nahsariya-> fear, become afraid -- BECOME : <sēr tepauwēss-> become little, become short -- BEFORE : <PANI> before, under -- BEFORE : <karū> before, previously -- BEGET : <hās-, hass-> give birth, beget -- BEHOLD : <kās> behold, look -- BEHOLD : <kāsa> behold, lo -- BEINGS : <DUMU.NAM.LU.U₁₉.LU> humankind, human beings -- BELITTLE : <tepnusk-> diminish, belittle -- BESIDE : <pēran> beside, in the presence of -- BETTER : <lazziya-> get better -- BIG : <salli-> big, great -- BIRTH : <hās-, hass-> give birth, beget -- BLAME : <wastul> sin, fault, blame -- BLOOD : <ēshar> blood, bloodshed -- BLOODSHED : <ēshar> blood, bloodshed -- BODY : <ME-ŠE-DI> body guard -- BODYGUARD : <LÙMEŠ ME-SE-DI> bodyguard -- BORDER : <ZAG> border, boundary -- BOUNDARY : <ZAG> border, boundary -- BOW : <kattan haliya-> bow down, prostrate -- BOWL : <huppar> bowl -- BREAD : <NINDA.GUR₄> thick bread -- BREAD : <NINDA.SIG> thin bread -- BREAK : <pars-, parsiya-> break, crumble -- BREAK : <sarra-> break, transgress -- BRING : <arnu-> bring -- BRING : <pēda-> bring, take -- BRING : <uda-> bring -- BRING : <uwate-> bring -- BROTHER : <SEŠ> brother -- BROTHER : <ŠEŠ> brother -- BUBBLE : <sarā sakuniya-> bubble up -- BUILD : <wete-> build -- BUT : <-a-> but -- BUT : <-ma> but, and -- BUT : <su> and, but -- BY : <gaena-> male relative by marriage, in-law -- BY : <nakkit> in force, by force -- CAKE : <NINDA.IÀ.E.DÉ.A> sweet oil cake -- CALF : <AMAR> young animal, calf -- CALL : <halzāi-, haliya-> call out, recite, invite -- CAMPAIGN : <lāhha-> military campaign -- CAPTIVE : <NAM.RA> captive, colonist -- CAPTURE : <katta dā-> take, capture -- CASE : <DI-NAM> case -- CEREMONIAL : <ZA.LAM.GAR> ceremonial tent -- CHARIOT : <ANŠE.KUR.RAMEŠ> chariot fighter -- CHARIOT : <ANŠU.KUR.RAHI.A> chariot troops -- CHASE : <parh-> chase, drive -- CHIEF : <GAL> chief, great -- CHILD : <DUMU> son, child -- CITY : <Mirā> city of Mira -- CITY : <URU> city -- CLAY : <IM> clay -- CLEAN : <parkunu-> clean, purify -- CLEANSE : <sapiya-> cleanse, scrub, rub -- COLONIST : <NAM.RA> captive, colonist -- COME : <anda uwa-> come to -- COME : <ehu> come on -- COME : <uwa-, we-> come -- COME : <āppa uwa-> come back -- COMEDIAN : <ALAM.KAxUD> performer, comedian -- COMMON : <pangariya-> be common -- COMPLEX : <halientū-> palace complex -- CONCEAL : <ule-> hide, conceal -- CONQUER : <tarh-> conquer, overcome -- CONQUER : <tarhhant- har-, hark-> overcome, conquer -- CONSTRICT : <hatkesnu-> oppress, constrict, arrest -- CONSTRUCT : <taks-, takkis-> construct, contrive, use -- CONTRIVE : <taks-, takkis-> construct, contrive, use -- CORRAL : <hāli-> corral -- COUNCIL : <pankus> advisory council -- COUNCIL : <tuliya-> council -- COUNTRY : <utnē-> land, country -- COW : <GU₄> cow -- COW : <É.GU₄> cow barn -- CRESS : <ZÀ.AH-LI> cress, weed -- CRUMBLE : <pars-, parsiya-> break, crumble -- CULT : <kīta-> a cult functionary, reciter? -- CULTIVATION : <harsauwar> cultivation -- CUPBEARER : <LÚSÌLA.SU.DU₈.A> cupbearer -- CUT : <tuhhus-> cut off, separate -- DAGGER : <GÍR> knife, dagger -- DAIS : <Halmasuitt-> deified throne dais -- DARK : <GE₆> dark -- DAUGHTER : <DUMU.MUNUS> girl, daughter -- DEAR : <āssu-> good, dear -- DECIDE : <hanna-> decide judicially -- DECLARE : <tē-, tar-> declare, promise -- DEFEAT : <hulla-> fight, defeat -- DEIFIED : <Halmasuitt-> deified throne dais -- DEITY : <-LIM> deity -- DEITY : <-LUM> deity -- DEITY : <DINGIR.MAH> presiding deity, Mother Goddess -- DEMAND : <wewakk-> demand -- DEMAND : <wēk-, wekk-> demand, ask -- DEPOSE : <arha tittanu-> depose -- DESCENDANT : <NUMUN> seed, descendant -- DESTROY : <harnink-> destroy -- DIE : <BA-ÚS> die -- DIE : <sēr āk-, sēr akk-> be prepared to die -- DIE : <āk-, akk-> die -- DIMINISH : <tepnusk-> diminish, belittle -- DISAPPEAR : <hark-, harkiya-> disappear, abscond, perish -- DISPLAY : <tekkunuss-> show, display -- DITTO : <KI.MIN> ditto -- DIVINE : <parā handandātar> divine might, power -- DIVINE : <parā handantēss-> show divine guidance -- DO : <anniya-> do, work -- DO : <iya-> do, make -- DOCTOR : <A.ZU> doctor -- DONKEY : <KA.TAB.ANŠE> donkey -- DOWN : <katta> down, downwards -- DOWN : <kattan haliya-> bow down, prostrate -- DOWNWARDS : <katta> down, downwards -- DRAW : <maninkuwahh-> draw near, approach -- DREAM : <Ù> dream -- DRINK : <egw> drink -- DRINK : <ēgw-> drink -- DRIVE : <parh-> chase, drive -- DRY : <hād-> dry, dry up -- EACH : <hūmant-> all, each, every -- EARTH : <KI> earth, world -- EARTH : <purut> mud, soil, earth -- EAT : <ēd-> eat -- EGYPT : <Mizri-> Egypt -- ELIMINATE : <arha tarupp> eliminate -- ENEMY : <KÚR> enemy -- ENEMY : <KÚR> enemy -- ENGRAVE : <hazziya-> strike, engrave -- ERR : <wasta-> sin, err -- ESTABLISH : <tittanu-> appoint, establish -- ESTABLISH : <tittiya-> establish, settle -- EVERY : <hūmant-> all, each, every -- EVIL : <HUL> evil, harm -- EVIL : <idālu-> evil, harm -- EVIL : <idālu> evil, harm -- EWE : <UDU.SÍG.MUNUS> ewe -- FACING : <mēnahhanda> facing, opposite -- FAMILY : <hassannā-> family -- FAMILY : <hassānna-> family -- FAMILY : <hassātar-> family -- FAMINE : <kistant-> hunger, famine -- FAMINE : <kistiyanziya-> be hungry, suffer famine -- FAMINE : <kāst-> hunger, famine -- FATHER : <ABI> father -- FATHER : <ABU> father -- FATHER : <ABI> father -- FATHER : <ABU> father -- FATHER : <atta-> father -- FAULT : <wastul> sin, fault, blame -- FAVOR : <kanissuwar> recognition, favor -- FEAR : <nahh-> fear, revere -- FEAR : <nahsariya-> fear, become afraid -- FEAST : <EZEN₄> festival, feast -- FEE : <kussan> fee, price -- FEMALE : <GEME> female slave -- FERTILITY : <immarni-> fertility? -- FESTIVAL : <EZEN> festival -- FESTIVAL : <EZEN₄> festival, feast -- FIELD : <A.ŠÀ A.GÀR> field and meadow -- FIELD : <A.ŠÀ> field -- FIGHT : <hulla-> fight, defeat -- FIGHT : <zahhiya-> fight -- FIGHTER : <ANŠE.KUR.RAMEŠ> chariot fighter -- FIND : <wemiya-> find -- FIRST : <hantezziya-> first, oldest -- FIVE : <5> five -- FOLD : <asāwar> fold -- FOLIAGE : <parsdu-> leaf, foliage -- FOLLOWING : <āppan> after, following -- FOLLOWS : <kissan> thus, as follows -- FOOT : <GÌR> foot -- FORCE : <nakkit> in force, by force -- FORCE : <pangarit> in large numbers, in force -- FORT : <pērunu-> hill fort -- FORTH : <parā> forth -- FORTIFY : <BÀD> fortify -- FORTIFY : <taninu-> set in order, fortify -- FOUR : <4> four -- FRANKLY : <karsi> frankly -- FREE : <EL-LAM> free -- FRONT : <pēran huwai-> run in front -- FUGITIVE : <pittiyantili> as a fugitive -- FUNCTIONARY : <kīta-> a cult functionary, reciter? -- FURTHERMORE : <namma> furthermore, moreover -- FUTURE : <URRAM SERAM> in the future -- FUTURE : <ziladuwa> henceforth, in the future -- FUTURE : <zilatiya> henceforth, in the future -- GARRISON : <asandula-> garrison -- GATE : <āska-> gate, outside -- GET : <lazziya-> get better -- GET : <pēran wahnu-> get the upper hand -- GIRL : <DUMU.MUNUS> girl, daughter -- GIVE : <NADĀNU> give -- GIVE : <hās-, hass-> give birth, beget -- GIVE : <parā pāi-> give -- GIVE : <pāi-, piya-> give -- GIVE : <āppa pāi-, āppa piya-> give back -- GO : <iya-> go, march -- GO : <pāi-> go -- GO : <ī-> go -- GOD : <DINGIRMEŠ.ARAD> servant of the god -- GOD : <DINGIR> god -- GOD : <Siusummin> our god, our Sius -- GOD : <sius> god -- GODDESS : <DINGIR.MAH> presiding deity, Mother Goddess -- GOLD : <GUŠKIN> gold -- GOOD : <SIG₅> good, well -- GOOD : <āssu-> good, dear -- GOODS : <āssu-> goods, possessions -- GRAIN : <halki-> grain, barley -- GRAIN : <sēli-> grain pile -- GRANDSON : <DUMU.DUMU> grandson -- GREAT : <GAL> chief, great -- GREAT : <salli-> big, great -- GREATLY : <mekki> greatly -- GROW : <māi-> grow, prosper, ripen -- GROWTH : <salhianti-> growth -- GUARD : <ME-ŠE-DI> body guard -- GUIDANCE : <parā handantēss-> show divine guidance -- HALPASULUPIS : <Halpasulupi-> Halpasulupis -- HAND : <parā pai-/piya-> hand over -- HAND : <pēran wahnu-> get the upper hand -- HAND : <ŠU> hand -- HAND-WATER : <MEQATI> hand-water -- HAPANUWA : <Hāpanuwa> Hapanuwa -- HAPPEN : <kīs-> become, happen -- HARM : <HUL> evil, harm -- HARM : <hūnink-> harm, injure -- HARM : <idālu-> evil, harm -- HARM : <idālu> evil, harm -- HARNESS : <tūriyawar> harness -- HASSUWAS : <Hassuwa-> Hassuwas -- HATTI : <Hatti> Hatti -- HATTUSAS : <Hattusa-> Hattusas -- HATTUSILIS : <Hattusili-> Hattusilis -- HAUTASSAS : <Hautassa-> Hautassas -- HAUWAS : <Hauwā-> Hauwas -- HAVE : <har-, hark-> have, hold -- HE : <-a> he, she, it -- HE : <-as> he, she, it -- HE : <-at> he, she, it -- HE : <-sse> he -- HE : <-ssi-> he, she, it -- HE : <-ssi> he, she, it -- HE-GOAT : <MÁŠ.GAL> he-goat -- HEAD : <SAG.DU> head, human being, worker -- HEAD : <SAG> head -- HEAR : <istamass-> hear, listen -- HEART : <SÀ> heart, innards -- HEART : <ŠÀ> heart, innards -- HEARTH : <GUNNI> hearth -- HEAVEN : <nēpis> heaven -- HEAVY : <nakki-> heavy, important, steep -- HEIFER : <GU₄ÁB> heifer -- HEIR : <IBILA> male heir -- HELPER : <sardiya-> helper -- HENCEFORTH : <ziladuwa> henceforth, in the future -- HENCEFORTH : <zilatiya> henceforth, in the future -- HER : <-a-> him, her, it -- HER : <-an> him, her, it -- HER : <-si-> him, her it -- HER : <-sis> his, her, its -- HER : <-ssi> his, her, its -- HER : <-ŠU> his, her -- HIDE : <ule-> hide, conceal -- HIGH : <parku-> high -- HILL : <pērunu-> hill fort -- HIM : <-a-> him, her, it -- HIM : <-an> him, her, it -- HIM : <-si-> him, her it -- HIMSELF : <pat> himself -- HIS : <-sis> his, her, its -- HIS : <-sse> his -- HIS : <-ssett> his -- HIS : <-ssi> his, her, its -- HIS : <-SU> his -- HIS : <-ZU> his -- HIS : <-ŠU> his, her -- HOLD : <har-, hark-> have, hold -- HOLD : <parā ēpp-> hold out -- HOLD : <pē har-, pē hark-> hold, hold out -- HOLD : <āppa hark> hold out in -- HORSE : <ANŠE.KU.RA> horse -- HOUSE : <pēr, parn-> house -- HOUSE : <É> house -- HOW : <mahhan> as, how, when -- HOWEVER : <kuit imma kuit> however -- HULAYA : <Hūlaya> Hulaya river -- HUMAN : <DUMU.LÚ.U₁₉.LU> human being -- HUMAN : <DUMU.NAM.LU.U₁₉.LU> humankind, human beings -- HUMAN : <SAG.DU> head, human being, worker -- HUMAN : <antuwahhas> human being, person -- HUMANKIND : <DUMU.NAM.LU.U₁₉.LU> humankind, human beings -- HUNDRED : <> one hundred -- HUNGER : <kistant-> hunger, famine -- HUNGER : <kāst-> hunger, famine -- HUNGRY : <kistiyanziya-> be hungry, suffer famine -- HURL : <siya-> shoot, hurl -- HUSBAND : <MU-DI> husband -- HUZZIYAS : <Huzziya-> Huzziyas -- IF : <mān> if, when -- IF : <takku> if -- IMMEDIATELY : <hūdāk> at once, immediately -- IMPA : <Impana-> Impa -- IMPORTANT : <nakki-> heavy, important, steep -- IMPURITY : <paprātar> impurity -- IN : <BI> in -- IN : <anda ēs-> be in -- IN : <andan> in, to -- IN-LAW : <gaena-> male relative by marriage, in-law -- INANNA : <DINANNA> Inanna -- INDEED : <anda imma> indeed -- INFANTRY : <ERINMEŠ> army, infantry -- INJURE : <hūnink-> harm, injure -- INJURED : <hūninkant-> injured -- INNARDS : <SÀ> heart, innards -- INNARDS : <ŠÀ> heart, innards -- INTO : <anda> in, into, at -- INTO : <andan pēssiya-> throw into the midst -- INVITE : <halzāi-, haliya-> call out, recite, invite -- ISHTAR : <IŠTAR> Ishtar -- ISTAPARIYAS : <Istapariya-> Istapariyas -- IT : <-a-> him, her, it -- IT : <-a> he, she, it -- IT : <-an> him, her, it -- IT : <-as> he, she, it -- IT : <-at> he, she, it -- IT : <-si-> him, her it -- IT : <-ssi-> he, she, it -- IT : <-ssi> he, she, it -- ITS : <-sis> his, her, its -- ITS : <-ssi> his, her, its -- JUDICIALLY : <hanna-> decide judicially -- JUST : <QA-TAM-MA> just so -- KANTANA : <kantanna> Kantana -- KASSMISSA : <kāsmissā> kassmissa -- KILL : <kuēn-> kill, strike -- KILL : <sēr kuēn-> kill, strike -- KIND : <halenzu-> a kind of plant -- KING : <DUMU.LUGAL> king's son, prince -- KING : <LUGAL> king -- KING : <hassuwezziya-> become king -- KNIFE : <GÍR> knife, dagger -- KNOWN : <isduwa-> be known -- KURUNTAS : <DLAMMA> Kuruntas -- KURUSTAMA : <Kurustama-> Kurustama -- KUSSARA : <Kussara-> Kussara -- LADY : <GAŠAN> lady -- LAMB : <SILA₄> lamb -- LAND : <KUR> land, territory -- LAND : <utnē-> land, country -- LANDS : <KUR.KUR> lands -- LARGE : <pangarit> in large numbers, in force -- LATER : <appezziyan> later, subsequently -- LAWASA : <Lawasa> Lawasa -- LAWAZANTIYA : <Lawazantiya-> Lawazantiya -- LEAD : <pēhute-> lead away, take away -- LEAF : <parsdu-> leaf, foliage -- LEAVE : <dāla-> leave, leave alone -- LEFT : <GÙB> left -- LET : <tarna-> let loose -- LIBATION : <sipānt-> make a libation, sacrifice -- LIE : <ki-> lie -- LIFE : <TI> life -- LIMB : <ÚR> limb -- LINEN : <katanipū-> linen towel -- LISTEN : <istamass-> hear, listen -- LITTLE : <sēr tepauwēss-> become little, become short -- LITUUS : <kalmus> lituus -- LO : <kāsa> behold, lo -- LOG : <GIŠkamisanā-> log, thunderbolt -- LOG : <kalmīsana-> log, thunderbolt -- LOOK : <au-, u-> look, see -- LOOK : <kās> behold, look -- LOOK : <suwāye-> look -- LOOK : <āppa tiya-> look after -- LOOK : <āppan tiya-> look after -- LOOSE : <tarna-> let loose -- LORD : <BĒLU> lord, master -- LORD : <BE-LÍ-> lord -- LORD : <EN.SISKUR> lord of the ritual -- LORD : <EN> lord -- LOVE : <āssiyātar> love -- LUVIAN : <Lūiya-> Luvian territory -- LUXURIANCE : <manitti-> luxuriance? -- MAINTENANCE : <saktāi-> perform sick maintenance -- MAJESTY : <DUTUŠI> my majesty -- MAKE : <BAL> make sacrifice -- MAKE : <iya-> do, make -- MAKE : <kururiyahh-> make war, revolt -- MAKE : <sarnink-> make restitution -- MAKE : <sipānt-> make a libation, sacrifice -- MALE : <IBILA> male heir -- MALE : <gaena-> male relative by marriage, in-law -- MAN : <LÚMEŠGIŠBANSUR> man of the table -- MAN : <LÚ> man, person -- MANAPA-DATTA : <ManapaDU> Manapa-Datta -- MARCH : <iya-> go, march -- MARCH : <iyanniya-> march -- MARE : <ANŠE.MUNUS.AL.LAL> mare -- MARRIAGE : <DAM> wife, marriage -- MARRIAGE : <gaena-> male relative by marriage, in-law -- MARRY : <handāi-> order, arrange, marry -- MARSHY : <marmarra-> marshy terrain, swamp? -- MASHUILIUWA : <PÍS.TUR> Mashuiliuwa -- MASHUWILUWAS : <Mashuiluwa-> Mashuwiluwas -- MASTER : <BĒLU> lord, master -- MASTER : <ishā-> master -- MATTER : <INIM> word, matter, affair -- MATTER : <uttar> affair, matter -- ME : <-mu> me -- ME : <ammuk> me -- MEADOW : <A.ŠÀ A.GÀR> field and meadow -- MEADOW : <wēllu-> meadow -- MEADOW : <wēsi-> meadow -- MEAL : <mēmal> meal -- MEASURE : <KAM> a measure of time -- MERCHANT : <DAM.GÁR> merchant -- MERCHANT : <unatalla-> merchant -- MESSENGER : <TE₄-MU> messenger -- MIDST : <andan pēssiya-> throw into the midst -- MIGHT : <parā handandātar> divine might, power -- MILITARY : <lāhha-> military campaign -- MINA : <MANA> mina -- MIRA : <Mirā-> Mira -- MIRA : <Mirā> city of Mira -- MIST : <kammarā-> mist, swarm -- MOREOVER : <namma> furthermore, moreover -- MOTHER : <DINGIR.MAH> presiding deity, Mother Goddess -- MOTHER : <anna-> mother -- MOUNTAIN : <HUR.SAG> mountain -- MUD : <purut> mud, soil, earth -- MURSILIS : <Mursili-> Mursilis -- MUWATTALLIS : <Muwattalli-> Muwattallis -- MUWATTIS : <Muwatti-> Muwattis -- MY : <-mi-> my -- MY : <-miss-> my -- MY : <-YA> my -- MY : <DUTUŠI> my majesty -- NAHHANTAS : <Nahhanta-> Nahhantas -- NAME : <ŠUM> name -- NEAR : <maninkuwahh-> draw near, approach -- NEAR : <maninkuwan> nearby, near -- NEARBY : <maninkuwan> nearby, near -- NESAS : <Nēsa-> Nesas -- NIGHT : <ispant-> night -- NO : <ŪL> no, not -- NO : <lē kuisk-> no one -- NO : <lē> no, not -- NO : <natta kuwappiki> in no way whatsoever -- NOT : <ŪL> no, not -- NOT : <ŪL> not -- NOT : <NU.GÁL> there is not -- NOT : <lē> no, not -- NOT : <natta> not -- NOW : <ki-it pa-an-da-la-az> from now on -- NOW : <kinun> now -- NOW : <kinuna> now -- NUMBERS : <pangarit> in large numbers, in force -- NUMEROUS : <makkēss> become numerous -- OATH : <MAMĒTU> oath -- OATH : <NI-IŠ DINGIRLIM> oath -- OATH : <linganu-> place under oath -- OATH : <link-> swear an oath -- OF : <SA> of -- OFF : <tuhhus-> cut off, separate -- OFFER : <sarā dā-> offer, take -- OIL : <NINDA.IÀ.E.DÉ.A> sweet oil cake -- OLD : <MUNUS.ŠU.GI> old woman, wise woman -- OLD : <annalli-> old, previous -- OLD : <ŠU-GI> old -- OLDEST : <hantezziya-> first, oldest -- ONCE : <hūdāk> at once, immediately -- ONE : <1> one -- ONE : <> one hundred -- ONE : <hassik-> quench one's thirst -- ONE : <kuisk-> any/some one/thing -- ONE : <lē kuisk-> no one -- ONE : <sani-> one, the same -- OPPOSITE : <mēnahhanda> facing, opposite -- OPPRESS : <hatkesnu-> oppress, constrict, arrest -- OPPRESS : <tamass-> press, oppress -- OPPRESS : <wisūriya-> oppress, stifle -- OR : <nasma> or -- ORCHARD : <GIŠKIRI₆> orchard -- ORDER : <handāi-> order, arrange, marry -- ORDER : <taninu-> set in order, fortify -- OTHER : <damāi-> other, another -- OTHER : <taimāi-> other -- OTHER : <tamāi-> other -- OUR : <-LI-NI> our -- OUR : <Siusummin> our god, our Sius -- OUTRIGHT : <anku> outright -- OUTSIDE : <āska-> gate, outside -- OVER : <-san> over -- OVER : <-ssan> on, over -- OVER : <parā pai-/piya-> hand over -- OVER : <sēr> over, above -- OVERCOME : <tarh-> conquer, overcome -- OVERCOME : <tarhhant- har-, hark-> overcome, conquer -- OVERWINTER : <gimandariya-> spend the winter, overwinter -- OX : <GU₄.APIN.LÀL> plow ox -- PALACE : <DUMU.É.GAL> son of the palace -- PALACE : <halientū-> palace complex -- PALACE : <É.GAL> palace -- PALAIC : <Palā-> Palaic territory -- PENTIPSARIS : <Pentipsari-> Pentipsaris -- PERFORM : <saktāi-> perform sick maintenance -- PERFORMER : <ALAM.KAxUD> performer, comedian -- PERISH : <hark-, harkiya-> disappear, abscond, perish -- PERMANENT : <SAG.UŠ> permanent -- PERSON : <LÚ.U₁₉.LU> person -- PERSON : <LÚ> man, person -- PERSON : <antuwahhas> human being, person -- PIG : <ŠAH> pig -- PILE : <sēli-> grain pile -- PITASSAS : <Pitassa-> Pitassas -- PITHANAS : <Pithāna-> Pithanas -- PLACE : <AŠ-RI> place -- PLACE : <dāi-, tiya-> place, put -- PLACE : <linganu-> place under oath -- PLACE : <pēda> place -- PLAGUE : <hinkan> plague -- PLANT : <halenzu-> a kind of plant -- PLOW : <GIŠAPIN> plow -- PLOW : <GU₄.APIN.LÀL> plow ox -- POSSESSIONS : <āssu-> goods, possessions -- POWER : <parā handandātar> divine might, power -- PREGNANT : <armahh-> become pregnant -- PREGNANT : <armauwant-> pregnant -- PREPARED : <sēr āk-, sēr akk-> be prepared to die -- PRESENCE : <pēran> beside, in the presence of -- PRESIDING : <DINGIR.MAH> presiding deity, Mother Goddess -- PRESS : <tamass-> press, oppress -- PREVIOUS : <annalli-> old, previous -- PREVIOUSLY : <anissan> previously -- PREVIOUSLY : <annaz> previously -- PREVIOUSLY : <karū> before, previously -- PRICE : <kussan> fee, price -- PRIEST : <SANGA> priest -- PRIEST : <sankunni-> priest -- PRIEST : <sankunniya-> serve as priest -- PRINCE : <DUMU.LUGAL> king's son, prince -- PROMISE : <tē-, tar-> declare, promise -- PROSPER : <māi-> grow, prosper, ripen -- PROSPER : <parā iya> prosper? -- PROSPERITY : <lūlu> prosperity? -- PROSTRATE : <kattan haliya-> bow down, prostrate -- PROTECT : <pahhas-> protect -- PUDUHEPA : <Puduhepa-> Puduhepa -- PURIFY : <parkunu-> clean, purify -- PUT : <dāi-, tiya-> place, put -- QUARREL : <sullātar-> quarrel -- QUEEN : <MUNUS.LUGAL> queen -- QUENCH : <hassik-> quench one's thirst -- RAISE : <sallanu-> raise, rear -- RAM : <UDU.NITÁ> ram -- RANK : <tān pēda-> second rank -- RE-ESTABLISH : <āppa dāi-, tiya-> re-establish -- REACH : <ār-> arrive, reach -- REAR : <sallanu-> raise, rear -- RECITE : <halzāi-, haliya-> call out, recite, invite -- RECITER : <kīta-> a cult functionary, reciter? -- RECOGNITION : <kanissuwar> recognition, favor -- REED : <GI> reed -- REFUSE : <mimma-> refuse, reject -- REJECT : <mimma-> refuse, reject -- RELATIVE : <gaena-> male relative by marriage, in-law -- REMAIN : <ārsa tiya-> remain in waiting -- REMAIN : <āss-> remain -- REMOVE : <arha mutāi-> remove -- RESTITUTION : <sarnikzil> restitution -- RESTITUTION : <sarnink-> make restitution -- REVERE : <nahh-> fear, revere -- REVOLT : <kururiyahh-> make war, revolt -- RIGHT : <sakuwasaran> right -- RIPEN : <māi-> grow, prosper, ripen -- RISE : <arai-> arise, rise, rise up -- RITUAL : <EN.SISKUR> lord of the ritual -- RIVER : <DKASKAL.KUR> river source -- RIVER : <Hūlaya> Hulaya river -- RIVER : <wappu-> river bank -- RIVER : <ÍD> river -- ROCK : <hekur> rock sanctuary -- RUB : <sapiya-> cleanse, scrub, rub -- RUN : <huwāi-> run -- RUN : <pēran huwai-> run in front -- SACRIFICE : <BAL> make sacrifice -- SACRIFICE : <sipānt-> make a libation, sacrifice -- SAME : <sani-> one, the same -- SANANTARWAS : <Sanantarwa-> Sanantarwas -- SANCTUARY : <hekur> rock sanctuary -- SARAWA : <Sārawa-> Sarawa -- SATIATED : <ispāi-> be satiated -- SATIATION : <ispiyātar> satiation, abundance -- SAY : <mēma-, mēmiya-> say, speak -- SCATTER : <suhha-> scatter -- SCATTER : <sēr ishuwa-> scatter -- SCRUB : <sapiya-> cleanse, scrub, rub -- SECOND : <ŠANŪ> second -- SECOND : <tān pēda-> second rank -- SEE : <au-, u-> look, see -- SEED : <NUMUN> seed, descendant -- SEEK : <sanh-> seek, attempt -- SEIZE : <ṣabātu> seize, take -- SEIZE : <ēpp-> take, seize -- SEIZE : <ṢĀBATU> seize, take -- SEND : <wiya-> send -- SEPARATE : <harp-> separate -- SEPARATE : <tuhhus-> cut off, separate -- SERVANT : <ARAD> slave, servant, vassal -- SERVANT : <DINGIRMEŠ.ARAD> servant of the god -- SERVE : <ARAD> slave, serve -- SERVE : <sankunniya-> serve as priest -- SET : <taninu-> set in order, fortify -- SETTLE : <asās-> settle -- SETTLE : <tittiya-> establish, settle -- SHE : <-a> he, she, it -- SHE : <-as> he, she, it -- SHE : <-at> he, she, it -- SHE : <-ssi-> he, she, it -- SHE : <-ssi> he, she, it -- SHEEP : <UDU> sheep -- SHEEPFOLD : <TÙR> sheepfold -- SHEKEL : <GÍN> shekel -- SHOOT : <siya-> shoot, hurl -- SHORT : <maninkuwant-> short -- SHORT : <sēr tepauwēss-> become little, become short -- SHOULDER : <kuttar> upper arm, shoulder -- SHOW : <parā handantēss-> show divine guidance -- SHOW : <tekkunuss-> show, display -- SICK : <istarnink-> take sick, sicken -- SICK : <saktāi-> perform sick maintenance -- SICKEN : <istarnink-> take sick, sicken -- SILVER : <KÙ.BABBAR> silver -- SIN : <wasta-> sin, err -- SIN : <wastul> sin, fault, blame -- SINCE : <kuit> because, since -- SING : <SÌR> sing -- SINGER : <haliyari-> singer -- SISTER : <MUNUS KU> sister -- SISTER : <NIN> sister -- SIT : <ēs-> sit -- SIUS : <Siusummin> our god, our Sius -- SIX : <6> six -- SLAVE : <ARAD> slave, servant, vassal -- SLAVE : <ARAD> slave, serve -- SLAVE : <GEME> female slave -- SMOKE : <tuhhui-> smoke -- SNAKE : <MUŠ> snake -- SO : <-MA> so, thus -- SO : <QA-TAM-MA> just so -- SOIL : <purut> mud, soil, earth -- SOME : <kuisk-> any/some one/thing -- SON : <DUMU.LUGAL> king's son, prince -- SON : <DUMU.NITA> son -- SON : <DUMU.É.GAL> son of the palace -- SON : <DUMU> son, child -- SON : <antiyant-> adopted son and son-in-law -- SON-IN-LAW : <HATANU> son-in-law -- SON-IN-LAW : <antiyant-> adopted son and son-in-law -- SORELY : <arumma> sorely -- SOUL : <NÍ.TE> soul -- SOUR : <EMSU> sour -- SOURCE : <DKASKAL.KUR> river source -- SPEAK : <mēma-, mēmiya-> say, speak -- SPEAK : <qabū> speak -- SPEAR : <ŠUKUR> spear -- SPEND : <gimandariya-> spend the winter, overwinter -- SPRING : <TÚL> spring -- SPRING : <sakuni-> spring -- SPRING : <sakuniya-> spring -- SQUAT : <parssnāi-> squat -- STAND : <anda ar-> stand -- STEEP : <nakki-> heavy, important, steep -- STEP : <anda tiya> step in -- STEP : <tiya-> step -- STEP : <āppa tiya-> step back -- STEPPE : <gimmara-> steppe -- STIFLE : <wisūriya-> oppress, stifle -- STILL : <nūwa> still, yet -- STORMGOD : <DIM> Stormgod -- STORMGOD : <DIŠKUR> Stormgod -- STORMGOD : <DU> Stormgod -- STRENGTH : <NIR.GÁL> strength -- STRIKE : <GUL> strike -- STRIKE : <hazziya-> strike, engrave -- STRIKE : <kuēn-> kill, strike -- STRIKE : <sēr kuēn-> kill, strike -- STRIKE : <walh-> attack, strike -- SUBSEQUENTLY : <appezziyan> later, subsequently -- SUFFER : <kistiyanziya-> be hungry, suffer famine -- SUFFIX : <-UTTU> (abstract suffix) -- SUNGOD : <UTU> Sungod -- SWAMP : <marmarra-> marshy terrain, swamp? -- SWARM : <kammarā-> mist, swarm -- SWEAR : <link-> swear an oath -- SWEET : <NINDA.IÀ.E.DÉ.A> sweet oil cake -- TABLE : <LÚMEŠGIŠBANSUR> man of the table -- TABLE : <istanāna-> altar table -- TABLET : <TUPPU> tablet -- TABLET : <TUPPI> tablet -- TABLET : <TUPPU> tablet -- TABLET : <tuppi-> tablet -- TAKE : <ṣabātu> seize, take -- TAKE : <arha dā-> take away -- TAKE : <dā-> take -- TAKE : <istarnink-> take sick, sicken -- TAKE : <katta dā-> take, capture -- TAKE : <parā pēda-> take away -- TAKE : <pittenu-> take away -- TAKE : <pēda-> bring, take -- TAKE : <pēhute-> lead away, take away -- TAKE : <sarā dā-> offer, take -- TAKE : <ēpp-> take, seize -- TAKE : <ṢĀBATU> seize, take -- TAME : <enant-> tame? -- TARHUNTASSAS : <DU-tassa> Tarhuntassas -- TARHUNTASSAS : <DUtassa> Tarhuntassas -- TELEPENUS : <Telepenu-> Telepenus -- TENT : <ZA.LAM.GAR> ceremonial tent -- TERRAIN : <marmarra-> marshy terrain, swamp? -- TERRITORY : <KUR> land, territory -- TERRITORY : <Lūiya-> Luvian territory -- TERRITORY : <Palā-> Palaic territory -- THAT : <apā-> that -- THAT : <kui-> that, which, who -- THEIR : <-ŠU-NU> their -- THEM : <-us> them -- THEN : <apiya> then, there -- THERE : <NU.GÁL> there is not -- THERE : <apiya> then, there -- THEY : <-e-> they -- THEY : <-smas> they -- THEY : <sumēs> they -- THICK : <NINDA.GUR₄> thick bread -- THIEF : <NÍ-ZU> thief -- THIN : <NINDA.SIG> thin bread -- THING : <kuisk-> any/some one/thing -- THIRST : <hassik-> quench one's thirst -- THIS : <e-> this -- THIS : <kā-, kī-> this -- THOUSAND : <LIM> thousand -- THREE : <3> three -- THRONE : <GIŠDAG> throne -- THRONE : <GU.ZA> throne -- THRONE : <Halmasuitt-> deified throne dais -- THROW : <andan pēssiya-> throw into the midst -- THROW : <arha pēssiya-> throw away -- THROW : <pēssiya-> throw -- THUNDERBOLT : <GIŠkamisanā-> log, thunderbolt -- THUNDERBOLT : <kalmīsana-> log, thunderbolt -- THUS : <-MA> so, thus -- THUS : <kissan> thus, as follows -- TIME : <KAM> a measure of time -- TIME : <mēhur> time -- TO : <andan> in, to -- TOWEL : <GAD> towel -- TOWEL : <katanipū-> linen towel -- TRANSGRESS : <sarra-> break, transgress -- TREATY : <RIKILTU> treaty -- TREATY : <ishiūl> treaty -- TREE : <GIŠ> wood, tree -- TROOPS : <ANŠU.KUR.RAHI.A> chariot troops -- TROOPS : <KARAŠ> troops, army -- TURN : <wahnu-> turn -- TWELVE : <12> twelve -- TWENTY : <20> twenty -- TWO : <2> two -- UHHAZITI : <MUuhha-LÚ> Uhhaziti -- UHHAZITI : <Uhhaziti> Uhhaziti -- UHNAS : <Uhna-> Uhnas -- UNDER : <PANI> before, under -- UNDER : <linganu-> place under oath -- UNITED : <tarupp-> be assembled, be united -- UNTIL : <kuitmān> until, while -- UP : <arai-> arise, rise, rise up -- UP : <hād-> dry, dry up -- UP : <sarā sakuniya-> bubble up -- UPPER : <kuttar> upper arm, shoulder -- UPPER : <pēran wahnu-> get the upper hand -- URHI-TESHUP : <Urhi-Tesupa-> Urhi-Teshup -- US : <-nnas> us -- USE : <taks-, takkis-> construct, contrive, use -- VASSAL : <ARAD> slave, servant, vassal -- VESSEL : <hu-u-up-par-as> vessel -- WAITING : <ārsa tiya-> remain in waiting -- WAR : <kururiyahh-> make war, revolt -- WASH : <ārr-> wash -- WATER : <wātar> water -- WAY : <natta kuwappiki> in no way whatsoever -- WEED : <ZÀ.AH-LI> cress, weed -- WELL : <SIG₅> good, well -- WHAT : <kui-> who, what -- WHATEVER : <kui kui> whatever -- WHATEVER : <kui- kui-> whoever, whichever, whatever -- WHATSOEVER : <natta kuwappiki> in no way whatsoever -- WHEAT : <ZÍZ> wheat -- WHEN : <GIM> when -- WHEN : <kuitman> when, while -- WHEN : <kuwāpi> when, where -- WHEN : <mahhan> as, how, when -- WHEN : <mān> if, when -- WHERE : <kuwāpi> when, where -- WHERE : <kuēz> from where -- WHETHER : <-ku> whether, or -- WHICH : <kui-> that, which, who -- WHICHEVER : <kui- imma kui-> whichever -- WHICHEVER : <kui- kui-> whoever, whichever, whatever -- WHILE : <kuitman> when, while -- WHILE : <kuitmān> until, while -- WHO : <kui-> that, which, who -- WHO : <kui-> who, what -- WHOEVER : <kui- kui-> whoever, whichever, whatever -- WHOEVER : <kuisa> whoever -- WIFE : <DAM> wife, marriage -- WINDOW : <luttāi-> window -- WINE : <GEŠTIN> wine -- WINTER : <gimandariya-> spend the winter, overwinter -- WISE : <MUNUS.ŠU.GI> old woman, wise woman -- WOLF : <UR.BARRA> wolf -- WOMAN : <MUNUS.ŠU.GI> old woman, wise woman -- WOMAN : <MUNUS> woman -- WOOD : <GIŠ> wood, tree -- WORD : <INIM> word, matter, affair -- WORK : <anniya-> do, work -- WORKER : <SAG.DU> head, human being, worker -- WORLD : <KI> earth, world -- WORRY : <lahlahhiya-> agitation, worry -- WRITE : <hatrāi-> write -- YEAR : <MU> year -- YEAR : <wētt-> year -- YET : <nūwa> still, yet -- YOU : <-du-> you -- YOU : <-ta> you -- YOU : <-tta> you -- YOU : <sumēs> you -- YOU : <zik> you -- YOUNG : <AMAR> young animal, calf -- YOUR : <-KA> your -- YOUR : <-KUNU> your -- ZALPUWAS : <Zālpuwa-> Zalpuwas -- ZARNIYAS : <Zarniyāsa-> Zarniyas -- ZIZZILIPPI : <Zizzilippi> Zizzilippi --

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