Indo-European Lexicon
English Reflex Index
Below we list 13483 unique English reflex spellings (words and affixes) in an alphabetic order suitable for the language family. Every spelling is linked to one or more pages, each showing a Proto-Indo-European etymon from which the reflex is derived along with other reflexes (in Old Irish or other languages) derived from the same PIE etymon. A multi-morpheme reflex may, like English werewolf, be derived from multiple PIE etyma; or a single spelling may, like English bear or lie, represent multiple reflexes derived from different PIE etyma.
Use the search bar to filter the reflexes displayed.
Search: (tips for searching)Reflex | Etyma |
aardvark | 4. er- , pork̑o-s |
aardwolf | 4. er- , u̯l̥ku̯os |
abaft | apo- |
abandon | 2. bhā- |
abasia | gu̯ā- |
abbreviate | mreg̑hu- |
abdicate | deik̑- |
abdomen | 2. dhē- |
abducens | deuk- |
abducent | deuk- |
abduct | deuk- |
abele | albho- |
aberrant | 2. ere-s- |
aberration | 2. ere-s- |
abessive | es- |
abet | bheid- |
abhor | g̑hers- |
abide | 1. bheidh- |
abject | i̯ē- |
abjure | i̯eu̯os- |
ablate | 1. tel- |
ablation | 1. tel- |
ablative | 1. tel- |
ablaut | apo- , 1. k̑leu- |
able | ghabh- |
ablution | lou- |
abnegate | 1. nĕ |
abnormal | 2. g̑en- |
abode | 1. bheidh- |
abolish | 2. al- |
abort | 3. er- |
abound | 9. au̯(e)- |
about | ū̆d- |
above | upo |
abrade | 2. rēd- |
abridge | mreg̑hu- |
abrogate | 1. reg̑- |
abrupt | apo- , 2. reu- |
abscess | sed- |
abscind | (s)k(h)ai- |
abscise | (s)k(h)ai- |
abscissa | (s)k(h)ai- |
abscission | (s)k(h)ai- |
abscond | 2. dhē- |
absent | es- |
absolute | 2. leu- |
absolve | 2. leu- |
absorb | srebh- |
absorption | srebh- |
abstain | 1. ten- |
abstract | trāgh- |
abstruse | tr-eu-d- |
absurd | 2. su̯er- |
abulia | 2. gu̯el- |
abundant | 9. au̯(e)- |
abut | 1. bhā̆u- |
abyss | bhudh-m(e)n |
ab- | apo- |
acanthopterygian | 2. pet- |
acapnia | keu̯əp- |
accede | sed- |
accelerate | 5. kel- |
accent | kan- |
accept | kap- |
access | sed- |
accidental | 1. k̑ad- |
accident | 1. k̑ad- |
accipiter | ōk̑ú-s |
acclaim | 6. kel- |
acclimate | k̑lei- |
acclivity | k̑lei- |
accolade | 1. ku̯el- |
accommodate | 1. med- |
accomplish | 1. pel- |
accord | k̑ered- |
accost | kost- |
account | 2. peu- |
accouter | si̯ū- |
accrete | 2. k̑er- |
accretion | 2. k̑er- |
accrue | 2. k̑er- |
accumulate | 1. k̑eu- |
accurate | kois- |
acerate | 2. ak̑- |
acerbic | 2. ak̑- |
acerose | 2. ak̑- |
acetabulum | 2. ak̑- |
acetic | 2. ak̑- |
acetous | 2. ak̑- |
acetum | 2. ak̑- |
achene | 2. g̑hē- |
Acheron | eg̑hero- |
ache | agos- |
achieve | kap-ut |
acholia | 1. g̑hel- |
achromatic | 2. ghrēu- |
acicula | 2. ak̑- |
acidanthera | andh- |
acidic | 2. ak̑- |
acid | 2. ak̑- |
acknowledge | 2. g̑en- |
acme | 2. ak̑- |
acne | 2. ak̑- |
acoelomate | 1. k̑eu- |
acolyte | 2. sem- |
acorn | ōg- |
acoustic | 1. keu- |
acquaint | 2. g̑en- |
acquiesce | ku̯ei̯ə- |
acquit | ku̯ei̯ə- |
acre | ag̑ro-s |
acrid | 2. ak̑- |
acrimony | 2. ak̑- |
acrobat | 2. ak̑- , gu̯ā- |
acromegaly | 2. ak̑- , meg̑(h)- |
acromelic | 2. ak̑- , 5. mel- |
acromion | 2. ak̑- |
acronym | 2. ak̑- , en(o)mn̥- |
acrophobia | 2. ak̑- , bhegu̯- |
acropolis | 2. ak̑- , 1. pel- |
acrostic | steigh- |
acro- | 2. ak̑- |
acr- | 2. ak̑- |
action | ag̑- |
active | ag̑- |
actor | ag̑- |
actress | ag̑- |
actual | ag̑- |
actuary | ag̑- |
actuate | ag̑- |
act | ag̑- |
acuity | 2. ak̑- |
aculeate | 2. ak̑- |
acumen | 2. ak̑- |
acuminate | 2. ak̑- |
acupuncture | peuk̑- |
acute | 2. ak̑- |
-ad | 1. ad- |
adage | ēg̑- |
adamant | demə- |
adder | nē-tr- |
addict | deik̑- |
address | 1. reg̑- |
adduce | deuk- |
add | 2. dhē- |
ademption | em- |
adept | 1. ap- |
adessive | es- |
adhere | ghais- |
adiabatic | gu̯ā- |
adieu | 1. dei- |
adit | 1. ei- |
adjacent | i̯ē- |
adjective | i̯ē- |
adjoin | 2. i̯eu- |
adjourn | 1. dei- |
adjure | i̯eu̯os- |
adjust | 2. i̯eu- |
adjutant | 2. i̯eu- |
adjuvant | 2. i̯eu- |
admire | 1. (s)mei- |
admit | smeit- |
admix | mei-k̑- |
admonish | 3. men- |
adnate | 1. g̑en- |
adnexa | 1. ned- |
adolescent | 2. al- |
adopt | 2. op- |
adore | ōr- |
adorn | 1. ar- |
ado | 1. ad- |
adrenergic | 2. u̯erg̑- |
adroit | 1. reg̑- |
adscititious | skē̆i- |
adsorb | srebh- |
adulterate | 1. al- |
adulterine | 1. al- |
adultery | 1. al- |
adult | 2. al- |
adumbrate | andho- |
adust | eus- |
advance | ant-s |
advantage | ant-s |
advection | u̯eg̑h- |
adventitious | gu̯ā- |
adventure | gu̯ā- |
Advent | gu̯ā- |
advent | gu̯ā- |
adverb | 6. u̯er- |
adverse | 3h. u̯er- |
advertise | 3h. u̯er- |
advice | 2. u̯(e)id- |
advise | 2. u̯(e)id- |
advocate | u̯eku̯- |
advowson | u̯eku̯- |
ad- | 1. ad- |
aëdes | su̯ād- |
aechmea | ā̆ik̑- |
aecium | 3. u̯eik- |
aedes | su̯ād- |
aedile | ai-dh- |
aegis | 3. aig- |
-aemia | sei- |
aeneous | ai̯os- |
aeon | aiu̯- |
aepyornis | 1. er- |
aerial | 1. u̯er- |
aerobe | 3. gu̯ei̯- |
aerodyne | 2. deu- , 1. u̯er- |
aeronaut | 1. nāus- , 1. u̯er- |
aero- | 1. u̯er- |
aer- | 1. u̯er- |
Aesir | ansu- |
aesthetic | 8. au̯- |
aestival | ai-dh- |
aestivate | ai-dh- |
aether | ai-dh- |
affable | 2. bhā- |
affair | 2. dhē- |
affection | 2. dhē- |
affect | 2. dhē- |
afferent | 1. bher- |
affiance | 1. bheidh- |
affiant | 1. bheidh- |
affidavit | 1. bheidh- |
affiliate | dhē(i)- |
affirm | 2. dher- |
affix | dhēigu̯- |
afflatus | 3. bhel- |
afflict | bhlīg̑- |
affluent | bhleu- |
afford | 2a. per- |
afforest | dhu̯ē̆r- |
affray | prāi- |
affricate | bhrēi- |
affusion | 1. g̑heu- |
affy | 1. bheidh- |
aficionado | 2. dhē- |
afraid | prāi- |
Afterlithe | apo- , 2. leit(h)- |
aftermath | apo- , 2. mē- |
Afteryule | apo- |
after | apo- |
aft | apo- |
agalactia | glag- |
agapanthus | andh- |
agenda | ag̑- |
agendum | ag̑- |
agent | ag̑- |
ageratum | g̑er- |
age | aiu̯- |
agglutinate | 1. gel- |
aggravate | 2. gu̯er- |
aggregate | 1. ger- |
aggression | ghredh- |
aggress | ghredh- |
aggrieve | 2. gu̯er- |
aghast | gheis- |
agile | ag̑- |
agitate | ag̑- |
aglet | 2. ak̑- |
agnail | ang̑h- , onogh- |
agnate | 1. g̑en- |
agnathan | 2. g̑enu- |
Agni | egnis |
agnomen | en(o)mn̥- |
agnosia | 2. g̑en- |
-agogue | ag̑- |
agony | ag̑- |
agoraphobia | bhegu̯- , 1. ger- |
agora | 1. ger- |
ago | 1. g̑hē- |
agrafe | 3. ger- |
agraffe | 3. ger- |
agrapha | gerebh- |
agraphia | gerebh- |
agrarian | ag̑ro-s |
agree | 4. gu̯er(ə)- |
agria | ag̑ro-s |
agriculture | ag̑ro-s |
agrimony | ar(e)-g̑- |
agrostology | ag̑ro-s |
agro- | ag̑ro-s |
ague | 2. ak̑- |
aha | ehem |
ahimsa | 1. nĕ |
aide-de-camp | 2. i̯eu- |
aide | 2. i̯eu- |
aid | 2. i̯eu- |
aight | aku̯ā- |
aileron | ag̑- |
ail | agh- |
airport | 1. u̯er- |
air | 1. u̯er- |
aisle | ag̑- |
aitchbone | nōt- |
ait | aku̯ā- |
akimbo | 3. bheug- |
alae | ag̑- |
alarm | 1. ar- |
alary | ag̑- |
alar | ag̑- |
alastor | 2. lā- |
alas | 3. lē(i)- |
alated | ag̑- |
alate | ag̑- |
ala | ag̑- |
albedo | albho- |
albeit | 1. al- |
albescent | albho- |
albino | albho- |
albite | albho- |
albumen | albho- |
album | albho- |
alb | albho- |
alderman | 2. al- |
alder | 1. el- |
Aldor | 2. al- |
alert | 1. reg̑- |
aleurone | 5. al- |
Alexander | 1. ner(-t)- |
Alexandrian | 1. ner(-t)- |
alexandrine | 1. ner(-t)- |
alexandrite | 1. ner(-t)- |
alexia | leg̑- |
alexin | aleq- |
ale | alu- |
alfresco | 1. al- |
algidity | algh- |
algid | algh- |
algolagnia | (s)lēg- |
alias | 1. al- |
alibi | 1. al- |
alible | 2. al- |
alien | 1. al- |
aliform | ag̑- |
align | lī̆-no- |
alike | 2. lē̆ig- |
aliment | 2. al- |
alimony | 2. al- |
aliphatic | 1. leip- |
aliquot | ku̯o- |
alive | 1. leip- |
allative | 1. tel- |
allege | ag̑- |
allegiance | 3. lē(i)- |
allegory | 1. ger- |
allele | 1. al- |
allelomorph | 2. mer- |
allelopathy | 1. al- , ku̯enth- |
allergy | 2. u̯erg̑- |
alleviate | legu̯h- |
alley | ambhi |
Allhallowmas | kai-lo- |
alligator | 1. al- , 2. lek- |
alliterate | deph- |
alliteration | deph- |
allocution | tolku̯- |
allogeneic | 1. g̑en- |
allomerism | (s)mer- |
allonym | en(o)mn̥- |
allopatric | pətḗ(r) |
alloy | 4. leig- |
allo- | 1. al- |
allude | leid- |
alluvion | lou- |
ally | 4. leig- |
all | 1. al- |
almighty | magh- |
aloft | leup- |
alone | oi-no- |
along | 5. del- |
alopecia | u̯l̥p- |
alpenhorn | 1. k̑er- |
alpenstock | 1. (s)teu- |
Alpheus | algu̯h- |
already | reidh- |
also | 1. al- |
altercate | 1. al- |
alternate | 1. al- |
alter | 1. al- |
althaea | 2. al- |
althea | 2. al- |
althorn | 1. k̑er- |
although | 1. al- |
altimeter | 2. al- |
altiplano | 2. al- |
altitude | 2. al- |
altocumulus | 2. al- |
altostratus | 2. al- |
alto | 2. al- |
altricial | 2. al- |
altruism | 1. al- |
alt | 2. al- |
alula | ag̑- |
alumina | alu- |
aluminum | alu- |
alumnus | 2. al- |
alum | alu- |
alveolus | au-lo-s |
always | u̯eg̑h- |
alyssum | u̯l̥ku̯os |
amah | am(m)a |
amanuensis | mə-r |
amaranth | 5. mer- |
amarelle | om- |
amaretto | om- |
amass | mag̑- |
amateur | am(m)a |
amative | am(m)a |
amatory | am(m)a |
ambage | ag̑- |
ambarella | om- , 5. u̯er- |
ambassador | ag̑- |
ambergris | 3. g̑her- |
ambidextrous | 1. dek̑- |
ambient | ambhi , 1. ei- |
ambiguous | ambhi |
ambition | 1. ei- |
ambivalence | ambhi , u̯al- |
ambi- | ambhi |
amble | ambhi |
amblygonite | 1. mel- |
amblyopia | 1. mel- |
ambrosial | 1. gu̯er- |
ambrosia | 4. mer- |
ambry | 1. ar- |
ambsace | ambhi |
ambulance | ambhi |
ambulate | ambhi |
ambulatory | ambhi |
ameliorate | 4. mel- |
amenable | 1. men- |
amend | mendā |
amenorrhea | mēnōt |
amentia | 3. men- |
ament | 3. men- |
amethyst | médhu |
amianthus | 2. mai- |
amicable | am(m)a |
amice | ambhi , i̯ē- |
amidst | medhi- |
amid | medhi- |
amigo | am(m)a |
aminopterin | 2. pet- |
amiss | 2. mei-t(h)- |
amity | am(m)a |
ammunition | 1. mei- |
amnesia | 3. men- |
amnesty | 3. men- |
amniocentesis | k̑ent- |
amoeba | mei-gu̯- |
among | men(ə)k- |
amoretto | am(m)a |
amorphous | 2. mer- |
amortize | 4. mer- |
amount | 1. ad- , 1. men- |
amour | am(m)a |
amphibian | ambhi , 3. gu̯ei̯- |
amphibious | ambhi , 3. gu̯ei̯- |
amphibole | ambhi , 2. gu̯el- |
amphibrach | ambhi , mreg̑hu- |
amphictyonic | k̑þei- |
amphictyony | k̑þei- |
amphimacer | māk̑- |
amphimixis | ambhi , mei-k̑- |
amphioxus | ambhi |
amphisbaena | gu̯ā- |
amphistylar | ambhi , stā- |
amphitheater | ambhi |
amphithecium | ambhi , 2. dhē- |
amphi- | ambhi |
amphora | 1. bher- |
amphoteric | ambhi |
amph- | ambhi |
amplexicaul | plek̑- |
amplexus | plek̑- |
ample | 1. am- |
amplify | 2. dhē- |
amplitude | 1. am- |
amputate | pēu- |
amrita | 4. mer- |
amylum | 1. mel- |
am | es- |
anabaena | gu̯ā- |
anabasis | gu̯ā- |
anabiosis | 3. gu̯ei̯- |
anabolism | 2. gu̯el- |
anaclisis | k̑lei- |
anacoluthon | 2. sem- |
anacrusis | 3. kreu- |
anadem | dē- |
anadiplosis | du̯ō(u) |
anadromous | 3. der- |
anaglyph | gleubh- |
anagoge | ag̑- |
anagram | gerebh- |
analcime | aleq- |
analects | leg̑- |
analeptic | (s)lā̆gu̯- |
analogous | leg̑- |
analysis | 2. leu- |
anamnesis | 3. men- |
anapest | pēu- |
anaphora | 1. bher- |
anarthrous | 1. ar- |
anasarca | tu̯erk̑- |
anastomosis | stomen- |
anastrophe | 1. (s)ter- |
anatase | 1. ten- |
anathema | 2. dhē- |
anatomy | 1. tem- |
ana | 4. an- |
ana- | 4. an- |
Anborn | 1. bher- , oi-no- |
ancestor | sed- |
anchorite | 1. g̑hē- |
anchor | 2. ank- |
ancient | ant-s |
ancillary | 1. ku̯el- |
ancon | 2. ank- |
ancylostomiasis | stomen- |
andante | ambhi |
androclinium | k̑lei- |
androecium | u̯eik̑- |
android | 1. ner(-t)- |
Andromeda | 1. ner(-t)- |
-androus | 1. ner(-t)- |
andro- | 1. ner(-t)- |
-andry | 1. ner(-t)- |
andr- | 1. ner(-t)- |
Andwise | 2. u̯(e)id- |
and | 1. en |
anecdote | dō- |
anemia | sei- |
anemone | 3. an(ə)- |
aneroid | neu̯os |
anesthesia | 8. au̯- |
aneurysm | 9. u̯er- |
anew | neu̯os |
anfractuous | 1. bhreg̑- |
anger | ang̑h- |
angina | ang̑h- |
Angle | 2. ank- |
angle | 2. ank- |
angry | ang̑h- |
angst | ang̑h- |
anguished | ang̑h- |
anguish | ang̑h- |
anhydrous | 9. au̯(e)- |
anile | 1. an- |
anilingus | āno- |
anil | 2. nei- |
animadvert | 3. an(ə)- |
animal | 3. an(ə)- |
animate | 3. an(ə)- |
animato | 3. an(ə)- |
anima | 3. an(ə)- |
animism | 3. an(ə)- |
animosity | 3. an(ə)- |
animus | 3. an(ə)- |
anion | 1. ei- |
aniseikonia | 3. u̯eik- |
ankle | 2. ank- |
ankylosis | 2. ank- |
anlage | legh- |
annals | at- |
anneal | 4. ā̆i- |
annex | 1. ned- |
annihilate | 1. nĕ |
anniversary | at- , 3h. u̯er- |
annotate | 2. g̑en- |
announce | 1. neu- |
annoy | 2. od- |
annual | at- |
annuity | at- |
annular | āno- |
annulet | āno- |
annulus | āno- |
annul | 1. nĕ |
annum | at- |
anode | sed- |
anodyne | ed- |
anoint | ongu̯- |
anomalous | 2. sem- |
anomie | 1. nem- |
anonymous | en(o)mn̥- |
anon | oi-no- |
anopheles | obhel- |
anorectic | 1. reg̑- |
anorexia | 1. reg̑- |
anorthite | u̯erdh- |
anosmia | 1. od- |
another | 2. an- |
ansate | ansā |
ansa | ansā |
anschluss | 4. an- |
anserine | g̑han-s- |
Anson | oi-no- , 2. seu- |
answer | 1. su̯er- |
antagonize | ag̑- |
anta | anətā |
antecede | sed- |
antefix | dhēigu̯- |
antependium | 1. (s)pen(-d)- |
anterior | ant-s |
ante | ant-s |
ante- | ant-s |
anthelion | sā́u̯el- |
anthelmintic | 7. u̯el- |
anthemion | andh- |
anthem | 2. bhā- |
anther | andh- |
anthesis | andh- |
anthology | leg̑- |
anthurium | ers- |
anticipate | kap- |
antic | ant-s |
antidote | ant-s , dō- |
antinomianism | ant-s , 1. nem- |
antinomian | ant-s , 1. nem- |
antinomy | ant-s , 1. nem- |
antipasto | ant-s , pā- |
antiphon | ant-s , 2. bhā- |
antipodes | ant-s , 2. pē̆d- |
antique | ant-s |
antithesis | ant-s , 2. dhē- |
antitype | 1. (s)teu- |
anti- | ant-s |
antler | oku̯- |
antonomasia | en(o)mn̥- |
antonym | ant-s |
ant | 1. mai- |
anuran | ers- |
anus | āno- |
anvil | 2a. pel- |
anxious | ang̑h- |
any | oi-no- |
an | oi-no- |
an- | 1. nĕ |
aorta | 1. u̯er- |
apathy | ku̯enth- |
aperient | 5. u̯er- |
aperitif | 5. u̯er- |
aperture | 5. u̯er- |
apex | 1. ap- |
ape | abō(n) |
aphelion | sā́u̯el- |
aphonia | 2. bhā- |
aplanatic | pelə- |
apnea | pneu- |
Apocalypse | 4. k̑el- |
apocalypse | 4. k̑el- |
apocope | 2. (s)kē̆p- |
apocrine | 4. (s)ker- |
apodal | 2. pē̆d- |
apodictic | deik̑- |
apodosis | dō- |
apogamy | g̑em(e)- |
Apollo | apelo- |
apologue | leg̑- |
apology | leg̑- |
apomixis | mei-k̑- |
aponeurosis | snēu- |
apophasis | 2. bhā- |
apophyge | 1. bheug- |
apophysis | bheu- |
apoplexy | 2. plāk- |
aporia | 2b. per- |
aposiopesis | su̯ī- |
apostasy | stā- |
apostle | 3. stel- |
apostrophe | 1. (s)ter- |
apothecary | 2. dhē- |
apothecium | 2. dhē- |
apotheosis | dhēs- |
apotropaic | apo- , 2. trep- |
apo- | apo- |
appall | 6. pel- |
appanage | pā- |
apparatus | 2d. per- |
apparel | 2d. per- |
appeal | 2a. pel- |
appease | pā̆k̑- |
appendix | 1. (s)pen(-d)- |
append | 1. (s)pen(-d)- |
appetite | 2. pet- |
Appledore | ā̆bel- , 7. (s)ter-n- |
apple | ā̆bel- |
apply | plek̑- |
appoggiatura | 2. pē̆d- |
apposite | apo- |
apposition | apo- |
appraise | 2c. per- |
appreciate | 2c. per- |
apprehend | ghend- |
apprentice | ghend- |
appressed | 3. per- |
apprise | ghend- |
apprize | 2c. per- |
approach | 2a. per- |
appropriate | 2a. per- |
approve | 2a. per- |
approximate | 2a. per- |
apres | 3. per- |
apricot | peku̯- |
apropos | apo- |
apteryx | 2. pet- |
aptitude | 1. ap- |
apt | 1. ap- |
aquamarine | aku̯ā- |
aquanaut | aku̯ā- , 1. nāus- |
aquarelle | aku̯ā- |
aquarium | aku̯ā- |
aquatic | aku̯ā- |
aquatint | aku̯ā- |
aquavit | aku̯ā- |
aqua | aku̯ā- |
aqua- | aku̯ā- |
aqueduct | aku̯ā- , deuk- |
aqueous | aku̯ā- |
aque- | aku̯ā- |
aquifer | aku̯ā- |
aqui- | aku̯ā- |
arable | ar(ə)- |
arbalest | 2. gu̯el- |
arbor | er(ə)d- |
arcade | arqu- |
arcane | areq- |
archaeopteryx | 2. pet- |
archegonium | 1. g̑en- |
archer | arqu- |
archetype | 1. (s)teu- |
Archet | kaito- |
Archipelago | 1. plā-k- |
archipelago | 1. plā-k- |
architect | tek̑þ- |
architrave | trē̆b- |
archivolt | 7. u̯el- |
arch | arqu- |
arciform | arqu- |
arctic | ŕ̥k̑þo-s |
Arcturus | ŕ̥k̑þo-s , 8. u̯er- |
arcuate | arqu- |
arc | arqu- |
-ard | 3. kar- |
ardent | ā̆s- |
ardor | ā̆s- |
arduous | er(ə)d- |
Areopagus | pā̆k̑- |
are | 3. er- |
argentine | ar(e)-g̑- |
argentite | ar(e)-g̑- |
argent | ar(e)-g̑- |
argil | ar(e)-g̑- |
arginine | ar(e)-g̑- |
Argive | ar(e)-g̑- |
Argonaut | ar(e)-g̑- , 1. nāus- |
argon | 2. u̯erg̑- |
Argos | ar(e)-g̑- |
Argo | ar(e)-g̑- |
argue | ar(e)-g̑- |
arhat | algu̯h- |
aria | 1. u̯er- |
arid | ā̆s- |
arisen | 3. er- |
arise | 3. er- |
aristocracy | 1. ar- |
arithmetic | 1. ar- |
Arkenstone | ar(e)-g̑- , stāi- |
ark | areq- |
armada | 1. ar- |
armadillo | 1. ar- |
armature | 1. ar- |
armillary | 1. ar- |
armistice | stā- |
armoire | 1. ar- |
armor | 1. ar- |
arms | 1. ar- |
army | 1. ar- |
arm | 1. ar- |
Arod | 3. er- |
arose | 3. er- |
arpent | 2a. per- |
arraign | 1. ar- |
arrange | 3. (s)ker- |
array | reidh- |
arrest | stā- |
arriere-ban | 2. bhā- , koro-s |
arrive | 1. rei- |
arrogate | 1. reg̑- |
arrow | arqu- |
arsenic | 1. g̑hel- |
arse | ers- |
arshin | 8. el- |
arsis | 1. u̯er- |
arson | ā̆s- |
Artemis | ŕ̥k̑þo-s |
arteriole | 1. u̯er- |
artery | 1. u̯er- |
arthro- | 1. ar- |
arthr- | 1. ar- |
article | 1. ar- |
artifact | 2. dhē- |
artifice | 2. dhē- |
artillery | 1. ap- |
artiodactyl | 1. ar- |
artisan | 1. ar- |
artiste | 1. ar- |
artist | 1. ar- |
art | 3. er- |
arugula | g̑hers- |
Aryan | ario-? |
asana | ē̆s- |
asbestos | gu̯es- |
ascertain | 4. (s)ker- |
ascribe | 4. (s)ker- |
Asgard | ansu- , g̑herdh- |
ashram | 1. ē̆ |
ash | *ōs |
ask | 1. ais- |
asparagus | *(s)p(h)ereg- |
aspect | spek̑- |
aspen | apsā |
asperse | *(s)p(h)ereg- |
asp | apsā |
assail | 4. sel- |
assai | sā- |
assault | 4. sel- |
assay | ag̑- |
assemble | 2. sem- |
assembly | 2. sem- |
assent | sent- |
assert | 4. ser- |
assess | sed- |
asset | sā- |
asseverate | seg̑h- |
assiduous | sed- |
assign | 1. seku̯- |
assimilate | 2. sem- |
assist | stā- |
assize | sed- |
associate | 1. seku̯- |
assoil | 2. leu- |
assonance | su̯en- |
assort | 4. ser- |
assuage | su̯ād- |
assuasive | su̯ād- |
assume | em- |
ass | ers- |
astasia | stā- |
astasis | stā- |
astatine | stā- |
asteriated | 2. stē̆r- |
asterisk | 2. stē̆r- |
asterism | 2. stē̆r- |
asteroid | 2. stē̆r- |
aster | 2. stē̆r- |
asthenia | seg̑h- |
astigmatism | (s)teig- |
astonish | 1. (s)ten- |
astragalus | ost(h)- |
astragal | ost(h)- |
astral | 2. stē̆r- |
astraphobia | 2. stē̆r- |
astringent | 2. streig- |
astrobleme | 2. gu̯el- , 2. stē̆r- |
astrogate | 2. stē̆r- |
astrolabe | (s)lā̆gu̯- |
astronaut | 1. nāus- , 2. stē̆r- |
astronomer | 1. nem- , 2. stē̆r- |
astronomy | 1. nem- , 2. stē̆r- |
Astron | au̯es- |
astro- | 2. stē̆r- |
astr- | 2. stē̆r- |
astute | 1. u̯es- |
astylar | stā- |
asunder | seni- |
asymptote | 2. pet- |
asyndeton | dē- |
as | 1. al- |
ataractic | 1. dher- |
atavism | au̯o-s |
ataxia | tāg- |
ate | ed- |
atheism | dhēs- |
athelas | ā̆tos |
atheling | ā̆tos |
Athelney | ā̆tos |
Athelstan | stāi- |
athlete | 11. au̯ē- |
athwart | terk- |
atman | ēt-mén- |
atmosphere | 1. u̯āt- |
atoll | 1. en |
atom | 1. tem- |
atone | oi-no- |
atrabilious | āt(e)r- |
atresia | 3. ter- |
atrium | āt(e)r- |
atrocious | āt(e)r- |
attach | 2. (s)teg- |
attack | 2. (s)teg- |
attain | tag- |
attelet | 1. g̑hasto- |
attend | 1. ten- |
attenuate | 1. ten- |
Attercop | gēu- , oid- |
attercop | oid- |
atter | oid- |
attest | trei- |
attitude | 1. ap- |
attorney | 3. ter- |
attorn | 3. ter- |
attract | trāgh- |
attrition | 3. ter- |
at | 1. ad- |
aubade | albho- |
auburn | albho- |
auction | au̯eg- |
audible | 8. au̯- |
audience | 8. au̯- |
audile | 8. au̯- |
audio- | 8. au̯- |
audition | 8. au̯- |
auditorium | 8. au̯- |
auditory | 8. au̯- |
auditor | 8. au̯- |
audit | 8. au̯- |
augend | au̯eg- |
auger | 1. enebh- |
aught | u̯ek-ti- |
augite | aug- |
augment | au̯eg- |
augury | au̯eg- |
augur | au̯eg- |
Augustus | au̯eg- |
August | au̯eg- |
august | au̯eg- |
auk | 1. el- |
aulos | au-lo-s |
aunt | am(m)a |
aural | 2. ōus- |
aura | 1. u̯er- |
aureate | au̯es- |
aureole | au̯es- |
auricle | 2. ōus- |
auric | au̯es- |
auriferous | au̯es- |
auriform | 2. ōus- |
Auriga | 1. ōus- |
aurochs | u̯egu̯- |
aurora | au̯es- |
auscultation | 2. ōus- |
auslander | 3. lendh- , ū̆d- |
auspice | spek̑- |
austere | saus- |
autacoid | i̯ēk- |
autarky | areq- |
authentic | sen- |
authority | au̯eg- |
authorize | au̯eg- |
author | au̯eg- |
autobahn | bhen- |
autochthonous | g̑hðem- |
autochthon | g̑hðem- |
autocrat | 3. kar- |
autodidact | 1. dens- |
autoecious | u̯eik̑- |
automatic | 3. men- |
automobile | 4. au- |
automotive | 4. au- |
autonomous | 1. nem- |
autopsy | oku̯- |
auto | 4. au- |
auto- | 4. au- |
auxesis | au̯eg- |
auxiliary | au̯eg- |
auxin | au̯eg- |
avail | u̯al- |
avast | 5. kel- , pasto- |
avatar | 3. au- , 5. ter- |
avenge | deik̑- |
avenue | gu̯ā- |
avert | 3h. u̯er- |
aver | 11. u̯er- |
Avesta | 2. steu- |
avian | au̯ei- |
aviary | au̯ei- |
aviation | au̯ei- |
aviculture | 1. ku̯el- |
avifauna | au̯ei- , dhau- |
avocation | u̯eku̯- |
avoid | 1. eu- |
avoirdupois | 1. (s)pen(-d)- |
Avon | ab- |
avow | eu̯egu̯h- |
avulse | 8. u̯el- |
avuncular | au̯o-s |
awaken | u̯eg̑- |
awake | u̯eg̑- |
award | 8. u̯er- |
aware | 8. u̯er- |
away | u̯eg̑h- |
awe | agh- |
awkward | apo- |
awl | ēlā |
awn | 2. ak̑- |
awoken | u̯eg̑- |
awoke | u̯eg̑- |
axenic | ghosti-s |
axe | agu̯(e)sī |
axilla | ag̑- |
axiology | ag̑- |
axiom | ag̑- |
axis | ag̑- |
axletree | ag̑- , deru- |
axle | ag̑- |
axoneme | (s)nē- |
axon | ag̑- |
axoplasm | ag̑- |
ax | agu̯(e)sī |
ayah | au̯o-s |
aye | aiu̯- |
ay | aiu̯- |
azalea | ā̆s- |
azimuth | 2. mei- |
azoth | 3. gu̯ei̯- |
azygous | 2. i̯eu- |
a | oi-no- |
a- | 1. nĕ |
babble | baba- |
babe | baba- |
babie | baba- |
babysat | baba- , sed- |
babysit | baba- , sed- |
baby | baba- |
bacillus | bak- |
bacteria | bak- |
bacterium | bak- |
baculiform | bak- |
bade | bheudh- |
bagel | 3. bheug- |
baguette | bak- |
bahuvrihi | bheng̑h- |
baie | badi̯os |
bailey | bak- |
bailie | bak- |
bailiff | bak- |
bailiwick | bak- , u̯eik̑- |
bail | bak- |
bairn | 1. bher- |
bait | bheid- |
bake | bhē- |
baksheesh | 1. bhag- |
balance | du̯ō(u) |
balcony | 5. bhel- |
Balder | 3. bhel- |
Baldor | 3. bhel- |
bald | 1. bhel- |
baleen | 3. bhel- |
baleful | bheleu- |
bale | bheleu- |
balk | 5. bhel- |
balladeer | 2. gu̯el- |
ballad | 2. gu̯el- |
ballast | klā- |
balletomane | 2. gu̯el- , 3. men- |
ballet | 2. gu̯el- |
ballista | 2. gu̯el- |
ballock | 3. bhel- |
balloon | 3. bhel- |
ballottement | 3. bhel- |
ballot | 3. bhel- |
ball | 2. gu̯el- |
baluchithere | g̑hu̯ē̆r- |
Bamfurlong | bhabhā , 3. perk̑- |
banal | 2. bhā- |
bandanna | bhendh- |
banderilla | 1. bhā- |
banderole | 1. bhā- |
bandit | 2. bhā- |
bandoleer | 1. bhā- |
bandolier | 1. bhā- |
band | bhendh- |
bane | bhen- |
bang | bheg- |
banish | 2. bhā- |
bankrupt | 2. reu- |
Banks | bheg- |
bank | bheg- |
banneret | 1. bhā- |
banner | 1. bhā- |
banns | 2. bhā- |
banquette | bheg- |
banquet | bheg- |
banshee | gu̯ē̆nā , sed- |
bantling | bheg- |
banyan | 1. u̯en- |
ban | 2. bhā- |
baptize | 1. gu̯ēbh- |
-bar | 2. gu̯er- |
barbellate | bhardhā |
barbel | bhardhā |
barber | bhardhā |
barbette | bhardhā |
barbican | 5. u̯er- |
barbicel | bhardhā |
barbule | bhardhā |
barb | bhardhā |
Bard | 4. gu̯er(ə)- |
bard | 2a. per- |
barefoot | bhoso-s , 2. pē̆d- |
barely | bhoso-s |
bare | bhoso-s |
bargain | bherg̑h- |
barghest | gheis- |
barite | 2. gu̯er- |
baritone | 2. gu̯er- , 1. ten- |
barium | 2. gu̯er- |
bark | 2. bhreg̑- |
barley | bhares- |
Barliman | bhares- , manu-s |
barmy | 2. bher- |
barm | 2. bher- |
barn | bhares- |
barouche | ret(h)- |
baro- | 2. gu̯er- |
Barrow-downs | bhereg̑h- , 4. dheu- |
Barrowfield | bhereg̑h- , pelə- |
Barrow-wight | bhereg̑h- , u̯ek-ti- |
barrow | bhereg̑h- |
barycenter | 2. gu̯er- |
baryon | 2. gu̯er- |
barysphere | 2. gu̯er- |
baryta | 2. gu̯er- |
bar | 2. gu̯er- |
bar- | 2. gu̯er- |
bascule | 2. (s)keu- |
base | gu̯ā- |
bashaw | poti-s |
basis | gu̯ā- |
bass | bhares- |
baste | 1. bhā̆u- |
bateau | bheid- |
bathe | bhē- |
bathos | gu̯ā̆dh- |
bathyscaphe | 2. (s)kē̆p- |
bathy- | gu̯ā̆dh- |
bath | bhē- |
batophobia | gu̯ā- |
batten | bhāt- |
batter | bhāt- |
battledore | bhāt- |
battle | bhāt- |
bat | bhlag̑- |
bawd | 3. bhel- |
bawl | 6. bhel- |
bayadere | 2. gu̯el- |
baye | badi̯os |
bay | badi̯os |
bazaar | 8. u̯es- |
beacon | 1. bhā- |
beadle | bheudh- |
bead | 2. bhedh- |
beam | bheu- |
bean | bhabhā |
bearberry | bhar- |
beard | bhardhā |
bear | 5. bher- |
beastings | 2. b(e)u- |
beaten | 1. bhā̆u- |
beatific | 2. dhē- |
beatify | 2. deu- |
beatitude | 2. deu- |
beat | 1. bhā̆u- |
beauty | 2. deu- |
beau | 2. deu- |
beaver | 5. bher- |
became | gu̯ā- |
beche-de-mer | mori |
beckon | 1. bhā- |
beck | bhog- |
become | gu̯ā- |
bed | 1. bhedh- |
Beechbone | bhāgó-s , bhei(ə)- |
beech | bhāgó-s |
beef | gu̯ou- |
been | bheu- |
beer | 2. pō(i)- |
beetle | bheid- |
bee | 3. bheug- |
befallen | phō̆l- |
befall | phō̆l- |
befell | phō̆l- |
before | 2a. per- |
began | ghend- |
begat | ghend- |
beget | ghend- |
begin | ghend- |
begotten | ghend- |
begot | ghend- |
begun | ghend- |
behave | kap- |
behead | kap-ut |
beheld | 5. kel- |
behest | kēi- |
behind | k̑o- |
behold | 5. kel- |
behoof | kap- |
behoove | kap- |
belay | legh- |
belch | 6. bhel- |
beldam | dem- , 2. deu- |
beleaguer | legh- |
belemnite | 2. gu̯el- |
belfry | bhereg̑h- , prāi- |
belief | leubh- |
believe | leubh- |
belie | 1. leugh- |
belladonna | dem- |
belle | 2. deu- |
bellows | bhelg̑h- |
bellow | 6. bhel- |
bellwether | u̯et- |
belly | bhelg̑h- |
bell | 6. bhel- |
belonephobia | 1. gu̯el- |
belong | 5. del- |
Beltane | tep- |
beluga | 1. bhel- |
belvedere | 2. u̯(e)id- |
bema | gu̯ā- |
bemoan | mei-no- |
bench | bheg- |
bend | bhendh- |
beneath | 1. en |
benediction | deik̑- , 2. deu- |
benefaction | 2. deu- , 2. dhē- |
benefactor | 2. deu- , 2. dhē- |
beneficence | 2. deu- , 2. dhē- |
benefice | 2. deu- , 2. dhē- |
benefic | 2. deu- , 2. dhē- |
benefit | 2. deu- , 2. dhē- |
benevolent | 2. u̯el- |
bene- | 2. deu- |
benign | 1. g̑en- |
benthos | gu̯ā̆dh- |
bent | bhendh- |
benumb | 1. nem- |
ben | 1. en |
Beorn | 5. bher- |
bequeath | 2. gu̯et- |
bequest | 2. gu̯et- |
berdache | 8. u̯el- |
bereave | 2. reu- |
bereft | 2. reu- |
berm | 1. bherem- |
berry | 1. bhā- |
berserker | 5. bher- |
berserk | 5. bher- |
beseem | 2. sem- |
beset | sed- |
beside | 2. sē(i)- |
besom | 1. bhes- |
bespeak | *(s)p(h)ereg- |
bespoken | *(s)p(h)ereg- |
bespoke | *(s)p(h)ereg- |
besprent | sperg̑h- |
bestead | stā- |
best | bhā̆d- |
bethink | 1. tong- |
bethought | 1. tong- |
betoken | deik̑- |
betray | dō- |
betroth | deru- |
better | bhā̆d- |
between | du̯ō(u) |
betwixt | du̯ō(u) |
beverage | 2. pō(i)- |
bewitch | u̯eg̑- |
beyond | 3. e- |
bezel | du̯ō(u) |
bezoar | pā- |
be | bheu- |
be- | ambhi |
bhakti | 1. bhag- |
bhang | bheg- |
bias | 4. (s)ker- |
bibliopole | 5. pel- |
bibliotheca | 2. dhē- |
bibulous | 2. pō(i)- |
bib | 2. pō(i)- |
biceps | kap-ut |
bicornuate | 1. k̑er- |
bicycle | 1. ku̯el- |
bidden | bheudh- |
bide | 1. bheidh- |
bidonville | u̯eik̑- |
bid | bheudh- |
bield | 3. bhel- |
biennium | at- |
bier | 1. bher- |
biestings | 2. b(e)u- |
bigeminal | i̯em- |
bight | 3. bheug- |
big | 2. b(e)u- |
bilander | 1. en |
bilberry | 3. bhel- |
Bilbo | bhei(ə)- |
bilingual | dn̥g̑hū |
bilirubin | reudh- |
billet-doux | 2. b(e)u- , dl̥kú- |
billet | 2. b(e)u- |
billow | bhelg̑h- |
bill | bhei(ə)- |
biltong | 3. bhel- , dn̥g̑hū |
bimestrial | mēnōt |
binal | du̯ō(u) |
binary | du̯ō(u) |
bindlestiff | bhendh- |
bind | bhendh- |
binnacle | ghabh- |
binoculars | oku̯- |
binocular | oku̯- |
binomial | en(o)mn̥- |
biota | 3. gu̯ei̯- |
biotic | 3. gu̯ei̯- |
bio- | 3. gu̯ei̯- |
bipartite | 2c. per- |
birch | bherəg̑- |
bireme | 1. erə- |
birk | bherəg̑- |
birr | 1. bher- |
birthday | ā̆g̑her- , 1. bher- |
birth | 1. bher- |
biscotto | peku̯- |
biscuit | peku̯- |
bishopric | 1. reg̑- |
bishop | spek̑- |
bismuth | 3. k̑uei- |
bison | 3. u̯eis- |
bistort | du̯ō(u) |
bis | du̯ō(u) |
bite | bheid- |
bitten | bheid- |
bittern | tēu- |
bitter | bheid- |
bitt | bheid- |
bitumen | 1. gu̯et- |
bit | bheid- |
bivouac | u̯eg̑- |
bi- | du̯ō(u) |
black-a-vised | 2. u̯(e)id- |
blacken | bheleg- |
blackmail | mōd- |
Blackroot | bheleg- , u̯(e)rād- |
blacksmith | bheleg- , 2. smēi- |
blackthorn | 7. (s)ter-n- |
black | bheleg- |
bladder | 3. bhel- |
blade | 4. bhel- |
blaff | bh(e)reu- |
blagging | bhelg̑h- |
blain | 2. bhlei- |
blame | 2. mel- |
blanch | bheleg- |
blancmange | 2. menth- |
blandish | 1. mel- |
bland | 1. mel- |
blanket | bheleg- |
blank | bheleg- |
blare | bhlē- |
blase | 3. bhel- |
blaspheme | 2. mel- |
-blastic | 3a. pel- |
blast | 3. bhel- |
blatherskite | skē̆i- |
blather | 3. bhel- |
blaze | bhles- |
bleach | bheleg- |
bleak | bheleg- |
bleat | bhlē- |
bled | 4. bhel- |
bleed | 4. bhel- |
blemish | bhles- |
blench | bheleg- |
blende | bhlendh- |
blend | bhlendh- |
blenny | 1. mel- |
blent | bhlendh- |
blesbok | bhles- , bhū̆g̑o-s |
bless | 4. bhel- |
blest | 4. bhel- |
blew | 4. bhel- |
blindfold | phō̆l- |
blind | bhlendh- |
blini | 1. mel- |
blink | bheleg- |
blintze | 1. mel- |
blintz | 1. mel- |
blin | 1. mel- |
bliss | 1. bhlē̆i- |
blister | 2. bhlei- |
blithe | 1. bhlē̆i- |
Blitzen | bhlē̆ig̑- |
blitzkrieg | 2. gu̯er- |
blitz | bhlē̆ig̑- |
Blixem | bhlē̆ig̑- |
Blixen | bhlē̆ig̑- |
bloat | bhleu- |
Blodmath | 4. bhel- , mēnōt |
Blommath | 4. bhel- , mēnōt |
blonde | bhlendh- |
blond | bhlendh- |
blood | 4. bhel- |
bloom | 4. bhel- |
Blooting | 4. bhel- |
blossom | 4. bhel- |
Blotmath | 4. bhel- , mēnōt |
blot | 2. bhlēu- |
blown | 4. bhel- |
blow | 4. bhel- |
blue | bhlē-u̯o-s |
blunderbuss | 1. (s)ten- |
blunder | bhlendh- |
blush | bhleu-(k-) |
bluster | bhleu- |
board | bheredh- |
boast | 2. b(e)u- |
boatswain | se- |
boat | bheid- |
bocaccio | 2. b(e)u- |
bodega | 2. dhē- |
bode | bheudh- |
bodhisattva | es- |
Boer | bheu- |
bog | 3. bheug- |
Bohemian | bhei(ə)- |
bohemian | bhei(ə)- |
Bohemia | bhei(ə)- |
boil | 2. b(e)u- |
bola | 2. b(e)u- |
bold | 3. bhel- |
bole | 3. bhel- |
Bolger | bhelg̑h- |
bolide | 2. gu̯el- |
bollix | 3. bhel- |
boll | 3. bhel- |
bolometer | 3. mē- |
Bolshevik | 2. bel- |
bolster | bhelg̑h- |
bolt | bheld- |
bolus | bol- |
bonanza | 2. deu- |
bonbon | 2. deu- |
bondage | bheu- |
bond | bhendh- |
bone | bhei(ə)- |
bonhomie | g̑hðem- |
bonito | 2. deu- |
bonnyclabber | band- |
bonny | 2. deu- |
bontebok | bhū̆g̑o-s , peuk̑- |
bonus | 2. deu- |
bonze | 2. gu̯hen(-ə)- |
boodle | bheu- |
book | bhāgó-s |
boom | bheu- |
boon | 2. deu- |
boor | bheu- |
Bootes | gu̯ou- |
booth | bheu- |
boot | bhā̆d- |
boo | bau |
bordello | bheredh- |
bordel | bheredh- |
border | bheredh- |
Boreas | 3. gu̯er- |
borer | 3. bher- |
bore | 3. bher- |
borne | 1. bher- |
born | 1. bher- |
borough | bhereg̑h- |
borrow | bherg̑h- |
borscht | bhar- |
borsch | bhar- |
borzoi | bheres- |
bothy | bheu- |
both | ambhi , 1. to- |
bottom | bhudh-m(e)n |
botulinum | gu̯et- |
botulinus | gu̯et- |
botulin | gu̯et- |
botulism | gu̯et- |
boucle | 2. b(e)u- |
bough | bhāg̑hú-s |
bouillabaisse | 2. b(e)u- |
bouillon | 2. b(e)u- |
boulder | 3. bhel- |
boulevard | 2. u̯erg̑- |
bouleversement | 2. b(e)u- , 3h. u̯er- |
boule | 2. gu̯el- |
bound | bheu- |
bounty | 2. deu- |
bourgeois | bhereg̑h- |
bourg | bhereg̑h- |
bourne | bh(e)reu- |
bourn | bh(e)reu- |
boustrophedon | 1. (s)ter- |
boutique | 2. dhē- |
bouton | 1. bhā̆u- |
bovine | gu̯ou- |
bowel | gu̯et- |
bower | bheu- |
bowline | bhāg̑hú-s |
bowl | 3. bhel- |
bowsprit | bhāg̑hú-s , 2. (s)p(h)er- |
bow-wow | bau |
bow | 3. bheug- |
boy | bhrā́ter- |
Bracegirdle | g̑herdh- , mreg̑hu- |
bracero | mreg̑hu- |
brace | mreg̑hu- |
brachium | mreg̑hu- |
brachy- | mreg̑hu- |
brach | bhrag- |
braciola | bh(e)reu- |
bracken | 1. bhreg̑- |
bradykinin | kēi- |
brad | bhar- |
brae | bherək̑- |
Brahman | bhlagh-men- |
Brahma | bhlagh-men- |
Brahmin | bhlagh-men- |
Brahm | bhlagh-men- |
braid | bherək̑- |
brain | mregh-m(n)o- |
braise | bh(e)reu- |
brake | 1. bhreg̑- |
bramble | 1. bherem- |
brandade | bh(e)reu- |
brandish | bh(e)reu- |
Brandybuck | bh(e)reu- , bhū̆g̑o-s |
Brandywine | bh(e)reu- |
brandywine | bh(e)reu- |
brandy | bh(e)reu- |
Brand | bh(e)reu- |
brand | bh(e)reu- |
brash | 1. bhreg̑- |
brassard | mreg̑hu- |
brassiere | mreg̑hu- |
bratwurst | bh(e)reu- , u̯ers- |
brawn | bh(e)reu- |
bray | 1. bhreg̑- |
braze | bh(e)reu- |
brazier | bh(e)reu- |
breach | 1. bhreg̑- |
bread | bh(e)reu- |
breakfast | pasto- |
break | 1. bhreg̑- |
bream | bherək̑- |
breastfed | 1. bhreu-s- , pā- |
breastfeed | 1. bhreu-s- , pā- |
breast | 1. bhreu-s- |
breathe | 2. bher- |
breath | 2. bher- |
breccia | 1. bhreg̑- |
bred | bh(e)reu- |
breeches | 1. bhreg̑- |
breech | 1. bhreg̑- |
breed | bh(e)reu- |
Bree-land | bhereg̑h- , 3. lendh- |
breeze | 2. bher- |
Bree | bhereg̑h- |
bregma | mregh-m(n)o- |
Brego | bhereg̑h- |
bremsstrahlung | 5. ster- |
bresaola | bh(e)reu- |
brethren | bhrā́ter- |
brewis | bh(e)reu- |
brew | bh(e)reu- |
briar | 3i. u̯er- |
bridegroom | g̑hðem- |
Bridgefields | 2. bhrū- , pelə- |
bridge | 2. bhrū- |
bridle | bherək̑- |
brief | mreg̑hu- |
brier | 3i. u̯er- |
brigade | 2. gu̯er- |
brigand | 2. gu̯er- |
brigantine | 2. gu̯er- |
bright | bherəg̑- |
brig | 2. gu̯er- |
brimstone | bh(e)reu- , stāi- |
brim | 1. bherem- |
brindled | bh(e)reu- |
brine | bhrēi- |
bring | bhrenk- |
brink | bhren- |
brioche | 1. bhreg̑- |
brio | 2. gu̯er- |
brisance | bhrēi- |
brisket | 1. bhreu-s- |
bristle | bhares- |
brittle | 1. bhrē̆u- |
broil | bh(e)reu- |
broken | 1. bhreg̑- |
broke | 1. bhreg̑- |
bronchial | 1. gu̯er- |
bronchiectasis | 1. gu̯er- , 1. ten- |
bronchi | 1. gu̯er- |
broncho- | 1. gu̯er- |
bronchus | 1. gu̯er- |
bronch- | 1. gu̯er- |
brontosaur | 2. bherem- |
brood | bh(e)reu- |
brook | bhrūg- |
broom | 1. bherem- |
brothel | 1. bhrē̆u- |
brother | bhrā́ter- |
broth | bh(e)reu- |
brought | bhrenk- |
brown | 5. bher- |
browse | 1. bhreu-s- |
brow | 1. bhrū- |
bruin | 5. bher- |
bruise | 2. bhreu-s- |
brumal | mreg̑hu- |
brunet | 5. bher- |
brushwood | 3. bhreus- |
brush | 3. bhreus- |
brusque | 3i. u̯er- |
brute | 2. gu̯er- |
brutish | 2. gu̯er- |
brut | 2. gu̯er- |
Brytta | 1. bhrē̆u- |
bubo | 2. b(e)u- |
buccal | 2. b(e)u- |
buccinator | gu̯ou- |
buckaroo | u̯ā̆kā |
buckboard | 2. b(e)u- |
bucket | 2. b(e)u- |
Buckland | bhū̆g̑o-s , 3. lendh- |
Bucklebury | 2. b(e)u- , bherg̑h- |
buckle | 2. b(e)u- |
buckshee | 1. bhag- |
buckwheat | bhāgó-s |
buck | bhū̆g̑o-s |
bucolic | 1. ku̯el- |
Buddha | bheudh- |
Budgeford | bhelg̑h- , 2b. per- |
budget | bhelg̑h- |
budge | 2. b(e)u- |
bud | 2. b(e)u- |
buffalo | gu̯ou- |
bufotenine | 2. gu̯ēb(h)- |
bugle | gu̯ou- |
bugloss | glōgh- |
bug | 2. b(e)u- |
build | bheu- |
built | bheu- |
bulbous | bol- |
bulb | bol- |
bulge | bhelg̑h- |
bulimia | gu̯ou- |
bulk | 3. bhel- |
bullate | 2. b(e)u- |
bulla | 2. b(e)u- |
bulletin | 2. b(e)u- |
bullet | 2. b(e)u- |
bullion | 2. b(e)u- |
bullock | 3. bhel- |
Bullroarer | 3. bhel- |
bully | bhrā́ter- |
bull | 3. bhel- |
bulwark | 2. u̯erg̑- |
bumboat | bhudh-m(e)n |
bumelia | gu̯ou- |
bumpkin | bheu- |
bunco | bheg- |
bundle | bhendh- |
bund | bhendh- |
bungle | bheg- |
bung | peuk̑- |
buoy | 1. bhā- |
buprestid | gu̯ou- |
burden | 1. bher- |
burdock | bhar- |
burgess | bhereg̑h- |
burgher | bhereg̑h- |
burglar | bhereg̑h- |
burgomaster | bhereg̑h- |
burg | bhereg̑h- |
burial | bherg̑h- |
burin | 3. bher- |
burly | 1. bher- |
burnet | 5. bher- |
burnish | 5. bher- |
burnt | bh(e)reu- |
burn | bh(e)reu- |
burr | bhar- |
burst | bhres- |
bury | bherg̑h- |
bur | bhar- |
buss | bu- |
bustard | au̯ei- |
bustle | bheu- |
bust | bhres- |
butcher | bhū̆g̑o-s |
Butterburr | bheu- , gu̯ou- |
Butterbur | bheu- , gu̯ou- |
butter | gu̯ou- , tēu- |
buttock | 1. bhā̆u- |
button | 1. bhā̆u- |
buttress | 1. bhā̆u- |
butt | 1. bhā̆u- |
butyric | gu̯ou- , tēu- |
but | ū̆d- |
buxom | 3. bheug- |
bylaw | legh- |
byre | bheu- |
Bywater | ambhi , 9. au̯(e)- |
by | ambhi |
cabaletta | 1. ap- |
caber | kapro- |
cable | kap- |
cabrilla | kapro- |
cabriolet | kapro- |
caca | kakka- |
cacciatore | kap- |
caccia | kap- |
cachexia | seg̑h- |
cache | ag̑- |
cackle | ha ha! |
cack | kakka- |
cacodyl | 1. od- |
cacoethes | se- |
cacophonous | 2. bhā- |
cacophony | kakka- |
caco- | kakka- |
cac- | kakka- |
cadastre | steigh- |
cadaver | 1. k̑ad- |
caddie | kap-ut |
cadelle | 2. kat- |
cadence | 1. k̑ad- |
cadent | 1. k̑ad- |
cadet | kap-ut |
cadre | ku̯etu̯er- |
caduceus | 2. kar- |
caducous | 1. k̑ad- |
caecilian | kai-ko- |
caecum | kai-ko- |
caesura | (s)k(h)ai- |
cahier | ku̯etu̯er- |
cainotophobia | 3. ken- |
caird | 2. kerd- |
cairn | 3. kar- |
caitiff | kap- |
cake | gag- |
calamari | k̑oləmo-s |
calamite | k̑oləmo-s |
calamity | 3. kel- |
calamus | k̑oləmo-s |
calash | 1. ku̯el- |
caldron | 1. k̑el- |
calendar | 6. kel- |
calends | 6. kel- |
calenture | 1. k̑el- |
calf | 1. gel- |
calisthenics | seg̑h- |
calix | 7. kel- |
calligraphy | 2. kal- |
callipygian | 2. kal- |
Callisto | 2. kal- |
callose | 1. kal- |
callous | 1. kal- |
callow | 1. gal- |
callus | 1. kal- |
call | 2. gal- |
calm | 2. k̑ēu- |
calomel | 2. kal- |
caloreceptor | 1. k̑el- |
caloric | 1. k̑el- |
calorie | 1. k̑el- |
calorific | 1. k̑el- |
calorimeter | 1. k̑el- |
calorimetry | 1. k̑el- |
calumet | k̑oləmo-s |
calumniate | kēl- |
calumny | kēl- |
calvarium | keləu̯o- |
calves | 1. gel- |
Calypso | 4. k̑el- |
calyptra | 4. k̑el- |
calyx | 7. kel- |
cambium | (s)kamb- |
Camembert | bherəg̑- |
came | gu̯ā- |
campaign | kam-p- |
campus | kam-p- |
campylobacter | bak- , kam-p- |
campylotropous | kam-p- |
cam | g̑embh- |
canaille | k̑u̯on- |
canary | k̑u̯on- |
Cancer | 3. kar- |
cancer | 3. kar- |
candelabrum | kand- |
candelilla | kand- |
candent | kand- |
candescence | kand- |
candescent | kand- |
candidate | kand- |
candida | kand- |
candid | kand- |
candle | kand- |
candor | kand- |
canescent | k̑as- |
canicular | k̑u̯on- |
canine | k̑u̯on- |
canker | 3. kar- |
canorous | kan- |
cantabile | kan- |
cantata | kan- |
canteen | kan-tho- |
canticle | kan- |
cantillate | kan- |
canton | kan-tho- |
cantor | kan- |
canto | kan- |
cant | kan- |
canzone | kan- |
can | 2. g̑en- |
capable | kap- |
capacious | kap- |
Capella | kapro- |
capers | kapro- |
caper | kapro- |
cape | kap-ut |
capias | kap- |
capital | kap-ut |
capitate | kap-ut |
capitation | kap-ut |
capitellum | kap-ut |
capitulate | kap-ut |
capitulum | kap-ut |
capon | 2. (s)kē̆p- |
capo | kap-ut |
capreomycin | kapro- |
caprice | kap-ut |
Capricorn | 1. k̑er- |
caprifig | kapro- |
caprine | kapro- |
capriole | kapro- |
capstan | kap- |
captain | kap-ut |
caption | kap- |
captious | kap- |
captivate | kap- |
captive | kap- |
captor | kap- |
capture | kap- |
caramel | k̑oləmo-s |
carangid | 3. kar- |
carat | 1. k̑er- |
caravansary | 5. ter- |
carbon | 3. ker(ə)- |
carbuncle | 3. ker(ə)- |
carcinoma | 3. kar- |
carcino- | 3. kar- |
carcin- | 3. kar- |
cardiac | k̑ered- |
cardia | k̑ered- |
cardiomegaly | k̑ered- , meg̑(h)- |
cardio- | k̑ered- |
cardi- | k̑ered- |
cardoon | kars- |
card | kars- |
careen | 3. kar- |
career | 2. k̑ers- |
caress | kā- |
caret | k̑es- |
care | g̑ā̆r- |
cargo | 2. k̑ers- |
caricature | 2. k̑ers- |
caries | 4. k̑er- |
carillon | ku̯etu̯er- |
carina | 3. kar- |
cariole | 2. k̑ers- |
cark | 2. k̑ers- |
carling | g̑er- |
Carl | g̑er- |
carl | g̑er- |
carminative | kars- |
carnage | 4. (s)ker- |
carnal | 4. (s)ker- |
carnassial | 4. (s)ker- |
carnation | 4. (s)ker- |
carnet | ku̯etu̯er- |
carnival | legu̯h- |
carnivore | 1. gu̯er- |
carnivorous | 4. (s)ker- |
caroche | 2. k̑ers- |
carol | au-lo-s , 4. g̑her- |
carotene | 1. k̑er- |
carotid | 1. k̑er- |
carouse | ū̆d- |
-carp | 4. (s)ker- |
carpel | 4. (s)ker- |
carpenter | 2. k̑ers- |
carpet | 4. (s)ker- |
-carpous | 4. (s)ker- |
carp | 3. ger- |
carrion | 4. (s)ker- |
Carrock | 3. kar- |
carrot | 1. k̑er- |
carry | 2. k̑ers- |
carr | 3. kar- |
cart | 3. ger- |
caruncle | 4. (s)ker- |
carvacrol | 2. ak̑- |
carve | gerebh- |
car | 2. k̑ers- |
cascade | 1. k̑ad- |
cascara | ku̯ēt- |
casemate | mad- |
casern | ku̯etu̯er- |
case | 1. k̑ad- |
cashier | k̑es- |
cask | ku̯ēt- |
Cassandra | k̑ens- |
cassation | k̑es- |
castellan | k̑es- |
castellated | k̑es- |
caste | k̑es- |
castigate | k̑es- |
castle | k̑es- |
castrate | k̑es- |
casualty | 1. k̑ad- |
casual | 1. k̑ad- |
casuist | 1. k̑ad- |
catachresis | 1. g̑her- |
cataclysm | 2. k̑leu- |
catalectic | (s)lēg- |
catalepsy | (s)lā̆gu̯- |
catalog | leg̑- |
catalysis | 2. leu- |
catamenia | mēnōt |
cataplexy | 2. plāk- |
catapult | 2a. pel- |
catarrh | sreu- |
catastasis | stā- |
catastrophe | 1. (s)ter- |
catatonia | 1. ten- |
cata- | kom |
catchpole | pōu- |
catch | kap- |
catechize | u̯ā̆gh- |
category | 1. ger- |
cater-cornered | ku̯etu̯er- |
caterpillar | pi-lo- |
cater | kap- |
cathedral | sed- |
cathedra | sed- |
catheter | i̯ē- |
cathexis | seg̑h- |
cathode | sed- |
catholic | solo- |
cation | 1. ei- |
catoptric | oku̯- |
cattle | kap-ut |
caudillo | kap-ut |
caudle | 1. k̑el- |
caught | kap- |
cauldron | 1. k̑el- |
cauliflower | 4. bhel- , kau-l- |
caustic | 2. k̑ēu- |
cauterize | 2. k̑ēu- |
cautery | 2. k̑ēu- |
caution | 1. keu- |
caveat | 1. keu- |
cavern | 1. k̑eu- |
cavetto | 1. k̑eu- |
cave | 1. k̑eu- |
caviar | ō(u̯)i̯-om |
cavil | kēl- |
cavity | 1. k̑eu- |
cay | kagh- |
cease | sed- |
cecum | kai-ko- |
cedar | ked- |
cede | sed- |
ceilidh | 1. k̑ei- |
ceiling | (s)kāi- |
ceil | (s)k(h)ai- |
celandine | ghel- |
-cele | 1. k̑eu- |
celebrate | 5. kel- |
celebrity | 5. kel- |
celerity | 5. kel- |
celiac | 1. k̑eu- |
cellarer | 4. k̑el- |
cellar | 4. k̑el- |
cella | 4. k̑el- |
cell | 4. k̑el- |
cement | (s)k(h)ai- |
cemetery | 1. k̑ei- |
cenacle | 4. (s)ker- |
-cene | 3. ken- |
cenobite | 3. gu̯ei̯- |
cenotaph | dhembh- |
censor | k̑ens- |
census | k̑ens- |
cental | dek̑m̥ |
centas | dek̑m̥ |
centavo | dek̑m̥ |
centenarian | dek̑m̥ |
centenary | dek̑m̥ |
centennial | dek̑m̥ |
center | k̑ent- |
centesimal | dek̑m̥ |
centesis | k̑ent- |
centigrade | ghredh- |
centime | dek̑m̥ |
centi- | dek̑m̥ |
centner | dek̑m̥ |
centrifugal | 1. bheug- |
centrobaric | 2. gu̯er- , k̑ent- |
centum | dek̑m̥ |
century | dek̑m̥ |
cent | dek̑m̥ |
Ceorl | g̑er- |
ceorl | g̑er- |
cephalic | ghebh-el- |
-cephalous | ghebh-el- |
cephalo- | ghebh-el- |
cephal- | ghebh-el- |
ceramic | 3. ker(ə)- |
cerastes | 1. k̑er- |
ceratodus | ed- |
ceratopsian | 1. k̑er- |
cereal | 2. k̑er- |
cerebellum | 1. k̑er- |
cerebrum | 1. k̑er- |
Ceres | 2. k̑er- |
certain | 4. (s)ker- |
cervine | 1. k̑er- |
cervix | 1. k̑er- |
cession | sed- |
cestus | (s)k(h)ai- |
chackra | 1. ku̯el- |
chaetognath | 2. g̑enu- |
chafer | g̑ep(h)- |
chafe | 2. dhē- , 1. k̑el- |
chaffinch | (s)pingo- |
chaff | g̑ep(h)- |
chair | sed- |
chakra | 1. ku̯el- |
chalaza | gheləd- |
chalazion | gheləd- |
chalcid | ghel(ē̆)g̑h- |
chalcocite | ghel(ē̆)g̑h- |
Chalcolithic | ghel(ē̆)g̑h- |
chalcopyrite | ghel(ē̆)g̑h- |
chalice | 7. kel- |
chalicothere | g̑hu̯ē̆r- |
chalk | kaghlo- |
challenge | kēl- |
chamaephyte | g̑hðem- |
chamber | kam-er- |
chameleon | g̑hðem- |
chamfer | 1. bhreg̑- |
chamomile | g̑hðem- |
champion | kam-p- |
chance | 1. k̑ad- |
chancre | 3. kar- |
change | (s)kamb- |
chanteuse | kan- |
chantey | kan- |
chanticleer | kan- |
chantry | kan- |
chant | kan- |
chaos | g̑hēu- |
chapiter | kap-ut |
chapter | kap-ut |
characin | 2. g̑her- |
character | 2. g̑her- |
charcuterie | 4. (s)ker- |
chard | kars- |
charge | 2. k̑ers- |
chariot | 2. k̑ers- |
charisma | 1. g̑her- |
charity | kā- |
charivari | 2. gu̯er- |
charka | 1. ku̯el- |
charkha | 1. ku̯el- |
charm | kan- |
charnel | 4. (s)ker- |
chary | g̑ā̆r- |
chase | kap- |
chasmogamous | 2. g̑hē- |
chasmogamy | 2. g̑hē- |
chasm | 2. g̑hē- |
chaste | k̑es- |
chastise | k̑es- |
chateau | k̑es- |
Chaucer | 4. (s)kel- |
chauffeur | 1. k̑el- |
checkmate | kþē(i)- |
check | kþē(i)- |
cheer | 1. k̑er- |
cheese | ku̯at(h)- |
cheetah | (s)kāi- |
chef | kap-ut |
cheilosis | ghelunā |
chelicera | 1. k̑er- |
chelonian | ghel-ōu- |
chemise | 3. k̑em- |
chenille | k̑u̯on- |
chenopod | g̑han-s- |
cherish | kā- |
chernozem | g̑hðem- |
cherry | 4. ker- |
chersonese | snā- |
chervil | 4. bhel- |
chess | kþē(i)- |
Chetwood | kaito- , u̯idhu- |
chet | kaito- |
chevre | kapro- |
chevron | kapro- |
chew | g(i̯)eu- |
chiaroscuro | 2. (s)keu- |
chicken | gēu- |
chieftain | kap-ut |
chief | kap-ut |
children | 1. gel- |
child | 1. gel- |
chiliad | g̑héslo- |
chill | 3. gel(ə)- |
chilopod | ghelunā |
chimera | 2. g̑hei- |
chime | g̑embh- |
chine | skē̆i- |
chink | g̑ēi- |
chints | (s)kāi- |
chintz | (s)kāi- |
chint | (s)kāi- |
chin | 2. g̑enu- |
chip | k̑eipo- |
chirurgeon | g̑hesor- |
chisel | (s)k(h)ai- |
Chithing | g̑ēi- |
chit | g̑ēi- |
chloasma | 1. g̑hel- |
chlorine | 1. g̑hel- |
chlorite | 1. g̑hel- |
chloro- | 1. g̑hel- |
chlor- | 1. g̑hel- |
choanocyte | 1. g̑heu- , 2. (s)keu- |
choice | g̑eus- |
choir | 4. g̑her- |
cholera | 1. g̑hel- |
choler | 1. g̑hel- |
cholesterol | 1. (s)ter- |
chole- | 1. g̑hel- |
cholinergic | 2. u̯erg̑- |
cholla | g(e)u-lo- |
chol- | 1. g̑hel- |
chondromalacia | ghren- , 1. mel- |
chondro- | ghren- |
chondr- | ghren- |
choose | g̑eus- |
choragus | ag̑- |
chorale | 4. g̑her- |
choral | 4. g̑her- |
chord | 5. g̑her- |
-chore | 1. g̑hē- |
choric | 4. g̑her- |
chorion | 5. g̑her- |
choripetalous | 1. g̑hē- |
chorister | 4. g̑her- |
chorography | 1. g̑hē- |
chorus | 4. g̑her- |
chosen | g̑eus- |
chose | g̑eus- |
choucroute | sū-ro- |
chowder | 1. k̑el- |
chresard | 1. g̑her- |
chrestomathy | mendh- |
chrism | ghrēi- |
christen | ghrēi- |
Christian | ghrēi- |
Christmas | smeit- |
Christ | ghrēi- |
chromatic | 2. ghrēu- |
chromato- | 2. ghrēu- |
chroma | 2. ghrēu- |
-chrome | 2. ghrēu- |
chrome | 2. ghrēu- |
chromium | 2. ghrēu- |
chromonema | (s)nē- |
chromo- | 2. ghrēu- |
chronaxie | ag̑- |
chrysanthemum | andh- |
chthonic | g̑hðem- |
chufa | su̯ei- |
chukker | 1. ku̯el- |
church | 1. k̑eu- |
churl | g̑er- |
churn | g̑er- |
chute | 1. k̑ad- |
chyle | 1. g̑heu- |
chylomicron | 1. g̑heu- , smē- |
chyme | 1. g̑heu- |
cichlid | ghel- |
-cide | (s)k(h)ai- |
cilium | 4. k̑el- |
cinch | 1. kenk- |
cincture | 1. kenk- |
cinder | sendhro- |
cinematograph | kēi- |
cinema | kēi- |
cinerarium | 2. ken- |
cinereous | 2. ken- |
cingulum | 1. kenk- |
cinquain | penku̯e |
cinquecento | dek̑m̥ |
cinquefoil | 4. bhel- |
cinque | penku̯e |
circadian | 1. dei- , 3. (s)ker- |
circa | 3. (s)ker- |
circinate | 3. (s)ker- |
circle | 3. (s)ker- |
circuit | 1. ei- |
circumcise | (s)k(h)ai- |
circumduction | deuk- |
circumference | 1. bher- |
circumfuse | 1. g̑heu- |
circumjacent | i̯ē- |
circumlocution | tolku̯- |
circumscribe | 4. (s)ker- |
circumspect | spek̑- |
circumstance | stā- |
circumvent | gu̯ā- |
circumvolve | 7. u̯el- |
circum- | 3. (s)ker- |
circus | 3. (s)ker- |
cirque | 3. (s)ker- |
cis- | k̑o- |
cite | kēi- |
citron | ked- |
citrus | ked- |
city | 1. k̑ei- |
civic | 1. k̑ei- |
civil | 1. k̑ei- |
clack | 2. gal- |
clade | 3. kel- |
cladoceran | 3. kel- |
cladode | 3. kel- |
cladogenesis | 3. kel- |
cladogram | 3. kel- |
clafoutis | 1. bhā̆u- , klēu- |
clafouti | 1. bhā̆u- , klēu- |
claim | 6. kel- |
clairvoyant | 2. u̯(e)id- |
clamant | 6. kel- |
clamber | 1. gel- |
clammy | 1. gel- |
clamor | 6. kel- |
clandestine | 4. k̑el- |
clang | klēg- |
clan | plā̆t- |
clasp | 1. gel- |
class | 6. kel- |
clastic | 3. kel- |
clast | 3. kel- |
clathrate | klēu- |
clatter | 2. gal- |
clause | klēu- |
claustrophobia | bhegu̯- , klēu- |
clavate | klēu- |
clave | 1. gel- |
clavichord | klēu- |
clavicle | klēu- |
clavier | klēu- |
claviform | klēu- |
claw | 1. gel- |
claxon | klēg- |
claymore | 3. kel- |
clay | 1. gel- |
cleanse | g̑el- |
clean | g̑el- |
clear | 6. kel- |
cleat | 1. gel- |
cleave | gleubh- |
cleft | gleubh- |
clef | klēu- |
cleistogamous | klēu- |
cleistothecium | klēu- |
clematis | 3. kel- |
clench | 1. gel- |
clepsydra | 9. au̯(e)- |
clerical | 3. kel- |
cleric | 3. kel- |
clerk | 3. kel- |
clever | gleubh- |
clevis | gleubh- |
clevi | gleubh- |
clew | keleu- |
client | k̑lei- |
cliff | 1. gel- |
climate | k̑lei- |
climax | k̑lei- |
climb | 1. gel- |
-clinal | k̑lei- |
clinandrium | k̑lei- |
clinch | 1. gel- |
cline | k̑lei- |
cling | 1. gel- |
-clinic | k̑lei- |
clinic | k̑lei- |
clink | 2. gal- |
Clio | 1. k̑leu- |
clisis | k̑lei- |
clitellum | k̑lei- |
clitoris | k̑lei- |
cloaca | 2. k̑leu- |
clock | klēg- |
clod | 1. gel- |
cloisonne | klēu- |
cloister | klēu- |
clone | 3. kel- |
clonus | 5. kel- |
closet | klēu- |
close | klēu- |
closure | klēu- |
clothes | 1. gel- |
clothing | 1. gel- |
cloth | 1. gel- |
cloud | 1. gel- |
clout | 1. gel- |
cloven | gleubh- |
clove | klēu- |
cloze | klēu- |
club | 1. gel- |
cluck | klēg- |
clue | keleu- |
clung | 1. gel- |
clutch | 1. gel- |
clyster | 2. k̑leu- |
coadunate | oi-no- |
coagulum | ag̑- |
coalesce | 2. al- |
coal | g(e)u-lo- |
coarctate | 1. ar- |
coastal | kost- |
coast | kost- |
cobweb | gēu- |
Cob | gēu- |
cob | gēu- |
cochlea | k̑onkho- |
cockatrice | 4. (s)kel- |
cockchafer | g̑ep(h)- |
cockle | k̑onkho- |
cockney | ō(u̯)i̯-om |
codeine | 1. k̑eu- |
cod | 3. gu̯ei̯- |
coelom | 1. k̑eu- |
coerce | areq- |
coetaneous | aiu̯- |
coeval | aiu̯- |
cogent | ag̑- |
cognate | 1. g̑en- |
cognition | 2. g̑en- |
cognizance | 2. g̑en- |
cognomen | en(o)mn̥- |
cohabit | ghabh- |
cohere | ghais- |
cohort | 4. g̑her- |
coil | leg̑- |
coitus | 1. ei- |
colander | kagh- |
colcannon | 2. u̯(e)id- |
cold | 3. gel(ə)- |
coleopteran | 4. k̑el- |
coleoptile | 2. pet- |
coleorhiza | u̯(e)rād- |
coleslaw | kau-l- , 1. sal- |
coleus | 4. k̑el- |
cole | kau-l- |
collar | 1. ku̯el- |
collate | 1. tel- |
colleague | leg̑- |
collect | leg̑- |
collegial | leg̑- |
collet | 1. ku̯el- |
collide | laidh- |
collier | g(e)u-lo- |
collie | g(e)u-lo- |
colligate | 4. leig- |
collocate | 3. stel- |
collodion | 1. od- |
colloquium | tolku̯- |
colloquy | tolku̯- |
collude | leid- |
colluvium | lou- |
colly | g(e)u-lo- |
coloboma | 3. kel- |
colobus | 3. kel- |
colonel | 1. kel- |
colonnade | 1. kel- |
colonnette | 1. kel- |
colony | 1. ku̯el- |
colon | 4. (s)kel- |
colophon | 1. kel- |
color | 4. k̑el- |
-colous | 1. ku̯el- |
colpitis | 2. ku̯elp- |
colposcope | 2. ku̯elp- , spek̑- |
colposcopy | 2. ku̯elp- , spek̑- |
colter | 1. (s)kel- |
colt | 1. gel- |
column | 1. kel- |
colza | 2. sē(i)- |
col | 1. ku̯el- |
Combe | 2. keu- |
combe | 2. keu- |
combine | du̯ō(u) |
combustion | eus- |
comb | 2. keu- |
comedo | ed- |
comedy | 6. au̯- |
comestible | ed- |
come | gu̯ā- |
comfit | 2. dhē- |
comfort | bhereg̑h- |
comitia | 1. ei- |
comity | 1. (s)mei- |
commando | mə-r |
command | mə-r |
comma | 2. (s)kē̆p- |
commemorate | (s)mer- |
commence | 1. ei- |
commend | mə-r |
commensal | 3. mē- |
commensurate | 3. mē- |
comment | 3. men- |
commerce | merk̑- |
comminute | 5. mei- |
commit | smeit- |
commix | mei-k̑- |
commode | 1. med- |
commodious | 1. med- |
commodity | 1. med- |
common | 2. mei- |
commotion | 2. meu̯- |
commune | 2. mei- |
communicate | 2. mei- |
communion | 2. mei- |
communism | 2. mei- |
commute | 2. mei-t(h)- |
compact | pā̆k̑- |
companion | pā- |
company | pā- |
compare | 2c. per- |
compart | 2c. per- |
compassion | pē(i)- |
compass | 1. pet- |
compellation | 2a. pel- |
compel | 2a. pel- |
compendium | 1. (s)pen(-d)- |
compensate | 1. (s)pen(-d)- |
compete | 2. pet- |
complacent | 1. plā-k- |
complaint | 2. plāk- |
complain | 2. plāk- |
complect | plek̑- |
complement | 1. pel- |
complete | 1. pel- |
complex | plek̑- |
complicate | plek̑- |
complice | plek̑- |
compliment | 1. pel- |
comply | 1. pel- |
component | apo- |
comport | 2b. per- |
compose | paus- |
composite | apo- |
composition | apo- |
compost | apo- |
compote | apo- |
compound | apo- |
comprador | 2d. per- |
comprehend | ghend- |
compress | 3. per- |
comprise | ghend- |
compromise | smeit- |
compunction | peuk̑- |
compurgation | 1. peu- |
computer | 2. peu- |
compute | 2. peu- |
comrade | kam-er- |
com- | kom |
conation | 4. ken- |
concave | 1. k̑eu- |
conceal | 4. k̑el- |
concede | sed- |
conceit | kap- |
conceive | kap- |
conception | kap- |
concept | kap- |
concern | 4. (s)ker- |
concert | 4. (s)ker- |
concha | k̑onkho- |
conch | k̑onkho- |
conciliate | 6. kel- |
concise | (s)k(h)ai- |
conclave | klēu- |
conclude | klēu- |
concoct | peku̯- |
concomitant | 1. ei- |
concord | k̑ered- |
concourse | 2. k̑ers- |
concrescence | 2. k̑er- |
concrete | 2. k̑er- |
concupiscence | keu̯əp- |
concur | 2. k̑ers- |
concuss | ku̯ēt- |
condemn | dā |
condense | 2. dens- |
condign | 1. dek̑- |
condiment | 2. dhē- |
condition | deik̑- |
condole | 3. del- |
condone | dō- |
condottiere | deuk- |
conduce | deuk- |
conduct | deuk- |
conduplicate | du̯ō(u) |
cone | k̑ē(i)- |
confect | 2. dhē- |
confederate | 1. bheidh- |
confer | 1. bher- |
confess | 2. bhā- |
confetti | 2. dhē- |
confidant | 1. bheidh- |
confident | 1. bheidh- |
confide | 1. bheidh- |
configure | dheig̑h- |
confirm | 2. dher- |
conflagrant | bheleg- |
conflagration | bheleg- |
conflate | 3. bhel- |
conflict | bhlīg̑- |
confluent | bhleu- |
conform | 2. mer- |
confound | 1. g̑heu- |
confrere | bhrā́ter- |
confuse | 1. g̑heu- |
confute | 1. bhā̆u- |
congeal | 3. gel(ə)- |
congener | 1. g̑en- |
congenial |