Hittite Online

Hittite: Master Glossary

This Master Glossary page lists, in an alphabetical order suitable to the language and the script employed for it, every unique word form that appears in lesson texts and, for each word, its unique glosses. In addition to the gloss information, sans contextual translation, links are provided to every appearance, in every numbered lesson, of the word/gloss in question. With this index one may perform a quick "word look-up" and, in addition, study how words are used in context by clicking on their links.

1 - numeral; <1> one 12 - numeral; <12> twelve 2 - numeral; <2> two 3 - numeral; <3> three 4 - numeral; <4> four 5 - numeral; <5> five 6 - numeral; <6> six a-ap-pa - adverb; <āppa> again a-ap-pa - preverb; <āppa> back a-ap-pa-an - postposition; <āppan> after, following a-ar-hu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <ār-> arrive, reach a-ar-sa ti-ya-at - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <ārsa tiya-> remain in waiting a-as-ka-az - noun; ablative singular of <āska-> gate, outside a-as-sa-an - verb participle; nominative singular neuter of mi-conjugation <āss-> remain a-as-sa-an-te-es - verb participle; nominative plural animate of mi-conjugation <āss-> remain a-as-sa-an-zi - verb; 3rd person plural present of mi-conjugation <āss-> remain a-as-si-ya-tar - noun; accusative singular neuter of <āssiyātar> love a-as-su-se-et-ta - noun; accusative plural neuter of <āssu-> goods, possessions + enclitic possessive pronoun; 3rd person singular neuter <-ssett> his + enclitic conjunction; <-a-> and a-as-su-us - adjective; nominative singular animate of <āssu-> good, dear a-as-ta - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <āss-> remain a-ki - verb; 3rd person singular present of hi-conjugation <āk-, akk-> die ak-kan-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of hi-conjugation <āk-, akk-> die ak-ki-is-ki-it-ta-ri - verb; iterative 3rd person singular present middle of <āk-, akk-> die ak-ki-is-ki-ta-at - verb; iterative 3rd person singular preterite middle of <āk-, akk-> die ak-ku-us-kan-du - verb; iterative 3rd person plural imperative of mi-conjugation <egw> drink am-me-el - tonic personal pronoun; 1st person singular genitive of <ūk> I am-me-el - pronoun; 1st person singular genitive of <ūk> I am-mu-uk - tonic personal pronoun; 1st person singular dative <ammuk> me am-mu-uk - tonic personal pronoun; 1st person singular nominative of <ūk> I am-mu-uk - tonic personal pronoun; 1st person singular dative of <ūk> I am-mu-uk-ma-az - tonic personal pronoun; 1st person singular nominative of <ūk> I + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and + enclitic reflexive particle; <-az> ... a-ne-e-nu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <anniya-> do, work an-ku - adverb; <anku> outright an-na-al-li-in - adjective; accusative singular animate of <annalli-> old, previous an-na-as - noun; nominative singular animate of <anna-> mother an-na-as-sa - noun; nominative singular animate of <anna-> mother + enclitic conjunction; <-a> and an-na-az - adverb; <annaz> previously an-ni-es-ke-ez-zi - verb; 3rd person plural present iterative of <anniya-> do, work an-ni-sa-an-pat - adverb; <anissan> previously + emphasizing particle; <-pat> ... an-ni-sa-an-pat-an - adverb; <anissan> previously + emphasizing particle; <-pat> ... + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person accusative singular animate of <-an> him, her, it an-nu-us - noun; accusative plural animate of <anna-> mother an-da - postposition; <anda> in, into, at an-da ar-ta-at - verb; 3rd person singular preterite middle of <anda ar-> stand an-da e-es-ta - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <anda ēs-> be in an-da im-ma - adverb; <anda imma> indeed an-da ti-ya-az-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <anda tiya> step in an-da ú-e-er - verb; 3rd person plural preterite of mi-conjugation <anda uwa-> come to an-da ú-et - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <anda uwa-> come to an-da-an - postposition; <andan> in, to an-da-an pi-is-si-az-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <andan pēssiya-> throw into the midst an-tu-uh-si - noun; dative singular of <antuwahhas> human being, person an-tu-us-si-is-sa - noun; nominative plural animate of <antuwahhas> human being, person + enclitic conjunction; <-a-> and a-pa-a-as - demonstrative pronoun; 3rd person singular nominative animate of <apā-> that a-pa-a-as-pat - demonstrative pronoun; nominative singular animate of <apā-> that + emphasizing particle; <-pat> ... a-pa-a-as-pat - demonstrative pronoun; nominative singular animate of <apā-> that + emphasizing particle; <pat> himself a-pe-e-el - demonstrative pronoun; genitive singular of <apā-> that a-pe-e-ez - demonstrative pronoun; ablative singular of <apā-> that a-pe-el - demonstrative pronoun; genitive singular of <apā-> that a-pe-e-da-ni-ya - demonstrative pronoun; dative-locative singular of <apā-> that + enclitic conjunction; <-ya> and a-pe-e-wa-mu - demonstrative pronoun; nominative plural animate of <apā-> that + quotative particle; <-wa> ... + enclitic personal pronoun; 1st person singular accusative <-mu> me a-pi-ya - adverb; <apiya> then, there ap-pa-an-du - verb; 3rd person plural imperative of mi-conjugation <ēpp-> take, seize ap-pe-ez-zi-ya-na - adverb; <appezziyan> later, subsequently + enclitic conjunction; <-a-> but a-pu-u-un - demonstrative pronoun; 3rd person singular accusative animate of <apā-> that a-pu-u-us - demonstrative pronoun; 3rd person plural accusative animate of <apā-> that a-ra-an-za - verb participle; nominative singular animate of <ār-> arrive, reach a-ra-is - 3rd person singular preterite of hi-conjugation; <arai-> arise, rise, rise up ar-ha - preverb; <arha> away arha mu-ta-a-i - verb; 2nd person singular imperative of mi-conjugation <arha mutāi-> remove ar-ha pi-is-si-az-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <arha pēssiya-> throw away ar-ha da-a-i - verb; 2nd person singular imperative of hi-conjugation <arha dā-> take away ar-ha ta-ru-up-ta-ri - verb; 3rd person singular preterite middle of <arha tarupp> eliminate ar-ha ti-it-ta-nu-ut - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of <arha tittanu-> depose ar-ha-wa - adverb; <arha> away + quotative particle; <-wa> ... a-ri - verb; 3rd person singular present of hi-conjugation <ar-> arrive ar-ma-ah-ha-an-zi - verb; 3rd person plural present of <armahh-> become pregnant ar-ma-u-wa-an-te-sa - adjective; nominative plural animate of <armauwant-> pregnant + enclitic conjunction; <-a-> but ar-nu-uz-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <arnu-> bring ar-nu-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <arnu-> bring ar-ra-an-zi - verb; 3rd person plural present of hi-conjugation <ārr-> wash a-ru-um-ma - adverb; <arumma> sorely a-sa-an-du - verb; 3rd person plural imperative of mi-conjugation <ēs-> be a-sa-an-du-la-az - noun; ablative singular of <asandula-> garrison a-sa-a-si - verb; 3rd person singular present of hi-conjugation <asās-> settle a-sa-u-ni - noun; dative singular of <asāwar> fold at-ta-as - noun; nominative singular animate of <atta-> father at-ta-as-ma-as - noun; genitive singular animate of <atta-> father + enclitic pronoun; 1st person singular genitive of <-mi-> my at-ta-as-sa - noun; nominative singular animate of <atta-> father + enclitic conjunction; <-a> and at-tu-us - noun; accusative plural animate of <atta-> father a-u - verb; 2nd person singular imperative of hi-conjugation <au-, u-> look, see a-ú-er - verb; 3rd person plural preterite of hi-conjugation <au-, u-> look, see az-zi-ik-kan-du - verb; iterative 3rd person plural imperative of mi-conjugation <ēd-> eat A-BI-YA - noun; Akkadogram functioning here as genitive singular <ABI> father + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my A-BI-YA - noun; Akkadogram functioning here as dative singular <ABI> father + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my A.BI-YA - noun; Akkadogram functioning here as dative singular of <ABI> father + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my A-BU-YA - noun; Akkadogram functioning here as genitive singular of <ABU> father + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my A-BU-YA - noun; Akkadogram functioning here as dative singular of <ABU> father + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my A-BU-YA - noun; Akkadogram functioning here as nominative singular of <ABU> father + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my A-BU-YA - noun; Akkadogram functioning here as nominative singular of <ABU> father + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my A-BU-YA - noun; Sumerogram <ABU> father + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my A-BU-YA - noun; Akkadogram functioning here as nominative singular animate of <ABU> father + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my A.BU-YA-an-na-as-za - noun; Akkadogram functioning here as nominative singular of <ABU> father + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my + enclitic personal pronoun; <-annas> (indicating 2nd person plural accusative) + enclitic reflexive particle; <-za> ... A-BU-YA-kan - noun; Akkadogram functioning here as nominative singular of <ABU> father + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my + locatival particle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) A-BU-YA-ma - noun; Sumerogram <ABU> father + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and AD-DIN - verb; Akkadian 1st person singular preterite of <NADĀNU> give Am-ga - proper noun; stem form functioning here as genitive singular of <Amga> Amga AMAR-ŠU - noun; Sumerogram <AMAR> young animal, calf + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 3rd person singular <-ŠU> his, her A-NA - preposition; Akkadogram <ANA> (functioning as graphic indicator of the dative) A-NA - preposition; Akkadogram <A-NA> (functioning as graphic indicator of the dative) A-NA - preposition; Akkadogram <ANA> (functioning as graphic indicator of the dative-locative) ANŠE.KU.RA - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular of <ANŠE.KU.RA> horse ANŠE.KUR.RAHI.A - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative plural of <ANŠU.KUR.RAHI.A> chariot troops ANŠE.KUR.RAMEŠ - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative plural animate <ANŠE.KUR.RAMEŠ> chariot fighter ANŠE.MUNUS.AL.LAL - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular of <ANŠE.MUNUS.AL.LAL> mare ARAD-ah-ha-ha-at - verb; Sumerogram <ARAD> slave, serve + Hittite phonetic complement; <-ah-ha-ha-at> (indicating 1st person singular preterite middle) ARAD-ah-ha-hu-ut - verb; Sumerogram <ARAD> slave, serve + Hittite phonetic complement; <-ah-ha-hu-ut> (indicating 2nd person singular preterite middle) ARAD-ah-hu-un - verb; Sumerogram <ARAD> slave, servant, vassal + Hittite phonetic complement; <-ahhun> (indicating 1st person singular preterite) ARAD-an - noun; Sumerogram <ARAD> slave, servant, vassal + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an> (indicating accusative singular animate) ARAD-an-ni - noun; Sumerogram <ARAD> slave, servant, vassal + Hittite phonetic complement; <-ānni> (indicating dative singular) ARAD-KU-NU - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular of <ARAD> slave, servant, vassal + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 2nd person plural <-KUNU> your ARAD-ma - noun; Sumerogram nominative singular animate of <ARAD> slave, servant, vassal + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and ARADMEŠ-YA-wa-at-tak-kan - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative animate <ARAD> slave, servant, vassal + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my + quotative particle; <-wa> ... + enclitic personal pronoun; 2nd person singular <-tta> you + locatival particle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) A.ŠÀ A.GÀR - noun; Sumerogram ablative plural of <A.ŠÀ A.GÀR> field and meadow A.ŠÀ-na-as - noun; Sumerogram <A.ŠÀ> field + Hittite phonetic complement; <-na-as> (indicating genitive singular) A.ŠÀ-ni - noun; Sumerogram <A.ŠÀ> field + Hittite phonetic complement; <-ni> (indicating dative singular) AŠ-RIHI.A - noun; Akkadogram <AŠ-RI> place + Sumerian plural marker; <-HI.A> ... BAL-ah-hu-un - verb; Sumerogram <BAL> make sacrifice + Hittite phonetic complement; <-ahhun> (indicating 1st person singular preterite hi-conjugation) BAL-u-wa-an-zi - verb; Sumerogram <BAL> make sacrifice + Hittite phonetic complement; <-uwanzi> (indicating infinitive) BA-ÚS - verb; Sumerogram functioning here as 3rd person singular preterite <BA-ÚS> die BÀD - adjective; Sumerogram <BÀD> fortify BÀD-es-na-nu-un - verb; Sumerogram <BÀD> fortify + Hittite phonetic complement; <-esnanun> (indicating 1st person singular preterite) BÀD-kan - adjective; Sumerogram <BÀD> fortify + locatival particle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) FDINGIRMEŠ.ARAD-in-na - proper noun; Sumerogram <DINGIRMEŠ.ARAD> servant of the god + Hittite phonetic complement; <-inn-> (indicating accusative singular animate) + enclitic conjunction; <-a> and BE-LI-NI - noun; Akkadogram functioning here as vocative singular <BĒLU> lord, master + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person plural <-LI-NI> our BE-LI-NI-wa-an-na-as - noun; Akkadogram <BĒLU> lord, master + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person plural <-LI-NI> our + quotative particle; <-wa> ... + enclitic personal pronoun; 1st person plural accusative <-nnas> us BE-LÍ-YA - noun; Akkadogram <BĒLU> lord, master + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my BE-LÍ-YA - noun; Akkadogram functioning here as vocative <BE-LÍ-> lord + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my BE-LUMEŠ-YA - noun; Akkadogram functioning here as vocative <BĒLU> lord, master + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my FIs-ta-pa-ri-ya-an - proper noun; accusative singular animate of <Istapariya-> Istapariyas FIs-ta-pa-ri-ya-as - proper noun; nominative singular animate of <Istapariya-> Istapariyas FPu-du-he-pa-an - proper noun; accusative singular animate of <Puduhepa-> Puduhepa DAM - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as genitive singular <DAM> wife, marriage DAM - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular animate <DAM> wife, marriage DAM-an-ni - noun; Sumerogram <DAM> wife, marriage + Hittite phonetic complement; <-ānni> (indicating dative singular) DAMUT-TU-ŠU - noun; Sumerogram <DAM> wife, marriage + Akkadian phonetic complement; <-UTTU> (abstract suffix) + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 3rd person singular <-ŠU> his, her DHal-ma-su-i-iz - proper noun; nominative singular of <Halmasuitt-> deified throne dais DIm-mar-ni-in - noun; accusative singular, animate of <immarni-> fertility? DIM - proper noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative singular <DIM> Stormgod DIM - proper noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular <DIM> Stormgod DIM - proper noun; Sumerogram functioning here as vocative singular <DIM> Stormgod DI-NAM - noun; Akkadogram functioning here as accusative singular of <DI-NAM> case DINGIRLIM - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative <DINGIR> god + Akkadian phonetic complement; <-LIM> deity DINGIRLIM - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as genitive singular <DINGIR> god + Akkadian phonetic complement; <-LIM> deity DINGIRLIM - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative singular <DINGIR> god + Akkadian phonetic complement; <-LIM> deity DINGIRLIM - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular <DINGIR> god + Akkadian phonetic complement; <-LIM> deity DINGIRLUM - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular <DINGIR> god + Akkadian phonetic complement; <-LUM> deity DINGIRLUM - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative singular <DINGIR> god + Akkadian phonetic complement; <-LUM> deity DINGIR.MAH - proper noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative singular <DINGIR.MAH> presiding deity, Mother Goddess DINGIR.MAH - proper noun; Sumerogram functioning here as vocative <DINGIR.MAH> presiding deity, Mother Goddess DINGIR.MAH-as - proper noun; Sumerogram <DINGIR.MAH> presiding deity, Mother Goddess + Hittite phonetic complement; <-as> (indicating nominative singular) DINGIRMEŠ - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as vocative <DINGIR> god + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... DINGIRMEŠ - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative <DINGIR> god + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... DINGIRMEŠ - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative animate <DINGIR> god + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... DINGIRMEŠ-as-kan - noun; Sumerogram <DINGIR> god + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... + Hittite phonetic complement; <-as> (indicating dative-locative plural) + locative participle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) DINGIRMEŠ-is - noun; Sumerogram <DINGIR> god + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... + Hittite phonetic complement; <-is> (functioning here as nominative plural animate) DINGIRMEŠ-sa - noun; Sumerogram <DINGIR> god + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... + Hittite phonetic complement; <-sa> (functioning here as nominative plural animate) + Hittite enclitic conjunction; <-a-> but DINGIRMEŠ-sa - noun; Sumerogram <DINGIR> god + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... + Hittite phonetic complement; <-sa> (functioning here as nominative plural animate) DIŠKUR-as - proper noun; Sumerogram <DIŠKUR> Stormgod + Hittite phonetic complement; <-as> (functioning here as nominative singular animate) DIŠKUR-un-ni - proper noun; Sumerogram <DIŠKUR> Stormgod + Hittite phonetic complement; <-un-ni> (indicating dative singular) DIŠKUR-un-ni-ma - proper noun; Sumerogram <DIŠKUR> Stormgod + Hittite phonetic complement; <-un-ni> (indicating dative singular) + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and DIŠTAR - proper noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative <IŠTAR> Ishtar DIŠTAR - proper noun; Sumerogram functioning here as genitive <IŠTAR> Ishtar DIŠTAR - proper noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative <IŠTAR> Ishtar DKASKAL.KUR - noun; functioning here as nominative singular <DKASKAL.KUR> river source Dsi-i-us-mi-is - noun; nominative singular animate of <sius> god + enclitic possessive pronoun; 3rd person singular nominative animate of <-mi-> my DSi-ú-sum-mi-in - noun; accusative singular animate of <Siusummin> our god, our Sius DTe-le-pe-nu-sa - proper noun; nominative singular animate of <Telepenu-> Telepenus + enclitic conjunction; <-a-> but DU - proper noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative <DU> Stormgod DU - proper noun; Sumerogram functioning here as ablative <DU> Stormgod DUMU - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative singular <DUMU> son, child DUMU - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular animate <DUMU> son, child DUMU-an - noun; Sumerogram <DUMU> son, child + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an> (indicating accusative singular animate) DUMU-as - noun; Sumerogram <DUMU> son, child + Hittite phonetic complement; <-as> (indicating nominative singular animate) DUMU.DUMU-ŠU - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative <DUMU.DUMU> grandson + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 3rd person singular <-SU> his DUMU.É.GAL - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular animate of <DUMU.É.GAL> son of the palace DUMU.É.GAL-ma - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular of <DUMU.É.GAL> son of the palace + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and DUMU-la-an - noun; Sumerogram <DUMU> son, child + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an> (indicating accusative singular animate) DUMU.LUGAL - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular animate <DUMU.LUGAL> king's son, prince DUMU.LUGAL-ma - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular animate <DUMU.LUGAL> king's son, prince + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and DUMU.LÚ.U₁₉.LUMEŠ - noun; Sumerogram <DUMU.LÚ.U₁₉.LU> human being + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... DUMUMEŠ - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative animate <DUMU> son, child + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... DUMUMEŠ - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative animate <DUMU> son, child + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... DUMUMEŠ.É.GAL - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative animate <DUMU.É.GAL> son of the palace + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... DUMUMEŠ.É.GAL-ma - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative <DUMU.É.GAL> son of the palace + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and DUMUMEŠ.É.GAL-ma-as-ma-as - noun; Sumerogram <DUMU.É.GAL> son of the palace + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person plural dative <-smas> they DUMUMEŠ-ŠU - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative animate <DUMU> son, child + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 3rd person singular <-SU> his DUMU.MUNUS - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative singular animate of <DUMU.MUNUS> girl, daughter DUMU.MUNUS - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular animate <DUMU.MUNUS> girl, daughter DUMU.MUNUS - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular animate of <DUMU.MUNUS> girl, daughter DUMU.MUNUS-an - noun; Sumerogram <DUMU.MUNUS> girl, daughter + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an> (indicating accusative singular animate) DUMU.MUNUSMEŠ - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative of <DUMU.MUNUS> girl, daughter + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... DUMU.MUNUS-ZU - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative singular animate of <DUMU.MUNUS> girl, daughter + Akkadian 3rd person singular enclitic possessive pronoun; <-ZU> his DUMU.NAM.LU.U₁₉.LU-as - noun; Sumerogram <DUMU.NAM.LU.U₁₉.LU> humankind, human beings + Hittite phonetic complement; <-as> (indicating nominative singular animate) DUMU.NITAMEŠ - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative plural of <DUMU.NITA> son + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... DUMURU - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular animate <DUMU> son, child + Akkadian phonetic complement; <-RU> ... DUMU-ŠU - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative singular animate of <DUMU> son, child + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 3rd person singular <-ŠU> his, her DUMU-ŠU - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative <DUMU> son, child + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 3rd person singular <-SU> his DU-ta-as-sa - proper noun; stem form functioning here as genitive singular <DUtassa> Tarhuntassas DU-ta-as-sa - proper noun; stem form functioning here as genitive singular <DU-tassa> Tarhuntassas DUTU-az - proper noun; Sumerogram <UTU> Sungod + Hittite phonetic complement; <-az> (indicating ablative singular) DUTUŠI - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular animate <DUTUŠI> my majesty DUTUŠI - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as genitive singular <DUTUŠI> my majesty DUTUŠI - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as genitive singular animate <DUTUŠI> my majesty DUTU-us - noun; Sumerogram <UTU> Sungod + Hittite phonetic complement; <-us> (indicating nominative singular animate) e-ep-pu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <ēpp-> take, seize e-ep-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <ēpp-> take, seize e-es-ha-at - verb; 1st person singular middle preterite of <ēs-> sit e-es-har - noun; nominative singular neuter <ēshar> blood, bloodshed e-es-na-as - noun; genitive singular of <ēshar> blood, bloodshed e-es-su-u-en - iterative verb; 1st person plural preterite of <iya-> do, make e-es-ta - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <ēs-> be e-es-du - verb; 3rd person singular imperative of mi-conjugation <ēs-> be e-es-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <ēs-> be e-hu - exclamation; <ehu> come on e-ku-i-e-er-ma - verb; 3rd person plural preterite of mi-conjugation <ēgw-> drink e-na-an-za - adjective; nominative singular of <enant-> tame? e-sa-an-da - verb; 3rd person plural middle present of <ēs-> sit e-se-er - verb; 3rd person plural preterite of <ēs-> be e-su-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <ēs-> be e-da-ni - demonstrative pronoun; dative singular of <e-> this e-te-er - verb; 3rd person plural preterite of mi-conjugation <ēd-> eat EGIR - adverb; Sumerogram <EGIR> back, again EGIR-an - adverb; Sumerogram <EGIR> back, again + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an> ... EGIR-an ti-i-ya-nu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <āppa tiya-> look after EGIR-an-ma-as-sa-an - adverb; Sumerogram <EGIR> back, again + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an> ... + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and + locatival particle; <-san> (indicating downward motion) EGIR-an-ma-wa-ar-as-ta - adverb; Sumerogram preverb <EGIR> back, again + functioning here as phonetic complement; <-an> ... + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and + quotative particle; <-war> ... + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular nominative animate of <-as> he, she, it + enclitic personal pronoun; 2nd person singular accusative <-ta> you EGIR-an-da - postposition; Sumerogram <EGIR> after + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an-da> ... EGIR-an-da-ma-as-ma-as - adverb; Sumerogram <EGIR> after + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an-da> ... + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person plural dative <-smas> they EGIR-ez-zi-is - adjective; Sumerogram <EGIR> after + Hittite phonetic complement; <-ezzis> (indicating superlative nominative singular animate) EGIR-pa - adverb Sumerogram; <EGIR> back, again + Hittite phonetic complement; <-pa> ... EGIR-pa - adverb; Sumerogram <EGIR> back, again + Hittite phonetic complement; <-pa> ... EGIR-pa har-ker - verb; 3rd person plural preterite of <āppa hark> hold out in EGIR-pa pe-eh-hu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <āppa pāi-, āppa piya-> give back EGIR-pa te-eh-hu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of <āppa dāi-, tiya-> re-establish EGIR-pa ti-i-ez-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <āppa tiya-> step back EGIR-pa ú-wa-nu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of <āppa uwa-> come back EGIR-pa-ma - adverb; Sumerogram <EGIR> after + Hittite phonetic complement; <-pa> ... + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and EL-LAM - adjective; Akkadogram functioning here as nominative singular animate of <EL-LAM> free EM-SA - adjective; Akkadogram functioning here as accusative singular of <EMSU> sour EN-an-ni - noun; Sumerogram <EN> lord + Hittite phonetic complement; <-ānni> (indicating dative-locative singular) EN-iz-na-an-ni - noun; Sumerogram <EN> lord + Hittite phonetic complement; <-iznānni> (indicating dative-locative singular) EN.SISKUR - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative singular of <EN.SISKUR> lord of the ritual EN.SISKUR - noun; Sumerogram accusative singular animate of <EN.SISKUR> lord of the ritual EN-YA - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular animate of <EN> lord + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my ERINMEŠ - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as genitive animate <ERINMEŠ> army, infantry ERINMEŠ - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative singular animate of <ERINMEŠ> army, infantry ERINMEŠ-ŠU - noun; Sumerogram <ERINMEŠ> army, infantry + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 3rd person singular <-ŠU> his, her ERINMEŠ-ya-kan - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative plural animate of <ERINMEŠ> army, infantry + enclitic conjunction; <-ya> and + locatival particle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) ERINMEŠ-za-mi-is-sa - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative <ERINMEŠ> army, infantry + enclitic reflexive particle; <-za> ... + 1st person singular possessive pronoun nominative singular animate of; <-miss-> my + enclitic conjunction; <-a-> and ERÍNMEŠ - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative plural of <ERINMEŠ> army, infantry EZEN₄-an - noun; Sumerogram <EZEN₄> festival, feast + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an> (indicating accusative singular animate) EZENHI.A - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative <EZEN> festival + Sumerian plural marker; <-HI.A> ... É-er - noun; Sumerogram <É> house + Hittite phonetic complement; <-er> (indicating nominative singular) É-er - noun; Sumerogram <É> house + Hittite phonetic complement; <-er> (functioning here as accusative singular neuter) É.GAL - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as genitive singular of <É.GAL> palace É.GAL - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative singular of <É.GAL> palace É.GU₄ - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative-locative singular <É.GU₄> cow barn Éha-li-en-tu-u-az - noun; ablative singular of <halientū-> palace complex ÉNMEŠ - noun; Sumerogram <É> house + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... É-ri-is-si - noun; Sumerogram <É> house + Hittite phonetic complement; <-ri-> (indicating dative-locative singular) + enclitic possessive pronoun; 3rd person singular <-ssi> his, her, its ÉTI-ma-mu - noun; Sumerogram nominative singular neuter <É> house + Akkadian phonetic complement; <-TI> (indicating abstract noun) + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and + enclitic personal pronoun; 1st person singular dative <-mu> me ÉTI-YA - noun; Sumerogram nominative singular neuter <É> house + Akkadian phonetic complement; <-TI> (indicating abstract noun) + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my GAD - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative singular <GAD> towel GAD-an - noun; Sumerogram <GAD> towel + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an> (indicating accusative singular animate) GAL - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular animate <GAL> chief, great GAL - adjective; Sumerogram functioning here as instrumental <GAL> chief, great GAL-is-za - adjective; Sumerogram <GAL> chief, great + Hittite phonetic complement; <-is> (functioning here as nominative singular animate) + enclitic reflexive particle; <-za> ... GAŠAN-YA - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular <GAŠAN> lady + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my GAŠAN-YA - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as genitive singular <GAŠAN> lady + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my GAŠAN-YA - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular animate <GAŠAN> lady + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my GE₆-az - adjective; Sumerogram <GE₆> dark + Hittite phonetic complement; <-az> (indicating ablative singular) GEME-an - noun; Sumerogram <GEME> female slave + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an> (indicating accusative singular animate) GEŠTIN - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative singular animate of <GEŠTIN> wine GI - noun; Sumerogram genitive singular or plural of <GI> reed GIM-an - conjunction Sumerogram; <GIM> when + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an> ... GIM-an-ma - conjunction; Sumerogram <GIM> when + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an> (indicating accusative singular animate) + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and GIŠ DINANNA - noun; Sumerogram <GIŠ> wood, tree + proper noun; Sumerogram functioning here as instrumental <DINANNA> Inanna GIŠAPIN - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative <GIŠAPIN> plow GIŠDAG-ti - noun; Sumerogram <GIŠDAG> throne + Hittite phonetic complement; <-ti> (indicating dative singular) GIŠGU.ZA - noun; Sumerogram <GU.ZA> throne GIŠHI.A-ru - noun; Sumerogram <GIŠ> wood, tree + Sumerian plural marker; <-HI.A> ... + Hittite phonetic complement; <-ru> (functioning here as collective) GIŠkal-mi-sa-na-an - noun; accusative singular animate of <GIŠkamisanā-> log, thunderbolt GIŠkal-mi-sa-na-as - noun; nominative singular animate of <GIŠkamisanā-> log, thunderbolt GIŠkal-mu-us - noun; nominative singular neuter of <kalmus> lituus GIŠkal-mu-us-ma-as-sa-an - noun; accusative singular neuter of <kalmus> lituus + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and + locatival particle; <-ssan> (indicating upward motion) GIŠKIRI₆-as - noun; Sumerogram <GIŠKIRI₆> orchard + Hittite phonetic complement; <-na-as> (indicating genitive singular) GIŠKIRI₆-ni - noun; Sumerogram <GIŠKIRI₆> orchard + Hittite phonetic complement; <-ni> (indicating dative singular) GIŠlu-ut-ta-a-us - noun; accusative plural animate of <luttāi-> window GIŠŠUKUR - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as genitive singular of <ŠUKUR> spear GIŠŠUKUR - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative singular of <ŠUKUR> spear GIŠZA.LAM.GAR-as - noun; Sumerogram <ZA.LAM.GAR> ceremonial tent + Hittite phonetic complement; <-as> (indicating dative plural) GIŠZA.LAM.GARHI.A - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative singular of <ZA.LAM.GAR> ceremonial tent + Sumerian plural marker; <-HI.A> ... GÌRMEŠ-as - noun; Sumerogram <GÌR> foot + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... + Hittite phonetic complement; <-as> (indicating dative plural) GÍN - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative plural <GÍN> shekel GÍR-an - noun; Sumerogram <GÍR> knife, dagger + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an> (indicating accusative singular animate) GU₄.APIN.LÀL - noun; Sumerogram nominative singular of <GU₄.APIN.LÀL> plow ox GU₄ÁB - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular of <GU₄ÁB> heifer GU₄HI.A - noun; Sumerogram <GU₄> cow + Sumerian plural marker; <-HI.A> ... GU₄-ma - noun; Sumerogram <GU₄> cow + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and GUL-ah-ta - verb; Sumerogram <GUL> strike + Hittite phonetic complement; <-ahta> (indicating 3rd person singular preterite indicative) GUNNI-ma - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative-locative singular <GUNNI> hearth + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and GUŠKIN - adjective; Sumerogram functioning here as instrumental singular <GUŠKIN> gold GUŠKIN - adjective; Sumerogram functioning here as genitive singular <GUŠKIN> gold GUŠKIN - adjective; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative singular <GUŠKIN> gold GUŠKIN-ma - adjective; Sumerogram functioning here as genitive singular of <GUŠKIN> gold + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and GÙB-la-za - adverb; Sumerogram <GÙB> left + Hittite phonetic complement; <-laza> ... ha-a-az-ta - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <hād-> dry, dry up ha-a-li-as - noun; dative-locative plural of <hāli-> corral ha-an-na-a-ú - verb; 3rd person singular imperative of hi-conjugation <hanna-> decide judicially ha-an-da-a-u-en - verb; 1st person plural preterite of mi-conjugation <handāi-> order, arrange, marry ha-an-te-ez-zi-is - adjective; nominative singular animate of <hantezziya-> first, oldest ha-an-te-ez-zi-ya-an - adjective; accusative singular animate of <hantezziya-> first, oldest ha-an-te-ez-zi-ya-as - adjective; nominative singular animate of <hantezziya-> first, oldest ha-an-te-ez-zi-ya-as-pat - adjective; genitive singular of <hantezziya-> first, oldest + emphasizing particle; <-pat> ... ha-as-sa-an-na-as - noun; genitive singular of <hassātar-> family ha-as-sa-an-na-as-sa-as - noun; nominative singular animate of <hassānna-> family + enclitic possessive pronoun 3rd person singular nominative singular animate of; <-sas> ... ha-as-sa-an-na-i - noun; dative-locative singular of <hassannā-> family ha-as-sa-an-na-sa-an-za-kan - noun; genitive singular of <hassānna-> family + phonetic complement; <-an> (indicating accusative singular animate) + enclitic reflexive particle; <-za> ... + locatival particle; <-kan> ... ha-as-sa-an-zi - verb; 3rd person plural present of hi-conjugation <hās-, hass-> give birth, beget ha-as-si-ik-ke-er - verb; 3rd person plural preterite of mi-conjugation <hassik-> quench one's thirst ha-as-ta - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <hās-, hass-> give birth, beget ha-a-te-er - verb; 3rd person plural preterite of hi-conjugation <hād-> dry, dry up ha-at-ki-is-nu-si - verb; 2nd person singular present of <hatkesnu-> oppress, constrict, arrest ha-at-ra-a-nu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <hatrāi-> write ha-az-zi-e-et-tu - verb; 3rd person singular imperative of <hazziya-> strike, engrave ha-le-en-zu - noun; nominative singular of <halenzu-> a kind of plant hal-ki-in - noun; accusative singular animate of <halki-> grain, barley hal-ki-is - noun; accusative singular animate of <halki-> grain, barley hal-za-a-i - verb; 3rd person singular present of hi-conjugation <halzāi-, haliya-> call out, recite, invite hal-za-i-is - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <halzāi-, haliya-> call out, recite, invite hal-zi-es-se-es-ta - verb; iterative 2nd person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <halzāi-, haliya-> call out, recite, invite hal-zi-ih-hu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <halzāi-, haliya-> call out, recite, invite har-ap-ta - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <harp-> separate har-ki-ya-an-zi - verb; 3rd person plural present of <hark-, harkiya-> disappear, abscond, perish har-ni-ik-ti - verb; 2nd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <harnink-> destroy har-ni-in-ku-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <harnink-> destroy har-sa-u-wa-ar - noun; nominative singular of <harsauwar> cultivation har-ta - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <har-, hark-> have, hold har-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <har-, hark-> have, hold har-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of hi-conjugation <har-, hark-> have, hold hi-in-kan - noun; accusative singular neuter of <hinkan> plague hi-in-ga-na-az - noun; ablative singular of <hinkan> plague hu-su-wa-an-ta-an - adjective; accusative singular animate of <huswant-> alive hu-ul-la-an-za-an - noun; accusative singular animate of <hullanza-> battle hu-ul-la-an-za-is - noun; nominative singular animate of <hullanza-> battle hu-ul-la-nu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <hulla-> fight, defeat hu-u-ma-an - adjective; nominative singular neuter of <hūmant-> all, each, every hu-u-ma-an-da-as-pat - adjective; genitive plural of <hūmant-> all, each, every + emphasizing particle; <-pat> ... hu-u-ma-an-ta-za - adjective; ablative plural of <hūmant-> all, each, every hu-u-ma-an-du-us-pat - adjective; accusative plural animate of <hūmant-> all, each, every + emphasizing particle; <-pat> ... hu-u-ni-ik-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <hūnink-> harm, injure hu-u-ni-in-kan-za - verb; nominative singular animate of participle <hūninkant-> injured hu-u-ni-in-kan-za-pat - verb participle; nominative singular animate of <hūnink-> harm, injure + emphasizing particle; <-pat> ... hu-u-pa-ri-it - noun; instrumental singular of <huppar> bowl hu-u-da-a-ak - adverb; <hūdāk> at once, immediately hu-u-up-par-as - noun; genitive singular of <hu-u-up-par-as> vessel hu-ú-ni-ik-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <hūnink-> harm, injure hu-wa-i-is - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <huwāi-> run HUL-lu - noun; Sumerogram <HUL> evil, harm + Hittite phonetic complement; <-lu> (functioning here as accusative singular neuter) HUR.SAGDIDLI.HI.A - noun; Sumerogram <HUR.SAG> mountain + Sumerian marker; <DIDLI.HI.A> (indicating nominative plural) HUR.SAGHa-u-wa-a-as - noun; Sumerogram <HUR.SAG> mountain + proper noun; stem form functioning here as nominative singular animate <Hauwā-> Hauwas HUR.SAGLa-wa-sa - noun; Sumerogram <HUR.SAG> mountain + proper noun; stem form functioning here as dative singular of <Lawasa> Lawasa HUR.SAGMEŠ-us - noun; Sumerogram <HUR.SAG> mountain + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... + Hittite phonetic complement; <-us> (indicating accusative plural animate) i-e-er - verb; 3rd person plural preterite of mi-conjugation <iya-> do, make i-e-et - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <iya-> do, make i-it-wa - verb; 2nd person singular imperative of <ī-> go is-ha-a-as - noun; nominative singular animate of <ishā-> master is-ha-as-si-sa-an - noun; nominative singular of <ishā-> master + enclitic possessive pronoun; 3rd person singular nominative <-sis> his, her, its + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular accusative animate of <-an> him, her, it is-hi-is-si - noun; dative singular of <ishā-> master + enclitic possessive pronoun; 3rd person singular of <-ssi> his, her, its is-hi-ú-ul - noun; accusative singular neuter of <ishiūl> treaty is-hi-ú-ul - noun; nominative singular of <ishiūl> treaty is-pa-an-di - noun; dative singular of <ispant-> night is-pi-i-e-er - verb; 3rd person plural preterite of hi-conjugation <ispāi-> be satiated is-pi-ya-tar-ra - noun; accusative singular neuter of <ispiyātar> satiation, abundance + enclitic conjunction; <-a-> and is-ta-ma-as-du - verb; 3rd person plural imperative of mi-conjugation <istamass-> hear, listen is-ta-na-na-as - noun; dative-locative plural of <istanāna-> altar table is-tar-na - postposition; <istarna> among is-tar-ni-ik-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of <istarnink-> take sick, sicken is-du-wa-a-ti - verb; 3rd person singular middle preterite of <isduwa-> be known i-da-a-lu - noun; accusative singular neuter of <idālu> evil, harm i-da-a-lu-ma-as-ma-as-kan - noun; accusative singular neuter of <idālu> evil, harm + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person plural dative <-smas> they + locatival particle; <-kan> ... i-da-lu - adjective; accusative singular neuter of <idālu-> evil, harm i-da-lu - noun; accusative singular neuter of <idālu> evil, harm i-ya-ah-ha-at - verb; 1st person singular preterite middle of <iya-> go, march i-ya-ah-ha-ha-at - verb; 1st person singular middle preterite of <iya-> go, march i-ya-an-ni-is - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <iyanniya-> march i-ya-an-ta - verb participle; accusative plural neuter of <iya-> do, make i-ya-an-za - verb participle; nominative singular animate of mi-conjugation <iya-> do, make i-ya-an-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <iya-> do, make i-ya-an-zi-ma - verb; 3rd person plural present of mi-conjugation <iya-> do, make + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and i-ya-at - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <iya-> do, make i-ya-at-ta-ri - verb; 3rd person singular present middle of <iya-> go, march i-ya-at-ten - verb; 2nd person plural imperative of <iya-> do, make i-ya-mi - 3rd person plural present of mi-conjugation; <iya-> do, make i-ya-nu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <iya-> do, make i-ya-u-en - verb; 1st person plural preterite of mi-conjugation <iya-> do, make i-ya-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <iya-> do, make IBILA - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular <IBILA> male heir IM-an - noun; Sumerogram <IM> clay + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an> (indicating accusative singular animate) IM-as - noun; Sumerogram <IM> clay + Hittite phonetic complement; <-as> (indicating nominative singular animate) I-NA - preposition; Akkadogram <INA> (functioning as graphic indicator of the dative-locative) I-NA - preposition; Akkadogram <INA> (functioning as graphic indicator of the dative) INIM - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as ablative singular of <INIM> word, matter, affair IŠ-TU - preposition; Akkadogram <IŠTU> (functioning as graphic indicator of the ablative) IṢ-BAT - verb; Akkadian 3rd person singular preterite of <ṢĀBATU> seize, take IṢ-BAT - verb; Akkadogram 3rd person singular preterite of <ṣabātu> seize, take ÍDHu-u-la-ya - proper noun; stem form functioning here as dative <Hūlaya> Hulaya river ÍDHu-u-la-ya - proper noun; stem form functioning here as genitive <Hūlaya> Hulaya river ÍD-i - noun; Sumerogram <ÍD> river + Hittite phonetic complement; <-i> (indicating dative singular) ÍDSe-e-ha-ya - proper noun; stem form functioning here as genitive singular of <ÍDSēha-> ... + enclitic conjunction; <-ya> and ka-a-as - exclamation; <kās> behold, look ka-a-as-mi-is-sa-a - exclamation; <kāsmissā> kassmissa ka-a-as-za - noun; nominative singular animate of <kāst-> hunger, famine ka-a-sa - interjection; <kāsa> behold, lo ka-a-sa-wa - exclamation; <kās> behold, look + quotative particle; <-wa> ... kal-mi-i-sa-ni-is - noun; nominative plural animate of <kalmīsana-> log, thunderbolt kam-ma-ra-a-as - noun; nominative singular animate of <kammarā-> mist, swarm ka-ni-is-su-u-wa-ar-ma-at - noun; nominative singular neuter of <kanissuwar> recognition, favor + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular accusative neuter of <-at> he, she, it `kan-ta-an-na - noun; nominative plural animate of <kantanna> Kantana `ka-pi-la-az-at-ta - verb; 3rd person singular preterite middle of <kappilāi-> become angry kar-si - adverb; <karsi> frankly ka-ru-ú - adverb; <karū> before, previously ka-ru-ú-wa - adverb; <karū> before, previously + quotative particle; <-wa> ... kat-ta - postposition; <katta> down, downwards kat-ta da-as-ke-u-wa-an te-eh-hu-un - verb; supine of <katta dā-> take, capture + verb; 1st person singular preterite of <dāi-, tiya-> place, put kat-ta-an ha-a-li-i-e-er - verb; 3rd person plural preterite of <kattan haliya-> bow down, prostrate kat-ta-ni-pu-un - noun; accusative singular animate of <katanipū-> linen towel ke-e - demonstrative pronoun; accusative plural neuter of <kā-, kī-> this ki-ik-ki-is-ta-ru - verb; 3rd person singular middle imperative of <kikkis-> become ki-i-ma - demonstrative pronoun; accusative singular neuter of <kā-, kī-> this + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and gi-im-ma-an-da-ri-ya-nu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <gimandariya-> spend the winter, overwinter gi-im-ri - noun; dative singular of <gimmara-> steppe ki-i-sa - verb; 3rd person singular present middle of <kīs-> become, happen ki-i-sa-ri - verb; 3rd person singular present middle of <kīs-> become, happen ki-i-sa-ti - verb; 3rd person singular middle preterite of <kīs-> become, happen ki-is-ha-at - verb; 1st person singular preterite middle of <kīs-> become, happen ki-is-sa-an - adverb; <kissan> thus, as follows ki-is-sa-an-na - adverb; <kissan> thus, as follows + enclitic conjunction; <-a> and ki-is-ta-an-ti-it - noun instrumental singular of; <kistant-> hunger, famine ki-is-ta-an-zi-at-ta-at - 3rd person singular preterite middle of; <kistiyanziya-> be hungry, suffer famine ki-it pa-an-da-la-az - adverb; <ki-it pa-an-da-la-az> from now on ki-i-wa - pronoun; demonstrative pronoun nominative singular neuter of <kā-, kī-> this + quotative particle; <-wa> ... ki-nu-na - adverb; <kinun> now + enclitic conjunction; <-a-> but ki-nu-na-as-si - adverb; <kinuna> now + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular dative <-ssi> he, she, it ki-nu-na-wa - adverb; <kinuna> now + quotative particle; <-war> ... ki-nu-un-ma - adverb; <kinuna> now + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and ki-sa-at - verb; 2nd person singular middle preterite of <kīs-> become, happen ki-sa-at - verb; 3rd person singular middle preterite of <kīs-> become, happen ki-sa-ri - verb; 3rd person singular middle present of <kīs-> become, happen ki-sa-ru - verb; 3rd person singular middle imperative of <kīs-> become, happen kis-sa-an - adverb; <kissan> thus, as follows ki-ya-an-ta-ri - verb; 3rd person plural middle present of <ki-> lie ku-e - relative pronoun; accusative plural neuter of <kui-> that, which, who ku-e-en-ni-ir - verb; 3rd person plural preterite of mi-conjugation <kuēn-> kill, strike ku-e-et-ma-an-ma - adverb; <kuitman> when, while + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and ku-e-ez - relative pronoun; ablative singular of <kui-> that, which, who ku-e-ez - adverb; <kuēz> from where ku-en-ta - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <kuēn-> kill, strike ku-en-ti - verb; 2nd person singular present of mi-conjugation <kuēn-> kill, strike ku-en-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <kuēn-> kill, strike ku-e-da-ni-ik-ki - indefinite pronoun; dative singular of <kuisk-> any/some one/thing ku-i-e-es - relative pronoun; nominative plural animate of <kui-> that, which, who ku-i-es - relative pronoun; nominative plural animate of <kui-> that, which, who ku-in-ki - indefinite pronoun; accusative singular animate of <kuisk-> any/some one/thing ku-is - relative pronoun; nominative singular animate of <kui-> that, which, who ku-i-sa - indefinite relative pronoun; nominative singular animate of <kuisa> whoever ku-is-kan im-ma ku-is - indefinite relative pronoun; nominative singular animate of <kui- imma kui-> whichever + locatival particle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) ku-is-ki - indefinite pronoun; accusative singular neuter of <kuisk-> any/some one/thing ku-is-ki - indefinite pronoun; nominative singular animate of <kuisk-> any/some one/thing ku-it - relative pronoun; nominative singular neuter of <kui-> that, which, who ku-it - relative pronoun; accusative singular neuter of <kui-> that, which, who ku-it - interrogative pronoun; accusative singular neuter of <kui-> who, what ku-it - conjunction; <kuit> because, since ku-it im-ma ku-it - adverb; <kuit imma kuit> however ku-it ku-it - indefinite relative pronoun; accusative singular neuter of <kui kui> whatever ku-it ku-it-pat - indefinite relative pronoun; nominative -acc.sg. neut. of <kui- kui-> whoever, whichever, whatever + emphasizing particle; <-pat> ... ku-it-kan - conjunction; <kuit> because, since + locatival particle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) ku-it-ki - indefinite pronoun; accusative singular neuter of <kuisk-> any/some one/thing ku-it-ma-an - adverb; <kuitman> when, while ku-it-ma-a-na-as - conjunction; <kuitmān> until, while + enclitic personal pronoun; nominative singular animate of <-as> he, she, it ku-it-ta-ya-wa-az - conjunction; <kuit> because, since + enclitic conjunction; <-a> and + enclitic conjunction; <-ya> and + quotative particle; <-wa> ... + enclitic reflexive particle; <-az> ... ku-ru-ri-ah-ta - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <kururiyahh-> make war, revolt ku-us-sa-an - noun; accusative singular of <kussan> fee, price ku-ut-ta-ni-it - noun; instrumental singular of <kuttar> upper arm, shoulder ku-u-un - demonstrative pronoun; accusative singular animate of <kā-, kī-> this ku-wa-pi - interrogative adverb; <kuwāpi> when, where ku-wa-pi - conjunction; <kuwāpi> when, where ku-wa-pi - adverb; <kuwāpi> when, where KARAŠHI.A-YA - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular of <KARAŠ> troops, army + Sumerian plural marker; <-HI.A> ... + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my KI-az - noun; Sumerogram <KI> earth, world + Hittite phonetic complement; <-az> (indicating ablative singular) KI.MIN - noun; Sumerogram <KI.MIN> ditto KUR - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular <KUR> land, territory KUR - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative singular neuter <KUR> land, territory KUR - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as ablative singular <KUR> land, territory KUR - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative-locative singular <KUR> land, territory KUR - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative singular <KUR> land, territory KUR - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative <KUR> land, territory KUR - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative-locative <KUR> land, territory KUR - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as ablative <KUR> land, territory KUR - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative singular <KUR> land, territory KUR - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as genitive singular <KUR> land, territory KUR - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as genitive <KUR> land, territory KUR.KURHI.A - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative plural of <KUR.KUR> lands + Sumerian plural marker; <-HI.A> ... KURTI - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as genitive singular <KUR> land, territory + Akkadian; <TI> (abstract suffix) KUR-ya - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as locative plural <KUR> land, territory + Hittite enclitic conjunction; <-ya> and KUŠKA.TAB.ANŠE-za - noun; Sumerogram <KA.TAB.ANŠE> donkey + Hittite phonetic complement; <-za> (indicating nominative singular animate) KÙ.BABBAR - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as genitive singular of <KÙ.BABBAR> silver la-a-az-zi-at-ta - verb; 3rd person singular middle present of <lazziya-> get better la-ah-ha - noun; allative of <lāhha-> military campaign la-ah-la-ah-hi-ma-an - noun; accusative singular animate of <lahlahhiya-> agitation, worry la-az-zi-at-ta-ma - verb; 3rd person singular middle present of <lazziya-> get better + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and le-e - negative emphasizing particle; <lē> no, not le-e ku-is-ki - indefinite pronoun; nominative singular of <lē kuisk-> no one le-en-qa-an har-ta - verb participle; accusative singular neuter of <link-> swear an oath + 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation; <har-, hark-> have, hold li-in-ga-nu-nu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of <linganu-> place under oath li-in-ga-nu-wa-an-te-es - verb participle; nominative plural animate of <linganu-> place under oath `lu-ú-lu - noun; accusative singular neuter <lūlu> prosperity? LI-IM - numeral; Akkadogram <LIM> thousand LUGAL - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as genitive singular <LUGAL> king LUGAL - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative singular animate <LUGAL> king LUGAL - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular animate <LUGAL> king LUGAL - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative singular <LUGAL> king LUGAL.GAL - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular <LUGAL> king + adjective; Sumerogram <GAL> chief, great LUGAL-i - noun; Sumerogram <LUGAL> king + Hittite phonetic complement; <-i> (indicating dative singular) LUGAL-i-kan - noun; Sumerogram <LUGAL> king + Hittite phonetic complement; <-i> (indicating dative singular) + locatival particle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) LUGAL-iz-na-an-ni - noun; Sumerogram <LUGAL> king + Hittite phonetic complement; <-iznānni> (indicating dative singular) LUGAL-iz-na-ni - noun; Sumerogram <LUGAL> king + Hittite phonetic complement; <-iznānni> (indicating dative singular) LUGAL-iz-zi-ah-ha-at - verb; 1st person singular preterite middle of mi-conjugation <hassuwezziya-> become king LUGAL-u-e-et - verb; Sumerogram <LUGAL> king + Hittite phonetic complement; <-u-e-et> become LUGAL-u-iz-na-an-ni - noun; Sumerogram <LUGAL> king + Hittite phonetic complement; <-uizznānni> (indicating dative singular) LUGAL-un - noun; Sumerogram <LUGAL> king + Hittite phonetic complement; <-un> (indicating accusative singular animate) LUGAL-us - noun; Sumerogram <LUGAL> king + Hittite phonetic complement; <-us> (indicating nominative singular animate) LUGAL-us-sa-an - noun; Sumerogram <LUGAL> king + Hittite phonetic complement; <-us> (indicating nominative singular animate) + locative participle; <-ssan> on, over LÙMEŠ ME-SE-DI - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative plural <LÙMEŠ ME-SE-DI> bodyguard LÙMEŠ ME-SE-DI - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative plural <LÙMEŠ ME-SE-DI> bodyguard LÙME-ŠE-DI - noun; Akkadogram functioning here as genitive plural of <ME-ŠE-DI> body guard LÙsa-an-ku-un-ni-is - noun; nominative singular animate of <sankunni-> priest LÙsa-an-ku-un-ni-ya-an-za - verb participle; nominative singular animate of <sankunniya-> serve as priest LÙSANGA - proper noun; Sumerogram functioning here as genitive singular of <SANGA> priest - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular animate of <LÚ> man, person LÚ-an - noun; Sumerogram <LÚ> man, person + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an> (indicating accusative singular animate) LÚan-ti-ya-an-ta-an - noun; accusative singular animate of <antiyant-> adopted son and son-in-law LÚ-as - noun; Sumerogram <LÚ> man, person + Hittite phonetic complement; <-as> (indicating nominative singular animate) LÚALAM.KA UD - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular animate of <ALAM.KAxUD> performer, comedian LÚA.ZU-ya - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as genitive singular of <A.ZU> doctor + enclitic conjunction; <-ya> and LÚDAM.GÀR - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative singular animate of <DAM.GÁR> merchant LÚHA-TÁ-NU - noun; Akkadogram <HATANU> son-in-law LÚki-i-ta-as - noun; nominative singular of <kīta-> a cult functionary, reciter? LÚKÚR-an - noun; Sumerogram <KÚR> enemy + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an> (indicating accusative singular animate) LÚMEŠ - noun; Sumerogram <LÚ> man, person + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... LÚMEŠ - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative <LÚ> man, person + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... LÚMEŠ - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative-locative <LÚ> man, person + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... LÚMEŠ - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as ablative <LÚ> man, person + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... LÚMEŠ - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative animate <LÚ> man, person + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... LÚMEŠ - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative animate <LÚ> man, person + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... LÚMEŠ ŠU-GI - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative plural animate of <LÚ> man, person + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... + Sumerogram; <ŠU-GI> old LÚMEŠGIŠBANSUR-as - noun; Sumerogram <LÚMEŠGIŠBANSUR> man of the table + Hittite phonetic complement; <-as> (indicating dative plural) LÚ.MEŠha-li-ya-re-es - noun; nominative plural animate of <haliyari-> singer LÚ.MEŠga-e-na-as-si-is - noun; nominative plural animate of <gaena-> male relative by marriage, in-law + enclitic possessive pronoun 3rd person singular nominative plural animate of; <-sis> his, her, its LÚMEŠ.KÚR-KA - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative animate <LÚ> man, person + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... + Sumerogram; <KÚR> enemy + Akkadian 2nd person singular enclitic possessive pronoun; <-KA> your LÚMU-DI - noun; Akkadogram functioning here as genitive singular of <MU-DI> husband LÚ-na-ku - noun; Sumerogram <LÚ> man, person + Hittite phonetic complement; <-na-> (indicating accusative singular animate) + enclitic conjunction; <-ku> whether, or LÚ-ni - noun; Sumerogram <LÚ> man, person + Hittite phonetic complement; <-ni> (indicating dative singular) LÚNÍ-ZU-an - noun; Sumerogram <NÍ-ZU> thief + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an> (indicating accusative singular animate) LÚNÍ-ZU-as - noun; Sumerogram <NÍ-ZU> thief + Hittite phonetic complement; <-as> (indicating nominative singular animate) LÚpal-wa-tal-la-as - noun; nominative singular animate of <palwatalla-> applauder LÚSÌLA.SU.DU₈.A - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular of <LÚSÌLA.SU.DU₈.A> cupbearer LÚSÌLA.SU.DU₈.A-kan - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular of <LÚSÌLA.SU.DU₈.A> cupbearer + locatival particle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) LÚTE₄-MU - noun; functioning here as accusative singular of <TE₄-MU> messenger LÚ.U₁₉.LU - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative singular animate of <LÚ.U₁₉.LU> person LÚ.U₁₉.LU-an - noun; Sumerogram <LÚ.U₁₉.LU> person + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an> (indicating accusative singular animate) ma-a-an - conjunction; <mān> if, when ma-a-an-sa-an - conjunction; <mān> if, when + locatival particle; <-ssan> on, over ma-ah-ah-an-ma-za - conjunction; <mahhan> as, how, when + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and + enclitic reflexive particle; <-za> ... ma-ah-ha-an - conjunction; <mahhan> as, how, when ma-ah-ha-an - adverb; <mahhan> as, how, when ma-ah-ha-an-ma - conjunction; <mahhan> as, how, when + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and ma-ah-ha-an-ma-mu - conjunction; <mahhan> as, how, when + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and + enclitic personal pronoun; 1st person singular dative <-mu> me ma-a-i - verb; 3rd person singular present of hi-conjugation <māi-> grow, prosper, ripen ma-ak-ke-es-ta - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <makkēss> become numerous ma-a-na-as - adverb; <mān> if, when + enclitic personal pronoun; nominative singular animate of <-as> he, she, it ma-a-na-as - conjunction; <mān> if, when + enclitic pronoun; 3rd person singular nominative animate of <-a-> him, her, it ma-a-na-at - conjunction; <mān> if, when + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular accusative neuter of <-at> he, she, it ma-an-ni-it-ti-en - noun; accusative singular animate of <manitti-> luxuriance? ma-a-nu-us-kan - adverb; modal particle <man> ... + enclitic pronoun; 3rd person plural accusative animate of <-us> them + locatival particle; <-kan> ... ma-ni-in-ku-wa-ah-ha-an-zi - verb; 3rd person plural present of mi-conjugation <maninkuwahh-> draw near, approach ma-ni-in-ku-wa-an - adverb; <maninkuwan> nearby, near ma-ni-in-ku-wa-an-te-es - adjective; nominative plural animate of <maninkuwant-> short mar-mar-as - noun; dative plural of <marmarra-> marshy terrain, swamp? mar-mar-ri - noun; dative singular of <marmarra-> marshy terrain, swamp? me-e-hu-ni - noun; dative-locative singular of <mēhur> time me-ek-ki - adverb; <mekki> greatly me-ma-ah-hi - verb; 1st person singular present of hi-conjugation <mēma-, mēmiya-> say, speak me-ma-ah-hu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <mēma-, mēmiya-> say, speak me-ma-al - noun; accusative singular neuter of <mēmal> meal me-ma-i - verb; 3rd person singular present of hi-conjugation <mēma-, mēmiya-> say, speak me-mi - verb; 2nd person singular imperative of hi-conjugation <mēma-, mēmiya-> say, speak me-mi-er - verb; 3rd person plural preterite of hi-conjugation <mēma-, mēmiya-> say, speak me-na-ah-ha-an-da - postposition; <mēnahhanda> facing, opposite me-na-ah-ha-an-da - adverb; <mēnahhanda> facing, opposite mi-im-ma-as - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <mimma-> refuse, reject mi-im-ma-i - verb; 3rd person singular present of hi-conjugation <mimma-> refuse, reject M DLAMMA - proper noun; Sumerogram functioning here as genitive <DLAMMA> Kuruntas M DLAMMA - proper noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative <DLAMMA> Kuruntas M DLAMMA-an-ma - proper noun; Sumerogram <DLAMMA> Kuruntas + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an> (indicating accusative singular animate) + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and M DLAMMA-as - proper noun; Sumerogram <DLAMMA> Kuruntas + Hittite phonetic complement; <-as> (indicating nominative singular animate) M DLAMMA-as-ma-kan - proper noun; Sumerogram <DLAMMA> Kuruntas + Hittite phonetic complement; <-as> (indicating nominative singular animate) + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and + locatival particle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) M DLAMMA-as-ma-mu - proper noun; Sumerogram <DLAMMA> Kuruntas + Hittite phonetic complement; <-as> (indicating nominative singular animate) + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and + enclitic personal pronoun; 1st person singular accusative <-mu> me M DLAMMA-ma-kan - proper noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative-locative singular <DLAMMA> Kuruntas + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and + locatival particle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) MAm-mu-na-as - proper noun; nominative singular animate of <Ammuna-> Ammuna MA-ME-TEMEŠ - noun; Akkadogram functioning here as accusative plural of <MAMĒTU> oath + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... MA-ni-it-ta - proper noun; stem form functioning here as nominative singular animate <Anitta-> Anittas MA-ni-it-ta-as - proper noun; nominative singular animate of <Anitta-> Anittas MA.NA - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative singular of <MANA> mina MÁŠ.GAL - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular of <MÁŠ.GAL> he-goat ME - numeral; Akkadian <> one hundred ME-E QA-TI - noun; Akkadogram functioning here as accusative singular of <MEQATI> hand-water MHa-at-tu-si-li - proper noun; stem form functioning here as dative singular of <Hattusili-> Hattusilis MHa-at-tu-si-li-in - proper noun; accusative singular animate of <Hattusili-> Hattusilis MHa-at-tu-si-li-is - proper noun; nominative singular animate of <Hattusili-> Hattusilis MHa-at-tu-si-li-wa - proper noun; dative singular of <Hattusili-> Hattusilis + quotative particle; <-wa> ... MHal-pa-su-lu-pi-in - proper noun; accusative singular animate of <Halpasulupi-> Halpasulupis MHu-uz-zi-ya-as - proper noun; nominative singular animate of <Huzziya-> Huzziyas MHu-uz-zi-ya-na - proper noun; accusative singular of <Huzziya-> Huzziyas + enclitic conjunction; <-a-> but Mi-iz-ri - proper noun; stem form functioning here as genitive singular <Mizri-> Egypt Mi-iz-ri - proper noun; stem form functioning here as genitive singular of <Mizri-> Egypt MMa-na-pa-DU-an - proper noun; accusative singular animate of <ManapaDU> Manapa-Datta MMas-as-hu-i-lu-wa - proper noun; stem form functioning here as dative singular animate of <Mashuiluwa-> ... + quotative particle; <-wa> ... MMas-hu-i-lu-wa-an - proper noun; accusative singular animate of <Mashuiluwa-> Mashuwiluwas MMur-si-li - proper noun; dative singular of <Mursili-> Mursilis MMur-si-li-is - proper noun; nominative singular animate of <Mursili-> Mursilis MMu-ur-si-li-is - proper noun; nominative singular animate of <Mursili-> Mursilis MMu-u-wa-at-ta-al-li - noun; stem form functioning here as genitive singular of <Muwattalli-> Muwattallis MNIR.GÁL-in - proper noun; Sumerogram <NIR.GÁL> strength + Hittite phonetic complement; <-in> (indicating accusative singular animate) MNIR.GÁL-is - proper noun; Sumerogram <NIR.GÁL> strength + Hittite phonetic complement; <-is> (functioning here as nominative singular animate) MPe-en-ti-ip-sa-ri - proper noun; stem form functioning here as genitive singular of <Pentipsari-> Pentipsaris MPi-it-ha-a-na - proper noun; stem form functioning here as genitive singular <Pithāna-> Pithanas MPi-it-ha-a-na-as - proper noun; genitive singular of <Pithāna-> Pithanas MPÍŠ.TUR-as - proper noun; Sumerogram functioning here as vocative <PÍS.TUR> Mashuiliuwa MTe-le-pe-nu-us - proper noun; nominative singular animate of <Telepenu-> Telepenus MTe-le-pe-nu-us-sa-az - proper noun; nominative singular animate of <Telepenu-> Telepenus + enclitic conjunction; <-a-> and + enclitic reflexive particle; <-za> ... MU.20.KAM - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular <MU> year + numeral; <20> twenty + Sumerogram; <KAM> a measure of time MU.6.KAM - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as genitive singular <MU> year + numeral; <6> six + Sumerogram; <KAM> a measure of time MU.KAMHI.A - noun; Sumerogram <MU> year + Sumerogram; <KAM> a measure of time + Sumerian plural marker; <-HI.A> ... MU.KAM-za - noun; Sumerogram <MU> year + Sumerogram; <KAM> a measure of time + Hittite phonetic complement functioning here as ergative singular; <-za> ... MUNUS KU-YA - noun; Akkadogram functioning here as accusative singular animate of <MUNUS KU> sister + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my MUNUS-an - noun; Sumerogram <MUNUS> woman + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an> (indicating accusative singular animate) MUNUS.LUGAL - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative singular <MUNUS.LUGAL> queen MUNUS.LUGAL - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular animate <MUNUS.LUGAL> queen MUNUSMu-u-wa-at-tin - proper noun; accusative singular of <Muwatti-> Muwattis MUNUS-na-ku - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular of <MUNUS> woman + Hittite phonetic complement; <-na-> (indicating accusative singular animate) + enclitic conjunction; <-ku> whether, or MUNUS.ŠU.GI - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular animate of <MUNUS.ŠU.GI> old woman, wise woman MUŠ-an - noun; Sumerogram <MUŠ> snake + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an> (indicating accusative singular animate) MU-uh-ha-LÚ-ma - proper noun; stem form functioning here as dative singular of <Uhhaziti> Uhhaziti MUuhha-LÚ-ya - proper noun; stem form functioning here as genitive singular of <MUuhha-LÚ> Uhhaziti + enclitic conjunction; <-ya> and MU-uh-na-as - proper noun; nominative singular animate of <Uhna-> Uhnas MÚr-hi-te-es-su-pa-an - proper noun; accusative singular of <Urhi-Tesupa-> Urhi-Teshup MÚr-hi-te-es-su-up-as - proper noun; nominative singular of <Urhi-Tesupa-> Urhi-Teshup na-ah-ha-a-an - verb participle; accusative singular neuter of hi-conjugation <nahh-> fear, revere na-ah-sa-ri-ya-an-ta-at - verb; 3rd person plural preterite middle of <nahsariya-> fear, become afraid na-ah-sa-ri-ya-an-da-ti - verb; 3rd person plural preterite middle of mi-conjugation <nahsariya-> fear, become afraid na-ak-ki-i - adjective; accusative plural neuter of <nakki-> heavy, important, steep na-ak-ki-it - adverb; <nakkit> in force, by force na-an - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular accusative animate of <-an> him, her, it na-an-kan - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular accusative animate of <-an> him, her, it + locatival particle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) na-an-si-kan - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular accusative animate of <-an> him, her, it + enclitic personal pronoun 3rd person singular dative of; <-si-> him, her it + locatival particle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) na-an-za - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular accusative animate of <-an> him, her, it + enclitic reflexive particle; <-za> ... na-as - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular nominative animate of <-as> he, she, it na-as - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 1st person singular nominative of <-as> I na-as - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person plural accusative animate of <-as> he, she, it na-as - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic pronoun; 3rd person singular nominative animate of <-as> he, she, it na-as-kan - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular nominative animate of <-as> he, she, it + locatival particle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) na-as-ma - conjunction; <nasma> or na-as-mu-kan - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular nominative <-as> he, she, it + enclitic personal pronoun; 1st person singular accusative <-mu> me + locatival particle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) na-as-ta - sentence particle; <nu> and + locatival particle; <-asta> (indicating continuing action) na-as-za - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person plural accusative animate of <-as> he, she, it + enclitic reflexive particle; <-za> ... na-as-za - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person plural accusative animate of <-as> he, she, it + reflexive particle; <-za> ... na-at - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular accusative neuter of <-at> he, she, it na-at - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person plural nominative <-at> he, she, it na-at - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person plural accusative neuter <-at> he, she, it na-at-mu - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person plural nominative <-at> he, she, it + enclitic personal pronoun; 1st person singular dative <-mu> me na-at-sa-an - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic pronoun; 3rd person singular accusative neuter of <-at> he, she, it + locatival particle; <-ssan> (indicating upward motion) na-at-ta - negative; <natta> not nam-ma - adverb; <namma> furthermore, moreover nam-ma - conjunction; <namma> furthermore, moreover nam-ma-as - adverb; <namma> furthermore, moreover + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular nominative of <-as> he, she, it nam-ma-at - conjunction; <namma> furthermore, moreover + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person plural animate of <-at> he, she, it nam-ma-mu - conjunction; <namma> furthermore, moreover + enclitic personal pronoun; 1st person singular dative <-mu> me nam-ma-wa - adverb; <namma> furthermore, moreover + quotative particle; <-wa> ... nam-ma-ya - conjunction; <namma> furthermore, moreover + enclitic conjunction; <-ya> and na-pa - sentence particle; <nu> and + locatival particle; <-apa> (indicating completed action) n-as-ta - sentence particle; <nu> and + locatival particle; <-asta> (indicating completed action) ne - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person plural nominative animate <-e-> they ne-pi-is-za-as-ta - noun; genitive singular of <nēpis> heaven + locatival particle; <-asta> (indicating continuing action) ne-pi-sa-as - noun; genitive singular of <nēpis> heaven ne-za - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person plural nominative animate <-e-> they + enclitic reflexive particle; <-za> ... nu - sentence particle; <nu> and nu-kan - sentence particle; <nu> and + locatival particle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) nu-mu - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 1st person singular dative <-mu> me nu-mu - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 1st person singular accusative <-mu> me nu-un-na-as - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 1st person plural dative <-nnas> us nu-un-na-as-kan - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 1st person plural dative <-nnas> us + locatival particle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) nu-us - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person plural accusative animate of <-a> he, she, it nu-us-ma-as - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person plural accusative of <sumēs> they nu-us-ma-as - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person plural dative of <sumēs> they nu-us-se - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular dative of <-ssi> he, she, it nu-us-si - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular dative <-ssi> he, she, it nu-us-si-is-sa-an - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular dative <-ssi-> he, she, it + locatival particle; <-ssan> on, over nu-us-si-sa-an - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular dative <-ssi> he, she, it + locatival particle; <-san> over nu-u-wa - adverb; <nūwa> still, yet nu-wa - sentence particle; <nu> and + quotative particle; <-wa> ... nu-wa-an-na-as - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 1st person plural accusative <-nnas> us nu-wa-an-na-as-za - sentence particle; <nu> and + quotative particle; <-wa> ... + enclitic personal pronoun; 1st person plural accusative <-nnas> us + enclitic reflexive particle; <-za> ... nu-wa-at-ta - sentence particle; <nu> and + quotative particle; <-wa> ... + enclitic personal pronoun; 2nd person singular accusative <-tta> you nu-wa-at-ta - sentence particle; <nu> and + quotative particle; <-wa> ... + enclitic personal pronoun; 2nd person singular dative <-tta> you nu-wa-at-tak-kan - sentence particle; <nu> and + quotative particle; <-wa> ... + enclitic personal pronoun; 2nd person singular accusative <-tta> you + locatival particle; <kan> (indicating downward action) nu-wa-kan - sentence particle; <nu> and + quotative particle; <-wa> ... + locatival particle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) nu-wa-mu-za - sentence particle; <nu> and + quotative particle; <-wa> ... + enclitic personal pronoun; 1st person singular accusative <-mu> me + enclitic reflexive particle; <-za> ... nu-wa-ra-an - sentence particle; <nu> and + quotative particle; <-wa> ... + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular animate accusative <-an> him, her, it nu-wa-ra-an-mu - sentence particle; <nu> and + quotative particle; <-war> ... + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular accusative animate of <-an> him, her, it + enclitic personal pronoun; 1st person singular dative <-mu> me nu-wa-ra-as - sentence particle; <nu> and + quotative particle; <-war> ... + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular nominative <-as> he, she, it nu-wa-ra-as - sentence particle; <nu> and + quotative particle; <-war> ... + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person plural accusative animate of <-as> he, she, it nu-wa-ra-as-mu - sentence particle; <nu> and + quotative particle; <-war> ... + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular nominative <-as> he, she, it + enclitic personal pronoun; 1st person singular dative <-mu> me nu-wa-ra-as-mu - sentence particle; <nu> and + quotative particle locatival particle; <-war> (indicating continuing action) + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person plural accusative animate of <-as> he, she, it + enclitic personal pronoun; 1st person singular dative <-mu> me nu-wa-ra-as-ta - sentence particle; <nu> and + quotative particle; <-war> (indicating continuing action) + locatival particle; <-asta> (indicating continuing action) nu-wa-ra-ta-pa - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic pronoun 2nd person singular dative; <-ta> you + locatival particle; <-apa> (indicating completed action) nu-wa-tak-kan - sentence particle; <nu> and + quotative particle; <-wa> ... + enclitic personal pronoun; 2nd person singular accusative <-tta> you nu-wa-du-za - sentence particle; <nu> and + quotative particle; <-wa> ... + enclitic personal pronoun; 2nd person singular accusative <-du-> you + enclitic reflexive particle; <-za> ... nu-wa-za - sentence particle; <nu> and + quotative particle; <-wa> ... + enclitic reflexive particle; <-za> ... nu-za - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic reflexive particle; <-za> ... nu-za-kan - sentence particle; <nu> and + enclitic reflexive particle; <-za> ... + locatival particle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) NA₄he-kur - noun; accusative singular animate of <hekur> rock sanctuary NAM.RA - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as ablative plural of <NAM.RA> captive, colonist NAM.RA - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative plural animate of <NAM.RA> captive, colonist NÀ₄pe-e-ru-nu-us - noun; accusative plural animate of <pērunu-> hill fort NI-IŠ DINGIRLIM - noun; Sumerogram accusative singular of <NI-IŠ DINGIRLIM> oath NIN-as - noun; Sumerogram <NIN> sister + Hittite phonetic complement; <-as> (functioning here asgenitive singular) NINDA.GUR₄ - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative singular of <NINDA.GUR₄> thick bread NINDA.IÀ.E.DÉ.A - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative singular of <NINDA.IÀ.E.DÉ.A> sweet oil cake NINDA.SIG - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative singular of <NINDA.SIG> thin bread NIN-ZU - noun; Sumerogram <NIN> sister + Akkadian enclitic 3rd person singular possessive pronoun; <-ZU> ... NIR.GÁL - adjective; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular animate of <NIR.GÁL> strength NÍ.TE-az-ma-za - noun; Sumerogram <NÍ.TE> soul + Hittite phonetic complement; <-az> (indicating ablative singular) + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and + enclitic reflexive particle; <-za> ... NU.GÁL - verb; Sumerogram <NU.GÁL> there is not NUMUN - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative plural <NUMUN> seed, descendant NUMUN - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative plural <NUMUN> seed, descendant pa-ah-ha-as-ta - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <pahhas-> protect pa-a-i - verb; 3rd person singular present of hi-conjugation <pāi-, piya-> give pa-an-ga-ri-it - adverb; <pangarit> in large numbers, in force pa-an-ga-ri-ya-at-ta-ti - verb; 3rd person singular middle preterite of <pangariya-> be common pa-an-ku-us-si-is - noun; nominative singular animate of <pankus> advisory council + enclitic possessive pronoun 3rd person singular nominative animate of; <-sis> his, her, its pa-a-n-du-wa-az - verb; 3rd person plural imperative of mi-conjugation <pāi-> go + quotative particle; <-wa> ... + enclitic reflexive particle; <-za> ... pa-ap-ra-tar - noun; accusative singular neuter of <paprātar> impurity pa-a-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <pāi-> go pa-is - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <pāi-, piya-> give pa-is-ta - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <pāi-, piya-> give pa-it - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <pāi-> go pa-iz-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <pāi-> go pal-wa-iz-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <palwāi-> applaud pa-ra-a - preverb; <parā> forth pa-ra-a ap-pa-an-zi - verb; 3rd person plural present of mi-conjugation <parā ēpp-> hold out pa-ra-a ha-an-da-an-da-a-tar - noun; accusative singular neuter of <parā handandātar> divine might, power pa-ra-a ha-an-da-an-te-es-ta - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <parā handantēss-> show divine guidance pa-ra-a i-ya-an-ni-is - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <parā iya> prosper? pa-ra-a pa-a-i - verb; 2nd person singular imperative of hi-conjugation <parā pāi-> give pa-ra-a pe-e-da-an-zi - verb; 3rd person plural present of hi-conjugation <parā pēda-> take away pa-ra-a pe-e-da-i - verb; 3rd person singular present of hi-conjugation <parā pēda-> take away pa-ra-a pi-i-ya-u-e-ni - verb; 1st person plural present of hi-conjugation <parā pai-/piya-> hand over par-ah-ta - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <parh-> chase, drive par-as-sa-na-an-te-es - verb participle; nominative plural animate of mi-conjugation <parssnāi-> squat par-as-du-us - noun; nominative singular animate of <parsdu-> leaf, foliage par-ga-u-e-es - adjective; accusative plural animate of <parku-> high par-ku-nu-si-ma-za - verb; 2nd person singular present of <parkunu-> clean, purify + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and + enclitic reflexive particle; <-za> ... par-ku-nu-um-mi - verb; 1st person singular present of <parkunu-> clean, purify par-ku-nu-ut - verb; 2nd person singular imperative of mi-conjugation <parkunu-> clean, purify par-na-as-se-e-a - noun; allative of <pēr, parn-> house + enclitic possessive pronoun; 3rd person singular dative <-sse> his + enclitic conjunction; <-a-> but par-ra-a ha-an-da-an-da-tar - noun; accusative singular neuter of <parā handandātar> divine might, power par-si-ya - verb; 3rd person singular present middle of <pars-, parsiya-> break, crumble pe-e har-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <pē har-, pē hark-> hold, hold out pe-e-es-ta - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <pāi-, piya-> give pe-e-hu-te-er - verb; 3rd person plural preterite of mi-conjugation <pēhute-> lead away, take away pe-es-ke-u-wa-an - verb; supine of <pāi-, piya-> give + verb; 1st person plural present of <dāi-, tiya-> place, put pe-es-si-et - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <pēssiya-> throw pe-es-ta - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <pāi-, piya-> give pe-e-da-an-zi - verb; 3rd person plural present of hi-conjugation <pēda-> bring, take pe-e-da-as - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <pēda-> bring, take pe-e-tah-hu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <pēda-> bring, take pe-e-di-is-si-ma - noun; dative-locative singular of <pēda> place + enclitic possessive pronoun; 3rd person singular dative of <-sis> his, her, its + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and pe-e-di-is-si-ma - noun; dative singular of <pēda> place + enclitic possessive pronoun; 3rd person singular dative of <-sis> his, her, its + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and pe-ra-an - postposition; <pēran> beside, in the presence of pe-ra-an wa-ah-nu-e-er - verb; 3rd person plural preterite of <pēran wahnu-> get the upper hand pe-ra-an-hu-wa-i - verb; 3rd person singular present of hi-conjugation <pēran huwai-> run in front pi-an-zi - verb; 3rd person plural present of hi-conjugation <pāi-, piya-> give pi-is-ke-er - verb; iterative 3rd person plural preterite of hi-conjugation <pāi-, piya-> give pit-te-nu-uz-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <pittenu-> take away pit-te-nu-uz-zi-ma - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <pittenu-> take away + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and pit-ti-ya-an-ti-li - adverb; <pittiyantili> as a fugitive pit-tu-li-ya-an - noun; accusative singular animate of <pittuliya-> anguish pi-ya-an har-ta - verb participle; accusative singular neuter of hi-conjugation <pāi-, piya-> give + 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation; <har-, hark-> have, hold pu-ru-ut - noun; accusative singular of <purut> mud, soil, earth pu-ru-ut - noun; nominative singular of <purut> mud, soil, earth PA-AN - preposition; Akkadogram <PANI> before, under PA-NI - preposition; Akkadogram <PANI> before, under QA-DU - adverb; Akkadogram <QADU> along with QA-TAM-MA - adverb; Akkadogram <QA-TAM-MA> just so QÍ-BÍ-MA - verb; Akkadian imperative of <qabū> speak + Akkadian enclitic participle; <-MA> so, thus RI-KIL-TI - noun; Akkadogram functioning here as genitive singular of <RIKILTU> treaty sa-a-ak-ta-a-iz-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <saktāi-> perform sick maintenance sa-al-hi-an-ti-en - noun; accusative singular animate of <salhianti-> growth sa-an - sentence particle; <su> and, but + enclitic pronoun; 3rd person singular accusative animate of <-a-> him, her, it sa-an-ah-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <sanh-> seek, attempt sa-ku-ni-is - noun; nominative singular of <sakuni-> spring sa-ku-ni-ya - noun; allative singular of <sakuniya-> spring sa-ku-ni-ya-as - noun; genitive singular of <sakuniya-> spring sa-ku-wa-as-sa-ra-an-pat - adverb; <sakuwasaran> right + emphasizing particle; <-pat> ... sal-la-as-pat - noun; genitive singular of <salli-> big, great + emphasizing particle; <-pat> ... sal-la-i - adjective dative-locative singular of; <salli-> big, great sal-la-nu-um-ma-an-zi - verb; infinitive of mi-conjugation <sallanu-> raise, rear sal-la-nu-us-ke-et - verb; iterative 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <sallanu-> raise, rear sa-ni-ya - adjective; dative-locative singular of <sani-> one, the same + enclitic conjunction; <-ya> and sa-pi-ya-i - verb; 2nd person singular imperative of mi-conjugation <sapiya-> cleanse, scrub, rub sa-ra-a sa-ku-ni-es-ke-si - verb; 2nd person singular present iterative of <sarā sakuniya-> bubble up sa-ra-a da-a-as - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <sarā dā-> offer, take sa-ra-a da-an-zi - verb; 3rd person plural present of hi-conjugation <sarā dā-> offer, take sar-ni-ik-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <sarnink-> make restitution sar-ni-ik-zi-il - noun; nominative singular of <sarnikzil> restitution sar-ni-in-kan-zi - verb; 3rd person plural present of mi-conjugation <sarnink-> make restitution sar-ri-i-e-er - verb; 3rd person plural preterite of hi-conjugation <sarra-> break, transgress sar-di-ya-as - noun; nominative singular animate of <sardiya-> helper se-e-li-ya - noun; allative of <sēli-> grain pile se-e-li-ya-as - noun; genitive singular of <sēli-> grain pile se-er - preverb; <sēr> over, above se-er ak-ta - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <sēr āk-, sēr akk-> be prepared to die se-er is-hu-u-wa-i - verb; 3rd person singular present of hi-conjugation <sēr ishuwa-> scatter se-er ku-e-nu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <sēr kuēn-> kill, strike se-er te-e-pa-u-e-es-sa-an-za - verb participle; nominative singular animate of <sēr tepauwēss-> become little, become short se-e-ra-as-se-is-sa-an - preverb; <sēr> over, above + enclitic conjunction; <-a-> but + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular dative <-sse> he + locatival particle; <-ssan> on, over si-pa-an-ti - verb; 3rd person singular present of hi-conjugation <sipānt-> make a libation, sacrifice si-ú-na-an - noun; genitive plural of <sius> god si-ya-a-it - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of <siya-> shoot, hurl su-me-es-sa - tonic personal pronoun; 2nd person plural nominative <sumēs> you + enclitic conjunction; <-a-> and su-uh-ha-i - verb; 3rd person singular present of hi-conjugation <suhha-> scatter su-ul-la-an-na-az - noun; ablative singular of <sullātar-> quarrel su-um-me-e-el - tonic personal pronoun; 2nd person plural genitive <sumēs> you su-wa-a-ez-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <suwāye-> look SA - preposition; Akkadian preposition functioning as graphic indicator of the genitive <SA> of SAG.DU - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative plural animate of <SAG.DU> head, human being, worker SAG.DU-ZU - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative singular of <SAG> head + Akkadian enclitic 3rd person singular possessive pronoun; <-ZU> ... SAG.UŠ - adjective; Sumerogram <SAG.UŠ> permanent SAG.UŠ-as-si - adjective; Sumerogram <SAG.UŠ> permanent + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular dative <-ssi> he, she, it SÀ-az-ma - noun; Sumerogram <SÀ> heart, innards + Hittite phonetic complement; <-az> (indicating ablative singular) + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and SEŠ-YA - noun; Sumerogram <ŠEŠ> brother + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my SIG₅-in - adverb; Sumerogram <SIG₅> good, well + Hittite phonetic complement; <-in> ... SIG₅-in - adjective; Sumerogram <SIG₅> good, well + Hittite phonetic complement; <-in> ... SILA₄-ZU - noun; Sumerogram <SILA₄> lamb + Akkadian 3rd person singular enclitic possessive pronoun; <-ZU> ... SÌRRU - verb; Sumerogram functioning here as 3rd person plural present <SÌR> sing + Akkadian phonetic complement; <-RU> ... ŠA - preposition; Akkadogram <ŠA> (functioning as graphic indicator of the genitive) ŠA - preposition Akkadogram; <ŠA> (functioning as graphic indicator of the genitive) ŠAH - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular of <ŠAH> pig ŠA-NU-Ú - adjective; Akkadian adjective functioning here as nominative singular neuter <ŠANŪ> second ŠÀ - noun; Sumerogram <SÀ> heart, innards ŠÀBI - noun; Sumerogram <SÀ> heart, innards + Akkadian phonetic complement; <BI> in ŠÀBI - noun; Sumerogram <ŠÀ> heart, innards + Akkadian phonetic complement; <BI> in ŠEŠ-as - noun; Sumerogram <SEŠ> brother + Hittite phonetic complement; <-as> (functioning here as genitive singular) ŠEŠMEŠ-ŠU - noun; Sumerogram <ŠEŠ> brother + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 3rd person singular <-ŠU> his, her ŠEŠMEŠ-ŠU - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative animate <ŠEŠ> brother + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 3rd person singular <-SU> his ŠEŠ-YA - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative singular of <ŠEŠ> brother + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 1st person singular <-YA> my ŠU-az - noun; Sumerogram <ŠU> hand + Hittite phonetic complement; <-az> (indicating ablative singular) ŠUHI.A-as - noun; Sumerogram <ŠU> hand + Sumerian plural marker; <-HI.A> ... + Hittite phonetic complement; <-as> (indicating dative plural) ŠUHI.A-ŠU-NU - noun; Sumerogram <ŠU> hand + Sumerian plural marker; <HI.A> ... + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 3rd person plural of <-ŠU-NU> their ŠUM-an - noun; Sumerogram <ŠUM> name + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an> (functioning here as accusative singular neuter) ŠU-TI-KA - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative singular of <ŠU> hand + Akkadian phonetic complement; <-TI> (indicating abstract noun) + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 2nd person singular of <-KA> your ŠÚ - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as dative singular of <ŠU> hand ŠÚ-za - noun; Sumerogram <ŠU> hand + Hittite phonetic complement; <-za> (indicating ablative singular) ta - sentence particle; <ta> and da-a - verb; 2nd person singular imperative of hi-conjugation <dā-> take da-a-ah-hu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <dā-> take ta-a-an pe-e-da-as - noun; genitive singular of <tān pēda-> second rank da-a-as - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <dā-> take da-a-er - verb; 3rd person plural preterite of hi-conjugation <dāi-, tiya-> place, put da-ah-hu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <dā-> take da-a-i - verb; 3rd person singular present of hi-conjugation <dā-> take da-a-i - verb; 3rd person singular present of hi-conjugation <dāi-, tiya-> place, put ta-a-la-ah-hu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <dāla-> leave, leave alone ta-an - sentence particle; <ta> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular accusative animate of <-an> him, her, it da-an-za - verb participle; nominative singular animate of hi-conjugation <dā-> take da-as-ke-er - verb; iterative 3rd person plural preterite of hi-conjugation <dā-> take da-as-ke-ez-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present iterative of <dā-> take ta-as-se - sentence particle; <ta> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular dative <-sse> he ta-as-ta - sentence particle; <ta> and + locatival particle; <-asta> (indicating completed action) da-is - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <dāi-, tiya-> place, put tag-ga-as-si - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <taks-, takkis-> construct, contrive, use tag-ga-as-ta - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <taks-, takkis-> construct, contrive, use tak-ke-es-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <taks-, takkis-> construct, contrive, use tak-ki-is-ta - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <taks-, takkis-> construct, contrive, use tak-ku - conjunction; <takku> if tak-ku-an - conjunction; <takku> if + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular accusative animate of <-an> him, her, it tak-ku-wa-an - conjunction; <takku> if + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular accusative animate of <-an> him, her, it ta-ma-as-ta-at - verb; 3rd person singular preterite middle of mi-conjugation <tamass-> press, oppress ta-ma-i-sa-an - pronoun; nominative singular animate of <taimāi-> other + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular accusative animate of <-an> him, her, it ta-me-el-la - pronoun; genitive singular of <damāi-> other, another + enclitic conjunction; <-a-> and ta-me-e-da-ni - pronoun; dative singular of <tamāi-> other da-ni-nu-nu-un - 1st person singular preterite of mi-conjugation; <taninu-> set in order, fortify ta-ni-nu-nu-un - 1st person singular preterite of mi-conjugation; <taninu-> set in order, fortify ta-ra-an-za - verb participle; nominative singular animate of <tē-, tar-> declare, promise tar-ah-ha-an har-si - verb; 2nd person singular of hark-perfect <tarhhant- har-, hark-> overcome, conquer tar-ah-mi - verb; 1st person singular present of <tarh-> conquer, overcome tar-na-at-ten - verb; 2nd person plural preterite of hi-conjugation <tarna-> let loose tar-si-ik-kan-zi - verb; 3rd person plural iterative of mi-conjugation <tē-, tar-> declare, promise tar-si-ke-mi - verb; 1st person singular present iterative of <tē-, tar-> declare, promise ta-ru-up-pa-an-te-es - participle nominative plural animate of; <tarupp-> be assembled, be united te-ek-ku-us-sa-nu-ut - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <tekkunuss-> show, display te-ep-nu-us-ke-et - verb; iterative 2nd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <tepnusk-> diminish, belittle te-e-si - verb; 2nd person singular present of mi-conjugation <tē-, tar-> declare, promise te-et-te-en - verb; 2nd person plural imperative of mi-conjugation <tē-, tar-> declare, promise te-ez-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of <tē-, tar-> declare, promise ti-it-ta-nu-nu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <tittiya-> establish, settle ti-it-ta-nu-ut - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <tittanu-> appoint, establish ti-i-ya-at - 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation; <āppan tiya-> look after ti-ya-an-te-es - verb participle; nominative plural animate of hi-conjugation <dāi-, tiya-> place, put ti-ya-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <tiya-> step tu-e-el - tonic personal pronoun; 2nd person singular genitive of <zik> you tuh-hu-is - noun; nominative singular animate of <tuhhui-> smoke tuh-sa-an-ta - verb; 3rd person plural middle present of <tuhhus-> cut off, separate tu-li-ya-an - noun; accusative singular animate of <tuliya-> council tup-pi-az - noun; ablative singular of <tuppi-> tablet tu-uk - tonic personal pronoun; 2nd person singular dative of <zik> you tu-u-ri-ya-u-wa-as - adjective; genitive singular of <tūriyawar> harness TI-an-na-as - noun; Sumerogram <TI> life + Hittite phonetic complement; <-ānnas> (indicating genitive singular) TI-an-za - verb; Sumerogram <TI> life + Hittite phonetic complement; <-anza> (indicating nominative singular animate participle) TUP-PAHI.A - noun; Akkadogram functioning here as accusative singular of <TUPPU> tablet + Sumerian plural marker; <-HI.A> ... TUP-PI - noun; Akkadogram functioning here as dative-locative singular <TUPPU> tablet TUP-PI - noun; Akkadogram functioning here as dative-locative singular <TUPPI> tablet TUP-PU-ma - noun; Akkadogram functioning here as nominative singular neuter <TUPPU> tablet TÙR - noun; Sumerogram <TÙR> sheepfold TÚLHI.A - noun; Sumerogram <TÚL> spring + Sumerian plural marker; <-HI.A> ... u-i-ya-at - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <wiya-> send u-i-ya-at-mu - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <wiya-> send + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular accusative neuter <-at> he, she, it + enclitic personal pronoun; 1st person singular dative <-mu> me u-i-ya-nu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <wiya-> send u-ga-wa-ru-us - personal pronoun; 1st person singular nominative <ūk> I + quotative particle; <-wa> ... + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person plural accusative animate of <-us> them us-ke-et - verb; iterative 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <au-, u-> look, see ut-ne-e - noun; accusative plural neuter of <utnē-> land, country ut-ne-e - noun; nominative singular neuter of <utnē-> land, country ut-tar - noun; accusative singular neuter of <uttar> affair, matter ut-tar - noun; nominative singular neuter of <uttar> affair, matter u-uh-hu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <au-, u-> look, see ú-e-el-lu-i - noun; dative singular of <wēllu-> meadow ú-e-er - verb; 3rd person plural preterite of mi-conjugation <uwa-, we-> come ú-e-et - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <uwa-, we-> come ú-e-ez-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <uwa-, we-> come úe-ez-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <uwa-, we-> come ú-e-ke-er - verb; 3rd person plural preterite of mi-conjugation <wēk-, wekk-> demand, ask ú-e-mi-ya-az-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <wemiya-> find ú-er - verb; 3rd person plural preterite of mi-conjugation <uwa-, we-> come ú-e-sa-es - noun; nominative plural animate of <wēsi-> meadow ú-e-te-nu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <wete-> build ú-et-ti - noun; dative-locative singular of <wētt-> year ú-e-wa-ak-ke-nu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <wewakk-> demand ú-ez-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <uwa-, we-> come ú-i-su-u-ri-ya-an-ta-ti - verb; 3rd person plural middle preterite of <wisūriya-> oppress, stifle ú-li-is-ta - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of hi-conjugation <ule-> hide, conceal ú-na-at-tal-la-an-pat - noun; accusative singular animate of <unatalla-> merchant + emphasizing particle; <-pat> ... ú-da-i - verb; 3rd person singular present of hi-conjugation <uda-> bring ú-wa-nu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <uwa-, we-> come ú-wa-si - verb; 2nd person singular present of mi-conjugation <uwa-, we-> come ú-wa-te-nu-un - verb; 1st person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <uwate-> bring UDUHI.A - noun; Sumerogram <UDU> sheep + Sumerian plural marker; <-HI.A> ... UDU.NITÁ - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular of <UDU.NITÁ> ram UDU.SÍG.MUNUS - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular of <UDU.SÍG.MUNUS> ewe UDU-us-za - noun; Sumerogram <UDU> sheep + Hittite phonetic complement; <-us> (indicating nominative singular animate) + enclitic reflexive particle; <-za> ... UR.BARRA - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative singular animate of <UR.BARRA> wolf UR-RA-AM SE-RA-AM - adverb; Akkadian <URRAM SERAM> in the future URU - noun; Sumerogram <URU> city URU DU-ta-as-sa - proper noun; stem form functioning here as dative-locative <DUtassa> Tarhuntassas URU-an - noun; Sumerogram <URU> city + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an> (indicating accusative singular animate) URU-az - noun; Sumerogram <URU> city + Hittite phonetic complement; <-az> (indicating ablative singular) URUA-pa-a-sa-an - proper noun; accusative singular of <URUApāsa-> Apasa URUA-ri-im-ma-at-ta - proper noun; stem form functioning here as ablative singular of <Arimatta-> Arimattas URUA-ri-im-ma-at-ta - proper noun; stem form functioning here as genitive singular of <Arimatta-> Arimattas URUAr-sa-ni-in - proper noun; accusative singular animate of <Arsani-> Arsani URUAr-za-u-wa - proper noun; stem form functioning here as genitive singular of <Arzawa> Arzawa URUAr-za-u-wa-ya-an - proper noun; stem form functioning here as nominative singular animate of <Arzawa> Arzawa + enclitic conjunction; <-ya> and + enclitic pronoun; 3rd person singular accusative animate of <-an> him, her, it URUAz-zi - noun; Sumerogram <URU> city + proper noun; stem form functioning here as genitive singular of <Azzi-> Azzi URUDIDLI.HI.A - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative plural animate <URU> city + Sumerian plural marker; <-DIDLI.HI.A> ... URUDIDLI.HI.A - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative plural animate <URU> city + Sumerian plural marker; <-DIDLI.HI.A> ... URUHa-a-pa-nu-wa-an-na - proper noun; accusative singular of <Hāpanuwa> Hapanuwa + enclitic conjunction; <-a-> and URUHa-as-su-wa - proper noun; stem form functioning here as dative <Hassuwa-> Hassuwas URUHa-as-su-wa-an - proper noun; accusative singular animate of <Hassuwa-> Hassuwas URUHa-at-ti - proper noun; stem form functioning here as genitive singular <Hatti> Hatti URUHa-at-ti-ya-wa-an-na-as-kan - proper noun; stem form functioning here as genitive singular <Hatti> Hatti + enclitic conjunction; <-ya> and + quotative particle; <-wa> ... + enclitic personal pronoun; 1st person plural accusative <-nnas> us + locatival particle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) URUHa-at-tu-sa - proper noun; <Hattusa-> Hattusas URUHa-at-tu-sa-an - proper noun; accusative singular animate of <Hattusa-> Hattusas URUHa-at-tu-si - proper noun; dative singular of <Hattusa-> Hattusas URUHa-at-tu-si - proper noun; dative-locative singular of <Hattusa-> Hattusas URUHa-ut-ta-as-sa-as-sa - proper noun; nominative singular of <Hautassa-> Hautassas + enclitic conjunction; <-a> and URUIm-pa-an-na - proper noun; accusative singular animate of <Impana-> Impa + enclitic conjunction; <-a-> and URUKu-ru-us-ta-am-ma - proper noun; stem form functioning here as genitive singular of <Kurustama-> Kurustama URUKu-us-sa-ra - proper noun; stem form functioning here as genitive singular <Kussara-> Kussara URUKu-us-sa-ra-as - proper noun; genitive singular of <Kussara-> Kussara URULa-wa-za-an-ti-ya - proper noun; stem form functioning here as dative <Lawazantiya-> Lawazantiya URULu-ú-i-ya - proper noun; stem form functioning here as genitive singular of <Lūiya-> Luvian territory URUMi-iz-ri - proper noun; stem form functioning here as genitive singular <Mizri-> Egypt URUMi-ra-a - proper noun; stem form functioning here as dative-locative singular <Mirā> city of Mira URUMi-ra-a - proper noun; stem form functioning here as genitive singular <Mirā-> Mira URUNa-ah-ha-an-ta-as - proper noun; nominative singular of <Nahhanta-> Nahhantas URUNa-ah-ha-an-ta-as-ma-kan - proper noun; nominative singular of <Nahhanta-> Nahhantas + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and + locatival particle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) URUNe-e-sa - proper noun; allative of <Nēsa-> Nesas URUNe-e-sa-an - proper noun; accusative singular animate of <Nēsa-> Nesas URUNe-e-sa-as - proper noun; genitive singular of <Nēsa-> Nesas URUNe-e-sa-az - proper noun; ablative singular of <Nēsa-> Nesas URUPa-la-a - proper noun; stem form functioning here as genitive singular of <Palā-> Palaic territory URUPi-it-as-sa-ma-as-si - proper noun; stem form functioning here as ablative <Pitassa-> Pitassas + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular dative <-ssi> he, she, it URUPi-ta-as-sa - proper noun; stem form functioning here as dative singular <Pitassa-> Pitassas URUPi-ta-as-sa - proper noun; stem form functioning here as genitive singular <Pitassa-> Pitassas URUPi-ta-as-sa-at-ta - proper noun; stem form functioning here as ablative singular <Pitassa-> Pitassas + enclitic personal pronoun; 2nd person singular dative <-tta> you URUSa-a-ra-u-wa-an - proper noun; accusative singular animate of <Sārawa-> Sarawa URUSa-na-an-tar-wa-as - proper noun; nominative singular of <Sanantarwa-> Sanantarwas URUSa-na-an-tar-wa-as-ma-kan - proper noun; nominative singular of <Sanantarwa-> Sanantarwas + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and + locatival particle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) URUZa-a-al-pu-wa - proper noun; stem form functioning here as allative singular <Zālpuwa-> Zalpuwas URUZa-a-al-pu-wa - proper noun; stem form functioning here as genitive singular <Zālpuwa-> Zalpuwas URUZa-a-al-pu-wa-az - proper noun; ablative singular of <Zālpuwa-> Zalpuwas URUZa-ar-ni-ya-a-as-ma-kan - proper noun; genitive singular of <Zarniyāsa-> Zarniyas + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and + locatival particle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) URUZa-ar-ni-ya-as - proper noun; genitive singular of <Zarniyāsa-> Zarniyas URUZi-iz-zi-li-ip-pi - proper noun; dative-locative of <Zizzilippi> Zizzilippi UZUÚR - noun; Sumerogram <ÚR> limb UZUÚRHI.A-ŠU - noun; Sumerogram <ÚR> limb + Sumerian plural marker; <-HI.A> ... + Akkadian enclitic possessive pronoun; 3rd person singular <-ŠU> his, her Ù - conjunction; Akkadogram <Ù> and Ù-at - verb; Sumerogram <Ù> dream + Hittite phonetic complement; <-at> (indicating 3rd person singular preterite) Ù-et - noun; Akkadogram <Ù> dream + Hittite phonetic complement; <-et> (indicating instrumental singular) Ú-UL - adverb Akkadian negative; <ŪL> no, not Ú-UL - adverb; Akkadian negative <ŪL> not Ú-UL ku-it-ki - adverb; Akkadian negative <ŪL> not + indefinite pronoun; accusative singular neuter <kuisk-> any/some one/thing Ú-UL ku-it-ki - adjective; Akkadian negative <ŪL> not + indefinite pronoun; accusative singular neuter <kuisk-> any/some one/thing Ú-UL ku-it-ki - adverb; Akkadian negative <ŪL> not + indefinite pronoun; nominative singular neuter of <kuisk-> any/some one/thing Ú-UL ku-wa-ap-pi-ki - adverb; <natta kuwappiki> in no way whatsoever Ú-UL-ma - adverb; Akkadian negative <ŪL> no, not + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and Ú-UL-pat - adverb; Akkadian negative <ŪL> no, not + emphasizing particle; <-pat> ... Ú-UL-wa-ra-as - adverb; Akkadian negative <ŪL> not + quotative particle; <-war> ... + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular nominative of <-as> he, she, it wa-ah-nu-ut - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of mi-conjugation <wahnu-> turn wa-al-ah-hi-ir - verb; 3rd person plural preterite of mi-conjugation <walh-> attack, strike wa-al-ah-ta - verb; 3rd person singular preterite of <walh-> attack, strike wa-al-ah-zi - verb; 3rd person singular present of mi-conjugation <walh-> attack, strike wa-ap-pu-as - noun; genitive singular of <wappu-> river bank wa-ap-pu-i - noun; dative singular of <wappu-> river bank wa-ap-pu-i - noun; dative-locative singular of <wappu-> river bank wa-ap-pu-wa-as - noun; genitive singular of <wappu-> river bank wa-ap-pu-wa-az - noun; ablative singular of <wappu-> river bank wa-as-ti-ir - verb; 3rd person plural preterite of hi-conjugation <wasta-> sin, err wa-as-tul - noun; nominative singular of <wastul> sin, fault, blame wa-a-tar - noun; accusative singular neuter of <wātar> water za-ah-hi-ya-az - noun; ablative singular of <zahhiya-> battle za-ah-hi-ya-u-wa-as-ta-ti - verb; 1st person plural present middle of mi-conjugation <zahhiya-> fight zi-ik - tonic personal pronoun; 2nd person singular nominative <zik> you zi-ik-kan - tonic personal pronoun; 2nd person singular nominative <zik> you + locatival particle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) zi-ik-wa - tonic personal pronoun; 2nd person singular nominative <zik> you + quotative particle; <-wa> ... zi-ik-wa-kan - tonic personal pronoun; 2nd person singular nominative <zik> you + quotative particle; <-wa> ... + locatival particle; <-kan> (indicating downward motion) zi-la-ti-ya - adverb; <zilatiya> henceforth, in the future `zi-la-du-wa - adverb; <ziladuwa> henceforth, in the future ZAG - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative singular <ZAG> border, boundary ZAG-as - noun; Sumerogram <ZAG> border, boundary + Hittite phonetic complement; <-as> (indicating nominative singular) ZAGHI.A-ya-as-si - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as nominative animate of <ZAG> border, boundary + Sumerian plural marker; <-HI.A> ... + enclitic conjunction; <-ya> and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular dative <-ssi> he, she, it ZAGMEŠ-is-si - noun; Sumerogram <ZAG> border, boundary + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular dative <-ssi> he, she, it ZAGMEŠ-ma-as-si - noun; Sumerogram functioning here as accusative <ZAG> border, boundary + Sumerian plural marker; <-MEŠ> ... + enclitic conjunction; <-ma> but, and + enclitic personal pronoun; 3rd person singular dative <-ssi> he, she, it ZÀ.AH-LI-an - noun; Sumerogram <ZÀ.AH-LI> cress, weed + Hittite phonetic complement; <-an> (indicating accusative singular animate) ZÍZ-tar - noun; Sumerogram <ZÍZ> wheat + Hittite phonetic complement; <-tar> (functioning here as accusative singular neuter)

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